The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
The Scholarship Fund created honor memory Glen Sigafoose co-founder Sig Manufacturing Company helping three young men educational burdens Glen lost life Pitts Special 1980 accident Fund set up Hazel Sig financial contributions Company friends other supporters administered Academy Model Aeronautics Any student AMA member active model background has finan cial need may apply consideration AMA Scholarship winners automatically eligible No set number winners picked annually 1984 recipients have $1000 check sent universities help advanced education Walter S Mcintosh Champaign IL studying aeronautical engineer University Illinois Although enrolled College Work/Study Program Walter dependent scholarships grants loans meet university expenses keen model aviator finds little time aeromodeling days demanding schedule school need work summer jobs have combined keep him much model flying sights firmly set upon goal part aerospace future expectation upon graduation will facing large debt university costs does deter him Gregory Schmidt Park Falls WI attends University Wisconsin Madison will start sophomore year September 1985 though Greg will spend summer working will come up short tuition costs As deserving modeler has widely varied interests field model aviation applied considera tion under Sig program looks ward completing education program UW-Madison time being able allocate some spare hours aircraft design building flying once again John L Martin resident Kewaskum WI attends University Wisconsin Osh kosh hard work pursuing career goal major ComputerScience minor Mathematics Havinggone through savings accumulated univer sity education mind having received great help both working parents John also working through summer able stay school John very keen model aviator Like others model ing has taken back seat need concentrate present target detailed examination scholastic backgrounds young men shows typical model aviators assets clubs communities positive goals become useful productive citizens know Glen Sigafoose would proud sponsor scholars happy Scholarship Fund can help move along road higher education Congratulations Tom Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship Rosemary Hutchinson recently estab lished Memorial Scholarship Fund pay tribute late husband Tom avid free flight enthusiast Tom spent hundreds hours lifetime giving helping hand beginners especially young people Rosemary thought would fitting manner commemo January1986 99 AMA HO Executive Director including reports AMA President Executive VP Vice-Presidents -Li ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Sig Memorial Scholarships Awarded Three Students AMA HO SERVICES STAFF 0 Executive Director John Worth 0 Executive coordinator Joyce Hager 0 Comptroller Gisele Jackson 0 competition Services Director Micheline Madison 0 Nets General Maneger Vince Mankowski 0 Special Services Director Carl Maroney0 Membership Directon Carol Merfeld 0 Specisi Events Director Douglas Pratt 0 Public Reistions Director Geoff Styles 0 Technicai Director Bob Underwood 0 Administrative Coordinator Bob VoislavekO Pubilcations Director Carl R Wheeleyo General Counsei Jeremiah Courtney rate enthusiastic support educa tional values inherent model aviation making annual grant fund help university age students pleased announce name first recipient Tom Hutchinson award Suzanne Kusik Huntington Beach CA Suzanne keen free flighter has contestant Nats 1983 competed Westover AFB became well known face AMA members due very fine photograph photograph selected part Academy trade show exhibit Again 1984 Suzanne contestant Reno very skillful modeler great patience dedication pleasure watch peanut scale aircraft responsibility selecting recipients Tom Hutchinson award has given Academy Scholarship Commit tee total funding program has provided Mrs HutchinsonA check $500 has mailed Miss Kusik congratulate Synopsis Executive Council Meeting Executive Council met August 5 1985 Chicopee MA Quality Inn synopsis meeting begun last months issue What follows re mainder synopsis D Special Interest Groups An application National CL Speed Society turned over chairman Ed McCollough response E By-Laws ref April85 meeting regard pending by-laws amendment al lows reversing 2/3 vote Presidential deci sions pertaining international modeling activity motion made reconsider amendmentforthe purpose changing 2/3 majority vote motion failed 7 ED EVP 2 6 7 8 10 7 against Pres NAA 1 3 4 9 11 F Safety McNeill reported club safe ty flag will distributed 1985 char tered clubs Later club maintains perfect safety record special ribbon another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being motif will developed club safety ficers distribution 1986 Bob Underwood reported CD safety authority issue charged previous Council meet ing noted letter information ballot sent Contest Board members invitation com ment Out 74 responses 61 agreed proposal Underwood continued saying comments carefully considered resulted revision original proposed statement motion approved unamimously accept Technical Directors recommendations Thus CD authority statement will appear Rule Book Contest Director section between Responsibil ity & Interpretations new paragraph entitled Authority paragraph will read Contest Director AMAsanctioned event has authority per form safety inspections equipment prevent participant using equipment CDs opinion deemed unsafe item also published Model Aviation soon possible G Nats Steering Committee Johnny Cle mens Chairman reported opin ion scale 10 85 Nats definitely 9 detailed some early areas difficulty communication stated improvement occurred quickly satisfactorily result communication improvement very evident success Nats also remarked new Nats Steering Com mittee originated Council action last year has worked well recom mended previous Nats Executive Committee structure reactivated choosing assigning members committee itself Concerning 1986 Nats Clemens re ported inspected Lake Charles site gave details findings also stated pre-planning has started possible two-week Nats two days fun flying middle Committee member Travis McGinnis fered comments areas improve ments might effected give General Manager latitude adjust assign key people develop convention hand book give convention aspect attention hobby shop should taken over Nats management rather assigned task HQ staff person IV Budget vs Expense Council ex pressed desire budget infor mation reports track budget items compares actual expenses McNeill asked investigate imple menting such computer-generated reports two months Executive Director remarked since Accounting De partment has own computer working produce quarterly reports bi monthly reports should possible V Models Outside Safety Limits concern forthe negative publicitywhich could result appearance condoning use models fall outside AMAs estab lished safety limits noted result magazine cover photo MA child sitting large model airplane decided Executive Direc tor would discuss Councils concern publisher expectation large model photos text will always carefully screened avoid encourage ment model activity outside Safety Code VI AVP Travel Allowance noted some rural Associate Vice-Presidents have Continued page 104 Nominations Needed AMAs Hall Fame. Its time considerwho should added prestigious list honored achievements model aviation Previous inductees Hall Fame 1969 Walt Billett Willis Brown Carl Goldberg Walt Goad Jim Walker Frank Zaic Charles Grant 1970 Dick Korda Al Lewis Bill Winter 1972 Howard McEntee 1973 OC Randall 1974 WL Bill Brown WR Enyart Irwin & Nat Polk Sal Taibi 1975 Irwin G Ohlsson CO Wright Walt Schroder Jim Kirkland Harold W John Alden 1976 Merrill Hamburg Henry Stuck Frank Ehling Harold deBolt Chester Lanzo 1977 John Brodbeck Maynard Hill Bert Pond Pete Sotich Ken Willard 1978 John Worth Leon Shulman ET Packard Phil Kraft Duke Fox 1979 John Clemens Claude McCul lough L Glen Sigafoose Matty Sullivan Bill Wisniewski 1980 Sid Axelrod Kenneth Held EJ Lorenz Fred Megow Ben Shere shaw 1981 Mel Anderson Lou Andrews Leroy Cox Edward Lidgard Bob Palmer 1982 William Atwood Dale Kim Joseph Ott Edward L Rockwood Wally Simmers Stephen Calhoun Smith 1983 Maxwell B Bassett Clarence F LeeJoseph Lucas Dick McCoy Lee Renaud 1984 George Aldrich Myrtle Coad George Perryman Granger Williams Lawrence Williams 1985 Walt Caddell Owen Kampen Frank Nekimken Dick Sarpolus Victor Joe Stanzel Details Model Aviation Hall Fame has established recognize aero modelers have made outstanding con tributions model aviation over years contributions having improved hobby increased its prestige sta ture year several modelers select ed members Model Aviation Hall Fame selection based individuals contributions model aviation competitor designer experimenter leader organizer Contest Director writer publisher manufacturer other related activities emphasis accu mulated contribution categories over period years program operated Academy Model Aeronautics Hall Fame Selection Committee Council Past AMA Presidents accumulated knowledge American aeromodeling aeromodelers unparalleled Eligibility person eligible nomina tion Hall Fame he/she 1 A modeler has made kinds contributions listed above 2 A US citizen 3 An AMA non-AMA member 4 Living deceased 5 Nominated submission nomination form sponsor knows contributions Mechanism Nomination sponsor should submit nomination form AMA HQModel Aviation Hall Fame prior March 31 year Forms available AMA HQ Nominations may submitted person club organization USA 100 Model Aviation Thank received very nice letter Nick Mechas President Model Aeronau tics Association Canada MAAC com mending two AMA members first World Championships Helicopter hosted MAAC 1 cannot keep silent help co operation received two great Americans part Chopper Champs held London OntarioJuly 14 19 1985 Horace Hagen acting capacity FAI jury member became inval uableto judicious counselingas procedures F3C team manager Dick Robbins instrumental assisting imple menting fre9uency system worked flawlessly permitting competition run extremely smoothly commend AMA please convey gentlemen best wishes ks Thankyou Nick Horace Dick well Sure fine feeling know two neighbor countries can work well togetherHands Across Border Both Ways Lets Cooperate Safely Received another letter concerning safe ty time within own ranks totally preventable source letter location incident no im portance item situation needs discussion will paraphrase incident may learn Control Line contest held site shared Control Line Radio Control enthusiasts field layout such RCers extremely ample room fly ever coming near Control Line site regardless wind direction Nevertheless Control Line contest being set up some RC aircraft did fly over CL area purportedly gain favorable wind situation came very close Control Line models air people ground Control Line people tried talk ing RC people attempting con vince need fly RC models over different area field provide safety reported met somewhat belligerent attitude RC folks particularly person flyinga quarter-scale model until CL fellow told RC folks AMA AVP condition rectified lot messages story related safety Think possibilities what might have happened RC planes hit CL plane flighttwo aircraft totally out control directly around people An engine failure RC planes could have caused short landing right CL area possibly disastrous results because some persons ego just doesnt make sense Any reasonable person seeing danger situation would have instantly agreedtohelpfindasolutionWhyshould have take title AMA officer convince someone inherent danger situation Folks absolutely must work other modeling dis ciplines coexist assure continuation hobby/sport must respect others rights would expect respect Any other approach folly Another Field Lost seems month read some newsletter other yet another flying field lost jeopardy being lost Now Chula Vista CA Radio Control Club finds itself facing situation edito rial newsletter Larry Kosta tells meeting La Mesa city council concerning use city parks Helicopter flying Six Helo fliers gave testimony meeting concerning continued use park quite well prepared Larry turned editorial back own clubs plightwith theirfield possible loss since its being turned wildlife sanctuary has very powerful message offer Unfortunately us very common attitude found ranks What saw La Mesa few people common goal working together direc ting efforts proper authorities What see have ammuni tion potential needed generate power solve problem flying site give damn what happens way save field stand up countedbut course dont see yourself being worth contin ues later paragraph Well Sport Participant means like fly radiocontrolled model air planesis has communi cated us several times have seen What caii see San Diego City Sanctuary Manager named said cannot justifythe use land model airplane flying goal fellow club member find out what other interests birdwatchers Sierra Club etc did quali fy accepted use land did become recognized organization allowed use land State California Sorry got carried away forgot have interest sport somehow worth time support Wow Larry sure did say mouthful editorial Hope club members under stoodI mean really understoodwhat Larry trying say numbers strength AMA same situation numbers Larry said just inadvertently pointed finger weaknesses functioning AMAPublicity just public rela tions good solid loud publicity bush-shaking strong stuff gets tention public favorably ought prime goal AMA right now Get out beat public nose until hear us see us smell us viable group need certain support NRA did birdwatchers Sierra Club did can same kind job public beloved governmental experts wont listen lack money excuse budget could trimmed several areas provide money kind campaign Still voice out among folk strong enough demand kind action flying sites hidden public Out field behind woods toward grandmothers house speak people out side local club know exist True mall shows being held year sanctioned show teams doing superb job Whit have done help must have public awareness presence needs ourgoals good modelers aviation com munity whole local community well Did ever really consider good alone get out aeromodeling release pressures work sense accomplishment understand ing overcome failure God what great sport need help gentle firm push VP other AMA officials get positive public awareness program off ground flying Write VP might just figure What heck has tried before didnt work voice wont count dozen other excuses getting involved enjoy flying model aircraft Try out flying site Along Same Lines recent issue Sport Aviation magazine sister organization Experimental Aircraft Association carried article David H Scott entitled Wash ington Report Basically addressed issues growing bureaucacy within federal government its effect fullscale aviation lines quite appro priate plight AMA also will quote just bit article . attempt Executive Department help correct situation proposal line item veto President could veto specific details appropriations rather have accept entire legislative package reject its entiretyAnd moreTo compound problem Supreme Court has ruled Congress does have power veto executive branch regulations no doubt real power government has placed more hands bureaucracy rather hands elected legislators can draw parallels above within AMA latest bylaw change vote now hands Leader Mem bers providing Executive Council Continued page 103 January 1986 101 Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 main entrance ourAMA Headquarters building Reston VA Notice firsttwo models entersthe building See match coverof old 1 g68American Modeler magazine left Joe Konefes original 1940 Buzzard Bombshell model still flying today both Radio Control duplications Free Flight Old-Timer Hanging right corner famous Carl Goldberg Sailplane lathe original model also creation Comet kit engineered Revolutionary its day Sailplane also Introduced 1940 three pretty girls pictureworkat Headquarters can showyou around visitourmuseum left Cathy Corral switchboard operator receptionist lady middle Debbi Neubauer Administrative Service Assistant right Debbie McKamey xerox operatorand film librarian Debbi Debbie married past summer Waslngton area come visit us museum free dues contributions have erected magnificent structure house business museum Come see money being spent entrance hallway striking display tory Headquarters jammed torical goodies early gas models like model airplanes going back dawn flight museum free want come see yourselves Does anybody remember 1966 magazine cover ltshowstwoimmortal Free Flighters holding famous models Joe Konefes left holding original Buzzard Bombshell Carl Goldberg right holding legendary Sailplane Now notice three-column picture page showing entrance Res ton AMA Headquarters have same two original models hanging Meet Bill Nancy Rutherford Ascot Berkshire England left Hannah White Herts England Bill tended recent Nats Massachusetts entered RC Pylon Racing did very well too Dennis Schmaltz Mission SD writes Im starting get model airplanes intro duced 7th 8th grade system am schoolteacher am trying start something up school system Can still get 1985 Nats patch Also what get $25 donation Building Fund Dennis Nats patches gone know officials have some squirreled away Ill try spirit out youmaybe Vince Mankowski told tell $25 can get either tile square name two patches can send donation him AMA Headquarters very very proud trying introduce model airplanes grade schools Send some pictures can will run here. Doc Passen Jasonville writes Model Aviation forgot mention Senior mula40 winners Joe Gruber firstplace winner good friend son myself youd better mention him rightaway will behurtbythisomis sion Can something Yes Doc Ill see what can 102 Model Aviation Executive VPs Report anoTher view ot museum Cindy Rollenhagen Patty Chertoff holding early CL Model inspec tion invite come see museum largest model airplane museum world Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Computer Transition AMA Last January AMAs Executive Council took hold dramatic step bring computerized membership processing operation within Headquarters several years AMA has such processing done byan outside service generally work ed very well also very expensive Also time lags processing operation due its being HQ premises Furthermore much poten tial benefit being computerized could utilized because high cost using system anything bare-bones processing memberships past year since council deci sion buy own system have gone through usual installation debugging implementation process necessary operation such system Mean kept operating outside system until sure new ready take over November bugs worked out looked good enough begin planning discon tinuance outside service year end Thus start 50th anniversary year 1986 AMA should its own view toward accumulating savings no longer having rent outside service goal paying off current investment within four years After time should saving approxi mately $100000 per year financial benefit should immediate ly beginning 1986 begin able give better service utilize com puter system much pos sible before Instant access membership records example will possible order re solve problems immediately over phone Printouts various kinds infor mation will available concern what would cost have outside service us potential doing members tremendous looking forward providing quicker better service What AMA has bought familiar computer world Prime 2550 hardware operating SEEK software Its quarter million dollar investment such capacity speed should serve needs years AMAs New Card people have complimented HQ new AMA membership card radical departure traditional thick paper type new plastic gold commemorate Golden Anniversary year 1986 members name other data printed AMAs high-speed com puter printer part AMAs new in-house computer operation rear card several AMA phone numbers code numbers anyone wishing tap AMAs Compu Serve Source Facsimile operations particular CompuServe information network recommended anyone computer desires see whats electronic file about AMA electronic bulletin board updated almost day includes latest information about Nats National Championships AMA Contest Calen dar kinds information about AMA model aviation general AMA now well electronic formation age right up latest state-of-the-art membership computer processing Its beginningbefore too long should possible communi cate AMA through TV first read what file laterwhen right accessories become availableto talk back ask questions etc potential tremen dous ground floor New Whitehead Project Hangar 21 Captains Cove Sea port Marina Bridgeport Connecticut current scene fascinating project building constructed especially project Gustave Whiteheads 1901 No 21 powered monoplane being reborn team area enthusiasts among growing number people believe Whitehead flew before Wright Brothers building full-scale re creation aircraft intend fly 1986 builders AMA member Bill Wargo two brothers among working project President Cont pg 101 right override Presidential decision rity vote originally thought fair idea reflecting item have concluded power now goes bureaucracy rather executive branch should Now council can override Presidential decision President does have similar powers over council office president now tends become honorary active must change lose checks balances have past Meanwhile have given over Headquarters operation more authority Abdication power lazy persons way out letting other guy have authority rather working hard see best interests membership protected retention authority power within group long charged exactly taskthe Executive Council body composed elect office serve needs needs group few special groups time change time stuck head out glue bottle spoke mind time wrote VP gave him thoughts However Larry Kosta wrote editorial SORRY GOT CARRIED AWAY FORGOT YOU HAVE INTEREST IN SPORT THAT IS SOMEHOW NOT WORTH YOUR TIME TO SUPPORT New High-Tech Service Members AMA AMA moving Information Age offering series new services available anyone owns personal computer can now access AMA infor mation communicate other mod elers computer screen Two largest computer networking services Source CompuServe will soon offering AMA information subscribers Both services have tre mendous amount material instant weather reports free computer programs easily accessible through almost model computer hook up computer phone via modem call service Its local call major cities other areas Once youre hooked up can check electronic mailbox search through subscribers. go areas called Special Interest Groups Source modelers Special Interest Group will called Modelnet CompuServe its MODEL AVIATION FORUM Once enter either areas youll able read AMA articles information months before its pub lished Therell conference area can read messages left other mem bers respond own ask questions others answer will data libraries computer programs modelers can send receive private electronic mail other members will real-time electronic conferences can join Once youre net youll find lot useful exciting things going can get Well first youll need computer modem connect phone lines doesnt have expensive machine Radio Shack Atari Commodore computers workfine subscribe toThe Source CompuServe Which pick de pends services offer youre interested live outside major metropolitan area should check CompuServe Source see have local phone numbers area far away nearest phone number Most time therell no extra phone charges go online can get informa tion toll-free both services call Source 800 336-3366 CompuServe 800 848-8990 want information call Doug Pratt AMA Headquarters youre already online send us electronic mail CompuServe address 767033041 Source 5T6232 January1986 103 EC MeetingCont pg 100 travel long distances administer districts asked token travel allowance $100 established No action taken request noted VP may transfer some own travel allowance such purpose VII Hall Fame Recognition Groups proposal subject noted no motion action resulted VIII Tech Tapes Bob Underwood advised hopes have rough tape available review shortly placed agenda item next meeting can de veloped time IX Technical Award Program program developed Underwood appears Appendix synopsis After review approved unanimouslyto proceed program amended Council amendments substituted recommended selection committee past vice presidents ac complished motion establish Council Past Vice Presidents such vice presidents serve fora period five years initial Council Past Vice Presidents shall have left Council since 1980 motion passed 12 1 against EVP X Responses Budget Questions previous Council meeting several budget ary questions posed Execu tive Director advised would confer AMA Comptroller re spond meetingwhich pro ceeded inviting Comptroller present add detailed explana tions clarify points raised Xl New York Nats Site President Grigg made presentation feasiblity staging joint Canadian/US Nats Nia gara Falls Council receptive instructed further investigation such sending someone evaluate flying sites complete report will given probably fall Council meeting XII Modeling Pioneers Noting recent past several modelings famous pioneers have passed away after fortu nately words achievements filmed documented living pioneers reaching ad vanced age have docu mented Council approved unani mously order attention focused special people Headquarters publish Modef Aviation thumbnail sketch famous living people regular basis XIII Soaring Record Council reviewed national Soaring record details challenge placed against Techni cal Director advised opinion Soaring Contest Board record should stand However discussion centered around use illegal radio setting record motion made based use illegal radio record invalildated mo tion passed 7 ED 1 4 6 7 8 10 5 against NAA 2 3 911 EVP abstained XIV juries Team Selection Meets previous meeting concept adopting procedures FAI team selection juries discussed meeting docu ment refined Council approved unanimously accept modi fied version Presidents proposal include 1986/87 rule book also included Appendix II synopsis Note time until item XV President Executive Director away meeting connection World Championships problems Exe cutive Vice President chaired meeting during absence During discussion inclusion rule book McCollough observed another item might well considered inclusion alsothe issue CDs being required accept protests After discus sion approved unanimously insert page 6 Rule Book paragraph 18 words esented writing contestant event add sentence CD must accept protest rule upon XV Combat Request petition dis cussed Council approve financial assistance ajunior World Champ ionships Proposed he/she given official Supporter status Junior included team advantages such air fare lodging/meals entry fees Combat Team Selection Commit tee would deliver Academy $600 towards total cost fundingthe person Council favorably inclined ex cept concern over financial precedentsetting motion table question approved 11 1 against 7 XVI Additional CL Contest Boards Council asked deliberate forming individual Control Line Contest Boards five categories general consensus necessary time XVII Foreign Entries Nats AMAs long-standing policy allowing foreign en trants Nationals noted topic controversy year policy objected current Nats event directors caused considerable difficulty Discussion brought about consensus policy proper should con tinued motion approved unani mously Nats considered open nationals can show evidence theyaremembersoftheirown national aero club pay required non-AMAmember fee XVIII AMA Travel Arrangements Worth noted lack Headquarters control con cerning some travel arrangements FAI teams Nats workers can result higher travel costs necessary sug gested policy implemented whereby team Nats worker travel should arranged approved Headquarters order payment madeA motion approved unanimously Executive Director given au thoritytoreviewand recommend anytravel arrangements interest reducing travel costs XIX Vanity Memberships AMAs computer capable providing individualized license identification composed numer als letters combination straw vote 3 6 against indicated Council presently interested pursu ing matter XX Newstand Distribution letter Kable News Company ottering possi ble newsstand sales arrangement dis cusssed straw vote revealed no interest pursuing arrangement since consider able financial loss estimated XXI Key Man Insurance Council ad vised Executive Director continue current Key Man insurance coverage also look possibility insuring department heads Headquarters XXII Museum Patron Program Council expressed need detailed formation before deliberating topic However Council approved general concept some type museum patronship purpose generating funds support expand muum XXIII Three-year Memberships reducedrate membership plan discussed goal reducing annual member ship turnover rate motion made AMA shall offer its Open members option obtaining continuous three-year membership fora special single discounted charge 50/0 per year off $28 dead line December15 motion failed 10 against ED EVP1346 7 8911 2 2 10 Executive Director requested instruct Comptroller study feasibility such plan possible implementation future years XXIV Noise Flying Sites Crispin re marked year has passed since education program noise suppression supposed have started instigation Noise Committee chair man Subsequently agreed article would published bimonthly also has materialized order rectify situation Crispin suggested prevail upon Noise Committee im mediately begin working publish data information relative noise prob lem also provide vice presidents data will enable make comprehensive studies work solu tions within districts also sug gested committee provide manufactur ers engines mufflers propellers pertinent data may assist get ting equipment fliers reasonable cost further recommended district vice president furnished quality sound-level meter motion made purchase sound-level meter equipment vice presidents execu tive vice president chairman Noise Committee purpose being educate membership concerning noise problems motion failed 7 against ED 1 2 6 7 10 11 5 EVP 34 89 subsequent motion approved unani mously authorize Headquarters buy six sound level meters distributed through Headquarters coordinated Howard Crispin XXV Westchester Letter President advised Council has coun seled attorney comment subject Council discussed related items arising letter such problems encountered 1983 RC Soaring team no resolution reached conclusion Jim McNeill asked report membership uFion Coun cils role 1983 1 85 Soal-ing con104 Model Aviation troversies1844 Exceptions Above jury System XXVI Awards Motions two awards duly moved seconded unanimously carried Superior Service Award Distinguished Service Award Names recipients will published until after presentation XXVII Next Meeting approved 11 XI opposed schedule next Executive Council meeting November 9 AMA Headquarters Reston VA Appendix Technical Award Program proposed Technical Awards made individuals such awards consist ot plaques Technical Awards shall subject Council approval award designed give recognition individuals concerns contribute significant manner technical development hobby/sport Consideration will given limited items 1 improve performance existing equip ment 2 represent equipment perform new tasks 3 tend make easier tasks now required building flying 4 encourage safety noise suppression Consideration item will based 1 its need 2 the manner performs 3 its innovative quality 4 possibilities future development ap plications Nominations award will forwarded Technical Director during period January 1 through September 30 may submitted AMA member supporting signatures three additional AMA members nominations accompanied drawings and/or description item process supports its usage must item process currently use abstract concept yet untried Selection Committee Past Vice Presidents Consideration items awards will retroactive will commence items developed effective January 11986 Appendix II FAI juries Team Selections 184 FAI jury An FAI jury shall appointed AMA team selection final meet whereat teams represent United States World Championship-level competition selected jury shall consist three people shall named and/or appointed accordance following 1841 A list nominating least five people shall submitted Contest Directorfor finals meet AMA Executive Council review AMA Executive Council shall select three people act FAI jury subject finals meet using submitted list guide 1842 The jury must include least person paragraph 18421 18421 AMA President AMA Technical Director AMA delegate particular FAI subcommittee involved AMA voting delegate person AMA President AMA Executive Director AMA Executive Vice President AMA Vice Presi dent chairman associated team selection committee 18422 second third members jury may designated paragraph 18421 may selected list submitted Contest Director selected paragraph 18421 persons designated must have demonstrated knowledge events being flown 1843 Decisions appointed jury shall final recourse other authority Preliminary semi-final contests leading up qualification final team selection meet shall use standard AMA protest procedures jury system see paragraph 18 through 1832 B Control Line Combat finals jury shall com posed five people nominated paragraph 18422 above person appointed Executive Council paragraph 18421 above shall chairman jury B AMA Executive Council may waive jury requirement particular team selection finals meet 2k majority vote National Mall Show ProgramGeoffrey Styles Director Public Relations Once again AMA will provide handout materials chartered club has mall show 1986 presently placing orders suppliers printed materials can use will ship package club asks Remember 1986 50th anni versary year Academy may want consider making some special backdrop signs mall show display let visitors know club part national organization 50 years old may have read Model Aviation magazine membership 1985 passed 105000-member levelanother mile stone AMA history So celebrate have good time Take sport public build up local image Let us know can help Connecticut 5 Maine C Mannachusetts S New Hamptlie Rhode Island ont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-President PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 16171 934-6246 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4364 Middletown RI 02640 Bill chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St. Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 60 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk cT oeaso Richard Sherman 26 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpote MA 02061 Beth Carl Goldberg Award award goes six people annually provides recognition vital people back ground modeling movement efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged award consists cash award plaque year Nats banquet Awards presented Charles Nelson member Central Massachusetts Radio Control Club Charlie involved primarily Scale modeling has very active club has served club officer year placed third RC Sport Scale Expert Nationals am sure modelers District join offering congratulations Charles Nelson Old Home Day Guilford NH event takes place Winnipesaukee Lake area New Hampshire has taking palce several years year Win nipesaukee Radio Controllers invited provide displays flying demonstra January1986 105 Charles Nelson holding Beth Carl Gold berg award plaque Picture taken dur ing Scale flying Nationals L R Wayne Richardson VP Dick Sher man AVP NH Leo Millette Presi dent Winnipesaukee Radio Controllers Lindy Bowne sells raffle tickets Lou Andrews designer famous Aeromaster passing out AMA literature Guilford Old Home Day tions airplanes boats cars displayed raffle tickets sold AMA lit erature passed out AMA video tapes also shown During afternoon flying time sold using buddy-box system An estimated 7000 people attend ance various times during day New England Weather year weather seemed worse usual con test weekends seems have sched ule two-day contest order get good day weather May 19th disaster contests District later summer Radio Control Club Connecticut Pattern Scale contests both reduced one-day meets South Shore Club Scale con test rained out October 13th Cape Ann RC Club Inc enjoyed beautiful wea ther both days first Pattern contest Bill Crane Jr Contest Director did outstanding job pro viding two full days enjoyable Pattern flying winners MastersWill Bartlett ExpertDon Krafft Advanced Dick Dupre SportsmanDan Thompson NoviceAaron Rose AMA Booth have two AMA tabletop displays may borrowed time would like see clubs use Perhaps could set up local school library awhile make young er people aware AMA model aviation Mall Shows Auctions club planning type activity please let know about may able help coordi nate other clubs will provide material passed out public will also mention column may need up three months lead time Bill Thompson cools off aftera hard day CDing Pattern contest Mid-July weather now should receive column about December 5sol would like mention would good time send radios orother equipment off repair forget check radio batteries keep charged Barb would like wish very Happy Holiday Season Happy New Year Remember Flying Should Fun New Jersey C New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 260 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dresch 9 Willow Ave Piscataway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 48 Gory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksviile NY 11801 Second District Thoughts recent column AMA President provided impressions various Vice-Presidents described sort watch-dog type comes spend ing AMA money readily admit accuracy appraisal am proud Having dues-paying member 40 years feel Executive Council member deep responsibility assure moneyyours mineis wisely prudently disbursed Part said Presidential assessment singular frugality stems voting record Nay series proposals increase ourdues Although may able hold line dues during 1986 may very well compelling need raising ante 1987 due soaring costs AMA insurance premiums taste during search affordable 1986 coverage wound up having pay almost triple previous cost No firm predictions doom privation intended Lets just keep fingers cross ed Start Something Bigger AVP Long Island Ray Juschkus has provided us following upbeat photo happy group future AMA members trying respective wings Syosset field Long Island Silent Flyers Rays report affair goes follows As promised shot kids glider contest ball tossing gliders over place mothers wants join us flying RC Gliders Can beat Since contest spectator attendance has grown maybe something good has come efforts Hope can use picture column can pleasure thanks Ray LISF Garden State Circle Burners Con trol Line club has stood test time group dedicated modelers has contributed mightily perpetuation prestige Control Line activity District 2 national international levels well pleased present text letter have received fromJohnA Miske Jr stalwarts group reads follows GSCB came back 1985 Nats least 18 awards including seven first places dont know whether record kind sure shows doing something right John says club always welcomes new members interested becoming just plain interested Control Line flying such invited address inquiry Mr Reuben MacBride Sr 1206A Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07012 As shown pleasure pre senting prestigious Club Excellence Award GSCB President MacBride upon occasion AMA Annual Member ship Meeting 1985 Nats Nats Note thanks District AMA members supported 1985 Nats Westover Statistics show out total list 1037 registered contestants 235 district Action did bit traveling flying season always some trips upon should like elaborate still have time Olean Stars-Spangled Scale Rally example bigger better ever witness panoramic shot specta cle Top Brass gracing lens such 106 Model Aviation R Del Drolet Mechanic Armond Cots Instructing student pliot Young student getting basic instruction Bob McKeiIsr glorious leader John Grigg CD Bubbly Bob Brown noted educator George Privateer Dig magnificent DeHavilland airliner Canada also flown later Nats Cole Palen owns Rhinebeck operation took ride Lincoln former crop-duster Bipe group Boy Scouts club describes untiring winch-line retrievers last certainly last members very impressive Air Show Team popular Flying Knights Hamburg New York Next came September 1985 edi tion Annual Rhinebeck World-War Jamboree shot will bear mute witness fact Theyre Getting Bigger Time Ohio C Pennsylvania C West Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District Ill Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva Biddle 2156 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Joe Eiben 14 Airway dr Townsend MD 21204 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St Vienna WV 26101 dorky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdale PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5652 Foxrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 1513 542-4406 Lets see its middle October write will receive end November its December issue itJanuarys Between turning4o yesterday its no wonder Im confused kids say its brain goes first go over hill think Im con fused now tomorrow Ill worse leave 800 am China via San Francisco figure right Ill land Beijing about 24 hours later will about 930 pm local time Im sure will day after tomorrow day after must latter coming back leave Shanghai 130 afternoon arrive California 930 am same day thing know sure though January 18th 19th District Ill meeting Salt Fork year Ill someone will skin alive Bob Button sent synopsis program Salt Fork IV District III Meeting time read Dis trict Ill clubs will have received Salt Fork Flyer specific information pertain ing 1986 District Meeting mind let hastily confirm everyone Dave Brown will definitely present evidenced mark blood end article New year per everybodys wish invited bring display choice models please note neither Tusco RC Club nor Salt Fork Lodge can responsible security come Saturday will obviously take home you stay over may want take room displays will open areas outside main show/demo room No contest again asked An ongoing show-and-tell being plan ned cover subject areas can get firm commitments people manufacturers representatives get paid share expertise own time Yes will have foam-cutting MonoKote covering year have decided limit seminars one-and-a-half hours will allow time daythree Saturday District Meetingat4 pm four Sunday starting 10 am Room reservations yes Call 1-800-atapark Ask Salt Fork Lodge make reservation Rooms approximately $54 single $62 double plus tax Please iden tify yourself being AMA district Meeting call Tusco RC Club would very much like thank continuing support appreciate past comments good bad District meetings old tim ers know have tried before much success Salt Fork now looking fourth cooperation intend continue have 1986 Salt Fork Flyer want please send SASE January 1986 107 way Toms River armed three Giant Scale birds~ Clarence Sailplane Society letter received AVP Southern New Jersey Hank Likesfrom Roman Paryz above club resident Lancaster NY recounts Glider contest held September 8 featur ed Carl Goldberg Memorial event restrict ed Gentle Lady Sailplanes Raffle meet netted $300 after expenses donated club medical research certainly proud District 2 club thank very worthy act shot pro vided line-up Ladies out space nut snaii return next issue interesting things say scenes share concerning other happenings District 2 Till Best Gear Up Locked!! Bob Button 712 E 4th St Dover OH 44622 anyone willing conduct seminar aspect modeling give Bob call 216 343-7906 meeting make what will 1 tigure here.- Hmm map looks curiously like plans Challenge IV Oh Brother knew should have brought indian guide Hey Guys simply put floats can practice off dike over US RC aerobatics team tries navi gate practice field Holland Afteran hour going down way streets wrong way along bicycie paths 5 station wagons across few cow pastures dirt make mud roads found it. 100 yards autobahn exit Now day Are sitting down next part might set too well youre standing up its becoming obvious need consider dues increase 1986 finally found carrier would take us seems insurance cost has nearly tripled Its record claims has bad non-standard risk insurance industry state turmoil right now bottom line though expected budgeted increase cost ended up costing $250000 expected spend year Thats will probably have face inevitable next year Sorry have break news Delaware rict Colombia e Maryland S North Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispin District IV Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Associate vice Preoldento Robert E Babura 117 Otis Orive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Lefrancois 466 Chinquapin Tr Christisnsburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lsne Wilmington DE i9809 Charles Spear 288 Holly Lane Mockaville NC 27028 Frequency coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone Evening 919 486-5986 Im out trail again getting look things going now fall us time year can best outdoor activities part country course aeromodeling has compete such other sports baseball foot ball serious modeler can ignore distractions seen out flying site finally got spend weekend days own club Rivanna Radio Control Club annual Fall Picnic Charlottesville picnic well tended good flying weather members able enjoy conditions company group events always pleasure take away hassle often ac companies other get-togethers call ed club meetings Buddy Lewis Bob Blodinger did honors cooks type flying found Eastern-Maryland area really pur sued elsewhere district same extent Pylon Racing especially Q-500 Prince George Radio Control Club outstanding contributor sport PGRC tough time year-and-a-half after losingthe field county landfill lot work money went field over years including $20000 two runways Construction overflying private property caused loss new site obtained after much effort negotiation county new field short distance north old site just off US 301 south Capital Heights lot hard work little over year new field very usable PGRC back Q-500 business meets well-attended atmos phere highly competitive active interchange schedules simi lar group Harrisburg PA area Q-500 gives participant skills thrills QuarterMidget Formula accompanying expensea fine way go way attracts age classifications photo shows Q-500 racer Yellow jacket flown Bill Hinnant PGRC Last weekend invited down judge final contest Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series later Advance NC final contest 13-meet series sponsored Winston-Salem RC CLub two sets trophies awarded herethose weekend contest high-point season winners class first year series its success predicts great future CAPCS would like point out something Contest Director Tom Miller has done contest first time experience judging perhaps first time anywhere special plaque presented judges plaque similar size presented flight winners score sheet en graved plate pattern aircraft superimposed right contest data bottom photo shows Bob Babura post growing out head AVP Maryland receiving Judge Award Tom Miller Can idea adopted nationally Bob Babura R gets Judges Award Tom Milier something little different Icarosaur designed Gene Dees Virginia Beach VA Gene member TMSS fellow club member Herk Stoke ly served test pilot project model held Lillian Dees shows Icarosaur advantage Lillian Dees shows off Hubby Genes Icarosaur As can seen large model Sail plane fact spans 102 inches chord 21 center gin tip wing area about 1500 sq weight 525 lb makes very good soaring machine airfoil tech nically-minded E-174 center E-220 tip Icarosaur has ele vons mixed transmitter flaps Herk reports Tidewater Model Soar ing Society Newsletter really surprised flaps effective flying wing Although airplane very fast flaps slow down walk lowered 60 degrees Perhaps will see publication before long soaring fans wish gamble Mother Nature may getto see Icarosaur action TMSS holds annual NewYears Soaring Meet Fentress NAIF Chesapeake VA 28-29 December can never sure about weather Last year upper seventies year before gale-force winds well below freezing day What will year bring Come down Tidewater VA find out weather prevents flying can always visit watch gulls along beach 108 Model Aviation Bill Hinnants Yellow Jacket 0-500 Racer Alabama ida gia issippi C Puerne Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 679-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Greg Doe Rt 4 166 Pony Dr Smyrna TN 37167 Richard Jackson 2118 Thornlee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johnoon 932 Banyan Dr Delray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micalizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00845 Ed Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 876 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #36 Stone MoonOsin GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Burnis Fields P0 Box 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 684-2517 Mac Hodges has done again District 5 fun-fly champion fifth sixth year row has won championships hosted year Columbus-Ft Benning RC Flyers Associa tion Columbus GA David Granthan came second Bill Prater third Ad vanced winners order Chris Joiner Mac Todd Johnny Brooks District 5 Fun-Fly Championship has become real tradition championships generally hosted different clubs year club interested check Don Peck District 5 contest coordinator subject champions note Bill Miller Tennessee Scale champion Jim Moorhead Tennes see Sport Pylon champion SE KS Talks name official voice newsletter common language South Eastern Kamikaze Squadron SEKS club otherwise known SAM 47SAM referring Society An tique Modelers Confused like flying Old Timer-type model airplanesFree Flight variety enjoy fun write Jim Wal ston 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Smryna GA 30080 subscription information Sometimes doesnt pay help Just ask Arline Johnston wife Dixie Sky Devils member Weil Johnston volunteered official timer local Pylon Race timing run Jerry Moore accidently hit clear button instead stop button stopwatch No matter much Jerry protested no believed 00 seconds time Arline became first honorary nominee clubs Pilot Roastan honor usually reserved club members Its fun serious side Dixie Sky Devils have started campaign have other clubs raise money pay off mortgage National Center Aero modeling Jim Prilliman has just published Field Guide Birds found RC Fields enough room description bird room few names Uglystikus Americana Maxima Sailplanrius closely related Oldtimerax Fourstrokeris Beginnrius Studentiem Knowitallanus Unsafus prototype expression bird brain easily identified its call Aintgotit Aintgotit Jim Prilliman also has distinction naming newsletter Memphis Prop Busters now known Bullsheet true hard though may believe Spartanburg Sky Knights Spartanburg SC looking newsletter editor replace Mark Yothers completing chiropractic education returning frozen north make easy find replacement stipulated Speling doesnt kount Sky Knights dont send newsletter let guess got information Flying Griffins Griffin GA just raised over $3000 Cancer Society sponsoring air show Before year out want thank AMA show teams contri butions advancement aeromodel ingi RememberA near miss direct hit waiting happen Stolen Sun beam newsletter West Orange Sunfliers Orlando FL lifted South Alameda County Radio Controllers Union City CA Illinois 5 Indiana 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Bryant Thompson District VI Vice-President 511 S Century Rantoul IL 61866 217 892-4784 Associate Vice Presidents John Goenther RR3 Box 281 Borden iN 47108 Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Guincy iL 62301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 SmiOhville MO 64089 William G Snavley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 46706 Bryant Thompson 511 5 Centory Rantool IL 61868 Stan Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel crest IL 60429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 verne IL 61375 Frequency Coordinator James Check 564 Grantchester St Lexington KY40505 have AMA sticker left rear bumper car Its sure nice know guy about hit modeler youll have something else talk about besides insurance license numbers first 1986 Nats planning meeting held September 27-29 Chennault AFB Lake Charles LA committee toured site found much same 1978 Control Line moved alert ramp primarily used Free Flight 1978 will keep out helicopter full scale approach downwash Indoor site has picked due possible construction Coliseum Two days have added Nats form fly-in last Saturday Sunday hope attracting some less-competition-minded members Sched ule changes should allow spectator come Thursday see both RC Control Line Scale Control Lines Jim Walker flyoff Old-Time Free Flight finals Combat event manufacturers displays memory serves right Free Flight symposium Thursday night Saturday Sunday fly-in scheduled As Johnny Clemens puts plan un-eventful Fly Fun couple days possibly barbeque alligator course will lots people talk lots airplanes watch Youal come fly Thats Yankee talking Southern few notes around district hear Gary Griffith named overall winner Mineral Area Modeling Association St Francois Co MO Vic Baily runnerup Back Illinois Lake Co RC Club mall show Steve Yott took first military scale peoples choice F4U Corsair Best Junior Matt VanBergen Lake Charles Nats planners Chicago Aeronuts came Rantoul Chanute AFB annual Midwestern States Indoor Free Flight Championship Hangar Chanute used second year reports have heard have good World Record several National Records set spectator Nelson Abe Lincoln visiting son Tech Sgt Bill Chanute wandered contest Recognized Sixer Kentucky given stopwatch put timing Dont know much visiting got sure timed lot planes Iowa 5 Michigan Minnesota 5 Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville Ml 48167 CompuServe address EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice Presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor Ml 4B1 03 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Golden valley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Hampden Dr NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 B Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 Carl Moho 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison Wi 53705 William Rohring 4494Tanglewood Tr SI Joseph Ml 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac Mi 48054 Frequency Coordinator Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northviile Mi 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 Compliments season Its time get wish lists out hope hints interpreted building seaJanuary 1986 109 Mafl Van Bergen won best Junior Lake County IL Mall Show John Langleys China Clipper Lake Coun ty IL Mall Show son s needs didnt make Chicago show spirit being anxious see howa new event nicelytimed fortheendof areas flying sessions would change projected building program Saturday evening session ModelNet via Compu Serve chaired Doug Pratt great substitute supplied lot information first hand members logged-on over country its amazing soon time passes Give try new time slot next week its going crash tales . halloween might appro priate floppy disc scratch itself lose addresses tabletop display sent have somewhere Oak Creek WI out old tabletop unit please sent back have super new need contribu tions club patches moment have large photos activities patch would add flavor would like have monthly newsletter send out officers send batch stamped addressed envelopes covers items need inputs also has news would get until next issue MA would useful newsletter Both column newsletter posted data library ModelNet can download notice clubs modifying rules request district member got shot down fellow club memberturned another radioof same frequency Most clubs have rule happens guilty member has buy replace/restore model member asked AMA insurance cover ed accident Nope So please insert bends mends rule looking over latest volume Epic Flight Women Aloft page 12 shows notable ladybird Lillian Todd New jersey founder Junior Aero Club America taught countless youngsters build flyable mod els Thats neat Around meets year very impressed number clubs enforced safety inspections Irish Hills fun-fly model looked over camera refused wind film no shots Q-500 circuit pilgrim meet careful examination entries program must continued again next year finish meets always hear requests pick up yourTXs inevitably something gets left field news letter west area interesting assortment lost property aTX bra Must have some kind fun fly Roger Chapman Kenosha WI really great modeler Besides running airport Gee Bee flown Westover kept has CL area local fliers use mentions passersby often stop watch have teaching son neighbor kids fly CL Its great experience smiles very rewarding district have several special groups coordinate activities an nual meeting area have Association Midwestern Radio Control Clubs Iowa Terry Edmonds ganizes Eastern Iowa Soaring Society Contactthe groups area get club involved reaping benefits other clubs ideas during winter months Too clubs stay within 6wn activities lose out expanding ideas still working Battle Creek Nationals proposal need some help locating suitable Indoor site Indoor guys have indicated would prefer travel great site rather put up mediocre close have ideas know large tall spacious building please contact District Roundup Mount Pleasant Short Circuits newsletter outlines monthly meeting breakfast General Station flying afterwards can make sometime soon OThe Ribcrackers requesting old members have information history club forward Tom Sturgeon wonder clubs have historian board OThe Ames Sunbeam newly formatted mentions new project Curt Mike Anderson working onan electric CL wonder cells plane handle Anyone tried before 0 Lots pages Elm Creek Flyer Dale Kahler nicknamed Great Guru Ingenuity Seems has built model ultralight various parts old TV set S Saginaw Valley still complains declin ing efforts instructors realize club blossoms fails Maybe guys being helped also ignorant frequency problems might set up flying too close field S other side Valley Aero Modelers have started Flight Training Program Pete Pigeon started first session basic aerodynamics models Future ground school sessions will modeling engines radios etc run before regular meeting OThe Ann Arbor Falcons setting up Electric fly 1986 Ill getthe details attheAMRCC meet keep informed OThe EISS has set up Loon award trophy sanctioned jim Porter won first second times New recipient Terry Ed monds attempting harvest aXmas tree before season Milwaukee Flying Electrons put air show 25th anniversary excellent turnout Another club activities winter during meetings Western Michi gan Radio Aircraft Flyers planning run building classes starting Novem ber have three models finish S Davison guys getting sound meter set standards field also have regular reporter called Dipstick really covers field activities seems Bill Hill still performing Hump-hump skidddddd-flop landings Bernie has caught Paul Hibbards disease Battery Deaditis S Whats Boomer Its mention ed Sharks Tales Sheboygan drawing accurate constructor Paul will have excellent landing capabili ty eThe Lakeland Loons keeping airport manager Virginia Lee having guest dinner night 110 Model Aviation Grasafield Eleventh Annual Scale Classic Labor Day Shown Wayne Siewart David Rech Doug Brueshaber Mike Helsel Jack Reeves Jewell Ness John Madison Dale Cordes Dave Anderson Boyd Bowdish Photo Bud Weber L receiving award Russ Knetzger Pebble Creek banquet Bob Gialdini Photo Roy Dietz models chopper club patch Romeo Helicopter fiyin Cedar Rapids Glider fun-fly season end picnic Aircraft ID Labels would like additional stick-on aircraft ID labels like 1985 membership kit may ordered AMA Supply Ser vice 10 $100 postpaid Please include remittance order specify stick-on labels Safety Inspection Carroll Libke Mid west fun-fly OThe Winnebago RC Flyer new publica tion read have no less personality Gene Chase EAA Sport Aviation editor roster meet home S AVP Iowa jack Finn has passed host information events year increases figures have Sailplaning has grown indicates pleasures no noise low costs good companionship family participation cant knock have great time season flying son noticing way wel comed other adults Jack flies classes dyed-in-the-wool Free-Flighter Happy New Flying Season Arkansas 0 Louisana 5 New Mexico homa 5 Teoar I DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley III 927 Commerce Pleaaanton TX 78064 Al Robe 1904 ValleyOakCt lrvingTX75Oe1 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Metairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 know just some people never quite get hang problems simple flying model airplanes poor guy like already cracked up newly-built trainer model twice darned didnt againbut worse time turned pained expression face said remember telling time after time model flying fun Well Ive about fun can stand Of course its hard decide after have through pilot error really torn up model plane badly whether exhibit moral outrage sheepish guilt righteous dignation just stand look foolish Come confess Youve done too And no matter much self-assurance have developed always comes time have decided between two different model designs build have built choice find design chose capable flying safely through gravity storm result being total partial destruction Thats little voice inside always says See told you should have built other There area can afford some research time have tried straighten out bad flight violent application personal body Eng lish Let tell youit just does work Now know body English doesnt help AMA District Vice President least make sure learn something crack-up have learned lot crack-ups ordinarily dont use sort language About time have excuse using bad language fillet finger two sharp X-Acto knife fast-turning plastic prop have discovered injuries happen often words Finger Fillet same page dictionary safety hintforthe month isto avoid such accidents because hurts like devil fouls air profanity Before get away silly stuff morning paper Dennis Menace cartoon just might give excuse occasionally drilling hole ground model airplane Dennis dad giving him heck digginga hole yard Dennis said Dad have dig hole Otherwise wont simple On serious noteI just received charming note Joan Hannan wife avid model designer builder enthu siast Bill Hannan Bill has gained great re spect admiration small rubber- powered model field real expert taking design complex full-scale people-carrying aircraft enlarging down simple sweet-flying Peanut Scale stick-and-tissue rubber-powered model airplane costs just pennies anyone can build small space enjoy flying Bill has regular column Model Builder magazine will recom mend just good old relaxed simple modeling By way Hannan has some books modelers should enjoy present favorite new title Models Mus ings has bunch 14 rubber-powered projects also bunch Bills philosophical tidbits Now back Joan Hannan describes herself Lifetime hobbyist 32-year partner spouse aeroplane enthusiast avid model builder Bill Hannan Joan now handles supply book com pany known Hannans Runway can get catalog writing PO Box Escondido CA 92025 You probably wondering can possibly tie thoughts District 8 AMA members Its easy heck lot rubberband-power model airplane building flying going least Dallas-Fort Worth area Fort Worth Planesmen organize sponsor activi ty regular basis gym Bedford between Dallas Ft Worth Boys Ranch Further evidence fact sell heck lot rubber-powered kits supplies hobby shop may say am very proud modeling has asafe-and-sane simple inexpen sive form activity older guys some nice kids can meet share some fun Come District Eighters Tiy Im betting youll like Wow sure took roundabout trip make point simply thatJoan Hannan written asking permission quote some words article wrote 1974 statement feel important enough us District 8 other AMAers consider After deep thought offered view hobbies probably fifth important thing lives importance hobby hobbies things want come after food clothing housing transportation thinking observation over again pos sibly should shove idea hobby sixth position award fifth family loved ones should leave rather interesting feeling realize tie hobby Academy Model Aeronautics just might called sixth important thing life thought profound enough please remember 105338 other fine folks think aeromodeling great hobby joined AMA along pretty heady stuff Im proud case hadnt heard 1986 Nationals will held right District 8 will held Lake Charles Louisianna dates tentatively set July 26th through August 3rd dates must approved yet AMA Execu tive Council pretty solid Plan ning 50th Anniversary AMA Nats started earliest have ever enjoyed About month ago 20 worlds best model plane contest planners met Lake Charles put plans together Please know lucky have super-excellent kind volunteer contest planners handlers give up vacation time can have worlds finest complete champ ionship-level competition must also commend AMA Headquarters staff work Nats always catch spirit serve well beyond what pay want know know Simply because have volunteer myself over 40 years have honor being Executive Councils Nats Steering Committee Chair man both 1985 next year 1986 Lake Charles have fine leader ship excellent planning need now over eight million people within 400 miles easy days drive Lake Charles District 8 hope personally shake hand AMAer Nats Lake Charles Yall come Yhear To celebrate 50th AMA Nats planning much-expanded program know usual championship-level competition AMAers will couldnt run off gun provisions already planned handle usual 80 competition events new attention extra day being planned make Nats attractive AMAers families feel competition caliber per haps just dont care compete want part Nats The final two days Nats Saturday Sunday will fun-fly symposiums trade show manufacturers products demo flights manufacturers show team competition group picnics barbecue swap-shop flea market static shows sorts simple non-championship flying events kids adults both Several special-interest groups such National Free Flight Society already asking part special fun plans welcome need help suggestions A special idea own hope can build biggest darned monument air plane modeling all-week-long gluing pieces models broken abandon ed can find huge monument contributors name piece Bring some pieces home necessary join fun already have manufacturer-sponsor needed glue Dont miss Great 50th Anniversary Nats ****AII Flight***o January1986 111 Cslsrado as Nebraska Norsl Oakssa h Oakssa IXWyssrisg DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Gene Carson Box 2832 Casper WY 82802 Ed Ccx 8209 Linden Dr. Prairie Village KS 68208 Dick Crowley 18413 B Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80015 Tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Grafton ND 88237 Jim Ricketta SiBS Cloudas Sioux Falls SD 81103 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918S SherIdan Denver CO 80226 Phone Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3266 Season Flyer patch applications available mebysimplyrequestingone modeler has flown 12 successive months cost patch $250 should sent application News Around District m Hangar Rash newsletter DenverArea Indoor Model Airplane A4soci- ation comes news group continu ing its flying Crawford Gym January 1986 big news Balch Field- house University Colorado Boul der site group arranged trade expertise between modelers group aerospace stu dents Good show folksteaching aerospace engineering students developing some great PR securing first-rate Indoor site no easy task May efforts well worthwhile If want know about accomplishment contact John Berryman 1866 S Sedalia Circle Aurora CO 80017 303 337-2936 Every often due date col umn comes awkward time Im unable get done timely fashion Carl Wheeley would tell early Heaven forbid Ive never called Joan Alyea Pueblo CO help turned down youve followed column past youll recognize name has saved neck couple times substantial column contributions Joan husband Dale travel extensively contest trail reports following Thanks Joan District IXs super gals Activities District IX Summer District IX produced great big amount flying totals model ing events us go Radio Control fun-flies found choices extend ing North Dakota Kansas Colo rado south almost everywhere between count may bit off logged around 11 events able make six started annual Memorial Day fun- fly put Casper Aeromodelers up Wyoming finished season Octo ber Sky Corrals Aerobash II home field Pueblo CO possible parts RC flier hit different field almost weekendlong gas money aircraft held out The Fifth Annual Jumbo Fly-In hosted Wichita Radio Control Club lot good help IMAA Chapter 70 mem bers took us farthest worth trip CDed Jerry Carley event held Lake Afton about 15 minutes west Wichita KS Around 40 folks showed up fly least 50 aircraft lineall jumbo size ranging Pre cision Scale models semiscale war birds sport models Lake Afton proba bly best sites weve seen event type plenty camping facili ties friendly folks freshly-mowed grass field real treat us asphalt-bound prairie types loads fun great flying Colorado topped list four fun- flies got June saw us Pikes Peak RC Clubs annual Rally Colo rado Springs August flying done Jefco Aeromodelers fun-fly Chatfield State Park Littleton CO Jefco fliers have finest RC fields Colorado well-utilized 75 fliers entered TheJefco eventwas limit ed plane size just about everything put air 25-power birds jumbo aircraft complete smoke sys tems got watch flights wel I-seasoned Free Flight Helicoptertalk about realism The Mile Hi RC Club four-cycle Rally/I MAA Chapter 90 fly-in kept us occupied fine September weekend up Denver too nice thing 90% aircraft saw air start season up Wyoming still flying District IX may have set some sort record respect Any challengers out Sky Corral RC Clubs Aerobash II final event season Pueblo field site two-day event held incredibly great fall weatherall incredible since event took place tween two spells incredibly nasty fall weather almost wiped out Colorado International Airshow week before RC fliers have Someone Up lookingoutfor us summer events went same kind good luck District IX CDs must have some good con nections event marked some sadness fifth anniversary death Bill Pachak well-known Colorado modeler died following event Sky Corral Field memorial flight flown good friends memory Dale Alyea large crowd spectators Youre reading report what may some less-than-delightful Rocky Mountain winter weather summer fun now pleasant memory its building time trend continues however Summer 1986 will see fun-flies calendar relaxed atmosphere friendly folks great flying fun seem more what after own trend continuesand willwell see ing rest too Arizusa lussia 5 Hawaii 5 Nevada 5 Usah ISTRICT REPORT Jim Scarborough District X Vice-President 30717 Rue Langlois Rancho P V CA 90274 AssocIate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrle 8252 B TurneyAve Scotlsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Pofl Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth AveOrangevale CA95662 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds RS 8 Box SI Tucson AZ 88710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96788 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chula Vista CA 92011 Frequency Coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 98826 Phone 916 362-1962 AMA booth recently used Arizona Arizona Radio Control Society believe third time theyve requested Fred Foster chairman ARCS mall show committee sent brief report display held Maryvale Mall outskirts Phoenix Fred says display generated lot interest approached member local model railroading group asked include next year Seventeen members worked two days put professional activity Fifty-four models dipslay R Powers won best show Cessna 182 Fred says theARCS want publiclythank Maryvale Mall management Betty Brown Liz continued support sponsoring show fifth annual show will September13 14 1986 An Indoor FAI team recently chosen time its led off byCezar Banks whowas last team Bob Randolph also last team will again Larry Cailliau team manager last time team year years manager will well-known Free Flighter Indoor man Bud Romak very strong team knowtherestofthecompetitionwill know theyve contest last round World Championship over My AVP Hawaii Al Tuttle drops line tell flying starting pick up again Maui summer vacation period draws close Al says Larry Jolly 19 Sep tember try get some Glider records Larry used Two-Meter Sailplane set 112 Model Aviation Part flight line Lake Afton site Wichita Kansas Radio Control Clubs nual fun fly runway consisted wide expanse grass Over 60 aIrcraft site few aircraft beIng flown Jefco Aeromodelers fly-in event attracted largest number aircraft pilots state-supported site has drinking fountainsi six new AMA records flight flew 11 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds covering course distance 1497 miles Al CD says records have applied Two-Meter Standard Unlimited classes Al says stateside flew P-47 team member Byrons fly-in Ida Grove says being part show Striking Back high point modeling career stresses must see show really appreciate real ism Al will back IMS show January I have some stats recently-con cluded Nationals atotal 1037 registered contestants 43 foreign countries District X 52 contestants District II led 235 financial figures arent final yet looks like break-even operation year If want theAMA booth drop line youll get no cost Thermals! Alaska o S Montana 5 Oregon ington DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 503 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Wilder ID 83676 Gary R Fuller 3050 Rlverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Mischke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 59401 Dane Mullens 15559 Palatine Ave N Seatile WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99206 Dick Wlckline P0 Boo 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Poyallup WA 98373 Don Zlpoy 21418 NE Main St Redmond WA 98052 Frequency CoordInator Robert Balch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761S103 redible will holiday sea son get would like wish families happiest times May newyear best youve ever Maureen Dunphy wrote Rogue Eagles held its first annual Pattern contest August White City four contestants came California took trophies Scott Dunphy salvaged some Xl pride taking first sportsman Scott doing very well other young people need en couraged try out stay hobby Eagles will try again next year proposing contest spring another late summer will let know dates will able travel Medford area try out By time read Drizzle Circuit may operating will flying still mystery Delta Park still usable circle still looks like good possibility Check Flying Lines Dave Mullens either compete just go watch Its usually exciting competition particularly local FF group shows up There may other contests going will local ones example year has Polar Bear meet held Corvallis January 1 site road 1-5 just before go over Willamette River bridge town lo cated beside OSU boat house right going west Anyway weather has usually good places warm up Its very relaxed first-of-the-year fly-in group LaGrande Grand Ronde Bushpilots also has earlier pic tures happy fliers among white stuff course smiles did look little frozen Some groups Alaska have managed same endurance test too try join local masochists see what fun prop hits very cold finger must others planned ones come mind All-weather patches available have some sport ing No Kevin Indoor does count unless snows indoors There has another complaint about picture top column Its District Xl faithful somebody Lotus Land wrote HQ wonder couldnt have written such big deal has come up before huge ground swell opinion says want changed Ill take under advisement make opinion known Well could come district meeting held during Puyallup Expo first weekend Feb ruary 1986 will take place just before district scheduling meeting Saturday about 1 pm Expo should bigger better lastlots see people talk Hope see And come meeting may discussion about having Nats right own backyard pro posal has made HQ necessary site acquired Un fortunately may easy balancing national budget unlike latter idea going try wheels motion Speaking Nats just back Massachusetts fliers have done us proud again Tom Brightbill won Hi Johnson Trophy 1983 Chicopee brought home first Two-Meter well trophies Standard Un limited five local Glider guiders besides Tom Tom Culmsee Tom Nielson Dave Johnson Chris Bovais heard Chris took Indoor trophy Im sure about Over CL competition Paul Walker Nats Champion 1984 Reno took second Precision Aerobatics Going semifinals including Paul four District XI top 20 Randy Schultz Don McClave Pete Bergstrom others Paul told put trimming flights new bird Nats Didnt too bad did Buddy Schwesinger Umpqua Val ley Modelers sent very nice card couple pictures first-ever Float Fly may remember ones forgot put column Well going again since such great time will same time place reservoir Sutherlin OR about first weekend June The first picture staging area some fliers planes partici pated second shot Sr Tele master powered Enya 90 four-stroke heads out flight flying area itself looks great Say have noticed much play float flying getting magazines Such great fun cant stay hidden long There certainly should some Indoor activity around Willamette Modelers Albany OR usually have very active Indoor season including record attempts Check Bullet Bob Stalick latest details also extremely likely will something going Seattle area done Strat-O-Bats and/or HAWKS However schedule others around will have check local clubs go look Better yet try hand some Indoor event flying AMA Delta Dart can exhilarating experienceparticularly fewwho couldnt get simple Jim Walker Free Flight model fly Every year gather other side mountain annual NW Seaplane Champs past called Haystack move site because bu reaucratic bungling butwe found Pine Hol low happily turned out lot better original site Unfortunately appears some people money thought site too good pass up As result looks will have find another site requirements first body waterto fly off limited access dont have compete boaters room enough fly set up flight line least 50 pilots plus spectators second amenities such comfort stops restaurant third camp ing facilities place families enjoy themselves Now think part impossible dream lookagain exactly what have enjoyed Pine Hollow have maybe can find somewhere else Next month will pictures Pine Hollow 85 now Ill leave picture Earl Millirons Caudron taken night before contest wing- warper just original lovely flier scratch-built course January 1986 113 Happy Flying JUNIOR FLIGHT Hannans Runway Does name Hannans Runway sound sort familiar Sure does actually name brand new aeromodeling company supplying books accessories Wil liams Brothers kits novelties like rubber-powered model airplane Christmas card Does name Joan Hannan sound famil iar Sure does new com panys proprietress Joan Hannan course also well known partner spouse Bill Hannan turn peanuteer extraordinary author Peanut Power other popular model aerobooks Joan own right has lifetime hob byist now business herself Congratulations Joan very best wishes lots success ans PUN t*k Offi /- -c ALOG 5-86 Above reproduction cover Joans very attractive catalog book lists Rocketeer sure sounds like fun Lightplane Since 1909 certainly looks useful scale buffs 161 RMS winder practical necessary thats swell line Williams Brothers plastic display models Send Joan 22 stamp Hannans Runway Catalog tell Ed Whit- suggested get touch Frisbee Record Would believe duration record Frisbee 152 seconds Heavens Betsy Ive gliders shucks Ive kinds rubber gasoline-powered models have made shorter flights The Guiness Book Trivial Records tells us world record set Mark Vin ED WHITTEN Box 176 Wall St Sta. New York NV 10005 er Amherst MA back August 20 1978 wonder Mark member team contest between University Massachusetts Am herst College How about Hand-Launched Glider team contests between schools And what does Guiness mean calling ial Record Some nerve PaperAirplane Book What did expect hold International Paper Airplane Contest naturally follow up book reporting contest won presenting some designs flown Simon & Shus ters coffeetable book about first such contest 18 years ago still selling very well okstores especially airports ~EiImm So now Editors Science 85 maga zine have prepared Paper Airplane Book say pilots ages call Official Book Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest The editors did very competent job too made good story wrote up results winners details contest accom panied lots top-quality photographs Very interesting ex planation Japanese gliders entered successful editors included several sheets kind Japanese paper contestants used attribute much success It nice book copy send check money order $895 plus $175 postage handling Science 85 Air plane Book 1333 H Street NW Washing ton DC 20005 Starter Books Tots Okay now son daughter have quit crawling around floor mumbling things like Mama Dada So right now time start brainwashing lifelong love airplanes preferably model kind career aviation okay aerospace insist What What Well can spend some bucks buy him brightly-painted bad idea either wooden airplane wheels has about four-foot wing span kid sits straddling fuselage like hobby horse spend bucks Build yourself after model aircraftsman arent Cant just see pride joy zipping around living room going Varooom Varooom ooom. im agining himself roaring around clouds Better watch out tea table though may find yourself trouble momma Or could buy child some air plane coloring books recently spent very pleasant hour thumbing through bunch Manhattan bookstore starters lets mention Bellerophon Coloring Books 36 Anacapa St Santa Bar bara CA 93101 Some books simply line drawings nicely done coloring Others combination draw ings coloring paper models three dimensional cut out parts build up sections airplane assemble whole works The book says built-up paper mod els can fly pretty complicated paste would expect much shallow dive helpful Daddy would think useful aiding Junior These books cost $295 called Aces Airplanes World War another entitled Famous Fighters World War II third Great American Air planes almost forgot draw ings stories aces pilots flew planes will bring kiddo up date cherished heroes Yep books well done Another publisher Dover Publications has put out Arthur Bakers Paper Airplanes Fly eight gliders full color protege can cut out assemble think adequately designed successful gliding flight can achiev ed simple paperairplanes printed thin cardboard pages book well-conceived book costs $395 has 32 pages measuring 91/4 inches 12 inches Sure may think Im just kidding around talk paper airplane books really recommend coloring cut out paste up books want influence kids develop motor skills have mothers like same time run dont walk favorite book store order ready material before kids readyfor Im sure youll glad did Whether youngsters four five years old later 10 12 youve got arouse interest Youve got inspire rest will easy Once get involved get started will find out complicated answers themselves Your job teach aeronautical theories job spark curiosity ep spreading word Ill see next month ave Helped Junior Modeler Today 114 Model Aviation