Another month has slipped by. It seems as though we are flying through 2014 at supersonic speeds.
As I write this, many clubs have just finished their National Model Aviation Day celebrations. Although much of District VIII had rainy and windy weather, I’ve heard reports of some great events that took place throughout the district. Not only did they draw some good news media coverage, but most also had successful fundraisers.
Clubs that I know of in our district that participated included the KC Northern Knights Model Airplane Club, Kansas City RC Association, Sedalia RC Flyers, Prop Masters R/C Aero Club, Ozark Mountain Barnstormers, Pikeland Sky Chiefs, Morrison Model Aircraft Flyers, Rock Valley R/C Flyers Club, Tri-Village RC Club, Suburban AeroClub of Chicago, Tri County Aero Club, Deep River R/C Flying Club, Fort Wayne Flying Circuits, Inc., Cass County RC Flyers, Lafayette Cloud Jockeys, Farm Friendly Flyers, Hagerstown RC Aircraft Club, Blacksheep Squadron, Indy Sportliners, Monroe County RC Club, Johnson County RC Flyers, and Bartholomew County R/C Fliers.
Thank you for participating and making this second annual event a huge success. If I have missed any clubs, I apologize. Please let me know and send me any photos and stories or Web links you may have for the event. At this point, the AMA has received and forwarded on $52,732.59 to the Wounded Warrior Project. Donations from 71 of the 192 clubs that signed up have received.
Rege Hall of the Blacksheep Squadron in Danville, Indiana, sent the following report.
“The day started with Boy Scout Troop 301 from Brownsburg presenting the American flag and our national anthem. We had a barbecue lunch, raffles throughout the day, flight simulators running all day, and lots of trainer flights. I did not get a count of how many trainer flights with buddy boxes were flown, however, anytime it was not raining, there were at least two in the air all the time.
“Despite the gray skies and on and off rain, we were still able to get in lots of flying. We had 45 club members show up and nearly everyone brought airplanes to display or fly. More than 130 aircraft—from small micros and foamies to helicopters to large-scale airplanes—were present.
“The spectators were treated to a great static display of airplanes and helicopters and lots of cool flying. Highlights of the demo time include the 11-airplane flat foamie pylon race, eight Stinger 64 EDFs making the circuit, Bill Clontz’s Cobra and 50cc P-39 Airacobra, Parker Hall’s ever-exciting Whiplash helicopter demo (green stained main blades and low, fast hurricane), and David Monson’s 3-D demo with a 3D Hobby Shop Slick 540 bellowing out the smoke. Other demos included John Louden’s Outlaw flight, Lou Torres with an Angry Birds Rave Ballisitc helicopter, Rege Hall’s Hangar 9 80cc Sukhoi’s wild tumbles, and Tom Hatfield’s OMP 500cc Extra 300.
“Pretty cool for the spectators was a television monitor we set up and Ray Courtney was able to show on the what he was seeing through his FPV goggles. There was a crowd around the monitor anytime it was running.”
The club members with Boy Scouts.
This shows a portion of the pit area and clubhouse.
These are two of the flight simulators that ran all day.
Happy flying!