NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 174, 192, 194
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 174, 192, 194
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 174, 192, 194
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 174, 192, 194
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 174, 192, 194
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 174, 192, 194
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 174, 192, 194
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 174, 192, 194
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT Left Emil Giezendanner L Urs Leodolter holding Aerobatic Masters stunt aircraft planes typically use 60-size cobalt motor 30 12 mAh cells retractable landing gear Right Werner Hauer radio helpers Peter Meisinger Michael Geringer Left Jerry Bridgeman preps flight ready area Bob SHift looks Right Franz Weissgerber adjusts Arlen IV Wosgang Schulz holds rudder elevator servos mounted vertical fin wing blow-turbulated model composite construction plines school operates trimester basis normally closed during month August administrators gra ciously made facility available AMA World Championships schools staff sacrificed summer vacations help make competi tion resounding success Heartfelt thanks due people Parks College deeply rooted aviation history United States holder Air Agency Certificate #1 old est facility United States offering aviation-related training thousands Air Force pilots other specialists trained very site events competition held favorable exchange rate foreign currencies vs US dollar induced families children accompany team members enjoyed American vaca tion St Louis Some took additional time enjoy visiting other spots US air Annabel Ettel wife Con test Director served social director tours local area enjoyed Highlighting social activities dinner dance-cruise Mississippi River celebrating CDs birthday 120 people contest partici pated gala event proved real get-acquainted ice-breaker pre vailing warm feeling friendship provided camaraderie seldom seen international competition World Championships began traditional ceremony raising national flags competing teamsto join flags FM AMA St Louis Uni versity Flying commenced practice team allotted specific time course competition equipment place Radio frequency control monitoring provided AMAs spectrum ana lyzer frequency scanners operated George Steiner Walt Good Radio inter ference problem though scanning frequency bands year indicated existence commercial transmitters area properly assigned frequencies nar rowband equipment used competi Continued page 93 90 Model Aviation Brian chan holds Steve NeWs Drone features E-224 section K&W 11 x 7 prop Astro 60 Cobalt motor 27 Sanyo 5CR 900 cells home-brew speed controller Chuck Hollinger holds up 7-cell model identification prior making official flight NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT model plane uunaliiicdon wfth perfornce matchuuII ul [IIISIJi]er look kit andbu design finish youll know its thethe way want kind pie-built proud put ourThis no pre-printed cookie-cutter model name onso youll covering Vector Vectors precision-assembled balsa-material choose colors and-ply fuselage balsa-sheeted foam winglike best accurately cut balsa tall surfaces add l-and-stick window decals up same kind smooth predictableincluded plus help out some design performance practical repairabilitysuggestions make things easier youd expect model youd carefully Vector local dealers built yourselfsoon Its got difference hard partseverything CARL QOI.OBERG already donecould ask MODELS INC Real plans sporttrainer Plus its kind pre-built youll Unlike pre-builts Vector comes withbe proud put name too * * Long Engine Life * * Use BRU LINE Air Cleaner Completely Fuel Proof Nylon Rubber Parts Cat No 102 Air Cleaner Coarse Cat No 202 Air Cleaner Fine Replacement Inserts Cat No 104 Pkl2 Inserts Coarse Cat No 204 Pkl2 Inserts Fine FITS MOST ENGINES 25and UP $225 $225 $195 $195 SEE YOUR LOCAL HOBBYDEALER IF UNAVAILABLE LOCALLY SEND TO Add 75 shippingMichigan residents add 4% sales tax Bru Line Industries Inc PO Box 3786 Center Line Michigan 48015 Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 94 meter course would therefore produce 10 points per lap Shortened courses sel dom used offer distinct possibili ties organizer contest distance task completed pilot allotted up minute before next task duration begins During min ute positions aircraft pass through imaginary gate window would descriptive word created two poles three meters high separated distance 20 meters duration task finite period time beginning aircraft passes through gate ending 300 seconds have elapsed point second glid ing flight awarded precision task however points deducted landing has occurred end task time pilot may use motor much wishes during duration task Motor runs less five seconds common place no motor run infre quent occurrence Considerable energy can stored climbing motor off pilot utilizes efficiency good planning one-minute transition time tween end distance task ginning duration high-speed pass motor off going through win dow can produce considerable altitude precision landing terminates dura tion task landing spot defined two concentric circles 30 meters 15 meters diameter pilot awarded 30 points nose model within smaller circle 15 points larger cir cle pilot exceeds 330 seconds total duration task will receive landing points lands 100 meters landing spot flight nulled Lets examine World Champion Rudi Freudenthalers best flight occurred Round Six flew 23 laps glided 296 seconds four-second motor run made 15-point landing Translated points thats 345 distance points 296 duration points 30 landing pointsfor point total 671 round aver age pilots scored least 550 points round 61329 points best round quick examination primary air craft flown top four finishers inter esting aircraft powered samarium-cobalt motors similar Astro-Flight 60 has output 1200 watts battery packs 27 nickel-cadmium cells 900 mAh capacity assume cells produced 11 volts per cell under load translates con tinuous current draw excess 40 amps control high current pilots used MOSFET speed controllers produced Continued page 192 174 Model Aviation Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask U NO 607 Curtiss Seagull$2400 RC Giant Scale biplane spans 90 weighs 24 lb uses QuadralZenoah power Three plans sheets no documentation No608 Top Fun$325 CL 1/2A trainer spans 24 No 609 Taperwing$600 RC 1/2A Pylon Racer spans 29 Plan plus parts template sheet No 193StIletto CL Stent medel McDonald winner 1976 1980 1982 FAI Wodd Champs$ 375 No 239Blue Birds AC Ken Willards terannOon plane 4-channel 10/15 pewer$ 375 No 262crashinastee CL Crash-proef trainer two sizes1S30 35/40 pnwer$ 125 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Synra Scale 35/40 4-channel Wingspan 56 scale Twa sheets$ 625 No 314Drake II AC Ken Willards tlping boat 3-channel 15-pnwer Fly tram land wranoable gear$ 375 No 326Taylor cub RC Dan Skein Schoelyard-Scale far 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$ 350 No 332Zephyr AC Small 2-channel glider far hand-launch tow thennal nr sinpe soaring$ 200 No 386Laser 200 AC Spas Scale mplica charapinnahip AerahaUc filer Uses 40 power 4-5 channel Two sheets$ 1075 No 414ElectrIc Sparky RC Electric bin flier far 05 motor 3-channel AC scaled-up 1939 rahber-pewer fasoilte$ 850 No 440cavaller AC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing tar slow easy fights 35 pwr 3 ch Twa sheets$ 1725 No 4471/2A Misa AmerIca AC Old-Timer ihA Tenaco model tar 249 glow 2-channels$ 650 No 457Spectm AC Electdc-pnwer 06-size motor uses 3 differant wings sport soaring aerahatics$ 706 No 4604-40 AC Shoulder-wing npnrt flier 4-cycln 46-son engine 4 channels8 650 No 465Blue Max II RC Fun-gy sportater 46-son engines spans 52 Lightweight stractam$ 706 No 506Playmate AC Spas flier tsr 3 RC channels 1 5125-size engines spans 50 in$ 650 No 512Eutm 230 AC Giant Scale acrabatic plane apses 0 6 uses Duadra engine Two plan sheets$ 1650 No 514Heniy T AC Sportater i/nA 2-3 channel AC spans 52 has adjustable wing Saps$ 475 No 521comet Jr clipper Plus 35% AC Old-Timer spnrtster far /eA engine 2-ch AC spans 40 in$ 650 No 522Sons Puts AC Aeminder-scule bipe 40/60 enginus spans 43 Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 525HI-Tech 2002 AC Canard ducted-fan tsr 45 enginen spans 39 Twe sheets$ 1000 No 528Swallow AC Lightweight hatriogger far 46-size faur-stroke unoines spans 59 in$ 625 No 531TenIbis coupe FE Aubber-powerad Coupe riHiver spans 40 contest-winner$ 475 No 533cessna c-37 AC Schuolyard Scale famous 30n plane 049/10 power 2-ch apans 42 m$ 500 No 5341938 challenger AC i/nA Teouco Old-timer spans 47 fur 049 engine 2-channel AC$ 550 No 535Alnlx AC AMA Class 0 55/plane spans 110 usus 4-channel AC nystemS 725 No 539SimIlar Slow-MotIon 15 AC Tailless flying wing 15 engines spans 60 uses 3-ch AC$ 350 No 541Parakeet AC Sport biplane 15/25 engines 3-channel AC equipment spans 42 in$ 675 No 549crIcket AC Sport scalelike 26-sloe two- tour-strake engine spans 48 in$ 675 No 554super Doubler Ii AC Sport AemhaocyPylun 40146 four-stinks engine spans 57 in$ 575 No 555Double Duly AC Banic/adnanced tralner far 10115 engines upans eriher 67/r 59 Two plan sheets$ 1075 No 559Low Voltage AC Electric-power spoinster 035 motor spans 44 in$ 475 No 568Avro 560 FE Mini-electric Scale 23 British utralight spana 30 in$ 200 No S69Electrostreic AC Electric aembatic plane spans 44 uses 00 motor$ 550 No 570Busy Bee FE Pee 01ee-30 plane 02 power spans 30 has tither aheet-balsa Suit-op surfaces$ 400 No 572TR-280 AC Spoil Scale Aurobutic plane 4-stroke 60160 power spans 66 in$ 1100 No 575ScorpIon 60 AC Fan-Op aembuoc plane far 00 power spans 56/u in$ 1150 No 576Serendlpityt ndoor 028 record-holder spans 17% in$ 325 No 578Schwelzer 1-28B PlC Osarter-scale Sailplane spans 125 Two plan uheets$ 1475 No 581Gee Bee Model Y AC golden Age Aucer spans 72 11k scale 60 powur Three plan sheets$ 1175 No 583Sporlwagon AC Audio-lund apart FE model spans 54 uses 1 0115 engine9 700 No 584Happy Days CL Intermediate trainer/Stanter spans 42 ones 29135 engino$ 575 No 585Dragonfly PP High-performance P-30 Aubber ship spans 30 weighs 50 grams$ 400 No 586Snapdragon AC Fun-ty/spartsaer 25130 noginno spans 45 in$ 600 No 588Merlsh AC Slope-Soaring Sailplane spans 41 uses 2 AC channels$ 425 No 589Vlckers Wellesley AC Sport Scale WhO II bomber spans 99 oses 40 4-cycle engine Two plan sheets no doc$ 1250 No 590Bud Lila Laser Stunter CL StonIer scalelike spans 63 usen 60 engine Two plan sheets$ 1050 No 591Focke-Wult PW 190-A AC Sport Scale WW II tlghter spoon 50 useu 30145 2-stroke engine Two plan aba no dac$ 1350 No 593Tayiorcraft AC Spas Scale lightplane huildo standard 2-placor clipped-wing air shuw stunter Spans usher 70 50 Fnr 35/40 two-strake ur 40148 tour-stroke engine Two plan sheets no docnnientatiue$ 1000 No 594P61 Black Widow CL Emitle Scale hidhid II twin-engine night fighter uses 19125 engine spans 49 in$ 600 No 595Sparrow AC Sporaster tsr 25 engines spans 43 in$ 600 No 590Tomshawk II CL Prn6le Saunter uses 35 engine spans 46 in$ 5 00 No 597Handley Page W-8b FE Sinulls mini-Electric twin-motor biplane spans 30 in$ 300 No 598coronet 150 AC-Assot Old-Timer enlarged 150% spans 72 uses 46-size 4-stroke/ 30-sine 2-stroke$ 850 No 599Kansas Wakefield EF Old-Timer Aubber compethor spans 48 Outh 1938/1939 aecoons shawo$ 475 No 600deHavilland Rapids CL Sport Scale biplane spans 35 uses two mA engines$ 575 No 801NIckel AC Spartuter far engine 3 AC channels Spans 44 is$ 500 No 802LII BA CL Stunter spans 27i/a has Saps$ 250 No 803Sparrow Hawk P-30 FE CompetSion robber-power plane won 87 Nuts Spans 30 in$ 225 No 804Aeronca AC Electric spurtater 05 raster spans 69 uses 3 AC Channels$ 900 No 80521 Spofl Speed CL Competition Speed plane spans 21 sues 21 engine metal pan$ 325 No 806Astrostar EF hA competition plane spans 48 has 317 wing ama$ 500 Circle flumrS plans wish order o193239262310314326332386 414440447457460465506512 o514521522525528531533534 ~539541549554555559568 z z o569570572575576578581583 584585586588589590591 594595596597598599600601 602603604605606607608609 Plan pnce includes first Class postage US delivery Air Mail over 300 miles rs non-US address please add $250 Air Mail postage handling Bach plan check money order payable US funds drawn US bank Model Aviation AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks delivery Please print carefullyEnclosed $ ______________________ ___________________________________________ AMA No _______________ NAME STREET final results events flown American Continents Championships held prior conjunction F3E World Championships follows Dawn Dusk 1st PlaceTeam Matterhorn Jean-Pierre Schiltknecht Switzerland George Shering Gr Britain RB Flockharo Switzer land John Moore Gr Britain Total flume 140728 22 flights 2nd PlaceTeam Graupner FR Germany Johannes Graupner Gerhard Bopp Werner DeE teiler Werner Schad Total time 140700 49 flights 3rd PlaceTeam Airtronics USA Mike Gobman Gary Meissner Mark Nankivil Rich Simpson Total time 140700 69 flights 4th PlaceTeam Graupner Belgium Peter Blommaart Joseph Engelen Sr Joseph Patrick Engelen Jr Peter Van Doom Total time 63542 33 flights AMA Unlimited Duration 1 George Shering Gr Britain 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 RB Flockhart Switzerland 4 John Moore Gr Britain 5 Per-Axel Eliasson Sweden 6 Peter Pine Australia AMA 7-Cell Duration 1 RB Flockharta Switzerland 2 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 3 R Dettweiler FR Germany 4 G Schering Gr Britain 5 J Moore Gr Britain 6 G Bopp FR Germany 7 PE Eliasson Sweden 8 J Graupner FR Germany 9 J Martin USA 10 J Engelen Belgium 11 P Van Doorne Belgium 12 J Smartt USA 13 P Engelen Belgium 7-Cell F3E 1 JP Schiltknecht Switzerland 2 G Shering Gr Britain 3 C Hollinger USA 4 Christer Broman USA 5 RB Flockhart Switzerland 6 John Moore Gr Brit 7 W Deotweiler FR Germany 8 PE Eliasson Sweden 9 Brian Chan USA 10 Patrick Engelen Belgium 11 Werner Schad FR Germany 12 Joseph Engelen Belgium 13 Gerhard Bopp FR Germany 14 J Graup ner FR Germany 15 Rainer Roeder FR Germany 16 P Blommanert Belgium 17 P Van Doorne Belgium Pylon RaceF3E 1 Werner Dettweiler FR Germany 2 Guy Brouquieres France 3 Char lie Brunner USA 4 Brian Chan USA 5 R Fresodenthaler Austria 6 5 Neu USA 7 P Pine Australia Aerobatics MasterF3E 1 Emil Giezendan ncr Switzerland 2 Urs Leodolter Switzerland 14-Cell Aerobatics 1 Urs Leodolter Switzer land completion competitions gala banquet awards presentation held Parks College campus toric Kitty Hawk Student Lounge meal prepared served Parks Food Service staff followed presentation awardswith minimum after dinner speaking maximum good fellow ship fitting occasion exemplify spirit camaraderie best de scribes Second World Champion ships Electric Flight thanks efforts contributed out standing success competition Cal Ettel CD Charlie Watts Co-CD 194 Model Aviation 6 03 0 Cd Cd es E9 -en Cd63 zo -63 -63 gao 00 0063 00 2 i3 63C 63 0 an63 coin O0c 0 69V tO 063 oa& C 0 6300 C Oa - 030 63 Co ii3 63 63 63 C B 0 0 CITY UTATEZIP_________ I