{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System}}
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f0\fs17 Inside View Headquarters am incumbent Executive Vice President AMA candidate re election full term beginning January 1 1997 appointed Executive Council February 1996 complete term Dave Brown elected President AMA graduated Duke University degree accounting am certified public accountant have practicing 46 years During WW III served US Navy primarily Phillippines present time am Senior Partner President CD Holland Company PA certified public accounting firm Executive Vice President AMA responsible financial operations includes matters finance budgeting daily accounting operations structuring debt acquire fixed assets involvement federal tax law due amount revenue generated because AMA has Unrelated Business Income sales advertising Model Aviation have great deal academic training well vast practical experience items previously mentioned plus great deal involvement management responsibilities consulting addition have served finance committee three years factors stand good stead perform work required position manner both knowledgeable professional involvement model aviation goes back 1935 began building model airplanes YMCA camp have involved indoor free flight Ucontrol radio control categories have active participant free flight Ucontrol radio control having both contestant events including various nationals well CD over 30 years am presently active electric flying Due love modeling extensive business experience field accounting finance management feel am qualified serve Executive Vice President AMA will appreciate support nominee running office AMA given opportunity present two campaign statements Model Aviation magazine other statement accompanies election ballot annual membership renewal Rather repeating same remarks have chosen address separate issues statement Since slated magazine read would like ask favor fellow modeler Please vote Though approximately 160000 members AMA frequently have less 15000 members participate election process strongly believe member has right express concerns constructively criticize efforts have chosen lead result having met individual member obligation participate election process Im running office Executive Vice President can further improve efforts proceeding As EVP focus will financial health AMA chartered clubs statement chartered clubs no mistake meant taken lightly campaign statements have expressed need to support chartered clubs local flying sites As AVP past six years have received countless calls regarding lost flying sites problems encountered getting new ones Some say we should can believe can build International Flying site Muncie can yet again much acquire maintain local flying sites work directly chartered clubs recognizably issues everyones agenda important both individually collectively concerns needs have shared long range outlook sport hobby *\tab Technical support flying site acquisition *\tab Financial support flying site purchases * Cooperative consolidation AMA Special Interest Group competition * Cost containment Nats better utilization event promotion 146 Model Aviation emy Model Aeronautics 5151 East Memorial Drive Muncie IN 47302 Executive Vice President Doug Holland IncumbentBrian D Nelson Howard Crispin Jr 1925-1996 John C Grigg 1932-1996 deeply saddened two Executive Council members Additional report loss information contained AMA News officers District Report Persons wish remember gentlemen asked make contribution name AMA Scholarship Fund AMA Annual Membership Meeting will held November 16 1996 at4 pm Radisson Hotel Roberts Muncie Indiana sport/hobby *\tab Recognition evolution hobby such recent growth Giant Scale modeling inclusion rather exclusion modeling venues *\tab Enhanced aggressive marketing attract larger target market address retention first-year modelers *\tab Continued support enhancement AMAs leader club program encourage recognize clubs efforts milestones safety training community involvement may ask EVP can affect changes financial affairs members AMA modelers will work together avoid flying site losses through land acquisition greater community acceptance improved replacement programs think thousands dollars could save year foregoing repeated site development cost Special Interest Groups conducted virtually same event AMA could after meeting minimum standards replace lower attended AIVIA events national events have proven successful experience much higher member participation Work could done Nats make financially sound fiscally responsible Cause could should given modeling venues know have sincere desire address concerns Imagine moment finances AMA its charter clubs effect changes like would have call financial accountability view EVP position just footing figures see maximizing potential industry sport hobby Please take time vote Please take time realize believe strongly addressing needs members electing Brian Nelson represents support club local flying site Thank District Vice President Academy Model Aeronautics has experienced several significant changes recent years As elected Vice President have attempted provide professional leadership necessary continue enhance membership benefits during crncial period now time focus needs individual members local club procurement local flying sites primary concern Academy has develop additional programs will enable local club obtain maintain flying site Positive liaison between national state local government agencies has increased Corporate involvement must also stressed As elected official have expertise needed initiate increased involvement Membership growth within Academy has increased individual member must obtain additional benefits increased cost Programs involving neophyte must provide proper assistance needed become active modeler Todays modeling style changing have adapt change positive alignment hobby industry will certainly provide benefit role AMA Special Interest Group has increased SIG knows desires membership Academy has listen Apathy within society today very critical hobby Unfortunately club members desire extend themselves club Academys Leader Club Program should extended help encourage active club involvement participation Within modeling hobby can express oneself several different avenues have airplanes boats cars etc time has come Academy act catalyst have various organizations working common goals Duplication effort costly often counter productive primary need sites actively conduct sport time work together As elected representative will continue available Recognition needs individual modeler utmost importance Please demonstrate positive attitude have within District III e Bob Brown Im honored run Vice Pres Dist VII last five years Ive pleasure working Joe Hass Pete Waters Assistant VP elected would strive carry activities started As recreational flyer appreciate technical advances sport direct result active competition programs feel USA should major competitor world events local competition fosters future world champions However must realize AMA members people just love fly models therefore should also receive share AMA benefits elected would best represent modelers District VII nationally follows 1\tab Increase scope model aviation educational programs schools levels 2\tab Develop stronger relationships better communications modeling clubs members model aviation industry 3\tab See finalizing major projects Muncie shift funding back membership needs uses Shaun L Ettinger name Shaun L Ettinger reside Novi Michigan support family friends am seeking office District VII Vice President am long time modeler over past 2 years have served President International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association am going dwell previous accomplishments note worthy likely would ballot several things believe require focus within Academy importantly District VII need direct attention future aeromodeling Whether interests nc control line free flight other venue need advance hobby Executive Council has outlined 10 goals Academy agree some directly related District VII council desires increase membership 200000 number flying fields 10% 3 years can accomplished District VII electing strong aggressive leader direction toward Public Relations Educational programs within communities need demonstrate public group Big Boys Toys diverse individuals enjoying leisure activity doctors lawyers machinists list endless need work local state governments will see propagation flying sites district let alone maintaining current ones need work schools organizations well see growth membership can guarantee electing position District Vice President will able accomplish will promise will best protect right fly well place fly have nominated position Vice President District XI proudly accept Going fly-ins contests club meetings mall shows club fields anywhere modelers gather get enjoy Continued page 150 November1996 147 Bob Brown Incumbent Donald K Bentfield Ed McCollough Incumbent As President have known long time would experience ups downs As say its part job thought could deal anything job threw last month has tested emotional strength its limit column seems wander hope will understand month started very high note heals extremely successful Celebration Eagles Nats started off well spent nearly first week half month Muncie enjoying CL RC Pylon events early part RC Pattern Near end period waiting ride out field hotel lobby cellular phone rang Sally simply said HQ called dont think team flight first reaction What flight What team out late previous night turned TV morning unaware crash TWA 800 turned out RC CL Scale teams left Paris Air France flight two hours before TWA flight after negotiations TWA transport model boxes didnt work out really fortunate case doesnt diminish immensity tragedy nor trauma dealing close call problem team safely ground Paris team manager stuck Chicago due weather paperwork Somehow didnt worry too much Sally fortunate enough have tickets couple Olympic events spent couple days Atlanta cheering athletes around world thrilling return Muncie brought first what emotional lows Sue Tobias staff member Special Services insurance Department went hospital what assumed minor surgery never returned Sue died complications surgery Sue young good employee always pleasant talk will sorely missed office discussing services Sue informed Frank Bushey eighth President AMA passed away July 15 never got meet Frank earliest surviving AMA President #8 read contributions AMAs history hoped meet him near future After hearing fortunate get spend some time FF portion Nats enjoyed meeting new faces reacquainting myself some old friends watching well-run event Family time again back Atlanta Olympic events basketball game evening stroll through Centennial Park Fortunately left park around 1000 pm next morning Sally came back bedroom tears eyes fear voice bomb gone off Centennial Park after left considered going straight home family decided would make winner out sick individual planted went Olympic events scheduled sat pouring rain watch track field events think made right decision After coming home made yet another trip Muncie meet some local business people Oshkosh AMA has display booth made about halfway cellular phone rang HQ news Howard Crispin AMA Dist IV VP suddenly passed away shocked say least Howard Nats just week half before showed no signs having problem have worked Howard over twenty years first Pattern judge AMA officer As member Executive Council chairman Bylaws Sound committees hard work AMA has left legacy benefits AMA membership Howard apparently iniding some problem started working closely former VP Chuck Foreman standin Chuck will fill until such time election someone fill out Howards term can held show Oshkosh went well AMA members stopping booth well lot exposure modeling potential new modelers Monday Aug 5 escaped booth wandering through AeroMart cellular phone again rang again HQ news John Grigg AMA Dist II VP passed away first reaction think should get rid damned cellular phone knew wasnt blame knew John gravely ill just Celebration Eagles first few days Nats told 6-9 months couldnt bring myself go back booth nearly hour trying figure out tell crew latest tragedy John AMA Dist II VP came onto Executive Council 1980 elected President 1982 served under leadership 5 years privileged travel far wide him John great leader good friend John returned Executive Council 1995 Dist II VP important part body wisdom experience would missed us still bring myself tell rest crew finally build up resolve lump throat tear eye returned booth tell rest crew John discussed desires regarding replacement Wes DeCou Ray Juschkus candidates special election apologize think Presidents column should devoted AMA business travelog AMA President point President state shock trying deal events past month also necessary steps replace people staff Executive Council knew people well enough would concerned about handle next month handle past will survive up us ensure AMA continues thrive must get loss AMA great doesnt compare loss families people hearts go out eeting Minutes Available complete copy approved minutes quarterly Executive Council meeting available AMA member request copy most-recently approved minutes will provided no charge Council meets quarterly minutes given meeting approved following meeting Additional copies minutes other meetings $5 shipping handling charge Requests may submitted AMA Administration telephone via fax writing Minutes recent Council meeting will also posted AMA bulletin board Aeromodeler s Airway telephone requests dial 317 287-1256 extension 201 210 fax requests use 317 7410057 $10 minimum credit card orders 148 Model Aviation se note corrected street address column header correct number 487] 1871 printed earlier U TT4Ti WEUTA U rIirs1 Doug Holland AMA Executive VP 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Home 919 787-5163 Office 919 787-7454 Tuesday July 9 am sitting Indianapolis Airport waiting catch flight Pittsburgh catch another flight Raleigh North Carolina have just completed weekend will go down history event called Celebration Eagles Monday following weekend attended Executive Council meeting event will go down history necessary way operate AMA Celebration Eagles will covered great detail other magazines well will make attempt justice reporting such tremendous event As person said really happening just event no way can put paper electricity magnetism emotion warm fellowship feeling meeting old friends Some never met before because knew what did felt like known forever Everyone extremely cordial real pleasure talking people have such dynamic input development hobby/sport different groups people absolutely impossible name past presidents AMA invited vast majority attended Two past presidents could come sent regrets blame inability attend marriage granddaughter grandparents dont understand maybe us readily understand Other members organizations attendance Life Members AMA patrons museum members Hall Fame delegates clubs large number past VPs AVPs members Executive Council Dave Brown hosted banquet past presidents AMA report was fabulous evening Saturday registration flying National Flying Site As know located headquarters Muncie Indiana absolutely beautiful place fly model airplane being improved time constantly upgrades services available contestant AMA member wishes fly Muncie Saturday registration flying went day Saturday evening reception museum indeed great occasion fun 7O59000 $6682100 ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS INC OPERATING TRENDS $7200000 $7000000 $6800000 $6600000 $6400000 $6200000 $6000000 $5800000 1 I1993 OPERATING EXPENSES E\tab REVENUE very interesting see great number people created engines planes etc museum dont mean people constructed ones hanging up mean people actually drew developed planes engines used much early days hobby Sunday same spite great Saturday Sunday almost much fun banquet held Sunday night lot people mentioned earlier introduced Some spoke others just waved hands said hello thing very interesting Hall Fame member would meet another Hall Famer shake hand say Hello am soand-so used fly plane designed just like what occurred Henry Struck sitting across table him just tell him about New Ruler dont know designed plane sometime 40s issue am going give bar graph comparisons income expenses AMA has experienced past three years Again will note almost running out income $5600000 Costs everything continue go up will have look new revenue order continue same services AMA has rendered past plus handling costs capital expenditures vital ongoing improvements Muncie site comment heard up some people very much against move Muncie model builder ought have come Muncie would certainly will have different opinion about what being developed will serve advance continue understanding world about model aviation museum alone unbelievable experience Having opportunity fly types model aircraft simultaneously same area just wonderful experience behold thing adds much trip Muncie AMA staff people will see talk people truly wonderful great job serving hope have chance go someday will mean great deal sure vote Until later . 8700 K IR R42 200 November 1996 149 $6934500 168900 1994 1995 Hager AMA Executive Director 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Just completed full month modeling activities starting off Celebration Eagles huge success didnt attend missed great weekend activities immediately following Celebration Eagles went full force Nationals first year Nationals except Indoor held Muncie New roads being developed aide modelers getting site another ease due continued rainfall two months construction delayed until after Nats though unable complete new roads time posed little problem 1140 contestants registered participate Model airplanes contestants everywhere Competitors over came fly site very pleased location event positive comments site people worked members returning site year continue notice improvements International Aeromodeling Center direction PADCOM improvements will continue AMA will doing survey Nats contestants please take time fill out interested having input want personally thank Special Interest Groups volunteers helped make Nats huge success Special thanks Ron Morgan Contest Director event spent four weeks Muncie addition events going Muncie attended aeromodeling show Ankeny Iowa talked lots nonmodelers modelers always good Association attend such functions also attended Indoor World Championships took place Moscow Idaho Full results story will appear elsewhere start USA took first-place team first-place individual Steve Brown defending World Champion time 9947 second place Cezar Banks 9837 third place Rene Butty Switzerland time 9427 great see team well another subject Education Several months ago own Education Director Bob Underwood did first series electronic fields trips involving building AMA Cub question-and-answer session aircraft Ball State Universitys Extended Learning Department instrumental project donated satellite equipment time crew video contacted schools AMA provided AMA Cubs Ball provided balance material needed 800 youngsters built Delta Dart during session 32000 children watched production also appeared public television else could get such good exposure young people Well ready proceed second field trip Once again Ball donating satellite equipment crew will filmed again AMA Museum Bob Underwood host time subject will Does Fly After editing two videos will available used promotional tool clubs members As can see AMA busy trying introduce young people sport/hobby aeromodeling constantly striving improve service improve site offer members Association proud order continue services along others necessary increase dues 1997 Executive Council choose increase youth memberships will remain same adult memberships will increase $6 return renewal notice prior November 15 increase will $3 am sure realize have increase dues since 1993 yet everything deal continue increase such paper prices mailing-house services etc hoping doing such projects electronic field trips attending various shows whether modeling-related good marketing effort 97 will change trend decreasing membership increasing membership also exploring other possibilities produce revenue other sources So look new items appear sometime 97 have suggestions accomplish please drop line September 16 will mail date membership renewals 1997 notices mailed first class should received members no later end September urge adult members Districts III V VII XI take time read campaign statements send vote need pay dues same time Remember ballot mailed directly accounting firm membership dues need mailed Muncie ballot received AMA HQ will counted special election will also held Districts II IV following loss District IV VP Howard Crispin District II VP John Grigg Truly great loss members both districts also aeromodeling aign Statements Continued page 147 company finest people around modelers District Virtually anything happens modeldom happens times happens first individual basis active other area country its due spirit initiative district member Serving council way returning small amount good modeling has brought life honor District XI VP primary goals always will see have voice running organization through voice heard goal efforts member several committees well council itself have gone towards continually improving making organization best will always make effort see organization best major need other District preserve flying fields Preservation flying fields major concern will make effort see major portion Academys work dedicated task great pleasure serve modelers District XI through vote will continue serve Gil Horstman name Gil Horstman am candidate District XI Vice President live Spokane Washington have AMA member over 36 years 34 years Leader Member Contest Director have served AVP both District VIII presently District XI believe healthy AMA vital continued growth resultant enjoyment hobby/sport key would seem responsive AMA listens its members changing needs acts effectively elected will best accomplish mission AMA organization vote important tool have voice opinion PLEASE VOTE!!! IT ISUPTOYOU E!! 150 Model Aviation 4joyce F nect cut Mane Massachusetts New Hampshire / Rhode Island Vermont Don Kraftt Vice President P0 Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 -1828 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents James M Semonian 166 Allen Road Billerica MA 01821-5240 Bob Landry 80 Main Street Essex JunctionVT 05452-3146 MC McGuffin 8 Robinson Street Houlton ME 04730-2312 Harry S Newman 36 Sherwood Drive Hooksett NH 031 06-1077 Richard Sherman 28 High Street Plymouth NH 03264-1223 Ed Thompson 27 E Greenwich Ave West Warwick RI 02893-5405 Bob Wallace 91 Sylvan Street Avon Cf 06001-2230 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 82 Frazier Way Marstons Mills MA 02648-1 866 THIS COLUMN must started unpleasant task reporting passing three prominent AMA members FRANK B BUSHEY resident Bloomfield Ct. school teacher administrator started clubs schools affiliated directed contests some held area now Bradley International Airport also past treasurer president AMA HOWARD CRISPIN Howard passed away early August services held Arlington Cemetery August 6 1996 known Howard since about 1978 judging various Pattern contests Rob attending served Executive Council years did much extra work Academy such research sound writing articles Model Aviation JOHN GRIGG Passed away Sunday August 4 1996 past president Council Member AMA first met him 1985 became Council member men dedicated model aviation contributed greatly hobby will missed am sure will information elsewhere Model Aviation CELEBRATION OF EAGLES event held AMA National Site July 6-7 1996 object provide opportunity some pioneers model aviation get together fly swap stories attend banquet extremely successful site worked out very well time could see rubber powered models helicopters controlline flying various types RC powered models banquet attended over 400 people held Ball State University time meet talk people associated pictures magazines previously event organized John Worth AMA staff provided extremely enjoyable weekend will probably never duplicated Congratulations involved 1996 NATIONALS drove out Pattern portion Nats Chris Dansereau Sr Chris Jr several purposes trip wanted see Chris Jr fly find out drive 960 miles about 16 hours straight through see AMA site would work Nats spent Saturday night through Thursday Muncie trip well worthwhile did hear ANYTHING negative about site good things about AMA staff work preparing site general attitude thought site best yet Nationals Only Westover AFB could come close downside fact events spaced out can see certain events unless spend over three weeks attending SCALE following information provided Harry Newman New Hampshire AVP wife Shirley fortunate able attend Muncies first RC Scale Nats Over 40 airplanes counted Some nationally recognized others first-time contestants range airplanes represented unmatched compared other events have attended Details will covered elsewhere Model Aviation can assure everyone levels competition can/should enter compete planes dont have big $1000 value range Example 1/6 size J-3 won first Sportsman class New England ably represented three winners Charlie Nelson 2nd Designer Scale Ron Gagnor 2nd Sportsman Scale John Wood 3rd Sportsman Scale CONTROL-LINE SCALE Jack Patrolia Marshfield MA won believe model Spinks Akromaster Jack has enthusiastic supporter promoter model aviation giving demonstrations general public school children time read should have received Distinguished Service Award approved July Council Meeting PATTERN District represented Steve Boyko Peter Francis Al Moder Jeff Carrish Sportsman Chris Dansereau Advanced Gary Garabian Masters Steve Lelito FAI Jeff 5th Peter 6th Sportsman mber 1996 151 Ron Gagnor Charlie Nelson John Wood Nats Scale models Fred Bellows signing wing commemorative purposes Close up wing note signature Ed Henry Model Aviation cartoonist Peter Francis Jeff Carrish Steve Boyko Chris Dansereau Al Moder Pattern aircraft Steve Lelito Gary Garabian flew different sites difficult get together Chris Dansereau Pattern aircraft ARCH NEMESIS New Jersey New York Europe John Grigg Vice President 6387 Badger Dr Lockport NY 14094-5947 Eve 716 434-3955 CompuServe 765662373 Associate Vice Presidents Ray Janchkas 09 Liviogston Street St James NY 1780 516 862-5585 Dave Babcock 44S Stockton Street Hightotewo NJ 065254551 Roy Brown USAC AFCENT CMR 460 SOX 585 APO AC 08703 Wee De Con 85 Riverside i3rive Easking Ridge NJ 07920-1308 Vince Julieno 1 e Shamrock Road Rocky Point NY 11778 George Baso 11 Maple Lane Hyde Park NY 12S3S Adam Saltier 41 PerryAvevac Lathan, NY 12110-2433 Dane Mathewson Boo 613 Carnilius NY 13031 Bill Poythress 2 Hemlock CooS Sangetties NY 13477 James M LewIs P061 Ogdeobarg NY 13669-0061 Bill Milier PO Son 335 Pnooetoo Junction NJ 58550 Frequency CoordInator Len Seater 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoanlo NY 13135-9507 315 695-2448 Gail Holahan will last column John Griggr District II VP August 4 1996 left world bluer skies higher thermals great days flying dadr witnessedr great deal pride career Academy Model Aeronautics achievements organization well documented probably dont need mentioning indeed could remember However need speak man husband father Dad thoroughly enjoyed life modeling could take empty piece balsa turn masterful flying machine would often asked hold piece wood pin would listen dad would explain aerodynamics lift principles wing airfoil etc always thrilling job say least dad always seemed smart because knew stuff could create such marvelous piece work thrived leadership roles afforded him Academy used sit comfy brown chair discuss intricacies political workings organization would listen dutifully fully understanding ins outs ups downs see father involved such seemingly important matters somehow made feel important too often heard frustration voice because cared deeply Academy hurt long disputes arose could thwart often great excitement because goals met improvements made Academy membership soared felt helped make things better greatest joys life being part model airplane world However marvelous accomplishments could never have met Joan wife mother side minute through modeling experiences through life until drew last breath team remember evenings dad would disappear cellar work models Mom missed companionship evenings still encourage him further sport Mom him meets vacation resort Bahamas trip Hawaii rather buzz model engines whoosh sailplanes too gained strength pride seeing him excel Dad aware sacrifices mom made sport quiet reserved acknowledgment during last days would reach moms hand pull toward him could see tender nourishing love gained much strength through years Modeling big part both lives desperate hope people Academy sport modeling will forget continue include mother future activities dad made much part organization think Dad always some aspect planes modeling fullscale attaches itself memory tried get involved sport 12 monotonous circles threat demolishing piece Dads hard spent labors was willing invest Still tagged along occasionally helped fuel engines launch winged giants silent flight instilled love sky planes stars meteorology will stay forever didnt have child follow footsteps hobby quick encourage youngsters would take interest came classroom give demonstrations After such demonstration left planes kids see night school experienced break lost plane along antique engine crushed never made school officials feel badly about Despite setback continued helping kinds kids adults venture hobby times wished didnt have share father model airplanes Immediately after both children born winging way Europe FAI meetings times would have liked have parents around watch children involved somewhere world model airplanes wouldnt have other way now can look back Dad made very proud daughter wouldnt trade world wonderful adventures grandchildren enriched travels picture column Dads last flying days Larry Lundy best friend brother Ernie Nikodem full scale pilot good friend helped dad field last plane built Modeling life have also included picture dad wanted have column George Privateer nicknamed Popsicle because froze stick Humor big part modeling life Im sure especially plane went down cost lots money precious commodity time Finally Id like thank people Academy making father part lives truly loved minute serving Please remember John Grigg go about fulfilling dreams hobby great modeler man husband father miss Dad Model Aviation 4 U] I-I 11 [61 EHIE 1 tin Ohio Pennsylvania / West Virginia Bob Brown Vice President 35 Sanford Street 4Bradford PA 16701 1814 368-7655 Associate Vice Presidents Mike Barbee 6561 Calgary Court Columbus OH 43229-2008 614 891-1643 David H Ellis 5261 DeWitt Road Cross Lanes WV 2531 3-1209 304 776-1408 Nelson Gould 1944 S Idaho Street Allentown PA 18103-8519 215 797-6597 John Hathaway 102 Woodmere Drive New Stanton PA 15672-9449 412 925-3266 Donald Klopp 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 610 409-0129 Frank Noll 4573 Lamme Road Dayton OH 45449 513 435-9232 Joseph S Vislay 1381 Cranbrook Drive PO Box 651 Maumee OH 43537-3062 Frequency Coordinator John Cottle 1012 Wyoming Avenue Forty Fort PA 18704 Phone\tab 717 287-8970 John GriggHoward Crispin severat years have admired efforts have unselfishly devoted themselves Academy Unfortunately have lost two very respectful gentlemen Howard originally Shinglehouse small community northern Pennsylvania known throughout world efforts reducing sound model engine countless hours study coordination AMA Sound Committee produced techniques used today John Grigg personal friend to modelers world long acquaintance John started local pylon competition hours spent Harold deBolt John myself discussing better pylon efforts As John became involved Academy did Grigg Brown families logged miles friendship trips throughout world Joan John became known Mom Dad gentlemen could have devoted themselves manner did total dedication families men has wife created team Thanks combined effort team will forgotten 1996 Election ability vote leadership within Academy benefit large percentage membership fails utilize year have ability elect Executive Vice President District III Vice President apathy will exhibit desire complacent organization Please vote nominee choice Most club elections will take place within next few months During year receive comments about activity within club Sometimes comments positive Most clubs suffer apathy within Instead complaining provide positive leadership clubs desire Ron Morgan 1996 Nats now history . what witnessed various newsletters have said event huge success unaware Nats produce efforts countless volunteers efforts coordinated Nats Committee chaired former District III Vice President Ron Morgan Thanks Ron providing positive direction needed Thanks also Steve Kaluf coordinating AMA Headquarters effort Although Muncie site far complete provided adequate venue majority events Improvements next year already being discussed Included camping facilities additional controline areas additional parking better patternlscale site Next years Nats will probably very similar have ideas could make better please forward either Ron Steve myself AVP Bud Klopp Associate Vice President southeast Pennsylvania has recently relocated Please direct communication 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 Telephone 610 409-0129 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship year Academy awards scholarships deserving young modelers year Michael Hudson York Pa recipient Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship amount $2500 Congratulations Mike academic achievement well community modeling servsce Indiana Flyers Indiana Peonsylvansa site Jimmy Stewart Airport year part Indianas Airport Appreciation Days Indiana Flyers produced static flying demonstration AVP John Hathaway provided picture includes club members took part successful show Westerville Model Aeronautics Association Over hundred children parents attended first flying static show put WMAA patrons Westerville Ohio Library event held Alum Creek flying site included 39 club members club provided attendee hot dogs pop child given opportunity fly aid buddy box least two families joined WMAA spot Activities such go long way building public support model aviation club interested such event contact AVP Mike Barbee event coordinator Boy Scout Camporee Randolph Dolce recently coordinated model flying activity Boy Scout Camporee Honesdale Pennsylvania Flyers Top-O-NJ R/C Club drove over hundred miles provide assistance Check out interest exhibited Scouts Randys picture interested seeing club column please submit items pictures Bob Brown above address Pictures may black white color Remember benefits have Academy ability elect board . PLEASE VOTE mber 1996 153 Indiana Flyers Jimmy Stewart Airport Appreciation Days Boy Scouts Honesdale Pennsylvania Associate Vice Presidents George Abbott 8712 Westlake Ct Raleigh NC 27613 Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive SevernMD 21144-1130 Phone\tab 410 969-9356 Douglas Barry 5300 Olde Milibrooke Dr Glen Allen VA 23060 Allen Eklund 8415 Maeve Ct Clemmons NC 27012 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Road Newport News VA 23606-3663 Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hill NC 27948 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809-1719 Richard Dick Smith 761 Gwynne Avenue Waynesboro VA 22980-3346 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Drive Fayetteville NC 28311-1007 Phone\tab Evening 919 488-5986 month District IV column begins sad news Wednesday July 31 1030 am District VP friend 25 years Howard Crispin passed away University Hospital Charlottesville VA Howard returned home Charlottesville after first week Nats Celebration Eagles Muncie Within short period time admitted University Virginia Hospital some tests problems found very serious too much Howard overcome AMA District IV modeling community have lost dedicated worker very dear friend deepest sympathy goes out wife Caroline son daughters Howard agreed long ago anything ever happened would write last colunm try coordinate District IV until replacement elected am sure AMA Council will move rapidly replace Howard procedure place part AMA Bylaws under Article 10 Officers meantime have questions need assistance can reached following address phone Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 am sure area AVP District IV officers can assist AMA problems questions will miss Howard Happy flying Headquarters saddened unexpected death staff member Sue Tobias died following surgery Ball Memorial Hospital Muncie Indiana July 24 Tobias 31 worked Special Services Department handling insurance claims Muncie native Tobias graduate Ball State University Survived parents Sandra Marshall sister Katrina grandparents warmhearted animal nature lover Recognized sunny disposition cheerful attitude will missed staff members 154 Model Aviation rd Crispin left makes point Sal Taibi recent Celebration Eagles reception held AMA Museum Muncie Photo Matthew Usher Sue Tobias National Newsletter August 1996 \bullet 1 [ LU 11 1s] b Aabama Fo da/Georgia Miasiasippi / Puerto Rico South Carolina / Tenneasee Jim McNeiII Vice President 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 Phone 205 322-3002 X 205 252-2654 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Bartoszewicz 3626 Ranahsood Rd Orlando FL 32808 Ron Chidgey 3713 Pompano Pensacola FL 32514 Wilbelmina Chlhasz 2826 Arbor Place Knoxville TN 37917 James M Edwards ace Mimosa New Albany MS 38653 William 1 Haywood 4 Rabin Circle Foley AL 36535 Karl Hensel 383 Bniacoood 8157 Meridian MS 38305 Louise Izzo 286 Hantridge Way Wieteroprings FL 32708 Richard Jackson 2118 Tbornlee Dr. N Charleston SC 28405 Chris Joiner 95 Lee Rd 238 Pbenia City AL 36867 Dr John MartIn 2180 Tigertail Ave Miami FL 33133 Tom Morris 327 Pueblo Peas Anviston AL 36206 Linda OHearn 3415 Maze Ln Brandon FL 33511 Dick FeB00 156 Palm Grove Blvd Panama City Beach FL32408 George Parryman 3644 Lake Dr Smyrna GA 30082 Frank Tlano 15300 Estancia Lane West Palm Beach FL 33414 Ward Van Dazer 5360 Pine Circle Camming GA 30131 Lee Wehater 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Joseph Micalizzi HC 866 Boo 10387 Faiardo Puerto Rico 00738 Frequency Coordinator Dorothy Fields 183W Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32148 Phone804664-2517 Last month reported results Council meeting refrained mentioning latest dues increase agreement AMA president should mention first magazine Therefore mention now motion made increase annual dues $6 vote no have 2 Council members die past week Howard Crispin John Grigg Both very respected Districts Nationally Personal friend John Grigg AMA President several years Secretary Treasurer subsequently Executive Vice President Naturally John became good friends hurts lose friend hurts see national organization become less death 2 experienced dedicated Board Members visited Mulberry Florida other day witnessed first class Giant Fly-In Spring Rally Rick Meland CD Newell Terry Field Giant Scale becoming popular Alabama South Carolina Teon Mississippi Georgia also Winter Spring weather somewhat warmer Florida Meet Joe Saitta superbly constructed Messerschmitt Mel63B-l Komet WW lIthe operational power endurance eight ten minutes Further uncontrollable speeds excess 620 mph WW II continued story might have different larger Mel63C WalterlO9-509C rocket motor extended powered flight time 12 minutes plane intended attack endless streams American bombers coming over Germany another German alrplane WW Condor George Breen son Mike posed behind fine model Lake Wales Ha Paul Donofrio Punta Gorda Florida magnificent Waco YKS7 Paul says model flies very well Greg Ely Macon Georgia President Dixie Aeromasters hosted Annual Spring Fly-In 2 months ago excellent turn-out Bob Zuspan won Best Sport event Jim Zuspan won Best Scale Wiltz Bernard won Best Military P-5 1 Mustang Mac Hodges won both Best Giant Scale Best Show snap winners Contest Director L-R Bob Zuspan Jim Zuspan Greg Ely Mac Hodges Wiltz Bernard posing front winning airplanes President Greg Ely presenting double winner Mac Hodges award Mac left Control Line version annual KING ORANGE International events held Flagler County Airport January Larry Barickman CD Bunnell Florida Lynn Joy Weedman St Augustine Lynns Open Stunt model Original design OS 46 power 80 oz Meet Score Keeper Tabulator Paula Barickman CD Larry Barickman front trophys awards some happy contestants flew 96 King Orange Control Line events necessarily order Lewis Puckett Dennis Toth Corey Birchfield Mimi Jerry Martin Bill Hodges Walt Legan As left flying sste impression having heck good time Some may have noticed Bill Haywood Foley Alabama no longer AMA Assistant Vice President District V wasnt anything Bill did didnt Council action Council eliminated position Asst VP So Bill back Associate VP again mber 1996 155 U ] -u 11 [ LU 111 1] IE Associate Vice Presidents Illinois Deb & Scott Justice 156 S Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 John Kallend 402 Arizona Glenwood IL 60425 Eve 708 798-7242 Hal Parenti 1920 Buckingham Westchester IL 60154 Eve 708 562-5752 Jerry Worden 400 Alden Dr Normal IL 61761-1202 Eve 309 454-3905 Indiana Ron Ballard 6302 N 700 E Decatur IN 46733 Eve 219 724-8934 Gary Bussell 5000 W Connie Dr Muncie IN 47304 Eve 317 288-3541 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421-3108 Eve 812 275-2189 Kentucky Jim Sears Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 606 748-5834 Missouri Cal Ettel 3 Castle Dr RR 82 Florissant MO 63034 Eve 314 831-5031 Dick Taylor 7929 Jefferson Kansas City MO 64114 Eve 816 333-9839 Frequency Coordinator Paul Holsten 616W 30th St Higginaville MO 64037- 1659 Eve 816 584-2481 St Louis MO McDonnell Douglas R/C Club # 393 has chartered club years see club number Way back club started members began program called Flight Month club idea being no matter bad weather member get flight month end year members completed flight month over years time received certificate club would like report members name Wil Flidmeier has completed over 25 years least flight month Thats over 300 months hasnt missed flight friends club wanted him get some recognition outstanding accomplishment Garden Prairie IL James Kennicker Lakeshore R/C Club #259 sent following information pictures Big Bird Fly-In held May 19th 1996 Picture superbly down B-25 Merlin Graves Next very neat colorful Stinger Dennis Crooks last Extra 300 Merlin Graves Look wide-open spaces surrounding field St Charles IL April 16 year sixteen members Fox Valley Aero Modelers # 252 met Glenwood Academy St Charles Glenwood Academy privately funded residential school boys club members spent enjoyable evening building AMA Cubs boys school organized twelve boys live group home five such homes campus club members divided groups two three spent hour half helping boys assemble planes test fly Club members boys assembled field sixty boys sixteen members flew Cubs original intent hold contest five cottages award pizza night cottage could post longest flight club decided since everyone having such good time club would sponsor pizza night entire school Picture has John Bloom helping assembly Picture two has Dave Bride doing final check-out May 22nd original group returned school put RC flying demonstration boys Information picture Mike Kostecki Plainfield IN Screaming Eagles RC Inc club held annual Eagles Pattern contest May great turnout 35 fliers seven states Picture has Miki Woodward accepting firstplace award Novice class Darrow Neeves Heres lineup winners L R Miki Woodward Novice Randy Wolfe Sportsman Olivier Marsaly AdvancedJeff Aranyos Masters James Bennett FAI Look flags bit windy great time Pictures information courtesy Steve Ragsdale Model Aviation i 11 LU uuu i tin Iowa Michigan Minnesota / Wisconsin Joe Hass Vice President 5394 English Drive Troy MI 48098 810 510-6243 FAX 810 879-5522 Don Bentfield 1440W Minnehaha Avenue St Paul MN 55104 Phone 612 645-2984 Dave Gish 5435 State Hwy 99 Wapello IA 52653 Bud Gorman PO Box 33 Knife River MN 55609 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Boulevard Milwaukee WI 53211 Jean Lasik 305 Patti Place Holland Ml 49423 Bill Millar 712 Grand Ave Petoskey Ml 49770 Carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Drive Madison WI 53705 Mark E Robotti 26540 Olympic Trail North Lindatrom MN 55045 Pete Waters 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Ml 48167 Fax 810 486-1603 Mike Zingery 6496S Summerton Rd Shepherd Ml 48883-9308 Frequency Coordinators West Al Schwartz 2787 Fernwood Roseville MN 55113 East Bert Kelly PO Box 39001 Redford Ml 48239 Lynn sent along interior shot stunning Lynn Paula question dont airplanes look like yours give lessons TREMENDOUS LOSS Modelers everywhere mourning loss Executive Council VPs Howard Crispin John Grigg Both men walking encyclopedias AMA history importantly knew understood things done past could avoid repeating mistakes history short time council both men treated well solicited ideas input Pete Waters attended Howards funeral Arlington National Cemetery representative AMA sincere condolences families Wonder what sound requirements heaven LUV THOSE CLUBS THAT DO COMMUNITY SERVICE months newsletters included two notes positive efforts clubs help neighbors Madison Area Radio Control Society #665 Madison WI runs Adopt-A-Highway program Frankenmuth Aeromodelers Frankenmuth MI help annual Bavarian Festival manpower Make sure club helps community make sure civic leaders know efforts pays off flying fields HOW TO PUBLICIZE YOUR EVENT Ribcrackers Model Airplane Club Livonia MI can teach us lesson event PR 4 color press release RIC Airshow dazzling details picture huge DC-3 received coverage major papers major AM radio station SE Michigan WJR least two TV stations great event watch fly well Good job folks FOOLED HER walked upstairs Paula handed picture fullsize airplane wanted buy pic 1 humorously responded gave second picture pic 2 impressed work Lynn Sidabras Milwaukee WI Along great letter JACKSONS ACTION Working local airport hobby shop Jackson Radio Control Club participated Jackson Hot Air Jubilee Air Show July 19-21 airport favorite Sunday morning fly breakfast places weekend great weather hot-air balloons intro Control Line flights full schedule demo flights along open airport Dave McKinnon Riders Hobby did great job logistics BUSY SCHEDULE weekend has will continue filled events Unfortunately work has interfered much participation events have attended have very professional tribute work organizers Keep up good work See field mber1996 157 Ribcrackers DC-3 Can tell 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Deluxe aircraft dB-checked 98 9 model Beautiful 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Lynn Sidabras Ribcrackers set aside time during air show demo flights Attetktirirn Nats/Celebration Eagles attendees chance lifetime will announced December Model Aviation ASsansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas George M Aldrich Vice P resident 12822 Tarrytown San Antonio TX 78233 AMA\tab Line 210 650-4707 FAX answers 6th ring away Associate Vice Presidents Max Blose 1001 N Betsy Waco TX 76706 817 662-5587 Sandy Frank 105 N Brazos St Weatherford TX 76086 817 599-7131 Ervin Chick Frierson Box 188 Haakell TX 79521 817 864-3086 Marlin McGee 4433 NW 20th St Oklahoma City OK 73107 405 947-4518 Randy Randolph 4873 Fallon P1 Dallas TX 75227 214 381-7624 Jim Simpson 604 San Juan Del Rio Rio Rancho NM 87124 505 891-1336 Steve Staples 1300 Pine Valley Little Rock AR 72207 501 664-1226 Charles Stevens 226 Delta St Paaadena TX 77506 713 473-4995 John Valls 2502 Montgomery Box 2241 Laredo TX 78044 512 723-9018 Ward Watts 13415 Joor Rd Baton Rouge LA 70818 504 261-5974 Frequency Coordinator North Joe DuMond 2626 Valley View Suite 4 Farmers Branch TX 75234 214 241-8492 South Jim Reynolds 123 Madrid Universal City TX 78148 210 658-6646 AMA Display Coordinator Karen Hopkins 5515 Bridgeton Avenue Arlington TX 76018 817 467-9211 have written called voice displeasure over SIG group being able require membership organization order enter AMA-sanctioned event solution Simply sanction events through AMA its contest coordinator system district Clyde Brothers Bill Lee always ready assist have given exemplary service Last April left attend EC meeting Muncie wife called tend aging parents illness extended absence some 10-plus weeks canceled planned travel until leaving Muncie July 5 biggest regret missing SMALL event put lifelong buddy Emmett Bungie Fry AVP Steve Staples Little Rock Arkansas years SMALL Fun-Fly largest yet some 81 registered Considering entry averaged bringing four models heck gathering Ill let photos speak pure fun enough words tell what great happening Celebration Eagles turned out John Worth ably assisted Joyce Hager AMA staff really did fantastic job highlight Maxwell Bassett speaking banquet Eighty-two years young day sounded like 40-year-old CEO regret Bill Winter Frank Ehling Dick Korda could us Clancy parked part gaggle next Peanut Scale jobs Emmett Fry brings out kids Betty Fox Fox engines columnist Randy Randolph SMALL regulars Betty big supporter SMALL AVP Steve Staples SendAero co-chief perennial CD show well organized actually time have little fun Except beautiful PT-19 rest RC jobs belong Emmett Fry Culver Cadet scaled-down version friend Bill Caiwells real SMALL AirOlympics flyoft kids ages 7-16 always draws crowd winners get AMA gold silver bronze medals competition SMALL Dereck Woodward drove down wife Sue Maryland Hes already making plans come back 97 Pem McRae owns antebellum Cottonwoods Plantation hosts SMALL Pem showed off solid replica 1929 Commandaire real bird manufactured Little Rock before Depression After traditional Saturday night supper crowd filled Air Space Museum see IMAX film Vein Williams flew 13-foot blimp around museum lobby part show Vein Wendell Roberts like giants Eugene Bryant scratch-designed built Jenny Don Downing brought several airplanes including Flyline Curtiss Fifty-two 81 pilots signed up Robin Both regulars Dallas\tab field Friday noonat 158 Model Aviation arks RC Club Hastings Nebraska El] I-Il 1 1 jjjjj Fax\tab 701 4. Associate Vice Presidents Max Hansen 1909 Wisconsin SW Huron SD 57350 Nathan Lancaster 3597 S Kendall Street Denver CO 80235 Tray Lapp 1618 Houston Dr Bismarck ND 58504 Travis McGinnis 8027W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Don Moden 410 Hart St Sauna KS 67401 Jim Ricketts 4921 Fernwood Drive Sioux Falls SD 57103-5573 Jack L Sibert 3611 Kimberly Circle Lincoln NE 68506-4524 Chuck Smith 1091 Cheshire Street Casper WY 82609-3214 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918 S Sheridan Denver CO 80226 News Nebraska Lincoln Skyknights RC Club Lincoln Nebraska 1996 GIANT SCALE FUN FLY NOW HISTORY 1996 LSK Giant Scale Fun Fly now history books measures success years Fun Fly attended 32 registered pilots 14 Lincoln Sky Knight members Also both days fair number spectators lined up along fence time looks like event cleared after expenses $450 weather about good could expect 25 30 knot winds Saturday afternoon Sunday perfect light winds entire day machinery years fly fantastic Doug Cunnings 35% Scale Extra Don Neills scratch-built fivecylinder radial engine quality years entries no less superb major mishap Sunday gentleman out town spun due suspected unhooked ailerons aircraft completely rekitted thanks helped make years event success Paul Wanda Cooper prepared enough food feed small army Also thanks Eva Grauer Joan Penn help concessions Thanks Neil Rohrke help mowing Dave Greathouse Helen Rohrke Bob Schwab help impound area last least Lincoln Sky Knights support Craig Sparks GATEWAY MALL SHOW RESULTS 1996 LSK Model Mall Show held May 11 1996 now over results entries winners choice Winners determined ballot So statistics show 24 contestants entered 39 fixed-wing 4 rotary wing least 2 sailplanes some very outstanding models display mind making choice very difficult say least winners went like Pylon Ducted Fan Best Show Rookie Scale Scale Sportsman Barebones Helicopter Pattern Sailplane Dave Reiber Don Svoboda Bob Jordon Monroe Prater Bernie Arthur Brent Jensen David Greathouse Neal Helen Rohrke Dennis Manning Allen Worrest Allen Worrest always special privilege able show off hobby public special thanks goes out folks took time bring out favorite models public view Also special thanks Dave putting Mall Show together Until next year just keep building Tom Hefley Annual 8-Man Football Flight Demonstration June 1996 Nebraska 8-man Coaches Association formed spring 1977 As part group formation wished have All-Star game promote showcase sport summer All-Star game initiated through help Hastings Sertoma Club athletes town about two weeks housed Central Community College dorms During time practice team evenings Sertoma Club has arranged variety events visits pastimes players coaches very first year Hastings Skylarks asked put flying demonstration program has remained basically same throughout 18 years have good static display various kinds sizes types models look begin telling about club number members age range facilities etc followed closeup look club trainer wing offwe explain servos controls work etc get plane air explain built cost kit types engines cost engines fuel little about radios operation cost time have several planes time air keep flights short about 3-4 minutes usually prevent loss interest explain different plane particular noteworthy different feature something about pilot etc try feature variety kinds models flying demonstration have performed two comedy acts over years involves getting few players usually team captains quarterbacks out fly buddy boxes After show some expertise sticks get coach buddy box have show abilities whole time airplane has controlled pilot out sight crowd course coach gets plane does some wild gyrations nearly crashes narrator can really get players going talking about coachs skills have instructor get disgusted whole thing walk away leaving coach supposedly completely alone flying plane dont always oneit takes lot good timing coordination work well as Wilheim November1996 159 Lincoln SkyKnights RC Club 1996 Giant Scale Fun Fly Scott Zimmerman far left Dallas Wilhelm far right 8-man football players Anzona California / Hawaii / Nevada / Utah Richard Hanson Vice President P0 Box 3312 Scottsdale AZ 85271 Phone 602 708-0222 E-mail nchh @primenetcom httpJ/wwwama-1 Ocom/ama Darwin Barrie Scottsdale Arizona 602 946-8955 Dan Goeschl Lancaster California 805 940-6066 Darlene Frederick Santa Rosa California 707 525-8815 Marc Karpowich Logan Utah 801 752-3639 Brian Nelson Morgan Hill California 408 463-0907 Dave Pinjuv Las Vegas Nevada 702 656-1772 Al Williamson Chula Vista California 619 427-4039 Frequency Coordinators Eloy Marez Santa Ana California 714 540-4935 See last months column additional AVPs Coordinatoral Last month presented first three articles D-X AVP Brian Nelson following second series articles Clubs Clubees Clubers talk about forming organization club facilitate vision group individuals Most time relate past experiences forming going accomplish goal Oftentimes however dont think far enough ahead plan situations ultimately face during lifetime organization Flying sites related clubs inherently have issues need planning investment time money energy patience dictates need plan ahead Issues such safety liability land use investment leadership membership beginners relate another require plan meet vision also important define vision clearly new members atmosphere get-togethers meetings upbeat positive Its also good measure progress towards achieving goals go along Feeling good about ones accomplishments tomorrows energy next hurdle After putting vision together among group no matter small its time put down writing helps establish priorities directions future can avoid confrontations simply agreeing future upgrading access road scheduled after safety fence wanting road understand plan know wishes have future Plan approach example youre making presentation landowner seller lessor have picture mind what would want hear shoes Ive encountered clubs appear cold new members require initiation fees seem want new member feel hardship went through acquiring field Maybe reason hobby has losing participants last several years need encourage people talent hobby push away last two years Ive seen clubs take progressive approach providing flight training safety new member help clubs future respond need can also tell average age members below fifty Maybe its time club became upbeat inviting potential modeling enthusiasts Having experience working Silicon Valley obtain land goes 200K plus acre receive numerous inquiries regarding working public private entities secure land thing makes difference having support several individuals working together put plan program place site project presentation before Parks Commission City Council graphs slide shows blueprints impact overviews modeler lists within county plan vision insurance organization about 150 modelers attended closing council meeting topic folder material Council Members wrote thank note home after meeting offered develop fund install flying field could advertise within park system benefit residents no cost public also contacted site neighbors ahead time got blessing end because common vision teamwork handful good people knew professionalism counts success sights hand type planning long term assures good investments down road Till next time Keepem safe Keepem flyn Model Aviation ciate Vice Presidents D-X AVP Mike Harrington Kaneohe Hi prepares Aloha State RC Clubs Open House July 27-28 1996 Top photo . Kids around island Oahu line up candy drop Meanwhile . OHawail Show Teams Candy Bomber lifts off loaded 2-lbs wrapped hard candy U MA World Wide Web http//www ama-i Ocom/ama Meeting Hawaiian Style Maui RC Modelers relax warm South Pacific sun club meeting clubs new RC site Up top Club President Bob Cox C VP Gordon Colley L Treasurer Richard Cox R ml i i LS ~iIit1iiitE Howard Crispin longtime council member devoted modelers modeling friend died late July Just preparing column word came John Grigg died early August John President first elected also good friend hearts go out Howards wife Caroline Johns wife Joan families will greatly missed Weve some flying-site problems show up Washington Oregon rest experiencing anything along lines should get information Jay Mealy AMA HQ sooner know about problems better chance can offer effective help Whats going out there7 Well starting Washington State Legislators passed bill requiring counties set conditions uses agricultural lands case means arent established plan cant use land Period Puyallup EXPO heads- up given Doug Francis clubs Washington about get model airplane flying endorsed onto land use laws laws being written amazing luck Doug Whidbey Island Club officer serving committee county going write land use rules Doug has extremely valuable source information members Washington help packet information instructions suggestions proceed developed sent clubs Washington Oregon different situation law already exists model airplane flying allowed use farm property Although allowed uses arent farming clubs have fields farm property have continued use land unless complaint lodged complaint comes club loses field few years ago Salem R/C Pilots Assn flying farmland gotten conditional use permit under old rules Because other concerns find new place fly found new field farm land too far old started develop Someone complained county issued cease desist order club land owner decided fight order club filed conditional use permit continued use property pending hearing hearing held 24th July no ruling yet 1st August ruling will have issued time read Salem R/C Pilots Assn determined fly new field 1st decision goes against will appeal ruling club will use whatever legal means available gain what want June Barnstormers have field northern end same county likewise served case parallels Turner situation too will fight order fact both clubs using same lawyer legal practice involves litigating land use problems Everything being learned first hearing will utilized Barnstormers case Barnstormers landlord served club little time respond beginning appeared case might heard before Salem Clubs hearing So club formed political action committee direct efforts Very quickly formed liaison Salem group acquired same lawyer has difficult valuable learning situation both clubs What being learned clubs will available club out needs information keep own field clubs win hopefully will precedent Marion County can also hope use precedent cases involving other counties Oregon life being what it will probably mean hearing flying site order guarantee model activities can happen agricultural land anywhere Oregon will have change law will need write ammendment law will allow model aircraft fly off over agricultural land conditional use get done means us fly model aircraft Oregon going have become political year have upcoming election must elect legislators will work us will identify legislators districts want will help us effort Once identified may required some work get people elected Once elected will need have bill introduced shepherded through legislative process Just will work being developed As gather information will available material weve developed far will have sent clubs time read information will follow same time help sorely needed Please get involved No working problem believes he/she has answers need help input Remember professional involved lawyer rest us volunteers doing whatever necessary get access place fly need deserve keep sport alive question arises should have place enjoy sport remember have same rights other citizens have place time enjoy what Perhaps importantly what what can impart youngsters far useful beneficial presently allowed uses AVP Bruce Nelson sent words photos first Photo #1 Ray Care Nosen Cessna 310 Two ST 90s MonoKoted Rays working plane 17 years Finished just year flown June 30th flew hands off after some minor trimming lineap jets Barons Jet Fly held Deer Park July 6-7 36 jets year tribute Doug Hunt Charlie Hissom started event 6 years ago 6 jets Charlie Doug families go out make class event draws lot spectators mber 1996 161 spokane WA 99208 Falls OR 97601 98257 WA 98390 Frequency Coordinator Al Waison 130 145ih NE. Bellevue WA 98007
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Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
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Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System}}
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f0\fs17 Inside View Headquarters am incumbent Executive Vice President AMA candidate re election full term beginning January 1 1997 appointed Executive Council February 1996 complete term Dave Brown elected President AMA graduated Duke University degree accounting am certified public accountant have practicing 46 years During WW III served US Navy primarily Phillippines present time am Senior Partner President CD Holland Company PA certified public accounting firm Executive Vice President AMA responsible financial operations includes matters finance budgeting daily accounting operations structuring debt acquire fixed assets involvement federal tax law due amount revenue generated because AMA has Unrelated Business Income sales advertising Model Aviation have great deal academic training well vast practical experience items previously mentioned plus great deal involvement management responsibilities consulting addition have served finance committee three years factors stand good stead perform work required position manner both knowledgeable professional involvement model aviation goes back 1935 began building model airplanes YMCA camp have involved indoor free flight Ucontrol radio control categories have active participant free flight Ucontrol radio control having both contestant events including various nationals well CD over 30 years am presently active electric flying Due love modeling extensive business experience field accounting finance management feel am qualified serve Executive Vice President AMA will appreciate support nominee running office AMA given opportunity present two campaign statements Model Aviation magazine other statement accompanies election ballot annual membership renewal Rather repeating same remarks have chosen address separate issues statement Since slated magazine read would like ask favor fellow modeler Please vote Though approximately 160000 members AMA frequently have less 15000 members participate election process strongly believe member has right express concerns constructively criticize efforts have chosen lead result having met individual member obligation participate election process Im running office Executive Vice President can further improve efforts proceeding As EVP focus will financial health AMA chartered clubs statement chartered clubs no mistake meant taken lightly campaign statements have expressed need to support chartered clubs local flying sites As AVP past six years have received countless calls regarding lost flying sites problems encountered getting new ones Some say we should can believe can build International Flying site Muncie can yet again much acquire maintain local flying sites work directly chartered clubs recognizably issues everyones agenda important both individually collectively concerns needs have shared long range outlook sport hobby *\tab Technical support flying site acquisition *\tab Financial support flying site purchases * Cooperative consolidation AMA Special Interest Group competition * Cost containment Nats better utilization event promotion 146 Model Aviation emy Model Aeronautics 5151 East Memorial Drive Muncie IN 47302 Executive Vice President Doug Holland IncumbentBrian D Nelson Howard Crispin Jr 1925-1996 John C Grigg 1932-1996 deeply saddened two Executive Council members Additional report loss information contained AMA News officers District Report Persons wish remember gentlemen asked make contribution name AMA Scholarship Fund AMA Annual Membership Meeting will held November 16 1996 at4 pm Radisson Hotel Roberts Muncie Indiana sport/hobby *\tab Recognition evolution hobby such recent growth Giant Scale modeling inclusion rather exclusion modeling venues *\tab Enhanced aggressive marketing attract larger target market address retention first-year modelers *\tab Continued support enhancement AMAs leader club program encourage recognize clubs efforts milestones safety training community involvement may ask EVP can affect changes financial affairs members AMA modelers will work together avoid flying site losses through land acquisition greater community acceptance improved replacement programs think thousands dollars could save year foregoing repeated site development cost Special Interest Groups conducted virtually same event AMA could after meeting minimum standards replace lower attended AIVIA events national events have proven successful experience much higher member participation Work could done Nats make financially sound fiscally responsible Cause could should given modeling venues know have sincere desire address concerns Imagine moment finances AMA its charter clubs effect changes like would have call financial accountability view EVP position just footing figures see maximizing potential industry sport hobby Please take time vote Please take time realize believe strongly addressing needs members electing Brian Nelson represents support club local flying site Thank District Vice President Academy Model Aeronautics has experienced several significant changes recent years As elected Vice President have attempted provide professional leadership necessary continue enhance membership benefits during crncial period now time focus needs individual members local club procurement local flying sites primary concern Academy has develop additional programs will enable local club obtain maintain flying site Positive liaison between national state local government agencies has increased Corporate involvement must also stressed As elected official have expertise needed initiate increased involvement Membership growth within Academy has increased individual member must obtain additional benefits increased cost Programs involving neophyte must provide proper assistance needed become active modeler Todays modeling style changing have adapt change positive alignment hobby industry will certainly provide benefit role AMA Special Interest Group has increased SIG knows desires membership Academy has listen Apathy within society today very critical hobby Unfortunately club members desire extend themselves club Academys Leader Club Program should extended help encourage active club involvement participation Within modeling hobby can express oneself several different avenues have airplanes boats cars etc time has come Academy act catalyst have various organizations working common goals Duplication effort costly often counter productive primary need sites actively conduct sport time work together As elected representative will continue available Recognition needs individual modeler utmost importance Please demonstrate positive attitude have within District III e Bob Brown Im honored run Vice Pres Dist VII last five years Ive pleasure working Joe Hass Pete Waters Assistant VP elected would strive carry activities started As recreational flyer appreciate technical advances sport direct result active competition programs feel USA should major competitor world events local competition fosters future world champions However must realize AMA members people just love fly models therefore should also receive share AMA benefits elected would best represent modelers District VII nationally follows 1\tab Increase scope model aviation educational programs schools levels 2\tab Develop stronger relationships better communications modeling clubs members model aviation industry 3\tab See finalizing major projects Muncie shift funding back membership needs uses Shaun L Ettinger name Shaun L Ettinger reside Novi Michigan support family friends am seeking office District VII Vice President am long time modeler over past 2 years have served President International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association am going dwell previous accomplishments note worthy likely would ballot several things believe require focus within Academy importantly District VII need direct attention future aeromodeling Whether interests nc control line free flight other venue need advance hobby Executive Council has outlined 10 goals Academy agree some directly related District VII council desires increase membership 200000 number flying fields 10% 3 years can accomplished District VII electing strong aggressive leader direction toward Public Relations Educational programs within communities need demonstrate public group Big Boys Toys diverse individuals enjoying leisure activity doctors lawyers machinists list endless need work local state governments will see propagation flying sites district let alone maintaining current ones need work schools organizations well see growth membership can guarantee electing position District Vice President will able accomplish will promise will best protect right fly well place fly have nominated position Vice President District XI proudly accept Going fly-ins contests club meetings mall shows club fields anywhere modelers gather get enjoy Continued page 150 November1996 147 Bob Brown Incumbent Donald K Bentfield Ed McCollough Incumbent As President have known long time would experience ups downs As say its part job thought could deal anything job threw last month has tested emotional strength its limit column seems wander hope will understand month started very high note heals extremely successful Celebration Eagles Nats started off well spent nearly first week half month Muncie enjoying CL RC Pylon events early part RC Pattern Near end period waiting ride out field hotel lobby cellular phone rang Sally simply said HQ called dont think team flight first reaction What flight What team out late previous night turned TV morning unaware crash TWA 800 turned out RC CL Scale teams left Paris Air France flight two hours before TWA flight after negotiations TWA transport model boxes didnt work out really fortunate case doesnt diminish immensity tragedy nor trauma dealing close call problem team safely ground Paris team manager stuck Chicago due weather paperwork Somehow didnt worry too much Sally fortunate enough have tickets couple Olympic events spent couple days Atlanta cheering athletes around world thrilling return Muncie brought first what emotional lows Sue Tobias staff member Special Services insurance Department went hospital what assumed minor surgery never returned Sue died complications surgery Sue young good employee always pleasant talk will sorely missed office discussing services Sue informed Frank Bushey eighth President AMA passed away July 15 never got meet Frank earliest surviving AMA President #8 read contributions AMAs history hoped meet him near future After hearing fortunate get spend some time FF portion Nats enjoyed meeting new faces reacquainting myself some old friends watching well-run event Family time again back Atlanta Olympic events basketball game evening stroll through Centennial Park Fortunately left park around 1000 pm next morning Sally came back bedroom tears eyes fear voice bomb gone off Centennial Park after left considered going straight home family decided would make winner out sick individual planted went Olympic events scheduled sat pouring rain watch track field events think made right decision After coming home made yet another trip Muncie meet some local business people Oshkosh AMA has display booth made about halfway cellular phone rang HQ news Howard Crispin AMA Dist IV VP suddenly passed away shocked say least Howard Nats just week half before showed no signs having problem have worked Howard over twenty years first Pattern judge AMA officer As member Executive Council chairman Bylaws Sound committees hard work AMA has left legacy benefits AMA membership Howard apparently iniding some problem started working closely former VP Chuck Foreman standin Chuck will fill until such time election someone fill out Howards term can held show Oshkosh went well AMA members stopping booth well lot exposure modeling potential new modelers Monday Aug 5 escaped booth wandering through AeroMart cellular phone again rang again HQ news John Grigg AMA Dist II VP passed away first reaction think should get rid damned cellular phone knew wasnt blame knew John gravely ill just Celebration Eagles first few days Nats told 6-9 months couldnt bring myself go back booth nearly hour trying figure out tell crew latest tragedy John AMA Dist II VP came onto Executive Council 1980 elected President 1982 served under leadership 5 years privileged travel far wide him John great leader good friend John returned Executive Council 1995 Dist II VP important part body wisdom experience would missed us still bring myself tell rest crew finally build up resolve lump throat tear eye returned booth tell rest crew John discussed desires regarding replacement Wes DeCou Ray Juschkus candidates special election apologize think Presidents column should devoted AMA business travelog AMA President point President state shock trying deal events past month also necessary steps replace people staff Executive Council knew people well enough would concerned about handle next month handle past will survive up us ensure AMA continues thrive must get loss AMA great doesnt compare loss families people hearts go out eeting Minutes Available complete copy approved minutes quarterly Executive Council meeting available AMA member request copy most-recently approved minutes will provided no charge Council meets quarterly minutes given meeting approved following meeting Additional copies minutes other meetings $5 shipping handling charge Requests may submitted AMA Administration telephone via fax writing Minutes recent Council meeting will also posted AMA bulletin board Aeromodeler s Airway telephone requests dial 317 287-1256 extension 201 210 fax requests use 317 7410057 $10 minimum credit card orders 148 Model Aviation se note corrected street address column header correct number 487] 1871 printed earlier U TT4Ti WEUTA U rIirs1 Doug Holland AMA Executive VP 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Home 919 787-5163 Office 919 787-7454 Tuesday July 9 am sitting Indianapolis Airport waiting catch flight Pittsburgh catch another flight Raleigh North Carolina have just completed weekend will go down history event called Celebration Eagles Monday following weekend attended Executive Council meeting event will go down history necessary way operate AMA Celebration Eagles will covered great detail other magazines well will make attempt justice reporting such tremendous event As person said really happening just event no way can put paper electricity magnetism emotion warm fellowship feeling meeting old friends Some never met before because knew what did felt like known forever Everyone extremely cordial real pleasure talking people have such dynamic input development hobby/sport different groups people absolutely impossible name past presidents AMA invited vast majority attended Two past presidents could come sent regrets blame inability attend marriage granddaughter grandparents dont understand maybe us readily understand Other members organizations attendance Life Members AMA patrons museum members Hall Fame delegates clubs large number past VPs AVPs members Executive Council Dave Brown hosted banquet past presidents AMA report was fabulous evening Saturday registration flying National Flying Site As know located headquarters Muncie Indiana absolutely beautiful place fly model airplane being improved time constantly upgrades services available contestant AMA member wishes fly Muncie Saturday registration flying went day Saturday evening reception museum indeed great occasion fun 7O59000 $6682100 ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS INC OPERATING TRENDS $7200000 $7000000 $6800000 $6600000 $6400000 $6200000 $6000000 $5800000 1 I1993 OPERATING EXPENSES E\tab REVENUE very interesting see great number people created engines planes etc museum dont mean people constructed ones hanging up mean people actually drew developed planes engines used much early days hobby Sunday same spite great Saturday Sunday almost much fun banquet held Sunday night lot people mentioned earlier introduced Some spoke others just waved hands said hello thing very interesting Hall Fame member would meet another Hall Famer shake hand say Hello am soand-so used fly plane designed just like what occurred Henry Struck sitting across table him just tell him about New Ruler dont know designed plane sometime 40s issue am going give bar graph comparisons income expenses AMA has experienced past three years Again will note almost running out income $5600000 Costs everything continue go up will have look new revenue order continue same services AMA has rendered past plus handling costs capital expenditures vital ongoing improvements Muncie site comment heard up some people very much against move Muncie model builder ought have come Muncie would certainly will have different opinion about what being developed will serve advance continue understanding world about model aviation museum alone unbelievable experience Having opportunity fly types model aircraft simultaneously same area just wonderful experience behold thing adds much trip Muncie AMA staff people will see talk people truly wonderful great job serving hope have chance go someday will mean great deal sure vote Until later . 8700 K IR R42 200 November 1996 149 $6934500 168900 1994 1995 Hager AMA Executive Director 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Just completed full month modeling activities starting off Celebration Eagles huge success didnt attend missed great weekend activities immediately following Celebration Eagles went full force Nationals first year Nationals except Indoor held Muncie New roads being developed aide modelers getting site another ease due continued rainfall two months construction delayed until after Nats though unable complete new roads time posed little problem 1140 contestants registered participate Model airplanes contestants everywhere Competitors over came fly site very pleased location event positive comments site people worked members returning site year continue notice improvements International Aeromodeling Center direction PADCOM improvements will continue AMA will doing survey Nats contestants please take time fill out interested having input want personally thank Special Interest Groups volunteers helped make Nats huge success Special thanks Ron Morgan Contest Director event spent four weeks Muncie addition events going Muncie attended aeromodeling show Ankeny Iowa talked lots nonmodelers modelers always good Association attend such functions also attended Indoor World Championships took place Moscow Idaho Full results story will appear elsewhere start USA took first-place team first-place individual Steve Brown defending World Champion time 9947 second place Cezar Banks 9837 third place Rene Butty Switzerland time 9427 great see team well another subject Education Several months ago own Education Director Bob Underwood did first series electronic fields trips involving building AMA Cub question-and-answer session aircraft Ball State Universitys Extended Learning Department instrumental project donated satellite equipment time crew video contacted schools AMA provided AMA Cubs Ball provided balance material needed 800 youngsters built Delta Dart during session 32000 children watched production also appeared public television else could get such good exposure young people Well ready proceed second field trip Once again Ball donating satellite equipment crew will filmed again AMA Museum Bob Underwood host time subject will Does Fly After editing two videos will available used promotional tool clubs members As can see AMA busy trying introduce young people sport/hobby aeromodeling constantly striving improve service improve site offer members Association proud order continue services along others necessary increase dues 1997 Executive Council choose increase youth memberships will remain same adult memberships will increase $6 return renewal notice prior November 15 increase will $3 am sure realize have increase dues since 1993 yet everything deal continue increase such paper prices mailing-house services etc hoping doing such projects electronic field trips attending various shows whether modeling-related good marketing effort 97 will change trend decreasing membership increasing membership also exploring other possibilities produce revenue other sources So look new items appear sometime 97 have suggestions accomplish please drop line September 16 will mail date membership renewals 1997 notices mailed first class should received members no later end September urge adult members Districts III V VII XI take time read campaign statements send vote need pay dues same time Remember ballot mailed directly accounting firm membership dues need mailed Muncie ballot received AMA HQ will counted special election will also held Districts II IV following loss District IV VP Howard Crispin District II VP John Grigg Truly great loss members both districts also aeromodeling aign Statements Continued page 147 company finest people around modelers District Virtually anything happens modeldom happens times happens first individual basis active other area country its due spirit initiative district member Serving council way returning small amount good modeling has brought life honor District XI VP primary goals always will see have voice running organization through voice heard goal efforts member several committees well council itself have gone towards continually improving making organization best will always make effort see organization best major need other District preserve flying fields Preservation flying fields major concern will make effort see major portion Academys work dedicated task great pleasure serve modelers District XI through vote will continue serve Gil Horstman name Gil Horstman am candidate District XI Vice President live Spokane Washington have AMA member over 36 years 34 years Leader Member Contest Director have served AVP both District VIII presently District XI believe healthy AMA vital continued growth resultant enjoyment hobby/sport key would seem responsive AMA listens its members changing needs acts effectively elected will best accomplish mission AMA organization vote important tool have voice opinion PLEASE VOTE!!! IT ISUPTOYOU E!! 150 Model Aviation 4joyce F nect cut Mane Massachusetts New Hampshire / Rhode Island Vermont Don Kraftt Vice President P0 Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 -1828 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents James M Semonian 166 Allen Road Billerica MA 01821-5240 Bob Landry 80 Main Street Essex JunctionVT 05452-3146 MC McGuffin 8 Robinson Street Houlton ME 04730-2312 Harry S Newman 36 Sherwood Drive Hooksett NH 031 06-1077 Richard Sherman 28 High Street Plymouth NH 03264-1223 Ed Thompson 27 E Greenwich Ave West Warwick RI 02893-5405 Bob Wallace 91 Sylvan Street Avon Cf 06001-2230 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 82 Frazier Way Marstons Mills MA 02648-1 866 THIS COLUMN must started unpleasant task reporting passing three prominent AMA members FRANK B BUSHEY resident Bloomfield Ct. school teacher administrator started clubs schools affiliated directed contests some held area now Bradley International Airport also past treasurer president AMA HOWARD CRISPIN Howard passed away early August services held Arlington Cemetery August 6 1996 known Howard since about 1978 judging various Pattern contests Rob attending served Executive Council years did much extra work Academy such research sound writing articles Model Aviation JOHN GRIGG Passed away Sunday August 4 1996 past president Council Member AMA first met him 1985 became Council member men dedicated model aviation contributed greatly hobby will missed am sure will information elsewhere Model Aviation CELEBRATION OF EAGLES event held AMA National Site July 6-7 1996 object provide opportunity some pioneers model aviation get together fly swap stories attend banquet extremely successful site worked out very well time could see rubber powered models helicopters controlline flying various types RC powered models banquet attended over 400 people held Ball State University time meet talk people associated pictures magazines previously event organized John Worth AMA staff provided extremely enjoyable weekend will probably never duplicated Congratulations involved 1996 NATIONALS drove out Pattern portion Nats Chris Dansereau Sr Chris Jr several purposes trip wanted see Chris Jr fly find out drive 960 miles about 16 hours straight through see AMA site would work Nats spent Saturday night through Thursday Muncie trip well worthwhile did hear ANYTHING negative about site good things about AMA staff work preparing site general attitude thought site best yet Nationals Only Westover AFB could come close downside fact events spaced out can see certain events unless spend over three weeks attending SCALE following information provided Harry Newman New Hampshire AVP wife Shirley fortunate able attend Muncies first RC Scale Nats Over 40 airplanes counted Some nationally recognized others first-time contestants range airplanes represented unmatched compared other events have attended Details will covered elsewhere Model Aviation can assure everyone levels competition can/should enter compete planes dont have big $1000 value range Example 1/6 size J-3 won first Sportsman class New England ably represented three winners Charlie Nelson 2nd Designer Scale Ron Gagnor 2nd Sportsman Scale John Wood 3rd Sportsman Scale CONTROL-LINE SCALE Jack Patrolia Marshfield MA won believe model Spinks Akromaster Jack has enthusiastic supporter promoter model aviation giving demonstrations general public school children time read should have received Distinguished Service Award approved July Council Meeting PATTERN District represented Steve Boyko Peter Francis Al Moder Jeff Carrish Sportsman Chris Dansereau Advanced Gary Garabian Masters Steve Lelito FAI Jeff 5th Peter 6th Sportsman mber 1996 151 Ron Gagnor Charlie Nelson John Wood Nats Scale models Fred Bellows signing wing commemorative purposes Close up wing note signature Ed Henry Model Aviation cartoonist Peter Francis Jeff Carrish Steve Boyko Chris Dansereau Al Moder Pattern aircraft Steve Lelito Gary Garabian flew different sites difficult get together Chris Dansereau Pattern aircraft ARCH NEMESIS New Jersey New York Europe John Grigg Vice President 6387 Badger Dr Lockport NY 14094-5947 Eve 716 434-3955 CompuServe 765662373 Associate Vice Presidents Ray Janchkas 09 Liviogston Street St James NY 1780 516 862-5585 Dave Babcock 44S Stockton Street Hightotewo NJ 065254551 Roy Brown USAC AFCENT CMR 460 SOX 585 APO AC 08703 Wee De Con 85 Riverside i3rive Easking Ridge NJ 07920-1308 Vince Julieno 1 e Shamrock Road Rocky Point NY 11778 George Baso 11 Maple Lane Hyde Park NY 12S3S Adam Saltier 41 PerryAvevac Lathan, NY 12110-2433 Dane Mathewson Boo 613 Carnilius NY 13031 Bill Poythress 2 Hemlock CooS Sangetties NY 13477 James M LewIs P061 Ogdeobarg NY 13669-0061 Bill Milier PO Son 335 Pnooetoo Junction NJ 58550 Frequency CoordInator Len Seater 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoanlo NY 13135-9507 315 695-2448 Gail Holahan will last column John Griggr District II VP August 4 1996 left world bluer skies higher thermals great days flying dadr witnessedr great deal pride career Academy Model Aeronautics achievements organization well documented probably dont need mentioning indeed could remember However need speak man husband father Dad thoroughly enjoyed life modeling could take empty piece balsa turn masterful flying machine would often asked hold piece wood pin would listen dad would explain aerodynamics lift principles wing airfoil etc always thrilling job say least dad always seemed smart because knew stuff could create such marvelous piece work thrived leadership roles afforded him Academy used sit comfy brown chair discuss intricacies political workings organization would listen dutifully fully understanding ins outs ups downs see father involved such seemingly important matters somehow made feel important too often heard frustration voice because cared deeply Academy hurt long disputes arose could thwart often great excitement because goals met improvements made Academy membership soared felt helped make things better greatest joys life being part model airplane world However marvelous accomplishments could never have met Joan wife mother side minute through modeling experiences through life until drew last breath team remember evenings dad would disappear cellar work models Mom missed companionship evenings still encourage him further sport Mom him meets vacation resort Bahamas trip Hawaii rather buzz model engines whoosh sailplanes too gained strength pride seeing him excel Dad aware sacrifices mom made sport quiet reserved acknowledgment during last days would reach moms hand pull toward him could see tender nourishing love gained much strength through years Modeling big part both lives desperate hope people Academy sport modeling will forget continue include mother future activities dad made much part organization think Dad always some aspect planes modeling fullscale attaches itself memory tried get involved sport 12 monotonous circles threat demolishing piece Dads hard spent labors was willing invest Still tagged along occasionally helped fuel engines launch winged giants silent flight instilled love sky planes stars meteorology will stay forever didnt have child follow footsteps hobby quick encourage youngsters would take interest came classroom give demonstrations After such demonstration left planes kids see night school experienced break lost plane along antique engine crushed never made school officials feel badly about Despite setback continued helping kinds kids adults venture hobby times wished didnt have share father model airplanes Immediately after both children born winging way Europe FAI meetings times would have liked have parents around watch children involved somewhere world model airplanes wouldnt have other way now can look back Dad made very proud daughter wouldnt trade world wonderful adventures grandchildren enriched travels picture column Dads last flying days Larry Lundy best friend brother Ernie Nikodem full scale pilot good friend helped dad field last plane built Modeling life have also included picture dad wanted have column George Privateer nicknamed Popsicle because froze stick Humor big part modeling life Im sure especially plane went down cost lots money precious commodity time Finally Id like thank people Academy making father part lives truly loved minute serving Please remember John Grigg go about fulfilling dreams hobby great modeler man husband father miss Dad Model Aviation 4 U] I-I 11 [61 EHIE 1 tin Ohio Pennsylvania / West Virginia Bob Brown Vice President 35 Sanford Street 4Bradford PA 16701 1814 368-7655 Associate Vice Presidents Mike Barbee 6561 Calgary Court Columbus OH 43229-2008 614 891-1643 David H Ellis 5261 DeWitt Road Cross Lanes WV 2531 3-1209 304 776-1408 Nelson Gould 1944 S Idaho Street Allentown PA 18103-8519 215 797-6597 John Hathaway 102 Woodmere Drive New Stanton PA 15672-9449 412 925-3266 Donald Klopp 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 610 409-0129 Frank Noll 4573 Lamme Road Dayton OH 45449 513 435-9232 Joseph S Vislay 1381 Cranbrook Drive PO Box 651 Maumee OH 43537-3062 Frequency Coordinator John Cottle 1012 Wyoming Avenue Forty Fort PA 18704 Phone\tab 717 287-8970 John GriggHoward Crispin severat years have admired efforts have unselfishly devoted themselves Academy Unfortunately have lost two very respectful gentlemen Howard originally Shinglehouse small community northern Pennsylvania known throughout world efforts reducing sound model engine countless hours study coordination AMA Sound Committee produced techniques used today John Grigg personal friend to modelers world long acquaintance John started local pylon competition hours spent Harold deBolt John myself discussing better pylon efforts As John became involved Academy did Grigg Brown families logged miles friendship trips throughout world Joan John became known Mom Dad gentlemen could have devoted themselves manner did total dedication families men has wife created team Thanks combined effort team will forgotten 1996 Election ability vote leadership within Academy benefit large percentage membership fails utilize year have ability elect Executive Vice President District III Vice President apathy will exhibit desire complacent organization Please vote nominee choice Most club elections will take place within next few months During year receive comments about activity within club Sometimes comments positive Most clubs suffer apathy within Instead complaining provide positive leadership clubs desire Ron Morgan 1996 Nats now history . what witnessed various newsletters have said event huge success unaware Nats produce efforts countless volunteers efforts coordinated Nats Committee chaired former District III Vice President Ron Morgan Thanks Ron providing positive direction needed Thanks also Steve Kaluf coordinating AMA Headquarters effort Although Muncie site far complete provided adequate venue majority events Improvements next year already being discussed Included camping facilities additional controline areas additional parking better patternlscale site Next years Nats will probably very similar have ideas could make better please forward either Ron Steve myself AVP Bud Klopp Associate Vice President southeast Pennsylvania has recently relocated Please direct communication 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 Telephone 610 409-0129 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship year Academy awards scholarships deserving young modelers year Michael Hudson York Pa recipient Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship amount $2500 Congratulations Mike academic achievement well community modeling servsce Indiana Flyers Indiana Peonsylvansa site Jimmy Stewart Airport year part Indianas Airport Appreciation Days Indiana Flyers produced static flying demonstration AVP John Hathaway provided picture includes club members took part successful show Westerville Model Aeronautics Association Over hundred children parents attended first flying static show put WMAA patrons Westerville Ohio Library event held Alum Creek flying site included 39 club members club provided attendee hot dogs pop child given opportunity fly aid buddy box least two families joined WMAA spot Activities such go long way building public support model aviation club interested such event contact AVP Mike Barbee event coordinator Boy Scout Camporee Randolph Dolce recently coordinated model flying activity Boy Scout Camporee Honesdale Pennsylvania Flyers Top-O-NJ R/C Club drove over hundred miles provide assistance Check out interest exhibited Scouts Randys picture interested seeing club column please submit items pictures Bob Brown above address Pictures may black white color Remember benefits have Academy ability elect board . PLEASE VOTE mber 1996 153 Indiana Flyers Jimmy Stewart Airport Appreciation Days Boy Scouts Honesdale Pennsylvania Associate Vice Presidents George Abbott 8712 Westlake Ct Raleigh NC 27613 Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive SevernMD 21144-1130 Phone\tab 410 969-9356 Douglas Barry 5300 Olde Milibrooke Dr Glen Allen VA 23060 Allen Eklund 8415 Maeve Ct Clemmons NC 27012 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Road Newport News VA 23606-3663 Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hill NC 27948 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809-1719 Richard Dick Smith 761 Gwynne Avenue Waynesboro VA 22980-3346 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Drive Fayetteville NC 28311-1007 Phone\tab Evening 919 488-5986 month District IV column begins sad news Wednesday July 31 1030 am District VP friend 25 years Howard Crispin passed away University Hospital Charlottesville VA Howard returned home Charlottesville after first week Nats Celebration Eagles Muncie Within short period time admitted University Virginia Hospital some tests problems found very serious too much Howard overcome AMA District IV modeling community have lost dedicated worker very dear friend deepest sympathy goes out wife Caroline son daughters Howard agreed long ago anything ever happened would write last colunm try coordinate District IV until replacement elected am sure AMA Council will move rapidly replace Howard procedure place part AMA Bylaws under Article 10 Officers meantime have questions need assistance can reached following address phone Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 am sure area AVP District IV officers can assist AMA problems questions will miss Howard Happy flying Headquarters saddened unexpected death staff member Sue Tobias died following surgery Ball Memorial Hospital Muncie Indiana July 24 Tobias 31 worked Special Services Department handling insurance claims Muncie native Tobias graduate Ball State University Survived parents Sandra Marshall sister Katrina grandparents warmhearted animal nature lover Recognized sunny disposition cheerful attitude will missed staff members 154 Model Aviation rd Crispin left makes point Sal Taibi recent Celebration Eagles reception held AMA Museum Muncie Photo Matthew Usher Sue Tobias National Newsletter August 1996 \bullet 1 [ LU 11 1s] b Aabama Fo da/Georgia Miasiasippi / Puerto Rico South Carolina / Tenneasee Jim McNeiII Vice President 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 Phone 205 322-3002 X 205 252-2654 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Bartoszewicz 3626 Ranahsood Rd Orlando FL 32808 Ron Chidgey 3713 Pompano Pensacola FL 32514 Wilbelmina Chlhasz 2826 Arbor Place Knoxville TN 37917 James M Edwards ace Mimosa New Albany MS 38653 William 1 Haywood 4 Rabin Circle Foley AL 36535 Karl Hensel 383 Bniacoood 8157 Meridian MS 38305 Louise Izzo 286 Hantridge Way Wieteroprings FL 32708 Richard Jackson 2118 Tbornlee Dr. N Charleston SC 28405 Chris Joiner 95 Lee Rd 238 Pbenia City AL 36867 Dr John MartIn 2180 Tigertail Ave Miami FL 33133 Tom Morris 327 Pueblo Peas Anviston AL 36206 Linda OHearn 3415 Maze Ln Brandon FL 33511 Dick FeB00 156 Palm Grove Blvd Panama City Beach FL32408 George Parryman 3644 Lake Dr Smyrna GA 30082 Frank Tlano 15300 Estancia Lane West Palm Beach FL 33414 Ward Van Dazer 5360 Pine Circle Camming GA 30131 Lee Wehater 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Joseph Micalizzi HC 866 Boo 10387 Faiardo Puerto Rico 00738 Frequency Coordinator Dorothy Fields 183W Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32148 Phone804664-2517 Last month reported results Council meeting refrained mentioning latest dues increase agreement AMA president should mention first magazine Therefore mention now motion made increase annual dues $6 vote no have 2 Council members die past week Howard Crispin John Grigg Both very respected Districts Nationally Personal friend John Grigg AMA President several years Secretary Treasurer subsequently Executive Vice President Naturally John became good friends hurts lose friend hurts see national organization become less death 2 experienced dedicated Board Members visited Mulberry Florida other day witnessed first class Giant Fly-In Spring Rally Rick Meland CD Newell Terry Field Giant Scale becoming popular Alabama South Carolina Teon Mississippi Georgia also Winter Spring weather somewhat warmer Florida Meet Joe Saitta superbly constructed Messerschmitt Mel63B-l Komet WW lIthe operational power endurance eight ten minutes Further uncontrollable speeds excess 620 mph WW II continued story might have different larger Mel63C WalterlO9-509C rocket motor extended powered flight time 12 minutes plane intended attack endless streams American bombers coming over Germany another German alrplane WW Condor George Breen son Mike posed behind fine model Lake Wales Ha Paul Donofrio Punta Gorda Florida magnificent Waco YKS7 Paul says model flies very well Greg Ely Macon Georgia President Dixie Aeromasters hosted Annual Spring Fly-In 2 months ago excellent turn-out Bob Zuspan won Best Sport event Jim Zuspan won Best Scale Wiltz Bernard won Best Military P-5 1 Mustang Mac Hodges won both Best Giant Scale Best Show snap winners Contest Director L-R Bob Zuspan Jim Zuspan Greg Ely Mac Hodges Wiltz Bernard posing front winning airplanes President Greg Ely presenting double winner Mac Hodges award Mac left Control Line version annual KING ORANGE International events held Flagler County Airport January Larry Barickman CD Bunnell Florida Lynn Joy Weedman St Augustine Lynns Open Stunt model Original design OS 46 power 80 oz Meet Score Keeper Tabulator Paula Barickman CD Larry Barickman front trophys awards some happy contestants flew 96 King Orange Control Line events necessarily order Lewis Puckett Dennis Toth Corey Birchfield Mimi Jerry Martin Bill Hodges Walt Legan As left flying sste impression having heck good time Some may have noticed Bill Haywood Foley Alabama no longer AMA Assistant Vice President District V wasnt anything Bill did didnt Council action Council eliminated position Asst VP So Bill back Associate VP again mber 1996 155 U ] -u 11 [ LU 111 1] IE Associate Vice Presidents Illinois Deb & Scott Justice 156 S Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 John Kallend 402 Arizona Glenwood IL 60425 Eve 708 798-7242 Hal Parenti 1920 Buckingham Westchester IL 60154 Eve 708 562-5752 Jerry Worden 400 Alden Dr Normal IL 61761-1202 Eve 309 454-3905 Indiana Ron Ballard 6302 N 700 E Decatur IN 46733 Eve 219 724-8934 Gary Bussell 5000 W Connie Dr Muncie IN 47304 Eve 317 288-3541 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421-3108 Eve 812 275-2189 Kentucky Jim Sears Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 606 748-5834 Missouri Cal Ettel 3 Castle Dr RR 82 Florissant MO 63034 Eve 314 831-5031 Dick Taylor 7929 Jefferson Kansas City MO 64114 Eve 816 333-9839 Frequency Coordinator Paul Holsten 616W 30th St Higginaville MO 64037- 1659 Eve 816 584-2481 St Louis MO McDonnell Douglas R/C Club # 393 has chartered club years see club number Way back club started members began program called Flight Month club idea being no matter bad weather member get flight month end year members completed flight month over years time received certificate club would like report members name Wil Flidmeier has completed over 25 years least flight month Thats over 300 months hasnt missed flight friends club wanted him get some recognition outstanding accomplishment Garden Prairie IL James Kennicker Lakeshore R/C Club #259 sent following information pictures Big Bird Fly-In held May 19th 1996 Picture superbly down B-25 Merlin Graves Next very neat colorful Stinger Dennis Crooks last Extra 300 Merlin Graves Look wide-open spaces surrounding field St Charles IL April 16 year sixteen members Fox Valley Aero Modelers # 252 met Glenwood Academy St Charles Glenwood Academy privately funded residential school boys club members spent enjoyable evening building AMA Cubs boys school organized twelve boys live group home five such homes campus club members divided groups two three spent hour half helping boys assemble planes test fly Club members boys assembled field sixty boys sixteen members flew Cubs original intent hold contest five cottages award pizza night cottage could post longest flight club decided since everyone having such good time club would sponsor pizza night entire school Picture has John Bloom helping assembly Picture two has Dave Bride doing final check-out May 22nd original group returned school put RC flying demonstration boys Information picture Mike Kostecki Plainfield IN Screaming Eagles RC Inc club held annual Eagles Pattern contest May great turnout 35 fliers seven states Picture has Miki Woodward accepting firstplace award Novice class Darrow Neeves Heres lineup winners L R Miki Woodward Novice Randy Wolfe Sportsman Olivier Marsaly AdvancedJeff Aranyos Masters James Bennett FAI Look flags bit windy great time Pictures information courtesy Steve Ragsdale Model Aviation i 11 LU uuu i tin Iowa Michigan Minnesota / Wisconsin Joe Hass Vice President 5394 English Drive Troy MI 48098 810 510-6243 FAX 810 879-5522 Don Bentfield 1440W Minnehaha Avenue St Paul MN 55104 Phone 612 645-2984 Dave Gish 5435 State Hwy 99 Wapello IA 52653 Bud Gorman PO Box 33 Knife River MN 55609 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Boulevard Milwaukee WI 53211 Jean Lasik 305 Patti Place Holland Ml 49423 Bill Millar 712 Grand Ave Petoskey Ml 49770 Carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Drive Madison WI 53705 Mark E Robotti 26540 Olympic Trail North Lindatrom MN 55045 Pete Waters 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Ml 48167 Fax 810 486-1603 Mike Zingery 6496S Summerton Rd Shepherd Ml 48883-9308 Frequency Coordinators West Al Schwartz 2787 Fernwood Roseville MN 55113 East Bert Kelly PO Box 39001 Redford Ml 48239 Lynn sent along interior shot stunning Lynn Paula question dont airplanes look like yours give lessons TREMENDOUS LOSS Modelers everywhere mourning loss Executive Council VPs Howard Crispin John Grigg Both men walking encyclopedias AMA history importantly knew understood things done past could avoid repeating mistakes history short time council both men treated well solicited ideas input Pete Waters attended Howards funeral Arlington National Cemetery representative AMA sincere condolences families Wonder what sound requirements heaven LUV THOSE CLUBS THAT DO COMMUNITY SERVICE months newsletters included two notes positive efforts clubs help neighbors Madison Area Radio Control Society #665 Madison WI runs Adopt-A-Highway program Frankenmuth Aeromodelers Frankenmuth MI help annual Bavarian Festival manpower Make sure club helps community make sure civic leaders know efforts pays off flying fields HOW TO PUBLICIZE YOUR EVENT Ribcrackers Model Airplane Club Livonia MI can teach us lesson event PR 4 color press release RIC Airshow dazzling details picture huge DC-3 received coverage major papers major AM radio station SE Michigan WJR least two TV stations great event watch fly well Good job folks FOOLED HER walked upstairs Paula handed picture fullsize airplane wanted buy pic 1 humorously responded gave second picture pic 2 impressed work Lynn Sidabras Milwaukee WI Along great letter JACKSONS ACTION Working local airport hobby shop Jackson Radio Control Club participated Jackson Hot Air Jubilee Air Show July 19-21 airport favorite Sunday morning fly breakfast places weekend great weather hot-air balloons intro Control Line flights full schedule demo flights along open airport Dave McKinnon Riders Hobby did great job logistics BUSY SCHEDULE weekend has will continue filled events Unfortunately work has interfered much participation events have attended have very professional tribute work organizers Keep up good work See field mber1996 157 Ribcrackers DC-3 Can tell 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Deluxe aircraft dB-checked 98 9 model Beautiful 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Lynn Sidabras Ribcrackers set aside time during air show demo flights Attetktirirn Nats/Celebration Eagles attendees chance lifetime will announced December Model Aviation ASsansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas George M Aldrich Vice P resident 12822 Tarrytown San Antonio TX 78233 AMA\tab Line 210 650-4707 FAX answers 6th ring away Associate Vice Presidents Max Blose 1001 N Betsy Waco TX 76706 817 662-5587 Sandy Frank 105 N Brazos St Weatherford TX 76086 817 599-7131 Ervin Chick Frierson Box 188 Haakell TX 79521 817 864-3086 Marlin McGee 4433 NW 20th St Oklahoma City OK 73107 405 947-4518 Randy Randolph 4873 Fallon P1 Dallas TX 75227 214 381-7624 Jim Simpson 604 San Juan Del Rio Rio Rancho NM 87124 505 891-1336 Steve Staples 1300 Pine Valley Little Rock AR 72207 501 664-1226 Charles Stevens 226 Delta St Paaadena TX 77506 713 473-4995 John Valls 2502 Montgomery Box 2241 Laredo TX 78044 512 723-9018 Ward Watts 13415 Joor Rd Baton Rouge LA 70818 504 261-5974 Frequency Coordinator North Joe DuMond 2626 Valley View Suite 4 Farmers Branch TX 75234 214 241-8492 South Jim Reynolds 123 Madrid Universal City TX 78148 210 658-6646 AMA Display Coordinator Karen Hopkins 5515 Bridgeton Avenue Arlington TX 76018 817 467-9211 have written called voice displeasure over SIG group being able require membership organization order enter AMA-sanctioned event solution Simply sanction events through AMA its contest coordinator system district Clyde Brothers Bill Lee always ready assist have given exemplary service Last April left attend EC meeting Muncie wife called tend aging parents illness extended absence some 10-plus weeks canceled planned travel until leaving Muncie July 5 biggest regret missing SMALL event put lifelong buddy Emmett Bungie Fry AVP Steve Staples Little Rock Arkansas years SMALL Fun-Fly largest yet some 81 registered Considering entry averaged bringing four models heck gathering Ill let photos speak pure fun enough words tell what great happening Celebration Eagles turned out John Worth ably assisted Joyce Hager AMA staff really did fantastic job highlight Maxwell Bassett speaking banquet Eighty-two years young day sounded like 40-year-old CEO regret Bill Winter Frank Ehling Dick Korda could us Clancy parked part gaggle next Peanut Scale jobs Emmett Fry brings out kids Betty Fox Fox engines columnist Randy Randolph SMALL regulars Betty big supporter SMALL AVP Steve Staples SendAero co-chief perennial CD show well organized actually time have little fun Except beautiful PT-19 rest RC jobs belong Emmett Fry Culver Cadet scaled-down version friend Bill Caiwells real SMALL AirOlympics flyoft kids ages 7-16 always draws crowd winners get AMA gold silver bronze medals competition SMALL Dereck Woodward drove down wife Sue Maryland Hes already making plans come back 97 Pem McRae owns antebellum Cottonwoods Plantation hosts SMALL Pem showed off solid replica 1929 Commandaire real bird manufactured Little Rock before Depression After traditional Saturday night supper crowd filled Air Space Museum see IMAX film Vein Williams flew 13-foot blimp around museum lobby part show Vein Wendell Roberts like giants Eugene Bryant scratch-designed built Jenny Don Downing brought several airplanes including Flyline Curtiss Fifty-two 81 pilots signed up Robin Both regulars Dallas\tab field Friday noonat 158 Model Aviation arks RC Club Hastings Nebraska El] I-Il 1 1 jjjjj Fax\tab 701 4. Associate Vice Presidents Max Hansen 1909 Wisconsin SW Huron SD 57350 Nathan Lancaster 3597 S Kendall Street Denver CO 80235 Tray Lapp 1618 Houston Dr Bismarck ND 58504 Travis McGinnis 8027W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Don Moden 410 Hart St Sauna KS 67401 Jim Ricketts 4921 Fernwood Drive Sioux Falls SD 57103-5573 Jack L Sibert 3611 Kimberly Circle Lincoln NE 68506-4524 Chuck Smith 1091 Cheshire Street Casper WY 82609-3214 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918 S Sheridan Denver CO 80226 News Nebraska Lincoln Skyknights RC Club Lincoln Nebraska 1996 GIANT SCALE FUN FLY NOW HISTORY 1996 LSK Giant Scale Fun Fly now history books measures success years Fun Fly attended 32 registered pilots 14 Lincoln Sky Knight members Also both days fair number spectators lined up along fence time looks like event cleared after expenses $450 weather about good could expect 25 30 knot winds Saturday afternoon Sunday perfect light winds entire day machinery years fly fantastic Doug Cunnings 35% Scale Extra Don Neills scratch-built fivecylinder radial engine quality years entries no less superb major mishap Sunday gentleman out town spun due suspected unhooked ailerons aircraft completely rekitted thanks helped make years event success Paul Wanda Cooper prepared enough food feed small army Also thanks Eva Grauer Joan Penn help concessions Thanks Neil Rohrke help mowing Dave Greathouse Helen Rohrke Bob Schwab help impound area last least Lincoln Sky Knights support Craig Sparks GATEWAY MALL SHOW RESULTS 1996 LSK Model Mall Show held May 11 1996 now over results entries winners choice Winners determined ballot So statistics show 24 contestants entered 39 fixed-wing 4 rotary wing least 2 sailplanes some very outstanding models display mind making choice very difficult say least winners went like Pylon Ducted Fan Best Show Rookie Scale Scale Sportsman Barebones Helicopter Pattern Sailplane Dave Reiber Don Svoboda Bob Jordon Monroe Prater Bernie Arthur Brent Jensen David Greathouse Neal Helen Rohrke Dennis Manning Allen Worrest Allen Worrest always special privilege able show off hobby public special thanks goes out folks took time bring out favorite models public view Also special thanks Dave putting Mall Show together Until next year just keep building Tom Hefley Annual 8-Man Football Flight Demonstration June 1996 Nebraska 8-man Coaches Association formed spring 1977 As part group formation wished have All-Star game promote showcase sport summer All-Star game initiated through help Hastings Sertoma Club athletes town about two weeks housed Central Community College dorms During time practice team evenings Sertoma Club has arranged variety events visits pastimes players coaches very first year Hastings Skylarks asked put flying demonstration program has remained basically same throughout 18 years have good static display various kinds sizes types models look begin telling about club number members age range facilities etc followed closeup look club trainer wing offwe explain servos controls work etc get plane air explain built cost kit types engines cost engines fuel little about radios operation cost time have several planes time air keep flights short about 3-4 minutes usually prevent loss interest explain different plane particular noteworthy different feature something about pilot etc try feature variety kinds models flying demonstration have performed two comedy acts over years involves getting few players usually team captains quarterbacks out fly buddy boxes After show some expertise sticks get coach buddy box have show abilities whole time airplane has controlled pilot out sight crowd course coach gets plane does some wild gyrations nearly crashes narrator can really get players going talking about coachs skills have instructor get disgusted whole thing walk away leaving coach supposedly completely alone flying plane dont always oneit takes lot good timing coordination work well as Wilheim November1996 159 Lincoln SkyKnights RC Club 1996 Giant Scale Fun Fly Scott Zimmerman far left Dallas Wilhelm far right 8-man football players Anzona California / Hawaii / Nevada / Utah Richard Hanson Vice President P0 Box 3312 Scottsdale AZ 85271 Phone 602 708-0222 E-mail nchh @primenetcom httpJ/wwwama-1 Ocom/ama Darwin Barrie Scottsdale Arizona 602 946-8955 Dan Goeschl Lancaster California 805 940-6066 Darlene Frederick Santa Rosa California 707 525-8815 Marc Karpowich Logan Utah 801 752-3639 Brian Nelson Morgan Hill California 408 463-0907 Dave Pinjuv Las Vegas Nevada 702 656-1772 Al Williamson Chula Vista California 619 427-4039 Frequency Coordinators Eloy Marez Santa Ana California 714 540-4935 See last months column additional AVPs Coordinatoral Last month presented first three articles D-X AVP Brian Nelson following second series articles Clubs Clubees Clubers talk about forming organization club facilitate vision group individuals Most time relate past experiences forming going accomplish goal Oftentimes however dont think far enough ahead plan situations ultimately face during lifetime organization Flying sites related clubs inherently have issues need planning investment time money energy patience dictates need plan ahead Issues such safety liability land use investment leadership membership beginners relate another require plan meet vision also important define vision clearly new members atmosphere get-togethers meetings upbeat positive Its also good measure progress towards achieving goals go along Feeling good about ones accomplishments tomorrows energy next hurdle After putting vision together among group no matter small its time put down writing helps establish priorities directions future can avoid confrontations simply agreeing future upgrading access road scheduled after safety fence wanting road understand plan know wishes have future Plan approach example youre making presentation landowner seller lessor have picture mind what would want hear shoes Ive encountered clubs appear cold new members require initiation fees seem want new member feel hardship went through acquiring field Maybe reason hobby has losing participants last several years need encourage people talent hobby push away last two years Ive seen clubs take progressive approach providing flight training safety new member help clubs future respond need can also tell average age members below fifty Maybe its time club became upbeat inviting potential modeling enthusiasts Having experience working Silicon Valley obtain land goes 200K plus acre receive numerous inquiries regarding working public private entities secure land thing makes difference having support several individuals working together put plan program place site project presentation before Parks Commission City Council graphs slide shows blueprints impact overviews modeler lists within county plan vision insurance organization about 150 modelers attended closing council meeting topic folder material Council Members wrote thank note home after meeting offered develop fund install flying field could advertise within park system benefit residents no cost public also contacted site neighbors ahead time got blessing end because common vision teamwork handful good people knew professionalism counts success sights hand type planning long term assures good investments down road Till next time Keepem safe Keepem flyn Model Aviation ciate Vice Presidents D-X AVP Mike Harrington Kaneohe Hi prepares Aloha State RC Clubs Open House July 27-28 1996 Top photo . Kids around island Oahu line up candy drop Meanwhile . OHawail Show Teams Candy Bomber lifts off loaded 2-lbs wrapped hard candy U MA World Wide Web http//www ama-i Ocom/ama Meeting Hawaiian Style Maui RC Modelers relax warm South Pacific sun club meeting clubs new RC site Up top Club President Bob Cox C VP Gordon Colley L Treasurer Richard Cox R ml i i LS ~iIit1iiitE Howard Crispin longtime council member devoted modelers modeling friend died late July Just preparing column word came John Grigg died early August John President first elected also good friend hearts go out Howards wife Caroline Johns wife Joan families will greatly missed Weve some flying-site problems show up Washington Oregon rest experiencing anything along lines should get information Jay Mealy AMA HQ sooner know about problems better chance can offer effective help Whats going out there7 Well starting Washington State Legislators passed bill requiring counties set conditions uses agricultural lands case means arent established plan cant use land Period Puyallup EXPO heads- up given Doug Francis clubs Washington about get model airplane flying endorsed onto land use laws laws being written amazing luck Doug Whidbey Island Club officer serving committee county going write land use rules Doug has extremely valuable source information members Washington help packet information instructions suggestions proceed developed sent clubs Washington Oregon different situation law already exists model airplane flying allowed use farm property Although allowed uses arent farming clubs have fields farm property have continued use land unless complaint lodged complaint comes club loses field few years ago Salem R/C Pilots Assn flying farmland gotten conditional use permit under old rules Because other concerns find new place fly found new field farm land too far old started develop Someone complained county issued cease desist order club land owner decided fight order club filed conditional use permit continued use property pending hearing hearing held 24th July no ruling yet 1st August ruling will have issued time read Salem R/C Pilots Assn determined fly new field 1st decision goes against will appeal ruling club will use whatever legal means available gain what want June Barnstormers have field northern end same county likewise served case parallels Turner situation too will fight order fact both clubs using same lawyer legal practice involves litigating land use problems Everything being learned first hearing will utilized Barnstormers case Barnstormers landlord served club little time respond beginning appeared case might heard before Salem Clubs hearing So club formed political action committee direct efforts Very quickly formed liaison Salem group acquired same lawyer has difficult valuable learning situation both clubs What being learned clubs will available club out needs information keep own field clubs win hopefully will precedent Marion County can also hope use precedent cases involving other counties Oregon life being what it will probably mean hearing flying site order guarantee model activities can happen agricultural land anywhere Oregon will have change law will need write ammendment law will allow model aircraft fly off over agricultural land conditional use get done means us fly model aircraft Oregon going have become political year have upcoming election must elect legislators will work us will identify legislators districts want will help us effort Once identified may required some work get people elected Once elected will need have bill introduced shepherded through legislative process Just will work being developed As gather information will available material weve developed far will have sent clubs time read information will follow same time help sorely needed Please get involved No working problem believes he/she has answers need help input Remember professional involved lawyer rest us volunteers doing whatever necessary get access place fly need deserve keep sport alive question arises should have place enjoy sport remember have same rights other citizens have place time enjoy what Perhaps importantly what what can impart youngsters far useful beneficial presently allowed uses AVP Bruce Nelson sent words photos first Photo #1 Ray Care Nosen Cessna 310 Two ST 90s MonoKoted Rays working plane 17 years Finished just year flown June 30th flew hands off after some minor trimming lineap jets Barons Jet Fly held Deer Park July 6-7 36 jets year tribute Doug Hunt Charlie Hissom started event 6 years ago 6 jets Charlie Doug families go out make class event draws lot spectators mber 1996 161 spokane WA 99208 Falls OR 97601 98257 WA 98390 Frequency Coordinator Al Waison 130 145ih NE. Bellevue WA 98007
\par }
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System}}
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f0\fs17 Inside View Headquarters am incumbent Executive Vice President AMA candidate re election full term beginning January 1 1997 appointed Executive Council February 1996 complete term Dave Brown elected President AMA graduated Duke University degree accounting am certified public accountant have practicing 46 years During WW III served US Navy primarily Phillippines present time am Senior Partner President CD Holland Company PA certified public accounting firm Executive Vice President AMA responsible financial operations includes matters finance budgeting daily accounting operations structuring debt acquire fixed assets involvement federal tax law due amount revenue generated because AMA has Unrelated Business Income sales advertising Model Aviation have great deal academic training well vast practical experience items previously mentioned plus great deal involvement management responsibilities consulting addition have served finance committee three years factors stand good stead perform work required position manner both knowledgeable professional involvement model aviation goes back 1935 began building model airplanes YMCA camp have involved indoor free flight Ucontrol radio control categories have active participant free flight Ucontrol radio control having both contestant events including various nationals well CD over 30 years am presently active electric flying Due love modeling extensive business experience field accounting finance management feel am qualified serve Executive Vice President AMA will appreciate support nominee running office AMA given opportunity present two campaign statements Model Aviation magazine other statement accompanies election ballot annual membership renewal Rather repeating same remarks have chosen address separate issues statement Since slated magazine read would like ask favor fellow modeler Please vote Though approximately 160000 members AMA frequently have less 15000 members participate election process strongly believe member has right express concerns constructively criticize efforts have chosen lead result having met individual member obligation participate election process Im running office Executive Vice President can further improve efforts proceeding As EVP focus will financial health AMA chartered clubs statement chartered clubs no mistake meant taken lightly campaign statements have expressed need to support chartered clubs local flying sites As AVP past six years have received countless calls regarding lost flying sites problems encountered getting new ones Some say we should can believe can build International Flying site Muncie can yet again much acquire maintain local flying sites work directly chartered clubs recognizably issues everyones agenda important both individually collectively concerns needs have shared long range outlook sport hobby *\tab Technical support flying site acquisition *\tab Financial support flying site purchases * Cooperative consolidation AMA Special Interest Group competition * Cost containment Nats better utilization event promotion 146 Model Aviation emy Model Aeronautics 5151 East Memorial Drive Muncie IN 47302 Executive Vice President Doug Holland IncumbentBrian D Nelson Howard Crispin Jr 1925-1996 John C Grigg 1932-1996 deeply saddened two Executive Council members Additional report loss information contained AMA News officers District Report Persons wish remember gentlemen asked make contribution name AMA Scholarship Fund AMA Annual Membership Meeting will held November 16 1996 at4 pm Radisson Hotel Roberts Muncie Indiana sport/hobby *\tab Recognition evolution hobby such recent growth Giant Scale modeling inclusion rather exclusion modeling venues *\tab Enhanced aggressive marketing attract larger target market address retention first-year modelers *\tab Continued support enhancement AMAs leader club program encourage recognize clubs efforts milestones safety training community involvement may ask EVP can affect changes financial affairs members AMA modelers will work together avoid flying site losses through land acquisition greater community acceptance improved replacement programs think thousands dollars could save year foregoing repeated site development cost Special Interest Groups conducted virtually same event AMA could after meeting minimum standards replace lower attended AIVIA events national events have proven successful experience much higher member participation Work could done Nats make financially sound fiscally responsible Cause could should given modeling venues know have sincere desire address concerns Imagine moment finances AMA its charter clubs effect changes like would have call financial accountability view EVP position just footing figures see maximizing potential industry sport hobby Please take time vote Please take time realize believe strongly addressing needs members electing Brian Nelson represents support club local flying site Thank District Vice President Academy Model Aeronautics has experienced several significant changes recent years As elected Vice President have attempted provide professional leadership necessary continue enhance membership benefits during crncial period now time focus needs individual members local club procurement local flying sites primary concern Academy has develop additional programs will enable local club obtain maintain flying site Positive liaison between national state local government agencies has increased Corporate involvement must also stressed As elected official have expertise needed initiate increased involvement Membership growth within Academy has increased individual member must obtain additional benefits increased cost Programs involving neophyte must provide proper assistance needed become active modeler Todays modeling style changing have adapt change positive alignment hobby industry will certainly provide benefit role AMA Special Interest Group has increased SIG knows desires membership Academy has listen Apathy within society today very critical hobby Unfortunately club members desire extend themselves club Academys Leader Club Program should extended help encourage active club involvement participation Within modeling hobby can express oneself several different avenues have airplanes boats cars etc time has come Academy act catalyst have various organizations working common goals Duplication effort costly often counter productive primary need sites actively conduct sport time work together As elected representative will continue available Recognition needs individual modeler utmost importance Please demonstrate positive attitude have within District III e Bob Brown Im honored run Vice Pres Dist VII last five years Ive pleasure working Joe Hass Pete Waters Assistant VP elected would strive carry activities started As recreational flyer appreciate technical advances sport direct result active competition programs feel USA should major competitor world events local competition fosters future world champions However must realize AMA members people just love fly models therefore should also receive share AMA benefits elected would best represent modelers District VII nationally follows 1\tab Increase scope model aviation educational programs schools levels 2\tab Develop stronger relationships better communications modeling clubs members model aviation industry 3\tab See finalizing major projects Muncie shift funding back membership needs uses Shaun L Ettinger name Shaun L Ettinger reside Novi Michigan support family friends am seeking office District VII Vice President am long time modeler over past 2 years have served President International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association am going dwell previous accomplishments note worthy likely would ballot several things believe require focus within Academy importantly District VII need direct attention future aeromodeling Whether interests nc control line free flight other venue need advance hobby Executive Council has outlined 10 goals Academy agree some directly related District VII council desires increase membership 200000 number flying fields 10% 3 years can accomplished District VII electing strong aggressive leader direction toward Public Relations Educational programs within communities need demonstrate public group Big Boys Toys diverse individuals enjoying leisure activity doctors lawyers machinists list endless need work local state governments will see propagation flying sites district let alone maintaining current ones need work schools organizations well see growth membership can guarantee electing position District Vice President will able accomplish will promise will best protect right fly well place fly have nominated position Vice President District XI proudly accept Going fly-ins contests club meetings mall shows club fields anywhere modelers gather get enjoy Continued page 150 November1996 147 Bob Brown Incumbent Donald K Bentfield Ed McCollough Incumbent As President have known long time would experience ups downs As say its part job thought could deal anything job threw last month has tested emotional strength its limit column seems wander hope will understand month started very high note heals extremely successful Celebration Eagles Nats started off well spent nearly first week half month Muncie enjoying CL RC Pylon events early part RC Pattern Near end period waiting ride out field hotel lobby cellular phone rang Sally simply said HQ called dont think team flight first reaction What flight What team out late previous night turned TV morning unaware crash TWA 800 turned out RC CL Scale teams left Paris Air France flight two hours before TWA flight after negotiations TWA transport model boxes didnt work out really fortunate case doesnt diminish immensity tragedy nor trauma dealing close call problem team safely ground Paris team manager stuck Chicago due weather paperwork Somehow didnt worry too much Sally fortunate enough have tickets couple Olympic events spent couple days Atlanta cheering athletes around world thrilling return Muncie brought first what emotional lows Sue Tobias staff member Special Services insurance Department went hospital what assumed minor surgery never returned Sue died complications surgery Sue young good employee always pleasant talk will sorely missed office discussing services Sue informed Frank Bushey eighth President AMA passed away July 15 never got meet Frank earliest surviving AMA President #8 read contributions AMAs history hoped meet him near future After hearing fortunate get spend some time FF portion Nats enjoyed meeting new faces reacquainting myself some old friends watching well-run event Family time again back Atlanta Olympic events basketball game evening stroll through Centennial Park Fortunately left park around 1000 pm next morning Sally came back bedroom tears eyes fear voice bomb gone off Centennial Park after left considered going straight home family decided would make winner out sick individual planted went Olympic events scheduled sat pouring rain watch track field events think made right decision After coming home made yet another trip Muncie meet some local business people Oshkosh AMA has display booth made about halfway cellular phone rang HQ news Howard Crispin AMA Dist IV VP suddenly passed away shocked say least Howard Nats just week half before showed no signs having problem have worked Howard over twenty years first Pattern judge AMA officer As member Executive Council chairman Bylaws Sound committees hard work AMA has left legacy benefits AMA membership Howard apparently iniding some problem started working closely former VP Chuck Foreman standin Chuck will fill until such time election someone fill out Howards term can held show Oshkosh went well AMA members stopping booth well lot exposure modeling potential new modelers Monday Aug 5 escaped booth wandering through AeroMart cellular phone again rang again HQ news John Grigg AMA Dist II VP passed away first reaction think should get rid damned cellular phone knew wasnt blame knew John gravely ill just Celebration Eagles first few days Nats told 6-9 months couldnt bring myself go back booth nearly hour trying figure out tell crew latest tragedy John AMA Dist II VP came onto Executive Council 1980 elected President 1982 served under leadership 5 years privileged travel far wide him John great leader good friend John returned Executive Council 1995 Dist II VP important part body wisdom experience would missed us still bring myself tell rest crew finally build up resolve lump throat tear eye returned booth tell rest crew John discussed desires regarding replacement Wes DeCou Ray Juschkus candidates special election apologize think Presidents column should devoted AMA business travelog AMA President point President state shock trying deal events past month also necessary steps replace people staff Executive Council knew people well enough would concerned about handle next month handle past will survive up us ensure AMA continues thrive must get loss AMA great doesnt compare loss families people hearts go out eeting Minutes Available complete copy approved minutes quarterly Executive Council meeting available AMA member request copy most-recently approved minutes will provided no charge Council meets quarterly minutes given meeting approved following meeting Additional copies minutes other meetings $5 shipping handling charge Requests may submitted AMA Administration telephone via fax writing Minutes recent Council meeting will also posted AMA bulletin board Aeromodeler s Airway telephone requests dial 317 287-1256 extension 201 210 fax requests use 317 7410057 $10 minimum credit card orders 148 Model Aviation se note corrected street address column header correct number 487] 1871 printed earlier U TT4Ti WEUTA U rIirs1 Doug Holland AMA Executive VP 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Home 919 787-5163 Office 919 787-7454 Tuesday July 9 am sitting Indianapolis Airport waiting catch flight Pittsburgh catch another flight Raleigh North Carolina have just completed weekend will go down history event called Celebration Eagles Monday following weekend attended Executive Council meeting event will go down history necessary way operate AMA Celebration Eagles will covered great detail other magazines well will make attempt justice reporting such tremendous event As person said really happening just event no way can put paper electricity magnetism emotion warm fellowship feeling meeting old friends Some never met before because knew what did felt like known forever Everyone extremely cordial real pleasure talking people have such dynamic input development hobby/sport different groups people absolutely impossible name past presidents AMA invited vast majority attended Two past presidents could come sent regrets blame inability attend marriage granddaughter grandparents dont understand maybe us readily understand Other members organizations attendance Life Members AMA patrons museum members Hall Fame delegates clubs large number past VPs AVPs members Executive Council Dave Brown hosted banquet past presidents AMA report was fabulous evening Saturday registration flying National Flying Site As know located headquarters Muncie Indiana absolutely beautiful place fly model airplane being improved time constantly upgrades services available contestant AMA member wishes fly Muncie Saturday registration flying went day Saturday evening reception museum indeed great occasion fun 7O59000 $6682100 ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS INC OPERATING TRENDS $7200000 $7000000 $6800000 $6600000 $6400000 $6200000 $6000000 $5800000 1 I1993 OPERATING EXPENSES E\tab REVENUE very interesting see great number people created engines planes etc museum dont mean people constructed ones hanging up mean people actually drew developed planes engines used much early days hobby Sunday same spite great Saturday Sunday almost much fun banquet held Sunday night lot people mentioned earlier introduced Some spoke others just waved hands said hello thing very interesting Hall Fame member would meet another Hall Famer shake hand say Hello am soand-so used fly plane designed just like what occurred Henry Struck sitting across table him just tell him about New Ruler dont know designed plane sometime 40s issue am going give bar graph comparisons income expenses AMA has experienced past three years Again will note almost running out income $5600000 Costs everything continue go up will have look new revenue order continue same services AMA has rendered past plus handling costs capital expenditures vital ongoing improvements Muncie site comment heard up some people very much against move Muncie model builder ought have come Muncie would certainly will have different opinion about what being developed will serve advance continue understanding world about model aviation museum alone unbelievable experience Having opportunity fly types model aircraft simultaneously same area just wonderful experience behold thing adds much trip Muncie AMA staff people will see talk people truly wonderful great job serving hope have chance go someday will mean great deal sure vote Until later . 8700 K IR R42 200 November 1996 149 $6934500 168900 1994 1995 Hager AMA Executive Director 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Just completed full month modeling activities starting off Celebration Eagles huge success didnt attend missed great weekend activities immediately following Celebration Eagles went full force Nationals first year Nationals except Indoor held Muncie New roads being developed aide modelers getting site another ease due continued rainfall two months construction delayed until after Nats though unable complete new roads time posed little problem 1140 contestants registered participate Model airplanes contestants everywhere Competitors over came fly site very pleased location event positive comments site people worked members returning site year continue notice improvements International Aeromodeling Center direction PADCOM improvements will continue AMA will doing survey Nats contestants please take time fill out interested having input want personally thank Special Interest Groups volunteers helped make Nats huge success Special thanks Ron Morgan Contest Director event spent four weeks Muncie addition events going Muncie attended aeromodeling show Ankeny Iowa talked lots nonmodelers modelers always good Association attend such functions also attended Indoor World Championships took place Moscow Idaho Full results story will appear elsewhere start USA took first-place team first-place individual Steve Brown defending World Champion time 9947 second place Cezar Banks 9837 third place Rene Butty Switzerland time 9427 great see team well another subject Education Several months ago own Education Director Bob Underwood did first series electronic fields trips involving building AMA Cub question-and-answer session aircraft Ball State Universitys Extended Learning Department instrumental project donated satellite equipment time crew video contacted schools AMA provided AMA Cubs Ball provided balance material needed 800 youngsters built Delta Dart during session 32000 children watched production also appeared public television else could get such good exposure young people Well ready proceed second field trip Once again Ball donating satellite equipment crew will filmed again AMA Museum Bob Underwood host time subject will Does Fly After editing two videos will available used promotional tool clubs members As can see AMA busy trying introduce young people sport/hobby aeromodeling constantly striving improve service improve site offer members Association proud order continue services along others necessary increase dues 1997 Executive Council choose increase youth memberships will remain same adult memberships will increase $6 return renewal notice prior November 15 increase will $3 am sure realize have increase dues since 1993 yet everything deal continue increase such paper prices mailing-house services etc hoping doing such projects electronic field trips attending various shows whether modeling-related good marketing effort 97 will change trend decreasing membership increasing membership also exploring other possibilities produce revenue other sources So look new items appear sometime 97 have suggestions accomplish please drop line September 16 will mail date membership renewals 1997 notices mailed first class should received members no later end September urge adult members Districts III V VII XI take time read campaign statements send vote need pay dues same time Remember ballot mailed directly accounting firm membership dues need mailed Muncie ballot received AMA HQ will counted special election will also held Districts II IV following loss District IV VP Howard Crispin District II VP John Grigg Truly great loss members both districts also aeromodeling aign Statements Continued page 147 company finest people around modelers District Virtually anything happens modeldom happens times happens first individual basis active other area country its due spirit initiative district member Serving council way returning small amount good modeling has brought life honor District XI VP primary goals always will see have voice running organization through voice heard goal efforts member several committees well council itself have gone towards continually improving making organization best will always make effort see organization best major need other District preserve flying fields Preservation flying fields major concern will make effort see major portion Academys work dedicated task great pleasure serve modelers District XI through vote will continue serve Gil Horstman name Gil Horstman am candidate District XI Vice President live Spokane Washington have AMA member over 36 years 34 years Leader Member Contest Director have served AVP both District VIII presently District XI believe healthy AMA vital continued growth resultant enjoyment hobby/sport key would seem responsive AMA listens its members changing needs acts effectively elected will best accomplish mission AMA organization vote important tool have voice opinion PLEASE VOTE!!! IT ISUPTOYOU E!! 150 Model Aviation 4joyce F nect cut Mane Massachusetts New Hampshire / Rhode Island Vermont Don Kraftt Vice President P0 Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 -1828 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents James M Semonian 166 Allen Road Billerica MA 01821-5240 Bob Landry 80 Main Street Essex JunctionVT 05452-3146 MC McGuffin 8 Robinson Street Houlton ME 04730-2312 Harry S Newman 36 Sherwood Drive Hooksett NH 031 06-1077 Richard Sherman 28 High Street Plymouth NH 03264-1223 Ed Thompson 27 E Greenwich Ave West Warwick RI 02893-5405 Bob Wallace 91 Sylvan Street Avon Cf 06001-2230 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 82 Frazier Way Marstons Mills MA 02648-1 866 THIS COLUMN must started unpleasant task reporting passing three prominent AMA members FRANK B BUSHEY resident Bloomfield Ct. school teacher administrator started clubs schools affiliated directed contests some held area now Bradley International Airport also past treasurer president AMA HOWARD CRISPIN Howard passed away early August services held Arlington Cemetery August 6 1996 known Howard since about 1978 judging various Pattern contests Rob attending served Executive Council years did much extra work Academy such research sound writing articles Model Aviation JOHN GRIGG Passed away Sunday August 4 1996 past president Council Member AMA first met him 1985 became Council member men dedicated model aviation contributed greatly hobby will missed am sure will information elsewhere Model Aviation CELEBRATION OF EAGLES event held AMA National Site July 6-7 1996 object provide opportunity some pioneers model aviation get together fly swap stories attend banquet extremely successful site worked out very well time could see rubber powered models helicopters controlline flying various types RC powered models banquet attended over 400 people held Ball State University time meet talk people associated pictures magazines previously event organized John Worth AMA staff provided extremely enjoyable weekend will probably never duplicated Congratulations involved 1996 NATIONALS drove out Pattern portion Nats Chris Dansereau Sr Chris Jr several purposes trip wanted see Chris Jr fly find out drive 960 miles about 16 hours straight through see AMA site would work Nats spent Saturday night through Thursday Muncie trip well worthwhile did hear ANYTHING negative about site good things about AMA staff work preparing site general attitude thought site best yet Nationals Only Westover AFB could come close downside fact events spaced out can see certain events unless spend over three weeks attending SCALE following information provided Harry Newman New Hampshire AVP wife Shirley fortunate able attend Muncies first RC Scale Nats Over 40 airplanes counted Some nationally recognized others first-time contestants range airplanes represented unmatched compared other events have attended Details will covered elsewhere Model Aviation can assure everyone levels competition can/should enter compete planes dont have big $1000 value range Example 1/6 size J-3 won first Sportsman class New England ably represented three winners Charlie Nelson 2nd Designer Scale Ron Gagnor 2nd Sportsman Scale John Wood 3rd Sportsman Scale CONTROL-LINE SCALE Jack Patrolia Marshfield MA won believe model Spinks Akromaster Jack has enthusiastic supporter promoter model aviation giving demonstrations general public school children time read should have received Distinguished Service Award approved July Council Meeting PATTERN District represented Steve Boyko Peter Francis Al Moder Jeff Carrish Sportsman Chris Dansereau Advanced Gary Garabian Masters Steve Lelito FAI Jeff 5th Peter 6th Sportsman mber 1996 151 Ron Gagnor Charlie Nelson John Wood Nats Scale models Fred Bellows signing wing commemorative purposes Close up wing note signature Ed Henry Model Aviation cartoonist Peter Francis Jeff Carrish Steve Boyko Chris Dansereau Al Moder Pattern aircraft Steve Lelito Gary Garabian flew different sites difficult get together Chris Dansereau Pattern aircraft ARCH NEMESIS New Jersey New York Europe John Grigg Vice President 6387 Badger Dr Lockport NY 14094-5947 Eve 716 434-3955 CompuServe 765662373 Associate Vice Presidents Ray Janchkas 09 Liviogston Street St James NY 1780 516 862-5585 Dave Babcock 44S Stockton Street Hightotewo NJ 065254551 Roy Brown USAC AFCENT CMR 460 SOX 585 APO AC 08703 Wee De Con 85 Riverside i3rive Easking Ridge NJ 07920-1308 Vince Julieno 1 e Shamrock Road Rocky Point NY 11778 George Baso 11 Maple Lane Hyde Park NY 12S3S Adam Saltier 41 PerryAvevac Lathan, NY 12110-2433 Dane Mathewson Boo 613 Carnilius NY 13031 Bill Poythress 2 Hemlock CooS Sangetties NY 13477 James M LewIs P061 Ogdeobarg NY 13669-0061 Bill Milier PO Son 335 Pnooetoo Junction NJ 58550 Frequency CoordInator Len Seater 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoanlo NY 13135-9507 315 695-2448 Gail Holahan will last column John Griggr District II VP August 4 1996 left world bluer skies higher thermals great days flying dadr witnessedr great deal pride career Academy Model Aeronautics achievements organization well documented probably dont need mentioning indeed could remember However need speak man husband father Dad thoroughly enjoyed life modeling could take empty piece balsa turn masterful flying machine would often asked hold piece wood pin would listen dad would explain aerodynamics lift principles wing airfoil etc always thrilling job say least dad always seemed smart because knew stuff could create such marvelous piece work thrived leadership roles afforded him Academy used sit comfy brown chair discuss intricacies political workings organization would listen dutifully fully understanding ins outs ups downs see father involved such seemingly important matters somehow made feel important too often heard frustration voice because cared deeply Academy hurt long disputes arose could thwart often great excitement because goals met improvements made Academy membership soared felt helped make things better greatest joys life being part model airplane world However marvelous accomplishments could never have met Joan wife mother side minute through modeling experiences through life until drew last breath team remember evenings dad would disappear cellar work models Mom missed companionship evenings still encourage him further sport Mom him meets vacation resort Bahamas trip Hawaii rather buzz model engines whoosh sailplanes too gained strength pride seeing him excel Dad aware sacrifices mom made sport quiet reserved acknowledgment during last days would reach moms hand pull toward him could see tender nourishing love gained much strength through years Modeling big part both lives desperate hope people Academy sport modeling will forget continue include mother future activities dad made much part organization think Dad always some aspect planes modeling fullscale attaches itself memory tried get involved sport 12 monotonous circles threat demolishing piece Dads hard spent labors was willing invest Still tagged along occasionally helped fuel engines launch winged giants silent flight instilled love sky planes stars meteorology will stay forever didnt have child follow footsteps hobby quick encourage youngsters would take interest came classroom give demonstrations After such demonstration left planes kids see night school experienced break lost plane along antique engine crushed never made school officials feel badly about Despite setback continued helping kinds kids adults venture hobby times wished didnt have share father model airplanes Immediately after both children born winging way Europe FAI meetings times would have liked have parents around watch children involved somewhere world model airplanes wouldnt have other way now can look back Dad made very proud daughter wouldnt trade world wonderful adventures grandchildren enriched travels picture column Dads last flying days Larry Lundy best friend brother Ernie Nikodem full scale pilot good friend helped dad field last plane built Modeling life have also included picture dad wanted have column George Privateer nicknamed Popsicle because froze stick Humor big part modeling life Im sure especially plane went down cost lots money precious commodity time Finally Id like thank people Academy making father part lives truly loved minute serving Please remember John Grigg go about fulfilling dreams hobby great modeler man husband father miss Dad Model Aviation 4 U] I-I 11 [61 EHIE 1 tin Ohio Pennsylvania / West Virginia Bob Brown Vice President 35 Sanford Street 4Bradford PA 16701 1814 368-7655 Associate Vice Presidents Mike Barbee 6561 Calgary Court Columbus OH 43229-2008 614 891-1643 David H Ellis 5261 DeWitt Road Cross Lanes WV 2531 3-1209 304 776-1408 Nelson Gould 1944 S Idaho Street Allentown PA 18103-8519 215 797-6597 John Hathaway 102 Woodmere Drive New Stanton PA 15672-9449 412 925-3266 Donald Klopp 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 610 409-0129 Frank Noll 4573 Lamme Road Dayton OH 45449 513 435-9232 Joseph S Vislay 1381 Cranbrook Drive PO Box 651 Maumee OH 43537-3062 Frequency Coordinator John Cottle 1012 Wyoming Avenue Forty Fort PA 18704 Phone\tab 717 287-8970 John GriggHoward Crispin severat years have admired efforts have unselfishly devoted themselves Academy Unfortunately have lost two very respectful gentlemen Howard originally Shinglehouse small community northern Pennsylvania known throughout world efforts reducing sound model engine countless hours study coordination AMA Sound Committee produced techniques used today John Grigg personal friend to modelers world long acquaintance John started local pylon competition hours spent Harold deBolt John myself discussing better pylon efforts As John became involved Academy did Grigg Brown families logged miles friendship trips throughout world Joan John became known Mom Dad gentlemen could have devoted themselves manner did total dedication families men has wife created team Thanks combined effort team will forgotten 1996 Election ability vote leadership within Academy benefit large percentage membership fails utilize year have ability elect Executive Vice President District III Vice President apathy will exhibit desire complacent organization Please vote nominee choice Most club elections will take place within next few months During year receive comments about activity within club Sometimes comments positive Most clubs suffer apathy within Instead complaining provide positive leadership clubs desire Ron Morgan 1996 Nats now history . what witnessed various newsletters have said event huge success unaware Nats produce efforts countless volunteers efforts coordinated Nats Committee chaired former District III Vice President Ron Morgan Thanks Ron providing positive direction needed Thanks also Steve Kaluf coordinating AMA Headquarters effort Although Muncie site far complete provided adequate venue majority events Improvements next year already being discussed Included camping facilities additional controline areas additional parking better patternlscale site Next years Nats will probably very similar have ideas could make better please forward either Ron Steve myself AVP Bud Klopp Associate Vice President southeast Pennsylvania has recently relocated Please direct communication 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 Telephone 610 409-0129 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship year Academy awards scholarships deserving young modelers year Michael Hudson York Pa recipient Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship amount $2500 Congratulations Mike academic achievement well community modeling servsce Indiana Flyers Indiana Peonsylvansa site Jimmy Stewart Airport year part Indianas Airport Appreciation Days Indiana Flyers produced static flying demonstration AVP John Hathaway provided picture includes club members took part successful show Westerville Model Aeronautics Association Over hundred children parents attended first flying static show put WMAA patrons Westerville Ohio Library event held Alum Creek flying site included 39 club members club provided attendee hot dogs pop child given opportunity fly aid buddy box least two families joined WMAA spot Activities such go long way building public support model aviation club interested such event contact AVP Mike Barbee event coordinator Boy Scout Camporee Randolph Dolce recently coordinated model flying activity Boy Scout Camporee Honesdale Pennsylvania Flyers Top-O-NJ R/C Club drove over hundred miles provide assistance Check out interest exhibited Scouts Randys picture interested seeing club column please submit items pictures Bob Brown above address Pictures may black white color Remember benefits have Academy ability elect board . PLEASE VOTE mber 1996 153 Indiana Flyers Jimmy Stewart Airport Appreciation Days Boy Scouts Honesdale Pennsylvania Associate Vice Presidents George Abbott 8712 Westlake Ct Raleigh NC 27613 Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive SevernMD 21144-1130 Phone\tab 410 969-9356 Douglas Barry 5300 Olde Milibrooke Dr Glen Allen VA 23060 Allen Eklund 8415 Maeve Ct Clemmons NC 27012 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Road Newport News VA 23606-3663 Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hill NC 27948 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809-1719 Richard Dick Smith 761 Gwynne Avenue Waynesboro VA 22980-3346 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Drive Fayetteville NC 28311-1007 Phone\tab Evening 919 488-5986 month District IV column begins sad news Wednesday July 31 1030 am District VP friend 25 years Howard Crispin passed away University Hospital Charlottesville VA Howard returned home Charlottesville after first week Nats Celebration Eagles Muncie Within short period time admitted University Virginia Hospital some tests problems found very serious too much Howard overcome AMA District IV modeling community have lost dedicated worker very dear friend deepest sympathy goes out wife Caroline son daughters Howard agreed long ago anything ever happened would write last colunm try coordinate District IV until replacement elected am sure AMA Council will move rapidly replace Howard procedure place part AMA Bylaws under Article 10 Officers meantime have questions need assistance can reached following address phone Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 am sure area AVP District IV officers can assist AMA problems questions will miss Howard Happy flying Headquarters saddened unexpected death staff member Sue Tobias died following surgery Ball Memorial Hospital Muncie Indiana July 24 Tobias 31 worked Special Services Department handling insurance claims Muncie native Tobias graduate Ball State University Survived parents Sandra Marshall sister Katrina grandparents warmhearted animal nature lover Recognized sunny disposition cheerful attitude will missed staff members 154 Model Aviation rd Crispin left makes point Sal Taibi recent Celebration Eagles reception held AMA Museum Muncie Photo Matthew Usher Sue Tobias National Newsletter August 1996 \bullet 1 [ LU 11 1s] b Aabama Fo da/Georgia Miasiasippi / Puerto Rico South Carolina / Tenneasee Jim McNeiII Vice President 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 Phone 205 322-3002 X 205 252-2654 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Bartoszewicz 3626 Ranahsood Rd Orlando FL 32808 Ron Chidgey 3713 Pompano Pensacola FL 32514 Wilbelmina Chlhasz 2826 Arbor Place Knoxville TN 37917 James M Edwards ace Mimosa New Albany MS 38653 William 1 Haywood 4 Rabin Circle Foley AL 36535 Karl Hensel 383 Bniacoood 8157 Meridian MS 38305 Louise Izzo 286 Hantridge Way Wieteroprings FL 32708 Richard Jackson 2118 Tbornlee Dr. N Charleston SC 28405 Chris Joiner 95 Lee Rd 238 Pbenia City AL 36867 Dr John MartIn 2180 Tigertail Ave Miami FL 33133 Tom Morris 327 Pueblo Peas Anviston AL 36206 Linda OHearn 3415 Maze Ln Brandon FL 33511 Dick FeB00 156 Palm Grove Blvd Panama City Beach FL32408 George Parryman 3644 Lake Dr Smyrna GA 30082 Frank Tlano 15300 Estancia Lane West Palm Beach FL 33414 Ward Van Dazer 5360 Pine Circle Camming GA 30131 Lee Wehater 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Joseph Micalizzi HC 866 Boo 10387 Faiardo Puerto Rico 00738 Frequency Coordinator Dorothy Fields 183W Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32148 Phone804664-2517 Last month reported results Council meeting refrained mentioning latest dues increase agreement AMA president should mention first magazine Therefore mention now motion made increase annual dues $6 vote no have 2 Council members die past week Howard Crispin John Grigg Both very respected Districts Nationally Personal friend John Grigg AMA President several years Secretary Treasurer subsequently Executive Vice President Naturally John became good friends hurts lose friend hurts see national organization become less death 2 experienced dedicated Board Members visited Mulberry Florida other day witnessed first class Giant Fly-In Spring Rally Rick Meland CD Newell Terry Field Giant Scale becoming popular Alabama South Carolina Teon Mississippi Georgia also Winter Spring weather somewhat warmer Florida Meet Joe Saitta superbly constructed Messerschmitt Mel63B-l Komet WW lIthe operational power endurance eight ten minutes Further uncontrollable speeds excess 620 mph WW II continued story might have different larger Mel63C WalterlO9-509C rocket motor extended powered flight time 12 minutes plane intended attack endless streams American bombers coming over Germany another German alrplane WW Condor George Breen son Mike posed behind fine model Lake Wales Ha Paul Donofrio Punta Gorda Florida magnificent Waco YKS7 Paul says model flies very well Greg Ely Macon Georgia President Dixie Aeromasters hosted Annual Spring Fly-In 2 months ago excellent turn-out Bob Zuspan won Best Sport event Jim Zuspan won Best Scale Wiltz Bernard won Best Military P-5 1 Mustang Mac Hodges won both Best Giant Scale Best Show snap winners Contest Director L-R Bob Zuspan Jim Zuspan Greg Ely Mac Hodges Wiltz Bernard posing front winning airplanes President Greg Ely presenting double winner Mac Hodges award Mac left Control Line version annual KING ORANGE International events held Flagler County Airport January Larry Barickman CD Bunnell Florida Lynn Joy Weedman St Augustine Lynns Open Stunt model Original design OS 46 power 80 oz Meet Score Keeper Tabulator Paula Barickman CD Larry Barickman front trophys awards some happy contestants flew 96 King Orange Control Line events necessarily order Lewis Puckett Dennis Toth Corey Birchfield Mimi Jerry Martin Bill Hodges Walt Legan As left flying sste impression having heck good time Some may have noticed Bill Haywood Foley Alabama no longer AMA Assistant Vice President District V wasnt anything Bill did didnt Council action Council eliminated position Asst VP So Bill back Associate VP again mber 1996 155 U ] -u 11 [ LU 111 1] IE Associate Vice Presidents Illinois Deb & Scott Justice 156 S Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 John Kallend 402 Arizona Glenwood IL 60425 Eve 708 798-7242 Hal Parenti 1920 Buckingham Westchester IL 60154 Eve 708 562-5752 Jerry Worden 400 Alden Dr Normal IL 61761-1202 Eve 309 454-3905 Indiana Ron Ballard 6302 N 700 E Decatur IN 46733 Eve 219 724-8934 Gary Bussell 5000 W Connie Dr Muncie IN 47304 Eve 317 288-3541 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421-3108 Eve 812 275-2189 Kentucky Jim Sears Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 606 748-5834 Missouri Cal Ettel 3 Castle Dr RR 82 Florissant MO 63034 Eve 314 831-5031 Dick Taylor 7929 Jefferson Kansas City MO 64114 Eve 816 333-9839 Frequency Coordinator Paul Holsten 616W 30th St Higginaville MO 64037- 1659 Eve 816 584-2481 St Louis MO McDonnell Douglas R/C Club # 393 has chartered club years see club number Way back club started members began program called Flight Month club idea being no matter bad weather member get flight month end year members completed flight month over years time received certificate club would like report members name Wil Flidmeier has completed over 25 years least flight month Thats over 300 months hasnt missed flight friends club wanted him get some recognition outstanding accomplishment Garden Prairie IL James Kennicker Lakeshore R/C Club #259 sent following information pictures Big Bird Fly-In held May 19th 1996 Picture superbly down B-25 Merlin Graves Next very neat colorful Stinger Dennis Crooks last Extra 300 Merlin Graves Look wide-open spaces surrounding field St Charles IL April 16 year sixteen members Fox Valley Aero Modelers # 252 met Glenwood Academy St Charles Glenwood Academy privately funded residential school boys club members spent enjoyable evening building AMA Cubs boys school organized twelve boys live group home five such homes campus club members divided groups two three spent hour half helping boys assemble planes test fly Club members boys assembled field sixty boys sixteen members flew Cubs original intent hold contest five cottages award pizza night cottage could post longest flight club decided since everyone having such good time club would sponsor pizza night entire school Picture has John Bloom helping assembly Picture two has Dave Bride doing final check-out May 22nd original group returned school put RC flying demonstration boys Information picture Mike Kostecki Plainfield IN Screaming Eagles RC Inc club held annual Eagles Pattern contest May great turnout 35 fliers seven states Picture has Miki Woodward accepting firstplace award Novice class Darrow Neeves Heres lineup winners L R Miki Woodward Novice Randy Wolfe Sportsman Olivier Marsaly AdvancedJeff Aranyos Masters James Bennett FAI Look flags bit windy great time Pictures information courtesy Steve Ragsdale Model Aviation i 11 LU uuu i tin Iowa Michigan Minnesota / Wisconsin Joe Hass Vice President 5394 English Drive Troy MI 48098 810 510-6243 FAX 810 879-5522 Don Bentfield 1440W Minnehaha Avenue St Paul MN 55104 Phone 612 645-2984 Dave Gish 5435 State Hwy 99 Wapello IA 52653 Bud Gorman PO Box 33 Knife River MN 55609 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Boulevard Milwaukee WI 53211 Jean Lasik 305 Patti Place Holland Ml 49423 Bill Millar 712 Grand Ave Petoskey Ml 49770 Carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Drive Madison WI 53705 Mark E Robotti 26540 Olympic Trail North Lindatrom MN 55045 Pete Waters 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Ml 48167 Fax 810 486-1603 Mike Zingery 6496S Summerton Rd Shepherd Ml 48883-9308 Frequency Coordinators West Al Schwartz 2787 Fernwood Roseville MN 55113 East Bert Kelly PO Box 39001 Redford Ml 48239 Lynn sent along interior shot stunning Lynn Paula question dont airplanes look like yours give lessons TREMENDOUS LOSS Modelers everywhere mourning loss Executive Council VPs Howard Crispin John Grigg Both men walking encyclopedias AMA history importantly knew understood things done past could avoid repeating mistakes history short time council both men treated well solicited ideas input Pete Waters attended Howards funeral Arlington National Cemetery representative AMA sincere condolences families Wonder what sound requirements heaven LUV THOSE CLUBS THAT DO COMMUNITY SERVICE months newsletters included two notes positive efforts clubs help neighbors Madison Area Radio Control Society #665 Madison WI runs Adopt-A-Highway program Frankenmuth Aeromodelers Frankenmuth MI help annual Bavarian Festival manpower Make sure club helps community make sure civic leaders know efforts pays off flying fields HOW TO PUBLICIZE YOUR EVENT Ribcrackers Model Airplane Club Livonia MI can teach us lesson event PR 4 color press release RIC Airshow dazzling details picture huge DC-3 received coverage major papers major AM radio station SE Michigan WJR least two TV stations great event watch fly well Good job folks FOOLED HER walked upstairs Paula handed picture fullsize airplane wanted buy pic 1 humorously responded gave second picture pic 2 impressed work Lynn Sidabras Milwaukee WI Along great letter JACKSONS ACTION Working local airport hobby shop Jackson Radio Control Club participated Jackson Hot Air Jubilee Air Show July 19-21 airport favorite Sunday morning fly breakfast places weekend great weather hot-air balloons intro Control Line flights full schedule demo flights along open airport Dave McKinnon Riders Hobby did great job logistics BUSY SCHEDULE weekend has will continue filled events Unfortunately work has interfered much participation events have attended have very professional tribute work organizers Keep up good work See field mber1996 157 Ribcrackers DC-3 Can tell 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Deluxe aircraft dB-checked 98 9 model Beautiful 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Lynn Sidabras Ribcrackers set aside time during air show demo flights Attetktirirn Nats/Celebration Eagles attendees chance lifetime will announced December Model Aviation ASsansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas George M Aldrich Vice P resident 12822 Tarrytown San Antonio TX 78233 AMA\tab Line 210 650-4707 FAX answers 6th ring away Associate Vice Presidents Max Blose 1001 N Betsy Waco TX 76706 817 662-5587 Sandy Frank 105 N Brazos St Weatherford TX 76086 817 599-7131 Ervin Chick Frierson Box 188 Haakell TX 79521 817 864-3086 Marlin McGee 4433 NW 20th St Oklahoma City OK 73107 405 947-4518 Randy Randolph 4873 Fallon P1 Dallas TX 75227 214 381-7624 Jim Simpson 604 San Juan Del Rio Rio Rancho NM 87124 505 891-1336 Steve Staples 1300 Pine Valley Little Rock AR 72207 501 664-1226 Charles Stevens 226 Delta St Paaadena TX 77506 713 473-4995 John Valls 2502 Montgomery Box 2241 Laredo TX 78044 512 723-9018 Ward Watts 13415 Joor Rd Baton Rouge LA 70818 504 261-5974 Frequency Coordinator North Joe DuMond 2626 Valley View Suite 4 Farmers Branch TX 75234 214 241-8492 South Jim Reynolds 123 Madrid Universal City TX 78148 210 658-6646 AMA Display Coordinator Karen Hopkins 5515 Bridgeton Avenue Arlington TX 76018 817 467-9211 have written called voice displeasure over SIG group being able require membership organization order enter AMA-sanctioned event solution Simply sanction events through AMA its contest coordinator system district Clyde Brothers Bill Lee always ready assist have given exemplary service Last April left attend EC meeting Muncie wife called tend aging parents illness extended absence some 10-plus weeks canceled planned travel until leaving Muncie July 5 biggest regret missing SMALL event put lifelong buddy Emmett Bungie Fry AVP Steve Staples Little Rock Arkansas years SMALL Fun-Fly largest yet some 81 registered Considering entry averaged bringing four models heck gathering Ill let photos speak pure fun enough words tell what great happening Celebration Eagles turned out John Worth ably assisted Joyce Hager AMA staff really did fantastic job highlight Maxwell Bassett speaking banquet Eighty-two years young day sounded like 40-year-old CEO regret Bill Winter Frank Ehling Dick Korda could us Clancy parked part gaggle next Peanut Scale jobs Emmett Fry brings out kids Betty Fox Fox engines columnist Randy Randolph SMALL regulars Betty big supporter SMALL AVP Steve Staples SendAero co-chief perennial CD show well organized actually time have little fun Except beautiful PT-19 rest RC jobs belong Emmett Fry Culver Cadet scaled-down version friend Bill Caiwells real SMALL AirOlympics flyoft kids ages 7-16 always draws crowd winners get AMA gold silver bronze medals competition SMALL Dereck Woodward drove down wife Sue Maryland Hes already making plans come back 97 Pem McRae owns antebellum Cottonwoods Plantation hosts SMALL Pem showed off solid replica 1929 Commandaire real bird manufactured Little Rock before Depression After traditional Saturday night supper crowd filled Air Space Museum see IMAX film Vein Williams flew 13-foot blimp around museum lobby part show Vein Wendell Roberts like giants Eugene Bryant scratch-designed built Jenny Don Downing brought several airplanes including Flyline Curtiss Fifty-two 81 pilots signed up Robin Both regulars Dallas\tab field Friday noonat 158 Model Aviation arks RC Club Hastings Nebraska El] I-Il 1 1 jjjjj Fax\tab 701 4. Associate Vice Presidents Max Hansen 1909 Wisconsin SW Huron SD 57350 Nathan Lancaster 3597 S Kendall Street Denver CO 80235 Tray Lapp 1618 Houston Dr Bismarck ND 58504 Travis McGinnis 8027W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Don Moden 410 Hart St Sauna KS 67401 Jim Ricketts 4921 Fernwood Drive Sioux Falls SD 57103-5573 Jack L Sibert 3611 Kimberly Circle Lincoln NE 68506-4524 Chuck Smith 1091 Cheshire Street Casper WY 82609-3214 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918 S Sheridan Denver CO 80226 News Nebraska Lincoln Skyknights RC Club Lincoln Nebraska 1996 GIANT SCALE FUN FLY NOW HISTORY 1996 LSK Giant Scale Fun Fly now history books measures success years Fun Fly attended 32 registered pilots 14 Lincoln Sky Knight members Also both days fair number spectators lined up along fence time looks like event cleared after expenses $450 weather about good could expect 25 30 knot winds Saturday afternoon Sunday perfect light winds entire day machinery years fly fantastic Doug Cunnings 35% Scale Extra Don Neills scratch-built fivecylinder radial engine quality years entries no less superb major mishap Sunday gentleman out town spun due suspected unhooked ailerons aircraft completely rekitted thanks helped make years event success Paul Wanda Cooper prepared enough food feed small army Also thanks Eva Grauer Joan Penn help concessions Thanks Neil Rohrke help mowing Dave Greathouse Helen Rohrke Bob Schwab help impound area last least Lincoln Sky Knights support Craig Sparks GATEWAY MALL SHOW RESULTS 1996 LSK Model Mall Show held May 11 1996 now over results entries winners choice Winners determined ballot So statistics show 24 contestants entered 39 fixed-wing 4 rotary wing least 2 sailplanes some very outstanding models display mind making choice very difficult say least winners went like Pylon Ducted Fan Best Show Rookie Scale Scale Sportsman Barebones Helicopter Pattern Sailplane Dave Reiber Don Svoboda Bob Jordon Monroe Prater Bernie Arthur Brent Jensen David Greathouse Neal Helen Rohrke Dennis Manning Allen Worrest Allen Worrest always special privilege able show off hobby public special thanks goes out folks took time bring out favorite models public view Also special thanks Dave putting Mall Show together Until next year just keep building Tom Hefley Annual 8-Man Football Flight Demonstration June 1996 Nebraska 8-man Coaches Association formed spring 1977 As part group formation wished have All-Star game promote showcase sport summer All-Star game initiated through help Hastings Sertoma Club athletes town about two weeks housed Central Community College dorms During time practice team evenings Sertoma Club has arranged variety events visits pastimes players coaches very first year Hastings Skylarks asked put flying demonstration program has remained basically same throughout 18 years have good static display various kinds sizes types models look begin telling about club number members age range facilities etc followed closeup look club trainer wing offwe explain servos controls work etc get plane air explain built cost kit types engines cost engines fuel little about radios operation cost time have several planes time air keep flights short about 3-4 minutes usually prevent loss interest explain different plane particular noteworthy different feature something about pilot etc try feature variety kinds models flying demonstration have performed two comedy acts over years involves getting few players usually team captains quarterbacks out fly buddy boxes After show some expertise sticks get coach buddy box have show abilities whole time airplane has controlled pilot out sight crowd course coach gets plane does some wild gyrations nearly crashes narrator can really get players going talking about coachs skills have instructor get disgusted whole thing walk away leaving coach supposedly completely alone flying plane dont always oneit takes lot good timing coordination work well as Wilheim November1996 159 Lincoln SkyKnights RC Club 1996 Giant Scale Fun Fly Scott Zimmerman far left Dallas Wilhelm far right 8-man football players Anzona California / Hawaii / Nevada / Utah Richard Hanson Vice President P0 Box 3312 Scottsdale AZ 85271 Phone 602 708-0222 E-mail nchh @primenetcom httpJ/wwwama-1 Ocom/ama Darwin Barrie Scottsdale Arizona 602 946-8955 Dan Goeschl Lancaster California 805 940-6066 Darlene Frederick Santa Rosa California 707 525-8815 Marc Karpowich Logan Utah 801 752-3639 Brian Nelson Morgan Hill California 408 463-0907 Dave Pinjuv Las Vegas Nevada 702 656-1772 Al Williamson Chula Vista California 619 427-4039 Frequency Coordinators Eloy Marez Santa Ana California 714 540-4935 See last months column additional AVPs Coordinatoral Last month presented first three articles D-X AVP Brian Nelson following second series articles Clubs Clubees Clubers talk about forming organization club facilitate vision group individuals Most time relate past experiences forming going accomplish goal Oftentimes however dont think far enough ahead plan situations ultimately face during lifetime organization Flying sites related clubs inherently have issues need planning investment time money energy patience dictates need plan ahead Issues such safety liability land use investment leadership membership beginners relate another require plan meet vision also important define vision clearly new members atmosphere get-togethers meetings upbeat positive Its also good measure progress towards achieving goals go along Feeling good about ones accomplishments tomorrows energy next hurdle After putting vision together among group no matter small its time put down writing helps establish priorities directions future can avoid confrontations simply agreeing future upgrading access road scheduled after safety fence wanting road understand plan know wishes have future Plan approach example youre making presentation landowner seller lessor have picture mind what would want hear shoes Ive encountered clubs appear cold new members require initiation fees seem want new member feel hardship went through acquiring field Maybe reason hobby has losing participants last several years need encourage people talent hobby push away last two years Ive seen clubs take progressive approach providing flight training safety new member help clubs future respond need can also tell average age members below fifty Maybe its time club became upbeat inviting potential modeling enthusiasts Having experience working Silicon Valley obtain land goes 200K plus acre receive numerous inquiries regarding working public private entities secure land thing makes difference having support several individuals working together put plan program place site project presentation before Parks Commission City Council graphs slide shows blueprints impact overviews modeler lists within county plan vision insurance organization about 150 modelers attended closing council meeting topic folder material Council Members wrote thank note home after meeting offered develop fund install flying field could advertise within park system benefit residents no cost public also contacted site neighbors ahead time got blessing end because common vision teamwork handful good people knew professionalism counts success sights hand type planning long term assures good investments down road Till next time Keepem safe Keepem flyn Model Aviation ciate Vice Presidents D-X AVP Mike Harrington Kaneohe Hi prepares Aloha State RC Clubs Open House July 27-28 1996 Top photo . Kids around island Oahu line up candy drop Meanwhile . OHawail Show Teams Candy Bomber lifts off loaded 2-lbs wrapped hard candy U MA World Wide Web http//www ama-i Ocom/ama Meeting Hawaiian Style Maui RC Modelers relax warm South Pacific sun club meeting clubs new RC site Up top Club President Bob Cox C VP Gordon Colley L Treasurer Richard Cox R ml i i LS ~iIit1iiitE Howard Crispin longtime council member devoted modelers modeling friend died late July Just preparing column word came John Grigg died early August John President first elected also good friend hearts go out Howards wife Caroline Johns wife Joan families will greatly missed Weve some flying-site problems show up Washington Oregon rest experiencing anything along lines should get information Jay Mealy AMA HQ sooner know about problems better chance can offer effective help Whats going out there7 Well starting Washington State Legislators passed bill requiring counties set conditions uses agricultural lands case means arent established plan cant use land Period Puyallup EXPO heads- up given Doug Francis clubs Washington about get model airplane flying endorsed onto land use laws laws being written amazing luck Doug Whidbey Island Club officer serving committee county going write land use rules Doug has extremely valuable source information members Washington help packet information instructions suggestions proceed developed sent clubs Washington Oregon different situation law already exists model airplane flying allowed use farm property Although allowed uses arent farming clubs have fields farm property have continued use land unless complaint lodged complaint comes club loses field few years ago Salem R/C Pilots Assn flying farmland gotten conditional use permit under old rules Because other concerns find new place fly found new field farm land too far old started develop Someone complained county issued cease desist order club land owner decided fight order club filed conditional use permit continued use property pending hearing hearing held 24th July no ruling yet 1st August ruling will have issued time read Salem R/C Pilots Assn determined fly new field 1st decision goes against will appeal ruling club will use whatever legal means available gain what want June Barnstormers have field northern end same county likewise served case parallels Turner situation too will fight order fact both clubs using same lawyer legal practice involves litigating land use problems Everything being learned first hearing will utilized Barnstormers case Barnstormers landlord served club little time respond beginning appeared case might heard before Salem Clubs hearing So club formed political action committee direct efforts Very quickly formed liaison Salem group acquired same lawyer has difficult valuable learning situation both clubs What being learned clubs will available club out needs information keep own field clubs win hopefully will precedent Marion County can also hope use precedent cases involving other counties Oregon life being what it will probably mean hearing flying site order guarantee model activities can happen agricultural land anywhere Oregon will have change law will need write ammendment law will allow model aircraft fly off over agricultural land conditional use get done means us fly model aircraft Oregon going have become political year have upcoming election must elect legislators will work us will identify legislators districts want will help us effort Once identified may required some work get people elected Once elected will need have bill introduced shepherded through legislative process Just will work being developed As gather information will available material weve developed far will have sent clubs time read information will follow same time help sorely needed Please get involved No working problem believes he/she has answers need help input Remember professional involved lawyer rest us volunteers doing whatever necessary get access place fly need deserve keep sport alive question arises should have place enjoy sport remember have same rights other citizens have place time enjoy what Perhaps importantly what what can impart youngsters far useful beneficial presently allowed uses AVP Bruce Nelson sent words photos first Photo #1 Ray Care Nosen Cessna 310 Two ST 90s MonoKoted Rays working plane 17 years Finished just year flown June 30th flew hands off after some minor trimming lineap jets Barons Jet Fly held Deer Park July 6-7 36 jets year tribute Doug Hunt Charlie Hissom started event 6 years ago 6 jets Charlie Doug families go out make class event draws lot spectators mber 1996 161 spokane WA 99208 Falls OR 97601 98257 WA 98390 Frequency Coordinator Al Waison 130 145ih NE. Bellevue WA 98007
\par }
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System}}
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f0\fs17 Inside View Headquarters am incumbent Executive Vice President AMA candidate re election full term beginning January 1 1997 appointed Executive Council February 1996 complete term Dave Brown elected President AMA graduated Duke University degree accounting am certified public accountant have practicing 46 years During WW III served US Navy primarily Phillippines present time am Senior Partner President CD Holland Company PA certified public accounting firm Executive Vice President AMA responsible financial operations includes matters finance budgeting daily accounting operations structuring debt acquire fixed assets involvement federal tax law due amount revenue generated because AMA has Unrelated Business Income sales advertising Model Aviation have great deal academic training well vast practical experience items previously mentioned plus great deal involvement management responsibilities consulting addition have served finance committee three years factors stand good stead perform work required position manner both knowledgeable professional involvement model aviation goes back 1935 began building model airplanes YMCA camp have involved indoor free flight Ucontrol radio control categories have active participant free flight Ucontrol radio control having both contestant events including various nationals well CD over 30 years am presently active electric flying Due love modeling extensive business experience field accounting finance management feel am qualified serve Executive Vice President AMA will appreciate support nominee running office AMA given opportunity present two campaign statements Model Aviation magazine other statement accompanies election ballot annual membership renewal Rather repeating same remarks have chosen address separate issues statement Since slated magazine read would like ask favor fellow modeler Please vote Though approximately 160000 members AMA frequently have less 15000 members participate election process strongly believe member has right express concerns constructively criticize efforts have chosen lead result having met individual member obligation participate election process Im running office Executive Vice President can further improve efforts proceeding As EVP focus will financial health AMA chartered clubs statement chartered clubs no mistake meant taken lightly campaign statements have expressed need to support chartered clubs local flying sites As AVP past six years have received countless calls regarding lost flying sites problems encountered getting new ones Some say we should can believe can build International Flying site Muncie can yet again much acquire maintain local flying sites work directly chartered clubs recognizably issues everyones agenda important both individually collectively concerns needs have shared long range outlook sport hobby *\tab Technical support flying site acquisition *\tab Financial support flying site purchases * Cooperative consolidation AMA Special Interest Group competition * Cost containment Nats better utilization event promotion 146 Model Aviation emy Model Aeronautics 5151 East Memorial Drive Muncie IN 47302 Executive Vice President Doug Holland IncumbentBrian D Nelson Howard Crispin Jr 1925-1996 John C Grigg 1932-1996 deeply saddened two Executive Council members Additional report loss information contained AMA News officers District Report Persons wish remember gentlemen asked make contribution name AMA Scholarship Fund AMA Annual Membership Meeting will held November 16 1996 at4 pm Radisson Hotel Roberts Muncie Indiana sport/hobby *\tab Recognition evolution hobby such recent growth Giant Scale modeling inclusion rather exclusion modeling venues *\tab Enhanced aggressive marketing attract larger target market address retention first-year modelers *\tab Continued support enhancement AMAs leader club program encourage recognize clubs efforts milestones safety training community involvement may ask EVP can affect changes financial affairs members AMA modelers will work together avoid flying site losses through land acquisition greater community acceptance improved replacement programs think thousands dollars could save year foregoing repeated site development cost Special Interest Groups conducted virtually same event AMA could after meeting minimum standards replace lower attended AIVIA events national events have proven successful experience much higher member participation Work could done Nats make financially sound fiscally responsible Cause could should given modeling venues know have sincere desire address concerns Imagine moment finances AMA its charter clubs effect changes like would have call financial accountability view EVP position just footing figures see maximizing potential industry sport hobby Please take time vote Please take time realize believe strongly addressing needs members electing Brian Nelson represents support club local flying site Thank District Vice President Academy Model Aeronautics has experienced several significant changes recent years As elected Vice President have attempted provide professional leadership necessary continue enhance membership benefits during crncial period now time focus needs individual members local club procurement local flying sites primary concern Academy has develop additional programs will enable local club obtain maintain flying site Positive liaison between national state local government agencies has increased Corporate involvement must also stressed As elected official have expertise needed initiate increased involvement Membership growth within Academy has increased individual member must obtain additional benefits increased cost Programs involving neophyte must provide proper assistance needed become active modeler Todays modeling style changing have adapt change positive alignment hobby industry will certainly provide benefit role AMA Special Interest Group has increased SIG knows desires membership Academy has listen Apathy within society today very critical hobby Unfortunately club members desire extend themselves club Academys Leader Club Program should extended help encourage active club involvement participation Within modeling hobby can express oneself several different avenues have airplanes boats cars etc time has come Academy act catalyst have various organizations working common goals Duplication effort costly often counter productive primary need sites actively conduct sport time work together As elected representative will continue available Recognition needs individual modeler utmost importance Please demonstrate positive attitude have within District III e Bob Brown Im honored run Vice Pres Dist VII last five years Ive pleasure working Joe Hass Pete Waters Assistant VP elected would strive carry activities started As recreational flyer appreciate technical advances sport direct result active competition programs feel USA should major competitor world events local competition fosters future world champions However must realize AMA members people just love fly models therefore should also receive share AMA benefits elected would best represent modelers District VII nationally follows 1\tab Increase scope model aviation educational programs schools levels 2\tab Develop stronger relationships better communications modeling clubs members model aviation industry 3\tab See finalizing major projects Muncie shift funding back membership needs uses Shaun L Ettinger name Shaun L Ettinger reside Novi Michigan support family friends am seeking office District VII Vice President am long time modeler over past 2 years have served President International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association am going dwell previous accomplishments note worthy likely would ballot several things believe require focus within Academy importantly District VII need direct attention future aeromodeling Whether interests nc control line free flight other venue need advance hobby Executive Council has outlined 10 goals Academy agree some directly related District VII council desires increase membership 200000 number flying fields 10% 3 years can accomplished District VII electing strong aggressive leader direction toward Public Relations Educational programs within communities need demonstrate public group Big Boys Toys diverse individuals enjoying leisure activity doctors lawyers machinists list endless need work local state governments will see propagation flying sites district let alone maintaining current ones need work schools organizations well see growth membership can guarantee electing position District Vice President will able accomplish will promise will best protect right fly well place fly have nominated position Vice President District XI proudly accept Going fly-ins contests club meetings mall shows club fields anywhere modelers gather get enjoy Continued page 150 November1996 147 Bob Brown Incumbent Donald K Bentfield Ed McCollough Incumbent As President have known long time would experience ups downs As say its part job thought could deal anything job threw last month has tested emotional strength its limit column seems wander hope will understand month started very high note heals extremely successful Celebration Eagles Nats started off well spent nearly first week half month Muncie enjoying CL RC Pylon events early part RC Pattern Near end period waiting ride out field hotel lobby cellular phone rang Sally simply said HQ called dont think team flight first reaction What flight What team out late previous night turned TV morning unaware crash TWA 800 turned out RC CL Scale teams left Paris Air France flight two hours before TWA flight after negotiations TWA transport model boxes didnt work out really fortunate case doesnt diminish immensity tragedy nor trauma dealing close call problem team safely ground Paris team manager stuck Chicago due weather paperwork Somehow didnt worry too much Sally fortunate enough have tickets couple Olympic events spent couple days Atlanta cheering athletes around world thrilling return Muncie brought first what emotional lows Sue Tobias staff member Special Services insurance Department went hospital what assumed minor surgery never returned Sue died complications surgery Sue young good employee always pleasant talk will sorely missed office discussing services Sue informed Frank Bushey eighth President AMA passed away July 15 never got meet Frank earliest surviving AMA President #8 read contributions AMAs history hoped meet him near future After hearing fortunate get spend some time FF portion Nats enjoyed meeting new faces reacquainting myself some old friends watching well-run event Family time again back Atlanta Olympic events basketball game evening stroll through Centennial Park Fortunately left park around 1000 pm next morning Sally came back bedroom tears eyes fear voice bomb gone off Centennial Park after left considered going straight home family decided would make winner out sick individual planted went Olympic events scheduled sat pouring rain watch track field events think made right decision After coming home made yet another trip Muncie meet some local business people Oshkosh AMA has display booth made about halfway cellular phone rang HQ news Howard Crispin AMA Dist IV VP suddenly passed away shocked say least Howard Nats just week half before showed no signs having problem have worked Howard over twenty years first Pattern judge AMA officer As member Executive Council chairman Bylaws Sound committees hard work AMA has left legacy benefits AMA membership Howard apparently iniding some problem started working closely former VP Chuck Foreman standin Chuck will fill until such time election someone fill out Howards term can held show Oshkosh went well AMA members stopping booth well lot exposure modeling potential new modelers Monday Aug 5 escaped booth wandering through AeroMart cellular phone again rang again HQ news John Grigg AMA Dist II VP passed away first reaction think should get rid damned cellular phone knew wasnt blame knew John gravely ill just Celebration Eagles first few days Nats told 6-9 months couldnt bring myself go back booth nearly hour trying figure out tell crew latest tragedy John AMA Dist II VP came onto Executive Council 1980 elected President 1982 served under leadership 5 years privileged travel far wide him John great leader good friend John returned Executive Council 1995 Dist II VP important part body wisdom experience would missed us still bring myself tell rest crew finally build up resolve lump throat tear eye returned booth tell rest crew John discussed desires regarding replacement Wes DeCou Ray Juschkus candidates special election apologize think Presidents column should devoted AMA business travelog AMA President point President state shock trying deal events past month also necessary steps replace people staff Executive Council knew people well enough would concerned about handle next month handle past will survive up us ensure AMA continues thrive must get loss AMA great doesnt compare loss families people hearts go out eeting Minutes Available complete copy approved minutes quarterly Executive Council meeting available AMA member request copy most-recently approved minutes will provided no charge Council meets quarterly minutes given meeting approved following meeting Additional copies minutes other meetings $5 shipping handling charge Requests may submitted AMA Administration telephone via fax writing Minutes recent Council meeting will also posted AMA bulletin board Aeromodeler s Airway telephone requests dial 317 287-1256 extension 201 210 fax requests use 317 7410057 $10 minimum credit card orders 148 Model Aviation se note corrected street address column header correct number 487] 1871 printed earlier U TT4Ti WEUTA U rIirs1 Doug Holland AMA Executive VP 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Home 919 787-5163 Office 919 787-7454 Tuesday July 9 am sitting Indianapolis Airport waiting catch flight Pittsburgh catch another flight Raleigh North Carolina have just completed weekend will go down history event called Celebration Eagles Monday following weekend attended Executive Council meeting event will go down history necessary way operate AMA Celebration Eagles will covered great detail other magazines well will make attempt justice reporting such tremendous event As person said really happening just event no way can put paper electricity magnetism emotion warm fellowship feeling meeting old friends Some never met before because knew what did felt like known forever Everyone extremely cordial real pleasure talking people have such dynamic input development hobby/sport different groups people absolutely impossible name past presidents AMA invited vast majority attended Two past presidents could come sent regrets blame inability attend marriage granddaughter grandparents dont understand maybe us readily understand Other members organizations attendance Life Members AMA patrons museum members Hall Fame delegates clubs large number past VPs AVPs members Executive Council Dave Brown hosted banquet past presidents AMA report was fabulous evening Saturday registration flying National Flying Site As know located headquarters Muncie Indiana absolutely beautiful place fly model airplane being improved time constantly upgrades services available contestant AMA member wishes fly Muncie Saturday registration flying went day Saturday evening reception museum indeed great occasion fun 7O59000 $6682100 ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS INC OPERATING TRENDS $7200000 $7000000 $6800000 $6600000 $6400000 $6200000 $6000000 $5800000 1 I1993 OPERATING EXPENSES E\tab REVENUE very interesting see great number people created engines planes etc museum dont mean people constructed ones hanging up mean people actually drew developed planes engines used much early days hobby Sunday same spite great Saturday Sunday almost much fun banquet held Sunday night lot people mentioned earlier introduced Some spoke others just waved hands said hello thing very interesting Hall Fame member would meet another Hall Famer shake hand say Hello am soand-so used fly plane designed just like what occurred Henry Struck sitting across table him just tell him about New Ruler dont know designed plane sometime 40s issue am going give bar graph comparisons income expenses AMA has experienced past three years Again will note almost running out income $5600000 Costs everything continue go up will have look new revenue order continue same services AMA has rendered past plus handling costs capital expenditures vital ongoing improvements Muncie site comment heard up some people very much against move Muncie model builder ought have come Muncie would certainly will have different opinion about what being developed will serve advance continue understanding world about model aviation museum alone unbelievable experience Having opportunity fly types model aircraft simultaneously same area just wonderful experience behold thing adds much trip Muncie AMA staff people will see talk people truly wonderful great job serving hope have chance go someday will mean great deal sure vote Until later . 8700 K IR R42 200 November 1996 149 $6934500 168900 1994 1995 Hager AMA Executive Director 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Just completed full month modeling activities starting off Celebration Eagles huge success didnt attend missed great weekend activities immediately following Celebration Eagles went full force Nationals first year Nationals except Indoor held Muncie New roads being developed aide modelers getting site another ease due continued rainfall two months construction delayed until after Nats though unable complete new roads time posed little problem 1140 contestants registered participate Model airplanes contestants everywhere Competitors over came fly site very pleased location event positive comments site people worked members returning site year continue notice improvements International Aeromodeling Center direction PADCOM improvements will continue AMA will doing survey Nats contestants please take time fill out interested having input want personally thank Special Interest Groups volunteers helped make Nats huge success Special thanks Ron Morgan Contest Director event spent four weeks Muncie addition events going Muncie attended aeromodeling show Ankeny Iowa talked lots nonmodelers modelers always good Association attend such functions also attended Indoor World Championships took place Moscow Idaho Full results story will appear elsewhere start USA took first-place team first-place individual Steve Brown defending World Champion time 9947 second place Cezar Banks 9837 third place Rene Butty Switzerland time 9427 great see team well another subject Education Several months ago own Education Director Bob Underwood did first series electronic fields trips involving building AMA Cub question-and-answer session aircraft Ball State Universitys Extended Learning Department instrumental project donated satellite equipment time crew video contacted schools AMA provided AMA Cubs Ball provided balance material needed 800 youngsters built Delta Dart during session 32000 children watched production also appeared public television else could get such good exposure young people Well ready proceed second field trip Once again Ball donating satellite equipment crew will filmed again AMA Museum Bob Underwood host time subject will Does Fly After editing two videos will available used promotional tool clubs members As can see AMA busy trying introduce young people sport/hobby aeromodeling constantly striving improve service improve site offer members Association proud order continue services along others necessary increase dues 1997 Executive Council choose increase youth memberships will remain same adult memberships will increase $6 return renewal notice prior November 15 increase will $3 am sure realize have increase dues since 1993 yet everything deal continue increase such paper prices mailing-house services etc hoping doing such projects electronic field trips attending various shows whether modeling-related good marketing effort 97 will change trend decreasing membership increasing membership also exploring other possibilities produce revenue other sources So look new items appear sometime 97 have suggestions accomplish please drop line September 16 will mail date membership renewals 1997 notices mailed first class should received members no later end September urge adult members Districts III V VII XI take time read campaign statements send vote need pay dues same time Remember ballot mailed directly accounting firm membership dues need mailed Muncie ballot received AMA HQ will counted special election will also held Districts II IV following loss District IV VP Howard Crispin District II VP John Grigg Truly great loss members both districts also aeromodeling aign Statements Continued page 147 company finest people around modelers District Virtually anything happens modeldom happens times happens first individual basis active other area country its due spirit initiative district member Serving council way returning small amount good modeling has brought life honor District XI VP primary goals always will see have voice running organization through voice heard goal efforts member several committees well council itself have gone towards continually improving making organization best will always make effort see organization best major need other District preserve flying fields Preservation flying fields major concern will make effort see major portion Academys work dedicated task great pleasure serve modelers District XI through vote will continue serve Gil Horstman name Gil Horstman am candidate District XI Vice President live Spokane Washington have AMA member over 36 years 34 years Leader Member Contest Director have served AVP both District VIII presently District XI believe healthy AMA vital continued growth resultant enjoyment hobby/sport key would seem responsive AMA listens its members changing needs acts effectively elected will best accomplish mission AMA organization vote important tool have voice opinion PLEASE VOTE!!! IT ISUPTOYOU E!! 150 Model Aviation 4joyce F nect cut Mane Massachusetts New Hampshire / Rhode Island Vermont Don Kraftt Vice President P0 Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 -1828 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents James M Semonian 166 Allen Road Billerica MA 01821-5240 Bob Landry 80 Main Street Essex JunctionVT 05452-3146 MC McGuffin 8 Robinson Street Houlton ME 04730-2312 Harry S Newman 36 Sherwood Drive Hooksett NH 031 06-1077 Richard Sherman 28 High Street Plymouth NH 03264-1223 Ed Thompson 27 E Greenwich Ave West Warwick RI 02893-5405 Bob Wallace 91 Sylvan Street Avon Cf 06001-2230 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 82 Frazier Way Marstons Mills MA 02648-1 866 THIS COLUMN must started unpleasant task reporting passing three prominent AMA members FRANK B BUSHEY resident Bloomfield Ct. school teacher administrator started clubs schools affiliated directed contests some held area now Bradley International Airport also past treasurer president AMA HOWARD CRISPIN Howard passed away early August services held Arlington Cemetery August 6 1996 known Howard since about 1978 judging various Pattern contests Rob attending served Executive Council years did much extra work Academy such research sound writing articles Model Aviation JOHN GRIGG Passed away Sunday August 4 1996 past president Council Member AMA first met him 1985 became Council member men dedicated model aviation contributed greatly hobby will missed am sure will information elsewhere Model Aviation CELEBRATION OF EAGLES event held AMA National Site July 6-7 1996 object provide opportunity some pioneers model aviation get together fly swap stories attend banquet extremely successful site worked out very well time could see rubber powered models helicopters controlline flying various types RC powered models banquet attended over 400 people held Ball State University time meet talk people associated pictures magazines previously event organized John Worth AMA staff provided extremely enjoyable weekend will probably never duplicated Congratulations involved 1996 NATIONALS drove out Pattern portion Nats Chris Dansereau Sr Chris Jr several purposes trip wanted see Chris Jr fly find out drive 960 miles about 16 hours straight through see AMA site would work Nats spent Saturday night through Thursday Muncie trip well worthwhile did hear ANYTHING negative about site good things about AMA staff work preparing site general attitude thought site best yet Nationals Only Westover AFB could come close downside fact events spaced out can see certain events unless spend over three weeks attending SCALE following information provided Harry Newman New Hampshire AVP wife Shirley fortunate able attend Muncies first RC Scale Nats Over 40 airplanes counted Some nationally recognized others first-time contestants range airplanes represented unmatched compared other events have attended Details will covered elsewhere Model Aviation can assure everyone levels competition can/should enter compete planes dont have big $1000 value range Example 1/6 size J-3 won first Sportsman class New England ably represented three winners Charlie Nelson 2nd Designer Scale Ron Gagnor 2nd Sportsman Scale John Wood 3rd Sportsman Scale CONTROL-LINE SCALE Jack Patrolia Marshfield MA won believe model Spinks Akromaster Jack has enthusiastic supporter promoter model aviation giving demonstrations general public school children time read should have received Distinguished Service Award approved July Council Meeting PATTERN District represented Steve Boyko Peter Francis Al Moder Jeff Carrish Sportsman Chris Dansereau Advanced Gary Garabian Masters Steve Lelito FAI Jeff 5th Peter 6th Sportsman mber 1996 151 Ron Gagnor Charlie Nelson John Wood Nats Scale models Fred Bellows signing wing commemorative purposes Close up wing note signature Ed Henry Model Aviation cartoonist Peter Francis Jeff Carrish Steve Boyko Chris Dansereau Al Moder Pattern aircraft Steve Lelito Gary Garabian flew different sites difficult get together Chris Dansereau Pattern aircraft ARCH NEMESIS New Jersey New York Europe John Grigg Vice President 6387 Badger Dr Lockport NY 14094-5947 Eve 716 434-3955 CompuServe 765662373 Associate Vice Presidents Ray Janchkas 09 Liviogston Street St James NY 1780 516 862-5585 Dave Babcock 44S Stockton Street Hightotewo NJ 065254551 Roy Brown USAC AFCENT CMR 460 SOX 585 APO AC 08703 Wee De Con 85 Riverside i3rive Easking Ridge NJ 07920-1308 Vince Julieno 1 e Shamrock Road Rocky Point NY 11778 George Baso 11 Maple Lane Hyde Park NY 12S3S Adam Saltier 41 PerryAvevac Lathan, NY 12110-2433 Dane Mathewson Boo 613 Carnilius NY 13031 Bill Poythress 2 Hemlock CooS Sangetties NY 13477 James M LewIs P061 Ogdeobarg NY 13669-0061 Bill Milier PO Son 335 Pnooetoo Junction NJ 58550 Frequency CoordInator Len Seater 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoanlo NY 13135-9507 315 695-2448 Gail Holahan will last column John Griggr District II VP August 4 1996 left world bluer skies higher thermals great days flying dadr witnessedr great deal pride career Academy Model Aeronautics achievements organization well documented probably dont need mentioning indeed could remember However need speak man husband father Dad thoroughly enjoyed life modeling could take empty piece balsa turn masterful flying machine would often asked hold piece wood pin would listen dad would explain aerodynamics lift principles wing airfoil etc always thrilling job say least dad always seemed smart because knew stuff could create such marvelous piece work thrived leadership roles afforded him Academy used sit comfy brown chair discuss intricacies political workings organization would listen dutifully fully understanding ins outs ups downs see father involved such seemingly important matters somehow made feel important too often heard frustration voice because cared deeply Academy hurt long disputes arose could thwart often great excitement because goals met improvements made Academy membership soared felt helped make things better greatest joys life being part model airplane world However marvelous accomplishments could never have met Joan wife mother side minute through modeling experiences through life until drew last breath team remember evenings dad would disappear cellar work models Mom missed companionship evenings still encourage him further sport Mom him meets vacation resort Bahamas trip Hawaii rather buzz model engines whoosh sailplanes too gained strength pride seeing him excel Dad aware sacrifices mom made sport quiet reserved acknowledgment during last days would reach moms hand pull toward him could see tender nourishing love gained much strength through years Modeling big part both lives desperate hope people Academy sport modeling will forget continue include mother future activities dad made much part organization think Dad always some aspect planes modeling fullscale attaches itself memory tried get involved sport 12 monotonous circles threat demolishing piece Dads hard spent labors was willing invest Still tagged along occasionally helped fuel engines launch winged giants silent flight instilled love sky planes stars meteorology will stay forever didnt have child follow footsteps hobby quick encourage youngsters would take interest came classroom give demonstrations After such demonstration left planes kids see night school experienced break lost plane along antique engine crushed never made school officials feel badly about Despite setback continued helping kinds kids adults venture hobby times wished didnt have share father model airplanes Immediately after both children born winging way Europe FAI meetings times would have liked have parents around watch children involved somewhere world model airplanes wouldnt have other way now can look back Dad made very proud daughter wouldnt trade world wonderful adventures grandchildren enriched travels picture column Dads last flying days Larry Lundy best friend brother Ernie Nikodem full scale pilot good friend helped dad field last plane built Modeling life have also included picture dad wanted have column George Privateer nicknamed Popsicle because froze stick Humor big part modeling life Im sure especially plane went down cost lots money precious commodity time Finally Id like thank people Academy making father part lives truly loved minute serving Please remember John Grigg go about fulfilling dreams hobby great modeler man husband father miss Dad Model Aviation 4 U] I-I 11 [61 EHIE 1 tin Ohio Pennsylvania / West Virginia Bob Brown Vice President 35 Sanford Street 4Bradford PA 16701 1814 368-7655 Associate Vice Presidents Mike Barbee 6561 Calgary Court Columbus OH 43229-2008 614 891-1643 David H Ellis 5261 DeWitt Road Cross Lanes WV 2531 3-1209 304 776-1408 Nelson Gould 1944 S Idaho Street Allentown PA 18103-8519 215 797-6597 John Hathaway 102 Woodmere Drive New Stanton PA 15672-9449 412 925-3266 Donald Klopp 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 610 409-0129 Frank Noll 4573 Lamme Road Dayton OH 45449 513 435-9232 Joseph S Vislay 1381 Cranbrook Drive PO Box 651 Maumee OH 43537-3062 Frequency Coordinator John Cottle 1012 Wyoming Avenue Forty Fort PA 18704 Phone\tab 717 287-8970 John GriggHoward Crispin severat years have admired efforts have unselfishly devoted themselves Academy Unfortunately have lost two very respectful gentlemen Howard originally Shinglehouse small community northern Pennsylvania known throughout world efforts reducing sound model engine countless hours study coordination AMA Sound Committee produced techniques used today John Grigg personal friend to modelers world long acquaintance John started local pylon competition hours spent Harold deBolt John myself discussing better pylon efforts As John became involved Academy did Grigg Brown families logged miles friendship trips throughout world Joan John became known Mom Dad gentlemen could have devoted themselves manner did total dedication families men has wife created team Thanks combined effort team will forgotten 1996 Election ability vote leadership within Academy benefit large percentage membership fails utilize year have ability elect Executive Vice President District III Vice President apathy will exhibit desire complacent organization Please vote nominee choice Most club elections will take place within next few months During year receive comments about activity within club Sometimes comments positive Most clubs suffer apathy within Instead complaining provide positive leadership clubs desire Ron Morgan 1996 Nats now history . what witnessed various newsletters have said event huge success unaware Nats produce efforts countless volunteers efforts coordinated Nats Committee chaired former District III Vice President Ron Morgan Thanks Ron providing positive direction needed Thanks also Steve Kaluf coordinating AMA Headquarters effort Although Muncie site far complete provided adequate venue majority events Improvements next year already being discussed Included camping facilities additional controline areas additional parking better patternlscale site Next years Nats will probably very similar have ideas could make better please forward either Ron Steve myself AVP Bud Klopp Associate Vice President southeast Pennsylvania has recently relocated Please direct communication 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 Telephone 610 409-0129 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship year Academy awards scholarships deserving young modelers year Michael Hudson York Pa recipient Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship amount $2500 Congratulations Mike academic achievement well community modeling servsce Indiana Flyers Indiana Peonsylvansa site Jimmy Stewart Airport year part Indianas Airport Appreciation Days Indiana Flyers produced static flying demonstration AVP John Hathaway provided picture includes club members took part successful show Westerville Model Aeronautics Association Over hundred children parents attended first flying static show put WMAA patrons Westerville Ohio Library event held Alum Creek flying site included 39 club members club provided attendee hot dogs pop child given opportunity fly aid buddy box least two families joined WMAA spot Activities such go long way building public support model aviation club interested such event contact AVP Mike Barbee event coordinator Boy Scout Camporee Randolph Dolce recently coordinated model flying activity Boy Scout Camporee Honesdale Pennsylvania Flyers Top-O-NJ R/C Club drove over hundred miles provide assistance Check out interest exhibited Scouts Randys picture interested seeing club column please submit items pictures Bob Brown above address Pictures may black white color Remember benefits have Academy ability elect board . PLEASE VOTE mber 1996 153 Indiana Flyers Jimmy Stewart Airport Appreciation Days Boy Scouts Honesdale Pennsylvania Associate Vice Presidents George Abbott 8712 Westlake Ct Raleigh NC 27613 Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive SevernMD 21144-1130 Phone\tab 410 969-9356 Douglas Barry 5300 Olde Milibrooke Dr Glen Allen VA 23060 Allen Eklund 8415 Maeve Ct Clemmons NC 27012 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Road Newport News VA 23606-3663 Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hill NC 27948 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809-1719 Richard Dick Smith 761 Gwynne Avenue Waynesboro VA 22980-3346 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Drive Fayetteville NC 28311-1007 Phone\tab Evening 919 488-5986 month District IV column begins sad news Wednesday July 31 1030 am District VP friend 25 years Howard Crispin passed away University Hospital Charlottesville VA Howard returned home Charlottesville after first week Nats Celebration Eagles Muncie Within short period time admitted University Virginia Hospital some tests problems found very serious too much Howard overcome AMA District IV modeling community have lost dedicated worker very dear friend deepest sympathy goes out wife Caroline son daughters Howard agreed long ago anything ever happened would write last colunm try coordinate District IV until replacement elected am sure AMA Council will move rapidly replace Howard procedure place part AMA Bylaws under Article 10 Officers meantime have questions need assistance can reached following address phone Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 am sure area AVP District IV officers can assist AMA problems questions will miss Howard Happy flying Headquarters saddened unexpected death staff member Sue Tobias died following surgery Ball Memorial Hospital Muncie Indiana July 24 Tobias 31 worked Special Services Department handling insurance claims Muncie native Tobias graduate Ball State University Survived parents Sandra Marshall sister Katrina grandparents warmhearted animal nature lover Recognized sunny disposition cheerful attitude will missed staff members 154 Model Aviation rd Crispin left makes point Sal Taibi recent Celebration Eagles reception held AMA Museum Muncie Photo Matthew Usher Sue Tobias National Newsletter August 1996 \bullet 1 [ LU 11 1s] b Aabama Fo da/Georgia Miasiasippi / Puerto Rico South Carolina / Tenneasee Jim McNeiII Vice President 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 Phone 205 322-3002 X 205 252-2654 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Bartoszewicz 3626 Ranahsood Rd Orlando FL 32808 Ron Chidgey 3713 Pompano Pensacola FL 32514 Wilbelmina Chlhasz 2826 Arbor Place Knoxville TN 37917 James M Edwards ace Mimosa New Albany MS 38653 William 1 Haywood 4 Rabin Circle Foley AL 36535 Karl Hensel 383 Bniacoood 8157 Meridian MS 38305 Louise Izzo 286 Hantridge Way Wieteroprings FL 32708 Richard Jackson 2118 Tbornlee Dr. N Charleston SC 28405 Chris Joiner 95 Lee Rd 238 Pbenia City AL 36867 Dr John MartIn 2180 Tigertail Ave Miami FL 33133 Tom Morris 327 Pueblo Peas Anviston AL 36206 Linda OHearn 3415 Maze Ln Brandon FL 33511 Dick FeB00 156 Palm Grove Blvd Panama City Beach FL32408 George Parryman 3644 Lake Dr Smyrna GA 30082 Frank Tlano 15300 Estancia Lane West Palm Beach FL 33414 Ward Van Dazer 5360 Pine Circle Camming GA 30131 Lee Wehater 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Joseph Micalizzi HC 866 Boo 10387 Faiardo Puerto Rico 00738 Frequency Coordinator Dorothy Fields 183W Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32148 Phone804664-2517 Last month reported results Council meeting refrained mentioning latest dues increase agreement AMA president should mention first magazine Therefore mention now motion made increase annual dues $6 vote no have 2 Council members die past week Howard Crispin John Grigg Both very respected Districts Nationally Personal friend John Grigg AMA President several years Secretary Treasurer subsequently Executive Vice President Naturally John became good friends hurts lose friend hurts see national organization become less death 2 experienced dedicated Board Members visited Mulberry Florida other day witnessed first class Giant Fly-In Spring Rally Rick Meland CD Newell Terry Field Giant Scale becoming popular Alabama South Carolina Teon Mississippi Georgia also Winter Spring weather somewhat warmer Florida Meet Joe Saitta superbly constructed Messerschmitt Mel63B-l Komet WW lIthe operational power endurance eight ten minutes Further uncontrollable speeds excess 620 mph WW II continued story might have different larger Mel63C WalterlO9-509C rocket motor extended powered flight time 12 minutes plane intended attack endless streams American bombers coming over Germany another German alrplane WW Condor George Breen son Mike posed behind fine model Lake Wales Ha Paul Donofrio Punta Gorda Florida magnificent Waco YKS7 Paul says model flies very well Greg Ely Macon Georgia President Dixie Aeromasters hosted Annual Spring Fly-In 2 months ago excellent turn-out Bob Zuspan won Best Sport event Jim Zuspan won Best Scale Wiltz Bernard won Best Military P-5 1 Mustang Mac Hodges won both Best Giant Scale Best Show snap winners Contest Director L-R Bob Zuspan Jim Zuspan Greg Ely Mac Hodges Wiltz Bernard posing front winning airplanes President Greg Ely presenting double winner Mac Hodges award Mac left Control Line version annual KING ORANGE International events held Flagler County Airport January Larry Barickman CD Bunnell Florida Lynn Joy Weedman St Augustine Lynns Open Stunt model Original design OS 46 power 80 oz Meet Score Keeper Tabulator Paula Barickman CD Larry Barickman front trophys awards some happy contestants flew 96 King Orange Control Line events necessarily order Lewis Puckett Dennis Toth Corey Birchfield Mimi Jerry Martin Bill Hodges Walt Legan As left flying sste impression having heck good time Some may have noticed Bill Haywood Foley Alabama no longer AMA Assistant Vice President District V wasnt anything Bill did didnt Council action Council eliminated position Asst VP So Bill back Associate VP again mber 1996 155 U ] -u 11 [ LU 111 1] IE Associate Vice Presidents Illinois Deb & Scott Justice 156 S Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 John Kallend 402 Arizona Glenwood IL 60425 Eve 708 798-7242 Hal Parenti 1920 Buckingham Westchester IL 60154 Eve 708 562-5752 Jerry Worden 400 Alden Dr Normal IL 61761-1202 Eve 309 454-3905 Indiana Ron Ballard 6302 N 700 E Decatur IN 46733 Eve 219 724-8934 Gary Bussell 5000 W Connie Dr Muncie IN 47304 Eve 317 288-3541 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421-3108 Eve 812 275-2189 Kentucky Jim Sears Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 606 748-5834 Missouri Cal Ettel 3 Castle Dr RR 82 Florissant MO 63034 Eve 314 831-5031 Dick Taylor 7929 Jefferson Kansas City MO 64114 Eve 816 333-9839 Frequency Coordinator Paul Holsten 616W 30th St Higginaville MO 64037- 1659 Eve 816 584-2481 St Louis MO McDonnell Douglas R/C Club # 393 has chartered club years see club number Way back club started members began program called Flight Month club idea being no matter bad weather member get flight month end year members completed flight month over years time received certificate club would like report members name Wil Flidmeier has completed over 25 years least flight month Thats over 300 months hasnt missed flight friends club wanted him get some recognition outstanding accomplishment Garden Prairie IL James Kennicker Lakeshore R/C Club #259 sent following information pictures Big Bird Fly-In held May 19th 1996 Picture superbly down B-25 Merlin Graves Next very neat colorful Stinger Dennis Crooks last Extra 300 Merlin Graves Look wide-open spaces surrounding field St Charles IL April 16 year sixteen members Fox Valley Aero Modelers # 252 met Glenwood Academy St Charles Glenwood Academy privately funded residential school boys club members spent enjoyable evening building AMA Cubs boys school organized twelve boys live group home five such homes campus club members divided groups two three spent hour half helping boys assemble planes test fly Club members boys assembled field sixty boys sixteen members flew Cubs original intent hold contest five cottages award pizza night cottage could post longest flight club decided since everyone having such good time club would sponsor pizza night entire school Picture has John Bloom helping assembly Picture two has Dave Bride doing final check-out May 22nd original group returned school put RC flying demonstration boys Information picture Mike Kostecki Plainfield IN Screaming Eagles RC Inc club held annual Eagles Pattern contest May great turnout 35 fliers seven states Picture has Miki Woodward accepting firstplace award Novice class Darrow Neeves Heres lineup winners L R Miki Woodward Novice Randy Wolfe Sportsman Olivier Marsaly AdvancedJeff Aranyos Masters James Bennett FAI Look flags bit windy great time Pictures information courtesy Steve Ragsdale Model Aviation i 11 LU uuu i tin Iowa Michigan Minnesota / Wisconsin Joe Hass Vice President 5394 English Drive Troy MI 48098 810 510-6243 FAX 810 879-5522 Don Bentfield 1440W Minnehaha Avenue St Paul MN 55104 Phone 612 645-2984 Dave Gish 5435 State Hwy 99 Wapello IA 52653 Bud Gorman PO Box 33 Knife River MN 55609 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Boulevard Milwaukee WI 53211 Jean Lasik 305 Patti Place Holland Ml 49423 Bill Millar 712 Grand Ave Petoskey Ml 49770 Carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Drive Madison WI 53705 Mark E Robotti 26540 Olympic Trail North Lindatrom MN 55045 Pete Waters 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Ml 48167 Fax 810 486-1603 Mike Zingery 6496S Summerton Rd Shepherd Ml 48883-9308 Frequency Coordinators West Al Schwartz 2787 Fernwood Roseville MN 55113 East Bert Kelly PO Box 39001 Redford Ml 48239 Lynn sent along interior shot stunning Lynn Paula question dont airplanes look like yours give lessons TREMENDOUS LOSS Modelers everywhere mourning loss Executive Council VPs Howard Crispin John Grigg Both men walking encyclopedias AMA history importantly knew understood things done past could avoid repeating mistakes history short time council both men treated well solicited ideas input Pete Waters attended Howards funeral Arlington National Cemetery representative AMA sincere condolences families Wonder what sound requirements heaven LUV THOSE CLUBS THAT DO COMMUNITY SERVICE months newsletters included two notes positive efforts clubs help neighbors Madison Area Radio Control Society #665 Madison WI runs Adopt-A-Highway program Frankenmuth Aeromodelers Frankenmuth MI help annual Bavarian Festival manpower Make sure club helps community make sure civic leaders know efforts pays off flying fields HOW TO PUBLICIZE YOUR EVENT Ribcrackers Model Airplane Club Livonia MI can teach us lesson event PR 4 color press release RIC Airshow dazzling details picture huge DC-3 received coverage major papers major AM radio station SE Michigan WJR least two TV stations great event watch fly well Good job folks FOOLED HER walked upstairs Paula handed picture fullsize airplane wanted buy pic 1 humorously responded gave second picture pic 2 impressed work Lynn Sidabras Milwaukee WI Along great letter JACKSONS ACTION Working local airport hobby shop Jackson Radio Control Club participated Jackson Hot Air Jubilee Air Show July 19-21 airport favorite Sunday morning fly breakfast places weekend great weather hot-air balloons intro Control Line flights full schedule demo flights along open airport Dave McKinnon Riders Hobby did great job logistics BUSY SCHEDULE weekend has will continue filled events Unfortunately work has interfered much participation events have attended have very professional tribute work organizers Keep up good work See field mber1996 157 Ribcrackers DC-3 Can tell 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Deluxe aircraft dB-checked 98 9 model Beautiful 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Lynn Sidabras Ribcrackers set aside time during air show demo flights Attetktirirn Nats/Celebration Eagles attendees chance lifetime will announced December Model Aviation ASsansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas George M Aldrich Vice P resident 12822 Tarrytown San Antonio TX 78233 AMA\tab Line 210 650-4707 FAX answers 6th ring away Associate Vice Presidents Max Blose 1001 N Betsy Waco TX 76706 817 662-5587 Sandy Frank 105 N Brazos St Weatherford TX 76086 817 599-7131 Ervin Chick Frierson Box 188 Haakell TX 79521 817 864-3086 Marlin McGee 4433 NW 20th St Oklahoma City OK 73107 405 947-4518 Randy Randolph 4873 Fallon P1 Dallas TX 75227 214 381-7624 Jim Simpson 604 San Juan Del Rio Rio Rancho NM 87124 505 891-1336 Steve Staples 1300 Pine Valley Little Rock AR 72207 501 664-1226 Charles Stevens 226 Delta St Paaadena TX 77506 713 473-4995 John Valls 2502 Montgomery Box 2241 Laredo TX 78044 512 723-9018 Ward Watts 13415 Joor Rd Baton Rouge LA 70818 504 261-5974 Frequency Coordinator North Joe DuMond 2626 Valley View Suite 4 Farmers Branch TX 75234 214 241-8492 South Jim Reynolds 123 Madrid Universal City TX 78148 210 658-6646 AMA Display Coordinator Karen Hopkins 5515 Bridgeton Avenue Arlington TX 76018 817 467-9211 have written called voice displeasure over SIG group being able require membership organization order enter AMA-sanctioned event solution Simply sanction events through AMA its contest coordinator system district Clyde Brothers Bill Lee always ready assist have given exemplary service Last April left attend EC meeting Muncie wife called tend aging parents illness extended absence some 10-plus weeks canceled planned travel until leaving Muncie July 5 biggest regret missing SMALL event put lifelong buddy Emmett Bungie Fry AVP Steve Staples Little Rock Arkansas years SMALL Fun-Fly largest yet some 81 registered Considering entry averaged bringing four models heck gathering Ill let photos speak pure fun enough words tell what great happening Celebration Eagles turned out John Worth ably assisted Joyce Hager AMA staff really did fantastic job highlight Maxwell Bassett speaking banquet Eighty-two years young day sounded like 40-year-old CEO regret Bill Winter Frank Ehling Dick Korda could us Clancy parked part gaggle next Peanut Scale jobs Emmett Fry brings out kids Betty Fox Fox engines columnist Randy Randolph SMALL regulars Betty big supporter SMALL AVP Steve Staples SendAero co-chief perennial CD show well organized actually time have little fun Except beautiful PT-19 rest RC jobs belong Emmett Fry Culver Cadet scaled-down version friend Bill Caiwells real SMALL AirOlympics flyoft kids ages 7-16 always draws crowd winners get AMA gold silver bronze medals competition SMALL Dereck Woodward drove down wife Sue Maryland Hes already making plans come back 97 Pem McRae owns antebellum Cottonwoods Plantation hosts SMALL Pem showed off solid replica 1929 Commandaire real bird manufactured Little Rock before Depression After traditional Saturday night supper crowd filled Air Space Museum see IMAX film Vein Williams flew 13-foot blimp around museum lobby part show Vein Wendell Roberts like giants Eugene Bryant scratch-designed built Jenny Don Downing brought several airplanes including Flyline Curtiss Fifty-two 81 pilots signed up Robin Both regulars Dallas\tab field Friday noonat 158 Model Aviation arks RC Club Hastings Nebraska El] I-Il 1 1 jjjjj Fax\tab 701 4. Associate Vice Presidents Max Hansen 1909 Wisconsin SW Huron SD 57350 Nathan Lancaster 3597 S Kendall Street Denver CO 80235 Tray Lapp 1618 Houston Dr Bismarck ND 58504 Travis McGinnis 8027W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Don Moden 410 Hart St Sauna KS 67401 Jim Ricketts 4921 Fernwood Drive Sioux Falls SD 57103-5573 Jack L Sibert 3611 Kimberly Circle Lincoln NE 68506-4524 Chuck Smith 1091 Cheshire Street Casper WY 82609-3214 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918 S Sheridan Denver CO 80226 News Nebraska Lincoln Skyknights RC Club Lincoln Nebraska 1996 GIANT SCALE FUN FLY NOW HISTORY 1996 LSK Giant Scale Fun Fly now history books measures success years Fun Fly attended 32 registered pilots 14 Lincoln Sky Knight members Also both days fair number spectators lined up along fence time looks like event cleared after expenses $450 weather about good could expect 25 30 knot winds Saturday afternoon Sunday perfect light winds entire day machinery years fly fantastic Doug Cunnings 35% Scale Extra Don Neills scratch-built fivecylinder radial engine quality years entries no less superb major mishap Sunday gentleman out town spun due suspected unhooked ailerons aircraft completely rekitted thanks helped make years event success Paul Wanda Cooper prepared enough food feed small army Also thanks Eva Grauer Joan Penn help concessions Thanks Neil Rohrke help mowing Dave Greathouse Helen Rohrke Bob Schwab help impound area last least Lincoln Sky Knights support Craig Sparks GATEWAY MALL SHOW RESULTS 1996 LSK Model Mall Show held May 11 1996 now over results entries winners choice Winners determined ballot So statistics show 24 contestants entered 39 fixed-wing 4 rotary wing least 2 sailplanes some very outstanding models display mind making choice very difficult say least winners went like Pylon Ducted Fan Best Show Rookie Scale Scale Sportsman Barebones Helicopter Pattern Sailplane Dave Reiber Don Svoboda Bob Jordon Monroe Prater Bernie Arthur Brent Jensen David Greathouse Neal Helen Rohrke Dennis Manning Allen Worrest Allen Worrest always special privilege able show off hobby public special thanks goes out folks took time bring out favorite models public view Also special thanks Dave putting Mall Show together Until next year just keep building Tom Hefley Annual 8-Man Football Flight Demonstration June 1996 Nebraska 8-man Coaches Association formed spring 1977 As part group formation wished have All-Star game promote showcase sport summer All-Star game initiated through help Hastings Sertoma Club athletes town about two weeks housed Central Community College dorms During time practice team evenings Sertoma Club has arranged variety events visits pastimes players coaches very first year Hastings Skylarks asked put flying demonstration program has remained basically same throughout 18 years have good static display various kinds sizes types models look begin telling about club number members age range facilities etc followed closeup look club trainer wing offwe explain servos controls work etc get plane air explain built cost kit types engines cost engines fuel little about radios operation cost time have several planes time air keep flights short about 3-4 minutes usually prevent loss interest explain different plane particular noteworthy different feature something about pilot etc try feature variety kinds models flying demonstration have performed two comedy acts over years involves getting few players usually team captains quarterbacks out fly buddy boxes After show some expertise sticks get coach buddy box have show abilities whole time airplane has controlled pilot out sight crowd course coach gets plane does some wild gyrations nearly crashes narrator can really get players going talking about coachs skills have instructor get disgusted whole thing walk away leaving coach supposedly completely alone flying plane dont always oneit takes lot good timing coordination work well as Wilheim November1996 159 Lincoln SkyKnights RC Club 1996 Giant Scale Fun Fly Scott Zimmerman far left Dallas Wilhelm far right 8-man football players Anzona California / Hawaii / Nevada / Utah Richard Hanson Vice President P0 Box 3312 Scottsdale AZ 85271 Phone 602 708-0222 E-mail nchh @primenetcom httpJ/wwwama-1 Ocom/ama Darwin Barrie Scottsdale Arizona 602 946-8955 Dan Goeschl Lancaster California 805 940-6066 Darlene Frederick Santa Rosa California 707 525-8815 Marc Karpowich Logan Utah 801 752-3639 Brian Nelson Morgan Hill California 408 463-0907 Dave Pinjuv Las Vegas Nevada 702 656-1772 Al Williamson Chula Vista California 619 427-4039 Frequency Coordinators Eloy Marez Santa Ana California 714 540-4935 See last months column additional AVPs Coordinatoral Last month presented first three articles D-X AVP Brian Nelson following second series articles Clubs Clubees Clubers talk about forming organization club facilitate vision group individuals Most time relate past experiences forming going accomplish goal Oftentimes however dont think far enough ahead plan situations ultimately face during lifetime organization Flying sites related clubs inherently have issues need planning investment time money energy patience dictates need plan ahead Issues such safety liability land use investment leadership membership beginners relate another require plan meet vision also important define vision clearly new members atmosphere get-togethers meetings upbeat positive Its also good measure progress towards achieving goals go along Feeling good about ones accomplishments tomorrows energy next hurdle After putting vision together among group no matter small its time put down writing helps establish priorities directions future can avoid confrontations simply agreeing future upgrading access road scheduled after safety fence wanting road understand plan know wishes have future Plan approach example youre making presentation landowner seller lessor have picture mind what would want hear shoes Ive encountered clubs appear cold new members require initiation fees seem want new member feel hardship went through acquiring field Maybe reason hobby has losing participants last several years need encourage people talent hobby push away last two years Ive seen clubs take progressive approach providing flight training safety new member help clubs future respond need can also tell average age members below fifty Maybe its time club became upbeat inviting potential modeling enthusiasts Having experience working Silicon Valley obtain land goes 200K plus acre receive numerous inquiries regarding working public private entities secure land thing makes difference having support several individuals working together put plan program place site project presentation before Parks Commission City Council graphs slide shows blueprints impact overviews modeler lists within county plan vision insurance organization about 150 modelers attended closing council meeting topic folder material Council Members wrote thank note home after meeting offered develop fund install flying field could advertise within park system benefit residents no cost public also contacted site neighbors ahead time got blessing end because common vision teamwork handful good people knew professionalism counts success sights hand type planning long term assures good investments down road Till next time Keepem safe Keepem flyn Model Aviation ciate Vice Presidents D-X AVP Mike Harrington Kaneohe Hi prepares Aloha State RC Clubs Open House July 27-28 1996 Top photo . Kids around island Oahu line up candy drop Meanwhile . OHawail Show Teams Candy Bomber lifts off loaded 2-lbs wrapped hard candy U MA World Wide Web http//www ama-i Ocom/ama Meeting Hawaiian Style Maui RC Modelers relax warm South Pacific sun club meeting clubs new RC site Up top Club President Bob Cox C VP Gordon Colley L Treasurer Richard Cox R ml i i LS ~iIit1iiitE Howard Crispin longtime council member devoted modelers modeling friend died late July Just preparing column word came John Grigg died early August John President first elected also good friend hearts go out Howards wife Caroline Johns wife Joan families will greatly missed Weve some flying-site problems show up Washington Oregon rest experiencing anything along lines should get information Jay Mealy AMA HQ sooner know about problems better chance can offer effective help Whats going out there7 Well starting Washington State Legislators passed bill requiring counties set conditions uses agricultural lands case means arent established plan cant use land Period Puyallup EXPO heads- up given Doug Francis clubs Washington about get model airplane flying endorsed onto land use laws laws being written amazing luck Doug Whidbey Island Club officer serving committee county going write land use rules Doug has extremely valuable source information members Washington help packet information instructions suggestions proceed developed sent clubs Washington Oregon different situation law already exists model airplane flying allowed use farm property Although allowed uses arent farming clubs have fields farm property have continued use land unless complaint lodged complaint comes club loses field few years ago Salem R/C Pilots Assn flying farmland gotten conditional use permit under old rules Because other concerns find new place fly found new field farm land too far old started develop Someone complained county issued cease desist order club land owner decided fight order club filed conditional use permit continued use property pending hearing hearing held 24th July no ruling yet 1st August ruling will have issued time read Salem R/C Pilots Assn determined fly new field 1st decision goes against will appeal ruling club will use whatever legal means available gain what want June Barnstormers have field northern end same county likewise served case parallels Turner situation too will fight order fact both clubs using same lawyer legal practice involves litigating land use problems Everything being learned first hearing will utilized Barnstormers case Barnstormers landlord served club little time respond beginning appeared case might heard before Salem Clubs hearing So club formed political action committee direct efforts Very quickly formed liaison Salem group acquired same lawyer has difficult valuable learning situation both clubs What being learned clubs will available club out needs information keep own field clubs win hopefully will precedent Marion County can also hope use precedent cases involving other counties Oregon life being what it will probably mean hearing flying site order guarantee model activities can happen agricultural land anywhere Oregon will have change law will need write ammendment law will allow model aircraft fly off over agricultural land conditional use get done means us fly model aircraft Oregon going have become political year have upcoming election must elect legislators will work us will identify legislators districts want will help us effort Once identified may required some work get people elected Once elected will need have bill introduced shepherded through legislative process Just will work being developed As gather information will available material weve developed far will have sent clubs time read information will follow same time help sorely needed Please get involved No working problem believes he/she has answers need help input Remember professional involved lawyer rest us volunteers doing whatever necessary get access place fly need deserve keep sport alive question arises should have place enjoy sport remember have same rights other citizens have place time enjoy what Perhaps importantly what what can impart youngsters far useful beneficial presently allowed uses AVP Bruce Nelson sent words photos first Photo #1 Ray Care Nosen Cessna 310 Two ST 90s MonoKoted Rays working plane 17 years Finished just year flown June 30th flew hands off after some minor trimming lineap jets Barons Jet Fly held Deer Park July 6-7 36 jets year tribute Doug Hunt Charlie Hissom started event 6 years ago 6 jets Charlie Doug families go out make class event draws lot spectators mber 1996 161 spokane WA 99208 Falls OR 97601 98257 WA 98390 Frequency Coordinator Al Waison 130 145ih NE. Bellevue WA 98007
\par }
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System}}
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f0\fs17 Inside View Headquarters am incumbent Executive Vice President AMA candidate re election full term beginning January 1 1997 appointed Executive Council February 1996 complete term Dave Brown elected President AMA graduated Duke University degree accounting am certified public accountant have practicing 46 years During WW III served US Navy primarily Phillippines present time am Senior Partner President CD Holland Company PA certified public accounting firm Executive Vice President AMA responsible financial operations includes matters finance budgeting daily accounting operations structuring debt acquire fixed assets involvement federal tax law due amount revenue generated because AMA has Unrelated Business Income sales advertising Model Aviation have great deal academic training well vast practical experience items previously mentioned plus great deal involvement management responsibilities consulting addition have served finance committee three years factors stand good stead perform work required position manner both knowledgeable professional involvement model aviation goes back 1935 began building model airplanes YMCA camp have involved indoor free flight Ucontrol radio control categories have active participant free flight Ucontrol radio control having both contestant events including various nationals well CD over 30 years am presently active electric flying Due love modeling extensive business experience field accounting finance management feel am qualified serve Executive Vice President AMA will appreciate support nominee running office AMA given opportunity present two campaign statements Model Aviation magazine other statement accompanies election ballot annual membership renewal Rather repeating same remarks have chosen address separate issues statement Since slated magazine read would like ask favor fellow modeler Please vote Though approximately 160000 members AMA frequently have less 15000 members participate election process strongly believe member has right express concerns constructively criticize efforts have chosen lead result having met individual member obligation participate election process Im running office Executive Vice President can further improve efforts proceeding As EVP focus will financial health AMA chartered clubs statement chartered clubs no mistake meant taken lightly campaign statements have expressed need to support chartered clubs local flying sites As AVP past six years have received countless calls regarding lost flying sites problems encountered getting new ones Some say we should can believe can build International Flying site Muncie can yet again much acquire maintain local flying sites work directly chartered clubs recognizably issues everyones agenda important both individually collectively concerns needs have shared long range outlook sport hobby *\tab Technical support flying site acquisition *\tab Financial support flying site purchases * Cooperative consolidation AMA Special Interest Group competition * Cost containment Nats better utilization event promotion 146 Model Aviation emy Model Aeronautics 5151 East Memorial Drive Muncie IN 47302 Executive Vice President Doug Holland IncumbentBrian D Nelson Howard Crispin Jr 1925-1996 John C Grigg 1932-1996 deeply saddened two Executive Council members Additional report loss information contained AMA News officers District Report Persons wish remember gentlemen asked make contribution name AMA Scholarship Fund AMA Annual Membership Meeting will held November 16 1996 at4 pm Radisson Hotel Roberts Muncie Indiana sport/hobby *\tab Recognition evolution hobby such recent growth Giant Scale modeling inclusion rather exclusion modeling venues *\tab Enhanced aggressive marketing attract larger target market address retention first-year modelers *\tab Continued support enhancement AMAs leader club program encourage recognize clubs efforts milestones safety training community involvement may ask EVP can affect changes financial affairs members AMA modelers will work together avoid flying site losses through land acquisition greater community acceptance improved replacement programs think thousands dollars could save year foregoing repeated site development cost Special Interest Groups conducted virtually same event AMA could after meeting minimum standards replace lower attended AIVIA events national events have proven successful experience much higher member participation Work could done Nats make financially sound fiscally responsible Cause could should given modeling venues know have sincere desire address concerns Imagine moment finances AMA its charter clubs effect changes like would have call financial accountability view EVP position just footing figures see maximizing potential industry sport hobby Please take time vote Please take time realize believe strongly addressing needs members electing Brian Nelson represents support club local flying site Thank District Vice President Academy Model Aeronautics has experienced several significant changes recent years As elected Vice President have attempted provide professional leadership necessary continue enhance membership benefits during crncial period now time focus needs individual members local club procurement local flying sites primary concern Academy has develop additional programs will enable local club obtain maintain flying site Positive liaison between national state local government agencies has increased Corporate involvement must also stressed As elected official have expertise needed initiate increased involvement Membership growth within Academy has increased individual member must obtain additional benefits increased cost Programs involving neophyte must provide proper assistance needed become active modeler Todays modeling style changing have adapt change positive alignment hobby industry will certainly provide benefit role AMA Special Interest Group has increased SIG knows desires membership Academy has listen Apathy within society today very critical hobby Unfortunately club members desire extend themselves club Academys Leader Club Program should extended help encourage active club involvement participation Within modeling hobby can express oneself several different avenues have airplanes boats cars etc time has come Academy act catalyst have various organizations working common goals Duplication effort costly often counter productive primary need sites actively conduct sport time work together As elected representative will continue available Recognition needs individual modeler utmost importance Please demonstrate positive attitude have within District III e Bob Brown Im honored run Vice Pres Dist VII last five years Ive pleasure working Joe Hass Pete Waters Assistant VP elected would strive carry activities started As recreational flyer appreciate technical advances sport direct result active competition programs feel USA should major competitor world events local competition fosters future world champions However must realize AMA members people just love fly models therefore should also receive share AMA benefits elected would best represent modelers District VII nationally follows 1\tab Increase scope model aviation educational programs schools levels 2\tab Develop stronger relationships better communications modeling clubs members model aviation industry 3\tab See finalizing major projects Muncie shift funding back membership needs uses Shaun L Ettinger name Shaun L Ettinger reside Novi Michigan support family friends am seeking office District VII Vice President am long time modeler over past 2 years have served President International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association am going dwell previous accomplishments note worthy likely would ballot several things believe require focus within Academy importantly District VII need direct attention future aeromodeling Whether interests nc control line free flight other venue need advance hobby Executive Council has outlined 10 goals Academy agree some directly related District VII council desires increase membership 200000 number flying fields 10% 3 years can accomplished District VII electing strong aggressive leader direction toward Public Relations Educational programs within communities need demonstrate public group Big Boys Toys diverse individuals enjoying leisure activity doctors lawyers machinists list endless need work local state governments will see propagation flying sites district let alone maintaining current ones need work schools organizations well see growth membership can guarantee electing position District Vice President will able accomplish will promise will best protect right fly well place fly have nominated position Vice President District XI proudly accept Going fly-ins contests club meetings mall shows club fields anywhere modelers gather get enjoy Continued page 150 November1996 147 Bob Brown Incumbent Donald K Bentfield Ed McCollough Incumbent As President have known long time would experience ups downs As say its part job thought could deal anything job threw last month has tested emotional strength its limit column seems wander hope will understand month started very high note heals extremely successful Celebration Eagles Nats started off well spent nearly first week half month Muncie enjoying CL RC Pylon events early part RC Pattern Near end period waiting ride out field hotel lobby cellular phone rang Sally simply said HQ called dont think team flight first reaction What flight What team out late previous night turned TV morning unaware crash TWA 800 turned out RC CL Scale teams left Paris Air France flight two hours before TWA flight after negotiations TWA transport model boxes didnt work out really fortunate case doesnt diminish immensity tragedy nor trauma dealing close call problem team safely ground Paris team manager stuck Chicago due weather paperwork Somehow didnt worry too much Sally fortunate enough have tickets couple Olympic events spent couple days Atlanta cheering athletes around world thrilling return Muncie brought first what emotional lows Sue Tobias staff member Special Services insurance Department went hospital what assumed minor surgery never returned Sue died complications surgery Sue young good employee always pleasant talk will sorely missed office discussing services Sue informed Frank Bushey eighth President AMA passed away July 15 never got meet Frank earliest surviving AMA President #8 read contributions AMAs history hoped meet him near future After hearing fortunate get spend some time FF portion Nats enjoyed meeting new faces reacquainting myself some old friends watching well-run event Family time again back Atlanta Olympic events basketball game evening stroll through Centennial Park Fortunately left park around 1000 pm next morning Sally came back bedroom tears eyes fear voice bomb gone off Centennial Park after left considered going straight home family decided would make winner out sick individual planted went Olympic events scheduled sat pouring rain watch track field events think made right decision After coming home made yet another trip Muncie meet some local business people Oshkosh AMA has display booth made about halfway cellular phone rang HQ news Howard Crispin AMA Dist IV VP suddenly passed away shocked say least Howard Nats just week half before showed no signs having problem have worked Howard over twenty years first Pattern judge AMA officer As member Executive Council chairman Bylaws Sound committees hard work AMA has left legacy benefits AMA membership Howard apparently iniding some problem started working closely former VP Chuck Foreman standin Chuck will fill until such time election someone fill out Howards term can held show Oshkosh went well AMA members stopping booth well lot exposure modeling potential new modelers Monday Aug 5 escaped booth wandering through AeroMart cellular phone again rang again HQ news John Grigg AMA Dist II VP passed away first reaction think should get rid damned cellular phone knew wasnt blame knew John gravely ill just Celebration Eagles first few days Nats told 6-9 months couldnt bring myself go back booth nearly hour trying figure out tell crew latest tragedy John AMA Dist II VP came onto Executive Council 1980 elected President 1982 served under leadership 5 years privileged travel far wide him John great leader good friend John returned Executive Council 1995 Dist II VP important part body wisdom experience would missed us still bring myself tell rest crew finally build up resolve lump throat tear eye returned booth tell rest crew John discussed desires regarding replacement Wes DeCou Ray Juschkus candidates special election apologize think Presidents column should devoted AMA business travelog AMA President point President state shock trying deal events past month also necessary steps replace people staff Executive Council knew people well enough would concerned about handle next month handle past will survive up us ensure AMA continues thrive must get loss AMA great doesnt compare loss families people hearts go out eeting Minutes Available complete copy approved minutes quarterly Executive Council meeting available AMA member request copy most-recently approved minutes will provided no charge Council meets quarterly minutes given meeting approved following meeting Additional copies minutes other meetings $5 shipping handling charge Requests may submitted AMA Administration telephone via fax writing Minutes recent Council meeting will also posted AMA bulletin board Aeromodeler s Airway telephone requests dial 317 287-1256 extension 201 210 fax requests use 317 7410057 $10 minimum credit card orders 148 Model Aviation se note corrected street address column header correct number 487] 1871 printed earlier U TT4Ti WEUTA U rIirs1 Doug Holland AMA Executive VP 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Home 919 787-5163 Office 919 787-7454 Tuesday July 9 am sitting Indianapolis Airport waiting catch flight Pittsburgh catch another flight Raleigh North Carolina have just completed weekend will go down history event called Celebration Eagles Monday following weekend attended Executive Council meeting event will go down history necessary way operate AMA Celebration Eagles will covered great detail other magazines well will make attempt justice reporting such tremendous event As person said really happening just event no way can put paper electricity magnetism emotion warm fellowship feeling meeting old friends Some never met before because knew what did felt like known forever Everyone extremely cordial real pleasure talking people have such dynamic input development hobby/sport different groups people absolutely impossible name past presidents AMA invited vast majority attended Two past presidents could come sent regrets blame inability attend marriage granddaughter grandparents dont understand maybe us readily understand Other members organizations attendance Life Members AMA patrons museum members Hall Fame delegates clubs large number past VPs AVPs members Executive Council Dave Brown hosted banquet past presidents AMA report was fabulous evening Saturday registration flying National Flying Site As know located headquarters Muncie Indiana absolutely beautiful place fly model airplane being improved time constantly upgrades services available contestant AMA member wishes fly Muncie Saturday registration flying went day Saturday evening reception museum indeed great occasion fun 7O59000 $6682100 ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS INC OPERATING TRENDS $7200000 $7000000 $6800000 $6600000 $6400000 $6200000 $6000000 $5800000 1 I1993 OPERATING EXPENSES E\tab REVENUE very interesting see great number people created engines planes etc museum dont mean people constructed ones hanging up mean people actually drew developed planes engines used much early days hobby Sunday same spite great Saturday Sunday almost much fun banquet held Sunday night lot people mentioned earlier introduced Some spoke others just waved hands said hello thing very interesting Hall Fame member would meet another Hall Famer shake hand say Hello am soand-so used fly plane designed just like what occurred Henry Struck sitting across table him just tell him about New Ruler dont know designed plane sometime 40s issue am going give bar graph comparisons income expenses AMA has experienced past three years Again will note almost running out income $5600000 Costs everything continue go up will have look new revenue order continue same services AMA has rendered past plus handling costs capital expenditures vital ongoing improvements Muncie site comment heard up some people very much against move Muncie model builder ought have come Muncie would certainly will have different opinion about what being developed will serve advance continue understanding world about model aviation museum alone unbelievable experience Having opportunity fly types model aircraft simultaneously same area just wonderful experience behold thing adds much trip Muncie AMA staff people will see talk people truly wonderful great job serving hope have chance go someday will mean great deal sure vote Until later . 8700 K IR R42 200 November 1996 149 $6934500 168900 1994 1995 Hager AMA Executive Director 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Just completed full month modeling activities starting off Celebration Eagles huge success didnt attend missed great weekend activities immediately following Celebration Eagles went full force Nationals first year Nationals except Indoor held Muncie New roads being developed aide modelers getting site another ease due continued rainfall two months construction delayed until after Nats though unable complete new roads time posed little problem 1140 contestants registered participate Model airplanes contestants everywhere Competitors over came fly site very pleased location event positive comments site people worked members returning site year continue notice improvements International Aeromodeling Center direction PADCOM improvements will continue AMA will doing survey Nats contestants please take time fill out interested having input want personally thank Special Interest Groups volunteers helped make Nats huge success Special thanks Ron Morgan Contest Director event spent four weeks Muncie addition events going Muncie attended aeromodeling show Ankeny Iowa talked lots nonmodelers modelers always good Association attend such functions also attended Indoor World Championships took place Moscow Idaho Full results story will appear elsewhere start USA took first-place team first-place individual Steve Brown defending World Champion time 9947 second place Cezar Banks 9837 third place Rene Butty Switzerland time 9427 great see team well another subject Education Several months ago own Education Director Bob Underwood did first series electronic fields trips involving building AMA Cub question-and-answer session aircraft Ball State Universitys Extended Learning Department instrumental project donated satellite equipment time crew video contacted schools AMA provided AMA Cubs Ball provided balance material needed 800 youngsters built Delta Dart during session 32000 children watched production also appeared public television else could get such good exposure young people Well ready proceed second field trip Once again Ball donating satellite equipment crew will filmed again AMA Museum Bob Underwood host time subject will Does Fly After editing two videos will available used promotional tool clubs members As can see AMA busy trying introduce young people sport/hobby aeromodeling constantly striving improve service improve site offer members Association proud order continue services along others necessary increase dues 1997 Executive Council choose increase youth memberships will remain same adult memberships will increase $6 return renewal notice prior November 15 increase will $3 am sure realize have increase dues since 1993 yet everything deal continue increase such paper prices mailing-house services etc hoping doing such projects electronic field trips attending various shows whether modeling-related good marketing effort 97 will change trend decreasing membership increasing membership also exploring other possibilities produce revenue other sources So look new items appear sometime 97 have suggestions accomplish please drop line September 16 will mail date membership renewals 1997 notices mailed first class should received members no later end September urge adult members Districts III V VII XI take time read campaign statements send vote need pay dues same time Remember ballot mailed directly accounting firm membership dues need mailed Muncie ballot received AMA HQ will counted special election will also held Districts II IV following loss District IV VP Howard Crispin District II VP John Grigg Truly great loss members both districts also aeromodeling aign Statements Continued page 147 company finest people around modelers District Virtually anything happens modeldom happens times happens first individual basis active other area country its due spirit initiative district member Serving council way returning small amount good modeling has brought life honor District XI VP primary goals always will see have voice running organization through voice heard goal efforts member several committees well council itself have gone towards continually improving making organization best will always make effort see organization best major need other District preserve flying fields Preservation flying fields major concern will make effort see major portion Academys work dedicated task great pleasure serve modelers District XI through vote will continue serve Gil Horstman name Gil Horstman am candidate District XI Vice President live Spokane Washington have AMA member over 36 years 34 years Leader Member Contest Director have served AVP both District VIII presently District XI believe healthy AMA vital continued growth resultant enjoyment hobby/sport key would seem responsive AMA listens its members changing needs acts effectively elected will best accomplish mission AMA organization vote important tool have voice opinion PLEASE VOTE!!! IT ISUPTOYOU E!! 150 Model Aviation 4joyce F nect cut Mane Massachusetts New Hampshire / Rhode Island Vermont Don Kraftt Vice President P0 Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 -1828 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents James M Semonian 166 Allen Road Billerica MA 01821-5240 Bob Landry 80 Main Street Essex JunctionVT 05452-3146 MC McGuffin 8 Robinson Street Houlton ME 04730-2312 Harry S Newman 36 Sherwood Drive Hooksett NH 031 06-1077 Richard Sherman 28 High Street Plymouth NH 03264-1223 Ed Thompson 27 E Greenwich Ave West Warwick RI 02893-5405 Bob Wallace 91 Sylvan Street Avon Cf 06001-2230 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 82 Frazier Way Marstons Mills MA 02648-1 866 THIS COLUMN must started unpleasant task reporting passing three prominent AMA members FRANK B BUSHEY resident Bloomfield Ct. school teacher administrator started clubs schools affiliated directed contests some held area now Bradley International Airport also past treasurer president AMA HOWARD CRISPIN Howard passed away early August services held Arlington Cemetery August 6 1996 known Howard since about 1978 judging various Pattern contests Rob attending served Executive Council years did much extra work Academy such research sound writing articles Model Aviation JOHN GRIGG Passed away Sunday August 4 1996 past president Council Member AMA first met him 1985 became Council member men dedicated model aviation contributed greatly hobby will missed am sure will information elsewhere Model Aviation CELEBRATION OF EAGLES event held AMA National Site July 6-7 1996 object provide opportunity some pioneers model aviation get together fly swap stories attend banquet extremely successful site worked out very well time could see rubber powered models helicopters controlline flying various types RC powered models banquet attended over 400 people held Ball State University time meet talk people associated pictures magazines previously event organized John Worth AMA staff provided extremely enjoyable weekend will probably never duplicated Congratulations involved 1996 NATIONALS drove out Pattern portion Nats Chris Dansereau Sr Chris Jr several purposes trip wanted see Chris Jr fly find out drive 960 miles about 16 hours straight through see AMA site would work Nats spent Saturday night through Thursday Muncie trip well worthwhile did hear ANYTHING negative about site good things about AMA staff work preparing site general attitude thought site best yet Nationals Only Westover AFB could come close downside fact events spaced out can see certain events unless spend over three weeks attending SCALE following information provided Harry Newman New Hampshire AVP wife Shirley fortunate able attend Muncies first RC Scale Nats Over 40 airplanes counted Some nationally recognized others first-time contestants range airplanes represented unmatched compared other events have attended Details will covered elsewhere Model Aviation can assure everyone levels competition can/should enter compete planes dont have big $1000 value range Example 1/6 size J-3 won first Sportsman class New England ably represented three winners Charlie Nelson 2nd Designer Scale Ron Gagnor 2nd Sportsman Scale John Wood 3rd Sportsman Scale CONTROL-LINE SCALE Jack Patrolia Marshfield MA won believe model Spinks Akromaster Jack has enthusiastic supporter promoter model aviation giving demonstrations general public school children time read should have received Distinguished Service Award approved July Council Meeting PATTERN District represented Steve Boyko Peter Francis Al Moder Jeff Carrish Sportsman Chris Dansereau Advanced Gary Garabian Masters Steve Lelito FAI Jeff 5th Peter 6th Sportsman mber 1996 151 Ron Gagnor Charlie Nelson John Wood Nats Scale models Fred Bellows signing wing commemorative purposes Close up wing note signature Ed Henry Model Aviation cartoonist Peter Francis Jeff Carrish Steve Boyko Chris Dansereau Al Moder Pattern aircraft Steve Lelito Gary Garabian flew different sites difficult get together Chris Dansereau Pattern aircraft ARCH NEMESIS New Jersey New York Europe John Grigg Vice President 6387 Badger Dr Lockport NY 14094-5947 Eve 716 434-3955 CompuServe 765662373 Associate Vice Presidents Ray Janchkas 09 Liviogston Street St James NY 1780 516 862-5585 Dave Babcock 44S Stockton Street Hightotewo NJ 065254551 Roy Brown USAC AFCENT CMR 460 SOX 585 APO AC 08703 Wee De Con 85 Riverside i3rive Easking Ridge NJ 07920-1308 Vince Julieno 1 e Shamrock Road Rocky Point NY 11778 George Baso 11 Maple Lane Hyde Park NY 12S3S Adam Saltier 41 PerryAvevac Lathan, NY 12110-2433 Dane Mathewson Boo 613 Carnilius NY 13031 Bill Poythress 2 Hemlock CooS Sangetties NY 13477 James M LewIs P061 Ogdeobarg NY 13669-0061 Bill Milier PO Son 335 Pnooetoo Junction NJ 58550 Frequency CoordInator Len Seater 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoanlo NY 13135-9507 315 695-2448 Gail Holahan will last column John Griggr District II VP August 4 1996 left world bluer skies higher thermals great days flying dadr witnessedr great deal pride career Academy Model Aeronautics achievements organization well documented probably dont need mentioning indeed could remember However need speak man husband father Dad thoroughly enjoyed life modeling could take empty piece balsa turn masterful flying machine would often asked hold piece wood pin would listen dad would explain aerodynamics lift principles wing airfoil etc always thrilling job say least dad always seemed smart because knew stuff could create such marvelous piece work thrived leadership roles afforded him Academy used sit comfy brown chair discuss intricacies political workings organization would listen dutifully fully understanding ins outs ups downs see father involved such seemingly important matters somehow made feel important too often heard frustration voice because cared deeply Academy hurt long disputes arose could thwart often great excitement because goals met improvements made Academy membership soared felt helped make things better greatest joys life being part model airplane world However marvelous accomplishments could never have met Joan wife mother side minute through modeling experiences through life until drew last breath team remember evenings dad would disappear cellar work models Mom missed companionship evenings still encourage him further sport Mom him meets vacation resort Bahamas trip Hawaii rather buzz model engines whoosh sailplanes too gained strength pride seeing him excel Dad aware sacrifices mom made sport quiet reserved acknowledgment during last days would reach moms hand pull toward him could see tender nourishing love gained much strength through years Modeling big part both lives desperate hope people Academy sport modeling will forget continue include mother future activities dad made much part organization think Dad always some aspect planes modeling fullscale attaches itself memory tried get involved sport 12 monotonous circles threat demolishing piece Dads hard spent labors was willing invest Still tagged along occasionally helped fuel engines launch winged giants silent flight instilled love sky planes stars meteorology will stay forever didnt have child follow footsteps hobby quick encourage youngsters would take interest came classroom give demonstrations After such demonstration left planes kids see night school experienced break lost plane along antique engine crushed never made school officials feel badly about Despite setback continued helping kinds kids adults venture hobby times wished didnt have share father model airplanes Immediately after both children born winging way Europe FAI meetings times would have liked have parents around watch children involved somewhere world model airplanes wouldnt have other way now can look back Dad made very proud daughter wouldnt trade world wonderful adventures grandchildren enriched travels picture column Dads last flying days Larry Lundy best friend brother Ernie Nikodem full scale pilot good friend helped dad field last plane built Modeling life have also included picture dad wanted have column George Privateer nicknamed Popsicle because froze stick Humor big part modeling life Im sure especially plane went down cost lots money precious commodity time Finally Id like thank people Academy making father part lives truly loved minute serving Please remember John Grigg go about fulfilling dreams hobby great modeler man husband father miss Dad Model Aviation 4 U] I-I 11 [61 EHIE 1 tin Ohio Pennsylvania / West Virginia Bob Brown Vice President 35 Sanford Street 4Bradford PA 16701 1814 368-7655 Associate Vice Presidents Mike Barbee 6561 Calgary Court Columbus OH 43229-2008 614 891-1643 David H Ellis 5261 DeWitt Road Cross Lanes WV 2531 3-1209 304 776-1408 Nelson Gould 1944 S Idaho Street Allentown PA 18103-8519 215 797-6597 John Hathaway 102 Woodmere Drive New Stanton PA 15672-9449 412 925-3266 Donald Klopp 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 610 409-0129 Frank Noll 4573 Lamme Road Dayton OH 45449 513 435-9232 Joseph S Vislay 1381 Cranbrook Drive PO Box 651 Maumee OH 43537-3062 Frequency Coordinator John Cottle 1012 Wyoming Avenue Forty Fort PA 18704 Phone\tab 717 287-8970 John GriggHoward Crispin severat years have admired efforts have unselfishly devoted themselves Academy Unfortunately have lost two very respectful gentlemen Howard originally Shinglehouse small community northern Pennsylvania known throughout world efforts reducing sound model engine countless hours study coordination AMA Sound Committee produced techniques used today John Grigg personal friend to modelers world long acquaintance John started local pylon competition hours spent Harold deBolt John myself discussing better pylon efforts As John became involved Academy did Grigg Brown families logged miles friendship trips throughout world Joan John became known Mom Dad gentlemen could have devoted themselves manner did total dedication families men has wife created team Thanks combined effort team will forgotten 1996 Election ability vote leadership within Academy benefit large percentage membership fails utilize year have ability elect Executive Vice President District III Vice President apathy will exhibit desire complacent organization Please vote nominee choice Most club elections will take place within next few months During year receive comments about activity within club Sometimes comments positive Most clubs suffer apathy within Instead complaining provide positive leadership clubs desire Ron Morgan 1996 Nats now history . what witnessed various newsletters have said event huge success unaware Nats produce efforts countless volunteers efforts coordinated Nats Committee chaired former District III Vice President Ron Morgan Thanks Ron providing positive direction needed Thanks also Steve Kaluf coordinating AMA Headquarters effort Although Muncie site far complete provided adequate venue majority events Improvements next year already being discussed Included camping facilities additional controline areas additional parking better patternlscale site Next years Nats will probably very similar have ideas could make better please forward either Ron Steve myself AVP Bud Klopp Associate Vice President southeast Pennsylvania has recently relocated Please direct communication 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 Telephone 610 409-0129 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship year Academy awards scholarships deserving young modelers year Michael Hudson York Pa recipient Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship amount $2500 Congratulations Mike academic achievement well community modeling servsce Indiana Flyers Indiana Peonsylvansa site Jimmy Stewart Airport year part Indianas Airport Appreciation Days Indiana Flyers produced static flying demonstration AVP John Hathaway provided picture includes club members took part successful show Westerville Model Aeronautics Association Over hundred children parents attended first flying static show put WMAA patrons Westerville Ohio Library event held Alum Creek flying site included 39 club members club provided attendee hot dogs pop child given opportunity fly aid buddy box least two families joined WMAA spot Activities such go long way building public support model aviation club interested such event contact AVP Mike Barbee event coordinator Boy Scout Camporee Randolph Dolce recently coordinated model flying activity Boy Scout Camporee Honesdale Pennsylvania Flyers Top-O-NJ R/C Club drove over hundred miles provide assistance Check out interest exhibited Scouts Randys picture interested seeing club column please submit items pictures Bob Brown above address Pictures may black white color Remember benefits have Academy ability elect board . PLEASE VOTE mber 1996 153 Indiana Flyers Jimmy Stewart Airport Appreciation Days Boy Scouts Honesdale Pennsylvania Associate Vice Presidents George Abbott 8712 Westlake Ct Raleigh NC 27613 Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive SevernMD 21144-1130 Phone\tab 410 969-9356 Douglas Barry 5300 Olde Milibrooke Dr Glen Allen VA 23060 Allen Eklund 8415 Maeve Ct Clemmons NC 27012 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Road Newport News VA 23606-3663 Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hill NC 27948 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809-1719 Richard Dick Smith 761 Gwynne Avenue Waynesboro VA 22980-3346 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Drive Fayetteville NC 28311-1007 Phone\tab Evening 919 488-5986 month District IV column begins sad news Wednesday July 31 1030 am District VP friend 25 years Howard Crispin passed away University Hospital Charlottesville VA Howard returned home Charlottesville after first week Nats Celebration Eagles Muncie Within short period time admitted University Virginia Hospital some tests problems found very serious too much Howard overcome AMA District IV modeling community have lost dedicated worker very dear friend deepest sympathy goes out wife Caroline son daughters Howard agreed long ago anything ever happened would write last colunm try coordinate District IV until replacement elected am sure AMA Council will move rapidly replace Howard procedure place part AMA Bylaws under Article 10 Officers meantime have questions need assistance can reached following address phone Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 am sure area AVP District IV officers can assist AMA problems questions will miss Howard Happy flying Headquarters saddened unexpected death staff member Sue Tobias died following surgery Ball Memorial Hospital Muncie Indiana July 24 Tobias 31 worked Special Services Department handling insurance claims Muncie native Tobias graduate Ball State University Survived parents Sandra Marshall sister Katrina grandparents warmhearted animal nature lover Recognized sunny disposition cheerful attitude will missed staff members 154 Model Aviation rd Crispin left makes point Sal Taibi recent Celebration Eagles reception held AMA Museum Muncie Photo Matthew Usher Sue Tobias National Newsletter August 1996 \bullet 1 [ LU 11 1s] b Aabama Fo da/Georgia Miasiasippi / Puerto Rico South Carolina / Tenneasee Jim McNeiII Vice President 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 Phone 205 322-3002 X 205 252-2654 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Bartoszewicz 3626 Ranahsood Rd Orlando FL 32808 Ron Chidgey 3713 Pompano Pensacola FL 32514 Wilbelmina Chlhasz 2826 Arbor Place Knoxville TN 37917 James M Edwards ace Mimosa New Albany MS 38653 William 1 Haywood 4 Rabin Circle Foley AL 36535 Karl Hensel 383 Bniacoood 8157 Meridian MS 38305 Louise Izzo 286 Hantridge Way Wieteroprings FL 32708 Richard Jackson 2118 Tbornlee Dr. N Charleston SC 28405 Chris Joiner 95 Lee Rd 238 Pbenia City AL 36867 Dr John MartIn 2180 Tigertail Ave Miami FL 33133 Tom Morris 327 Pueblo Peas Anviston AL 36206 Linda OHearn 3415 Maze Ln Brandon FL 33511 Dick FeB00 156 Palm Grove Blvd Panama City Beach FL32408 George Parryman 3644 Lake Dr Smyrna GA 30082 Frank Tlano 15300 Estancia Lane West Palm Beach FL 33414 Ward Van Dazer 5360 Pine Circle Camming GA 30131 Lee Wehater 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Joseph Micalizzi HC 866 Boo 10387 Faiardo Puerto Rico 00738 Frequency Coordinator Dorothy Fields 183W Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32148 Phone804664-2517 Last month reported results Council meeting refrained mentioning latest dues increase agreement AMA president should mention first magazine Therefore mention now motion made increase annual dues $6 vote no have 2 Council members die past week Howard Crispin John Grigg Both very respected Districts Nationally Personal friend John Grigg AMA President several years Secretary Treasurer subsequently Executive Vice President Naturally John became good friends hurts lose friend hurts see national organization become less death 2 experienced dedicated Board Members visited Mulberry Florida other day witnessed first class Giant Fly-In Spring Rally Rick Meland CD Newell Terry Field Giant Scale becoming popular Alabama South Carolina Teon Mississippi Georgia also Winter Spring weather somewhat warmer Florida Meet Joe Saitta superbly constructed Messerschmitt Mel63B-l Komet WW lIthe operational power endurance eight ten minutes Further uncontrollable speeds excess 620 mph WW II continued story might have different larger Mel63C WalterlO9-509C rocket motor extended powered flight time 12 minutes plane intended attack endless streams American bombers coming over Germany another German alrplane WW Condor George Breen son Mike posed behind fine model Lake Wales Ha Paul Donofrio Punta Gorda Florida magnificent Waco YKS7 Paul says model flies very well Greg Ely Macon Georgia President Dixie Aeromasters hosted Annual Spring Fly-In 2 months ago excellent turn-out Bob Zuspan won Best Sport event Jim Zuspan won Best Scale Wiltz Bernard won Best Military P-5 1 Mustang Mac Hodges won both Best Giant Scale Best Show snap winners Contest Director L-R Bob Zuspan Jim Zuspan Greg Ely Mac Hodges Wiltz Bernard posing front winning airplanes President Greg Ely presenting double winner Mac Hodges award Mac left Control Line version annual KING ORANGE International events held Flagler County Airport January Larry Barickman CD Bunnell Florida Lynn Joy Weedman St Augustine Lynns Open Stunt model Original design OS 46 power 80 oz Meet Score Keeper Tabulator Paula Barickman CD Larry Barickman front trophys awards some happy contestants flew 96 King Orange Control Line events necessarily order Lewis Puckett Dennis Toth Corey Birchfield Mimi Jerry Martin Bill Hodges Walt Legan As left flying sste impression having heck good time Some may have noticed Bill Haywood Foley Alabama no longer AMA Assistant Vice President District V wasnt anything Bill did didnt Council action Council eliminated position Asst VP So Bill back Associate VP again mber 1996 155 U ] -u 11 [ LU 111 1] IE Associate Vice Presidents Illinois Deb & Scott Justice 156 S Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 John Kallend 402 Arizona Glenwood IL 60425 Eve 708 798-7242 Hal Parenti 1920 Buckingham Westchester IL 60154 Eve 708 562-5752 Jerry Worden 400 Alden Dr Normal IL 61761-1202 Eve 309 454-3905 Indiana Ron Ballard 6302 N 700 E Decatur IN 46733 Eve 219 724-8934 Gary Bussell 5000 W Connie Dr Muncie IN 47304 Eve 317 288-3541 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421-3108 Eve 812 275-2189 Kentucky Jim Sears Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 606 748-5834 Missouri Cal Ettel 3 Castle Dr RR 82 Florissant MO 63034 Eve 314 831-5031 Dick Taylor 7929 Jefferson Kansas City MO 64114 Eve 816 333-9839 Frequency Coordinator Paul Holsten 616W 30th St Higginaville MO 64037- 1659 Eve 816 584-2481 St Louis MO McDonnell Douglas R/C Club # 393 has chartered club years see club number Way back club started members began program called Flight Month club idea being no matter bad weather member get flight month end year members completed flight month over years time received certificate club would like report members name Wil Flidmeier has completed over 25 years least flight month Thats over 300 months hasnt missed flight friends club wanted him get some recognition outstanding accomplishment Garden Prairie IL James Kennicker Lakeshore R/C Club #259 sent following information pictures Big Bird Fly-In held May 19th 1996 Picture superbly down B-25 Merlin Graves Next very neat colorful Stinger Dennis Crooks last Extra 300 Merlin Graves Look wide-open spaces surrounding field St Charles IL April 16 year sixteen members Fox Valley Aero Modelers # 252 met Glenwood Academy St Charles Glenwood Academy privately funded residential school boys club members spent enjoyable evening building AMA Cubs boys school organized twelve boys live group home five such homes campus club members divided groups two three spent hour half helping boys assemble planes test fly Club members boys assembled field sixty boys sixteen members flew Cubs original intent hold contest five cottages award pizza night cottage could post longest flight club decided since everyone having such good time club would sponsor pizza night entire school Picture has John Bloom helping assembly Picture two has Dave Bride doing final check-out May 22nd original group returned school put RC flying demonstration boys Information picture Mike Kostecki Plainfield IN Screaming Eagles RC Inc club held annual Eagles Pattern contest May great turnout 35 fliers seven states Picture has Miki Woodward accepting firstplace award Novice class Darrow Neeves Heres lineup winners L R Miki Woodward Novice Randy Wolfe Sportsman Olivier Marsaly AdvancedJeff Aranyos Masters James Bennett FAI Look flags bit windy great time Pictures information courtesy Steve Ragsdale Model Aviation i 11 LU uuu i tin Iowa Michigan Minnesota / Wisconsin Joe Hass Vice President 5394 English Drive Troy MI 48098 810 510-6243 FAX 810 879-5522 Don Bentfield 1440W Minnehaha Avenue St Paul MN 55104 Phone 612 645-2984 Dave Gish 5435 State Hwy 99 Wapello IA 52653 Bud Gorman PO Box 33 Knife River MN 55609 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Boulevard Milwaukee WI 53211 Jean Lasik 305 Patti Place Holland Ml 49423 Bill Millar 712 Grand Ave Petoskey Ml 49770 Carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Drive Madison WI 53705 Mark E Robotti 26540 Olympic Trail North Lindatrom MN 55045 Pete Waters 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Ml 48167 Fax 810 486-1603 Mike Zingery 6496S Summerton Rd Shepherd Ml 48883-9308 Frequency Coordinators West Al Schwartz 2787 Fernwood Roseville MN 55113 East Bert Kelly PO Box 39001 Redford Ml 48239 Lynn sent along interior shot stunning Lynn Paula question dont airplanes look like yours give lessons TREMENDOUS LOSS Modelers everywhere mourning loss Executive Council VPs Howard Crispin John Grigg Both men walking encyclopedias AMA history importantly knew understood things done past could avoid repeating mistakes history short time council both men treated well solicited ideas input Pete Waters attended Howards funeral Arlington National Cemetery representative AMA sincere condolences families Wonder what sound requirements heaven LUV THOSE CLUBS THAT DO COMMUNITY SERVICE months newsletters included two notes positive efforts clubs help neighbors Madison Area Radio Control Society #665 Madison WI runs Adopt-A-Highway program Frankenmuth Aeromodelers Frankenmuth MI help annual Bavarian Festival manpower Make sure club helps community make sure civic leaders know efforts pays off flying fields HOW TO PUBLICIZE YOUR EVENT Ribcrackers Model Airplane Club Livonia MI can teach us lesson event PR 4 color press release RIC Airshow dazzling details picture huge DC-3 received coverage major papers major AM radio station SE Michigan WJR least two TV stations great event watch fly well Good job folks FOOLED HER walked upstairs Paula handed picture fullsize airplane wanted buy pic 1 humorously responded gave second picture pic 2 impressed work Lynn Sidabras Milwaukee WI Along great letter JACKSONS ACTION Working local airport hobby shop Jackson Radio Control Club participated Jackson Hot Air Jubilee Air Show July 19-21 airport favorite Sunday morning fly breakfast places weekend great weather hot-air balloons intro Control Line flights full schedule demo flights along open airport Dave McKinnon Riders Hobby did great job logistics BUSY SCHEDULE weekend has will continue filled events Unfortunately work has interfered much participation events have attended have very professional tribute work organizers Keep up good work See field mber1996 157 Ribcrackers DC-3 Can tell 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Deluxe aircraft dB-checked 98 9 model Beautiful 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Lynn Sidabras Ribcrackers set aside time during air show demo flights Attetktirirn Nats/Celebration Eagles attendees chance lifetime will announced December Model Aviation ASsansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas George M Aldrich Vice P resident 12822 Tarrytown San Antonio TX 78233 AMA\tab Line 210 650-4707 FAX answers 6th ring away Associate Vice Presidents Max Blose 1001 N Betsy Waco TX 76706 817 662-5587 Sandy Frank 105 N Brazos St Weatherford TX 76086 817 599-7131 Ervin Chick Frierson Box 188 Haakell TX 79521 817 864-3086 Marlin McGee 4433 NW 20th St Oklahoma City OK 73107 405 947-4518 Randy Randolph 4873 Fallon P1 Dallas TX 75227 214 381-7624 Jim Simpson 604 San Juan Del Rio Rio Rancho NM 87124 505 891-1336 Steve Staples 1300 Pine Valley Little Rock AR 72207 501 664-1226 Charles Stevens 226 Delta St Paaadena TX 77506 713 473-4995 John Valls 2502 Montgomery Box 2241 Laredo TX 78044 512 723-9018 Ward Watts 13415 Joor Rd Baton Rouge LA 70818 504 261-5974 Frequency Coordinator North Joe DuMond 2626 Valley View Suite 4 Farmers Branch TX 75234 214 241-8492 South Jim Reynolds 123 Madrid Universal City TX 78148 210 658-6646 AMA Display Coordinator Karen Hopkins 5515 Bridgeton Avenue Arlington TX 76018 817 467-9211 have written called voice displeasure over SIG group being able require membership organization order enter AMA-sanctioned event solution Simply sanction events through AMA its contest coordinator system district Clyde Brothers Bill Lee always ready assist have given exemplary service Last April left attend EC meeting Muncie wife called tend aging parents illness extended absence some 10-plus weeks canceled planned travel until leaving Muncie July 5 biggest regret missing SMALL event put lifelong buddy Emmett Bungie Fry AVP Steve Staples Little Rock Arkansas years SMALL Fun-Fly largest yet some 81 registered Considering entry averaged bringing four models heck gathering Ill let photos speak pure fun enough words tell what great happening Celebration Eagles turned out John Worth ably assisted Joyce Hager AMA staff really did fantastic job highlight Maxwell Bassett speaking banquet Eighty-two years young day sounded like 40-year-old CEO regret Bill Winter Frank Ehling Dick Korda could us Clancy parked part gaggle next Peanut Scale jobs Emmett Fry brings out kids Betty Fox Fox engines columnist Randy Randolph SMALL regulars Betty big supporter SMALL AVP Steve Staples SendAero co-chief perennial CD show well organized actually time have little fun Except beautiful PT-19 rest RC jobs belong Emmett Fry Culver Cadet scaled-down version friend Bill Caiwells real SMALL AirOlympics flyoft kids ages 7-16 always draws crowd winners get AMA gold silver bronze medals competition SMALL Dereck Woodward drove down wife Sue Maryland Hes already making plans come back 97 Pem McRae owns antebellum Cottonwoods Plantation hosts SMALL Pem showed off solid replica 1929 Commandaire real bird manufactured Little Rock before Depression After traditional Saturday night supper crowd filled Air Space Museum see IMAX film Vein Williams flew 13-foot blimp around museum lobby part show Vein Wendell Roberts like giants Eugene Bryant scratch-designed built Jenny Don Downing brought several airplanes including Flyline Curtiss Fifty-two 81 pilots signed up Robin Both regulars Dallas\tab field Friday noonat 158 Model Aviation arks RC Club Hastings Nebraska El] I-Il 1 1 jjjjj Fax\tab 701 4. Associate Vice Presidents Max Hansen 1909 Wisconsin SW Huron SD 57350 Nathan Lancaster 3597 S Kendall Street Denver CO 80235 Tray Lapp 1618 Houston Dr Bismarck ND 58504 Travis McGinnis 8027W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Don Moden 410 Hart St Sauna KS 67401 Jim Ricketts 4921 Fernwood Drive Sioux Falls SD 57103-5573 Jack L Sibert 3611 Kimberly Circle Lincoln NE 68506-4524 Chuck Smith 1091 Cheshire Street Casper WY 82609-3214 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918 S Sheridan Denver CO 80226 News Nebraska Lincoln Skyknights RC Club Lincoln Nebraska 1996 GIANT SCALE FUN FLY NOW HISTORY 1996 LSK Giant Scale Fun Fly now history books measures success years Fun Fly attended 32 registered pilots 14 Lincoln Sky Knight members Also both days fair number spectators lined up along fence time looks like event cleared after expenses $450 weather about good could expect 25 30 knot winds Saturday afternoon Sunday perfect light winds entire day machinery years fly fantastic Doug Cunnings 35% Scale Extra Don Neills scratch-built fivecylinder radial engine quality years entries no less superb major mishap Sunday gentleman out town spun due suspected unhooked ailerons aircraft completely rekitted thanks helped make years event success Paul Wanda Cooper prepared enough food feed small army Also thanks Eva Grauer Joan Penn help concessions Thanks Neil Rohrke help mowing Dave Greathouse Helen Rohrke Bob Schwab help impound area last least Lincoln Sky Knights support Craig Sparks GATEWAY MALL SHOW RESULTS 1996 LSK Model Mall Show held May 11 1996 now over results entries winners choice Winners determined ballot So statistics show 24 contestants entered 39 fixed-wing 4 rotary wing least 2 sailplanes some very outstanding models display mind making choice very difficult say least winners went like Pylon Ducted Fan Best Show Rookie Scale Scale Sportsman Barebones Helicopter Pattern Sailplane Dave Reiber Don Svoboda Bob Jordon Monroe Prater Bernie Arthur Brent Jensen David Greathouse Neal Helen Rohrke Dennis Manning Allen Worrest Allen Worrest always special privilege able show off hobby public special thanks goes out folks took time bring out favorite models public view Also special thanks Dave putting Mall Show together Until next year just keep building Tom Hefley Annual 8-Man Football Flight Demonstration June 1996 Nebraska 8-man Coaches Association formed spring 1977 As part group formation wished have All-Star game promote showcase sport summer All-Star game initiated through help Hastings Sertoma Club athletes town about two weeks housed Central Community College dorms During time practice team evenings Sertoma Club has arranged variety events visits pastimes players coaches very first year Hastings Skylarks asked put flying demonstration program has remained basically same throughout 18 years have good static display various kinds sizes types models look begin telling about club number members age range facilities etc followed closeup look club trainer wing offwe explain servos controls work etc get plane air explain built cost kit types engines cost engines fuel little about radios operation cost time have several planes time air keep flights short about 3-4 minutes usually prevent loss interest explain different plane particular noteworthy different feature something about pilot etc try feature variety kinds models flying demonstration have performed two comedy acts over years involves getting few players usually team captains quarterbacks out fly buddy boxes After show some expertise sticks get coach buddy box have show abilities whole time airplane has controlled pilot out sight crowd course coach gets plane does some wild gyrations nearly crashes narrator can really get players going talking about coachs skills have instructor get disgusted whole thing walk away leaving coach supposedly completely alone flying plane dont always oneit takes lot good timing coordination work well as Wilheim November1996 159 Lincoln SkyKnights RC Club 1996 Giant Scale Fun Fly Scott Zimmerman far left Dallas Wilhelm far right 8-man football players Anzona California / Hawaii / Nevada / Utah Richard Hanson Vice President P0 Box 3312 Scottsdale AZ 85271 Phone 602 708-0222 E-mail nchh @primenetcom httpJ/wwwama-1 Ocom/ama Darwin Barrie Scottsdale Arizona 602 946-8955 Dan Goeschl Lancaster California 805 940-6066 Darlene Frederick Santa Rosa California 707 525-8815 Marc Karpowich Logan Utah 801 752-3639 Brian Nelson Morgan Hill California 408 463-0907 Dave Pinjuv Las Vegas Nevada 702 656-1772 Al Williamson Chula Vista California 619 427-4039 Frequency Coordinators Eloy Marez Santa Ana California 714 540-4935 See last months column additional AVPs Coordinatoral Last month presented first three articles D-X AVP Brian Nelson following second series articles Clubs Clubees Clubers talk about forming organization club facilitate vision group individuals Most time relate past experiences forming going accomplish goal Oftentimes however dont think far enough ahead plan situations ultimately face during lifetime organization Flying sites related clubs inherently have issues need planning investment time money energy patience dictates need plan ahead Issues such safety liability land use investment leadership membership beginners relate another require plan meet vision also important define vision clearly new members atmosphere get-togethers meetings upbeat positive Its also good measure progress towards achieving goals go along Feeling good about ones accomplishments tomorrows energy next hurdle After putting vision together among group no matter small its time put down writing helps establish priorities directions future can avoid confrontations simply agreeing future upgrading access road scheduled after safety fence wanting road understand plan know wishes have future Plan approach example youre making presentation landowner seller lessor have picture mind what would want hear shoes Ive encountered clubs appear cold new members require initiation fees seem want new member feel hardship went through acquiring field Maybe reason hobby has losing participants last several years need encourage people talent hobby push away last two years Ive seen clubs take progressive approach providing flight training safety new member help clubs future respond need can also tell average age members below fifty Maybe its time club became upbeat inviting potential modeling enthusiasts Having experience working Silicon Valley obtain land goes 200K plus acre receive numerous inquiries regarding working public private entities secure land thing makes difference having support several individuals working together put plan program place site project presentation before Parks Commission City Council graphs slide shows blueprints impact overviews modeler lists within county plan vision insurance organization about 150 modelers attended closing council meeting topic folder material Council Members wrote thank note home after meeting offered develop fund install flying field could advertise within park system benefit residents no cost public also contacted site neighbors ahead time got blessing end because common vision teamwork handful good people knew professionalism counts success sights hand type planning long term assures good investments down road Till next time Keepem safe Keepem flyn Model Aviation ciate Vice Presidents D-X AVP Mike Harrington Kaneohe Hi prepares Aloha State RC Clubs Open House July 27-28 1996 Top photo . Kids around island Oahu line up candy drop Meanwhile . OHawail Show Teams Candy Bomber lifts off loaded 2-lbs wrapped hard candy U MA World Wide Web http//www ama-i Ocom/ama Meeting Hawaiian Style Maui RC Modelers relax warm South Pacific sun club meeting clubs new RC site Up top Club President Bob Cox C VP Gordon Colley L Treasurer Richard Cox R ml i i LS ~iIit1iiitE Howard Crispin longtime council member devoted modelers modeling friend died late July Just preparing column word came John Grigg died early August John President first elected also good friend hearts go out Howards wife Caroline Johns wife Joan families will greatly missed Weve some flying-site problems show up Washington Oregon rest experiencing anything along lines should get information Jay Mealy AMA HQ sooner know about problems better chance can offer effective help Whats going out there7 Well starting Washington State Legislators passed bill requiring counties set conditions uses agricultural lands case means arent established plan cant use land Period Puyallup EXPO heads- up given Doug Francis clubs Washington about get model airplane flying endorsed onto land use laws laws being written amazing luck Doug Whidbey Island Club officer serving committee county going write land use rules Doug has extremely valuable source information members Washington help packet information instructions suggestions proceed developed sent clubs Washington Oregon different situation law already exists model airplane flying allowed use farm property Although allowed uses arent farming clubs have fields farm property have continued use land unless complaint lodged complaint comes club loses field few years ago Salem R/C Pilots Assn flying farmland gotten conditional use permit under old rules Because other concerns find new place fly found new field farm land too far old started develop Someone complained county issued cease desist order club land owner decided fight order club filed conditional use permit continued use property pending hearing hearing held 24th July no ruling yet 1st August ruling will have issued time read Salem R/C Pilots Assn determined fly new field 1st decision goes against will appeal ruling club will use whatever legal means available gain what want June Barnstormers have field northern end same county likewise served case parallels Turner situation too will fight order fact both clubs using same lawyer legal practice involves litigating land use problems Everything being learned first hearing will utilized Barnstormers case Barnstormers landlord served club little time respond beginning appeared case might heard before Salem Clubs hearing So club formed political action committee direct efforts Very quickly formed liaison Salem group acquired same lawyer has difficult valuable learning situation both clubs What being learned clubs will available club out needs information keep own field clubs win hopefully will precedent Marion County can also hope use precedent cases involving other counties Oregon life being what it will probably mean hearing flying site order guarantee model activities can happen agricultural land anywhere Oregon will have change law will need write ammendment law will allow model aircraft fly off over agricultural land conditional use get done means us fly model aircraft Oregon going have become political year have upcoming election must elect legislators will work us will identify legislators districts want will help us effort Once identified may required some work get people elected Once elected will need have bill introduced shepherded through legislative process Just will work being developed As gather information will available material weve developed far will have sent clubs time read information will follow same time help sorely needed Please get involved No working problem believes he/she has answers need help input Remember professional involved lawyer rest us volunteers doing whatever necessary get access place fly need deserve keep sport alive question arises should have place enjoy sport remember have same rights other citizens have place time enjoy what Perhaps importantly what what can impart youngsters far useful beneficial presently allowed uses AVP Bruce Nelson sent words photos first Photo #1 Ray Care Nosen Cessna 310 Two ST 90s MonoKoted Rays working plane 17 years Finished just year flown June 30th flew hands off after some minor trimming lineap jets Barons Jet Fly held Deer Park July 6-7 36 jets year tribute Doug Hunt Charlie Hissom started event 6 years ago 6 jets Charlie Doug families go out make class event draws lot spectators mber 1996 161 spokane WA 99208 Falls OR 97601 98257 WA 98390 Frequency Coordinator Al Waison 130 145ih NE. Bellevue WA 98007
\par }
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System}}
\deflang1033\pard\plain\f0\fs17 Inside View Headquarters am incumbent Executive Vice President AMA candidate re election full term beginning January 1 1997 appointed Executive Council February 1996 complete term Dave Brown elected President AMA graduated Duke University degree accounting am certified public accountant have practicing 46 years During WW III served US Navy primarily Phillippines present time am Senior Partner President CD Holland Company PA certified public accounting firm Executive Vice President AMA responsible financial operations includes matters finance budgeting daily accounting operations structuring debt acquire fixed assets involvement federal tax law due amount revenue generated because AMA has Unrelated Business Income sales advertising Model Aviation have great deal academic training well vast practical experience items previously mentioned plus great deal involvement management responsibilities consulting addition have served finance committee three years factors stand good stead perform work required position manner both knowledgeable professional involvement model aviation goes back 1935 began building model airplanes YMCA camp have involved indoor free flight Ucontrol radio control categories have active participant free flight Ucontrol radio control having both contestant events including various nationals well CD over 30 years am presently active electric flying Due love modeling extensive business experience field accounting finance management feel am qualified serve Executive Vice President AMA will appreciate support nominee running office AMA given opportunity present two campaign statements Model Aviation magazine other statement accompanies election ballot annual membership renewal Rather repeating same remarks have chosen address separate issues statement Since slated magazine read would like ask favor fellow modeler Please vote Though approximately 160000 members AMA frequently have less 15000 members participate election process strongly believe member has right express concerns constructively criticize efforts have chosen lead result having met individual member obligation participate election process Im running office Executive Vice President can further improve efforts proceeding As EVP focus will financial health AMA chartered clubs statement chartered clubs no mistake meant taken lightly campaign statements have expressed need to support chartered clubs local flying sites As AVP past six years have received countless calls regarding lost flying sites problems encountered getting new ones Some say we should can believe can build International Flying site Muncie can yet again much acquire maintain local flying sites work directly chartered clubs recognizably issues everyones agenda important both individually collectively concerns needs have shared long range outlook sport hobby *\tab Technical support flying site acquisition *\tab Financial support flying site purchases * Cooperative consolidation AMA Special Interest Group competition * Cost containment Nats better utilization event promotion 146 Model Aviation emy Model Aeronautics 5151 East Memorial Drive Muncie IN 47302 Executive Vice President Doug Holland IncumbentBrian D Nelson Howard Crispin Jr 1925-1996 John C Grigg 1932-1996 deeply saddened two Executive Council members Additional report loss information contained AMA News officers District Report Persons wish remember gentlemen asked make contribution name AMA Scholarship Fund AMA Annual Membership Meeting will held November 16 1996 at4 pm Radisson Hotel Roberts Muncie Indiana sport/hobby *\tab Recognition evolution hobby such recent growth Giant Scale modeling inclusion rather exclusion modeling venues *\tab Enhanced aggressive marketing attract larger target market address retention first-year modelers *\tab Continued support enhancement AMAs leader club program encourage recognize clubs efforts milestones safety training community involvement may ask EVP can affect changes financial affairs members AMA modelers will work together avoid flying site losses through land acquisition greater community acceptance improved replacement programs think thousands dollars could save year foregoing repeated site development cost Special Interest Groups conducted virtually same event AMA could after meeting minimum standards replace lower attended AIVIA events national events have proven successful experience much higher member participation Work could done Nats make financially sound fiscally responsible Cause could should given modeling venues know have sincere desire address concerns Imagine moment finances AMA its charter clubs effect changes like would have call financial accountability view EVP position just footing figures see maximizing potential industry sport hobby Please take time vote Please take time realize believe strongly addressing needs members electing Brian Nelson represents support club local flying site Thank District Vice President Academy Model Aeronautics has experienced several significant changes recent years As elected Vice President have attempted provide professional leadership necessary continue enhance membership benefits during crncial period now time focus needs individual members local club procurement local flying sites primary concern Academy has develop additional programs will enable local club obtain maintain flying site Positive liaison between national state local government agencies has increased Corporate involvement must also stressed As elected official have expertise needed initiate increased involvement Membership growth within Academy has increased individual member must obtain additional benefits increased cost Programs involving neophyte must provide proper assistance needed become active modeler Todays modeling style changing have adapt change positive alignment hobby industry will certainly provide benefit role AMA Special Interest Group has increased SIG knows desires membership Academy has listen Apathy within society today very critical hobby Unfortunately club members desire extend themselves club Academys Leader Club Program should extended help encourage active club involvement participation Within modeling hobby can express oneself several different avenues have airplanes boats cars etc time has come Academy act catalyst have various organizations working common goals Duplication effort costly often counter productive primary need sites actively conduct sport time work together As elected representative will continue available Recognition needs individual modeler utmost importance Please demonstrate positive attitude have within District III e Bob Brown Im honored run Vice Pres Dist VII last five years Ive pleasure working Joe Hass Pete Waters Assistant VP elected would strive carry activities started As recreational flyer appreciate technical advances sport direct result active competition programs feel USA should major competitor world events local competition fosters future world champions However must realize AMA members people just love fly models therefore should also receive share AMA benefits elected would best represent modelers District VII nationally follows 1\tab Increase scope model aviation educational programs schools levels 2\tab Develop stronger relationships better communications modeling clubs members model aviation industry 3\tab See finalizing major projects Muncie shift funding back membership needs uses Shaun L Ettinger name Shaun L Ettinger reside Novi Michigan support family friends am seeking office District VII Vice President am long time modeler over past 2 years have served President International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association am going dwell previous accomplishments note worthy likely would ballot several things believe require focus within Academy importantly District VII need direct attention future aeromodeling Whether interests nc control line free flight other venue need advance hobby Executive Council has outlined 10 goals Academy agree some directly related District VII council desires increase membership 200000 number flying fields 10% 3 years can accomplished District VII electing strong aggressive leader direction toward Public Relations Educational programs within communities need demonstrate public group Big Boys Toys diverse individuals enjoying leisure activity doctors lawyers machinists list endless need work local state governments will see propagation flying sites district let alone maintaining current ones need work schools organizations well see growth membership can guarantee electing position District Vice President will able accomplish will promise will best protect right fly well place fly have nominated position Vice President District XI proudly accept Going fly-ins contests club meetings mall shows club fields anywhere modelers gather get enjoy Continued page 150 November1996 147 Bob Brown Incumbent Donald K Bentfield Ed McCollough Incumbent As President have known long time would experience ups downs As say its part job thought could deal anything job threw last month has tested emotional strength its limit column seems wander hope will understand month started very high note heals extremely successful Celebration Eagles Nats started off well spent nearly first week half month Muncie enjoying CL RC Pylon events early part RC Pattern Near end period waiting ride out field hotel lobby cellular phone rang Sally simply said HQ called dont think team flight first reaction What flight What team out late previous night turned TV morning unaware crash TWA 800 turned out RC CL Scale teams left Paris Air France flight two hours before TWA flight after negotiations TWA transport model boxes didnt work out really fortunate case doesnt diminish immensity tragedy nor trauma dealing close call problem team safely ground Paris team manager stuck Chicago due weather paperwork Somehow didnt worry too much Sally fortunate enough have tickets couple Olympic events spent couple days Atlanta cheering athletes around world thrilling return Muncie brought first what emotional lows Sue Tobias staff member Special Services insurance Department went hospital what assumed minor surgery never returned Sue died complications surgery Sue young good employee always pleasant talk will sorely missed office discussing services Sue informed Frank Bushey eighth President AMA passed away July 15 never got meet Frank earliest surviving AMA President #8 read contributions AMAs history hoped meet him near future After hearing fortunate get spend some time FF portion Nats enjoyed meeting new faces reacquainting myself some old friends watching well-run event Family time again back Atlanta Olympic events basketball game evening stroll through Centennial Park Fortunately left park around 1000 pm next morning Sally came back bedroom tears eyes fear voice bomb gone off Centennial Park after left considered going straight home family decided would make winner out sick individual planted went Olympic events scheduled sat pouring rain watch track field events think made right decision After coming home made yet another trip Muncie meet some local business people Oshkosh AMA has display booth made about halfway cellular phone rang HQ news Howard Crispin AMA Dist IV VP suddenly passed away shocked say least Howard Nats just week half before showed no signs having problem have worked Howard over twenty years first Pattern judge AMA officer As member Executive Council chairman Bylaws Sound committees hard work AMA has left legacy benefits AMA membership Howard apparently iniding some problem started working closely former VP Chuck Foreman standin Chuck will fill until such time election someone fill out Howards term can held show Oshkosh went well AMA members stopping booth well lot exposure modeling potential new modelers Monday Aug 5 escaped booth wandering through AeroMart cellular phone again rang again HQ news John Grigg AMA Dist II VP passed away first reaction think should get rid damned cellular phone knew wasnt blame knew John gravely ill just Celebration Eagles first few days Nats told 6-9 months couldnt bring myself go back booth nearly hour trying figure out tell crew latest tragedy John AMA Dist II VP came onto Executive Council 1980 elected President 1982 served under leadership 5 years privileged travel far wide him John great leader good friend John returned Executive Council 1995 Dist II VP important part body wisdom experience would missed us still bring myself tell rest crew finally build up resolve lump throat tear eye returned booth tell rest crew John discussed desires regarding replacement Wes DeCou Ray Juschkus candidates special election apologize think Presidents column should devoted AMA business travelog AMA President point President state shock trying deal events past month also necessary steps replace people staff Executive Council knew people well enough would concerned about handle next month handle past will survive up us ensure AMA continues thrive must get loss AMA great doesnt compare loss families people hearts go out eeting Minutes Available complete copy approved minutes quarterly Executive Council meeting available AMA member request copy most-recently approved minutes will provided no charge Council meets quarterly minutes given meeting approved following meeting Additional copies minutes other meetings $5 shipping handling charge Requests may submitted AMA Administration telephone via fax writing Minutes recent Council meeting will also posted AMA bulletin board Aeromodeler s Airway telephone requests dial 317 287-1256 extension 201 210 fax requests use 317 7410057 $10 minimum credit card orders 148 Model Aviation se note corrected street address column header correct number 487] 1871 printed earlier U TT4Ti WEUTA U rIirs1 Doug Holland AMA Executive VP 3517 Fernwood Dr Raleigh NC 27612 Home 919 787-5163 Office 919 787-7454 Tuesday July 9 am sitting Indianapolis Airport waiting catch flight Pittsburgh catch another flight Raleigh North Carolina have just completed weekend will go down history event called Celebration Eagles Monday following weekend attended Executive Council meeting event will go down history necessary way operate AMA Celebration Eagles will covered great detail other magazines well will make attempt justice reporting such tremendous event As person said really happening just event no way can put paper electricity magnetism emotion warm fellowship feeling meeting old friends Some never met before because knew what did felt like known forever Everyone extremely cordial real pleasure talking people have such dynamic input development hobby/sport different groups people absolutely impossible name past presidents AMA invited vast majority attended Two past presidents could come sent regrets blame inability attend marriage granddaughter grandparents dont understand maybe us readily understand Other members organizations attendance Life Members AMA patrons museum members Hall Fame delegates clubs large number past VPs AVPs members Executive Council Dave Brown hosted banquet past presidents AMA report was fabulous evening Saturday registration flying National Flying Site As know located headquarters Muncie Indiana absolutely beautiful place fly model airplane being improved time constantly upgrades services available contestant AMA member wishes fly Muncie Saturday registration flying went day Saturday evening reception museum indeed great occasion fun 7O59000 $6682100 ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS INC OPERATING TRENDS $7200000 $7000000 $6800000 $6600000 $6400000 $6200000 $6000000 $5800000 1 I1993 OPERATING EXPENSES E\tab REVENUE very interesting see great number people created engines planes etc museum dont mean people constructed ones hanging up mean people actually drew developed planes engines used much early days hobby Sunday same spite great Saturday Sunday almost much fun banquet held Sunday night lot people mentioned earlier introduced Some spoke others just waved hands said hello thing very interesting Hall Fame member would meet another Hall Famer shake hand say Hello am soand-so used fly plane designed just like what occurred Henry Struck sitting across table him just tell him about New Ruler dont know designed plane sometime 40s issue am going give bar graph comparisons income expenses AMA has experienced past three years Again will note almost running out income $5600000 Costs everything continue go up will have look new revenue order continue same services AMA has rendered past plus handling costs capital expenditures vital ongoing improvements Muncie site comment heard up some people very much against move Muncie model builder ought have come Muncie would certainly will have different opinion about what being developed will serve advance continue understanding world about model aviation museum alone unbelievable experience Having opportunity fly types model aircraft simultaneously same area just wonderful experience behold thing adds much trip Muncie AMA staff people will see talk people truly wonderful great job serving hope have chance go someday will mean great deal sure vote Until later . 8700 K IR R42 200 November 1996 149 $6934500 168900 1994 1995 Hager AMA Executive Director 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Just completed full month modeling activities starting off Celebration Eagles huge success didnt attend missed great weekend activities immediately following Celebration Eagles went full force Nationals first year Nationals except Indoor held Muncie New roads being developed aide modelers getting site another ease due continued rainfall two months construction delayed until after Nats though unable complete new roads time posed little problem 1140 contestants registered participate Model airplanes contestants everywhere Competitors over came fly site very pleased location event positive comments site people worked members returning site year continue notice improvements International Aeromodeling Center direction PADCOM improvements will continue AMA will doing survey Nats contestants please take time fill out interested having input want personally thank Special Interest Groups volunteers helped make Nats huge success Special thanks Ron Morgan Contest Director event spent four weeks Muncie addition events going Muncie attended aeromodeling show Ankeny Iowa talked lots nonmodelers modelers always good Association attend such functions also attended Indoor World Championships took place Moscow Idaho Full results story will appear elsewhere start USA took first-place team first-place individual Steve Brown defending World Champion time 9947 second place Cezar Banks 9837 third place Rene Butty Switzerland time 9427 great see team well another subject Education Several months ago own Education Director Bob Underwood did first series electronic fields trips involving building AMA Cub question-and-answer session aircraft Ball State Universitys Extended Learning Department instrumental project donated satellite equipment time crew video contacted schools AMA provided AMA Cubs Ball provided balance material needed 800 youngsters built Delta Dart during session 32000 children watched production also appeared public television else could get such good exposure young people Well ready proceed second field trip Once again Ball donating satellite equipment crew will filmed again AMA Museum Bob Underwood host time subject will Does Fly After editing two videos will available used promotional tool clubs members As can see AMA busy trying introduce young people sport/hobby aeromodeling constantly striving improve service improve site offer members Association proud order continue services along others necessary increase dues 1997 Executive Council choose increase youth memberships will remain same adult memberships will increase $6 return renewal notice prior November 15 increase will $3 am sure realize have increase dues since 1993 yet everything deal continue increase such paper prices mailing-house services etc hoping doing such projects electronic field trips attending various shows whether modeling-related good marketing effort 97 will change trend decreasing membership increasing membership also exploring other possibilities produce revenue other sources So look new items appear sometime 97 have suggestions accomplish please drop line September 16 will mail date membership renewals 1997 notices mailed first class should received members no later end September urge adult members Districts III V VII XI take time read campaign statements send vote need pay dues same time Remember ballot mailed directly accounting firm membership dues need mailed Muncie ballot received AMA HQ will counted special election will also held Districts II IV following loss District IV VP Howard Crispin District II VP John Grigg Truly great loss members both districts also aeromodeling aign Statements Continued page 147 company finest people around modelers District Virtually anything happens modeldom happens times happens first individual basis active other area country its due spirit initiative district member Serving council way returning small amount good modeling has brought life honor District XI VP primary goals always will see have voice running organization through voice heard goal efforts member several committees well council itself have gone towards continually improving making organization best will always make effort see organization best major need other District preserve flying fields Preservation flying fields major concern will make effort see major portion Academys work dedicated task great pleasure serve modelers District XI through vote will continue serve Gil Horstman name Gil Horstman am candidate District XI Vice President live Spokane Washington have AMA member over 36 years 34 years Leader Member Contest Director have served AVP both District VIII presently District XI believe healthy AMA vital continued growth resultant enjoyment hobby/sport key would seem responsive AMA listens its members changing needs acts effectively elected will best accomplish mission AMA organization vote important tool have voice opinion PLEASE VOTE!!! IT ISUPTOYOU E!! 150 Model Aviation 4joyce F nect cut Mane Massachusetts New Hampshire / Rhode Island Vermont Don Kraftt Vice President P0 Box 1828 Duxbury MA 02331 -1828 617 934-6248 Associate Vice Presidents James M Semonian 166 Allen Road Billerica MA 01821-5240 Bob Landry 80 Main Street Essex JunctionVT 05452-3146 MC McGuffin 8 Robinson Street Houlton ME 04730-2312 Harry S Newman 36 Sherwood Drive Hooksett NH 031 06-1077 Richard Sherman 28 High Street Plymouth NH 03264-1223 Ed Thompson 27 E Greenwich Ave West Warwick RI 02893-5405 Bob Wallace 91 Sylvan Street Avon Cf 06001-2230 Frequency Coordinator George Wilson 82 Frazier Way Marstons Mills MA 02648-1 866 THIS COLUMN must started unpleasant task reporting passing three prominent AMA members FRANK B BUSHEY resident Bloomfield Ct. school teacher administrator started clubs schools affiliated directed contests some held area now Bradley International Airport also past treasurer president AMA HOWARD CRISPIN Howard passed away early August services held Arlington Cemetery August 6 1996 known Howard since about 1978 judging various Pattern contests Rob attending served Executive Council years did much extra work Academy such research sound writing articles Model Aviation JOHN GRIGG Passed away Sunday August 4 1996 past president Council Member AMA first met him 1985 became Council member men dedicated model aviation contributed greatly hobby will missed am sure will information elsewhere Model Aviation CELEBRATION OF EAGLES event held AMA National Site July 6-7 1996 object provide opportunity some pioneers model aviation get together fly swap stories attend banquet extremely successful site worked out very well time could see rubber powered models helicopters controlline flying various types RC powered models banquet attended over 400 people held Ball State University time meet talk people associated pictures magazines previously event organized John Worth AMA staff provided extremely enjoyable weekend will probably never duplicated Congratulations involved 1996 NATIONALS drove out Pattern portion Nats Chris Dansereau Sr Chris Jr several purposes trip wanted see Chris Jr fly find out drive 960 miles about 16 hours straight through see AMA site would work Nats spent Saturday night through Thursday Muncie trip well worthwhile did hear ANYTHING negative about site good things about AMA staff work preparing site general attitude thought site best yet Nationals Only Westover AFB could come close downside fact events spaced out can see certain events unless spend over three weeks attending SCALE following information provided Harry Newman New Hampshire AVP wife Shirley fortunate able attend Muncies first RC Scale Nats Over 40 airplanes counted Some nationally recognized others first-time contestants range airplanes represented unmatched compared other events have attended Details will covered elsewhere Model Aviation can assure everyone levels competition can/should enter compete planes dont have big $1000 value range Example 1/6 size J-3 won first Sportsman class New England ably represented three winners Charlie Nelson 2nd Designer Scale Ron Gagnor 2nd Sportsman Scale John Wood 3rd Sportsman Scale CONTROL-LINE SCALE Jack Patrolia Marshfield MA won believe model Spinks Akromaster Jack has enthusiastic supporter promoter model aviation giving demonstrations general public school children time read should have received Distinguished Service Award approved July Council Meeting PATTERN District represented Steve Boyko Peter Francis Al Moder Jeff Carrish Sportsman Chris Dansereau Advanced Gary Garabian Masters Steve Lelito FAI Jeff 5th Peter 6th Sportsman mber 1996 151 Ron Gagnor Charlie Nelson John Wood Nats Scale models Fred Bellows signing wing commemorative purposes Close up wing note signature Ed Henry Model Aviation cartoonist Peter Francis Jeff Carrish Steve Boyko Chris Dansereau Al Moder Pattern aircraft Steve Lelito Gary Garabian flew different sites difficult get together Chris Dansereau Pattern aircraft ARCH NEMESIS New Jersey New York Europe John Grigg Vice President 6387 Badger Dr Lockport NY 14094-5947 Eve 716 434-3955 CompuServe 765662373 Associate Vice Presidents Ray Janchkas 09 Liviogston Street St James NY 1780 516 862-5585 Dave Babcock 44S Stockton Street Hightotewo NJ 065254551 Roy Brown USAC AFCENT CMR 460 SOX 585 APO AC 08703 Wee De Con 85 Riverside i3rive Easking Ridge NJ 07920-1308 Vince Julieno 1 e Shamrock Road Rocky Point NY 11778 George Baso 11 Maple Lane Hyde Park NY 12S3S Adam Saltier 41 PerryAvevac Lathan, NY 12110-2433 Dane Mathewson Boo 613 Carnilius NY 13031 Bill Poythress 2 Hemlock CooS Sangetties NY 13477 James M LewIs P061 Ogdeobarg NY 13669-0061 Bill Milier PO Son 335 Pnooetoo Junction NJ 58550 Frequency CoordInator Len Seater 2062 Rabbit Lane Phoanlo NY 13135-9507 315 695-2448 Gail Holahan will last column John Griggr District II VP August 4 1996 left world bluer skies higher thermals great days flying dadr witnessedr great deal pride career Academy Model Aeronautics achievements organization well documented probably dont need mentioning indeed could remember However need speak man husband father Dad thoroughly enjoyed life modeling could take empty piece balsa turn masterful flying machine would often asked hold piece wood pin would listen dad would explain aerodynamics lift principles wing airfoil etc always thrilling job say least dad always seemed smart because knew stuff could create such marvelous piece work thrived leadership roles afforded him Academy used sit comfy brown chair discuss intricacies political workings organization would listen dutifully fully understanding ins outs ups downs see father involved such seemingly important matters somehow made feel important too often heard frustration voice because cared deeply Academy hurt long disputes arose could thwart often great excitement because goals met improvements made Academy membership soared felt helped make things better greatest joys life being part model airplane world However marvelous accomplishments could never have met Joan wife mother side minute through modeling experiences through life until drew last breath team remember evenings dad would disappear cellar work models Mom missed companionship evenings still encourage him further sport Mom him meets vacation resort Bahamas trip Hawaii rather buzz model engines whoosh sailplanes too gained strength pride seeing him excel Dad aware sacrifices mom made sport quiet reserved acknowledgment during last days would reach moms hand pull toward him could see tender nourishing love gained much strength through years Modeling big part both lives desperate hope people Academy sport modeling will forget continue include mother future activities dad made much part organization think Dad always some aspect planes modeling fullscale attaches itself memory tried get involved sport 12 monotonous circles threat demolishing piece Dads hard spent labors was willing invest Still tagged along occasionally helped fuel engines launch winged giants silent flight instilled love sky planes stars meteorology will stay forever didnt have child follow footsteps hobby quick encourage youngsters would take interest came classroom give demonstrations After such demonstration left planes kids see night school experienced break lost plane along antique engine crushed never made school officials feel badly about Despite setback continued helping kinds kids adults venture hobby times wished didnt have share father model airplanes Immediately after both children born winging way Europe FAI meetings times would have liked have parents around watch children involved somewhere world model airplanes wouldnt have other way now can look back Dad made very proud daughter wouldnt trade world wonderful adventures grandchildren enriched travels picture column Dads last flying days Larry Lundy best friend brother Ernie Nikodem full scale pilot good friend helped dad field last plane built Modeling life have also included picture dad wanted have column George Privateer nicknamed Popsicle because froze stick Humor big part modeling life Im sure especially plane went down cost lots money precious commodity time Finally Id like thank people Academy making father part lives truly loved minute serving Please remember John Grigg go about fulfilling dreams hobby great modeler man husband father miss Dad Model Aviation 4 U] I-I 11 [61 EHIE 1 tin Ohio Pennsylvania / West Virginia Bob Brown Vice President 35 Sanford Street 4Bradford PA 16701 1814 368-7655 Associate Vice Presidents Mike Barbee 6561 Calgary Court Columbus OH 43229-2008 614 891-1643 David H Ellis 5261 DeWitt Road Cross Lanes WV 2531 3-1209 304 776-1408 Nelson Gould 1944 S Idaho Street Allentown PA 18103-8519 215 797-6597 John Hathaway 102 Woodmere Drive New Stanton PA 15672-9449 412 925-3266 Donald Klopp 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 610 409-0129 Frank Noll 4573 Lamme Road Dayton OH 45449 513 435-9232 Joseph S Vislay 1381 Cranbrook Drive PO Box 651 Maumee OH 43537-3062 Frequency Coordinator John Cottle 1012 Wyoming Avenue Forty Fort PA 18704 Phone\tab 717 287-8970 John GriggHoward Crispin severat years have admired efforts have unselfishly devoted themselves Academy Unfortunately have lost two very respectful gentlemen Howard originally Shinglehouse small community northern Pennsylvania known throughout world efforts reducing sound model engine countless hours study coordination AMA Sound Committee produced techniques used today John Grigg personal friend to modelers world long acquaintance John started local pylon competition hours spent Harold deBolt John myself discussing better pylon efforts As John became involved Academy did Grigg Brown families logged miles friendship trips throughout world Joan John became known Mom Dad gentlemen could have devoted themselves manner did total dedication families men has wife created team Thanks combined effort team will forgotten 1996 Election ability vote leadership within Academy benefit large percentage membership fails utilize year have ability elect Executive Vice President District III Vice President apathy will exhibit desire complacent organization Please vote nominee choice Most club elections will take place within next few months During year receive comments about activity within club Sometimes comments positive Most clubs suffer apathy within Instead complaining provide positive leadership clubs desire Ron Morgan 1996 Nats now history . what witnessed various newsletters have said event huge success unaware Nats produce efforts countless volunteers efforts coordinated Nats Committee chaired former District III Vice President Ron Morgan Thanks Ron providing positive direction needed Thanks also Steve Kaluf coordinating AMA Headquarters effort Although Muncie site far complete provided adequate venue majority events Improvements next year already being discussed Included camping facilities additional controline areas additional parking better patternlscale site Next years Nats will probably very similar have ideas could make better please forward either Ron Steve myself AVP Bud Klopp Associate Vice President southeast Pennsylvania has recently relocated Please direct communication 637 Hamilton Court Trappe PA 19426-2256 Telephone 610 409-0129 Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship year Academy awards scholarships deserving young modelers year Michael Hudson York Pa recipient Charles Hampson Grant Scholarship amount $2500 Congratulations Mike academic achievement well community modeling servsce Indiana Flyers Indiana Peonsylvansa site Jimmy Stewart Airport year part Indianas Airport Appreciation Days Indiana Flyers produced static flying demonstration AVP John Hathaway provided picture includes club members took part successful show Westerville Model Aeronautics Association Over hundred children parents attended first flying static show put WMAA patrons Westerville Ohio Library event held Alum Creek flying site included 39 club members club provided attendee hot dogs pop child given opportunity fly aid buddy box least two families joined WMAA spot Activities such go long way building public support model aviation club interested such event contact AVP Mike Barbee event coordinator Boy Scout Camporee Randolph Dolce recently coordinated model flying activity Boy Scout Camporee Honesdale Pennsylvania Flyers Top-O-NJ R/C Club drove over hundred miles provide assistance Check out interest exhibited Scouts Randys picture interested seeing club column please submit items pictures Bob Brown above address Pictures may black white color Remember benefits have Academy ability elect board . PLEASE VOTE mber 1996 153 Indiana Flyers Jimmy Stewart Airport Appreciation Days Boy Scouts Honesdale Pennsylvania Associate Vice Presidents George Abbott 8712 Westlake Ct Raleigh NC 27613 Robert E Babura 117 Otis Drive SevernMD 21144-1130 Phone\tab 410 969-9356 Douglas Barry 5300 Olde Milibrooke Dr Glen Allen VA 23060 Allen Eklund 8415 Maeve Ct Clemmons NC 27012 Bob Champine 205 Tipton Road Newport News VA 23606-3663 Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hill NC 27948 Scotty Moyer 11 Orchard Lane Wilmington DE 19809-1719 Richard Dick Smith 761 Gwynne Avenue Waynesboro VA 22980-3346 Frequency Coordinator Paul Yacobucci 6408 Winthrop Drive Fayetteville NC 28311-1007 Phone\tab Evening 919 488-5986 month District IV column begins sad news Wednesday July 31 1030 am District VP friend 25 years Howard Crispin passed away University Hospital Charlottesville VA Howard returned home Charlottesville after first week Nats Celebration Eagles Muncie Within short period time admitted University Virginia Hospital some tests problems found very serious too much Howard overcome AMA District IV modeling community have lost dedicated worker very dear friend deepest sympathy goes out wife Caroline son daughters Howard agreed long ago anything ever happened would write last colunm try coordinate District IV until replacement elected am sure AMA Council will move rapidly replace Howard procedure place part AMA Bylaws under Article 10 Officers meantime have questions need assistance can reached following address phone Chuck Foreman 412 Pine Cone Ct Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 am sure area AVP District IV officers can assist AMA problems questions will miss Howard Happy flying Headquarters saddened unexpected death staff member Sue Tobias died following surgery Ball Memorial Hospital Muncie Indiana July 24 Tobias 31 worked Special Services Department handling insurance claims Muncie native Tobias graduate Ball State University Survived parents Sandra Marshall sister Katrina grandparents warmhearted animal nature lover Recognized sunny disposition cheerful attitude will missed staff members 154 Model Aviation rd Crispin left makes point Sal Taibi recent Celebration Eagles reception held AMA Museum Muncie Photo Matthew Usher Sue Tobias National Newsletter August 1996 \bullet 1 [ LU 11 1s] b Aabama Fo da/Georgia Miasiasippi / Puerto Rico South Carolina / Tenneasee Jim McNeiII Vice President 617 South 20 Avenue Birmingham AL 35205 Phone 205 322-3002 X 205 252-2654 Associate Vice Presidents Bob Bartoszewicz 3626 Ranahsood Rd Orlando FL 32808 Ron Chidgey 3713 Pompano Pensacola FL 32514 Wilbelmina Chlhasz 2826 Arbor Place Knoxville TN 37917 James M Edwards ace Mimosa New Albany MS 38653 William 1 Haywood 4 Rabin Circle Foley AL 36535 Karl Hensel 383 Bniacoood 8157 Meridian MS 38305 Louise Izzo 286 Hantridge Way Wieteroprings FL 32708 Richard Jackson 2118 Tbornlee Dr. N Charleston SC 28405 Chris Joiner 95 Lee Rd 238 Pbenia City AL 36867 Dr John MartIn 2180 Tigertail Ave Miami FL 33133 Tom Morris 327 Pueblo Peas Anviston AL 36206 Linda OHearn 3415 Maze Ln Brandon FL 33511 Dick FeB00 156 Palm Grove Blvd Panama City Beach FL32408 George Parryman 3644 Lake Dr Smyrna GA 30082 Frank Tlano 15300 Estancia Lane West Palm Beach FL 33414 Ward Van Dazer 5360 Pine Circle Camming GA 30131 Lee Wehater 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Joseph Micalizzi HC 866 Boo 10387 Faiardo Puerto Rico 00738 Frequency Coordinator Dorothy Fields 183W Strickland Rd Interlachen FL 32148 Phone804664-2517 Last month reported results Council meeting refrained mentioning latest dues increase agreement AMA president should mention first magazine Therefore mention now motion made increase annual dues $6 vote no have 2 Council members die past week Howard Crispin John Grigg Both very respected Districts Nationally Personal friend John Grigg AMA President several years Secretary Treasurer subsequently Executive Vice President Naturally John became good friends hurts lose friend hurts see national organization become less death 2 experienced dedicated Board Members visited Mulberry Florida other day witnessed first class Giant Fly-In Spring Rally Rick Meland CD Newell Terry Field Giant Scale becoming popular Alabama South Carolina Teon Mississippi Georgia also Winter Spring weather somewhat warmer Florida Meet Joe Saitta superbly constructed Messerschmitt Mel63B-l Komet WW lIthe operational power endurance eight ten minutes Further uncontrollable speeds excess 620 mph WW II continued story might have different larger Mel63C WalterlO9-509C rocket motor extended powered flight time 12 minutes plane intended attack endless streams American bombers coming over Germany another German alrplane WW Condor George Breen son Mike posed behind fine model Lake Wales Ha Paul Donofrio Punta Gorda Florida magnificent Waco YKS7 Paul says model flies very well Greg Ely Macon Georgia President Dixie Aeromasters hosted Annual Spring Fly-In 2 months ago excellent turn-out Bob Zuspan won Best Sport event Jim Zuspan won Best Scale Wiltz Bernard won Best Military P-5 1 Mustang Mac Hodges won both Best Giant Scale Best Show snap winners Contest Director L-R Bob Zuspan Jim Zuspan Greg Ely Mac Hodges Wiltz Bernard posing front winning airplanes President Greg Ely presenting double winner Mac Hodges award Mac left Control Line version annual KING ORANGE International events held Flagler County Airport January Larry Barickman CD Bunnell Florida Lynn Joy Weedman St Augustine Lynns Open Stunt model Original design OS 46 power 80 oz Meet Score Keeper Tabulator Paula Barickman CD Larry Barickman front trophys awards some happy contestants flew 96 King Orange Control Line events necessarily order Lewis Puckett Dennis Toth Corey Birchfield Mimi Jerry Martin Bill Hodges Walt Legan As left flying sste impression having heck good time Some may have noticed Bill Haywood Foley Alabama no longer AMA Assistant Vice President District V wasnt anything Bill did didnt Council action Council eliminated position Asst VP So Bill back Associate VP again mber 1996 155 U ] -u 11 [ LU 111 1] IE Associate Vice Presidents Illinois Deb & Scott Justice 156 S Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 John Kallend 402 Arizona Glenwood IL 60425 Eve 708 798-7242 Hal Parenti 1920 Buckingham Westchester IL 60154 Eve 708 562-5752 Jerry Worden 400 Alden Dr Normal IL 61761-1202 Eve 309 454-3905 Indiana Ron Ballard 6302 N 700 E Decatur IN 46733 Eve 219 724-8934 Gary Bussell 5000 W Connie Dr Muncie IN 47304 Eve 317 288-3541 William Kern 1808 12th St Bedford IN 47421-3108 Eve 812 275-2189 Kentucky Jim Sears Box 308 Burgin KY 40310 606 748-5834 Missouri Cal Ettel 3 Castle Dr RR 82 Florissant MO 63034 Eve 314 831-5031 Dick Taylor 7929 Jefferson Kansas City MO 64114 Eve 816 333-9839 Frequency Coordinator Paul Holsten 616W 30th St Higginaville MO 64037- 1659 Eve 816 584-2481 St Louis MO McDonnell Douglas R/C Club # 393 has chartered club years see club number Way back club started members began program called Flight Month club idea being no matter bad weather member get flight month end year members completed flight month over years time received certificate club would like report members name Wil Flidmeier has completed over 25 years least flight month Thats over 300 months hasnt missed flight friends club wanted him get some recognition outstanding accomplishment Garden Prairie IL James Kennicker Lakeshore R/C Club #259 sent following information pictures Big Bird Fly-In held May 19th 1996 Picture superbly down B-25 Merlin Graves Next very neat colorful Stinger Dennis Crooks last Extra 300 Merlin Graves Look wide-open spaces surrounding field St Charles IL April 16 year sixteen members Fox Valley Aero Modelers # 252 met Glenwood Academy St Charles Glenwood Academy privately funded residential school boys club members spent enjoyable evening building AMA Cubs boys school organized twelve boys live group home five such homes campus club members divided groups two three spent hour half helping boys assemble planes test fly Club members boys assembled field sixty boys sixteen members flew Cubs original intent hold contest five cottages award pizza night cottage could post longest flight club decided since everyone having such good time club would sponsor pizza night entire school Picture has John Bloom helping assembly Picture two has Dave Bride doing final check-out May 22nd original group returned school put RC flying demonstration boys Information picture Mike Kostecki Plainfield IN Screaming Eagles RC Inc club held annual Eagles Pattern contest May great turnout 35 fliers seven states Picture has Miki Woodward accepting firstplace award Novice class Darrow Neeves Heres lineup winners L R Miki Woodward Novice Randy Wolfe Sportsman Olivier Marsaly AdvancedJeff Aranyos Masters James Bennett FAI Look flags bit windy great time Pictures information courtesy Steve Ragsdale Model Aviation i 11 LU uuu i tin Iowa Michigan Minnesota / Wisconsin Joe Hass Vice President 5394 English Drive Troy MI 48098 810 510-6243 FAX 810 879-5522 Don Bentfield 1440W Minnehaha Avenue St Paul MN 55104 Phone 612 645-2984 Dave Gish 5435 State Hwy 99 Wapello IA 52653 Bud Gorman PO Box 33 Knife River MN 55609 Russell Knetzger 2625 E Shorewood Boulevard Milwaukee WI 53211 Jean Lasik 305 Patti Place Holland Ml 49423 Bill Millar 712 Grand Ave Petoskey Ml 49770 Carl Mohs 5024 Lake Mendota Drive Madison WI 53705 Mark E Robotti 26540 Olympic Trail North Lindatrom MN 55045 Pete Waters 7420 Seven Mile Rd Northville Ml 48167 Fax 810 486-1603 Mike Zingery 6496S Summerton Rd Shepherd Ml 48883-9308 Frequency Coordinators West Al Schwartz 2787 Fernwood Roseville MN 55113 East Bert Kelly PO Box 39001 Redford Ml 48239 Lynn sent along interior shot stunning Lynn Paula question dont airplanes look like yours give lessons TREMENDOUS LOSS Modelers everywhere mourning loss Executive Council VPs Howard Crispin John Grigg Both men walking encyclopedias AMA history importantly knew understood things done past could avoid repeating mistakes history short time council both men treated well solicited ideas input Pete Waters attended Howards funeral Arlington National Cemetery representative AMA sincere condolences families Wonder what sound requirements heaven LUV THOSE CLUBS THAT DO COMMUNITY SERVICE months newsletters included two notes positive efforts clubs help neighbors Madison Area Radio Control Society #665 Madison WI runs Adopt-A-Highway program Frankenmuth Aeromodelers Frankenmuth MI help annual Bavarian Festival manpower Make sure club helps community make sure civic leaders know efforts pays off flying fields HOW TO PUBLICIZE YOUR EVENT Ribcrackers Model Airplane Club Livonia MI can teach us lesson event PR 4 color press release RIC Airshow dazzling details picture huge DC-3 received coverage major papers major AM radio station SE Michigan WJR least two TV stations great event watch fly well Good job folks FOOLED HER walked upstairs Paula handed picture fullsize airplane wanted buy pic 1 humorously responded gave second picture pic 2 impressed work Lynn Sidabras Milwaukee WI Along great letter JACKSONS ACTION Working local airport hobby shop Jackson Radio Control Club participated Jackson Hot Air Jubilee Air Show July 19-21 airport favorite Sunday morning fly breakfast places weekend great weather hot-air balloons intro Control Line flights full schedule demo flights along open airport Dave McKinnon Riders Hobby did great job logistics BUSY SCHEDULE weekend has will continue filled events Unfortunately work has interfered much participation events have attended have very professional tribute work organizers Keep up good work See field mber1996 157 Ribcrackers DC-3 Can tell 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Deluxe aircraft dB-checked 98 9 model Beautiful 1941 Taylorcraft BC-12 Lynn Sidabras Ribcrackers set aside time during air show demo flights Attetktirirn Nats/Celebration Eagles attendees chance lifetime will announced December Model Aviation ASsansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas George M Aldrich Vice P resident 12822 Tarrytown San Antonio TX 78233 AMA\tab Line 210 650-4707 FAX answers 6th ring away Associate Vice Presidents Max Blose 1001 N Betsy Waco TX 76706 817 662-5587 Sandy Frank 105 N Brazos St Weatherford TX 76086 817 599-7131 Ervin Chick Frierson Box 188 Haakell TX 79521 817 864-3086 Marlin McGee 4433 NW 20th St Oklahoma City OK 73107 405 947-4518 Randy Randolph 4873 Fallon P1 Dallas TX 75227 214 381-7624 Jim Simpson 604 San Juan Del Rio Rio Rancho NM 87124 505 891-1336 Steve Staples 1300 Pine Valley Little Rock AR 72207 501 664-1226 Charles Stevens 226 Delta St Paaadena TX 77506 713 473-4995 John Valls 2502 Montgomery Box 2241 Laredo TX 78044 512 723-9018 Ward Watts 13415 Joor Rd Baton Rouge LA 70818 504 261-5974 Frequency Coordinator North Joe DuMond 2626 Valley View Suite 4 Farmers Branch TX 75234 214 241-8492 South Jim Reynolds 123 Madrid Universal City TX 78148 210 658-6646 AMA Display Coordinator Karen Hopkins 5515 Bridgeton Avenue Arlington TX 76018 817 467-9211 have written called voice displeasure over SIG group being able require membership organization order enter AMA-sanctioned event solution Simply sanction events through AMA its contest coordinator system district Clyde Brothers Bill Lee always ready assist have given exemplary service Last April left attend EC meeting Muncie wife called tend aging parents illness extended absence some 10-plus weeks canceled planned travel until leaving Muncie July 5 biggest regret missing SMALL event put lifelong buddy Emmett Bungie Fry AVP Steve Staples Little Rock Arkansas years SMALL Fun-Fly largest yet some 81 registered Considering entry averaged bringing four models heck gathering Ill let photos speak pure fun enough words tell what great happening Celebration Eagles turned out John Worth ably assisted Joyce Hager AMA staff really did fantastic job highlight Maxwell Bassett speaking banquet Eighty-two years young day sounded like 40-year-old CEO regret Bill Winter Frank Ehling Dick Korda could us Clancy parked part gaggle next Peanut Scale jobs Emmett Fry brings out kids Betty Fox Fox engines columnist Randy Randolph SMALL regulars Betty big supporter SMALL AVP Steve Staples SendAero co-chief perennial CD show well organized actually time have little fun Except beautiful PT-19 rest RC jobs belong Emmett Fry Culver Cadet scaled-down version friend Bill Caiwells real SMALL AirOlympics flyoft kids ages 7-16 always draws crowd winners get AMA gold silver bronze medals competition SMALL Dereck Woodward drove down wife Sue Maryland Hes already making plans come back 97 Pem McRae owns antebellum Cottonwoods Plantation hosts SMALL Pem showed off solid replica 1929 Commandaire real bird manufactured Little Rock before Depression After traditional Saturday night supper crowd filled Air Space Museum see IMAX film Vein Williams flew 13-foot blimp around museum lobby part show Vein Wendell Roberts like giants Eugene Bryant scratch-designed built Jenny Don Downing brought several airplanes including Flyline Curtiss Fifty-two 81 pilots signed up Robin Both regulars Dallas\tab field Friday noonat 158 Model Aviation arks RC Club Hastings Nebraska El] I-Il 1 1 jjjjj Fax\tab 701 4. Associate Vice Presidents Max Hansen 1909 Wisconsin SW Huron SD 57350 Nathan Lancaster 3597 S Kendall Street Denver CO 80235 Tray Lapp 1618 Houston Dr Bismarck ND 58504 Travis McGinnis 8027W 81st Circle Arvada CO 80005 Don Moden 410 Hart St Sauna KS 67401 Jim Ricketts 4921 Fernwood Drive Sioux Falls SD 57103-5573 Jack L Sibert 3611 Kimberly Circle Lincoln NE 68506-4524 Chuck Smith 1091 Cheshire Street Casper WY 82609-3214 Frequency Coordinator Steve Mangles Radio Service Center 918 S Sheridan Denver CO 80226 News Nebraska Lincoln Skyknights RC Club Lincoln Nebraska 1996 GIANT SCALE FUN FLY NOW HISTORY 1996 LSK Giant Scale Fun Fly now history books measures success years Fun Fly attended 32 registered pilots 14 Lincoln Sky Knight members Also both days fair number spectators lined up along fence time looks like event cleared after expenses $450 weather about good could expect 25 30 knot winds Saturday afternoon Sunday perfect light winds entire day machinery years fly fantastic Doug Cunnings 35% Scale Extra Don Neills scratch-built fivecylinder radial engine quality years entries no less superb major mishap Sunday gentleman out town spun due suspected unhooked ailerons aircraft completely rekitted thanks helped make years event success Paul Wanda Cooper prepared enough food feed small army Also thanks Eva Grauer Joan Penn help concessions Thanks Neil Rohrke help mowing Dave Greathouse Helen Rohrke Bob Schwab help impound area last least Lincoln Sky Knights support Craig Sparks GATEWAY MALL SHOW RESULTS 1996 LSK Model Mall Show held May 11 1996 now over results entries winners choice Winners determined ballot So statistics show 24 contestants entered 39 fixed-wing 4 rotary wing least 2 sailplanes some very outstanding models display mind making choice very difficult say least winners went like Pylon Ducted Fan Best Show Rookie Scale Scale Sportsman Barebones Helicopter Pattern Sailplane Dave Reiber Don Svoboda Bob Jordon Monroe Prater Bernie Arthur Brent Jensen David Greathouse Neal Helen Rohrke Dennis Manning Allen Worrest Allen Worrest always special privilege able show off hobby public special thanks goes out folks took time bring out favorite models public view Also special thanks Dave putting Mall Show together Until next year just keep building Tom Hefley Annual 8-Man Football Flight Demonstration June 1996 Nebraska 8-man Coaches Association formed spring 1977 As part group formation wished have All-Star game promote showcase sport summer All-Star game initiated through help Hastings Sertoma Club athletes town about two weeks housed Central Community College dorms During time practice team evenings Sertoma Club has arranged variety events visits pastimes players coaches very first year Hastings Skylarks asked put flying demonstration program has remained basically same throughout 18 years have good static display various kinds sizes types models look begin telling about club number members age range facilities etc followed closeup look club trainer wing offwe explain servos controls work etc get plane air explain built cost kit types engines cost engines fuel little about radios operation cost time have several planes time air keep flights short about 3-4 minutes usually prevent loss interest explain different plane particular noteworthy different feature something about pilot etc try feature variety kinds models flying demonstration have performed two comedy acts over years involves getting few players usually team captains quarterbacks out fly buddy boxes After show some expertise sticks get coach buddy box have show abilities whole time airplane has controlled pilot out sight crowd course coach gets plane does some wild gyrations nearly crashes narrator can really get players going talking about coachs skills have instructor get disgusted whole thing walk away leaving coach supposedly completely alone flying plane dont always oneit takes lot good timing coordination work well as Wilheim November1996 159 Lincoln SkyKnights RC Club 1996 Giant Scale Fun Fly Scott Zimmerman far left Dallas Wilhelm far right 8-man football players Anzona California / Hawaii / Nevada / Utah Richard Hanson Vice President P0 Box 3312 Scottsdale AZ 85271 Phone 602 708-0222 E-mail nchh @primenetcom httpJ/wwwama-1 Ocom/ama Darwin Barrie Scottsdale Arizona 602 946-8955 Dan Goeschl Lancaster California 805 940-6066 Darlene Frederick Santa Rosa California 707 525-8815 Marc Karpowich Logan Utah 801 752-3639 Brian Nelson Morgan Hill California 408 463-0907 Dave Pinjuv Las Vegas Nevada 702 656-1772 Al Williamson Chula Vista California 619 427-4039 Frequency Coordinators Eloy Marez Santa Ana California 714 540-4935 See last months column additional AVPs Coordinatoral Last month presented first three articles D-X AVP Brian Nelson following second series articles Clubs Clubees Clubers talk about forming organization club facilitate vision group individuals Most time relate past experiences forming going accomplish goal Oftentimes however dont think far enough ahead plan situations ultimately face during lifetime organization Flying sites related clubs inherently have issues need planning investment time money energy patience dictates need plan ahead Issues such safety liability land use investment leadership membership beginners relate another require plan meet vision also important define vision clearly new members atmosphere get-togethers meetings upbeat positive Its also good measure progress towards achieving goals go along Feeling good about ones accomplishments tomorrows energy next hurdle After putting vision together among group no matter small its time put down writing helps establish priorities directions future can avoid confrontations simply agreeing future upgrading access road scheduled after safety fence wanting road understand plan know wishes have future Plan approach example youre making presentation landowner seller lessor have picture mind what would want hear shoes Ive encountered clubs appear cold new members require initiation fees seem want new member feel hardship went through acquiring field Maybe reason hobby has losing participants last several years need encourage people talent hobby push away last two years Ive seen clubs take progressive approach providing flight training safety new member help clubs future respond need can also tell average age members below fifty Maybe its time club became upbeat inviting potential modeling enthusiasts Having experience working Silicon Valley obtain land goes 200K plus acre receive numerous inquiries regarding working public private entities secure land thing makes difference having support several individuals working together put plan program place site project presentation before Parks Commission City Council graphs slide shows blueprints impact overviews modeler lists within county plan vision insurance organization about 150 modelers attended closing council meeting topic folder material Council Members wrote thank note home after meeting offered develop fund install flying field could advertise within park system benefit residents no cost public also contacted site neighbors ahead time got blessing end because common vision teamwork handful good people knew professionalism counts success sights hand type planning long term assures good investments down road Till next time Keepem safe Keepem flyn Model Aviation ciate Vice Presidents D-X AVP Mike Harrington Kaneohe Hi prepares Aloha State RC Clubs Open House July 27-28 1996 Top photo . Kids around island Oahu line up candy drop Meanwhile . OHawail Show Teams Candy Bomber lifts off loaded 2-lbs wrapped hard candy U MA World Wide Web http//www ama-i Ocom/ama Meeting Hawaiian Style Maui RC Modelers relax warm South Pacific sun club meeting clubs new RC site Up top Club President Bob Cox C VP Gordon Colley L Treasurer Richard Cox R ml i i LS ~iIit1iiitE Howard Crispin longtime council member devoted modelers modeling friend died late July Just preparing column word came John Grigg died early August John President first elected also good friend hearts go out Howards wife Caroline Johns wife Joan families will greatly missed Weve some flying-site problems show up Washington Oregon rest experiencing anything along lines should get information Jay Mealy AMA HQ sooner know about problems better chance can offer effective help Whats going out there7 Well starting Washington State Legislators passed bill requiring counties set conditions uses agricultural lands case means arent established plan cant use land Period Puyallup EXPO heads- up given Doug Francis clubs Washington about get model airplane flying endorsed onto land use laws laws being written amazing luck Doug Whidbey Island Club officer serving committee county going write land use rules Doug has extremely valuable source information members Washington help packet information instructions suggestions proceed developed sent clubs Washington Oregon different situation law already exists model airplane flying allowed use farm property Although allowed uses arent farming clubs have fields farm property have continued use land unless complaint lodged complaint comes club loses field few years ago Salem R/C Pilots Assn flying farmland gotten conditional use permit under old rules Because other concerns find new place fly found new field farm land too far old started develop Someone complained county issued cease desist order club land owner decided fight order club filed conditional use permit continued use property pending hearing hearing held 24th July no ruling yet 1st August ruling will have issued time read Salem R/C Pilots Assn determined fly new field 1st decision goes against will appeal ruling club will use whatever legal means available gain what want June Barnstormers have field northern end same county likewise served case parallels Turner situation too will fight order fact both clubs using same lawyer legal practice involves litigating land use problems Everything being learned first hearing will utilized Barnstormers case Barnstormers landlord served club little time respond beginning appeared case might heard before Salem Clubs hearing So club formed political action committee direct efforts Very quickly formed liaison Salem group acquired same lawyer has difficult valuable learning situation both clubs What being learned clubs will available club out needs information keep own field clubs win hopefully will precedent Marion County can also hope use precedent cases involving other counties Oregon life being what it will probably mean hearing flying site order guarantee model activities can happen agricultural land anywhere Oregon will have change law will need write ammendment law will allow model aircraft fly off over agricultural land conditional use get done means us fly model aircraft Oregon going have become political year have upcoming election must elect legislators will work us will identify legislators districts want will help us effort Once identified may required some work get people elected Once elected will need have bill introduced shepherded through legislative process Just will work being developed As gather information will available material weve developed far will have sent clubs time read information will follow same time help sorely needed Please get involved No working problem believes he/she has answers need help input Remember professional involved lawyer rest us volunteers doing whatever necessary get access place fly need deserve keep sport alive question arises should have place enjoy sport remember have same rights other citizens have place time enjoy what Perhaps importantly what what can impart youngsters far useful beneficial presently allowed uses AVP Bruce Nelson sent words photos first Photo #1 Ray Care Nosen Cessna 310 Two ST 90s MonoKoted Rays working plane 17 years Finished just year flown June 30th flew hands off after some minor trimming lineap jets Barons Jet Fly held Deer Park July 6-7 36 jets year tribute Doug Hunt Charlie Hissom started event 6 years ago 6 jets Charlie Doug families go out make class event draws lot spectators mber 1996 161 spokane WA 99208 Falls OR 97601 98257 WA 98390 Frequency Coordinator Al Waison 130 145ih NE. Bellevue WA 98007
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