HERES QUICK-START Catapult Glider climbs high fast youll think youre flying mother air battles over Baghdad Although its semiscale six-inch model F-iS Gulf War fighter has sort aerodynamics make awesome performance High-speed Catapult Gliders require careful rigging Championship Indoor Gliders have 0-0 decalage similar reasons Likewise needs use micrometer adjustments trimming bit too much rudder trim youll snaprolling way upand way down center-of-gravity 48% root wing chord airframe weight 42 45 grams Sealer color finish can add about 25 grams total about 75 grams approximately quarterounce nose weight Sound like Indoor model Unless plan roof repair dont try iteven dirigible hangar Construction Begin selecting wood carefully Use good-quality medium balsa preferably B C stock Use Sigment white glue adhesive Thin Sigment acetone keep small jelly jar neatly brushed glue joint minimizes weight helps prevent warping Wing Cut out wing patterns bond file folder stock glue stick Use hard /16 x A-in wood leading edge strips strips protect wing weed-clipping low passes Assemble wing bare building board Theres no need use waxed paper building board youll have slide wing side before glue has hardened enough fasten parts board Begin front pieces add leading edges Rub excess glue wood pores extra strength dont overdo Assembly should take less 10 minutes Note taper wing tail front view Achieve sanding blocks its worth extra work ailerons will inked after color finish has applied Fuselage critical task cut wing stabilizer platforms accurately cuts must made correctly achieve degree difference relative alignment two platforms strake number 2 plan goes after everything else 58 Model Aviation Big picture Seen flyby P-iS mimics full-scale fighter performance well looks Above Fifteen-year-old Matt Walker goes high-altitude flight Glider reaches heights 150 feet watch out windy dayp assembled tail booms also require careful pattern work cutting Make two A-in sq plugs aid fitting booms fuselage must wrapped waxed paper Scotch-taped end youll end up permanent plugs Add air duct covers after removing plugs Empennage goal keep tail light possible stabilizer number 8 plan can left flat no sanding youll much happier results take trouble contour Add rear deck number 6 keeping close watch grain across booms forward portions fins number 7 extend outside booms maintain good alignment Make sure theyre parallel centerline rear adjuster strips make fine adjustments easy can confident theyll hold Use /-sq balsa adjustment tubes rounding off shown plan Glue strake number 2 top wing Coat nose glue fasten 03-gram /32 sheet-lead balance weight nose Trim nose weight model balances scissor points 48% center-of-gravity Test glide model glide should flat fast delta-wing Glider soarer Finishing tried everything crayons marking pens pens quick easy harder work glue joints Crayons too heavy produce second-rate appearance Water-based acrylic paints gave best results Theyre available dozens colors craft stores hobby shops theyre inexpensive Its best use coat clear dope sanding sealer base After sanding sealer have best camouflage technique clear acrylic spray artists matte-finish spray gives waterproof sheen Cut single-piece cabin aluminum foil Attach fuselage glue stick Cut hatch lines Decals can cut plan could steal some full-color ones plastic kit never got around building Attach decals glue stick Flying Now fun begins Always test fly over grassy areas Make up seven-tonine-inch loop snappy A-in flat rubber Groove end six-inch dowel loop rubber Bend right rudder tab fin / Bend down right aileron A2 raise wing inside turn gives safe right glide turn permits left bank launch can also adjust bank bending elevator up left elevator pushes left stab downward Heres proper technique quick- bare airframe weighs 42 45 grams Sealer color finish nose weight bring toContinued page 167 tai weight about e quarterou noe yet piano very sturdy July 1991 59 element F-15s superb aerodynamics use open air ducts reduce drag Dackarop 0 Colorado mountain ranges author displays pair Gilders U N ** 4620 CRANDALL-LVILLE R DON INDIANA 47112 e se e ion o emo e ro 0 e irp anes e pro essiona lMILISTED BELOWIn Business since 1973 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE IS JUST FEW OF THE MFG WE STOCK HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY9AM 5PM FRIDAY9AM-2PM CLOSED SATURDAY& SUN AY PHONE 812 366-3141 A-JUSTO JIGPOX AMBROIDFUTABA FFORD KITS AVAILABLE SHORTLY ARCO RUBBERBANDSGOLDBERG 4 TWIN COMANCHE COMANCHE & MORE BRIDIGAS MODEL PROD DAVEYS SYSTEMSHALLCO COVERITEHOBBYPOXY DEVCONHOT STUFF DREMELK&BMFG DU-BROSIG DYNAFILITESAITO SONIC-TRONICS STERLING SULLIVAN TOP PLITEMSCEI1995 EAA AKU SPORT VS ENGINES$1 LAN ER121 MILLERStafford 0AE FOB PAOEOO NORTHEASThr~EDBA AS ONON ZINGER PROPSBOX OF OPdOOEO 0 . -0r~ complete listing etcplease senda stamped lope DEALERS j self-address enve WANTED 0 STAFFORD AIRCOUPE $9995 KITS Glue NStgckum j Buildum & FIyum need help call us ~gjt boxI AFTER HOURS CALL WE MIGHT BE HERE fuse geI THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS BILL & JOYCE mark two lines will intersect center average chord chord location must used compute wing location method model balance may seem complicated have used since 1972 great success time has ever failed failed second balance test correct wing weight erk knot world Indoor flying seems thrive rubber knotseveryone has favorite method tying up motors problem knots delicate elaborate knot adds unnecessary weight tying process scuffs rubber knot may fail knot doesnt hold lose motor may too short after tied again may lose flight whole model simplest knot Ive tried shown Jim Clem gave unlikely name erk knot photo shows starta simple overhand knot both strands Moisten knot snug up almost tight possible Next coat outside edge knot lightly super-thick grade cyanoacrylate glue quickly pull knot tighter Jim claims listen closely pull will hear erk sound Examine motor strands exit inner side knot glue showing used too much finish knot trim ends about glue together have used knot both tan Pirelli excellent results has two advantagesit potentially lightest knot definitely uses less rubber other knot know Super shears photo shows excellent toolkitchen shears Chicago Cutlery heavy-duty shears super-sharp extremely durable also come apart cleaning can used knife Dallas available Dillards Heres quick effective method mounting model components inside carrying box plug-in Pennyplane stab see photo has secured strip tissue holds against block tissue glued down end other end uses pressure-sensitive label label will release easily re-usable can quickly replaced necessaryD F-i 5/Conover Continued page 59 start launching thumb forefinger left hand grip subrudder very back fuselage Point nose up 45 degrees bank slightly left Start half-power launches As increase power youll notice interesting change lift characteristics delta wing Both swept-back delta wings have critical flow change reach higher speeds center pressure shifts airplane noses down Overcome dip trajectory elevating nose course could always execute Heinie Dittmar Continued page 172 KSB FUEL SHUTOFF TIMERS Again now available CIT lFF llcrrII ~J $1750 Shipping $250 up toE Units Over 6add35each Exclusive Importer Jet mm Lightest PILOT BUST hasr Modern Jet Helmet Face Mask Oxygen ... ai~l RecognizedC5A Certified E26226File NoPesnen Pile No.aJ LR2O1 54 Onip certified checks o money orders accepted Minimum orde $1400 three packages 4 Powerpoles 15400 per peckage $200 chipping end handlingi CT residents edd sales tao Prices sahject change notice DEALER IRQUIRIE5 INVITED further information end dealer prices send SASh end Business Card SERMOS R/C SNAP CONNECTORS Inc Cedar Corners Station Box 16787 Stamford CT 06905 12031322-6294 July 1991 167 F Model Supply u~L PO Box 3957344 C E CARSON TORRANCE CA 90510CARSON CA 90740 TEL 12131 830-9939 PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 58, 59, 167, 172
HERES QUICK-START Catapult Glider climbs high fast youll think youre flying mother air battles over Baghdad Although its semiscale six-inch model F-iS Gulf War fighter has sort aerodynamics make awesome performance High-speed Catapult Gliders require careful rigging Championship Indoor Gliders have 0-0 decalage similar reasons Likewise needs use micrometer adjustments trimming bit too much rudder trim youll snaprolling way upand way down center-of-gravity 48% root wing chord airframe weight 42 45 grams Sealer color finish can add about 25 grams total about 75 grams approximately quarterounce nose weight Sound like Indoor model Unless plan roof repair dont try iteven dirigible hangar Construction Begin selecting wood carefully Use good-quality medium balsa preferably B C stock Use Sigment white glue adhesive Thin Sigment acetone keep small jelly jar neatly brushed glue joint minimizes weight helps prevent warping Wing Cut out wing patterns bond file folder stock glue stick Use hard /16 x A-in wood leading edge strips strips protect wing weed-clipping low passes Assemble wing bare building board Theres no need use waxed paper building board youll have slide wing side before glue has hardened enough fasten parts board Begin front pieces add leading edges Rub excess glue wood pores extra strength dont overdo Assembly should take less 10 minutes Note taper wing tail front view Achieve sanding blocks its worth extra work ailerons will inked after color finish has applied Fuselage critical task cut wing stabilizer platforms accurately cuts must made correctly achieve degree difference relative alignment two platforms strake number 2 plan goes after everything else 58 Model Aviation Big picture Seen flyby P-iS mimics full-scale fighter performance well looks Above Fifteen-year-old Matt Walker goes high-altitude flight Glider reaches heights 150 feet watch out windy dayp assembled tail booms also require careful pattern work cutting Make two A-in sq plugs aid fitting booms fuselage must wrapped waxed paper Scotch-taped end youll end up permanent plugs Add air duct covers after removing plugs Empennage goal keep tail light possible stabilizer number 8 plan can left flat no sanding youll much happier results take trouble contour Add rear deck number 6 keeping close watch grain across booms forward portions fins number 7 extend outside booms maintain good alignment Make sure theyre parallel centerline rear adjuster strips make fine adjustments easy can confident theyll hold Use /-sq balsa adjustment tubes rounding off shown plan Glue strake number 2 top wing Coat nose glue fasten 03-gram /32 sheet-lead balance weight nose Trim nose weight model balances scissor points 48% center-of-gravity Test glide model glide should flat fast delta-wing Glider soarer Finishing tried everything crayons marking pens pens quick easy harder work glue joints Crayons too heavy produce second-rate appearance Water-based acrylic paints gave best results Theyre available dozens colors craft stores hobby shops theyre inexpensive Its best use coat clear dope sanding sealer base After sanding sealer have best camouflage technique clear acrylic spray artists matte-finish spray gives waterproof sheen Cut single-piece cabin aluminum foil Attach fuselage glue stick Cut hatch lines Decals can cut plan could steal some full-color ones plastic kit never got around building Attach decals glue stick Flying Now fun begins Always test fly over grassy areas Make up seven-tonine-inch loop snappy A-in flat rubber Groove end six-inch dowel loop rubber Bend right rudder tab fin / Bend down right aileron A2 raise wing inside turn gives safe right glide turn permits left bank launch can also adjust bank bending elevator up left elevator pushes left stab downward Heres proper technique quick- bare airframe weighs 42 45 grams Sealer color finish nose weight bring toContinued page 167 tai weight about e quarterou noe yet piano very sturdy July 1991 59 element F-15s superb aerodynamics use open air ducts reduce drag Dackarop 0 Colorado mountain ranges author displays pair Gilders U N ** 4620 CRANDALL-LVILLE R DON INDIANA 47112 e se e ion o emo e ro 0 e irp anes e pro essiona lMILISTED BELOWIn Business since 1973 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE IS JUST FEW OF THE MFG WE STOCK HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY9AM 5PM FRIDAY9AM-2PM CLOSED SATURDAY& SUN AY PHONE 812 366-3141 A-JUSTO JIGPOX AMBROIDFUTABA FFORD KITS AVAILABLE SHORTLY ARCO RUBBERBANDSGOLDBERG 4 TWIN COMANCHE COMANCHE & MORE BRIDIGAS MODEL PROD DAVEYS SYSTEMSHALLCO COVERITEHOBBYPOXY DEVCONHOT STUFF DREMELK&BMFG DU-BROSIG DYNAFILITESAITO SONIC-TRONICS STERLING SULLIVAN TOP PLITEMSCEI1995 EAA AKU SPORT VS ENGINES$1 LAN ER121 MILLERStafford 0AE FOB PAOEOO NORTHEASThr~EDBA AS ONON ZINGER PROPSBOX OF OPdOOEO 0 . -0r~ complete listing etcplease senda stamped lope DEALERS j self-address enve WANTED 0 STAFFORD AIRCOUPE $9995 KITS Glue NStgckum j Buildum & FIyum need help call us ~gjt boxI AFTER HOURS CALL WE MIGHT BE HERE fuse geI THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS BILL & JOYCE mark two lines will intersect center average chord chord location must used compute wing location method model balance may seem complicated have used since 1972 great success time has ever failed failed second balance test correct wing weight erk knot world Indoor flying seems thrive rubber knotseveryone has favorite method tying up motors problem knots delicate elaborate knot adds unnecessary weight tying process scuffs rubber knot may fail knot doesnt hold lose motor may too short after tied again may lose flight whole model simplest knot Ive tried shown Jim Clem gave unlikely name erk knot photo shows starta simple overhand knot both strands Moisten knot snug up almost tight possible Next coat outside edge knot lightly super-thick grade cyanoacrylate glue quickly pull knot tighter Jim claims listen closely pull will hear erk sound Examine motor strands exit inner side knot glue showing used too much finish knot trim ends about glue together have used knot both tan Pirelli excellent results has two advantagesit potentially lightest knot definitely uses less rubber other knot know Super shears photo shows excellent toolkitchen shears Chicago Cutlery heavy-duty shears super-sharp extremely durable also come apart cleaning can used knife Dallas available Dillards Heres quick effective method mounting model components inside carrying box plug-in Pennyplane stab see photo has secured strip tissue holds against block tissue glued down end other end uses pressure-sensitive label label will release easily re-usable can quickly replaced necessaryD F-i 5/Conover Continued page 59 start launching thumb forefinger left hand grip subrudder very back fuselage Point nose up 45 degrees bank slightly left Start half-power launches As increase power youll notice interesting change lift characteristics delta wing Both swept-back delta wings have critical flow change reach higher speeds center pressure shifts airplane noses down Overcome dip trajectory elevating nose course could always execute Heinie Dittmar Continued page 172 KSB FUEL SHUTOFF TIMERS Again now available CIT lFF llcrrII ~J $1750 Shipping $250 up toE Units Over 6add35each Exclusive Importer Jet mm Lightest PILOT BUST hasr Modern Jet Helmet Face Mask Oxygen ... ai~l RecognizedC5A Certified E26226File NoPesnen Pile No.aJ LR2O1 54 Onip certified checks o money orders accepted Minimum orde $1400 three packages 4 Powerpoles 15400 per peckage $200 chipping end handlingi CT residents edd sales tao Prices sahject change notice DEALER IRQUIRIE5 INVITED further information end dealer prices send SASh end Business Card SERMOS R/C SNAP CONNECTORS Inc Cedar Corners Station Box 16787 Stamford CT 06905 12031322-6294 July 1991 167 F Model Supply u~L PO Box 3957344 C E CARSON TORRANCE CA 90510CARSON CA 90740 TEL 12131 830-9939 PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 58, 59, 167, 172
HERES QUICK-START Catapult Glider climbs high fast youll think youre flying mother air battles over Baghdad Although its semiscale six-inch model F-iS Gulf War fighter has sort aerodynamics make awesome performance High-speed Catapult Gliders require careful rigging Championship Indoor Gliders have 0-0 decalage similar reasons Likewise needs use micrometer adjustments trimming bit too much rudder trim youll snaprolling way upand way down center-of-gravity 48% root wing chord airframe weight 42 45 grams Sealer color finish can add about 25 grams total about 75 grams approximately quarterounce nose weight Sound like Indoor model Unless plan roof repair dont try iteven dirigible hangar Construction Begin selecting wood carefully Use good-quality medium balsa preferably B C stock Use Sigment white glue adhesive Thin Sigment acetone keep small jelly jar neatly brushed glue joint minimizes weight helps prevent warping Wing Cut out wing patterns bond file folder stock glue stick Use hard /16 x A-in wood leading edge strips strips protect wing weed-clipping low passes Assemble wing bare building board Theres no need use waxed paper building board youll have slide wing side before glue has hardened enough fasten parts board Begin front pieces add leading edges Rub excess glue wood pores extra strength dont overdo Assembly should take less 10 minutes Note taper wing tail front view Achieve sanding blocks its worth extra work ailerons will inked after color finish has applied Fuselage critical task cut wing stabilizer platforms accurately cuts must made correctly achieve degree difference relative alignment two platforms strake number 2 plan goes after everything else 58 Model Aviation Big picture Seen flyby P-iS mimics full-scale fighter performance well looks Above Fifteen-year-old Matt Walker goes high-altitude flight Glider reaches heights 150 feet watch out windy dayp assembled tail booms also require careful pattern work cutting Make two A-in sq plugs aid fitting booms fuselage must wrapped waxed paper Scotch-taped end youll end up permanent plugs Add air duct covers after removing plugs Empennage goal keep tail light possible stabilizer number 8 plan can left flat no sanding youll much happier results take trouble contour Add rear deck number 6 keeping close watch grain across booms forward portions fins number 7 extend outside booms maintain good alignment Make sure theyre parallel centerline rear adjuster strips make fine adjustments easy can confident theyll hold Use /-sq balsa adjustment tubes rounding off shown plan Glue strake number 2 top wing Coat nose glue fasten 03-gram /32 sheet-lead balance weight nose Trim nose weight model balances scissor points 48% center-of-gravity Test glide model glide should flat fast delta-wing Glider soarer Finishing tried everything crayons marking pens pens quick easy harder work glue joints Crayons too heavy produce second-rate appearance Water-based acrylic paints gave best results Theyre available dozens colors craft stores hobby shops theyre inexpensive Its best use coat clear dope sanding sealer base After sanding sealer have best camouflage technique clear acrylic spray artists matte-finish spray gives waterproof sheen Cut single-piece cabin aluminum foil Attach fuselage glue stick Cut hatch lines Decals can cut plan could steal some full-color ones plastic kit never got around building Attach decals glue stick Flying Now fun begins Always test fly over grassy areas Make up seven-tonine-inch loop snappy A-in flat rubber Groove end six-inch dowel loop rubber Bend right rudder tab fin / Bend down right aileron A2 raise wing inside turn gives safe right glide turn permits left bank launch can also adjust bank bending elevator up left elevator pushes left stab downward Heres proper technique quick- bare airframe weighs 42 45 grams Sealer color finish nose weight bring toContinued page 167 tai weight about e quarterou noe yet piano very sturdy July 1991 59 element F-15s superb aerodynamics use open air ducts reduce drag Dackarop 0 Colorado mountain ranges author displays pair Gilders U N ** 4620 CRANDALL-LVILLE R DON INDIANA 47112 e se e ion o emo e ro 0 e irp anes e pro essiona lMILISTED BELOWIn Business since 1973 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE IS JUST FEW OF THE MFG WE STOCK HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY9AM 5PM FRIDAY9AM-2PM CLOSED SATURDAY& SUN AY PHONE 812 366-3141 A-JUSTO JIGPOX AMBROIDFUTABA FFORD KITS AVAILABLE SHORTLY ARCO RUBBERBANDSGOLDBERG 4 TWIN COMANCHE COMANCHE & MORE BRIDIGAS MODEL PROD DAVEYS SYSTEMSHALLCO COVERITEHOBBYPOXY DEVCONHOT STUFF DREMELK&BMFG DU-BROSIG DYNAFILITESAITO SONIC-TRONICS STERLING SULLIVAN TOP PLITEMSCEI1995 EAA AKU SPORT VS ENGINES$1 LAN ER121 MILLERStafford 0AE FOB PAOEOO NORTHEASThr~EDBA AS ONON ZINGER PROPSBOX OF OPdOOEO 0 . -0r~ complete listing etcplease senda stamped lope DEALERS j self-address enve WANTED 0 STAFFORD AIRCOUPE $9995 KITS Glue NStgckum j Buildum & FIyum need help call us ~gjt boxI AFTER HOURS CALL WE MIGHT BE HERE fuse geI THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS BILL & JOYCE mark two lines will intersect center average chord chord location must used compute wing location method model balance may seem complicated have used since 1972 great success time has ever failed failed second balance test correct wing weight erk knot world Indoor flying seems thrive rubber knotseveryone has favorite method tying up motors problem knots delicate elaborate knot adds unnecessary weight tying process scuffs rubber knot may fail knot doesnt hold lose motor may too short after tied again may lose flight whole model simplest knot Ive tried shown Jim Clem gave unlikely name erk knot photo shows starta simple overhand knot both strands Moisten knot snug up almost tight possible Next coat outside edge knot lightly super-thick grade cyanoacrylate glue quickly pull knot tighter Jim claims listen closely pull will hear erk sound Examine motor strands exit inner side knot glue showing used too much finish knot trim ends about glue together have used knot both tan Pirelli excellent results has two advantagesit potentially lightest knot definitely uses less rubber other knot know Super shears photo shows excellent toolkitchen shears Chicago Cutlery heavy-duty shears super-sharp extremely durable also come apart cleaning can used knife Dallas available Dillards Heres quick effective method mounting model components inside carrying box plug-in Pennyplane stab see photo has secured strip tissue holds against block tissue glued down end other end uses pressure-sensitive label label will release easily re-usable can quickly replaced necessaryD F-i 5/Conover Continued page 59 start launching thumb forefinger left hand grip subrudder very back fuselage Point nose up 45 degrees bank slightly left Start half-power launches As increase power youll notice interesting change lift characteristics delta wing Both swept-back delta wings have critical flow change reach higher speeds center pressure shifts airplane noses down Overcome dip trajectory elevating nose course could always execute Heinie Dittmar Continued page 172 KSB FUEL SHUTOFF TIMERS Again now available CIT lFF llcrrII ~J $1750 Shipping $250 up toE Units Over 6add35each Exclusive Importer Jet mm Lightest PILOT BUST hasr Modern Jet Helmet Face Mask Oxygen ... ai~l RecognizedC5A Certified E26226File NoPesnen Pile No.aJ LR2O1 54 Onip certified checks o money orders accepted Minimum orde $1400 three packages 4 Powerpoles 15400 per peckage $200 chipping end handlingi CT residents edd sales tao Prices sahject change notice DEALER IRQUIRIE5 INVITED further information end dealer prices send SASh end Business Card SERMOS R/C SNAP CONNECTORS Inc Cedar Corners Station Box 16787 Stamford CT 06905 12031322-6294 July 1991 167 F Model Supply u~L PO Box 3957344 C E CARSON TORRANCE CA 90510CARSON CA 90740 TEL 12131 830-9939 PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 58, 59, 167, 172
HERES QUICK-START Catapult Glider climbs high fast youll think youre flying mother air battles over Baghdad Although its semiscale six-inch model F-iS Gulf War fighter has sort aerodynamics make awesome performance High-speed Catapult Gliders require careful rigging Championship Indoor Gliders have 0-0 decalage similar reasons Likewise needs use micrometer adjustments trimming bit too much rudder trim youll snaprolling way upand way down center-of-gravity 48% root wing chord airframe weight 42 45 grams Sealer color finish can add about 25 grams total about 75 grams approximately quarterounce nose weight Sound like Indoor model Unless plan roof repair dont try iteven dirigible hangar Construction Begin selecting wood carefully Use good-quality medium balsa preferably B C stock Use Sigment white glue adhesive Thin Sigment acetone keep small jelly jar neatly brushed glue joint minimizes weight helps prevent warping Wing Cut out wing patterns bond file folder stock glue stick Use hard /16 x A-in wood leading edge strips strips protect wing weed-clipping low passes Assemble wing bare building board Theres no need use waxed paper building board youll have slide wing side before glue has hardened enough fasten parts board Begin front pieces add leading edges Rub excess glue wood pores extra strength dont overdo Assembly should take less 10 minutes Note taper wing tail front view Achieve sanding blocks its worth extra work ailerons will inked after color finish has applied Fuselage critical task cut wing stabilizer platforms accurately cuts must made correctly achieve degree difference relative alignment two platforms strake number 2 plan goes after everything else 58 Model Aviation Big picture Seen flyby P-iS mimics full-scale fighter performance well looks Above Fifteen-year-old Matt Walker goes high-altitude flight Glider reaches heights 150 feet watch out windy dayp assembled tail booms also require careful pattern work cutting Make two A-in sq plugs aid fitting booms fuselage must wrapped waxed paper Scotch-taped end youll end up permanent plugs Add air duct covers after removing plugs Empennage goal keep tail light possible stabilizer number 8 plan can left flat no sanding youll much happier results take trouble contour Add rear deck number 6 keeping close watch grain across booms forward portions fins number 7 extend outside booms maintain good alignment Make sure theyre parallel centerline rear adjuster strips make fine adjustments easy can confident theyll hold Use /-sq balsa adjustment tubes rounding off shown plan Glue strake number 2 top wing Coat nose glue fasten 03-gram /32 sheet-lead balance weight nose Trim nose weight model balances scissor points 48% center-of-gravity Test glide model glide should flat fast delta-wing Glider soarer Finishing tried everything crayons marking pens pens quick easy harder work glue joints Crayons too heavy produce second-rate appearance Water-based acrylic paints gave best results Theyre available dozens colors craft stores hobby shops theyre inexpensive Its best use coat clear dope sanding sealer base After sanding sealer have best camouflage technique clear acrylic spray artists matte-finish spray gives waterproof sheen Cut single-piece cabin aluminum foil Attach fuselage glue stick Cut hatch lines Decals can cut plan could steal some full-color ones plastic kit never got around building Attach decals glue stick Flying Now fun begins Always test fly over grassy areas Make up seven-tonine-inch loop snappy A-in flat rubber Groove end six-inch dowel loop rubber Bend right rudder tab fin / Bend down right aileron A2 raise wing inside turn gives safe right glide turn permits left bank launch can also adjust bank bending elevator up left elevator pushes left stab downward Heres proper technique quick- bare airframe weighs 42 45 grams Sealer color finish nose weight bring toContinued page 167 tai weight about e quarterou noe yet piano very sturdy July 1991 59 element F-15s superb aerodynamics use open air ducts reduce drag Dackarop 0 Colorado mountain ranges author displays pair Gilders U N ** 4620 CRANDALL-LVILLE R DON INDIANA 47112 e se e ion o emo e ro 0 e irp anes e pro essiona lMILISTED BELOWIn Business since 1973 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE IS JUST FEW OF THE MFG WE STOCK HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY9AM 5PM FRIDAY9AM-2PM CLOSED SATURDAY& SUN AY PHONE 812 366-3141 A-JUSTO JIGPOX AMBROIDFUTABA FFORD KITS AVAILABLE SHORTLY ARCO RUBBERBANDSGOLDBERG 4 TWIN COMANCHE COMANCHE & MORE BRIDIGAS MODEL PROD DAVEYS SYSTEMSHALLCO COVERITEHOBBYPOXY DEVCONHOT STUFF DREMELK&BMFG DU-BROSIG DYNAFILITESAITO SONIC-TRONICS STERLING SULLIVAN TOP PLITEMSCEI1995 EAA AKU SPORT VS ENGINES$1 LAN ER121 MILLERStafford 0AE FOB PAOEOO NORTHEASThr~EDBA AS ONON ZINGER PROPSBOX OF OPdOOEO 0 . -0r~ complete listing etcplease senda stamped lope DEALERS j self-address enve WANTED 0 STAFFORD AIRCOUPE $9995 KITS Glue NStgckum j Buildum & FIyum need help call us ~gjt boxI AFTER HOURS CALL WE MIGHT BE HERE fuse geI THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS BILL & JOYCE mark two lines will intersect center average chord chord location must used compute wing location method model balance may seem complicated have used since 1972 great success time has ever failed failed second balance test correct wing weight erk knot world Indoor flying seems thrive rubber knotseveryone has favorite method tying up motors problem knots delicate elaborate knot adds unnecessary weight tying process scuffs rubber knot may fail knot doesnt hold lose motor may too short after tied again may lose flight whole model simplest knot Ive tried shown Jim Clem gave unlikely name erk knot photo shows starta simple overhand knot both strands Moisten knot snug up almost tight possible Next coat outside edge knot lightly super-thick grade cyanoacrylate glue quickly pull knot tighter Jim claims listen closely pull will hear erk sound Examine motor strands exit inner side knot glue showing used too much finish knot trim ends about glue together have used knot both tan Pirelli excellent results has two advantagesit potentially lightest knot definitely uses less rubber other knot know Super shears photo shows excellent toolkitchen shears Chicago Cutlery heavy-duty shears super-sharp extremely durable also come apart cleaning can used knife Dallas available Dillards Heres quick effective method mounting model components inside carrying box plug-in Pennyplane stab see photo has secured strip tissue holds against block tissue glued down end other end uses pressure-sensitive label label will release easily re-usable can quickly replaced necessaryD F-i 5/Conover Continued page 59 start launching thumb forefinger left hand grip subrudder very back fuselage Point nose up 45 degrees bank slightly left Start half-power launches As increase power youll notice interesting change lift characteristics delta wing Both swept-back delta wings have critical flow change reach higher speeds center pressure shifts airplane noses down Overcome dip trajectory elevating nose course could always execute Heinie Dittmar Continued page 172 KSB FUEL SHUTOFF TIMERS Again now available CIT lFF llcrrII ~J $1750 Shipping $250 up toE Units Over 6add35each Exclusive Importer Jet mm Lightest PILOT BUST hasr Modern Jet Helmet Face Mask Oxygen ... ai~l RecognizedC5A Certified E26226File NoPesnen Pile No.aJ LR2O1 54 Onip certified checks o money orders accepted Minimum orde $1400 three packages 4 Powerpoles 15400 per peckage $200 chipping end handlingi CT residents edd sales tao Prices sahject change notice DEALER IRQUIRIE5 INVITED further information end dealer prices send SASh end Business Card SERMOS R/C SNAP CONNECTORS Inc Cedar Corners Station Box 16787 Stamford CT 06905 12031322-6294 July 1991 167 F Model Supply u~L PO Box 3957344 C E CARSON TORRANCE CA 90510CARSON CA 90740 TEL 12131 830-9939 PRECISION MODEL PRODUCTS qa a" Made U S %5 BARSTOCK ALUMINUM SPINNERS Part No Size TT-150-B 1-112 11-175-8 1-3/4 11200-B2 TT-225-B. 2-1/4.. 11226-B 2-1b4 FAI . TT-250-B2-1/2 11-251-B /2FAI .. 11-275-B 2-3/4.. 11-276-B2-3/4 IFAI TT-300-B 3 11-301-8 3 FAt 11325-B 3-1/4 11-350-B3-1/2 11-375-8 3-3/4 11-400-B4 RetailApprot PriceWeight $1395058 07 1495095oz 1595100oz 169516007 1895150oz 1895190oz 209517007 229522002 249520002 2695268oz 2895250oz 369534002 4995478oz 5995520sz 6995570oz 3 Pieces Cone Back Plate Retainer Screw Note 3 4 Blade Spinners Available Sizes Add $3 00 Per Spinner PROP NUT ADAPTORS V Part NoSize TT-140-A 1/4-28 TT-147-A 1/4-28/7mm TT-610-A6x 10mm TT-710-A7 x 1 0mm TT-516-A5/16-24 11-518-A5/16-24/8mm 11-810-AOx 10mm TT-825-A8 x 1 25mm TT-375-A3/8-24 11-125-AlOx 125mm RetaitApprox PriceWeight $495061oz 495061 tz 495.063oz 4 95 082 07 495 076 02 4 95 076 02 495 07602 4 95 075 02 595 ll7oz 595 llSoz 3 Pieces Nut Washer Machined Bushing Add $350 Shipping Handling Prices subject change notice ROMCO MFG INC OX 836 SOUTH HOUSTON TEXAS 77587 713 943-1867 F-i 5/Conover Continued page 167 maneuver test pilot Lippisch Me-l63 would launch low angle graze runway before shooting up wide blue yonder Fine-tuning flight path too loopy bend elevator rear stab down %2 both sides will give long sweeping climb model dives spirals too readily either bend elevators up A2 remove some nose weight 48% center-of-gravity correct design six-inch catapult streaker will amaze its fighterlike bursts performance designed endurance F-15 will roar its way through air show maneuvers like pro youre flying wind make sure keep eyes model timesand run like heckD Conversion/Kopski Continued page 96 screws thread motor tie-down straps straps clearly visible photos made yellow inners Sullivan Golden Rod pushrods motor mount nose block assembly has glued fuselage structure motor also automatically set some downthrust place Most candidate model design can think needs right thrust downthrusta couple degrees should comment also could simply use Astro radial mount versatile Sonic-Tronics mount attached directly stock firewall appeals sure have alteruative air intake scheme mind comments later nose piece completed began work fuselage proper assembled two fuselage sides according kit instructions substituted firm 346-sq balsa original spruce longerons fact 3A6-sq spruce pieces used cabin top piece wing saddle doubler verticals leading edge location prime example strength needed lightweight everywhere philosophy simply no need build fuselage heavy structure aft wing trailing edge position does nothing hold tail assembly rest model keep pushrods out breeze reinforce Electric against relatively heavy weight battery pack also prevent battery moving flight installed two additional formers frontmost strong sandwich A-in balsa between two layers /32 ply between spruce leading edge verticals just described former takes force exerted pack hard landings worse its indestructibleso take care motor battery typically 20 40 percent models weight wrapped up compact rather heavy lump should remaln stationary case Seniorita 14-cell pack 31 percent total weight frontmost former abuts two pieces hard -in balsa triangle stock nest against fuselage side structure front leading edge verticals Note clearance slots left side triangle section piece 3A6-sq spruce vertical needed nose wheet pushrod assembly Most Old-Timers dont have steerable nose gears can skip detail second former full-fuselage depth cross-grained A-in firm balsa piece glued between Y6-sq verticals located aft edge side cabin windows former defines back battery compartment box battery compartment sealed off wing place cooling air entering fuselage front must flow battery exit cutouts fuselage floor Two A-in-sq balsa side rails installed interior fuselage side structure between two formers shown rails chosen because three popular 1 2-mAh Ni-Cd cells can fit snugly between 172 Model Aviation NEW Florlo Flyers STUNT WAGON New Only $6995 Wing Span 80 Area 780 sq th- 405 Power 250040 C gn Weight 3to 4 lbs Features mapie engine rails bend-sawn pens formed music wire lending gear isolated exposed fuel tank comperoment strong end durable balsa construction throughout Designed flown computer radiosi Radical design prfonooance conveaotlonal constructIon Boa competition Fun Fly contender Ask Florlo Flyer STUNT WAGON favorite hobby shop first direct orders add $4 S&H per kit Z Send free Florio Flyer catalog VISA & MC accepted PA Residents add 6% sales tax Florio Flyer Corp P0 Box 88 Dagus Mines PA 15831 e 814 985-8360