THE THIRD annual Vintage Stunt Championships history hundred total entries three events largest best yet Again host site wonderfully prepared maintained City Tuscon After some rough weather early week Friday Saturday Sunday absolutely gorgeous mostly light winds Great administration solid consistent judging lots enthusiasm made really fun experience everyone fun what about Its opportunity visit old friends lot flying desert sun after long winter times during weekend five circles going hot heavy So make plans next year come share scene community talk love stunt way See old designs fly some better remember meet people have part event since early days should recognize former national champions present because contributed past through continuing championship series will contribute future Internationally recognized years contributions precision aerobatics flier designer engine developer George Aldrich re creation number Nobler Bart Klapinski again us showing has lost skills Two time winner Bob Gialdini flew re-creation famous Olympic Nostalgia Retired Air Force Colonel Keith Trostle returned flying two beautiful models Ted Fancher flew new model Chief great performer Bob Whitely again super neat plane nostalgia Gialdini Olympic Finally former world national champion Bob Hunt again proved consistent Old Time flier well current competitive force know sacrifice takes champion appreciate being us share memories Wed also like extend invitation other former national champions out come share experience us next year After much hard work Friday fun began earnest Saturday OldTime Because large entry 46 format again divide contestants Continued page 180 Aerobatics Frank McMiIIan 12106 Gunter Grove San Antonio TX 78231 Darrill Harvin voted Improved flier after winning second place Old-Time Bob Palmer design Pow Wow also flew well Nostalgia event Keith Trostles fourth place Nostalgia plane Steve Wooley design Argus left Typical Keiths fine craftsmanship beautiful ship flies well OS 35S right couple Mike Pratts Old-Time entries really captured spirit event Mike crafted Fireball Chief just would have adventurous days Superl best flying Chief left Ive ever seen Ted Fancher built example Joe Wagner plansJoe designed Cnietana ship just immaculate Tough competition future Voted beautiful Old Time Stunter Keith Throsties rendition Yates Dragon right certainly deserved award powered HP 40 flew great looked SHIPPING & HANDUNG UPS Ground Continental US $495 UPS Air & Parcel Post $495 plus 10% Subtotal Continental US UPS Nest Day Air $1400 plus $100 per lb 01 Shipment total COO add $395 Foreign Orders Parcel Post Air $495 ol Subtotal US Mail $495 plus 10% Subtotal Continued page 178 stroke result less friction less heat efficient engine rings used years ago racing motorcycles cars Next time Ill have early Speed flying other new engine suppliers El CL Aerobatics/McMiIIan Continued page 51 two groups work through two circles two sets judges much done Nationals Top Twenty Day works well complete officials mid afternoon thanks everyones cooperation true spirit old times several interesting flights drew rounds applause few gasps Mike Pratt Montezuma Iowa Sig put faithful re-creation Walker Fireball through entire pattern style dash truly exciting flights Tony Lang de Bolt Super Bipe hope Ken Budensiek got video should just great year handicap flapped designs reduced 10 points started see first Chiefs Noblers creep up standings non-flap airplanes still rule roost however simply because pattern very demanding its difficult make up handicap also appears trend use old enginesFox Forster likemuch same Antique Free Flight events think good thing truly believe need preserve intent events make close way once possible Kaz Minato flew exquisite American Senior first place As usual Kaz put up flawless flight plane flying rails real surprise event performance Darrell Harvin placed second deserved award because flying Id like take opportunity recognize Darrell real hard worker truly ooouyriuuugei SH1PPlNQktlANDIJN82 Page 1900 CATALOGUE Lip $800 add $200$2 p/i St Class free 8o1 $2000 add $2001 $4500 sted 1st order add $325 $4501 b Horn $7000 add $375 Over 3 MOAN STA] $7000 add $450 Calif add 625% tax BOX 2212 Send MO VISA/MG # &WESTMINSTERCA 9268a Expor Check allow UP 4 893-8311 30 days clearanceHou~ Mon-Fri 9AM 5PM ch~a-r wants part event showed up Nationals few years ago time saw him helping some job make things better everyone Thanks Darrell need eventand enthusiasm As could expected superior fliers top produced some very close competition top slots Some famous names followed Darrell next three places Bart Klapinski Bob Hunt Mike Pratt year ignition recognized special category hope will gain popularity time goes Engines equipment readily available B&P Associates Gives Total Fligbt Line FREEDOM battery needs call write B&P Associates PO Box 22054 Waco TX 76702-2054 817662-5587 new electric starter battery pack cuts cord has always tied starter power panel Discover freedom being able start plane wherever added safety less wire get caught prop charge hefty 4 Amp/hour pack will take through weekend flying power enough spare dont stop have Ni-Cads virtually size imaginable cut experimenter free design whatever takes make yours best setup field 180 Model Aviation H obby H0 rn MIDWAY MODEL CO Old timer Kits P/C AND FF Hobby Horn discount prices MMC FULL KITS listed Full Kits include cut parts plan strip sheet wood wire window material Kits marked wire landing gear pre-bent 1936 Flying Quaker 84$6476 1938 Powerhouse 50$2996 1937 Long Cabin 76$4716 1939 T Sportaler 5O$2996 1937 Quaker Flash 67$4556 1940 Buzzard Bombshell 50 span kit$3596 1937 Air Chief 61$3696 IeQ3ew Ruler 74$7116 NLWThermic 100 Glider En 100 Span Old imer Sailplanemodifications shown Ct 54000 P & W MODEL SERVICE Old Timer kit$ FF RIG following discount p rice full kits full kits clude cut parts plan stick sheet wood wire windshield material 1935 Miss Amenca 64$7196 1936 Buccaneer 84$5996 1937 DallaIre 108$7516 1938 ClIpper Mk 72$5328 1938 Kloud King 63$4236 1938 Powerhouse 84$5356 1938 Record Breaker 96$6956 1938 Trenton Terror 72$4076 1939 KordaWake 44$1916 1939 Mercury 72$5836 1939 Zipper 54$5356 1940 Ranger 46$3196 1940 Sailplane 78$8476 1940 So Lonq 50$3036 1941 Brigidi& 56$4076 1941 Super Quaker 78$7276 1941 PlayboyJr 54$3116 1941 Playboy Sr 76$7276 1941 --~-5654236 kick fly Far away best George Aldrich Go-Devil Senior Orwick 64 flew very well engine thundered Visiting us Somerset England representing Old Time movement Ron Prentice family Ron flying 1947 Box Car Ohlsson 23 Thanks sharing experiences us us hope youll return fellow modelers next year Mike Keville again MCd annual banquet Saturday night some special awards presented watered eyes lot reasons Keith Trostles Yates Dragon selected best-appearing OTS model deservedly award involved contributions Hal de Bolt years ago Hal sent framed letter photo famous Stunt Wagon 60 complement Floyd Carter constructed Stunt Wagon same colors original Wow remember ignition era Spirit 46 award presented George Aldrich another unusual plaque consisting ignition engine wired working system De Hill wife Ruby constructed award beauty Jim Renkar awarded OTS Spirit 52 award modern Nostalgia Birds came out Sunday tough figure lots really nice planes countrys best fliers Noblers course Olympics Thunderbird ils Veco Chiefs Ares Basically flew well altitude 9eel Dl Tuscon almost 4000 ft its difficult realize original outputs engines would sea level Most people compensated going up nitro content fuel worked well course airplanes light retain normal turning ability Generally planes appeared fly very well Tom Dixon won flew own kit Thunderbird II better Ive ever seen Tom fly good plane kit Id recommend Tom also reworked enginea Fox 40 ABCand ran very well myself little Tucker Special OS 35 flew nicely second place Bob Whitely new Olympic ST 46 simply outstanding airplane Also flying extremely well Keith Trostle OS 35-powered Argus fourth Lou Wolgast also flew well ST 46powered Nobler award best appearing Nostalgia bird went Jim Armour Jack Sheeks Shiek unusual gullwinged bird appeared fly well Jim engine problems keeping other spirit awards Rusty Brown awarded Spirit 64 plaque symbolize outstanding contributions Stunt over years Keeper Flame award established Walt Menges contributed exceptional trophy sterling silver bowl mounted walnut base perpetual award presented Ed Southwick As previously mentioned Darrell Harvin improved flier received Mc Gas engine George Aldrich Good events result hard working people doing thing behind scenes contributed sincere thanks memorable weekend look forward next year July 1991 181 QUICK-BUILT SUPER TOUGH Ouid-Built Super Tough AirCore 40 family Trainer NEW VHS VIDEO CATALOG $695 &h Texas esiden s please add sales tax US Air Cor~ 4576 C e Chennau Hangar 7 Dallas TX 75248 1 800 336 0602 ode s 214 250-1914 info r c7vIASKING cZIIASTEk IL * FINE-LINE CRISP EDGE CUT STRIPING & DES/GM * LOWTACK LEAKPROOF MASKING TAPE * EACH KIT CONTAINS * TWO 72 YD ROLLS POLY MASK W % * TWO 36 YD ROLLS VINYL MASK Yw /I * ONE 60 YD ROLL OF FINE-LINE MASK W * THREE 00 YD ROLLS OF CREPE FINE- LINE MASK 28t COORMAL U USER FRIEkDLY E FfEST QUALITY MASKING & FINE-LINE TAPE EVER AVAILABLE TO cY1OPLES USE WITH NITRATE 8UTYNATE LAOLER EPOXY ENAMEL 8 POLY-U PAINTSSATISPACTIOM GU4NANTUEV MD. SPECIAL PRICE SEND TO TECIITAPE MA SKJN TECHAKLOJY • sf925 BOX 230 LIVINGSTON NJ 07039 Obechi Large Sheets Please call 415 462-0672 send SASE 850 Concord Street Pleasanton CA 94566 UU1JN 1-Lu fl MULiL AVIM LII SE FROM LARGE / . seSELECTION OF RADIO CONTROLHOW TO MODEL AND MUCH MUCH MORE III PO Box 536-V Hurricane WV e 25526 KINGSWAY R/C HOBBY SUPPLY SpeclaJIzIng R/C Alrcsft Supplies 5561 Rlchnosd713-977-8141 Houston TX 77056 US WAITS 1-8008217783
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 51, 180, 181
THE THIRD annual Vintage Stunt Championships history hundred total entries three events largest best yet Again host site wonderfully prepared maintained City Tuscon After some rough weather early week Friday Saturday Sunday absolutely gorgeous mostly light winds Great administration solid consistent judging lots enthusiasm made really fun experience everyone fun what about Its opportunity visit old friends lot flying desert sun after long winter times during weekend five circles going hot heavy So make plans next year come share scene community talk love stunt way See old designs fly some better remember meet people have part event since early days should recognize former national champions present because contributed past through continuing championship series will contribute future Internationally recognized years contributions precision aerobatics flier designer engine developer George Aldrich re creation number Nobler Bart Klapinski again us showing has lost skills Two time winner Bob Gialdini flew re-creation famous Olympic Nostalgia Retired Air Force Colonel Keith Trostle returned flying two beautiful models Ted Fancher flew new model Chief great performer Bob Whitely again super neat plane nostalgia Gialdini Olympic Finally former world national champion Bob Hunt again proved consistent Old Time flier well current competitive force know sacrifice takes champion appreciate being us share memories Wed also like extend invitation other former national champions out come share experience us next year After much hard work Friday fun began earnest Saturday OldTime Because large entry 46 format again divide contestants Continued page 180 Aerobatics Frank McMiIIan 12106 Gunter Grove San Antonio TX 78231 Darrill Harvin voted Improved flier after winning second place Old-Time Bob Palmer design Pow Wow also flew well Nostalgia event Keith Trostles fourth place Nostalgia plane Steve Wooley design Argus left Typical Keiths fine craftsmanship beautiful ship flies well OS 35S right couple Mike Pratts Old-Time entries really captured spirit event Mike crafted Fireball Chief just would have adventurous days Superl best flying Chief left Ive ever seen Ted Fancher built example Joe Wagner plansJoe designed Cnietana ship just immaculate Tough competition future Voted beautiful Old Time Stunter Keith Throsties rendition Yates Dragon right certainly deserved award powered HP 40 flew great looked SHIPPING & HANDUNG UPS Ground Continental US $495 UPS Air & Parcel Post $495 plus 10% Subtotal Continental US UPS Nest Day Air $1400 plus $100 per lb 01 Shipment total COO add $395 Foreign Orders Parcel Post Air $495 ol Subtotal US Mail $495 plus 10% Subtotal Continued page 178 stroke result less friction less heat efficient engine rings used years ago racing motorcycles cars Next time Ill have early Speed flying other new engine suppliers El CL Aerobatics/McMiIIan Continued page 51 two groups work through two circles two sets judges much done Nationals Top Twenty Day works well complete officials mid afternoon thanks everyones cooperation true spirit old times several interesting flights drew rounds applause few gasps Mike Pratt Montezuma Iowa Sig put faithful re-creation Walker Fireball through entire pattern style dash truly exciting flights Tony Lang de Bolt Super Bipe hope Ken Budensiek got video should just great year handicap flapped designs reduced 10 points started see first Chiefs Noblers creep up standings non-flap airplanes still rule roost however simply because pattern very demanding its difficult make up handicap also appears trend use old enginesFox Forster likemuch same Antique Free Flight events think good thing truly believe need preserve intent events make close way once possible Kaz Minato flew exquisite American Senior first place As usual Kaz put up flawless flight plane flying rails real surprise event performance Darrell Harvin placed second deserved award because flying Id like take opportunity recognize Darrell real hard worker truly ooouyriuuugei SH1PPlNQktlANDIJN82 Page 1900 CATALOGUE Lip $800 add $200$2 p/i St Class free 8o1 $2000 add $2001 $4500 sted 1st order add $325 $4501 b Horn $7000 add $375 Over 3 MOAN STA] $7000 add $450 Calif add 625% tax BOX 2212 Send MO VISA/MG # &WESTMINSTERCA 9268a Expor Check allow UP 4 893-8311 30 days clearanceHou~ Mon-Fri 9AM 5PM ch~a-r wants part event showed up Nationals few years ago time saw him helping some job make things better everyone Thanks Darrell need eventand enthusiasm As could expected superior fliers top produced some very close competition top slots Some famous names followed Darrell next three places Bart Klapinski Bob Hunt Mike Pratt year ignition recognized special category hope will gain popularity time goes Engines equipment readily available B&P Associates Gives Total Fligbt Line FREEDOM battery needs call write B&P Associates PO Box 22054 Waco TX 76702-2054 817662-5587 new electric starter battery pack cuts cord has always tied starter power panel Discover freedom being able start plane wherever added safety less wire get caught prop charge hefty 4 Amp/hour pack will take through weekend flying power enough spare dont stop have Ni-Cads virtually size imaginable cut experimenter free design whatever takes make yours best setup field 180 Model Aviation H obby H0 rn MIDWAY MODEL CO Old timer Kits P/C AND FF Hobby Horn discount prices MMC FULL KITS listed Full Kits include cut parts plan strip sheet wood wire window material Kits marked wire landing gear pre-bent 1936 Flying Quaker 84$6476 1938 Powerhouse 50$2996 1937 Long Cabin 76$4716 1939 T Sportaler 5O$2996 1937 Quaker Flash 67$4556 1940 Buzzard Bombshell 50 span kit$3596 1937 Air Chief 61$3696 IeQ3ew Ruler 74$7116 NLWThermic 100 Glider En 100 Span Old imer Sailplanemodifications shown Ct 54000 P & W MODEL SERVICE Old Timer kit$ FF RIG following discount p rice full kits full kits clude cut parts plan stick sheet wood wire windshield material 1935 Miss Amenca 64$7196 1936 Buccaneer 84$5996 1937 DallaIre 108$7516 1938 ClIpper Mk 72$5328 1938 Kloud King 63$4236 1938 Powerhouse 84$5356 1938 Record Breaker 96$6956 1938 Trenton Terror 72$4076 1939 KordaWake 44$1916 1939 Mercury 72$5836 1939 Zipper 54$5356 1940 Ranger 46$3196 1940 Sailplane 78$8476 1940 So Lonq 50$3036 1941 Brigidi& 56$4076 1941 Super Quaker 78$7276 1941 PlayboyJr 54$3116 1941 Playboy Sr 76$7276 1941 --~-5654236 kick fly Far away best George Aldrich Go-Devil Senior Orwick 64 flew very well engine thundered Visiting us Somerset England representing Old Time movement Ron Prentice family Ron flying 1947 Box Car Ohlsson 23 Thanks sharing experiences us us hope youll return fellow modelers next year Mike Keville again MCd annual banquet Saturday night some special awards presented watered eyes lot reasons Keith Trostles Yates Dragon selected best-appearing OTS model deservedly award involved contributions Hal de Bolt years ago Hal sent framed letter photo famous Stunt Wagon 60 complement Floyd Carter constructed Stunt Wagon same colors original Wow remember ignition era Spirit 46 award presented George Aldrich another unusual plaque consisting ignition engine wired working system De Hill wife Ruby constructed award beauty Jim Renkar awarded OTS Spirit 52 award modern Nostalgia Birds came out Sunday tough figure lots really nice planes countrys best fliers Noblers course Olympics Thunderbird ils Veco Chiefs Ares Basically flew well altitude 9eel Dl Tuscon almost 4000 ft its difficult realize original outputs engines would sea level Most people compensated going up nitro content fuel worked well course airplanes light retain normal turning ability Generally planes appeared fly very well Tom Dixon won flew own kit Thunderbird II better Ive ever seen Tom fly good plane kit Id recommend Tom also reworked enginea Fox 40 ABCand ran very well myself little Tucker Special OS 35 flew nicely second place Bob Whitely new Olympic ST 46 simply outstanding airplane Also flying extremely well Keith Trostle OS 35-powered Argus fourth Lou Wolgast also flew well ST 46powered Nobler award best appearing Nostalgia bird went Jim Armour Jack Sheeks Shiek unusual gullwinged bird appeared fly well Jim engine problems keeping other spirit awards Rusty Brown awarded Spirit 64 plaque symbolize outstanding contributions Stunt over years Keeper Flame award established Walt Menges contributed exceptional trophy sterling silver bowl mounted walnut base perpetual award presented Ed Southwick As previously mentioned Darrell Harvin improved flier received Mc Gas engine George Aldrich Good events result hard working people doing thing behind scenes contributed sincere thanks memorable weekend look forward next year July 1991 181 QUICK-BUILT SUPER TOUGH Ouid-Built Super Tough AirCore 40 family Trainer NEW VHS VIDEO CATALOG $695 &h Texas esiden s please add sales tax US Air Cor~ 4576 C e Chennau Hangar 7 Dallas TX 75248 1 800 336 0602 ode s 214 250-1914 info r c7vIASKING cZIIASTEk IL * FINE-LINE CRISP EDGE CUT STRIPING & DES/GM * LOWTACK LEAKPROOF MASKING TAPE * EACH KIT CONTAINS * TWO 72 YD ROLLS POLY MASK W % * TWO 36 YD ROLLS VINYL MASK Yw /I * ONE 60 YD ROLL OF FINE-LINE MASK W * THREE 00 YD ROLLS OF CREPE FINE- LINE MASK 28t COORMAL U USER FRIEkDLY E FfEST QUALITY MASKING & FINE-LINE TAPE EVER AVAILABLE TO cY1OPLES USE WITH NITRATE 8UTYNATE LAOLER EPOXY ENAMEL 8 POLY-U PAINTSSATISPACTIOM GU4NANTUEV MD. SPECIAL PRICE SEND TO TECIITAPE MA SKJN TECHAKLOJY • sf925 BOX 230 LIVINGSTON NJ 07039 Obechi Large Sheets Please call 415 462-0672 send SASE 850 Concord Street Pleasanton CA 94566 UU1JN 1-Lu fl MULiL AVIM LII SE FROM LARGE / . seSELECTION OF RADIO CONTROLHOW TO MODEL AND MUCH MUCH MORE III PO Box 536-V Hurricane WV e 25526 KINGSWAY R/C HOBBY SUPPLY SpeclaJIzIng R/C Alrcsft Supplies 5561 Rlchnosd713-977-8141 Houston TX 77056 US WAITS 1-8008217783
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 51, 180, 181
THE THIRD annual Vintage Stunt Championships history hundred total entries three events largest best yet Again host site wonderfully prepared maintained City Tuscon After some rough weather early week Friday Saturday Sunday absolutely gorgeous mostly light winds Great administration solid consistent judging lots enthusiasm made really fun experience everyone fun what about Its opportunity visit old friends lot flying desert sun after long winter times during weekend five circles going hot heavy So make plans next year come share scene community talk love stunt way See old designs fly some better remember meet people have part event since early days should recognize former national champions present because contributed past through continuing championship series will contribute future Internationally recognized years contributions precision aerobatics flier designer engine developer George Aldrich re creation number Nobler Bart Klapinski again us showing has lost skills Two time winner Bob Gialdini flew re-creation famous Olympic Nostalgia Retired Air Force Colonel Keith Trostle returned flying two beautiful models Ted Fancher flew new model Chief great performer Bob Whitely again super neat plane nostalgia Gialdini Olympic Finally former world national champion Bob Hunt again proved consistent Old Time flier well current competitive force know sacrifice takes champion appreciate being us share memories Wed also like extend invitation other former national champions out come share experience us next year After much hard work Friday fun began earnest Saturday OldTime Because large entry 46 format again divide contestants Continued page 180 Aerobatics Frank McMiIIan 12106 Gunter Grove San Antonio TX 78231 Darrill Harvin voted Improved flier after winning second place Old-Time Bob Palmer design Pow Wow also flew well Nostalgia event Keith Trostles fourth place Nostalgia plane Steve Wooley design Argus left Typical Keiths fine craftsmanship beautiful ship flies well OS 35S right couple Mike Pratts Old-Time entries really captured spirit event Mike crafted Fireball Chief just would have adventurous days Superl best flying Chief left Ive ever seen Ted Fancher built example Joe Wagner plansJoe designed Cnietana ship just immaculate Tough competition future Voted beautiful Old Time Stunter Keith Throsties rendition Yates Dragon right certainly deserved award powered HP 40 flew great looked SHIPPING & HANDUNG UPS Ground Continental US $495 UPS Air & Parcel Post $495 plus 10% Subtotal Continental US UPS Nest Day Air $1400 plus $100 per lb 01 Shipment total COO add $395 Foreign Orders Parcel Post Air $495 ol Subtotal US Mail $495 plus 10% Subtotal Continued page 178 stroke result less friction less heat efficient engine rings used years ago racing motorcycles cars Next time Ill have early Speed flying other new engine suppliers El CL Aerobatics/McMiIIan Continued page 51 two groups work through two circles two sets judges much done Nationals Top Twenty Day works well complete officials mid afternoon thanks everyones cooperation true spirit old times several interesting flights drew rounds applause few gasps Mike Pratt Montezuma Iowa Sig put faithful re-creation Walker Fireball through entire pattern style dash truly exciting flights Tony Lang de Bolt Super Bipe hope Ken Budensiek got video should just great year handicap flapped designs reduced 10 points started see first Chiefs Noblers creep up standings non-flap airplanes still rule roost however simply because pattern very demanding its difficult make up handicap also appears trend use old enginesFox Forster likemuch same Antique Free Flight events think good thing truly believe need preserve intent events make close way once possible Kaz Minato flew exquisite American Senior first place As usual Kaz put up flawless flight plane flying rails real surprise event performance Darrell Harvin placed second deserved award because flying Id like take opportunity recognize Darrell real hard worker truly ooouyriuuugei SH1PPlNQktlANDIJN82 Page 1900 CATALOGUE Lip $800 add $200$2 p/i St Class free 8o1 $2000 add $2001 $4500 sted 1st order add $325 $4501 b Horn $7000 add $375 Over 3 MOAN STA] $7000 add $450 Calif add 625% tax BOX 2212 Send MO VISA/MG # &WESTMINSTERCA 9268a Expor Check allow UP 4 893-8311 30 days clearanceHou~ Mon-Fri 9AM 5PM ch~a-r wants part event showed up Nationals few years ago time saw him helping some job make things better everyone Thanks Darrell need eventand enthusiasm As could expected superior fliers top produced some very close competition top slots Some famous names followed Darrell next three places Bart Klapinski Bob Hunt Mike Pratt year ignition recognized special category hope will gain popularity time goes Engines equipment readily available B&P Associates Gives Total Fligbt Line FREEDOM battery needs call write B&P Associates PO Box 22054 Waco TX 76702-2054 817662-5587 new electric starter battery pack cuts cord has always tied starter power panel Discover freedom being able start plane wherever added safety less wire get caught prop charge hefty 4 Amp/hour pack will take through weekend flying power enough spare dont stop have Ni-Cads virtually size imaginable cut experimenter free design whatever takes make yours best setup field 180 Model Aviation H obby H0 rn MIDWAY MODEL CO Old timer Kits P/C AND FF Hobby Horn discount prices MMC FULL KITS listed Full Kits include cut parts plan strip sheet wood wire window material Kits marked wire landing gear pre-bent 1936 Flying Quaker 84$6476 1938 Powerhouse 50$2996 1937 Long Cabin 76$4716 1939 T Sportaler 5O$2996 1937 Quaker Flash 67$4556 1940 Buzzard Bombshell 50 span kit$3596 1937 Air Chief 61$3696 IeQ3ew Ruler 74$7116 NLWThermic 100 Glider En 100 Span Old imer Sailplanemodifications shown Ct 54000 P & W MODEL SERVICE Old Timer kit$ FF RIG following discount p rice full kits full kits clude cut parts plan stick sheet wood wire windshield material 1935 Miss Amenca 64$7196 1936 Buccaneer 84$5996 1937 DallaIre 108$7516 1938 ClIpper Mk 72$5328 1938 Kloud King 63$4236 1938 Powerhouse 84$5356 1938 Record Breaker 96$6956 1938 Trenton Terror 72$4076 1939 KordaWake 44$1916 1939 Mercury 72$5836 1939 Zipper 54$5356 1940 Ranger 46$3196 1940 Sailplane 78$8476 1940 So Lonq 50$3036 1941 Brigidi& 56$4076 1941 Super Quaker 78$7276 1941 PlayboyJr 54$3116 1941 Playboy Sr 76$7276 1941 --~-5654236 kick fly Far away best George Aldrich Go-Devil Senior Orwick 64 flew very well engine thundered Visiting us Somerset England representing Old Time movement Ron Prentice family Ron flying 1947 Box Car Ohlsson 23 Thanks sharing experiences us us hope youll return fellow modelers next year Mike Keville again MCd annual banquet Saturday night some special awards presented watered eyes lot reasons Keith Trostles Yates Dragon selected best-appearing OTS model deservedly award involved contributions Hal de Bolt years ago Hal sent framed letter photo famous Stunt Wagon 60 complement Floyd Carter constructed Stunt Wagon same colors original Wow remember ignition era Spirit 46 award presented George Aldrich another unusual plaque consisting ignition engine wired working system De Hill wife Ruby constructed award beauty Jim Renkar awarded OTS Spirit 52 award modern Nostalgia Birds came out Sunday tough figure lots really nice planes countrys best fliers Noblers course Olympics Thunderbird ils Veco Chiefs Ares Basically flew well altitude 9eel Dl Tuscon almost 4000 ft its difficult realize original outputs engines would sea level Most people compensated going up nitro content fuel worked well course airplanes light retain normal turning ability Generally planes appeared fly very well Tom Dixon won flew own kit Thunderbird II better Ive ever seen Tom fly good plane kit Id recommend Tom also reworked enginea Fox 40 ABCand ran very well myself little Tucker Special OS 35 flew nicely second place Bob Whitely new Olympic ST 46 simply outstanding airplane Also flying extremely well Keith Trostle OS 35-powered Argus fourth Lou Wolgast also flew well ST 46powered Nobler award best appearing Nostalgia bird went Jim Armour Jack Sheeks Shiek unusual gullwinged bird appeared fly well Jim engine problems keeping other spirit awards Rusty Brown awarded Spirit 64 plaque symbolize outstanding contributions Stunt over years Keeper Flame award established Walt Menges contributed exceptional trophy sterling silver bowl mounted walnut base perpetual award presented Ed Southwick As previously mentioned Darrell Harvin improved flier received Mc Gas engine George Aldrich Good events result hard working people doing thing behind scenes contributed sincere thanks memorable weekend look forward next year July 1991 181 QUICK-BUILT SUPER TOUGH Ouid-Built Super Tough AirCore 40 family Trainer NEW VHS VIDEO CATALOG $695 &h Texas esiden s please add sales tax US Air Cor~ 4576 C e Chennau Hangar 7 Dallas TX 75248 1 800 336 0602 ode s 214 250-1914 info r c7vIASKING cZIIASTEk IL * FINE-LINE CRISP EDGE CUT STRIPING & DES/GM * LOWTACK LEAKPROOF MASKING TAPE * EACH KIT CONTAINS * TWO 72 YD ROLLS POLY MASK W % * TWO 36 YD ROLLS VINYL MASK Yw /I * ONE 60 YD ROLL OF FINE-LINE MASK W * THREE 00 YD ROLLS OF CREPE FINE- LINE MASK 28t COORMAL U USER FRIEkDLY E FfEST QUALITY MASKING & FINE-LINE TAPE EVER AVAILABLE TO cY1OPLES USE WITH NITRATE 8UTYNATE LAOLER EPOXY ENAMEL 8 POLY-U PAINTSSATISPACTIOM GU4NANTUEV MD. SPECIAL PRICE SEND TO TECIITAPE MA SKJN TECHAKLOJY • sf925 BOX 230 LIVINGSTON NJ 07039 Obechi Large Sheets Please call 415 462-0672 send SASE 850 Concord Street Pleasanton CA 94566 UU1JN 1-Lu fl MULiL AVIM LII SE FROM LARGE / . seSELECTION OF RADIO CONTROLHOW TO MODEL AND MUCH MUCH MORE III PO Box 536-V Hurricane WV e 25526 KINGSWAY R/C HOBBY SUPPLY SpeclaJIzIng R/C Alrcsft Supplies 5561 Rlchnosd713-977-8141 Houston TX 77056 US WAITS 1-8008217783