I’d like to start off this month by saying thank you for your support in giving me the honor of serving another term as the District VII vice president. I just can’t overemphasize my appreciation for being afforded this privilege.
When I first decided to seek this office, my intentions were that it would be an opportunity to give back to the hobby and AMA for all the great experiences and wonderful friends made that aeromodeling has given me. Talk about getting it wrong! I’m now further behind than ever in the pay-it-back column.
Another huge thank-you goes out to my wife and family. Without their love, patience, and support none of what I have written happens.
Now that we’re smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, I’ll bet you’re no different than I am in that you’re struggling in the gift shopping department. Have you considered giving the gift of flight? Do you have a non-modeling friend who, with just a little extra nudge, would take up the hobby? An AMA membership would be a perfect gift!
Then, there’s one of your club members who’s had a bad year in the crash department. You likely have something in your fleet that’s been gathering dust that he or she would love to have. And let’s not forget about those youngsters. Just think how much they’d benefit and appreciate a spare “something” you have lying around the shop.
Just a fair warning though, you’ll find yourself further behind in the payback column too.
Before I turn this over to Minnesota Associate Vice President Bud Gorman, I wish for you and yours a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year.
Take it away Bud …
“This report comes to you from northern Minnesota where we had 65 days in a row where the temperature was below zero this past winter and by the time you read this winter will again be knocking on the door. With ice still on Lake Superior on the first day of June, the flying season was beginning.
“In June, I traveled to Montezuma, Iowa, for the Sig Manufacturing RC Fly-In. Attendance was slightly down, but the flying was great. If you have never attended this event, you are missing out. The Sig airport is a great flying site and the Sig factory has everything you might need for flying.
“The Duluth Superior RC Club had a float fly on June 8 and a fun-fly on June 14 but, it was rained out at noon. I also attended the Sturgeon Lake Balsa Busters fun-fly in June. The flying was great, the people are great, and there was more food than you can imagine, all of it good.
“The end of July brought the Water and Wheels Fun-Fly at Moberg’s Seaplane Base in Bemidji, Minnesota. For this weekend event, some people arrive as early as Tuesday. Thursday evening is a fish fry put on by our friends north of the border. Saturday’s dinner is provided by the Paul Bunyan R/C Flyers.
“At this fun-fly, you can fly off of the grass runway or the water. See the picture of Steve Bowman flying his dad’s 30-year-old Fly Baby with Frank Tahtinen watching. Steve puts on a good show; it doesn’t matter what he’s flying.
“August brought another Duluth Superior RC Club fun-fly, this time at the club’s Superior, Wisconsin, field. (Yes, the club has two flying fields.) This time the weather cooperated and a good day of flying, eating, and visiting was enjoyed by all.
“In early September, I was at the Hill City Float Fly, put on by The Itasca R/C Club. There was good weather and good flying. See the picture of the Polaris aircraft. Scott Johnson’s has an 8-foot wingspan.
“The following weekend was the Moose Lake Float Fly by the Balsa Busters. Flying was good until the wind came around lunch time.
And that pretty much wraps up the flying season in North Minnesota. All pictures are by Kristin Booker.[dingbat]
A group of Polaris aircraft.
Steve Bowman flying his dad’s 30-year-old Fly Baby with Frank Tahtinen watching.
The Moose Lake float fly.
Bud Gorman’s Four Star 60.
Steve Bowman’s Cub.
Todd Booker’s Sea Cruiser.