More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/03
Page Numbers: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
More Vital People Awards Made 1985 Nats 1984 first six Carl Beth Goldberg Vital People Awards pre sented start recognition program vital people background modeling movementthe newsletter editors contest organizers judges club officers others efforts enhance enjoyment hobby accomplishments seldom formally acknowledged recognition form annual cash awards together appropriate plaques up six people per year academy Model Aeronautics administers awards 1985 four additional awards ap proved three presented National Championships fourth will presented near future Candidate Recommendations 1986 May submitted Open AMA member nomination form available Vice Presidents orAMA Headquarters Nominees shall have AMA mem ber minimum four years shall living AMA member Awards shall made annually appropriate time place Deadline submission nominations shall January 1 1986 nominees honored year Nomination process Inclusion consideration club officers past club officers still active contest board members contest coordinators Nats workers and/or officials Special Interest Group officers average modeler does unsung hero job service ap pointed district officers contest board members recommended nominee may un known regional national level being known recognized figure should necessarily barrier being con sidered award Recommended nominees may mem bers have contributed significantly mechanics running organization newsletter editor member has done unusually fine job promoting model ing positive light perhaps person role models youth way provides guidance inspiration An AMA chartered club may nominate support its members Any Open AMA member may recom mend three other AMA members sup porting recommendation submit appropriate District Vice President nomination Exclude consideration members have already received national recog nition AMA officers employees maga zine columnists manufacturers princi pals manufacturing business hobby oriented Although award intended one-time award member second award same member could considered after period five years Selection Carl Beth Goldberg Award Service Model Aviation administered following committee NAA Repre sentative AMA President AMA Executive Vice President AMA Executive Director committee will review nominations select award recipients Left Right John Wayne Yeager Wayne Yeager right Romulus Michigan presented Vital People plaque $250 check endorsed pay ment UCLA Medical Center help AIDS medical research program Carl Goldberg died early 1985 result tainted blood transfusion Wayne recognized achievements includ ing being Executive VP National Miniature Pylon Racing Association 19791984 President Association Midwest RC Clubs 10 years Awards Chairman annual Toledo Show 7 years numerous other positions responsibility service results provided Raymond H McGivern Certified Public Accountant 11301 Ballots eligible tabulation District 2 Vice-President John Byrne incumbent Walt Throne Others Total District 4 Vice-President Howard Crispin incumbent Others Total District 6 Vice President John Guenther Loren HoIm Jim Sears Others Total District 8 Vice-President John Clemens incumbent Mike Harrison Gene Hempel Others Total District 10 Vice-President Richard Bergeron Dave Peltz Bev Wisniewski Others Total 2009 766 6 2781 916 17 933 657 472 667 17 1813 1091 505 614 4 2214 860 1461 1227 12 3560 94 Model Aviation AMA HO Executivo Director including roports AMA President Exocutive VP Vice-Presidents r L Results 1985 Election Luff Right Charles Nelson John Worth Charles Nelson left Berln Massachu setts President Chief Instructor Central Massachusetts RC Modelers also Vice-President two years Board Directors three years also ConAMA HO SERVICES STAFF C Executive Director John Worth C ExecutiveCoordinator Joyce Hager C Comptroller Giaele Jackson S Competition Services Director Micheline Madison C Nate General Manager Vince Mankowaki C Special Services Director Carl Maroney C Memberetrip Director Carol Merfeld C Special Events Director Douglaa Pratt C Public Relations Director Geoff Styles C Technical Director Sob Underwood C AdministratIve Coordinator Bob \ojalavek C Publications Director Carl R Wheeley C General Counsel JeremIah Courtney test Director six years devoted weekends weekdays teach students fly models including special efforts concerning teaching technique scale building model flying Charles known does keep secrets rather enjoys telling knows wealth modeling knowledge biggest contribution gift time help others Bill Kleinhaus Evansville Indiana has unique claim fame AMA number 101 first hundred numbers re served AMA Presidents original organizers Evansville RC Model Airplane Club 1946 Free Flight group club progressed through Control Line now exclusively RC Through Bill has corner stone always among first volunteerto help club individual members 60s Bill still eagerand active has continuous member AMA year since 1938 still has membership card Museum Report Hurst Bowers Curator Since last report museum library activities Reston much has happened area acquisitions rearrangement exhibits As has case after national competi tions new models arrive stable year has proved no exception now have prominent display original K-C 1 youngsters began Joe Kovel Charlie Grant design ed built model 1933 new toy engine developed kid Penn sylvania Bill Brown Jr 52 years ago three guys still around hale hearty still building models engines course know what extent hobby has evolved since time Goldberg Sailplane restoration has completed very beautifully must add own Jim McNeil Jim AMA Executive VP noted unique flying barnyard-animal silhouettes portray ed Wakefield A-2 glider pro minently exhibited museum Sailplane along its competitor Insurance Flying Site Owners serious problem came up year concerning AMA club flying site owner What happened instead flying site property owner being pro tected clubs coverage addi tional insured another partythat covered Yet other party inci dental use site As result suit brought against club owner owner covered end result owner unhappy club lost use field whole purpose additional sured coverage lost can learn case doesnt happen other club vital club look carefully have designated additional insured no matter else may need covered least property owner covered important cannot overstated Often property leased lessee okays use field may owners agent some other party may involved may need covered AMAs coverage provides multiple additional insured may count the true owner pro perty Use official name appears property title lease agreement Now time find out whether clubs property owner covered best time make sure 1986 activities properly protected Check now know have problemif consider whether act sooner charter renewal An additional insured certi ficate can obtained time club secretary doesnt have proper ap plication form request same AMA club department 703-435-0750 Buzzard Bombshell Joe Konefes now exhibited entrance foyer Na tional Center forAeromodeling What could fitting except possibly addi tion recently-restored Cleveland Playboy some future time Gold berg Zipper Back 1971 aspiring young engineer Rockville MD named Bill Camp devel oped manufactured marketed 5-indiameter Ducted Fan Motor kit use 23 trough 35 engines also designed built flew wingless lifting body Con trol Line powered unit com plete success What old story about re-inventing wheel Anyway now have both power unit kit form model will exhibit time read report meaningful items donated Reds Hobby Shop Wheaton MD recently visited retired Col lins Radio executive Don Mulligan delightful wife Arizona brought interesting valuable items radio equipment used early days hobby well silk-covered Wake field rubber model 1930s still excellent condition After Nats Westover Don came again added remains glider already generous contribution Anyone wishing restorative work please make yourself known museum must add Don Mulligan flew first successful Radio Control model seen up Wheeler Field Hawaii back early 1950s have visited mu seum during past year will recall Silver Hill Table models awaiting restoration parts pieces thereof Well lam now happy report almost entirely gone Some hopeless items disposed hopefully shall soon see others fine state restoration exhibit us enjoy again magnificent exhibit well-known Pat tern Pylon models has completed along western balcony wall mu seum just below railing models previously exhibited tables atrium beautiful Scale models now adorning wall above entrance balcony does new arrange ment enhance exhibits makes additional space available continu ing flow wonderful things mu seum set report aside Friday finish after weekend morning began complete should arrive museum Joe Kovel John Zaic Joe wanted assure himself K-G 1 properly nurtured satisfied John examined other exhibits joined Bill Winter also drops byfrom time totimejohn Worth Bill Bell Bob Bissett both Baltimore lunch real gathering eagles realistically now old crows What bull session first liar never chance Can imagine calling work real stress Im under Sal Taibis Powerhouse model hangs over desk chair Last month returningfrom Chicago Doug Pratt stopped Cleveland visit Ed Packard almost-legendary owner Cleveland Model Supply Co Doug toured Cleveland plant during time made lengthy videotape historic facility delightful interview Ed 1930s golden days along modeling growth expe rienced during WW II can relived Continued page 99 March 1986 95 Left Right Bill Klelnhaus John Worth L R Bill Winter Joe Kovel John Zaic Hurst Bowers swap yarns muse um over coffee during recent visit Bob Voisiavek monitors event office Synopsis Executive Council Meeting November 7 1985 Executive Council met November 7 AMA National Headquarters Reston VA synopsis meeting begun last issue What follows remainder synopsis VIII Liability Insurance Worth reported previous two-million-dollar coverage problem 1986 because second million cost alone $100000 addition quarter million cost first million coverage also noted AMAs 1986 coverage excludes cars boats motion approved unanimously pursue second million coverage notify membership after consulting attorney Concerning problem what future coverage motion approved unanimously feasibility study im mediately initiated regard possi bility establishing offshore captive insurance company see self-insurance AMA reasonable IX Membership Action Worth recom mended renewal membership AMA member convicted theft 1985 Nats accepted motion effect approved 12 1 against 2 X FAI Budget 1986 preliminaryfigures reviewed discussed noting estimated numbers used team travel world championships entry fees because location 1986 events yet known Grigg directed $10000 1985 FAI Contingency Fund carried over 1986 motion accept 1986 FAI budget approved 10 13467911 EVPEDNAA 1 against 2 1 abstained 10 Note Funding ap proved assistant team manager Scale XI FAI Team Selection Griggs written pre sentation discussed asked Coun cil consider givingfinancial supportto team selection finals meets reduce un rest complaints about conduct team selection finals contests proposed cov ering travel lodging costs three-man jury judges needed Contest Director assistant ony funding Jury members ap proved 11 12346789EVPED NAA 2 against 1011 XII FAI Team Expense Worth noted prob lems concerning team managers Team Selection Committees himself con cerning use team fund money Brown noted AMA FAI Program Operat ing Fund document states program funds under control appropriate team selection committee requested Executive Director simply oversee request process allow team manager deal directly appropriate team selection chairman committee agreed consensus Council Note Council member will designated monitor FAI Operating Fund Howard Crispin appointed task President XIII Electric Flight Contest Board Pro con discussion consider establishing Electric contest board noted pre viously-approved Electric Advisory Com mittee has yet begun function motion failed Electric Contest Board replace Electric Advisory Committee effective January 1 1986 11 against 1 9 Note President said would appoint Woody Blanchard chairman Electric Advisory Committee XIV Three Day Meeting McGinnis reported proposal expand one- ortwo-day Council meeting sessions three days decided print proposal Model Aviation solicit comments discus sion future meeting XV Councils/Contest Boards Jurisdiction Underwood spoke concern con test boards relative manner various sections rule bookare created and/or changed Historically contest boards basic jurisdiction over rule book authority Bylaws Recent Council action effecting changes rule book concerning protests resulted mo tion failed rescind action taken August 1985 Council meeting concerning two changes made rule book protest procedures 8 467 8910EDPR 5 against 1231 1EVP Note rity required rescind subsequent motion approved un animously division Rule Book jurisdictional authority proposed Technical Director submitted Contest Boards basis discussion report recommended Bylaws Contest Board Procedures changes re quired implement division made next Council meeting XVI Weekend Museum Opening Worth ad vised museum has open weekends past two years under varying conditions worked weekends paid various sources such PR budget building fund compensatory leave stated experi ment has proved visitors come year around recommended activity funded its own consistent policy could applied approved unanimously allocate $5000 mu seum weekend openings XVII Computer Information As follow-on previous demonstration Pratt ad vised would report next meeting what type equipment individual Council members could use hook up per sonal computers information service XVIII Bylaws FAI Juries ensure AMA/FAI team selection finals contests op erate consistently conclusively continuity future years approved unanimouslythatthejurypolicyadopted previous August council meeting appended Bylaws Standing Rule motion passed unanimously XIX Five Dollar Credit Program Worth ad vised previously-approved pro gram whereby member recruits new member receives credit toward next years membership has resulted 171 members bringing 249 new members nine-month period recommendation continue program through 1986 accepted council consensus XX Nats Executive Committee motion reinstate title N ats Executive Com mittee appoint category mana gers indefinite term discussed withdrawn Council reaffirmed Nats General Manager must have authority appoint replace work force necessary However agreed core group key people should recognized official title Mankow skis choosing XXI Mortgage Reduction Worth noted Joe Beshar expected appear presentation mortgage payoff plan unable attend Executive Director asked seek plan presentation next Council meet ing XXII Noise Crispin expressed dissatisfac tion Noise Committee perform ance suggested new committee appointed straw vote supported suggestion President stated would take action shortly concerning com mittee productivity XXIII Sailplane Records President ad vised Councils August1985 action invalidating Sailplane Speed record subject contest board jurisdiction mo tion approved unanimously recom mend Soaring Contest Board consider whether vacate Sail plane record basis use illegal radio Another motion approved recom mend Soaring Contest Board vacating another record basis claimant member AMA time record set 10 1 against ED XXIV Next Meeting approved have next Council meeting Denver CO February 8-9 favor except Cle mens McCollough November 10 meeting reconvened 845 arn long-range planning also item previous day XXV Awards President presented Mer itorious Service Awards outgoing Vice Presidents Bryant Thompson Jim Scar borough Superior Service Awards four people approved also Distin guished Service Award Publicity awards wilt follow after public presenta tions XXVI Long Range Planning Bill Mathews conducted session first exercise review goals established Council previous long-range planning meetings 1978 have Council member report what constituents themselves currently view important ob jectives After much discussion fol lowing new priority list agreed upon subsequent session ways means accomplishing list will undertaken Continued page 99 NEWSLETTER EDITORS sure newsletter includes name club well name address can send copy National Newsletter 96 Model Aviation Presidents Corner President ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS JOHN C GRIGG 6387 Badger Drive Home 716 434-3955 Lockport NY 14094 Work 716 631-6314 Elections Over Once again membership has spoken through franchise granted bylaws organization VPs numbered districts have elected three-year terms time reading will have pal-ti cipated first council meeting term Districts 2 4 8 reelected incumbents John Byrne Howard Crispin Johnny Clemens District 6 have Jim Sears returning after having served one-year period 1982 filling out unexpired term Horrace Cain resigned personal reasons Now comes Executive Council own merits serve full three-year term representing district As recall Jim follow crowd just appease others rather prefer ring speak out issue saw affecting district membership avid sport flier entering competitions occasional thing Should again make fine contribution policy-making body Academy look forward serving him District 10 have new person Executive CouncilDave Peltz known support FAI F3B knowledge Dave limited earlier contacts through soaring issues expect will add lively bit dis cussion subject Council meet ings welcome five people back Executive Council next three years Should interesting period history AMA Guard home located just20 miles Canadian border such have gotten know Canadian fliers both contests local flying fields during practices sport flying pe riods Might say consider very close friends such current President MAAC Nick Mechas past President Frank Anderson came quite shock to learn new insurance policy Cana dian organization excludes coverage flying United States fault MAAC management rather fault insurance carrier feeling Americans law suit happy recognizing will provide need ed coverage fly US means no Canadian flier can fly fields sport practice unless local club willing accept risk event accident will no insurance protection will still possible enter fly sanctioned event have policy within AMA allowing foreign entries compete pay ing additional fee $100 cover needed insurance good event Meanwhile am working Execu tive Council provide membership cate gory can purchased will provide liability insurance needed prerequisites member ship class will prior continuing membership organization country residence Canada case Also membership class would provide absolutely no benefits membership such now enjoyed byour regular members fee membership class adopted has yet determined will certainly coverthe cost insurance associated administrative costs Another Field Lost hope reporting some cases may make pos sibletoavoid similarproblemsatotherloca tions Geoff Styles flying site public relations director AMA headquarters has directly involved flying site prob lems since being hired still cannot guar antee success given situation fault ratherthe problem caused vagaries personal opinion various locales allow relate story hand 24th November Geoff traveled Warrington PA discuss flying site problem testify zoning board hearing regarding use certain pro perty being used model flying site Complaints close neighbors registered area zoned agricul ture evening Geoff met torney club explore situation prepare strategy hearing en sure present informed field question determined Geoff basically safe flying field sporttype flying again met attorney Mon day 25th go over game plan sure cover required points reinforce attorneys approach information well sorted out proceeded 800 pm opening zoning board meeting Finally 1100 pm zoning board got flying site issue Geoff first testify club after responding questions clubs attorney fielded questions board township attorney interested local citizenry Points made complainants noise safety insurance opposition vocal nasty numerous inaccuratP testimony turn came witnesses under oath did prevent some broad accusations concern ing club actions lack safe procedures Inaccurate statements also made con cerning overall record model aviators model aviation Through club members maintained dignity self respect responding openly highly inaccurate testimony local citizenry final witness man leased land club brow beaten strength volume opposition clubs use two acres apologizing neighbors said 1 better withdraw permission club fly zoning board closed testimony de liberated about five minutes nounced decision No variance would granted club would have stop activities site three good lessons learned unfortunate situation 1 Noise primary problem complainers use safety primary attack club Safety lack has much wider appeal zoning board noise ordinances exist 2 Clubs acquiring new site need visit local residents alert intended use piece property Possible opposi tion can reduced understanding promoted before operations commence easier develop positive frame mind neighbors before flying counter complaints quickly become emotional nature 3 Zoning ordinances have used two recent situations stop model flying Clubs should advised make contact zoning authority prior expend ing time funds given site ensure no violation will exist situation described above real did happen lot hard work part club searching new flying site can happen As stated above noise culprit local citizens will find use strongest argument available to get rid unwanted flying site warned Kudos AMA RC Frequency Commit tee work new frequen cies now enjoy use problems subjects Frequency Committee wrestling re solve am perhaps less 5% knowledgeable electronics average AMA RC flier can fully appre ciate problems committee hear almost day another crash caused interference other RC transmitters read model magazines similar problems also can read suggested cures various authors situation face right now suggested cures works situations has suggested convert FM banningAM transmissions frequencies FCC would have enforce such plan doubtful willing Another suggestion limit FM flying specific times field AM other times might help thirdorder intermodulation still might get best suggestion yet voiced seems to create maintain absolute minimum distances between transmitters mini mize possibility third-order intermodulation am expert committee support industry will find eventual solution situation Until read everything can about problem some testing own site careful March 1986 97 Executive VPs Report Jim McNeiIl AMA Executive VP 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 primary function AMA Executive VP outlined bylaws serve fiduciary report membership Members need aware two ads appeared November 1985 Model Aviation advertising reproduction ignition engines sale ad asked either $75 deposit full payment $175 advance engine either $200 deposit $850 full payment advance other engine Another ad asked either $50 advance deposit $250 full payment front Neither vendor made mention engines would delivered after money paid mentioned Editor/Publisher politely formed sometimes have advertiser will deliver after money sent him ordinary course business asking ad vance deposit mentioned stuff Council replied caveat emptor let buyer beware feel both companies asking ad vance deposit completely honest reliable However two things come mind First interest accruing money will accrue holder thereof can add up example vendor engine holds money three years before delivering merchan dise Second ability perform example engine-maker should die bankrupt become incapacitated such funds suddenly needed keep family members alive assets suddenly converted emergency Whan experience MECA have heard several com panies holding money three years responding correspondence other thing Today lot persons companies making selling reproduction ignition engines require prepayment whatsoever use own best judgment feel better warning Edward Davidson San Luis Obispo CA writes 1 feel permanent Nats site good idea work planning eco nomic standpoint otherwise poor idea supportive it. think moving year allows people enjoy take advantage sport eral locations around coun try rotation come mind Thank writing Edward thoughts make good sense Byard Miller Kissimmee FL writes enjoy building flying RC models have never entered contest mind some dues being used Nationals John Griggs December column scares permanent site two miles square No no thousand times no De spite cost rotate Nats around country People will able attend peri odically central site would too far away majority no Nats would bother have dont buy permanent site Allan Wehman Ladson SC writes Giant Scale models really catching South Carolina having ball long fun will last guess ever about lose flying site after 16 years manufacturing site being built ground Allan Council meeting two weeks ago planning session fu ture efforts behalf AMA Council voted loss flying sites number priority immediate future Dave Mullins Seattle WA na tionally-recognized newsletter editor writes Northwest would sup port idea permanent Nats site central location selected However Dayton OH Chicopee MA arent exactly central feel Nats rotated should AMA Districts yearly would lot work someone paid staff has have some thing Shown 5 winners recent Florida State Sport Pylon Racing champion ship L-R rear Jim Demeritte Charles Poul ton Gary Walker Front Stu Richmond Bill Williamson great deal yeararound flying balmy state Florida lucky neoole Speaking old engines meet Bob Cowles lives Wisconsin Bob Coordinator MECA stands Model Engine Collectors Association membership includes persons over world Bob displaying partial col lection original Orwick ignition motors would like information join organization write secretary Mr Bob McClelland 3007 Travis West Lake LA 70669 Members receive free swap sheets through year Ed HunterofAmory MS important newsletter editor also writes first aid booklet AMA Safety Committee proposing long overdue sure have model first aid kit outlined booklet remember extreme temperatures left storage field Thanks Ed Harold E Todd Fairbury lLwriteslve flying 7 years log flights Ive made 3032 total need Year Round Flying Patch Send form fill out Harold write John Worth AMA HQ hell send form Also con gratulations 98 Model Aviation isa picture Helicopter fun-fly held last month Michigan Marshal Emmendor fer New Lothrop Ml reported years meet largest state Bobby Everet copped first place Stunt Superior Helicopter Marshal won Scale award Cobra Jet Ranger writes some 52 helicopters lineup really catching Michigan Executive Directors View HO John Worth AMA Executive Director 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Last month announced AMAs new Museum Program AMA News page 95 almost immediately first Life Patron signed up Barbara Renaud Airtronics Inc pledged check $1000 kick off what hoped industry-wide effort support museum operation AMAs National Center Aeromodeling program just industry supporters everyone three patronage categories Regulars 10 Char ter$100 Life$1000 regular $10 donation tax deductible provides special pin bumper sticker years subscription quarterly Cloud Ninea new Hall Famers newsletter Charter donation $100 first year $10 after provides benefits Regular category plus listing museum honor wall onetime donation $1000 pro vides benefits Regular Charter categories plus special Life pin patch Special cards issued patronage categories 5-digit number Regu lar 3 digits Charter 2 digits Life new newsletter provided categories special interest compilation correspondence Hall Famers other modeling personalities telling about themselves what theyre ing what think about anything everything Its unique historical teresting Youre invited join party now ground floor receive first subsequent issues Cloud Nine Make checks payable AMA words Museum Patron bottom left send AMA HQ Little Toot Lives On. George Meyer Craftsmanship Trophy has established award outstanding efforts building scale model aircraft George designed very beautiful Biplane called Little Toot 1957 features design aircraft years ahead time during late 50s early 60s Before George designed Little Toot very active Free Flight Scale Competi tion competed against such people Charles Goldberg first AMA Nationals George always thought could design Model Aircraft should able design own full size airplane 1957 dream came true after 6 long years work form Little Toot George Meyers airplanes both full scale scale models always excelled craftsmanship trait model builders being ac knowledged Georges memory via Craftsmanship trophy awarded annual National Model Airplane Championships also now first George W Meyer Memorial Fly-In held DenveronJulys-6 1986Thisfly-in will scale models intent appealing levels competition Builder model rules will apply unless otherwise indicated Details may ob tained Event Director Bob Croft 8237 South Lamar Court Littleton CO 80123 Phone 303 979-6969 Incidentally AMA Museum Reston VA has George Meyers models display constitute George Meyer Memorial Museum within AMAs National Center Aeromodeling Insurance Confusion . December AMA members re ceived mail offer free accident insurance coverage applies participating traveling directly AMA-sanctioned events mailing noted coverage free AMA members merely fill out simple form naming beneficiary coverage Some members misinterpreted mes sage thinking basic AMA member liability protection coverage now being limited sanctioned event restriction case liability protection provided automatically does require filling out form covers model flying anywhere anytime accordance AMA Safety Code Thus two different insurances volved liability protection covers members could get sued damage done models somebody else accident insurance pays members directly various forms injury beneficiary case death So want free accident coverage fill out form sent December AH Wohlers Co Chicago policy underwritten Life Insurance Company North America form must sent March 1 1986 Note resi dent adult AMA members eligible should noted AMA did buy insurance no-cost-to-AMA pro gram results free fringe benefit AMA membership Alcohol & Insurance. use alcohol cited under exclusion section Academy Model Aeronautics Comprehensive Liability pol icy section L exclusion reads bodily injury property damage insured indemnitee may held liable 1 As person organization busi ness manufacturing distributing sell ing serving alcoholic beverages 2 If engaged owner lessoror premises used such purposes liabi lity imposed i by because violation statute ordinance regulation per tainingtothe sale giftdistribution use alcoholic beverage ii by reason selling serving giving alcoholic beverage minor person under influ ence alcohol causes contributes intoxication person exclusion saying club member using alcohol deemed under influence alcohol he/she runs risk being insurance coverage may also jeopardize clubs insurance coverage because activity AMA insurance broker recom mends clubs control activity risk possibility having accident being covered insurance EC Meeting Cont pg 96 Fundamental goal Protection Promo tion Model Flying Priorities 1Acquire Retain Public Private Flying Sites 2 Promote Foster Communication Education 3 Cost Efficiency 4 Improve Safety 5 Improve AMA Organizational Manage ment 6 Encourage Regulate Organized Ac tivity 7 Acquire Enhance Real Property Assets Meeting adjourned Museum Cont pg 95 video camera seeks out dusty models prototypes outstanding CD line kits speaking dusty models Ed packed up old treas ures Doug return ourAMA museum van such marvelous airplanesthe Laird Solution DC-2 Boeing 247 Lockheed Electra Curtiss Hawk P6-E othersbut need lots tender loving care restoration DC Maxecuters have generously offered visit museum during next meeting sessions help unpack catalog models hopefully offer some restorative help Can think anyone eminently qualified job such guys Ned Kragness Bill Bell Don Srull Tom Schmitt Dave Rees etc etc etc will keep posted project Since last report Bob Gialdini lovely wife visited museum brought along Stingray Eclipse Control Line Stunt models Both planes national winners several years back well pleased have exhibit visitors enjoy has pleasant autumn Res ton During noon hour Doug Pratt Bob Vojslavek Chip Smith Greg Chartrand sometimes John Worth have taken advan tage wonderful weather close convenience Baron Cameron Park fly models As have said before truly modelers mecca pay visit museum headquarters dynamic before come again will see changes will like after museum March 1986 99 Connecticut a Maine achusetts Hampshire Rhode Inland S Vermont DISTRICT REPORT Don Krafft District Vice-Presideni PO Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents Gerald Browe PO Box 4384 Middletown RI 02840 Biti Chandler PO Box 441 Orland ME 04472 Drew Davenport 33 Ash St Townsend MA 01469 Bob Landry 80 Main St Essex Jct VT 05452 Al Novotnik 4 Beverly P1 Norwalk CT 08850 Richard Sherman 28 High St Plymouth NH 03264 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 318 Fisher St Walpole MA 02081 Green Mountain RCers Inc Essex ict VT Green Mountain RCers held nual banquet November 9 1985 invited attend Washing ton attending Executive Council Meet ing Trophies awarded Dave Lam phere winners Pattern fun-fly contest First Ron Sasaki Second Dave Lamphere third Ralph Williams Fourth Jean Coutu Numerous other award certifi cates fun trophies presented door prize $50 won Mrs Lam phere Sounds like good time Sorry missed South Shore RC Club Banquet annual banquet officer installation dinner held November 17 1985 attendee received bottle instant glue several awards presented numerous door prizes given away raffle prize Futaba seven-channel radio went Bob Engleman year large trophy given honor Tony Daigle awarded club member great asset club fellow modelers year trophy went Fred Bellows past treasurer president current newsletter editor de serving person pleasure knowand work Electric Motor-Powered Models have tried electric-powered aircraft am strongly considering loss fields due noise electric power mayallowuseoffieldsthatwould otherwise available An advisory committee has formed See Presidents Col Feb Model Aviation help various contest boards formulate rules Electric flight representative District Dwight Holley desire information have ideas contribute talk Dwight Dwight Holley 151 Chestnut Ridge Rd Bethel CT 06801 Insurance As know now AMA considerable difficulty obtain ing insurance coverage year Coverage finally obtained million dol lars aircraft Please take time read yellow paper came membership card Also see article John Worth February Model Aviation Club insurance certificates have mailed out make sure club has proper person has prosses sion AMA Golden Anniversary Fly fly-in will held August 2-31986 first time celebration thistype has held come week early will able enjoy Nats well Nats fly-in plan ning well under way will seeing information Model Aviation time published entry forms should available various trade shows well through mail Permanent Flying Site seems considerable concern over permanent Nats site intent have permanent Nats rather year-round facility various types flying activity idea have Nats times move about country well So far committee has formed see such idea feasible try find location No money has expended feel idea worth investigating Several years ago would have thought own headquarters building would have feasible Reminders Short Subjects Radio equipment Now time year repair tuning Club Patches have sent club patch would still like have sewn blue fabric will display various functions AMA Mortgage Building Fund Remem ber two separate funds both very worthwhile contributing reduce debt building make sure specify money Mortgage Fund Old Frequencies frequencies still very much useable remember shared usually paging systems have reports problems least two areas District Ione 72400 7224 careful Coming Events WRAMS show Feb 2324 1986 VP John Byrne hosts District II meeting Modelers will find good informa tion should try attend Maine Expo Augusta Maine March 8-9 1986 would like devote column younger people hobby know someone should mention ed please send information pictures soon possible New Jersey 5 New York II DISTRICT REPORT John Byrne District II Vice-President 36-29 213 Street Bayside NY 11361 718 225-8319 Associate Vice Presidents Pete Bianchini 280 S Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 Tom Brown P0 Box 861 APO NY 09123 Frank Costello 27 Kearney St Dover NJ 07801 Frank Dreuch 9 Willow Ave Piscatoway NJ 08854 Ray Juschkus 7 Evergreen Ave New Hyde Park NY 11040 Hank Likes 46 cory Dr Toms River NJ 08753 Adam Settler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Lon Sauter 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoenix NY 13135 Frequency Coordinator George Myers 70 Froelich Farm Rd Hicksville NY 11801 Second District Thoughts being December 6 informed today AMA have re-elected another three-year term Vice-President supported candidacy extend sincere thanks cast ballots opponent gratitude having voted thus perpetuating 100 Model Aviation AMA President John Grigg presented Bryant Thompson AMAs Meritorious Service Award AMA Executive Coun ciis November meeting Thompson life member served District 6 ililnois indi ana Kentucky Missouri Vice-President 1985 Au pictures Aroostook County Flyers Model Dispisy April 28 1985 Outgoing District 10 Arizona California Hawaii Nevada Utah Vice-President Jim Scarborough received AMA Meritorious Service Award President John Grigg November 10 Executive Council meet ing Jim served VP nine years retired end 1985 democratic fairly-conducted pro cedures selection National District representatives Thus viewed neither Winners nor Losers competitive sense Everyone wins fair honestly-conducted election sured shall continue impartially serve best interests AMA duly-constituted representative CD Stampede particular time year VPs heavily involved processing Contest Director applica tions Clubs anxious obtain sanctions early possible preparation rapidly-approaching contest season Realiz ing hard fast component aeromodeling naturally best handle such matters priority basis assured earnest desire ex pedite priority items such impartially Ecological Echoes wish express thanks person unknown agency very kindly mailed clipping northern NewJersey newspaper recounting complaints made local village authorities model airplane crashed street children playing tunately no hurt occur rence resulted following caption newspaperaccountBAN ON FLYING MODEL PLANES PROPOSED Risingtothe obvious challenge took phone spoke officials involved regarding concern incident very grateful interest taking matter councilwoman spoke acted complaints received unable identify persons doing flying nearby park did indicate belief no local club involved stating fliers proba bly another area Can anyone area Mountainside Park Pequannock NJ shed light subject Late Regrettably News Thanks nice guys like Doc Passen Jasonville IN literary chores become pleasure what Doc has say about friend District 2 Joe Gruber recent Nats issue Model Avia tion Nats Results omis sionSenior Formula 40 CL Speed exactand event won friend NewYork named Joe Gruber. am sure Joe would never mention since District would nice mention it. Wed appreciate know Joe would would interested Nats fans out there. Thanks time concern matter Take care let us hear See Yal Manythanks Doc Sorry could get earlier date sure thatJoe thanks too being such good friend Accent Youth am impressed letter received Craig Hampson Broken Props Club Bridgewater NJ lestthe spell broken have decided let Craig talking So tis toto pictures Im writing about annual 4-H fair flying exhibition contest As may remember letter written Matt Biscup club Broken Props 4-H club members Juniors Seniors members AMA County Fair held August14 16 gives us chance show off airplanes possibly stimulate interest public show year biggest success yet Ive included few pictures Pix 1 picture portion booth located top tent fair As can see planes include gliders aerobatic planes chopper seen Planes Judged craftmanship overall appear ance also peoples choice award Pix 2 see part flight line middle Mr Frank Dresch sent talking Mr Bob Hann adult advisor Kneeling next him back Windrifter Jim Hann teen-leader won Eastern States couple years back yet started flying no crowd 40 50 people attended demo day Pix 3 picture Tom Wachtmann flying Sig Kougar Tom put some spectacular shows Also seen Toms Kadet learned years back just like keep theAMA up-to-date kids great hobby hope pictures printable Indeed Craig appear sequence stated beginning booth Concluding classic shot clubmember Tom Wachtman action Welcome Aboard Welcome Back put another way am delighted learn David Peltz has elected VicePresident AMA District 10 thanks electorate AMA District 6 shall again have pleasure serving Jim Sears Executive Council shall course miss Jim Scarborough Bryant Thompson served dis tinction very best interests am already whole-hearted accord Daves announced objectives As stated reelection campaign litera ture seek authorization Council AVPs per District am going next meeting February 8 9 Denver CO Show-Time Due phenomenon what known magazine lead-time now writing monthly report March 1986 issue Model Aviation scheduled reach reader sometime between January 28 February 4 What about say about 1986 CNYMAA Symposium held annually Fairgrounds Syracuse NY may come rather late notice exact date now able confirm through ourAVP area big day will February 1 hope will able attend really fulfilling experience solelya show such has much offer nature lectures demonstrations course opportunity renewing old acquaintances making new ones aeromodelers excel Due rather extensive advertising magazine elsewhere however probably aware now very popular WRAM SHOW 86 will held Westchester County Center White Plains NY February 22 23 1986 As always shall thanks WRAM hold Annual AMA District 2 Membership Meeting 200 pm Saturday February 22 motion picture projection room lower level See subject add shot two reasons WRAM such big hit shows other projects fabulous flying site Frank Devore L show manager John Isbister has served president club numerous other capacities Ohio sylvania Virginia III DISTRICT REPORT Dave Brown District III Vice-President 4560 Layhigh Rd Hamilton OH 45013 Associate Vice Presidents Eva BiddIe 2158 Street Road Warrington PA 18976 Bob Dively 29326 Gates Mills Pepper Pike OH 44124 Francis Fluharty 504 21st St vienna VN 26101 Corky Heitman SR 108 North Holgate OH 43527 Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philadelphia PA 19107 Eugene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdsle PA 15683 Frequency Coordinator James Bearden 5552 Fosrun ct cincinnati OH 45239 Phone 15131 542-4406 Im dreaming white Christmas. familiar tune time year looks like District Ill will white Christmas year Now problem have drive way across Oh well among towns drive through Clearfield PA home FREQUENT-CMarch 1986 101 now flight-line including AVP Col Frank Dresch Gear Up Locked! flyers sorta sounds like flying musical group run annual fun-fly July year contestants Pennsyl vania New York New Jersey Ohio Vermont big winner according Jay Mealy young Mr Jason Mowery won raffle prize kit engine Jay says start young Clearfield 3-year-old Jason example wasnt kidding Congratulations Jason welcome wonderful world aero modeling hope brings much enjoyment has coming season Static shows included annual Marion Airfoilers show Marion OH Last years Best Show beautiful 1/3 scale Heath Parasol Duane Campbell Hardwood silk dope used oreous plane Jerry Richie sent another pic ture illustrated potential problem other shot stamped reproduction written consent nt use photos such restric tions unless specific written consent also sent would violation copyright laws would put magazine jeopardy George Eddy Pupac sent picture bench probably looks pretty familiar us time year although too neat bear much resemblance response great flying site appeal Frank Maata sent picture Flying HilIbillys flying site somewhat unique Its taken model airplane usesaTelemaster4oairplanewithan l-1B61 Kodak auto advance disk camera up 15 shots per flight Ironically postmarked three days after received above pictures Barry Titcomb wrote letter taking column task including pictures describing club func tions etc intended constructive criticism taken such Barry men tioned club experienced un precedented growth past two years should come down visit Id like just clubs District Ill 200 plus clubs cant get Ironically invites get simply come over see us where can stay etc club would like visit need know specifics Its best call make arrangements two four weeks before meeting can get few clubs together can cover possible Keep mind made meeting week meeting club would take four years visit unpleasant parts beinga dis trict VP must inform everyone loss friend must done December 14 lost friend indeed Gus Christman died sudden heart tack shopping wife Dee Gus best known Pattern flier always remembered hobby still fun may remember him Pattern event director Wilmington Nats 1980 Id like express condolances Dee behalf modelers will miss him Saying Month days days Delaware gct Columbia land h Carolina IVVirginia DISTRICT REPORT Howard Crispmn District iv Vice-President 611 Beechwood Dr Charlottesville VA 22901 Agoociflte Vice PresidentS Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive Severn MD 21144 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 Doug Holland 3517 Pernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Raymond Letrancola 465 Chinquapin Tr Christiansburg VA 24073 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809 Charles Spear 286 Holly Lane MockavillO NC 27028 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Dr Fayetteville NC 28301 Phone evening 919 488-5986 December already realize time read will thinking spring unfortunately us looking several months cold weather. generally unfit sort flying always diehards among us schedule activities right through very worst season often get away Among elite group such Tidewater Soaring year-end meet CASA mid-winter meet Northern Virginia RC great Sno Fi Fun Fly others such Fauquier Countys FARM Club January/February time frame get District IV Newsletter would keeping up able get out nice warm workshop some winter flyinginvigorating terests get touch will tell get newsletter Noise Beginning next month good chance will see beginning series articles what subject noise about will bits information measurement sound methods lessening sound output power systems expectation involvement manu facturers equipment As well aware long overdue member clubs losing flying sites alarming rate noise common cause particular area field lost also strike against getting another stances need education membership regard flying sites can protected Look soon Rule Book Official Model Air craft Regulations 1986-1987 arrived scheduled least copy did As pro mised Executive Council year-end delivery called Thanks efforts ourTechnical Director Bob Underwood others working him project have what appears finest document its sort come along wealth information never enter competition duringthe next two years Read enjoy sport fullest RC Pattern Scheduling 1985 saw change method scheduling con tests area covers part Virginia North Carolina part South Carolina Tennessee Because distances crossing AMA District lines contest scheduling usually meant contestants make choice contest attend group CDs representing number clubs got together under sponsorship Radio Control League North Carolina set up schedule alleviated problems result very successful 102 Model Aviation year Pattern area promise of same Thanks also go clubs sponsored contests two hobby shop owners also active fliersDougie Consolvo Landing Strip Hobbies Virginia Beach VA Ron Grif fin Burlington NC contributions merchandise awards series win ners season winners shown photos Photo number shows first place winners David Hoppes Master Tom Miller F3A Jeff Foley expert Brian Doxey Sportsman Bill Boatwright AdvancedJeff Foleyis alsoan outstanding RC Scale flier Photo number two shows second place winners Dougie Consolvo F3A Sammy H ill Advanced John Powers Master Jeff Ashe Expert shown Ron Mullis Sportsman Third place win ners Don Thomas Sportsman Roy Brunson Advanced Russ Chiles Expert Bic Green F3A Watch sched ule 1986 Pattern enjoy second Annual Central Atlantic Pattern Championship Series best thing has happened Pattern part District IV long time Council About time get Winter Executive Council meeting will taking place site will Denver CO weather Denver stays way write may never get having arrived may never get out will welcome new members Council meetingJim Sears District VI Dave Peltz District X As ever new mem bers will bring new ideas help shape things next few years part thank voted show confidence endeavors will serve best ability during next three years have enjoyed working past two look forward future Alabama C Florida gia issippi to Rico V South Carolina essee DISTRICT REPORT Bill Mathews District V Vice-President 1718 Somerset Circle Birmingham AL 35213 205 879-5550 Associate Vice Presidents Grog Doe Rt 4 i88 Posy Dr Smyros TN 37187 Richard Jackson 21 i8 Thorolee Dr N Charleston SC 29405 Arthur Johoson 932 Banyan Dr Deiray Beach FL 33444 Joseph Micolizzi SR 00888 Box 1532 Fajardo PR 00848 Cd Moorman 70 Fifth St Shalimar FL 32579 Harry Sheram P0 Box 878 Oneonia AL 35121 Tom Thacker 1401 N Hairston Rd #3B Stone Mountain GA 30083 Frequency Coordinator Bomb Fields P0 Boa 1083 Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32048 Phone 904 884-2517 Twelve Hour Flight Brandon Model Flyers Brandon FL has plans AMAs 5othAnniversary Oneofthethingstheclub plans totryto keep airplane air 12 hours same plane 48 flights 15 minutes might easier go 12 hours same plane Fountain City Flyers Welcome Foun tain City Flyers Prattville AL got copy newsletter learned gliders having comeback area Seems like got interested Johnston McKenna team succeeded piggyback launching According reports first failures spectacular First Ladies Cookbook Com mittee Gold Coast Radio Controllers Deiray Beach FL selling unique 130 page 190 recipe 25000 word cookbook contains appropriate illustrations notations whatever means ladies have workingon itforoverayear ltsa limited edition may some left Send $900 per copy plus $150 shippingto Charlotte Johnson 932 Banyan Drive Delray Beach FL 33444 Any other model air plane club ever have cookbook Propwash. name newsletter Chattanooga Radio Control Club Chattanooga TN Editor Chris Gregory started December issue off Sorry FM Radios put blame problems FMs poor operating habits problems fault poor radio Amory R/C Modelers Amory MS now has new model airplane clubthe Amory R/C Modelers Ed Hunter has editor Monthly Prang Dixie Sky Devils also Amory will editor newsletter new club Among other crusades Ed trying get true story Phineas Pinkham out world has written Bill Winter also writes Model Aviation get Bills help Watch further developments Closet People Bob Bass writes Con trol Line newsletter dont know name itthe top newsletter didnt reach says control line fliers closet people because dont want anyone know fly wires attached Get out closet control line fliers Control Line flying fun way really get feel flying model airplane control line flying requires plenty high tech knowledge also RAMM Radio Aeromodelers Mont gomery AL has published great-looking brochure help promote club serve public relations handout tells nice story about history club origins back around 1946 club num bers about 90 dues-paying members makes largest clubs district Frosty Fingers 40 Pounds Chili Memphis Propbusters know have fun After finished Frosty Fin gers Funfly 18 flew 30 stayed supper consumed 40 pounds chili near riot third pot chili slightly delayed guys take food seriously Flying Festival R/C World Flying Festi val pretty near perfect weather year change four-day event super successful Five unbiased spectators unfamiliar model airplanes agreed judge Open Hot Dog event Cliff Hiatt Schleuter Helicopter won thrilled judges hover ing inverted six inches over runway rest flying also spectacular Too much went report short column Try attend next year Delta Does Good Delta Airlines has warmed hearts MIAMA club thats indoor fliers out-of-door types Delta has allowed Miniature Indoor Aircraft Model Association use its maintenance hangar Tampa Interna tional Airport indoor contest Alas Goodyear Blimp Hangar no longer avail able Thanks Delta Tony Becker expert Indoor flier has moved Florida wants meet some local Indoor fliers Give him call 813 634-8572 Please use dime volun teered him wanted hear Scholarship Winner Congratulations Mark Rist Huntsville AL winning $2000 AMA scholarship Illiosis C lodiaca 5 Kentucky 5 Missouri VI DISTRICT REPORT Jim Sears District VI Vice-President PO Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 Associate Vice Presidents Loran HoIm 843 Hill Brook Oulocy IL 82301 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421 Raymond Meyers P0 Box 243 Smlthoille MO 84089 William G Snanley P0 Box 281 Auburn IN 48708 Brysot Thompson 511 5 Century Rantoul IL 81868 Stao Watson 3402 Hickory Lane Hazel Crest IL 80429 Bill Zimmer Box 72 yarns IL 81375 Frequency CoordInator James Check 584 Granfchester St LeoingtonKY40505 As can see picture above have new VP District 6 Thanks took time vote especially want thank voted am very pleased back saddle again have added new AVP Kentucky area Bruce Maloney AVP 1982 did excellent job feel John will busy enough Scale activities have left him contest board think rest pretty well scattered throughout district since AVP list has changed much since 1982 told main concerns district communications have start ed working new network may better 1982 works out will able get info clubs belonging no club write ask whats going will try answer soon possible expect hear office 19821 heard considered hick some guess earned since am small club central March 1986 103 Prom left Tray Hall Dr Sam Amato Gene Hannah Lewis Overton Bill McKenna Bill Johnston Morris MoKenna Tommy Patterson after hard days work club field Kentucky fact club just grew its largest size year Its twenty members strong Laugh now read club has District 6 VP its members also has District 6 fre quency coordinator also proud have AMA scholarship winner club members took third place precision scale Toledo show last year About half members also full size pilots list goes dont want brag too much point made often try judge book its cover clubs big time have big contests idea have fun means join big club involved big contests it means go small club just burn up sky may choose loner Thats fine Just remember together Now have off chest lets get theres thing enjoy doing district vice president reading terrific newsletters club district saw fit keep mailing list office Thanks Now would rest put back lists use keep informed sure lot goes out want Since lam speaking newsletters fellow make comment about AMA National Newsletter felt organized well enough felt should contain best newsletters just somethingthrown together will comment time want hear get feel Maybe should stop put money spent better use better project Let know feel fact dont get see feel about council 1982 didnt recognize persons clubs service AMA above call duty just too green job Well Id like make up have club mind would like some let know about club person has gone extra mile times did travel much 1982 either just didnt have idea much keep back stamps telephone calls think now Therefore will try make least three trips year major contests district way can see lot people small area Gosh got much money give spend Lets hope its enough nowthat opened mouth finish up picture order got AVP Ken Kern make eat heart Out love bipes guy left Ken Waco other fellow son Bruce Skybolt Both fine gentlemen active Indiana would like share rest us send us picture latest contest dream ship gotta say picture makes want go shop work Pitts have table Enough now. Iowa igan Minnesota S Wisconsin VII DISTRICT REPORT Peter Waters District VII Vice-President 117 E Main Upper Level Northville MI 48167 CompuServe oddress EMAIL 700472162 Associate Vice presidents Arthur Arro 1014 Woodbridge Blvd Ann Arbor MI 48103 Boyd Bowdish 641 OGlenwood N Goldenvalley MN 55427 Jack Finn 368 Nompden Dr NE cedor Rapids IA 52402 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Blvd Milwaukee WI 53211 Robert D Lundberg 4928 Tioga St Duluth MN 55804 carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Dr Madison WI 53705 William Rohring 4494 Tanglewood Tr St Joseph MI 49085 Ron Sears 132 5 Roslyn Pontiac MI 48054 Fnquency Coordinetor Pete Waters 117 E Main upper Level Northville Ml 48167 Phone Day 313 348-0085 Evening 313 437-4244 seems doldrums news around area Newsletters fewer probably due editors changing need get routine set column has shortened through mandate editor seems VPs have hogging column space causing too much important material printed Well own overflow average month have still included space-gob bling photos hope guys out will bear us trying times. next months column shall start regular section AVPs use will different AVP month allow cover anything wish have together year will expand coverage other areas district requests new CD licenses flowing Please note importance AMA numbers model being used contest am going very firm sanctioned events attend permanent marker will pocket question safety still very important coming season Please keep forefront flying activities Insurance OK its best used . should appoint several safety officers ensure will sufficient coverage flying sites have proposed production booklet similar AMA Rule Book subject sound education am willing tobe partof production team because am extremely worried terribly slow progress being made area have educate ourselves noise problems booklet will serve sort HowTo-Do-It practical manual will contain sections ideas class powered modeling scientific data similar what has gathered Ed Izzo hope solicit local tinkerers ideas mufflers etc luck will published 1986 Start sending some ideas kerfuffle over MAAC insurance coverage will have resolved because have close relations Michigan Ontarians enjoy exchange visits flying fields brings up point being polite visitors field am asked suggest club newcomers area provide informa tion about location nearest fields advise person visit several see will talk himthen join sociable Thisisalso importanttoaclub because never know stranger Perhaps representative local association homeowners seeing what noise about Nationals Battle Creek another step towards reality waiting Free-Flight guys approve site its onward Chamber Commerce finalizing details should com pleted end January keep fingers crossed John KilsdonkperformsSafetYiflSPeCtiOfl 0500 InternatIonalIf no AMA number Its Illegal planewatch out 19881 RRRROOOOMMMMEEEEOOOO Skyhawks special hint wife out banquet auctiona pleas ant entertaining evening auc tion using funny money earned through club activity participation cost speech worth 0 Ann Arbor Falcons son award session electric wizard Keith Shaw has hat really suits forte portable slope soaring site another neat several literary awards newsletter 104 Model Aviation Eastern Iowa Soaring Society cross-country meet Terry Edmonds Photo Riborackers President Ed Katz LJ Buddy Box Flier Richard Brewer R flank entrant flying donation MD Annual MD Fun Fly contributions very well conceived can now access DEC atAMA HQfor club information soon will privy Prime membership data am cross-eyed using microfiche CompuServe bill increasing month Join us Friday evening forums Just get computer CompuServe type GO MODELNET Call Doug Pratt AMA HQ need know Club Roundup Elm Creek Fliers looking new field ghost town Mama OThe CARDS have started organiz ing 86 MM Festival Lansing Michi gan S Grassfield has seasonal flair Clippings have several others S two clubs Davison Gene Pastori Hilltoppers takes task mentioning other get no news. 0 Raffle goodies MARCS meeting include clubs capsa neat way get out seen S Quote month Valley Aero Modelers Success journey destination OThe threat Polish Firing Squad sketch Saginaw guys plan deal rule violators Make Battle Creek 87 Arkansas siana C New Mexico C Oklahoma s VIII DISTRICT REPORT Johnny Clemens District VIII Vice-President PO Box 64573 Dallas TX 75206 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Friedl 5512 Southwood Little Rock AR 72205 Gene Hempel 301 N Yale Dr Garland TX 75042 William Hurley ill 927 commerce Pleaxanson TX 78064 Al Rabe 1904 valley Oak ct Irving TX 75061 Larry Sartor 1415 Manor Dr Bartleaville OK 74003 Ed Shearer 3416 David Dr Mesairie LA 70003 Frequency Coordinator Tom Blakeney 2300 May Lane Grand Prairie TX 75050 Last month column devoted counting blessings hope spent least few moments giving mental thanks fun aeromodeling having others us modeling friends twist guy area gripes about everything nothing ever being fault latest gripe regarding suggstion count blessings said prayers never answer ed guess doesnt realize prayers answered simple answer No Last month mentioned late Carl Goldberg much owe memory Carl excellent flying mod el designs always remembered fellow buying kits might beginner Tribute memory might recognizing Falcon 56 popular flown RC-powered model nationwide further recognition Carl would tip hats Gentle Lady soaring glider most-built mostflown kit sailplanes Considering above guess would easy think stumbled upon choice bit gossip overhear glider-guider talking another saying Wasnt new lady saw flying field could perfectly innocent ya know new customers did pretty good job Gentle Lady first effort proudly told named Adam asked him name said Because first creation heard some disturbing news store couple days ago regular customers came explained working local stores national toy chain quit reason quitting store out car-frequency radios ordered boss sell car customer aircraft-frequency radio As enough interference trouble happening just because someone doesnt care just plain dumb least customer should commended wanting part illegal action above violation FCC fre quency rules laws happened Dallas can bet happening lots places probably town dont think hobby shops would ever ir responsible order make sure frequencies remain pure have responsibility make sure people greedy fringe-interest non-hobby stores realize law its responsibili ties protect own equipment people property around would like urge check personally make effective about making club project something else can should effective Radio Control Division Meeting Hobby Industry Association suggested radio manufacturers urged plainly identify frequencies suitable legal activities Everybody agreed look radio packages hobby shops will find lip service has provided little important separation frequen cies So what interested individual club apower group can darn sure goon record AMA hobby publications city officials city newspapers might enjoy crusade point out illegal dangerous action Better still flood manufacturers themselves individual club letters urging packages obviously marked proper purposes different fre quencies primary responsibility manufacturers Remember want money handling responsibili ty safe use product should just good money pay product feel Im doing share calling attention Talk over pass word Put newsletters discuss club meetings dont think worth time figure George will dont let us hear gripe some innocent kid car sold him wrong frequency shoots down beautiful expensive model airplane After reading above youll probably say Boy thatJohnny Clemens sure upon soap-box about frequencies Youre darned tootin am something can something about dont guilty saying dont some thing about us new AMA Competition Rule Book out sure looks good handsome black cover calling attention fiftieth Anniversary pet peeves combination tiny print lousy gray paper past rule book printed Well got rid bad paper some progress printed nice white paper time Economy dictates print small book will fit reasonable budget ever have excellent suggestion make about small print intend ask Executive Council study hopefully approval furnishing copier-enlarged prints section volved along AMA sanction issued group through contest directors visible enlarged section rules apply event being flown can posted flying site would make heck lot easier know what rules abide would really help contest director Sure would cost afew bucks service isnt pay dues clubs bless contest directors think would really help drop line mail can carry council meeting fine folks districts other District B read column send opinion both vice president own district Please notice am trying urge get involved pay dues entitles offer opinions will aim AMA direction think should go selfish speak mind voting leaders can guess what think otherwise Speak up am very proud say election over will District B vice president foranotherterm Ithinkthis starts 21st year Executive Council Thanks confidence will shortly shuffling some appointments sociate vice president appointing two gentlemen ran against office need name AVP New Mexico would like hear clubs area feel would best represent Talk over am sure know no pay kind district vice president job youll pardon language helluva lot work about time thataVP gets feeling just isnt worth message will turn up member realizes responsi bility terrific workload representing 12000 AMAers District 8 Such message came letter Charlie Keyes AMA 115423 Austin Texas March 1986 105 Tony Sanderson Minneapolis Model Aero Club new competition rubber designIts going next summers win ncr background AMA tabietop display Oct 1985 Har Mar Mali St Paul MN Charlies letter says heartiest con gratulations re-election office Academy Model Aeronautics District VIII Vice President delightful news reached morning Over years contribution dedication AMA modeling modelers has envy modelers everywhere total dedi cation excellent results labors today benefit us manage run highly successful business hobby shop representing interests over 10000 modelers District 8 keep yourself piece same time beyond youve doing just years might add very well Charlie continues Johnny Cle mens helm upcoming 1986 Na tionals Lake Charles will undoubtedly finest ever Please let know what can help Again congratulations thanks Charlie Keyes love Id like permission share letter other AMA district vice presidents because district members might have thoughtful AMA sure has some mighty fine folks *ee*AII Flighteace Colorado 5 Kansas aska h Dakota 5 South Dakota Wyoming Ix DISTRICT REPORT Travis McGinnis District IX Vice-President 8027 Vt 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Associate Vice Presidents Geoe Corsoo Box 2832 Casper WY 82602 Ed Cox 8209 Lmndeo Dr Prairie village KS 66208 Dick Crowley 18413 E Stanford P1 Aurora CO 80016 tim Mattern 429 Dogwood Gratton ND 68237 Jim Ricketts 5168 Cloudas Sioux Falls 5087103 Frequency CoordInator Steve Mangles Radio Service Caotar 918 5 Sheridan Denver CO 80226 Phooe Day 303 922-8107 Evening 303 936-3286 Follow-up last months column infor mation about AMA District IX meeting Executive Council meeting held Denver February 7 8 9 Friday February 7 730 pm will AMA District IX meeting informal agenda will feature pre miere viewing AMAs newest film Dia monds Sky information-sharingwith Council members Headquarters staff other District IX notables chance meet visit elected national officers relaxed atmosphere right District IX day Saturday February 8 vited observe Executive Council work AMA business AMA members always welcome attend council meetings see Academys business decision-making process takes place Sunday February 9 council will engaged series long-range planning meetings morning looking where should down road few years meeting also open observation members guests meetings will held Best Western Regency Hotel Denver located 1-25 West 38th Avenue Exit 213 off 1-25 near junction 1-70 1-25 two main interstates through Colorado three restaurants available mears plus other facilities pool sauna gift shop etcThe hotel has aweekend special rate $45 plustaxforadouble room wish contact reservations strongly suggested call 303 458-0808 toll free 800 525-8748 ask Ms Lori Holmes sales representative Please sure mention will attending AMA meetings scheduled writ ing address Regency Hotel 3900 Elati Street Denver CO 80216 flying complimentary limo service Stapleton Airport Regency Another big event taking place Satur day February 8 11th Annual Jefco Aeromodlers RC Auction adver tised biggest RC auction contry will held Jefferson County Fairgrounds Auditorium 15200 West 6th Ave Golden CO Information flyer can contacting Jerry Gerken 2069 So Raleigh Denver CO 80219 303 934-7747 both events doesnt get Denver week end just too busy doing something else Season Flier patch applications available qualifybyflyingon monthy basis year following pictures show what some modelers qualify snowy high coun try Colorado Congratulations Leon Howard Jim Spell nerseverance Jim Spell Vail CO qualiflea Sea son patch shares us some friends have flying gliders electrics year long 2 years now Jim writes am currently writing article en titled Winter Soaring hope have published contains advice concerns regarding winter flying i am currently AMA member have just received League Silent Flight Level I owe much progress winter flying time Winter flying great its nice know others dedicated well Aroona Callosnga ii 0 Nevada itoh x DISTRICT REPORT Dave Peltz District X Vice-President 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 Associate Vice Presidents Darwin N Barrie 8252 ETurneyAve Scottsdale AZ 85251 Glenn Carter 2020 Gill Port Lane Walnut Creek CA 94598 Bob Kampmann 6312 Kenneth Ave Orangevale CA 95682 Mike Lee 262 Bergen Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Bob Reynolds Rt 8 Box 51 Tucson AZ 85710 Betty Stream 3723 Snowden Ave Loog Beech CA 90808 Al Tuttle 417 Ehilani St Pukalani Maui HI 96786 Al Williamson 445 Weatby Chute vista CA 92011 Frequency coordinator George Steiner 2238 Rogue River Dr Sacramento CA 95826 Phone 916 382-1962 now early December Ive just learned won District X Vice Presi dential election people thank Theres members voted members SFVSF spent hours stuffing en velopes mail campaign clubs let address members often very short notice election campaign took clubs district often 3-4 per week amazes different clubs some very formal others very informal Though different ways have goal common enjoyment aero modeling appear have some sort flying site problem makes difficult goal achieve membership recruiting purposes AMA tells us Theres Strength Nuril bers Assuming true District X should very strong District X its over 18000 members far largest AMA district Thats four times number AMAs small est district fact add up mem bership totals four smallest AMA districts comes about same have District X have about 250 clubs District X meeting per week would take 5 years visit District X perhaps worlds largest concentration aeromodelers buy build fly compete contribute other district other districts make big issue having few season fliers District X norm everyday occurrence District X contribute much AMAs treasury combined totals four smallest AMA districts gettingas much backfromAMAas ought asked District X members stated thought AMA primarily organization people 3000 miles away little no interest what goes out far west What think about what District X gets AMA Are happy disap pointed somewhere in-between Please write let know feel Tell what think ought getting AMA Tell what like about AMA what dont like Communicationthe purpose column communication just direction want column vehicle express views out open two-way communication AMA 106 Model Aviation November 1985 Walden CO scene Leonard Howard readies modified Goldberg Eagle 83 flight akis have ignorance apathy column AMA am merely represent AMA meetings order need know whats mind Let know whats mind Let know what like well whats bug ging about AMA Armed infor mation can go after what think important Going back Strength N umbers routine theres nothing convincing AMA Executive Council large pile letters AMA members expressing same thought desire No can argue kind evidence dont make views known can blame yourself problems have starters Id like tell what think following 1 Should AMA spend helping us get/keep flying sites less other areas 2 have proposed AMA divert some money now being spent magazine hire flying site acquisitions expert ly job would go around country helping clubs get what need What think about proposal 3 diverting magazine money believe money ought come Howwould propose paying such expense Pick up pen write letter now encourage AMA members outside district join Most other VPs columns newsletters telling about events within districts case always have things going isnt space cover Instead think Id like column authoritative source information AMA-related matters parti cularly could affect District X members What think concept column What would prefer see month Discussions issues Sum maries events little both An open forum Something else Write tell B-25 see pictured above repeat model awesome fullsize fully-restored machine stars air show put Novem ber Simi Valley Fliers mark opening new flying field Oak County Park near eye-level B-25 fly-by made possible unique topography Simi fieldit literally carved out top hil US Army Corps Engineers training exercise must have moved over million cubic yards earth make 1000 x 400 aircraft carrier surrounded steep drop-offs Simi Valley Fliers should com mended being able muster such high degree cooperation various government agencies kind success over nation sport would really flourish Alaska o ana on ington XI DISTRICT REPORT Ed McCollough District XI Vice-President 53 SE 61st Ave Portland OR 97215 603 234-4439 Associate Vice Presidents Al Culver Box 86 Witder ID 83676 Gary R Foller 3050 Riverwood Juneau AK 99801 Glen Miachke 4050 Fourth Ave N Great Falls MT 69401 Dave Mullena 16669 Palatine Ave N Seattle WA 98133 Bruce Nelson 807 E Vickaburg St Spokane WA 99208 Dick Wickline P0 Box 623 Klamath Falls OR 97601 Chick Young 112011 28th St E #69 Puyallup WA 98373 Don Zipoy 21418 N Main St. Redmond WA 98062 Frequency Coordinator Robert Belch 16439 SE Haig Dr Portland OR 97236 Phone 503 761-6103 some feedback need possible following background information may help ex plain what need basic disagreement among elected council members editor executive director about length VP columns magazine past meetings subject column length has discussed cussed up shot being length few members stay within Now should noted am principal malefactors contin ually turn columns over agreed-upon length am such bad person Well believe MA journal Academy Model Aeronautics such journal has obligation inform its members aboutthefield model aviation business Academy items business district news whatever information deemed necessary both district officer members district apparent opinion about MAs function shared editor executive director whatever district officer felt necessary well-being district would printed question As Ive felt bound follow rules Well first because philosophy since agree length set either correct reason able Second dont feel so-called problem bad claimed reasoning because editor has said several occasions could handle major objection though lies what perceive function Model Aviation magazine latest shot little war memo executive director John Worth VPs telling us going edit us down size dont own input would greatly appreciated would like know feel about material generally covered column something would like see some thing think can left out Please write let know FF contest action know Indoor Albany gym March 2 9 Word out Albany gym may lost Indoor fliers Anyone know another site Portland-Eugene area drizzle circuit Delta Park March 9 April 13 first running December 8 nice day What difference week makes last weekend really miserableice snow wind worse yet coooldl keep brass monkeys inside Anyway action hot heavy will take before body gets act sorted out CL matters appears field Mahlon Sweet will torn up summer will last year regionals site no certainty will another site available want have attended competed best CL contest around make plans Eugene over labor day weekend little information about contests yet can expect will SRAC Polar Bear meet sometime March will 24th running popular contest Usually pattern Satur day fun-fly Sunday camp ing site no hook-ups Sid Nolan Benton County RC Club sent some information about annual EXPO will putting great Oregon Model Expo 86 will held April 12-13 Benton County Fairgrounds near Corvallis Expo will feature static competition several categories cludes scale sport planes original design Trophies prizes will award ed will swap-shop AMA meeting Saturday afternoon dinner modelers Saturday night fun-fly Sunday starting 900 am 8CRC Camp Adair site Now BCRC group admits need help wold like get other groups involved putting event club would like help contact Farrell Finley 503 758-0037 leave message Trumps Hobbies 503 753-7540 Well leave couple photos Pine Hollow First Orville Brooks holding Fly Baby dont know picture ofJerry Holcomb well least thats back two aircraft middle Tom Engels ill-fated Helldiver seen over body Joe Toppers 01 Red understand joe will attach engine chain next year figures anchors have chains some kind March 1986 107 Happy Flying IUNIOI FLIGHT Gold Basics previous issue listed Gold Silver asics good model primarily rubber-powered free flight flying Gold flight BasicsA Proper balance point location B Proper wing/sta bilizer incidence settings C Proper propeller thrust setting Silver duration BasicsA Light weight airframe B Correct Propeller selec tion C Correct power selection Gold Basics come first Silver Basics come second First must get model airplane fly can what necessary improve length time model flies 0 sQ U illustration above Curtiss Hawk biplane shows three things First arrow indicates balance point Second black rectangle under drawing shows approximate fore-and-aft location heavy engine man-carrying aircraft engine very heavy brings center gravity balance point quite same forward Third under rectangle have drawn rub ber motor its approximate fore-and-aft location model center gravity balance point rubber-powered model going farther rear due rubber running prop almost way back tail As result rubber-powered flying scale models almost always tail heavy. can say nose light thingto add clay other weight far forward possible preferably nose block Add clay rubber-powered flying scale model until model balances about 50% wing chord biplane such Curtiss Hawk thats about 50% leading edge forward usual ly upper wing trailing edge rear wing rare occasions have model nose heavy such case hesitate add weight tail balancing sure rubber motor installed 0 0 ED WHITTEN Box 176 WaIl St Sta New York NY 10005 / 0 second drawing indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM Simple Rubber Powered Stick Model Note rubber motor installed wing has yet installed rubber propeller have included because after fly wing has included because indoor stick model outdoor SRPSM have advantage over flying scale model aflying scale model wing orwings already have definite location fore-andaft scale wings have located exactly prototype mancarrying airplane has could move back bit would move fuselage forward 50%-ofthe-wing-chord spot would have put much weight nose block fact some semi-scale modelscheat little bit way nose made longer Thats reason Bostonians scale models no particular man-carrying aircraft fly much better Peanut scak models So. hurrah! stick models can put wing exactly want want put sits right over center gravity balance point So balance model rubber prop wing Usiig felt-tip pen mark dot motor stick balance point model Indoor duration type cement wing post sockets sides motor stick balance point right middle model Outdoor SRPSM glue wing mount similar fashion wing held place bya grippingtype wing mount directly rubber band now prepared place wing according inked dot sure dot remains model advantage being able move wingto desired location twofold saves weight well talk lot about importance weight-saving discuss Silver duration Basics two keeps some forces closer center gravity rather allowing longer moment arms Both factors make model stable easier adjust main thing remember about balancing model absolutely necessary Fore-and-aft balancing very first step must take gettng model fly Dont afraid add clay Clay may make model heavier remember Golden Basics must achieved get model fly Later will worry about long flies sacrifice stable flight weight First model must fly second Gold Basic correct angles angles incidence wings horizontal stabilizer attached fuselage look first drawing Curtiss Hawk obvious wings stabilizer set some very definite angle other angles chosen very carefully just chance Note keep saying wing stabili zer setting important word two always mentioned together because difference between two surfaces provides longi tudinal fore-and-aft stability angle wing set top fuselage motor stick import ant no angle wing set stabilizer Lets look diagram below wing 30 reference line stabilizer *00 diagram above will note have drawn reference line put order easily see leading edge wing lifted up bit stabilizer Reference lines often shown should actually always shown plans help builder visualize angles incidence Three degrees difference good settingat start Different models same design will require little changes Now note could also have shown same setting diagram below wing 20 reference line stabilizer 10 have wing set 20 posi tive incidence reference line stabilizer set degree negative Actually setting wing stabilizer same 30 isnt indoor duration stick model wing incidence can adjusted moving front wing post up down its socket outdoor SRPSM leading edge wing can lifted placing shim under incidence lowered plac ing shim under trailing edge models adjustments made easily stabilizer wing flying scale model wing usually cemented permanently place approximately proper incidence angle horizontal stabilizer however tack-glued during testing stabi lizers leading trailing edge can raised lowered 1-feres important note notneverbreak rear half scale models stabilizer move up down like elevators man-carrying airplane Instead change whole stabili zer keeping flat strong ef fective doesnt look like have room discuss third Golden Basic angle set propeller Okay Ill save next issue will also start talking about Silver flying Basics Until next month. keep packing turns 108 Model Aviation