EillhAEiTEEN [N[LWIll ForAnalysis Comparison OtAircraft Designs programusing parameters RC airplane analyze its characteristics relative othersmay have dusting off keyboard firing up printer again dont have computer read anyway information may give insight important factors RC aircraft design U Dick Sarpolus Bernie Raad RESPONSE computer program canard aircraft design assistance present ed June 1984 issue ModelAvia tion has positive enthusiastic Apparently assumption modelers have home computers want use modeling purposes cor rect program put good use assisting design new canard Pattern aircraft published Flying Models magazine Since have developed another computer program feel can helpful modelers does airplane perform better another What changes design make better Which airplane should build next Whether scratch-build magazine plans design own aircraft build kits questions prob ably familiar ones form another theyre basis discussions flying field club meetings hobby shops modelers workshops answers found dimensions aircraft analysis dimensions Looking aircraft designs known good performers can determine surface areas relationships areas other wing loading power loading surface aspect ratios thick nesses moment arm lengths etc answers gain observations can used compare different aircraft designs determine design characteristics whichever type aircraft prefer can look other aircraft designs having similar characteristics expect perform similarly can also basis own design work providing known set characteristics safe work Having design points start can vary particular design parameters pursue type performance want Rather design ing eyeball little effort can done using some known design points youll have better chance success deviating standard de signs may come up better aircraftor may find experience proven parameters still best Design analysisdetermining areas ratios percentages etcisnt difficult can done hand help simple calculator rapid pro liferation home computers thought worth effort develop simple com puter program design analysis work us would save time make possible analyze designs quickly establishing larger data base program written simple form BASIC can handled home computer capable accepting BASIC langnage developed using Hewlett-Packard computer some commands may have changed de pending what type system have efforts aimed RC aircraft design program could tailored other modeling categories including particular design characteristics important performance certain model type own club typical computers getting homes modelers club newsletters mailing labels 44 Model Aviation AccoRDING TO ITS OWN FIGURES IT SHOULr MAKE PFECT PL4SNEP computer club budget worked out help computer have seen RC aircraft designs made graphics computer newsletters printed via computer future computer may accepted tool modelers workshop program requires basic dimen sional parameters aircraft design input calls wingspan wing root chord wing tip chord wing root thickness wing tip thickness wing tip leading edge offset root leading edge get wing sweep tip ahead root would negative number tip behind root positive number horizontal sta bilizer span root chord tip chord stabilizer tip leading edge offset root leading edge likewise vertical fin height root chord tip chord leading edge tip offset root leading edge additional information other inputs asked aircrafts weight engine displacement horsepower fuselage length distance between wing stab distance wing nose inputs get follow ing calculated output data Areas wing horizontal stabilizer vertical fin square inches Stab fin area percentage wing area Aerodynamic center locations wing stab fin inches leading edge root Wing loading ounces per square foot also combined wing stab loading Engine loading pounds per cubic inch displacement pounds per horsepower Wing stab fin aspect ratios Wing airfoil thickness percentage root tip Wing leading edge sweep degrees Fuselage length percentage wing span Nose length percentage fuselage length distance wing leading edge nose Tail moment percentage fuselage length distance between wing trailing edge stab leading edge requested input data known available outputs needing data will produced must therefore estimate input dimensions output design data can used compare different designs estimating particular design will perform compar ing known performer can used select parameters want new design computer buff descrip tion program developed using Hewlett-Packard Model 9830 mini com puter Consequently written HP BASIC version language very similar variations used scores home computers currently avail able aid understanding program sequence remark REM flags have ,********#*********************** ============ MMMM MMMM MMM MM MM MM PPPPPP AA P P A P P A PRPPPP AAAAAAAAA P A A P MODEL ANALYSIS PROOFANBY BERNIE FAME C DICK SHFFOUS THE HAMMEP IAPLIT PARAMETERS NOSE LENGTH CH WING TE TO STAB LE LENGTH NCH TAIL LENGTH 1INCH TOTAL WINGSPAN CH SPAN OF CONSTANT CHOPS SECTION H WING ROOT CHORD CH WING TIP CHORD CH WING THICKNESS AT ROOT 1375INCH WING THICKNESS AT TIP NCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP 1INCH TOTAL STABILIZER SPAN NCH STAB ROOT CHORD H STAB TIP CHORD * 425INCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP NCH THERE IS ONLY ONE VERTICAL PIN FIN HEIGHT H FIN ROOT CHORD CH FIN TIP CHORD NCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP NCH ENGINE DISPLACEMENT 821CUBIC INCH ENGINE HORSEPOWEP TOTAL MODEL WEIGHT 88OUNCES OUTPUT FARAVETERS WING 425 STAB999275 SEPT FIN s 2525 TOTAL AREAS SOUA9E INCH APEN RELATIONSHIPS STAB OF WING SEPT FIN OF WING WING 282 STAB 188 SEPTFIN314 AERODYNAMIC CENTERS INCHES PROM L B AT ROOT ASPECT RATIOS OF SURFACES 1 8711 WING 528 STAB 225 VERT FIN LEAD EDGE SWEEP COEGREES WING WING LOADING OUNCES PER SOLIARE FOOT WING ONL2833 WING V STAB 1848 ENGINE LOADING 1784 POUNDS PER CUBIC INCH 588 POUNDS PEP HOPSEPOWER ROOT 1447 TIP WING THICKNESS HORD TOTAL FUSE LENGTH NCH PUSE7988OP WINGSPAN NOSE MOMENT 21525 OR FUSE LENGTH WING LE TO NOSE TAIL MOMENT 38715 OF FUSE LENGTH WING TB TO STAB LE An example analyzed design MAP program showing Input output inserted appropriate levels tell next operation performed Should prove necessary delete pro gram will perform REM state ments order render program exe cution universal possible minimize inevitable tailoring necessary dealing computer different used features pe culiar HP have intentionally left out Therefore happen programming expert should whim overcome sense computer aesthet ics possible make program concise condensing computation lines and/or utilizing different type input routine ie READ & DATA As presented program occupies little less four Kilobytes affectionally termed K computer enthusiasts memory means small est home computer including some handheld versions will able handle its size call program MAP Model Analysis Program As written MAP con sists three hierarchical steps Input Compute Output Input Lines 230 690 Assuming listing included article properly transcribed machine next step test ie run program order perform task must furnish 23 pieces input information January 1986 45 listed 1 M$ Model designation name model field 40 characters has reserved input should require longer field re-dimension M$ string Line 60 accordingly Some computers require dimension strings case Line 60 superfluous 2 Li Distance between nose wing leading edge fuselage length measured back propeller wing leading edge root 3 L2 Distance between wing trail ing edge stabilizer leading edge measured along fuselage 4 L3 Distance between stabilizer trailing edge tail dimension applies models fuselage tail extremity protrudes beyond trailing edge stabilizer applicable input zero 5 51 Total wingspan Wing length between wing tips 6 S4 Span constant chord applies certain wing planform con figurations common Cessnas Sail plane designs wing rectangu lar part its span tapers toward tips model analyzing has constant-chord wing along its entire span 51 ing tapers along its entire length 54 7 Ri Wing root chord flat di mension wing measured between leading edge trailing edge root 8 Ti Wing tip chord flat dimen sion wing measured between leading edge trailing edge tip before rounding occurs 9 Ki Wing thickness root Meas ured thickest point wing airfoil root 10 K2 Wing thickness tip Meas ured thickest point wing airfoil tip 11 B 1 Wing leading edge sweep linear distance leading edge tip offset leading edge root models leading edge swept back dimension positive wing constant chord has straight leading edge Bi wing swept forward dimension negative 12 S2 Stabilizer span As 5 applies horizontal stabilizer 13 R2 Stabilizer root chord As 7 14 T2 Stabilizer tip chord As 8 15 B2 Stabilizer leading edge sweep As 11 16 V6 Number vertical fins 17 S3 Fin height Perpendicular dis tance measured top fuselage tip fin 18 R3 Fin root chord As 7 13 19 T3 Fin tip chord As 8 14 20 B3 Fin leading edge sweep As 11 15 21 El Engine displacement Size engine cubic inches 22 E2 Engine horsepower per formance measure advertised 46 Model Aviation MA AA A AR AM A AAA iKI REM THIS PROGRAM MAKES THE LIFE OF THE MODELER LITTLE EASIER BY 26 REM PROVIDING CERTAIN DESIGN PWRAIETERS OFTEN USED TO PREDICT THE 30 REM PERFORMANCE OP PLYING MODEL INPUT PARAMETERS HAVE BEEN KEPT TO 46 REM MIHIMUM SHOULD EXMCT VALUES BE UNKNOWN APPROXIMATION GUESS 56 REM MUST BE MADEPROGRAM * BARRWS/662BR & RWS 66 DIM MOE 461 76 DEG SB FORMAT 66* 96 FORMAT B6t 168 WRITE IS66 116 WRITE 1596 126 PRINT 136 PRINT TAB3SMM MM 146 PRINT TAB2S M M M M 156 PRINT TREZO M M M 166 PRINT TAB2SM M 176 PRINT TAB2SM P 166 PRINT TAB2SM M 196 PRINT 266 PRINT MODEL ANALYSIS PROGRAM 216 WRITE 1590 226 WRITE l566 236 DISP MODEL DESIGNATION 4BCHAPMAXO 246 INPUT MO 256 DISP DIST NOSE TO WING LE1 266 INPUT LI 276 DISP DIST WING TE TO STAB LE 266 INPUT L2 296 DISP DIST STAB TE TO TAIL 366 INPUT L3 316 DISP TOTAL WINGSPAN 326 INPUT Si 336 DISP SPAN OP CONSTANT CHORD 346 INPUT S4 256 DISP WING ROOT CHORD 366 INPUT Ri 376 DISP WING TIP CHORD 366 INPUT TI 396 DISP WIHG THICKNESS AT ROOTI 466 INPUT RI 416 DISP WING THICKNESS AT TIP 426 INPUT K2 436 DISP LE SWEEP BKWDPWDY 446 INPUT 61 450 DISP TOTAL STABILIZER SPANI 466 INPUT 52 476 DISP STAB ROOT CHORD 4B6 INPUT 62 490 DISP STAB TIP CHORD 566 INPUT T2 516 DISP LE SWEEP BKWDFWD 526 INPUT 62 536 DISP NUMBER OP VERTICAL PINS 546 INPUT VS 556 DISP PIN HEIGHT 566 INPUT 53 576 DISP PIN ROOT CHORD 586 INPUT R3 596 DISP PIN TIP CHORD 666 INPUT TS 616 DISP LE SWEEP 626 INPUT B3 636 DISP ENGINE DISPLACEMENT Cu INCH 646 INPUT El 656 DISP ENGINE HORSEPOWER 660 INPUT E2 676 DIBP TOTAL MODEL WEIGHT OUNCESI 666 INPUT Wl 696 REM WING AREA 766 SSSI542 716 CIRlTI2 726 56442 736 A1CISSRl56)*2 746 REM STAB AREA 756 C2R2T2x2 766 A2C2*52 776 REM VERTICAL PIN AREA 766 C3CP3T32 796 A3C353VE 666 PlRlI2Rl*T1*T112 616 F24312R2*T2*T212 626 P343t2sR3*T3T312 636 GIRl'T1 646 G243T2 656 G3R3'TZ 666 H1Rl2*TI 676 H2R2r2*T2 666 H3R32*T3 696 REM AERODYNAMIC CENTERS 966 54RI*625 916 XSFI Gl6Bl3*Hl/GI 926 XlX4*SS4KXSS5 936 X2P2YG26B3S*H2G2 946 X3P3GS 6B33*H3/G3 956 REM ASPECT RATIOS 966 PIS1Rl 976 P28262 966 P3S3R3 996 REM SWEEP IN DEGREES 1666 OISATHCEISI*2 1616 REM AREA RELATIONSHIPS 1620 P4mA2AI*166 1636 P5A3/AI*166 1646 REM WING LOADING 1656 W2Wl/Al144 PPPPPP PP PP PPPPPP BY BERNIE RAMSDICK SARPOLUS engines manufacturer known esti-the input sequence performed correct mately program performs its computing 23 Wi Total weight model Dryroutines between Lines 700 1170 weight including radio gear enginecomputations oonsist finding surface program structured toareas aerodynamic centers aspect ratios prompt input parameter Typewing leading edge sweep degrees area values get stored mem-percentage relationships wing loadings ory until needed programengine loading thickness aspects mo ments Compute Lines 700 1170 Assuming 1060 W3LJ1*144/A1iA2 1070 REM ENGINE LOADING 1080 W4W1/EI/16 1090 WSW1ES16 1100 REM THICNESS ASPECTS 1118 T4IRI100 1120 T5W2T1108 1130 REM MOMENTS 1140 L4L1HL2L3P1R2 1150 L5sL4S1100 1I60 L6L1L4100 1170 L7L2L4100 1180 PRINT TAE25M8 1190 WRITE 1500 1200 WRITE 1590 1210 PRINT 1220 PRINT TAE2S INPUT PAPHIIETERS 1230 PRINT TAE2S PRINT 1250 PRINT NONE LENGTHL1INCH 1260 PRINT WING TE TO STAB LE LENGTH LSINCH 1270 PRINT TAIL LENGTH 13 INCH 1280 PRINT 1290 PRINT TOTAL WINGSPAN SIINCH 1300 PRINT SPAN OP CONSTANT CHORD SECTION S4 INCH 1310 PRINT WING ROOT CHOPS R1INCH 1320 PRINT WING TIP CHORD TIINCH 1330 PRINT WING THI CiNESS AT ROOT l INCH 1348 PRINT WING THICI NESS AT TIP 2 INCH 1350 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEPE1INCH 1360 PRINT 1370 PRINT TOTAL STASILIZEP SPANS3 INCH 1300 PRINT STAB ROOT CHOPSR2 INCH 1390 PRINT STAB TIP CHOPS T2 INCH 1400 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEP 82 INCH 1410 PRINT 1420 IP Y61 THEN 1450 1430 PRINT THERE IS ONLY ONE VERTICAL PIN 1440 GOTO 1460 1450 PRINT THERE ARE YE VERTICAL PINS 1460 PRINT PIN HEIGHT53 INCH 1470 PRINT PIN ROOT CHOPS R3INCH 1480 PRINT PIN TIP CHOPS T3 INCH 1490 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEP 8SINCH 1580 PRINT 1510 PRINT ENGINE DISPLACEMENTEICUEIC INCH 1520 PRINT ENGINE HORSEPOWER E2 1530 PRINT TOTAL MOSEL WEIGHT W1OUNCES 1540 PRINT 1550 WRITE 1590 1560 PRINT 1570 PRINT TA525 OLITRUT PARAMETERS 1500 PRINT TAE25 PRINT 1600 PRINT TAE1S TOTAL AREAS SQUARE INCH" 1610 PRINT WING AI 1620 PRINT STAB AS 1630 PRINT VERT PIN A3 1640 PRINT 1650 PINES 2 1660 PRINT TAElS AREA RELATIONSHIPS 1670 PRINT STABP4 OP WING 1680 PRINT VERT PIN P5i OP WING 1690 PRINT 1700 PRINT TABIS AERODYNAMIC CENTERS INCHES PROM LE NT ROOT 1710 PRINT WING YI 1720 PRINT STABS2 1730 PRINT VERT PIN X3 1740 PRINT 1750 PRINT TAE15 ASPECT RATIOS OP SCIPPACES 1760 PRINT WINGP1 1 1770 PRINT STAB P31 1700 PRINT VERT PIN P31 1790 PRINT 1800 PRINT TAS15 LEAD EDGE SWEEP DEGREES 1810 PRINT WING 01 1820 PRINT 1830 PRINT TAE15 WING LOADING OCINCES PEP SOUNRE POST 1840 PRINT WING ONLY W2 1850 PRINT WING S STABWS 1060 PRINT 1870 PRINT TABIS ENGINE LOADING 1880 PRINT W4POUNDS PER CLrEIC INCH 1090 PRINT WSPOUNSS PER HORSEPOWER 1900 PRINT 1910 PRINT THElS WING THISSNESS OP SHjRD 1920 PRINT ROOT T4 1930 PRINT TIPTS 1940 STANDARD 1950 PRINT 1960 PRINT TOTAL RUSE LENGTH L4 INCH 1970 PINED 2 1980 PRINT PLISEL9 OP WINGSPAN 1990 PRINT 2000 PRINT NOSE MOMENT L6 OP RUSE LENGTH WING LE TO NOSE 2810 PRINT 2020 PRINT TAIL MOMENT L7 OP PLSE LENGTH WING T B TO STAR LE 2030 STANDARD 2040 END Output Lines 1180 2040 output obtained trusty machine consists two distinct parts first merely prints out input values orderly fashion help self-check against typographi cal errors second part will furnish outputs used design analysis clearly labeled Should magnitude of results give rise ponderous perplexity please re-check input data After computer nothing machine incapable thought will always confirm garbage-in garbage-out axiom tactfully formulated years ago programmers hope computer program will interest assistance aim SXI4T LINDESThJb IT S AiDAOAR oF CLEtD modeling day s computer technology available lets use Happy computing may programs work first time January1986 47
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 44, 45, 46, 47
EillhAEiTEEN [N[LWIll ForAnalysis Comparison OtAircraft Designs programusing parameters RC airplane analyze its characteristics relative othersmay have dusting off keyboard firing up printer again dont have computer read anyway information may give insight important factors RC aircraft design U Dick Sarpolus Bernie Raad RESPONSE computer program canard aircraft design assistance present ed June 1984 issue ModelAvia tion has positive enthusiastic Apparently assumption modelers have home computers want use modeling purposes cor rect program put good use assisting design new canard Pattern aircraft published Flying Models magazine Since have developed another computer program feel can helpful modelers does airplane perform better another What changes design make better Which airplane should build next Whether scratch-build magazine plans design own aircraft build kits questions prob ably familiar ones form another theyre basis discussions flying field club meetings hobby shops modelers workshops answers found dimensions aircraft analysis dimensions Looking aircraft designs known good performers can determine surface areas relationships areas other wing loading power loading surface aspect ratios thick nesses moment arm lengths etc answers gain observations can used compare different aircraft designs determine design characteristics whichever type aircraft prefer can look other aircraft designs having similar characteristics expect perform similarly can also basis own design work providing known set characteristics safe work Having design points start can vary particular design parameters pursue type performance want Rather design ing eyeball little effort can done using some known design points youll have better chance success deviating standard de signs may come up better aircraftor may find experience proven parameters still best Design analysisdetermining areas ratios percentages etcisnt difficult can done hand help simple calculator rapid pro liferation home computers thought worth effort develop simple com puter program design analysis work us would save time make possible analyze designs quickly establishing larger data base program written simple form BASIC can handled home computer capable accepting BASIC langnage developed using Hewlett-Packard computer some commands may have changed de pending what type system have efforts aimed RC aircraft design program could tailored other modeling categories including particular design characteristics important performance certain model type own club typical computers getting homes modelers club newsletters mailing labels 44 Model Aviation AccoRDING TO ITS OWN FIGURES IT SHOULr MAKE PFECT PL4SNEP computer club budget worked out help computer have seen RC aircraft designs made graphics computer newsletters printed via computer future computer may accepted tool modelers workshop program requires basic dimen sional parameters aircraft design input calls wingspan wing root chord wing tip chord wing root thickness wing tip thickness wing tip leading edge offset root leading edge get wing sweep tip ahead root would negative number tip behind root positive number horizontal sta bilizer span root chord tip chord stabilizer tip leading edge offset root leading edge likewise vertical fin height root chord tip chord leading edge tip offset root leading edge additional information other inputs asked aircrafts weight engine displacement horsepower fuselage length distance between wing stab distance wing nose inputs get follow ing calculated output data Areas wing horizontal stabilizer vertical fin square inches Stab fin area percentage wing area Aerodynamic center locations wing stab fin inches leading edge root Wing loading ounces per square foot also combined wing stab loading Engine loading pounds per cubic inch displacement pounds per horsepower Wing stab fin aspect ratios Wing airfoil thickness percentage root tip Wing leading edge sweep degrees Fuselage length percentage wing span Nose length percentage fuselage length distance wing leading edge nose Tail moment percentage fuselage length distance between wing trailing edge stab leading edge requested input data known available outputs needing data will produced must therefore estimate input dimensions output design data can used compare different designs estimating particular design will perform compar ing known performer can used select parameters want new design computer buff descrip tion program developed using Hewlett-Packard Model 9830 mini com puter Consequently written HP BASIC version language very similar variations used scores home computers currently avail able aid understanding program sequence remark REM flags have ,********#*********************** ============ MMMM MMMM MMM MM MM MM PPPPPP AA P P A P P A PRPPPP AAAAAAAAA P A A P MODEL ANALYSIS PROOFANBY BERNIE FAME C DICK SHFFOUS THE HAMMEP IAPLIT PARAMETERS NOSE LENGTH CH WING TE TO STAB LE LENGTH NCH TAIL LENGTH 1INCH TOTAL WINGSPAN CH SPAN OF CONSTANT CHOPS SECTION H WING ROOT CHORD CH WING TIP CHORD CH WING THICKNESS AT ROOT 1375INCH WING THICKNESS AT TIP NCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP 1INCH TOTAL STABILIZER SPAN NCH STAB ROOT CHORD H STAB TIP CHORD * 425INCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP NCH THERE IS ONLY ONE VERTICAL PIN FIN HEIGHT H FIN ROOT CHORD CH FIN TIP CHORD NCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP NCH ENGINE DISPLACEMENT 821CUBIC INCH ENGINE HORSEPOWEP TOTAL MODEL WEIGHT 88OUNCES OUTPUT FARAVETERS WING 425 STAB999275 SEPT FIN s 2525 TOTAL AREAS SOUA9E INCH APEN RELATIONSHIPS STAB OF WING SEPT FIN OF WING WING 282 STAB 188 SEPTFIN314 AERODYNAMIC CENTERS INCHES PROM L B AT ROOT ASPECT RATIOS OF SURFACES 1 8711 WING 528 STAB 225 VERT FIN LEAD EDGE SWEEP COEGREES WING WING LOADING OUNCES PER SOLIARE FOOT WING ONL2833 WING V STAB 1848 ENGINE LOADING 1784 POUNDS PER CUBIC INCH 588 POUNDS PEP HOPSEPOWER ROOT 1447 TIP WING THICKNESS HORD TOTAL FUSE LENGTH NCH PUSE7988OP WINGSPAN NOSE MOMENT 21525 OR FUSE LENGTH WING LE TO NOSE TAIL MOMENT 38715 OF FUSE LENGTH WING TB TO STAB LE An example analyzed design MAP program showing Input output inserted appropriate levels tell next operation performed Should prove necessary delete pro gram will perform REM state ments order render program exe cution universal possible minimize inevitable tailoring necessary dealing computer different used features pe culiar HP have intentionally left out Therefore happen programming expert should whim overcome sense computer aesthet ics possible make program concise condensing computation lines and/or utilizing different type input routine ie READ & DATA As presented program occupies little less four Kilobytes affectionally termed K computer enthusiasts memory means small est home computer including some handheld versions will able handle its size call program MAP Model Analysis Program As written MAP con sists three hierarchical steps Input Compute Output Input Lines 230 690 Assuming listing included article properly transcribed machine next step test ie run program order perform task must furnish 23 pieces input information January 1986 45 listed 1 M$ Model designation name model field 40 characters has reserved input should require longer field re-dimension M$ string Line 60 accordingly Some computers require dimension strings case Line 60 superfluous 2 Li Distance between nose wing leading edge fuselage length measured back propeller wing leading edge root 3 L2 Distance between wing trail ing edge stabilizer leading edge measured along fuselage 4 L3 Distance between stabilizer trailing edge tail dimension applies models fuselage tail extremity protrudes beyond trailing edge stabilizer applicable input zero 5 51 Total wingspan Wing length between wing tips 6 S4 Span constant chord applies certain wing planform con figurations common Cessnas Sail plane designs wing rectangu lar part its span tapers toward tips model analyzing has constant-chord wing along its entire span 51 ing tapers along its entire length 54 7 Ri Wing root chord flat di mension wing measured between leading edge trailing edge root 8 Ti Wing tip chord flat dimen sion wing measured between leading edge trailing edge tip before rounding occurs 9 Ki Wing thickness root Meas ured thickest point wing airfoil root 10 K2 Wing thickness tip Meas ured thickest point wing airfoil tip 11 B 1 Wing leading edge sweep linear distance leading edge tip offset leading edge root models leading edge swept back dimension positive wing constant chord has straight leading edge Bi wing swept forward dimension negative 12 S2 Stabilizer span As 5 applies horizontal stabilizer 13 R2 Stabilizer root chord As 7 14 T2 Stabilizer tip chord As 8 15 B2 Stabilizer leading edge sweep As 11 16 V6 Number vertical fins 17 S3 Fin height Perpendicular dis tance measured top fuselage tip fin 18 R3 Fin root chord As 7 13 19 T3 Fin tip chord As 8 14 20 B3 Fin leading edge sweep As 11 15 21 El Engine displacement Size engine cubic inches 22 E2 Engine horsepower per formance measure advertised 46 Model Aviation MA AA A AR AM A AAA iKI REM THIS PROGRAM MAKES THE LIFE OF THE MODELER LITTLE EASIER BY 26 REM PROVIDING CERTAIN DESIGN PWRAIETERS OFTEN USED TO PREDICT THE 30 REM PERFORMANCE OP PLYING MODEL INPUT PARAMETERS HAVE BEEN KEPT TO 46 REM MIHIMUM SHOULD EXMCT VALUES BE UNKNOWN APPROXIMATION GUESS 56 REM MUST BE MADEPROGRAM * BARRWS/662BR & RWS 66 DIM MOE 461 76 DEG SB FORMAT 66* 96 FORMAT B6t 168 WRITE IS66 116 WRITE 1596 126 PRINT 136 PRINT TAB3SMM MM 146 PRINT TAB2S M M M M 156 PRINT TREZO M M M 166 PRINT TAB2SM M 176 PRINT TAB2SM P 166 PRINT TAB2SM M 196 PRINT 266 PRINT MODEL ANALYSIS PROGRAM 216 WRITE 1590 226 WRITE l566 236 DISP MODEL DESIGNATION 4BCHAPMAXO 246 INPUT MO 256 DISP DIST NOSE TO WING LE1 266 INPUT LI 276 DISP DIST WING TE TO STAB LE 266 INPUT L2 296 DISP DIST STAB TE TO TAIL 366 INPUT L3 316 DISP TOTAL WINGSPAN 326 INPUT Si 336 DISP SPAN OP CONSTANT CHORD 346 INPUT S4 256 DISP WING ROOT CHORD 366 INPUT Ri 376 DISP WING TIP CHORD 366 INPUT TI 396 DISP WIHG THICKNESS AT ROOTI 466 INPUT RI 416 DISP WING THICKNESS AT TIP 426 INPUT K2 436 DISP LE SWEEP BKWDPWDY 446 INPUT 61 450 DISP TOTAL STABILIZER SPANI 466 INPUT 52 476 DISP STAB ROOT CHORD 4B6 INPUT 62 490 DISP STAB TIP CHORD 566 INPUT T2 516 DISP LE SWEEP BKWDFWD 526 INPUT 62 536 DISP NUMBER OP VERTICAL PINS 546 INPUT VS 556 DISP PIN HEIGHT 566 INPUT 53 576 DISP PIN ROOT CHORD 586 INPUT R3 596 DISP PIN TIP CHORD 666 INPUT TS 616 DISP LE SWEEP 626 INPUT B3 636 DISP ENGINE DISPLACEMENT Cu INCH 646 INPUT El 656 DISP ENGINE HORSEPOWER 660 INPUT E2 676 DIBP TOTAL MODEL WEIGHT OUNCESI 666 INPUT Wl 696 REM WING AREA 766 SSSI542 716 CIRlTI2 726 56442 736 A1CISSRl56)*2 746 REM STAB AREA 756 C2R2T2x2 766 A2C2*52 776 REM VERTICAL PIN AREA 766 C3CP3T32 796 A3C353VE 666 PlRlI2Rl*T1*T112 616 F24312R2*T2*T212 626 P343t2sR3*T3T312 636 GIRl'T1 646 G243T2 656 G3R3'TZ 666 H1Rl2*TI 676 H2R2r2*T2 666 H3R32*T3 696 REM AERODYNAMIC CENTERS 966 54RI*625 916 XSFI Gl6Bl3*Hl/GI 926 XlX4*SS4KXSS5 936 X2P2YG26B3S*H2G2 946 X3P3GS 6B33*H3/G3 956 REM ASPECT RATIOS 966 PIS1Rl 976 P28262 966 P3S3R3 996 REM SWEEP IN DEGREES 1666 OISATHCEISI*2 1616 REM AREA RELATIONSHIPS 1620 P4mA2AI*166 1636 P5A3/AI*166 1646 REM WING LOADING 1656 W2Wl/Al144 PPPPPP PP PP PPPPPP BY BERNIE RAMSDICK SARPOLUS engines manufacturer known esti-the input sequence performed correct mately program performs its computing 23 Wi Total weight model Dryroutines between Lines 700 1170 weight including radio gear enginecomputations oonsist finding surface program structured toareas aerodynamic centers aspect ratios prompt input parameter Typewing leading edge sweep degrees area values get stored mem-percentage relationships wing loadings ory until needed programengine loading thickness aspects mo ments Compute Lines 700 1170 Assuming 1060 W3LJ1*144/A1iA2 1070 REM ENGINE LOADING 1080 W4W1/EI/16 1090 WSW1ES16 1100 REM THICNESS ASPECTS 1118 T4IRI100 1120 T5W2T1108 1130 REM MOMENTS 1140 L4L1HL2L3P1R2 1150 L5sL4S1100 1I60 L6L1L4100 1170 L7L2L4100 1180 PRINT TAE25M8 1190 WRITE 1500 1200 WRITE 1590 1210 PRINT 1220 PRINT TAE2S INPUT PAPHIIETERS 1230 PRINT TAE2S PRINT 1250 PRINT NONE LENGTHL1INCH 1260 PRINT WING TE TO STAB LE LENGTH LSINCH 1270 PRINT TAIL LENGTH 13 INCH 1280 PRINT 1290 PRINT TOTAL WINGSPAN SIINCH 1300 PRINT SPAN OP CONSTANT CHORD SECTION S4 INCH 1310 PRINT WING ROOT CHOPS R1INCH 1320 PRINT WING TIP CHORD TIINCH 1330 PRINT WING THI CiNESS AT ROOT l INCH 1348 PRINT WING THICI NESS AT TIP 2 INCH 1350 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEPE1INCH 1360 PRINT 1370 PRINT TOTAL STASILIZEP SPANS3 INCH 1300 PRINT STAB ROOT CHOPSR2 INCH 1390 PRINT STAB TIP CHOPS T2 INCH 1400 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEP 82 INCH 1410 PRINT 1420 IP Y61 THEN 1450 1430 PRINT THERE IS ONLY ONE VERTICAL PIN 1440 GOTO 1460 1450 PRINT THERE ARE YE VERTICAL PINS 1460 PRINT PIN HEIGHT53 INCH 1470 PRINT PIN ROOT CHOPS R3INCH 1480 PRINT PIN TIP CHOPS T3 INCH 1490 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEP 8SINCH 1580 PRINT 1510 PRINT ENGINE DISPLACEMENTEICUEIC INCH 1520 PRINT ENGINE HORSEPOWER E2 1530 PRINT TOTAL MOSEL WEIGHT W1OUNCES 1540 PRINT 1550 WRITE 1590 1560 PRINT 1570 PRINT TA525 OLITRUT PARAMETERS 1500 PRINT TAE25 PRINT 1600 PRINT TAE1S TOTAL AREAS SQUARE INCH" 1610 PRINT WING AI 1620 PRINT STAB AS 1630 PRINT VERT PIN A3 1640 PRINT 1650 PINES 2 1660 PRINT TAElS AREA RELATIONSHIPS 1670 PRINT STABP4 OP WING 1680 PRINT VERT PIN P5i OP WING 1690 PRINT 1700 PRINT TABIS AERODYNAMIC CENTERS INCHES PROM LE NT ROOT 1710 PRINT WING YI 1720 PRINT STABS2 1730 PRINT VERT PIN X3 1740 PRINT 1750 PRINT TAE15 ASPECT RATIOS OP SCIPPACES 1760 PRINT WINGP1 1 1770 PRINT STAB P31 1700 PRINT VERT PIN P31 1790 PRINT 1800 PRINT TAS15 LEAD EDGE SWEEP DEGREES 1810 PRINT WING 01 1820 PRINT 1830 PRINT TAE15 WING LOADING OCINCES PEP SOUNRE POST 1840 PRINT WING ONLY W2 1850 PRINT WING S STABWS 1060 PRINT 1870 PRINT TABIS ENGINE LOADING 1880 PRINT W4POUNDS PER CLrEIC INCH 1090 PRINT WSPOUNSS PER HORSEPOWER 1900 PRINT 1910 PRINT THElS WING THISSNESS OP SHjRD 1920 PRINT ROOT T4 1930 PRINT TIPTS 1940 STANDARD 1950 PRINT 1960 PRINT TOTAL RUSE LENGTH L4 INCH 1970 PINED 2 1980 PRINT PLISEL9 OP WINGSPAN 1990 PRINT 2000 PRINT NOSE MOMENT L6 OP RUSE LENGTH WING LE TO NOSE 2810 PRINT 2020 PRINT TAIL MOMENT L7 OP PLSE LENGTH WING T B TO STAR LE 2030 STANDARD 2040 END Output Lines 1180 2040 output obtained trusty machine consists two distinct parts first merely prints out input values orderly fashion help self-check against typographi cal errors second part will furnish outputs used design analysis clearly labeled Should magnitude of results give rise ponderous perplexity please re-check input data After computer nothing machine incapable thought will always confirm garbage-in garbage-out axiom tactfully formulated years ago programmers hope computer program will interest assistance aim SXI4T LINDESThJb IT S AiDAOAR oF CLEtD modeling day s computer technology available lets use Happy computing may programs work first time January1986 47
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 44, 45, 46, 47
EillhAEiTEEN [N[LWIll ForAnalysis Comparison OtAircraft Designs programusing parameters RC airplane analyze its characteristics relative othersmay have dusting off keyboard firing up printer again dont have computer read anyway information may give insight important factors RC aircraft design U Dick Sarpolus Bernie Raad RESPONSE computer program canard aircraft design assistance present ed June 1984 issue ModelAvia tion has positive enthusiastic Apparently assumption modelers have home computers want use modeling purposes cor rect program put good use assisting design new canard Pattern aircraft published Flying Models magazine Since have developed another computer program feel can helpful modelers does airplane perform better another What changes design make better Which airplane should build next Whether scratch-build magazine plans design own aircraft build kits questions prob ably familiar ones form another theyre basis discussions flying field club meetings hobby shops modelers workshops answers found dimensions aircraft analysis dimensions Looking aircraft designs known good performers can determine surface areas relationships areas other wing loading power loading surface aspect ratios thick nesses moment arm lengths etc answers gain observations can used compare different aircraft designs determine design characteristics whichever type aircraft prefer can look other aircraft designs having similar characteristics expect perform similarly can also basis own design work providing known set characteristics safe work Having design points start can vary particular design parameters pursue type performance want Rather design ing eyeball little effort can done using some known design points youll have better chance success deviating standard de signs may come up better aircraftor may find experience proven parameters still best Design analysisdetermining areas ratios percentages etcisnt difficult can done hand help simple calculator rapid pro liferation home computers thought worth effort develop simple com puter program design analysis work us would save time make possible analyze designs quickly establishing larger data base program written simple form BASIC can handled home computer capable accepting BASIC langnage developed using Hewlett-Packard computer some commands may have changed de pending what type system have efforts aimed RC aircraft design program could tailored other modeling categories including particular design characteristics important performance certain model type own club typical computers getting homes modelers club newsletters mailing labels 44 Model Aviation AccoRDING TO ITS OWN FIGURES IT SHOULr MAKE PFECT PL4SNEP computer club budget worked out help computer have seen RC aircraft designs made graphics computer newsletters printed via computer future computer may accepted tool modelers workshop program requires basic dimen sional parameters aircraft design input calls wingspan wing root chord wing tip chord wing root thickness wing tip thickness wing tip leading edge offset root leading edge get wing sweep tip ahead root would negative number tip behind root positive number horizontal sta bilizer span root chord tip chord stabilizer tip leading edge offset root leading edge likewise vertical fin height root chord tip chord leading edge tip offset root leading edge additional information other inputs asked aircrafts weight engine displacement horsepower fuselage length distance between wing stab distance wing nose inputs get follow ing calculated output data Areas wing horizontal stabilizer vertical fin square inches Stab fin area percentage wing area Aerodynamic center locations wing stab fin inches leading edge root Wing loading ounces per square foot also combined wing stab loading Engine loading pounds per cubic inch displacement pounds per horsepower Wing stab fin aspect ratios Wing airfoil thickness percentage root tip Wing leading edge sweep degrees Fuselage length percentage wing span Nose length percentage fuselage length distance wing leading edge nose Tail moment percentage fuselage length distance between wing trailing edge stab leading edge requested input data known available outputs needing data will produced must therefore estimate input dimensions output design data can used compare different designs estimating particular design will perform compar ing known performer can used select parameters want new design computer buff descrip tion program developed using Hewlett-Packard Model 9830 mini com puter Consequently written HP BASIC version language very similar variations used scores home computers currently avail able aid understanding program sequence remark REM flags have ,********#*********************** ============ MMMM MMMM MMM MM MM MM PPPPPP AA P P A P P A PRPPPP AAAAAAAAA P A A P MODEL ANALYSIS PROOFANBY BERNIE FAME C DICK SHFFOUS THE HAMMEP IAPLIT PARAMETERS NOSE LENGTH CH WING TE TO STAB LE LENGTH NCH TAIL LENGTH 1INCH TOTAL WINGSPAN CH SPAN OF CONSTANT CHOPS SECTION H WING ROOT CHORD CH WING TIP CHORD CH WING THICKNESS AT ROOT 1375INCH WING THICKNESS AT TIP NCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP 1INCH TOTAL STABILIZER SPAN NCH STAB ROOT CHORD H STAB TIP CHORD * 425INCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP NCH THERE IS ONLY ONE VERTICAL PIN FIN HEIGHT H FIN ROOT CHORD CH FIN TIP CHORD NCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP NCH ENGINE DISPLACEMENT 821CUBIC INCH ENGINE HORSEPOWEP TOTAL MODEL WEIGHT 88OUNCES OUTPUT FARAVETERS WING 425 STAB999275 SEPT FIN s 2525 TOTAL AREAS SOUA9E INCH APEN RELATIONSHIPS STAB OF WING SEPT FIN OF WING WING 282 STAB 188 SEPTFIN314 AERODYNAMIC CENTERS INCHES PROM L B AT ROOT ASPECT RATIOS OF SURFACES 1 8711 WING 528 STAB 225 VERT FIN LEAD EDGE SWEEP COEGREES WING WING LOADING OUNCES PER SOLIARE FOOT WING ONL2833 WING V STAB 1848 ENGINE LOADING 1784 POUNDS PER CUBIC INCH 588 POUNDS PEP HOPSEPOWER ROOT 1447 TIP WING THICKNESS HORD TOTAL FUSE LENGTH NCH PUSE7988OP WINGSPAN NOSE MOMENT 21525 OR FUSE LENGTH WING LE TO NOSE TAIL MOMENT 38715 OF FUSE LENGTH WING TB TO STAB LE An example analyzed design MAP program showing Input output inserted appropriate levels tell next operation performed Should prove necessary delete pro gram will perform REM state ments order render program exe cution universal possible minimize inevitable tailoring necessary dealing computer different used features pe culiar HP have intentionally left out Therefore happen programming expert should whim overcome sense computer aesthet ics possible make program concise condensing computation lines and/or utilizing different type input routine ie READ & DATA As presented program occupies little less four Kilobytes affectionally termed K computer enthusiasts memory means small est home computer including some handheld versions will able handle its size call program MAP Model Analysis Program As written MAP con sists three hierarchical steps Input Compute Output Input Lines 230 690 Assuming listing included article properly transcribed machine next step test ie run program order perform task must furnish 23 pieces input information January 1986 45 listed 1 M$ Model designation name model field 40 characters has reserved input should require longer field re-dimension M$ string Line 60 accordingly Some computers require dimension strings case Line 60 superfluous 2 Li Distance between nose wing leading edge fuselage length measured back propeller wing leading edge root 3 L2 Distance between wing trail ing edge stabilizer leading edge measured along fuselage 4 L3 Distance between stabilizer trailing edge tail dimension applies models fuselage tail extremity protrudes beyond trailing edge stabilizer applicable input zero 5 51 Total wingspan Wing length between wing tips 6 S4 Span constant chord applies certain wing planform con figurations common Cessnas Sail plane designs wing rectangu lar part its span tapers toward tips model analyzing has constant-chord wing along its entire span 51 ing tapers along its entire length 54 7 Ri Wing root chord flat di mension wing measured between leading edge trailing edge root 8 Ti Wing tip chord flat dimen sion wing measured between leading edge trailing edge tip before rounding occurs 9 Ki Wing thickness root Meas ured thickest point wing airfoil root 10 K2 Wing thickness tip Meas ured thickest point wing airfoil tip 11 B 1 Wing leading edge sweep linear distance leading edge tip offset leading edge root models leading edge swept back dimension positive wing constant chord has straight leading edge Bi wing swept forward dimension negative 12 S2 Stabilizer span As 5 applies horizontal stabilizer 13 R2 Stabilizer root chord As 7 14 T2 Stabilizer tip chord As 8 15 B2 Stabilizer leading edge sweep As 11 16 V6 Number vertical fins 17 S3 Fin height Perpendicular dis tance measured top fuselage tip fin 18 R3 Fin root chord As 7 13 19 T3 Fin tip chord As 8 14 20 B3 Fin leading edge sweep As 11 15 21 El Engine displacement Size engine cubic inches 22 E2 Engine horsepower per formance measure advertised 46 Model Aviation MA AA A AR AM A AAA iKI REM THIS PROGRAM MAKES THE LIFE OF THE MODELER LITTLE EASIER BY 26 REM PROVIDING CERTAIN DESIGN PWRAIETERS OFTEN USED TO PREDICT THE 30 REM PERFORMANCE OP PLYING MODEL INPUT PARAMETERS HAVE BEEN KEPT TO 46 REM MIHIMUM SHOULD EXMCT VALUES BE UNKNOWN APPROXIMATION GUESS 56 REM MUST BE MADEPROGRAM * BARRWS/662BR & RWS 66 DIM MOE 461 76 DEG SB FORMAT 66* 96 FORMAT B6t 168 WRITE IS66 116 WRITE 1596 126 PRINT 136 PRINT TAB3SMM MM 146 PRINT TAB2S M M M M 156 PRINT TREZO M M M 166 PRINT TAB2SM M 176 PRINT TAB2SM P 166 PRINT TAB2SM M 196 PRINT 266 PRINT MODEL ANALYSIS PROGRAM 216 WRITE 1590 226 WRITE l566 236 DISP MODEL DESIGNATION 4BCHAPMAXO 246 INPUT MO 256 DISP DIST NOSE TO WING LE1 266 INPUT LI 276 DISP DIST WING TE TO STAB LE 266 INPUT L2 296 DISP DIST STAB TE TO TAIL 366 INPUT L3 316 DISP TOTAL WINGSPAN 326 INPUT Si 336 DISP SPAN OP CONSTANT CHORD 346 INPUT S4 256 DISP WING ROOT CHORD 366 INPUT Ri 376 DISP WING TIP CHORD 366 INPUT TI 396 DISP WIHG THICKNESS AT ROOTI 466 INPUT RI 416 DISP WING THICKNESS AT TIP 426 INPUT K2 436 DISP LE SWEEP BKWDPWDY 446 INPUT 61 450 DISP TOTAL STABILIZER SPANI 466 INPUT 52 476 DISP STAB ROOT CHORD 4B6 INPUT 62 490 DISP STAB TIP CHORD 566 INPUT T2 516 DISP LE SWEEP BKWDFWD 526 INPUT 62 536 DISP NUMBER OP VERTICAL PINS 546 INPUT VS 556 DISP PIN HEIGHT 566 INPUT 53 576 DISP PIN ROOT CHORD 586 INPUT R3 596 DISP PIN TIP CHORD 666 INPUT TS 616 DISP LE SWEEP 626 INPUT B3 636 DISP ENGINE DISPLACEMENT Cu INCH 646 INPUT El 656 DISP ENGINE HORSEPOWER 660 INPUT E2 676 DIBP TOTAL MODEL WEIGHT OUNCESI 666 INPUT Wl 696 REM WING AREA 766 SSSI542 716 CIRlTI2 726 56442 736 A1CISSRl56)*2 746 REM STAB AREA 756 C2R2T2x2 766 A2C2*52 776 REM VERTICAL PIN AREA 766 C3CP3T32 796 A3C353VE 666 PlRlI2Rl*T1*T112 616 F24312R2*T2*T212 626 P343t2sR3*T3T312 636 GIRl'T1 646 G243T2 656 G3R3'TZ 666 H1Rl2*TI 676 H2R2r2*T2 666 H3R32*T3 696 REM AERODYNAMIC CENTERS 966 54RI*625 916 XSFI Gl6Bl3*Hl/GI 926 XlX4*SS4KXSS5 936 X2P2YG26B3S*H2G2 946 X3P3GS 6B33*H3/G3 956 REM ASPECT RATIOS 966 PIS1Rl 976 P28262 966 P3S3R3 996 REM SWEEP IN DEGREES 1666 OISATHCEISI*2 1616 REM AREA RELATIONSHIPS 1620 P4mA2AI*166 1636 P5A3/AI*166 1646 REM WING LOADING 1656 W2Wl/Al144 PPPPPP PP PP PPPPPP BY BERNIE RAMSDICK SARPOLUS engines manufacturer known esti-the input sequence performed correct mately program performs its computing 23 Wi Total weight model Dryroutines between Lines 700 1170 weight including radio gear enginecomputations oonsist finding surface program structured toareas aerodynamic centers aspect ratios prompt input parameter Typewing leading edge sweep degrees area values get stored mem-percentage relationships wing loadings ory until needed programengine loading thickness aspects mo ments Compute Lines 700 1170 Assuming 1060 W3LJ1*144/A1iA2 1070 REM ENGINE LOADING 1080 W4W1/EI/16 1090 WSW1ES16 1100 REM THICNESS ASPECTS 1118 T4IRI100 1120 T5W2T1108 1130 REM MOMENTS 1140 L4L1HL2L3P1R2 1150 L5sL4S1100 1I60 L6L1L4100 1170 L7L2L4100 1180 PRINT TAE25M8 1190 WRITE 1500 1200 WRITE 1590 1210 PRINT 1220 PRINT TAE2S INPUT PAPHIIETERS 1230 PRINT TAE2S PRINT 1250 PRINT NONE LENGTHL1INCH 1260 PRINT WING TE TO STAB LE LENGTH LSINCH 1270 PRINT TAIL LENGTH 13 INCH 1280 PRINT 1290 PRINT TOTAL WINGSPAN SIINCH 1300 PRINT SPAN OP CONSTANT CHORD SECTION S4 INCH 1310 PRINT WING ROOT CHOPS R1INCH 1320 PRINT WING TIP CHORD TIINCH 1330 PRINT WING THI CiNESS AT ROOT l INCH 1348 PRINT WING THICI NESS AT TIP 2 INCH 1350 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEPE1INCH 1360 PRINT 1370 PRINT TOTAL STASILIZEP SPANS3 INCH 1300 PRINT STAB ROOT CHOPSR2 INCH 1390 PRINT STAB TIP CHOPS T2 INCH 1400 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEP 82 INCH 1410 PRINT 1420 IP Y61 THEN 1450 1430 PRINT THERE IS ONLY ONE VERTICAL PIN 1440 GOTO 1460 1450 PRINT THERE ARE YE VERTICAL PINS 1460 PRINT PIN HEIGHT53 INCH 1470 PRINT PIN ROOT CHOPS R3INCH 1480 PRINT PIN TIP CHOPS T3 INCH 1490 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEP 8SINCH 1580 PRINT 1510 PRINT ENGINE DISPLACEMENTEICUEIC INCH 1520 PRINT ENGINE HORSEPOWER E2 1530 PRINT TOTAL MOSEL WEIGHT W1OUNCES 1540 PRINT 1550 WRITE 1590 1560 PRINT 1570 PRINT TA525 OLITRUT PARAMETERS 1500 PRINT TAE25 PRINT 1600 PRINT TAE1S TOTAL AREAS SQUARE INCH" 1610 PRINT WING AI 1620 PRINT STAB AS 1630 PRINT VERT PIN A3 1640 PRINT 1650 PINES 2 1660 PRINT TAElS AREA RELATIONSHIPS 1670 PRINT STABP4 OP WING 1680 PRINT VERT PIN P5i OP WING 1690 PRINT 1700 PRINT TABIS AERODYNAMIC CENTERS INCHES PROM LE NT ROOT 1710 PRINT WING YI 1720 PRINT STABS2 1730 PRINT VERT PIN X3 1740 PRINT 1750 PRINT TAE15 ASPECT RATIOS OP SCIPPACES 1760 PRINT WINGP1 1 1770 PRINT STAB P31 1700 PRINT VERT PIN P31 1790 PRINT 1800 PRINT TAS15 LEAD EDGE SWEEP DEGREES 1810 PRINT WING 01 1820 PRINT 1830 PRINT TAE15 WING LOADING OCINCES PEP SOUNRE POST 1840 PRINT WING ONLY W2 1850 PRINT WING S STABWS 1060 PRINT 1870 PRINT TABIS ENGINE LOADING 1880 PRINT W4POUNDS PER CLrEIC INCH 1090 PRINT WSPOUNSS PER HORSEPOWER 1900 PRINT 1910 PRINT THElS WING THISSNESS OP SHjRD 1920 PRINT ROOT T4 1930 PRINT TIPTS 1940 STANDARD 1950 PRINT 1960 PRINT TOTAL RUSE LENGTH L4 INCH 1970 PINED 2 1980 PRINT PLISEL9 OP WINGSPAN 1990 PRINT 2000 PRINT NOSE MOMENT L6 OP RUSE LENGTH WING LE TO NOSE 2810 PRINT 2020 PRINT TAIL MOMENT L7 OP PLSE LENGTH WING T B TO STAR LE 2030 STANDARD 2040 END Output Lines 1180 2040 output obtained trusty machine consists two distinct parts first merely prints out input values orderly fashion help self-check against typographi cal errors second part will furnish outputs used design analysis clearly labeled Should magnitude of results give rise ponderous perplexity please re-check input data After computer nothing machine incapable thought will always confirm garbage-in garbage-out axiom tactfully formulated years ago programmers hope computer program will interest assistance aim SXI4T LINDESThJb IT S AiDAOAR oF CLEtD modeling day s computer technology available lets use Happy computing may programs work first time January1986 47
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 44, 45, 46, 47
EillhAEiTEEN [N[LWIll ForAnalysis Comparison OtAircraft Designs programusing parameters RC airplane analyze its characteristics relative othersmay have dusting off keyboard firing up printer again dont have computer read anyway information may give insight important factors RC aircraft design U Dick Sarpolus Bernie Raad RESPONSE computer program canard aircraft design assistance present ed June 1984 issue ModelAvia tion has positive enthusiastic Apparently assumption modelers have home computers want use modeling purposes cor rect program put good use assisting design new canard Pattern aircraft published Flying Models magazine Since have developed another computer program feel can helpful modelers does airplane perform better another What changes design make better Which airplane should build next Whether scratch-build magazine plans design own aircraft build kits questions prob ably familiar ones form another theyre basis discussions flying field club meetings hobby shops modelers workshops answers found dimensions aircraft analysis dimensions Looking aircraft designs known good performers can determine surface areas relationships areas other wing loading power loading surface aspect ratios thick nesses moment arm lengths etc answers gain observations can used compare different aircraft designs determine design characteristics whichever type aircraft prefer can look other aircraft designs having similar characteristics expect perform similarly can also basis own design work providing known set characteristics safe work Having design points start can vary particular design parameters pursue type performance want Rather design ing eyeball little effort can done using some known design points youll have better chance success deviating standard de signs may come up better aircraftor may find experience proven parameters still best Design analysisdetermining areas ratios percentages etcisnt difficult can done hand help simple calculator rapid pro liferation home computers thought worth effort develop simple com puter program design analysis work us would save time make possible analyze designs quickly establishing larger data base program written simple form BASIC can handled home computer capable accepting BASIC langnage developed using Hewlett-Packard computer some commands may have changed de pending what type system have efforts aimed RC aircraft design program could tailored other modeling categories including particular design characteristics important performance certain model type own club typical computers getting homes modelers club newsletters mailing labels 44 Model Aviation AccoRDING TO ITS OWN FIGURES IT SHOULr MAKE PFECT PL4SNEP computer club budget worked out help computer have seen RC aircraft designs made graphics computer newsletters printed via computer future computer may accepted tool modelers workshop program requires basic dimen sional parameters aircraft design input calls wingspan wing root chord wing tip chord wing root thickness wing tip thickness wing tip leading edge offset root leading edge get wing sweep tip ahead root would negative number tip behind root positive number horizontal sta bilizer span root chord tip chord stabilizer tip leading edge offset root leading edge likewise vertical fin height root chord tip chord leading edge tip offset root leading edge additional information other inputs asked aircrafts weight engine displacement horsepower fuselage length distance between wing stab distance wing nose inputs get follow ing calculated output data Areas wing horizontal stabilizer vertical fin square inches Stab fin area percentage wing area Aerodynamic center locations wing stab fin inches leading edge root Wing loading ounces per square foot also combined wing stab loading Engine loading pounds per cubic inch displacement pounds per horsepower Wing stab fin aspect ratios Wing airfoil thickness percentage root tip Wing leading edge sweep degrees Fuselage length percentage wing span Nose length percentage fuselage length distance wing leading edge nose Tail moment percentage fuselage length distance between wing trailing edge stab leading edge requested input data known available outputs needing data will produced must therefore estimate input dimensions output design data can used compare different designs estimating particular design will perform compar ing known performer can used select parameters want new design computer buff descrip tion program developed using Hewlett-Packard Model 9830 mini com puter Consequently written HP BASIC version language very similar variations used scores home computers currently avail able aid understanding program sequence remark REM flags have ,********#*********************** ============ MMMM MMMM MMM MM MM MM PPPPPP AA P P A P P A PRPPPP AAAAAAAAA P A A P MODEL ANALYSIS PROOFANBY BERNIE FAME C DICK SHFFOUS THE HAMMEP IAPLIT PARAMETERS NOSE LENGTH CH WING TE TO STAB LE LENGTH NCH TAIL LENGTH 1INCH TOTAL WINGSPAN CH SPAN OF CONSTANT CHOPS SECTION H WING ROOT CHORD CH WING TIP CHORD CH WING THICKNESS AT ROOT 1375INCH WING THICKNESS AT TIP NCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP 1INCH TOTAL STABILIZER SPAN NCH STAB ROOT CHORD H STAB TIP CHORD * 425INCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP NCH THERE IS ONLY ONE VERTICAL PIN FIN HEIGHT H FIN ROOT CHORD CH FIN TIP CHORD NCH LEAD EDGE SWEEP NCH ENGINE DISPLACEMENT 821CUBIC INCH ENGINE HORSEPOWEP TOTAL MODEL WEIGHT 88OUNCES OUTPUT FARAVETERS WING 425 STAB999275 SEPT FIN s 2525 TOTAL AREAS SOUA9E INCH APEN RELATIONSHIPS STAB OF WING SEPT FIN OF WING WING 282 STAB 188 SEPTFIN314 AERODYNAMIC CENTERS INCHES PROM L B AT ROOT ASPECT RATIOS OF SURFACES 1 8711 WING 528 STAB 225 VERT FIN LEAD EDGE SWEEP COEGREES WING WING LOADING OUNCES PER SOLIARE FOOT WING ONL2833 WING V STAB 1848 ENGINE LOADING 1784 POUNDS PER CUBIC INCH 588 POUNDS PEP HOPSEPOWER ROOT 1447 TIP WING THICKNESS HORD TOTAL FUSE LENGTH NCH PUSE7988OP WINGSPAN NOSE MOMENT 21525 OR FUSE LENGTH WING LE TO NOSE TAIL MOMENT 38715 OF FUSE LENGTH WING TB TO STAB LE An example analyzed design MAP program showing Input output inserted appropriate levels tell next operation performed Should prove necessary delete pro gram will perform REM state ments order render program exe cution universal possible minimize inevitable tailoring necessary dealing computer different used features pe culiar HP have intentionally left out Therefore happen programming expert should whim overcome sense computer aesthet ics possible make program concise condensing computation lines and/or utilizing different type input routine ie READ & DATA As presented program occupies little less four Kilobytes affectionally termed K computer enthusiasts memory means small est home computer including some handheld versions will able handle its size call program MAP Model Analysis Program As written MAP con sists three hierarchical steps Input Compute Output Input Lines 230 690 Assuming listing included article properly transcribed machine next step test ie run program order perform task must furnish 23 pieces input information January 1986 45 listed 1 M$ Model designation name model field 40 characters has reserved input should require longer field re-dimension M$ string Line 60 accordingly Some computers require dimension strings case Line 60 superfluous 2 Li Distance between nose wing leading edge fuselage length measured back propeller wing leading edge root 3 L2 Distance between wing trail ing edge stabilizer leading edge measured along fuselage 4 L3 Distance between stabilizer trailing edge tail dimension applies models fuselage tail extremity protrudes beyond trailing edge stabilizer applicable input zero 5 51 Total wingspan Wing length between wing tips 6 S4 Span constant chord applies certain wing planform con figurations common Cessnas Sail plane designs wing rectangu lar part its span tapers toward tips model analyzing has constant-chord wing along its entire span 51 ing tapers along its entire length 54 7 Ri Wing root chord flat di mension wing measured between leading edge trailing edge root 8 Ti Wing tip chord flat dimen sion wing measured between leading edge trailing edge tip before rounding occurs 9 Ki Wing thickness root Meas ured thickest point wing airfoil root 10 K2 Wing thickness tip Meas ured thickest point wing airfoil tip 11 B 1 Wing leading edge sweep linear distance leading edge tip offset leading edge root models leading edge swept back dimension positive wing constant chord has straight leading edge Bi wing swept forward dimension negative 12 S2 Stabilizer span As 5 applies horizontal stabilizer 13 R2 Stabilizer root chord As 7 14 T2 Stabilizer tip chord As 8 15 B2 Stabilizer leading edge sweep As 11 16 V6 Number vertical fins 17 S3 Fin height Perpendicular dis tance measured top fuselage tip fin 18 R3 Fin root chord As 7 13 19 T3 Fin tip chord As 8 14 20 B3 Fin leading edge sweep As 11 15 21 El Engine displacement Size engine cubic inches 22 E2 Engine horsepower per formance measure advertised 46 Model Aviation MA AA A AR AM A AAA iKI REM THIS PROGRAM MAKES THE LIFE OF THE MODELER LITTLE EASIER BY 26 REM PROVIDING CERTAIN DESIGN PWRAIETERS OFTEN USED TO PREDICT THE 30 REM PERFORMANCE OP PLYING MODEL INPUT PARAMETERS HAVE BEEN KEPT TO 46 REM MIHIMUM SHOULD EXMCT VALUES BE UNKNOWN APPROXIMATION GUESS 56 REM MUST BE MADEPROGRAM * BARRWS/662BR & RWS 66 DIM MOE 461 76 DEG SB FORMAT 66* 96 FORMAT B6t 168 WRITE IS66 116 WRITE 1596 126 PRINT 136 PRINT TAB3SMM MM 146 PRINT TAB2S M M M M 156 PRINT TREZO M M M 166 PRINT TAB2SM M 176 PRINT TAB2SM P 166 PRINT TAB2SM M 196 PRINT 266 PRINT MODEL ANALYSIS PROGRAM 216 WRITE 1590 226 WRITE l566 236 DISP MODEL DESIGNATION 4BCHAPMAXO 246 INPUT MO 256 DISP DIST NOSE TO WING LE1 266 INPUT LI 276 DISP DIST WING TE TO STAB LE 266 INPUT L2 296 DISP DIST STAB TE TO TAIL 366 INPUT L3 316 DISP TOTAL WINGSPAN 326 INPUT Si 336 DISP SPAN OP CONSTANT CHORD 346 INPUT S4 256 DISP WING ROOT CHORD 366 INPUT Ri 376 DISP WING TIP CHORD 366 INPUT TI 396 DISP WIHG THICKNESS AT ROOTI 466 INPUT RI 416 DISP WING THICKNESS AT TIP 426 INPUT K2 436 DISP LE SWEEP BKWDPWDY 446 INPUT 61 450 DISP TOTAL STABILIZER SPANI 466 INPUT 52 476 DISP STAB ROOT CHORD 4B6 INPUT 62 490 DISP STAB TIP CHORD 566 INPUT T2 516 DISP LE SWEEP BKWDFWD 526 INPUT 62 536 DISP NUMBER OP VERTICAL PINS 546 INPUT VS 556 DISP PIN HEIGHT 566 INPUT 53 576 DISP PIN ROOT CHORD 586 INPUT R3 596 DISP PIN TIP CHORD 666 INPUT TS 616 DISP LE SWEEP 626 INPUT B3 636 DISP ENGINE DISPLACEMENT Cu INCH 646 INPUT El 656 DISP ENGINE HORSEPOWER 660 INPUT E2 676 DIBP TOTAL MODEL WEIGHT OUNCESI 666 INPUT Wl 696 REM WING AREA 766 SSSI542 716 CIRlTI2 726 56442 736 A1CISSRl56)*2 746 REM STAB AREA 756 C2R2T2x2 766 A2C2*52 776 REM VERTICAL PIN AREA 766 C3CP3T32 796 A3C353VE 666 PlRlI2Rl*T1*T112 616 F24312R2*T2*T212 626 P343t2sR3*T3T312 636 GIRl'T1 646 G243T2 656 G3R3'TZ 666 H1Rl2*TI 676 H2R2r2*T2 666 H3R32*T3 696 REM AERODYNAMIC CENTERS 966 54RI*625 916 XSFI Gl6Bl3*Hl/GI 926 XlX4*SS4KXSS5 936 X2P2YG26B3S*H2G2 946 X3P3GS 6B33*H3/G3 956 REM ASPECT RATIOS 966 PIS1Rl 976 P28262 966 P3S3R3 996 REM SWEEP IN DEGREES 1666 OISATHCEISI*2 1616 REM AREA RELATIONSHIPS 1620 P4mA2AI*166 1636 P5A3/AI*166 1646 REM WING LOADING 1656 W2Wl/Al144 PPPPPP PP PP PPPPPP BY BERNIE RAMSDICK SARPOLUS engines manufacturer known esti-the input sequence performed correct mately program performs its computing 23 Wi Total weight model Dryroutines between Lines 700 1170 weight including radio gear enginecomputations oonsist finding surface program structured toareas aerodynamic centers aspect ratios prompt input parameter Typewing leading edge sweep degrees area values get stored mem-percentage relationships wing loadings ory until needed programengine loading thickness aspects mo ments Compute Lines 700 1170 Assuming 1060 W3LJ1*144/A1iA2 1070 REM ENGINE LOADING 1080 W4W1/EI/16 1090 WSW1ES16 1100 REM THICNESS ASPECTS 1118 T4IRI100 1120 T5W2T1108 1130 REM MOMENTS 1140 L4L1HL2L3P1R2 1150 L5sL4S1100 1I60 L6L1L4100 1170 L7L2L4100 1180 PRINT TAE25M8 1190 WRITE 1500 1200 WRITE 1590 1210 PRINT 1220 PRINT TAE2S INPUT PAPHIIETERS 1230 PRINT TAE2S PRINT 1250 PRINT NONE LENGTHL1INCH 1260 PRINT WING TE TO STAB LE LENGTH LSINCH 1270 PRINT TAIL LENGTH 13 INCH 1280 PRINT 1290 PRINT TOTAL WINGSPAN SIINCH 1300 PRINT SPAN OP CONSTANT CHORD SECTION S4 INCH 1310 PRINT WING ROOT CHOPS R1INCH 1320 PRINT WING TIP CHORD TIINCH 1330 PRINT WING THI CiNESS AT ROOT l INCH 1348 PRINT WING THICI NESS AT TIP 2 INCH 1350 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEPE1INCH 1360 PRINT 1370 PRINT TOTAL STASILIZEP SPANS3 INCH 1300 PRINT STAB ROOT CHOPSR2 INCH 1390 PRINT STAB TIP CHOPS T2 INCH 1400 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEP 82 INCH 1410 PRINT 1420 IP Y61 THEN 1450 1430 PRINT THERE IS ONLY ONE VERTICAL PIN 1440 GOTO 1460 1450 PRINT THERE ARE YE VERTICAL PINS 1460 PRINT PIN HEIGHT53 INCH 1470 PRINT PIN ROOT CHOPS R3INCH 1480 PRINT PIN TIP CHOPS T3 INCH 1490 PRINT LEAD EDGE SWEEP 8SINCH 1580 PRINT 1510 PRINT ENGINE DISPLACEMENTEICUEIC INCH 1520 PRINT ENGINE HORSEPOWER E2 1530 PRINT TOTAL MOSEL WEIGHT W1OUNCES 1540 PRINT 1550 WRITE 1590 1560 PRINT 1570 PRINT TA525 OLITRUT PARAMETERS 1500 PRINT TAE25 PRINT 1600 PRINT TAE1S TOTAL AREAS SQUARE INCH" 1610 PRINT WING AI 1620 PRINT STAB AS 1630 PRINT VERT PIN A3 1640 PRINT 1650 PINES 2 1660 PRINT TAElS AREA RELATIONSHIPS 1670 PRINT STABP4 OP WING 1680 PRINT VERT PIN P5i OP WING 1690 PRINT 1700 PRINT TABIS AERODYNAMIC CENTERS INCHES PROM LE NT ROOT 1710 PRINT WING YI 1720 PRINT STABS2 1730 PRINT VERT PIN X3 1740 PRINT 1750 PRINT TAE15 ASPECT RATIOS OP SCIPPACES 1760 PRINT WINGP1 1 1770 PRINT STAB P31 1700 PRINT VERT PIN P31 1790 PRINT 1800 PRINT TAS15 LEAD EDGE SWEEP DEGREES 1810 PRINT WING 01 1820 PRINT 1830 PRINT TAE15 WING LOADING OCINCES PEP SOUNRE POST 1840 PRINT WING ONLY W2 1850 PRINT WING S STABWS 1060 PRINT 1870 PRINT TABIS ENGINE LOADING 1880 PRINT W4POUNDS PER CLrEIC INCH 1090 PRINT WSPOUNSS PER HORSEPOWER 1900 PRINT 1910 PRINT THElS WING THISSNESS OP SHjRD 1920 PRINT ROOT T4 1930 PRINT TIPTS 1940 STANDARD 1950 PRINT 1960 PRINT TOTAL RUSE LENGTH L4 INCH 1970 PINED 2 1980 PRINT PLISEL9 OP WINGSPAN 1990 PRINT 2000 PRINT NOSE MOMENT L6 OP RUSE LENGTH WING LE TO NOSE 2810 PRINT 2020 PRINT TAIL MOMENT L7 OP PLSE LENGTH WING T B TO STAR LE 2030 STANDARD 2040 END Output Lines 1180 2040 output obtained trusty machine consists two distinct parts first merely prints out input values orderly fashion help self-check against typographi cal errors second part will furnish outputs used design analysis clearly labeled Should magnitude of results give rise ponderous perplexity please re-check input data After computer nothing machine incapable thought will always confirm garbage-in garbage-out axiom tactfully formulated years ago programmers hope computer program will interest assistance aim SXI4T LINDESThJb IT S AiDAOAR oF CLEtD modeling day s computer technology available lets use Happy computing may programs work first time January1986 47