NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT THIS project began evolve several years ago attending fun-fly held quiet little country airport central New York Having lots time between events wandered up down two rows open hangars carefully examining full-size aircraft What interesting aircraft were two English Tiger Moths two immaculate J-3s red white Porterfield two tiny low-wing homebuilt racers way down end restored orange white 1930 Fleet Almost immediately began consider Fleet RC sport scale project looked relatively easy identical top bottom wings straight fuselage sides no complicated curves Soon began form design specifi cations First wanted medium large size smooth easy handling Secondly wanted light low wing loading scale-like flight Thirdly wanted use engine 35 40 range fuel economy did care pay fuel 60 can guzzle As tums out 60 entirely unneces sary design model intended fly like Pitts Pulsars scale two inches foot decided upon yielded nice neat 56-in wing span wing area figured out 860 sq ready-to-fly weight five pounds wing loading figured out 134 oz/sq ft wing area factor contributed greatly its easy flying char acteristics ability use less engine 802 slant tank gives plenty capacity long flights rubberband hold-downs pass front back bubble top 3 12 Model Aviation NO tne plane isnt bigit spans 56 Its just lovely young lady wanted picture taken smile and hold ship its simple nice color scheme shows up can always tell Fleetmost anyway because some early Army primary trainersby characteristic rudder much area down around fuselage center line What love seea classic biplane tail jusi up rolling raster ano raster really smooth grass 840 sq wing area wing loading polite 134 oz/sq/ft Stabilizer adlustable near its leading edge Could controlled another servo wish go first class Elevator pushrod right 1/16 SHEET OVER FORM 3 AS HATCH TO FLELE6NK 1/16 SHEET OVER CENTER SEC ONLY 3A6 X /4 SPRUCE STAB INGE DETAIL 3/1650 POST INTO FUSELAGE I/B PLY PLATFORM OflMOO IVOt 4-4OSCREW2-3/4 LONG WIRE INTO STAB WASHER SIUCONE TUBE WASHERS SOLDER TOTNUTS STABILIZER LE ADJUST BALSA BLOCKS1/16 PLVWXA ALL SIR BRACES AT CENTER SECN 1/4 50 BRASS TUBE 1/16 SHEET N I/B X 3/16 STRINGERS I/BS RURLEADS 1/I6 X 3/16 LAMINATED BALSA 3/16 X 1/4 BALSA POST 3/16 SQ RIBS AND RUDDER 3/16 BLOCKS 7/ 1/B WIRE XINS ELEVATORS HALYES I/B X /2 BALSA COLLAR LOCKS STRUT ENDS IN PLYWcOD 1 lA U BALSA BLOCKS FORM COWL 7 [1/4 X 1/2 TIPS 3/BIX 1/4 BALSA SRARS I/8X1/4 SPRIIE SPAR VS X 1/4 LAMINATED LEDGE WHEEL ON 1/16 WELDING ROD 1/450 LONGERONS 4 3/16 K 1/4 DIAGONALS 3/16 SQ HARD BALSA SR -REAR SO SPRLEE SPARS AT FRONT 3/32 TORQUE ROD TO AILERON 1/16 X 1/4 TRAIUW3 EDGE 1/16 XI LOWERTRE /7 I\ 1/4 DOWEL_ I7~AJI THROUGH /1~47vll PLYWOODC S PLANKING I7/1/16 T IFIREWALL I/B PLYWWO BEARERSEr-vII WILLIAMS1/4 BALSAIANG SADDLE1/I /SUPPORTCABANE STRUTS,I CYLINDERS4-40PLYWOOD L G MOUNTS1/8X 1/4 SPRUCET 1/4 BALSA BETWEEN/I L GEAR/4/INTER PLANE STRUlS RUBBER BAND SHOCKS1/16 WIRE GUIDESI/16NOSE RIBS1/4 50 BLOCKS FOR 1/16 BALSA ALL RIBS AXLE VERilCALLY 3 DU BRO WHEELSAND SPAR WEBSMX*JTING STRUT ENDSI/4X I/2BALSA ALL LEADING EDGES ALERON LOWER WING OtLY 1A6 SHEETAT AILERON GAP 1/16 SHEET WEB IN SPARS I/8BALSA WiNG TIPS 4 0 1/4 LINE 1/8 WEt would normally expect model size Takeoffs short graceful airfoil stab lifting tail quickly air model can flown very slowly scale-like manner fear stalling Being light biplane lots drag will slow down quickly occasion idled back too soon model landed just short field stretched glide Although ailerons became less effective low speed rudder control remained good model never tended drop wing tip describe construction might say just big stick job sheeting solid surfaces forward fuselage wing center sections other components built up lightness well strength Both wings built over same plan identical except ailerons lower wing respective center sections stabilizer has designed its incidence can Continued page 103 14 Model Aviation V4 SO BRASS TUBE WITHCABAItES ANE IA K BS STREAM*ED SCLLIERED BRASS ENDSTIJG OVER 1/B WELD ROD WM BROS 2SCALE CYLS BROWN MOUNTED 20 FROM HORI OFFSET-j FUEL I______ SOFT BALSA NOSE BLOCKS IIIji~I SERVOlII I/4PLY GUS'U L/4SO SPRUCE INOSCREEN BLAcK RLSBER TUBING I/X9rncxOIT 61 flOp WITH 1/16 SI-WET FRG BALSA St HEADRES V T V4xL ON 7 B 1KI/4SO BATTRECEIV AREA__ .vstSA NO--SADDLES1/16 SHEETiNG BET FIREWALL B LG MOUNT IMDER BEARERSI/A BALSA0 WING INODENCE I/B PLY BEARER 1/4 HARD BALSA1/4 PLY LG STRNGERS MOUNT 1/2 WIDE BRASS L G MOUNT PLATES SILVER FILL IN TI-IS AREA WITH BALSASOLDER TO LG SAND TO TI-IS CROSS SECTIONWIRE ANDI/IBMW ON OUTSIDE AND COVER WITH COVERAD MATERIAL I/I PLY/4 PLY BUSS BEARERS 3 WHEELS-FUSELAGE DETAIL 23456 IA BALSA NOSE BLOCKS 1/4 PLY" FIREWALL / / 2 7 /2 .I/4 BALSA 1/4 PLY LG MOUNTS N, V4SOI FUSELAGE~jj TOP VIEW PLANK TOP WING 1/41/2 LEAONG EDGEFROM HERE TO I/B TIP SHEETREAR SPAR 1 -I/BSTIFFI R1/4 GUSSE -VIBBALSA RIBS-t/16PL BE V 1/6 HOLE _ V4, I/B & KEEP I/B TIP STIFFENERSE4TERPLANE STRUT MOUNTS I/B BELOW TOP OF RIBS TO3/32MW TORDUE ROD AVOID CONTACT WITH COVERINGI/4,3/4 MED HARD BALSAI D NT TO TOP OF LOWER AND BOTTOM OF TOP WINGTOROUE TU 4-40 BOLT SOLDER TO BGLT.I1rII] RE TIBBE 1/16 ID NDASSCROSS TIPBEND AT SO B EPOXYSOLDER TO BLIND.....FULL RIB liP RIBSTAB ADd DETAIL NNO B SOLDER STAB REAR HINGE1/lAPLYCUT OUT FOR FIN/4, I/BL E R 3/16 L ___________________UI/16,I/4 ELEV RIBS V II NIl/T VS MW3/B,I/4 BALSA V4,I/2 ~ELEVATOR NII JBALSAIIIIii _____ HINGE II -N VS ,I/2 BALSA" Note accessible needle valve venturi starting adjusting Cabane struts welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined alu minum tubing Mufflerand muff ler pressuretap visibleexhaust direction keeps gop away Wing removed show saddle runnersnote wires lower wing remain attached shot since lower wing still place Windscreens cockpit coaming look lifelike V4,j/2L122 aS axles .rapped soldered front legs top pire gear removes simple tabs Fleet/Brown continued page 14 changed adjusting two 4-40 bolts just behind its leading edge allowing additional trim control Anyone building model could easily install fifth servo operate stab thus allowing greater in-flight trim changes just full-size aircraft stab could also mounted rigidly usually done wish use elevator trim other somewhat unorthodox feature landing gear suspension consists rubberbands acting bungee cords take jolt landing axles have used system on~ two models date very good results no problems method allowed use lower end cross members axles top ends soldered front landing gear legs Wings Build lower wing panels dihedral break Build upper wing panels join center laminating spar joint 1/16 plywood braces Finish adding centersection ribs sheeting Cut thc ailerons lower wing panels before joining s dihedral braces Finish ailerons center section ribbing ailerons may activated either pushrod bellerank system torque rods used 3/32 music wire torque rods prefer wings can attached nylon bolts instead rubberbands Modify bottom wing fuselage threaded hard wood blocks leading edge dowels usual manner upper wing bend loops upper ends cabanes screws securely epoxy hardwood blocks spar structure upper wing will allow elimination sheeting top upper wing sure warp /e washout four wing tips Fuselage Begin building side over plans Build second side directly first insure both identical completed securely epoxy Vs plywood bearers front inside side sure make left right side point dry forflidO PROPELLERS Made polyester boil color Go GRISH No 1 propeller True helical pitch airfoil win-power Sizes pitches styles needs AT YOUR DEALER 2 Blade Tractor 53each 545354Nc 6364Nc 747678Ne 848688hUc 9-4969-7 9-810-410-6Nc 11411-611-8 1 124125126ii 2 Blade Pusher 5b 3 5-46-36-4MOo 8-6Nc 9-610-6*1 3 Blade Tractor 53 6364Nc 3 Blade Pusher 63Nc Metullic Alumnum Color Tractor f78i 8688ia 96 106104*110 Pusher06*110 uthorizeci %dio YI r ontro ervice Em Don McCarthy GRISH LARGE WOOD PROPELLERS HARDWOOD too hard minimizes chance costly plane engine damage True pitch airfoil fully finished balanced ready coating 3/8 BOREALL SIZES IN18 6 8 & 10 PITCH 20 22 24 $7 8 10 13 RIGHT HAND TRACTOR 0 RISH ST JOHN INDIANA 46373 FACTOR Y UTHORIZED SER VICE FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BRA NDS Ace* Aero Sport Cannon Cirrus KraftPro LineRS Systems World EnginesOrbitRoyal EK LogictrolMathesSimprop Micro AvionicsD&DJerobee NEW SIZE IN 8 & 10 PITCH 26 $16 Factory trained technicians over 15 years Radio Control Electronics S 3 ALSO WARRANTY SER VICE EXPERT SER VICE FOR ALL BRANDS HOURS Closed Sun & Mon lOam-S pmWedFri 10 am-6 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 714 639-8886 941 N MAIN ST ORANGE CALIFORNIA 92667 Looking down rudder post toward elevator shows compact neat installation details dont detract precious realism carefully align join left right sides s members form basic box structure sure rough up coarse sand paper plywood joints epoxied cemented Next add firewall formers stringers exterior interior sheeting etc complete fuse lage Note cabane mounting holes plywood gussets lined rass tubing Next temporarily bolt mount engine firewall fit nose blocks place Shape fit engine exterior dimensions Tail section Construct tail components over plans shown Select soft balsa strips laminated rudder trailing edge stab leading edge Thoroughly soak pieces hot water carefully work around cardboard form rudder stab tape position have dried out glue rest structure sure strengthen leading edge fin joint just above stab Construct stabilizer trim adjustment parts check correct operation temporarily mounted fuselage other tail components After stab has covered epoxy rear hinge place perma nently affix two 4-40 bolts soldering washer against silicone tubing 4-40 bolt will hold stab up against bolt heads Also solder washers top blind nuts keep dropping down fuselage Cabanes Interpisnes Landing Gear Shape c wire shown form landing gear Wrap joints copper wire solder Use ID brass tubing join ends music wire Bend landing gear mounting tabs brass sheet drill 4-40 bolts solder landing gear shown soldering use silver bearing soft solder landing gear other high stress joints much stronger common lead-tin solder Remember clean joints fine sandpaper use flux enough heat allow solder flow properly base metal Before mounting landing gear put little toe-in axles will help model track ground may have already noticed some wire parts specified welding rod rather music wire Copper-coated mild steel gas welding rod electric what Fm referring comes 1/16 can very useful sub stitute music wire slightly harder threaded 1/16 rod generally comes Du-Bro Goldberg control horn devises yet much easier work cut music wire frequently use 1/16 forward end a pushrods connect servo arms Notice cabanes constructed welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined tubing have accidentally flipped model twice landing no bending cabanes will find welding rod adequate Bend individual pieces pairs left exact duplicate right Make top bends last after have slipped stream lined tubing sure measure strut carefully insure level top wing Build interplane struts plans sand streamlined cross section Leave slightly long custom fit set wings good fit has achieved epoxy 1/16 welding rod pins ends drill corresponding holes fit Finishing The choice covering methods amount scale detail up builder finished model Coverite six coats clear dope over everything markings cut appropriate color Covente fastened little dope thinner Flying landing support wires made silver elastic thread found sewing fabric stores flying landing wires have tiny music wire hook end facilitate take-down wings cylinders Williams Brothers 2 scale heads made laminated 1/64 plywood fins 1/16 balsa filler dimensions exception very slightly stretched wing chord true scale Thus competitive stand-off scale model could con structed plans chose casual approach purposely omitted much fine detail such brake lines fuel gauges lot engine detail model intended weekend flying contest work Radio Tuck receiver battery pack up under fuel tank compartment mount servos under front cockpit best balance point Balance indicated plans have built carefully tail section should right mark very close model did require additional nose weight Youve heard before Ill say again dont tempted fly tail-heavy model Flying Set up control surface movements follows Rudder elevator should move ways trailing edges ailerons ways model has required differential aileron movement although adjusting torque rods create up down movement would probably no harm Flying easiest part proper elevator trim model will almost float air takeoff requiring usual right rudder correction stab Fleet needed adjusted leading edge about er rear edge elevator parallel helps counteract its climbing tendencies higher power settings Start flying stab close level sure have adequate elevator trim will probably need some down trim first flight 106 Model Aviation SPORT SCALESPORT TRAINER 13377 kach Ave Venice CA 90291 TII POHTERFIELD COLLEGIATE ideal model span scale flyer Its gentle forgiving nature make perfect begin ners yet quite responsive skilled hands balsa construc 11*19 tion light strong Porterfield can rog grass field climb steeply avoid obstacles Its light wing loading lets land dime give nine cents change Join quiet revolution enjoy JJ Portertleld Collegiate neighborhood park school yard Wing span 695 Area 695 sq Weight 4 lbs 3 channel radio Astro 15 can also use Astro 25 15 25 glow engine * * * * * * * ASTRO PLIGHT INC 1018 PIONEERS IN SILENT FLIGHT Practical shock absorbing uses rubberas bungee cords Landings consequently quite soft landing dont Cut throttle too soon model slows quickly other hand idle low enough ship can float right past landing difficult get down Begin pull tail down flare just before touchdown since airfoil section stab really works Otherwise Fleet flies just like trainer Relax enjoy making big lazy maneu vers just like full-size Fleet Specifications Scale 2 an 56 lgth 42 wing area 860 sq wght 5 lbs engine 35 40 Four-channel radio rudder elevator motor ailerons RC Technique/Myers continued page 17 knew shift low rate would never take place used time clock shut off charger after 5 hours 4 amphr hrs worked just fine dont know what long-term results will expect good queried Gerry about long-term effects told could offer fact 6-year-old World Engines transmitter has attached prototype charger 18 months occasional time out flying battery testing batteries original Gould AA still test 113 minutes Flite-Life now think Pulse Charging pay attention C-50/4 available five models coding little obscure Model Serial No preceded blank space charging 4 8 cell systems common combination Model II Serial No preceded H charging 4 5 cell systems Kraft Sport seriesmodification required Model III Serial No preceded X charging 4 10 cell systems Old Kraft Signature World Engines Model IV Serial No preceded 5 charging 4 9 cell systems Cox/Sanwa modification required Model V Serial No preceded R charging two 4-cell flight packs reason concern about numbers cells charger shifts High Low rate strictly basis voltage Thats instructed check back 90 minutes after begin charging High rate LED still either have shorted output used wrong charger have shorted cell pack C-50/4 cant fix What happens forget check back High-rate LED stays First continue charging High rate batteries get hot old ones did Next pressure builds up cells vents open Eventually cells dry out charging current ceases flow According Mr Jarvis has charged 20 packs destruction way explcded got hot enough damage heat useable either Users C-50/4 will have learn check instruction manual contains warning case will get uncomfortably warm Mine doesnt Bob Aberles does suspect difference tightly transformer plates connected serious complaint fact unit has ungrounded metal case Since modelers work cellars naked concrete floors think unit should have 3-wire plug cord plugged properly grounded 110 VAC receptacles re placed line cord Calectro No L3-7 18 Continued page 112 Only $1995 M-60 AD Motor Mou Fit WEBRA 91 0 SUEVIA 15 Cu & Otherb~j.Ya Quadra Motor Mount Only $1995 Free Floating 22Mount SEE YOUR Only $1 6954 COJUSTABLE Dect St ppee,te7 5 Pipe IVI U11EAses heSedded CC edditienei hoid sees Ouadra Motor ,oaie agee ADi MUFFLER OUR 1980/81 CATALOG IS OFF THE PRESS Ace R/Cs completely revised 1980/81 Catalog off press features over 80 pages containing thousands fl/C products over 100 manufacturers including ourselves specialize hardto-get items Please send $2 copy ACE R/C INC BOX SuE HIGGINSVILLE MO 64037 816 584-7121 SIMITAR WINS 1St PLACEPATTERN PRENOVICE 1979 WINTER NATS SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SIMIlAR SI MI TAR NEW. SIMITAR SPORT 9- 40 Power 50 Inch Span Standard Kit Includes Ply Wing Sheeting Foam Cores Balsa Fuselage Gear Formed Sliding Tray Full Sitc Plans $5995 SIMIlAR WINS 1St PLACENORTHROP FLYING WING CONTEST 1979 NEWT-SHIRTS High Quality 100 t utton $ ____ 95 Multi-color Silkscreen Si/es 5 M L & XL Fleck Rider YellowPlus $100 Astron Light BlueShipping Simitar 540 TanCharge SEE YOUR DEALER OR ORDER ROM BILL EVANS AIR/~CRAFT 20825 ROSCOE BLVD CANOGA PARK CA 91306 TEL 2l3 344-639 OR 709-0894 September 1980 107 Name __________________ Address II CItyStZip ISEND FOR FREE CATALOGI
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 103, 106, 107
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT THIS project began evolve several years ago attending fun-fly held quiet little country airport central New York Having lots time between events wandered up down two rows open hangars carefully examining full-size aircraft What interesting aircraft were two English Tiger Moths two immaculate J-3s red white Porterfield two tiny low-wing homebuilt racers way down end restored orange white 1930 Fleet Almost immediately began consider Fleet RC sport scale project looked relatively easy identical top bottom wings straight fuselage sides no complicated curves Soon began form design specifi cations First wanted medium large size smooth easy handling Secondly wanted light low wing loading scale-like flight Thirdly wanted use engine 35 40 range fuel economy did care pay fuel 60 can guzzle As tums out 60 entirely unneces sary design model intended fly like Pitts Pulsars scale two inches foot decided upon yielded nice neat 56-in wing span wing area figured out 860 sq ready-to-fly weight five pounds wing loading figured out 134 oz/sq ft wing area factor contributed greatly its easy flying char acteristics ability use less engine 802 slant tank gives plenty capacity long flights rubberband hold-downs pass front back bubble top 3 12 Model Aviation NO tne plane isnt bigit spans 56 Its just lovely young lady wanted picture taken smile and hold ship its simple nice color scheme shows up can always tell Fleetmost anyway because some early Army primary trainersby characteristic rudder much area down around fuselage center line What love seea classic biplane tail jusi up rolling raster ano raster really smooth grass 840 sq wing area wing loading polite 134 oz/sq/ft Stabilizer adlustable near its leading edge Could controlled another servo wish go first class Elevator pushrod right 1/16 SHEET OVER FORM 3 AS HATCH TO FLELE6NK 1/16 SHEET OVER CENTER SEC ONLY 3A6 X /4 SPRUCE STAB INGE DETAIL 3/1650 POST INTO FUSELAGE I/B PLY PLATFORM OflMOO IVOt 4-4OSCREW2-3/4 LONG WIRE INTO STAB WASHER SIUCONE TUBE WASHERS SOLDER TOTNUTS STABILIZER LE ADJUST BALSA BLOCKS1/16 PLVWXA ALL SIR BRACES AT CENTER SECN 1/4 50 BRASS TUBE 1/16 SHEET N I/B X 3/16 STRINGERS I/BS RURLEADS 1/I6 X 3/16 LAMINATED BALSA 3/16 X 1/4 BALSA POST 3/16 SQ RIBS AND RUDDER 3/16 BLOCKS 7/ 1/B WIRE XINS ELEVATORS HALYES I/B X /2 BALSA COLLAR LOCKS STRUT ENDS IN PLYWcOD 1 lA U BALSA BLOCKS FORM COWL 7 [1/4 X 1/2 TIPS 3/BIX 1/4 BALSA SRARS I/8X1/4 SPRIIE SPAR VS X 1/4 LAMINATED LEDGE WHEEL ON 1/16 WELDING ROD 1/450 LONGERONS 4 3/16 K 1/4 DIAGONALS 3/16 SQ HARD BALSA SR -REAR SO SPRLEE SPARS AT FRONT 3/32 TORQUE ROD TO AILERON 1/16 X 1/4 TRAIUW3 EDGE 1/16 XI LOWERTRE /7 I\ 1/4 DOWEL_ I7~AJI THROUGH /1~47vll PLYWOODC S PLANKING I7/1/16 T IFIREWALL I/B PLYWWO BEARERSEr-vII WILLIAMS1/4 BALSAIANG SADDLE1/I /SUPPORTCABANE STRUTS,I CYLINDERS4-40PLYWOOD L G MOUNTS1/8X 1/4 SPRUCET 1/4 BALSA BETWEEN/I L GEAR/4/INTER PLANE STRUlS RUBBER BAND SHOCKS1/16 WIRE GUIDESI/16NOSE RIBS1/4 50 BLOCKS FOR 1/16 BALSA ALL RIBS AXLE VERilCALLY 3 DU BRO WHEELSAND SPAR WEBSMX*JTING STRUT ENDSI/4X I/2BALSA ALL LEADING EDGES ALERON LOWER WING OtLY 1A6 SHEETAT AILERON GAP 1/16 SHEET WEB IN SPARS I/8BALSA WiNG TIPS 4 0 1/4 LINE 1/8 WEt would normally expect model size Takeoffs short graceful airfoil stab lifting tail quickly air model can flown very slowly scale-like manner fear stalling Being light biplane lots drag will slow down quickly occasion idled back too soon model landed just short field stretched glide Although ailerons became less effective low speed rudder control remained good model never tended drop wing tip describe construction might say just big stick job sheeting solid surfaces forward fuselage wing center sections other components built up lightness well strength Both wings built over same plan identical except ailerons lower wing respective center sections stabilizer has designed its incidence can Continued page 103 14 Model Aviation V4 SO BRASS TUBE WITHCABAItES ANE IA K BS STREAM*ED SCLLIERED BRASS ENDSTIJG OVER 1/B WELD ROD WM BROS 2SCALE CYLS BROWN MOUNTED 20 FROM HORI OFFSET-j FUEL I______ SOFT BALSA NOSE BLOCKS IIIji~I SERVOlII I/4PLY GUS'U L/4SO SPRUCE INOSCREEN BLAcK RLSBER TUBING I/X9rncxOIT 61 flOp WITH 1/16 SI-WET FRG BALSA St HEADRES V T V4xL ON 7 B 1KI/4SO BATTRECEIV AREA__ .vstSA NO--SADDLES1/16 SHEETiNG BET FIREWALL B LG MOUNT IMDER BEARERSI/A BALSA0 WING INODENCE I/B PLY BEARER 1/4 HARD BALSA1/4 PLY LG STRNGERS MOUNT 1/2 WIDE BRASS L G MOUNT PLATES SILVER FILL IN TI-IS AREA WITH BALSASOLDER TO LG SAND TO TI-IS CROSS SECTIONWIRE ANDI/IBMW ON OUTSIDE AND COVER WITH COVERAD MATERIAL I/I PLY/4 PLY BUSS BEARERS 3 WHEELS-FUSELAGE DETAIL 23456 IA BALSA NOSE BLOCKS 1/4 PLY" FIREWALL / / 2 7 /2 .I/4 BALSA 1/4 PLY LG MOUNTS N, V4SOI FUSELAGE~jj TOP VIEW PLANK TOP WING 1/41/2 LEAONG EDGEFROM HERE TO I/B TIP SHEETREAR SPAR 1 -I/BSTIFFI R1/4 GUSSE -VIBBALSA RIBS-t/16PL BE V 1/6 HOLE _ V4, I/B & KEEP I/B TIP STIFFENERSE4TERPLANE STRUT MOUNTS I/B BELOW TOP OF RIBS TO3/32MW TORDUE ROD AVOID CONTACT WITH COVERINGI/4,3/4 MED HARD BALSAI D NT TO TOP OF LOWER AND BOTTOM OF TOP WINGTOROUE TU 4-40 BOLT SOLDER TO BGLT.I1rII] RE TIBBE 1/16 ID NDASSCROSS TIPBEND AT SO B EPOXYSOLDER TO BLIND.....FULL RIB liP RIBSTAB ADd DETAIL NNO B SOLDER STAB REAR HINGE1/lAPLYCUT OUT FOR FIN/4, I/BL E R 3/16 L ___________________UI/16,I/4 ELEV RIBS V II NIl/T VS MW3/B,I/4 BALSA V4,I/2 ~ELEVATOR NII JBALSAIIIIii _____ HINGE II -N VS ,I/2 BALSA" Note accessible needle valve venturi starting adjusting Cabane struts welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined alu minum tubing Mufflerand muff ler pressuretap visibleexhaust direction keeps gop away Wing removed show saddle runnersnote wires lower wing remain attached shot since lower wing still place Windscreens cockpit coaming look lifelike V4,j/2L122 aS axles .rapped soldered front legs top pire gear removes simple tabs Fleet/Brown continued page 14 changed adjusting two 4-40 bolts just behind its leading edge allowing additional trim control Anyone building model could easily install fifth servo operate stab thus allowing greater in-flight trim changes just full-size aircraft stab could also mounted rigidly usually done wish use elevator trim other somewhat unorthodox feature landing gear suspension consists rubberbands acting bungee cords take jolt landing axles have used system on~ two models date very good results no problems method allowed use lower end cross members axles top ends soldered front landing gear legs Wings Build lower wing panels dihedral break Build upper wing panels join center laminating spar joint 1/16 plywood braces Finish adding centersection ribs sheeting Cut thc ailerons lower wing panels before joining s dihedral braces Finish ailerons center section ribbing ailerons may activated either pushrod bellerank system torque rods used 3/32 music wire torque rods prefer wings can attached nylon bolts instead rubberbands Modify bottom wing fuselage threaded hard wood blocks leading edge dowels usual manner upper wing bend loops upper ends cabanes screws securely epoxy hardwood blocks spar structure upper wing will allow elimination sheeting top upper wing sure warp /e washout four wing tips Fuselage Begin building side over plans Build second side directly first insure both identical completed securely epoxy Vs plywood bearers front inside side sure make left right side point dry forflidO PROPELLERS Made polyester boil color Go GRISH No 1 propeller True helical pitch airfoil win-power Sizes pitches styles needs AT YOUR DEALER 2 Blade Tractor 53each 545354Nc 6364Nc 747678Ne 848688hUc 9-4969-7 9-810-410-6Nc 11411-611-8 1 124125126ii 2 Blade Pusher 5b 3 5-46-36-4MOo 8-6Nc 9-610-6*1 3 Blade Tractor 53 6364Nc 3 Blade Pusher 63Nc Metullic Alumnum Color Tractor f78i 8688ia 96 106104*110 Pusher06*110 uthorizeci %dio YI r ontro ervice Em Don McCarthy GRISH LARGE WOOD PROPELLERS HARDWOOD too hard minimizes chance costly plane engine damage True pitch airfoil fully finished balanced ready coating 3/8 BOREALL SIZES IN18 6 8 & 10 PITCH 20 22 24 $7 8 10 13 RIGHT HAND TRACTOR 0 RISH ST JOHN INDIANA 46373 FACTOR Y UTHORIZED SER VICE FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BRA NDS Ace* Aero Sport Cannon Cirrus KraftPro LineRS Systems World EnginesOrbitRoyal EK LogictrolMathesSimprop Micro AvionicsD&DJerobee NEW SIZE IN 8 & 10 PITCH 26 $16 Factory trained technicians over 15 years Radio Control Electronics S 3 ALSO WARRANTY SER VICE EXPERT SER VICE FOR ALL BRANDS HOURS Closed Sun & Mon lOam-S pmWedFri 10 am-6 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 714 639-8886 941 N MAIN ST ORANGE CALIFORNIA 92667 Looking down rudder post toward elevator shows compact neat installation details dont detract precious realism carefully align join left right sides s members form basic box structure sure rough up coarse sand paper plywood joints epoxied cemented Next add firewall formers stringers exterior interior sheeting etc complete fuse lage Note cabane mounting holes plywood gussets lined rass tubing Next temporarily bolt mount engine firewall fit nose blocks place Shape fit engine exterior dimensions Tail section Construct tail components over plans shown Select soft balsa strips laminated rudder trailing edge stab leading edge Thoroughly soak pieces hot water carefully work around cardboard form rudder stab tape position have dried out glue rest structure sure strengthen leading edge fin joint just above stab Construct stabilizer trim adjustment parts check correct operation temporarily mounted fuselage other tail components After stab has covered epoxy rear hinge place perma nently affix two 4-40 bolts soldering washer against silicone tubing 4-40 bolt will hold stab up against bolt heads Also solder washers top blind nuts keep dropping down fuselage Cabanes Interpisnes Landing Gear Shape c wire shown form landing gear Wrap joints copper wire solder Use ID brass tubing join ends music wire Bend landing gear mounting tabs brass sheet drill 4-40 bolts solder landing gear shown soldering use silver bearing soft solder landing gear other high stress joints much stronger common lead-tin solder Remember clean joints fine sandpaper use flux enough heat allow solder flow properly base metal Before mounting landing gear put little toe-in axles will help model track ground may have already noticed some wire parts specified welding rod rather music wire Copper-coated mild steel gas welding rod electric what Fm referring comes 1/16 can very useful sub stitute music wire slightly harder threaded 1/16 rod generally comes Du-Bro Goldberg control horn devises yet much easier work cut music wire frequently use 1/16 forward end a pushrods connect servo arms Notice cabanes constructed welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined tubing have accidentally flipped model twice landing no bending cabanes will find welding rod adequate Bend individual pieces pairs left exact duplicate right Make top bends last after have slipped stream lined tubing sure measure strut carefully insure level top wing Build interplane struts plans sand streamlined cross section Leave slightly long custom fit set wings good fit has achieved epoxy 1/16 welding rod pins ends drill corresponding holes fit Finishing The choice covering methods amount scale detail up builder finished model Coverite six coats clear dope over everything markings cut appropriate color Covente fastened little dope thinner Flying landing support wires made silver elastic thread found sewing fabric stores flying landing wires have tiny music wire hook end facilitate take-down wings cylinders Williams Brothers 2 scale heads made laminated 1/64 plywood fins 1/16 balsa filler dimensions exception very slightly stretched wing chord true scale Thus competitive stand-off scale model could con structed plans chose casual approach purposely omitted much fine detail such brake lines fuel gauges lot engine detail model intended weekend flying contest work Radio Tuck receiver battery pack up under fuel tank compartment mount servos under front cockpit best balance point Balance indicated plans have built carefully tail section should right mark very close model did require additional nose weight Youve heard before Ill say again dont tempted fly tail-heavy model Flying Set up control surface movements follows Rudder elevator should move ways trailing edges ailerons ways model has required differential aileron movement although adjusting torque rods create up down movement would probably no harm Flying easiest part proper elevator trim model will almost float air takeoff requiring usual right rudder correction stab Fleet needed adjusted leading edge about er rear edge elevator parallel helps counteract its climbing tendencies higher power settings Start flying stab close level sure have adequate elevator trim will probably need some down trim first flight 106 Model Aviation SPORT SCALESPORT TRAINER 13377 kach Ave Venice CA 90291 TII POHTERFIELD COLLEGIATE ideal model span scale flyer Its gentle forgiving nature make perfect begin ners yet quite responsive skilled hands balsa construc 11*19 tion light strong Porterfield can rog grass field climb steeply avoid obstacles Its light wing loading lets land dime give nine cents change Join quiet revolution enjoy JJ Portertleld Collegiate neighborhood park school yard Wing span 695 Area 695 sq Weight 4 lbs 3 channel radio Astro 15 can also use Astro 25 15 25 glow engine * * * * * * * ASTRO PLIGHT INC 1018 PIONEERS IN SILENT FLIGHT Practical shock absorbing uses rubberas bungee cords Landings consequently quite soft landing dont Cut throttle too soon model slows quickly other hand idle low enough ship can float right past landing difficult get down Begin pull tail down flare just before touchdown since airfoil section stab really works Otherwise Fleet flies just like trainer Relax enjoy making big lazy maneu vers just like full-size Fleet Specifications Scale 2 an 56 lgth 42 wing area 860 sq wght 5 lbs engine 35 40 Four-channel radio rudder elevator motor ailerons RC Technique/Myers continued page 17 knew shift low rate would never take place used time clock shut off charger after 5 hours 4 amphr hrs worked just fine dont know what long-term results will expect good queried Gerry about long-term effects told could offer fact 6-year-old World Engines transmitter has attached prototype charger 18 months occasional time out flying battery testing batteries original Gould AA still test 113 minutes Flite-Life now think Pulse Charging pay attention C-50/4 available five models coding little obscure Model Serial No preceded blank space charging 4 8 cell systems common combination Model II Serial No preceded H charging 4 5 cell systems Kraft Sport seriesmodification required Model III Serial No preceded X charging 4 10 cell systems Old Kraft Signature World Engines Model IV Serial No preceded 5 charging 4 9 cell systems Cox/Sanwa modification required Model V Serial No preceded R charging two 4-cell flight packs reason concern about numbers cells charger shifts High Low rate strictly basis voltage Thats instructed check back 90 minutes after begin charging High rate LED still either have shorted output used wrong charger have shorted cell pack C-50/4 cant fix What happens forget check back High-rate LED stays First continue charging High rate batteries get hot old ones did Next pressure builds up cells vents open Eventually cells dry out charging current ceases flow According Mr Jarvis has charged 20 packs destruction way explcded got hot enough damage heat useable either Users C-50/4 will have learn check instruction manual contains warning case will get uncomfortably warm Mine doesnt Bob Aberles does suspect difference tightly transformer plates connected serious complaint fact unit has ungrounded metal case Since modelers work cellars naked concrete floors think unit should have 3-wire plug cord plugged properly grounded 110 VAC receptacles re placed line cord Calectro No L3-7 18 Continued page 112 Only $1995 M-60 AD Motor Mou Fit WEBRA 91 0 SUEVIA 15 Cu & Otherb~j.Ya Quadra Motor Mount Only $1995 Free Floating 22Mount SEE YOUR Only $1 6954 COJUSTABLE Dect St ppee,te7 5 Pipe IVI U11EAses heSedded CC edditienei hoid sees Ouadra Motor ,oaie agee ADi MUFFLER OUR 1980/81 CATALOG IS OFF THE PRESS Ace R/Cs completely revised 1980/81 Catalog off press features over 80 pages containing thousands fl/C products over 100 manufacturers including ourselves specialize hardto-get items Please send $2 copy ACE R/C INC BOX SuE HIGGINSVILLE MO 64037 816 584-7121 SIMITAR WINS 1St PLACEPATTERN PRENOVICE 1979 WINTER NATS SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SIMIlAR SI MI TAR NEW. SIMITAR SPORT 9- 40 Power 50 Inch Span Standard Kit Includes Ply Wing Sheeting Foam Cores Balsa Fuselage Gear Formed Sliding Tray Full Sitc Plans $5995 SIMIlAR WINS 1St PLACENORTHROP FLYING WING CONTEST 1979 NEWT-SHIRTS High Quality 100 t utton $ ____ 95 Multi-color Silkscreen Si/es 5 M L & XL Fleck Rider YellowPlus $100 Astron Light BlueShipping Simitar 540 TanCharge SEE YOUR DEALER OR ORDER ROM BILL EVANS AIR/~CRAFT 20825 ROSCOE BLVD CANOGA PARK CA 91306 TEL 2l3 344-639 OR 709-0894 September 1980 107 Name __________________ Address II CItyStZip ISEND FOR FREE CATALOGI
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 103, 106, 107
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT THIS project began evolve several years ago attending fun-fly held quiet little country airport central New York Having lots time between events wandered up down two rows open hangars carefully examining full-size aircraft What interesting aircraft were two English Tiger Moths two immaculate J-3s red white Porterfield two tiny low-wing homebuilt racers way down end restored orange white 1930 Fleet Almost immediately began consider Fleet RC sport scale project looked relatively easy identical top bottom wings straight fuselage sides no complicated curves Soon began form design specifi cations First wanted medium large size smooth easy handling Secondly wanted light low wing loading scale-like flight Thirdly wanted use engine 35 40 range fuel economy did care pay fuel 60 can guzzle As tums out 60 entirely unneces sary design model intended fly like Pitts Pulsars scale two inches foot decided upon yielded nice neat 56-in wing span wing area figured out 860 sq ready-to-fly weight five pounds wing loading figured out 134 oz/sq ft wing area factor contributed greatly its easy flying char acteristics ability use less engine 802 slant tank gives plenty capacity long flights rubberband hold-downs pass front back bubble top 3 12 Model Aviation NO tne plane isnt bigit spans 56 Its just lovely young lady wanted picture taken smile and hold ship its simple nice color scheme shows up can always tell Fleetmost anyway because some early Army primary trainersby characteristic rudder much area down around fuselage center line What love seea classic biplane tail jusi up rolling raster ano raster really smooth grass 840 sq wing area wing loading polite 134 oz/sq/ft Stabilizer adlustable near its leading edge Could controlled another servo wish go first class Elevator pushrod right 1/16 SHEET OVER FORM 3 AS HATCH TO FLELE6NK 1/16 SHEET OVER CENTER SEC ONLY 3A6 X /4 SPRUCE STAB INGE DETAIL 3/1650 POST INTO FUSELAGE I/B PLY PLATFORM OflMOO IVOt 4-4OSCREW2-3/4 LONG WIRE INTO STAB WASHER SIUCONE TUBE WASHERS SOLDER TOTNUTS STABILIZER LE ADJUST BALSA BLOCKS1/16 PLVWXA ALL SIR BRACES AT CENTER SECN 1/4 50 BRASS TUBE 1/16 SHEET N I/B X 3/16 STRINGERS I/BS RURLEADS 1/I6 X 3/16 LAMINATED BALSA 3/16 X 1/4 BALSA POST 3/16 SQ RIBS AND RUDDER 3/16 BLOCKS 7/ 1/B WIRE XINS ELEVATORS HALYES I/B X /2 BALSA COLLAR LOCKS STRUT ENDS IN PLYWcOD 1 lA U BALSA BLOCKS FORM COWL 7 [1/4 X 1/2 TIPS 3/BIX 1/4 BALSA SRARS I/8X1/4 SPRIIE SPAR VS X 1/4 LAMINATED LEDGE WHEEL ON 1/16 WELDING ROD 1/450 LONGERONS 4 3/16 K 1/4 DIAGONALS 3/16 SQ HARD BALSA SR -REAR SO SPRLEE SPARS AT FRONT 3/32 TORQUE ROD TO AILERON 1/16 X 1/4 TRAIUW3 EDGE 1/16 XI LOWERTRE /7 I\ 1/4 DOWEL_ I7~AJI THROUGH /1~47vll PLYWOODC S PLANKING I7/1/16 T IFIREWALL I/B PLYWWO BEARERSEr-vII WILLIAMS1/4 BALSAIANG SADDLE1/I /SUPPORTCABANE STRUTS,I CYLINDERS4-40PLYWOOD L G MOUNTS1/8X 1/4 SPRUCET 1/4 BALSA BETWEEN/I L GEAR/4/INTER PLANE STRUlS RUBBER BAND SHOCKS1/16 WIRE GUIDESI/16NOSE RIBS1/4 50 BLOCKS FOR 1/16 BALSA ALL RIBS AXLE VERilCALLY 3 DU BRO WHEELSAND SPAR WEBSMX*JTING STRUT ENDSI/4X I/2BALSA ALL LEADING EDGES ALERON LOWER WING OtLY 1A6 SHEETAT AILERON GAP 1/16 SHEET WEB IN SPARS I/8BALSA WiNG TIPS 4 0 1/4 LINE 1/8 WEt would normally expect model size Takeoffs short graceful airfoil stab lifting tail quickly air model can flown very slowly scale-like manner fear stalling Being light biplane lots drag will slow down quickly occasion idled back too soon model landed just short field stretched glide Although ailerons became less effective low speed rudder control remained good model never tended drop wing tip describe construction might say just big stick job sheeting solid surfaces forward fuselage wing center sections other components built up lightness well strength Both wings built over same plan identical except ailerons lower wing respective center sections stabilizer has designed its incidence can Continued page 103 14 Model Aviation V4 SO BRASS TUBE WITHCABAItES ANE IA K BS STREAM*ED SCLLIERED BRASS ENDSTIJG OVER 1/B WELD ROD WM BROS 2SCALE CYLS BROWN MOUNTED 20 FROM HORI OFFSET-j FUEL I______ SOFT BALSA NOSE BLOCKS IIIji~I SERVOlII I/4PLY GUS'U L/4SO SPRUCE INOSCREEN BLAcK RLSBER TUBING I/X9rncxOIT 61 flOp WITH 1/16 SI-WET FRG BALSA St HEADRES V T V4xL ON 7 B 1KI/4SO BATTRECEIV AREA__ .vstSA NO--SADDLES1/16 SHEETiNG BET FIREWALL B LG MOUNT IMDER BEARERSI/A BALSA0 WING INODENCE I/B PLY BEARER 1/4 HARD BALSA1/4 PLY LG STRNGERS MOUNT 1/2 WIDE BRASS L G MOUNT PLATES SILVER FILL IN TI-IS AREA WITH BALSASOLDER TO LG SAND TO TI-IS CROSS SECTIONWIRE ANDI/IBMW ON OUTSIDE AND COVER WITH COVERAD MATERIAL I/I PLY/4 PLY BUSS BEARERS 3 WHEELS-FUSELAGE DETAIL 23456 IA BALSA NOSE BLOCKS 1/4 PLY" FIREWALL / / 2 7 /2 .I/4 BALSA 1/4 PLY LG MOUNTS N, V4SOI FUSELAGE~jj TOP VIEW PLANK TOP WING 1/41/2 LEAONG EDGEFROM HERE TO I/B TIP SHEETREAR SPAR 1 -I/BSTIFFI R1/4 GUSSE -VIBBALSA RIBS-t/16PL BE V 1/6 HOLE _ V4, I/B & KEEP I/B TIP STIFFENERSE4TERPLANE STRUT MOUNTS I/B BELOW TOP OF RIBS TO3/32MW TORDUE ROD AVOID CONTACT WITH COVERINGI/4,3/4 MED HARD BALSAI D NT TO TOP OF LOWER AND BOTTOM OF TOP WINGTOROUE TU 4-40 BOLT SOLDER TO BGLT.I1rII] RE TIBBE 1/16 ID NDASSCROSS TIPBEND AT SO B EPOXYSOLDER TO BLIND.....FULL RIB liP RIBSTAB ADd DETAIL NNO B SOLDER STAB REAR HINGE1/lAPLYCUT OUT FOR FIN/4, I/BL E R 3/16 L ___________________UI/16,I/4 ELEV RIBS V II NIl/T VS MW3/B,I/4 BALSA V4,I/2 ~ELEVATOR NII JBALSAIIIIii _____ HINGE II -N VS ,I/2 BALSA" Note accessible needle valve venturi starting adjusting Cabane struts welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined alu minum tubing Mufflerand muff ler pressuretap visibleexhaust direction keeps gop away Wing removed show saddle runnersnote wires lower wing remain attached shot since lower wing still place Windscreens cockpit coaming look lifelike V4,j/2L122 aS axles .rapped soldered front legs top pire gear removes simple tabs Fleet/Brown continued page 14 changed adjusting two 4-40 bolts just behind its leading edge allowing additional trim control Anyone building model could easily install fifth servo operate stab thus allowing greater in-flight trim changes just full-size aircraft stab could also mounted rigidly usually done wish use elevator trim other somewhat unorthodox feature landing gear suspension consists rubberbands acting bungee cords take jolt landing axles have used system on~ two models date very good results no problems method allowed use lower end cross members axles top ends soldered front landing gear legs Wings Build lower wing panels dihedral break Build upper wing panels join center laminating spar joint 1/16 plywood braces Finish adding centersection ribs sheeting Cut thc ailerons lower wing panels before joining s dihedral braces Finish ailerons center section ribbing ailerons may activated either pushrod bellerank system torque rods used 3/32 music wire torque rods prefer wings can attached nylon bolts instead rubberbands Modify bottom wing fuselage threaded hard wood blocks leading edge dowels usual manner upper wing bend loops upper ends cabanes screws securely epoxy hardwood blocks spar structure upper wing will allow elimination sheeting top upper wing sure warp /e washout four wing tips Fuselage Begin building side over plans Build second side directly first insure both identical completed securely epoxy Vs plywood bearers front inside side sure make left right side point dry forflidO PROPELLERS Made polyester boil color Go GRISH No 1 propeller True helical pitch airfoil win-power Sizes pitches styles needs AT YOUR DEALER 2 Blade Tractor 53each 545354Nc 6364Nc 747678Ne 848688hUc 9-4969-7 9-810-410-6Nc 11411-611-8 1 124125126ii 2 Blade Pusher 5b 3 5-46-36-4MOo 8-6Nc 9-610-6*1 3 Blade Tractor 53 6364Nc 3 Blade Pusher 63Nc Metullic Alumnum Color Tractor f78i 8688ia 96 106104*110 Pusher06*110 uthorizeci %dio YI r ontro ervice Em Don McCarthy GRISH LARGE WOOD PROPELLERS HARDWOOD too hard minimizes chance costly plane engine damage True pitch airfoil fully finished balanced ready coating 3/8 BOREALL SIZES IN18 6 8 & 10 PITCH 20 22 24 $7 8 10 13 RIGHT HAND TRACTOR 0 RISH ST JOHN INDIANA 46373 FACTOR Y UTHORIZED SER VICE FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BRA NDS Ace* Aero Sport Cannon Cirrus KraftPro LineRS Systems World EnginesOrbitRoyal EK LogictrolMathesSimprop Micro AvionicsD&DJerobee NEW SIZE IN 8 & 10 PITCH 26 $16 Factory trained technicians over 15 years Radio Control Electronics S 3 ALSO WARRANTY SER VICE EXPERT SER VICE FOR ALL BRANDS HOURS Closed Sun & Mon lOam-S pmWedFri 10 am-6 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 714 639-8886 941 N MAIN ST ORANGE CALIFORNIA 92667 Looking down rudder post toward elevator shows compact neat installation details dont detract precious realism carefully align join left right sides s members form basic box structure sure rough up coarse sand paper plywood joints epoxied cemented Next add firewall formers stringers exterior interior sheeting etc complete fuse lage Note cabane mounting holes plywood gussets lined rass tubing Next temporarily bolt mount engine firewall fit nose blocks place Shape fit engine exterior dimensions Tail section Construct tail components over plans shown Select soft balsa strips laminated rudder trailing edge stab leading edge Thoroughly soak pieces hot water carefully work around cardboard form rudder stab tape position have dried out glue rest structure sure strengthen leading edge fin joint just above stab Construct stabilizer trim adjustment parts check correct operation temporarily mounted fuselage other tail components After stab has covered epoxy rear hinge place perma nently affix two 4-40 bolts soldering washer against silicone tubing 4-40 bolt will hold stab up against bolt heads Also solder washers top blind nuts keep dropping down fuselage Cabanes Interpisnes Landing Gear Shape c wire shown form landing gear Wrap joints copper wire solder Use ID brass tubing join ends music wire Bend landing gear mounting tabs brass sheet drill 4-40 bolts solder landing gear shown soldering use silver bearing soft solder landing gear other high stress joints much stronger common lead-tin solder Remember clean joints fine sandpaper use flux enough heat allow solder flow properly base metal Before mounting landing gear put little toe-in axles will help model track ground may have already noticed some wire parts specified welding rod rather music wire Copper-coated mild steel gas welding rod electric what Fm referring comes 1/16 can very useful sub stitute music wire slightly harder threaded 1/16 rod generally comes Du-Bro Goldberg control horn devises yet much easier work cut music wire frequently use 1/16 forward end a pushrods connect servo arms Notice cabanes constructed welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined tubing have accidentally flipped model twice landing no bending cabanes will find welding rod adequate Bend individual pieces pairs left exact duplicate right Make top bends last after have slipped stream lined tubing sure measure strut carefully insure level top wing Build interplane struts plans sand streamlined cross section Leave slightly long custom fit set wings good fit has achieved epoxy 1/16 welding rod pins ends drill corresponding holes fit Finishing The choice covering methods amount scale detail up builder finished model Coverite six coats clear dope over everything markings cut appropriate color Covente fastened little dope thinner Flying landing support wires made silver elastic thread found sewing fabric stores flying landing wires have tiny music wire hook end facilitate take-down wings cylinders Williams Brothers 2 scale heads made laminated 1/64 plywood fins 1/16 balsa filler dimensions exception very slightly stretched wing chord true scale Thus competitive stand-off scale model could con structed plans chose casual approach purposely omitted much fine detail such brake lines fuel gauges lot engine detail model intended weekend flying contest work Radio Tuck receiver battery pack up under fuel tank compartment mount servos under front cockpit best balance point Balance indicated plans have built carefully tail section should right mark very close model did require additional nose weight Youve heard before Ill say again dont tempted fly tail-heavy model Flying Set up control surface movements follows Rudder elevator should move ways trailing edges ailerons ways model has required differential aileron movement although adjusting torque rods create up down movement would probably no harm Flying easiest part proper elevator trim model will almost float air takeoff requiring usual right rudder correction stab Fleet needed adjusted leading edge about er rear edge elevator parallel helps counteract its climbing tendencies higher power settings Start flying stab close level sure have adequate elevator trim will probably need some down trim first flight 106 Model Aviation SPORT SCALESPORT TRAINER 13377 kach Ave Venice CA 90291 TII POHTERFIELD COLLEGIATE ideal model span scale flyer Its gentle forgiving nature make perfect begin ners yet quite responsive skilled hands balsa construc 11*19 tion light strong Porterfield can rog grass field climb steeply avoid obstacles Its light wing loading lets land dime give nine cents change Join quiet revolution enjoy JJ Portertleld Collegiate neighborhood park school yard Wing span 695 Area 695 sq Weight 4 lbs 3 channel radio Astro 15 can also use Astro 25 15 25 glow engine * * * * * * * ASTRO PLIGHT INC 1018 PIONEERS IN SILENT FLIGHT Practical shock absorbing uses rubberas bungee cords Landings consequently quite soft landing dont Cut throttle too soon model slows quickly other hand idle low enough ship can float right past landing difficult get down Begin pull tail down flare just before touchdown since airfoil section stab really works Otherwise Fleet flies just like trainer Relax enjoy making big lazy maneu vers just like full-size Fleet Specifications Scale 2 an 56 lgth 42 wing area 860 sq wght 5 lbs engine 35 40 Four-channel radio rudder elevator motor ailerons RC Technique/Myers continued page 17 knew shift low rate would never take place used time clock shut off charger after 5 hours 4 amphr hrs worked just fine dont know what long-term results will expect good queried Gerry about long-term effects told could offer fact 6-year-old World Engines transmitter has attached prototype charger 18 months occasional time out flying battery testing batteries original Gould AA still test 113 minutes Flite-Life now think Pulse Charging pay attention C-50/4 available five models coding little obscure Model Serial No preceded blank space charging 4 8 cell systems common combination Model II Serial No preceded H charging 4 5 cell systems Kraft Sport seriesmodification required Model III Serial No preceded X charging 4 10 cell systems Old Kraft Signature World Engines Model IV Serial No preceded 5 charging 4 9 cell systems Cox/Sanwa modification required Model V Serial No preceded R charging two 4-cell flight packs reason concern about numbers cells charger shifts High Low rate strictly basis voltage Thats instructed check back 90 minutes after begin charging High rate LED still either have shorted output used wrong charger have shorted cell pack C-50/4 cant fix What happens forget check back High-rate LED stays First continue charging High rate batteries get hot old ones did Next pressure builds up cells vents open Eventually cells dry out charging current ceases flow According Mr Jarvis has charged 20 packs destruction way explcded got hot enough damage heat useable either Users C-50/4 will have learn check instruction manual contains warning case will get uncomfortably warm Mine doesnt Bob Aberles does suspect difference tightly transformer plates connected serious complaint fact unit has ungrounded metal case Since modelers work cellars naked concrete floors think unit should have 3-wire plug cord plugged properly grounded 110 VAC receptacles re placed line cord Calectro No L3-7 18 Continued page 112 Only $1995 M-60 AD Motor Mou Fit WEBRA 91 0 SUEVIA 15 Cu & Otherb~j.Ya Quadra Motor Mount Only $1995 Free Floating 22Mount SEE YOUR Only $1 6954 COJUSTABLE Dect St ppee,te7 5 Pipe IVI U11EAses heSedded CC edditienei hoid sees Ouadra Motor ,oaie agee ADi MUFFLER OUR 1980/81 CATALOG IS OFF THE PRESS Ace R/Cs completely revised 1980/81 Catalog off press features over 80 pages containing thousands fl/C products over 100 manufacturers including ourselves specialize hardto-get items Please send $2 copy ACE R/C INC BOX SuE HIGGINSVILLE MO 64037 816 584-7121 SIMITAR WINS 1St PLACEPATTERN PRENOVICE 1979 WINTER NATS SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SIMIlAR SI MI TAR NEW. SIMITAR SPORT 9- 40 Power 50 Inch Span Standard Kit Includes Ply Wing Sheeting Foam Cores Balsa Fuselage Gear Formed Sliding Tray Full Sitc Plans $5995 SIMIlAR WINS 1St PLACENORTHROP FLYING WING CONTEST 1979 NEWT-SHIRTS High Quality 100 t utton $ ____ 95 Multi-color Silkscreen Si/es 5 M L & XL Fleck Rider YellowPlus $100 Astron Light BlueShipping Simitar 540 TanCharge SEE YOUR DEALER OR ORDER ROM BILL EVANS AIR/~CRAFT 20825 ROSCOE BLVD CANOGA PARK CA 91306 TEL 2l3 344-639 OR 709-0894 September 1980 107 Name __________________ Address II CItyStZip ISEND FOR FREE CATALOGI
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 103, 106, 107
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT THIS project began evolve several years ago attending fun-fly held quiet little country airport central New York Having lots time between events wandered up down two rows open hangars carefully examining full-size aircraft What interesting aircraft were two English Tiger Moths two immaculate J-3s red white Porterfield two tiny low-wing homebuilt racers way down end restored orange white 1930 Fleet Almost immediately began consider Fleet RC sport scale project looked relatively easy identical top bottom wings straight fuselage sides no complicated curves Soon began form design specifi cations First wanted medium large size smooth easy handling Secondly wanted light low wing loading scale-like flight Thirdly wanted use engine 35 40 range fuel economy did care pay fuel 60 can guzzle As tums out 60 entirely unneces sary design model intended fly like Pitts Pulsars scale two inches foot decided upon yielded nice neat 56-in wing span wing area figured out 860 sq ready-to-fly weight five pounds wing loading figured out 134 oz/sq ft wing area factor contributed greatly its easy flying char acteristics ability use less engine 802 slant tank gives plenty capacity long flights rubberband hold-downs pass front back bubble top 3 12 Model Aviation NO tne plane isnt bigit spans 56 Its just lovely young lady wanted picture taken smile and hold ship its simple nice color scheme shows up can always tell Fleetmost anyway because some early Army primary trainersby characteristic rudder much area down around fuselage center line What love seea classic biplane tail jusi up rolling raster ano raster really smooth grass 840 sq wing area wing loading polite 134 oz/sq/ft Stabilizer adlustable near its leading edge Could controlled another servo wish go first class Elevator pushrod right 1/16 SHEET OVER FORM 3 AS HATCH TO FLELE6NK 1/16 SHEET OVER CENTER SEC ONLY 3A6 X /4 SPRUCE STAB INGE DETAIL 3/1650 POST INTO FUSELAGE I/B PLY PLATFORM OflMOO IVOt 4-4OSCREW2-3/4 LONG WIRE INTO STAB WASHER SIUCONE TUBE WASHERS SOLDER TOTNUTS STABILIZER LE ADJUST BALSA BLOCKS1/16 PLVWXA ALL SIR BRACES AT CENTER SECN 1/4 50 BRASS TUBE 1/16 SHEET N I/B X 3/16 STRINGERS I/BS RURLEADS 1/I6 X 3/16 LAMINATED BALSA 3/16 X 1/4 BALSA POST 3/16 SQ RIBS AND RUDDER 3/16 BLOCKS 7/ 1/B WIRE XINS ELEVATORS HALYES I/B X /2 BALSA COLLAR LOCKS STRUT ENDS IN PLYWcOD 1 lA U BALSA BLOCKS FORM COWL 7 [1/4 X 1/2 TIPS 3/BIX 1/4 BALSA SRARS I/8X1/4 SPRIIE SPAR VS X 1/4 LAMINATED LEDGE WHEEL ON 1/16 WELDING ROD 1/450 LONGERONS 4 3/16 K 1/4 DIAGONALS 3/16 SQ HARD BALSA SR -REAR SO SPRLEE SPARS AT FRONT 3/32 TORQUE ROD TO AILERON 1/16 X 1/4 TRAIUW3 EDGE 1/16 XI LOWERTRE /7 I\ 1/4 DOWEL_ I7~AJI THROUGH /1~47vll PLYWOODC S PLANKING I7/1/16 T IFIREWALL I/B PLYWWO BEARERSEr-vII WILLIAMS1/4 BALSAIANG SADDLE1/I /SUPPORTCABANE STRUTS,I CYLINDERS4-40PLYWOOD L G MOUNTS1/8X 1/4 SPRUCET 1/4 BALSA BETWEEN/I L GEAR/4/INTER PLANE STRUlS RUBBER BAND SHOCKS1/16 WIRE GUIDESI/16NOSE RIBS1/4 50 BLOCKS FOR 1/16 BALSA ALL RIBS AXLE VERilCALLY 3 DU BRO WHEELSAND SPAR WEBSMX*JTING STRUT ENDSI/4X I/2BALSA ALL LEADING EDGES ALERON LOWER WING OtLY 1A6 SHEETAT AILERON GAP 1/16 SHEET WEB IN SPARS I/8BALSA WiNG TIPS 4 0 1/4 LINE 1/8 WEt would normally expect model size Takeoffs short graceful airfoil stab lifting tail quickly air model can flown very slowly scale-like manner fear stalling Being light biplane lots drag will slow down quickly occasion idled back too soon model landed just short field stretched glide Although ailerons became less effective low speed rudder control remained good model never tended drop wing tip describe construction might say just big stick job sheeting solid surfaces forward fuselage wing center sections other components built up lightness well strength Both wings built over same plan identical except ailerons lower wing respective center sections stabilizer has designed its incidence can Continued page 103 14 Model Aviation V4 SO BRASS TUBE WITHCABAItES ANE IA K BS STREAM*ED SCLLIERED BRASS ENDSTIJG OVER 1/B WELD ROD WM BROS 2SCALE CYLS BROWN MOUNTED 20 FROM HORI OFFSET-j FUEL I______ SOFT BALSA NOSE BLOCKS IIIji~I SERVOlII I/4PLY GUS'U L/4SO SPRUCE INOSCREEN BLAcK RLSBER TUBING I/X9rncxOIT 61 flOp WITH 1/16 SI-WET FRG BALSA St HEADRES V T V4xL ON 7 B 1KI/4SO BATTRECEIV AREA__ .vstSA NO--SADDLES1/16 SHEETiNG BET FIREWALL B LG MOUNT IMDER BEARERSI/A BALSA0 WING INODENCE I/B PLY BEARER 1/4 HARD BALSA1/4 PLY LG STRNGERS MOUNT 1/2 WIDE BRASS L G MOUNT PLATES SILVER FILL IN TI-IS AREA WITH BALSASOLDER TO LG SAND TO TI-IS CROSS SECTIONWIRE ANDI/IBMW ON OUTSIDE AND COVER WITH COVERAD MATERIAL I/I PLY/4 PLY BUSS BEARERS 3 WHEELS-FUSELAGE DETAIL 23456 IA BALSA NOSE BLOCKS 1/4 PLY" FIREWALL / / 2 7 /2 .I/4 BALSA 1/4 PLY LG MOUNTS N, V4SOI FUSELAGE~jj TOP VIEW PLANK TOP WING 1/41/2 LEAONG EDGEFROM HERE TO I/B TIP SHEETREAR SPAR 1 -I/BSTIFFI R1/4 GUSSE -VIBBALSA RIBS-t/16PL BE V 1/6 HOLE _ V4, I/B & KEEP I/B TIP STIFFENERSE4TERPLANE STRUT MOUNTS I/B BELOW TOP OF RIBS TO3/32MW TORDUE ROD AVOID CONTACT WITH COVERINGI/4,3/4 MED HARD BALSAI D NT TO TOP OF LOWER AND BOTTOM OF TOP WINGTOROUE TU 4-40 BOLT SOLDER TO BGLT.I1rII] RE TIBBE 1/16 ID NDASSCROSS TIPBEND AT SO B EPOXYSOLDER TO BLIND.....FULL RIB liP RIBSTAB ADd DETAIL NNO B SOLDER STAB REAR HINGE1/lAPLYCUT OUT FOR FIN/4, I/BL E R 3/16 L ___________________UI/16,I/4 ELEV RIBS V II NIl/T VS MW3/B,I/4 BALSA V4,I/2 ~ELEVATOR NII JBALSAIIIIii _____ HINGE II -N VS ,I/2 BALSA" Note accessible needle valve venturi starting adjusting Cabane struts welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined alu minum tubing Mufflerand muff ler pressuretap visibleexhaust direction keeps gop away Wing removed show saddle runnersnote wires lower wing remain attached shot since lower wing still place Windscreens cockpit coaming look lifelike V4,j/2L122 aS axles .rapped soldered front legs top pire gear removes simple tabs Fleet/Brown continued page 14 changed adjusting two 4-40 bolts just behind its leading edge allowing additional trim control Anyone building model could easily install fifth servo operate stab thus allowing greater in-flight trim changes just full-size aircraft stab could also mounted rigidly usually done wish use elevator trim other somewhat unorthodox feature landing gear suspension consists rubberbands acting bungee cords take jolt landing axles have used system on~ two models date very good results no problems method allowed use lower end cross members axles top ends soldered front landing gear legs Wings Build lower wing panels dihedral break Build upper wing panels join center laminating spar joint 1/16 plywood braces Finish adding centersection ribs sheeting Cut thc ailerons lower wing panels before joining s dihedral braces Finish ailerons center section ribbing ailerons may activated either pushrod bellerank system torque rods used 3/32 music wire torque rods prefer wings can attached nylon bolts instead rubberbands Modify bottom wing fuselage threaded hard wood blocks leading edge dowels usual manner upper wing bend loops upper ends cabanes screws securely epoxy hardwood blocks spar structure upper wing will allow elimination sheeting top upper wing sure warp /e washout four wing tips Fuselage Begin building side over plans Build second side directly first insure both identical completed securely epoxy Vs plywood bearers front inside side sure make left right side point dry forflidO PROPELLERS Made polyester boil color Go GRISH No 1 propeller True helical pitch airfoil win-power Sizes pitches styles needs AT YOUR DEALER 2 Blade Tractor 53each 545354Nc 6364Nc 747678Ne 848688hUc 9-4969-7 9-810-410-6Nc 11411-611-8 1 124125126ii 2 Blade Pusher 5b 3 5-46-36-4MOo 8-6Nc 9-610-6*1 3 Blade Tractor 53 6364Nc 3 Blade Pusher 63Nc Metullic Alumnum Color Tractor f78i 8688ia 96 106104*110 Pusher06*110 uthorizeci %dio YI r ontro ervice Em Don McCarthy GRISH LARGE WOOD PROPELLERS HARDWOOD too hard minimizes chance costly plane engine damage True pitch airfoil fully finished balanced ready coating 3/8 BOREALL SIZES IN18 6 8 & 10 PITCH 20 22 24 $7 8 10 13 RIGHT HAND TRACTOR 0 RISH ST JOHN INDIANA 46373 FACTOR Y UTHORIZED SER VICE FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BRA NDS Ace* Aero Sport Cannon Cirrus KraftPro LineRS Systems World EnginesOrbitRoyal EK LogictrolMathesSimprop Micro AvionicsD&DJerobee NEW SIZE IN 8 & 10 PITCH 26 $16 Factory trained technicians over 15 years Radio Control Electronics S 3 ALSO WARRANTY SER VICE EXPERT SER VICE FOR ALL BRANDS HOURS Closed Sun & Mon lOam-S pmWedFri 10 am-6 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 714 639-8886 941 N MAIN ST ORANGE CALIFORNIA 92667 Looking down rudder post toward elevator shows compact neat installation details dont detract precious realism carefully align join left right sides s members form basic box structure sure rough up coarse sand paper plywood joints epoxied cemented Next add firewall formers stringers exterior interior sheeting etc complete fuse lage Note cabane mounting holes plywood gussets lined rass tubing Next temporarily bolt mount engine firewall fit nose blocks place Shape fit engine exterior dimensions Tail section Construct tail components over plans shown Select soft balsa strips laminated rudder trailing edge stab leading edge Thoroughly soak pieces hot water carefully work around cardboard form rudder stab tape position have dried out glue rest structure sure strengthen leading edge fin joint just above stab Construct stabilizer trim adjustment parts check correct operation temporarily mounted fuselage other tail components After stab has covered epoxy rear hinge place perma nently affix two 4-40 bolts soldering washer against silicone tubing 4-40 bolt will hold stab up against bolt heads Also solder washers top blind nuts keep dropping down fuselage Cabanes Interpisnes Landing Gear Shape c wire shown form landing gear Wrap joints copper wire solder Use ID brass tubing join ends music wire Bend landing gear mounting tabs brass sheet drill 4-40 bolts solder landing gear shown soldering use silver bearing soft solder landing gear other high stress joints much stronger common lead-tin solder Remember clean joints fine sandpaper use flux enough heat allow solder flow properly base metal Before mounting landing gear put little toe-in axles will help model track ground may have already noticed some wire parts specified welding rod rather music wire Copper-coated mild steel gas welding rod electric what Fm referring comes 1/16 can very useful sub stitute music wire slightly harder threaded 1/16 rod generally comes Du-Bro Goldberg control horn devises yet much easier work cut music wire frequently use 1/16 forward end a pushrods connect servo arms Notice cabanes constructed welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined tubing have accidentally flipped model twice landing no bending cabanes will find welding rod adequate Bend individual pieces pairs left exact duplicate right Make top bends last after have slipped stream lined tubing sure measure strut carefully insure level top wing Build interplane struts plans sand streamlined cross section Leave slightly long custom fit set wings good fit has achieved epoxy 1/16 welding rod pins ends drill corresponding holes fit Finishing The choice covering methods amount scale detail up builder finished model Coverite six coats clear dope over everything markings cut appropriate color Covente fastened little dope thinner Flying landing support wires made silver elastic thread found sewing fabric stores flying landing wires have tiny music wire hook end facilitate take-down wings cylinders Williams Brothers 2 scale heads made laminated 1/64 plywood fins 1/16 balsa filler dimensions exception very slightly stretched wing chord true scale Thus competitive stand-off scale model could con structed plans chose casual approach purposely omitted much fine detail such brake lines fuel gauges lot engine detail model intended weekend flying contest work Radio Tuck receiver battery pack up under fuel tank compartment mount servos under front cockpit best balance point Balance indicated plans have built carefully tail section should right mark very close model did require additional nose weight Youve heard before Ill say again dont tempted fly tail-heavy model Flying Set up control surface movements follows Rudder elevator should move ways trailing edges ailerons ways model has required differential aileron movement although adjusting torque rods create up down movement would probably no harm Flying easiest part proper elevator trim model will almost float air takeoff requiring usual right rudder correction stab Fleet needed adjusted leading edge about er rear edge elevator parallel helps counteract its climbing tendencies higher power settings Start flying stab close level sure have adequate elevator trim will probably need some down trim first flight 106 Model Aviation SPORT SCALESPORT TRAINER 13377 kach Ave Venice CA 90291 TII POHTERFIELD COLLEGIATE ideal model span scale flyer Its gentle forgiving nature make perfect begin ners yet quite responsive skilled hands balsa construc 11*19 tion light strong Porterfield can rog grass field climb steeply avoid obstacles Its light wing loading lets land dime give nine cents change Join quiet revolution enjoy JJ Portertleld Collegiate neighborhood park school yard Wing span 695 Area 695 sq Weight 4 lbs 3 channel radio Astro 15 can also use Astro 25 15 25 glow engine * * * * * * * ASTRO PLIGHT INC 1018 PIONEERS IN SILENT FLIGHT Practical shock absorbing uses rubberas bungee cords Landings consequently quite soft landing dont Cut throttle too soon model slows quickly other hand idle low enough ship can float right past landing difficult get down Begin pull tail down flare just before touchdown since airfoil section stab really works Otherwise Fleet flies just like trainer Relax enjoy making big lazy maneu vers just like full-size Fleet Specifications Scale 2 an 56 lgth 42 wing area 860 sq wght 5 lbs engine 35 40 Four-channel radio rudder elevator motor ailerons RC Technique/Myers continued page 17 knew shift low rate would never take place used time clock shut off charger after 5 hours 4 amphr hrs worked just fine dont know what long-term results will expect good queried Gerry about long-term effects told could offer fact 6-year-old World Engines transmitter has attached prototype charger 18 months occasional time out flying battery testing batteries original Gould AA still test 113 minutes Flite-Life now think Pulse Charging pay attention C-50/4 available five models coding little obscure Model Serial No preceded blank space charging 4 8 cell systems common combination Model II Serial No preceded H charging 4 5 cell systems Kraft Sport seriesmodification required Model III Serial No preceded X charging 4 10 cell systems Old Kraft Signature World Engines Model IV Serial No preceded 5 charging 4 9 cell systems Cox/Sanwa modification required Model V Serial No preceded R charging two 4-cell flight packs reason concern about numbers cells charger shifts High Low rate strictly basis voltage Thats instructed check back 90 minutes after begin charging High rate LED still either have shorted output used wrong charger have shorted cell pack C-50/4 cant fix What happens forget check back High-rate LED stays First continue charging High rate batteries get hot old ones did Next pressure builds up cells vents open Eventually cells dry out charging current ceases flow According Mr Jarvis has charged 20 packs destruction way explcded got hot enough damage heat useable either Users C-50/4 will have learn check instruction manual contains warning case will get uncomfortably warm Mine doesnt Bob Aberles does suspect difference tightly transformer plates connected serious complaint fact unit has ungrounded metal case Since modelers work cellars naked concrete floors think unit should have 3-wire plug cord plugged properly grounded 110 VAC receptacles re placed line cord Calectro No L3-7 18 Continued page 112 Only $1995 M-60 AD Motor Mou Fit WEBRA 91 0 SUEVIA 15 Cu & Otherb~j.Ya Quadra Motor Mount Only $1995 Free Floating 22Mount SEE YOUR Only $1 6954 COJUSTABLE Dect St ppee,te7 5 Pipe IVI U11EAses heSedded CC edditienei hoid sees Ouadra Motor ,oaie agee ADi MUFFLER OUR 1980/81 CATALOG IS OFF THE PRESS Ace R/Cs completely revised 1980/81 Catalog off press features over 80 pages containing thousands fl/C products over 100 manufacturers including ourselves specialize hardto-get items Please send $2 copy ACE R/C INC BOX SuE HIGGINSVILLE MO 64037 816 584-7121 SIMITAR WINS 1St PLACEPATTERN PRENOVICE 1979 WINTER NATS SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SIMIlAR SI MI TAR NEW. SIMITAR SPORT 9- 40 Power 50 Inch Span Standard Kit Includes Ply Wing Sheeting Foam Cores Balsa Fuselage Gear Formed Sliding Tray Full Sitc Plans $5995 SIMIlAR WINS 1St PLACENORTHROP FLYING WING CONTEST 1979 NEWT-SHIRTS High Quality 100 t utton $ ____ 95 Multi-color Silkscreen Si/es 5 M L & XL Fleck Rider YellowPlus $100 Astron Light BlueShipping Simitar 540 TanCharge SEE YOUR DEALER OR ORDER ROM BILL EVANS AIR/~CRAFT 20825 ROSCOE BLVD CANOGA PARK CA 91306 TEL 2l3 344-639 OR 709-0894 September 1980 107 Name __________________ Address II CItyStZip ISEND FOR FREE CATALOGI
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 103, 106, 107
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT THIS project began evolve several years ago attending fun-fly held quiet little country airport central New York Having lots time between events wandered up down two rows open hangars carefully examining full-size aircraft What interesting aircraft were two English Tiger Moths two immaculate J-3s red white Porterfield two tiny low-wing homebuilt racers way down end restored orange white 1930 Fleet Almost immediately began consider Fleet RC sport scale project looked relatively easy identical top bottom wings straight fuselage sides no complicated curves Soon began form design specifi cations First wanted medium large size smooth easy handling Secondly wanted light low wing loading scale-like flight Thirdly wanted use engine 35 40 range fuel economy did care pay fuel 60 can guzzle As tums out 60 entirely unneces sary design model intended fly like Pitts Pulsars scale two inches foot decided upon yielded nice neat 56-in wing span wing area figured out 860 sq ready-to-fly weight five pounds wing loading figured out 134 oz/sq ft wing area factor contributed greatly its easy flying char acteristics ability use less engine 802 slant tank gives plenty capacity long flights rubberband hold-downs pass front back bubble top 3 12 Model Aviation NO tne plane isnt bigit spans 56 Its just lovely young lady wanted picture taken smile and hold ship its simple nice color scheme shows up can always tell Fleetmost anyway because some early Army primary trainersby characteristic rudder much area down around fuselage center line What love seea classic biplane tail jusi up rolling raster ano raster really smooth grass 840 sq wing area wing loading polite 134 oz/sq/ft Stabilizer adlustable near its leading edge Could controlled another servo wish go first class Elevator pushrod right 1/16 SHEET OVER FORM 3 AS HATCH TO FLELE6NK 1/16 SHEET OVER CENTER SEC ONLY 3A6 X /4 SPRUCE STAB INGE DETAIL 3/1650 POST INTO FUSELAGE I/B PLY PLATFORM OflMOO IVOt 4-4OSCREW2-3/4 LONG WIRE INTO STAB WASHER SIUCONE TUBE WASHERS SOLDER TOTNUTS STABILIZER LE ADJUST BALSA BLOCKS1/16 PLVWXA ALL SIR BRACES AT CENTER SECN 1/4 50 BRASS TUBE 1/16 SHEET N I/B X 3/16 STRINGERS I/BS RURLEADS 1/I6 X 3/16 LAMINATED BALSA 3/16 X 1/4 BALSA POST 3/16 SQ RIBS AND RUDDER 3/16 BLOCKS 7/ 1/B WIRE XINS ELEVATORS HALYES I/B X /2 BALSA COLLAR LOCKS STRUT ENDS IN PLYWcOD 1 lA U BALSA BLOCKS FORM COWL 7 [1/4 X 1/2 TIPS 3/BIX 1/4 BALSA SRARS I/8X1/4 SPRIIE SPAR VS X 1/4 LAMINATED LEDGE WHEEL ON 1/16 WELDING ROD 1/450 LONGERONS 4 3/16 K 1/4 DIAGONALS 3/16 SQ HARD BALSA SR -REAR SO SPRLEE SPARS AT FRONT 3/32 TORQUE ROD TO AILERON 1/16 X 1/4 TRAIUW3 EDGE 1/16 XI LOWERTRE /7 I\ 1/4 DOWEL_ I7~AJI THROUGH /1~47vll PLYWOODC S PLANKING I7/1/16 T IFIREWALL I/B PLYWWO BEARERSEr-vII WILLIAMS1/4 BALSAIANG SADDLE1/I /SUPPORTCABANE STRUTS,I CYLINDERS4-40PLYWOOD L G MOUNTS1/8X 1/4 SPRUCET 1/4 BALSA BETWEEN/I L GEAR/4/INTER PLANE STRUlS RUBBER BAND SHOCKS1/16 WIRE GUIDESI/16NOSE RIBS1/4 50 BLOCKS FOR 1/16 BALSA ALL RIBS AXLE VERilCALLY 3 DU BRO WHEELSAND SPAR WEBSMX*JTING STRUT ENDSI/4X I/2BALSA ALL LEADING EDGES ALERON LOWER WING OtLY 1A6 SHEETAT AILERON GAP 1/16 SHEET WEB IN SPARS I/8BALSA WiNG TIPS 4 0 1/4 LINE 1/8 WEt would normally expect model size Takeoffs short graceful airfoil stab lifting tail quickly air model can flown very slowly scale-like manner fear stalling Being light biplane lots drag will slow down quickly occasion idled back too soon model landed just short field stretched glide Although ailerons became less effective low speed rudder control remained good model never tended drop wing tip describe construction might say just big stick job sheeting solid surfaces forward fuselage wing center sections other components built up lightness well strength Both wings built over same plan identical except ailerons lower wing respective center sections stabilizer has designed its incidence can Continued page 103 14 Model Aviation V4 SO BRASS TUBE WITHCABAItES ANE IA K BS STREAM*ED SCLLIERED BRASS ENDSTIJG OVER 1/B WELD ROD WM BROS 2SCALE CYLS BROWN MOUNTED 20 FROM HORI OFFSET-j FUEL I______ SOFT BALSA NOSE BLOCKS IIIji~I SERVOlII I/4PLY GUS'U L/4SO SPRUCE INOSCREEN BLAcK RLSBER TUBING I/X9rncxOIT 61 flOp WITH 1/16 SI-WET FRG BALSA St HEADRES V T V4xL ON 7 B 1KI/4SO BATTRECEIV AREA__ .vstSA NO--SADDLES1/16 SHEETiNG BET FIREWALL B LG MOUNT IMDER BEARERSI/A BALSA0 WING INODENCE I/B PLY BEARER 1/4 HARD BALSA1/4 PLY LG STRNGERS MOUNT 1/2 WIDE BRASS L G MOUNT PLATES SILVER FILL IN TI-IS AREA WITH BALSASOLDER TO LG SAND TO TI-IS CROSS SECTIONWIRE ANDI/IBMW ON OUTSIDE AND COVER WITH COVERAD MATERIAL I/I PLY/4 PLY BUSS BEARERS 3 WHEELS-FUSELAGE DETAIL 23456 IA BALSA NOSE BLOCKS 1/4 PLY" FIREWALL / / 2 7 /2 .I/4 BALSA 1/4 PLY LG MOUNTS N, V4SOI FUSELAGE~jj TOP VIEW PLANK TOP WING 1/41/2 LEAONG EDGEFROM HERE TO I/B TIP SHEETREAR SPAR 1 -I/BSTIFFI R1/4 GUSSE -VIBBALSA RIBS-t/16PL BE V 1/6 HOLE _ V4, I/B & KEEP I/B TIP STIFFENERSE4TERPLANE STRUT MOUNTS I/B BELOW TOP OF RIBS TO3/32MW TORDUE ROD AVOID CONTACT WITH COVERINGI/4,3/4 MED HARD BALSAI D NT TO TOP OF LOWER AND BOTTOM OF TOP WINGTOROUE TU 4-40 BOLT SOLDER TO BGLT.I1rII] RE TIBBE 1/16 ID NDASSCROSS TIPBEND AT SO B EPOXYSOLDER TO BLIND.....FULL RIB liP RIBSTAB ADd DETAIL NNO B SOLDER STAB REAR HINGE1/lAPLYCUT OUT FOR FIN/4, I/BL E R 3/16 L ___________________UI/16,I/4 ELEV RIBS V II NIl/T VS MW3/B,I/4 BALSA V4,I/2 ~ELEVATOR NII JBALSAIIIIii _____ HINGE II -N VS ,I/2 BALSA" Note accessible needle valve venturi starting adjusting Cabane struts welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined alu minum tubing Mufflerand muff ler pressuretap visibleexhaust direction keeps gop away Wing removed show saddle runnersnote wires lower wing remain attached shot since lower wing still place Windscreens cockpit coaming look lifelike V4,j/2L122 aS axles .rapped soldered front legs top pire gear removes simple tabs Fleet/Brown continued page 14 changed adjusting two 4-40 bolts just behind its leading edge allowing additional trim control Anyone building model could easily install fifth servo operate stab thus allowing greater in-flight trim changes just full-size aircraft stab could also mounted rigidly usually done wish use elevator trim other somewhat unorthodox feature landing gear suspension consists rubberbands acting bungee cords take jolt landing axles have used system on~ two models date very good results no problems method allowed use lower end cross members axles top ends soldered front landing gear legs Wings Build lower wing panels dihedral break Build upper wing panels join center laminating spar joint 1/16 plywood braces Finish adding centersection ribs sheeting Cut thc ailerons lower wing panels before joining s dihedral braces Finish ailerons center section ribbing ailerons may activated either pushrod bellerank system torque rods used 3/32 music wire torque rods prefer wings can attached nylon bolts instead rubberbands Modify bottom wing fuselage threaded hard wood blocks leading edge dowels usual manner upper wing bend loops upper ends cabanes screws securely epoxy hardwood blocks spar structure upper wing will allow elimination sheeting top upper wing sure warp /e washout four wing tips Fuselage Begin building side over plans Build second side directly first insure both identical completed securely epoxy Vs plywood bearers front inside side sure make left right side point dry forflidO PROPELLERS Made polyester boil color Go GRISH No 1 propeller True helical pitch airfoil win-power Sizes pitches styles needs AT YOUR DEALER 2 Blade Tractor 53each 545354Nc 6364Nc 747678Ne 848688hUc 9-4969-7 9-810-410-6Nc 11411-611-8 1 124125126ii 2 Blade Pusher 5b 3 5-46-36-4MOo 8-6Nc 9-610-6*1 3 Blade Tractor 53 6364Nc 3 Blade Pusher 63Nc Metullic Alumnum Color Tractor f78i 8688ia 96 106104*110 Pusher06*110 uthorizeci %dio YI r ontro ervice Em Don McCarthy GRISH LARGE WOOD PROPELLERS HARDWOOD too hard minimizes chance costly plane engine damage True pitch airfoil fully finished balanced ready coating 3/8 BOREALL SIZES IN18 6 8 & 10 PITCH 20 22 24 $7 8 10 13 RIGHT HAND TRACTOR 0 RISH ST JOHN INDIANA 46373 FACTOR Y UTHORIZED SER VICE FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BRA NDS Ace* Aero Sport Cannon Cirrus KraftPro LineRS Systems World EnginesOrbitRoyal EK LogictrolMathesSimprop Micro AvionicsD&DJerobee NEW SIZE IN 8 & 10 PITCH 26 $16 Factory trained technicians over 15 years Radio Control Electronics S 3 ALSO WARRANTY SER VICE EXPERT SER VICE FOR ALL BRANDS HOURS Closed Sun & Mon lOam-S pmWedFri 10 am-6 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 714 639-8886 941 N MAIN ST ORANGE CALIFORNIA 92667 Looking down rudder post toward elevator shows compact neat installation details dont detract precious realism carefully align join left right sides s members form basic box structure sure rough up coarse sand paper plywood joints epoxied cemented Next add firewall formers stringers exterior interior sheeting etc complete fuse lage Note cabane mounting holes plywood gussets lined rass tubing Next temporarily bolt mount engine firewall fit nose blocks place Shape fit engine exterior dimensions Tail section Construct tail components over plans shown Select soft balsa strips laminated rudder trailing edge stab leading edge Thoroughly soak pieces hot water carefully work around cardboard form rudder stab tape position have dried out glue rest structure sure strengthen leading edge fin joint just above stab Construct stabilizer trim adjustment parts check correct operation temporarily mounted fuselage other tail components After stab has covered epoxy rear hinge place perma nently affix two 4-40 bolts soldering washer against silicone tubing 4-40 bolt will hold stab up against bolt heads Also solder washers top blind nuts keep dropping down fuselage Cabanes Interpisnes Landing Gear Shape c wire shown form landing gear Wrap joints copper wire solder Use ID brass tubing join ends music wire Bend landing gear mounting tabs brass sheet drill 4-40 bolts solder landing gear shown soldering use silver bearing soft solder landing gear other high stress joints much stronger common lead-tin solder Remember clean joints fine sandpaper use flux enough heat allow solder flow properly base metal Before mounting landing gear put little toe-in axles will help model track ground may have already noticed some wire parts specified welding rod rather music wire Copper-coated mild steel gas welding rod electric what Fm referring comes 1/16 can very useful sub stitute music wire slightly harder threaded 1/16 rod generally comes Du-Bro Goldberg control horn devises yet much easier work cut music wire frequently use 1/16 forward end a pushrods connect servo arms Notice cabanes constructed welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined tubing have accidentally flipped model twice landing no bending cabanes will find welding rod adequate Bend individual pieces pairs left exact duplicate right Make top bends last after have slipped stream lined tubing sure measure strut carefully insure level top wing Build interplane struts plans sand streamlined cross section Leave slightly long custom fit set wings good fit has achieved epoxy 1/16 welding rod pins ends drill corresponding holes fit Finishing The choice covering methods amount scale detail up builder finished model Coverite six coats clear dope over everything markings cut appropriate color Covente fastened little dope thinner Flying landing support wires made silver elastic thread found sewing fabric stores flying landing wires have tiny music wire hook end facilitate take-down wings cylinders Williams Brothers 2 scale heads made laminated 1/64 plywood fins 1/16 balsa filler dimensions exception very slightly stretched wing chord true scale Thus competitive stand-off scale model could con structed plans chose casual approach purposely omitted much fine detail such brake lines fuel gauges lot engine detail model intended weekend flying contest work Radio Tuck receiver battery pack up under fuel tank compartment mount servos under front cockpit best balance point Balance indicated plans have built carefully tail section should right mark very close model did require additional nose weight Youve heard before Ill say again dont tempted fly tail-heavy model Flying Set up control surface movements follows Rudder elevator should move ways trailing edges ailerons ways model has required differential aileron movement although adjusting torque rods create up down movement would probably no harm Flying easiest part proper elevator trim model will almost float air takeoff requiring usual right rudder correction stab Fleet needed adjusted leading edge about er rear edge elevator parallel helps counteract its climbing tendencies higher power settings Start flying stab close level sure have adequate elevator trim will probably need some down trim first flight 106 Model Aviation SPORT SCALESPORT TRAINER 13377 kach Ave Venice CA 90291 TII POHTERFIELD COLLEGIATE ideal model span scale flyer Its gentle forgiving nature make perfect begin ners yet quite responsive skilled hands balsa construc 11*19 tion light strong Porterfield can rog grass field climb steeply avoid obstacles Its light wing loading lets land dime give nine cents change Join quiet revolution enjoy JJ Portertleld Collegiate neighborhood park school yard Wing span 695 Area 695 sq Weight 4 lbs 3 channel radio Astro 15 can also use Astro 25 15 25 glow engine * * * * * * * ASTRO PLIGHT INC 1018 PIONEERS IN SILENT FLIGHT Practical shock absorbing uses rubberas bungee cords Landings consequently quite soft landing dont Cut throttle too soon model slows quickly other hand idle low enough ship can float right past landing difficult get down Begin pull tail down flare just before touchdown since airfoil section stab really works Otherwise Fleet flies just like trainer Relax enjoy making big lazy maneu vers just like full-size Fleet Specifications Scale 2 an 56 lgth 42 wing area 860 sq wght 5 lbs engine 35 40 Four-channel radio rudder elevator motor ailerons RC Technique/Myers continued page 17 knew shift low rate would never take place used time clock shut off charger after 5 hours 4 amphr hrs worked just fine dont know what long-term results will expect good queried Gerry about long-term effects told could offer fact 6-year-old World Engines transmitter has attached prototype charger 18 months occasional time out flying battery testing batteries original Gould AA still test 113 minutes Flite-Life now think Pulse Charging pay attention C-50/4 available five models coding little obscure Model Serial No preceded blank space charging 4 8 cell systems common combination Model II Serial No preceded H charging 4 5 cell systems Kraft Sport seriesmodification required Model III Serial No preceded X charging 4 10 cell systems Old Kraft Signature World Engines Model IV Serial No preceded 5 charging 4 9 cell systems Cox/Sanwa modification required Model V Serial No preceded R charging two 4-cell flight packs reason concern about numbers cells charger shifts High Low rate strictly basis voltage Thats instructed check back 90 minutes after begin charging High rate LED still either have shorted output used wrong charger have shorted cell pack C-50/4 cant fix What happens forget check back High-rate LED stays First continue charging High rate batteries get hot old ones did Next pressure builds up cells vents open Eventually cells dry out charging current ceases flow According Mr Jarvis has charged 20 packs destruction way explcded got hot enough damage heat useable either Users C-50/4 will have learn check instruction manual contains warning case will get uncomfortably warm Mine doesnt Bob Aberles does suspect difference tightly transformer plates connected serious complaint fact unit has ungrounded metal case Since modelers work cellars naked concrete floors think unit should have 3-wire plug cord plugged properly grounded 110 VAC receptacles re placed line cord Calectro No L3-7 18 Continued page 112 Only $1995 M-60 AD Motor Mou Fit WEBRA 91 0 SUEVIA 15 Cu & Otherb~j.Ya Quadra Motor Mount Only $1995 Free Floating 22Mount SEE YOUR Only $1 6954 COJUSTABLE Dect St ppee,te7 5 Pipe IVI U11EAses heSedded CC edditienei hoid sees Ouadra Motor ,oaie agee ADi MUFFLER OUR 1980/81 CATALOG IS OFF THE PRESS Ace R/Cs completely revised 1980/81 Catalog off press features over 80 pages containing thousands fl/C products over 100 manufacturers including ourselves specialize hardto-get items Please send $2 copy ACE R/C INC BOX SuE HIGGINSVILLE MO 64037 816 584-7121 SIMITAR WINS 1St PLACEPATTERN PRENOVICE 1979 WINTER NATS SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SIMIlAR SI MI TAR NEW. SIMITAR SPORT 9- 40 Power 50 Inch Span Standard Kit Includes Ply Wing Sheeting Foam Cores Balsa Fuselage Gear Formed Sliding Tray Full Sitc Plans $5995 SIMIlAR WINS 1St PLACENORTHROP FLYING WING CONTEST 1979 NEWT-SHIRTS High Quality 100 t utton $ ____ 95 Multi-color Silkscreen Si/es 5 M L & XL Fleck Rider YellowPlus $100 Astron Light BlueShipping Simitar 540 TanCharge SEE YOUR DEALER OR ORDER ROM BILL EVANS AIR/~CRAFT 20825 ROSCOE BLVD CANOGA PARK CA 91306 TEL 2l3 344-639 OR 709-0894 September 1980 107 Name __________________ Address II CItyStZip ISEND FOR FREE CATALOGI
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 103, 106, 107
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT THIS project began evolve several years ago attending fun-fly held quiet little country airport central New York Having lots time between events wandered up down two rows open hangars carefully examining full-size aircraft What interesting aircraft were two English Tiger Moths two immaculate J-3s red white Porterfield two tiny low-wing homebuilt racers way down end restored orange white 1930 Fleet Almost immediately began consider Fleet RC sport scale project looked relatively easy identical top bottom wings straight fuselage sides no complicated curves Soon began form design specifi cations First wanted medium large size smooth easy handling Secondly wanted light low wing loading scale-like flight Thirdly wanted use engine 35 40 range fuel economy did care pay fuel 60 can guzzle As tums out 60 entirely unneces sary design model intended fly like Pitts Pulsars scale two inches foot decided upon yielded nice neat 56-in wing span wing area figured out 860 sq ready-to-fly weight five pounds wing loading figured out 134 oz/sq ft wing area factor contributed greatly its easy flying char acteristics ability use less engine 802 slant tank gives plenty capacity long flights rubberband hold-downs pass front back bubble top 3 12 Model Aviation NO tne plane isnt bigit spans 56 Its just lovely young lady wanted picture taken smile and hold ship its simple nice color scheme shows up can always tell Fleetmost anyway because some early Army primary trainersby characteristic rudder much area down around fuselage center line What love seea classic biplane tail jusi up rolling raster ano raster really smooth grass 840 sq wing area wing loading polite 134 oz/sq/ft Stabilizer adlustable near its leading edge Could controlled another servo wish go first class Elevator pushrod right 1/16 SHEET OVER FORM 3 AS HATCH TO FLELE6NK 1/16 SHEET OVER CENTER SEC ONLY 3A6 X /4 SPRUCE STAB INGE DETAIL 3/1650 POST INTO FUSELAGE I/B PLY PLATFORM OflMOO IVOt 4-4OSCREW2-3/4 LONG WIRE INTO STAB WASHER SIUCONE TUBE WASHERS SOLDER TOTNUTS STABILIZER LE ADJUST BALSA BLOCKS1/16 PLVWXA ALL SIR BRACES AT CENTER SECN 1/4 50 BRASS TUBE 1/16 SHEET N I/B X 3/16 STRINGERS I/BS RURLEADS 1/I6 X 3/16 LAMINATED BALSA 3/16 X 1/4 BALSA POST 3/16 SQ RIBS AND RUDDER 3/16 BLOCKS 7/ 1/B WIRE XINS ELEVATORS HALYES I/B X /2 BALSA COLLAR LOCKS STRUT ENDS IN PLYWcOD 1 lA U BALSA BLOCKS FORM COWL 7 [1/4 X 1/2 TIPS 3/BIX 1/4 BALSA SRARS I/8X1/4 SPRIIE SPAR VS X 1/4 LAMINATED LEDGE WHEEL ON 1/16 WELDING ROD 1/450 LONGERONS 4 3/16 K 1/4 DIAGONALS 3/16 SQ HARD BALSA SR -REAR SO SPRLEE SPARS AT FRONT 3/32 TORQUE ROD TO AILERON 1/16 X 1/4 TRAIUW3 EDGE 1/16 XI LOWERTRE /7 I\ 1/4 DOWEL_ I7~AJI THROUGH /1~47vll PLYWOODC S PLANKING I7/1/16 T IFIREWALL I/B PLYWWO BEARERSEr-vII WILLIAMS1/4 BALSAIANG SADDLE1/I /SUPPORTCABANE STRUTS,I CYLINDERS4-40PLYWOOD L G MOUNTS1/8X 1/4 SPRUCET 1/4 BALSA BETWEEN/I L GEAR/4/INTER PLANE STRUlS RUBBER BAND SHOCKS1/16 WIRE GUIDESI/16NOSE RIBS1/4 50 BLOCKS FOR 1/16 BALSA ALL RIBS AXLE VERilCALLY 3 DU BRO WHEELSAND SPAR WEBSMX*JTING STRUT ENDSI/4X I/2BALSA ALL LEADING EDGES ALERON LOWER WING OtLY 1A6 SHEETAT AILERON GAP 1/16 SHEET WEB IN SPARS I/8BALSA WiNG TIPS 4 0 1/4 LINE 1/8 WEt would normally expect model size Takeoffs short graceful airfoil stab lifting tail quickly air model can flown very slowly scale-like manner fear stalling Being light biplane lots drag will slow down quickly occasion idled back too soon model landed just short field stretched glide Although ailerons became less effective low speed rudder control remained good model never tended drop wing tip describe construction might say just big stick job sheeting solid surfaces forward fuselage wing center sections other components built up lightness well strength Both wings built over same plan identical except ailerons lower wing respective center sections stabilizer has designed its incidence can Continued page 103 14 Model Aviation V4 SO BRASS TUBE WITHCABAItES ANE IA K BS STREAM*ED SCLLIERED BRASS ENDSTIJG OVER 1/B WELD ROD WM BROS 2SCALE CYLS BROWN MOUNTED 20 FROM HORI OFFSET-j FUEL I______ SOFT BALSA NOSE BLOCKS IIIji~I SERVOlII I/4PLY GUS'U L/4SO SPRUCE INOSCREEN BLAcK RLSBER TUBING I/X9rncxOIT 61 flOp WITH 1/16 SI-WET FRG BALSA St HEADRES V T V4xL ON 7 B 1KI/4SO BATTRECEIV AREA__ .vstSA NO--SADDLES1/16 SHEETiNG BET FIREWALL B LG MOUNT IMDER BEARERSI/A BALSA0 WING INODENCE I/B PLY BEARER 1/4 HARD BALSA1/4 PLY LG STRNGERS MOUNT 1/2 WIDE BRASS L G MOUNT PLATES SILVER FILL IN TI-IS AREA WITH BALSASOLDER TO LG SAND TO TI-IS CROSS SECTIONWIRE ANDI/IBMW ON OUTSIDE AND COVER WITH COVERAD MATERIAL I/I PLY/4 PLY BUSS BEARERS 3 WHEELS-FUSELAGE DETAIL 23456 IA BALSA NOSE BLOCKS 1/4 PLY" FIREWALL / / 2 7 /2 .I/4 BALSA 1/4 PLY LG MOUNTS N, V4SOI FUSELAGE~jj TOP VIEW PLANK TOP WING 1/41/2 LEAONG EDGEFROM HERE TO I/B TIP SHEETREAR SPAR 1 -I/BSTIFFI R1/4 GUSSE -VIBBALSA RIBS-t/16PL BE V 1/6 HOLE _ V4, I/B & KEEP I/B TIP STIFFENERSE4TERPLANE STRUT MOUNTS I/B BELOW TOP OF RIBS TO3/32MW TORDUE ROD AVOID CONTACT WITH COVERINGI/4,3/4 MED HARD BALSAI D NT TO TOP OF LOWER AND BOTTOM OF TOP WINGTOROUE TU 4-40 BOLT SOLDER TO BGLT.I1rII] RE TIBBE 1/16 ID NDASSCROSS TIPBEND AT SO B EPOXYSOLDER TO BLIND.....FULL RIB liP RIBSTAB ADd DETAIL NNO B SOLDER STAB REAR HINGE1/lAPLYCUT OUT FOR FIN/4, I/BL E R 3/16 L ___________________UI/16,I/4 ELEV RIBS V II NIl/T VS MW3/B,I/4 BALSA V4,I/2 ~ELEVATOR NII JBALSAIIIIii _____ HINGE II -N VS ,I/2 BALSA" Note accessible needle valve venturi starting adjusting Cabane struts welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined alu minum tubing Mufflerand muff ler pressuretap visibleexhaust direction keeps gop away Wing removed show saddle runnersnote wires lower wing remain attached shot since lower wing still place Windscreens cockpit coaming look lifelike V4,j/2L122 aS axles .rapped soldered front legs top pire gear removes simple tabs Fleet/Brown continued page 14 changed adjusting two 4-40 bolts just behind its leading edge allowing additional trim control Anyone building model could easily install fifth servo operate stab thus allowing greater in-flight trim changes just full-size aircraft stab could also mounted rigidly usually done wish use elevator trim other somewhat unorthodox feature landing gear suspension consists rubberbands acting bungee cords take jolt landing axles have used system on~ two models date very good results no problems method allowed use lower end cross members axles top ends soldered front landing gear legs Wings Build lower wing panels dihedral break Build upper wing panels join center laminating spar joint 1/16 plywood braces Finish adding centersection ribs sheeting Cut thc ailerons lower wing panels before joining s dihedral braces Finish ailerons center section ribbing ailerons may activated either pushrod bellerank system torque rods used 3/32 music wire torque rods prefer wings can attached nylon bolts instead rubberbands Modify bottom wing fuselage threaded hard wood blocks leading edge dowels usual manner upper wing bend loops upper ends cabanes screws securely epoxy hardwood blocks spar structure upper wing will allow elimination sheeting top upper wing sure warp /e washout four wing tips Fuselage Begin building side over plans Build second side directly first insure both identical completed securely epoxy Vs plywood bearers front inside side sure make left right side point dry forflidO PROPELLERS Made polyester boil color Go GRISH No 1 propeller True helical pitch airfoil win-power Sizes pitches styles needs AT YOUR DEALER 2 Blade Tractor 53each 545354Nc 6364Nc 747678Ne 848688hUc 9-4969-7 9-810-410-6Nc 11411-611-8 1 124125126ii 2 Blade Pusher 5b 3 5-46-36-4MOo 8-6Nc 9-610-6*1 3 Blade Tractor 53 6364Nc 3 Blade Pusher 63Nc Metullic Alumnum Color Tractor f78i 8688ia 96 106104*110 Pusher06*110 uthorizeci %dio YI r ontro ervice Em Don McCarthy GRISH LARGE WOOD PROPELLERS HARDWOOD too hard minimizes chance costly plane engine damage True pitch airfoil fully finished balanced ready coating 3/8 BOREALL SIZES IN18 6 8 & 10 PITCH 20 22 24 $7 8 10 13 RIGHT HAND TRACTOR 0 RISH ST JOHN INDIANA 46373 FACTOR Y UTHORIZED SER VICE FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BRA NDS Ace* Aero Sport Cannon Cirrus KraftPro LineRS Systems World EnginesOrbitRoyal EK LogictrolMathesSimprop Micro AvionicsD&DJerobee NEW SIZE IN 8 & 10 PITCH 26 $16 Factory trained technicians over 15 years Radio Control Electronics S 3 ALSO WARRANTY SER VICE EXPERT SER VICE FOR ALL BRANDS HOURS Closed Sun & Mon lOam-S pmWedFri 10 am-6 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 714 639-8886 941 N MAIN ST ORANGE CALIFORNIA 92667 Looking down rudder post toward elevator shows compact neat installation details dont detract precious realism carefully align join left right sides s members form basic box structure sure rough up coarse sand paper plywood joints epoxied cemented Next add firewall formers stringers exterior interior sheeting etc complete fuse lage Note cabane mounting holes plywood gussets lined rass tubing Next temporarily bolt mount engine firewall fit nose blocks place Shape fit engine exterior dimensions Tail section Construct tail components over plans shown Select soft balsa strips laminated rudder trailing edge stab leading edge Thoroughly soak pieces hot water carefully work around cardboard form rudder stab tape position have dried out glue rest structure sure strengthen leading edge fin joint just above stab Construct stabilizer trim adjustment parts check correct operation temporarily mounted fuselage other tail components After stab has covered epoxy rear hinge place perma nently affix two 4-40 bolts soldering washer against silicone tubing 4-40 bolt will hold stab up against bolt heads Also solder washers top blind nuts keep dropping down fuselage Cabanes Interpisnes Landing Gear Shape c wire shown form landing gear Wrap joints copper wire solder Use ID brass tubing join ends music wire Bend landing gear mounting tabs brass sheet drill 4-40 bolts solder landing gear shown soldering use silver bearing soft solder landing gear other high stress joints much stronger common lead-tin solder Remember clean joints fine sandpaper use flux enough heat allow solder flow properly base metal Before mounting landing gear put little toe-in axles will help model track ground may have already noticed some wire parts specified welding rod rather music wire Copper-coated mild steel gas welding rod electric what Fm referring comes 1/16 can very useful sub stitute music wire slightly harder threaded 1/16 rod generally comes Du-Bro Goldberg control horn devises yet much easier work cut music wire frequently use 1/16 forward end a pushrods connect servo arms Notice cabanes constructed welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined tubing have accidentally flipped model twice landing no bending cabanes will find welding rod adequate Bend individual pieces pairs left exact duplicate right Make top bends last after have slipped stream lined tubing sure measure strut carefully insure level top wing Build interplane struts plans sand streamlined cross section Leave slightly long custom fit set wings good fit has achieved epoxy 1/16 welding rod pins ends drill corresponding holes fit Finishing The choice covering methods amount scale detail up builder finished model Coverite six coats clear dope over everything markings cut appropriate color Covente fastened little dope thinner Flying landing support wires made silver elastic thread found sewing fabric stores flying landing wires have tiny music wire hook end facilitate take-down wings cylinders Williams Brothers 2 scale heads made laminated 1/64 plywood fins 1/16 balsa filler dimensions exception very slightly stretched wing chord true scale Thus competitive stand-off scale model could con structed plans chose casual approach purposely omitted much fine detail such brake lines fuel gauges lot engine detail model intended weekend flying contest work Radio Tuck receiver battery pack up under fuel tank compartment mount servos under front cockpit best balance point Balance indicated plans have built carefully tail section should right mark very close model did require additional nose weight Youve heard before Ill say again dont tempted fly tail-heavy model Flying Set up control surface movements follows Rudder elevator should move ways trailing edges ailerons ways model has required differential aileron movement although adjusting torque rods create up down movement would probably no harm Flying easiest part proper elevator trim model will almost float air takeoff requiring usual right rudder correction stab Fleet needed adjusted leading edge about er rear edge elevator parallel helps counteract its climbing tendencies higher power settings Start flying stab close level sure have adequate elevator trim will probably need some down trim first flight 106 Model Aviation SPORT SCALESPORT TRAINER 13377 kach Ave Venice CA 90291 TII POHTERFIELD COLLEGIATE ideal model span scale flyer Its gentle forgiving nature make perfect begin ners yet quite responsive skilled hands balsa construc 11*19 tion light strong Porterfield can rog grass field climb steeply avoid obstacles Its light wing loading lets land dime give nine cents change Join quiet revolution enjoy JJ Portertleld Collegiate neighborhood park school yard Wing span 695 Area 695 sq Weight 4 lbs 3 channel radio Astro 15 can also use Astro 25 15 25 glow engine * * * * * * * ASTRO PLIGHT INC 1018 PIONEERS IN SILENT FLIGHT Practical shock absorbing uses rubberas bungee cords Landings consequently quite soft landing dont Cut throttle too soon model slows quickly other hand idle low enough ship can float right past landing difficult get down Begin pull tail down flare just before touchdown since airfoil section stab really works Otherwise Fleet flies just like trainer Relax enjoy making big lazy maneu vers just like full-size Fleet Specifications Scale 2 an 56 lgth 42 wing area 860 sq wght 5 lbs engine 35 40 Four-channel radio rudder elevator motor ailerons RC Technique/Myers continued page 17 knew shift low rate would never take place used time clock shut off charger after 5 hours 4 amphr hrs worked just fine dont know what long-term results will expect good queried Gerry about long-term effects told could offer fact 6-year-old World Engines transmitter has attached prototype charger 18 months occasional time out flying battery testing batteries original Gould AA still test 113 minutes Flite-Life now think Pulse Charging pay attention C-50/4 available five models coding little obscure Model Serial No preceded blank space charging 4 8 cell systems common combination Model II Serial No preceded H charging 4 5 cell systems Kraft Sport seriesmodification required Model III Serial No preceded X charging 4 10 cell systems Old Kraft Signature World Engines Model IV Serial No preceded 5 charging 4 9 cell systems Cox/Sanwa modification required Model V Serial No preceded R charging two 4-cell flight packs reason concern about numbers cells charger shifts High Low rate strictly basis voltage Thats instructed check back 90 minutes after begin charging High rate LED still either have shorted output used wrong charger have shorted cell pack C-50/4 cant fix What happens forget check back High-rate LED stays First continue charging High rate batteries get hot old ones did Next pressure builds up cells vents open Eventually cells dry out charging current ceases flow According Mr Jarvis has charged 20 packs destruction way explcded got hot enough damage heat useable either Users C-50/4 will have learn check instruction manual contains warning case will get uncomfortably warm Mine doesnt Bob Aberles does suspect difference tightly transformer plates connected serious complaint fact unit has ungrounded metal case Since modelers work cellars naked concrete floors think unit should have 3-wire plug cord plugged properly grounded 110 VAC receptacles re placed line cord Calectro No L3-7 18 Continued page 112 Only $1995 M-60 AD Motor Mou Fit WEBRA 91 0 SUEVIA 15 Cu & Otherb~j.Ya Quadra Motor Mount Only $1995 Free Floating 22Mount SEE YOUR Only $1 6954 COJUSTABLE Dect St ppee,te7 5 Pipe IVI U11EAses heSedded CC edditienei hoid sees Ouadra Motor ,oaie agee ADi MUFFLER OUR 1980/81 CATALOG IS OFF THE PRESS Ace R/Cs completely revised 1980/81 Catalog off press features over 80 pages containing thousands fl/C products over 100 manufacturers including ourselves specialize hardto-get items Please send $2 copy ACE R/C INC BOX SuE HIGGINSVILLE MO 64037 816 584-7121 SIMITAR WINS 1St PLACEPATTERN PRENOVICE 1979 WINTER NATS SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SIMIlAR SI MI TAR NEW. SIMITAR SPORT 9- 40 Power 50 Inch Span Standard Kit Includes Ply Wing Sheeting Foam Cores Balsa Fuselage Gear Formed Sliding Tray Full Sitc Plans $5995 SIMIlAR WINS 1St PLACENORTHROP FLYING WING CONTEST 1979 NEWT-SHIRTS High Quality 100 t utton $ ____ 95 Multi-color Silkscreen Si/es 5 M L & XL Fleck Rider YellowPlus $100 Astron Light BlueShipping Simitar 540 TanCharge SEE YOUR DEALER OR ORDER ROM BILL EVANS AIR/~CRAFT 20825 ROSCOE BLVD CANOGA PARK CA 91306 TEL 2l3 344-639 OR 709-0894 September 1980 107 Name __________________ Address II CItyStZip ISEND FOR FREE CATALOGI
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 103, 106, 107
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT THIS project began evolve several years ago attending fun-fly held quiet little country airport central New York Having lots time between events wandered up down two rows open hangars carefully examining full-size aircraft What interesting aircraft were two English Tiger Moths two immaculate J-3s red white Porterfield two tiny low-wing homebuilt racers way down end restored orange white 1930 Fleet Almost immediately began consider Fleet RC sport scale project looked relatively easy identical top bottom wings straight fuselage sides no complicated curves Soon began form design specifi cations First wanted medium large size smooth easy handling Secondly wanted light low wing loading scale-like flight Thirdly wanted use engine 35 40 range fuel economy did care pay fuel 60 can guzzle As tums out 60 entirely unneces sary design model intended fly like Pitts Pulsars scale two inches foot decided upon yielded nice neat 56-in wing span wing area figured out 860 sq ready-to-fly weight five pounds wing loading figured out 134 oz/sq ft wing area factor contributed greatly its easy flying char acteristics ability use less engine 802 slant tank gives plenty capacity long flights rubberband hold-downs pass front back bubble top 3 12 Model Aviation NO tne plane isnt bigit spans 56 Its just lovely young lady wanted picture taken smile and hold ship its simple nice color scheme shows up can always tell Fleetmost anyway because some early Army primary trainersby characteristic rudder much area down around fuselage center line What love seea classic biplane tail jusi up rolling raster ano raster really smooth grass 840 sq wing area wing loading polite 134 oz/sq/ft Stabilizer adlustable near its leading edge Could controlled another servo wish go first class Elevator pushrod right 1/16 SHEET OVER FORM 3 AS HATCH TO FLELE6NK 1/16 SHEET OVER CENTER SEC ONLY 3A6 X /4 SPRUCE STAB INGE DETAIL 3/1650 POST INTO FUSELAGE I/B PLY PLATFORM OflMOO IVOt 4-4OSCREW2-3/4 LONG WIRE INTO STAB WASHER SIUCONE TUBE WASHERS SOLDER TOTNUTS STABILIZER LE ADJUST BALSA BLOCKS1/16 PLVWXA ALL SIR BRACES AT CENTER SECN 1/4 50 BRASS TUBE 1/16 SHEET N I/B X 3/16 STRINGERS I/BS RURLEADS 1/I6 X 3/16 LAMINATED BALSA 3/16 X 1/4 BALSA POST 3/16 SQ RIBS AND RUDDER 3/16 BLOCKS 7/ 1/B WIRE XINS ELEVATORS HALYES I/B X /2 BALSA COLLAR LOCKS STRUT ENDS IN PLYWcOD 1 lA U BALSA BLOCKS FORM COWL 7 [1/4 X 1/2 TIPS 3/BIX 1/4 BALSA SRARS I/8X1/4 SPRIIE SPAR VS X 1/4 LAMINATED LEDGE WHEEL ON 1/16 WELDING ROD 1/450 LONGERONS 4 3/16 K 1/4 DIAGONALS 3/16 SQ HARD BALSA SR -REAR SO SPRLEE SPARS AT FRONT 3/32 TORQUE ROD TO AILERON 1/16 X 1/4 TRAIUW3 EDGE 1/16 XI LOWERTRE /7 I\ 1/4 DOWEL_ I7~AJI THROUGH /1~47vll PLYWOODC S PLANKING I7/1/16 T IFIREWALL I/B PLYWWO BEARERSEr-vII WILLIAMS1/4 BALSAIANG SADDLE1/I /SUPPORTCABANE STRUTS,I CYLINDERS4-40PLYWOOD L G MOUNTS1/8X 1/4 SPRUCET 1/4 BALSA BETWEEN/I L GEAR/4/INTER PLANE STRUlS RUBBER BAND SHOCKS1/16 WIRE GUIDESI/16NOSE RIBS1/4 50 BLOCKS FOR 1/16 BALSA ALL RIBS AXLE VERilCALLY 3 DU BRO WHEELSAND SPAR WEBSMX*JTING STRUT ENDSI/4X I/2BALSA ALL LEADING EDGES ALERON LOWER WING OtLY 1A6 SHEETAT AILERON GAP 1/16 SHEET WEB IN SPARS I/8BALSA WiNG TIPS 4 0 1/4 LINE 1/8 WEt would normally expect model size Takeoffs short graceful airfoil stab lifting tail quickly air model can flown very slowly scale-like manner fear stalling Being light biplane lots drag will slow down quickly occasion idled back too soon model landed just short field stretched glide Although ailerons became less effective low speed rudder control remained good model never tended drop wing tip describe construction might say just big stick job sheeting solid surfaces forward fuselage wing center sections other components built up lightness well strength Both wings built over same plan identical except ailerons lower wing respective center sections stabilizer has designed its incidence can Continued page 103 14 Model Aviation V4 SO BRASS TUBE WITHCABAItES ANE IA K BS STREAM*ED SCLLIERED BRASS ENDSTIJG OVER 1/B WELD ROD WM BROS 2SCALE CYLS BROWN MOUNTED 20 FROM HORI OFFSET-j FUEL I______ SOFT BALSA NOSE BLOCKS IIIji~I SERVOlII I/4PLY GUS'U L/4SO SPRUCE INOSCREEN BLAcK RLSBER TUBING I/X9rncxOIT 61 flOp WITH 1/16 SI-WET FRG BALSA St HEADRES V T V4xL ON 7 B 1KI/4SO BATTRECEIV AREA__ .vstSA NO--SADDLES1/16 SHEETiNG BET FIREWALL B LG MOUNT IMDER BEARERSI/A BALSA0 WING INODENCE I/B PLY BEARER 1/4 HARD BALSA1/4 PLY LG STRNGERS MOUNT 1/2 WIDE BRASS L G MOUNT PLATES SILVER FILL IN TI-IS AREA WITH BALSASOLDER TO LG SAND TO TI-IS CROSS SECTIONWIRE ANDI/IBMW ON OUTSIDE AND COVER WITH COVERAD MATERIAL I/I PLY/4 PLY BUSS BEARERS 3 WHEELS-FUSELAGE DETAIL 23456 IA BALSA NOSE BLOCKS 1/4 PLY" FIREWALL / / 2 7 /2 .I/4 BALSA 1/4 PLY LG MOUNTS N, V4SOI FUSELAGE~jj TOP VIEW PLANK TOP WING 1/41/2 LEAONG EDGEFROM HERE TO I/B TIP SHEETREAR SPAR 1 -I/BSTIFFI R1/4 GUSSE -VIBBALSA RIBS-t/16PL BE V 1/6 HOLE _ V4, I/B & KEEP I/B TIP STIFFENERSE4TERPLANE STRUT MOUNTS I/B BELOW TOP OF RIBS TO3/32MW TORDUE ROD AVOID CONTACT WITH COVERINGI/4,3/4 MED HARD BALSAI D NT TO TOP OF LOWER AND BOTTOM OF TOP WINGTOROUE TU 4-40 BOLT SOLDER TO BGLT.I1rII] RE TIBBE 1/16 ID NDASSCROSS TIPBEND AT SO B EPOXYSOLDER TO BLIND.....FULL RIB liP RIBSTAB ADd DETAIL NNO B SOLDER STAB REAR HINGE1/lAPLYCUT OUT FOR FIN/4, I/BL E R 3/16 L ___________________UI/16,I/4 ELEV RIBS V II NIl/T VS MW3/B,I/4 BALSA V4,I/2 ~ELEVATOR NII JBALSAIIIIii _____ HINGE II -N VS ,I/2 BALSA" Note accessible needle valve venturi starting adjusting Cabane struts welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined alu minum tubing Mufflerand muff ler pressuretap visibleexhaust direction keeps gop away Wing removed show saddle runnersnote wires lower wing remain attached shot since lower wing still place Windscreens cockpit coaming look lifelike V4,j/2L122 aS axles .rapped soldered front legs top pire gear removes simple tabs Fleet/Brown continued page 14 changed adjusting two 4-40 bolts just behind its leading edge allowing additional trim control Anyone building model could easily install fifth servo operate stab thus allowing greater in-flight trim changes just full-size aircraft stab could also mounted rigidly usually done wish use elevator trim other somewhat unorthodox feature landing gear suspension consists rubberbands acting bungee cords take jolt landing axles have used system on~ two models date very good results no problems method allowed use lower end cross members axles top ends soldered front landing gear legs Wings Build lower wing panels dihedral break Build upper wing panels join center laminating spar joint 1/16 plywood braces Finish adding centersection ribs sheeting Cut thc ailerons lower wing panels before joining s dihedral braces Finish ailerons center section ribbing ailerons may activated either pushrod bellerank system torque rods used 3/32 music wire torque rods prefer wings can attached nylon bolts instead rubberbands Modify bottom wing fuselage threaded hard wood blocks leading edge dowels usual manner upper wing bend loops upper ends cabanes screws securely epoxy hardwood blocks spar structure upper wing will allow elimination sheeting top upper wing sure warp /e washout four wing tips Fuselage Begin building side over plans Build second side directly first insure both identical completed securely epoxy Vs plywood bearers front inside side sure make left right side point dry forflidO PROPELLERS Made polyester boil color Go GRISH No 1 propeller True helical pitch airfoil win-power Sizes pitches styles needs AT YOUR DEALER 2 Blade Tractor 53each 545354Nc 6364Nc 747678Ne 848688hUc 9-4969-7 9-810-410-6Nc 11411-611-8 1 124125126ii 2 Blade Pusher 5b 3 5-46-36-4MOo 8-6Nc 9-610-6*1 3 Blade Tractor 53 6364Nc 3 Blade Pusher 63Nc Metullic Alumnum Color Tractor f78i 8688ia 96 106104*110 Pusher06*110 uthorizeci %dio YI r ontro ervice Em Don McCarthy GRISH LARGE WOOD PROPELLERS HARDWOOD too hard minimizes chance costly plane engine damage True pitch airfoil fully finished balanced ready coating 3/8 BOREALL SIZES IN18 6 8 & 10 PITCH 20 22 24 $7 8 10 13 RIGHT HAND TRACTOR 0 RISH ST JOHN INDIANA 46373 FACTOR Y UTHORIZED SER VICE FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BRA NDS Ace* Aero Sport Cannon Cirrus KraftPro LineRS Systems World EnginesOrbitRoyal EK LogictrolMathesSimprop Micro AvionicsD&DJerobee NEW SIZE IN 8 & 10 PITCH 26 $16 Factory trained technicians over 15 years Radio Control Electronics S 3 ALSO WARRANTY SER VICE EXPERT SER VICE FOR ALL BRANDS HOURS Closed Sun & Mon lOam-S pmWedFri 10 am-6 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 714 639-8886 941 N MAIN ST ORANGE CALIFORNIA 92667 Looking down rudder post toward elevator shows compact neat installation details dont detract precious realism carefully align join left right sides s members form basic box structure sure rough up coarse sand paper plywood joints epoxied cemented Next add firewall formers stringers exterior interior sheeting etc complete fuse lage Note cabane mounting holes plywood gussets lined rass tubing Next temporarily bolt mount engine firewall fit nose blocks place Shape fit engine exterior dimensions Tail section Construct tail components over plans shown Select soft balsa strips laminated rudder trailing edge stab leading edge Thoroughly soak pieces hot water carefully work around cardboard form rudder stab tape position have dried out glue rest structure sure strengthen leading edge fin joint just above stab Construct stabilizer trim adjustment parts check correct operation temporarily mounted fuselage other tail components After stab has covered epoxy rear hinge place perma nently affix two 4-40 bolts soldering washer against silicone tubing 4-40 bolt will hold stab up against bolt heads Also solder washers top blind nuts keep dropping down fuselage Cabanes Interpisnes Landing Gear Shape c wire shown form landing gear Wrap joints copper wire solder Use ID brass tubing join ends music wire Bend landing gear mounting tabs brass sheet drill 4-40 bolts solder landing gear shown soldering use silver bearing soft solder landing gear other high stress joints much stronger common lead-tin solder Remember clean joints fine sandpaper use flux enough heat allow solder flow properly base metal Before mounting landing gear put little toe-in axles will help model track ground may have already noticed some wire parts specified welding rod rather music wire Copper-coated mild steel gas welding rod electric what Fm referring comes 1/16 can very useful sub stitute music wire slightly harder threaded 1/16 rod generally comes Du-Bro Goldberg control horn devises yet much easier work cut music wire frequently use 1/16 forward end a pushrods connect servo arms Notice cabanes constructed welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined tubing have accidentally flipped model twice landing no bending cabanes will find welding rod adequate Bend individual pieces pairs left exact duplicate right Make top bends last after have slipped stream lined tubing sure measure strut carefully insure level top wing Build interplane struts plans sand streamlined cross section Leave slightly long custom fit set wings good fit has achieved epoxy 1/16 welding rod pins ends drill corresponding holes fit Finishing The choice covering methods amount scale detail up builder finished model Coverite six coats clear dope over everything markings cut appropriate color Covente fastened little dope thinner Flying landing support wires made silver elastic thread found sewing fabric stores flying landing wires have tiny music wire hook end facilitate take-down wings cylinders Williams Brothers 2 scale heads made laminated 1/64 plywood fins 1/16 balsa filler dimensions exception very slightly stretched wing chord true scale Thus competitive stand-off scale model could con structed plans chose casual approach purposely omitted much fine detail such brake lines fuel gauges lot engine detail model intended weekend flying contest work Radio Tuck receiver battery pack up under fuel tank compartment mount servos under front cockpit best balance point Balance indicated plans have built carefully tail section should right mark very close model did require additional nose weight Youve heard before Ill say again dont tempted fly tail-heavy model Flying Set up control surface movements follows Rudder elevator should move ways trailing edges ailerons ways model has required differential aileron movement although adjusting torque rods create up down movement would probably no harm Flying easiest part proper elevator trim model will almost float air takeoff requiring usual right rudder correction stab Fleet needed adjusted leading edge about er rear edge elevator parallel helps counteract its climbing tendencies higher power settings Start flying stab close level sure have adequate elevator trim will probably need some down trim first flight 106 Model Aviation SPORT SCALESPORT TRAINER 13377 kach Ave Venice CA 90291 TII POHTERFIELD COLLEGIATE ideal model span scale flyer Its gentle forgiving nature make perfect begin ners yet quite responsive skilled hands balsa construc 11*19 tion light strong Porterfield can rog grass field climb steeply avoid obstacles Its light wing loading lets land dime give nine cents change Join quiet revolution enjoy JJ Portertleld Collegiate neighborhood park school yard Wing span 695 Area 695 sq Weight 4 lbs 3 channel radio Astro 15 can also use Astro 25 15 25 glow engine * * * * * * * ASTRO PLIGHT INC 1018 PIONEERS IN SILENT FLIGHT Practical shock absorbing uses rubberas bungee cords Landings consequently quite soft landing dont Cut throttle too soon model slows quickly other hand idle low enough ship can float right past landing difficult get down Begin pull tail down flare just before touchdown since airfoil section stab really works Otherwise Fleet flies just like trainer Relax enjoy making big lazy maneu vers just like full-size Fleet Specifications Scale 2 an 56 lgth 42 wing area 860 sq wght 5 lbs engine 35 40 Four-channel radio rudder elevator motor ailerons RC Technique/Myers continued page 17 knew shift low rate would never take place used time clock shut off charger after 5 hours 4 amphr hrs worked just fine dont know what long-term results will expect good queried Gerry about long-term effects told could offer fact 6-year-old World Engines transmitter has attached prototype charger 18 months occasional time out flying battery testing batteries original Gould AA still test 113 minutes Flite-Life now think Pulse Charging pay attention C-50/4 available five models coding little obscure Model Serial No preceded blank space charging 4 8 cell systems common combination Model II Serial No preceded H charging 4 5 cell systems Kraft Sport seriesmodification required Model III Serial No preceded X charging 4 10 cell systems Old Kraft Signature World Engines Model IV Serial No preceded 5 charging 4 9 cell systems Cox/Sanwa modification required Model V Serial No preceded R charging two 4-cell flight packs reason concern about numbers cells charger shifts High Low rate strictly basis voltage Thats instructed check back 90 minutes after begin charging High rate LED still either have shorted output used wrong charger have shorted cell pack C-50/4 cant fix What happens forget check back High-rate LED stays First continue charging High rate batteries get hot old ones did Next pressure builds up cells vents open Eventually cells dry out charging current ceases flow According Mr Jarvis has charged 20 packs destruction way explcded got hot enough damage heat useable either Users C-50/4 will have learn check instruction manual contains warning case will get uncomfortably warm Mine doesnt Bob Aberles does suspect difference tightly transformer plates connected serious complaint fact unit has ungrounded metal case Since modelers work cellars naked concrete floors think unit should have 3-wire plug cord plugged properly grounded 110 VAC receptacles re placed line cord Calectro No L3-7 18 Continued page 112 Only $1995 M-60 AD Motor Mou Fit WEBRA 91 0 SUEVIA 15 Cu & Otherb~j.Ya Quadra Motor Mount Only $1995 Free Floating 22Mount SEE YOUR Only $1 6954 COJUSTABLE Dect St ppee,te7 5 Pipe IVI U11EAses heSedded CC edditienei hoid sees Ouadra Motor ,oaie agee ADi MUFFLER OUR 1980/81 CATALOG IS OFF THE PRESS Ace R/Cs completely revised 1980/81 Catalog off press features over 80 pages containing thousands fl/C products over 100 manufacturers including ourselves specialize hardto-get items Please send $2 copy ACE R/C INC BOX SuE HIGGINSVILLE MO 64037 816 584-7121 SIMITAR WINS 1St PLACEPATTERN PRENOVICE 1979 WINTER NATS SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SIMIlAR SI MI TAR NEW. SIMITAR SPORT 9- 40 Power 50 Inch Span Standard Kit Includes Ply Wing Sheeting Foam Cores Balsa Fuselage Gear Formed Sliding Tray Full Sitc Plans $5995 SIMIlAR WINS 1St PLACENORTHROP FLYING WING CONTEST 1979 NEWT-SHIRTS High Quality 100 t utton $ ____ 95 Multi-color Silkscreen Si/es 5 M L & XL Fleck Rider YellowPlus $100 Astron Light BlueShipping Simitar 540 TanCharge SEE YOUR DEALER OR ORDER ROM BILL EVANS AIR/~CRAFT 20825 ROSCOE BLVD CANOGA PARK CA 91306 TEL 2l3 344-639 OR 709-0894 September 1980 107 Name __________________ Address II CItyStZip ISEND FOR FREE CATALOGI
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 103, 106, 107
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT THIS project began evolve several years ago attending fun-fly held quiet little country airport central New York Having lots time between events wandered up down two rows open hangars carefully examining full-size aircraft What interesting aircraft were two English Tiger Moths two immaculate J-3s red white Porterfield two tiny low-wing homebuilt racers way down end restored orange white 1930 Fleet Almost immediately began consider Fleet RC sport scale project looked relatively easy identical top bottom wings straight fuselage sides no complicated curves Soon began form design specifi cations First wanted medium large size smooth easy handling Secondly wanted light low wing loading scale-like flight Thirdly wanted use engine 35 40 range fuel economy did care pay fuel 60 can guzzle As tums out 60 entirely unneces sary design model intended fly like Pitts Pulsars scale two inches foot decided upon yielded nice neat 56-in wing span wing area figured out 860 sq ready-to-fly weight five pounds wing loading figured out 134 oz/sq ft wing area factor contributed greatly its easy flying char acteristics ability use less engine 802 slant tank gives plenty capacity long flights rubberband hold-downs pass front back bubble top 3 12 Model Aviation NO tne plane isnt bigit spans 56 Its just lovely young lady wanted picture taken smile and hold ship its simple nice color scheme shows up can always tell Fleetmost anyway because some early Army primary trainersby characteristic rudder much area down around fuselage center line What love seea classic biplane tail jusi up rolling raster ano raster really smooth grass 840 sq wing area wing loading polite 134 oz/sq/ft Stabilizer adlustable near its leading edge Could controlled another servo wish go first class Elevator pushrod right 1/16 SHEET OVER FORM 3 AS HATCH TO FLELE6NK 1/16 SHEET OVER CENTER SEC ONLY 3A6 X /4 SPRUCE STAB INGE DETAIL 3/1650 POST INTO FUSELAGE I/B PLY PLATFORM OflMOO IVOt 4-4OSCREW2-3/4 LONG WIRE INTO STAB WASHER SIUCONE TUBE WASHERS SOLDER TOTNUTS STABILIZER LE ADJUST BALSA BLOCKS1/16 PLVWXA ALL SIR BRACES AT CENTER SECN 1/4 50 BRASS TUBE 1/16 SHEET N I/B X 3/16 STRINGERS I/BS RURLEADS 1/I6 X 3/16 LAMINATED BALSA 3/16 X 1/4 BALSA POST 3/16 SQ RIBS AND RUDDER 3/16 BLOCKS 7/ 1/B WIRE XINS ELEVATORS HALYES I/B X /2 BALSA COLLAR LOCKS STRUT ENDS IN PLYWcOD 1 lA U BALSA BLOCKS FORM COWL 7 [1/4 X 1/2 TIPS 3/BIX 1/4 BALSA SRARS I/8X1/4 SPRIIE SPAR VS X 1/4 LAMINATED LEDGE WHEEL ON 1/16 WELDING ROD 1/450 LONGERONS 4 3/16 K 1/4 DIAGONALS 3/16 SQ HARD BALSA SR -REAR SO SPRLEE SPARS AT FRONT 3/32 TORQUE ROD TO AILERON 1/16 X 1/4 TRAIUW3 EDGE 1/16 XI LOWERTRE /7 I\ 1/4 DOWEL_ I7~AJI THROUGH /1~47vll PLYWOODC S PLANKING I7/1/16 T IFIREWALL I/B PLYWWO BEARERSEr-vII WILLIAMS1/4 BALSAIANG SADDLE1/I /SUPPORTCABANE STRUTS,I CYLINDERS4-40PLYWOOD L G MOUNTS1/8X 1/4 SPRUCET 1/4 BALSA BETWEEN/I L GEAR/4/INTER PLANE STRUlS RUBBER BAND SHOCKS1/16 WIRE GUIDESI/16NOSE RIBS1/4 50 BLOCKS FOR 1/16 BALSA ALL RIBS AXLE VERilCALLY 3 DU BRO WHEELSAND SPAR WEBSMX*JTING STRUT ENDSI/4X I/2BALSA ALL LEADING EDGES ALERON LOWER WING OtLY 1A6 SHEETAT AILERON GAP 1/16 SHEET WEB IN SPARS I/8BALSA WiNG TIPS 4 0 1/4 LINE 1/8 WEt would normally expect model size Takeoffs short graceful airfoil stab lifting tail quickly air model can flown very slowly scale-like manner fear stalling Being light biplane lots drag will slow down quickly occasion idled back too soon model landed just short field stretched glide Although ailerons became less effective low speed rudder control remained good model never tended drop wing tip describe construction might say just big stick job sheeting solid surfaces forward fuselage wing center sections other components built up lightness well strength Both wings built over same plan identical except ailerons lower wing respective center sections stabilizer has designed its incidence can Continued page 103 14 Model Aviation V4 SO BRASS TUBE WITHCABAItES ANE IA K BS STREAM*ED SCLLIERED BRASS ENDSTIJG OVER 1/B WELD ROD WM BROS 2SCALE CYLS BROWN MOUNTED 20 FROM HORI OFFSET-j FUEL I______ SOFT BALSA NOSE BLOCKS IIIji~I SERVOlII I/4PLY GUS'U L/4SO SPRUCE INOSCREEN BLAcK RLSBER TUBING I/X9rncxOIT 61 flOp WITH 1/16 SI-WET FRG BALSA St HEADRES V T V4xL ON 7 B 1KI/4SO BATTRECEIV AREA__ .vstSA NO--SADDLES1/16 SHEETiNG BET FIREWALL B LG MOUNT IMDER BEARERSI/A BALSA0 WING INODENCE I/B PLY BEARER 1/4 HARD BALSA1/4 PLY LG STRNGERS MOUNT 1/2 WIDE BRASS L G MOUNT PLATES SILVER FILL IN TI-IS AREA WITH BALSASOLDER TO LG SAND TO TI-IS CROSS SECTIONWIRE ANDI/IBMW ON OUTSIDE AND COVER WITH COVERAD MATERIAL I/I PLY/4 PLY BUSS BEARERS 3 WHEELS-FUSELAGE DETAIL 23456 IA BALSA NOSE BLOCKS 1/4 PLY" FIREWALL / / 2 7 /2 .I/4 BALSA 1/4 PLY LG MOUNTS N, V4SOI FUSELAGE~jj TOP VIEW PLANK TOP WING 1/41/2 LEAONG EDGEFROM HERE TO I/B TIP SHEETREAR SPAR 1 -I/BSTIFFI R1/4 GUSSE -VIBBALSA RIBS-t/16PL BE V 1/6 HOLE _ V4, I/B & KEEP I/B TIP STIFFENERSE4TERPLANE STRUT MOUNTS I/B BELOW TOP OF RIBS TO3/32MW TORDUE ROD AVOID CONTACT WITH COVERINGI/4,3/4 MED HARD BALSAI D NT TO TOP OF LOWER AND BOTTOM OF TOP WINGTOROUE TU 4-40 BOLT SOLDER TO BGLT.I1rII] RE TIBBE 1/16 ID NDASSCROSS TIPBEND AT SO B EPOXYSOLDER TO BLIND.....FULL RIB liP RIBSTAB ADd DETAIL NNO B SOLDER STAB REAR HINGE1/lAPLYCUT OUT FOR FIN/4, I/BL E R 3/16 L ___________________UI/16,I/4 ELEV RIBS V II NIl/T VS MW3/B,I/4 BALSA V4,I/2 ~ELEVATOR NII JBALSAIIIIii _____ HINGE II -N VS ,I/2 BALSA" Note accessible needle valve venturi starting adjusting Cabane struts welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined alu minum tubing Mufflerand muff ler pressuretap visibleexhaust direction keeps gop away Wing removed show saddle runnersnote wires lower wing remain attached shot since lower wing still place Windscreens cockpit coaming look lifelike V4,j/2L122 aS axles .rapped soldered front legs top pire gear removes simple tabs Fleet/Brown continued page 14 changed adjusting two 4-40 bolts just behind its leading edge allowing additional trim control Anyone building model could easily install fifth servo operate stab thus allowing greater in-flight trim changes just full-size aircraft stab could also mounted rigidly usually done wish use elevator trim other somewhat unorthodox feature landing gear suspension consists rubberbands acting bungee cords take jolt landing axles have used system on~ two models date very good results no problems method allowed use lower end cross members axles top ends soldered front landing gear legs Wings Build lower wing panels dihedral break Build upper wing panels join center laminating spar joint 1/16 plywood braces Finish adding centersection ribs sheeting Cut thc ailerons lower wing panels before joining s dihedral braces Finish ailerons center section ribbing ailerons may activated either pushrod bellerank system torque rods used 3/32 music wire torque rods prefer wings can attached nylon bolts instead rubberbands Modify bottom wing fuselage threaded hard wood blocks leading edge dowels usual manner upper wing bend loops upper ends cabanes screws securely epoxy hardwood blocks spar structure upper wing will allow elimination sheeting top upper wing sure warp /e washout four wing tips Fuselage Begin building side over plans Build second side directly first insure both identical completed securely epoxy Vs plywood bearers front inside side sure make left right side point dry forflidO PROPELLERS Made polyester boil color Go GRISH No 1 propeller True helical pitch airfoil win-power Sizes pitches styles needs AT YOUR DEALER 2 Blade Tractor 53each 545354Nc 6364Nc 747678Ne 848688hUc 9-4969-7 9-810-410-6Nc 11411-611-8 1 124125126ii 2 Blade Pusher 5b 3 5-46-36-4MOo 8-6Nc 9-610-6*1 3 Blade Tractor 53 6364Nc 3 Blade Pusher 63Nc Metullic Alumnum Color Tractor f78i 8688ia 96 106104*110 Pusher06*110 uthorizeci %dio YI r ontro ervice Em Don McCarthy GRISH LARGE WOOD PROPELLERS HARDWOOD too hard minimizes chance costly plane engine damage True pitch airfoil fully finished balanced ready coating 3/8 BOREALL SIZES IN18 6 8 & 10 PITCH 20 22 24 $7 8 10 13 RIGHT HAND TRACTOR 0 RISH ST JOHN INDIANA 46373 FACTOR Y UTHORIZED SER VICE FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BRA NDS Ace* Aero Sport Cannon Cirrus KraftPro LineRS Systems World EnginesOrbitRoyal EK LogictrolMathesSimprop Micro AvionicsD&DJerobee NEW SIZE IN 8 & 10 PITCH 26 $16 Factory trained technicians over 15 years Radio Control Electronics S 3 ALSO WARRANTY SER VICE EXPERT SER VICE FOR ALL BRANDS HOURS Closed Sun & Mon lOam-S pmWedFri 10 am-6 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 714 639-8886 941 N MAIN ST ORANGE CALIFORNIA 92667 Looking down rudder post toward elevator shows compact neat installation details dont detract precious realism carefully align join left right sides s members form basic box structure sure rough up coarse sand paper plywood joints epoxied cemented Next add firewall formers stringers exterior interior sheeting etc complete fuse lage Note cabane mounting holes plywood gussets lined rass tubing Next temporarily bolt mount engine firewall fit nose blocks place Shape fit engine exterior dimensions Tail section Construct tail components over plans shown Select soft balsa strips laminated rudder trailing edge stab leading edge Thoroughly soak pieces hot water carefully work around cardboard form rudder stab tape position have dried out glue rest structure sure strengthen leading edge fin joint just above stab Construct stabilizer trim adjustment parts check correct operation temporarily mounted fuselage other tail components After stab has covered epoxy rear hinge place perma nently affix two 4-40 bolts soldering washer against silicone tubing 4-40 bolt will hold stab up against bolt heads Also solder washers top blind nuts keep dropping down fuselage Cabanes Interpisnes Landing Gear Shape c wire shown form landing gear Wrap joints copper wire solder Use ID brass tubing join ends music wire Bend landing gear mounting tabs brass sheet drill 4-40 bolts solder landing gear shown soldering use silver bearing soft solder landing gear other high stress joints much stronger common lead-tin solder Remember clean joints fine sandpaper use flux enough heat allow solder flow properly base metal Before mounting landing gear put little toe-in axles will help model track ground may have already noticed some wire parts specified welding rod rather music wire Copper-coated mild steel gas welding rod electric what Fm referring comes 1/16 can very useful sub stitute music wire slightly harder threaded 1/16 rod generally comes Du-Bro Goldberg control horn devises yet much easier work cut music wire frequently use 1/16 forward end a pushrods connect servo arms Notice cabanes constructed welding rod sheathed K&S streamlined tubing have accidentally flipped model twice landing no bending cabanes will find welding rod adequate Bend individual pieces pairs left exact duplicate right Make top bends last after have slipped stream lined tubing sure measure strut carefully insure level top wing Build interplane struts plans sand streamlined cross section Leave slightly long custom fit set wings good fit has achieved epoxy 1/16 welding rod pins ends drill corresponding holes fit Finishing The choice covering methods amount scale detail up builder finished model Coverite six coats clear dope over everything markings cut appropriate color Covente fastened little dope thinner Flying landing support wires made silver elastic thread found sewing fabric stores flying landing wires have tiny music wire hook end facilitate take-down wings cylinders Williams Brothers 2 scale heads made laminated 1/64 plywood fins 1/16 balsa filler dimensions exception very slightly stretched wing chord true scale Thus competitive stand-off scale model could con structed plans chose casual approach purposely omitted much fine detail such brake lines fuel gauges lot engine detail model intended weekend flying contest work Radio Tuck receiver battery pack up under fuel tank compartment mount servos under front cockpit best balance point Balance indicated plans have built carefully tail section should right mark very close model did require additional nose weight Youve heard before Ill say again dont tempted fly tail-heavy model Flying Set up control surface movements follows Rudder elevator should move ways trailing edges ailerons ways model has required differential aileron movement although adjusting torque rods create up down movement would probably no harm Flying easiest part proper elevator trim model will almost float air takeoff requiring usual right rudder correction stab Fleet needed adjusted leading edge about er rear edge elevator parallel helps counteract its climbing tendencies higher power settings Start flying stab close level sure have adequate elevator trim will probably need some down trim first flight 106 Model Aviation SPORT SCALESPORT TRAINER 13377 kach Ave Venice CA 90291 TII POHTERFIELD COLLEGIATE ideal model span scale flyer Its gentle forgiving nature make perfect begin ners yet quite responsive skilled hands balsa construc 11*19 tion light strong Porterfield can rog grass field climb steeply avoid obstacles Its light wing loading lets land dime give nine cents change Join quiet revolution enjoy JJ Portertleld Collegiate neighborhood park school yard Wing span 695 Area 695 sq Weight 4 lbs 3 channel radio Astro 15 can also use Astro 25 15 25 glow engine * * * * * * * ASTRO PLIGHT INC 1018 PIONEERS IN SILENT FLIGHT Practical shock absorbing uses rubberas bungee cords Landings consequently quite soft landing dont Cut throttle too soon model slows quickly other hand idle low enough ship can float right past landing difficult get down Begin pull tail down flare just before touchdown since airfoil section stab really works Otherwise Fleet flies just like trainer Relax enjoy making big lazy maneu vers just like full-size Fleet Specifications Scale 2 an 56 lgth 42 wing area 860 sq wght 5 lbs engine 35 40 Four-channel radio rudder elevator motor ailerons RC Technique/Myers continued page 17 knew shift low rate would never take place used time clock shut off charger after 5 hours 4 amphr hrs worked just fine dont know what long-term results will expect good queried Gerry about long-term effects told could offer fact 6-year-old World Engines transmitter has attached prototype charger 18 months occasional time out flying battery testing batteries original Gould AA still test 113 minutes Flite-Life now think Pulse Charging pay attention C-50/4 available five models coding little obscure Model Serial No preceded blank space charging 4 8 cell systems common combination Model II Serial No preceded H charging 4 5 cell systems Kraft Sport seriesmodification required Model III Serial No preceded X charging 4 10 cell systems Old Kraft Signature World Engines Model IV Serial No preceded 5 charging 4 9 cell systems Cox/Sanwa modification required Model V Serial No preceded R charging two 4-cell flight packs reason concern about numbers cells charger shifts High Low rate strictly basis voltage Thats instructed check back 90 minutes after begin charging High rate LED still either have shorted output used wrong charger have shorted cell pack C-50/4 cant fix What happens forget check back High-rate LED stays First continue charging High rate batteries get hot old ones did Next pressure builds up cells vents open Eventually cells dry out charging current ceases flow According Mr Jarvis has charged 20 packs destruction way explcded got hot enough damage heat useable either Users C-50/4 will have learn check instruction manual contains warning case will get uncomfortably warm Mine doesnt Bob Aberles does suspect difference tightly transformer plates connected serious complaint fact unit has ungrounded metal case Since modelers work cellars naked concrete floors think unit should have 3-wire plug cord plugged properly grounded 110 VAC receptacles re placed line cord Calectro No L3-7 18 Continued page 112 Only $1995 M-60 AD Motor Mou Fit WEBRA 91 0 SUEVIA 15 Cu & Otherb~j.Ya Quadra Motor Mount Only $1995 Free Floating 22Mount SEE YOUR Only $1 6954 COJUSTABLE Dect St ppee,te7 5 Pipe IVI U11EAses heSedded CC edditienei hoid sees Ouadra Motor ,oaie agee ADi MUFFLER OUR 1980/81 CATALOG IS OFF THE PRESS Ace R/Cs completely revised 1980/81 Catalog off press features over 80 pages containing thousands fl/C products over 100 manufacturers including ourselves specialize hardto-get items Please send $2 copy ACE R/C INC BOX SuE HIGGINSVILLE MO 64037 816 584-7121 SIMITAR WINS 1St PLACEPATTERN PRENOVICE 1979 WINTER NATS SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SI MI TAR SIMIlAR SI MI TAR NEW. SIMITAR SPORT 9- 40 Power 50 Inch Span Standard Kit Includes Ply Wing Sheeting Foam Cores Balsa Fuselage Gear Formed Sliding Tray Full Sitc Plans $5995 SIMIlAR WINS 1St PLACENORTHROP FLYING WING CONTEST 1979 NEWT-SHIRTS High Quality 100 t utton $ ____ 95 Multi-color Silkscreen Si/es 5 M L & XL Fleck Rider YellowPlus $100 Astron Light BlueShipping Simitar 540 TanCharge SEE YOUR DEALER OR ORDER ROM BILL EVANS AIR/~CRAFT 20825 ROSCOE BLVD CANOGA PARK CA 91306 TEL 2l3 344-639 OR 709-0894 September 1980 107 Name __________________ Address II CItyStZip ISEND FOR FREE CATALOGI