a Ca1 xdhm author put together handful proven designs came up original great-flying CL practice Stunter EDave Haught An MAYBE ITS happened too get idea model before long its claimed place mind sketch napkins during boring business meetings maybe contemplate its flying pattern winning Nationals Such dreams tenacious linger untilusually years lateryou eventually make real So Cardinal Classic singular mix proven designsthe Miss Los Angeles Spiezo Sport Tu-holer Kinner Sportster favorite classic Stunter Orientalthis bright red beauty flame-licked nose inhabited imagination years before finally got round building Seven years fact few false starts Classic borrows existing designs yet manages freshproof dont have start ground up original its uniqueness goes beyond surface appearances Basically profile airplane thick nose section la Dick Mathis Rather simply being cut short wing juncture nose faired series 1/ x 34-in stringers full-fuselage look stringers also make rear fuselage very rigid Painted bright red befit its name Cardinal Classic sports Williams Bros five-cylinder dummy engine 48 Model Aviation Cardinal Classics stringered fuselage gives look full-fuselage Stunter rather profile model Showing off Classic pilots view models lines borrowed various classic aircraft blended expression grace speed sport see flame design made bright yellow stick-on trim film poster board heavy paper functional engine 05 35 Classic hasnt won Nationals yet certainly flies great like practice Stunter resembles full-scale airplane inching way toward future Nationals glory start somewhere Practice practice practice Construction Construction conventional straightforward like start wing Wing Begin making kit parts ribs have same airfoil Trim center section ribs allow planking few cutouts will made bellcrank assembly main wing spar key rigidity design Make spar sheet hard straight A-in sheet balsa Slip wing ribs precut slots position unit plans Block trailing edge up off plan wing spar sits squarely workbench Begin pinning rear rib trailing edge strip Pin leading edge place trimming ribs fit necessary Check wing straight no warping block flat use Elmers carpenters glue wood joints small artists paintbrush lightly carefully coat joint both sides rib achieve strong bond Allow wing dry overnight Unpin wing turn over again brush rib-and-leading-edge joint coat glue Install bellcrank lead-outs Trim ribs allow lead-oats free passage through wing Bend install pushrod Select two matched sheets /16 X 3 x 48-in-long balsa leading edge planlring Fill spray bottle warm water wet side sheet sheets begin curl slightly theyre ready use Brush layer carpenters glue ribs spar leading edge pin sheeting place Repeat other side plank center section Rough shape wing tip blocks Install lead-out guides inboard add tip weight outboard youre planning use adjustable line guides tip weights nows time install Installing cap strips seems lost art once saw practically everywhere today turn up few designs Yet modern CyAs make easier ever attach cap strips model Simply cut sheet / wood long strips A-in width start cutting length go Dont forget wing tip ribs cap strips set begin final carving adventure Taper trailing edge meet A-in sheet flaps sand tips final shape Gently engine well recessed deep fuselage sides along fuel tank dummy engine has since trimmed make room muffler keep neighbors happy pushrod connects flaps elevator must kept flexing under flight loads wire guIde doubled wire pushrods work together end Just out pIlots reach flap horn busy place pushrod belicrank fits Its upper hole elevator pushrod hole just beneath Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 188 ~rnIn acne WISe PAn felon fees traillOIN awnwon II cflaWtsarV0w nor r macAnn aat eastITI are,, Meets n tin nun alarin SeeSeNa 50*8001 eaSe mAnnesnneIones Of, .n erAenacs assa anal lea a-nar.renac eeliC1~ Uardiua[c-Yr , LASSIC trnsaeleewa round leading edge sheets smooth radius Cut flaps medium-weight 1A-in sheet straight true Sand whatever taper desire round leading trailing edges Bend flap joiner wire %2 music wire Slip short piece brass tubing Both ends pushrods equipped RC-styie fittings allow fine adjustments control linkages nylon horn rugged eaaily adjusted well bushing before making final bend Hinge flaps wing wrap bushing length fiberglass tape secure trailing edge Fit flap horn Bend pushrod final length attach Stabilizer rudder elevator Cut stabilizer medium-stiff balsa rudder fairly lightweight sheet Sand edges appropriately tapering control surfaces rounding hinge edges leading edges Glue rudder offset set rudder assembly aside Bend install wire elevator joiner 50 Model Aviation II 7 bract -\ zLH 4 Hr r met necaaeaNe aareme ~neeeneaan screwdriver points cutout neeaea clear engine intake needle valve Dremel tool works great trimming plastic plywood necessary o ASHEN CF NG * MODE PANE * IONYASEAA AWE MEN RE RE OW REGU AR N S OCIL P ANS GE OUR AMOGE WOE RIMOS AU HEN CMOU P NsDAY SERICE OtR~R1/2 EF3/4 UP 19 YRIARRREVIAT NAME 124S2 lI16S2 LIE SI 37 DeEM' COSRE ROE 4U Voo8ht COO F4U 15 IRE JEI4S JEflEy 27 L1EdbRUER NX211 29 EMOG TOpRESELEE 36 6ERRLIRd LYRORdEE 35 DEoo 0-46A UbRE 29 BORiGE 500 Sport 33 SOLo ToLmLOr Ll6LEP38 25 tIgi CORE U2U1/4 38 Coo CROLRO PEYSe 19 CarOL. 814 17 PEIEIERE 07 PLE 31 EMYLR GERSER 13 SapeomliEse 16R 36 GEREE GELUROR9E 38 Look E1RcLOA #11 43 GEwE AERORRE TBF 42 Roe 8170 PLyPEEO 38 18A NLOOhR1l R25 34 EEROCiCOOESNC72 37 CR0 ROBs 503C1 25 CROOE 1311 42 34 DOER TECOOP DC-3 33 CwEO New6 P6E 32 DoE11LOlR GUll 31 50 P48364 P128 32 SpEUld 811DEE 22 l8Ewsrd IkRM81l 34 TUEEERRE 818 EACRE 35 No E6E111gOo 33 BOR P26A Low Wg 35 S11EEEEE TW SR7 42 DIE NOSqOLOR 506 37 SORERO PT17 43 N Rib Widow P61 38 TANS 166 Teo13 42 CN11d1vo SB2C4 26 EErIE 1011010 4AT 31 811000 ALE ERR 33 GEE. J2F DoCk 27 CSRO60k F7C1 28 216 Aaphib 238 16 ll1gR 8400 806 31 LIodys LU1ELRR 31 HowEErd ROOPRIR 31 C Sporhok P91-2 33 AEERO C3 SIO 38 TREGRER FORCE Sp 03 EJoLeElL FILER ISE GE I1/ 5z 114Sl 2232032433266344 132350 2U52U3022660$45ME" 21 31832 52465538864552~ 15514 344324 69334 9154E 15514 224320 45334 6U54En0362 255183743247553tt04452.4 235243453268546~ 15316 224324 45336I60.3EJ8l 90562 305304553U9056212037. 27319 39 226 70545 L2 1843152832056E334I12556 18 322 27 328 54y44r7SE$55 08S 52 34878 560104 4694589 14 51221 516. 530o4349 114512174514355324 544 70356 15510224313444$2660388952 P4514 214358 43538 SCALE PLAN 275254133255538Look E1eo34 30328405308032FOrd3M4AT6 5154077 3580 8170 56 36433755 552A 825 56 15451523322644535114 8-26 6 1951E 204524 57336 SIlo ToL 4 11 5151645203 0 odlyPe e 6 47540 71 150oo6 123I718432237 3549467458 1i516224320444532594448958 134516205204033253580558 1045121545153132662345 5351219516393285 34078552 165152343204733264448456 14 513 21 520 42 532 63 45 84 58 2045163143256254582552366 3742441135815060865 33 540 4950 99 75 144$13214 518433686O 25525374535 38 53857 248 32 52248 5309652 1945282954058555I8168 154318 2245241 36534 S4342-l~~2 21516 314322 ~36 2153153033005 2 12451519522 1851O27514534326107 48 123161832O3733649$48j7445 601120tt 8060 8EFORE ORDERING* 315 SCALE IlIAG Start M151184E188 URGER 515 ooPLANS AVAILABLE AT ONE RE SU8E TO ADD TOE USU-PRICES FOFI ALL DESIGNS AL LEZ FUR PACKAGING PORTAGE AND INSURANCE ABOUT TROUSASED ADDITIONAL PLANS RHANY SIZES 75 CATALOG 5200 OR PRICE LIST ALONE 51.R BY______________________________________ AIR FOREIGN 33____ eve an0 e uppy o 180001 Pr68AEIRIIEEE ROE FIndRIte 8919R"""" 91880LI0 810 lB ADAPTOR ThROW-A-WAY YOUR COLLETS CHUCK & WRENCH USE OUR ADAPTOR & 532 CAPONALL DREMEL POWER TOOLS RUNS 100% TRUE & CONCENTRIC AT FULL RPM ESS CHUCK $1895 DREMEL 850 395 DO NOT NEED ADAPTOR TO USE KEYLESS CHUCK STEEL SAW AND ARBOR HARDENED GROUND & POUSHED STEEL USED FOR CUTTiNG PLASTIC WOOD SOfl METALS LEXAN PLEXIGLASS & ETC AVAILABLE IN 006 008 010 012 014 U016018 020023025 028 032THICKNESS 1 OUISIDE DIAMETER @ $075 Ek NO 502ARBOR $600 NO 503 1X014X1/4SAW$600 OUR SAWS ONLY WORK WITH OUR ARBOR MICRO SELFSTARTING TORCH No Rod flinl 01 matIlel dull O 05 lIre Piezo SeIl-SlarIing bullon 0 A micro size adjollable flame 6 IS Al 2370 up II 3 hOurs Ope Ales IlandAld ci9Arelle gh bulane old relillable Tank 5 omforlably 144 palm yosr ha d made htgl-tmpact bIer allows safe non2 s p comlorlable grip Sapplted mill - a blab MT770 Blow Torch$3588 cAn 01 Dutanel MT771 SobER 4 ozS800 EASTERN TOOL& SUPPLY CO I49GRANDST-NYCNY 10013 WRITE FOR CATALOG $300 ORDERS 212 925-1008 WHEN ORDERING PPD ADD $300 OFFICE 212-228-3749 COD ADO $500 FAX212-925-1510 RADIO SOUTH N Palafox Pensacola FL 32503 Fil j 4 PRO est Hinge Install IPlastlcI inning messy epORyInstBnt glues neededIspecial Paper pecial hinge slogGer neededNo alignment neceBsely RC $24SIpkg 19 cale $44SIpkg 24 use cyanoacryIate adhesives available local hobby shop call 904-434-0909 Conversion/Kopski Continued page 175 rubberbands much nicer job strapping wing tied-together No 64stheyre long enough easily cross large wing chord longer bands however wide 64s youll need use use seven eight side Continued next month Card nal/Haught Continued page 50 Dont forget bush length brass tube did flap joiner Install hinges join elevator stabilizer Wrap tube bushing layer glass cloth reinforcement Give assembly final sanding Fuselage phase goes quickly Cut core profile medium-lightweight sheet A-in balsa Cut out engine mount fuel tank stabilizer wing locations Make two plywood nose doublers fit fuselage core hardwood engine mounts Once have good fit glue works together wood glue clamp overnight assembly drying bend landing gear tail skid Wrap tall skid wire length hardwood dowel drill hole rear fuselage accommodate skid its dowel Make hole slighfly larger diameter dowel Attach skid-and-dowel epoxy wood glue fuselage dry trim plywood necessary order set new dimension RIC world Fly Wire Technology hereTo tulfill wildest RIC dreams engine place Drill mounting holes install blind mounting nuts rear same time drill holes landing gear mounting straps install straps gear Secure nuts drop solder youve ever caught face red because nuts backed out youll know suggest Make thick fuselage doublers lightweight 3/o-in sheet Cut shape glue place Carve pleasing contour dry Taper can kept minimum doublers approach trailing edge wing since stringers take over job point Select several fairly firm strips n balsa stringers Begin top stringer forms top stabilizers home slot make sure its properly aligned Fit short length stringer under stabilizer slot anchor covering fit small piece leading edge stabilizer Install remaining stingers Make block support pushrod guide install between second third stringers Allow stringers dry trim taper back rudder post shown plan top view other end fuselage carve fuel tank well install fuel tank Because thickness doublers filler vent tubes tank may need either relocated extended clear fuselage youre using dummy five-cylinder engine build now used Williams Bros kit cylinders mounting plywood cylinder mount shown plan mount screwed engine mounts nose long wood screws entire engine can removed desired Mount small light weight VidEo/Sound Transmitter Systems model ujrcrutt helicopter Actually OUO what modUl sees televiSion RUcord oo VOR Hear engineo wind up sir howl hy See Streets rooftops helow us guide model through its paces Experience ultimate hreuth tuking reulism See new dimension RIO world Experience Fly hy Wire Technolugy Kits Otirt $77505 Complote units start $124503 Send fur free See us St R/O Shows md hohhy shops Truely new dimension ton RIO World IOPERFUN 158P59AT158 182 Model Aviation Bill Eftinger * says o parr n patrem Sets give assorted designs want have selected best classic designs time choose patterns part important esciusice feature Curtiss aaHAWKr PlC SArA wingspan ength 2268 eq wing area Foe 13tn 23 CID engines ennel RIC RCQS1g 5 Curtiss aCFALCON, 0-IB/AB 114 mingepan ength 3lggsginwingaeea Fer23te 35 CID engines ennel 8/C RCQS-13 5 Scale Piper Cub 1-3 tt9wing seen 86 length wine area 4 oh 8/C 286055 20- 30 014 engines RC3S-282886 One-Third Scale Piper Tn-Pacer PA-22 1183/8 wing teen 2380 sq wing area 20 30 old enginne 8/Sob 8/C no 12 lbt et-tIS Onerell length 8C303f2995 Quarter Scale WW SE-5A 04 wing span 50 wing area 75 22 engines IICQO-7 5 SPAD CXIII 70 span 0 sq wing area 13 31 engines Capable flyer captures imagination gCGsg s FOKKER DR-i TRIPLANE 72 wivo spao 1772 sq iv wing area 70 100 onginen2 ECOSgI 6 SOPWITH CAMEL P1o " 2uj. g4 wivo span 4 sq iv wing area 11 lbs wlo RC wood & balsa vonstroction over hhsq ft 1 1 5 Fokker 0-ViIW 00 wivgspan cq 0 tlvg arno 0020 cid nvoivn S bs__ OCOSh02495 WACO D 1/4 Scale 1930s Commercial & Miiitary Expert egg wiogspav wing area 7814 length bs oh Engine Olee 1223 kY Airfoil Seotion aPlywood removable engine unit kMoooted Landing Gear CQO141 02486 Fiberglass Cowl Wheal Pants & Fairing Aoailablel FoIlsian Olson wns last Opnvvovkpit Wasos end ceauritul hi plane mith samiolliptical wiogs Plays show both military avo vommmvial versions sill Ettinger Feending Member AMA NFFS Hell 08 Fewer Prices ore Icr complete plays cob assomby derailed parts lists PLEASE ADD 8338 tot shipping mailing rebel New 1591 Plan Oem brochort n,vdebevv stode WE TECHNICAL SERVICES Rt 1 Box 2900A Santa Rosa Beach FL 32459 Cardinal/Haught Continued page 182 So far mounting system has worked fine During unexpected inverted landing top cylinder popped off plywood mounting tab stayed intact dummy engine has presented no other problems during two seasons practice flying fitting cylinders donrt forget trim away access needle valve fuel lines functional engine get just bit prop clearance eliminated forward-facing spark plug wires spark plugs dummy engine Slip elevator stabilizer slot rear fuselage Make sure itts properly aligned fuselage glue Add rudder Take time fitting wing fuselage youre happy glue securely slow-drying epoxy Go over entire model final sanding checking areas need filled adjusted Once thats done airplane ready covering Covering finishing Since Cardinal intended practice ship wanted low-investment finish selected bright red MonoKote enhanced brighter yellow trim sheet wiped light coat epoxy wood around engine area sanded later make fuelproof engine cylinder mount painted red match covering made flame design follows After drawing pattern sheet heavy paper cut two sheets stick-on trim film rough size Placing sheet poster board building board taped down first sheet trim film color side up taped second sheet color side down top first taped pattern over used sharp new #11 X-Acto blade cut design out pressing down hard able cut three layers pattern both films once placed flames carefully fuselage rubbed out bubbles wrinkles effect stunning /jfll5r BIG GLOW FUEL w * Superior Igniters Improve starting idle acceleration Youll notice power bargain fuels / *Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent 4 residue buildup *Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion Afterrun oilt needed engines *Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection *Anti-Wear Additives keep engines running peak performance longer *Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKL FUEL PINTQUART GALLON QO/ Nitromethane $995 5% Nitromethane $325$495$1195 10% Nitromethane $395$535$1395 15/o Nitromethane $395$625$1595 25% Nitromethane $495$795$2095 35/o Nitromethane$595$895$2595 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 100/o Nitromethane $1325 15/o Nitromethane $1525 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SAG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SAG fuels con tain 5050 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price July 1991 187 No 692 3 Meter Scooter$1150 RC High Performance Sailplane Spans 118-in 2 plan sheets No 693 Cardinal Classic$575 CL Sport Stunter 35 power Spans 50-in No 193SOllelgo CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI World Champs$375 No 262Crashniaster CL Crash-prnof trainer two sizeslS30 35/40 power$125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane AC Sport Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 ir 14 scale Two sheetsS625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards flying boat 3-channel 15-power Fly land removable gear$375 No 326Taylor Cub AC Don Srolls Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans St in$350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope 500mg $300 No 386Laeer 200 AC Spurs Scale replica championship Aerobatic flier Uses 40 power 4-S channel Two sheets$1075 No 4471/2A Miax America AC Old-Timer Texaco model 049 glow 3-channels S650 No 460440 AC Shoulder-wing sport flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 465Blue Max II AC Fan-fly sportoter 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight stroctore$700 No 539Simifar Slow-Motion 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 onus 3-ch AC$355 No 578Schwelzer 1-26B AC Quarter-ocole Sailplane spans 125 Two plan sheetsS1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC Golden Age Aacer spans 72 1/s scale 60 power Thrue plan sheetsS1175 oNo 588Marlah AC Slope-Soadno Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels5 425 0No 593Tayloreraft AC Sport Scale light plane builds standard 2-placer clipped-wing air show stonter Spans either 70 o 0or 59 39140 two-stroke 40/48 fear-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docomentation$ 1000 C\J No 598Coronet 150 AC-Assist Old-Timer enlarged lSghb spans 72 onus 40-size 4-stmkel30-size2-stroke$ 050 05No 603Sparrow Hawk P-30 FF Competition robber-power plane won 87 Nato Spans 30 inS 2 25 No 609 Taperwing AC Pylon gacer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet$ 6 00 VNo 619 Keith RIder R4 FF Scale Golden Age racer robber power spans 18 in$ 3 00 No 620 GImlet 40 AC SporliPattem plane spans 60 in. 40/50 engine 2 sheetsS 11 00 CO 624 Keleher Lark AC Quarter-scale homebulfl spans 69 60/90 4-stroke power 2 plan sheets no doc$ 11 00 123No 626 Sweepee AC Spert/Pattem canards forward-swept wing spans 64 in. ooes 40 power 2 plan sheets.S 1300 oNo 628Prime Cut AC Sport/Aerobatic plane spans 90 in. uses Ouadrh 35/40-size power Two plan sheets5 1300 No 630OrigInal Fly Baby AC Old-Timer spans 72 in. ones 10/25 2-cycle 40 4-cycle power 2 plan sheets$ 1150 No 641Lii Ole Reliable AC Old-Timer sport flier spans 5w/a engines$ 575 IDNo 644Belianca Columbia AC Schoolyard Scale 2 AC channels engine Wingspan 46 inS 575 no No 646 Winter Hawk FF Aubber-power Coope dhlioer competihon plane spans 47 inS 375 E No 650 47/88 RC SpecIal AC Aershatic sport plane 40 power spans 61 3 plan sheets5 1075 No 652 Der Fledermauc AC Low-wing sport plane 20/2S power spans 55 in $ 675 No 654 Taniecat AC Trainer/sportster otyled like F14 spans 66 40161 power Four plan sheets $ 1S25 122No 655 Astroatar FF AMA Class 0/B Gas plane spans 67 onus 325/350cc powerS 000 No 657 Super SquIre AC Trainer 35/40 2-stroke 53 4-strake power spans 56 in S 750 6 E No 659 Boom Box PP Wakeheld Aubber competition plane spans 54 in S 4 00 No 881 Embry-Omatlc FF Embryo Endurance robber-power plane spans 20 in$ 200 oNo 663Pea Patch AC Sportster spans 60 uses 40/SO 4-stroke power 2 plan sheetsS900 No 664Stuka Stunt CL Stunter semiscale spans 37 in.S5 00 o 0No 885ConscIentIous Oblector FF Muluihill Aubber competition plane spans 50 Oat5 575 No 686Blitz AC Sportster spans 48 uses hot 29132 power 2 plan sheetsS 1075 CNo 887AT-6 CL Semiscale profile Stunter 35/40 pewer spans 47 in5 575 0 122 -No 669Rob Raven AC Sailplane unique twist-wing control Spans 70-in Aequiros Olenon mioing$ 650 C noNo 671Ceaana Cardinal FF Aeminder Scale sport flier power spaos 39 -in$ 575 N No 672Kmckerlac AC updated uersion pioneer sport plane spans 74-in two plan sheetsS 1375 73Caudlmorelax Faut Combat ship designed 25-32 power Fnam wing spans 48-inS 500 Os tO eNo 674Krumpier AC 075-powerad Electric semi-scale bi-winger spans 39-in5 575 E No 675 BOF-1 FF twin-tailed sport flier tsr Coo 02 Pee Wee engine spans 25-inS 225 0 No 676 Hiliner AC twin-electitc high-wing Sport ship designed lnr Hiline lmp-30 motor Has tricycle gear spans 40 in. S 400 00 No 677 ThunderbIrd CL Stunter 20-35 power Two plao sheets drawn original 1002 Veco kit Spars 54 in5 975 ~No 678Bean Boo FF West Coast Bostonian Outdoor design Spans 16 inS 150 C0No 679BIg Bingol Large AC Sportster spans 95 120-24 power Two plan sheetsS 1700 No 680 Belixeve Winner Aussian FAI CL Combat ship spans 47 in5 475 122No 681 1969 Bade BD4 FF Aubber Scale model spans 19 in$ 325 CNo 682 B T Vintage Trainer AC Aeminder-Scale Sportster 30-size engines Spans 47 Two plan sheets$ 1150 o 683 Michaels Mustang CL Sport Scale P-Si Va0 engines Spans 21 $ 325 No 684 staggerwing Beech 3-Chunnel AC Schonlyard-Scale hi-wing Sportster Fnr 349 power Spans 32-in 5 No 685 AkroBat CL Stunter high-performance 040 engines Sysos 32-in $ 230 SINo 686Poller AC Paoern-type sport plane 2- 4-cycle puwur Spans 65-in $ 725 05No 687WIndsock Non-flying Profile P-Si used winduane Spans 36-in$ 575 NNo 688Stealth Glider FF rubberband-launched foamibalsa Canard Catapult/SteaOh Glider combs Spans 9-in$ 200 oNo 689Thomas Morse Scout 54C AC A-scale biplane 90 power Spans 93-in 3 plan sheets$ 1975 05No 690P-82B TwIn Mustang CL Profile Sportster twin MVVS 25 diesels Spans 40-in 2 plan sheets$ 1050 No 6911927 HL2 PP Scale model Polish homebsilt tsr 6-0 watt motor robber C02 Spans 29-in$ 225 us 03 00quests payment some other - * 193262310314326332386447 460465539578581588593598 609619620624626628630 V641644646650652654655657 g300 659661663664665666667669 o V671672673674675676677678 680681682683684685686 687688689690691692693694 Plan price inCudeS first cass postage US delivery whiCh Air Mai over 300 mies I orders non-US address lease add S250 Air Mail oSta 8 handlin Ian 305 Make Check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMA 1810 5 Samuel Morse Dr. Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print CarefullyEnclosed $ -______________________ i~I________________________________ o. NAME ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ REET en 1 Os CITY E ______________________________________ ZIP _____________________________ [v32][b-2-10-1-10]]-I numbers plans wish order best handling please include re- service plans order ___________________________________ Cardinal/Haught Continued page 187 Adding details Mount elevator horn elevator make connecting pushrod Make pushrod guide either /s6 wire cotter key Hook up pushrod adjust amount control surface movement prefer Mount engine fuel line filter Attach dummy engine unit Install wheels retainers Use fairly heavy piece clear plastic windshield Bend fit glue epoxy Finish off lead-outs check balance point youre ready go flying Let winds blow Equipped 0S.35 engine Cardinal Classic has plenty power turbulent air Its consistent reliable flier So what waiting Lets get cracking Nationals dreamD RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 47 2 Throffle shut-off will visually inspected may functionally tested during contest 3 screws holding engine mount mount firewall must place secure 4 Receiver battery pack should protected against vibration accordance radio manufacturers recommendations 5 Washers will used screws holding servos mounting trays also screws holding tray rails washers will approximately same diameter grommets Servos mounted directly rails will also have washers mounting screws addition servo trays used will have least extra safety screw necessarily turned down tightly placed between grommets rear tray prevent tray slipping out grommets flight 6A keeper collar will pushrods have right angle bend connecting servos S-bends acceptable clevis used both ends pushrod devises will secured will turn 7All control surfaces will firm hinge line excess slop discretion safety inspector 8Positive thread-type wing bolts screws will secure wing place two-piece aircraft 9A positive method holding wheel axle will used wheel shall bind 10 entire aircraft shall inspected stress cracks aircraft fails above items must repaired before can entered 188 Model Aviation Continued next month
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 48, 49, 50, 182, 187, 188
a Ca1 xdhm author put together handful proven designs came up original great-flying CL practice Stunter EDave Haught An MAYBE ITS happened too get idea model before long its claimed place mind sketch napkins during boring business meetings maybe contemplate its flying pattern winning Nationals Such dreams tenacious linger untilusually years lateryou eventually make real So Cardinal Classic singular mix proven designsthe Miss Los Angeles Spiezo Sport Tu-holer Kinner Sportster favorite classic Stunter Orientalthis bright red beauty flame-licked nose inhabited imagination years before finally got round building Seven years fact few false starts Classic borrows existing designs yet manages freshproof dont have start ground up original its uniqueness goes beyond surface appearances Basically profile airplane thick nose section la Dick Mathis Rather simply being cut short wing juncture nose faired series 1/ x 34-in stringers full-fuselage look stringers also make rear fuselage very rigid Painted bright red befit its name Cardinal Classic sports Williams Bros five-cylinder dummy engine 48 Model Aviation Cardinal Classics stringered fuselage gives look full-fuselage Stunter rather profile model Showing off Classic pilots view models lines borrowed various classic aircraft blended expression grace speed sport see flame design made bright yellow stick-on trim film poster board heavy paper functional engine 05 35 Classic hasnt won Nationals yet certainly flies great like practice Stunter resembles full-scale airplane inching way toward future Nationals glory start somewhere Practice practice practice Construction Construction conventional straightforward like start wing Wing Begin making kit parts ribs have same airfoil Trim center section ribs allow planking few cutouts will made bellcrank assembly main wing spar key rigidity design Make spar sheet hard straight A-in sheet balsa Slip wing ribs precut slots position unit plans Block trailing edge up off plan wing spar sits squarely workbench Begin pinning rear rib trailing edge strip Pin leading edge place trimming ribs fit necessary Check wing straight no warping block flat use Elmers carpenters glue wood joints small artists paintbrush lightly carefully coat joint both sides rib achieve strong bond Allow wing dry overnight Unpin wing turn over again brush rib-and-leading-edge joint coat glue Install bellcrank lead-outs Trim ribs allow lead-oats free passage through wing Bend install pushrod Select two matched sheets /16 X 3 x 48-in-long balsa leading edge planlring Fill spray bottle warm water wet side sheet sheets begin curl slightly theyre ready use Brush layer carpenters glue ribs spar leading edge pin sheeting place Repeat other side plank center section Rough shape wing tip blocks Install lead-out guides inboard add tip weight outboard youre planning use adjustable line guides tip weights nows time install Installing cap strips seems lost art once saw practically everywhere today turn up few designs Yet modern CyAs make easier ever attach cap strips model Simply cut sheet / wood long strips A-in width start cutting length go Dont forget wing tip ribs cap strips set begin final carving adventure Taper trailing edge meet A-in sheet flaps sand tips final shape Gently engine well recessed deep fuselage sides along fuel tank dummy engine has since trimmed make room muffler keep neighbors happy pushrod connects flaps elevator must kept flexing under flight loads wire guIde doubled wire pushrods work together end Just out pIlots reach flap horn busy place pushrod belicrank fits Its upper hole elevator pushrod hole just beneath Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 188 ~rnIn acne WISe PAn felon fees traillOIN awnwon II cflaWtsarV0w nor r macAnn aat eastITI are,, Meets n tin nun alarin SeeSeNa 50*8001 eaSe mAnnesnneIones Of, .n erAenacs assa anal lea a-nar.renac eeliC1~ Uardiua[c-Yr , LASSIC trnsaeleewa round leading edge sheets smooth radius Cut flaps medium-weight 1A-in sheet straight true Sand whatever taper desire round leading trailing edges Bend flap joiner wire %2 music wire Slip short piece brass tubing Both ends pushrods equipped RC-styie fittings allow fine adjustments control linkages nylon horn rugged eaaily adjusted well bushing before making final bend Hinge flaps wing wrap bushing length fiberglass tape secure trailing edge Fit flap horn Bend pushrod final length attach Stabilizer rudder elevator Cut stabilizer medium-stiff balsa rudder fairly lightweight sheet Sand edges appropriately tapering control surfaces rounding hinge edges leading edges Glue rudder offset set rudder assembly aside Bend install wire elevator joiner 50 Model Aviation II 7 bract -\ zLH 4 Hr r met necaaeaNe aareme ~neeeneaan screwdriver points cutout neeaea clear engine intake needle valve Dremel tool works great trimming plastic plywood necessary o ASHEN CF NG * MODE PANE * IONYASEAA AWE MEN RE RE OW REGU AR N S OCIL P ANS GE OUR AMOGE WOE RIMOS AU HEN CMOU P NsDAY SERICE OtR~R1/2 EF3/4 UP 19 YRIARRREVIAT NAME 124S2 lI16S2 LIE SI 37 DeEM' COSRE ROE 4U Voo8ht COO F4U 15 IRE JEI4S JEflEy 27 L1EdbRUER NX211 29 EMOG TOpRESELEE 36 6ERRLIRd LYRORdEE 35 DEoo 0-46A UbRE 29 BORiGE 500 Sport 33 SOLo ToLmLOr Ll6LEP38 25 tIgi CORE U2U1/4 38 Coo CROLRO PEYSe 19 CarOL. 814 17 PEIEIERE 07 PLE 31 EMYLR GERSER 13 SapeomliEse 16R 36 GEREE GELUROR9E 38 Look E1RcLOA #11 43 GEwE AERORRE TBF 42 Roe 8170 PLyPEEO 38 18A NLOOhR1l R25 34 EEROCiCOOESNC72 37 CR0 ROBs 503C1 25 CROOE 1311 42 34 DOER TECOOP DC-3 33 CwEO New6 P6E 32 DoE11LOlR GUll 31 50 P48364 P128 32 SpEUld 811DEE 22 l8Ewsrd IkRM81l 34 TUEEERRE 818 EACRE 35 No E6E111gOo 33 BOR P26A Low Wg 35 S11EEEEE TW SR7 42 DIE NOSqOLOR 506 37 SORERO PT17 43 N Rib Widow P61 38 TANS 166 Teo13 42 CN11d1vo SB2C4 26 EErIE 1011010 4AT 31 811000 ALE ERR 33 GEE. J2F DoCk 27 CSRO60k F7C1 28 216 Aaphib 238 16 ll1gR 8400 806 31 LIodys LU1ELRR 31 HowEErd ROOPRIR 31 C Sporhok P91-2 33 AEERO C3 SIO 38 TREGRER FORCE Sp 03 EJoLeElL FILER ISE GE I1/ 5z 114Sl 2232032433266344 132350 2U52U3022660$45ME" 21 31832 52465538864552~ 15514 344324 69334 9154E 15514 224320 45334 6U54En0362 255183743247553tt04452.4 235243453268546~ 15316 224324 45336I60.3EJ8l 90562 305304553U9056212037. 27319 39 226 70545 L2 1843152832056E334I12556 18 322 27 328 54y44r7SE$55 08S 52 34878 560104 4694589 14 51221 516. 530o4349 114512174514355324 544 70356 15510224313444$2660388952 P4514 214358 43538 SCALE PLAN 275254133255538Look E1eo34 30328405308032FOrd3M4AT6 5154077 3580 8170 56 36433755 552A 825 56 15451523322644535114 8-26 6 1951E 204524 57336 SIlo ToL 4 11 5151645203 0 odlyPe e 6 47540 71 150oo6 123I718432237 3549467458 1i516224320444532594448958 134516205204033253580558 1045121545153132662345 5351219516393285 34078552 165152343204733264448456 14 513 21 520 42 532 63 45 84 58 2045163143256254582552366 3742441135815060865 33 540 4950 99 75 144$13214 518433686O 25525374535 38 53857 248 32 52248 5309652 1945282954058555I8168 154318 2245241 36534 S4342-l~~2 21516 314322 ~36 2153153033005 2 12451519522 1851O27514534326107 48 123161832O3733649$48j7445 601120tt 8060 8EFORE ORDERING* 315 SCALE IlIAG Start M151184E188 URGER 515 ooPLANS AVAILABLE AT ONE RE SU8E TO ADD TOE USU-PRICES FOFI ALL DESIGNS AL LEZ FUR PACKAGING PORTAGE AND INSURANCE ABOUT TROUSASED ADDITIONAL PLANS RHANY SIZES 75 CATALOG 5200 OR PRICE LIST ALONE 51.R BY______________________________________ AIR FOREIGN 33____ eve an0 e uppy o 180001 Pr68AEIRIIEEE ROE FIndRIte 8919R"""" 91880LI0 810 lB ADAPTOR ThROW-A-WAY YOUR COLLETS CHUCK & WRENCH USE OUR ADAPTOR & 532 CAPONALL DREMEL POWER TOOLS RUNS 100% TRUE & CONCENTRIC AT FULL RPM ESS CHUCK $1895 DREMEL 850 395 DO NOT NEED ADAPTOR TO USE KEYLESS CHUCK STEEL SAW AND ARBOR HARDENED GROUND & POUSHED STEEL USED FOR CUTTiNG PLASTIC WOOD SOfl METALS LEXAN PLEXIGLASS & ETC AVAILABLE IN 006 008 010 012 014 U016018 020023025 028 032THICKNESS 1 OUISIDE DIAMETER @ $075 Ek NO 502ARBOR $600 NO 503 1X014X1/4SAW$600 OUR SAWS ONLY WORK WITH OUR ARBOR MICRO SELFSTARTING TORCH No Rod flinl 01 matIlel dull O 05 lIre Piezo SeIl-SlarIing bullon 0 A micro size adjollable flame 6 IS Al 2370 up II 3 hOurs Ope Ales IlandAld ci9Arelle gh bulane old relillable Tank 5 omforlably 144 palm yosr ha d made htgl-tmpact bIer allows safe non2 s p comlorlable grip Sapplted mill - a blab MT770 Blow Torch$3588 cAn 01 Dutanel MT771 SobER 4 ozS800 EASTERN TOOL& SUPPLY CO I49GRANDST-NYCNY 10013 WRITE FOR CATALOG $300 ORDERS 212 925-1008 WHEN ORDERING PPD ADD $300 OFFICE 212-228-3749 COD ADO $500 FAX212-925-1510 RADIO SOUTH N Palafox Pensacola FL 32503 Fil j 4 PRO est Hinge Install IPlastlcI inning messy epORyInstBnt glues neededIspecial Paper pecial hinge slogGer neededNo alignment neceBsely RC $24SIpkg 19 cale $44SIpkg 24 use cyanoacryIate adhesives available local hobby shop call 904-434-0909 Conversion/Kopski Continued page 175 rubberbands much nicer job strapping wing tied-together No 64stheyre long enough easily cross large wing chord longer bands however wide 64s youll need use use seven eight side Continued next month Card nal/Haught Continued page 50 Dont forget bush length brass tube did flap joiner Install hinges join elevator stabilizer Wrap tube bushing layer glass cloth reinforcement Give assembly final sanding Fuselage phase goes quickly Cut core profile medium-lightweight sheet A-in balsa Cut out engine mount fuel tank stabilizer wing locations Make two plywood nose doublers fit fuselage core hardwood engine mounts Once have good fit glue works together wood glue clamp overnight assembly drying bend landing gear tail skid Wrap tall skid wire length hardwood dowel drill hole rear fuselage accommodate skid its dowel Make hole slighfly larger diameter dowel Attach skid-and-dowel epoxy wood glue fuselage dry trim plywood necessary order set new dimension RIC world Fly Wire Technology hereTo tulfill wildest RIC dreams engine place Drill mounting holes install blind mounting nuts rear same time drill holes landing gear mounting straps install straps gear Secure nuts drop solder youve ever caught face red because nuts backed out youll know suggest Make thick fuselage doublers lightweight 3/o-in sheet Cut shape glue place Carve pleasing contour dry Taper can kept minimum doublers approach trailing edge wing since stringers take over job point Select several fairly firm strips n balsa stringers Begin top stringer forms top stabilizers home slot make sure its properly aligned Fit short length stringer under stabilizer slot anchor covering fit small piece leading edge stabilizer Install remaining stingers Make block support pushrod guide install between second third stringers Allow stringers dry trim taper back rudder post shown plan top view other end fuselage carve fuel tank well install fuel tank Because thickness doublers filler vent tubes tank may need either relocated extended clear fuselage youre using dummy five-cylinder engine build now used Williams Bros kit cylinders mounting plywood cylinder mount shown plan mount screwed engine mounts nose long wood screws entire engine can removed desired Mount small light weight VidEo/Sound Transmitter Systems model ujrcrutt helicopter Actually OUO what modUl sees televiSion RUcord oo VOR Hear engineo wind up sir howl hy See Streets rooftops helow us guide model through its paces Experience ultimate hreuth tuking reulism See new dimension RIO world Experience Fly hy Wire Technolugy Kits Otirt $77505 Complote units start $124503 Send fur free See us St R/O Shows md hohhy shops Truely new dimension ton RIO World IOPERFUN 158P59AT158 182 Model Aviation Bill Eftinger * says o parr n patrem Sets give assorted designs want have selected best classic designs time choose patterns part important esciusice feature Curtiss aaHAWKr PlC SArA wingspan ength 2268 eq wing area Foe 13tn 23 CID engines ennel RIC RCQS1g 5 Curtiss aCFALCON, 0-IB/AB 114 mingepan ength 3lggsginwingaeea Fer23te 35 CID engines ennel 8/C RCQS-13 5 Scale Piper Cub 1-3 tt9wing seen 86 length wine area 4 oh 8/C 286055 20- 30 014 engines RC3S-282886 One-Third Scale Piper Tn-Pacer PA-22 1183/8 wing teen 2380 sq wing area 20 30 old enginne 8/Sob 8/C no 12 lbt et-tIS Onerell length 8C303f2995 Quarter Scale WW SE-5A 04 wing span 50 wing area 75 22 engines IICQO-7 5 SPAD CXIII 70 span 0 sq wing area 13 31 engines Capable flyer captures imagination gCGsg s FOKKER DR-i TRIPLANE 72 wivo spao 1772 sq iv wing area 70 100 onginen2 ECOSgI 6 SOPWITH CAMEL P1o " 2uj. g4 wivo span 4 sq iv wing area 11 lbs wlo RC wood & balsa vonstroction over hhsq ft 1 1 5 Fokker 0-ViIW 00 wivgspan cq 0 tlvg arno 0020 cid nvoivn S bs__ OCOSh02495 WACO D 1/4 Scale 1930s Commercial & Miiitary Expert egg wiogspav wing area 7814 length bs oh Engine Olee 1223 kY Airfoil Seotion aPlywood removable engine unit kMoooted Landing Gear CQO141 02486 Fiberglass Cowl Wheal Pants & Fairing Aoailablel FoIlsian Olson wns last Opnvvovkpit Wasos end ceauritul hi plane mith samiolliptical wiogs Plays show both military avo vommmvial versions sill Ettinger Feending Member AMA NFFS Hell 08 Fewer Prices ore Icr complete plays cob assomby derailed parts lists PLEASE ADD 8338 tot shipping mailing rebel New 1591 Plan Oem brochort n,vdebevv stode WE TECHNICAL SERVICES Rt 1 Box 2900A Santa Rosa Beach FL 32459 Cardinal/Haught Continued page 182 So far mounting system has worked fine During unexpected inverted landing top cylinder popped off plywood mounting tab stayed intact dummy engine has presented no other problems during two seasons practice flying fitting cylinders donrt forget trim away access needle valve fuel lines functional engine get just bit prop clearance eliminated forward-facing spark plug wires spark plugs dummy engine Slip elevator stabilizer slot rear fuselage Make sure itts properly aligned fuselage glue Add rudder Take time fitting wing fuselage youre happy glue securely slow-drying epoxy Go over entire model final sanding checking areas need filled adjusted Once thats done airplane ready covering Covering finishing Since Cardinal intended practice ship wanted low-investment finish selected bright red MonoKote enhanced brighter yellow trim sheet wiped light coat epoxy wood around engine area sanded later make fuelproof engine cylinder mount painted red match covering made flame design follows After drawing pattern sheet heavy paper cut two sheets stick-on trim film rough size Placing sheet poster board building board taped down first sheet trim film color side up taped second sheet color side down top first taped pattern over used sharp new #11 X-Acto blade cut design out pressing down hard able cut three layers pattern both films once placed flames carefully fuselage rubbed out bubbles wrinkles effect stunning /jfll5r BIG GLOW FUEL w * Superior Igniters Improve starting idle acceleration Youll notice power bargain fuels / *Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent 4 residue buildup *Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion Afterrun oilt needed engines *Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection *Anti-Wear Additives keep engines running peak performance longer *Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKL FUEL PINTQUART GALLON QO/ Nitromethane $995 5% Nitromethane $325$495$1195 10% Nitromethane $395$535$1395 15/o Nitromethane $395$625$1595 25% Nitromethane $495$795$2095 35/o Nitromethane$595$895$2595 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 100/o Nitromethane $1325 15/o Nitromethane $1525 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SAG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SAG fuels con tain 5050 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price July 1991 187 No 692 3 Meter Scooter$1150 RC High Performance Sailplane Spans 118-in 2 plan sheets No 693 Cardinal Classic$575 CL Sport Stunter 35 power Spans 50-in No 193SOllelgo CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI World Champs$375 No 262Crashniaster CL Crash-prnof trainer two sizeslS30 35/40 power$125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane AC Sport Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 ir 14 scale Two sheetsS625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards flying boat 3-channel 15-power Fly land removable gear$375 No 326Taylor Cub AC Don Srolls Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans St in$350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope 500mg $300 No 386Laeer 200 AC Spurs Scale replica championship Aerobatic flier Uses 40 power 4-S channel Two sheets$1075 No 4471/2A Miax America AC Old-Timer Texaco model 049 glow 3-channels S650 No 460440 AC Shoulder-wing sport flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 465Blue Max II AC Fan-fly sportoter 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight stroctore$700 No 539Simifar Slow-Motion 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 onus 3-ch AC$355 No 578Schwelzer 1-26B AC Quarter-ocole Sailplane spans 125 Two plan sheetsS1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC Golden Age Aacer spans 72 1/s scale 60 power Thrue plan sheetsS1175 oNo 588Marlah AC Slope-Soadno Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels5 425 0No 593Tayloreraft AC Sport Scale light plane builds standard 2-placer clipped-wing air show stonter Spans either 70 o 0or 59 39140 two-stroke 40/48 fear-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docomentation$ 1000 C\J No 598Coronet 150 AC-Assist Old-Timer enlarged lSghb spans 72 onus 40-size 4-stmkel30-size2-stroke$ 050 05No 603Sparrow Hawk P-30 FF Competition robber-power plane won 87 Nato Spans 30 inS 2 25 No 609 Taperwing AC Pylon gacer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet$ 6 00 VNo 619 Keith RIder R4 FF Scale Golden Age racer robber power spans 18 in$ 3 00 No 620 GImlet 40 AC SporliPattem plane spans 60 in. 40/50 engine 2 sheetsS 11 00 CO 624 Keleher Lark AC Quarter-scale homebulfl spans 69 60/90 4-stroke power 2 plan sheets no doc$ 11 00 123No 626 Sweepee AC Spert/Pattem canards forward-swept wing spans 64 in. ooes 40 power 2 plan sheets.S 1300 oNo 628Prime Cut AC Sport/Aerobatic plane spans 90 in. uses Ouadrh 35/40-size power Two plan sheets5 1300 No 630OrigInal Fly Baby AC Old-Timer spans 72 in. ones 10/25 2-cycle 40 4-cycle power 2 plan sheets$ 1150 No 641Lii Ole Reliable AC Old-Timer sport flier spans 5w/a engines$ 575 IDNo 644Belianca Columbia AC Schoolyard Scale 2 AC channels engine Wingspan 46 inS 575 no No 646 Winter Hawk FF Aubber-power Coope dhlioer competihon plane spans 47 inS 375 E No 650 47/88 RC SpecIal AC Aershatic sport plane 40 power spans 61 3 plan sheets5 1075 No 652 Der Fledermauc AC Low-wing sport plane 20/2S power spans 55 in $ 675 No 654 Taniecat AC Trainer/sportster otyled like F14 spans 66 40161 power Four plan sheets $ 1S25 122No 655 Astroatar FF AMA Class 0/B Gas plane spans 67 onus 325/350cc powerS 000 No 657 Super SquIre AC Trainer 35/40 2-stroke 53 4-strake power spans 56 in S 750 6 E No 659 Boom Box PP Wakeheld Aubber competition plane spans 54 in S 4 00 No 881 Embry-Omatlc FF Embryo Endurance robber-power plane spans 20 in$ 200 oNo 663Pea Patch AC Sportster spans 60 uses 40/SO 4-stroke power 2 plan sheetsS900 No 664Stuka Stunt CL Stunter semiscale spans 37 in.S5 00 o 0No 885ConscIentIous Oblector FF Muluihill Aubber competition plane spans 50 Oat5 575 No 686Blitz AC Sportster spans 48 uses hot 29132 power 2 plan sheetsS 1075 CNo 887AT-6 CL Semiscale profile Stunter 35/40 pewer spans 47 in5 575 0 122 -No 669Rob Raven AC Sailplane unique twist-wing control Spans 70-in Aequiros Olenon mioing$ 650 C noNo 671Ceaana Cardinal FF Aeminder Scale sport flier power spaos 39 -in$ 575 N No 672Kmckerlac AC updated uersion pioneer sport plane spans 74-in two plan sheetsS 1375 73Caudlmorelax Faut Combat ship designed 25-32 power Fnam wing spans 48-inS 500 Os tO eNo 674Krumpier AC 075-powerad Electric semi-scale bi-winger spans 39-in5 575 E No 675 BOF-1 FF twin-tailed sport flier tsr Coo 02 Pee Wee engine spans 25-inS 225 0 No 676 Hiliner AC twin-electitc high-wing Sport ship designed lnr Hiline lmp-30 motor Has tricycle gear spans 40 in. S 400 00 No 677 ThunderbIrd CL Stunter 20-35 power Two plao sheets drawn original 1002 Veco kit Spars 54 in5 975 ~No 678Bean Boo FF West Coast Bostonian Outdoor design Spans 16 inS 150 C0No 679BIg Bingol Large AC Sportster spans 95 120-24 power Two plan sheetsS 1700 No 680 Belixeve Winner Aussian FAI CL Combat ship spans 47 in5 475 122No 681 1969 Bade BD4 FF Aubber Scale model spans 19 in$ 325 CNo 682 B T Vintage Trainer AC Aeminder-Scale Sportster 30-size engines Spans 47 Two plan sheets$ 1150 o 683 Michaels Mustang CL Sport Scale P-Si Va0 engines Spans 21 $ 325 No 684 staggerwing Beech 3-Chunnel AC Schonlyard-Scale hi-wing Sportster Fnr 349 power Spans 32-in 5 No 685 AkroBat CL Stunter high-performance 040 engines Sysos 32-in $ 230 SINo 686Poller AC Paoern-type sport plane 2- 4-cycle puwur Spans 65-in $ 725 05No 687WIndsock Non-flying Profile P-Si used winduane Spans 36-in$ 575 NNo 688Stealth Glider FF rubberband-launched foamibalsa Canard Catapult/SteaOh Glider combs Spans 9-in$ 200 oNo 689Thomas Morse Scout 54C AC A-scale biplane 90 power Spans 93-in 3 plan sheets$ 1975 05No 690P-82B TwIn Mustang CL Profile Sportster twin MVVS 25 diesels Spans 40-in 2 plan sheets$ 1050 No 6911927 HL2 PP Scale model Polish homebsilt tsr 6-0 watt motor robber C02 Spans 29-in$ 225 us 03 00quests payment some other - * 193262310314326332386447 460465539578581588593598 609619620624626628630 V641644646650652654655657 g300 659661663664665666667669 o V671672673674675676677678 680681682683684685686 687688689690691692693694 Plan price inCudeS first cass postage US delivery whiCh Air Mai over 300 mies I orders non-US address lease add S250 Air Mail oSta 8 handlin Ian 305 Make Check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMA 1810 5 Samuel Morse Dr. Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print CarefullyEnclosed $ -______________________ i~I________________________________ o. NAME ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ REET en 1 Os CITY E ______________________________________ ZIP _____________________________ [v32][b-2-10-1-10]]-I numbers plans wish order best handling please include re- service plans order ___________________________________ Cardinal/Haught Continued page 187 Adding details Mount elevator horn elevator make connecting pushrod Make pushrod guide either /s6 wire cotter key Hook up pushrod adjust amount control surface movement prefer Mount engine fuel line filter Attach dummy engine unit Install wheels retainers Use fairly heavy piece clear plastic windshield Bend fit glue epoxy Finish off lead-outs check balance point youre ready go flying Let winds blow Equipped 0S.35 engine Cardinal Classic has plenty power turbulent air Its consistent reliable flier So what waiting Lets get cracking Nationals dreamD RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 47 2 Throffle shut-off will visually inspected may functionally tested during contest 3 screws holding engine mount mount firewall must place secure 4 Receiver battery pack should protected against vibration accordance radio manufacturers recommendations 5 Washers will used screws holding servos mounting trays also screws holding tray rails washers will approximately same diameter grommets Servos mounted directly rails will also have washers mounting screws addition servo trays used will have least extra safety screw necessarily turned down tightly placed between grommets rear tray prevent tray slipping out grommets flight 6A keeper collar will pushrods have right angle bend connecting servos S-bends acceptable clevis used both ends pushrod devises will secured will turn 7All control surfaces will firm hinge line excess slop discretion safety inspector 8Positive thread-type wing bolts screws will secure wing place two-piece aircraft 9A positive method holding wheel axle will used wheel shall bind 10 entire aircraft shall inspected stress cracks aircraft fails above items must repaired before can entered 188 Model Aviation Continued next month
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 48, 49, 50, 182, 187, 188
a Ca1 xdhm author put together handful proven designs came up original great-flying CL practice Stunter EDave Haught An MAYBE ITS happened too get idea model before long its claimed place mind sketch napkins during boring business meetings maybe contemplate its flying pattern winning Nationals Such dreams tenacious linger untilusually years lateryou eventually make real So Cardinal Classic singular mix proven designsthe Miss Los Angeles Spiezo Sport Tu-holer Kinner Sportster favorite classic Stunter Orientalthis bright red beauty flame-licked nose inhabited imagination years before finally got round building Seven years fact few false starts Classic borrows existing designs yet manages freshproof dont have start ground up original its uniqueness goes beyond surface appearances Basically profile airplane thick nose section la Dick Mathis Rather simply being cut short wing juncture nose faired series 1/ x 34-in stringers full-fuselage look stringers also make rear fuselage very rigid Painted bright red befit its name Cardinal Classic sports Williams Bros five-cylinder dummy engine 48 Model Aviation Cardinal Classics stringered fuselage gives look full-fuselage Stunter rather profile model Showing off Classic pilots view models lines borrowed various classic aircraft blended expression grace speed sport see flame design made bright yellow stick-on trim film poster board heavy paper functional engine 05 35 Classic hasnt won Nationals yet certainly flies great like practice Stunter resembles full-scale airplane inching way toward future Nationals glory start somewhere Practice practice practice Construction Construction conventional straightforward like start wing Wing Begin making kit parts ribs have same airfoil Trim center section ribs allow planking few cutouts will made bellcrank assembly main wing spar key rigidity design Make spar sheet hard straight A-in sheet balsa Slip wing ribs precut slots position unit plans Block trailing edge up off plan wing spar sits squarely workbench Begin pinning rear rib trailing edge strip Pin leading edge place trimming ribs fit necessary Check wing straight no warping block flat use Elmers carpenters glue wood joints small artists paintbrush lightly carefully coat joint both sides rib achieve strong bond Allow wing dry overnight Unpin wing turn over again brush rib-and-leading-edge joint coat glue Install bellcrank lead-outs Trim ribs allow lead-oats free passage through wing Bend install pushrod Select two matched sheets /16 X 3 x 48-in-long balsa leading edge planlring Fill spray bottle warm water wet side sheet sheets begin curl slightly theyre ready use Brush layer carpenters glue ribs spar leading edge pin sheeting place Repeat other side plank center section Rough shape wing tip blocks Install lead-out guides inboard add tip weight outboard youre planning use adjustable line guides tip weights nows time install Installing cap strips seems lost art once saw practically everywhere today turn up few designs Yet modern CyAs make easier ever attach cap strips model Simply cut sheet / wood long strips A-in width start cutting length go Dont forget wing tip ribs cap strips set begin final carving adventure Taper trailing edge meet A-in sheet flaps sand tips final shape Gently engine well recessed deep fuselage sides along fuel tank dummy engine has since trimmed make room muffler keep neighbors happy pushrod connects flaps elevator must kept flexing under flight loads wire guIde doubled wire pushrods work together end Just out pIlots reach flap horn busy place pushrod belicrank fits Its upper hole elevator pushrod hole just beneath Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 188 ~rnIn acne WISe PAn felon fees traillOIN awnwon II cflaWtsarV0w nor r macAnn aat eastITI are,, Meets n tin nun alarin SeeSeNa 50*8001 eaSe mAnnesnneIones Of, .n erAenacs assa anal lea a-nar.renac eeliC1~ Uardiua[c-Yr , LASSIC trnsaeleewa round leading edge sheets smooth radius Cut flaps medium-weight 1A-in sheet straight true Sand whatever taper desire round leading trailing edges Bend flap joiner wire %2 music wire Slip short piece brass tubing Both ends pushrods equipped RC-styie fittings allow fine adjustments control linkages nylon horn rugged eaaily adjusted well bushing before making final bend Hinge flaps wing wrap bushing length fiberglass tape secure trailing edge Fit flap horn Bend pushrod final length attach Stabilizer rudder elevator Cut stabilizer medium-stiff balsa rudder fairly lightweight sheet Sand edges appropriately tapering control surfaces rounding hinge edges leading edges Glue rudder offset set rudder assembly aside Bend install wire elevator joiner 50 Model Aviation II 7 bract -\ zLH 4 Hr r met necaaeaNe aareme ~neeeneaan screwdriver points cutout neeaea clear engine intake needle valve Dremel tool works great trimming plastic plywood necessary o ASHEN CF NG * MODE PANE * IONYASEAA AWE MEN RE RE OW REGU AR N S OCIL P ANS GE OUR AMOGE WOE RIMOS AU HEN CMOU P NsDAY SERICE OtR~R1/2 EF3/4 UP 19 YRIARRREVIAT NAME 124S2 lI16S2 LIE SI 37 DeEM' COSRE ROE 4U Voo8ht COO F4U 15 IRE JEI4S JEflEy 27 L1EdbRUER NX211 29 EMOG TOpRESELEE 36 6ERRLIRd LYRORdEE 35 DEoo 0-46A UbRE 29 BORiGE 500 Sport 33 SOLo ToLmLOr Ll6LEP38 25 tIgi CORE U2U1/4 38 Coo CROLRO PEYSe 19 CarOL. 814 17 PEIEIERE 07 PLE 31 EMYLR GERSER 13 SapeomliEse 16R 36 GEREE GELUROR9E 38 Look E1RcLOA #11 43 GEwE AERORRE TBF 42 Roe 8170 PLyPEEO 38 18A NLOOhR1l R25 34 EEROCiCOOESNC72 37 CR0 ROBs 503C1 25 CROOE 1311 42 34 DOER TECOOP DC-3 33 CwEO New6 P6E 32 DoE11LOlR GUll 31 50 P48364 P128 32 SpEUld 811DEE 22 l8Ewsrd IkRM81l 34 TUEEERRE 818 EACRE 35 No E6E111gOo 33 BOR P26A Low Wg 35 S11EEEEE TW SR7 42 DIE NOSqOLOR 506 37 SORERO PT17 43 N Rib Widow P61 38 TANS 166 Teo13 42 CN11d1vo SB2C4 26 EErIE 1011010 4AT 31 811000 ALE ERR 33 GEE. J2F DoCk 27 CSRO60k F7C1 28 216 Aaphib 238 16 ll1gR 8400 806 31 LIodys LU1ELRR 31 HowEErd ROOPRIR 31 C Sporhok P91-2 33 AEERO C3 SIO 38 TREGRER FORCE Sp 03 EJoLeElL FILER ISE GE I1/ 5z 114Sl 2232032433266344 132350 2U52U3022660$45ME" 21 31832 52465538864552~ 15514 344324 69334 9154E 15514 224320 45334 6U54En0362 255183743247553tt04452.4 235243453268546~ 15316 224324 45336I60.3EJ8l 90562 305304553U9056212037. 27319 39 226 70545 L2 1843152832056E334I12556 18 322 27 328 54y44r7SE$55 08S 52 34878 560104 4694589 14 51221 516. 530o4349 114512174514355324 544 70356 15510224313444$2660388952 P4514 214358 43538 SCALE PLAN 275254133255538Look E1eo34 30328405308032FOrd3M4AT6 5154077 3580 8170 56 36433755 552A 825 56 15451523322644535114 8-26 6 1951E 204524 57336 SIlo ToL 4 11 5151645203 0 odlyPe e 6 47540 71 150oo6 123I718432237 3549467458 1i516224320444532594448958 134516205204033253580558 1045121545153132662345 5351219516393285 34078552 165152343204733264448456 14 513 21 520 42 532 63 45 84 58 2045163143256254582552366 3742441135815060865 33 540 4950 99 75 144$13214 518433686O 25525374535 38 53857 248 32 52248 5309652 1945282954058555I8168 154318 2245241 36534 S4342-l~~2 21516 314322 ~36 2153153033005 2 12451519522 1851O27514534326107 48 123161832O3733649$48j7445 601120tt 8060 8EFORE ORDERING* 315 SCALE IlIAG Start M151184E188 URGER 515 ooPLANS AVAILABLE AT ONE RE SU8E TO ADD TOE USU-PRICES FOFI ALL DESIGNS AL LEZ FUR PACKAGING PORTAGE AND INSURANCE ABOUT TROUSASED ADDITIONAL PLANS RHANY SIZES 75 CATALOG 5200 OR PRICE LIST ALONE 51.R BY______________________________________ AIR FOREIGN 33____ eve an0 e uppy o 180001 Pr68AEIRIIEEE ROE FIndRIte 8919R"""" 91880LI0 810 lB ADAPTOR ThROW-A-WAY YOUR COLLETS CHUCK & WRENCH USE OUR ADAPTOR & 532 CAPONALL DREMEL POWER TOOLS RUNS 100% TRUE & CONCENTRIC AT FULL RPM ESS CHUCK $1895 DREMEL 850 395 DO NOT NEED ADAPTOR TO USE KEYLESS CHUCK STEEL SAW AND ARBOR HARDENED GROUND & POUSHED STEEL USED FOR CUTTiNG PLASTIC WOOD SOfl METALS LEXAN PLEXIGLASS & ETC AVAILABLE IN 006 008 010 012 014 U016018 020023025 028 032THICKNESS 1 OUISIDE DIAMETER @ $075 Ek NO 502ARBOR $600 NO 503 1X014X1/4SAW$600 OUR SAWS ONLY WORK WITH OUR ARBOR MICRO SELFSTARTING TORCH No Rod flinl 01 matIlel dull O 05 lIre Piezo SeIl-SlarIing bullon 0 A micro size adjollable flame 6 IS Al 2370 up II 3 hOurs Ope Ales IlandAld ci9Arelle gh bulane old relillable Tank 5 omforlably 144 palm yosr ha d made htgl-tmpact bIer allows safe non2 s p comlorlable grip Sapplted mill - a blab MT770 Blow Torch$3588 cAn 01 Dutanel MT771 SobER 4 ozS800 EASTERN TOOL& SUPPLY CO I49GRANDST-NYCNY 10013 WRITE FOR CATALOG $300 ORDERS 212 925-1008 WHEN ORDERING PPD ADD $300 OFFICE 212-228-3749 COD ADO $500 FAX212-925-1510 RADIO SOUTH N Palafox Pensacola FL 32503 Fil j 4 PRO est Hinge Install IPlastlcI inning messy epORyInstBnt glues neededIspecial Paper pecial hinge slogGer neededNo alignment neceBsely RC $24SIpkg 19 cale $44SIpkg 24 use cyanoacryIate adhesives available local hobby shop call 904-434-0909 Conversion/Kopski Continued page 175 rubberbands much nicer job strapping wing tied-together No 64stheyre long enough easily cross large wing chord longer bands however wide 64s youll need use use seven eight side Continued next month Card nal/Haught Continued page 50 Dont forget bush length brass tube did flap joiner Install hinges join elevator stabilizer Wrap tube bushing layer glass cloth reinforcement Give assembly final sanding Fuselage phase goes quickly Cut core profile medium-lightweight sheet A-in balsa Cut out engine mount fuel tank stabilizer wing locations Make two plywood nose doublers fit fuselage core hardwood engine mounts Once have good fit glue works together wood glue clamp overnight assembly drying bend landing gear tail skid Wrap tall skid wire length hardwood dowel drill hole rear fuselage accommodate skid its dowel Make hole slighfly larger diameter dowel Attach skid-and-dowel epoxy wood glue fuselage dry trim plywood necessary order set new dimension RIC world Fly Wire Technology hereTo tulfill wildest RIC dreams engine place Drill mounting holes install blind mounting nuts rear same time drill holes landing gear mounting straps install straps gear Secure nuts drop solder youve ever caught face red because nuts backed out youll know suggest Make thick fuselage doublers lightweight 3/o-in sheet Cut shape glue place Carve pleasing contour dry Taper can kept minimum doublers approach trailing edge wing since stringers take over job point Select several fairly firm strips n balsa stringers Begin top stringer forms top stabilizers home slot make sure its properly aligned Fit short length stringer under stabilizer slot anchor covering fit small piece leading edge stabilizer Install remaining stingers Make block support pushrod guide install between second third stringers Allow stringers dry trim taper back rudder post shown plan top view other end fuselage carve fuel tank well install fuel tank Because thickness doublers filler vent tubes tank may need either relocated extended clear fuselage youre using dummy five-cylinder engine build now used Williams Bros kit cylinders mounting plywood cylinder mount shown plan mount screwed engine mounts nose long wood screws entire engine can removed desired Mount small light weight VidEo/Sound Transmitter Systems model ujrcrutt helicopter Actually OUO what modUl sees televiSion RUcord oo VOR Hear engineo wind up sir howl hy See Streets rooftops helow us guide model through its paces Experience ultimate hreuth tuking reulism See new dimension RIO world Experience Fly hy Wire Technolugy Kits Otirt $77505 Complote units start $124503 Send fur free See us St R/O Shows md hohhy shops Truely new dimension ton RIO World IOPERFUN 158P59AT158 182 Model Aviation Bill Eftinger * says o parr n patrem Sets give assorted designs want have selected best classic designs time choose patterns part important esciusice feature Curtiss aaHAWKr PlC SArA wingspan ength 2268 eq wing area Foe 13tn 23 CID engines ennel RIC RCQS1g 5 Curtiss aCFALCON, 0-IB/AB 114 mingepan ength 3lggsginwingaeea Fer23te 35 CID engines ennel 8/C RCQS-13 5 Scale Piper Cub 1-3 tt9wing seen 86 length wine area 4 oh 8/C 286055 20- 30 014 engines RC3S-282886 One-Third Scale Piper Tn-Pacer PA-22 1183/8 wing teen 2380 sq wing area 20 30 old enginne 8/Sob 8/C no 12 lbt et-tIS Onerell length 8C303f2995 Quarter Scale WW SE-5A 04 wing span 50 wing area 75 22 engines IICQO-7 5 SPAD CXIII 70 span 0 sq wing area 13 31 engines Capable flyer captures imagination gCGsg s FOKKER DR-i TRIPLANE 72 wivo spao 1772 sq iv wing area 70 100 onginen2 ECOSgI 6 SOPWITH CAMEL P1o " 2uj. g4 wivo span 4 sq iv wing area 11 lbs wlo RC wood & balsa vonstroction over hhsq ft 1 1 5 Fokker 0-ViIW 00 wivgspan cq 0 tlvg arno 0020 cid nvoivn S bs__ OCOSh02495 WACO D 1/4 Scale 1930s Commercial & Miiitary Expert egg wiogspav wing area 7814 length bs oh Engine Olee 1223 kY Airfoil Seotion aPlywood removable engine unit kMoooted Landing Gear CQO141 02486 Fiberglass Cowl Wheal Pants & Fairing Aoailablel FoIlsian Olson wns last Opnvvovkpit Wasos end ceauritul hi plane mith samiolliptical wiogs Plays show both military avo vommmvial versions sill Ettinger Feending Member AMA NFFS Hell 08 Fewer Prices ore Icr complete plays cob assomby derailed parts lists PLEASE ADD 8338 tot shipping mailing rebel New 1591 Plan Oem brochort n,vdebevv stode WE TECHNICAL SERVICES Rt 1 Box 2900A Santa Rosa Beach FL 32459 Cardinal/Haught Continued page 182 So far mounting system has worked fine During unexpected inverted landing top cylinder popped off plywood mounting tab stayed intact dummy engine has presented no other problems during two seasons practice flying fitting cylinders donrt forget trim away access needle valve fuel lines functional engine get just bit prop clearance eliminated forward-facing spark plug wires spark plugs dummy engine Slip elevator stabilizer slot rear fuselage Make sure itts properly aligned fuselage glue Add rudder Take time fitting wing fuselage youre happy glue securely slow-drying epoxy Go over entire model final sanding checking areas need filled adjusted Once thats done airplane ready covering Covering finishing Since Cardinal intended practice ship wanted low-investment finish selected bright red MonoKote enhanced brighter yellow trim sheet wiped light coat epoxy wood around engine area sanded later make fuelproof engine cylinder mount painted red match covering made flame design follows After drawing pattern sheet heavy paper cut two sheets stick-on trim film rough size Placing sheet poster board building board taped down first sheet trim film color side up taped second sheet color side down top first taped pattern over used sharp new #11 X-Acto blade cut design out pressing down hard able cut three layers pattern both films once placed flames carefully fuselage rubbed out bubbles wrinkles effect stunning /jfll5r BIG GLOW FUEL w * Superior Igniters Improve starting idle acceleration Youll notice power bargain fuels / *Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent 4 residue buildup *Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion Afterrun oilt needed engines *Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection *Anti-Wear Additives keep engines running peak performance longer *Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKL FUEL PINTQUART GALLON QO/ Nitromethane $995 5% Nitromethane $325$495$1195 10% Nitromethane $395$535$1395 15/o Nitromethane $395$625$1595 25% Nitromethane $495$795$2095 35/o Nitromethane$595$895$2595 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 100/o Nitromethane $1325 15/o Nitromethane $1525 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SAG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SAG fuels con tain 5050 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price July 1991 187 No 692 3 Meter Scooter$1150 RC High Performance Sailplane Spans 118-in 2 plan sheets No 693 Cardinal Classic$575 CL Sport Stunter 35 power Spans 50-in No 193SOllelgo CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI World Champs$375 No 262Crashniaster CL Crash-prnof trainer two sizeslS30 35/40 power$125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane AC Sport Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 ir 14 scale Two sheetsS625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards flying boat 3-channel 15-power Fly land removable gear$375 No 326Taylor Cub AC Don Srolls Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans St in$350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope 500mg $300 No 386Laeer 200 AC Spurs Scale replica championship Aerobatic flier Uses 40 power 4-S channel Two sheets$1075 No 4471/2A Miax America AC Old-Timer Texaco model 049 glow 3-channels S650 No 460440 AC Shoulder-wing sport flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 465Blue Max II AC Fan-fly sportoter 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight stroctore$700 No 539Simifar Slow-Motion 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 onus 3-ch AC$355 No 578Schwelzer 1-26B AC Quarter-ocole Sailplane spans 125 Two plan sheetsS1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC Golden Age Aacer spans 72 1/s scale 60 power Thrue plan sheetsS1175 oNo 588Marlah AC Slope-Soadno Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels5 425 0No 593Tayloreraft AC Sport Scale light plane builds standard 2-placer clipped-wing air show stonter Spans either 70 o 0or 59 39140 two-stroke 40/48 fear-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docomentation$ 1000 C\J No 598Coronet 150 AC-Assist Old-Timer enlarged lSghb spans 72 onus 40-size 4-stmkel30-size2-stroke$ 050 05No 603Sparrow Hawk P-30 FF Competition robber-power plane won 87 Nato Spans 30 inS 2 25 No 609 Taperwing AC Pylon gacer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet$ 6 00 VNo 619 Keith RIder R4 FF Scale Golden Age racer robber power spans 18 in$ 3 00 No 620 GImlet 40 AC SporliPattem plane spans 60 in. 40/50 engine 2 sheetsS 11 00 CO 624 Keleher Lark AC Quarter-scale homebulfl spans 69 60/90 4-stroke power 2 plan sheets no doc$ 11 00 123No 626 Sweepee AC Spert/Pattem canards forward-swept wing spans 64 in. ooes 40 power 2 plan sheets.S 1300 oNo 628Prime Cut AC Sport/Aerobatic plane spans 90 in. uses Ouadrh 35/40-size power Two plan sheets5 1300 No 630OrigInal Fly Baby AC Old-Timer spans 72 in. ones 10/25 2-cycle 40 4-cycle power 2 plan sheets$ 1150 No 641Lii Ole Reliable AC Old-Timer sport flier spans 5w/a engines$ 575 IDNo 644Belianca Columbia AC Schoolyard Scale 2 AC channels engine Wingspan 46 inS 575 no No 646 Winter Hawk FF Aubber-power Coope dhlioer competihon plane spans 47 inS 375 E No 650 47/88 RC SpecIal AC Aershatic sport plane 40 power spans 61 3 plan sheets5 1075 No 652 Der Fledermauc AC Low-wing sport plane 20/2S power spans 55 in $ 675 No 654 Taniecat AC Trainer/sportster otyled like F14 spans 66 40161 power Four plan sheets $ 1S25 122No 655 Astroatar FF AMA Class 0/B Gas plane spans 67 onus 325/350cc powerS 000 No 657 Super SquIre AC Trainer 35/40 2-stroke 53 4-strake power spans 56 in S 750 6 E No 659 Boom Box PP Wakeheld Aubber competition plane spans 54 in S 4 00 No 881 Embry-Omatlc FF Embryo Endurance robber-power plane spans 20 in$ 200 oNo 663Pea Patch AC Sportster spans 60 uses 40/SO 4-stroke power 2 plan sheetsS900 No 664Stuka Stunt CL Stunter semiscale spans 37 in.S5 00 o 0No 885ConscIentIous Oblector FF Muluihill Aubber competition plane spans 50 Oat5 575 No 686Blitz AC Sportster spans 48 uses hot 29132 power 2 plan sheetsS 1075 CNo 887AT-6 CL Semiscale profile Stunter 35/40 pewer spans 47 in5 575 0 122 -No 669Rob Raven AC Sailplane unique twist-wing control Spans 70-in Aequiros Olenon mioing$ 650 C noNo 671Ceaana Cardinal FF Aeminder Scale sport flier power spaos 39 -in$ 575 N No 672Kmckerlac AC updated uersion pioneer sport plane spans 74-in two plan sheetsS 1375 73Caudlmorelax Faut Combat ship designed 25-32 power Fnam wing spans 48-inS 500 Os tO eNo 674Krumpier AC 075-powerad Electric semi-scale bi-winger spans 39-in5 575 E No 675 BOF-1 FF twin-tailed sport flier tsr Coo 02 Pee Wee engine spans 25-inS 225 0 No 676 Hiliner AC twin-electitc high-wing Sport ship designed lnr Hiline lmp-30 motor Has tricycle gear spans 40 in. S 400 00 No 677 ThunderbIrd CL Stunter 20-35 power Two plao sheets drawn original 1002 Veco kit Spars 54 in5 975 ~No 678Bean Boo FF West Coast Bostonian Outdoor design Spans 16 inS 150 C0No 679BIg Bingol Large AC Sportster spans 95 120-24 power Two plan sheetsS 1700 No 680 Belixeve Winner Aussian FAI CL Combat ship spans 47 in5 475 122No 681 1969 Bade BD4 FF Aubber Scale model spans 19 in$ 325 CNo 682 B T Vintage Trainer AC Aeminder-Scale Sportster 30-size engines Spans 47 Two plan sheets$ 1150 o 683 Michaels Mustang CL Sport Scale P-Si Va0 engines Spans 21 $ 325 No 684 staggerwing Beech 3-Chunnel AC Schonlyard-Scale hi-wing Sportster Fnr 349 power Spans 32-in 5 No 685 AkroBat CL Stunter high-performance 040 engines Sysos 32-in $ 230 SINo 686Poller AC Paoern-type sport plane 2- 4-cycle puwur Spans 65-in $ 725 05No 687WIndsock Non-flying Profile P-Si used winduane Spans 36-in$ 575 NNo 688Stealth Glider FF rubberband-launched foamibalsa Canard Catapult/SteaOh Glider combs Spans 9-in$ 200 oNo 689Thomas Morse Scout 54C AC A-scale biplane 90 power Spans 93-in 3 plan sheets$ 1975 05No 690P-82B TwIn Mustang CL Profile Sportster twin MVVS 25 diesels Spans 40-in 2 plan sheets$ 1050 No 6911927 HL2 PP Scale model Polish homebsilt tsr 6-0 watt motor robber C02 Spans 29-in$ 225 us 03 00quests payment some other - * 193262310314326332386447 460465539578581588593598 609619620624626628630 V641644646650652654655657 g300 659661663664665666667669 o V671672673674675676677678 680681682683684685686 687688689690691692693694 Plan price inCudeS first cass postage US delivery whiCh Air Mai over 300 mies I orders non-US address lease add S250 Air Mail oSta 8 handlin Ian 305 Make Check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMA 1810 5 Samuel Morse Dr. Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print CarefullyEnclosed $ -______________________ i~I________________________________ o. NAME ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ REET en 1 Os CITY E ______________________________________ ZIP _____________________________ [v32][b-2-10-1-10]]-I numbers plans wish order best handling please include re- service plans order ___________________________________ Cardinal/Haught Continued page 187 Adding details Mount elevator horn elevator make connecting pushrod Make pushrod guide either /s6 wire cotter key Hook up pushrod adjust amount control surface movement prefer Mount engine fuel line filter Attach dummy engine unit Install wheels retainers Use fairly heavy piece clear plastic windshield Bend fit glue epoxy Finish off lead-outs check balance point youre ready go flying Let winds blow Equipped 0S.35 engine Cardinal Classic has plenty power turbulent air Its consistent reliable flier So what waiting Lets get cracking Nationals dreamD RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 47 2 Throffle shut-off will visually inspected may functionally tested during contest 3 screws holding engine mount mount firewall must place secure 4 Receiver battery pack should protected against vibration accordance radio manufacturers recommendations 5 Washers will used screws holding servos mounting trays also screws holding tray rails washers will approximately same diameter grommets Servos mounted directly rails will also have washers mounting screws addition servo trays used will have least extra safety screw necessarily turned down tightly placed between grommets rear tray prevent tray slipping out grommets flight 6A keeper collar will pushrods have right angle bend connecting servos S-bends acceptable clevis used both ends pushrod devises will secured will turn 7All control surfaces will firm hinge line excess slop discretion safety inspector 8Positive thread-type wing bolts screws will secure wing place two-piece aircraft 9A positive method holding wheel axle will used wheel shall bind 10 entire aircraft shall inspected stress cracks aircraft fails above items must repaired before can entered 188 Model Aviation Continued next month
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 48, 49, 50, 182, 187, 188
a Ca1 xdhm author put together handful proven designs came up original great-flying CL practice Stunter EDave Haught An MAYBE ITS happened too get idea model before long its claimed place mind sketch napkins during boring business meetings maybe contemplate its flying pattern winning Nationals Such dreams tenacious linger untilusually years lateryou eventually make real So Cardinal Classic singular mix proven designsthe Miss Los Angeles Spiezo Sport Tu-holer Kinner Sportster favorite classic Stunter Orientalthis bright red beauty flame-licked nose inhabited imagination years before finally got round building Seven years fact few false starts Classic borrows existing designs yet manages freshproof dont have start ground up original its uniqueness goes beyond surface appearances Basically profile airplane thick nose section la Dick Mathis Rather simply being cut short wing juncture nose faired series 1/ x 34-in stringers full-fuselage look stringers also make rear fuselage very rigid Painted bright red befit its name Cardinal Classic sports Williams Bros five-cylinder dummy engine 48 Model Aviation Cardinal Classics stringered fuselage gives look full-fuselage Stunter rather profile model Showing off Classic pilots view models lines borrowed various classic aircraft blended expression grace speed sport see flame design made bright yellow stick-on trim film poster board heavy paper functional engine 05 35 Classic hasnt won Nationals yet certainly flies great like practice Stunter resembles full-scale airplane inching way toward future Nationals glory start somewhere Practice practice practice Construction Construction conventional straightforward like start wing Wing Begin making kit parts ribs have same airfoil Trim center section ribs allow planking few cutouts will made bellcrank assembly main wing spar key rigidity design Make spar sheet hard straight A-in sheet balsa Slip wing ribs precut slots position unit plans Block trailing edge up off plan wing spar sits squarely workbench Begin pinning rear rib trailing edge strip Pin leading edge place trimming ribs fit necessary Check wing straight no warping block flat use Elmers carpenters glue wood joints small artists paintbrush lightly carefully coat joint both sides rib achieve strong bond Allow wing dry overnight Unpin wing turn over again brush rib-and-leading-edge joint coat glue Install bellcrank lead-outs Trim ribs allow lead-oats free passage through wing Bend install pushrod Select two matched sheets /16 X 3 x 48-in-long balsa leading edge planlring Fill spray bottle warm water wet side sheet sheets begin curl slightly theyre ready use Brush layer carpenters glue ribs spar leading edge pin sheeting place Repeat other side plank center section Rough shape wing tip blocks Install lead-out guides inboard add tip weight outboard youre planning use adjustable line guides tip weights nows time install Installing cap strips seems lost art once saw practically everywhere today turn up few designs Yet modern CyAs make easier ever attach cap strips model Simply cut sheet / wood long strips A-in width start cutting length go Dont forget wing tip ribs cap strips set begin final carving adventure Taper trailing edge meet A-in sheet flaps sand tips final shape Gently engine well recessed deep fuselage sides along fuel tank dummy engine has since trimmed make room muffler keep neighbors happy pushrod connects flaps elevator must kept flexing under flight loads wire guIde doubled wire pushrods work together end Just out pIlots reach flap horn busy place pushrod belicrank fits Its upper hole elevator pushrod hole just beneath Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 188 ~rnIn acne WISe PAn felon fees traillOIN awnwon II cflaWtsarV0w nor r macAnn aat eastITI are,, Meets n tin nun alarin SeeSeNa 50*8001 eaSe mAnnesnneIones Of, .n erAenacs assa anal lea a-nar.renac eeliC1~ Uardiua[c-Yr , LASSIC trnsaeleewa round leading edge sheets smooth radius Cut flaps medium-weight 1A-in sheet straight true Sand whatever taper desire round leading trailing edges Bend flap joiner wire %2 music wire Slip short piece brass tubing Both ends pushrods equipped RC-styie fittings allow fine adjustments control linkages nylon horn rugged eaaily adjusted well bushing before making final bend Hinge flaps wing wrap bushing length fiberglass tape secure trailing edge Fit flap horn Bend pushrod final length attach Stabilizer rudder elevator Cut stabilizer medium-stiff balsa rudder fairly lightweight sheet Sand edges appropriately tapering control surfaces rounding hinge edges leading edges Glue rudder offset set rudder assembly aside Bend install wire elevator joiner 50 Model Aviation II 7 bract -\ zLH 4 Hr r met necaaeaNe aareme ~neeeneaan screwdriver points cutout neeaea clear engine intake needle valve Dremel tool works great trimming plastic plywood necessary o ASHEN CF NG * MODE PANE * IONYASEAA AWE MEN RE RE OW REGU AR N S OCIL P ANS GE OUR AMOGE WOE RIMOS AU HEN CMOU P NsDAY SERICE OtR~R1/2 EF3/4 UP 19 YRIARRREVIAT NAME 124S2 lI16S2 LIE SI 37 DeEM' COSRE ROE 4U Voo8ht COO F4U 15 IRE JEI4S JEflEy 27 L1EdbRUER NX211 29 EMOG TOpRESELEE 36 6ERRLIRd LYRORdEE 35 DEoo 0-46A UbRE 29 BORiGE 500 Sport 33 SOLo ToLmLOr Ll6LEP38 25 tIgi CORE U2U1/4 38 Coo CROLRO PEYSe 19 CarOL. 814 17 PEIEIERE 07 PLE 31 EMYLR GERSER 13 SapeomliEse 16R 36 GEREE GELUROR9E 38 Look E1RcLOA #11 43 GEwE AERORRE TBF 42 Roe 8170 PLyPEEO 38 18A NLOOhR1l R25 34 EEROCiCOOESNC72 37 CR0 ROBs 503C1 25 CROOE 1311 42 34 DOER TECOOP DC-3 33 CwEO New6 P6E 32 DoE11LOlR GUll 31 50 P48364 P128 32 SpEUld 811DEE 22 l8Ewsrd IkRM81l 34 TUEEERRE 818 EACRE 35 No E6E111gOo 33 BOR P26A Low Wg 35 S11EEEEE TW SR7 42 DIE NOSqOLOR 506 37 SORERO PT17 43 N Rib Widow P61 38 TANS 166 Teo13 42 CN11d1vo SB2C4 26 EErIE 1011010 4AT 31 811000 ALE ERR 33 GEE. J2F DoCk 27 CSRO60k F7C1 28 216 Aaphib 238 16 ll1gR 8400 806 31 LIodys LU1ELRR 31 HowEErd ROOPRIR 31 C Sporhok P91-2 33 AEERO C3 SIO 38 TREGRER FORCE Sp 03 EJoLeElL FILER ISE GE I1/ 5z 114Sl 2232032433266344 132350 2U52U3022660$45ME" 21 31832 52465538864552~ 15514 344324 69334 9154E 15514 224320 45334 6U54En0362 255183743247553tt04452.4 235243453268546~ 15316 224324 45336I60.3EJ8l 90562 305304553U9056212037. 27319 39 226 70545 L2 1843152832056E334I12556 18 322 27 328 54y44r7SE$55 08S 52 34878 560104 4694589 14 51221 516. 530o4349 114512174514355324 544 70356 15510224313444$2660388952 P4514 214358 43538 SCALE PLAN 275254133255538Look E1eo34 30328405308032FOrd3M4AT6 5154077 3580 8170 56 36433755 552A 825 56 15451523322644535114 8-26 6 1951E 204524 57336 SIlo ToL 4 11 5151645203 0 odlyPe e 6 47540 71 150oo6 123I718432237 3549467458 1i516224320444532594448958 134516205204033253580558 1045121545153132662345 5351219516393285 34078552 165152343204733264448456 14 513 21 520 42 532 63 45 84 58 2045163143256254582552366 3742441135815060865 33 540 4950 99 75 144$13214 518433686O 25525374535 38 53857 248 32 52248 5309652 1945282954058555I8168 154318 2245241 36534 S4342-l~~2 21516 314322 ~36 2153153033005 2 12451519522 1851O27514534326107 48 123161832O3733649$48j7445 601120tt 8060 8EFORE ORDERING* 315 SCALE IlIAG Start M151184E188 URGER 515 ooPLANS AVAILABLE AT ONE RE SU8E TO ADD TOE USU-PRICES FOFI ALL DESIGNS AL LEZ FUR PACKAGING PORTAGE AND INSURANCE ABOUT TROUSASED ADDITIONAL PLANS RHANY SIZES 75 CATALOG 5200 OR PRICE LIST ALONE 51.R BY______________________________________ AIR FOREIGN 33____ eve an0 e uppy o 180001 Pr68AEIRIIEEE ROE FIndRIte 8919R"""" 91880LI0 810 lB ADAPTOR ThROW-A-WAY YOUR COLLETS CHUCK & WRENCH USE OUR ADAPTOR & 532 CAPONALL DREMEL POWER TOOLS RUNS 100% TRUE & CONCENTRIC AT FULL RPM ESS CHUCK $1895 DREMEL 850 395 DO NOT NEED ADAPTOR TO USE KEYLESS CHUCK STEEL SAW AND ARBOR HARDENED GROUND & POUSHED STEEL USED FOR CUTTiNG PLASTIC WOOD SOfl METALS LEXAN PLEXIGLASS & ETC AVAILABLE IN 006 008 010 012 014 U016018 020023025 028 032THICKNESS 1 OUISIDE DIAMETER @ $075 Ek NO 502ARBOR $600 NO 503 1X014X1/4SAW$600 OUR SAWS ONLY WORK WITH OUR ARBOR MICRO SELFSTARTING TORCH No Rod flinl 01 matIlel dull O 05 lIre Piezo SeIl-SlarIing bullon 0 A micro size adjollable flame 6 IS Al 2370 up II 3 hOurs Ope Ales IlandAld ci9Arelle gh bulane old relillable Tank 5 omforlably 144 palm yosr ha d made htgl-tmpact bIer allows safe non2 s p comlorlable grip Sapplted mill - a blab MT770 Blow Torch$3588 cAn 01 Dutanel MT771 SobER 4 ozS800 EASTERN TOOL& SUPPLY CO I49GRANDST-NYCNY 10013 WRITE FOR CATALOG $300 ORDERS 212 925-1008 WHEN ORDERING PPD ADD $300 OFFICE 212-228-3749 COD ADO $500 FAX212-925-1510 RADIO SOUTH N Palafox Pensacola FL 32503 Fil j 4 PRO est Hinge Install IPlastlcI inning messy epORyInstBnt glues neededIspecial Paper pecial hinge slogGer neededNo alignment neceBsely RC $24SIpkg 19 cale $44SIpkg 24 use cyanoacryIate adhesives available local hobby shop call 904-434-0909 Conversion/Kopski Continued page 175 rubberbands much nicer job strapping wing tied-together No 64stheyre long enough easily cross large wing chord longer bands however wide 64s youll need use use seven eight side Continued next month Card nal/Haught Continued page 50 Dont forget bush length brass tube did flap joiner Install hinges join elevator stabilizer Wrap tube bushing layer glass cloth reinforcement Give assembly final sanding Fuselage phase goes quickly Cut core profile medium-lightweight sheet A-in balsa Cut out engine mount fuel tank stabilizer wing locations Make two plywood nose doublers fit fuselage core hardwood engine mounts Once have good fit glue works together wood glue clamp overnight assembly drying bend landing gear tail skid Wrap tall skid wire length hardwood dowel drill hole rear fuselage accommodate skid its dowel Make hole slighfly larger diameter dowel Attach skid-and-dowel epoxy wood glue fuselage dry trim plywood necessary order set new dimension RIC world Fly Wire Technology hereTo tulfill wildest RIC dreams engine place Drill mounting holes install blind mounting nuts rear same time drill holes landing gear mounting straps install straps gear Secure nuts drop solder youve ever caught face red because nuts backed out youll know suggest Make thick fuselage doublers lightweight 3/o-in sheet Cut shape glue place Carve pleasing contour dry Taper can kept minimum doublers approach trailing edge wing since stringers take over job point Select several fairly firm strips n balsa stringers Begin top stringer forms top stabilizers home slot make sure its properly aligned Fit short length stringer under stabilizer slot anchor covering fit small piece leading edge stabilizer Install remaining stingers Make block support pushrod guide install between second third stringers Allow stringers dry trim taper back rudder post shown plan top view other end fuselage carve fuel tank well install fuel tank Because thickness doublers filler vent tubes tank may need either relocated extended clear fuselage youre using dummy five-cylinder engine build now used Williams Bros kit cylinders mounting plywood cylinder mount shown plan mount screwed engine mounts nose long wood screws entire engine can removed desired Mount small light weight VidEo/Sound Transmitter Systems model ujrcrutt helicopter Actually OUO what modUl sees televiSion RUcord oo VOR Hear engineo wind up sir howl hy See Streets rooftops helow us guide model through its paces Experience ultimate hreuth tuking reulism See new dimension RIO world Experience Fly hy Wire Technolugy Kits Otirt $77505 Complote units start $124503 Send fur free See us St R/O Shows md hohhy shops Truely new dimension ton RIO World IOPERFUN 158P59AT158 182 Model Aviation Bill Eftinger * says o parr n patrem Sets give assorted designs want have selected best classic designs time choose patterns part important esciusice feature Curtiss aaHAWKr PlC SArA wingspan ength 2268 eq wing area Foe 13tn 23 CID engines ennel RIC RCQS1g 5 Curtiss aCFALCON, 0-IB/AB 114 mingepan ength 3lggsginwingaeea Fer23te 35 CID engines ennel 8/C RCQS-13 5 Scale Piper Cub 1-3 tt9wing seen 86 length wine area 4 oh 8/C 286055 20- 30 014 engines RC3S-282886 One-Third Scale Piper Tn-Pacer PA-22 1183/8 wing teen 2380 sq wing area 20 30 old enginne 8/Sob 8/C no 12 lbt et-tIS Onerell length 8C303f2995 Quarter Scale WW SE-5A 04 wing span 50 wing area 75 22 engines IICQO-7 5 SPAD CXIII 70 span 0 sq wing area 13 31 engines Capable flyer captures imagination gCGsg s FOKKER DR-i TRIPLANE 72 wivo spao 1772 sq iv wing area 70 100 onginen2 ECOSgI 6 SOPWITH CAMEL P1o " 2uj. g4 wivo span 4 sq iv wing area 11 lbs wlo RC wood & balsa vonstroction over hhsq ft 1 1 5 Fokker 0-ViIW 00 wivgspan cq 0 tlvg arno 0020 cid nvoivn S bs__ OCOSh02495 WACO D 1/4 Scale 1930s Commercial & Miiitary Expert egg wiogspav wing area 7814 length bs oh Engine Olee 1223 kY Airfoil Seotion aPlywood removable engine unit kMoooted Landing Gear CQO141 02486 Fiberglass Cowl Wheal Pants & Fairing Aoailablel FoIlsian Olson wns last Opnvvovkpit Wasos end ceauritul hi plane mith samiolliptical wiogs Plays show both military avo vommmvial versions sill Ettinger Feending Member AMA NFFS Hell 08 Fewer Prices ore Icr complete plays cob assomby derailed parts lists PLEASE ADD 8338 tot shipping mailing rebel New 1591 Plan Oem brochort n,vdebevv stode WE TECHNICAL SERVICES Rt 1 Box 2900A Santa Rosa Beach FL 32459 Cardinal/Haught Continued page 182 So far mounting system has worked fine During unexpected inverted landing top cylinder popped off plywood mounting tab stayed intact dummy engine has presented no other problems during two seasons practice flying fitting cylinders donrt forget trim away access needle valve fuel lines functional engine get just bit prop clearance eliminated forward-facing spark plug wires spark plugs dummy engine Slip elevator stabilizer slot rear fuselage Make sure itts properly aligned fuselage glue Add rudder Take time fitting wing fuselage youre happy glue securely slow-drying epoxy Go over entire model final sanding checking areas need filled adjusted Once thats done airplane ready covering Covering finishing Since Cardinal intended practice ship wanted low-investment finish selected bright red MonoKote enhanced brighter yellow trim sheet wiped light coat epoxy wood around engine area sanded later make fuelproof engine cylinder mount painted red match covering made flame design follows After drawing pattern sheet heavy paper cut two sheets stick-on trim film rough size Placing sheet poster board building board taped down first sheet trim film color side up taped second sheet color side down top first taped pattern over used sharp new #11 X-Acto blade cut design out pressing down hard able cut three layers pattern both films once placed flames carefully fuselage rubbed out bubbles wrinkles effect stunning /jfll5r BIG GLOW FUEL w * Superior Igniters Improve starting idle acceleration Youll notice power bargain fuels / *Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent 4 residue buildup *Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion Afterrun oilt needed engines *Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection *Anti-Wear Additives keep engines running peak performance longer *Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKL FUEL PINTQUART GALLON QO/ Nitromethane $995 5% Nitromethane $325$495$1195 10% Nitromethane $395$535$1395 15/o Nitromethane $395$625$1595 25% Nitromethane $495$795$2095 35/o Nitromethane$595$895$2595 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 100/o Nitromethane $1325 15/o Nitromethane $1525 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SAG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SAG fuels con tain 5050 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price July 1991 187 No 692 3 Meter Scooter$1150 RC High Performance Sailplane Spans 118-in 2 plan sheets No 693 Cardinal Classic$575 CL Sport Stunter 35 power Spans 50-in No 193SOllelgo CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI World Champs$375 No 262Crashniaster CL Crash-prnof trainer two sizeslS30 35/40 power$125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane AC Sport Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 ir 14 scale Two sheetsS625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards flying boat 3-channel 15-power Fly land removable gear$375 No 326Taylor Cub AC Don Srolls Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans St in$350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope 500mg $300 No 386Laeer 200 AC Spurs Scale replica championship Aerobatic flier Uses 40 power 4-S channel Two sheets$1075 No 4471/2A Miax America AC Old-Timer Texaco model 049 glow 3-channels S650 No 460440 AC Shoulder-wing sport flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 465Blue Max II AC Fan-fly sportoter 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight stroctore$700 No 539Simifar Slow-Motion 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 onus 3-ch AC$355 No 578Schwelzer 1-26B AC Quarter-ocole Sailplane spans 125 Two plan sheetsS1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC Golden Age Aacer spans 72 1/s scale 60 power Thrue plan sheetsS1175 oNo 588Marlah AC Slope-Soadno Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels5 425 0No 593Tayloreraft AC Sport Scale light plane builds standard 2-placer clipped-wing air show stonter Spans either 70 o 0or 59 39140 two-stroke 40/48 fear-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docomentation$ 1000 C\J No 598Coronet 150 AC-Assist Old-Timer enlarged lSghb spans 72 onus 40-size 4-stmkel30-size2-stroke$ 050 05No 603Sparrow Hawk P-30 FF Competition robber-power plane won 87 Nato Spans 30 inS 2 25 No 609 Taperwing AC Pylon gacer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet$ 6 00 VNo 619 Keith RIder R4 FF Scale Golden Age racer robber power spans 18 in$ 3 00 No 620 GImlet 40 AC SporliPattem plane spans 60 in. 40/50 engine 2 sheetsS 11 00 CO 624 Keleher Lark AC Quarter-scale homebulfl spans 69 60/90 4-stroke power 2 plan sheets no doc$ 11 00 123No 626 Sweepee AC Spert/Pattem canards forward-swept wing spans 64 in. ooes 40 power 2 plan sheets.S 1300 oNo 628Prime Cut AC Sport/Aerobatic plane spans 90 in. uses Ouadrh 35/40-size power Two plan sheets5 1300 No 630OrigInal Fly Baby AC Old-Timer spans 72 in. ones 10/25 2-cycle 40 4-cycle power 2 plan sheets$ 1150 No 641Lii Ole Reliable AC Old-Timer sport flier spans 5w/a engines$ 575 IDNo 644Belianca Columbia AC Schoolyard Scale 2 AC channels engine Wingspan 46 inS 575 no No 646 Winter Hawk FF Aubber-power Coope dhlioer competihon plane spans 47 inS 375 E No 650 47/88 RC SpecIal AC Aershatic sport plane 40 power spans 61 3 plan sheets5 1075 No 652 Der Fledermauc AC Low-wing sport plane 20/2S power spans 55 in $ 675 No 654 Taniecat AC Trainer/sportster otyled like F14 spans 66 40161 power Four plan sheets $ 1S25 122No 655 Astroatar FF AMA Class 0/B Gas plane spans 67 onus 325/350cc powerS 000 No 657 Super SquIre AC Trainer 35/40 2-stroke 53 4-strake power spans 56 in S 750 6 E No 659 Boom Box PP Wakeheld Aubber competition plane spans 54 in S 4 00 No 881 Embry-Omatlc FF Embryo Endurance robber-power plane spans 20 in$ 200 oNo 663Pea Patch AC Sportster spans 60 uses 40/SO 4-stroke power 2 plan sheetsS900 No 664Stuka Stunt CL Stunter semiscale spans 37 in.S5 00 o 0No 885ConscIentIous Oblector FF Muluihill Aubber competition plane spans 50 Oat5 575 No 686Blitz AC Sportster spans 48 uses hot 29132 power 2 plan sheetsS 1075 CNo 887AT-6 CL Semiscale profile Stunter 35/40 pewer spans 47 in5 575 0 122 -No 669Rob Raven AC Sailplane unique twist-wing control Spans 70-in Aequiros Olenon mioing$ 650 C noNo 671Ceaana Cardinal FF Aeminder Scale sport flier power spaos 39 -in$ 575 N No 672Kmckerlac AC updated uersion pioneer sport plane spans 74-in two plan sheetsS 1375 73Caudlmorelax Faut Combat ship designed 25-32 power Fnam wing spans 48-inS 500 Os tO eNo 674Krumpier AC 075-powerad Electric semi-scale bi-winger spans 39-in5 575 E No 675 BOF-1 FF twin-tailed sport flier tsr Coo 02 Pee Wee engine spans 25-inS 225 0 No 676 Hiliner AC twin-electitc high-wing Sport ship designed lnr Hiline lmp-30 motor Has tricycle gear spans 40 in. S 400 00 No 677 ThunderbIrd CL Stunter 20-35 power Two plao sheets drawn original 1002 Veco kit Spars 54 in5 975 ~No 678Bean Boo FF West Coast Bostonian Outdoor design Spans 16 inS 150 C0No 679BIg Bingol Large AC Sportster spans 95 120-24 power Two plan sheetsS 1700 No 680 Belixeve Winner Aussian FAI CL Combat ship spans 47 in5 475 122No 681 1969 Bade BD4 FF Aubber Scale model spans 19 in$ 325 CNo 682 B T Vintage Trainer AC Aeminder-Scale Sportster 30-size engines Spans 47 Two plan sheets$ 1150 o 683 Michaels Mustang CL Sport Scale P-Si Va0 engines Spans 21 $ 325 No 684 staggerwing Beech 3-Chunnel AC Schonlyard-Scale hi-wing Sportster Fnr 349 power Spans 32-in 5 No 685 AkroBat CL Stunter high-performance 040 engines Sysos 32-in $ 230 SINo 686Poller AC Paoern-type sport plane 2- 4-cycle puwur Spans 65-in $ 725 05No 687WIndsock Non-flying Profile P-Si used winduane Spans 36-in$ 575 NNo 688Stealth Glider FF rubberband-launched foamibalsa Canard Catapult/SteaOh Glider combs Spans 9-in$ 200 oNo 689Thomas Morse Scout 54C AC A-scale biplane 90 power Spans 93-in 3 plan sheets$ 1975 05No 690P-82B TwIn Mustang CL Profile Sportster twin MVVS 25 diesels Spans 40-in 2 plan sheets$ 1050 No 6911927 HL2 PP Scale model Polish homebsilt tsr 6-0 watt motor robber C02 Spans 29-in$ 225 us 03 00quests payment some other - * 193262310314326332386447 460465539578581588593598 609619620624626628630 V641644646650652654655657 g300 659661663664665666667669 o V671672673674675676677678 680681682683684685686 687688689690691692693694 Plan price inCudeS first cass postage US delivery whiCh Air Mai over 300 mies I orders non-US address lease add S250 Air Mail oSta 8 handlin Ian 305 Make Check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMA 1810 5 Samuel Morse Dr. Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print CarefullyEnclosed $ -______________________ i~I________________________________ o. NAME ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ REET en 1 Os CITY E ______________________________________ ZIP _____________________________ [v32][b-2-10-1-10]]-I numbers plans wish order best handling please include re- service plans order ___________________________________ Cardinal/Haught Continued page 187 Adding details Mount elevator horn elevator make connecting pushrod Make pushrod guide either /s6 wire cotter key Hook up pushrod adjust amount control surface movement prefer Mount engine fuel line filter Attach dummy engine unit Install wheels retainers Use fairly heavy piece clear plastic windshield Bend fit glue epoxy Finish off lead-outs check balance point youre ready go flying Let winds blow Equipped 0S.35 engine Cardinal Classic has plenty power turbulent air Its consistent reliable flier So what waiting Lets get cracking Nationals dreamD RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 47 2 Throffle shut-off will visually inspected may functionally tested during contest 3 screws holding engine mount mount firewall must place secure 4 Receiver battery pack should protected against vibration accordance radio manufacturers recommendations 5 Washers will used screws holding servos mounting trays also screws holding tray rails washers will approximately same diameter grommets Servos mounted directly rails will also have washers mounting screws addition servo trays used will have least extra safety screw necessarily turned down tightly placed between grommets rear tray prevent tray slipping out grommets flight 6A keeper collar will pushrods have right angle bend connecting servos S-bends acceptable clevis used both ends pushrod devises will secured will turn 7All control surfaces will firm hinge line excess slop discretion safety inspector 8Positive thread-type wing bolts screws will secure wing place two-piece aircraft 9A positive method holding wheel axle will used wheel shall bind 10 entire aircraft shall inspected stress cracks aircraft fails above items must repaired before can entered 188 Model Aviation Continued next month
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 48, 49, 50, 182, 187, 188
a Ca1 xdhm author put together handful proven designs came up original great-flying CL practice Stunter EDave Haught An MAYBE ITS happened too get idea model before long its claimed place mind sketch napkins during boring business meetings maybe contemplate its flying pattern winning Nationals Such dreams tenacious linger untilusually years lateryou eventually make real So Cardinal Classic singular mix proven designsthe Miss Los Angeles Spiezo Sport Tu-holer Kinner Sportster favorite classic Stunter Orientalthis bright red beauty flame-licked nose inhabited imagination years before finally got round building Seven years fact few false starts Classic borrows existing designs yet manages freshproof dont have start ground up original its uniqueness goes beyond surface appearances Basically profile airplane thick nose section la Dick Mathis Rather simply being cut short wing juncture nose faired series 1/ x 34-in stringers full-fuselage look stringers also make rear fuselage very rigid Painted bright red befit its name Cardinal Classic sports Williams Bros five-cylinder dummy engine 48 Model Aviation Cardinal Classics stringered fuselage gives look full-fuselage Stunter rather profile model Showing off Classic pilots view models lines borrowed various classic aircraft blended expression grace speed sport see flame design made bright yellow stick-on trim film poster board heavy paper functional engine 05 35 Classic hasnt won Nationals yet certainly flies great like practice Stunter resembles full-scale airplane inching way toward future Nationals glory start somewhere Practice practice practice Construction Construction conventional straightforward like start wing Wing Begin making kit parts ribs have same airfoil Trim center section ribs allow planking few cutouts will made bellcrank assembly main wing spar key rigidity design Make spar sheet hard straight A-in sheet balsa Slip wing ribs precut slots position unit plans Block trailing edge up off plan wing spar sits squarely workbench Begin pinning rear rib trailing edge strip Pin leading edge place trimming ribs fit necessary Check wing straight no warping block flat use Elmers carpenters glue wood joints small artists paintbrush lightly carefully coat joint both sides rib achieve strong bond Allow wing dry overnight Unpin wing turn over again brush rib-and-leading-edge joint coat glue Install bellcrank lead-outs Trim ribs allow lead-oats free passage through wing Bend install pushrod Select two matched sheets /16 X 3 x 48-in-long balsa leading edge planlring Fill spray bottle warm water wet side sheet sheets begin curl slightly theyre ready use Brush layer carpenters glue ribs spar leading edge pin sheeting place Repeat other side plank center section Rough shape wing tip blocks Install lead-out guides inboard add tip weight outboard youre planning use adjustable line guides tip weights nows time install Installing cap strips seems lost art once saw practically everywhere today turn up few designs Yet modern CyAs make easier ever attach cap strips model Simply cut sheet / wood long strips A-in width start cutting length go Dont forget wing tip ribs cap strips set begin final carving adventure Taper trailing edge meet A-in sheet flaps sand tips final shape Gently engine well recessed deep fuselage sides along fuel tank dummy engine has since trimmed make room muffler keep neighbors happy pushrod connects flaps elevator must kept flexing under flight loads wire guIde doubled wire pushrods work together end Just out pIlots reach flap horn busy place pushrod belicrank fits Its upper hole elevator pushrod hole just beneath Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 188 ~rnIn acne WISe PAn felon fees traillOIN awnwon II cflaWtsarV0w nor r macAnn aat eastITI are,, Meets n tin nun alarin SeeSeNa 50*8001 eaSe mAnnesnneIones Of, .n erAenacs assa anal lea a-nar.renac eeliC1~ Uardiua[c-Yr , LASSIC trnsaeleewa round leading edge sheets smooth radius Cut flaps medium-weight 1A-in sheet straight true Sand whatever taper desire round leading trailing edges Bend flap joiner wire %2 music wire Slip short piece brass tubing Both ends pushrods equipped RC-styie fittings allow fine adjustments control linkages nylon horn rugged eaaily adjusted well bushing before making final bend Hinge flaps wing wrap bushing length fiberglass tape secure trailing edge Fit flap horn Bend pushrod final length attach Stabilizer rudder elevator Cut stabilizer medium-stiff balsa rudder fairly lightweight sheet Sand edges appropriately tapering control surfaces rounding hinge edges leading edges Glue rudder offset set rudder assembly aside Bend install wire elevator joiner 50 Model Aviation II 7 bract -\ zLH 4 Hr r met necaaeaNe aareme ~neeeneaan screwdriver points cutout neeaea clear engine intake needle valve Dremel tool works great trimming plastic plywood necessary o ASHEN CF NG * MODE PANE * IONYASEAA AWE MEN RE RE OW REGU AR N S OCIL P ANS GE OUR AMOGE WOE RIMOS AU HEN CMOU P NsDAY SERICE OtR~R1/2 EF3/4 UP 19 YRIARRREVIAT NAME 124S2 lI16S2 LIE SI 37 DeEM' COSRE ROE 4U Voo8ht COO F4U 15 IRE JEI4S JEflEy 27 L1EdbRUER NX211 29 EMOG TOpRESELEE 36 6ERRLIRd LYRORdEE 35 DEoo 0-46A UbRE 29 BORiGE 500 Sport 33 SOLo ToLmLOr Ll6LEP38 25 tIgi CORE U2U1/4 38 Coo CROLRO PEYSe 19 CarOL. 814 17 PEIEIERE 07 PLE 31 EMYLR GERSER 13 SapeomliEse 16R 36 GEREE GELUROR9E 38 Look E1RcLOA #11 43 GEwE AERORRE TBF 42 Roe 8170 PLyPEEO 38 18A NLOOhR1l R25 34 EEROCiCOOESNC72 37 CR0 ROBs 503C1 25 CROOE 1311 42 34 DOER TECOOP DC-3 33 CwEO New6 P6E 32 DoE11LOlR GUll 31 50 P48364 P128 32 SpEUld 811DEE 22 l8Ewsrd IkRM81l 34 TUEEERRE 818 EACRE 35 No E6E111gOo 33 BOR P26A Low Wg 35 S11EEEEE TW SR7 42 DIE NOSqOLOR 506 37 SORERO PT17 43 N Rib Widow P61 38 TANS 166 Teo13 42 CN11d1vo SB2C4 26 EErIE 1011010 4AT 31 811000 ALE ERR 33 GEE. J2F DoCk 27 CSRO60k F7C1 28 216 Aaphib 238 16 ll1gR 8400 806 31 LIodys LU1ELRR 31 HowEErd ROOPRIR 31 C Sporhok P91-2 33 AEERO C3 SIO 38 TREGRER FORCE Sp 03 EJoLeElL FILER ISE GE I1/ 5z 114Sl 2232032433266344 132350 2U52U3022660$45ME" 21 31832 52465538864552~ 15514 344324 69334 9154E 15514 224320 45334 6U54En0362 255183743247553tt04452.4 235243453268546~ 15316 224324 45336I60.3EJ8l 90562 305304553U9056212037. 27319 39 226 70545 L2 1843152832056E334I12556 18 322 27 328 54y44r7SE$55 08S 52 34878 560104 4694589 14 51221 516. 530o4349 114512174514355324 544 70356 15510224313444$2660388952 P4514 214358 43538 SCALE PLAN 275254133255538Look E1eo34 30328405308032FOrd3M4AT6 5154077 3580 8170 56 36433755 552A 825 56 15451523322644535114 8-26 6 1951E 204524 57336 SIlo ToL 4 11 5151645203 0 odlyPe e 6 47540 71 150oo6 123I718432237 3549467458 1i516224320444532594448958 134516205204033253580558 1045121545153132662345 5351219516393285 34078552 165152343204733264448456 14 513 21 520 42 532 63 45 84 58 2045163143256254582552366 3742441135815060865 33 540 4950 99 75 144$13214 518433686O 25525374535 38 53857 248 32 52248 5309652 1945282954058555I8168 154318 2245241 36534 S4342-l~~2 21516 314322 ~36 2153153033005 2 12451519522 1851O27514534326107 48 123161832O3733649$48j7445 601120tt 8060 8EFORE ORDERING* 315 SCALE IlIAG Start M151184E188 URGER 515 ooPLANS AVAILABLE AT ONE RE SU8E TO ADD TOE USU-PRICES FOFI ALL DESIGNS AL LEZ FUR PACKAGING PORTAGE AND INSURANCE ABOUT TROUSASED ADDITIONAL PLANS RHANY SIZES 75 CATALOG 5200 OR PRICE LIST ALONE 51.R BY______________________________________ AIR FOREIGN 33____ eve an0 e uppy o 180001 Pr68AEIRIIEEE ROE FIndRIte 8919R"""" 91880LI0 810 lB ADAPTOR ThROW-A-WAY YOUR COLLETS CHUCK & WRENCH USE OUR ADAPTOR & 532 CAPONALL DREMEL POWER TOOLS RUNS 100% TRUE & CONCENTRIC AT FULL RPM ESS CHUCK $1895 DREMEL 850 395 DO NOT NEED ADAPTOR TO USE KEYLESS CHUCK STEEL SAW AND ARBOR HARDENED GROUND & POUSHED STEEL USED FOR CUTTiNG PLASTIC WOOD SOfl METALS LEXAN PLEXIGLASS & ETC AVAILABLE IN 006 008 010 012 014 U016018 020023025 028 032THICKNESS 1 OUISIDE DIAMETER @ $075 Ek NO 502ARBOR $600 NO 503 1X014X1/4SAW$600 OUR SAWS ONLY WORK WITH OUR ARBOR MICRO SELFSTARTING TORCH No Rod flinl 01 matIlel dull O 05 lIre Piezo SeIl-SlarIing bullon 0 A micro size adjollable flame 6 IS Al 2370 up II 3 hOurs Ope Ales IlandAld ci9Arelle gh bulane old relillable Tank 5 omforlably 144 palm yosr ha d made htgl-tmpact bIer allows safe non2 s p comlorlable grip Sapplted mill - a blab MT770 Blow Torch$3588 cAn 01 Dutanel MT771 SobER 4 ozS800 EASTERN TOOL& SUPPLY CO I49GRANDST-NYCNY 10013 WRITE FOR CATALOG $300 ORDERS 212 925-1008 WHEN ORDERING PPD ADD $300 OFFICE 212-228-3749 COD ADO $500 FAX212-925-1510 RADIO SOUTH N Palafox Pensacola FL 32503 Fil j 4 PRO est Hinge Install IPlastlcI inning messy epORyInstBnt glues neededIspecial Paper pecial hinge slogGer neededNo alignment neceBsely RC $24SIpkg 19 cale $44SIpkg 24 use cyanoacryIate adhesives available local hobby shop call 904-434-0909 Conversion/Kopski Continued page 175 rubberbands much nicer job strapping wing tied-together No 64stheyre long enough easily cross large wing chord longer bands however wide 64s youll need use use seven eight side Continued next month Card nal/Haught Continued page 50 Dont forget bush length brass tube did flap joiner Install hinges join elevator stabilizer Wrap tube bushing layer glass cloth reinforcement Give assembly final sanding Fuselage phase goes quickly Cut core profile medium-lightweight sheet A-in balsa Cut out engine mount fuel tank stabilizer wing locations Make two plywood nose doublers fit fuselage core hardwood engine mounts Once have good fit glue works together wood glue clamp overnight assembly drying bend landing gear tail skid Wrap tall skid wire length hardwood dowel drill hole rear fuselage accommodate skid its dowel Make hole slighfly larger diameter dowel Attach skid-and-dowel epoxy wood glue fuselage dry trim plywood necessary order set new dimension RIC world Fly Wire Technology hereTo tulfill wildest RIC dreams engine place Drill mounting holes install blind mounting nuts rear same time drill holes landing gear mounting straps install straps gear Secure nuts drop solder youve ever caught face red because nuts backed out youll know suggest Make thick fuselage doublers lightweight 3/o-in sheet Cut shape glue place Carve pleasing contour dry Taper can kept minimum doublers approach trailing edge wing since stringers take over job point Select several fairly firm strips n balsa stringers Begin top stringer forms top stabilizers home slot make sure its properly aligned Fit short length stringer under stabilizer slot anchor covering fit small piece leading edge stabilizer Install remaining stingers Make block support pushrod guide install between second third stringers Allow stringers dry trim taper back rudder post shown plan top view other end fuselage carve fuel tank well install fuel tank Because thickness doublers filler vent tubes tank may need either relocated extended clear fuselage youre using dummy five-cylinder engine build now used Williams Bros kit cylinders mounting plywood cylinder mount shown plan mount screwed engine mounts nose long wood screws entire engine can removed desired Mount small light weight VidEo/Sound Transmitter Systems model ujrcrutt helicopter Actually OUO what modUl sees televiSion RUcord oo VOR Hear engineo wind up sir howl hy See Streets rooftops helow us guide model through its paces Experience ultimate hreuth tuking reulism See new dimension RIO world Experience Fly hy Wire Technolugy Kits Otirt $77505 Complote units start $124503 Send fur free See us St R/O Shows md hohhy shops Truely new dimension ton RIO World IOPERFUN 158P59AT158 182 Model Aviation Bill Eftinger * says o parr n patrem Sets give assorted designs want have selected best classic designs time choose patterns part important esciusice feature Curtiss aaHAWKr PlC SArA wingspan ength 2268 eq wing area Foe 13tn 23 CID engines ennel RIC RCQS1g 5 Curtiss aCFALCON, 0-IB/AB 114 mingepan ength 3lggsginwingaeea Fer23te 35 CID engines ennel 8/C RCQS-13 5 Scale Piper Cub 1-3 tt9wing seen 86 length wine area 4 oh 8/C 286055 20- 30 014 engines RC3S-282886 One-Third Scale Piper Tn-Pacer PA-22 1183/8 wing teen 2380 sq wing area 20 30 old enginne 8/Sob 8/C no 12 lbt et-tIS Onerell length 8C303f2995 Quarter Scale WW SE-5A 04 wing span 50 wing area 75 22 engines IICQO-7 5 SPAD CXIII 70 span 0 sq wing area 13 31 engines Capable flyer captures imagination gCGsg s FOKKER DR-i TRIPLANE 72 wivo spao 1772 sq iv wing area 70 100 onginen2 ECOSgI 6 SOPWITH CAMEL P1o " 2uj. g4 wivo span 4 sq iv wing area 11 lbs wlo RC wood & balsa vonstroction over hhsq ft 1 1 5 Fokker 0-ViIW 00 wivgspan cq 0 tlvg arno 0020 cid nvoivn S bs__ OCOSh02495 WACO D 1/4 Scale 1930s Commercial & Miiitary Expert egg wiogspav wing area 7814 length bs oh Engine Olee 1223 kY Airfoil Seotion aPlywood removable engine unit kMoooted Landing Gear CQO141 02486 Fiberglass Cowl Wheal Pants & Fairing Aoailablel FoIlsian Olson wns last Opnvvovkpit Wasos end ceauritul hi plane mith samiolliptical wiogs Plays show both military avo vommmvial versions sill Ettinger Feending Member AMA NFFS Hell 08 Fewer Prices ore Icr complete plays cob assomby derailed parts lists PLEASE ADD 8338 tot shipping mailing rebel New 1591 Plan Oem brochort n,vdebevv stode WE TECHNICAL SERVICES Rt 1 Box 2900A Santa Rosa Beach FL 32459 Cardinal/Haught Continued page 182 So far mounting system has worked fine During unexpected inverted landing top cylinder popped off plywood mounting tab stayed intact dummy engine has presented no other problems during two seasons practice flying fitting cylinders donrt forget trim away access needle valve fuel lines functional engine get just bit prop clearance eliminated forward-facing spark plug wires spark plugs dummy engine Slip elevator stabilizer slot rear fuselage Make sure itts properly aligned fuselage glue Add rudder Take time fitting wing fuselage youre happy glue securely slow-drying epoxy Go over entire model final sanding checking areas need filled adjusted Once thats done airplane ready covering Covering finishing Since Cardinal intended practice ship wanted low-investment finish selected bright red MonoKote enhanced brighter yellow trim sheet wiped light coat epoxy wood around engine area sanded later make fuelproof engine cylinder mount painted red match covering made flame design follows After drawing pattern sheet heavy paper cut two sheets stick-on trim film rough size Placing sheet poster board building board taped down first sheet trim film color side up taped second sheet color side down top first taped pattern over used sharp new #11 X-Acto blade cut design out pressing down hard able cut three layers pattern both films once placed flames carefully fuselage rubbed out bubbles wrinkles effect stunning /jfll5r BIG GLOW FUEL w * Superior Igniters Improve starting idle acceleration Youll notice power bargain fuels / *Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent 4 residue buildup *Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion Afterrun oilt needed engines *Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection *Anti-Wear Additives keep engines running peak performance longer *Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKL FUEL PINTQUART GALLON QO/ Nitromethane $995 5% Nitromethane $325$495$1195 10% Nitromethane $395$535$1395 15/o Nitromethane $395$625$1595 25% Nitromethane $495$795$2095 35/o Nitromethane$595$895$2595 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 100/o Nitromethane $1325 15/o Nitromethane $1525 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SAG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SAG fuels con tain 5050 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price July 1991 187 No 692 3 Meter Scooter$1150 RC High Performance Sailplane Spans 118-in 2 plan sheets No 693 Cardinal Classic$575 CL Sport Stunter 35 power Spans 50-in No 193SOllelgo CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI World Champs$375 No 262Crashniaster CL Crash-prnof trainer two sizeslS30 35/40 power$125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane AC Sport Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 ir 14 scale Two sheetsS625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards flying boat 3-channel 15-power Fly land removable gear$375 No 326Taylor Cub AC Don Srolls Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans St in$350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope 500mg $300 No 386Laeer 200 AC Spurs Scale replica championship Aerobatic flier Uses 40 power 4-S channel Two sheets$1075 No 4471/2A Miax America AC Old-Timer Texaco model 049 glow 3-channels S650 No 460440 AC Shoulder-wing sport flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 465Blue Max II AC Fan-fly sportoter 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight stroctore$700 No 539Simifar Slow-Motion 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 onus 3-ch AC$355 No 578Schwelzer 1-26B AC Quarter-ocole Sailplane spans 125 Two plan sheetsS1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC Golden Age Aacer spans 72 1/s scale 60 power Thrue plan sheetsS1175 oNo 588Marlah AC Slope-Soadno Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels5 425 0No 593Tayloreraft AC Sport Scale light plane builds standard 2-placer clipped-wing air show stonter Spans either 70 o 0or 59 39140 two-stroke 40/48 fear-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docomentation$ 1000 C\J No 598Coronet 150 AC-Assist Old-Timer enlarged lSghb spans 72 onus 40-size 4-stmkel30-size2-stroke$ 050 05No 603Sparrow Hawk P-30 FF Competition robber-power plane won 87 Nato Spans 30 inS 2 25 No 609 Taperwing AC Pylon gacer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet$ 6 00 VNo 619 Keith RIder R4 FF Scale Golden Age racer robber power spans 18 in$ 3 00 No 620 GImlet 40 AC SporliPattem plane spans 60 in. 40/50 engine 2 sheetsS 11 00 CO 624 Keleher Lark AC Quarter-scale homebulfl spans 69 60/90 4-stroke power 2 plan sheets no doc$ 11 00 123No 626 Sweepee AC Spert/Pattem canards forward-swept wing spans 64 in. ooes 40 power 2 plan sheets.S 1300 oNo 628Prime Cut AC Sport/Aerobatic plane spans 90 in. uses Ouadrh 35/40-size power Two plan sheets5 1300 No 630OrigInal Fly Baby AC Old-Timer spans 72 in. ones 10/25 2-cycle 40 4-cycle power 2 plan sheets$ 1150 No 641Lii Ole Reliable AC Old-Timer sport flier spans 5w/a engines$ 575 IDNo 644Belianca Columbia AC Schoolyard Scale 2 AC channels engine Wingspan 46 inS 575 no No 646 Winter Hawk FF Aubber-power Coope dhlioer competihon plane spans 47 inS 375 E No 650 47/88 RC SpecIal AC Aershatic sport plane 40 power spans 61 3 plan sheets5 1075 No 652 Der Fledermauc AC Low-wing sport plane 20/2S power spans 55 in $ 675 No 654 Taniecat AC Trainer/sportster otyled like F14 spans 66 40161 power Four plan sheets $ 1S25 122No 655 Astroatar FF AMA Class 0/B Gas plane spans 67 onus 325/350cc powerS 000 No 657 Super SquIre AC Trainer 35/40 2-stroke 53 4-strake power spans 56 in S 750 6 E No 659 Boom Box PP Wakeheld Aubber competition plane spans 54 in S 4 00 No 881 Embry-Omatlc FF Embryo Endurance robber-power plane spans 20 in$ 200 oNo 663Pea Patch AC Sportster spans 60 uses 40/SO 4-stroke power 2 plan sheetsS900 No 664Stuka Stunt CL Stunter semiscale spans 37 in.S5 00 o 0No 885ConscIentIous Oblector FF Muluihill Aubber competition plane spans 50 Oat5 575 No 686Blitz AC Sportster spans 48 uses hot 29132 power 2 plan sheetsS 1075 CNo 887AT-6 CL Semiscale profile Stunter 35/40 pewer spans 47 in5 575 0 122 -No 669Rob Raven AC Sailplane unique twist-wing control Spans 70-in Aequiros Olenon mioing$ 650 C noNo 671Ceaana Cardinal FF Aeminder Scale sport flier power spaos 39 -in$ 575 N No 672Kmckerlac AC updated uersion pioneer sport plane spans 74-in two plan sheetsS 1375 73Caudlmorelax Faut Combat ship designed 25-32 power Fnam wing spans 48-inS 500 Os tO eNo 674Krumpier AC 075-powerad Electric semi-scale bi-winger spans 39-in5 575 E No 675 BOF-1 FF twin-tailed sport flier tsr Coo 02 Pee Wee engine spans 25-inS 225 0 No 676 Hiliner AC twin-electitc high-wing Sport ship designed lnr Hiline lmp-30 motor Has tricycle gear spans 40 in. S 400 00 No 677 ThunderbIrd CL Stunter 20-35 power Two plao sheets drawn original 1002 Veco kit Spars 54 in5 975 ~No 678Bean Boo FF West Coast Bostonian Outdoor design Spans 16 inS 150 C0No 679BIg Bingol Large AC Sportster spans 95 120-24 power Two plan sheetsS 1700 No 680 Belixeve Winner Aussian FAI CL Combat ship spans 47 in5 475 122No 681 1969 Bade BD4 FF Aubber Scale model spans 19 in$ 325 CNo 682 B T Vintage Trainer AC Aeminder-Scale Sportster 30-size engines Spans 47 Two plan sheets$ 1150 o 683 Michaels Mustang CL Sport Scale P-Si Va0 engines Spans 21 $ 325 No 684 staggerwing Beech 3-Chunnel AC Schonlyard-Scale hi-wing Sportster Fnr 349 power Spans 32-in 5 No 685 AkroBat CL Stunter high-performance 040 engines Sysos 32-in $ 230 SINo 686Poller AC Paoern-type sport plane 2- 4-cycle puwur Spans 65-in $ 725 05No 687WIndsock Non-flying Profile P-Si used winduane Spans 36-in$ 575 NNo 688Stealth Glider FF rubberband-launched foamibalsa Canard Catapult/SteaOh Glider combs Spans 9-in$ 200 oNo 689Thomas Morse Scout 54C AC A-scale biplane 90 power Spans 93-in 3 plan sheets$ 1975 05No 690P-82B TwIn Mustang CL Profile Sportster twin MVVS 25 diesels Spans 40-in 2 plan sheets$ 1050 No 6911927 HL2 PP Scale model Polish homebsilt tsr 6-0 watt motor robber C02 Spans 29-in$ 225 us 03 00quests payment some other - * 193262310314326332386447 460465539578581588593598 609619620624626628630 V641644646650652654655657 g300 659661663664665666667669 o V671672673674675676677678 680681682683684685686 687688689690691692693694 Plan price inCudeS first cass postage US delivery whiCh Air Mai over 300 mies I orders non-US address lease add S250 Air Mail oSta 8 handlin Ian 305 Make Check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMA 1810 5 Samuel Morse Dr. Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print CarefullyEnclosed $ -______________________ i~I________________________________ o. NAME ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ REET en 1 Os CITY E ______________________________________ ZIP _____________________________ [v32][b-2-10-1-10]]-I numbers plans wish order best handling please include re- service plans order ___________________________________ Cardinal/Haught Continued page 187 Adding details Mount elevator horn elevator make connecting pushrod Make pushrod guide either /s6 wire cotter key Hook up pushrod adjust amount control surface movement prefer Mount engine fuel line filter Attach dummy engine unit Install wheels retainers Use fairly heavy piece clear plastic windshield Bend fit glue epoxy Finish off lead-outs check balance point youre ready go flying Let winds blow Equipped 0S.35 engine Cardinal Classic has plenty power turbulent air Its consistent reliable flier So what waiting Lets get cracking Nationals dreamD RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 47 2 Throffle shut-off will visually inspected may functionally tested during contest 3 screws holding engine mount mount firewall must place secure 4 Receiver battery pack should protected against vibration accordance radio manufacturers recommendations 5 Washers will used screws holding servos mounting trays also screws holding tray rails washers will approximately same diameter grommets Servos mounted directly rails will also have washers mounting screws addition servo trays used will have least extra safety screw necessarily turned down tightly placed between grommets rear tray prevent tray slipping out grommets flight 6A keeper collar will pushrods have right angle bend connecting servos S-bends acceptable clevis used both ends pushrod devises will secured will turn 7All control surfaces will firm hinge line excess slop discretion safety inspector 8Positive thread-type wing bolts screws will secure wing place two-piece aircraft 9A positive method holding wheel axle will used wheel shall bind 10 entire aircraft shall inspected stress cracks aircraft fails above items must repaired before can entered 188 Model Aviation Continued next month
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 48, 49, 50, 182, 187, 188
a Ca1 xdhm author put together handful proven designs came up original great-flying CL practice Stunter EDave Haught An MAYBE ITS happened too get idea model before long its claimed place mind sketch napkins during boring business meetings maybe contemplate its flying pattern winning Nationals Such dreams tenacious linger untilusually years lateryou eventually make real So Cardinal Classic singular mix proven designsthe Miss Los Angeles Spiezo Sport Tu-holer Kinner Sportster favorite classic Stunter Orientalthis bright red beauty flame-licked nose inhabited imagination years before finally got round building Seven years fact few false starts Classic borrows existing designs yet manages freshproof dont have start ground up original its uniqueness goes beyond surface appearances Basically profile airplane thick nose section la Dick Mathis Rather simply being cut short wing juncture nose faired series 1/ x 34-in stringers full-fuselage look stringers also make rear fuselage very rigid Painted bright red befit its name Cardinal Classic sports Williams Bros five-cylinder dummy engine 48 Model Aviation Cardinal Classics stringered fuselage gives look full-fuselage Stunter rather profile model Showing off Classic pilots view models lines borrowed various classic aircraft blended expression grace speed sport see flame design made bright yellow stick-on trim film poster board heavy paper functional engine 05 35 Classic hasnt won Nationals yet certainly flies great like practice Stunter resembles full-scale airplane inching way toward future Nationals glory start somewhere Practice practice practice Construction Construction conventional straightforward like start wing Wing Begin making kit parts ribs have same airfoil Trim center section ribs allow planking few cutouts will made bellcrank assembly main wing spar key rigidity design Make spar sheet hard straight A-in sheet balsa Slip wing ribs precut slots position unit plans Block trailing edge up off plan wing spar sits squarely workbench Begin pinning rear rib trailing edge strip Pin leading edge place trimming ribs fit necessary Check wing straight no warping block flat use Elmers carpenters glue wood joints small artists paintbrush lightly carefully coat joint both sides rib achieve strong bond Allow wing dry overnight Unpin wing turn over again brush rib-and-leading-edge joint coat glue Install bellcrank lead-outs Trim ribs allow lead-oats free passage through wing Bend install pushrod Select two matched sheets /16 X 3 x 48-in-long balsa leading edge planlring Fill spray bottle warm water wet side sheet sheets begin curl slightly theyre ready use Brush layer carpenters glue ribs spar leading edge pin sheeting place Repeat other side plank center section Rough shape wing tip blocks Install lead-out guides inboard add tip weight outboard youre planning use adjustable line guides tip weights nows time install Installing cap strips seems lost art once saw practically everywhere today turn up few designs Yet modern CyAs make easier ever attach cap strips model Simply cut sheet / wood long strips A-in width start cutting length go Dont forget wing tip ribs cap strips set begin final carving adventure Taper trailing edge meet A-in sheet flaps sand tips final shape Gently engine well recessed deep fuselage sides along fuel tank dummy engine has since trimmed make room muffler keep neighbors happy pushrod connects flaps elevator must kept flexing under flight loads wire guIde doubled wire pushrods work together end Just out pIlots reach flap horn busy place pushrod belicrank fits Its upper hole elevator pushrod hole just beneath Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 188 ~rnIn acne WISe PAn felon fees traillOIN awnwon II cflaWtsarV0w nor r macAnn aat eastITI are,, Meets n tin nun alarin SeeSeNa 50*8001 eaSe mAnnesnneIones Of, .n erAenacs assa anal lea a-nar.renac eeliC1~ Uardiua[c-Yr , LASSIC trnsaeleewa round leading edge sheets smooth radius Cut flaps medium-weight 1A-in sheet straight true Sand whatever taper desire round leading trailing edges Bend flap joiner wire %2 music wire Slip short piece brass tubing Both ends pushrods equipped RC-styie fittings allow fine adjustments control linkages nylon horn rugged eaaily adjusted well bushing before making final bend Hinge flaps wing wrap bushing length fiberglass tape secure trailing edge Fit flap horn Bend pushrod final length attach Stabilizer rudder elevator Cut stabilizer medium-stiff balsa rudder fairly lightweight sheet Sand edges appropriately tapering control surfaces rounding hinge edges leading edges Glue rudder offset set rudder assembly aside Bend install wire elevator joiner 50 Model Aviation II 7 bract -\ zLH 4 Hr r met necaaeaNe aareme ~neeeneaan screwdriver points cutout neeaea clear engine intake needle valve Dremel tool works great trimming plastic plywood necessary o ASHEN CF NG * MODE PANE * IONYASEAA AWE MEN RE RE OW REGU AR N S OCIL P ANS GE OUR AMOGE WOE RIMOS AU HEN CMOU P NsDAY SERICE OtR~R1/2 EF3/4 UP 19 YRIARRREVIAT NAME 124S2 lI16S2 LIE SI 37 DeEM' COSRE ROE 4U Voo8ht COO F4U 15 IRE JEI4S JEflEy 27 L1EdbRUER NX211 29 EMOG TOpRESELEE 36 6ERRLIRd LYRORdEE 35 DEoo 0-46A UbRE 29 BORiGE 500 Sport 33 SOLo ToLmLOr Ll6LEP38 25 tIgi CORE U2U1/4 38 Coo CROLRO PEYSe 19 CarOL. 814 17 PEIEIERE 07 PLE 31 EMYLR GERSER 13 SapeomliEse 16R 36 GEREE GELUROR9E 38 Look E1RcLOA #11 43 GEwE AERORRE TBF 42 Roe 8170 PLyPEEO 38 18A NLOOhR1l R25 34 EEROCiCOOESNC72 37 CR0 ROBs 503C1 25 CROOE 1311 42 34 DOER TECOOP DC-3 33 CwEO New6 P6E 32 DoE11LOlR GUll 31 50 P48364 P128 32 SpEUld 811DEE 22 l8Ewsrd IkRM81l 34 TUEEERRE 818 EACRE 35 No E6E111gOo 33 BOR P26A Low Wg 35 S11EEEEE TW SR7 42 DIE NOSqOLOR 506 37 SORERO PT17 43 N Rib Widow P61 38 TANS 166 Teo13 42 CN11d1vo SB2C4 26 EErIE 1011010 4AT 31 811000 ALE ERR 33 GEE. J2F DoCk 27 CSRO60k F7C1 28 216 Aaphib 238 16 ll1gR 8400 806 31 LIodys LU1ELRR 31 HowEErd ROOPRIR 31 C Sporhok P91-2 33 AEERO C3 SIO 38 TREGRER FORCE Sp 03 EJoLeElL FILER ISE GE I1/ 5z 114Sl 2232032433266344 132350 2U52U3022660$45ME" 21 31832 52465538864552~ 15514 344324 69334 9154E 15514 224320 45334 6U54En0362 255183743247553tt04452.4 235243453268546~ 15316 224324 45336I60.3EJ8l 90562 305304553U9056212037. 27319 39 226 70545 L2 1843152832056E334I12556 18 322 27 328 54y44r7SE$55 08S 52 34878 560104 4694589 14 51221 516. 530o4349 114512174514355324 544 70356 15510224313444$2660388952 P4514 214358 43538 SCALE PLAN 275254133255538Look E1eo34 30328405308032FOrd3M4AT6 5154077 3580 8170 56 36433755 552A 825 56 15451523322644535114 8-26 6 1951E 204524 57336 SIlo ToL 4 11 5151645203 0 odlyPe e 6 47540 71 150oo6 123I718432237 3549467458 1i516224320444532594448958 134516205204033253580558 1045121545153132662345 5351219516393285 34078552 165152343204733264448456 14 513 21 520 42 532 63 45 84 58 2045163143256254582552366 3742441135815060865 33 540 4950 99 75 144$13214 518433686O 25525374535 38 53857 248 32 52248 5309652 1945282954058555I8168 154318 2245241 36534 S4342-l~~2 21516 314322 ~36 2153153033005 2 12451519522 1851O27514534326107 48 123161832O3733649$48j7445 601120tt 8060 8EFORE ORDERING* 315 SCALE IlIAG Start M151184E188 URGER 515 ooPLANS AVAILABLE AT ONE RE SU8E TO ADD TOE USU-PRICES FOFI ALL DESIGNS AL LEZ FUR PACKAGING PORTAGE AND INSURANCE ABOUT TROUSASED ADDITIONAL PLANS RHANY SIZES 75 CATALOG 5200 OR PRICE LIST ALONE 51.R BY______________________________________ AIR FOREIGN 33____ eve an0 e uppy o 180001 Pr68AEIRIIEEE ROE FIndRIte 8919R"""" 91880LI0 810 lB ADAPTOR ThROW-A-WAY YOUR COLLETS CHUCK & WRENCH USE OUR ADAPTOR & 532 CAPONALL DREMEL POWER TOOLS RUNS 100% TRUE & CONCENTRIC AT FULL RPM ESS CHUCK $1895 DREMEL 850 395 DO NOT NEED ADAPTOR TO USE KEYLESS CHUCK STEEL SAW AND ARBOR HARDENED GROUND & POUSHED STEEL USED FOR CUTTiNG PLASTIC WOOD SOfl METALS LEXAN PLEXIGLASS & ETC AVAILABLE IN 006 008 010 012 014 U016018 020023025 028 032THICKNESS 1 OUISIDE DIAMETER @ $075 Ek NO 502ARBOR $600 NO 503 1X014X1/4SAW$600 OUR SAWS ONLY WORK WITH OUR ARBOR MICRO SELFSTARTING TORCH No Rod flinl 01 matIlel dull O 05 lIre Piezo SeIl-SlarIing bullon 0 A micro size adjollable flame 6 IS Al 2370 up II 3 hOurs Ope Ales IlandAld ci9Arelle gh bulane old relillable Tank 5 omforlably 144 palm yosr ha d made htgl-tmpact bIer allows safe non2 s p comlorlable grip Sapplted mill - a blab MT770 Blow Torch$3588 cAn 01 Dutanel MT771 SobER 4 ozS800 EASTERN TOOL& SUPPLY CO I49GRANDST-NYCNY 10013 WRITE FOR CATALOG $300 ORDERS 212 925-1008 WHEN ORDERING PPD ADD $300 OFFICE 212-228-3749 COD ADO $500 FAX212-925-1510 RADIO SOUTH N Palafox Pensacola FL 32503 Fil j 4 PRO est Hinge Install IPlastlcI inning messy epORyInstBnt glues neededIspecial Paper pecial hinge slogGer neededNo alignment neceBsely RC $24SIpkg 19 cale $44SIpkg 24 use cyanoacryIate adhesives available local hobby shop call 904-434-0909 Conversion/Kopski Continued page 175 rubberbands much nicer job strapping wing tied-together No 64stheyre long enough easily cross large wing chord longer bands however wide 64s youll need use use seven eight side Continued next month Card nal/Haught Continued page 50 Dont forget bush length brass tube did flap joiner Install hinges join elevator stabilizer Wrap tube bushing layer glass cloth reinforcement Give assembly final sanding Fuselage phase goes quickly Cut core profile medium-lightweight sheet A-in balsa Cut out engine mount fuel tank stabilizer wing locations Make two plywood nose doublers fit fuselage core hardwood engine mounts Once have good fit glue works together wood glue clamp overnight assembly drying bend landing gear tail skid Wrap tall skid wire length hardwood dowel drill hole rear fuselage accommodate skid its dowel Make hole slighfly larger diameter dowel Attach skid-and-dowel epoxy wood glue fuselage dry trim plywood necessary order set new dimension RIC world Fly Wire Technology hereTo tulfill wildest RIC dreams engine place Drill mounting holes install blind mounting nuts rear same time drill holes landing gear mounting straps install straps gear Secure nuts drop solder youve ever caught face red because nuts backed out youll know suggest Make thick fuselage doublers lightweight 3/o-in sheet Cut shape glue place Carve pleasing contour dry Taper can kept minimum doublers approach trailing edge wing since stringers take over job point Select several fairly firm strips n balsa stringers Begin top stringer forms top stabilizers home slot make sure its properly aligned Fit short length stringer under stabilizer slot anchor covering fit small piece leading edge stabilizer Install remaining stingers Make block support pushrod guide install between second third stringers Allow stringers dry trim taper back rudder post shown plan top view other end fuselage carve fuel tank well install fuel tank Because thickness doublers filler vent tubes tank may need either relocated extended clear fuselage youre using dummy five-cylinder engine build now used Williams Bros kit cylinders mounting plywood cylinder mount shown plan mount screwed engine mounts nose long wood screws entire engine can removed desired Mount small light weight VidEo/Sound Transmitter Systems model ujrcrutt helicopter Actually OUO what modUl sees televiSion RUcord oo VOR Hear engineo wind up sir howl hy See Streets rooftops helow us guide model through its paces Experience ultimate hreuth tuking reulism See new dimension RIO world Experience Fly hy Wire Technolugy Kits Otirt $77505 Complote units start $124503 Send fur free See us St R/O Shows md hohhy shops Truely new dimension ton RIO World IOPERFUN 158P59AT158 182 Model Aviation Bill Eftinger * says o parr n patrem Sets give assorted designs want have selected best classic designs time choose patterns part important esciusice feature Curtiss aaHAWKr PlC SArA wingspan ength 2268 eq wing area Foe 13tn 23 CID engines ennel RIC RCQS1g 5 Curtiss aCFALCON, 0-IB/AB 114 mingepan ength 3lggsginwingaeea Fer23te 35 CID engines ennel 8/C RCQS-13 5 Scale Piper Cub 1-3 tt9wing seen 86 length wine area 4 oh 8/C 286055 20- 30 014 engines RC3S-282886 One-Third Scale Piper Tn-Pacer PA-22 1183/8 wing teen 2380 sq wing area 20 30 old enginne 8/Sob 8/C no 12 lbt et-tIS Onerell length 8C303f2995 Quarter Scale WW SE-5A 04 wing span 50 wing area 75 22 engines IICQO-7 5 SPAD CXIII 70 span 0 sq wing area 13 31 engines Capable flyer captures imagination gCGsg s FOKKER DR-i TRIPLANE 72 wivo spao 1772 sq iv wing area 70 100 onginen2 ECOSgI 6 SOPWITH CAMEL P1o " 2uj. g4 wivo span 4 sq iv wing area 11 lbs wlo RC wood & balsa vonstroction over hhsq ft 1 1 5 Fokker 0-ViIW 00 wivgspan cq 0 tlvg arno 0020 cid nvoivn S bs__ OCOSh02495 WACO D 1/4 Scale 1930s Commercial & Miiitary Expert egg wiogspav wing area 7814 length bs oh Engine Olee 1223 kY Airfoil Seotion aPlywood removable engine unit kMoooted Landing Gear CQO141 02486 Fiberglass Cowl Wheal Pants & Fairing Aoailablel FoIlsian Olson wns last Opnvvovkpit Wasos end ceauritul hi plane mith samiolliptical wiogs Plays show both military avo vommmvial versions sill Ettinger Feending Member AMA NFFS Hell 08 Fewer Prices ore Icr complete plays cob assomby derailed parts lists PLEASE ADD 8338 tot shipping mailing rebel New 1591 Plan Oem brochort n,vdebevv stode WE TECHNICAL SERVICES Rt 1 Box 2900A Santa Rosa Beach FL 32459 Cardinal/Haught Continued page 182 So far mounting system has worked fine During unexpected inverted landing top cylinder popped off plywood mounting tab stayed intact dummy engine has presented no other problems during two seasons practice flying fitting cylinders donrt forget trim away access needle valve fuel lines functional engine get just bit prop clearance eliminated forward-facing spark plug wires spark plugs dummy engine Slip elevator stabilizer slot rear fuselage Make sure itts properly aligned fuselage glue Add rudder Take time fitting wing fuselage youre happy glue securely slow-drying epoxy Go over entire model final sanding checking areas need filled adjusted Once thats done airplane ready covering Covering finishing Since Cardinal intended practice ship wanted low-investment finish selected bright red MonoKote enhanced brighter yellow trim sheet wiped light coat epoxy wood around engine area sanded later make fuelproof engine cylinder mount painted red match covering made flame design follows After drawing pattern sheet heavy paper cut two sheets stick-on trim film rough size Placing sheet poster board building board taped down first sheet trim film color side up taped second sheet color side down top first taped pattern over used sharp new #11 X-Acto blade cut design out pressing down hard able cut three layers pattern both films once placed flames carefully fuselage rubbed out bubbles wrinkles effect stunning /jfll5r BIG GLOW FUEL w * Superior Igniters Improve starting idle acceleration Youll notice power bargain fuels / *Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent 4 residue buildup *Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion Afterrun oilt needed engines *Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection *Anti-Wear Additives keep engines running peak performance longer *Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKL FUEL PINTQUART GALLON QO/ Nitromethane $995 5% Nitromethane $325$495$1195 10% Nitromethane $395$535$1395 15/o Nitromethane $395$625$1595 25% Nitromethane $495$795$2095 35/o Nitromethane$595$895$2595 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 100/o Nitromethane $1325 15/o Nitromethane $1525 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SAG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SAG fuels con tain 5050 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price July 1991 187 No 692 3 Meter Scooter$1150 RC High Performance Sailplane Spans 118-in 2 plan sheets No 693 Cardinal Classic$575 CL Sport Stunter 35 power Spans 50-in No 193SOllelgo CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI World Champs$375 No 262Crashniaster CL Crash-prnof trainer two sizeslS30 35/40 power$125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane AC Sport Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 ir 14 scale Two sheetsS625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards flying boat 3-channel 15-power Fly land removable gear$375 No 326Taylor Cub AC Don Srolls Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans St in$350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope 500mg $300 No 386Laeer 200 AC Spurs Scale replica championship Aerobatic flier Uses 40 power 4-S channel Two sheets$1075 No 4471/2A Miax America AC Old-Timer Texaco model 049 glow 3-channels S650 No 460440 AC Shoulder-wing sport flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 465Blue Max II AC Fan-fly sportoter 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight stroctore$700 No 539Simifar Slow-Motion 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 onus 3-ch AC$355 No 578Schwelzer 1-26B AC Quarter-ocole Sailplane spans 125 Two plan sheetsS1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC Golden Age Aacer spans 72 1/s scale 60 power Thrue plan sheetsS1175 oNo 588Marlah AC Slope-Soadno Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels5 425 0No 593Tayloreraft AC Sport Scale light plane builds standard 2-placer clipped-wing air show stonter Spans either 70 o 0or 59 39140 two-stroke 40/48 fear-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docomentation$ 1000 C\J No 598Coronet 150 AC-Assist Old-Timer enlarged lSghb spans 72 onus 40-size 4-stmkel30-size2-stroke$ 050 05No 603Sparrow Hawk P-30 FF Competition robber-power plane won 87 Nato Spans 30 inS 2 25 No 609 Taperwing AC Pylon gacer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet$ 6 00 VNo 619 Keith RIder R4 FF Scale Golden Age racer robber power spans 18 in$ 3 00 No 620 GImlet 40 AC SporliPattem plane spans 60 in. 40/50 engine 2 sheetsS 11 00 CO 624 Keleher Lark AC Quarter-scale homebulfl spans 69 60/90 4-stroke power 2 plan sheets no doc$ 11 00 123No 626 Sweepee AC Spert/Pattem canards forward-swept wing spans 64 in. ooes 40 power 2 plan sheets.S 1300 oNo 628Prime Cut AC Sport/Aerobatic plane spans 90 in. uses Ouadrh 35/40-size power Two plan sheets5 1300 No 630OrigInal Fly Baby AC Old-Timer spans 72 in. ones 10/25 2-cycle 40 4-cycle power 2 plan sheets$ 1150 No 641Lii Ole Reliable AC Old-Timer sport flier spans 5w/a engines$ 575 IDNo 644Belianca Columbia AC Schoolyard Scale 2 AC channels engine Wingspan 46 inS 575 no No 646 Winter Hawk FF Aubber-power Coope dhlioer competihon plane spans 47 inS 375 E No 650 47/88 RC SpecIal AC Aershatic sport plane 40 power spans 61 3 plan sheets5 1075 No 652 Der Fledermauc AC Low-wing sport plane 20/2S power spans 55 in $ 675 No 654 Taniecat AC Trainer/sportster otyled like F14 spans 66 40161 power Four plan sheets $ 1S25 122No 655 Astroatar FF AMA Class 0/B Gas plane spans 67 onus 325/350cc powerS 000 No 657 Super SquIre AC Trainer 35/40 2-stroke 53 4-strake power spans 56 in S 750 6 E No 659 Boom Box PP Wakeheld Aubber competition plane spans 54 in S 4 00 No 881 Embry-Omatlc FF Embryo Endurance robber-power plane spans 20 in$ 200 oNo 663Pea Patch AC Sportster spans 60 uses 40/SO 4-stroke power 2 plan sheetsS900 No 664Stuka Stunt CL Stunter semiscale spans 37 in.S5 00 o 0No 885ConscIentIous Oblector FF Muluihill Aubber competition plane spans 50 Oat5 575 No 686Blitz AC Sportster spans 48 uses hot 29132 power 2 plan sheetsS 1075 CNo 887AT-6 CL Semiscale profile Stunter 35/40 pewer spans 47 in5 575 0 122 -No 669Rob Raven AC Sailplane unique twist-wing control Spans 70-in Aequiros Olenon mioing$ 650 C noNo 671Ceaana Cardinal FF Aeminder Scale sport flier power spaos 39 -in$ 575 N No 672Kmckerlac AC updated uersion pioneer sport plane spans 74-in two plan sheetsS 1375 73Caudlmorelax Faut Combat ship designed 25-32 power Fnam wing spans 48-inS 500 Os tO eNo 674Krumpier AC 075-powerad Electric semi-scale bi-winger spans 39-in5 575 E No 675 BOF-1 FF twin-tailed sport flier tsr Coo 02 Pee Wee engine spans 25-inS 225 0 No 676 Hiliner AC twin-electitc high-wing Sport ship designed lnr Hiline lmp-30 motor Has tricycle gear spans 40 in. S 400 00 No 677 ThunderbIrd CL Stunter 20-35 power Two plao sheets drawn original 1002 Veco kit Spars 54 in5 975 ~No 678Bean Boo FF West Coast Bostonian Outdoor design Spans 16 inS 150 C0No 679BIg Bingol Large AC Sportster spans 95 120-24 power Two plan sheetsS 1700 No 680 Belixeve Winner Aussian FAI CL Combat ship spans 47 in5 475 122No 681 1969 Bade BD4 FF Aubber Scale model spans 19 in$ 325 CNo 682 B T Vintage Trainer AC Aeminder-Scale Sportster 30-size engines Spans 47 Two plan sheets$ 1150 o 683 Michaels Mustang CL Sport Scale P-Si Va0 engines Spans 21 $ 325 No 684 staggerwing Beech 3-Chunnel AC Schonlyard-Scale hi-wing Sportster Fnr 349 power Spans 32-in 5 No 685 AkroBat CL Stunter high-performance 040 engines Sysos 32-in $ 230 SINo 686Poller AC Paoern-type sport plane 2- 4-cycle puwur Spans 65-in $ 725 05No 687WIndsock Non-flying Profile P-Si used winduane Spans 36-in$ 575 NNo 688Stealth Glider FF rubberband-launched foamibalsa Canard Catapult/SteaOh Glider combs Spans 9-in$ 200 oNo 689Thomas Morse Scout 54C AC A-scale biplane 90 power Spans 93-in 3 plan sheets$ 1975 05No 690P-82B TwIn Mustang CL Profile Sportster twin MVVS 25 diesels Spans 40-in 2 plan sheets$ 1050 No 6911927 HL2 PP Scale model Polish homebsilt tsr 6-0 watt motor robber C02 Spans 29-in$ 225 us 03 00quests payment some other - * 193262310314326332386447 460465539578581588593598 609619620624626628630 V641644646650652654655657 g300 659661663664665666667669 o V671672673674675676677678 680681682683684685686 687688689690691692693694 Plan price inCudeS first cass postage US delivery whiCh Air Mai over 300 mies I orders non-US address lease add S250 Air Mail oSta 8 handlin Ian 305 Make Check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMA 1810 5 Samuel Morse Dr. Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print CarefullyEnclosed $ -______________________ i~I________________________________ o. NAME ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ REET en 1 Os CITY E ______________________________________ ZIP _____________________________ [v32][b-2-10-1-10]]-I numbers plans wish order best handling please include re- service plans order ___________________________________ Cardinal/Haught Continued page 187 Adding details Mount elevator horn elevator make connecting pushrod Make pushrod guide either /s6 wire cotter key Hook up pushrod adjust amount control surface movement prefer Mount engine fuel line filter Attach dummy engine unit Install wheels retainers Use fairly heavy piece clear plastic windshield Bend fit glue epoxy Finish off lead-outs check balance point youre ready go flying Let winds blow Equipped 0S.35 engine Cardinal Classic has plenty power turbulent air Its consistent reliable flier So what waiting Lets get cracking Nationals dreamD RC Pylon Racing/Hager Continued page 47 2 Throffle shut-off will visually inspected may functionally tested during contest 3 screws holding engine mount mount firewall must place secure 4 Receiver battery pack should protected against vibration accordance radio manufacturers recommendations 5 Washers will used screws holding servos mounting trays also screws holding tray rails washers will approximately same diameter grommets Servos mounted directly rails will also have washers mounting screws addition servo trays used will have least extra safety screw necessarily turned down tightly placed between grommets rear tray prevent tray slipping out grommets flight 6A keeper collar will pushrods have right angle bend connecting servos S-bends acceptable clevis used both ends pushrod devises will secured will turn 7All control surfaces will firm hinge line excess slop discretion safety inspector 8Positive thread-type wing bolts screws will secure wing place two-piece aircraft 9A positive method holding wheel axle will used wheel shall bind 10 entire aircraft shall inspected stress cracks aircraft fails above items must repaired before can entered 188 Model Aviation Continued next month