ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news 138 Model Aviation July 2013
As you read this, flying season here in
the east will be going full speed with
plenty of events—competitive and noncompetitive—
every weekend.
One event that was held April 27-28,
2013, in Murrysville, Pennsylvania, was
a glider competition. This was the first
time the Murrysville Area Sailplane
Society (MASS) had hosted a Soaring
competition. The event CD was Will
Lipscomb and this was an Eastern
Soaring League (ESL)-approved event.
Duie Matenkosky, club president,
reported that more than 28 contestants
hailed from as far away as Newport,
Rhode Island, Boston, and Kentucky for
the ESL home opener. Hosting the event
for the first time, MASS members shared
their field and provided the necessary
manpower to help make the event a
Duie Matenkosky, MASS president; Jeff Little,
Gene Boyko MASS vice president; Tom Heron,
MASS secretary/newsletter editor; Bill Marron
and Dan Bartolomeo.
Saturday’s weather was perfect—with
bright sun and light winds. However, the
air was quick, changing, and unforgiving
at times. Everyone fought hard for 10
rounds of 10 minutes to crown Josh
Glaab as Saturday’s winner.
Two rounds were completed
Sunday before rain ended the day. The
Murrysville club had been anticipating
this event for many months and
members were thrilled with the turnout
and look forward to hosting this fun and
exhilarating competition next year!
Thank you, MASS, for hosting a
Soaring competition in the Pittsburgh
area. I’m sure the word will spread about
your event and next year will be bigger
and better.
Will Lipscomb launching his Supra X. This is
his own design, which he is manufacturing in
Jeannette PA.
Jack Dubich launching Dave Reynold’s Supra X,
with Dan Bartolomeo timing.
By now you should have heard or read
about the inaugural National Model
Aviation Day. AMA is requesting that
all clubs celebrate our great hobby/sport
on Saturday, August, 17, 2013, and has
teamed up with the Wounded Warrior
Project (www.woundedwarriorproject.
org) to promote this event.
AMA would like for all clubs hosting
an event to collaborate with their local
chapters of the Wounded Warrior
Project and make a donation on the day
of the event.
In District III, we have at least three
clubs doing this. The Alliance Balsa Bees
of Alliance, Ohio, Wally’s Squadron
of Summersville, West Virginia, and
the Farview R/C Flyers of Hamburg,
Pennsylvania, are actively promoting
National Model Aviation Day and are
making a monetary donation to the
Wounded Warrior Project.
If you haven’t made plans for this
event, it’s not too late. Visit www. and sign
up. Let’s celebrate the first-ever National
Model Aviation Day and do something
good for our veterans who have made
sacrifices that allow us to enjoy our
passion for model aviation.
If your club had an event that you
would like mentioned in my monthly
column, please submit a small write-up
with details about the event and three
to four good-quality digital photos of
participants and club members who
helped make the event a success. I
cannot guarantee I will use everything I
receive but I will do my best to promote
the clubs and events in our district.
Go fly and have fun!
Associate Vice Presidents: Randy Adams, Fairfield OH; [email protected]; Mike Barbee, Delaware OH; (740) 362-5545; [email protected]; Jeff Black, New Oxford PA; (717) 965-5634;
[email protected]; Dave Brown, Hamilton OH; (513) 738-1576; [email protected]; Nelson Gould, Macungie PA; (610) 395-9159; [email protected]; Tony Husak, Hartsgrove OH; (440)
283-7447; [email protected]; Dan Luchaco, Sayre PA; (570) 888-1856; [email protected]; Jim Martin, Franklin OH; (937) 260-0143; [email protected]; Al Myers, Canfield OH;
(330) 506-6194; [email protected]; Leo Rodriguez, New Stanton PA; (724) 925-0159; [email protected]; Matthew Turowski, Nescopeck PA; (570) 379-2014; [email protected]; Joseph
Vislay, Monclova OH; (419) 878-8843; [email protected]. Chuck Westfall, Gandeeville WV; (304) 531-0077; [email protected]. CL/FF/RC Coordinators: Nelson Gould, 1340 Oak
Dr., Macungie PA 18062; (610) 395-9159; [email protected]; Sheila Nitsch, 5650 Boyd Rd., Grove City OH 43123; (614) 877-3453; [email protected]. Webmaster: Roger Luther, Johnstown, PA;
(814) 266-2630; [email protected].
Mark Radcliff
Vice President
District III—Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia
[email protected]
199 Heron Dr., St. Marys WV 26170
Tel.: (304) 684-2133;
Contest Director Will Lipscomb congratulating
Josh Glaab on his first-place win.
On Aircraft Colonel at Carolina. The 26 airplanes, turbines. There pits. Carolina, Raoul Several the prizes. enough. event There demonstrations, one demonstration Allen, 100cc flying. South 3-D grows fun Raoul a flight.
Associate Mausolf, jaymarsh@MD Safety District bat2@625 Tel.: 13july.indd 138 5/21/2013 12:38:31 PM
Edition: Model Aviation - 2013/07
Page Numbers: 138