Correction (from the
March issue):
Steven G. Buso NY
$1,500 - $1,000 AMA
Education Fund and
$500 Walk of Fame brick
in memory of George
Buso, AMA 927
$5,000 or more
Dewey O. Broberg Jr. Rev.
Trust FL
$12,000 - Dewey O.
Broberg Jr. Memorial
Scholarship - In memory
of Dewey O. Broberg Jr.
$1,000 to $4,999.99
James S. Elkins OK
$1,000 AMA Education
Fund, Roll-Giving
$500 to $999.99
Roy E. Hanson Jr. CA
Lee Renaud Memorial
$100 to $499.99
Anonymous CT
Charles T. Bower III WA
Donald R. Decook IN
Fellowship of Christian
Modelers IL
Richard D. Hanson IN
Del R. Herring WA
Irish Hills RC MI
Jasper R/C Flyers IN
Robert Johnson TX
David J. Mathewson IN
NMPRA - c/o Lonnie
Finch MO
Michael J. O’Connor FL
F. Oden MI
Kevin O. Perkins VA
Robert G. Richard NY
Bryan D. Wood ID
$25 to $99.99
Tom Anderson CA
Remy Bartolome CA
Tino Be CA
Thomas A. Bubb PA
Columbus Buish Sr. NY
John A. Cafaro MI
Hugh W. Campbell TX
Decker Campbell SC
Scott A. Campbell
Walker CA
Frank Cannata NY
Richard C. Clark AZ
Neal K. Daniel NC
Melvin A. Dills NC
Erin Dobbs IN
David A. Eirschele IL
Phillip H. Factor AZ
Dale R. Feor NY
Benjamin Flesher IN
David W Frederick CA
Frank J. Geisler CA
Adam Guy CA
Mark L. Hagood AL
Larry Hardin CT
Todd A. Haynes CA
Jerry G. Holder TX
Brian Holmes CA
Bob E. Hughes GA
Lisa J. Johnson IN
Phillip Jones PA
Russell W. Knize IL
Todd Lesperance IL
Colin M. Loring TN
Ilona S. Maine IN
Eric Mansell NC
Mandee Mikulski IN
Bruce N. Miller MA
Lois A. Mock IN
Douglas S. Montgomery TX
Je A. Mulrooney IL
Sanjaya K. Nath CA
Jon Quinn PA
Thomas P. Quinn NY
Mark Radcli WV
Lyle D. Rayworth GA
Ian Roberts FL
Barrington H. Sharpe Sr. DE
Je Slater FL
Richard L. Smith WI
Sean Smith CA
Bryan K. St. Martin FL
David A. Stanton CA
Joel Trubatch NV
Ra aello Vecchione CA
Julienne Weston CA
Andrew G. Whitt TX
Robert G. Williams OH
Robert B. Young PA
Dianyi Zhou KS
$10 to $24.99
Sayed M. Badrawi NJ
Andy Bowen FL
Christopher Brazukas GA
Christopher S. Dorsey GA
Julius L. Helbling NY
Gregory W. Lampe CA
William B. Liebhaber AZ
William Masteller SD
Mid-Atlantic Radio Kontrol
Society VA
John Mikulski IN
Austin T. Milne CA
Jaysen A. Moore FL
Conrad A. Nerdahl CA
Harold W. Radke FL
Adam J. Zimbro Sr. MA
Thank you for your generous support!
Listed are people and organizations that donated $10 or more in February
2015. These donations are earmarked for AMA’s programs, the National Model
Aviation Museum, and the International Aeromodeling Center. If your name
is not listed, or if you have any questions, contact the AMA Foundation at
[email protected] or (800) 435-9262, extension 277.
*Donor levels represent only
individual donations made in
February 2015. Some donors
may qualify for the next donor
contribution level based on
cumulative giving.
John A. Cafaro MI
Richard C. Clark AZ
Neal K. Daniel NC
Donald R. Decook IN
Adam Guy CA
Jerry G. Holder TX
Robert Johnson TX
Todd Lesperance IL
Douglas S. Montgomery
Kevin O. Perkins VA
Mark Radcli WV
Ian Roberts FL
Sean Smith CA
Richard L. Smith WI
Joel Trubatch NV
Andrew G. Whitt TX
Robert G. Williams OH
Museum Patron donation amounts listed with donor levels.
Fellowship of Christian
Modelers IL
Irish Hills RC MI
In memory of R.L. “Doc”
Michael J. O’Connor FL
In memory of Robert
F. Oden MI
In memory of Richard
“Rich” David Beers
Dewey O. Broberg Jr. Rev. Trust FL - $12,000
Dewey O. Broberg Jr. Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Dewey O. Broberg Jr. 1934-2015
Richard D. Hanson IN - $100
AMA Foundation, Ryan Sherrow Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Ryan Sherrow
NMPRA - c/o Lonnie Finch MO - $300
Cli ord Telford Scholarship Fund
On behalf of Tom Scott
Correction from the March 2015 issue:
The AMA Foundation would like to thank the
Tuscarora RC Club Morning crew members for their
donation toward an AMA Walk of Fame brick paver in
memory of Jerry Buehler.
Thank you The AMA Foundation would like to thank the Jefco
Aeromod’lers RC Club members for their assistance in
selling items donated to the foundation. The proceeds
from the sale benefi t the Endowment Fund.
The AMA Foundation establishes Dewey O. Broberg Jr. Memorial
Scholarship in honor of the founder of Du-Bro Products
The Academy of Model Aeronautics
Foundation would like to thank the
family of Dewey Broberg for creating
the Dewey O. Broberg Jr. Memorial
Scholarship. The scholarship will be
awarded to one graduating high school
senior planning to pursue a career in
engineering, mechanics, or a similar
fi eld.
Dewey was the inventive genius and
founder of Du-Bro Products. He played
an instrumental role in designing
and developing many products that
aeromodelers still use today.
Dewey was also one of the founders
of the Radio Control Hobby Trade
Association, now known as iHobby
Read more about Dewey on the
AMA Foundation website blog:
Contributions to the scholarship
established in Dewey’s memory
should be made to the AMA
Foundation, 5161 E. Memorial Dr.,
Muncie IN 47302.
Edition: Model Aviation - 2015/05
Page Numbers: 142