ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news ama news July 2013 Model Aviation 141
National Model Aviation Day is
scheduled to take place on August 17. I
hope your club will want to participate.
AMA suggests that clubs have a fly-in
or fun-fly, and invite the community to
come out and try buddy-box flying
AMA also would like these events to
raise money for the Wounded Warrior
Project. In addition to being a fun event
for your club, it is a great way to get
involved in your community.
We need to do what we can to
improve our relationships with our
communities. Many clubs already do
a great job with fundraising events for
national and local charities, and with
community involvement. Such events
can go a long way toward helping keep
flying sites.
We hope for local and national
recognition for National Model Aviation
Day, so get involved. Sign-up your club
to participate if it hasn’t already been
registered at
April was a busy month. It began
with the Toledo R/C Expo. I enjoyed
working at the AMA booth, speaking
with many members, and seeing some
familiar District VI members and many
new ones.
I met Mitchell Baker, the District
VI RC contest coordinator, along with
several SIG officers. The month ended
at the Executive Council meeting at
AMA Headquarters in Muncie, Indiana.
The Southern Indiana Flying Eagles
from Seymour, Indiana, recently had an
indoor static display open to the public.
Held at the Seymour Public Library,
the event was a success and allowed the
public to see RC aircraft equipment and
get stick time on an RC simulator.
It was advertised on the local radio
station and in flyers, and the display
drew a steady crowd all day. The
library invited the group to use the
central lobby display case this year
to draw attention to the event. Local
newspaper staff wrote an article about
the club, expanding the coverage from
a small paragraph to a full-page article,
complete with photos.
Program of the Month: Leader Club
Award. AMA recognizes clubs that
are leaders in the hobby. This is not
a difficult award to achieve and is
recommended if your club intends to
apply for a flying site improvement
grant. There are six required activities.
1. AMA chartered club for a
minimum of five years.
2. Club membership is open to all
AMA members and is not limited to
a certain number.
3. Club has developed and posted
safety and operational rules at its
flying site.
4. Club has filed a copy of safety
and operational rules at AMA
5. Flying field has separate areas for
fliers and spectators, clearly marked
as such.
6. The AMA Safety Code is posted
and visible at the club field.
There are additional electives for a club
to qualify as a Gold, Silver, or Bronze
Leader club. Nine are required for gold,
six for silver, and three for bronze.
1. Club has implemented and enforces
a frequency control plan that allows
all 50 RC channels to be used at its
club flying site where RC is allowed.
2. Club has implemented an AMA
Adopt-A-School program or
donates a Model Aviation magazine
subscription to schools or libraries.
3. Club conducts a review of the AMA
Safety Code at a club meeting at
least once a year.
4. Club sponsors an annual public
event, such as a mall show, flying
show, or demonstration.
5. Club monitors noise levels and/
or institutes club field rules, such
as a requirement that models be
operated at a maximum of 90 dB at
9 feet.
6. Club has created an informational
handout and provides it to the
general public.
7. Club participates in charity
programs or public fundraising
8. Club has a formal lease or
agreement for use of its flying site or
owns its site.
9. Club participates in the AMA
Introductory Pilot Program or has its
own instruction program.
Additional information and the
application can be found on the AMA’s
website at
files/708.pdf. Celebrating National
Model Aviation Day will cover at least
one elective.
Happy flying!
Associate Vice Presidents: Dennis Baack, Bowling Green KY; (270) 783-4004; Bryan Chumbley, Peoria IL; (309) 683-3616; Luther Akemon, Scottsburg IN; (812) 595-9114;
Gary Bussell, Muncie IN; (765) 288-3541; Jim Cianciolo; Independence MO; (816) 795-7382; Bob Underwood, St. Charles MO; (636) 939-3394. Contest Coordinators: RC
Mitchell Baker, 2878 Mariposa Dr., Terre Haute IN 47803; FF Charles Markos, 655 Carlisle Ave., Deerfield IL 60015; CL Arthur Johnson, 1818 Oslo Dr., Rockford IL 61180.
Safety Coordinator: Walter Voyt, Joliet IL; (815) 725-4677. Frequency Coordinator: Mel Ziska, Naperville IL; (630) 357-7350. Webmaster: Mitchell Baker
Randy Cameron
Vice President
District VI—Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri
[email protected]
2134 S. Hillcrest Ave., Springfield MO 65807
Tel.: (417) 830-9211;
13july.indd 141 5/23/2013 3:31:20 PM
Edition: Model Aviation - 2013/07
Page Numbers: 141