The Chino Valley Model Aviators, located north of Prescott, Arizona, celebrated the rededication of the club’s flying field with a ceremony and fun-fly on September 12-13. Arizona District X Associate Vice Presidents (AVPs) Jim Mohan and Kurtis Chandler were on hand to enjoy a great day of flying and add their congratulations.
The club was celebrating the completion of several significant improvements at the field. These included additional concrete aprons, a new 18 x 36-foot shade structure, and a large, matching metal hangar for all of the equipment that’s needed to keep a great field operating. What is particularly impressive is the state-of-the-art solar-powered charging system for electric-power modelers.
The club has been in one incarnation or another since 1985. They have flown from several fields before settling in at their current home, courtesy of the town of Chino Valley. The local government has provided the club with a beautiful place to fly.
Congratulating the club on its accomplishments and its value to the Chino Valley community were Chino Valley Mayor Chris Marley and Vice Mayor Darrell Croft. Both praised club members on the site improvements and the welcoming environment they have established.
Club members took the opportunity to establish and present a new Member of the Year award and named it after the inaugural recipient, Jay Riddle. Jay has been a driving force in the many field improvements and is a deserving recipient.
There are several important upcoming dates. Applications for the Flying Site Assistance Grant need to be in my possession by March 1. Please don’t wait until the last minute for the grant application. It’s not unusual for me to need to go back to clubs for additional supporting data, and I want to give each club its maximum chance at receiving a grant.
The Leader Club Program requires clubs to submit their paperwork by March 31. Additionally, AMA Model Aviation Hall of Fame nominations must be postmarked by March 31. Please go to to find details about these programs and take advantage of them.
We have another changing of the guard this month. Our Hawaii area AVP, Duke Chung, is stepping down. Duke has been a great help in maintaining the AMA’s presence in our 50th state. I appreciate the effort he has put in. Volunteering is the heart of our organization, and Duke is a champion.
Taking over Duke’s role will be Richard Bonnardel. Richard has been an AMA member for 42 years. He spent 21 years performing aircraft maintenance in the U.S. Air Force, before moving to the airline industry and working in quality assurance.
Richard finished his career working at the FAA as the principal maintenance inspector for Aloha Airlines. He has flown competitively in the past and now enjoys large, easy-to-fly models.
Please give Richard a big Aloha welcome.[dingbat]