Jim Richmond
explains the
details of his
World Champion
F1D. Without
exception, every
visitor to the
West Baden
Springs hotel
was enthralled
with the Indoor
FF models.
Photo by Nicole
Indoor FF sites
and events
by John Kagan
[email protected]
This is a great time for the sport of Indoor Free
Flight. We have fantastic sites to enjoy, and
enthusiastic people donating their time to
host great contests.
Memorable contests from the beginning of
this year include the West Baden Springs event
in Indiana, the Round Valley Dome gathering in
Arizona, and the EAA Flightfest in Wisconsin, plus
many other large and small events. See the National
Free Flight Society (NFFS) contest calendar for a
complete list of flying opportunities.
of numerous hotel guests. The French
Lick hotel was solidly booked, and an
endless stream of people roamed the
atrium floor, amazed at the models
flying overhead.
Some speculated that our stopwatches
were actually transmitters for controlling
our models. Others theorized that the
airplanes were solar powered, which
accounted for the long flight times.
Most simply asked whatever was on
their mind, and all of the fliers had a
chance to describe the intricacies of
their favorite models in detail to a rapt
audience. It is not often that we get such
enormous exposure, and we spent time
to make sure it was fruitful.
Even with all of the people milling
about, the air was pristine. Thirty-plusminute
flights would land feet from
where they were launched. There was
only minimal drift when the sun beamed
through the ceiling windows. Hang-ups
were rare because the disk in the center
of the ceiling and the pendant hanging
below were shrouded in plastic.
Words don’t do this site justice,
West Baden Springs
It has been nearly nine years since we
last had the opportunity to enjoy this
legendary Category III (between 15
and 30 meters in height) building. The
previous time we were here, the huge
atrium had been restored, but work on
the surrounding hotel rooms had yet to
be completed.
This time the luxury hotel was
in full operation, and in addition to
experiencing one of the best flying sites
in the world, we enjoyed top-notch
accommodations. Many of us rented
rooms that faced inward toward our
coveted flying site, and we enjoyed
fine dining and luxurious fainting
sofas from which to watch our models
lightly tapping the girders.
A unique aspect was the presence
Above: A view from
one of the West
Baden Springs hotel
balconies shows the
modelers hard at
work and the hotel
guests enjoying the
Left: The newly
restored West Baden
Springs hotel is a
work of art and an
Indoor FF paradise.
Jarock photo.
www.ModelAviation.com July 2013 Model Aviation 125
ff indoor
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 125 5/24/13 9:51 AM
Bill Leppard set
a new F1D site
record in the
Round Valley
Dome in Eagar AZ.
Photo by Chris
A roundup of the usual suspects at the EAA
Family Flightfest includes (L-R) Lyman Hatz,
H.G. Frautschy, Je Annis, Jim Buxton, Rob
Romash, John Kagan, Mike Kirda, Alden
Frautschy, Dave Hable, Keith Rosenberg, and
Bob Johnson. Photo by H.G. Frautschy.
especially considering that the West
Baden Springs Hotel had previously
fallen into such disrepair that it was
nearly condemned. Search the Internet
to see how heroic a feat it was for the
Cook family to restore this Indiana
Special thanks to Walt Van Gorder
for negotiating access, and to the West
Baden Springs hotel owners for having
us. Everyone had a positive response to
the event, from the fl iers to the guests
to the hotel staff, so it is likely that the
contest will continue. Watch for the
2014 event and don’t miss your chance
to experience West Baden.
Round Valley Dome
Category III
contest was
held in April,
1,500 miles
westward at the
Round Valley
Dome in Eagar,
Arizona. In its
second year, the
contest featured
expanded hours,
which resulted
in even better
evening fl ying
conditions. The
closed ceiling
structure made it nearly impossible to
hang up, and the few airplanes that did
were freed by a balloon’s gentle nudge.
This national-caliber fl ying site is
the result of tireless effort by Steve
Riley and other regional model aviation
proponents. They “bought” access
through popular Delta Dart programs
for local school children, and by
maintaining a relationship with those
126 Model Aviation JULY 2013 www.ModelAviation.com
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 126 5/24/13 9:51 AM
Jim Buxton puts his
Standard Catapult
glider in between the
girders in the EAA
Eagle hangar. Photo
by Alden Frautschy.
responsible for site access—even when
the person in charge changed many
The contest primarily serves the
Southwest portion of the United
States, but also attracts contestants
from Colorado, California, Nevada,
and beyond. Steve reports that they
discovered an excellent new restaurant
in the surrounding small town, and that
a discounted rate at a good hotel has
been negotiated.
With the rising cost of national-level
sites, it is unusual to find a contest
that is so economical. Use some of the
cost savings to buy an airplane ticket
or extra gas and attend next year. The
2014 event will be the first weekend
in April and will feature an additional
practice day.
EAA Family Flightfest
The 2013 EAA Family
Flightfest, held in February at
the AirVenture Museum in
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, featured
more than 750 museum
guests enjoying static models,
indoor RC airplanes, Indoor
FF, and build-and-take
balsa gliders, in addition
to the typical exhibits and
We spent the days flying
with kids and their families,
and the evenings wringing
out our own models amid
full-scale aircraft. “Garbage
Glider,” where we build a
Catapult airplane out of
two Guillow’s 8-inch-span,
slip-together toys, is still a
premier event. Lest you think it trivial,
consider that the winning times are now
more than 30 seconds, and the winning
Standard Catapult times were only in the
H.G. Frautschy has been the driving
force behind this event, and Bob
Campbell, the EAA’s manager of
museum operations, has been extremely
accommodating to our group. Based on
this year’s positive feedback, it is likely
that the event will continue. Give it a try
in 2014—the experience is unique.
National Free Flight Society
West Baden Springs Hotel
Round Valley Dome Indoor Contest
EAA Family Flightfest
www.ModelAviation.com July 2013 Model Aviation 127
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 127 5/24/13 9:52 AM
Edition: Model Aviation - 2013/07
Page Numbers: 125,126,127
Edition: Model Aviation - 2013/07
Page Numbers: 125,126,127
Jim Richmond
explains the
details of his
World Champion
F1D. Without
exception, every
visitor to the
West Baden
Springs hotel
was enthralled
with the Indoor
FF models.
Photo by Nicole
Indoor FF sites
and events
by John Kagan
[email protected]
This is a great time for the sport of Indoor Free
Flight. We have fantastic sites to enjoy, and
enthusiastic people donating their time to
host great contests.
Memorable contests from the beginning of
this year include the West Baden Springs event
in Indiana, the Round Valley Dome gathering in
Arizona, and the EAA Flightfest in Wisconsin, plus
many other large and small events. See the National
Free Flight Society (NFFS) contest calendar for a
complete list of flying opportunities.
of numerous hotel guests. The French
Lick hotel was solidly booked, and an
endless stream of people roamed the
atrium floor, amazed at the models
flying overhead.
Some speculated that our stopwatches
were actually transmitters for controlling
our models. Others theorized that the
airplanes were solar powered, which
accounted for the long flight times.
Most simply asked whatever was on
their mind, and all of the fliers had a
chance to describe the intricacies of
their favorite models in detail to a rapt
audience. It is not often that we get such
enormous exposure, and we spent time
to make sure it was fruitful.
Even with all of the people milling
about, the air was pristine. Thirty-plusminute
flights would land feet from
where they were launched. There was
only minimal drift when the sun beamed
through the ceiling windows. Hang-ups
were rare because the disk in the center
of the ceiling and the pendant hanging
below were shrouded in plastic.
Words don’t do this site justice,
West Baden Springs
It has been nearly nine years since we
last had the opportunity to enjoy this
legendary Category III (between 15
and 30 meters in height) building. The
previous time we were here, the huge
atrium had been restored, but work on
the surrounding hotel rooms had yet to
be completed.
This time the luxury hotel was
in full operation, and in addition to
experiencing one of the best flying sites
in the world, we enjoyed top-notch
accommodations. Many of us rented
rooms that faced inward toward our
coveted flying site, and we enjoyed
fine dining and luxurious fainting
sofas from which to watch our models
lightly tapping the girders.
A unique aspect was the presence
Above: A view from
one of the West
Baden Springs hotel
balconies shows the
modelers hard at
work and the hotel
guests enjoying the
Left: The newly
restored West Baden
Springs hotel is a
work of art and an
Indoor FF paradise.
Jarock photo.
www.ModelAviation.com July 2013 Model Aviation 125
ff indoor
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 125 5/24/13 9:51 AM
Bill Leppard set
a new F1D site
record in the
Round Valley
Dome in Eagar AZ.
Photo by Chris
A roundup of the usual suspects at the EAA
Family Flightfest includes (L-R) Lyman Hatz,
H.G. Frautschy, Je Annis, Jim Buxton, Rob
Romash, John Kagan, Mike Kirda, Alden
Frautschy, Dave Hable, Keith Rosenberg, and
Bob Johnson. Photo by H.G. Frautschy.
especially considering that the West
Baden Springs Hotel had previously
fallen into such disrepair that it was
nearly condemned. Search the Internet
to see how heroic a feat it was for the
Cook family to restore this Indiana
Special thanks to Walt Van Gorder
for negotiating access, and to the West
Baden Springs hotel owners for having
us. Everyone had a positive response to
the event, from the fl iers to the guests
to the hotel staff, so it is likely that the
contest will continue. Watch for the
2014 event and don’t miss your chance
to experience West Baden.
Round Valley Dome
Category III
contest was
held in April,
1,500 miles
westward at the
Round Valley
Dome in Eagar,
Arizona. In its
second year, the
contest featured
expanded hours,
which resulted
in even better
evening fl ying
conditions. The
closed ceiling
structure made it nearly impossible to
hang up, and the few airplanes that did
were freed by a balloon’s gentle nudge.
This national-caliber fl ying site is
the result of tireless effort by Steve
Riley and other regional model aviation
proponents. They “bought” access
through popular Delta Dart programs
for local school children, and by
maintaining a relationship with those
126 Model Aviation JULY 2013 www.ModelAviation.com
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 126 5/24/13 9:51 AM
Jim Buxton puts his
Standard Catapult
glider in between the
girders in the EAA
Eagle hangar. Photo
by Alden Frautschy.
responsible for site access—even when
the person in charge changed many
The contest primarily serves the
Southwest portion of the United
States, but also attracts contestants
from Colorado, California, Nevada,
and beyond. Steve reports that they
discovered an excellent new restaurant
in the surrounding small town, and that
a discounted rate at a good hotel has
been negotiated.
With the rising cost of national-level
sites, it is unusual to find a contest
that is so economical. Use some of the
cost savings to buy an airplane ticket
or extra gas and attend next year. The
2014 event will be the first weekend
in April and will feature an additional
practice day.
EAA Family Flightfest
The 2013 EAA Family
Flightfest, held in February at
the AirVenture Museum in
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, featured
more than 750 museum
guests enjoying static models,
indoor RC airplanes, Indoor
FF, and build-and-take
balsa gliders, in addition
to the typical exhibits and
We spent the days flying
with kids and their families,
and the evenings wringing
out our own models amid
full-scale aircraft. “Garbage
Glider,” where we build a
Catapult airplane out of
two Guillow’s 8-inch-span,
slip-together toys, is still a
premier event. Lest you think it trivial,
consider that the winning times are now
more than 30 seconds, and the winning
Standard Catapult times were only in the
H.G. Frautschy has been the driving
force behind this event, and Bob
Campbell, the EAA’s manager of
museum operations, has been extremely
accommodating to our group. Based on
this year’s positive feedback, it is likely
that the event will continue. Give it a try
in 2014—the experience is unique.
National Free Flight Society
West Baden Springs Hotel
Round Valley Dome Indoor Contest
EAA Family Flightfest
www.ModelAviation.com July 2013 Model Aviation 127
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 127 5/24/13 9:52 AM
Edition: Model Aviation - 2013/07
Page Numbers: 125,126,127
Jim Richmond
explains the
details of his
World Champion
F1D. Without
exception, every
visitor to the
West Baden
Springs hotel
was enthralled
with the Indoor
FF models.
Photo by Nicole
Indoor FF sites
and events
by John Kagan
[email protected]
This is a great time for the sport of Indoor Free
Flight. We have fantastic sites to enjoy, and
enthusiastic people donating their time to
host great contests.
Memorable contests from the beginning of
this year include the West Baden Springs event
in Indiana, the Round Valley Dome gathering in
Arizona, and the EAA Flightfest in Wisconsin, plus
many other large and small events. See the National
Free Flight Society (NFFS) contest calendar for a
complete list of flying opportunities.
of numerous hotel guests. The French
Lick hotel was solidly booked, and an
endless stream of people roamed the
atrium floor, amazed at the models
flying overhead.
Some speculated that our stopwatches
were actually transmitters for controlling
our models. Others theorized that the
airplanes were solar powered, which
accounted for the long flight times.
Most simply asked whatever was on
their mind, and all of the fliers had a
chance to describe the intricacies of
their favorite models in detail to a rapt
audience. It is not often that we get such
enormous exposure, and we spent time
to make sure it was fruitful.
Even with all of the people milling
about, the air was pristine. Thirty-plusminute
flights would land feet from
where they were launched. There was
only minimal drift when the sun beamed
through the ceiling windows. Hang-ups
were rare because the disk in the center
of the ceiling and the pendant hanging
below were shrouded in plastic.
Words don’t do this site justice,
West Baden Springs
It has been nearly nine years since we
last had the opportunity to enjoy this
legendary Category III (between 15
and 30 meters in height) building. The
previous time we were here, the huge
atrium had been restored, but work on
the surrounding hotel rooms had yet to
be completed.
This time the luxury hotel was
in full operation, and in addition to
experiencing one of the best flying sites
in the world, we enjoyed top-notch
accommodations. Many of us rented
rooms that faced inward toward our
coveted flying site, and we enjoyed
fine dining and luxurious fainting
sofas from which to watch our models
lightly tapping the girders.
A unique aspect was the presence
Above: A view from
one of the West
Baden Springs hotel
balconies shows the
modelers hard at
work and the hotel
guests enjoying the
Left: The newly
restored West Baden
Springs hotel is a
work of art and an
Indoor FF paradise.
Jarock photo.
www.ModelAviation.com July 2013 Model Aviation 125
ff indoor
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 125 5/24/13 9:51 AM
Bill Leppard set
a new F1D site
record in the
Round Valley
Dome in Eagar AZ.
Photo by Chris
A roundup of the usual suspects at the EAA
Family Flightfest includes (L-R) Lyman Hatz,
H.G. Frautschy, Je Annis, Jim Buxton, Rob
Romash, John Kagan, Mike Kirda, Alden
Frautschy, Dave Hable, Keith Rosenberg, and
Bob Johnson. Photo by H.G. Frautschy.
especially considering that the West
Baden Springs Hotel had previously
fallen into such disrepair that it was
nearly condemned. Search the Internet
to see how heroic a feat it was for the
Cook family to restore this Indiana
Special thanks to Walt Van Gorder
for negotiating access, and to the West
Baden Springs hotel owners for having
us. Everyone had a positive response to
the event, from the fl iers to the guests
to the hotel staff, so it is likely that the
contest will continue. Watch for the
2014 event and don’t miss your chance
to experience West Baden.
Round Valley Dome
Category III
contest was
held in April,
1,500 miles
westward at the
Round Valley
Dome in Eagar,
Arizona. In its
second year, the
contest featured
expanded hours,
which resulted
in even better
evening fl ying
conditions. The
closed ceiling
structure made it nearly impossible to
hang up, and the few airplanes that did
were freed by a balloon’s gentle nudge.
This national-caliber fl ying site is
the result of tireless effort by Steve
Riley and other regional model aviation
proponents. They “bought” access
through popular Delta Dart programs
for local school children, and by
maintaining a relationship with those
126 Model Aviation JULY 2013 www.ModelAviation.com
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 126 5/24/13 9:51 AM
Jim Buxton puts his
Standard Catapult
glider in between the
girders in the EAA
Eagle hangar. Photo
by Alden Frautschy.
responsible for site access—even when
the person in charge changed many
The contest primarily serves the
Southwest portion of the United
States, but also attracts contestants
from Colorado, California, Nevada,
and beyond. Steve reports that they
discovered an excellent new restaurant
in the surrounding small town, and that
a discounted rate at a good hotel has
been negotiated.
With the rising cost of national-level
sites, it is unusual to find a contest
that is so economical. Use some of the
cost savings to buy an airplane ticket
or extra gas and attend next year. The
2014 event will be the first weekend
in April and will feature an additional
practice day.
EAA Family Flightfest
The 2013 EAA Family
Flightfest, held in February at
the AirVenture Museum in
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, featured
more than 750 museum
guests enjoying static models,
indoor RC airplanes, Indoor
FF, and build-and-take
balsa gliders, in addition
to the typical exhibits and
We spent the days flying
with kids and their families,
and the evenings wringing
out our own models amid
full-scale aircraft. “Garbage
Glider,” where we build a
Catapult airplane out of
two Guillow’s 8-inch-span,
slip-together toys, is still a
premier event. Lest you think it trivial,
consider that the winning times are now
more than 30 seconds, and the winning
Standard Catapult times were only in the
H.G. Frautschy has been the driving
force behind this event, and Bob
Campbell, the EAA’s manager of
museum operations, has been extremely
accommodating to our group. Based on
this year’s positive feedback, it is likely
that the event will continue. Give it a try
in 2014—the experience is unique.
National Free Flight Society
West Baden Springs Hotel
Round Valley Dome Indoor Contest
EAA Family Flightfest
www.ModelAviation.com July 2013 Model Aviation 127
125-127_MA0713_KaganFFIndoor.indd 127 5/24/13 9:52 AM