As I write this, we have just entered the new year and it is cold and raining outside—just the right temperature for a mixture of freezing rain and snow. By the time you receive this, it should be nearly March and hopefully within a few weeks, we will be getting into the flying season.
With that thought in mind, I would like to remind everyone to consider cycling batteries, and giving any airplanes that have been sitting all winter a thorough inspection to ensure they are ready for the upcoming flying season. This can save a lot of grief when arriving at the field to fly at the beginning of the season.
I’m looking forward to the flying season getting underway and hope to attend an event near you. My calendar fills up quickly, however if you have an event you would like me to attend, send me an email with the event name, date(s), and details. I’ll go to as many events as I can throughout the flying season.
Like many clubs, the Kansas City Northern Knights hold an annual New Year’s Frozen Thumb Fly. This year was no exception. Associate Vice President Gary Himes shared a few facts from this year’s event.
“We had 25 pilots receive certifications for flying today plus we had several visitors. We also had a bald eagle flying with us today!
(insert 1-certificate photo here)
“There was an abundance of food including two pots of chili, a pot of potato soup, a pot of Rotel cheese sauce, and a giant table of leftover Christmas/New Year’s goodies. Thanks to all who donated to the feast.
“Henry Alexander had honors for first flight of the year at our field, with an electric plane. Dave Stadler got in the first glow-fuel flight of the year (which was the sixth flight of the day).
“Danny Williamson had the first ‘dork’ of the year with a bad launch resulting in breaking off the motor. Then Dusty Riley had to outdo Danny by not checking the ‘electron tank’ before running out of electrons then trying to bring it back home to the runway. He failed! “Thanks to all who came to share the fellowship and celebrate the New Year! Happy New Year to all!”
Please check out our District VI Facebook page at Feel free to post your events there as well.
Until next month, happy flying and stay warm.