ONE OF questions Im asked often Model Aviations Radio Control Electrics columnist active Electric flier convert Gas model designs electric power Specific inquiries run gamut Old-Timers classic trainers contemporary so-called trainers Scale aerobatic small large size power level Clearly no single answer could cover such multiplicity contingencies article therefore focuses broad area interestElectri-flying large noncompetition models have basically trainerlike characteristics powered relatively large bigger 05 systems Thats broad area indeed thing can legitimately encompass Old-Timers well some contemporary designs classic looks Ive often eyed majestic lines Miss America Old-Timer picturing model lofting lazily quiet motovation Other Old-Timer candidates electrification include Buzzard Bombshell Kioud King Coronet 150 mention few Among contemporary designs Sig Seniorita brings inquiries Personally note interest Telemaster 40 fact Hobby Lobby otfering plane combo Astro 25 system make life easy Though havent seen yet Telemaster impresses being good Electric candidate course now-famous Astro Porterfield also available packaged 25 An all-time favorite Porterfield intended Electric begin choose neednt read further Ive recently become interested converting model type Electric particular Ive wanting plane could confidently allow spectators club field try out wanted relatively largeand safemodel could easily 96 Model Aviation Big picture Flying what Eiectric Seniorita does best moderateiy powered airpiane has siow-f lying stabiiity gives beginner pienty time think about whats happening As eli Eiectrlcs its quiet flight weicome reiief prevailing wet-powered drone Left Seniorita poised its trike gear waiting remote power-up command wing stretched total four ribs overall span over 70 inches Right Without windshield authors Seniorita gulps plenty cooling air keep battery happy power system charge jack arming switch mounted fuselage side wiring accessible through bottom hatch Its whats underneath sometimes counts black plastic tape covering Astro gearbox opening keeps dirt bugs mice etc out gear teeth Note 0032 x 1A-in straps used washers Four 2-56 screws draw motor straps snug against 1/i foam-padded vee block rest seen high above wanted good ground-handler wanted plane could equip night flying Aerial photography another possibility well mounting skis winter use might try towing small Free Flight Radio Control Glider aloft Finally model have good duration cruise power levels design choices hard decide local hobby shop inadvertently helped Seniorita stock made What follows describes approach electrifying Seniorita Since representative design information should apply model choices can select favorite airplane comparable design pick choose among ideas described Once youve converted model go out have just about quiet-powered lazy fun flyin could ever want As planes made tail surfaces first Basically followed kit instructions some minor exceptions First few kit pieces unnecessarily heavy substituted other wood same dimensions also added some bits piecesgussets doublerswhere seemed desirable appropriate point Electric necessary build light everywhere Ni-Cd batteries arranged two rows seven cells Foam spacer blocks fill re maining space also force incoming air through cells before flows out bottom air exits Note wire nut securing series connection between two subpacks July 1991 97 ouom view fuselage showing air exits landing gear attachemnt hatch Looking forward through cabin top author added two formers brace relatively heavy battery packs receiver attached double-sticky Velcro rearmost former Also note bottom battery rails ID tag above receiver radio switch charge jack top fuselage just behind trailing edge strong needed Put another way light thing fragile quite something else philosophy governs Electric building Its become state mind Practice thinking way dont already begin kit project reference Seniorita tail feathers weighed 14 oz completed ready cover 2 oz covered MonoKote Building wing next task Since some wing sticks provided kit longer required yielded temptationviolating original intention stick kitand increased wingspan Specifically upped length wing panel two rib bays simple lightweight extension added significanfly wing area about 120 sq in case practically nothing about 2 oz weight also reduced final wing loading about 15% might keep mind good way adding significant wing area model since weight toll usually low case youre wondering though see med need nicety revised wing assembly other ways too instance put shear webs between top bottom spars front edges 98 Model Aviation Left Close-up -in.sq battery box side rails 1/-ln bottom battery support rails Although author used three bottom rails two adequate Note bottom rails notched accommodate main landing gear block Right fuselage bottom plank ing Note Ili ply has added front aft hardwood landing gear slot reinforcement against weight electrIc system Also vIsible servo tray rails 1116 fuselage side sheeting will glued small balsa scraps servo rails nose end subassembly proved Routhng OT steering pushrod sheath notched 311-sq spruce vertical doubler easy effective nice-looking reinforcing triangle stock Note battery side rails part Y-ln-sq servo tray rail nose end glued fuselage structure Note lightening Looking down motor mount plate sturdy steering cutout 3l balsa fill-In just behind Cl Also note Cl Ic pushrod sheath attachment short aluminum tube bound cated ide longerons 1l~ fuselage sheeting glued side balsa spacer sheath routed through fits flush against balsa cheek Balsa 1/a-ln triangle stock nests aimed exit hole firewall smooth steering operation against fuselage side structure forward front former wingsits much better technique worth small extra effort involved Old-Timer designs way have no webbing Keep mind its very good idea use should choose Seniorita consider making wing modification particular Depending want fly may good idea increase dihedral original 3Y4 degrees wing dihedral Seniorita flown out turns better suit plane uses mind sawed wing half increased dihedral 5 degrees per panel allows plane easily fly out turns its owna real boon totally inexperienced unsuspecting field visitor finish up wing story complete ready-to-cover framework weighed 9/2 oz its 13 oz covered MonoKote area extended span approximately 860 sq inoralmostexactly6sqUsingmy own rule thumb Electric wing ailerons should weigh 20 ozIsq ft ready fly Smaller models Gliders will tend toward lower limit larger planes tend toward upper limit case expected limits would 1075 131 oz Neat huh guideline should hold comparable model choose electrify Fuselage modified details fuselage construction simply because kit Electric rather wet power might have guessed made additional mods beyond strictly needed electrification can select among wish began making nose Specifically wanted build motor mount geared Astro cobalt 25 using much kit stuff possible Details can seen some photos %2 ply firewall modified cutout shown both clear motor extends back through former take air cool batteries As pictured curved cutout frame edge approximately /6 wide lower edge cutout falls above kit-supplied wedge-shaped hardwood nose gear mount piece balsa nose cheeks kit pieces Cl cut shown capture A-in motor mount plate cuts 90 degrees firewall held thrust line throughout close reasonable original shown planwithin about Its experience over years such deviation model type little consequence /8-in birch ply motor mount plate wide firewall 1 3A deep can adjust particulars suit model used two pieces -in hard balsa triangle stock spaced 1% apart measured outside edges nest motor set two degrees right thrust 3A2 holes motor mount plate 2-56 machine Continued page 172 July 1991 99 Left A peek over cabin edge shows added 1/o x 311•-In spruce doubler mid-cabin vertical strut Another addition 2132-sq baisa strip above 311•-sq lower-side-window fuselage stringer great aid installing 1/ ply window outline pieces Right Detail shapely addition top forward cabin structure 1/4-in wing hold-down dowel slips through hole after covering tail components strong yet light Several small additions shown plan The completed structure ready MonoKote wing dihedral later increased shown 5Y2 model could easily fly out turns its own PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360 IRIL Quality kit SALE $9995 LIST $ 139~ SALE LIST $1 19~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ Ask Co sea IC aC local dealer available order direct GARDEN 1731 NW Madrid Way Boca Raton FL 33432 Call Anytime 407-367-7744 Free Catalog MasterCard VISA Accepted good place digress bit suggest before getting too far electrification process take hard look fuselage design model have chosen moments some other details Seniorita just right such conversion Some models however have relatively short nose moments could make very hard get final balance right such cases might consider forward location added front former wilt allow shift battery pack farther forward necessary attain desired CG location Another problem some designs fuselage sides cabin area parallel Indeed some fuselages rather shapely bowed sides cabin area Nevertheless suggest use side rails immobilize battery side-toContinued oil page 174 FF Duration/Oldenkamp Continued page 56 John Morrill has already given us durable efficient Sidewinder rubber winder Simple Stooge universal necessities Gumbanders now offers two elegantly engineered reverse Montreal stop front hubs Wakefield Coupe dHiver fail-safe utterly simple lightweight 21 7 THE SUPERIOR GLOW PLUGS GO FASTFLYERSAREBACKII Puts sting eng ne Unique flat-wound spiral coil element high temperature glass-to-metal seal add up faster ignition increased RPM 1/2A GloBee plugs designed exclusively 0491051 Cox engines Ask new GB-5RX Speed Plug GB-5R Racing Plug GB-5P Sport Plug local dealer today unavailable locally write call Twinn-K collect pricing delivery information FREE GloBee Catalog MAKE THE GLOBEE INDY CONNECTION Twinn-K Inc 10296 W Washington St Indianapolis IN 46231 Telephone 317-839-6579 FAX 317-839-8928 grams respectively Fussy types can lighten bit Dremel tool use Mulvihill projects desired Carefully crafted field strippable under minute huge bargain investment assuring proper fold time $2450 Wake $1950 Coupe direct John Morrill Miniature Engines 143 Richmond Street El Segundo California 90245 Gas enthusiasts will praise Sal Frucianos latest import super high quality enginerun timer PMT features mousetrap-like action closes down fuel line should positively end full tank disasters unit lovingly machined stamped edges rolled much thick brass evidence on-off switch works good feel plus machined fitting supports both ends fuel line Weight 14 grams settings 0 30 seconds Adding Sals line pair superlight stabilizer platforms fit both square circular tail booms FAI Gas Rubber Nordic hinged pull-apart units hardened steel bearing-wire axle long life smooth pop-up Easy installation cyanoacrylate epoxy weigh two grams Very slick Sals company Starline International 6146 East Cactus Wren Road Scottsdale Arizona 85253 Starlines catalog goes buck also lists thermal sensing equipment booms motor tubes propeller hubs three four function timers tools other staff Sal searches far wide fill FF needs Kudos him latest gems Champion Model Products owner Georqe Schroedter well known excellent kitting supply items marketing two new P-30 rubber parts overlooked First blue 95-in plastic props thin flexible ones weigh 65 grams flying trim used maestro Bob White second pairs nicely machined brass bushings inside diameter 3/M offer reduced friction better prop function Bushings $150 per pair blue screws 75 cents maybe-cheating side sand off mold release marks allowed polish unit Crest Aim toothpaste dazzling whatever maybe illegal rate order up CMP 880 Carmen Court LaVerne California 91750 tell good guy George MA sent July 1991 173 colortul tee Uee Z first barrelshaped racers constructed Granville Brothers Springfield Massachusetts During 1931 won five races including prestigious Thompson Trophy Cleveland Ohio National Air Races Z also direct forerunner famous Gee Bee R1 R-2 PEATURES TWO TYPES OF COWLINGS TYPES OF WHEELS HARD AND FLEXIBLE TIRES ILED INTERIOR ILLA~Send $3 complete illustrated catalogDEPT MA 181 PAWNEE ST SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 96, 97, 98, 99, 172, 173
ONE OF questions Im asked often Model Aviations Radio Control Electrics columnist active Electric flier convert Gas model designs electric power Specific inquiries run gamut Old-Timers classic trainers contemporary so-called trainers Scale aerobatic small large size power level Clearly no single answer could cover such multiplicity contingencies article therefore focuses broad area interestElectri-flying large noncompetition models have basically trainerlike characteristics powered relatively large bigger 05 systems Thats broad area indeed thing can legitimately encompass Old-Timers well some contemporary designs classic looks Ive often eyed majestic lines Miss America Old-Timer picturing model lofting lazily quiet motovation Other Old-Timer candidates electrification include Buzzard Bombshell Kioud King Coronet 150 mention few Among contemporary designs Sig Seniorita brings inquiries Personally note interest Telemaster 40 fact Hobby Lobby otfering plane combo Astro 25 system make life easy Though havent seen yet Telemaster impresses being good Electric candidate course now-famous Astro Porterfield also available packaged 25 An all-time favorite Porterfield intended Electric begin choose neednt read further Ive recently become interested converting model type Electric particular Ive wanting plane could confidently allow spectators club field try out wanted relatively largeand safemodel could easily 96 Model Aviation Big picture Flying what Eiectric Seniorita does best moderateiy powered airpiane has siow-f lying stabiiity gives beginner pienty time think about whats happening As eli Eiectrlcs its quiet flight weicome reiief prevailing wet-powered drone Left Seniorita poised its trike gear waiting remote power-up command wing stretched total four ribs overall span over 70 inches Right Without windshield authors Seniorita gulps plenty cooling air keep battery happy power system charge jack arming switch mounted fuselage side wiring accessible through bottom hatch Its whats underneath sometimes counts black plastic tape covering Astro gearbox opening keeps dirt bugs mice etc out gear teeth Note 0032 x 1A-in straps used washers Four 2-56 screws draw motor straps snug against 1/i foam-padded vee block rest seen high above wanted good ground-handler wanted plane could equip night flying Aerial photography another possibility well mounting skis winter use might try towing small Free Flight Radio Control Glider aloft Finally model have good duration cruise power levels design choices hard decide local hobby shop inadvertently helped Seniorita stock made What follows describes approach electrifying Seniorita Since representative design information should apply model choices can select favorite airplane comparable design pick choose among ideas described Once youve converted model go out have just about quiet-powered lazy fun flyin could ever want As planes made tail surfaces first Basically followed kit instructions some minor exceptions First few kit pieces unnecessarily heavy substituted other wood same dimensions also added some bits piecesgussets doublerswhere seemed desirable appropriate point Electric necessary build light everywhere Ni-Cd batteries arranged two rows seven cells Foam spacer blocks fill re maining space also force incoming air through cells before flows out bottom air exits Note wire nut securing series connection between two subpacks July 1991 97 ouom view fuselage showing air exits landing gear attachemnt hatch Looking forward through cabin top author added two formers brace relatively heavy battery packs receiver attached double-sticky Velcro rearmost former Also note bottom battery rails ID tag above receiver radio switch charge jack top fuselage just behind trailing edge strong needed Put another way light thing fragile quite something else philosophy governs Electric building Its become state mind Practice thinking way dont already begin kit project reference Seniorita tail feathers weighed 14 oz completed ready cover 2 oz covered MonoKote Building wing next task Since some wing sticks provided kit longer required yielded temptationviolating original intention stick kitand increased wingspan Specifically upped length wing panel two rib bays simple lightweight extension added significanfly wing area about 120 sq in case practically nothing about 2 oz weight also reduced final wing loading about 15% might keep mind good way adding significant wing area model since weight toll usually low case youre wondering though see med need nicety revised wing assembly other ways too instance put shear webs between top bottom spars front edges 98 Model Aviation Left Close-up -in.sq battery box side rails 1/-ln bottom battery support rails Although author used three bottom rails two adequate Note bottom rails notched accommodate main landing gear block Right fuselage bottom plank ing Note Ili ply has added front aft hardwood landing gear slot reinforcement against weight electrIc system Also vIsible servo tray rails 1116 fuselage side sheeting will glued small balsa scraps servo rails nose end subassembly proved Routhng OT steering pushrod sheath notched 311-sq spruce vertical doubler easy effective nice-looking reinforcing triangle stock Note battery side rails part Y-ln-sq servo tray rail nose end glued fuselage structure Note lightening Looking down motor mount plate sturdy steering cutout 3l balsa fill-In just behind Cl Also note Cl Ic pushrod sheath attachment short aluminum tube bound cated ide longerons 1l~ fuselage sheeting glued side balsa spacer sheath routed through fits flush against balsa cheek Balsa 1/a-ln triangle stock nests aimed exit hole firewall smooth steering operation against fuselage side structure forward front former wingsits much better technique worth small extra effort involved Old-Timer designs way have no webbing Keep mind its very good idea use should choose Seniorita consider making wing modification particular Depending want fly may good idea increase dihedral original 3Y4 degrees wing dihedral Seniorita flown out turns better suit plane uses mind sawed wing half increased dihedral 5 degrees per panel allows plane easily fly out turns its owna real boon totally inexperienced unsuspecting field visitor finish up wing story complete ready-to-cover framework weighed 9/2 oz its 13 oz covered MonoKote area extended span approximately 860 sq inoralmostexactly6sqUsingmy own rule thumb Electric wing ailerons should weigh 20 ozIsq ft ready fly Smaller models Gliders will tend toward lower limit larger planes tend toward upper limit case expected limits would 1075 131 oz Neat huh guideline should hold comparable model choose electrify Fuselage modified details fuselage construction simply because kit Electric rather wet power might have guessed made additional mods beyond strictly needed electrification can select among wish began making nose Specifically wanted build motor mount geared Astro cobalt 25 using much kit stuff possible Details can seen some photos %2 ply firewall modified cutout shown both clear motor extends back through former take air cool batteries As pictured curved cutout frame edge approximately /6 wide lower edge cutout falls above kit-supplied wedge-shaped hardwood nose gear mount piece balsa nose cheeks kit pieces Cl cut shown capture A-in motor mount plate cuts 90 degrees firewall held thrust line throughout close reasonable original shown planwithin about Its experience over years such deviation model type little consequence /8-in birch ply motor mount plate wide firewall 1 3A deep can adjust particulars suit model used two pieces -in hard balsa triangle stock spaced 1% apart measured outside edges nest motor set two degrees right thrust 3A2 holes motor mount plate 2-56 machine Continued page 172 July 1991 99 Left A peek over cabin edge shows added 1/o x 311•-In spruce doubler mid-cabin vertical strut Another addition 2132-sq baisa strip above 311•-sq lower-side-window fuselage stringer great aid installing 1/ ply window outline pieces Right Detail shapely addition top forward cabin structure 1/4-in wing hold-down dowel slips through hole after covering tail components strong yet light Several small additions shown plan The completed structure ready MonoKote wing dihedral later increased shown 5Y2 model could easily fly out turns its own PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360 IRIL Quality kit SALE $9995 LIST $ 139~ SALE LIST $1 19~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ Ask Co sea IC aC local dealer available order direct GARDEN 1731 NW Madrid Way Boca Raton FL 33432 Call Anytime 407-367-7744 Free Catalog MasterCard VISA Accepted good place digress bit suggest before getting too far electrification process take hard look fuselage design model have chosen moments some other details Seniorita just right such conversion Some models however have relatively short nose moments could make very hard get final balance right such cases might consider forward location added front former wilt allow shift battery pack farther forward necessary attain desired CG location Another problem some designs fuselage sides cabin area parallel Indeed some fuselages rather shapely bowed sides cabin area Nevertheless suggest use side rails immobilize battery side-toContinued oil page 174 FF Duration/Oldenkamp Continued page 56 John Morrill has already given us durable efficient Sidewinder rubber winder Simple Stooge universal necessities Gumbanders now offers two elegantly engineered reverse Montreal stop front hubs Wakefield Coupe dHiver fail-safe utterly simple lightweight 21 7 THE SUPERIOR GLOW PLUGS GO FASTFLYERSAREBACKII Puts sting eng ne Unique flat-wound spiral coil element high temperature glass-to-metal seal add up faster ignition increased RPM 1/2A GloBee plugs designed exclusively 0491051 Cox engines Ask new GB-5RX Speed Plug GB-5R Racing Plug GB-5P Sport Plug local dealer today unavailable locally write call Twinn-K collect pricing delivery information FREE GloBee Catalog MAKE THE GLOBEE INDY CONNECTION Twinn-K Inc 10296 W Washington St Indianapolis IN 46231 Telephone 317-839-6579 FAX 317-839-8928 grams respectively Fussy types can lighten bit Dremel tool use Mulvihill projects desired Carefully crafted field strippable under minute huge bargain investment assuring proper fold time $2450 Wake $1950 Coupe direct John Morrill Miniature Engines 143 Richmond Street El Segundo California 90245 Gas enthusiasts will praise Sal Frucianos latest import super high quality enginerun timer PMT features mousetrap-like action closes down fuel line should positively end full tank disasters unit lovingly machined stamped edges rolled much thick brass evidence on-off switch works good feel plus machined fitting supports both ends fuel line Weight 14 grams settings 0 30 seconds Adding Sals line pair superlight stabilizer platforms fit both square circular tail booms FAI Gas Rubber Nordic hinged pull-apart units hardened steel bearing-wire axle long life smooth pop-up Easy installation cyanoacrylate epoxy weigh two grams Very slick Sals company Starline International 6146 East Cactus Wren Road Scottsdale Arizona 85253 Starlines catalog goes buck also lists thermal sensing equipment booms motor tubes propeller hubs three four function timers tools other staff Sal searches far wide fill FF needs Kudos him latest gems Champion Model Products owner Georqe Schroedter well known excellent kitting supply items marketing two new P-30 rubber parts overlooked First blue 95-in plastic props thin flexible ones weigh 65 grams flying trim used maestro Bob White second pairs nicely machined brass bushings inside diameter 3/M offer reduced friction better prop function Bushings $150 per pair blue screws 75 cents maybe-cheating side sand off mold release marks allowed polish unit Crest Aim toothpaste dazzling whatever maybe illegal rate order up CMP 880 Carmen Court LaVerne California 91750 tell good guy George MA sent July 1991 173 colortul tee Uee Z first barrelshaped racers constructed Granville Brothers Springfield Massachusetts During 1931 won five races including prestigious Thompson Trophy Cleveland Ohio National Air Races Z also direct forerunner famous Gee Bee R1 R-2 PEATURES TWO TYPES OF COWLINGS TYPES OF WHEELS HARD AND FLEXIBLE TIRES ILED INTERIOR ILLA~Send $3 complete illustrated catalogDEPT MA 181 PAWNEE ST SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 96, 97, 98, 99, 172, 173
ONE OF questions Im asked often Model Aviations Radio Control Electrics columnist active Electric flier convert Gas model designs electric power Specific inquiries run gamut Old-Timers classic trainers contemporary so-called trainers Scale aerobatic small large size power level Clearly no single answer could cover such multiplicity contingencies article therefore focuses broad area interestElectri-flying large noncompetition models have basically trainerlike characteristics powered relatively large bigger 05 systems Thats broad area indeed thing can legitimately encompass Old-Timers well some contemporary designs classic looks Ive often eyed majestic lines Miss America Old-Timer picturing model lofting lazily quiet motovation Other Old-Timer candidates electrification include Buzzard Bombshell Kioud King Coronet 150 mention few Among contemporary designs Sig Seniorita brings inquiries Personally note interest Telemaster 40 fact Hobby Lobby otfering plane combo Astro 25 system make life easy Though havent seen yet Telemaster impresses being good Electric candidate course now-famous Astro Porterfield also available packaged 25 An all-time favorite Porterfield intended Electric begin choose neednt read further Ive recently become interested converting model type Electric particular Ive wanting plane could confidently allow spectators club field try out wanted relatively largeand safemodel could easily 96 Model Aviation Big picture Flying what Eiectric Seniorita does best moderateiy powered airpiane has siow-f lying stabiiity gives beginner pienty time think about whats happening As eli Eiectrlcs its quiet flight weicome reiief prevailing wet-powered drone Left Seniorita poised its trike gear waiting remote power-up command wing stretched total four ribs overall span over 70 inches Right Without windshield authors Seniorita gulps plenty cooling air keep battery happy power system charge jack arming switch mounted fuselage side wiring accessible through bottom hatch Its whats underneath sometimes counts black plastic tape covering Astro gearbox opening keeps dirt bugs mice etc out gear teeth Note 0032 x 1A-in straps used washers Four 2-56 screws draw motor straps snug against 1/i foam-padded vee block rest seen high above wanted good ground-handler wanted plane could equip night flying Aerial photography another possibility well mounting skis winter use might try towing small Free Flight Radio Control Glider aloft Finally model have good duration cruise power levels design choices hard decide local hobby shop inadvertently helped Seniorita stock made What follows describes approach electrifying Seniorita Since representative design information should apply model choices can select favorite airplane comparable design pick choose among ideas described Once youve converted model go out have just about quiet-powered lazy fun flyin could ever want As planes made tail surfaces first Basically followed kit instructions some minor exceptions First few kit pieces unnecessarily heavy substituted other wood same dimensions also added some bits piecesgussets doublerswhere seemed desirable appropriate point Electric necessary build light everywhere Ni-Cd batteries arranged two rows seven cells Foam spacer blocks fill re maining space also force incoming air through cells before flows out bottom air exits Note wire nut securing series connection between two subpacks July 1991 97 ouom view fuselage showing air exits landing gear attachemnt hatch Looking forward through cabin top author added two formers brace relatively heavy battery packs receiver attached double-sticky Velcro rearmost former Also note bottom battery rails ID tag above receiver radio switch charge jack top fuselage just behind trailing edge strong needed Put another way light thing fragile quite something else philosophy governs Electric building Its become state mind Practice thinking way dont already begin kit project reference Seniorita tail feathers weighed 14 oz completed ready cover 2 oz covered MonoKote Building wing next task Since some wing sticks provided kit longer required yielded temptationviolating original intention stick kitand increased wingspan Specifically upped length wing panel two rib bays simple lightweight extension added significanfly wing area about 120 sq in case practically nothing about 2 oz weight also reduced final wing loading about 15% might keep mind good way adding significant wing area model since weight toll usually low case youre wondering though see med need nicety revised wing assembly other ways too instance put shear webs between top bottom spars front edges 98 Model Aviation Left Close-up -in.sq battery box side rails 1/-ln bottom battery support rails Although author used three bottom rails two adequate Note bottom rails notched accommodate main landing gear block Right fuselage bottom plank ing Note Ili ply has added front aft hardwood landing gear slot reinforcement against weight electrIc system Also vIsible servo tray rails 1116 fuselage side sheeting will glued small balsa scraps servo rails nose end subassembly proved Routhng OT steering pushrod sheath notched 311-sq spruce vertical doubler easy effective nice-looking reinforcing triangle stock Note battery side rails part Y-ln-sq servo tray rail nose end glued fuselage structure Note lightening Looking down motor mount plate sturdy steering cutout 3l balsa fill-In just behind Cl Also note Cl Ic pushrod sheath attachment short aluminum tube bound cated ide longerons 1l~ fuselage sheeting glued side balsa spacer sheath routed through fits flush against balsa cheek Balsa 1/a-ln triangle stock nests aimed exit hole firewall smooth steering operation against fuselage side structure forward front former wingsits much better technique worth small extra effort involved Old-Timer designs way have no webbing Keep mind its very good idea use should choose Seniorita consider making wing modification particular Depending want fly may good idea increase dihedral original 3Y4 degrees wing dihedral Seniorita flown out turns better suit plane uses mind sawed wing half increased dihedral 5 degrees per panel allows plane easily fly out turns its owna real boon totally inexperienced unsuspecting field visitor finish up wing story complete ready-to-cover framework weighed 9/2 oz its 13 oz covered MonoKote area extended span approximately 860 sq inoralmostexactly6sqUsingmy own rule thumb Electric wing ailerons should weigh 20 ozIsq ft ready fly Smaller models Gliders will tend toward lower limit larger planes tend toward upper limit case expected limits would 1075 131 oz Neat huh guideline should hold comparable model choose electrify Fuselage modified details fuselage construction simply because kit Electric rather wet power might have guessed made additional mods beyond strictly needed electrification can select among wish began making nose Specifically wanted build motor mount geared Astro cobalt 25 using much kit stuff possible Details can seen some photos %2 ply firewall modified cutout shown both clear motor extends back through former take air cool batteries As pictured curved cutout frame edge approximately /6 wide lower edge cutout falls above kit-supplied wedge-shaped hardwood nose gear mount piece balsa nose cheeks kit pieces Cl cut shown capture A-in motor mount plate cuts 90 degrees firewall held thrust line throughout close reasonable original shown planwithin about Its experience over years such deviation model type little consequence /8-in birch ply motor mount plate wide firewall 1 3A deep can adjust particulars suit model used two pieces -in hard balsa triangle stock spaced 1% apart measured outside edges nest motor set two degrees right thrust 3A2 holes motor mount plate 2-56 machine Continued page 172 July 1991 99 Left A peek over cabin edge shows added 1/o x 311•-In spruce doubler mid-cabin vertical strut Another addition 2132-sq baisa strip above 311•-sq lower-side-window fuselage stringer great aid installing 1/ ply window outline pieces Right Detail shapely addition top forward cabin structure 1/4-in wing hold-down dowel slips through hole after covering tail components strong yet light Several small additions shown plan The completed structure ready MonoKote wing dihedral later increased shown 5Y2 model could easily fly out turns its own PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360 IRIL Quality kit SALE $9995 LIST $ 139~ SALE LIST $1 19~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ Ask Co sea IC aC local dealer available order direct GARDEN 1731 NW Madrid Way Boca Raton FL 33432 Call Anytime 407-367-7744 Free Catalog MasterCard VISA Accepted good place digress bit suggest before getting too far electrification process take hard look fuselage design model have chosen moments some other details Seniorita just right such conversion Some models however have relatively short nose moments could make very hard get final balance right such cases might consider forward location added front former wilt allow shift battery pack farther forward necessary attain desired CG location Another problem some designs fuselage sides cabin area parallel Indeed some fuselages rather shapely bowed sides cabin area Nevertheless suggest use side rails immobilize battery side-toContinued oil page 174 FF Duration/Oldenkamp Continued page 56 John Morrill has already given us durable efficient Sidewinder rubber winder Simple Stooge universal necessities Gumbanders now offers two elegantly engineered reverse Montreal stop front hubs Wakefield Coupe dHiver fail-safe utterly simple lightweight 21 7 THE SUPERIOR GLOW PLUGS GO FASTFLYERSAREBACKII Puts sting eng ne Unique flat-wound spiral coil element high temperature glass-to-metal seal add up faster ignition increased RPM 1/2A GloBee plugs designed exclusively 0491051 Cox engines Ask new GB-5RX Speed Plug GB-5R Racing Plug GB-5P Sport Plug local dealer today unavailable locally write call Twinn-K collect pricing delivery information FREE GloBee Catalog MAKE THE GLOBEE INDY CONNECTION Twinn-K Inc 10296 W Washington St Indianapolis IN 46231 Telephone 317-839-6579 FAX 317-839-8928 grams respectively Fussy types can lighten bit Dremel tool use Mulvihill projects desired Carefully crafted field strippable under minute huge bargain investment assuring proper fold time $2450 Wake $1950 Coupe direct John Morrill Miniature Engines 143 Richmond Street El Segundo California 90245 Gas enthusiasts will praise Sal Frucianos latest import super high quality enginerun timer PMT features mousetrap-like action closes down fuel line should positively end full tank disasters unit lovingly machined stamped edges rolled much thick brass evidence on-off switch works good feel plus machined fitting supports both ends fuel line Weight 14 grams settings 0 30 seconds Adding Sals line pair superlight stabilizer platforms fit both square circular tail booms FAI Gas Rubber Nordic hinged pull-apart units hardened steel bearing-wire axle long life smooth pop-up Easy installation cyanoacrylate epoxy weigh two grams Very slick Sals company Starline International 6146 East Cactus Wren Road Scottsdale Arizona 85253 Starlines catalog goes buck also lists thermal sensing equipment booms motor tubes propeller hubs three four function timers tools other staff Sal searches far wide fill FF needs Kudos him latest gems Champion Model Products owner Georqe Schroedter well known excellent kitting supply items marketing two new P-30 rubber parts overlooked First blue 95-in plastic props thin flexible ones weigh 65 grams flying trim used maestro Bob White second pairs nicely machined brass bushings inside diameter 3/M offer reduced friction better prop function Bushings $150 per pair blue screws 75 cents maybe-cheating side sand off mold release marks allowed polish unit Crest Aim toothpaste dazzling whatever maybe illegal rate order up CMP 880 Carmen Court LaVerne California 91750 tell good guy George MA sent July 1991 173 colortul tee Uee Z first barrelshaped racers constructed Granville Brothers Springfield Massachusetts During 1931 won five races including prestigious Thompson Trophy Cleveland Ohio National Air Races Z also direct forerunner famous Gee Bee R1 R-2 PEATURES TWO TYPES OF COWLINGS TYPES OF WHEELS HARD AND FLEXIBLE TIRES ILED INTERIOR ILLA~Send $3 complete illustrated catalogDEPT MA 181 PAWNEE ST SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 96, 97, 98, 99, 172, 173
ONE OF questions Im asked often Model Aviations Radio Control Electrics columnist active Electric flier convert Gas model designs electric power Specific inquiries run gamut Old-Timers classic trainers contemporary so-called trainers Scale aerobatic small large size power level Clearly no single answer could cover such multiplicity contingencies article therefore focuses broad area interestElectri-flying large noncompetition models have basically trainerlike characteristics powered relatively large bigger 05 systems Thats broad area indeed thing can legitimately encompass Old-Timers well some contemporary designs classic looks Ive often eyed majestic lines Miss America Old-Timer picturing model lofting lazily quiet motovation Other Old-Timer candidates electrification include Buzzard Bombshell Kioud King Coronet 150 mention few Among contemporary designs Sig Seniorita brings inquiries Personally note interest Telemaster 40 fact Hobby Lobby otfering plane combo Astro 25 system make life easy Though havent seen yet Telemaster impresses being good Electric candidate course now-famous Astro Porterfield also available packaged 25 An all-time favorite Porterfield intended Electric begin choose neednt read further Ive recently become interested converting model type Electric particular Ive wanting plane could confidently allow spectators club field try out wanted relatively largeand safemodel could easily 96 Model Aviation Big picture Flying what Eiectric Seniorita does best moderateiy powered airpiane has siow-f lying stabiiity gives beginner pienty time think about whats happening As eli Eiectrlcs its quiet flight weicome reiief prevailing wet-powered drone Left Seniorita poised its trike gear waiting remote power-up command wing stretched total four ribs overall span over 70 inches Right Without windshield authors Seniorita gulps plenty cooling air keep battery happy power system charge jack arming switch mounted fuselage side wiring accessible through bottom hatch Its whats underneath sometimes counts black plastic tape covering Astro gearbox opening keeps dirt bugs mice etc out gear teeth Note 0032 x 1A-in straps used washers Four 2-56 screws draw motor straps snug against 1/i foam-padded vee block rest seen high above wanted good ground-handler wanted plane could equip night flying Aerial photography another possibility well mounting skis winter use might try towing small Free Flight Radio Control Glider aloft Finally model have good duration cruise power levels design choices hard decide local hobby shop inadvertently helped Seniorita stock made What follows describes approach electrifying Seniorita Since representative design information should apply model choices can select favorite airplane comparable design pick choose among ideas described Once youve converted model go out have just about quiet-powered lazy fun flyin could ever want As planes made tail surfaces first Basically followed kit instructions some minor exceptions First few kit pieces unnecessarily heavy substituted other wood same dimensions also added some bits piecesgussets doublerswhere seemed desirable appropriate point Electric necessary build light everywhere Ni-Cd batteries arranged two rows seven cells Foam spacer blocks fill re maining space also force incoming air through cells before flows out bottom air exits Note wire nut securing series connection between two subpacks July 1991 97 ouom view fuselage showing air exits landing gear attachemnt hatch Looking forward through cabin top author added two formers brace relatively heavy battery packs receiver attached double-sticky Velcro rearmost former Also note bottom battery rails ID tag above receiver radio switch charge jack top fuselage just behind trailing edge strong needed Put another way light thing fragile quite something else philosophy governs Electric building Its become state mind Practice thinking way dont already begin kit project reference Seniorita tail feathers weighed 14 oz completed ready cover 2 oz covered MonoKote Building wing next task Since some wing sticks provided kit longer required yielded temptationviolating original intention stick kitand increased wingspan Specifically upped length wing panel two rib bays simple lightweight extension added significanfly wing area about 120 sq in case practically nothing about 2 oz weight also reduced final wing loading about 15% might keep mind good way adding significant wing area model since weight toll usually low case youre wondering though see med need nicety revised wing assembly other ways too instance put shear webs between top bottom spars front edges 98 Model Aviation Left Close-up -in.sq battery box side rails 1/-ln bottom battery support rails Although author used three bottom rails two adequate Note bottom rails notched accommodate main landing gear block Right fuselage bottom plank ing Note Ili ply has added front aft hardwood landing gear slot reinforcement against weight electrIc system Also vIsible servo tray rails 1116 fuselage side sheeting will glued small balsa scraps servo rails nose end subassembly proved Routhng OT steering pushrod sheath notched 311-sq spruce vertical doubler easy effective nice-looking reinforcing triangle stock Note battery side rails part Y-ln-sq servo tray rail nose end glued fuselage structure Note lightening Looking down motor mount plate sturdy steering cutout 3l balsa fill-In just behind Cl Also note Cl Ic pushrod sheath attachment short aluminum tube bound cated ide longerons 1l~ fuselage sheeting glued side balsa spacer sheath routed through fits flush against balsa cheek Balsa 1/a-ln triangle stock nests aimed exit hole firewall smooth steering operation against fuselage side structure forward front former wingsits much better technique worth small extra effort involved Old-Timer designs way have no webbing Keep mind its very good idea use should choose Seniorita consider making wing modification particular Depending want fly may good idea increase dihedral original 3Y4 degrees wing dihedral Seniorita flown out turns better suit plane uses mind sawed wing half increased dihedral 5 degrees per panel allows plane easily fly out turns its owna real boon totally inexperienced unsuspecting field visitor finish up wing story complete ready-to-cover framework weighed 9/2 oz its 13 oz covered MonoKote area extended span approximately 860 sq inoralmostexactly6sqUsingmy own rule thumb Electric wing ailerons should weigh 20 ozIsq ft ready fly Smaller models Gliders will tend toward lower limit larger planes tend toward upper limit case expected limits would 1075 131 oz Neat huh guideline should hold comparable model choose electrify Fuselage modified details fuselage construction simply because kit Electric rather wet power might have guessed made additional mods beyond strictly needed electrification can select among wish began making nose Specifically wanted build motor mount geared Astro cobalt 25 using much kit stuff possible Details can seen some photos %2 ply firewall modified cutout shown both clear motor extends back through former take air cool batteries As pictured curved cutout frame edge approximately /6 wide lower edge cutout falls above kit-supplied wedge-shaped hardwood nose gear mount piece balsa nose cheeks kit pieces Cl cut shown capture A-in motor mount plate cuts 90 degrees firewall held thrust line throughout close reasonable original shown planwithin about Its experience over years such deviation model type little consequence /8-in birch ply motor mount plate wide firewall 1 3A deep can adjust particulars suit model used two pieces -in hard balsa triangle stock spaced 1% apart measured outside edges nest motor set two degrees right thrust 3A2 holes motor mount plate 2-56 machine Continued page 172 July 1991 99 Left A peek over cabin edge shows added 1/o x 311•-In spruce doubler mid-cabin vertical strut Another addition 2132-sq baisa strip above 311•-sq lower-side-window fuselage stringer great aid installing 1/ ply window outline pieces Right Detail shapely addition top forward cabin structure 1/4-in wing hold-down dowel slips through hole after covering tail components strong yet light Several small additions shown plan The completed structure ready MonoKote wing dihedral later increased shown 5Y2 model could easily fly out turns its own PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360 IRIL Quality kit SALE $9995 LIST $ 139~ SALE LIST $1 19~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ Ask Co sea IC aC local dealer available order direct GARDEN 1731 NW Madrid Way Boca Raton FL 33432 Call Anytime 407-367-7744 Free Catalog MasterCard VISA Accepted good place digress bit suggest before getting too far electrification process take hard look fuselage design model have chosen moments some other details Seniorita just right such conversion Some models however have relatively short nose moments could make very hard get final balance right such cases might consider forward location added front former wilt allow shift battery pack farther forward necessary attain desired CG location Another problem some designs fuselage sides cabin area parallel Indeed some fuselages rather shapely bowed sides cabin area Nevertheless suggest use side rails immobilize battery side-toContinued oil page 174 FF Duration/Oldenkamp Continued page 56 John Morrill has already given us durable efficient Sidewinder rubber winder Simple Stooge universal necessities Gumbanders now offers two elegantly engineered reverse Montreal stop front hubs Wakefield Coupe dHiver fail-safe utterly simple lightweight 21 7 THE SUPERIOR GLOW PLUGS GO FASTFLYERSAREBACKII Puts sting eng ne Unique flat-wound spiral coil element high temperature glass-to-metal seal add up faster ignition increased RPM 1/2A GloBee plugs designed exclusively 0491051 Cox engines Ask new GB-5RX Speed Plug GB-5R Racing Plug GB-5P Sport Plug local dealer today unavailable locally write call Twinn-K collect pricing delivery information FREE GloBee Catalog MAKE THE GLOBEE INDY CONNECTION Twinn-K Inc 10296 W Washington St Indianapolis IN 46231 Telephone 317-839-6579 FAX 317-839-8928 grams respectively Fussy types can lighten bit Dremel tool use Mulvihill projects desired Carefully crafted field strippable under minute huge bargain investment assuring proper fold time $2450 Wake $1950 Coupe direct John Morrill Miniature Engines 143 Richmond Street El Segundo California 90245 Gas enthusiasts will praise Sal Frucianos latest import super high quality enginerun timer PMT features mousetrap-like action closes down fuel line should positively end full tank disasters unit lovingly machined stamped edges rolled much thick brass evidence on-off switch works good feel plus machined fitting supports both ends fuel line Weight 14 grams settings 0 30 seconds Adding Sals line pair superlight stabilizer platforms fit both square circular tail booms FAI Gas Rubber Nordic hinged pull-apart units hardened steel bearing-wire axle long life smooth pop-up Easy installation cyanoacrylate epoxy weigh two grams Very slick Sals company Starline International 6146 East Cactus Wren Road Scottsdale Arizona 85253 Starlines catalog goes buck also lists thermal sensing equipment booms motor tubes propeller hubs three four function timers tools other staff Sal searches far wide fill FF needs Kudos him latest gems Champion Model Products owner Georqe Schroedter well known excellent kitting supply items marketing two new P-30 rubber parts overlooked First blue 95-in plastic props thin flexible ones weigh 65 grams flying trim used maestro Bob White second pairs nicely machined brass bushings inside diameter 3/M offer reduced friction better prop function Bushings $150 per pair blue screws 75 cents maybe-cheating side sand off mold release marks allowed polish unit Crest Aim toothpaste dazzling whatever maybe illegal rate order up CMP 880 Carmen Court LaVerne California 91750 tell good guy George MA sent July 1991 173 colortul tee Uee Z first barrelshaped racers constructed Granville Brothers Springfield Massachusetts During 1931 won five races including prestigious Thompson Trophy Cleveland Ohio National Air Races Z also direct forerunner famous Gee Bee R1 R-2 PEATURES TWO TYPES OF COWLINGS TYPES OF WHEELS HARD AND FLEXIBLE TIRES ILED INTERIOR ILLA~Send $3 complete illustrated catalogDEPT MA 181 PAWNEE ST SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 96, 97, 98, 99, 172, 173
ONE OF questions Im asked often Model Aviations Radio Control Electrics columnist active Electric flier convert Gas model designs electric power Specific inquiries run gamut Old-Timers classic trainers contemporary so-called trainers Scale aerobatic small large size power level Clearly no single answer could cover such multiplicity contingencies article therefore focuses broad area interestElectri-flying large noncompetition models have basically trainerlike characteristics powered relatively large bigger 05 systems Thats broad area indeed thing can legitimately encompass Old-Timers well some contemporary designs classic looks Ive often eyed majestic lines Miss America Old-Timer picturing model lofting lazily quiet motovation Other Old-Timer candidates electrification include Buzzard Bombshell Kioud King Coronet 150 mention few Among contemporary designs Sig Seniorita brings inquiries Personally note interest Telemaster 40 fact Hobby Lobby otfering plane combo Astro 25 system make life easy Though havent seen yet Telemaster impresses being good Electric candidate course now-famous Astro Porterfield also available packaged 25 An all-time favorite Porterfield intended Electric begin choose neednt read further Ive recently become interested converting model type Electric particular Ive wanting plane could confidently allow spectators club field try out wanted relatively largeand safemodel could easily 96 Model Aviation Big picture Flying what Eiectric Seniorita does best moderateiy powered airpiane has siow-f lying stabiiity gives beginner pienty time think about whats happening As eli Eiectrlcs its quiet flight weicome reiief prevailing wet-powered drone Left Seniorita poised its trike gear waiting remote power-up command wing stretched total four ribs overall span over 70 inches Right Without windshield authors Seniorita gulps plenty cooling air keep battery happy power system charge jack arming switch mounted fuselage side wiring accessible through bottom hatch Its whats underneath sometimes counts black plastic tape covering Astro gearbox opening keeps dirt bugs mice etc out gear teeth Note 0032 x 1A-in straps used washers Four 2-56 screws draw motor straps snug against 1/i foam-padded vee block rest seen high above wanted good ground-handler wanted plane could equip night flying Aerial photography another possibility well mounting skis winter use might try towing small Free Flight Radio Control Glider aloft Finally model have good duration cruise power levels design choices hard decide local hobby shop inadvertently helped Seniorita stock made What follows describes approach electrifying Seniorita Since representative design information should apply model choices can select favorite airplane comparable design pick choose among ideas described Once youve converted model go out have just about quiet-powered lazy fun flyin could ever want As planes made tail surfaces first Basically followed kit instructions some minor exceptions First few kit pieces unnecessarily heavy substituted other wood same dimensions also added some bits piecesgussets doublerswhere seemed desirable appropriate point Electric necessary build light everywhere Ni-Cd batteries arranged two rows seven cells Foam spacer blocks fill re maining space also force incoming air through cells before flows out bottom air exits Note wire nut securing series connection between two subpacks July 1991 97 ouom view fuselage showing air exits landing gear attachemnt hatch Looking forward through cabin top author added two formers brace relatively heavy battery packs receiver attached double-sticky Velcro rearmost former Also note bottom battery rails ID tag above receiver radio switch charge jack top fuselage just behind trailing edge strong needed Put another way light thing fragile quite something else philosophy governs Electric building Its become state mind Practice thinking way dont already begin kit project reference Seniorita tail feathers weighed 14 oz completed ready cover 2 oz covered MonoKote Building wing next task Since some wing sticks provided kit longer required yielded temptationviolating original intention stick kitand increased wingspan Specifically upped length wing panel two rib bays simple lightweight extension added significanfly wing area about 120 sq in case practically nothing about 2 oz weight also reduced final wing loading about 15% might keep mind good way adding significant wing area model since weight toll usually low case youre wondering though see med need nicety revised wing assembly other ways too instance put shear webs between top bottom spars front edges 98 Model Aviation Left Close-up -in.sq battery box side rails 1/-ln bottom battery support rails Although author used three bottom rails two adequate Note bottom rails notched accommodate main landing gear block Right fuselage bottom plank ing Note Ili ply has added front aft hardwood landing gear slot reinforcement against weight electrIc system Also vIsible servo tray rails 1116 fuselage side sheeting will glued small balsa scraps servo rails nose end subassembly proved Routhng OT steering pushrod sheath notched 311-sq spruce vertical doubler easy effective nice-looking reinforcing triangle stock Note battery side rails part Y-ln-sq servo tray rail nose end glued fuselage structure Note lightening Looking down motor mount plate sturdy steering cutout 3l balsa fill-In just behind Cl Also note Cl Ic pushrod sheath attachment short aluminum tube bound cated ide longerons 1l~ fuselage sheeting glued side balsa spacer sheath routed through fits flush against balsa cheek Balsa 1/a-ln triangle stock nests aimed exit hole firewall smooth steering operation against fuselage side structure forward front former wingsits much better technique worth small extra effort involved Old-Timer designs way have no webbing Keep mind its very good idea use should choose Seniorita consider making wing modification particular Depending want fly may good idea increase dihedral original 3Y4 degrees wing dihedral Seniorita flown out turns better suit plane uses mind sawed wing half increased dihedral 5 degrees per panel allows plane easily fly out turns its owna real boon totally inexperienced unsuspecting field visitor finish up wing story complete ready-to-cover framework weighed 9/2 oz its 13 oz covered MonoKote area extended span approximately 860 sq inoralmostexactly6sqUsingmy own rule thumb Electric wing ailerons should weigh 20 ozIsq ft ready fly Smaller models Gliders will tend toward lower limit larger planes tend toward upper limit case expected limits would 1075 131 oz Neat huh guideline should hold comparable model choose electrify Fuselage modified details fuselage construction simply because kit Electric rather wet power might have guessed made additional mods beyond strictly needed electrification can select among wish began making nose Specifically wanted build motor mount geared Astro cobalt 25 using much kit stuff possible Details can seen some photos %2 ply firewall modified cutout shown both clear motor extends back through former take air cool batteries As pictured curved cutout frame edge approximately /6 wide lower edge cutout falls above kit-supplied wedge-shaped hardwood nose gear mount piece balsa nose cheeks kit pieces Cl cut shown capture A-in motor mount plate cuts 90 degrees firewall held thrust line throughout close reasonable original shown planwithin about Its experience over years such deviation model type little consequence /8-in birch ply motor mount plate wide firewall 1 3A deep can adjust particulars suit model used two pieces -in hard balsa triangle stock spaced 1% apart measured outside edges nest motor set two degrees right thrust 3A2 holes motor mount plate 2-56 machine Continued page 172 July 1991 99 Left A peek over cabin edge shows added 1/o x 311•-In spruce doubler mid-cabin vertical strut Another addition 2132-sq baisa strip above 311•-sq lower-side-window fuselage stringer great aid installing 1/ ply window outline pieces Right Detail shapely addition top forward cabin structure 1/4-in wing hold-down dowel slips through hole after covering tail components strong yet light Several small additions shown plan The completed structure ready MonoKote wing dihedral later increased shown 5Y2 model could easily fly out turns its own PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360 IRIL Quality kit SALE $9995 LIST $ 139~ SALE LIST $1 19~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ Ask Co sea IC aC local dealer available order direct GARDEN 1731 NW Madrid Way Boca Raton FL 33432 Call Anytime 407-367-7744 Free Catalog MasterCard VISA Accepted good place digress bit suggest before getting too far electrification process take hard look fuselage design model have chosen moments some other details Seniorita just right such conversion Some models however have relatively short nose moments could make very hard get final balance right such cases might consider forward location added front former wilt allow shift battery pack farther forward necessary attain desired CG location Another problem some designs fuselage sides cabin area parallel Indeed some fuselages rather shapely bowed sides cabin area Nevertheless suggest use side rails immobilize battery side-toContinued oil page 174 FF Duration/Oldenkamp Continued page 56 John Morrill has already given us durable efficient Sidewinder rubber winder Simple Stooge universal necessities Gumbanders now offers two elegantly engineered reverse Montreal stop front hubs Wakefield Coupe dHiver fail-safe utterly simple lightweight 21 7 THE SUPERIOR GLOW PLUGS GO FASTFLYERSAREBACKII Puts sting eng ne Unique flat-wound spiral coil element high temperature glass-to-metal seal add up faster ignition increased RPM 1/2A GloBee plugs designed exclusively 0491051 Cox engines Ask new GB-5RX Speed Plug GB-5R Racing Plug GB-5P Sport Plug local dealer today unavailable locally write call Twinn-K collect pricing delivery information FREE GloBee Catalog MAKE THE GLOBEE INDY CONNECTION Twinn-K Inc 10296 W Washington St Indianapolis IN 46231 Telephone 317-839-6579 FAX 317-839-8928 grams respectively Fussy types can lighten bit Dremel tool use Mulvihill projects desired Carefully crafted field strippable under minute huge bargain investment assuring proper fold time $2450 Wake $1950 Coupe direct John Morrill Miniature Engines 143 Richmond Street El Segundo California 90245 Gas enthusiasts will praise Sal Frucianos latest import super high quality enginerun timer PMT features mousetrap-like action closes down fuel line should positively end full tank disasters unit lovingly machined stamped edges rolled much thick brass evidence on-off switch works good feel plus machined fitting supports both ends fuel line Weight 14 grams settings 0 30 seconds Adding Sals line pair superlight stabilizer platforms fit both square circular tail booms FAI Gas Rubber Nordic hinged pull-apart units hardened steel bearing-wire axle long life smooth pop-up Easy installation cyanoacrylate epoxy weigh two grams Very slick Sals company Starline International 6146 East Cactus Wren Road Scottsdale Arizona 85253 Starlines catalog goes buck also lists thermal sensing equipment booms motor tubes propeller hubs three four function timers tools other staff Sal searches far wide fill FF needs Kudos him latest gems Champion Model Products owner Georqe Schroedter well known excellent kitting supply items marketing two new P-30 rubber parts overlooked First blue 95-in plastic props thin flexible ones weigh 65 grams flying trim used maestro Bob White second pairs nicely machined brass bushings inside diameter 3/M offer reduced friction better prop function Bushings $150 per pair blue screws 75 cents maybe-cheating side sand off mold release marks allowed polish unit Crest Aim toothpaste dazzling whatever maybe illegal rate order up CMP 880 Carmen Court LaVerne California 91750 tell good guy George MA sent July 1991 173 colortul tee Uee Z first barrelshaped racers constructed Granville Brothers Springfield Massachusetts During 1931 won five races including prestigious Thompson Trophy Cleveland Ohio National Air Races Z also direct forerunner famous Gee Bee R1 R-2 PEATURES TWO TYPES OF COWLINGS TYPES OF WHEELS HARD AND FLEXIBLE TIRES ILED INTERIOR ILLA~Send $3 complete illustrated catalogDEPT MA 181 PAWNEE ST SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 96, 97, 98, 99, 172, 173
ONE OF questions Im asked often Model Aviations Radio Control Electrics columnist active Electric flier convert Gas model designs electric power Specific inquiries run gamut Old-Timers classic trainers contemporary so-called trainers Scale aerobatic small large size power level Clearly no single answer could cover such multiplicity contingencies article therefore focuses broad area interestElectri-flying large noncompetition models have basically trainerlike characteristics powered relatively large bigger 05 systems Thats broad area indeed thing can legitimately encompass Old-Timers well some contemporary designs classic looks Ive often eyed majestic lines Miss America Old-Timer picturing model lofting lazily quiet motovation Other Old-Timer candidates electrification include Buzzard Bombshell Kioud King Coronet 150 mention few Among contemporary designs Sig Seniorita brings inquiries Personally note interest Telemaster 40 fact Hobby Lobby otfering plane combo Astro 25 system make life easy Though havent seen yet Telemaster impresses being good Electric candidate course now-famous Astro Porterfield also available packaged 25 An all-time favorite Porterfield intended Electric begin choose neednt read further Ive recently become interested converting model type Electric particular Ive wanting plane could confidently allow spectators club field try out wanted relatively largeand safemodel could easily 96 Model Aviation Big picture Flying what Eiectric Seniorita does best moderateiy powered airpiane has siow-f lying stabiiity gives beginner pienty time think about whats happening As eli Eiectrlcs its quiet flight weicome reiief prevailing wet-powered drone Left Seniorita poised its trike gear waiting remote power-up command wing stretched total four ribs overall span over 70 inches Right Without windshield authors Seniorita gulps plenty cooling air keep battery happy power system charge jack arming switch mounted fuselage side wiring accessible through bottom hatch Its whats underneath sometimes counts black plastic tape covering Astro gearbox opening keeps dirt bugs mice etc out gear teeth Note 0032 x 1A-in straps used washers Four 2-56 screws draw motor straps snug against 1/i foam-padded vee block rest seen high above wanted good ground-handler wanted plane could equip night flying Aerial photography another possibility well mounting skis winter use might try towing small Free Flight Radio Control Glider aloft Finally model have good duration cruise power levels design choices hard decide local hobby shop inadvertently helped Seniorita stock made What follows describes approach electrifying Seniorita Since representative design information should apply model choices can select favorite airplane comparable design pick choose among ideas described Once youve converted model go out have just about quiet-powered lazy fun flyin could ever want As planes made tail surfaces first Basically followed kit instructions some minor exceptions First few kit pieces unnecessarily heavy substituted other wood same dimensions also added some bits piecesgussets doublerswhere seemed desirable appropriate point Electric necessary build light everywhere Ni-Cd batteries arranged two rows seven cells Foam spacer blocks fill re maining space also force incoming air through cells before flows out bottom air exits Note wire nut securing series connection between two subpacks July 1991 97 ouom view fuselage showing air exits landing gear attachemnt hatch Looking forward through cabin top author added two formers brace relatively heavy battery packs receiver attached double-sticky Velcro rearmost former Also note bottom battery rails ID tag above receiver radio switch charge jack top fuselage just behind trailing edge strong needed Put another way light thing fragile quite something else philosophy governs Electric building Its become state mind Practice thinking way dont already begin kit project reference Seniorita tail feathers weighed 14 oz completed ready cover 2 oz covered MonoKote Building wing next task Since some wing sticks provided kit longer required yielded temptationviolating original intention stick kitand increased wingspan Specifically upped length wing panel two rib bays simple lightweight extension added significanfly wing area about 120 sq in case practically nothing about 2 oz weight also reduced final wing loading about 15% might keep mind good way adding significant wing area model since weight toll usually low case youre wondering though see med need nicety revised wing assembly other ways too instance put shear webs between top bottom spars front edges 98 Model Aviation Left Close-up -in.sq battery box side rails 1/-ln bottom battery support rails Although author used three bottom rails two adequate Note bottom rails notched accommodate main landing gear block Right fuselage bottom plank ing Note Ili ply has added front aft hardwood landing gear slot reinforcement against weight electrIc system Also vIsible servo tray rails 1116 fuselage side sheeting will glued small balsa scraps servo rails nose end subassembly proved Routhng OT steering pushrod sheath notched 311-sq spruce vertical doubler easy effective nice-looking reinforcing triangle stock Note battery side rails part Y-ln-sq servo tray rail nose end glued fuselage structure Note lightening Looking down motor mount plate sturdy steering cutout 3l balsa fill-In just behind Cl Also note Cl Ic pushrod sheath attachment short aluminum tube bound cated ide longerons 1l~ fuselage sheeting glued side balsa spacer sheath routed through fits flush against balsa cheek Balsa 1/a-ln triangle stock nests aimed exit hole firewall smooth steering operation against fuselage side structure forward front former wingsits much better technique worth small extra effort involved Old-Timer designs way have no webbing Keep mind its very good idea use should choose Seniorita consider making wing modification particular Depending want fly may good idea increase dihedral original 3Y4 degrees wing dihedral Seniorita flown out turns better suit plane uses mind sawed wing half increased dihedral 5 degrees per panel allows plane easily fly out turns its owna real boon totally inexperienced unsuspecting field visitor finish up wing story complete ready-to-cover framework weighed 9/2 oz its 13 oz covered MonoKote area extended span approximately 860 sq inoralmostexactly6sqUsingmy own rule thumb Electric wing ailerons should weigh 20 ozIsq ft ready fly Smaller models Gliders will tend toward lower limit larger planes tend toward upper limit case expected limits would 1075 131 oz Neat huh guideline should hold comparable model choose electrify Fuselage modified details fuselage construction simply because kit Electric rather wet power might have guessed made additional mods beyond strictly needed electrification can select among wish began making nose Specifically wanted build motor mount geared Astro cobalt 25 using much kit stuff possible Details can seen some photos %2 ply firewall modified cutout shown both clear motor extends back through former take air cool batteries As pictured curved cutout frame edge approximately /6 wide lower edge cutout falls above kit-supplied wedge-shaped hardwood nose gear mount piece balsa nose cheeks kit pieces Cl cut shown capture A-in motor mount plate cuts 90 degrees firewall held thrust line throughout close reasonable original shown planwithin about Its experience over years such deviation model type little consequence /8-in birch ply motor mount plate wide firewall 1 3A deep can adjust particulars suit model used two pieces -in hard balsa triangle stock spaced 1% apart measured outside edges nest motor set two degrees right thrust 3A2 holes motor mount plate 2-56 machine Continued page 172 July 1991 99 Left A peek over cabin edge shows added 1/o x 311•-In spruce doubler mid-cabin vertical strut Another addition 2132-sq baisa strip above 311•-sq lower-side-window fuselage stringer great aid installing 1/ ply window outline pieces Right Detail shapely addition top forward cabin structure 1/4-in wing hold-down dowel slips through hole after covering tail components strong yet light Several small additions shown plan The completed structure ready MonoKote wing dihedral later increased shown 5Y2 model could easily fly out turns its own PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360 IRIL Quality kit SALE $9995 LIST $ 139~ SALE LIST $1 19~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ SALE $7995 LIST 114~ Ask Co sea IC aC local dealer available order direct GARDEN 1731 NW Madrid Way Boca Raton FL 33432 Call Anytime 407-367-7744 Free Catalog MasterCard VISA Accepted good place digress bit suggest before getting too far electrification process take hard look fuselage design model have chosen moments some other details Seniorita just right such conversion Some models however have relatively short nose moments could make very hard get final balance right such cases might consider forward location added front former wilt allow shift battery pack farther forward necessary attain desired CG location Another problem some designs fuselage sides cabin area parallel Indeed some fuselages rather shapely bowed sides cabin area Nevertheless suggest use side rails immobilize battery side-toContinued oil page 174 FF Duration/Oldenkamp Continued page 56 John Morrill has already given us durable efficient Sidewinder rubber winder Simple Stooge universal necessities Gumbanders now offers two elegantly engineered reverse Montreal stop front hubs Wakefield Coupe dHiver fail-safe utterly simple lightweight 21 7 THE SUPERIOR GLOW PLUGS GO FASTFLYERSAREBACKII Puts sting eng ne Unique flat-wound spiral coil element high temperature glass-to-metal seal add up faster ignition increased RPM 1/2A GloBee plugs designed exclusively 0491051 Cox engines Ask new GB-5RX Speed Plug GB-5R Racing Plug GB-5P Sport Plug local dealer today unavailable locally write call Twinn-K collect pricing delivery information FREE GloBee Catalog MAKE THE GLOBEE INDY CONNECTION Twinn-K Inc 10296 W Washington St Indianapolis IN 46231 Telephone 317-839-6579 FAX 317-839-8928 grams respectively Fussy types can lighten bit Dremel tool use Mulvihill projects desired Carefully crafted field strippable under minute huge bargain investment assuring proper fold time $2450 Wake $1950 Coupe direct John Morrill Miniature Engines 143 Richmond Street El Segundo California 90245 Gas enthusiasts will praise Sal Frucianos latest import super high quality enginerun timer PMT features mousetrap-like action closes down fuel line should positively end full tank disasters unit lovingly machined stamped edges rolled much thick brass evidence on-off switch works good feel plus machined fitting supports both ends fuel line Weight 14 grams settings 0 30 seconds Adding Sals line pair superlight stabilizer platforms fit both square circular tail booms FAI Gas Rubber Nordic hinged pull-apart units hardened steel bearing-wire axle long life smooth pop-up Easy installation cyanoacrylate epoxy weigh two grams Very slick Sals company Starline International 6146 East Cactus Wren Road Scottsdale Arizona 85253 Starlines catalog goes buck also lists thermal sensing equipment booms motor tubes propeller hubs three four function timers tools other staff Sal searches far wide fill FF needs Kudos him latest gems Champion Model Products owner Georqe Schroedter well known excellent kitting supply items marketing two new P-30 rubber parts overlooked First blue 95-in plastic props thin flexible ones weigh 65 grams flying trim used maestro Bob White second pairs nicely machined brass bushings inside diameter 3/M offer reduced friction better prop function Bushings $150 per pair blue screws 75 cents maybe-cheating side sand off mold release marks allowed polish unit Crest Aim toothpaste dazzling whatever maybe illegal rate order up CMP 880 Carmen Court LaVerne California 91750 tell good guy George MA sent July 1991 173 colortul tee Uee Z first barrelshaped racers constructed Granville Brothers Springfield Massachusetts During 1931 won five races including prestigious Thompson Trophy Cleveland Ohio National Air Races Z also direct forerunner famous Gee Bee R1 R-2 PEATURES TWO TYPES OF COWLINGS TYPES OF WHEELS HARD AND FLEXIBLE TIRES ILED INTERIOR ILLA~Send $3 complete illustrated catalogDEPT MA 181 PAWNEE ST SAN MARCOS CALIFORNIA 92069