COM PET NE WSLETTE ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS Nats Results Senior-class winners CL Formu la 40 Speed event accidentally left out Nats results November 1985 issue CL Formula 40 Speed Seniors MPH 1 joe GruberGlendale NY14557 2 james W Ricketts Sioux Falls SD 13825 Watch Out Changes New 1986-87 Competition Rules new 1986-87 rule book will out soon rules will become effective January 1 1986 competitors should carefully check rules favorite events changes cause much consternation frustration arrive first contest 1986 season find during model processing orflying some new rules youre prepared example RC Giant Scale Sport Scale Sailplaneare no longer Provisional events RC Helicopter rules have completely overhauled Scale Helicop ter rules have changed maximum engine displacement four-cycle has changed RC Sport Scale RC Giant Scale just few examples 1986 World Championships Unsettled As end October sites forthcoming Indoor Control Line World Championships have approved FAI unusual situation occur late program sites will proba bly approved until December FAI/CIAM meeting Paris will report soon thereafter possible Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood away find ourselves Wheres rule book time receive colulmn after December 15th schedule has held since time written until time read can relate Its mail scheduled mailing time point December 15 1985 tasks Technical Direc toristheformulationoftherulebook Being itsfather cycle has something traumatic experience inherited well its development precious small amount time remained bring fruition came board Headquar ters Atthis time sometwomonthsaheadof years end schedule will find few changes format year Hopefully will make book better tool use printing whiter paper stock thereby increasing readibility over past use newsprint some mature years would like say print will just tad larger isnt Looking toward future possibili ty closely tied book size type binding number pagesand otherfactors Hopefully trifocal-wearers will find improved contrast helpful feature Another change will discover new numbering system various events listed inside front cover assign block numbers category As example Free Flight outdoor events coded 100 series Control Line events numbered 300 series etc system has activated throughout Headquarters operation Model Aviation future will find set event numbers rule book another set sanction form still another set Nats form As point interest almost 120 different items listed feature new rule book has excellent possibilities future develop ment section back designated Membership Manual will find familiar items such Safety Code site information new items Continued page 178 Golden Anniversary 1936-1986 AMA will celebrate 50 years service what may major event Aero modeling Plans being set two-day Anniversary Celebration Fly-In run August 2-3 1986 great flying site Lake Charles LA ie former Chennault AFB site will host flying fun Control Line Free Flight Radio Control AMA members bring model airplane will also product flight demonstrations Show Team fun food veritable aeromodeling circus activity Non-flying action will include booths run manufacturers special interest groups clubs Information seminars swap shops super hobby shop static show will fill weekend begins Anniversary Banquet Friday night August 1 arrive week early will also able enjoy annual National Contest Nats always years major event Aerogater air-oh-gate-r n Migratory aircrit ters appearing around Lake Charles LA late summers 1974 1975 1978 Next appearance July 25 August 31986 See Nats January1986 115 1810 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVERESTON VA 22090 1986-87 Rule Book As end odd-numbered year ticks WILLIAMS BROTHERS PLASTIC DISPLAY MODEL KITS & ACCESSORIES 4 rr PRATT & WHITNEYWRIGHT vi ENGINE CYLINDERS LE RHONE ROTARY Finely detailed reproductions famous aero en gines molded high-impact styrene Cylinders available separately various types sizes SCALE WHEELS comprehensive array wheels rang ng Peanut Scale through Quarter CATALOG Scale Vintage types 3/4 through 6% en Age types 3/4 through 6 Smooth Countour 3/4 through 51/4 Balloon 21/2 through 51/4 diameter Send $2 full-color catalog featuring aircraft paintings suitable framing items ARE available local dealer will supply order directly factory WILLIAMS BROTHERS INC DEPT MA 181 PAWNEE STREET SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069 January1986 125 MACHINE GUN KITS Wr w VICKERS LEWIS 4 Iv Easily assembled painted realistic pilots Available various sizes Detailed miniatures display installation scale model aircraft Corn bat Yearn Finab Charlie Johnson Photos author fifth US FAI Combat team trials proved very best far held August 30 through September 1 Shady Oaks Cerebral Palsy Camp located Lockport IL camp located about 40 miles south Chicago rather secluded area 44-acre facility sleeping ac commodations food stand heated swimming pool although wasnt much time anything Combat preparation flying physical layout very nice unlimited soft grass practice circles good access vehicles unloading models supplies wasnt late night curfew flying either someone out moon flying Friday midnight sides user-friendly site weather also cooperated three very nice warm sunny days overall organization meet also done very well preliminary ground work done Team Selection Committee Chicago organization Bob Bearden many friends various functions seemed work dependently other worked together make smooth-running contest pits worked efficiently center marshalls competent judges ready willing able Bob rounded up enough people two circles could run same timeand often meet started off Friday lot practice flyingfour five circles going time Howard Rush Gary Byerley both going very fast using Nelson engines similar-style models although Howard uses awood-and-carbon-fiber nose Gary uses metal motor mounts achieve rock-steady engine mount Gary Arnold usual upright-engine planes use metal mount bolts front model Like Howard area around engine mount highly rein forced strong mounting system seems difference between merely good-running engine real killers Henry Nelson used audio tachometer check engines both ground air found thatthe best engines turned 28500 rpm ground unloaded 31500 air same thing apparently happens other events like RC Quarter Midget Pylon people turn similar rpms ground fast guys really unload air Airspeed-wise fastest model seem ed Arnolds using frontintake engines small exhaust manifold directed piercing scream over top wing fast engines Nelsons top three competitors used Nelsons get Team did three alternates respect speed wasnt thing field could touch lots other engines helped pilots win matches prob ably diverse assortment en gines used previous team trials Following dominant Nelson 15 Cox Rossi various vintage still Fox 15s couple OPS Supertigre new Cipolla matches won using engines good number lost because blew crank wouldnt hold good setting refused run What once Fox 15-dominated event now being ruled another American manufacturer numbers wood foam models about equal year Cleveland Stubblefield some wood models foam leading edges What once con sidered disadvantage getting foam kill catching string foam leading edge now seems looked advantage strategy cut crepe paper prop snag off string wing last 100 points Tom FLuker goes very light weight p 116 Model Aviation MBAT EAN4 Cleveland George Cleveland TM John 986 1986 US Combat teamand friends L R Mitchellstubblefield TM Richara Stubblefield Chuck Rudner TM highest-placing JrISr Michael WilIcox Dick Stubblefleid second alternate behind Paul Smith aI-pI5uI5I .nt-intake Neisons L turned 31500 rpmputting former hi-rev champ rear-IntaKe Nelson shame Note radial engine mot, short exhaust extension much reinforcing around nose Also note engine-restraint safety-cable snaking around cylinder Dick Stubblefield used machined bar-stock engine mounts R bag-type pacifier fuel tankholder epoxied e foam simple elegant solution KISS problem Keep simple stupid good maneuverability along lightning acceieration foam models like Rushs Byerlys tend fly certain maneuvers better have little better top speed accelerate well top six eight designs fly well its up pilot model No seemed go battering-ram-type model maybe theyjust never got chance demonstrate its use Hitting ground proved fatal designs solidly-built foam models survived midairs better kept flying contest full triple-elimination three losses would put someone out Three-and-a-half rounds flown Sat urday couple people eliminated contest moved along very well considering number protests Contest Director Bob Bearden sometimes two hand same time jury got real workout first day really wasnt anything wrong system officials anything except lot guys wanted exercise right protest something rules fairly complex FAI Combat times seemed impossible jury render fair decision no matter what did matchings also done using matrix-matching system tried preliminary Combat meet 1984 World Championships used entire contest run according single draw before first round no matter drops out following rounds arranged systematically no three-man teams possibility match between teammates father son finals took until midday Sunday see really comingouton top Chuck Rudner lost match during entire meet first person team 9-1 record George Cleveland Paul Smith fly match de termine would second slot team George hadnt done flying wasn t over Paul Smith garnered first alternate spot 465 334 win over Richard Stubblefield last match trials contest management should praised ajob well done thanks permanent staff Shady Acres help Look Out Europe come Nashvilles Mack Henry organizer last two team finals launcnes nowara nusn before contest took until tenth round get rust outbut narrowly beat Paul 592 498 also four cuts three George waited nervously mob officials jury members double-and triple-checked score other match found Dick Stubblefield son John flying last spot teamJohn turned surprise win 414 dads 356 Pat Wilicox supplied John some models did pitting chores John safely team meant Pats son Michael would highest placing Junior/Senior get accompany team Europe selection team excitement still January1986 117 Dot Es. gives Dick Stubblefleld good fightand loses 1982 Combat World Champion Tom Fluker upand Paul wins John Stubblefield won match against Detroit flier Ron Columbo FAI rules require hard hats VarietIes Doc am dd Passen used very European-looking models L powered newClppola engIne Enginewelghs4oz plane all-up about 12 oz Gary Byerly Spanaway WA used extremely fast Nelson rear-lntake-powered models Gary Arnold L pretty cool duri . two ,ust exput mutuced country theyve both o pre vious US Combat teams SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX x Competition News will present time time constructive thought-provoking ideas o criticisms AMA rules policies effect competitors issue has two sides CN will endeavor print viewpoints have submittedwithin limits available space uniqueness constructiveness timeliness good taste Determination appropri ess publication of matters must necessity rest solely publisher o The thoughts presented author should necesaarily construed CI AMA HO AMA officers publisher should note publication rules-change policy-change idea does necessarily mean specific proposel has presented Contest Board Executive Council appropriate committee such action responsibility author anyone else interested obtaining official action x An Action Item All Everyday Joes Randy King X I like others read letter o the Everyday Joe August 1985 Soapbox expressing individuals dis satisfaction AMA Helicopter rules o and class structures require him compete against other individuals some receive support various sup x pliers can sympathize Everyday o Joe agree deficiencies exist the current Helicopter rules class structure inadequate realize is unique RC Helicopter Everyday Joe must congratu lated attempteven though Xchose remain anonymous unfortu onate however person hopes someone AMA Headquarters will listening Headquarters will oremedy situation Although has aroused some public awareness cur iousity letter will have no impact until x someone requests change via AMA o Rules Change Proposal process Everyday Joes letter result much greater problem problem o exists throughout entire AMA organiza c tionand will perpetuated anonymous Everyday Joe letters problem class separation X limitation factory teams ratherthe o fact EverydayJoes aware of rules-change process reluctantto submit written change proposal share o Everyday Joes belief AMA Head quarters makes rules insensitive membership x The AMA consists exists serve o the needs 100000 individual Everyday Joes banded together com mon interest provide overall direction o and leadership Academy well taining daily administrative func SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Technical Director continued well section contains information importance modelers sport fliers competitor alike would appreciate comments relative types material would useful include section future years last thought rule books deals something continuing problem Over years have frequently per sons indicate rule needed changing something needed added deleted converstions always seem begin dont doesnt AMAdo rules persons have caught fact us AMA being urged act would suggest everyone read sec tion outlining rule-making procedure tions 100000 Everyday Joes elect other Everyday Joes officials elected Official Everyday Joes ap point other Everyday Joes various committees boards such Radio Control Helicopter Contest Board Official Everyday Joes have guidelines policies must adhere such group guidelines known contest-oriented Everyday Joes ficial AMA rule book governs aspects competition rules result edfrom proposalsthatwereinitiated byless 1% EverydayJoe membership Official Everyday Joes dont dictate new rules changes administer exist ing rules New rules changes de veloped individual Everyday Joes dissatisfied what currently exists have attended contests have heard Everyday Joe contestants complain continuously about existing rules have yet see same Everyday Joes anything positive correct problems have identified Let restate what said contestants during RC Helicopter awards presentation Nats year .. Rules used govern contests conducted ou Everyday Joe rules YOURS dont like rules up change dont have yourself com plain responsibility Everyday Joe submit rules proposals through procedure established rectify problems enhance rules exist THE RULES BELONG TO YOU IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM CHANGE THEM IF YOU DONT CHANGE THEM DONT COMPLAIN! have concerns suggestions improving RC Helicopter rules please communicate district RC Contest Board member board chair man contact will help formulate submit proposal SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX found toward front book have highly-structured orderly demo cratic process developing rules single AMA member can should part process may true some feel inadequacy developing rules proposal would strongly urge participation commenting Con test Board members during develop mental stages Its unfortunate too often comments received hard-working Contest Board members come after Final Vote has taken have democratic process allowing participating place high value good council Bits Pieces first AMA-produced Tech Tape vid eotape will available about time have remember put 1986 SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Randy King signs himself Everyday Joe Contest Director contestant anyone wants take him up offer help formulate andsubmitan RC Helicopter rules proposal write him 59 Wallingford Ave Athol MA 01331 lieu Competition Just Few Frank Roales think contest flying just Hot Dogs better think again Competition flying higher educa tion sport through experi ence extend knowledge thereby fun Let use analogy first see model aviation say Hey looks like fun kinder garten education begins someone teching fly time up solo like elementary education After elementary school comes middle school junior high after have soloed out boring holes sky Trying wings new maneuvers such should education end Did quit school ninth grade before high school what doing think contests just Hot Dogs Quite contrary fur thering education Lets carry bit further find small club local contests high school flying larger local regional contests can compared going college Nats World Cham pionships likened earning PhD MAP Model Aircraft Piloting Granted everyone PhDor wants just didnt quit education before high school shouldnt quit flying education contests Go ahead take next step growth flier enter some small contests Sure scary wasnt high school startedand wasnt some best times life ENTERENJOYLEARN Frank Roales originally wrote Oval Office column Fly Paper newsletter Tn County Aero Club Vincennes IN SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX checks Subjects included edition RC units use Control Line AMA CompuServe flight trimming rivet-making sanctioning process Try club meeting program National Records following National Records have processed approved during Octo ber 1985 IndoorCategory II Novice Pennyplane Open902 Jim Clem 7/27/85 Helicopter Open71 6 Jim Clem 7/27/85 IndoorCategory Ill Manhattan Cabin Open923 Walter Van Gorder 7/28/85 IndoorCategory IV FAI Stick Junior 3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 HandLaunched Stick Junior3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 118 Model Aviation 06 58 C10I810nO 0061600 0-e000 0000060000 510001Non 0oN 0 0000-00. 06100C~ o 8 0100 61 0)0 %08 010 6160- IIo 0 00 00006-10 000660 000000 6o6-0o 56-oO 0001~00 x 06 016862 0 06100 an000 CC o0n O --8 oo 601061000000 6000 00 000000A 0600 oOOON00 00OI0OO0 00066 60 0 .nO15 00o600 -00 N06 000600 0166 6066000~-- 0 06000660600 000 6 6 6O0111 IOO Zn.i —o 0~ ,5fl 6 0 o~Ii[I 2 650 610 ~ 0-~0o00O-36 rI ____ -I-00s006-II 0 ON 106ao33.0t00600 100000010 jj~i j2 v. 0o 26 o8 61 88169 60000 ~00 - g8I68i za.oooo-o 4 g0 8 06-- 09go 6jZS cc S 67t2t~ 0000 gg6 o-~ . ftf 52-0 SSSg6 jgS~ 958 L1000 000006101000 061 00Zo0-61t 0061610- 0006100OI..o 000 01 11$ON01661 ON NO 510 an1O l6a 000 -8r 60000 00000000010 600 OWOeCOb 0 6 al. 6 0 0 05000 aOoOOra0-elI o--0 0 oO06rlPp10o-oO0510 6 050 0 0 60 0-0 ,0 01-. 0 lONONaO 0000 a Co 6a-o r- 0 o O0~ 00600 0l0~~0100NI 060-0oC00-00or06110 a000 0060 60-000606100 fl6 06N6N0000060 60 8OoO 0 -60-WO6a610 m0 l. 00~0-a 0 an.o 00~-61i 0-0NI00 006006 o06 0616a- •a2 10 01600-00-1100 6000606066611600 a-06100 60600 61 0o611000 o ~s 0-0- 000100-60006 066000000.006000 000-00-0a- 65610500 00-00-N 60 06....0O 060-00060 0- 601000 06..rj 6060600 0006000001. 166 000000060-0-0100000615100000061000-000000000000100000000161 60000606100100-0 0N00610pa-oaosN C~ 6000.0-0ooO.060 ~o01 060006oNal 00006 60 66- NO0 0 6I6 61 0006061 66060 I00eao6o 000 001 0 01. 0I0ooi 566a.o0 00 6161 66160 01 usa 001000-81066U6 aOoI ~-K2a 6 1600816060 MON 6 2o) 0-2 6000 -00o 080.0~6 668 6o0 1 ~ Os0o 606061050o 0 0 0 0-r 600 o oN00 0000 o6 8 000-06o oooO 010 660~0 06100600615 00I00 60-00000C000006 la 0 00000081 61.-100 00000000 600 00 600000 06 0 0-0 0000000-X0500000000000000000 N0006-06 006100666-00000000-00Co Ooro0000 0000000060000606106. 0 6ll0N..50- 00 0 0-N CONTEST COORDINATORS Bernice Williams 347 Soathwick Rd. Westfield MA 01085 II R Sobrino 8726 68th St. Woodhaven Oaeens NY 11421 RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St. Lockport NY 14094 RC Bill Fuori 28 Fernanood Dr Commack NY 11725 Ill Ken Reber 427 Elm Dr. Nazareth PA 16064 East M Weisenbech 4568W 146th Cleveland OH 44135 West IV Warren Sanders Jr 9735 52nd Ave College Park MD 20741 NC Ed Byorley 200 Commander Cove Stafford VA 22554 V NC Don Peck 1211 Oster NW. Hantsville AL 35805 PP Wallace Johnson 4112 WhiteAcres Rd. MontgomeryAL361 06 CL Joseph Meed 1339 Renssalaer St. Jacksonville FL 32205 VlRCCherlesGray201 HalmanSalemRd.TerreHaote1N47803 RCSoenng Dde Polkening 1039 College Ave. #6WWheaton IL 60187 CL W N Bodzioch Jr. 235 W Glade Palatine IL 60067 PF Jim Bennett 324 Helfonstein Ave St Louis MO 63119 VII All aventa ealcept NC eatire Dietrict accept Michigan Greg Seydel 3625 B lona Terrace Cudahy WI 53110 NC Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 Michigan NC Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 CL B PF Paul Smith 11112 Dill Dr. Sterling Hgts MI 48077 VIII Randy Randolph PG Boo 271048 Dallas TX 75227 IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 NC George Hunter 6962 5 Lamer St Littleton CO 80123 X RoIf Erickson 7506 Widgeon Way Pair Oaks CA 95628 Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd. Rolling Hills CA 90274 South Prank Gomes 2241 Noah St Honololo HI 96816 Hawaii meets XI Tom Cope 23262 SB 57th St lasaquah WA 88027 NC James McCarty 18955 Marine View Dr Seattle WA 98166 NC Pylon B Soaring n NC Pattern B othar NC RC axcapt Soaring Bold Face Below ledicatas Chairanan ofConteet Board IN DOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd. Wayland MA 01778 II Merrick Andrews 100 River Rd. A-li Bogota NJ 07603 Ill Walt Vanttorder 5669 Victory View Ln. Cincinnati OH 45238 IV Don SmIl 941 Kimberwicke Rd. McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 33133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PG Box 482 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 269th St. Now Hyde Pork NY 11040 Ill Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philudelphia PA 19107 IV Ron McNally 6118 Bardu Ava. Springfield VA 22152 V Dave Heanstraught PG Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 28461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck RFD 2 Hamburg Old Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 60 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klulber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr. 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 E Names Rd. Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD 1110 Seall 52 Langholm Dr Naohua NH 03060 II Robert Clemens 95 Shoreway Or. Rochester NY 14612 III Edward Wisser 1521 Summit St. MoKeesport PA 15131 IV Boh Karlsson 2643 Marsh Rd Wilmingtoo DE 19810 V David Platg 6840 NW 15th Ft Lauderdala FL 33313 AEROBATICS I Lance Murphy 29 Hightop Cir. East Hamden CT 06514 II Jo Friend 41 Carriage Hill Dr. Colte Neck NJ 07722 III Ron Hesselhrock 6320 Blueberry Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 45248 IV Stacey Mills Brookside Rt 3800115 Charlottesville VA 22901 Vs John Thomas 401 B Jackson St. Ste 200 Orlando FL 32801 HELICOPTER I Ernie Huber 19 Beaver Park Rd Danvers MA 01923 II Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 III Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd. Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris Rt 3 257 Estevez Rd La Plate MD 20646 VTim Schoonard 0/0 WaS Schoonard 2594N08T Orlando FL32804 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 II Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave. Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Latsha 1141 Columbus Ave. Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Teltord 7417 Armanood Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Britley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOAR ING I Frito Bien 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Gordon Stratton 255 Brevoort St. Kew Gardens NY 11415 Ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave. Scottdale PA 15683 IV Boh Champins 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 V James Davis Jr. 1018 Macdale Lane Madison MS 39110 VI Chris Malsuvo 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Pontiac Ml 48055 VIII Ralph Bad Teany Sos 545 Richardeon TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 300 5 Main Wichita KS 87202 X Clarence Mother 3860 Ecochee Ave. San Diego CA 92117 Xl Dave Hagen 19957 5 Redland Rd. Oregon City OR 97045 VI Jim Thomerson 1317 Eileen Collinsoille IL 62234 VII James Sinton 4941 Wisconsin N New Hope MN 55428 VIII William Lee 3522 Tamarisk Lane Missouri City TX 77459 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner P0 Box 573 Livermore CA 94550 XI John Thompson 1505 Ash Ave. Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Mateano 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Bill Shailor 35354 Tall Oaks Sterling Hgts Ml 48077 VIII Mark Valerius 1627 Overland Pass Sugarland TX 77478 IX Jerald Murphy 2432 Astron Colorado Springs CO 80906 X Joe Nororous PG Box 65 Hanford CA 93232 XI Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr B. Redmond WA 98052 VI John Guenther RN 3 Boo 281 Borden IN 47106 VII Claude McCullough RN 1 Boo 487 Montezuma IA 50171 VIII Buddy Irwin 922 Sundown Ln. DeSoto TX 75115 IX Dean Copeland 7317 Grant No 4 Omaha NE 68134 X Bill Stroman 12218 Dave St Norwalk CA 90650 Xl Bade Moorhead 1189 Fir St S Apt B Salem OR 97302 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Nayvown MO 64133 VlI Brian Crossley 4740 Lorinda Dr. St Paul MN 55112 VIII William Thomas 331 SB Rockwood Bartlesville OK 74003 IX Loven Tregellas 3003 5 Everett Wichita KS 87217 X Craig Millet 25751 Coldhook El Toro CA 92630 Xl Charles Davenport 14415 SE 268th St. Kent WA 98031 VI Bob Belluomini 129 College Park Crestview Hills KY 41017 VII Roy Dieto 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Steve Minto 2 Bluehird St New Orleans LA 70124 IX Ed Cxx 8209 Linden Dr Prairie Village KS 66208 X Robert Gorhaw 23961 Craftsman Rd Calabasas CA 91302 Xl Jerry Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 VI Jim Gager 3727 Shepherd Lane Ft Wayne IN 48815 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr. Romulus MI 48174 VIII Dave Layman 7515 Brookleaf Dr Houston TX 77041 IX Sam Pisciotta 1525 Alexander Cir. Pueblo CO 81001 X Gary Hover 1504 16th St. Los Osne CA 93402 Xl Roger Pierce 1230821 gth Ave Cl B Bonney Lake WA 98390 VI Dan Prass 131 B Penvingron Rd Plaintield IL 60544 VII Al Scidmore 5013 Dorsett Dr. Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr. Mesquite TX 75150 IX Ray Marvin 2781 5 Garlield Denver CO 80210 X Dave FOlIo 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 XI Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland ON 97220 CONTBST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tapelo Naperville IL 60540 Competition Directory
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 115, 116, 117, 118, 119
COM PET NE WSLETTE ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS Nats Results Senior-class winners CL Formu la 40 Speed event accidentally left out Nats results November 1985 issue CL Formula 40 Speed Seniors MPH 1 joe GruberGlendale NY14557 2 james W Ricketts Sioux Falls SD 13825 Watch Out Changes New 1986-87 Competition Rules new 1986-87 rule book will out soon rules will become effective January 1 1986 competitors should carefully check rules favorite events changes cause much consternation frustration arrive first contest 1986 season find during model processing orflying some new rules youre prepared example RC Giant Scale Sport Scale Sailplaneare no longer Provisional events RC Helicopter rules have completely overhauled Scale Helicop ter rules have changed maximum engine displacement four-cycle has changed RC Sport Scale RC Giant Scale just few examples 1986 World Championships Unsettled As end October sites forthcoming Indoor Control Line World Championships have approved FAI unusual situation occur late program sites will proba bly approved until December FAI/CIAM meeting Paris will report soon thereafter possible Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood away find ourselves Wheres rule book time receive colulmn after December 15th schedule has held since time written until time read can relate Its mail scheduled mailing time point December 15 1985 tasks Technical Direc toristheformulationoftherulebook Being itsfather cycle has something traumatic experience inherited well its development precious small amount time remained bring fruition came board Headquar ters Atthis time sometwomonthsaheadof years end schedule will find few changes format year Hopefully will make book better tool use printing whiter paper stock thereby increasing readibility over past use newsprint some mature years would like say print will just tad larger isnt Looking toward future possibili ty closely tied book size type binding number pagesand otherfactors Hopefully trifocal-wearers will find improved contrast helpful feature Another change will discover new numbering system various events listed inside front cover assign block numbers category As example Free Flight outdoor events coded 100 series Control Line events numbered 300 series etc system has activated throughout Headquarters operation Model Aviation future will find set event numbers rule book another set sanction form still another set Nats form As point interest almost 120 different items listed feature new rule book has excellent possibilities future develop ment section back designated Membership Manual will find familiar items such Safety Code site information new items Continued page 178 Golden Anniversary 1936-1986 AMA will celebrate 50 years service what may major event Aero modeling Plans being set two-day Anniversary Celebration Fly-In run August 2-3 1986 great flying site Lake Charles LA ie former Chennault AFB site will host flying fun Control Line Free Flight Radio Control AMA members bring model airplane will also product flight demonstrations Show Team fun food veritable aeromodeling circus activity Non-flying action will include booths run manufacturers special interest groups clubs Information seminars swap shops super hobby shop static show will fill weekend begins Anniversary Banquet Friday night August 1 arrive week early will also able enjoy annual National Contest Nats always years major event Aerogater air-oh-gate-r n Migratory aircrit ters appearing around Lake Charles LA late summers 1974 1975 1978 Next appearance July 25 August 31986 See Nats January1986 115 1810 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVERESTON VA 22090 1986-87 Rule Book As end odd-numbered year ticks WILLIAMS BROTHERS PLASTIC DISPLAY MODEL KITS & ACCESSORIES 4 rr PRATT & WHITNEYWRIGHT vi ENGINE CYLINDERS LE RHONE ROTARY Finely detailed reproductions famous aero en gines molded high-impact styrene Cylinders available separately various types sizes SCALE WHEELS comprehensive array wheels rang ng Peanut Scale through Quarter CATALOG Scale Vintage types 3/4 through 6% en Age types 3/4 through 6 Smooth Countour 3/4 through 51/4 Balloon 21/2 through 51/4 diameter Send $2 full-color catalog featuring aircraft paintings suitable framing items ARE available local dealer will supply order directly factory WILLIAMS BROTHERS INC DEPT MA 181 PAWNEE STREET SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069 January1986 125 MACHINE GUN KITS Wr w VICKERS LEWIS 4 Iv Easily assembled painted realistic pilots Available various sizes Detailed miniatures display installation scale model aircraft Corn bat Yearn Finab Charlie Johnson Photos author fifth US FAI Combat team trials proved very best far held August 30 through September 1 Shady Oaks Cerebral Palsy Camp located Lockport IL camp located about 40 miles south Chicago rather secluded area 44-acre facility sleeping ac commodations food stand heated swimming pool although wasnt much time anything Combat preparation flying physical layout very nice unlimited soft grass practice circles good access vehicles unloading models supplies wasnt late night curfew flying either someone out moon flying Friday midnight sides user-friendly site weather also cooperated three very nice warm sunny days overall organization meet also done very well preliminary ground work done Team Selection Committee Chicago organization Bob Bearden many friends various functions seemed work dependently other worked together make smooth-running contest pits worked efficiently center marshalls competent judges ready willing able Bob rounded up enough people two circles could run same timeand often meet started off Friday lot practice flyingfour five circles going time Howard Rush Gary Byerley both going very fast using Nelson engines similar-style models although Howard uses awood-and-carbon-fiber nose Gary uses metal motor mounts achieve rock-steady engine mount Gary Arnold usual upright-engine planes use metal mount bolts front model Like Howard area around engine mount highly rein forced strong mounting system seems difference between merely good-running engine real killers Henry Nelson used audio tachometer check engines both ground air found thatthe best engines turned 28500 rpm ground unloaded 31500 air same thing apparently happens other events like RC Quarter Midget Pylon people turn similar rpms ground fast guys really unload air Airspeed-wise fastest model seem ed Arnolds using frontintake engines small exhaust manifold directed piercing scream over top wing fast engines Nelsons top three competitors used Nelsons get Team did three alternates respect speed wasnt thing field could touch lots other engines helped pilots win matches prob ably diverse assortment en gines used previous team trials Following dominant Nelson 15 Cox Rossi various vintage still Fox 15s couple OPS Supertigre new Cipolla matches won using engines good number lost because blew crank wouldnt hold good setting refused run What once Fox 15-dominated event now being ruled another American manufacturer numbers wood foam models about equal year Cleveland Stubblefield some wood models foam leading edges What once con sidered disadvantage getting foam kill catching string foam leading edge now seems looked advantage strategy cut crepe paper prop snag off string wing last 100 points Tom FLuker goes very light weight p 116 Model Aviation MBAT EAN4 Cleveland George Cleveland TM John 986 1986 US Combat teamand friends L R Mitchellstubblefield TM Richara Stubblefield Chuck Rudner TM highest-placing JrISr Michael WilIcox Dick Stubblefleid second alternate behind Paul Smith aI-pI5uI5I .nt-intake Neisons L turned 31500 rpmputting former hi-rev champ rear-IntaKe Nelson shame Note radial engine mot, short exhaust extension much reinforcing around nose Also note engine-restraint safety-cable snaking around cylinder Dick Stubblefield used machined bar-stock engine mounts R bag-type pacifier fuel tankholder epoxied e foam simple elegant solution KISS problem Keep simple stupid good maneuverability along lightning acceieration foam models like Rushs Byerlys tend fly certain maneuvers better have little better top speed accelerate well top six eight designs fly well its up pilot model No seemed go battering-ram-type model maybe theyjust never got chance demonstrate its use Hitting ground proved fatal designs solidly-built foam models survived midairs better kept flying contest full triple-elimination three losses would put someone out Three-and-a-half rounds flown Sat urday couple people eliminated contest moved along very well considering number protests Contest Director Bob Bearden sometimes two hand same time jury got real workout first day really wasnt anything wrong system officials anything except lot guys wanted exercise right protest something rules fairly complex FAI Combat times seemed impossible jury render fair decision no matter what did matchings also done using matrix-matching system tried preliminary Combat meet 1984 World Championships used entire contest run according single draw before first round no matter drops out following rounds arranged systematically no three-man teams possibility match between teammates father son finals took until midday Sunday see really comingouton top Chuck Rudner lost match during entire meet first person team 9-1 record George Cleveland Paul Smith fly match de termine would second slot team George hadnt done flying wasn t over Paul Smith garnered first alternate spot 465 334 win over Richard Stubblefield last match trials contest management should praised ajob well done thanks permanent staff Shady Acres help Look Out Europe come Nashvilles Mack Henry organizer last two team finals launcnes nowara nusn before contest took until tenth round get rust outbut narrowly beat Paul 592 498 also four cuts three George waited nervously mob officials jury members double-and triple-checked score other match found Dick Stubblefield son John flying last spot teamJohn turned surprise win 414 dads 356 Pat Wilicox supplied John some models did pitting chores John safely team meant Pats son Michael would highest placing Junior/Senior get accompany team Europe selection team excitement still January1986 117 Dot Es. gives Dick Stubblefleld good fightand loses 1982 Combat World Champion Tom Fluker upand Paul wins John Stubblefield won match against Detroit flier Ron Columbo FAI rules require hard hats VarietIes Doc am dd Passen used very European-looking models L powered newClppola engIne Enginewelghs4oz plane all-up about 12 oz Gary Byerly Spanaway WA used extremely fast Nelson rear-lntake-powered models Gary Arnold L pretty cool duri . two ,ust exput mutuced country theyve both o pre vious US Combat teams SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX x Competition News will present time time constructive thought-provoking ideas o criticisms AMA rules policies effect competitors issue has two sides CN will endeavor print viewpoints have submittedwithin limits available space uniqueness constructiveness timeliness good taste Determination appropri ess publication of matters must necessity rest solely publisher o The thoughts presented author should necesaarily construed CI AMA HO AMA officers publisher should note publication rules-change policy-change idea does necessarily mean specific proposel has presented Contest Board Executive Council appropriate committee such action responsibility author anyone else interested obtaining official action x An Action Item All Everyday Joes Randy King X I like others read letter o the Everyday Joe August 1985 Soapbox expressing individuals dis satisfaction AMA Helicopter rules o and class structures require him compete against other individuals some receive support various sup x pliers can sympathize Everyday o Joe agree deficiencies exist the current Helicopter rules class structure inadequate realize is unique RC Helicopter Everyday Joe must congratu lated attempteven though Xchose remain anonymous unfortu onate however person hopes someone AMA Headquarters will listening Headquarters will oremedy situation Although has aroused some public awareness cur iousity letter will have no impact until x someone requests change via AMA o Rules Change Proposal process Everyday Joes letter result much greater problem problem o exists throughout entire AMA organiza c tionand will perpetuated anonymous Everyday Joe letters problem class separation X limitation factory teams ratherthe o fact EverydayJoes aware of rules-change process reluctantto submit written change proposal share o Everyday Joes belief AMA Head quarters makes rules insensitive membership x The AMA consists exists serve o the needs 100000 individual Everyday Joes banded together com mon interest provide overall direction o and leadership Academy well taining daily administrative func SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Technical Director continued well section contains information importance modelers sport fliers competitor alike would appreciate comments relative types material would useful include section future years last thought rule books deals something continuing problem Over years have frequently per sons indicate rule needed changing something needed added deleted converstions always seem begin dont doesnt AMAdo rules persons have caught fact us AMA being urged act would suggest everyone read sec tion outlining rule-making procedure tions 100000 Everyday Joes elect other Everyday Joes officials elected Official Everyday Joes ap point other Everyday Joes various committees boards such Radio Control Helicopter Contest Board Official Everyday Joes have guidelines policies must adhere such group guidelines known contest-oriented Everyday Joes ficial AMA rule book governs aspects competition rules result edfrom proposalsthatwereinitiated byless 1% EverydayJoe membership Official Everyday Joes dont dictate new rules changes administer exist ing rules New rules changes de veloped individual Everyday Joes dissatisfied what currently exists have attended contests have heard Everyday Joe contestants complain continuously about existing rules have yet see same Everyday Joes anything positive correct problems have identified Let restate what said contestants during RC Helicopter awards presentation Nats year .. Rules used govern contests conducted ou Everyday Joe rules YOURS dont like rules up change dont have yourself com plain responsibility Everyday Joe submit rules proposals through procedure established rectify problems enhance rules exist THE RULES BELONG TO YOU IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM CHANGE THEM IF YOU DONT CHANGE THEM DONT COMPLAIN! have concerns suggestions improving RC Helicopter rules please communicate district RC Contest Board member board chair man contact will help formulate submit proposal SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX found toward front book have highly-structured orderly demo cratic process developing rules single AMA member can should part process may true some feel inadequacy developing rules proposal would strongly urge participation commenting Con test Board members during develop mental stages Its unfortunate too often comments received hard-working Contest Board members come after Final Vote has taken have democratic process allowing participating place high value good council Bits Pieces first AMA-produced Tech Tape vid eotape will available about time have remember put 1986 SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Randy King signs himself Everyday Joe Contest Director contestant anyone wants take him up offer help formulate andsubmitan RC Helicopter rules proposal write him 59 Wallingford Ave Athol MA 01331 lieu Competition Just Few Frank Roales think contest flying just Hot Dogs better think again Competition flying higher educa tion sport through experi ence extend knowledge thereby fun Let use analogy first see model aviation say Hey looks like fun kinder garten education begins someone teching fly time up solo like elementary education After elementary school comes middle school junior high after have soloed out boring holes sky Trying wings new maneuvers such should education end Did quit school ninth grade before high school what doing think contests just Hot Dogs Quite contrary fur thering education Lets carry bit further find small club local contests high school flying larger local regional contests can compared going college Nats World Cham pionships likened earning PhD MAP Model Aircraft Piloting Granted everyone PhDor wants just didnt quit education before high school shouldnt quit flying education contests Go ahead take next step growth flier enter some small contests Sure scary wasnt high school startedand wasnt some best times life ENTERENJOYLEARN Frank Roales originally wrote Oval Office column Fly Paper newsletter Tn County Aero Club Vincennes IN SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX checks Subjects included edition RC units use Control Line AMA CompuServe flight trimming rivet-making sanctioning process Try club meeting program National Records following National Records have processed approved during Octo ber 1985 IndoorCategory II Novice Pennyplane Open902 Jim Clem 7/27/85 Helicopter Open71 6 Jim Clem 7/27/85 IndoorCategory Ill Manhattan Cabin Open923 Walter Van Gorder 7/28/85 IndoorCategory IV FAI Stick Junior 3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 HandLaunched Stick Junior3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 118 Model Aviation 06 58 C10I810nO 0061600 0-e000 0000060000 510001Non 0oN 0 0000-00. 06100C~ o 8 0100 61 0)0 %08 010 6160- IIo 0 00 00006-10 000660 000000 6o6-0o 56-oO 0001~00 x 06 016862 0 06100 an000 CC o0n O --8 oo 601061000000 6000 00 000000A 0600 oOOON00 00OI0OO0 00066 60 0 .nO15 00o600 -00 N06 000600 0166 6066000~-- 0 06000660600 000 6 6 6O0111 IOO Zn.i —o 0~ ,5fl 6 0 o~Ii[I 2 650 610 ~ 0-~0o00O-36 rI ____ -I-00s006-II 0 ON 106ao33.0t00600 100000010 jj~i j2 v. 0o 26 o8 61 88169 60000 ~00 - g8I68i za.oooo-o 4 g0 8 06-- 09go 6jZS cc S 67t2t~ 0000 gg6 o-~ . ftf 52-0 SSSg6 jgS~ 958 L1000 000006101000 061 00Zo0-61t 0061610- 0006100OI..o 000 01 11$ON01661 ON NO 510 an1O l6a 000 -8r 60000 00000000010 600 OWOeCOb 0 6 al. 6 0 0 05000 aOoOOra0-elI o--0 0 oO06rlPp10o-oO0510 6 050 0 0 60 0-0 ,0 01-. 0 lONONaO 0000 a Co 6a-o r- 0 o O0~ 00600 0l0~~0100NI 060-0oC00-00or06110 a000 0060 60-000606100 fl6 06N6N0000060 60 8OoO 0 -60-WO6a610 m0 l. 00~0-a 0 an.o 00~-61i 0-0NI00 006006 o06 0616a- •a2 10 01600-00-1100 6000606066611600 a-06100 60600 61 0o611000 o ~s 0-0- 000100-60006 066000000.006000 000-00-0a- 65610500 00-00-N 60 06....0O 060-00060 0- 601000 06..rj 6060600 0006000001. 166 000000060-0-0100000615100000061000-000000000000100000000161 60000606100100-0 0N00610pa-oaosN C~ 6000.0-0ooO.060 ~o01 060006oNal 00006 60 66- NO0 0 6I6 61 0006061 66060 I00eao6o 000 001 0 01. 0I0ooi 566a.o0 00 6161 66160 01 usa 001000-81066U6 aOoI ~-K2a 6 1600816060 MON 6 2o) 0-2 6000 -00o 080.0~6 668 6o0 1 ~ Os0o 606061050o 0 0 0 0-r 600 o oN00 0000 o6 8 000-06o oooO 010 660~0 06100600615 00I00 60-00000C000006 la 0 00000081 61.-100 00000000 600 00 600000 06 0 0-0 0000000-X0500000000000000000 N0006-06 006100666-00000000-00Co Ooro0000 0000000060000606106. 0 6ll0N..50- 00 0 0-N CONTEST COORDINATORS Bernice Williams 347 Soathwick Rd. Westfield MA 01085 II R Sobrino 8726 68th St. Woodhaven Oaeens NY 11421 RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St. Lockport NY 14094 RC Bill Fuori 28 Fernanood Dr Commack NY 11725 Ill Ken Reber 427 Elm Dr. Nazareth PA 16064 East M Weisenbech 4568W 146th Cleveland OH 44135 West IV Warren Sanders Jr 9735 52nd Ave College Park MD 20741 NC Ed Byorley 200 Commander Cove Stafford VA 22554 V NC Don Peck 1211 Oster NW. Hantsville AL 35805 PP Wallace Johnson 4112 WhiteAcres Rd. MontgomeryAL361 06 CL Joseph Meed 1339 Renssalaer St. Jacksonville FL 32205 VlRCCherlesGray201 HalmanSalemRd.TerreHaote1N47803 RCSoenng Dde Polkening 1039 College Ave. #6WWheaton IL 60187 CL W N Bodzioch Jr. 235 W Glade Palatine IL 60067 PF Jim Bennett 324 Helfonstein Ave St Louis MO 63119 VII All aventa ealcept NC eatire Dietrict accept Michigan Greg Seydel 3625 B lona Terrace Cudahy WI 53110 NC Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 Michigan NC Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 CL B PF Paul Smith 11112 Dill Dr. Sterling Hgts MI 48077 VIII Randy Randolph PG Boo 271048 Dallas TX 75227 IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 NC George Hunter 6962 5 Lamer St Littleton CO 80123 X RoIf Erickson 7506 Widgeon Way Pair Oaks CA 95628 Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd. Rolling Hills CA 90274 South Prank Gomes 2241 Noah St Honololo HI 96816 Hawaii meets XI Tom Cope 23262 SB 57th St lasaquah WA 88027 NC James McCarty 18955 Marine View Dr Seattle WA 98166 NC Pylon B Soaring n NC Pattern B othar NC RC axcapt Soaring Bold Face Below ledicatas Chairanan ofConteet Board IN DOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd. Wayland MA 01778 II Merrick Andrews 100 River Rd. A-li Bogota NJ 07603 Ill Walt Vanttorder 5669 Victory View Ln. Cincinnati OH 45238 IV Don SmIl 941 Kimberwicke Rd. McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 33133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PG Box 482 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 269th St. Now Hyde Pork NY 11040 Ill Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philudelphia PA 19107 IV Ron McNally 6118 Bardu Ava. Springfield VA 22152 V Dave Heanstraught PG Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 28461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck RFD 2 Hamburg Old Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 60 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klulber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr. 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 E Names Rd. Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD 1110 Seall 52 Langholm Dr Naohua NH 03060 II Robert Clemens 95 Shoreway Or. Rochester NY 14612 III Edward Wisser 1521 Summit St. MoKeesport PA 15131 IV Boh Karlsson 2643 Marsh Rd Wilmingtoo DE 19810 V David Platg 6840 NW 15th Ft Lauderdala FL 33313 AEROBATICS I Lance Murphy 29 Hightop Cir. East Hamden CT 06514 II Jo Friend 41 Carriage Hill Dr. Colte Neck NJ 07722 III Ron Hesselhrock 6320 Blueberry Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 45248 IV Stacey Mills Brookside Rt 3800115 Charlottesville VA 22901 Vs John Thomas 401 B Jackson St. Ste 200 Orlando FL 32801 HELICOPTER I Ernie Huber 19 Beaver Park Rd Danvers MA 01923 II Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 III Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd. Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris Rt 3 257 Estevez Rd La Plate MD 20646 VTim Schoonard 0/0 WaS Schoonard 2594N08T Orlando FL32804 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 II Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave. Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Latsha 1141 Columbus Ave. Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Teltord 7417 Armanood Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Britley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOAR ING I Frito Bien 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Gordon Stratton 255 Brevoort St. Kew Gardens NY 11415 Ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave. Scottdale PA 15683 IV Boh Champins 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 V James Davis Jr. 1018 Macdale Lane Madison MS 39110 VI Chris Malsuvo 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Pontiac Ml 48055 VIII Ralph Bad Teany Sos 545 Richardeon TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 300 5 Main Wichita KS 87202 X Clarence Mother 3860 Ecochee Ave. San Diego CA 92117 Xl Dave Hagen 19957 5 Redland Rd. Oregon City OR 97045 VI Jim Thomerson 1317 Eileen Collinsoille IL 62234 VII James Sinton 4941 Wisconsin N New Hope MN 55428 VIII William Lee 3522 Tamarisk Lane Missouri City TX 77459 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner P0 Box 573 Livermore CA 94550 XI John Thompson 1505 Ash Ave. Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Mateano 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Bill Shailor 35354 Tall Oaks Sterling Hgts Ml 48077 VIII Mark Valerius 1627 Overland Pass Sugarland TX 77478 IX Jerald Murphy 2432 Astron Colorado Springs CO 80906 X Joe Nororous PG Box 65 Hanford CA 93232 XI Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr B. Redmond WA 98052 VI John Guenther RN 3 Boo 281 Borden IN 47106 VII Claude McCullough RN 1 Boo 487 Montezuma IA 50171 VIII Buddy Irwin 922 Sundown Ln. DeSoto TX 75115 IX Dean Copeland 7317 Grant No 4 Omaha NE 68134 X Bill Stroman 12218 Dave St Norwalk CA 90650 Xl Bade Moorhead 1189 Fir St S Apt B Salem OR 97302 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Nayvown MO 64133 VlI Brian Crossley 4740 Lorinda Dr. St Paul MN 55112 VIII William Thomas 331 SB Rockwood Bartlesville OK 74003 IX Loven Tregellas 3003 5 Everett Wichita KS 87217 X Craig Millet 25751 Coldhook El Toro CA 92630 Xl Charles Davenport 14415 SE 268th St. Kent WA 98031 VI Bob Belluomini 129 College Park Crestview Hills KY 41017 VII Roy Dieto 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Steve Minto 2 Bluehird St New Orleans LA 70124 IX Ed Cxx 8209 Linden Dr Prairie Village KS 66208 X Robert Gorhaw 23961 Craftsman Rd Calabasas CA 91302 Xl Jerry Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 VI Jim Gager 3727 Shepherd Lane Ft Wayne IN 48815 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr. Romulus MI 48174 VIII Dave Layman 7515 Brookleaf Dr Houston TX 77041 IX Sam Pisciotta 1525 Alexander Cir. Pueblo CO 81001 X Gary Hover 1504 16th St. Los Osne CA 93402 Xl Roger Pierce 1230821 gth Ave Cl B Bonney Lake WA 98390 VI Dan Prass 131 B Penvingron Rd Plaintield IL 60544 VII Al Scidmore 5013 Dorsett Dr. Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr. Mesquite TX 75150 IX Ray Marvin 2781 5 Garlield Denver CO 80210 X Dave FOlIo 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 XI Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland ON 97220 CONTBST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tapelo Naperville IL 60540 Competition Directory
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 115, 116, 117, 118, 119
COM PET NE WSLETTE ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS Nats Results Senior-class winners CL Formu la 40 Speed event accidentally left out Nats results November 1985 issue CL Formula 40 Speed Seniors MPH 1 joe GruberGlendale NY14557 2 james W Ricketts Sioux Falls SD 13825 Watch Out Changes New 1986-87 Competition Rules new 1986-87 rule book will out soon rules will become effective January 1 1986 competitors should carefully check rules favorite events changes cause much consternation frustration arrive first contest 1986 season find during model processing orflying some new rules youre prepared example RC Giant Scale Sport Scale Sailplaneare no longer Provisional events RC Helicopter rules have completely overhauled Scale Helicop ter rules have changed maximum engine displacement four-cycle has changed RC Sport Scale RC Giant Scale just few examples 1986 World Championships Unsettled As end October sites forthcoming Indoor Control Line World Championships have approved FAI unusual situation occur late program sites will proba bly approved until December FAI/CIAM meeting Paris will report soon thereafter possible Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood away find ourselves Wheres rule book time receive colulmn after December 15th schedule has held since time written until time read can relate Its mail scheduled mailing time point December 15 1985 tasks Technical Direc toristheformulationoftherulebook Being itsfather cycle has something traumatic experience inherited well its development precious small amount time remained bring fruition came board Headquar ters Atthis time sometwomonthsaheadof years end schedule will find few changes format year Hopefully will make book better tool use printing whiter paper stock thereby increasing readibility over past use newsprint some mature years would like say print will just tad larger isnt Looking toward future possibili ty closely tied book size type binding number pagesand otherfactors Hopefully trifocal-wearers will find improved contrast helpful feature Another change will discover new numbering system various events listed inside front cover assign block numbers category As example Free Flight outdoor events coded 100 series Control Line events numbered 300 series etc system has activated throughout Headquarters operation Model Aviation future will find set event numbers rule book another set sanction form still another set Nats form As point interest almost 120 different items listed feature new rule book has excellent possibilities future develop ment section back designated Membership Manual will find familiar items such Safety Code site information new items Continued page 178 Golden Anniversary 1936-1986 AMA will celebrate 50 years service what may major event Aero modeling Plans being set two-day Anniversary Celebration Fly-In run August 2-3 1986 great flying site Lake Charles LA ie former Chennault AFB site will host flying fun Control Line Free Flight Radio Control AMA members bring model airplane will also product flight demonstrations Show Team fun food veritable aeromodeling circus activity Non-flying action will include booths run manufacturers special interest groups clubs Information seminars swap shops super hobby shop static show will fill weekend begins Anniversary Banquet Friday night August 1 arrive week early will also able enjoy annual National Contest Nats always years major event Aerogater air-oh-gate-r n Migratory aircrit ters appearing around Lake Charles LA late summers 1974 1975 1978 Next appearance July 25 August 31986 See Nats January1986 115 1810 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVERESTON VA 22090 1986-87 Rule Book As end odd-numbered year ticks WILLIAMS BROTHERS PLASTIC DISPLAY MODEL KITS & ACCESSORIES 4 rr PRATT & WHITNEYWRIGHT vi ENGINE CYLINDERS LE RHONE ROTARY Finely detailed reproductions famous aero en gines molded high-impact styrene Cylinders available separately various types sizes SCALE WHEELS comprehensive array wheels rang ng Peanut Scale through Quarter CATALOG Scale Vintage types 3/4 through 6% en Age types 3/4 through 6 Smooth Countour 3/4 through 51/4 Balloon 21/2 through 51/4 diameter Send $2 full-color catalog featuring aircraft paintings suitable framing items ARE available local dealer will supply order directly factory WILLIAMS BROTHERS INC DEPT MA 181 PAWNEE STREET SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069 January1986 125 MACHINE GUN KITS Wr w VICKERS LEWIS 4 Iv Easily assembled painted realistic pilots Available various sizes Detailed miniatures display installation scale model aircraft Corn bat Yearn Finab Charlie Johnson Photos author fifth US FAI Combat team trials proved very best far held August 30 through September 1 Shady Oaks Cerebral Palsy Camp located Lockport IL camp located about 40 miles south Chicago rather secluded area 44-acre facility sleeping ac commodations food stand heated swimming pool although wasnt much time anything Combat preparation flying physical layout very nice unlimited soft grass practice circles good access vehicles unloading models supplies wasnt late night curfew flying either someone out moon flying Friday midnight sides user-friendly site weather also cooperated three very nice warm sunny days overall organization meet also done very well preliminary ground work done Team Selection Committee Chicago organization Bob Bearden many friends various functions seemed work dependently other worked together make smooth-running contest pits worked efficiently center marshalls competent judges ready willing able Bob rounded up enough people two circles could run same timeand often meet started off Friday lot practice flyingfour five circles going time Howard Rush Gary Byerley both going very fast using Nelson engines similar-style models although Howard uses awood-and-carbon-fiber nose Gary uses metal motor mounts achieve rock-steady engine mount Gary Arnold usual upright-engine planes use metal mount bolts front model Like Howard area around engine mount highly rein forced strong mounting system seems difference between merely good-running engine real killers Henry Nelson used audio tachometer check engines both ground air found thatthe best engines turned 28500 rpm ground unloaded 31500 air same thing apparently happens other events like RC Quarter Midget Pylon people turn similar rpms ground fast guys really unload air Airspeed-wise fastest model seem ed Arnolds using frontintake engines small exhaust manifold directed piercing scream over top wing fast engines Nelsons top three competitors used Nelsons get Team did three alternates respect speed wasnt thing field could touch lots other engines helped pilots win matches prob ably diverse assortment en gines used previous team trials Following dominant Nelson 15 Cox Rossi various vintage still Fox 15s couple OPS Supertigre new Cipolla matches won using engines good number lost because blew crank wouldnt hold good setting refused run What once Fox 15-dominated event now being ruled another American manufacturer numbers wood foam models about equal year Cleveland Stubblefield some wood models foam leading edges What once con sidered disadvantage getting foam kill catching string foam leading edge now seems looked advantage strategy cut crepe paper prop snag off string wing last 100 points Tom FLuker goes very light weight p 116 Model Aviation MBAT EAN4 Cleveland George Cleveland TM John 986 1986 US Combat teamand friends L R Mitchellstubblefield TM Richara Stubblefield Chuck Rudner TM highest-placing JrISr Michael WilIcox Dick Stubblefleid second alternate behind Paul Smith aI-pI5uI5I .nt-intake Neisons L turned 31500 rpmputting former hi-rev champ rear-IntaKe Nelson shame Note radial engine mot, short exhaust extension much reinforcing around nose Also note engine-restraint safety-cable snaking around cylinder Dick Stubblefield used machined bar-stock engine mounts R bag-type pacifier fuel tankholder epoxied e foam simple elegant solution KISS problem Keep simple stupid good maneuverability along lightning acceieration foam models like Rushs Byerlys tend fly certain maneuvers better have little better top speed accelerate well top six eight designs fly well its up pilot model No seemed go battering-ram-type model maybe theyjust never got chance demonstrate its use Hitting ground proved fatal designs solidly-built foam models survived midairs better kept flying contest full triple-elimination three losses would put someone out Three-and-a-half rounds flown Sat urday couple people eliminated contest moved along very well considering number protests Contest Director Bob Bearden sometimes two hand same time jury got real workout first day really wasnt anything wrong system officials anything except lot guys wanted exercise right protest something rules fairly complex FAI Combat times seemed impossible jury render fair decision no matter what did matchings also done using matrix-matching system tried preliminary Combat meet 1984 World Championships used entire contest run according single draw before first round no matter drops out following rounds arranged systematically no three-man teams possibility match between teammates father son finals took until midday Sunday see really comingouton top Chuck Rudner lost match during entire meet first person team 9-1 record George Cleveland Paul Smith fly match de termine would second slot team George hadnt done flying wasn t over Paul Smith garnered first alternate spot 465 334 win over Richard Stubblefield last match trials contest management should praised ajob well done thanks permanent staff Shady Acres help Look Out Europe come Nashvilles Mack Henry organizer last two team finals launcnes nowara nusn before contest took until tenth round get rust outbut narrowly beat Paul 592 498 also four cuts three George waited nervously mob officials jury members double-and triple-checked score other match found Dick Stubblefield son John flying last spot teamJohn turned surprise win 414 dads 356 Pat Wilicox supplied John some models did pitting chores John safely team meant Pats son Michael would highest placing Junior/Senior get accompany team Europe selection team excitement still January1986 117 Dot Es. gives Dick Stubblefleld good fightand loses 1982 Combat World Champion Tom Fluker upand Paul wins John Stubblefield won match against Detroit flier Ron Columbo FAI rules require hard hats VarietIes Doc am dd Passen used very European-looking models L powered newClppola engIne Enginewelghs4oz plane all-up about 12 oz Gary Byerly Spanaway WA used extremely fast Nelson rear-lntake-powered models Gary Arnold L pretty cool duri . two ,ust exput mutuced country theyve both o pre vious US Combat teams SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX x Competition News will present time time constructive thought-provoking ideas o criticisms AMA rules policies effect competitors issue has two sides CN will endeavor print viewpoints have submittedwithin limits available space uniqueness constructiveness timeliness good taste Determination appropri ess publication of matters must necessity rest solely publisher o The thoughts presented author should necesaarily construed CI AMA HO AMA officers publisher should note publication rules-change policy-change idea does necessarily mean specific proposel has presented Contest Board Executive Council appropriate committee such action responsibility author anyone else interested obtaining official action x An Action Item All Everyday Joes Randy King X I like others read letter o the Everyday Joe August 1985 Soapbox expressing individuals dis satisfaction AMA Helicopter rules o and class structures require him compete against other individuals some receive support various sup x pliers can sympathize Everyday o Joe agree deficiencies exist the current Helicopter rules class structure inadequate realize is unique RC Helicopter Everyday Joe must congratu lated attempteven though Xchose remain anonymous unfortu onate however person hopes someone AMA Headquarters will listening Headquarters will oremedy situation Although has aroused some public awareness cur iousity letter will have no impact until x someone requests change via AMA o Rules Change Proposal process Everyday Joes letter result much greater problem problem o exists throughout entire AMA organiza c tionand will perpetuated anonymous Everyday Joe letters problem class separation X limitation factory teams ratherthe o fact EverydayJoes aware of rules-change process reluctantto submit written change proposal share o Everyday Joes belief AMA Head quarters makes rules insensitive membership x The AMA consists exists serve o the needs 100000 individual Everyday Joes banded together com mon interest provide overall direction o and leadership Academy well taining daily administrative func SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Technical Director continued well section contains information importance modelers sport fliers competitor alike would appreciate comments relative types material would useful include section future years last thought rule books deals something continuing problem Over years have frequently per sons indicate rule needed changing something needed added deleted converstions always seem begin dont doesnt AMAdo rules persons have caught fact us AMA being urged act would suggest everyone read sec tion outlining rule-making procedure tions 100000 Everyday Joes elect other Everyday Joes officials elected Official Everyday Joes ap point other Everyday Joes various committees boards such Radio Control Helicopter Contest Board Official Everyday Joes have guidelines policies must adhere such group guidelines known contest-oriented Everyday Joes ficial AMA rule book governs aspects competition rules result edfrom proposalsthatwereinitiated byless 1% EverydayJoe membership Official Everyday Joes dont dictate new rules changes administer exist ing rules New rules changes de veloped individual Everyday Joes dissatisfied what currently exists have attended contests have heard Everyday Joe contestants complain continuously about existing rules have yet see same Everyday Joes anything positive correct problems have identified Let restate what said contestants during RC Helicopter awards presentation Nats year .. Rules used govern contests conducted ou Everyday Joe rules YOURS dont like rules up change dont have yourself com plain responsibility Everyday Joe submit rules proposals through procedure established rectify problems enhance rules exist THE RULES BELONG TO YOU IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM CHANGE THEM IF YOU DONT CHANGE THEM DONT COMPLAIN! have concerns suggestions improving RC Helicopter rules please communicate district RC Contest Board member board chair man contact will help formulate submit proposal SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX found toward front book have highly-structured orderly demo cratic process developing rules single AMA member can should part process may true some feel inadequacy developing rules proposal would strongly urge participation commenting Con test Board members during develop mental stages Its unfortunate too often comments received hard-working Contest Board members come after Final Vote has taken have democratic process allowing participating place high value good council Bits Pieces first AMA-produced Tech Tape vid eotape will available about time have remember put 1986 SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Randy King signs himself Everyday Joe Contest Director contestant anyone wants take him up offer help formulate andsubmitan RC Helicopter rules proposal write him 59 Wallingford Ave Athol MA 01331 lieu Competition Just Few Frank Roales think contest flying just Hot Dogs better think again Competition flying higher educa tion sport through experi ence extend knowledge thereby fun Let use analogy first see model aviation say Hey looks like fun kinder garten education begins someone teching fly time up solo like elementary education After elementary school comes middle school junior high after have soloed out boring holes sky Trying wings new maneuvers such should education end Did quit school ninth grade before high school what doing think contests just Hot Dogs Quite contrary fur thering education Lets carry bit further find small club local contests high school flying larger local regional contests can compared going college Nats World Cham pionships likened earning PhD MAP Model Aircraft Piloting Granted everyone PhDor wants just didnt quit education before high school shouldnt quit flying education contests Go ahead take next step growth flier enter some small contests Sure scary wasnt high school startedand wasnt some best times life ENTERENJOYLEARN Frank Roales originally wrote Oval Office column Fly Paper newsletter Tn County Aero Club Vincennes IN SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX checks Subjects included edition RC units use Control Line AMA CompuServe flight trimming rivet-making sanctioning process Try club meeting program National Records following National Records have processed approved during Octo ber 1985 IndoorCategory II Novice Pennyplane Open902 Jim Clem 7/27/85 Helicopter Open71 6 Jim Clem 7/27/85 IndoorCategory Ill Manhattan Cabin Open923 Walter Van Gorder 7/28/85 IndoorCategory IV FAI Stick Junior 3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 HandLaunched Stick Junior3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 118 Model Aviation 06 58 C10I810nO 0061600 0-e000 0000060000 510001Non 0oN 0 0000-00. 06100C~ o 8 0100 61 0)0 %08 010 6160- IIo 0 00 00006-10 000660 000000 6o6-0o 56-oO 0001~00 x 06 016862 0 06100 an000 CC o0n O --8 oo 601061000000 6000 00 000000A 0600 oOOON00 00OI0OO0 00066 60 0 .nO15 00o600 -00 N06 000600 0166 6066000~-- 0 06000660600 000 6 6 6O0111 IOO Zn.i —o 0~ ,5fl 6 0 o~Ii[I 2 650 610 ~ 0-~0o00O-36 rI ____ -I-00s006-II 0 ON 106ao33.0t00600 100000010 jj~i j2 v. 0o 26 o8 61 88169 60000 ~00 - g8I68i za.oooo-o 4 g0 8 06-- 09go 6jZS cc S 67t2t~ 0000 gg6 o-~ . ftf 52-0 SSSg6 jgS~ 958 L1000 000006101000 061 00Zo0-61t 0061610- 0006100OI..o 000 01 11$ON01661 ON NO 510 an1O l6a 000 -8r 60000 00000000010 600 OWOeCOb 0 6 al. 6 0 0 05000 aOoOOra0-elI o--0 0 oO06rlPp10o-oO0510 6 050 0 0 60 0-0 ,0 01-. 0 lONONaO 0000 a Co 6a-o r- 0 o O0~ 00600 0l0~~0100NI 060-0oC00-00or06110 a000 0060 60-000606100 fl6 06N6N0000060 60 8OoO 0 -60-WO6a610 m0 l. 00~0-a 0 an.o 00~-61i 0-0NI00 006006 o06 0616a- •a2 10 01600-00-1100 6000606066611600 a-06100 60600 61 0o611000 o ~s 0-0- 000100-60006 066000000.006000 000-00-0a- 65610500 00-00-N 60 06....0O 060-00060 0- 601000 06..rj 6060600 0006000001. 166 000000060-0-0100000615100000061000-000000000000100000000161 60000606100100-0 0N00610pa-oaosN C~ 6000.0-0ooO.060 ~o01 060006oNal 00006 60 66- NO0 0 6I6 61 0006061 66060 I00eao6o 000 001 0 01. 0I0ooi 566a.o0 00 6161 66160 01 usa 001000-81066U6 aOoI ~-K2a 6 1600816060 MON 6 2o) 0-2 6000 -00o 080.0~6 668 6o0 1 ~ Os0o 606061050o 0 0 0 0-r 600 o oN00 0000 o6 8 000-06o oooO 010 660~0 06100600615 00I00 60-00000C000006 la 0 00000081 61.-100 00000000 600 00 600000 06 0 0-0 0000000-X0500000000000000000 N0006-06 006100666-00000000-00Co Ooro0000 0000000060000606106. 0 6ll0N..50- 00 0 0-N CONTEST COORDINATORS Bernice Williams 347 Soathwick Rd. Westfield MA 01085 II R Sobrino 8726 68th St. Woodhaven Oaeens NY 11421 RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St. Lockport NY 14094 RC Bill Fuori 28 Fernanood Dr Commack NY 11725 Ill Ken Reber 427 Elm Dr. Nazareth PA 16064 East M Weisenbech 4568W 146th Cleveland OH 44135 West IV Warren Sanders Jr 9735 52nd Ave College Park MD 20741 NC Ed Byorley 200 Commander Cove Stafford VA 22554 V NC Don Peck 1211 Oster NW. Hantsville AL 35805 PP Wallace Johnson 4112 WhiteAcres Rd. MontgomeryAL361 06 CL Joseph Meed 1339 Renssalaer St. Jacksonville FL 32205 VlRCCherlesGray201 HalmanSalemRd.TerreHaote1N47803 RCSoenng Dde Polkening 1039 College Ave. #6WWheaton IL 60187 CL W N Bodzioch Jr. 235 W Glade Palatine IL 60067 PF Jim Bennett 324 Helfonstein Ave St Louis MO 63119 VII All aventa ealcept NC eatire Dietrict accept Michigan Greg Seydel 3625 B lona Terrace Cudahy WI 53110 NC Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 Michigan NC Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 CL B PF Paul Smith 11112 Dill Dr. Sterling Hgts MI 48077 VIII Randy Randolph PG Boo 271048 Dallas TX 75227 IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 NC George Hunter 6962 5 Lamer St Littleton CO 80123 X RoIf Erickson 7506 Widgeon Way Pair Oaks CA 95628 Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd. Rolling Hills CA 90274 South Prank Gomes 2241 Noah St Honololo HI 96816 Hawaii meets XI Tom Cope 23262 SB 57th St lasaquah WA 88027 NC James McCarty 18955 Marine View Dr Seattle WA 98166 NC Pylon B Soaring n NC Pattern B othar NC RC axcapt Soaring Bold Face Below ledicatas Chairanan ofConteet Board IN DOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd. Wayland MA 01778 II Merrick Andrews 100 River Rd. A-li Bogota NJ 07603 Ill Walt Vanttorder 5669 Victory View Ln. Cincinnati OH 45238 IV Don SmIl 941 Kimberwicke Rd. McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 33133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PG Box 482 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 269th St. Now Hyde Pork NY 11040 Ill Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philudelphia PA 19107 IV Ron McNally 6118 Bardu Ava. Springfield VA 22152 V Dave Heanstraught PG Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 28461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck RFD 2 Hamburg Old Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 60 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klulber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr. 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 E Names Rd. Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD 1110 Seall 52 Langholm Dr Naohua NH 03060 II Robert Clemens 95 Shoreway Or. Rochester NY 14612 III Edward Wisser 1521 Summit St. MoKeesport PA 15131 IV Boh Karlsson 2643 Marsh Rd Wilmingtoo DE 19810 V David Platg 6840 NW 15th Ft Lauderdala FL 33313 AEROBATICS I Lance Murphy 29 Hightop Cir. East Hamden CT 06514 II Jo Friend 41 Carriage Hill Dr. Colte Neck NJ 07722 III Ron Hesselhrock 6320 Blueberry Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 45248 IV Stacey Mills Brookside Rt 3800115 Charlottesville VA 22901 Vs John Thomas 401 B Jackson St. Ste 200 Orlando FL 32801 HELICOPTER I Ernie Huber 19 Beaver Park Rd Danvers MA 01923 II Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 III Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd. Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris Rt 3 257 Estevez Rd La Plate MD 20646 VTim Schoonard 0/0 WaS Schoonard 2594N08T Orlando FL32804 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 II Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave. Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Latsha 1141 Columbus Ave. Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Teltord 7417 Armanood Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Britley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOAR ING I Frito Bien 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Gordon Stratton 255 Brevoort St. Kew Gardens NY 11415 Ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave. Scottdale PA 15683 IV Boh Champins 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 V James Davis Jr. 1018 Macdale Lane Madison MS 39110 VI Chris Malsuvo 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Pontiac Ml 48055 VIII Ralph Bad Teany Sos 545 Richardeon TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 300 5 Main Wichita KS 87202 X Clarence Mother 3860 Ecochee Ave. San Diego CA 92117 Xl Dave Hagen 19957 5 Redland Rd. Oregon City OR 97045 VI Jim Thomerson 1317 Eileen Collinsoille IL 62234 VII James Sinton 4941 Wisconsin N New Hope MN 55428 VIII William Lee 3522 Tamarisk Lane Missouri City TX 77459 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner P0 Box 573 Livermore CA 94550 XI John Thompson 1505 Ash Ave. Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Mateano 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Bill Shailor 35354 Tall Oaks Sterling Hgts Ml 48077 VIII Mark Valerius 1627 Overland Pass Sugarland TX 77478 IX Jerald Murphy 2432 Astron Colorado Springs CO 80906 X Joe Nororous PG Box 65 Hanford CA 93232 XI Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr B. Redmond WA 98052 VI John Guenther RN 3 Boo 281 Borden IN 47106 VII Claude McCullough RN 1 Boo 487 Montezuma IA 50171 VIII Buddy Irwin 922 Sundown Ln. DeSoto TX 75115 IX Dean Copeland 7317 Grant No 4 Omaha NE 68134 X Bill Stroman 12218 Dave St Norwalk CA 90650 Xl Bade Moorhead 1189 Fir St S Apt B Salem OR 97302 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Nayvown MO 64133 VlI Brian Crossley 4740 Lorinda Dr. St Paul MN 55112 VIII William Thomas 331 SB Rockwood Bartlesville OK 74003 IX Loven Tregellas 3003 5 Everett Wichita KS 87217 X Craig Millet 25751 Coldhook El Toro CA 92630 Xl Charles Davenport 14415 SE 268th St. Kent WA 98031 VI Bob Belluomini 129 College Park Crestview Hills KY 41017 VII Roy Dieto 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Steve Minto 2 Bluehird St New Orleans LA 70124 IX Ed Cxx 8209 Linden Dr Prairie Village KS 66208 X Robert Gorhaw 23961 Craftsman Rd Calabasas CA 91302 Xl Jerry Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 VI Jim Gager 3727 Shepherd Lane Ft Wayne IN 48815 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr. Romulus MI 48174 VIII Dave Layman 7515 Brookleaf Dr Houston TX 77041 IX Sam Pisciotta 1525 Alexander Cir. Pueblo CO 81001 X Gary Hover 1504 16th St. Los Osne CA 93402 Xl Roger Pierce 1230821 gth Ave Cl B Bonney Lake WA 98390 VI Dan Prass 131 B Penvingron Rd Plaintield IL 60544 VII Al Scidmore 5013 Dorsett Dr. Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr. Mesquite TX 75150 IX Ray Marvin 2781 5 Garlield Denver CO 80210 X Dave FOlIo 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 XI Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland ON 97220 CONTBST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tapelo Naperville IL 60540 Competition Directory
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 115, 116, 117, 118, 119
COM PET NE WSLETTE ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS Nats Results Senior-class winners CL Formu la 40 Speed event accidentally left out Nats results November 1985 issue CL Formula 40 Speed Seniors MPH 1 joe GruberGlendale NY14557 2 james W Ricketts Sioux Falls SD 13825 Watch Out Changes New 1986-87 Competition Rules new 1986-87 rule book will out soon rules will become effective January 1 1986 competitors should carefully check rules favorite events changes cause much consternation frustration arrive first contest 1986 season find during model processing orflying some new rules youre prepared example RC Giant Scale Sport Scale Sailplaneare no longer Provisional events RC Helicopter rules have completely overhauled Scale Helicop ter rules have changed maximum engine displacement four-cycle has changed RC Sport Scale RC Giant Scale just few examples 1986 World Championships Unsettled As end October sites forthcoming Indoor Control Line World Championships have approved FAI unusual situation occur late program sites will proba bly approved until December FAI/CIAM meeting Paris will report soon thereafter possible Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood away find ourselves Wheres rule book time receive colulmn after December 15th schedule has held since time written until time read can relate Its mail scheduled mailing time point December 15 1985 tasks Technical Direc toristheformulationoftherulebook Being itsfather cycle has something traumatic experience inherited well its development precious small amount time remained bring fruition came board Headquar ters Atthis time sometwomonthsaheadof years end schedule will find few changes format year Hopefully will make book better tool use printing whiter paper stock thereby increasing readibility over past use newsprint some mature years would like say print will just tad larger isnt Looking toward future possibili ty closely tied book size type binding number pagesand otherfactors Hopefully trifocal-wearers will find improved contrast helpful feature Another change will discover new numbering system various events listed inside front cover assign block numbers category As example Free Flight outdoor events coded 100 series Control Line events numbered 300 series etc system has activated throughout Headquarters operation Model Aviation future will find set event numbers rule book another set sanction form still another set Nats form As point interest almost 120 different items listed feature new rule book has excellent possibilities future develop ment section back designated Membership Manual will find familiar items such Safety Code site information new items Continued page 178 Golden Anniversary 1936-1986 AMA will celebrate 50 years service what may major event Aero modeling Plans being set two-day Anniversary Celebration Fly-In run August 2-3 1986 great flying site Lake Charles LA ie former Chennault AFB site will host flying fun Control Line Free Flight Radio Control AMA members bring model airplane will also product flight demonstrations Show Team fun food veritable aeromodeling circus activity Non-flying action will include booths run manufacturers special interest groups clubs Information seminars swap shops super hobby shop static show will fill weekend begins Anniversary Banquet Friday night August 1 arrive week early will also able enjoy annual National Contest Nats always years major event Aerogater air-oh-gate-r n Migratory aircrit ters appearing around Lake Charles LA late summers 1974 1975 1978 Next appearance July 25 August 31986 See Nats January1986 115 1810 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVERESTON VA 22090 1986-87 Rule Book As end odd-numbered year ticks WILLIAMS BROTHERS PLASTIC DISPLAY MODEL KITS & ACCESSORIES 4 rr PRATT & WHITNEYWRIGHT vi ENGINE CYLINDERS LE RHONE ROTARY Finely detailed reproductions famous aero en gines molded high-impact styrene Cylinders available separately various types sizes SCALE WHEELS comprehensive array wheels rang ng Peanut Scale through Quarter CATALOG Scale Vintage types 3/4 through 6% en Age types 3/4 through 6 Smooth Countour 3/4 through 51/4 Balloon 21/2 through 51/4 diameter Send $2 full-color catalog featuring aircraft paintings suitable framing items ARE available local dealer will supply order directly factory WILLIAMS BROTHERS INC DEPT MA 181 PAWNEE STREET SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069 January1986 125 MACHINE GUN KITS Wr w VICKERS LEWIS 4 Iv Easily assembled painted realistic pilots Available various sizes Detailed miniatures display installation scale model aircraft Corn bat Yearn Finab Charlie Johnson Photos author fifth US FAI Combat team trials proved very best far held August 30 through September 1 Shady Oaks Cerebral Palsy Camp located Lockport IL camp located about 40 miles south Chicago rather secluded area 44-acre facility sleeping ac commodations food stand heated swimming pool although wasnt much time anything Combat preparation flying physical layout very nice unlimited soft grass practice circles good access vehicles unloading models supplies wasnt late night curfew flying either someone out moon flying Friday midnight sides user-friendly site weather also cooperated three very nice warm sunny days overall organization meet also done very well preliminary ground work done Team Selection Committee Chicago organization Bob Bearden many friends various functions seemed work dependently other worked together make smooth-running contest pits worked efficiently center marshalls competent judges ready willing able Bob rounded up enough people two circles could run same timeand often meet started off Friday lot practice flyingfour five circles going time Howard Rush Gary Byerley both going very fast using Nelson engines similar-style models although Howard uses awood-and-carbon-fiber nose Gary uses metal motor mounts achieve rock-steady engine mount Gary Arnold usual upright-engine planes use metal mount bolts front model Like Howard area around engine mount highly rein forced strong mounting system seems difference between merely good-running engine real killers Henry Nelson used audio tachometer check engines both ground air found thatthe best engines turned 28500 rpm ground unloaded 31500 air same thing apparently happens other events like RC Quarter Midget Pylon people turn similar rpms ground fast guys really unload air Airspeed-wise fastest model seem ed Arnolds using frontintake engines small exhaust manifold directed piercing scream over top wing fast engines Nelsons top three competitors used Nelsons get Team did three alternates respect speed wasnt thing field could touch lots other engines helped pilots win matches prob ably diverse assortment en gines used previous team trials Following dominant Nelson 15 Cox Rossi various vintage still Fox 15s couple OPS Supertigre new Cipolla matches won using engines good number lost because blew crank wouldnt hold good setting refused run What once Fox 15-dominated event now being ruled another American manufacturer numbers wood foam models about equal year Cleveland Stubblefield some wood models foam leading edges What once con sidered disadvantage getting foam kill catching string foam leading edge now seems looked advantage strategy cut crepe paper prop snag off string wing last 100 points Tom FLuker goes very light weight p 116 Model Aviation MBAT EAN4 Cleveland George Cleveland TM John 986 1986 US Combat teamand friends L R Mitchellstubblefield TM Richara Stubblefield Chuck Rudner TM highest-placing JrISr Michael WilIcox Dick Stubblefleid second alternate behind Paul Smith aI-pI5uI5I .nt-intake Neisons L turned 31500 rpmputting former hi-rev champ rear-IntaKe Nelson shame Note radial engine mot, short exhaust extension much reinforcing around nose Also note engine-restraint safety-cable snaking around cylinder Dick Stubblefield used machined bar-stock engine mounts R bag-type pacifier fuel tankholder epoxied e foam simple elegant solution KISS problem Keep simple stupid good maneuverability along lightning acceieration foam models like Rushs Byerlys tend fly certain maneuvers better have little better top speed accelerate well top six eight designs fly well its up pilot model No seemed go battering-ram-type model maybe theyjust never got chance demonstrate its use Hitting ground proved fatal designs solidly-built foam models survived midairs better kept flying contest full triple-elimination three losses would put someone out Three-and-a-half rounds flown Sat urday couple people eliminated contest moved along very well considering number protests Contest Director Bob Bearden sometimes two hand same time jury got real workout first day really wasnt anything wrong system officials anything except lot guys wanted exercise right protest something rules fairly complex FAI Combat times seemed impossible jury render fair decision no matter what did matchings also done using matrix-matching system tried preliminary Combat meet 1984 World Championships used entire contest run according single draw before first round no matter drops out following rounds arranged systematically no three-man teams possibility match between teammates father son finals took until midday Sunday see really comingouton top Chuck Rudner lost match during entire meet first person team 9-1 record George Cleveland Paul Smith fly match de termine would second slot team George hadnt done flying wasn t over Paul Smith garnered first alternate spot 465 334 win over Richard Stubblefield last match trials contest management should praised ajob well done thanks permanent staff Shady Acres help Look Out Europe come Nashvilles Mack Henry organizer last two team finals launcnes nowara nusn before contest took until tenth round get rust outbut narrowly beat Paul 592 498 also four cuts three George waited nervously mob officials jury members double-and triple-checked score other match found Dick Stubblefield son John flying last spot teamJohn turned surprise win 414 dads 356 Pat Wilicox supplied John some models did pitting chores John safely team meant Pats son Michael would highest placing Junior/Senior get accompany team Europe selection team excitement still January1986 117 Dot Es. gives Dick Stubblefleld good fightand loses 1982 Combat World Champion Tom Fluker upand Paul wins John Stubblefield won match against Detroit flier Ron Columbo FAI rules require hard hats VarietIes Doc am dd Passen used very European-looking models L powered newClppola engIne Enginewelghs4oz plane all-up about 12 oz Gary Byerly Spanaway WA used extremely fast Nelson rear-lntake-powered models Gary Arnold L pretty cool duri . two ,ust exput mutuced country theyve both o pre vious US Combat teams SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX x Competition News will present time time constructive thought-provoking ideas o criticisms AMA rules policies effect competitors issue has two sides CN will endeavor print viewpoints have submittedwithin limits available space uniqueness constructiveness timeliness good taste Determination appropri ess publication of matters must necessity rest solely publisher o The thoughts presented author should necesaarily construed CI AMA HO AMA officers publisher should note publication rules-change policy-change idea does necessarily mean specific proposel has presented Contest Board Executive Council appropriate committee such action responsibility author anyone else interested obtaining official action x An Action Item All Everyday Joes Randy King X I like others read letter o the Everyday Joe August 1985 Soapbox expressing individuals dis satisfaction AMA Helicopter rules o and class structures require him compete against other individuals some receive support various sup x pliers can sympathize Everyday o Joe agree deficiencies exist the current Helicopter rules class structure inadequate realize is unique RC Helicopter Everyday Joe must congratu lated attempteven though Xchose remain anonymous unfortu onate however person hopes someone AMA Headquarters will listening Headquarters will oremedy situation Although has aroused some public awareness cur iousity letter will have no impact until x someone requests change via AMA o Rules Change Proposal process Everyday Joes letter result much greater problem problem o exists throughout entire AMA organiza c tionand will perpetuated anonymous Everyday Joe letters problem class separation X limitation factory teams ratherthe o fact EverydayJoes aware of rules-change process reluctantto submit written change proposal share o Everyday Joes belief AMA Head quarters makes rules insensitive membership x The AMA consists exists serve o the needs 100000 individual Everyday Joes banded together com mon interest provide overall direction o and leadership Academy well taining daily administrative func SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Technical Director continued well section contains information importance modelers sport fliers competitor alike would appreciate comments relative types material would useful include section future years last thought rule books deals something continuing problem Over years have frequently per sons indicate rule needed changing something needed added deleted converstions always seem begin dont doesnt AMAdo rules persons have caught fact us AMA being urged act would suggest everyone read sec tion outlining rule-making procedure tions 100000 Everyday Joes elect other Everyday Joes officials elected Official Everyday Joes ap point other Everyday Joes various committees boards such Radio Control Helicopter Contest Board Official Everyday Joes have guidelines policies must adhere such group guidelines known contest-oriented Everyday Joes ficial AMA rule book governs aspects competition rules result edfrom proposalsthatwereinitiated byless 1% EverydayJoe membership Official Everyday Joes dont dictate new rules changes administer exist ing rules New rules changes de veloped individual Everyday Joes dissatisfied what currently exists have attended contests have heard Everyday Joe contestants complain continuously about existing rules have yet see same Everyday Joes anything positive correct problems have identified Let restate what said contestants during RC Helicopter awards presentation Nats year .. Rules used govern contests conducted ou Everyday Joe rules YOURS dont like rules up change dont have yourself com plain responsibility Everyday Joe submit rules proposals through procedure established rectify problems enhance rules exist THE RULES BELONG TO YOU IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM CHANGE THEM IF YOU DONT CHANGE THEM DONT COMPLAIN! have concerns suggestions improving RC Helicopter rules please communicate district RC Contest Board member board chair man contact will help formulate submit proposal SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX found toward front book have highly-structured orderly demo cratic process developing rules single AMA member can should part process may true some feel inadequacy developing rules proposal would strongly urge participation commenting Con test Board members during develop mental stages Its unfortunate too often comments received hard-working Contest Board members come after Final Vote has taken have democratic process allowing participating place high value good council Bits Pieces first AMA-produced Tech Tape vid eotape will available about time have remember put 1986 SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Randy King signs himself Everyday Joe Contest Director contestant anyone wants take him up offer help formulate andsubmitan RC Helicopter rules proposal write him 59 Wallingford Ave Athol MA 01331 lieu Competition Just Few Frank Roales think contest flying just Hot Dogs better think again Competition flying higher educa tion sport through experi ence extend knowledge thereby fun Let use analogy first see model aviation say Hey looks like fun kinder garten education begins someone teching fly time up solo like elementary education After elementary school comes middle school junior high after have soloed out boring holes sky Trying wings new maneuvers such should education end Did quit school ninth grade before high school what doing think contests just Hot Dogs Quite contrary fur thering education Lets carry bit further find small club local contests high school flying larger local regional contests can compared going college Nats World Cham pionships likened earning PhD MAP Model Aircraft Piloting Granted everyone PhDor wants just didnt quit education before high school shouldnt quit flying education contests Go ahead take next step growth flier enter some small contests Sure scary wasnt high school startedand wasnt some best times life ENTERENJOYLEARN Frank Roales originally wrote Oval Office column Fly Paper newsletter Tn County Aero Club Vincennes IN SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX checks Subjects included edition RC units use Control Line AMA CompuServe flight trimming rivet-making sanctioning process Try club meeting program National Records following National Records have processed approved during Octo ber 1985 IndoorCategory II Novice Pennyplane Open902 Jim Clem 7/27/85 Helicopter Open71 6 Jim Clem 7/27/85 IndoorCategory Ill Manhattan Cabin Open923 Walter Van Gorder 7/28/85 IndoorCategory IV FAI Stick Junior 3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 HandLaunched Stick Junior3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 118 Model Aviation 06 58 C10I810nO 0061600 0-e000 0000060000 510001Non 0oN 0 0000-00. 06100C~ o 8 0100 61 0)0 %08 010 6160- IIo 0 00 00006-10 000660 000000 6o6-0o 56-oO 0001~00 x 06 016862 0 06100 an000 CC o0n O --8 oo 601061000000 6000 00 000000A 0600 oOOON00 00OI0OO0 00066 60 0 .nO15 00o600 -00 N06 000600 0166 6066000~-- 0 06000660600 000 6 6 6O0111 IOO Zn.i —o 0~ ,5fl 6 0 o~Ii[I 2 650 610 ~ 0-~0o00O-36 rI ____ -I-00s006-II 0 ON 106ao33.0t00600 100000010 jj~i j2 v. 0o 26 o8 61 88169 60000 ~00 - g8I68i za.oooo-o 4 g0 8 06-- 09go 6jZS cc S 67t2t~ 0000 gg6 o-~ . ftf 52-0 SSSg6 jgS~ 958 L1000 000006101000 061 00Zo0-61t 0061610- 0006100OI..o 000 01 11$ON01661 ON NO 510 an1O l6a 000 -8r 60000 00000000010 600 OWOeCOb 0 6 al. 6 0 0 05000 aOoOOra0-elI o--0 0 oO06rlPp10o-oO0510 6 050 0 0 60 0-0 ,0 01-. 0 lONONaO 0000 a Co 6a-o r- 0 o O0~ 00600 0l0~~0100NI 060-0oC00-00or06110 a000 0060 60-000606100 fl6 06N6N0000060 60 8OoO 0 -60-WO6a610 m0 l. 00~0-a 0 an.o 00~-61i 0-0NI00 006006 o06 0616a- •a2 10 01600-00-1100 6000606066611600 a-06100 60600 61 0o611000 o ~s 0-0- 000100-60006 066000000.006000 000-00-0a- 65610500 00-00-N 60 06....0O 060-00060 0- 601000 06..rj 6060600 0006000001. 166 000000060-0-0100000615100000061000-000000000000100000000161 60000606100100-0 0N00610pa-oaosN C~ 6000.0-0ooO.060 ~o01 060006oNal 00006 60 66- NO0 0 6I6 61 0006061 66060 I00eao6o 000 001 0 01. 0I0ooi 566a.o0 00 6161 66160 01 usa 001000-81066U6 aOoI ~-K2a 6 1600816060 MON 6 2o) 0-2 6000 -00o 080.0~6 668 6o0 1 ~ Os0o 606061050o 0 0 0 0-r 600 o oN00 0000 o6 8 000-06o oooO 010 660~0 06100600615 00I00 60-00000C000006 la 0 00000081 61.-100 00000000 600 00 600000 06 0 0-0 0000000-X0500000000000000000 N0006-06 006100666-00000000-00Co Ooro0000 0000000060000606106. 0 6ll0N..50- 00 0 0-N CONTEST COORDINATORS Bernice Williams 347 Soathwick Rd. Westfield MA 01085 II R Sobrino 8726 68th St. Woodhaven Oaeens NY 11421 RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St. Lockport NY 14094 RC Bill Fuori 28 Fernanood Dr Commack NY 11725 Ill Ken Reber 427 Elm Dr. Nazareth PA 16064 East M Weisenbech 4568W 146th Cleveland OH 44135 West IV Warren Sanders Jr 9735 52nd Ave College Park MD 20741 NC Ed Byorley 200 Commander Cove Stafford VA 22554 V NC Don Peck 1211 Oster NW. Hantsville AL 35805 PP Wallace Johnson 4112 WhiteAcres Rd. MontgomeryAL361 06 CL Joseph Meed 1339 Renssalaer St. Jacksonville FL 32205 VlRCCherlesGray201 HalmanSalemRd.TerreHaote1N47803 RCSoenng Dde Polkening 1039 College Ave. #6WWheaton IL 60187 CL W N Bodzioch Jr. 235 W Glade Palatine IL 60067 PF Jim Bennett 324 Helfonstein Ave St Louis MO 63119 VII All aventa ealcept NC eatire Dietrict accept Michigan Greg Seydel 3625 B lona Terrace Cudahy WI 53110 NC Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 Michigan NC Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 CL B PF Paul Smith 11112 Dill Dr. Sterling Hgts MI 48077 VIII Randy Randolph PG Boo 271048 Dallas TX 75227 IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 NC George Hunter 6962 5 Lamer St Littleton CO 80123 X RoIf Erickson 7506 Widgeon Way Pair Oaks CA 95628 Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd. Rolling Hills CA 90274 South Prank Gomes 2241 Noah St Honololo HI 96816 Hawaii meets XI Tom Cope 23262 SB 57th St lasaquah WA 88027 NC James McCarty 18955 Marine View Dr Seattle WA 98166 NC Pylon B Soaring n NC Pattern B othar NC RC axcapt Soaring Bold Face Below ledicatas Chairanan ofConteet Board IN DOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd. Wayland MA 01778 II Merrick Andrews 100 River Rd. A-li Bogota NJ 07603 Ill Walt Vanttorder 5669 Victory View Ln. Cincinnati OH 45238 IV Don SmIl 941 Kimberwicke Rd. McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 33133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PG Box 482 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 269th St. Now Hyde Pork NY 11040 Ill Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philudelphia PA 19107 IV Ron McNally 6118 Bardu Ava. Springfield VA 22152 V Dave Heanstraught PG Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 28461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck RFD 2 Hamburg Old Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 60 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klulber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr. 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 E Names Rd. Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD 1110 Seall 52 Langholm Dr Naohua NH 03060 II Robert Clemens 95 Shoreway Or. Rochester NY 14612 III Edward Wisser 1521 Summit St. MoKeesport PA 15131 IV Boh Karlsson 2643 Marsh Rd Wilmingtoo DE 19810 V David Platg 6840 NW 15th Ft Lauderdala FL 33313 AEROBATICS I Lance Murphy 29 Hightop Cir. East Hamden CT 06514 II Jo Friend 41 Carriage Hill Dr. Colte Neck NJ 07722 III Ron Hesselhrock 6320 Blueberry Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 45248 IV Stacey Mills Brookside Rt 3800115 Charlottesville VA 22901 Vs John Thomas 401 B Jackson St. Ste 200 Orlando FL 32801 HELICOPTER I Ernie Huber 19 Beaver Park Rd Danvers MA 01923 II Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 III Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd. Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris Rt 3 257 Estevez Rd La Plate MD 20646 VTim Schoonard 0/0 WaS Schoonard 2594N08T Orlando FL32804 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 II Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave. Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Latsha 1141 Columbus Ave. Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Teltord 7417 Armanood Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Britley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOAR ING I Frito Bien 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Gordon Stratton 255 Brevoort St. Kew Gardens NY 11415 Ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave. Scottdale PA 15683 IV Boh Champins 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 V James Davis Jr. 1018 Macdale Lane Madison MS 39110 VI Chris Malsuvo 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Pontiac Ml 48055 VIII Ralph Bad Teany Sos 545 Richardeon TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 300 5 Main Wichita KS 87202 X Clarence Mother 3860 Ecochee Ave. San Diego CA 92117 Xl Dave Hagen 19957 5 Redland Rd. Oregon City OR 97045 VI Jim Thomerson 1317 Eileen Collinsoille IL 62234 VII James Sinton 4941 Wisconsin N New Hope MN 55428 VIII William Lee 3522 Tamarisk Lane Missouri City TX 77459 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner P0 Box 573 Livermore CA 94550 XI John Thompson 1505 Ash Ave. Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Mateano 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Bill Shailor 35354 Tall Oaks Sterling Hgts Ml 48077 VIII Mark Valerius 1627 Overland Pass Sugarland TX 77478 IX Jerald Murphy 2432 Astron Colorado Springs CO 80906 X Joe Nororous PG Box 65 Hanford CA 93232 XI Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr B. Redmond WA 98052 VI John Guenther RN 3 Boo 281 Borden IN 47106 VII Claude McCullough RN 1 Boo 487 Montezuma IA 50171 VIII Buddy Irwin 922 Sundown Ln. DeSoto TX 75115 IX Dean Copeland 7317 Grant No 4 Omaha NE 68134 X Bill Stroman 12218 Dave St Norwalk CA 90650 Xl Bade Moorhead 1189 Fir St S Apt B Salem OR 97302 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Nayvown MO 64133 VlI Brian Crossley 4740 Lorinda Dr. St Paul MN 55112 VIII William Thomas 331 SB Rockwood Bartlesville OK 74003 IX Loven Tregellas 3003 5 Everett Wichita KS 87217 X Craig Millet 25751 Coldhook El Toro CA 92630 Xl Charles Davenport 14415 SE 268th St. Kent WA 98031 VI Bob Belluomini 129 College Park Crestview Hills KY 41017 VII Roy Dieto 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Steve Minto 2 Bluehird St New Orleans LA 70124 IX Ed Cxx 8209 Linden Dr Prairie Village KS 66208 X Robert Gorhaw 23961 Craftsman Rd Calabasas CA 91302 Xl Jerry Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 VI Jim Gager 3727 Shepherd Lane Ft Wayne IN 48815 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr. Romulus MI 48174 VIII Dave Layman 7515 Brookleaf Dr Houston TX 77041 IX Sam Pisciotta 1525 Alexander Cir. Pueblo CO 81001 X Gary Hover 1504 16th St. Los Osne CA 93402 Xl Roger Pierce 1230821 gth Ave Cl B Bonney Lake WA 98390 VI Dan Prass 131 B Penvingron Rd Plaintield IL 60544 VII Al Scidmore 5013 Dorsett Dr. Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr. Mesquite TX 75150 IX Ray Marvin 2781 5 Garlield Denver CO 80210 X Dave FOlIo 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 XI Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland ON 97220 CONTBST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tapelo Naperville IL 60540 Competition Directory
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 115, 116, 117, 118, 119
COM PET NE WSLETTE ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS Nats Results Senior-class winners CL Formu la 40 Speed event accidentally left out Nats results November 1985 issue CL Formula 40 Speed Seniors MPH 1 joe GruberGlendale NY14557 2 james W Ricketts Sioux Falls SD 13825 Watch Out Changes New 1986-87 Competition Rules new 1986-87 rule book will out soon rules will become effective January 1 1986 competitors should carefully check rules favorite events changes cause much consternation frustration arrive first contest 1986 season find during model processing orflying some new rules youre prepared example RC Giant Scale Sport Scale Sailplaneare no longer Provisional events RC Helicopter rules have completely overhauled Scale Helicop ter rules have changed maximum engine displacement four-cycle has changed RC Sport Scale RC Giant Scale just few examples 1986 World Championships Unsettled As end October sites forthcoming Indoor Control Line World Championships have approved FAI unusual situation occur late program sites will proba bly approved until December FAI/CIAM meeting Paris will report soon thereafter possible Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood away find ourselves Wheres rule book time receive colulmn after December 15th schedule has held since time written until time read can relate Its mail scheduled mailing time point December 15 1985 tasks Technical Direc toristheformulationoftherulebook Being itsfather cycle has something traumatic experience inherited well its development precious small amount time remained bring fruition came board Headquar ters Atthis time sometwomonthsaheadof years end schedule will find few changes format year Hopefully will make book better tool use printing whiter paper stock thereby increasing readibility over past use newsprint some mature years would like say print will just tad larger isnt Looking toward future possibili ty closely tied book size type binding number pagesand otherfactors Hopefully trifocal-wearers will find improved contrast helpful feature Another change will discover new numbering system various events listed inside front cover assign block numbers category As example Free Flight outdoor events coded 100 series Control Line events numbered 300 series etc system has activated throughout Headquarters operation Model Aviation future will find set event numbers rule book another set sanction form still another set Nats form As point interest almost 120 different items listed feature new rule book has excellent possibilities future develop ment section back designated Membership Manual will find familiar items such Safety Code site information new items Continued page 178 Golden Anniversary 1936-1986 AMA will celebrate 50 years service what may major event Aero modeling Plans being set two-day Anniversary Celebration Fly-In run August 2-3 1986 great flying site Lake Charles LA ie former Chennault AFB site will host flying fun Control Line Free Flight Radio Control AMA members bring model airplane will also product flight demonstrations Show Team fun food veritable aeromodeling circus activity Non-flying action will include booths run manufacturers special interest groups clubs Information seminars swap shops super hobby shop static show will fill weekend begins Anniversary Banquet Friday night August 1 arrive week early will also able enjoy annual National Contest Nats always years major event Aerogater air-oh-gate-r n Migratory aircrit ters appearing around Lake Charles LA late summers 1974 1975 1978 Next appearance July 25 August 31986 See Nats January1986 115 1810 SAMUEL MORSE DRIVERESTON VA 22090 1986-87 Rule Book As end odd-numbered year ticks WILLIAMS BROTHERS PLASTIC DISPLAY MODEL KITS & ACCESSORIES 4 rr PRATT & WHITNEYWRIGHT vi ENGINE CYLINDERS LE RHONE ROTARY Finely detailed reproductions famous aero en gines molded high-impact styrene Cylinders available separately various types sizes SCALE WHEELS comprehensive array wheels rang ng Peanut Scale through Quarter CATALOG Scale Vintage types 3/4 through 6% en Age types 3/4 through 6 Smooth Countour 3/4 through 51/4 Balloon 21/2 through 51/4 diameter Send $2 full-color catalog featuring aircraft paintings suitable framing items ARE available local dealer will supply order directly factory WILLIAMS BROTHERS INC DEPT MA 181 PAWNEE STREET SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069 January1986 125 MACHINE GUN KITS Wr w VICKERS LEWIS 4 Iv Easily assembled painted realistic pilots Available various sizes Detailed miniatures display installation scale model aircraft Corn bat Yearn Finab Charlie Johnson Photos author fifth US FAI Combat team trials proved very best far held August 30 through September 1 Shady Oaks Cerebral Palsy Camp located Lockport IL camp located about 40 miles south Chicago rather secluded area 44-acre facility sleeping ac commodations food stand heated swimming pool although wasnt much time anything Combat preparation flying physical layout very nice unlimited soft grass practice circles good access vehicles unloading models supplies wasnt late night curfew flying either someone out moon flying Friday midnight sides user-friendly site weather also cooperated three very nice warm sunny days overall organization meet also done very well preliminary ground work done Team Selection Committee Chicago organization Bob Bearden many friends various functions seemed work dependently other worked together make smooth-running contest pits worked efficiently center marshalls competent judges ready willing able Bob rounded up enough people two circles could run same timeand often meet started off Friday lot practice flyingfour five circles going time Howard Rush Gary Byerley both going very fast using Nelson engines similar-style models although Howard uses awood-and-carbon-fiber nose Gary uses metal motor mounts achieve rock-steady engine mount Gary Arnold usual upright-engine planes use metal mount bolts front model Like Howard area around engine mount highly rein forced strong mounting system seems difference between merely good-running engine real killers Henry Nelson used audio tachometer check engines both ground air found thatthe best engines turned 28500 rpm ground unloaded 31500 air same thing apparently happens other events like RC Quarter Midget Pylon people turn similar rpms ground fast guys really unload air Airspeed-wise fastest model seem ed Arnolds using frontintake engines small exhaust manifold directed piercing scream over top wing fast engines Nelsons top three competitors used Nelsons get Team did three alternates respect speed wasnt thing field could touch lots other engines helped pilots win matches prob ably diverse assortment en gines used previous team trials Following dominant Nelson 15 Cox Rossi various vintage still Fox 15s couple OPS Supertigre new Cipolla matches won using engines good number lost because blew crank wouldnt hold good setting refused run What once Fox 15-dominated event now being ruled another American manufacturer numbers wood foam models about equal year Cleveland Stubblefield some wood models foam leading edges What once con sidered disadvantage getting foam kill catching string foam leading edge now seems looked advantage strategy cut crepe paper prop snag off string wing last 100 points Tom FLuker goes very light weight p 116 Model Aviation MBAT EAN4 Cleveland George Cleveland TM John 986 1986 US Combat teamand friends L R Mitchellstubblefield TM Richara Stubblefield Chuck Rudner TM highest-placing JrISr Michael WilIcox Dick Stubblefleid second alternate behind Paul Smith aI-pI5uI5I .nt-intake Neisons L turned 31500 rpmputting former hi-rev champ rear-IntaKe Nelson shame Note radial engine mot, short exhaust extension much reinforcing around nose Also note engine-restraint safety-cable snaking around cylinder Dick Stubblefield used machined bar-stock engine mounts R bag-type pacifier fuel tankholder epoxied e foam simple elegant solution KISS problem Keep simple stupid good maneuverability along lightning acceieration foam models like Rushs Byerlys tend fly certain maneuvers better have little better top speed accelerate well top six eight designs fly well its up pilot model No seemed go battering-ram-type model maybe theyjust never got chance demonstrate its use Hitting ground proved fatal designs solidly-built foam models survived midairs better kept flying contest full triple-elimination three losses would put someone out Three-and-a-half rounds flown Sat urday couple people eliminated contest moved along very well considering number protests Contest Director Bob Bearden sometimes two hand same time jury got real workout first day really wasnt anything wrong system officials anything except lot guys wanted exercise right protest something rules fairly complex FAI Combat times seemed impossible jury render fair decision no matter what did matchings also done using matrix-matching system tried preliminary Combat meet 1984 World Championships used entire contest run according single draw before first round no matter drops out following rounds arranged systematically no three-man teams possibility match between teammates father son finals took until midday Sunday see really comingouton top Chuck Rudner lost match during entire meet first person team 9-1 record George Cleveland Paul Smith fly match de termine would second slot team George hadnt done flying wasn t over Paul Smith garnered first alternate spot 465 334 win over Richard Stubblefield last match trials contest management should praised ajob well done thanks permanent staff Shady Acres help Look Out Europe come Nashvilles Mack Henry organizer last two team finals launcnes nowara nusn before contest took until tenth round get rust outbut narrowly beat Paul 592 498 also four cuts three George waited nervously mob officials jury members double-and triple-checked score other match found Dick Stubblefield son John flying last spot teamJohn turned surprise win 414 dads 356 Pat Wilicox supplied John some models did pitting chores John safely team meant Pats son Michael would highest placing Junior/Senior get accompany team Europe selection team excitement still January1986 117 Dot Es. gives Dick Stubblefleld good fightand loses 1982 Combat World Champion Tom Fluker upand Paul wins John Stubblefield won match against Detroit flier Ron Columbo FAI rules require hard hats VarietIes Doc am dd Passen used very European-looking models L powered newClppola engIne Enginewelghs4oz plane all-up about 12 oz Gary Byerly Spanaway WA used extremely fast Nelson rear-lntake-powered models Gary Arnold L pretty cool duri . two ,ust exput mutuced country theyve both o pre vious US Combat teams SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX x Competition News will present time time constructive thought-provoking ideas o criticisms AMA rules policies effect competitors issue has two sides CN will endeavor print viewpoints have submittedwithin limits available space uniqueness constructiveness timeliness good taste Determination appropri ess publication of matters must necessity rest solely publisher o The thoughts presented author should necesaarily construed CI AMA HO AMA officers publisher should note publication rules-change policy-change idea does necessarily mean specific proposel has presented Contest Board Executive Council appropriate committee such action responsibility author anyone else interested obtaining official action x An Action Item All Everyday Joes Randy King X I like others read letter o the Everyday Joe August 1985 Soapbox expressing individuals dis satisfaction AMA Helicopter rules o and class structures require him compete against other individuals some receive support various sup x pliers can sympathize Everyday o Joe agree deficiencies exist the current Helicopter rules class structure inadequate realize is unique RC Helicopter Everyday Joe must congratu lated attempteven though Xchose remain anonymous unfortu onate however person hopes someone AMA Headquarters will listening Headquarters will oremedy situation Although has aroused some public awareness cur iousity letter will have no impact until x someone requests change via AMA o Rules Change Proposal process Everyday Joes letter result much greater problem problem o exists throughout entire AMA organiza c tionand will perpetuated anonymous Everyday Joe letters problem class separation X limitation factory teams ratherthe o fact EverydayJoes aware of rules-change process reluctantto submit written change proposal share o Everyday Joes belief AMA Head quarters makes rules insensitive membership x The AMA consists exists serve o the needs 100000 individual Everyday Joes banded together com mon interest provide overall direction o and leadership Academy well taining daily administrative func SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Technical Director continued well section contains information importance modelers sport fliers competitor alike would appreciate comments relative types material would useful include section future years last thought rule books deals something continuing problem Over years have frequently per sons indicate rule needed changing something needed added deleted converstions always seem begin dont doesnt AMAdo rules persons have caught fact us AMA being urged act would suggest everyone read sec tion outlining rule-making procedure tions 100000 Everyday Joes elect other Everyday Joes officials elected Official Everyday Joes ap point other Everyday Joes various committees boards such Radio Control Helicopter Contest Board Official Everyday Joes have guidelines policies must adhere such group guidelines known contest-oriented Everyday Joes ficial AMA rule book governs aspects competition rules result edfrom proposalsthatwereinitiated byless 1% EverydayJoe membership Official Everyday Joes dont dictate new rules changes administer exist ing rules New rules changes de veloped individual Everyday Joes dissatisfied what currently exists have attended contests have heard Everyday Joe contestants complain continuously about existing rules have yet see same Everyday Joes anything positive correct problems have identified Let restate what said contestants during RC Helicopter awards presentation Nats year .. Rules used govern contests conducted ou Everyday Joe rules YOURS dont like rules up change dont have yourself com plain responsibility Everyday Joe submit rules proposals through procedure established rectify problems enhance rules exist THE RULES BELONG TO YOU IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM CHANGE THEM IF YOU DONT CHANGE THEM DONT COMPLAIN! have concerns suggestions improving RC Helicopter rules please communicate district RC Contest Board member board chair man contact will help formulate submit proposal SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX found toward front book have highly-structured orderly demo cratic process developing rules single AMA member can should part process may true some feel inadequacy developing rules proposal would strongly urge participation commenting Con test Board members during develop mental stages Its unfortunate too often comments received hard-working Contest Board members come after Final Vote has taken have democratic process allowing participating place high value good council Bits Pieces first AMA-produced Tech Tape vid eotape will available about time have remember put 1986 SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Randy King signs himself Everyday Joe Contest Director contestant anyone wants take him up offer help formulate andsubmitan RC Helicopter rules proposal write him 59 Wallingford Ave Athol MA 01331 lieu Competition Just Few Frank Roales think contest flying just Hot Dogs better think again Competition flying higher educa tion sport through experi ence extend knowledge thereby fun Let use analogy first see model aviation say Hey looks like fun kinder garten education begins someone teching fly time up solo like elementary education After elementary school comes middle school junior high after have soloed out boring holes sky Trying wings new maneuvers such should education end Did quit school ninth grade before high school what doing think contests just Hot Dogs Quite contrary fur thering education Lets carry bit further find small club local contests high school flying larger local regional contests can compared going college Nats World Cham pionships likened earning PhD MAP Model Aircraft Piloting Granted everyone PhDor wants just didnt quit education before high school shouldnt quit flying education contests Go ahead take next step growth flier enter some small contests Sure scary wasnt high school startedand wasnt some best times life ENTERENJOYLEARN Frank Roales originally wrote Oval Office column Fly Paper newsletter Tn County Aero Club Vincennes IN SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX checks Subjects included edition RC units use Control Line AMA CompuServe flight trimming rivet-making sanctioning process Try club meeting program National Records following National Records have processed approved during Octo ber 1985 IndoorCategory II Novice Pennyplane Open902 Jim Clem 7/27/85 Helicopter Open71 6 Jim Clem 7/27/85 IndoorCategory Ill Manhattan Cabin Open923 Walter Van Gorder 7/28/85 IndoorCategory IV FAI Stick Junior 3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 HandLaunched Stick Junior3444 Jonathan Harlan 9/1/85 118 Model Aviation 06 58 C10I810nO 0061600 0-e000 0000060000 510001Non 0oN 0 0000-00. 06100C~ o 8 0100 61 0)0 %08 010 6160- IIo 0 00 00006-10 000660 000000 6o6-0o 56-oO 0001~00 x 06 016862 0 06100 an000 CC o0n O --8 oo 601061000000 6000 00 000000A 0600 oOOON00 00OI0OO0 00066 60 0 .nO15 00o600 -00 N06 000600 0166 6066000~-- 0 06000660600 000 6 6 6O0111 IOO Zn.i —o 0~ ,5fl 6 0 o~Ii[I 2 650 610 ~ 0-~0o00O-36 rI ____ -I-00s006-II 0 ON 106ao33.0t00600 100000010 jj~i j2 v. 0o 26 o8 61 88169 60000 ~00 - g8I68i za.oooo-o 4 g0 8 06-- 09go 6jZS cc S 67t2t~ 0000 gg6 o-~ . ftf 52-0 SSSg6 jgS~ 958 L1000 000006101000 061 00Zo0-61t 0061610- 0006100OI..o 000 01 11$ON01661 ON NO 510 an1O l6a 000 -8r 60000 00000000010 600 OWOeCOb 0 6 al. 6 0 0 05000 aOoOOra0-elI o--0 0 oO06rlPp10o-oO0510 6 050 0 0 60 0-0 ,0 01-. 0 lONONaO 0000 a Co 6a-o r- 0 o O0~ 00600 0l0~~0100NI 060-0oC00-00or06110 a000 0060 60-000606100 fl6 06N6N0000060 60 8OoO 0 -60-WO6a610 m0 l. 00~0-a 0 an.o 00~-61i 0-0NI00 006006 o06 0616a- •a2 10 01600-00-1100 6000606066611600 a-06100 60600 61 0o611000 o ~s 0-0- 000100-60006 066000000.006000 000-00-0a- 65610500 00-00-N 60 06....0O 060-00060 0- 601000 06..rj 6060600 0006000001. 166 000000060-0-0100000615100000061000-000000000000100000000161 60000606100100-0 0N00610pa-oaosN C~ 6000.0-0ooO.060 ~o01 060006oNal 00006 60 66- NO0 0 6I6 61 0006061 66060 I00eao6o 000 001 0 01. 0I0ooi 566a.o0 00 6161 66160 01 usa 001000-81066U6 aOoI ~-K2a 6 1600816060 MON 6 2o) 0-2 6000 -00o 080.0~6 668 6o0 1 ~ Os0o 606061050o 0 0 0 0-r 600 o oN00 0000 o6 8 000-06o oooO 010 660~0 06100600615 00I00 60-00000C000006 la 0 00000081 61.-100 00000000 600 00 600000 06 0 0-0 0000000-X0500000000000000000 N0006-06 006100666-00000000-00Co Ooro0000 0000000060000606106. 0 6ll0N..50- 00 0 0-N CONTEST COORDINATORS Bernice Williams 347 Soathwick Rd. Westfield MA 01085 II R Sobrino 8726 68th St. Woodhaven Oaeens NY 11421 RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St. Lockport NY 14094 RC Bill Fuori 28 Fernanood Dr Commack NY 11725 Ill Ken Reber 427 Elm Dr. Nazareth PA 16064 East M Weisenbech 4568W 146th Cleveland OH 44135 West IV Warren Sanders Jr 9735 52nd Ave College Park MD 20741 NC Ed Byorley 200 Commander Cove Stafford VA 22554 V NC Don Peck 1211 Oster NW. Hantsville AL 35805 PP Wallace Johnson 4112 WhiteAcres Rd. MontgomeryAL361 06 CL Joseph Meed 1339 Renssalaer St. Jacksonville FL 32205 VlRCCherlesGray201 HalmanSalemRd.TerreHaote1N47803 RCSoenng Dde Polkening 1039 College Ave. #6WWheaton IL 60187 CL W N Bodzioch Jr. 235 W Glade Palatine IL 60067 PF Jim Bennett 324 Helfonstein Ave St Louis MO 63119 VII All aventa ealcept NC eatire Dietrict accept Michigan Greg Seydel 3625 B lona Terrace Cudahy WI 53110 NC Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 Michigan NC Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 CL B PF Paul Smith 11112 Dill Dr. Sterling Hgts MI 48077 VIII Randy Randolph PG Boo 271048 Dallas TX 75227 IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 NC George Hunter 6962 5 Lamer St Littleton CO 80123 X RoIf Erickson 7506 Widgeon Way Pair Oaks CA 95628 Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd. Rolling Hills CA 90274 South Prank Gomes 2241 Noah St Honololo HI 96816 Hawaii meets XI Tom Cope 23262 SB 57th St lasaquah WA 88027 NC James McCarty 18955 Marine View Dr Seattle WA 98166 NC Pylon B Soaring n NC Pattern B othar NC RC axcapt Soaring Bold Face Below ledicatas Chairanan ofConteet Board IN DOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd. Wayland MA 01778 II Merrick Andrews 100 River Rd. A-li Bogota NJ 07603 Ill Walt Vanttorder 5669 Victory View Ln. Cincinnati OH 45238 IV Don SmIl 941 Kimberwicke Rd. McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 33133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PG Box 482 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 269th St. Now Hyde Pork NY 11040 Ill Laird Jackson 1025 Walnut St Philudelphia PA 19107 IV Ron McNally 6118 Bardu Ava. Springfield VA 22152 V Dave Heanstraught PG Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 28461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck RFD 2 Hamburg Old Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 60 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klulber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr. 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 E Names Rd. Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD 1110 Seall 52 Langholm Dr Naohua NH 03060 II Robert Clemens 95 Shoreway Or. Rochester NY 14612 III Edward Wisser 1521 Summit St. MoKeesport PA 15131 IV Boh Karlsson 2643 Marsh Rd Wilmingtoo DE 19810 V David Platg 6840 NW 15th Ft Lauderdala FL 33313 AEROBATICS I Lance Murphy 29 Hightop Cir. East Hamden CT 06514 II Jo Friend 41 Carriage Hill Dr. Colte Neck NJ 07722 III Ron Hesselhrock 6320 Blueberry Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 45248 IV Stacey Mills Brookside Rt 3800115 Charlottesville VA 22901 Vs John Thomas 401 B Jackson St. Ste 200 Orlando FL 32801 HELICOPTER I Ernie Huber 19 Beaver Park Rd Danvers MA 01923 II Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 III Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd. Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris Rt 3 257 Estevez Rd La Plate MD 20646 VTim Schoonard 0/0 WaS Schoonard 2594N08T Orlando FL32804 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 II Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave. Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Latsha 1141 Columbus Ave. Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Teltord 7417 Armanood Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Britley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOAR ING I Frito Bien 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Gordon Stratton 255 Brevoort St. Kew Gardens NY 11415 Ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave. Scottdale PA 15683 IV Boh Champins 205 Tipton Rd Newport News VA 23606 V James Davis Jr. 1018 Macdale Lane Madison MS 39110 VI Chris Malsuvo 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Pontiac Ml 48055 VIII Ralph Bad Teany Sos 545 Richardeon TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 300 5 Main Wichita KS 87202 X Clarence Mother 3860 Ecochee Ave. San Diego CA 92117 Xl Dave Hagen 19957 5 Redland Rd. Oregon City OR 97045 VI Jim Thomerson 1317 Eileen Collinsoille IL 62234 VII James Sinton 4941 Wisconsin N New Hope MN 55428 VIII William Lee 3522 Tamarisk Lane Missouri City TX 77459 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner P0 Box 573 Livermore CA 94550 XI John Thompson 1505 Ash Ave. Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Mateano 8576 Ginger St John MO 63114 VII Bill Shailor 35354 Tall Oaks Sterling Hgts Ml 48077 VIII Mark Valerius 1627 Overland Pass Sugarland TX 77478 IX Jerald Murphy 2432 Astron Colorado Springs CO 80906 X Joe Nororous PG Box 65 Hanford CA 93232 XI Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr B. Redmond WA 98052 VI John Guenther RN 3 Boo 281 Borden IN 47106 VII Claude McCullough RN 1 Boo 487 Montezuma IA 50171 VIII Buddy Irwin 922 Sundown Ln. DeSoto TX 75115 IX Dean Copeland 7317 Grant No 4 Omaha NE 68134 X Bill Stroman 12218 Dave St Norwalk CA 90650 Xl Bade Moorhead 1189 Fir St S Apt B Salem OR 97302 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Nayvown MO 64133 VlI Brian Crossley 4740 Lorinda Dr. St Paul MN 55112 VIII William Thomas 331 SB Rockwood Bartlesville OK 74003 IX Loven Tregellas 3003 5 Everett Wichita KS 87217 X Craig Millet 25751 Coldhook El Toro CA 92630 Xl Charles Davenport 14415 SE 268th St. Kent WA 98031 VI Bob Belluomini 129 College Park Crestview Hills KY 41017 VII Roy Dieto 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Steve Minto 2 Bluehird St New Orleans LA 70124 IX Ed Cxx 8209 Linden Dr Prairie Village KS 66208 X Robert Gorhaw 23961 Craftsman Rd Calabasas CA 91302 Xl Jerry Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 VI Jim Gager 3727 Shepherd Lane Ft Wayne IN 48815 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr. Romulus MI 48174 VIII Dave Layman 7515 Brookleaf Dr Houston TX 77041 IX Sam Pisciotta 1525 Alexander Cir. Pueblo CO 81001 X Gary Hover 1504 16th St. Los Osne CA 93402 Xl Roger Pierce 1230821 gth Ave Cl B Bonney Lake WA 98390 VI Dan Prass 131 B Penvingron Rd Plaintield IL 60544 VII Al Scidmore 5013 Dorsett Dr. Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr. Mesquite TX 75150 IX Ray Marvin 2781 5 Garlield Denver CO 80210 X Dave FOlIo 20450 Celtic St Chatsworth CA 91311 XI Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland ON 97220 CONTBST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tapelo Naperville IL 60540 Competition Directory