CHEAP THRILLS can remember just kid got plenty cheap thrills flying Jim Walkers innovative great-flying catapultlaunch Gliders Modeled after Lockheed Shooting Star early Air Force jet caine clever folding mechanism wing root catapult stick can now get again mail orderand thrills just great photos shows author big grin getting ready launch AJ Interceptor San Diego thermal no thrill like seeing model shoot blue see wing flop open model begin circling like hawk Interceptor available ready fly $695 U-Build kit $495 Add $3 postage/handling first three models find thrill fly Bluebeny Hill af ter ordering American Junior Aircraft Co Box 68132 Portland OR 97268 Recently taken out mothballs after being storage since late Thirties venerable Fly ing Aces Moth now available Peek-Poly mers kit First published popular model magazine era Flying Aces designed Herb Spatz over 50 years has fa vorite stick-n-tissue fliers photos Moth show both evolu tionasy stages first bare sticks some Peek tissue over skeleton As can see has elegant linesa real classic Originally rubber-powered balsa freewbeeler prop now has Peek plastic prop Plans suggest can also CO2 powered requires cuffing off nose plastic surgery results truly ugly version Save CO another design However might fit new ultrasmall electric motors kit contains usual Peek quality balsa prop bearing wheels tissue full-size plan clear instructions ideal sport model Two Bits competition machine Order kit PP 31 hobby dealer direct Peck Polymers Box 2498 La Mesa CA 92044 Price $895 plus $2 postage/packing Enjoy watching Moth take sky Bob Combs record-holding AA Bobcat large light fast model has set standard during its evolvement over past seven years lat est being new AMA Category III record 1981 snared three firsts two seconds 82 two firsts two seconds fifth Nats 83 two firsts second third 84 first sec ond seventh Nats 85 first five seconds 86 three firsts two seconds Flying Aces Moth flies again its new Peck-Polymers plane has favorite modeiers since appeared 1937 Wing span 24 designed rubber power aithough can use CO2 power want make ugly chopping off nose Another possibility use mini-electric motor its perfect 2-Bit Old-Timer contests 64 Model Aviation Free Flight Duration Dave Linstrum 4057 San Luis Dr Sarasota FL 33580 guesses needed answer designed has John Oldenkamp writ ten ail over High-ciimbing rubber-powered cabin plane grabs aititude 6 strands %-in rubber revving Guiliows Sieek Streak plastic prop Cover red/white/blue tissue x Another Oidenkamp Au-balsa Ellipsis uses Jedeisky-type wing construction otherwise iike Hand-Launched Glider Power 4 strands 1A-in rubber spinning 7-in Peck Poiymers piastic prop Nose unit/thrust bearing Old-Timer Modei Supply Model has spectacuiar climb Both photos John Oidenkamp Young Mike Gode Salem OR P-30 Rubber plane just before WMC contest 87 two firsts Bob also flies design B C D Gas has done good job some gen eral comments Bob Cox Engines wont turn 22K will better job following 1 Tear engine down wash dry 2 Mix jewelers rouge good grade oil Use run crankcase crank sembly drill press minute 3 Install KK needle valve assembly 128 threads/in KK venturi enlarged throat pressure fuel system 4 Assemble engine break using following schedule letting engine cool down between runs Run four-cycle pen bladder 15% nitro fuel Cox 5 x 3 prop B Run 3/ pint 15% mostly two-cycle C Make two following runs i 15cc 25% nitro 19K rpm ii 15cc 35% intro 205-21K D Remove plug gasket E Two 15cc runs 55% nitro 21-215K F Two 15cc runs 65% nitro 22-225K Cox S x 3 G Shoot 21K Cox 5% x 3 205K Cox 6 x 3 Fuel get fuel have blended own last seven years get components Oil Klotz special formula 100% pure synthet ic techniplate two-cycle racing oil Cheek gocart shop Methanol Also go-can shop about $2/gallon Take own container make sure seals well because methanol likes ab sorb moisture Store cool place pieee carpet Propylene oxide Check chemical supply house will cost about $22 2 kg Store refrigerator Amyl acetate About $14/pint chemical supply house Nitromethane About $30/gallon Buy serious RC Pylon fliers quart 65% nitro fuel blend 65% nitro 20% Klotz 15% propylene oxide add 5cc amyl acetate sounds like lot trouble sure makes As come alive contest season usually mix up quarts 25% 35% 55% pint 65% will last contest sea son propylene oxide will last forever gal lon methanol will last two seasons intro three can see has cut fuel jills Incidentally use 2% propylene oxide larger engines Balsa lot has written about can say good contest balsa some not-so-good contest balsa Weigh piece wood model requires wood light true strong Covering can best job main taining light framework blow pick ing up extra weight cover favor using Micafilin /2As heres Continued page ifl Okie F/F Flier Bob Combs Bobcat has under development several years now well-proven contest-winner AMA Gas classes Theres some good tips iAA contest flying Bob months columnincluding home brew fuel mixes January 1989 65 Heres VTO Dave himself about get cheap thrill another flight AJ Interceptor folding-wing catapult-launched glider item has around almost 50 years back production again Want Ordering info column Shirley Gode Salem OR put Garfield Lucy Peanuts figure pilots Hep Cat WING WGAS iii 49 Power obCombsIDallas 5 SQ IN COX 5/3 PROP STAB 8 Ceffikd Airtmnics Gold Label Super Namw Band Dual Receivers set 1991 certified independent tests state art FM PCIVI receivers meet eeed AMA RCMA specifications guidelines RIG operation 1991 beyond compact lightweight high performance Dual Conver sionFM PCvI Receivers produce dearei efficient signal less susceptible specific types intermodulation problems Speslflcatlons Aktruitss FM PCM Bold Label Super Nanny Band Dual Cotwemlon Ruulvars Receiver9296592765 TransmitternguardPCM4&6VanguardFM4& 92785 Module FM 92985 SpectralQuantum PCM Length2427 Width15136 Height08085 Weight2oz2oz 2 oz 2 oz AdjacentBetter -694 dBBetter -8t3 d8 Channel@85KHz Rejection-773dB @ -85 KIlz-692 dB@ 45 lHz Image671 dB7U8 riB Rejection 3rd QIP59 riSM38 riSM Airtivnics r ConversionReceiv eyou advantages supenor image rejection improved sensitivity nanvw bandwidth maxi mum interference rejection outstanding aircmft performance comes dual con version receiver technology thatlitters isnt gold Airtionics Receivers set gold standard 1991 beyond Contact Airtronics prices availability Sportsman Advanced trophies awarded promptly top 11 finishers you-know-who spared trans portation hassle coveted hunks walnut Next year maybe Guess will depend next years left RC Pattern awards ceremony held headquarters Holiday Inn NSRCA National Society RadioControlled Aerobatics treated comers fine buffet supper segment hobby maintains its separate activity group under AMA umbrella Chiefly groups organize area contests issue news letter take part rules making serve particular modeling activity manner possible Dynamic affable NSRCA President Craig Millet explained lo cal members assisted AMA running Nats Amazingly 41 volunteers re quired just staff Sportsman competi tion its 64 entrants Nats certainly labor intensive No question about competition doesnt appeal everyone other hand experience attending Nats seems strong catalyst energizing teaming up families saw scores examples photos inadequately depict few Competition pulse quickening spectator else would likes Jack Niclaus Al Unser Peggy Thomas Mike Tyson Dale Strawberry Mario Lemieux have loyal followers modelers have own champions Kristen sen Hyde Helms Able Richmond others neednt buy ticket watch superior efforts superstars have climbed peak achievement ladder summit ourselves un likely ever reach wouldnt grand bottom could manage just step higher Ill give up trying toehold next rung up Wont join 89 Nats maybe FF Duration/Linstrum Continued page 65 1 use 4 oz clear color wing tips bottom stab using Carters Marks-A-Lot 2 cut open Marks-A-Lot pull Out wick soak about 30cc denatured alco hol three four hours Remove wick squeeze pair pliers remove color spray brush inside dull side Micafllm mixture Let dry 3 Apply coat Balsarite thinned about 10-20% nitrate dope thinner Apply surfaces let dry Apply coat nitrate dope thinner allows some additional penetration Balsante removes globs 4 Apply coat Quickstik allow dry Use Quickstilc overlaps applying material edges before covering Use cyA stubborn spots comparison purposes find follow ing weights 85 x 29 sheets Micafilm Clearfour grams Clear colored blackfive grams Standard red Micafllmseven grains interested building Bobcat can supply black-line three-view full size about $4 postpaid FF Indoor/Tenny Continued page 66 comment Steering originated FlD soon became important competition tactic originally voiced reason adopting steering AMA events give additional training opportunities toward international compe tition IND-90-1 has nothing illegal steering Presumably CDs can enforce current rule suitably IND-90-l passed will mean tac tic steering has application speci fied AMA events FM Stick AMA Stick ROG Cabin Models kind danger poor conditiona natural obstructions site can still ballooned hut flight time tenni nates model touched balloon line Building Indoor boxes previous column October 88 M4 showed pictures new Novice Pennyplane box model box fits against rear small Sainsonite suitcase use transport leaving room box re pair tools cardboard folder balsa other repair materials extra-strong suitcase good model packing allows models shipped regular airline luggage Jim Clem has shipped similar Samsonite suitcase models mounted directly inside several years no problems 172 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 64, 65, 172
CHEAP THRILLS can remember just kid got plenty cheap thrills flying Jim Walkers innovative great-flying catapultlaunch Gliders Modeled after Lockheed Shooting Star early Air Force jet caine clever folding mechanism wing root catapult stick can now get again mail orderand thrills just great photos shows author big grin getting ready launch AJ Interceptor San Diego thermal no thrill like seeing model shoot blue see wing flop open model begin circling like hawk Interceptor available ready fly $695 U-Build kit $495 Add $3 postage/handling first three models find thrill fly Bluebeny Hill af ter ordering American Junior Aircraft Co Box 68132 Portland OR 97268 Recently taken out mothballs after being storage since late Thirties venerable Fly ing Aces Moth now available Peek-Poly mers kit First published popular model magazine era Flying Aces designed Herb Spatz over 50 years has fa vorite stick-n-tissue fliers photos Moth show both evolu tionasy stages first bare sticks some Peek tissue over skeleton As can see has elegant linesa real classic Originally rubber-powered balsa freewbeeler prop now has Peek plastic prop Plans suggest can also CO2 powered requires cuffing off nose plastic surgery results truly ugly version Save CO another design However might fit new ultrasmall electric motors kit contains usual Peek quality balsa prop bearing wheels tissue full-size plan clear instructions ideal sport model Two Bits competition machine Order kit PP 31 hobby dealer direct Peck Polymers Box 2498 La Mesa CA 92044 Price $895 plus $2 postage/packing Enjoy watching Moth take sky Bob Combs record-holding AA Bobcat large light fast model has set standard during its evolvement over past seven years lat est being new AMA Category III record 1981 snared three firsts two seconds 82 two firsts two seconds fifth Nats 83 two firsts second third 84 first sec ond seventh Nats 85 first five seconds 86 three firsts two seconds Flying Aces Moth flies again its new Peck-Polymers plane has favorite modeiers since appeared 1937 Wing span 24 designed rubber power aithough can use CO2 power want make ugly chopping off nose Another possibility use mini-electric motor its perfect 2-Bit Old-Timer contests 64 Model Aviation Free Flight Duration Dave Linstrum 4057 San Luis Dr Sarasota FL 33580 guesses needed answer designed has John Oldenkamp writ ten ail over High-ciimbing rubber-powered cabin plane grabs aititude 6 strands %-in rubber revving Guiliows Sieek Streak plastic prop Cover red/white/blue tissue x Another Oidenkamp Au-balsa Ellipsis uses Jedeisky-type wing construction otherwise iike Hand-Launched Glider Power 4 strands 1A-in rubber spinning 7-in Peck Poiymers piastic prop Nose unit/thrust bearing Old-Timer Modei Supply Model has spectacuiar climb Both photos John Oidenkamp Young Mike Gode Salem OR P-30 Rubber plane just before WMC contest 87 two firsts Bob also flies design B C D Gas has done good job some gen eral comments Bob Cox Engines wont turn 22K will better job following 1 Tear engine down wash dry 2 Mix jewelers rouge good grade oil Use run crankcase crank sembly drill press minute 3 Install KK needle valve assembly 128 threads/in KK venturi enlarged throat pressure fuel system 4 Assemble engine break using following schedule letting engine cool down between runs Run four-cycle pen bladder 15% nitro fuel Cox 5 x 3 prop B Run 3/ pint 15% mostly two-cycle C Make two following runs i 15cc 25% nitro 19K rpm ii 15cc 35% intro 205-21K D Remove plug gasket E Two 15cc runs 55% nitro 21-215K F Two 15cc runs 65% nitro 22-225K Cox S x 3 G Shoot 21K Cox 5% x 3 205K Cox 6 x 3 Fuel get fuel have blended own last seven years get components Oil Klotz special formula 100% pure synthet ic techniplate two-cycle racing oil Cheek gocart shop Methanol Also go-can shop about $2/gallon Take own container make sure seals well because methanol likes ab sorb moisture Store cool place pieee carpet Propylene oxide Check chemical supply house will cost about $22 2 kg Store refrigerator Amyl acetate About $14/pint chemical supply house Nitromethane About $30/gallon Buy serious RC Pylon fliers quart 65% nitro fuel blend 65% nitro 20% Klotz 15% propylene oxide add 5cc amyl acetate sounds like lot trouble sure makes As come alive contest season usually mix up quarts 25% 35% 55% pint 65% will last contest sea son propylene oxide will last forever gal lon methanol will last two seasons intro three can see has cut fuel jills Incidentally use 2% propylene oxide larger engines Balsa lot has written about can say good contest balsa some not-so-good contest balsa Weigh piece wood model requires wood light true strong Covering can best job main taining light framework blow pick ing up extra weight cover favor using Micafilin /2As heres Continued page ifl Okie F/F Flier Bob Combs Bobcat has under development several years now well-proven contest-winner AMA Gas classes Theres some good tips iAA contest flying Bob months columnincluding home brew fuel mixes January 1989 65 Heres VTO Dave himself about get cheap thrill another flight AJ Interceptor folding-wing catapult-launched glider item has around almost 50 years back production again Want Ordering info column Shirley Gode Salem OR put Garfield Lucy Peanuts figure pilots Hep Cat WING WGAS iii 49 Power obCombsIDallas 5 SQ IN COX 5/3 PROP STAB 8 Ceffikd Airtmnics Gold Label Super Namw Band Dual Receivers set 1991 certified independent tests state art FM PCIVI receivers meet eeed AMA RCMA specifications guidelines RIG operation 1991 beyond compact lightweight high performance Dual Conver sionFM PCvI Receivers produce dearei efficient signal less susceptible specific types intermodulation problems Speslflcatlons Aktruitss FM PCM Bold Label Super Nanny Band Dual Cotwemlon Ruulvars Receiver9296592765 TransmitternguardPCM4&6VanguardFM4& 92785 Module FM 92985 SpectralQuantum PCM Length2427 Width15136 Height08085 Weight2oz2oz 2 oz 2 oz AdjacentBetter -694 dBBetter -8t3 d8 Channel@85KHz Rejection-773dB @ -85 KIlz-692 dB@ 45 lHz Image671 dB7U8 riB Rejection 3rd QIP59 riSM38 riSM Airtivnics r ConversionReceiv eyou advantages supenor image rejection improved sensitivity nanvw bandwidth maxi mum interference rejection outstanding aircmft performance comes dual con version receiver technology thatlitters isnt gold Airtionics Receivers set gold standard 1991 beyond Contact Airtronics prices availability Sportsman Advanced trophies awarded promptly top 11 finishers you-know-who spared trans portation hassle coveted hunks walnut Next year maybe Guess will depend next years left RC Pattern awards ceremony held headquarters Holiday Inn NSRCA National Society RadioControlled Aerobatics treated comers fine buffet supper segment hobby maintains its separate activity group under AMA umbrella Chiefly groups organize area contests issue news letter take part rules making serve particular modeling activity manner possible Dynamic affable NSRCA President Craig Millet explained lo cal members assisted AMA running Nats Amazingly 41 volunteers re quired just staff Sportsman competi tion its 64 entrants Nats certainly labor intensive No question about competition doesnt appeal everyone other hand experience attending Nats seems strong catalyst energizing teaming up families saw scores examples photos inadequately depict few Competition pulse quickening spectator else would likes Jack Niclaus Al Unser Peggy Thomas Mike Tyson Dale Strawberry Mario Lemieux have loyal followers modelers have own champions Kristen sen Hyde Helms Able Richmond others neednt buy ticket watch superior efforts superstars have climbed peak achievement ladder summit ourselves un likely ever reach wouldnt grand bottom could manage just step higher Ill give up trying toehold next rung up Wont join 89 Nats maybe FF Duration/Linstrum Continued page 65 1 use 4 oz clear color wing tips bottom stab using Carters Marks-A-Lot 2 cut open Marks-A-Lot pull Out wick soak about 30cc denatured alco hol three four hours Remove wick squeeze pair pliers remove color spray brush inside dull side Micafllm mixture Let dry 3 Apply coat Balsarite thinned about 10-20% nitrate dope thinner Apply surfaces let dry Apply coat nitrate dope thinner allows some additional penetration Balsante removes globs 4 Apply coat Quickstik allow dry Use Quickstilc overlaps applying material edges before covering Use cyA stubborn spots comparison purposes find follow ing weights 85 x 29 sheets Micafilm Clearfour grams Clear colored blackfive grams Standard red Micafllmseven grains interested building Bobcat can supply black-line three-view full size about $4 postpaid FF Indoor/Tenny Continued page 66 comment Steering originated FlD soon became important competition tactic originally voiced reason adopting steering AMA events give additional training opportunities toward international compe tition IND-90-1 has nothing illegal steering Presumably CDs can enforce current rule suitably IND-90-l passed will mean tac tic steering has application speci fied AMA events FM Stick AMA Stick ROG Cabin Models kind danger poor conditiona natural obstructions site can still ballooned hut flight time tenni nates model touched balloon line Building Indoor boxes previous column October 88 M4 showed pictures new Novice Pennyplane box model box fits against rear small Sainsonite suitcase use transport leaving room box re pair tools cardboard folder balsa other repair materials extra-strong suitcase good model packing allows models shipped regular airline luggage Jim Clem has shipped similar Samsonite suitcase models mounted directly inside several years no problems 172 Model Aviation
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 64, 65, 172
CHEAP THRILLS can remember just kid got plenty cheap thrills flying Jim Walkers innovative great-flying catapultlaunch Gliders Modeled after Lockheed Shooting Star early Air Force jet caine clever folding mechanism wing root catapult stick can now get again mail orderand thrills just great photos shows author big grin getting ready launch AJ Interceptor San Diego thermal no thrill like seeing model shoot blue see wing flop open model begin circling like hawk Interceptor available ready fly $695 U-Build kit $495 Add $3 postage/handling first three models find thrill fly Bluebeny Hill af ter ordering American Junior Aircraft Co Box 68132 Portland OR 97268 Recently taken out mothballs after being storage since late Thirties venerable Fly ing Aces Moth now available Peek-Poly mers kit First published popular model magazine era Flying Aces designed Herb Spatz over 50 years has fa vorite stick-n-tissue fliers photos Moth show both evolu tionasy stages first bare sticks some Peek tissue over skeleton As can see has elegant linesa real classic Originally rubber-powered balsa freewbeeler prop now has Peek plastic prop Plans suggest can also CO2 powered requires cuffing off nose plastic surgery results truly ugly version Save CO another design However might fit new ultrasmall electric motors kit contains usual Peek quality balsa prop bearing wheels tissue full-size plan clear instructions ideal sport model Two Bits competition machine Order kit PP 31 hobby dealer direct Peck Polymers Box 2498 La Mesa CA 92044 Price $895 plus $2 postage/packing Enjoy watching Moth take sky Bob Combs record-holding AA Bobcat large light fast model has set standard during its evolvement over past seven years lat est being new AMA Category III record 1981 snared three firsts two seconds 82 two firsts two seconds fifth Nats 83 two firsts second third 84 first sec ond seventh Nats 85 first five seconds 86 three firsts two seconds Flying Aces Moth flies again its new Peck-Polymers plane has favorite modeiers since appeared 1937 Wing span 24 designed rubber power aithough can use CO2 power want make ugly chopping off nose Another possibility use mini-electric motor its perfect 2-Bit Old-Timer contests 64 Model Aviation Free Flight Duration Dave Linstrum 4057 San Luis Dr Sarasota FL 33580 guesses needed answer designed has John Oldenkamp writ ten ail over High-ciimbing rubber-powered cabin plane grabs aititude 6 strands %-in rubber revving Guiliows Sieek Streak plastic prop Cover red/white/blue tissue x Another Oidenkamp Au-balsa Ellipsis uses Jedeisky-type wing construction otherwise iike Hand-Launched Glider Power 4 strands 1A-in rubber spinning 7-in Peck Poiymers piastic prop Nose unit/thrust bearing Old-Timer Modei Supply Model has spectacuiar climb Both photos John Oidenkamp Young Mike Gode Salem OR P-30 Rubber plane just before WMC contest 87 two firsts Bob also flies design B C D Gas has done good job some gen eral comments Bob Cox Engines wont turn 22K will better job following 1 Tear engine down wash dry 2 Mix jewelers rouge good grade oil Use run crankcase crank sembly drill press minute 3 Install KK needle valve assembly 128 threads/in KK venturi enlarged throat pressure fuel system 4 Assemble engine break using following schedule letting engine cool down between runs Run four-cycle pen bladder 15% nitro fuel Cox 5 x 3 prop B Run 3/ pint 15% mostly two-cycle C Make two following runs i 15cc 25% nitro 19K rpm ii 15cc 35% intro 205-21K D Remove plug gasket E Two 15cc runs 55% nitro 21-215K F Two 15cc runs 65% nitro 22-225K Cox S x 3 G Shoot 21K Cox 5% x 3 205K Cox 6 x 3 Fuel get fuel have blended own last seven years get components Oil Klotz special formula 100% pure synthet ic techniplate two-cycle racing oil Cheek gocart shop Methanol Also go-can shop about $2/gallon Take own container make sure seals well because methanol likes ab sorb moisture Store cool place pieee carpet Propylene oxide Check chemical supply house will cost about $22 2 kg Store refrigerator Amyl acetate About $14/pint chemical supply house Nitromethane About $30/gallon Buy serious RC Pylon fliers quart 65% nitro fuel blend 65% nitro 20% Klotz 15% propylene oxide add 5cc amyl acetate sounds like lot trouble sure makes As come alive contest season usually mix up quarts 25% 35% 55% pint 65% will last contest sea son propylene oxide will last forever gal lon methanol will last two seasons intro three can see has cut fuel jills Incidentally use 2% propylene oxide larger engines Balsa lot has written about can say good contest balsa some not-so-good contest balsa Weigh piece wood model requires wood light true strong Covering can best job main taining light framework blow pick ing up extra weight cover favor using Micafilin /2As heres Continued page ifl Okie F/F Flier Bob Combs Bobcat has under development several years now well-proven contest-winner AMA Gas classes Theres some good tips iAA contest flying Bob months columnincluding home brew fuel mixes January 1989 65 Heres VTO Dave himself about get cheap thrill another flight AJ Interceptor folding-wing catapult-launched glider item has around almost 50 years back production again Want Ordering info column Shirley Gode Salem OR put Garfield Lucy Peanuts figure pilots Hep Cat WING WGAS iii 49 Power obCombsIDallas 5 SQ IN COX 5/3 PROP STAB 8 Ceffikd Airtmnics Gold Label Super Namw Band Dual Receivers set 1991 certified independent tests state art FM PCIVI receivers meet eeed AMA RCMA specifications guidelines RIG operation 1991 beyond compact lightweight high performance Dual Conver sionFM PCvI Receivers produce dearei efficient signal less susceptible specific types intermodulation problems Speslflcatlons Aktruitss FM PCM Bold Label Super Nanny Band Dual Cotwemlon Ruulvars Receiver9296592765 TransmitternguardPCM4&6VanguardFM4& 92785 Module FM 92985 SpectralQuantum PCM Length2427 Width15136 Height08085 Weight2oz2oz 2 oz 2 oz AdjacentBetter -694 dBBetter -8t3 d8 Channel@85KHz Rejection-773dB @ -85 KIlz-692 dB@ 45 lHz Image671 dB7U8 riB Rejection 3rd QIP59 riSM38 riSM Airtivnics r ConversionReceiv eyou advantages supenor image rejection improved sensitivity nanvw bandwidth maxi mum interference rejection outstanding aircmft performance comes dual con version receiver technology thatlitters isnt gold Airtionics Receivers set gold standard 1991 beyond Contact Airtronics prices availability Sportsman Advanced trophies awarded promptly top 11 finishers you-know-who spared trans portation hassle coveted hunks walnut Next year maybe Guess will depend next years left RC Pattern awards ceremony held headquarters Holiday Inn NSRCA National Society RadioControlled Aerobatics treated comers fine buffet supper segment hobby maintains its separate activity group under AMA umbrella Chiefly groups organize area contests issue news letter take part rules making serve particular modeling activity manner possible Dynamic affable NSRCA President Craig Millet explained lo cal members assisted AMA running Nats Amazingly 41 volunteers re quired just staff Sportsman competi tion its 64 entrants Nats certainly labor intensive No question about competition doesnt appeal everyone other hand experience attending Nats seems strong catalyst energizing teaming up families saw scores examples photos inadequately depict few Competition pulse quickening spectator else would likes Jack Niclaus Al Unser Peggy Thomas Mike Tyson Dale Strawberry Mario Lemieux have loyal followers modelers have own champions Kristen sen Hyde Helms Able Richmond others neednt buy ticket watch superior efforts superstars have climbed peak achievement ladder summit ourselves un likely ever reach wouldnt grand bottom could manage just step higher Ill give up trying toehold next rung up Wont join 89 Nats maybe FF Duration/Linstrum Continued page 65 1 use 4 oz clear color wing tips bottom stab using Carters Marks-A-Lot 2 cut open Marks-A-Lot pull Out wick soak about 30cc denatured alco hol three four hours Remove wick squeeze pair pliers remove color spray brush inside dull side Micafllm mixture Let dry 3 Apply coat Balsarite thinned about 10-20% nitrate dope thinner Apply surfaces let dry Apply coat nitrate dope thinner allows some additional penetration Balsante removes globs 4 Apply coat Quickstik allow dry Use Quickstilc overlaps applying material edges before covering Use cyA stubborn spots comparison purposes find follow ing weights 85 x 29 sheets Micafilm Clearfour grams Clear colored blackfive grams Standard red Micafllmseven grains interested building Bobcat can supply black-line three-view full size about $4 postpaid FF Indoor/Tenny Continued page 66 comment Steering originated FlD soon became important competition tactic originally voiced reason adopting steering AMA events give additional training opportunities toward international compe tition IND-90-1 has nothing illegal steering Presumably CDs can enforce current rule suitably IND-90-l passed will mean tac tic steering has application speci fied AMA events FM Stick AMA Stick ROG Cabin Models kind danger poor conditiona natural obstructions site can still ballooned hut flight time tenni nates model touched balloon line Building Indoor boxes previous column October 88 M4 showed pictures new Novice Pennyplane box model box fits against rear small Sainsonite suitcase use transport leaving room box re pair tools cardboard folder balsa other repair materials extra-strong suitcase good model packing allows models shipped regular airline luggage Jim Clem has shipped similar Samsonite suitcase models mounted directly inside several years no problems 172 Model Aviation