I want to say thanks to all of the district members who stopped by to say hello at the Toledo Expo. In addition to catching up on the latest in the industry and seeing some incredibly built models. The Toledo Expo has always been a place for me to catch up with old friends and hopefully make a few new ones. I’m very happy to report that 2014 was no different.
I wanted to pass along some significant results that District VII clubs and members achieved. I’m pleased to announce that of the 32 clubs awarded Field Improvement Grants awarded nationwide, District VII accounted for eight of them. The grants were for the full amount applied for.
Another achievement in the district goes to Eric Gilkey, winner of the top AMA Charles H. Grant Scholarship. Eric comes from an aeromodeling family and is active in the hobby.
The Best in Show winner in the Toledo Expo’s static model competition went to George Maiorana and his stunning Douglas C33A. George hails from the metropolitan Detroit area. My congratulations go out to all.
I want to throw out a quick reminder for National Model Aviation Day on August 16. For clubs and individuals wishing to participate, you can register at www.modelaircraft.org or contact Mandee Mikulski at (800) 435-9262, extension 277.
Michigan Associate Vice President Noel Hunt shared information from events he attended.
Winter months for many AMA members in the northern states, are a time to go to the workshop. It’s a time to deal with summer’s infractions against the law of gravity, and create new airframes to defy it.
But for some, the desire to fly is just too strong. And then we soon discover a new RC flying experience: flying off snow. New Year’s is a great excuse for clubs to gather at the field. The Skymasters held its annual New Year’s Eve Krazy Snow Fly. This year there was relatively little flying because of the temperature and the wind, but the members enjoy the gathering.
A core group of two dozen members continue to enjoy flying throughout the winter. If the snow on the field gets rough, they sometimes drag a parking timber or another piece of lumber behind a vehicle to smooth it out to allow flying.
The Radio Control Club of Detroit (RCCD) constructs a temporary enclosed shelter late in fall to facilitate winter flying. The club gathers every New Year’s Day to see who will be the first member to fly that year and hopefully not the first to crash. A potluck spread and the shelter provide a way to extend the morning despite the cold.
Members of Pontiac Miniature Aircraft Club (PMAC) got together for a Snow Fly later in January. Aircraft with skis or float planes ruled the day, doing cool touch-and-gos in the deep fluffy powder. Electric ducted fans got a snoot full of snow in their intakes when they landed. PMAC held an Ice Fly with a model boat club in February, as the frigid temperatures continued.
I am glad I’m not the only crazy one. If you have not tried it, dress warmly, wear some soft gloves so you can feel the sticks, find a buddy to join you for safety, and leave the workshop for a couple of hours.