CONTROL LINE AEROBATICS Ed ALL RIGHT happened Youve accident broke pride-and-joy model Now what As Air Force flier emergency procedures sections committed memory always started Stop think collect wits thats good advice situation Whatever cause its always easy get frustrated angry trash remains Resist temptation because options may readily apparent moment disaster first order business make sure dont further damage Before move remains look determine best way retrieve parts fuel left tank theres active leak potential raw fuel contaminate remains fix situation immediately Fuel models pieces will seriously affect subsequent repair efforts also good time carefully clean up oil residue Recover piecesall Should decide repair wreck task will much easier have pieces example Barnstormer encountered severe wind gust impacted nose wingtip shattering aft fuselage After starting repair found several pieces missing fabricate refinish patches About time its good idea determine what caused incident example did structure fail did control system have problem such fractured pushrod broken leadout Now good time repair types problems basic problem may have bearing decision proceed youre Nationals theres little question have repairable situation hopefully repair experts team will descend help fix Aside situation best thing to put pieces away few days think about things clear unemotional approach Before accident working airplane good it wasnt great flier forget it reasonable can predict careful repair will probably perform well did previously years thought too much trouble contemplate major rebuilds out necessity became wiser looked amount time involved effect repair compared time required build new airplane consider comparison rebuilding viable option Recently major attack pilot error broke wooden prop takeoff causing Aldrich Magnum fly remainder flight severely unbalanced prop airplane landed inboard tip hanging pieces next four ribs major crack approximately ten inches out wings leading edge across fuselage through other wing airplanes back broken thinking about cutting apart put down couple weeks got back considered objectively outlook changed Repairing wingtip no problem few small vertical pieces fixed ribs thing needed fabricate capstrip 45minute investment sound structure stripped paper sheeting ribs recovered refinished interior cracks another story best advice can give bold repairsyou cant just run thin cyanoacrylate cracks expect model hold together must cut away wood order provide sufficient gluing area areas such fuselage cracks span thin carved sections may best cut larger areas get inside repair damaged structure As proceed brace support location crack line could travel initial repair didnt reopen fuselage further strengthen repair found necessary glass over fuselage joints However after effected repair refinished airplane total weight gain approximately 1/2 ounce Ive flown airplane since repair flies well ever did time invested repair 8-10 hours short periods working refinishing effort certainly worth Theres another approach making positive out negative mentioned using pieces damaged airplane does have some real benefits youre building same design times major pieces can salvaged save significant amounts work time airplanes wingtips usually carved-and-hollowed blocks housing leadout guide tip box estimate takes weekend shape hollow install fittings Youll save good 16 hours work can reuse may have 128 Model Aviation ge Ehnots Charles Mackey Lark Classic models offer great opportunity recreate classic paint schemes like Charlie Melancon holds Donny Melancon gets ready win Expert Stunt Houston contest SV 11 piped 05 46VF author shows contestants spring Houston contest some finer points propeller-pitch reworking ATE U DS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR EPOXY-GLASS COWLS WHEEL PANTS & ACCESSORIES CALL NOW 810 677-0213 810 677-0414 orders Send $100 $200 $300 Y FEATURING UTEWEIGHT EMT CONDUIT TUBING & QUICK LOCK SUP ON FITTINGS NO TOO -S 1NCLUDEF1 3/4 1I BxlO$96$130 lOxlO$100$135 BREAKDOWN MODEL Fits Cars & Can Shipped UPS Add Amounts Below Unit Price BxIO& lOxiC Flat 440 314 & $45 VI BxlO & lOslO Peaked 435 3/4 & $45 V 10x20 Flat $64 3/4 & $73 VI 10x20 Peaked $6211 I3/4V $80$110 Iloslo$86$115 V-BOOP-BOOI 9001 5001 800V-9OO V-1OOO P4LP4DP5FFOOT PAD F03- FOLBUNGlE BALL 54 3/4-6OO3/4-6503/4 750 3/4 650 3/4400 3/4-6OO V-9OOl-900 P10001 7501 800P-8OO Y WE UAMJFACThRE & STOO SEVER AL OThER SYSTEMS & HAVE Fill [HE OF ACCESSORIES ALL WITh ThE VENDOR H MIII CALL FAX OR MAt US TO PLACE YOUR ORDER OR TO RECENE YOUR FREE CATALOG w make adjustments spreading compressing shapes flaps also take good deal time make Theyre critical component airplane require good 6-8 hours set up properly Other items such stabilizer/elevators control systems also likely candidates salvage Add up hours saved time easily approaches half time required construct new airplane recently observed good example approach Bob Gieseke salvaged pieces Ijust discussed latest Bear very effectively integrated effective stylish airplane very competitive New Items couple columns ago mentioned forthcoming Stunt flier video magazine Bob Hunts Robins View Productions Bob has credentials both flier editor years work Flying Models past world Nationals champion Hall Fame member first issue quarterly Stunt Magazine has just released great issue starts talk show~ type interview Bill Werwage segment focuses evolution highly successful Geo XL series designs Bill establishes heritage worldchampion USA 1 discusses series evolved tape includes Bill flying latest version shot inside circle over shoulder Discussions adjustable features propeller selection Bills lightweight finishing techniques included technical capabilities digital editing techniques Bob employs producing tapes really gets out information segments Dan Winship follows display high-tech control-system accessories 130 Model Aviation Austin Blvd Island Park NY11558Tel 516-431-4127Fax 516-889-2682 POP UP CANOPIES $29900 lOxlO LIGHTWEIGHT $39900 lOxlO HEAVYWEIGHT Sets Up Less 30 Seconds No Tools Required Other Sizes 8x8 lOxiS 10x20 Build Full-Size Aircraft Fly Find out can build own kitplane ultralight aircraftthat pilot yourself Join EAA get EXPERIMENTER Magazine $28 Learn techniques composite wood metal tube fabric application Join local EAA Chapter take advantage programs like EAAs Flight Advisors Technical Counselors Information servicesespecially helpful first time builders EAA also offers comprehensive aviation finance insurance packages Call 1-800-JOIN EAA 1-800-564-6322 put FUN flying Experimental Aircraft Association PO Box 3086 Oshkosh WI 54903-3086 August 1 August 7 takes viewers through molds carbon compositesfrom mold design finished product real applicability everyone installs cable belleranks using annealed brass tubing keep cable sawing through bellcrank superb horns shown Werwage segment surprises tape visit Brodak facilities Mr Brodak has long supported Control Line flying After seeing video tour hobby shop caters mailltelephone orders realized underestimated commitment has kits produced inhouse much much After seeing four-circle test facility Bob Hunt sums up feelings simple question Would adopt Contact Brodak s 100 Park Ave Carmichaels PA 15320 Tel [412] 966-2726 final segment technical presentation engine timing Dean Pappas Dean shows construct degree wheel installs engine demonstrates read timing using pointer system discusses look adjusting timing produce desired characteristics As first-issue bonus degree-wheel drawing included can construct own setup true video magazine available subscription quarterly basis annual subscription rate $7950 individual tapes available $2495 Contact Robins View Productions 205 B Center St Box 68 Stockertown PA 18083 Tel 610 746-0106 high-quality product will become must see Precision Aerobatics fliers because broad magazine format will also great interest modelers would make great stocking-stuffer recommend highly subscription mail es BIt ective Nov 11995 WINTERHAWK II COUPE Won 94 95 Nats Updated FiG Version Farmed Bndy Tube Moarreal Type Hub Redi-Cor Ribs Tap Grade Baloa00 Purpard Air Hard ware$55 43 Inch Win9spanOwars 0000 25% sales Ox SPARROWHAWK P-30 Won 8793 95 Nato Formed Body Tube Red i-Cot Ribs Yellow Czech Prop Haroware Ce 90 b oh CDwye 214 438 p233 0Porrparu neXOrs odd 025% Sarer ax ForignOOrs SnaO iFC tar nfarmaron Order Kito 1mm Model Aircraft Labs Dept 108 S Lee St Irving TX 75060 SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 SupersiJe Constnacon Plans$500 SPPS 1200CC Documentaiiae Photos 3Vs$500 ASP Model Airaaft ComBuon PMns $500 ASP SePJraaft Dm&rgs 3Vs $500 Add $500 Ea Air Overseas 1/5 Sc WINNIE MAE 10C2Pc\Mng Ptans $3700 Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 VisatMOPHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 Losing control can nightmare wrong response Ru given command can take its toll model nerves wallet Radio South know feel about hobby too avid RC enthusiasts nearly half century combined experience modeling radio repair So avoid inflated repair costs undue service time -- call Radio South fast economical in-house radio service can depend Radio South 3702 N Pace Pensacola FL 32505 Futaba K s [11rep air information 904-434-0909 _____ 800-962-7802 Toll Free Order Line Orders please LOCKHEED VEGA Giants Help Promote I INon-Competitive A' HIG A membership includes quarterly magazine High Flight MEMBERSHIP APPLICAllON [ NEW l RENEWAL Date19I Yearly Dues $1500 USA $2000 US Canada & Mexico $3000 US Elsewhere I Make CHECK MONEY ORDER Payable INTERNATIONAL MINIATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC I Name _________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ I Street ______________________________________ P0 Box/Route Box ________________ I ________________________State/Province _________________Zip __________________ 1City IMAA _______ AMA Number_______ MAAC _______ Chapter_______ L TO IMAA Scretary DONE VINEYARD e 205 daIe Road na KS 67401 m November1996 131 Mvz 4A Span 324- Length 8295- Area 1635 sq 4-6 cuin $3&5Opp 1{ostet1rs P1rns 1041 5[eatfzeiwoodYmdk 0/i 44667 Now Available Cessna 150/152 72 100 & 120 spans SENd SASE Foil INFORMATION P1-lONE/FAX 330 683-5357
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 128, 130, 131
CONTROL LINE AEROBATICS Ed ALL RIGHT happened Youve accident broke pride-and-joy model Now what As Air Force flier emergency procedures sections committed memory always started Stop think collect wits thats good advice situation Whatever cause its always easy get frustrated angry trash remains Resist temptation because options may readily apparent moment disaster first order business make sure dont further damage Before move remains look determine best way retrieve parts fuel left tank theres active leak potential raw fuel contaminate remains fix situation immediately Fuel models pieces will seriously affect subsequent repair efforts also good time carefully clean up oil residue Recover piecesall Should decide repair wreck task will much easier have pieces example Barnstormer encountered severe wind gust impacted nose wingtip shattering aft fuselage After starting repair found several pieces missing fabricate refinish patches About time its good idea determine what caused incident example did structure fail did control system have problem such fractured pushrod broken leadout Now good time repair types problems basic problem may have bearing decision proceed youre Nationals theres little question have repairable situation hopefully repair experts team will descend help fix Aside situation best thing to put pieces away few days think about things clear unemotional approach Before accident working airplane good it wasnt great flier forget it reasonable can predict careful repair will probably perform well did previously years thought too much trouble contemplate major rebuilds out necessity became wiser looked amount time involved effect repair compared time required build new airplane consider comparison rebuilding viable option Recently major attack pilot error broke wooden prop takeoff causing Aldrich Magnum fly remainder flight severely unbalanced prop airplane landed inboard tip hanging pieces next four ribs major crack approximately ten inches out wings leading edge across fuselage through other wing airplanes back broken thinking about cutting apart put down couple weeks got back considered objectively outlook changed Repairing wingtip no problem few small vertical pieces fixed ribs thing needed fabricate capstrip 45minute investment sound structure stripped paper sheeting ribs recovered refinished interior cracks another story best advice can give bold repairsyou cant just run thin cyanoacrylate cracks expect model hold together must cut away wood order provide sufficient gluing area areas such fuselage cracks span thin carved sections may best cut larger areas get inside repair damaged structure As proceed brace support location crack line could travel initial repair didnt reopen fuselage further strengthen repair found necessary glass over fuselage joints However after effected repair refinished airplane total weight gain approximately 1/2 ounce Ive flown airplane since repair flies well ever did time invested repair 8-10 hours short periods working refinishing effort certainly worth Theres another approach making positive out negative mentioned using pieces damaged airplane does have some real benefits youre building same design times major pieces can salvaged save significant amounts work time airplanes wingtips usually carved-and-hollowed blocks housing leadout guide tip box estimate takes weekend shape hollow install fittings Youll save good 16 hours work can reuse may have 128 Model Aviation ge Ehnots Charles Mackey Lark Classic models offer great opportunity recreate classic paint schemes like Charlie Melancon holds Donny Melancon gets ready win Expert Stunt Houston contest SV 11 piped 05 46VF author shows contestants spring Houston contest some finer points propeller-pitch reworking ATE U DS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR EPOXY-GLASS COWLS WHEEL PANTS & ACCESSORIES CALL NOW 810 677-0213 810 677-0414 orders Send $100 $200 $300 Y FEATURING UTEWEIGHT EMT CONDUIT TUBING & QUICK LOCK SUP ON FITTINGS NO TOO -S 1NCLUDEF1 3/4 1I BxlO$96$130 lOxlO$100$135 BREAKDOWN MODEL Fits Cars & Can Shipped UPS Add Amounts Below Unit Price BxIO& lOxiC Flat 440 314 & $45 VI BxlO & lOslO Peaked 435 3/4 & $45 V 10x20 Flat $64 3/4 & $73 VI 10x20 Peaked $6211 I3/4V $80$110 Iloslo$86$115 V-BOOP-BOOI 9001 5001 800V-9OO V-1OOO P4LP4DP5FFOOT PAD F03- FOLBUNGlE BALL 54 3/4-6OO3/4-6503/4 750 3/4 650 3/4400 3/4-6OO V-9OOl-900 P10001 7501 800P-8OO Y WE UAMJFACThRE & STOO SEVER AL OThER SYSTEMS & HAVE Fill [HE OF ACCESSORIES ALL WITh ThE VENDOR H MIII CALL FAX OR MAt US TO PLACE YOUR ORDER OR TO RECENE YOUR FREE CATALOG w make adjustments spreading compressing shapes flaps also take good deal time make Theyre critical component airplane require good 6-8 hours set up properly Other items such stabilizer/elevators control systems also likely candidates salvage Add up hours saved time easily approaches half time required construct new airplane recently observed good example approach Bob Gieseke salvaged pieces Ijust discussed latest Bear very effectively integrated effective stylish airplane very competitive New Items couple columns ago mentioned forthcoming Stunt flier video magazine Bob Hunts Robins View Productions Bob has credentials both flier editor years work Flying Models past world Nationals champion Hall Fame member first issue quarterly Stunt Magazine has just released great issue starts talk show~ type interview Bill Werwage segment focuses evolution highly successful Geo XL series designs Bill establishes heritage worldchampion USA 1 discusses series evolved tape includes Bill flying latest version shot inside circle over shoulder Discussions adjustable features propeller selection Bills lightweight finishing techniques included technical capabilities digital editing techniques Bob employs producing tapes really gets out information segments Dan Winship follows display high-tech control-system accessories 130 Model Aviation Austin Blvd Island Park NY11558Tel 516-431-4127Fax 516-889-2682 POP UP CANOPIES $29900 lOxlO LIGHTWEIGHT $39900 lOxlO HEAVYWEIGHT Sets Up Less 30 Seconds No Tools Required Other Sizes 8x8 lOxiS 10x20 Build Full-Size Aircraft Fly Find out can build own kitplane ultralight aircraftthat pilot yourself Join EAA get EXPERIMENTER Magazine $28 Learn techniques composite wood metal tube fabric application Join local EAA Chapter take advantage programs like EAAs Flight Advisors Technical Counselors Information servicesespecially helpful first time builders EAA also offers comprehensive aviation finance insurance packages Call 1-800-JOIN EAA 1-800-564-6322 put FUN flying Experimental Aircraft Association PO Box 3086 Oshkosh WI 54903-3086 August 1 August 7 takes viewers through molds carbon compositesfrom mold design finished product real applicability everyone installs cable belleranks using annealed brass tubing keep cable sawing through bellcrank superb horns shown Werwage segment surprises tape visit Brodak facilities Mr Brodak has long supported Control Line flying After seeing video tour hobby shop caters mailltelephone orders realized underestimated commitment has kits produced inhouse much much After seeing four-circle test facility Bob Hunt sums up feelings simple question Would adopt Contact Brodak s 100 Park Ave Carmichaels PA 15320 Tel [412] 966-2726 final segment technical presentation engine timing Dean Pappas Dean shows construct degree wheel installs engine demonstrates read timing using pointer system discusses look adjusting timing produce desired characteristics As first-issue bonus degree-wheel drawing included can construct own setup true video magazine available subscription quarterly basis annual subscription rate $7950 individual tapes available $2495 Contact Robins View Productions 205 B Center St Box 68 Stockertown PA 18083 Tel 610 746-0106 high-quality product will become must see Precision Aerobatics fliers because broad magazine format will also great interest modelers would make great stocking-stuffer recommend highly subscription mail es BIt ective Nov 11995 WINTERHAWK II COUPE Won 94 95 Nats Updated FiG Version Farmed Bndy Tube Moarreal Type Hub Redi-Cor Ribs Tap Grade Baloa00 Purpard Air Hard ware$55 43 Inch Win9spanOwars 0000 25% sales Ox SPARROWHAWK P-30 Won 8793 95 Nato Formed Body Tube Red i-Cot Ribs Yellow Czech Prop Haroware Ce 90 b oh CDwye 214 438 p233 0Porrparu neXOrs odd 025% Sarer ax ForignOOrs SnaO iFC tar nfarmaron Order Kito 1mm Model Aircraft Labs Dept 108 S Lee St Irving TX 75060 SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 SupersiJe Constnacon Plans$500 SPPS 1200CC Documentaiiae Photos 3Vs$500 ASP Model Airaaft ComBuon PMns $500 ASP SePJraaft Dm&rgs 3Vs $500 Add $500 Ea Air Overseas 1/5 Sc WINNIE MAE 10C2Pc\Mng Ptans $3700 Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 VisatMOPHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 Losing control can nightmare wrong response Ru given command can take its toll model nerves wallet Radio South know feel about hobby too avid RC enthusiasts nearly half century combined experience modeling radio repair So avoid inflated repair costs undue service time -- call Radio South fast economical in-house radio service can depend Radio South 3702 N Pace Pensacola FL 32505 Futaba K s [11rep air information 904-434-0909 _____ 800-962-7802 Toll Free Order Line Orders please LOCKHEED VEGA Giants Help Promote I INon-Competitive A' HIG A membership includes quarterly magazine High Flight MEMBERSHIP APPLICAllON [ NEW l RENEWAL Date19I Yearly Dues $1500 USA $2000 US Canada & Mexico $3000 US Elsewhere I Make CHECK MONEY ORDER Payable INTERNATIONAL MINIATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC I Name _________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ I Street ______________________________________ P0 Box/Route Box ________________ I ________________________State/Province _________________Zip __________________ 1City IMAA _______ AMA Number_______ MAAC _______ Chapter_______ L TO IMAA Scretary DONE VINEYARD e 205 daIe Road na KS 67401 m November1996 131 Mvz 4A Span 324- Length 8295- Area 1635 sq 4-6 cuin $3&5Opp 1{ostet1rs P1rns 1041 5[eatfzeiwoodYmdk 0/i 44667 Now Available Cessna 150/152 72 100 & 120 spans SENd SASE Foil INFORMATION P1-lONE/FAX 330 683-5357
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 128, 130, 131
CONTROL LINE AEROBATICS Ed ALL RIGHT happened Youve accident broke pride-and-joy model Now what As Air Force flier emergency procedures sections committed memory always started Stop think collect wits thats good advice situation Whatever cause its always easy get frustrated angry trash remains Resist temptation because options may readily apparent moment disaster first order business make sure dont further damage Before move remains look determine best way retrieve parts fuel left tank theres active leak potential raw fuel contaminate remains fix situation immediately Fuel models pieces will seriously affect subsequent repair efforts also good time carefully clean up oil residue Recover piecesall Should decide repair wreck task will much easier have pieces example Barnstormer encountered severe wind gust impacted nose wingtip shattering aft fuselage After starting repair found several pieces missing fabricate refinish patches About time its good idea determine what caused incident example did structure fail did control system have problem such fractured pushrod broken leadout Now good time repair types problems basic problem may have bearing decision proceed youre Nationals theres little question have repairable situation hopefully repair experts team will descend help fix Aside situation best thing to put pieces away few days think about things clear unemotional approach Before accident working airplane good it wasnt great flier forget it reasonable can predict careful repair will probably perform well did previously years thought too much trouble contemplate major rebuilds out necessity became wiser looked amount time involved effect repair compared time required build new airplane consider comparison rebuilding viable option Recently major attack pilot error broke wooden prop takeoff causing Aldrich Magnum fly remainder flight severely unbalanced prop airplane landed inboard tip hanging pieces next four ribs major crack approximately ten inches out wings leading edge across fuselage through other wing airplanes back broken thinking about cutting apart put down couple weeks got back considered objectively outlook changed Repairing wingtip no problem few small vertical pieces fixed ribs thing needed fabricate capstrip 45minute investment sound structure stripped paper sheeting ribs recovered refinished interior cracks another story best advice can give bold repairsyou cant just run thin cyanoacrylate cracks expect model hold together must cut away wood order provide sufficient gluing area areas such fuselage cracks span thin carved sections may best cut larger areas get inside repair damaged structure As proceed brace support location crack line could travel initial repair didnt reopen fuselage further strengthen repair found necessary glass over fuselage joints However after effected repair refinished airplane total weight gain approximately 1/2 ounce Ive flown airplane since repair flies well ever did time invested repair 8-10 hours short periods working refinishing effort certainly worth Theres another approach making positive out negative mentioned using pieces damaged airplane does have some real benefits youre building same design times major pieces can salvaged save significant amounts work time airplanes wingtips usually carved-and-hollowed blocks housing leadout guide tip box estimate takes weekend shape hollow install fittings Youll save good 16 hours work can reuse may have 128 Model Aviation ge Ehnots Charles Mackey Lark Classic models offer great opportunity recreate classic paint schemes like Charlie Melancon holds Donny Melancon gets ready win Expert Stunt Houston contest SV 11 piped 05 46VF author shows contestants spring Houston contest some finer points propeller-pitch reworking ATE U DS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR EPOXY-GLASS COWLS WHEEL PANTS & ACCESSORIES CALL NOW 810 677-0213 810 677-0414 orders Send $100 $200 $300 Y FEATURING UTEWEIGHT EMT CONDUIT TUBING & QUICK LOCK SUP ON FITTINGS NO TOO -S 1NCLUDEF1 3/4 1I BxlO$96$130 lOxlO$100$135 BREAKDOWN MODEL Fits Cars & Can Shipped UPS Add Amounts Below Unit Price BxIO& lOxiC Flat 440 314 & $45 VI BxlO & lOslO Peaked 435 3/4 & $45 V 10x20 Flat $64 3/4 & $73 VI 10x20 Peaked $6211 I3/4V $80$110 Iloslo$86$115 V-BOOP-BOOI 9001 5001 800V-9OO V-1OOO P4LP4DP5FFOOT PAD F03- FOLBUNGlE BALL 54 3/4-6OO3/4-6503/4 750 3/4 650 3/4400 3/4-6OO V-9OOl-900 P10001 7501 800P-8OO Y WE UAMJFACThRE & STOO SEVER AL OThER SYSTEMS & HAVE Fill [HE OF ACCESSORIES ALL WITh ThE VENDOR H MIII CALL FAX OR MAt US TO PLACE YOUR ORDER OR TO RECENE YOUR FREE CATALOG w make adjustments spreading compressing shapes flaps also take good deal time make Theyre critical component airplane require good 6-8 hours set up properly Other items such stabilizer/elevators control systems also likely candidates salvage Add up hours saved time easily approaches half time required construct new airplane recently observed good example approach Bob Gieseke salvaged pieces Ijust discussed latest Bear very effectively integrated effective stylish airplane very competitive New Items couple columns ago mentioned forthcoming Stunt flier video magazine Bob Hunts Robins View Productions Bob has credentials both flier editor years work Flying Models past world Nationals champion Hall Fame member first issue quarterly Stunt Magazine has just released great issue starts talk show~ type interview Bill Werwage segment focuses evolution highly successful Geo XL series designs Bill establishes heritage worldchampion USA 1 discusses series evolved tape includes Bill flying latest version shot inside circle over shoulder Discussions adjustable features propeller selection Bills lightweight finishing techniques included technical capabilities digital editing techniques Bob employs producing tapes really gets out information segments Dan Winship follows display high-tech control-system accessories 130 Model Aviation Austin Blvd Island Park NY11558Tel 516-431-4127Fax 516-889-2682 POP UP CANOPIES $29900 lOxlO LIGHTWEIGHT $39900 lOxlO HEAVYWEIGHT Sets Up Less 30 Seconds No Tools Required Other Sizes 8x8 lOxiS 10x20 Build Full-Size Aircraft Fly Find out can build own kitplane ultralight aircraftthat pilot yourself Join EAA get EXPERIMENTER Magazine $28 Learn techniques composite wood metal tube fabric application Join local EAA Chapter take advantage programs like EAAs Flight Advisors Technical Counselors Information servicesespecially helpful first time builders EAA also offers comprehensive aviation finance insurance packages Call 1-800-JOIN EAA 1-800-564-6322 put FUN flying Experimental Aircraft Association PO Box 3086 Oshkosh WI 54903-3086 August 1 August 7 takes viewers through molds carbon compositesfrom mold design finished product real applicability everyone installs cable belleranks using annealed brass tubing keep cable sawing through bellcrank superb horns shown Werwage segment surprises tape visit Brodak facilities Mr Brodak has long supported Control Line flying After seeing video tour hobby shop caters mailltelephone orders realized underestimated commitment has kits produced inhouse much much After seeing four-circle test facility Bob Hunt sums up feelings simple question Would adopt Contact Brodak s 100 Park Ave Carmichaels PA 15320 Tel [412] 966-2726 final segment technical presentation engine timing Dean Pappas Dean shows construct degree wheel installs engine demonstrates read timing using pointer system discusses look adjusting timing produce desired characteristics As first-issue bonus degree-wheel drawing included can construct own setup true video magazine available subscription quarterly basis annual subscription rate $7950 individual tapes available $2495 Contact Robins View Productions 205 B Center St Box 68 Stockertown PA 18083 Tel 610 746-0106 high-quality product will become must see Precision Aerobatics fliers because broad magazine format will also great interest modelers would make great stocking-stuffer recommend highly subscription mail es BIt ective Nov 11995 WINTERHAWK II COUPE Won 94 95 Nats Updated FiG Version Farmed Bndy Tube Moarreal Type Hub Redi-Cor Ribs Tap Grade Baloa00 Purpard Air Hard ware$55 43 Inch Win9spanOwars 0000 25% sales Ox SPARROWHAWK P-30 Won 8793 95 Nato Formed Body Tube Red i-Cot Ribs Yellow Czech Prop Haroware Ce 90 b oh CDwye 214 438 p233 0Porrparu neXOrs odd 025% Sarer ax ForignOOrs SnaO iFC tar nfarmaron Order Kito 1mm Model Aircraft Labs Dept 108 S Lee St Irving TX 75060 SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 SupersiJe Constnacon Plans$500 SPPS 1200CC Documentaiiae Photos 3Vs$500 ASP Model Airaaft ComBuon PMns $500 ASP SePJraaft Dm&rgs 3Vs $500 Add $500 Ea Air Overseas 1/5 Sc WINNIE MAE 10C2Pc\Mng Ptans $3700 Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 VisatMOPHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 Losing control can nightmare wrong response Ru given command can take its toll model nerves wallet Radio South know feel about hobby too avid RC enthusiasts nearly half century combined experience modeling radio repair So avoid inflated repair costs undue service time -- call Radio South fast economical in-house radio service can depend Radio South 3702 N Pace Pensacola FL 32505 Futaba K s [11rep air information 904-434-0909 _____ 800-962-7802 Toll Free Order Line Orders please LOCKHEED VEGA Giants Help Promote I INon-Competitive A' HIG A membership includes quarterly magazine High Flight MEMBERSHIP APPLICAllON [ NEW l RENEWAL Date19I Yearly Dues $1500 USA $2000 US Canada & Mexico $3000 US Elsewhere I Make CHECK MONEY ORDER Payable INTERNATIONAL MINIATURE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC I Name _________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ I Street ______________________________________ P0 Box/Route Box ________________ I ________________________State/Province _________________Zip __________________ 1City IMAA _______ AMA Number_______ MAAC _______ Chapter_______ L TO IMAA Scretary DONE VINEYARD e 205 daIe Road na KS 67401 m November1996 131 Mvz 4A Span 324- Length 8295- Area 1635 sq 4-6 cuin $3&5Opp 1{ostet1rs P1rns 1041 5[eatfzeiwoodYmdk 0/i 44667 Now Available Cessna 150/152 72 100 & 120 spans SENd SASE Foil INFORMATION P1-lONE/FAX 330 683-5357