THE 1988 NATS SAM Society Antique ModelersEd Champs reports interrupted regular every-other-month appearance col umn November months column ever signals reestablishment normal schedule case hadnt noticed months FF Old-Timers does appear Model Aviation OT theme carried Doc Mathews RC Old-Timers column couple photos month show inter esting 1938/39 Wakefieldwith folding prop has never heretofore published design Jim Bohash called US Standard Wakefield got him 1938 1939 US Wakefield teams won contests U S Canada Jim tells 1938 Wakefield contest held Paris France quite adventure Frank Zaic team manager guide So always lost Zaic broke us ual Jim says French customs seized 300 Yearbookswhich brought along sell order have enough money return fare Jim recalls Frank turned usual charm got books customs time sell enough make homebut problem visas credit cards RMcM hotel somehow lost time strong black market stolen visaswar clouds forming horizon people try ing get out Europe Model Airplane News feature 1938 39 Wakefield finals its November 1939 sue said sincere hope world conditions will prevent fraternity model builders getting together again next year Wakefield contest will held country got kick out learning Bohash Cahills winning flight 1938 made Band-Aid propeller seems blade damaged could get glue set hard Jim put Band-Aid Jim Bohash like started modeling af ter Lindbergh flight flew Indoor until attended 1936 Wakefield finals met Copland Judge Gordon Lightwhich turned him Wakefield flier Jims performance 1939 Wakefield meet quite disappointment might guess due having use new untested model instead good flattened cattle after landing stock yards test flight workshop bur glarized vandalized barely time build new design excellent however think should competitive flying both todays Old-Timer Cabin Rubber events large course OT Wakefield events plan never published approved SAM competition 1983 plan available $5 Jim Bohash 20721 Millard St Tay lor MI 48180 1938 version wing fuselage 1939 experimented pylon wing mount get choice ship looks very good hope lots build would like see something field besides Kordas Lanzos Jim Bohash still treasures memories friendships modeling provided him marvels Great Depression still poor kid west Detroit could sent France fly models Could happen today sort doubt Continued page 176 January 1989 67 Free Flight Old-timers Bill Baker 1902 Peter Pan Norman OK 73072 Charles Alba sends photo Jim Noonan Milwuwiue nriu ni powered model veteran over 100 flIghts Motor made uy Bert Pond Photographer Charles Alba caught Lockwood Chicago IL releasing year-old compressed-air-powered model 1988 SAM Champs Uses B Pond motor photos almost 50 years old Jim Bohash tests early model US Standard Wakefield 1939 R Later development Above pylon-mounted wing folding prop retractable takeoff wheel Plan available Bohash address column * Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent residue buildup * Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion After run oil needed engines * Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection * Anti-Wear Additives Help keep engines running peak performance longer * Satisfaction Guaranteed SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREIGHT FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 COLLECT PINTQUART GALLON55 GAL DRUM 0%Nitromethane$315$450$1075$19695 5%Nitromethane$365$525$1275$26495 10%Nitromethane$415$550$1475$32995 15%Nitromethane$430$635$1675$38995 25%Nitromethane$515$795$2195$52495 35% Nitromethane $595$925$2695$66995 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 10% Nitromethane$1425$29995 15% Nitromethane$1625I$36495 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SIG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SIG fuels con tain 50-50 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price dont take word try some judge yourself Ipcoo sotsect ehong wrihoot noSe See dealer first available order direct Call LZJ 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 iETHEM -pTjjjJ ~3to] BETTER NIII~ADDS up TO II111111PERFORMANCE NYROD THE ORIGINAL dU PUSH ROD COMPLETE WITH ALL REQUIRED METAL ____________________________________ FITTINGS IDEALLY SUITED FOR ANY PUSH ROD AcTION RUDDERS ELEvATORS AILERONS THROTTLE CONTROL BOATS SEA PLANES. YOUR jiac . IMAGINATION g 34 LONG ASSEMBLED LENGTHCat NYROD Su-PR-uNE PRODUCTS INC 18800 Stat Rout 47 E SIdne, Otilo 45365 Pt 513488-1721 HARDWARE INCLUDED 1-4 NYRODapter 1if Rod 2-56 Threaded end Washing-Seattle Kevin Collins 2320 Saha tonlee Dr E Redmond WA 98023 phone 206-868-8273 FF Old-Timers/Baker Continued page 67 Jim retired now after successful career engineering bit gold prospecting some song writing did share US Army Air Corps WW II flew Wakefield up until about 1950 never got around publish ing design think will forgotten once todays SAM fliers see plans hear California correspondents 50th anniversary 1939 Wakefield Championships will celebrated Taft Free Flight Champs SAM Champs nounced earlier Memorial Day weekend 1989 will feature genuine imported British fliersand maybe some fliers other coun tries such Canada Texasflying 1939 Wakefields should fun hope someone builds Bohash US Standard time gets trimand keeps away stockyards other two photos appearing months column show compressed-air-powered models 1988 SAM Champs Note both used three-cylinder motors made Bert Pond Bert has making Whoosier Whirl wind motors out bits brass tube sheet since ll long time ran him SAM Champs sold copy new book Erpansion Engine Powered Model Air craft $1895 book wonderful fun containing about total worlds knowl edge pertaining form model propulsion models find very interesting just stare plans motors figure out valves things work Compressed air models popular Twenties Thirties have rare since still flown SAM Champs must have near-calm conditions As conse quence official flights allowed contest day get good day during week fly event unusual original designs permitted going over plas tic bottles air tanks instead traditional brass sheet soldered up cylinder Bert still sells motors way have runs smoothly Singer sewing machine Anyway asked Bert should tell folks send him $20 get book mail No said postage handling surance comes $2055 OK what get talking left-brain dominant Just show him can too put copy book trusty Ohaus weighs 5677 grams figures out mere $0036 per grama bargain Someone will check weight complain copy lighter Well humid today copy may weigh less dry day Hey technical hobby Order book Bert Pond 128 Warren Terrace Longmeadow MA 01106 September issue wrongly identified photo Cabin Gas Model Berkeley Mus keteer heard Bill Effinger said didnt know what wasbut knew Musketeer heard Paul Forrette says does know what Long Cabin Paul says great flier RC sport flying maybe OK RC Texaco agrees Continued page 181 176 Model Aviation FF Old-Timers/Baker Continued page 176 big fin makes high power very tricky wants spiral dive flown hands-off same September column talked about importance having small fin area going fly Free Flight high power pleased get letter Bill McCombs senior engineer Vought Corporation agrees great book published Air Age Inc Model Airplane News some years ago entitled Flying Improving Scale Model Airplanes Find copy can Does anyone still have bunch sale includes much data FF performance stabil ity trim limited Scale models Bill later published Making Scale Models Fly mostly limited Scale principles apply flying thing think can buy later book directly him 2106 Siesta Dr Dallas TX 75224 last time saw Peck-Polymers catalog listed too can find copy earlier larger book think will agree worth hunt Bill says power climbing angle crease fin size can tolerated spiral flight developing smaller very large dihedral spiral flight can climb old enemy spiral dive lurks nearby very old antique Cabin models nce allowed cut off fin area increase dihedral d better fly Long Cabins Musketeers power levels designed handle next time Please keep letters photos coming Hansa No-CaI/Lidberg Continued page 69 Lay body down its left covered side glue motor stick making sure place stick wing must fit Add stabilizer wing havent already done make up tip tanks add jet engine Make lightening holes sheet balsa parts using piece sharpened brass tub ing eraser holder old wooden pencil cover parts glue place Attach ioop rubber check balance Add clay front body necessary obtain balance point shown plan Check plane over warps us ing dry heat electric stove burner space heater straighten out Try test glide making sure prop freewheels air Some adjustment add ing removing clay may necessary optimal glide Try some power flights Use about 100 turns making sure wind correct direction Power adjustments made largely using bendable thrust bear ing model stalls bend bit downthrust wont climb take out some downthrust add turns and/or take off some clay airplane seems happiest wide climb turn youre ready turn few heads flying field Hansa surefire way have some fun doing Lippisch/Mcllrath Continued page 72 another idea didnt pan out course such failures frustrations common research work some times disappointments can provide laughalthough humor situa tion might obvious time Such incident occurred building new tail duct replace dam aged flying model should light flies off workbench itself favorite Lippisch expression Saving weight always pri mary building goals particular morning doctor stopped workbench inspect nearly completed duct section picked up part weighed hand tossed down bench obvious dissatisfaction Too heavy announced Much too heavy its lots lighter old argued Twenty-three grams instead 31 Dr Lippisch sputtered moment stmggling find way explain such obvious principle poor slow-witted fellow Finally controlling himself ef fort quoted what might called Lip pischs First Law Aerodynamics feels too heavy too heavy marched out shop probably silently lamenting problem finding good model builders anymore As several stories have shown Dr Lippischs wit often mixed wisdom Sometimes after care ful reflection listener could tease out much playfulness much penetration words contained example friend once told discussion Dr Lippisch building pedal-powered plane jokingly called pedalfiugel un der consideration plane built like giant Indoor model using balsa much stmcture doctor describing amazing strength balsa tail boom section just tested Fifteen hundred pounds supported compression reported enthusiastically can keep compression interrupted another listener What some unexpected loads buckles tail collapses asked lis tener thinking course fate unfortunate individual manning ped als handlebars breaks fix answered doctorhis standard response whenever questioned strength unmanned models immediately resumed earlier dis cussion surprised hear doctor seemingly brush aside issue pilots safety safety people flying airplanes always Dr Lippischs pri mary concern proud fact never fatal accident during testing of civil designs wartime development fu turistic rocket-powered Me-163 ad hered cautious methods doctor followed earlier work Testing gan unpowered flights glider tiny interceptor towed aloft plane released high altitude Engineering measurements pilot familiarization exciting aerobatics safely per formed during long glides back earth Obviously pilots safety line breaks fix just wasnt like doctor ignoring danger accident pedalfiugel Looking back dont think Dr Lippisch years experi ence areas related man-powered air craft low-speed flight lightweight struc tures ground effect phenomena testing unorthodox machines Long before conversation understandably con cerned listener must have visualized actually calculated floating shoulderhigh flight giant Indoor model clearly sure serious injury highiy unlikely considered prob lem decided would problem erased mind Years later history Gossamer Condor Albatross projects confirmed principles extreme lightuess easy repairability two keys success human-powered flight As breaks fix dozens crashes Condor Albatross sur vived serious injury proved underneath its apparent casualness Dr Lip pischs maxim expressed sound engineer ing principle Dr Alexander Lippisch man ahead time ideas advanced spent whole adult life dragging much aeronautical world along behind him Trying convince doubting experts hed snort used term pleading businessmen research funds trying make rest us see future through eyes Sustaining kind effort year after year demands combination qualities few men possess Probably vivid sense humor traits made possible Doctor Lippischs brilliant leadership aeronautical science nearly 60 years CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 74 response rate somewhat Nonetheless found ship could flown fairly comfort ably supplied Dacron lines handle later fly ship bellcrank itself mounted top wing control lines exit fuselage along top inboard wing similar cur rent Combat models clever two-piece lead out guide provided locate lead-outs January 1989 181
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 67, 176, 181
THE 1988 NATS SAM Society Antique ModelersEd Champs reports interrupted regular every-other-month appearance col umn November months column ever signals reestablishment normal schedule case hadnt noticed months FF Old-Timers does appear Model Aviation OT theme carried Doc Mathews RC Old-Timers column couple photos month show inter esting 1938/39 Wakefieldwith folding prop has never heretofore published design Jim Bohash called US Standard Wakefield got him 1938 1939 US Wakefield teams won contests U S Canada Jim tells 1938 Wakefield contest held Paris France quite adventure Frank Zaic team manager guide So always lost Zaic broke us ual Jim says French customs seized 300 Yearbookswhich brought along sell order have enough money return fare Jim recalls Frank turned usual charm got books customs time sell enough make homebut problem visas credit cards RMcM hotel somehow lost time strong black market stolen visaswar clouds forming horizon people try ing get out Europe Model Airplane News feature 1938 39 Wakefield finals its November 1939 sue said sincere hope world conditions will prevent fraternity model builders getting together again next year Wakefield contest will held country got kick out learning Bohash Cahills winning flight 1938 made Band-Aid propeller seems blade damaged could get glue set hard Jim put Band-Aid Jim Bohash like started modeling af ter Lindbergh flight flew Indoor until attended 1936 Wakefield finals met Copland Judge Gordon Lightwhich turned him Wakefield flier Jims performance 1939 Wakefield meet quite disappointment might guess due having use new untested model instead good flattened cattle after landing stock yards test flight workshop bur glarized vandalized barely time build new design excellent however think should competitive flying both todays Old-Timer Cabin Rubber events large course OT Wakefield events plan never published approved SAM competition 1983 plan available $5 Jim Bohash 20721 Millard St Tay lor MI 48180 1938 version wing fuselage 1939 experimented pylon wing mount get choice ship looks very good hope lots build would like see something field besides Kordas Lanzos Jim Bohash still treasures memories friendships modeling provided him marvels Great Depression still poor kid west Detroit could sent France fly models Could happen today sort doubt Continued page 176 January 1989 67 Free Flight Old-timers Bill Baker 1902 Peter Pan Norman OK 73072 Charles Alba sends photo Jim Noonan Milwuwiue nriu ni powered model veteran over 100 flIghts Motor made uy Bert Pond Photographer Charles Alba caught Lockwood Chicago IL releasing year-old compressed-air-powered model 1988 SAM Champs Uses B Pond motor photos almost 50 years old Jim Bohash tests early model US Standard Wakefield 1939 R Later development Above pylon-mounted wing folding prop retractable takeoff wheel Plan available Bohash address column * Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent residue buildup * Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion After run oil needed engines * Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection * Anti-Wear Additives Help keep engines running peak performance longer * Satisfaction Guaranteed SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREIGHT FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 COLLECT PINTQUART GALLON55 GAL DRUM 0%Nitromethane$315$450$1075$19695 5%Nitromethane$365$525$1275$26495 10%Nitromethane$415$550$1475$32995 15%Nitromethane$430$635$1675$38995 25%Nitromethane$515$795$2195$52495 35% Nitromethane $595$925$2695$66995 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 10% Nitromethane$1425$29995 15% Nitromethane$1625I$36495 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SIG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SIG fuels con tain 50-50 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price dont take word try some judge yourself Ipcoo sotsect ehong wrihoot noSe See dealer first available order direct Call LZJ 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 iETHEM -pTjjjJ ~3to] BETTER NIII~ADDS up TO II111111PERFORMANCE NYROD THE ORIGINAL dU PUSH ROD COMPLETE WITH ALL REQUIRED METAL ____________________________________ FITTINGS IDEALLY SUITED FOR ANY PUSH ROD AcTION RUDDERS ELEvATORS AILERONS THROTTLE CONTROL BOATS SEA PLANES. YOUR jiac . IMAGINATION g 34 LONG ASSEMBLED LENGTHCat NYROD Su-PR-uNE PRODUCTS INC 18800 Stat Rout 47 E SIdne, Otilo 45365 Pt 513488-1721 HARDWARE INCLUDED 1-4 NYRODapter 1if Rod 2-56 Threaded end Washing-Seattle Kevin Collins 2320 Saha tonlee Dr E Redmond WA 98023 phone 206-868-8273 FF Old-Timers/Baker Continued page 67 Jim retired now after successful career engineering bit gold prospecting some song writing did share US Army Air Corps WW II flew Wakefield up until about 1950 never got around publish ing design think will forgotten once todays SAM fliers see plans hear California correspondents 50th anniversary 1939 Wakefield Championships will celebrated Taft Free Flight Champs SAM Champs nounced earlier Memorial Day weekend 1989 will feature genuine imported British fliersand maybe some fliers other coun tries such Canada Texasflying 1939 Wakefields should fun hope someone builds Bohash US Standard time gets trimand keeps away stockyards other two photos appearing months column show compressed-air-powered models 1988 SAM Champs Note both used three-cylinder motors made Bert Pond Bert has making Whoosier Whirl wind motors out bits brass tube sheet since ll long time ran him SAM Champs sold copy new book Erpansion Engine Powered Model Air craft $1895 book wonderful fun containing about total worlds knowl edge pertaining form model propulsion models find very interesting just stare plans motors figure out valves things work Compressed air models popular Twenties Thirties have rare since still flown SAM Champs must have near-calm conditions As conse quence official flights allowed contest day get good day during week fly event unusual original designs permitted going over plas tic bottles air tanks instead traditional brass sheet soldered up cylinder Bert still sells motors way have runs smoothly Singer sewing machine Anyway asked Bert should tell folks send him $20 get book mail No said postage handling surance comes $2055 OK what get talking left-brain dominant Just show him can too put copy book trusty Ohaus weighs 5677 grams figures out mere $0036 per grama bargain Someone will check weight complain copy lighter Well humid today copy may weigh less dry day Hey technical hobby Order book Bert Pond 128 Warren Terrace Longmeadow MA 01106 September issue wrongly identified photo Cabin Gas Model Berkeley Mus keteer heard Bill Effinger said didnt know what wasbut knew Musketeer heard Paul Forrette says does know what Long Cabin Paul says great flier RC sport flying maybe OK RC Texaco agrees Continued page 181 176 Model Aviation FF Old-Timers/Baker Continued page 176 big fin makes high power very tricky wants spiral dive flown hands-off same September column talked about importance having small fin area going fly Free Flight high power pleased get letter Bill McCombs senior engineer Vought Corporation agrees great book published Air Age Inc Model Airplane News some years ago entitled Flying Improving Scale Model Airplanes Find copy can Does anyone still have bunch sale includes much data FF performance stabil ity trim limited Scale models Bill later published Making Scale Models Fly mostly limited Scale principles apply flying thing think can buy later book directly him 2106 Siesta Dr Dallas TX 75224 last time saw Peck-Polymers catalog listed too can find copy earlier larger book think will agree worth hunt Bill says power climbing angle crease fin size can tolerated spiral flight developing smaller very large dihedral spiral flight can climb old enemy spiral dive lurks nearby very old antique Cabin models nce allowed cut off fin area increase dihedral d better fly Long Cabins Musketeers power levels designed handle next time Please keep letters photos coming Hansa No-CaI/Lidberg Continued page 69 Lay body down its left covered side glue motor stick making sure place stick wing must fit Add stabilizer wing havent already done make up tip tanks add jet engine Make lightening holes sheet balsa parts using piece sharpened brass tub ing eraser holder old wooden pencil cover parts glue place Attach ioop rubber check balance Add clay front body necessary obtain balance point shown plan Check plane over warps us ing dry heat electric stove burner space heater straighten out Try test glide making sure prop freewheels air Some adjustment add ing removing clay may necessary optimal glide Try some power flights Use about 100 turns making sure wind correct direction Power adjustments made largely using bendable thrust bear ing model stalls bend bit downthrust wont climb take out some downthrust add turns and/or take off some clay airplane seems happiest wide climb turn youre ready turn few heads flying field Hansa surefire way have some fun doing Lippisch/Mcllrath Continued page 72 another idea didnt pan out course such failures frustrations common research work some times disappointments can provide laughalthough humor situa tion might obvious time Such incident occurred building new tail duct replace dam aged flying model should light flies off workbench itself favorite Lippisch expression Saving weight always pri mary building goals particular morning doctor stopped workbench inspect nearly completed duct section picked up part weighed hand tossed down bench obvious dissatisfaction Too heavy announced Much too heavy its lots lighter old argued Twenty-three grams instead 31 Dr Lippisch sputtered moment stmggling find way explain such obvious principle poor slow-witted fellow Finally controlling himself ef fort quoted what might called Lip pischs First Law Aerodynamics feels too heavy too heavy marched out shop probably silently lamenting problem finding good model builders anymore As several stories have shown Dr Lippischs wit often mixed wisdom Sometimes after care ful reflection listener could tease out much playfulness much penetration words contained example friend once told discussion Dr Lippisch building pedal-powered plane jokingly called pedalfiugel un der consideration plane built like giant Indoor model using balsa much stmcture doctor describing amazing strength balsa tail boom section just tested Fifteen hundred pounds supported compression reported enthusiastically can keep compression interrupted another listener What some unexpected loads buckles tail collapses asked lis tener thinking course fate unfortunate individual manning ped als handlebars breaks fix answered doctorhis standard response whenever questioned strength unmanned models immediately resumed earlier dis cussion surprised hear doctor seemingly brush aside issue pilots safety safety people flying airplanes always Dr Lippischs pri mary concern proud fact never fatal accident during testing of civil designs wartime development fu turistic rocket-powered Me-163 ad hered cautious methods doctor followed earlier work Testing gan unpowered flights glider tiny interceptor towed aloft plane released high altitude Engineering measurements pilot familiarization exciting aerobatics safely per formed during long glides back earth Obviously pilots safety line breaks fix just wasnt like doctor ignoring danger accident pedalfiugel Looking back dont think Dr Lippisch years experi ence areas related man-powered air craft low-speed flight lightweight struc tures ground effect phenomena testing unorthodox machines Long before conversation understandably con cerned listener must have visualized actually calculated floating shoulderhigh flight giant Indoor model clearly sure serious injury highiy unlikely considered prob lem decided would problem erased mind Years later history Gossamer Condor Albatross projects confirmed principles extreme lightuess easy repairability two keys success human-powered flight As breaks fix dozens crashes Condor Albatross sur vived serious injury proved underneath its apparent casualness Dr Lip pischs maxim expressed sound engineer ing principle Dr Alexander Lippisch man ahead time ideas advanced spent whole adult life dragging much aeronautical world along behind him Trying convince doubting experts hed snort used term pleading businessmen research funds trying make rest us see future through eyes Sustaining kind effort year after year demands combination qualities few men possess Probably vivid sense humor traits made possible Doctor Lippischs brilliant leadership aeronautical science nearly 60 years CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 74 response rate somewhat Nonetheless found ship could flown fairly comfort ably supplied Dacron lines handle later fly ship bellcrank itself mounted top wing control lines exit fuselage along top inboard wing similar cur rent Combat models clever two-piece lead out guide provided locate lead-outs January 1989 181
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 67, 176, 181
THE 1988 NATS SAM Society Antique ModelersEd Champs reports interrupted regular every-other-month appearance col umn November months column ever signals reestablishment normal schedule case hadnt noticed months FF Old-Timers does appear Model Aviation OT theme carried Doc Mathews RC Old-Timers column couple photos month show inter esting 1938/39 Wakefieldwith folding prop has never heretofore published design Jim Bohash called US Standard Wakefield got him 1938 1939 US Wakefield teams won contests U S Canada Jim tells 1938 Wakefield contest held Paris France quite adventure Frank Zaic team manager guide So always lost Zaic broke us ual Jim says French customs seized 300 Yearbookswhich brought along sell order have enough money return fare Jim recalls Frank turned usual charm got books customs time sell enough make homebut problem visas credit cards RMcM hotel somehow lost time strong black market stolen visaswar clouds forming horizon people try ing get out Europe Model Airplane News feature 1938 39 Wakefield finals its November 1939 sue said sincere hope world conditions will prevent fraternity model builders getting together again next year Wakefield contest will held country got kick out learning Bohash Cahills winning flight 1938 made Band-Aid propeller seems blade damaged could get glue set hard Jim put Band-Aid Jim Bohash like started modeling af ter Lindbergh flight flew Indoor until attended 1936 Wakefield finals met Copland Judge Gordon Lightwhich turned him Wakefield flier Jims performance 1939 Wakefield meet quite disappointment might guess due having use new untested model instead good flattened cattle after landing stock yards test flight workshop bur glarized vandalized barely time build new design excellent however think should competitive flying both todays Old-Timer Cabin Rubber events large course OT Wakefield events plan never published approved SAM competition 1983 plan available $5 Jim Bohash 20721 Millard St Tay lor MI 48180 1938 version wing fuselage 1939 experimented pylon wing mount get choice ship looks very good hope lots build would like see something field besides Kordas Lanzos Jim Bohash still treasures memories friendships modeling provided him marvels Great Depression still poor kid west Detroit could sent France fly models Could happen today sort doubt Continued page 176 January 1989 67 Free Flight Old-timers Bill Baker 1902 Peter Pan Norman OK 73072 Charles Alba sends photo Jim Noonan Milwuwiue nriu ni powered model veteran over 100 flIghts Motor made uy Bert Pond Photographer Charles Alba caught Lockwood Chicago IL releasing year-old compressed-air-powered model 1988 SAM Champs Uses B Pond motor photos almost 50 years old Jim Bohash tests early model US Standard Wakefield 1939 R Later development Above pylon-mounted wing folding prop retractable takeoff wheel Plan available Bohash address column * Special Detergents Promote clean burning prevent residue buildup * Rust Inhibitors Protect engines corrosion After run oil needed engines * Film Strength Additives Increase lubricity provide extra lean run protection * Anti-Wear Additives Help keep engines running peak performance longer * Satisfaction Guaranteed SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREIGHT FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 COLLECT PINTQUART GALLON55 GAL DRUM 0%Nitromethane$315$450$1075$19695 5%Nitromethane$365$525$1275$26495 10%Nitromethane$415$550$1475$32995 15%Nitromethane$430$635$1675$38995 25%Nitromethane$515$795$2195$52495 35% Nitromethane $595$925$2695$66995 SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUEL 10% Nitromethane$1425$29995 15% Nitromethane$1625I$36495 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS over 20 years SIG has blending finest quality model engine fuel available using finest quality ingredients instance Methanol use 995% pure very best grade money can buy also use real 100% pure Nitromethane get full measure youve paid based honest percentage-of-volume method percentage weight SIG fuels con tain 50-50 blend Bakers purest AA Castor Oil new improved Klotz Techniplate Synthetic Racing Oil maximum engine lubrication protection Based experience sincerely believe finest quality fuel can made price dont take word try some judge yourself Ipcoo sotsect ehong wrihoot noSe See dealer first available order direct Call LZJ 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 iETHEM -pTjjjJ ~3to] BETTER NIII~ADDS up TO II111111PERFORMANCE NYROD THE ORIGINAL dU PUSH ROD COMPLETE WITH ALL REQUIRED METAL ____________________________________ FITTINGS IDEALLY SUITED FOR ANY PUSH ROD AcTION RUDDERS ELEvATORS AILERONS THROTTLE CONTROL BOATS SEA PLANES. YOUR jiac . IMAGINATION g 34 LONG ASSEMBLED LENGTHCat NYROD Su-PR-uNE PRODUCTS INC 18800 Stat Rout 47 E SIdne, Otilo 45365 Pt 513488-1721 HARDWARE INCLUDED 1-4 NYRODapter 1if Rod 2-56 Threaded end Washing-Seattle Kevin Collins 2320 Saha tonlee Dr E Redmond WA 98023 phone 206-868-8273 FF Old-Timers/Baker Continued page 67 Jim retired now after successful career engineering bit gold prospecting some song writing did share US Army Air Corps WW II flew Wakefield up until about 1950 never got around publish ing design think will forgotten once todays SAM fliers see plans hear California correspondents 50th anniversary 1939 Wakefield Championships will celebrated Taft Free Flight Champs SAM Champs nounced earlier Memorial Day weekend 1989 will feature genuine imported British fliersand maybe some fliers other coun tries such Canada Texasflying 1939 Wakefields should fun hope someone builds Bohash US Standard time gets trimand keeps away stockyards other two photos appearing months column show compressed-air-powered models 1988 SAM Champs Note both used three-cylinder motors made Bert Pond Bert has making Whoosier Whirl wind motors out bits brass tube sheet since ll long time ran him SAM Champs sold copy new book Erpansion Engine Powered Model Air craft $1895 book wonderful fun containing about total worlds knowl edge pertaining form model propulsion models find very interesting just stare plans motors figure out valves things work Compressed air models popular Twenties Thirties have rare since still flown SAM Champs must have near-calm conditions As conse quence official flights allowed contest day get good day during week fly event unusual original designs permitted going over plas tic bottles air tanks instead traditional brass sheet soldered up cylinder Bert still sells motors way have runs smoothly Singer sewing machine Anyway asked Bert should tell folks send him $20 get book mail No said postage handling surance comes $2055 OK what get talking left-brain dominant Just show him can too put copy book trusty Ohaus weighs 5677 grams figures out mere $0036 per grama bargain Someone will check weight complain copy lighter Well humid today copy may weigh less dry day Hey technical hobby Order book Bert Pond 128 Warren Terrace Longmeadow MA 01106 September issue wrongly identified photo Cabin Gas Model Berkeley Mus keteer heard Bill Effinger said didnt know what wasbut knew Musketeer heard Paul Forrette says does know what Long Cabin Paul says great flier RC sport flying maybe OK RC Texaco agrees Continued page 181 176 Model Aviation FF Old-Timers/Baker Continued page 176 big fin makes high power very tricky wants spiral dive flown hands-off same September column talked about importance having small fin area going fly Free Flight high power pleased get letter Bill McCombs senior engineer Vought Corporation agrees great book published Air Age Inc Model Airplane News some years ago entitled Flying Improving Scale Model Airplanes Find copy can Does anyone still have bunch sale includes much data FF performance stabil ity trim limited Scale models Bill later published Making Scale Models Fly mostly limited Scale principles apply flying thing think can buy later book directly him 2106 Siesta Dr Dallas TX 75224 last time saw Peck-Polymers catalog listed too can find copy earlier larger book think will agree worth hunt Bill says power climbing angle crease fin size can tolerated spiral flight developing smaller very large dihedral spiral flight can climb old enemy spiral dive lurks nearby very old antique Cabin models nce allowed cut off fin area increase dihedral d better fly Long Cabins Musketeers power levels designed handle next time Please keep letters photos coming Hansa No-CaI/Lidberg Continued page 69 Lay body down its left covered side glue motor stick making sure place stick wing must fit Add stabilizer wing havent already done make up tip tanks add jet engine Make lightening holes sheet balsa parts using piece sharpened brass tub ing eraser holder old wooden pencil cover parts glue place Attach ioop rubber check balance Add clay front body necessary obtain balance point shown plan Check plane over warps us ing dry heat electric stove burner space heater straighten out Try test glide making sure prop freewheels air Some adjustment add ing removing clay may necessary optimal glide Try some power flights Use about 100 turns making sure wind correct direction Power adjustments made largely using bendable thrust bear ing model stalls bend bit downthrust wont climb take out some downthrust add turns and/or take off some clay airplane seems happiest wide climb turn youre ready turn few heads flying field Hansa surefire way have some fun doing Lippisch/Mcllrath Continued page 72 another idea didnt pan out course such failures frustrations common research work some times disappointments can provide laughalthough humor situa tion might obvious time Such incident occurred building new tail duct replace dam aged flying model should light flies off workbench itself favorite Lippisch expression Saving weight always pri mary building goals particular morning doctor stopped workbench inspect nearly completed duct section picked up part weighed hand tossed down bench obvious dissatisfaction Too heavy announced Much too heavy its lots lighter old argued Twenty-three grams instead 31 Dr Lippisch sputtered moment stmggling find way explain such obvious principle poor slow-witted fellow Finally controlling himself ef fort quoted what might called Lip pischs First Law Aerodynamics feels too heavy too heavy marched out shop probably silently lamenting problem finding good model builders anymore As several stories have shown Dr Lippischs wit often mixed wisdom Sometimes after care ful reflection listener could tease out much playfulness much penetration words contained example friend once told discussion Dr Lippisch building pedal-powered plane jokingly called pedalfiugel un der consideration plane built like giant Indoor model using balsa much stmcture doctor describing amazing strength balsa tail boom section just tested Fifteen hundred pounds supported compression reported enthusiastically can keep compression interrupted another listener What some unexpected loads buckles tail collapses asked lis tener thinking course fate unfortunate individual manning ped als handlebars breaks fix answered doctorhis standard response whenever questioned strength unmanned models immediately resumed earlier dis cussion surprised hear doctor seemingly brush aside issue pilots safety safety people flying airplanes always Dr Lippischs pri mary concern proud fact never fatal accident during testing of civil designs wartime development fu turistic rocket-powered Me-163 ad hered cautious methods doctor followed earlier work Testing gan unpowered flights glider tiny interceptor towed aloft plane released high altitude Engineering measurements pilot familiarization exciting aerobatics safely per formed during long glides back earth Obviously pilots safety line breaks fix just wasnt like doctor ignoring danger accident pedalfiugel Looking back dont think Dr Lippisch years experi ence areas related man-powered air craft low-speed flight lightweight struc tures ground effect phenomena testing unorthodox machines Long before conversation understandably con cerned listener must have visualized actually calculated floating shoulderhigh flight giant Indoor model clearly sure serious injury highiy unlikely considered prob lem decided would problem erased mind Years later history Gossamer Condor Albatross projects confirmed principles extreme lightuess easy repairability two keys success human-powered flight As breaks fix dozens crashes Condor Albatross sur vived serious injury proved underneath its apparent casualness Dr Lip pischs maxim expressed sound engineer ing principle Dr Alexander Lippisch man ahead time ideas advanced spent whole adult life dragging much aeronautical world along behind him Trying convince doubting experts hed snort used term pleading businessmen research funds trying make rest us see future through eyes Sustaining kind effort year after year demands combination qualities few men possess Probably vivid sense humor traits made possible Doctor Lippischs brilliant leadership aeronautical science nearly 60 years CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 74 response rate somewhat Nonetheless found ship could flown fairly comfort ably supplied Dacron lines handle later fly ship bellcrank itself mounted top wing control lines exit fuselage along top inboard wing similar cur rent Combat models clever two-piece lead out guide provided locate lead-outs January 1989 181