I- Bal Jmnce Top Even large model such Goldberg Senior Falcon can easily balanced stand Simple yet quite functional tool should yourworkshop Above Left five items required forthe balance stand Above Right simple tools required lay out drill base various dowei holes Note backup board tape drill bit protect bench underneath 38 Model Aviation Left Drilling holes base Use square assure drilled straight Erasers glued dowels dont glue dowels base Right Completed balance stand Note position erasers adjustment holes Photos David M Kirk CALLED FRIEND other night usual conversation soon turned model aircraft Just out curiosity asked balanced model planes told used index fingers placed beneath wing Does sound familiar model ers will spend great deal time effort constructing favorite model rely crudely balancing craft fingers Enough Described adjustable inex pensive easy-to-build balance stand Use simple building aid correctly er will serve long time locate CG will produce stable flyable model designed built hour cost about $100 convenient workshop tools around home materials piece scrap pine lumber too can have balanc Materials required 3/4 x 6 x 12-in clear pine board two %6 dia x l0-in-long wood dowel sure straight two long slip-over-a-pencil-end-type erasers Continued page 130 youre tired balancing latest aeronautical creation fingertips same time try ing add weight shift radio system around get correct location center gravity simple half-hour project could just what need Once finish youll wondering hadnt thought yourself EJoseph M Nunes January 1986 39 PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS Retail price 349 Factory direct price 262 0 kits use product yearn research development keep scsi size appearance slot help good people Besle Air Force Base Maryiville California SR71 hase Lockheeds heat representative have exact 1112 scale kit Being ail wood flyabie true scale kit availahie P104 cockpit kit off scale item no can get interior SR-71 yet jan01 heginners kit hut very nice 10 build finished product AWESOME Expect speeds over 150 mph 80s parachute option very nice too full 22 picture photo pak availahie real scale huffs Have fun R Hugh Performance Twin Ducted Fan Asrplane Ktt Length 1075 span 558j Gear Tir-gear retract mechanical Weight 18-22 Designed Turbex III Fans44 Channei Radio 48-80 Ducted Fan Engines 1515 785-5550 other parts accessories build repair plane available Call write information needed B-Line Products & Hobbvs e PO Box 1231 s 101 AtkInson St fisansUIa CA 95661 Avaimbie Ieee 1-4 Phuuts peelber Sabre sF-I Crusaders U-i Biselceef balance location building plan placing model onto balanc er Designers choose center gravi ty CG locations because want aircraft have flight qualities de scribed article informa tion about kit change CG location unless experienced builder flier Tail-heavy aircraft tend fly peculiar way. read accident about happen safe bet should have plan out CG position indicated balance aircraft between 2507o 30% wing chord measured wing leading edge aircraft should balance slight nose-down atti tude no fuel fuel tank Freeing hands model rests balancer will allow shift items such radio forward back wards order achieve desired balance point Use balance stand will avoid finger balancing act will end up better-flying aircraft Try youll wonder didnt use balance stand before Build yours today Questions comments may sent PO Box 40 Hanover MI 49241 Take care fly safely tell someone new about model building flying Radio Technique/Myers Continued page 43 quency approximately 455 kHz away Control transmitter frequency like Orange/White 72400 MHz RC54 72870 MHz could problem usually isnt wasnt test sets left out summary looked Personal Radio Service PRS Manufacturers Radio Service MRS channels 10 kHz away RC channels except old ones dead another could problem After looked Canada today same USA 1991 adjacent RC channels are/will 20kHz apart easy have Kraft Synthesizer FM tests special set crystals AM trans mitter Bear mind 31M serious 20 kHz spacing RC50 RC5 1 RC5 2 Finally checked USA today adjacent RC channels 40 kHz apart tools checked AM FM FM/PCM Interferers Table 6 tabulates some results may surprised what see Per haps bit explanation order first thing note tested over turf types systems gave poorer results grass wet Ive tried show effect summary table column take seriously 31Mnone RC System-types does good job rejecting Most interferences glitches have reported can traced 31M particularly associated approach landing Helicopters particularly susceptible effects 31M due field setup way flown ii groups fly today 40 kHz spacing look down colunm get idea various types doing environment Youll see FM sets AMA_ El 0 i5Zzz -o -I 0 CD coJ x U x 0 n 0 -a 0 V CD 0 p C 0 Cn 0 0 01 0 January1986 131 0 Flying Near Airports Careful Free Flight Radio Control flying near airports situation might involve possibility models being vicinity full-scale aircraft operations must avoidedor conducted eliminate dangerous situations Models should flown proximity full-scale aircraft operations unless flyer has someone else him sole purpose watching full-scale aircraft supervising flying 88 prevent accident possibilities PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO FLYI Safe Flying No Accident
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 38, 39, 130, 131
I- Bal Jmnce Top Even large model such Goldberg Senior Falcon can easily balanced stand Simple yet quite functional tool should yourworkshop Above Left five items required forthe balance stand Above Right simple tools required lay out drill base various dowei holes Note backup board tape drill bit protect bench underneath 38 Model Aviation Left Drilling holes base Use square assure drilled straight Erasers glued dowels dont glue dowels base Right Completed balance stand Note position erasers adjustment holes Photos David M Kirk CALLED FRIEND other night usual conversation soon turned model aircraft Just out curiosity asked balanced model planes told used index fingers placed beneath wing Does sound familiar model ers will spend great deal time effort constructing favorite model rely crudely balancing craft fingers Enough Described adjustable inex pensive easy-to-build balance stand Use simple building aid correctly er will serve long time locate CG will produce stable flyable model designed built hour cost about $100 convenient workshop tools around home materials piece scrap pine lumber too can have balanc Materials required 3/4 x 6 x 12-in clear pine board two %6 dia x l0-in-long wood dowel sure straight two long slip-over-a-pencil-end-type erasers Continued page 130 youre tired balancing latest aeronautical creation fingertips same time try ing add weight shift radio system around get correct location center gravity simple half-hour project could just what need Once finish youll wondering hadnt thought yourself EJoseph M Nunes January 1986 39 PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS Retail price 349 Factory direct price 262 0 kits use product yearn research development keep scsi size appearance slot help good people Besle Air Force Base Maryiville California SR71 hase Lockheeds heat representative have exact 1112 scale kit Being ail wood flyabie true scale kit availahie P104 cockpit kit off scale item no can get interior SR-71 yet jan01 heginners kit hut very nice 10 build finished product AWESOME Expect speeds over 150 mph 80s parachute option very nice too full 22 picture photo pak availahie real scale huffs Have fun R Hugh Performance Twin Ducted Fan Asrplane Ktt Length 1075 span 558j Gear Tir-gear retract mechanical Weight 18-22 Designed Turbex III Fans44 Channei Radio 48-80 Ducted Fan Engines 1515 785-5550 other parts accessories build repair plane available Call write information needed B-Line Products & Hobbvs e PO Box 1231 s 101 AtkInson St fisansUIa CA 95661 Avaimbie Ieee 1-4 Phuuts peelber Sabre sF-I Crusaders U-i Biselceef balance location building plan placing model onto balanc er Designers choose center gravi ty CG locations because want aircraft have flight qualities de scribed article informa tion about kit change CG location unless experienced builder flier Tail-heavy aircraft tend fly peculiar way. read accident about happen safe bet should have plan out CG position indicated balance aircraft between 2507o 30% wing chord measured wing leading edge aircraft should balance slight nose-down atti tude no fuel fuel tank Freeing hands model rests balancer will allow shift items such radio forward back wards order achieve desired balance point Use balance stand will avoid finger balancing act will end up better-flying aircraft Try youll wonder didnt use balance stand before Build yours today Questions comments may sent PO Box 40 Hanover MI 49241 Take care fly safely tell someone new about model building flying Radio Technique/Myers Continued page 43 quency approximately 455 kHz away Control transmitter frequency like Orange/White 72400 MHz RC54 72870 MHz could problem usually isnt wasnt test sets left out summary looked Personal Radio Service PRS Manufacturers Radio Service MRS channels 10 kHz away RC channels except old ones dead another could problem After looked Canada today same USA 1991 adjacent RC channels are/will 20kHz apart easy have Kraft Synthesizer FM tests special set crystals AM trans mitter Bear mind 31M serious 20 kHz spacing RC50 RC5 1 RC5 2 Finally checked USA today adjacent RC channels 40 kHz apart tools checked AM FM FM/PCM Interferers Table 6 tabulates some results may surprised what see Per haps bit explanation order first thing note tested over turf types systems gave poorer results grass wet Ive tried show effect summary table column take seriously 31Mnone RC System-types does good job rejecting Most interferences glitches have reported can traced 31M particularly associated approach landing Helicopters particularly susceptible effects 31M due field setup way flown ii groups fly today 40 kHz spacing look down colunm get idea various types doing environment Youll see FM sets AMA_ El 0 i5Zzz -o -I 0 CD coJ x U x 0 n 0 -a 0 V CD 0 p C 0 Cn 0 0 01 0 January1986 131 0 Flying Near Airports Careful Free Flight Radio Control flying near airports situation might involve possibility models being vicinity full-scale aircraft operations must avoidedor conducted eliminate dangerous situations Models should flown proximity full-scale aircraft operations unless flyer has someone else him sole purpose watching full-scale aircraft supervising flying 88 prevent accident possibilities PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO FLYI Safe Flying No Accident
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 38, 39, 130, 131
I- Bal Jmnce Top Even large model such Goldberg Senior Falcon can easily balanced stand Simple yet quite functional tool should yourworkshop Above Left five items required forthe balance stand Above Right simple tools required lay out drill base various dowei holes Note backup board tape drill bit protect bench underneath 38 Model Aviation Left Drilling holes base Use square assure drilled straight Erasers glued dowels dont glue dowels base Right Completed balance stand Note position erasers adjustment holes Photos David M Kirk CALLED FRIEND other night usual conversation soon turned model aircraft Just out curiosity asked balanced model planes told used index fingers placed beneath wing Does sound familiar model ers will spend great deal time effort constructing favorite model rely crudely balancing craft fingers Enough Described adjustable inex pensive easy-to-build balance stand Use simple building aid correctly er will serve long time locate CG will produce stable flyable model designed built hour cost about $100 convenient workshop tools around home materials piece scrap pine lumber too can have balanc Materials required 3/4 x 6 x 12-in clear pine board two %6 dia x l0-in-long wood dowel sure straight two long slip-over-a-pencil-end-type erasers Continued page 130 youre tired balancing latest aeronautical creation fingertips same time try ing add weight shift radio system around get correct location center gravity simple half-hour project could just what need Once finish youll wondering hadnt thought yourself EJoseph M Nunes January 1986 39 PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS Retail price 349 Factory direct price 262 0 kits use product yearn research development keep scsi size appearance slot help good people Besle Air Force Base Maryiville California SR71 hase Lockheeds heat representative have exact 1112 scale kit Being ail wood flyabie true scale kit availahie P104 cockpit kit off scale item no can get interior SR-71 yet jan01 heginners kit hut very nice 10 build finished product AWESOME Expect speeds over 150 mph 80s parachute option very nice too full 22 picture photo pak availahie real scale huffs Have fun R Hugh Performance Twin Ducted Fan Asrplane Ktt Length 1075 span 558j Gear Tir-gear retract mechanical Weight 18-22 Designed Turbex III Fans44 Channei Radio 48-80 Ducted Fan Engines 1515 785-5550 other parts accessories build repair plane available Call write information needed B-Line Products & Hobbvs e PO Box 1231 s 101 AtkInson St fisansUIa CA 95661 Avaimbie Ieee 1-4 Phuuts peelber Sabre sF-I Crusaders U-i Biselceef balance location building plan placing model onto balanc er Designers choose center gravi ty CG locations because want aircraft have flight qualities de scribed article informa tion about kit change CG location unless experienced builder flier Tail-heavy aircraft tend fly peculiar way. read accident about happen safe bet should have plan out CG position indicated balance aircraft between 2507o 30% wing chord measured wing leading edge aircraft should balance slight nose-down atti tude no fuel fuel tank Freeing hands model rests balancer will allow shift items such radio forward back wards order achieve desired balance point Use balance stand will avoid finger balancing act will end up better-flying aircraft Try youll wonder didnt use balance stand before Build yours today Questions comments may sent PO Box 40 Hanover MI 49241 Take care fly safely tell someone new about model building flying Radio Technique/Myers Continued page 43 quency approximately 455 kHz away Control transmitter frequency like Orange/White 72400 MHz RC54 72870 MHz could problem usually isnt wasnt test sets left out summary looked Personal Radio Service PRS Manufacturers Radio Service MRS channels 10 kHz away RC channels except old ones dead another could problem After looked Canada today same USA 1991 adjacent RC channels are/will 20kHz apart easy have Kraft Synthesizer FM tests special set crystals AM trans mitter Bear mind 31M serious 20 kHz spacing RC50 RC5 1 RC5 2 Finally checked USA today adjacent RC channels 40 kHz apart tools checked AM FM FM/PCM Interferers Table 6 tabulates some results may surprised what see Per haps bit explanation order first thing note tested over turf types systems gave poorer results grass wet Ive tried show effect summary table column take seriously 31Mnone RC System-types does good job rejecting Most interferences glitches have reported can traced 31M particularly associated approach landing Helicopters particularly susceptible effects 31M due field setup way flown ii groups fly today 40 kHz spacing look down colunm get idea various types doing environment Youll see FM sets AMA_ El 0 i5Zzz -o -I 0 CD coJ x U x 0 n 0 -a 0 V CD 0 p C 0 Cn 0 0 01 0 January1986 131 0 Flying Near Airports Careful Free Flight Radio Control flying near airports situation might involve possibility models being vicinity full-scale aircraft operations must avoidedor conducted eliminate dangerous situations Models should flown proximity full-scale aircraft operations unless flyer has someone else him sole purpose watching full-scale aircraft supervising flying 88 prevent accident possibilities PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO FLYI Safe Flying No Accident
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 38, 39, 130, 131
I- Bal Jmnce Top Even large model such Goldberg Senior Falcon can easily balanced stand Simple yet quite functional tool should yourworkshop Above Left five items required forthe balance stand Above Right simple tools required lay out drill base various dowei holes Note backup board tape drill bit protect bench underneath 38 Model Aviation Left Drilling holes base Use square assure drilled straight Erasers glued dowels dont glue dowels base Right Completed balance stand Note position erasers adjustment holes Photos David M Kirk CALLED FRIEND other night usual conversation soon turned model aircraft Just out curiosity asked balanced model planes told used index fingers placed beneath wing Does sound familiar model ers will spend great deal time effort constructing favorite model rely crudely balancing craft fingers Enough Described adjustable inex pensive easy-to-build balance stand Use simple building aid correctly er will serve long time locate CG will produce stable flyable model designed built hour cost about $100 convenient workshop tools around home materials piece scrap pine lumber too can have balanc Materials required 3/4 x 6 x 12-in clear pine board two %6 dia x l0-in-long wood dowel sure straight two long slip-over-a-pencil-end-type erasers Continued page 130 youre tired balancing latest aeronautical creation fingertips same time try ing add weight shift radio system around get correct location center gravity simple half-hour project could just what need Once finish youll wondering hadnt thought yourself EJoseph M Nunes January 1986 39 PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS Retail price 349 Factory direct price 262 0 kits use product yearn research development keep scsi size appearance slot help good people Besle Air Force Base Maryiville California SR71 hase Lockheeds heat representative have exact 1112 scale kit Being ail wood flyabie true scale kit availahie P104 cockpit kit off scale item no can get interior SR-71 yet jan01 heginners kit hut very nice 10 build finished product AWESOME Expect speeds over 150 mph 80s parachute option very nice too full 22 picture photo pak availahie real scale huffs Have fun R Hugh Performance Twin Ducted Fan Asrplane Ktt Length 1075 span 558j Gear Tir-gear retract mechanical Weight 18-22 Designed Turbex III Fans44 Channei Radio 48-80 Ducted Fan Engines 1515 785-5550 other parts accessories build repair plane available Call write information needed B-Line Products & Hobbvs e PO Box 1231 s 101 AtkInson St fisansUIa CA 95661 Avaimbie Ieee 1-4 Phuuts peelber Sabre sF-I Crusaders U-i Biselceef balance location building plan placing model onto balanc er Designers choose center gravi ty CG locations because want aircraft have flight qualities de scribed article informa tion about kit change CG location unless experienced builder flier Tail-heavy aircraft tend fly peculiar way. read accident about happen safe bet should have plan out CG position indicated balance aircraft between 2507o 30% wing chord measured wing leading edge aircraft should balance slight nose-down atti tude no fuel fuel tank Freeing hands model rests balancer will allow shift items such radio forward back wards order achieve desired balance point Use balance stand will avoid finger balancing act will end up better-flying aircraft Try youll wonder didnt use balance stand before Build yours today Questions comments may sent PO Box 40 Hanover MI 49241 Take care fly safely tell someone new about model building flying Radio Technique/Myers Continued page 43 quency approximately 455 kHz away Control transmitter frequency like Orange/White 72400 MHz RC54 72870 MHz could problem usually isnt wasnt test sets left out summary looked Personal Radio Service PRS Manufacturers Radio Service MRS channels 10 kHz away RC channels except old ones dead another could problem After looked Canada today same USA 1991 adjacent RC channels are/will 20kHz apart easy have Kraft Synthesizer FM tests special set crystals AM trans mitter Bear mind 31M serious 20 kHz spacing RC50 RC5 1 RC5 2 Finally checked USA today adjacent RC channels 40 kHz apart tools checked AM FM FM/PCM Interferers Table 6 tabulates some results may surprised what see Per haps bit explanation order first thing note tested over turf types systems gave poorer results grass wet Ive tried show effect summary table column take seriously 31Mnone RC System-types does good job rejecting Most interferences glitches have reported can traced 31M particularly associated approach landing Helicopters particularly susceptible effects 31M due field setup way flown ii groups fly today 40 kHz spacing look down colunm get idea various types doing environment Youll see FM sets AMA_ El 0 i5Zzz -o -I 0 CD coJ x U x 0 n 0 -a 0 V CD 0 p C 0 Cn 0 0 01 0 January1986 131 0 Flying Near Airports Careful Free Flight Radio Control flying near airports situation might involve possibility models being vicinity full-scale aircraft operations must avoidedor conducted eliminate dangerous situations Models should flown proximity full-scale aircraft operations unless flyer has someone else him sole purpose watching full-scale aircraft supervising flying 88 prevent accident possibilities PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO FLYI Safe Flying No Accident