Scale model aircraft flying is among the most popular events sanctioned. These events attract the finest-crafted model aircraft to be seen and flown in a scalelike manner by skilled pilots. This report came from CDs Ray Schmidt and Bob Mandeville.
“The South Shore Radio Control Club’s flying site in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, provides a perfect facility for an annual Scale Fly-In & Instructional Seminar. On August 16—a sunny day with light breezes, 18 pilots and 28 aircraft registered to fly. The event included World War I-type biplanes such as the superb Fokker D.VII in the top photo, and the finely detailed World War II P-51 Mustang in the next photo.
“General and Scale aerobatic aircraft were also represented. Spectators participated in choosing the Best Aircraft award that was given to Mitch Epstein for his gorgeous WACO bipe. Other pilot awards are described in the center photos.
“Seven pilots participated in the Flying Scale Seminar conducted by John Smith. The seminar consisted of an overview of maneuvers related to various airplane classes and proper flying techniques that judges look for during the flight sequences. Pilots flew their flight routines and John suggested improvements. John’s efforts were greatly appreciated.
“All were treated to an exceptional day of Scale flying and a better understanding of the Scale flying specialty area.”
Thanks to Bob and Ray for the report.
Wishing you all a holiday season filled with beautiful moments and cherished memories.[dingbat]
South Shore Radio Control Club of Bridgewater MA, held an RC Scale event and instructional seminar in August 2014.
The Scale P-51 Mustang (L) and Tiger Moth (R) belong to District I Scale Contest Board member Jack Buckley, who flew demonstration flights for the instructional seminar.
(L-R) CD Ray Schmidt presented Matt Lupri the Best Military award for his P-51 Mustang; Mitch Epstein received the Best Civilian award for his WACO bipe; and Brian Voyer won the Hank Ilitzsch Craftsmanship award for his Fokker Dr.1 triplane.
John Smith (L) ran the AMA Flying Scale Maneuvers Instructional Seminar.
The South Shore Radio Control Club welcomes spectators to all their flying events.