FREE FLIGHT INDOOR NEW FlU RULES Some drastic changes made FiD event rules effective after 2000 Indoor World Championships havent heard minimum model weight increased 12 grams maximum span reduced 55cm rubber limited 5 gram proposal generated Andras Ree prominent Indoor flier Hungary cited concerns over worldwide decline FID participation stating Some us talking about freedom present rules look successful designs nearly within lets say 10% tolerances Andras realized weight span limitations proposal dramatic concentrated rubber limitation have spent lot time work possible changes making test flights half-gram rubber present models fixed prop VP [variable pitch] Although fliers worldwide startled proposal attendees 1998 Indoor WCh opportunity see Andras make half-gram demonstration flights during international Indoor meet following WCh flight record best 26 minutes demonstration flight done Slanic following Model present FlD except prop 500/800 fixed have used two 03 wire spacers 60mm front rubber 145mm behind Rubber Tan 1110/97 batch 170mm original length about 1 47 g/m loop used fourth time Max turns 1170 launch after 110 backoff 40 turns left landing Flight very slow speed nice climbing 30-32m 394 average rpm Reactions US fliers range extreme pessimism immediately beginning build test models Some comments stick prop will have stronger able take fully wound motor will lots good rubber wasted too long too short trying hit 5 gram Broken gumbands will abound trying last turn fail see new rules will spur interest FlD feelings also extreme change needed reduce need extremely high-quality wood other materials make models much easier build fly attract new fliers sport new rules may well unsuccessful what see now new designs will rather extreme easier build present models advantage smallersize models will easier transport models easier build necessarily easier fly will come underweight normal 65cm wood sizesmine required 003 ounce ballast wasnt built lightly Some fliers expressed opinion lighter wing loading would make new models sensitive drift didnt feel right discussed Hermann Andresen BT opinion experience Indoor models wing loading has little effect drift rate model Jim Clem have done extensive flight testing models rubber weighing much less airframe noted poorer response turbulence What think HA have agree models just go along ride air said upset seems function wing loading size EZ6O large-model elegance due averaging turbulence over span length Building Half-Gram Motors can strip uniform cuts weigh selection example 10-foot-long strips making different previous cut 001 inch Compute weight/length strip record number storage envelope Dont mix precut strips between envelopes Compute length particular strip needed make 5 gram allowance knot have reliable max turns chart particular batch rubber record best guess max turns motor envelope motor break particular motor try remember breaking torque record value envelope holding source strip broken 136 Model Aviation itivity multiplier gram scale Parts have minimum cross-section reduce influence moving air Assembled sensitivity multiplier see text Support frame slips Perspective view removable multiplier place electronic over top balance needed Tenny photos balance Weight arm has retracted view motor made Also note value source envelope envelopes holding individual motors made same source strip Anyone experience making partial-motor flight tests will quickly master building 499-gram motors selection variable-crosssection motors finished will slightly longer next motor larger cross-section suspect will easier zero correct motor size made motor size adjustments before also suspect almost no rubber will actually wasted using method sooner later will find use motor made real clue making work detailed records performance motor can quickly finetune power combos new meet model Oppegard Strippers Web via several messages learned Bob Oppegard has resumed production very fine rubber strippers Robert Earl Oppegard10837 N 57th Dr Glendale AZ 85304 Tel [602] 486-7942 price $125 US includes postage extra set blades Hair Tape Reprise Alan Welling San Marco TX Ken Carter Speedway IN wrote suggest drafting tape can used place hair tape wives arc pleased Alan also noted fine detail painting Scale models easier using striping tape sold automotive supply stores tape very thin smaller ridges stripe line flexible available widths /s 3/ inch Finally great columns ago mentioned trying build sensitive scale 01 gram electronic balance now have pieces built multiply sensitivity balance least 10 1to 001 gram sensitivity photo shows active parts multiplier parts built using minimum cross-section reduce influence moving air weight arm built /16 precision aluminum tubing pivot assembly consists 3/33 tubing 1/32 pivot wire pressure foot built /n basswood inset /8 tubing stub straight pin actually contacts top pan electronic balance remaining piece I/u tubing wrapped small-diameter solder counterweight weight arm has flat will assist attaching weight pan pivot assembly can see short piece /16 tubing glued main arm Similar pieces /ts tubing support pivot wire support frame pieces assembled support frame slips over top balance needed Another photo puts whole assembly perspective weight arm has retracted balance photo So does work preliminary test indicated practical limit multiplication perhaps 251 work out calibration procedure will reported future column E-Z BILT WWII Pedal Planes will have much fun building 3-6 year old will have flying Kit includes full size patterns complete instructions color photo list ready made parts included Kits $2000 total Specify plan wanted Kits available-P-38 P-40 F4U 1 Brochure $100 SASE Flight Line Toys ox 3484 ngfield MO 65808 Get FREE Guide Choosing Right Hobby Paints Use Tips What Use Tips Color Charts Dry Times P0 Box 564 MA Hobart IN 46342 BOO 34&3497 Ext 340 PINC E-sat kts idweatprodactacom MUISTUR SCALU SCALE HEADQUARTERS 1/5 AND 1/4 SCALE MODEL FUN THE EASY WAY 0~'SI'IS6 a/Ply construction Actual Meister Scale F4U corsair Built B8 John West Fiberglass & Plastic Accessories Plans Partial Full Kits Available ~ Engineered Lazy Builders i Custom Retracts Vinyl Decal Sets Available Designs om Building Service Available Call wree MIISUR SCALU IN FOR FREE CATALOG 6319 HWY 49 NE NC 27302 Ihttp//wwwmeister-scalecam Bee eei ee WALSTON RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Sniyrna GA 30082 770-434-4905 800-657-4672 Fax 770-431-0119 Visa AmEx e-mail WalstonRET@aolcom September1999 137
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/09
Page Numbers: 136, 137
FREE FLIGHT INDOOR NEW FlU RULES Some drastic changes made FiD event rules effective after 2000 Indoor World Championships havent heard minimum model weight increased 12 grams maximum span reduced 55cm rubber limited 5 gram proposal generated Andras Ree prominent Indoor flier Hungary cited concerns over worldwide decline FID participation stating Some us talking about freedom present rules look successful designs nearly within lets say 10% tolerances Andras realized weight span limitations proposal dramatic concentrated rubber limitation have spent lot time work possible changes making test flights half-gram rubber present models fixed prop VP [variable pitch] Although fliers worldwide startled proposal attendees 1998 Indoor WCh opportunity see Andras make half-gram demonstration flights during international Indoor meet following WCh flight record best 26 minutes demonstration flight done Slanic following Model present FlD except prop 500/800 fixed have used two 03 wire spacers 60mm front rubber 145mm behind Rubber Tan 1110/97 batch 170mm original length about 1 47 g/m loop used fourth time Max turns 1170 launch after 110 backoff 40 turns left landing Flight very slow speed nice climbing 30-32m 394 average rpm Reactions US fliers range extreme pessimism immediately beginning build test models Some comments stick prop will have stronger able take fully wound motor will lots good rubber wasted too long too short trying hit 5 gram Broken gumbands will abound trying last turn fail see new rules will spur interest FlD feelings also extreme change needed reduce need extremely high-quality wood other materials make models much easier build fly attract new fliers sport new rules may well unsuccessful what see now new designs will rather extreme easier build present models advantage smallersize models will easier transport models easier build necessarily easier fly will come underweight normal 65cm wood sizesmine required 003 ounce ballast wasnt built lightly Some fliers expressed opinion lighter wing loading would make new models sensitive drift didnt feel right discussed Hermann Andresen BT opinion experience Indoor models wing loading has little effect drift rate model Jim Clem have done extensive flight testing models rubber weighing much less airframe noted poorer response turbulence What think HA have agree models just go along ride air said upset seems function wing loading size EZ6O large-model elegance due averaging turbulence over span length Building Half-Gram Motors can strip uniform cuts weigh selection example 10-foot-long strips making different previous cut 001 inch Compute weight/length strip record number storage envelope Dont mix precut strips between envelopes Compute length particular strip needed make 5 gram allowance knot have reliable max turns chart particular batch rubber record best guess max turns motor envelope motor break particular motor try remember breaking torque record value envelope holding source strip broken 136 Model Aviation itivity multiplier gram scale Parts have minimum cross-section reduce influence moving air Assembled sensitivity multiplier see text Support frame slips Perspective view removable multiplier place electronic over top balance needed Tenny photos balance Weight arm has retracted view motor made Also note value source envelope envelopes holding individual motors made same source strip Anyone experience making partial-motor flight tests will quickly master building 499-gram motors selection variable-crosssection motors finished will slightly longer next motor larger cross-section suspect will easier zero correct motor size made motor size adjustments before also suspect almost no rubber will actually wasted using method sooner later will find use motor made real clue making work detailed records performance motor can quickly finetune power combos new meet model Oppegard Strippers Web via several messages learned Bob Oppegard has resumed production very fine rubber strippers Robert Earl Oppegard10837 N 57th Dr Glendale AZ 85304 Tel [602] 486-7942 price $125 US includes postage extra set blades Hair Tape Reprise Alan Welling San Marco TX Ken Carter Speedway IN wrote suggest drafting tape can used place hair tape wives arc pleased Alan also noted fine detail painting Scale models easier using striping tape sold automotive supply stores tape very thin smaller ridges stripe line flexible available widths /s 3/ inch Finally great columns ago mentioned trying build sensitive scale 01 gram electronic balance now have pieces built multiply sensitivity balance least 10 1to 001 gram sensitivity photo shows active parts multiplier parts built using minimum cross-section reduce influence moving air weight arm built /16 precision aluminum tubing pivot assembly consists 3/33 tubing 1/32 pivot wire pressure foot built /n basswood inset /8 tubing stub straight pin actually contacts top pan electronic balance remaining piece I/u tubing wrapped small-diameter solder counterweight weight arm has flat will assist attaching weight pan pivot assembly can see short piece /16 tubing glued main arm Similar pieces /ts tubing support pivot wire support frame pieces assembled support frame slips over top balance needed Another photo puts whole assembly perspective weight arm has retracted balance photo So does work preliminary test indicated practical limit multiplication perhaps 251 work out calibration procedure will reported future column E-Z BILT WWII Pedal Planes will have much fun building 3-6 year old will have flying Kit includes full size patterns complete instructions color photo list ready made parts included Kits $2000 total Specify plan wanted Kits available-P-38 P-40 F4U 1 Brochure $100 SASE Flight Line Toys ox 3484 ngfield MO 65808 Get FREE Guide Choosing Right Hobby Paints Use Tips What Use Tips Color Charts Dry Times P0 Box 564 MA Hobart IN 46342 BOO 34&3497 Ext 340 PINC E-sat kts idweatprodactacom MUISTUR SCALU SCALE HEADQUARTERS 1/5 AND 1/4 SCALE MODEL FUN THE EASY WAY 0~'SI'IS6 a/Ply construction Actual Meister Scale F4U corsair Built B8 John West Fiberglass & Plastic Accessories Plans Partial Full Kits Available ~ Engineered Lazy Builders i Custom Retracts Vinyl Decal Sets Available Designs om Building Service Available Call wree MIISUR SCALU IN FOR FREE CATALOG 6319 HWY 49 NE NC 27302 Ihttp//wwwmeister-scalecam Bee eei ee WALSTON RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS 725 Cooper Lake Rd SE Sniyrna GA 30082 770-434-4905 800-657-4672 Fax 770-431-0119 Visa AmEx e-mail WalstonRET@aolcom September1999 137