July 19, 2014
Muncie IN
Motion I: Moved by A. Argenio (I) and seconded by R. Cameron (VI) as per the AMA By Laws, to accept the resignation of Bliss Teague as District IV Vice President and in accordance with his decision, accept Henry Mausolf as the Interim District IV Vice President until a special election can be held.
Motion passed unanimously.
It was moved, seconded, and approved by acclamation to accept the Consent Agenda. Consent Agenda items: Approval of April 5, 2014 Executive Council meeting minutes; Mail/Conference calls of June 4, 2014 (FSAG), June 25, 2014 (FAA Interpretive-motions present at the meeting), call of July 10, 2014.
Motion II: Moved by G. Fitch (EVP) and seconded by J. Tiller (IX) to move forward with retiring and restructuring the existing bond issue debt.
Motion passed unanimously.
Motion III: Moved by R. Cameron (VI) and seconded by T. Jesky (VII) to place the names of Jay Marsh and Henry Mausolf on a special election ballot to fulfill the remainder of the term for District IV Vice President. Their paperwork is due at AMA HQ no later than the close of business July 25, 2014. This election will run concurrently with the regular election this year.
Motion passed unanimously.
Motion IV: Moved by M. Johnston (VIII) and seconded by E. Williams (II) to accept the report of the Nomination Committee and place the following names on the 2014 ballot:
Gary Fitch, Incumbent
Horrace Cain
District III
Mark Radcliff, Incumbent
District VII
Tim Jesky, Incumbent
District XI
Charles Bower
William Byers
Motion passed unanimously.
It was moved, seconded, and approved by acclamation to accept the recommended change to the Flying Site Improvement Grant program as presented July 19, 2014. Change: to increase the committee size to include a representative from each AMA District.
It was moved, seconded, and approved by acclamation to add ‘Participation in National Model Aviation Day’ as an Optional Item in the Leader Club Program.
It was moved, seconded, and approved by acclamation to approve the following Motion:
On a case-by-case basis, and with the approval of the District Vice President and the Executive Director, any AMA club that conducts an AMA sanctioned event that benefits a bona fide charity, or to benefit Police Officers, Fire Fighters, First Responders, or United States Military personnel, may issue a free, 90-day “AMA Trial Membership” to the registered participants (non AMA members) of such events, subject to program guidelines.
Such Trial Membership is with the proviso that the sanctioning club shall not charge any club membership fees or club dues to participating individuals during the Trial Membership period.
The 90-Day Trial Membership will require an individual to submit their email address, and acknowledgement to receive AMA emails. Such membership will include a 90-day trial subscription of the digital version of Model Aviation magazine. Individuals who enroll in this free 90-day Trial Membership are not eligible for subsequent, free AMA trial memberships. AMA Headquarters will create Trial Membership applications and promotional materials for the program, and utilize these Trial Memberships to encourage full paid membership vial emails and other marketing techniques.
Motion V: Moved by A. Argenio (I) and seconded by E. Williams (II) that Headquarters continue with the small UAS program and allocate $250,000 over 18 months for implementation.
Motion passed: 7-Y; 6-N (III, V, VII, VIII, X and XI)