Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x
Edition: Model Aviation - 1991/07
Page Numbers: 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
Competition Note Technical Director W Bob Underwood few years ago column carried some ideas fun fly events couple time over period some six months As 1991 dawned calendar crept toward spring summer event time began receive number calls CDs asking help coming up ideas baffle troops some cases CD new ranks simply didnt have ideas other cases looking something new use effort try stimulate old noggin thought would pass along some ideas might have used events proposed column collection authors experience seven others sent ideas back time first listing should noted ideas Radio Control oriented However just stated first time around events can modified Control Line Free Flight few cases came disciplines first place Well try note listing Also please understand no attempt will made try give complete detailed set rules two reasons First fun fly events better off keeping rules simple possible Secondly its fun conjure up way youre going shock troops own will some cautions passed along however spring experience Just understand no matter what rules someone sometime will locate loophole event design fly model right through Spot LandingThe old staple fun fly spot landing Its simple run always challenging can incorporated variety other events making unnecessary run separate flight Mark spot lime put circle around few feet diameter spot easy spot interesting phrasing what Two suggestions power planes require engine running model comes rest dont youll find some character diving $300 brand new sport model turf order hit spot win $500 trophy may also find helpful measure model comes rest rather first touches Doing eliminates judgment call Measure tail wheel nose gear nose sailplane event can adapted both Free Flight Control Line Timed Two MinutesA simple-to-run event Continued page 135 Submitting FAI Rules Proposals Modelers wishing submit proposals FAI international competition rules reminded current AMA procedures handling proposals require sent AMA Headquarters first addressed attention M Madison must received August 16 1991 no official AMA FAI form submitting such proposals however proposal must conform following requirements a Quote relevant paragraph and/or heading 89 Sporting Code b Detail exactly what alteration addition wording c Give reasons behind proposed alteration short separate paragraph sample typical imaginary rules proposals given below 1992 Electric Team Selection Finals Electric Team Selection Committee Chairman Joe Beshar wishes announce Harbor Soaring Society will host Electric Team Selection Finals select team will represent United States 1992 World Championships finals will held August 16-17 1991 August 18th being reserved rain date site will club field Costa Mesa California Contest Director will Frank Chasteler assisted George Joy $50 finals entry fee must forwarded AMA Headquarters postmarked no later July 31 1991 HSS will charge on-site fee $25 cover finals expenses Anyone wishing compete finals must qualify July 21 1991 $15 entry fee must paid AMA Headquarters prior qualifying attempt Contact Competitions Department AMA Headquarters full details Nats Soaring Update Gil Gauger Event Director 100 Wabash Box 8 Oaktown IN 47561 Phone 812/745-6512 evenings 91 season gearing up its time make plans participation years Nats Since AMA returning LawrencevilleNincennes have asked reprise role Event Director its fair assume things will run pretty much same last year Lincoln High School will used again schedule repeat last year new frequencies available 50 site impound procedures flight groupings will somewhat modified notable change will F3B years event will run per FAI rules Continued page 135 July 1991 133 National Records Monthly Update following new National Records have processed during month April 1991 Indoor Free FlightCategory Orni thopter Jurnor322 Scott T Robbins 3/23/91 HL Glider Open1348 Stanley K Bud denbohm 3/13/91 Outdoor Free Flight FAI FlJ 1AA Power Junior813 Vincent C Fazio III 3/2/91 RC Soaring Speed Class D Open785 MPH Larry Jolly 9/1/90 Announcement Helicopter Team Fund Raiser 1991 F3C Helicopter World Cham pionships will held October 20-27 1991 Australia commemorate event raise funds expenses covered AMA F3C Team offering set six team logo decals three sizes $600 Please send check F3C Team Fund 12 N Hillside Ave Chatham NJ 07928 Call Site Bid F3D Pylon Team Selection Finals Pylon Team Selection Committee requests site bids 1993 team selec tion finals preferred have fi nals during August September 1992 Clubs wishing host finals should submit bid Competition Depart ment AMA Headquarters Attn Miche line Madison Bids must received no later De cember 1 1991 SAMPLE FORM FOR SUSMITTAL OF Mi RuUS PROPOSALS iNoic imaginary proposalsi EXAMflI Seciron 4 pam 472 Lucuinn in ihree deleic iwo tienet lapsi substitute ihree flewt lupsi Rcjson Where no Badges er5 r twders em phayed iwo laps between maneurers does gise judge lime consider inarlang nsark flight card accordiniy EXAMPtE S Seclon 4 pita 4911 End Rice Sub pita Delete lW circctts 10 kllomnelees sub stitute 200 circuits ers Rcjsvn the kinger race greater ihe difficulty 1 contest ibis wiii ensure iargev dii icrence lime between icading competitors shorter race iii linish ssiihin itacuons second another i5ecion paragrapis nuosbers refer FAt Sport ing cnde nor AMA rule boo&t — NTEST COORDINATORS COMPETITION DIRECTORY Experimental RC Aircraft Inspectors joint AMA/IMAA program qualify large models 55-100 lb demonstration flights AMA-sanctioned events involves use spectors oversee qualifications such aircraft approve/certify complying safe practices As date following persons have ap plied position have selected Academy perform task inspec tor District IHarvey Thomasian 369 Brigham St Northboro MA 01532 District lIDavid 1 Babcock 445 Stockton St Hightstown NI 08520 Sydney Clement 7 Hitchner Ave Bridgeton NI 08302 Frank V Ponteri 4261 West Ave Ocean City NJ 08226 District IllWilliam Berchtold 1570 Hollywood Parkway York PA 17403 Gene Miller RD 5 Box 5301 Fleetwood PA 19522 District IVCharles F BuhI 3924 Dawley Rd Virginia Beach VA 23457 John Hunton 3722 Spicewood Dr Annandale VA 22003 District VBillie Bell PO Box 1375 Grace ville FL 32440 David Buck 5875 Wayman Dunn Rd Springfield TN 37172 Derryl Ed wards 5711 7th Ave NW Bradenton FL 34209 Burnis R Fields Jr Strickland Rd PO Box 1063 Interlachen FL 32048 Rod Gier 6082 Ajax Ct Cocoa FL 32927 Joseph W Lippo III 408 Jasmine Road St Augustine FL 32086 James M Weems 861 77th Way South Birmingham AL 35206 District VIJohn H Frank 2004 Welwyn Des Plaines IL 60018 James W Johnson RR 1 Box 62 Gaston IN 47342 Scott Justice Debra Justice 156 5 Franzen Bensenville IL 60106 Robert George Nielsen 2500 Schell Ln New Albany IN 47150 Carl J Silverthorn 3601 N Glenwood Muncie IN 47304 District VIIMark Bonzer Route 3 Box 170 Charles City IA 50616 Albert H Doerr 3571 Fourth St Wayland Ml 49348 Charles Eck lund 4520 5 Camrose Ave New Berlin WI 53151 John Hall 824 Winnetka Ave South Golden Valley MN 55426 Roger D Smith 4525 1-lillview Shores Dr Clarkaton Ml 48016 District VIIIDennis Bo Hinch 2622 Mar shall St Sulphur LA 70663 Thomas Solinaki 9720 5 Shartel Oklahoma City OK 73139 District IXJames M Carter Jr 102-2 Sunset Loop Minot AFB ND 58704 John J Shum aker 1120 Azure Ln Wichita KS 67235 District X--Harry Apoian 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 Budd Crane 453 Ma ple St Livermore CA 94550 Telephone 1415/4472158 Warren L Cross 4620 Bannis ter Lane Las Vegas NV 89130 John C Fitch ett 109 Aegean Way Vacaville CA 95687 Tele phone 1-707/448-4659 Bill Hempel 7025 F 21st St Tucson AZ 85710 Joseph P Lussier 721 Remington Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 Rob ert McClung 11007 Studebaker Downey CA 90241 Donald F Mulligan 931 Cactus Wren Sierra Vista AZ 85635 John E Rapillo 3603 5 Ocean Crest Santa Ana CA 92704 Nick Ri valdo 3922 Snowden Ave Long Beach CA 90808 District XICarlos R Grageda 716 Hart Ln Walla Walla WA 99362 John J Haskin 2131 Vernon Rd Lake Stevens WA 98258 Jerry L Holcomb 1010 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver WA 98684 Additional information concerning pro gram may obtained contacting Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ Attention CDs list aircraft approved under program can obtained Technical Director Bob Underwood AMA HQ 134 Model Aviation Robert Wilkie 19 Everett St Rockland MA 0237047803 II R Sobrino 87-26 88th St Woodhaven Oueens NY 11421 oaring Dale Folkesing 1544 Darien Lake Dr Darien IL RC Ernest Nikodem 407 Willow St Lockport NY 14094 0559 RC rt Kircher 9 Sheffield Way Clark NJ 07066VII CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department Ill CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Department ire district except Michigan RCNelson Gould 1944 5 Idaho St Allentown PA 18103 Leon Cordy N4503 Highway 55 Chilton WI 53014 East higan RCM Weisenbach 4S68 W 140th Cleveland OH 44135 Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Romulus Ml 48174 westVIII Randy Randolph PO Boo 271948 Dallas TX 75227 IV CL & FF Bob Nicks 1211 Brookgreen Dr Cury NC 27511IX Mike Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 87217 RCHoward Crispin 611 Beechwsod Dr Charlottesville VA udy Gerken 2069 South Raleigh St Denver CO 80219 22901X Ellis Hall 5543 Willow Oak way Fair Oaks CA 95628 No V RC Ralph Bailey PO Box 1287 Orangeburg SC 29118-1287 y Apolan 27704 Saddle Rd Rolling Hills CA 90274 So FF W Johnson 4112 White Acres Rd Montgomery AL k Gomes 2241 Noah St Honolulu HI 98816 Hawaii 36108 Arizona CL Joseph Mead 1339 Rensualuer St Jacksonville FL d Litt 1111 N 94th SI #53 Mesa AZ 85205 32205Xl Dick SaIler 7217 So 133rd St Seattle WA 98178 VI CL & FF AMA Headquarters Competition Depertment T Bill Smith 10825 44th Ave SW Seattle WA RC ay 201 Hulman Salem Rd Terre Haute IN 8140 RC Pylon & SoaringRC Pattern & alt other RCRC except Soaring Bold Face Below Indicates Chairman Contest Board INDOOR CONTEST BOARD I Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Waylund MA 01778 II Doug Barber 146 Stratton House Maple Shade NJ 08052 Ill Wall VanGurder 5669 Victory View Ln Cincinnati OH 45233 IV Don Srull 941 Kimberwicke Rd McLean VA 22102 V John Martin 2180 Tigertail Miami FL 35133 CONTROL LINE CONTEST BOARD I George Higgins PO Boa 501 North Pembroke MA 02358 II Bill Boss 77-06 289th St. New Hyde Park NY 11040 III Laird Jackson 1106 Walnut St. Philadelphia PA 19107 IV Wayne Foxier 101 Forest Dr Advance NC 27006 V Dave Hematraught P0 Box 171 Moncks Corner SC 29461 FREE FLIGHT CONTEST BOARD I Henry Struck 294 Hamburg Rd Lyme CT 06371 II Bradley Bane 80 Lake Ave Lyndonville NY 14098 Ill Rudy Klsiber 2021 Lakeland Ave Lakewood OH 44107 IV Joe Boyle Jr 219 Shenandoah Rd Hampton VA 23361 V Bonny Jenkins 3112 C Acme Rd Memphis TN 38118 SCALE CONTEST BOARD I lrv SharI 52 Langholm Dr. Nashua NH 03062 Ii Robert Clemens 80 Shoreway Dr Rochester NY 14012 III Bill Carper 127 Pearl Si Jackson OH 45640 IV Bob Karlsson 708 Bulles Dr Middletown DE 19709 V David Plats 1306 Hevre NW Palm Bay FL 32907 ELECTRIC CONTEST BOARD I Nelson Whitman PO Box 415 East Faimouth MA 02536 II Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr. Oradell NJ 07649 Ill Richard Simpson 332 39th Street Pittsburgh PA 15201 IV Woody Blanchard 1733 Beach Rd. Hampton VA 23684 V Robert Nelson 390 San Jose Winter Haven FL 33884 VI Charlie Sotich 3851 W 62nd Place Chicago IL 80829 VII Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr. Orion MI 48359 VIII Ralph Bud Tenny Boa 545 Richardson TX 75080 IX Stan Chilton 725 E Lincoln Wichita KS 67211-3302 X Clarence Mather 2358 Tam OShanler Ave Bishop CA 93514-1944 XI Andy Tagliafico 650-B Taybin Rd. NW Salem OR 97304 VI CE Robbert 349 Hillsboro Ave Lesinglos KY 40511 VII Larry Dziak 2019 Strange SI Stevens Point WI 54481 VIII Bill Biachoft 7550 ChristIe Dallas TX 75249 IX Michael Tallman 3014 Exchange Wichita KS 67217 X Vic Garner PO Bos 573 Livermore CA 94550 Xl John Thompson 1145 Birch Avenue Cottage Grove OR 97424 VI Chris Matauno 8576 Ginger Dr SI John MO 83114 VII Bill Shailor 2317 Ciawson Avenue Royal Oak Ml 48073 VIII Russ Snyder 114 Andorra Universal City TX 78148 IX Jerald Murphy 2223 Villa Rosa Colorado Springs CO 80804 X Joe Norcross P0 Bon 65 Hanford CA 93232 Xl Kevin Collins 2320 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053 VI John Goenther 21609 BnrdenGreenville Rd Borden IN 47108 VII Claude McCullough RR 1 Boa 487 Montezuma IA 90171 VIII Ernest Harwood 2711 English Chase Arlingion TX 78016 IX Martin Libhart 139 N Edgemoor Wichita KS 67208 X Jim MacDonald 856 Burr Davis CA 95616 Xl Earle Moorhead 1407 Park Ave NE Salem OR 97301 Vi Cal Etfel 3 Casile Dr RR 2 Piorissant MO 63034 VII Keith Shaw 2750 Eimwood Ann Arbor MI 40194 VIII Frank Korman 5834 Goodwin Dallas TX 75206 IX Jason Perrin 1555 Broadway #122 Boulder CO 80302 X Robert Sliff PO Bos #9 Midway City CA 92655 Xl Bernard Cawley 29838 48th Ave S Auburn WA 98001 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTEST BOARD Chairman Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Napervilie IL 60549 Member East Coast Austin Leftwich 407 Aubrey Rd. Richmond VA 23229 Member CenI raIl Lee Webster 1000 Sycamore Manchester TN 37355 Member west Coast Bill Northrop 898 West 16th St Newport Beach CA 92663 Member South Glenn Gresens 10224 Kenlee Dr Baton Rouge LA 70815 RADIO CONTROL CONTEST BOARDS AEROBATICS I Scott Melville 100 Chatham Terr. Bridgeport CT 06806 II Thomas Johnson 5 Forest View Dr Hopewell Jctn NY 12533 lii R Heaselbreck 8320 Bixetterny Hill Ct Cincinnati OH 49248 IV Tom Miller 19130 Brooksreen Garden Fl. Hantersville NC 28078 V John Fuque 724 Diane St. Niceville FL 32578 VI Charles W Reed 5408 Woodson Rd Raytown MO 64133 HELICOPTER I Randy King 59 Waliingford Ave Athol MA 01331 ii Horace Hagen 16 Parkway Pt. Red Bank NJ 07701 ill Bill Curtis 218 Vernon Rd Greenville PA 16125 IV Robert F Harris 257 Estevez Rd La Plata MD 20648 V Tim Schoonard 802 Alfred Orlando FL 32810 RACING I Pete Reed 49 Anvil Dr Avon CT 06001 Ii Adam Sattler 41 Perry Ave Latham NY 12110 Ill Dave Lalsha 1141 Columbus Ave Lemoyne PA 17043 IV Cliff Telford 7417 Arrowoocl Rd Bethesda MD 20817 V Gail Jacobson 2205 Brilley Terrace College Park GA 30349 SOARING I Fritz Bias 41 Saw Mill Rd Concord MA 01742 II Bill Miller PO Bos 335 Princeton Junction NJ 08550 ill Gene Shelkey 217 Euclid Ave Scottdaie PA 15683 IV Bob Champine 205 Tiplon Rd. Newport News VA 23806 V Charles Anderson PO Box 305 Tullahoma TN 37388 SCALE VII David von Linsowe 7093 E Dodge Rd Mt Morris Ml 49458 VIII William Thomas 331 SE Rockwood Bartlesnille OK 74008 IX Jim Mowrey RR 2 Box 56 Kinsley KS 67547 X Craig Millet Gibson Dunn & Crutcher 808 Newport Center Dr Suite 700 Newport Beach CA 92660 Xi Rick Allison 15618 Northeast 56th Way Redmond WA 98052 VI to determined VII Roy Dietz 12450 Lansdowne Detroit Ml 48224 VIII Dave Youngbiood 1212 Barak Bryan TX 77802 IX Don Vineyard 205 5 HilIdale Sauna KS 67401-3209 X Robert Gorham 24533 Los Alisos #103 Laguna Hills CA 92653 Xi Mark Ewert 108 SC 4th College Place WA 99324 VI Jim Gager 9425 Auburn Rd Ft Wayne IN 46625-3031 VII Wayne Yeager 38235 Castle Dr Romulus Ml 48174 VIII Dick Ritch 11942 Waxwing Houston TX 77035 IX Duane Gall 12800W Asbury P1 Lakewood CO 80228 X Gary Hover 18016 Ave 285 Visalia CA 93277-9757 Xl Tom Strom 1420 SW 160th Seattle WA 98116 VI Stan Watson 10414W 134 St Pubs Park IL 60464 VII Al Scidmore 8013 Dorsett Dr Madison WI 53711 VIII Pancho Morris 2715 Eastbrook Dr Mesquite TX 75150 IX Byron Blakeslee 3134 Winnebago Dr Sedalia CO 80135 X Randy Spencer 2617 Fisk Ln Redondo Beach CA 90278 Xi Dave Johnson 3526 NE 90th Ave. Portland OR 97220 CONTEST BOARD COORDINATOR Don Lindley 420 Tupelo Naperville IL 60540 PAl TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN John Guenther 21809 Borden-Greenville Rd. Borden IN 47106 INDOOR Richard Doig 6 Canary Hill Dr Orion Ml 48359 FREE FLIGHT Chuck Markos 655 Carlisle Deerfield IL 60015 CL SPEED & TEAM RACE Bill Lee 3522 Tamariak Lo Missouri City TX 77459 CL COMBAT Gary Frost 13 Castlewood CI St Peters MO 83376 CL AEROBATICS Pete Bergstrom 4219 201 xl Ct E Spanaway WA 98387-6714 AC SOARING Don Edberg 4922 Rochelle Ave Irvine CA 92714 RC AEROBATICS Stephen Lelito 19 Main St Wenwell MA 01379 RC PYLON Bob Brown 1255 High St. Bradford PA 16701 RC ELECTRIC Joe Beshar 198 Merritt Dr Oradell NJ 07949 RC HELICOPTER Horace Hagen 15 Parkway Fl Red Bank NJ 07701 TMro*r used novice fliers having requirement take off land novice can keep model air can participate Once airborne flier simply says Start timer starts watch end what pilot perceives two minutes says Stop watch stopped Closest man 2 minutes plus minus wins Cautions include letting him see watch course beware modern transmitters built timer always fun engage flier conversation during two minutes breaks up thousand one thousand two routine have Sailplaners mixed bunch prepared individuals can center punch two minutes Remember sailplane tasks two minute precision duration event easily adapted Control Line Free Flight although may wish vary target time Loops RollsThere zillion varrations event Most tend involve timing time model leaves ground until some number loops and/or rolls completed Its suggested watch several concerns first safety measure Upon takeoff tendency start maneuver soon possible frequently individuals will get themselves peck trouble fast due lack flying speed altitude orientation second also safety time event until touchdown second chance mistakes appears Therefore may wish begin end timing air half combination can used Control Line event Guess LimboThis event often named Hobby Shop Owners Delight since tends shorten wings break props remove canopies vertical fins models event can simple number passes within specific period time under preset-height ribbon moving ribbon down increments points assigned can also assign higher point values inverted passes event new fliers Trust Provide supports hold poles short length pipe welded center scrap automobile rim great ribbon can variety materials always used crepe paper streamers its windy crepe paper tends stretch can get around pre-stretching twisting same time Bomb DropAlso egg doughnut streamer what-have-you drop guess personal preference drop egg something about raw egg hitting ground stirs mind Cut threeinch-square piece plywood attach plastic metal cup glue some thin foam bottom plywood place two small screw eyes opposite edges ply rubberband model Continued page 136 Nats $oarisp Updatp COmU6d course means providing own launch equipment helpers Pre registration helpers required please remember access field restricted card-carrying members clan will test winches compliance FAI specs however AMA Safety Code will enforced AMA winches will available requested subject launch equipment AMA has purchased eight new Rahm winches years event coupled adequate supply line careful handling should improve flight line operations greatly goal Duration events four rounds minimum have given thought reducing task time round could start events promptly 800 am comments would greatly appreciated official schedule oSunday July 14Electric Sailplane Old Time Electric Monday July 15F3B F3E Tuesday July 16Class Handlaunch Sport Scale Sailplane Wednesday July 17Two-Meter Thursday July 18Standard Friday July 19Unlimited Please note Electric events official year site will use Sunday Electric events will share Monday should pose no problem exact schedule Tuesday pending awaiting look advance entry certainly intend avoid delay confusion last year likely scenario dedicated time slot Scale flying Look notices posted Nats Headquarters Handlaunch tasks will documented Nats registration packet Wednesday through Friday will once again consist TI International Duration L6 Graduated Runway worked very well last year once past initial trepidation well received contestants Bear mind event unsuitable wind conditions will change landing task traditional in/out circle Site rules will same last year Overflight parking lot buildings above prescribed minimum altitude will allowed well working slope lift near building word wise practice sloping altitude judgment As always need help Volunteers needed man tasks event whether hour whole week will contacting clubs seeking help can volunteer individually sending volunteer form AMA Headquarters sure mark Soaring Events plainly form contact directly awards banquet tentatively scheduled Friday evening will less structured occasion Plans hog roast barbecue Fox Ridge Country Club am trying persuade some AMA luminaries present can discus future Nats Soaring events Muncie Any volunteers Cross-Country Nats As added attraction year AMA has granted us permission conduct cross-country race Sunday July 14 event will hosted UFFDA local Soaring disassociation format will very similar Great Race put SOAR Group northern Illinois Actual course details still being finalized minimum course length will satisfy LSF level 5 requirements Entry will accepted first-comefirst-served basis An entry shall de defined individual pilot He/she will required provide his/her own chase vehicle spotters helpers timer assigned another team Relief course approved entrant must fly majority course judged timer Any entrant claiming LSF qualification must fly entire flight will ask timer verification will several local winches available Its asked competitors make launch equipment available others possible order minimize site delivery requirements enter send self-addressed stamped legal-size envelope possible frequencies address article head Contestants requesting same frequencies will put touch other sharing teaming frequency changes can worked out Send no money Entry fees will discussed entry packet sent assure will minimal race intended primarily fun event show AMA another facet sport special award will made smallest aircraft complete course See Nats D 1993 FAI F3B RC Soaring Team Selection Program Qualification Qualification 1993 RC Soaring Team Selection finals will begin June 1 1991 ending 30 days prior finals Prior making qualifying attempt pilot must current AMA NAA National Aeronautic Association member have paid program entry fee $20 AMA Headquarters pilot will permitted up two attempts Attempts beyond first two permitted providing additional $20 fee paid AMA two attempts program entry form must properly completed signed CD appropriate copies must forwarded AMA Headquarters TSC Chairman CD may certify own performance pilot may qualify either following three methods 1 Fly AMA sanctioned F3B event #445 contest rounds Continued page 136 July 1991 135 U Technical Director continued case doughnut drop replace cup dowel rod object course get whatever drop close possible spot Suggestions include placing cup ahead behind too far behind CG center gravity need to line up spot give tiny down blip elevator object will come out cup put CG will have either roll flatten top loop get out Closest spot wins use doughnuts heavens sake dont use glazed melt nicely sun stick platform and/or model last important Dont instruct flier watch model object Otherwise both liable hit ground same time course could use event Control Line Ground Based EventsSome clubs like use events model doesnt leave ground least intentionally engine start routine pilot removes prop glow plug stations himself some distance away model races LeMans style model installs pieces starts engine perhaps can time First engine running wins Caution! Stress safety bear mind cross-threaded plug can wonders head short order No diesels please Another ground based event taxi course Using series gates flags sticks traffic cones etc mark course model taxied through course shortest amount time Determine ahead time whether will allow done wing attached makes difference Some clubs have done having modeler look mirror Hmm guess certain about safety issue way can used Free Flight Control Line other cannot Guess Balloon BustThis natural Control Line mainly because thats came Look page 57 Competition Regulations Its much difficult event RC due fact youre operating dimensions can tie balloons sticks anchored ground fill helium try hit air Tough can use time-to-bust number busted winner determiner Watch safety considerations RC Dont let pilot stand too close balloon Carrier EventMark off carrier deck runway using lime tape length generally determined surface can get length about 50 feet smooth grass Dont go over 24 feet width object take off within confines deck dont make Continued page 138 4 am achieve 90% ot winners score contest contest shall have minimum five contestants event #445 2 Fly AMA sanctioned contest rounds perform absolute qualification flights 24 seconds less speed 16 laps distance 400 points higher duration three absolutes may achieved during single sanctioned contest 3 1991 team members Larry Jolly Daryl Perkins Joe Wurts will qualified attend finals upon payment entry fees totaling $95 AMA Headquarters postmarked no later 30 days prior start Finals NOTE Prior qualifying attempt contestant responsible verifying contest properly sanctioned AMA Headquarters Finals finals will held between July 1 1992 December 31 1992 site date will determined vote Team Selection Committee see para entitled Finals Site Bids finals entry fee $75 must postmarked no later 30 days prior start finals start finals will begin day on-site registration check-in pre-contest meeting competitors required attend held prior actual competition date Refund requests finals fee must submitted writing AMA Headquarters postmarked no later five business days following conclusion finals finalist entrant must specify regional team affiliation Contest Director has right make cut some fraction contestants order assure adequate number rounds flown minimum three rounds will flown before cut can made Details cut process shall announced during pre-contest meeting during equipment inspection minimum five rounds five flights duration distance speed will flown team will selected finals top three finishers will constitute team fourth-place finisher will alternate contest rules will accordance FAI Sporting Code Protests must submitted writing within hour infraction accompanied $20 fee protest rejected fee will deposited F3B team fund protest fee shall returned protester protest allowed stand Jury three member AMA appointed jury will impaneled finals adjudicate disputes and/or protests arising over interpretation implementation Sporting Code finals contest rules Continued page 139 1991 ClAM F3C Helicopter Report Horace G Hagen Chairman F3C Subcommittee first item discussed 1991 F3C Subcommittee S/C Technical Meeting dealt World Air Games ICARIADA held Greece 1995 ClAM Bureau discussed event Bureau meeting March 20 preceding Plenary meeting recommended F3A F3C F3D Large Scale Control Line participate 1995 ICARIADA F3C S/C agreed F3C category should participate preferably open international championships rather World Championships because emphasis spectator appeal During discussion point made future World Championships F3C event should run separately other events rather part Aerolympics multiple-class competition reasoning behind organizers can put 100 percent effort F3C event Experience Aerolympics II 1989 has shown compromises made event run simultaneously cost savings expected also realized Quite contrary organizers reported loss over $50000for Aerolympics II Agenda items pertaining general section FAI Sporting Code effect F3C category discussed F3C S/C Technical Meeting listed below Item B ClAM Bureau introduced idea FAI Aeromodeling Fund bureau provided no details money would spent proposal requested 10 percent entry fee FAI international event diverted fund F3C S/C did recommend proposal because increased burden organizers Item C bureau recommended Plenary Meeting schedule changed once year once other year F3C S/C did recommend proposal Item D bureau recommended agenda Plenary meeting organized such proposals given category kept together unit improve readability F3C S/C recommended proposal Item Part II Age Classification Poland recommended age Juniors raised 18 21 years order increase length time Junior can compete Junior World Championships proposal recommended F3C S/C Item Part II Entry Fees proposal Belgium recommended entry fees helpers supporters limited 25 Swiss Francs maximum proposal recommended F3C S/C later withdrawn favor another 136 Model Aviation proposal same subject Free Flight SIC proposal recommended entry fee helpers spectators limited 20 percent competitors fee proposal also recommended F3C S/C accepted Plenary Meeting applies FAI categories consensus F3C SIC rule will reduce number offers submitted running World Continental Championships and/or result raising competitors entry fee compensate loss revenue Item F Bureau covered interference testing prior FAI Radio Control competition idea wholly supported F3C S/C recommended However some reservations expressed regard practicality availability necessary equipment legal liabilities never being 100 percent certain interference will surface later time Item C under RC proposals submitted F3C S/C unanimously recommended item added means breaking tie first three places proposed 1993 rules tie breaker inadvertently left out new program fly-off scheme added After proposals contained official agenda dealt floor opened discussion other items Sound levels measured several competitions during past year discussed next sound level model flown F3C class 1990 USA Nationals measured Concern about measuring sound level 3 meters hovering helicopter hand held sound level meter expressed relatively unsafe making measurements close proximity main rotor suggested tripod mounted microphone remote meter utilized future Additional experiments will conducted during 1991 measurements made 1990 NATS seemed indicate present goal 98dB over hard surface 96 dB over grass can achieved mufflers presently available two maximum noise levels 1993 presently set 96dB 94dB respectively anticipated levels will also attainable proper muffler selection next topic covered scoring criteria An FAI F3C judge suggested introduce 01 point increments replace present 05 point steps reason change improve scoring reduce likelihood tie score F3C S/C voted against suggestion because F3C judges have enough difficulty working 05 point steps date have tie score Continental World Championships 1993 method classification has changed introduce three elimination rounds plus two flyoff rounds plus well defined method breaking tie addition much larger problem appears exist judging ranks judging covers range between 5 10 points range specified rule book 0 through 10 time has come judges must trained much critical time has also come must increase number qualified judges method hold judges schools major competitions Perhaps should encourage pilots attend such school have better understanding rules judging criteria same subject suggested should consider changing scoring dont drop high low scores maneuver pointed out dropping high low scores forces judges narrow range because fear score will dropped high low very real problem discussed after 1989 WC Virginia suggested scores upcoming competitions analyzed help computers order determine making change would improve selection winner danger analyzing judges scores course may scare some better judges away second guessing must careful making such fundamental change As Chairman Event Director last World Championships introduced two rules clarifications developed after 1990 contest season Rules change proposals ClAM Plenary meeting must arrive FAI Headquarters November 15 previous year thus clarifications could placed agenda However clarifications submitted Technical Secretary ClAM after Plenary meeting approved clarifications Since qualified clarifications became effective immediately will followed 1991 World Championships Australia first clarification deals problem re-positioning model between Horizontal Eight Nose-in Circle maneuvers rule book clearly states landing specified part maneuver will result next maneuver being scored zero intent rule dates back 1984 rules did want pilots land between aerobatic maneuvers order re-adjust transmitters next maneuver occurred quite often resulted unacceptably long flight times over 10 minutes recent competitions pilots have forced rotate Helicopters lifting off helipad thus risked crashing Helicopter skids got caught grass avoid situation sentence has added paragraph 5411 b after sentence such happens next maneuver will scored zero new sentence reads EXCEPTION re-positioning purposes model may lifted off maximum altitude eye level between HORIZONTAL EIGHT NOSE-IN CIRCLE maneuversContinued page 140 1991 ClAM RC Soaring Report Terry Edmonds F3B Subcommittee Member 1991 ClAM Plenary Meeting produced several rules changes F3B well some provisional soaring classes As usual F3B Technical Meeting good attendance representatives countries F3B proposal Belgium penalize team allowing parts winch fly apart create safety hazard passed Add following item 5316 Cancellation Flight page 69 see also 5322b 2 h case launching electrically powered winch ejection part winch excluding parts line during its operation leads cancellation flight no further attempt permitted Since safety related rule effective immediately Proposals group scoring speed task made France Belgium proposed last year also defeated Technical Committee came compromise issue basically leaves decision group scoring up CD Add following item 5317 Organization Starts page 69 end paragraph 2 task C speed group may consist minimum eight contestants contestants Also 5326a Partial Scores page 73 replace task winner group receives 1000 points Also replace 5326d Tw winner task C Tw winner related group rule change will become effective 1993 Belgium made proposal reverse decision last year go winch battery specifications cold cranking amps internal resistance place linear dimensions counter proposal defeated has controversial confusing situation way stands moment linear dimensions will force until 1993 cold cranking amps/internal resistance rule will effective rule passed last year limiting height turnaround pulley effective until 1993 however has changed effective immediately because can considered safety item F3H proposal introduced subcommittee F3H Cross Country Racing scoring change passed current rules necessarily reward team finishing course new rule insures team finishing course receives bonus penalty Continued page 140 July 1991 137 Director cQntbltWd flight over allow model held full-throttle run-up launch Once airborne three touch-andgos performed deck ground touched outside deck area engine killed touch flight over last part task land deck model may roll through end line sidelines Points assigned takeoff touch-and-go landing Extra points may given model stops within deck area landing event novice does require fair amount time run could used Control Line although throttle would little dicey touch-and-gos pure chance landing lot whipping Work out own point scheme used use 5 take off 10 touch-and-go 15 landing 20 kept deck Musical PylonThis chance type event skill Split runway halves up wind-down wind line Place pylon pole person flag off end runway Put off side runway out aways distance critical Make up multi plane heat four six planes too critical Before takeoff CD establishes time 30 seconds perhaps minute half Again critical time secret time known CD models take off fly orbit type pattern around pylons least far pylons no speed involved secret time has elapsed CD says Land sounds horn etc time everyone must land model downwind line across runway must flown around pylons before landing Last man down dropped out models take off go until left hence musical chair syndrome No engine restarts allowed never mid air problem did have mid ground now can envision event both Free Flight Control Line suspect Control Line would real exciting landing SpinsThe spins after X-amount time climb-out takeoff thrilling event prepared some controversy count fact someone will think have enough altitude turn dont Dont let novice try event due panic mode sets recovery time tendency release rudder hang up elevator because nose pointed toward ground Most models will stop spinning unless release up elevator well Control Line Get serious Climb GlideThis neat event can mix sailplanes power like object award minus point second climb-out time high start plus point second glide Put some limit climb-out time Thirty seconds good start Logic suggests event described weighted heavily toward sailplane taint necessarily theres good lift thats true may wish separate power models sailplanes theres no good lift its toss up cases Add little spice give points spot landing Make certain power plane has full shut-down engine first time tried allowed engine throttled idle interesting see engines idling 10000 RPM dont see Control Line event free flight period zillion other events can come up just ponder tad Please consider few Dos think about safety element keep rules simple possible try eliminate subjective judgment much possible try have balance skill luck events require flier use model events No specialized aircraft specific event youll try keep events low key everyone will able recognize Fun part Fun Fly prepared fact produce high level competitiveness among participants See man dive model ground hit spot See man search loop hole rules See man fiendish gleam eye measures up next victim funkinda like going demolition derby times would like share new ideas us please Enuff now Cheers Results 1991 ClAM Free Flight Meeting FiC NoiseThe biggest Free Flight issue ClAM agenda year FiC noise question Though little indication FiC noise problem countries apparently problem some central European countries Thus issue will go away have reprieve another year no hard rule change concerning FiC noise adopted fact change six second motor run purported noise-induced change withdrawn recognized what performance reducing change will have debated separate issue along other performance reducing measures may suggested future respect FiC noise question approach seems evolving optional use FiC mufflers Though nothing like has proposed accepted approved could work follows FiC models would flown mufflers countries have no noise constraints 2 countries have noise constraints FiC models would required use mufflers 3 ClAM vote whether approve Free Flight World Championship Continental Championship particular country would made full light whether country required FiC mufflers 4 Individual modelers would have option adding muffler model purpose adding silencing device no extension contact exhaust rule would waived noted use muffler FiC engine may induce resonance adding much 500 1000 RPM same time quieting engine Members ClAM Free Flight Subcommittee will continue pursue question get muffler will meet noise requirements yet increase power violence FiC aerodynamics AMA has indicated willingness provide financial support technical efforts develop such silencer USA Other Free Flight items considered ClAM meeting discussed following Use Binoculars TripodsThis item withdrawn referred back Free Flight Subcommittee Measurement Wind SpeedFor Scale Free Flight contest will interrupted wind stronger 9 M/S least 20 seconds point 2 meters above groundApproved Provisional RulesAdopted Fl K Models C02 Engines FiLEasy B RecordsThere now no minimum amount old record has exceeded establish new FAI record effective 1993 Junior Age ClassificationA proposal C Xenakis change Junior age classification 18 years 21 years defeated Free-Flight World Championships 1991 Zrenjanin Yugoslavia 2-9 July FlA B C World Championships 1992 CSSR FlA B C juniors Firm Accepted Poland Indoor FiD Firm 1993 USA FlA B C Firm Accepted 1994 Argentina Indoor FiD Tentative 1995 Hungary FlA B C Firm SAFE FLYING ISNO ACCIDENT 138 Model Aviation flULIJUI IV U e a iii document entitled Worla Lnamplonship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Disputes and/or protests must presented writing jury Contest Director following appeals decisions Contest Director pg 5 no 9 FAI document will no appeal decisions jury Finals Site Bids Bids must submitted AMA Headquarters postmarked no later November 15 1991 bid should include 1 Host club organization name address daytime phone number contact person 2 Site location description date must between July 1 December 31 1992 expected weather conditions local accommodations approximate cost distance site 3 Officials other jury especially name Contest Director 4 Additional equipment personnel assistance 5 Local help assistance cooperation 6 Estimated budget set sighting signaling devices available Team Selection Committee budget will omit items Any club officer club member finals official may designated receive correspondence inquiries however individual should open AMA member approved organizer Contest Director must named recognized organizers may have several possible choices CD may present name Probationary new CDs permitted serve finals CD finals Contest Director subject final approval AMA Team Selection Committee Other officials timers judges event directors etc must AMA members have demonstrated competence within assigned duties Organizers may assess surcharge help defray finals costssurplus funds returned AMA Headquarters deposit team fund Receipts expenditures required account surcharge submitted AMA deposit team fund Additionally requests reimbursement team fund must accompanied receipts Allowable expenses team fund include items such port-a-john rental minimum travel expenses officials should local individuals possible supplies staples pencils rope tape etc Costs bid preparation socials banquets trophies awards prohibited Socials banquets should self supporting however banquet expenses officials may submitted approval consideration time expenses donated operation finals Once bid prepared specify titi Xft whether club will require reimbursement indicate maximum amount expected Note total budget allowance expenses cannot exceed 25% finals entry fee income Team Selection Committee will review bids assure adequate accommodations suitable flying site Team Selection Committee will approve finals site simple majority vote members responding ballot Team Manager team manager will selected accordance World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams Prefinals less four months between team selection event World Championships team manager must selected prior finals person may further participate selection program he/she enrolled Post-finals four months between finals contest World Championship team manager may selected after finals Nominations Any person wishing considered team manager must submit name writing AMA Headquarters later 14 days after finals Nominations team manager will accepted AMA membership community groups can involved process may include program participants presidents AMA recognized special interest groups previous current team members helpers AMA Headquarters team selection committees prospective team manager need have FAI competitor However must thoroughly knowledgeable rules event he/she being considered Appointment actual appointment shall made AMA Headquarters FAI Executive Committee consultation chairman appropriate team selection committee FAI Executive Committee Headquarters may select someone own choosing satisfied names submitted FAI Executive Committee has authority replace team manager team members addition duties described World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams team manager must submit Team Selection Committee report documenting problem areas future reference report independent World Championship report should sent AMA Headquarters distribution within 60 days after World Championship Budget Up 25% finals entry fees collected may used finals expenses remaining team fund including fees donations primarily financing F3B team TSC shall allocate team fund moneys following team expenses limit fund 1 Travel expenses paid AMA such vehicle rental fuel vehicles 2 baggage charges model boxes AMA does pay model box transportation 3 any other expenses approved majority vote Team Selection Committee document entitled World Championship Teams Procedures Governing Academys Sponsorship FAI Teams describes standards team selection programs governed Any items specified within team selection program will covered under Procedures event dispute discrepancy Procedures will take precedence over team selection program 1991 ClAM Scale Sub-committee Report Bob Wischer recent years number contestants attending Scale World Championships has increased level makes difficult completion events usual week allotted period time Greater time adds expense host national aero club proposal alleviate problem suggested flights should precede static judging whenever entry list exceeds 30 models Typically have about double number past several championships Static judging would begin after first model flown would keep both static flight judges work concurrently conserve time proposal accepted effective immediately related proposal offered following models flown before being static judged damage sustained during flight shall ignored static judges proposal also accepted Another related proposal France would have intermixed static flight judges system models flights would always scored same set judges resulting inequalities proposal rejected Communication problems occurred because static judges last years World Championships Poland didnt speak same language proposal accepted mandates static judges must have common language Effective 1993 new rule book printed Continued page 140 July 1991 139 iti um 1991 ClAM RepOll continued second clarification refers maneuver description autorotation 180 Degree Turn following two paragraphs replace two paragraphs 1989 rule book 54129 AUTOROTATION WITH 180 DEGREE TURN model flies minimum altitude 20 meters maneuver begins model crosses imaginary plane extends vertically upward line drawn center judge out through central helipad continuing infinity model must autorotative state cuts plane engine must off point model must descending 180 degree turn must start point turning descending rate must constant point touchdown helipad Scoring criteria maximum score 10 points can achieved model makes smooth touchdown central helipad change direction landing made inside 10 meter square portion models landing gear touches perimeter 12-meter circle maximum score 9 points model makes perfect landing inside 10-meter square maneuver can achieve maximum score 8 points model makes perfect landing outside 10-meter square maximum score S points can awarded flight path stretched flying parallel ground reach square helipad maneuver will downgraded Upcoming international competitions discussed next An interesting competition will take place Pfaeffikon Switzerland May 9 through 12 1991 event marks 17th International Militky RC Electric Cup year includes electric Helicopters Provence Cup will held June 21 through 23 Avignon France 4th International Helicopter Cup will take place Kraiwiesen/Salzburg Austria June 29-30 1991 F3C World champs will take place Wangaratta Australia October 20 through 27 1991 Future events also announced 1992 European Championships held Austria date place announced 1993 F3C World Champs will also held Austria part Aerolympics IV together F3A F3D Since becoming Chairman F3C S/C have increased membership include members countries have active interest F3C category FAI F3C S/C now has representative Australia Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Italy Japan Liechtenstein Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR have suggestions improving FAI F3C rules please forward Horace G Hagen 15 Parkway Place Red Bank NJ 07701 need direct response please include self addressed stamped envelope Attendance Len Bliss United Kingdom S/C Member Alex Goossens Belgium Observer Brian Green Australia 1991 WC Organizer Horace Hagen USA S/C Chairman Ritsuri Honda Japan Observer Jean Claude Lavigne France Observer Peter Oberli Switzerland S/C Member Henry van Loon Netherlands Observer Jan van Vliet Netherlands ObserverW unued proposal acLepleu Lu weign model immediately after first flight contestant course requires contestant must drain fuel tank completely after flying models weight near 7 kg limit also means model will weighed flying propeller spinner place past often practice weigh model static prop spinner French also proposed noise measurement made least once determine compliance 98 dB limit Effective 1993 proposal accepted permit helper manipulate transmitter controls during engine start-up before flight related French proposal stipulated timekeeper responsible watching helpers touch transmitter once first maneuver has called helper touches transmitter during official flight flight scored zero Effective 1993 Belgian proposal modify complexity bonus rejected proposed 5% bonuses conventional landing gear 5% retracts could accumulated total 10% sub-committee opinion favored reduction bonuses preference proliferation may new proposal next year accomplish proposal permit electrically powered models extra half kilogram 75 kg total model weight accepted Fuel powered models weighed empty tanks electric models weighed batteries Effective 1993 South Africa proposed flight times reduced 14 12 minutes aerobatic prototypes 17 15 minutes non-aerobatic prototypes interest saving time accomplish time saving proposed eliminate procedure turn mandatory flight schedule because its similarity figure-eight followed immediately mandatory maneuvers compensate loss procedure turn K factor straight flight maneuver would increased K gure-eight K w mandatory maneuver Descending Circle after 1993 K me K factor changes will become effective until 1993 new rule book published proposals accepted South Africa also proposed reduce landing zone 100 meters 35 meters past Since Scale model flying spot landing contest new breed faster larger heavier models would penalized such change proposal rejected proposal use instant camera photograph model static judged rejected purpose remind judges during static judging what judged previously comparison pointed out emphatically models compared documentation furnished competitor definitely compared other through photos other means Instant photos sufficient quality advantage judging single photo quite useless Judges presently given opportunity make comparisons models displayed line-up previous competition static judging area should have good overhead lighting plain white background should provided behind table models positioned proposal initiated sub-committee accepted effective 1993 meetings numerous proposals withdrawn meet opposition discovered errors included Other proposals rejected after discussions being brought vote sub-committee members Without US presence meetings have no voice undesirable rules could forced upon us becomes obviously important speak against unwanted changes antagonizing other committee members especially voice worlds largest model aviation organization AMA presently enjoy position respect FAI AMA has made firm offer host 1992 Scale World Championships Muncie Indiana August 21-29 F4B Control Line F4C Radio Control will first official use Muncie facility Scale modelers place see worlds best action top quality models E situations Change tollowing H5bbc 1 Score Computations page 20c read finisherFastest finishing teams score Score Other finishing team s score Score Tw/Ti300 Non-finishing teams score Score w700 Ti s time finish course Tw est time finish course Di teams distance flown Dw distance task rule will effect time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed An International F3H newsletter has initiated information contact Editor Myles Moran 10428 Oso Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 F3J 140 Model Aviation big news F3J Thermal Duration Gliders class well its way becoming official event Three five required international contests have recorded the ClAM UK hosting another contest year confident will qualify will leave qualifying contest complete should expect see F3J official somewhere around 1993 Several new rules F3J introduced Subcommittee passed will become effective time minutes Plenary Meeting distributed Change 5622 Flying Site page 22b 125m radius bonus circle 15m radius Replace existing paragraph 5695 Scoring page 22e following landing bonus will awarded accordance distance landing spot marked organizers according following tabulation Distance Spot Meters 8 9 11 12 13 14 45 40 35 30 0 15 over 15 Replace paragraph 5696 Scoring page 22e distance landing bonus measured model nose rest landing spot allocated competitor organizers above rules changes connected converting F3J measured landing decided landing task should demanding International Class allow competitors traveling long distances international contests worthwhile rewarding competition change minimum number flights made Change 5631 Competition Flights page 22b read competitor will allowed least five 5preferably official flights Points make event challenging 100 man-on-man competition minimum number competitors per group has established Add new sentence 905651a Rounds Slots page 22c 85 minimum 6 preferably 8 10 80competitors should scheduled 75 70group 65 proposal made determine 60 final placing aggregate score two fly-off rounds plus qualifying rounds current rules determine winners score two fly off rounds Interestingly proposal defeated generally considered greater amount rounds duration contest averages out luck factor greater degree argument against proposal F3J fly-off competitors flying man-on-man suspect proposal will show up again future other F3J proposal dealing stopwatch failure proposal referred back subcommittee further study F3F An international newsletter F3F Slope Soaring has established information contact editor Preben Norholm Godthabsvej 7 DK-7400 Herning Denmark F31 Proper English translation F31 Aero-Tow Glider rules has completed improved rules should included next printing Supplement Sporting Code am sure will German proposal establish yet another RC Soaring Class F3G combustion enginepowered Glider event Little interest shown subcommittee Furthermore quite questionable whether should considered soaring class Ultimately proposal withdrawnD SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX Proposition Leningrad Slava Olshevski Leningrad USSR Dear Mr Keyawa Thanks lot for magazines District 10 symbols Ive got parcel February 15 safe sound First Id like say some general thoughts great distances time zones different currency political systems other barriers part us main problems psychological barriers skin color nose shape prevent people make friends over world mindprejudices people say America differ people Russia people have same thoughts feeling way speaking way thinking can easily express thoughts English Weaeromodelers also united hobby first meeting can understand other felt couldnt new information new ideas new friends couldnt help writing letters 10 AMA VPs outstanding people US aeromodeling kept fingers crossed Thankyou second VP answer letter Enclosed will find original Soviet aircraft chronometer small present chronometer intended set modern Soviet fighter Thanks Peristroika conversion military industry output chronometers became just fighters nutshell Ill tell about myself Im 26 now still optimist Ive graduated Leningrad Institute Aviation Instrument Making 6 years ago Now Im working Leningrad Aviation Center Aerocomputer Also Im president small co-op firm Sadcom Inc newly organized firm going specialize aeromodeling Scale plastic model kits vacuum-formed injection molded decals wooden ship models Also will re-equip military night vision tank binoculars civil use Now Id like tell idea American Aeromodelers Can Help Soviet Ones Please tell what think about hope AMA District 10 will first set up new SovietAmerican aeromodelers initiative Preface Looking through RC magazine youve sent other American aeromodeling journals couldnt help thinking Russian young people couldnt dream get 1/0OOOth RC equipment shown slaves Control Line Free Flight Soviet industry completely forgot needs aeromodelersit makes tanks rockets battleships mean real ones now havent got RC equipment enough food say least dont see much improvement next 5 years Main Idea Let people help people Let aeromodelers California help aeromodelers Leningrad Let people have second-hand RC equipment need could send USSR badly need case- aeromodeling Leningrad region will have huge impulse grow prosper- Lots people will make friends new countries- would joint RC competitions- Soviet industry will see examples copy Whats opinion worth doing will also tell idea Geoff Styles AMA Can publish idea Dist X aeromodel magazine best regards Dorothy Keyawa Sincerely yours Slava Olshevski 18 Line House 23 Apt 39 Leningrad 199178 USSR SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX SOAPBOX July 1991 141 x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 0 0 Co x 0 a. 0 Co Co 0 w 0 x Co 0 w 0 x Co to0 w 0 x Co 0 0 w 0 x Co 0 -o w 0 x