In August of this year, Mission Valley Model Aviation of Montana put on a fly-in with all proceeds going to Wings for Wishes Montana. The club field is roughly halfway between Kalispell and Missoula in a sparsely populated area.
Eric Kendall was the CD for this two-day event. Actually, he was the CD and everything else because he set up the field, got many prizes, and then to top it off, he stated that if his goal of $4,000 was reached, he would appear in a dress on Sunday. This seemed safe as the same event last year raised approximately $2,400.
You want to know how this turned out? See picture of Eric in a dress. Not bad for 19 pilots in a remote area. Eric’s son was busy snapping pictures after I told him these photos could be very valuable one day. Eric ran a silent auction, sold food, and ran a raffle for prizes. Not without help, mind you, because there were many active workers. We took time out to present Eric with the Carl and Beth Goldberg Vital People Award that he won for his efforts with this event last year.
The only minor downside was the heat. It took me some time to find the man who promised me that if I came to northern Montana, the temperatures would be really comfortable. Obviously our definitions of comfortable are not the same!
Great job, Eric and crew.
Not to be outdone, Randy Shiosaki from Idaho sent in this account of RC Combat, which took place on the same weekend as the Montana Wings for Wishes event, both serving to commemorate National Model Aviation Day. Randy’s event proceeds all went directly to the Wounded Warrior Project.
Randy was the CD of the Red Baron Combat meet, Where Eagles Dare, in Shelley, Idaho, on August 17. The fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Project raised $992 from a silent auction and 50/50 raffle.
Wayne Mayo of Boise, Idaho won first, Jerry Haines of Payette, Idaho, placed second, and Rick Kent of American Falls, Idaho, won third in 2610 Scale. Charlie Pfieger of Bozeman, Montana, was first, Jerry Haines of Payette was second, and Red Baron President Dave Barker placed third in Open B.
If you’ve never watched RC Combat, you should. You will note in the pictures that the participants typically bring “racks” of airplanes. They are usually all used!
These were only two of the great events held within the district to have fun and to benefit deserving charities. My only regret is that I cannot get to all of them. Although these two are in adjacent states, they are 400 miles apart!
Finally, as you read this, I will have begun the final year of my elected term. We need to nominate those of you with an interest in being the district vice president by early next summer. Let me know of your interest and I will see to it that you are nominated. If you have any questions, please contact me and I will make up an answer.
Stay warm!