FREE FLIGHT SPORT SCALE Happy New Year hope wonderful holiday season hard believe 1999 2000 just around corner first colunm since Bill Warners retirement promised follow-up pendulum However because time constraints holidays unable get work done needed order make construction pendulum much-easier task am building Sopwith Camel fuselage framed will have pendulum As assemble different parts system plan photograph can see pendulum made installed will definitely have done next column Last sununer went England first time want share some wonderful experiences give perspective British FF Free Eight Scale former student married Englishman living Great Britain invited stay anytime opportunity arises August got chance go flying models Old Warden home phenomenal Shuttleworths collection flying machines Middle Wallop underlying reason Ive read about places years events three weekends apart traveled Jim Adams stayed different family flight left LAX LA International airport about 115 am went Dallas Chicago finally London arrived 11 pm time got news luggage models did make same trip didnt get until 7 pm next day went shopping hostess found bank could exchange dollars pounds handed man 500 dollars gave about 350 pounds back exchange rate $174 pound charged five pounds having money exchanged eventually got word best use credit card because exchange about $160 left travelers checks pocket soon found cost living UK very high trip grocery store quite eye-opener spent first weekend Old Warden met up good friend model-builder Charlie Newman couldnt believe what saw beautiful grass strip actually T-shaped old-time hangars Shuttleworth stores its aircraft museum museum closes field two days let modelers sport-fly hearts content some differences between what saw what see local flying site Most modelers Old Warden brought families youngsters flew chased models dads People brought picnic lunches eating between flights common majority power models dieselpowered Scale-type meaning werent competition 116 Model Aviation -known British Scale modeler Doug McHard holds unusual de Bill Dennis Scale columnist Aeromodeller launches Havilland pusher canard photos taken Old Warden England diesel-powered Fokker Eindecker Nice flying Shuttleworth field long enough handle full-scale Lindsey Smiths rubber-powered Typhoon Old Warden DH Comets flying will lengthened year Lindsey friend author bottom left corner photo type Scale model Regardless looked terrific air dont see much flying field power source dont see much area Jetex models saw powered way scale types jets flew very well Another large group rubberpowered models ran gambit Scale Old-Timer also Radio Control pilots pretty much kept themselves end field vendors selling things have never seen US mouth watering Sams British modeling supplier large tent packed goodies have Charlie took hangars literally ran through said coming hack later see everything good order met Doug MeHard Ron Moulton Dave Boddington Bob Jones Bill Dennisbig names British modeling world Doug brought Scale models out-of this-world fly During week rode train London went touring terrific time Lindsey Smith Shuttlewortli museum curator several years invited spend time him wife Jane took couple museums saw airplanes read about lost track rolls film used second weekend spectacular first Charlie went Woburn Abbeya 3000-acre estate beautifully kept grounds small lakes abundance grass Tiger Moth Club rents Abbey once year has fly-in Ive flown fly-ins biplane nothing like have never seen Tiger Moths Gipsy Moths Hornet Moths Rapides Dragonfly BA British Aircraft Swallow other airplanes including several Stampes flown Germany Charlie arranged get flight BA Swallow Once airborne owner gave stick flew over beautiful countryside Sunday Charlie went back Old Wardenno models time Shuttleworth s fullscale airplanes line flown DH Comet out couldnt flown because field * isnt long enough accommodate C year field will lengthened handle Comet Sea Hurricane also out flown Charlie introduced Shuttlewortli chief pilot Andy Sephtonan avid modelbuilder After Andy flew Hurricane let sit thrillfor short time felt Battle Britain also got sit in- another favorite Lysander quite chore climbing cockpit big airplane once inside what view Two other favorite airplanes flown Miles Speed Hawk Six Arrow Active pristine way looked sounded air special About 60 antique cars parade among aircraft same vintage probably antique motorcycles didnt get time get near Because Charlie knew right people watched flying vantage point lets say very close airplanes flight During next week Charlie went back Old Warden time needed see magnificent flying machines Charlie introduced crew restoration shops got go behind scenes see care airplanes Shuttleworth has oldest flying airplanes world 1909 French Bairiot 1910 French Deperdussin 1912 Blackburn Monoplane use Sea Hurricane aircraft flown low Old Warden wing warping airplane allowed flown Hying flea British government wont allow because old Peas reputation another day Charlie went Duxford Museum Its huge requires plenty walking enormous hangars WW II bombers fighters civilian aircraft different countries restored Outside Concorde can walk through interesting see small inside sophisticated airplane After leaving Duxford Charlie headed Nottingham would tell arrived 1919 Stanley Steamer automobile sitting outside street spewing steam making interesting noises home Richard Granger owns Steamer went drive Richards father designed built Granger Archaeopteryx first flew October 1930 now pan Shuttleworth collection powered two-cylinder 35-horsepower Bristol Cherub engine Thursday took train Hendon Museum fifth aircraft museum visited met Charlie told May1999 117 Nice Miles Speed Hawk Six Powered Gipsy Major engine looks flies same small fighter plane Exquisite great finish WACO YKS-7 Its authors favorite WACO U MODELER Electric Airplane Sailplane Magazine II H11 JiIii iEEiI Si EIIIkMAU Year sues Yours $24 SAVE 20% off cover price Demystifying Electrics Scale & Sport Electrics Slope Thermal Soaring Scale Soaring Airfoils Build Plan Features Square much Enclose $2400 $2592 Washington state residents $3000 Canada Add $600 tor First Class delivery US Please make payment credit card check money order US funds S&E Modeler Please allow up eight weeks delivery first issue iT100 pages packed information S&E Modeler RD Box 4250 W Richland WA 99353 ph/fax 509 627-0456 wwwsemodelercom going museum outlittle did know aircraft Hendon magnificent saw Avro Lancaster such beautiful shape heart almost stopped its favorite WW II bomber Another heartstopper Bristol Beaufighter Friday first day flying Middle Wallop however hostess previously arranged go opera Glyndebourne East Sussex went love opera Saturday first day Middle Wallop Envision roughly -mile-square manicured lawn like being gigantic golf course fly ointment wind blowing pretty hard drift off field vendors selling neat stuff trunks cars glad almost out pounds would have buy another suitcase bring goodies home people meet talk interesting old-time models awestruck Sunday going FF Scale looking forward flying Avro 504 rained first time England weather lousy day scheduled fly model Fortunately Lindsey tent spent hours visiting modelers across UK rest Europe headed home Monday am grateful friends made trip exceptional weather wonderful 97% time Charlie quick point out did experience typical British weather can ever make trip wasnt typical column want how-to column will beneficial you build Scale models Any questions input have can sent E-mail fkramos@attnet Photographs Scale models welcome a Glow Plug ops pint Fox Missle Mist Fuel Fuel Pump Vat Price Over tsr Fox iSBO CL Wheels engine Adhesive Brasslist Price Over $150 Fuel Tank TCI Price $12000 Fox 2518 CL mime add 510 WMWvi Fox 35 Stunt engine Acme Brass Fuel Tank following Wheels Adhesive Vet Price Over $195 118 Model Aviation B Aero & Marine Engines Rebuift ired Updated K&B can make entne like new again need send us K&B engine will repaired original parts Labor charge $7 50 $20 00 5204533579 2100 College Drive Lake Navasu CiI AZ 86403 NOiS Some eogine moynot sebeceabie due age condOico sopiecte coil seere wdhsg An pvwengbie sania Ar as/c pring Vt Flew thePSS F Ova 1-lorten IV# Toirey Pines Sa Gin OK 049 tank Adhesives Dope Control lines Handle Any single engine 1/2A kit SigBrodak Rite SigBrodak WI&Svi followingAkromasterStreak JrTwister Tomahawk W following
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 116, 117, 118
FREE FLIGHT SPORT SCALE Happy New Year hope wonderful holiday season hard believe 1999 2000 just around corner first colunm since Bill Warners retirement promised follow-up pendulum However because time constraints holidays unable get work done needed order make construction pendulum much-easier task am building Sopwith Camel fuselage framed will have pendulum As assemble different parts system plan photograph can see pendulum made installed will definitely have done next column Last sununer went England first time want share some wonderful experiences give perspective British FF Free Eight Scale former student married Englishman living Great Britain invited stay anytime opportunity arises August got chance go flying models Old Warden home phenomenal Shuttleworths collection flying machines Middle Wallop underlying reason Ive read about places years events three weekends apart traveled Jim Adams stayed different family flight left LAX LA International airport about 115 am went Dallas Chicago finally London arrived 11 pm time got news luggage models did make same trip didnt get until 7 pm next day went shopping hostess found bank could exchange dollars pounds handed man 500 dollars gave about 350 pounds back exchange rate $174 pound charged five pounds having money exchanged eventually got word best use credit card because exchange about $160 left travelers checks pocket soon found cost living UK very high trip grocery store quite eye-opener spent first weekend Old Warden met up good friend model-builder Charlie Newman couldnt believe what saw beautiful grass strip actually T-shaped old-time hangars Shuttleworth stores its aircraft museum museum closes field two days let modelers sport-fly hearts content some differences between what saw what see local flying site Most modelers Old Warden brought families youngsters flew chased models dads People brought picnic lunches eating between flights common majority power models dieselpowered Scale-type meaning werent competition 116 Model Aviation -known British Scale modeler Doug McHard holds unusual de Bill Dennis Scale columnist Aeromodeller launches Havilland pusher canard photos taken Old Warden England diesel-powered Fokker Eindecker Nice flying Shuttleworth field long enough handle full-scale Lindsey Smiths rubber-powered Typhoon Old Warden DH Comets flying will lengthened year Lindsey friend author bottom left corner photo type Scale model Regardless looked terrific air dont see much flying field power source dont see much area Jetex models saw powered way scale types jets flew very well Another large group rubberpowered models ran gambit Scale Old-Timer also Radio Control pilots pretty much kept themselves end field vendors selling things have never seen US mouth watering Sams British modeling supplier large tent packed goodies have Charlie took hangars literally ran through said coming hack later see everything good order met Doug MeHard Ron Moulton Dave Boddington Bob Jones Bill Dennisbig names British modeling world Doug brought Scale models out-of this-world fly During week rode train London went touring terrific time Lindsey Smith Shuttlewortli museum curator several years invited spend time him wife Jane took couple museums saw airplanes read about lost track rolls film used second weekend spectacular first Charlie went Woburn Abbeya 3000-acre estate beautifully kept grounds small lakes abundance grass Tiger Moth Club rents Abbey once year has fly-in Ive flown fly-ins biplane nothing like have never seen Tiger Moths Gipsy Moths Hornet Moths Rapides Dragonfly BA British Aircraft Swallow other airplanes including several Stampes flown Germany Charlie arranged get flight BA Swallow Once airborne owner gave stick flew over beautiful countryside Sunday Charlie went back Old Wardenno models time Shuttleworth s fullscale airplanes line flown DH Comet out couldnt flown because field * isnt long enough accommodate C year field will lengthened handle Comet Sea Hurricane also out flown Charlie introduced Shuttlewortli chief pilot Andy Sephtonan avid modelbuilder After Andy flew Hurricane let sit thrillfor short time felt Battle Britain also got sit in- another favorite Lysander quite chore climbing cockpit big airplane once inside what view Two other favorite airplanes flown Miles Speed Hawk Six Arrow Active pristine way looked sounded air special About 60 antique cars parade among aircraft same vintage probably antique motorcycles didnt get time get near Because Charlie knew right people watched flying vantage point lets say very close airplanes flight During next week Charlie went back Old Warden time needed see magnificent flying machines Charlie introduced crew restoration shops got go behind scenes see care airplanes Shuttleworth has oldest flying airplanes world 1909 French Bairiot 1910 French Deperdussin 1912 Blackburn Monoplane use Sea Hurricane aircraft flown low Old Warden wing warping airplane allowed flown Hying flea British government wont allow because old Peas reputation another day Charlie went Duxford Museum Its huge requires plenty walking enormous hangars WW II bombers fighters civilian aircraft different countries restored Outside Concorde can walk through interesting see small inside sophisticated airplane After leaving Duxford Charlie headed Nottingham would tell arrived 1919 Stanley Steamer automobile sitting outside street spewing steam making interesting noises home Richard Granger owns Steamer went drive Richards father designed built Granger Archaeopteryx first flew October 1930 now pan Shuttleworth collection powered two-cylinder 35-horsepower Bristol Cherub engine Thursday took train Hendon Museum fifth aircraft museum visited met Charlie told May1999 117 Nice Miles Speed Hawk Six Powered Gipsy Major engine looks flies same small fighter plane Exquisite great finish WACO YKS-7 Its authors favorite WACO U MODELER Electric Airplane Sailplane Magazine II H11 JiIii iEEiI Si EIIIkMAU Year sues Yours $24 SAVE 20% off cover price Demystifying Electrics Scale & Sport Electrics Slope Thermal Soaring Scale Soaring Airfoils Build Plan Features Square much Enclose $2400 $2592 Washington state residents $3000 Canada Add $600 tor First Class delivery US Please make payment credit card check money order US funds S&E Modeler Please allow up eight weeks delivery first issue iT100 pages packed information S&E Modeler RD Box 4250 W Richland WA 99353 ph/fax 509 627-0456 wwwsemodelercom going museum outlittle did know aircraft Hendon magnificent saw Avro Lancaster such beautiful shape heart almost stopped its favorite WW II bomber Another heartstopper Bristol Beaufighter Friday first day flying Middle Wallop however hostess previously arranged go opera Glyndebourne East Sussex went love opera Saturday first day Middle Wallop Envision roughly -mile-square manicured lawn like being gigantic golf course fly ointment wind blowing pretty hard drift off field vendors selling neat stuff trunks cars glad almost out pounds would have buy another suitcase bring goodies home people meet talk interesting old-time models awestruck Sunday going FF Scale looking forward flying Avro 504 rained first time England weather lousy day scheduled fly model Fortunately Lindsey tent spent hours visiting modelers across UK rest Europe headed home Monday am grateful friends made trip exceptional weather wonderful 97% time Charlie quick point out did experience typical British weather can ever make trip wasnt typical column want how-to column will beneficial you build Scale models Any questions input have can sent E-mail fkramos@attnet Photographs Scale models welcome a Glow Plug ops pint Fox Missle Mist Fuel Fuel Pump Vat Price Over tsr Fox iSBO CL Wheels engine Adhesive Brasslist Price Over $150 Fuel Tank TCI Price $12000 Fox 2518 CL mime add 510 WMWvi Fox 35 Stunt engine Acme Brass Fuel Tank following Wheels Adhesive Vet Price Over $195 118 Model Aviation B Aero & Marine Engines Rebuift ired Updated K&B can make entne like new again need send us K&B engine will repaired original parts Labor charge $7 50 $20 00 5204533579 2100 College Drive Lake Navasu CiI AZ 86403 NOiS Some eogine moynot sebeceabie due age condOico sopiecte coil seere wdhsg An pvwengbie sania Ar as/c pring Vt Flew thePSS F Ova 1-lorten IV# Toirey Pines Sa Gin OK 049 tank Adhesives Dope Control lines Handle Any single engine 1/2A kit SigBrodak Rite SigBrodak WI&Svi followingAkromasterStreak JrTwister Tomahawk W following
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 116, 117, 118
FREE FLIGHT SPORT SCALE Happy New Year hope wonderful holiday season hard believe 1999 2000 just around corner first colunm since Bill Warners retirement promised follow-up pendulum However because time constraints holidays unable get work done needed order make construction pendulum much-easier task am building Sopwith Camel fuselage framed will have pendulum As assemble different parts system plan photograph can see pendulum made installed will definitely have done next column Last sununer went England first time want share some wonderful experiences give perspective British FF Free Eight Scale former student married Englishman living Great Britain invited stay anytime opportunity arises August got chance go flying models Old Warden home phenomenal Shuttleworths collection flying machines Middle Wallop underlying reason Ive read about places years events three weekends apart traveled Jim Adams stayed different family flight left LAX LA International airport about 115 am went Dallas Chicago finally London arrived 11 pm time got news luggage models did make same trip didnt get until 7 pm next day went shopping hostess found bank could exchange dollars pounds handed man 500 dollars gave about 350 pounds back exchange rate $174 pound charged five pounds having money exchanged eventually got word best use credit card because exchange about $160 left travelers checks pocket soon found cost living UK very high trip grocery store quite eye-opener spent first weekend Old Warden met up good friend model-builder Charlie Newman couldnt believe what saw beautiful grass strip actually T-shaped old-time hangars Shuttleworth stores its aircraft museum museum closes field two days let modelers sport-fly hearts content some differences between what saw what see local flying site Most modelers Old Warden brought families youngsters flew chased models dads People brought picnic lunches eating between flights common majority power models dieselpowered Scale-type meaning werent competition 116 Model Aviation -known British Scale modeler Doug McHard holds unusual de Bill Dennis Scale columnist Aeromodeller launches Havilland pusher canard photos taken Old Warden England diesel-powered Fokker Eindecker Nice flying Shuttleworth field long enough handle full-scale Lindsey Smiths rubber-powered Typhoon Old Warden DH Comets flying will lengthened year Lindsey friend author bottom left corner photo type Scale model Regardless looked terrific air dont see much flying field power source dont see much area Jetex models saw powered way scale types jets flew very well Another large group rubberpowered models ran gambit Scale Old-Timer also Radio Control pilots pretty much kept themselves end field vendors selling things have never seen US mouth watering Sams British modeling supplier large tent packed goodies have Charlie took hangars literally ran through said coming hack later see everything good order met Doug MeHard Ron Moulton Dave Boddington Bob Jones Bill Dennisbig names British modeling world Doug brought Scale models out-of this-world fly During week rode train London went touring terrific time Lindsey Smith Shuttlewortli museum curator several years invited spend time him wife Jane took couple museums saw airplanes read about lost track rolls film used second weekend spectacular first Charlie went Woburn Abbeya 3000-acre estate beautifully kept grounds small lakes abundance grass Tiger Moth Club rents Abbey once year has fly-in Ive flown fly-ins biplane nothing like have never seen Tiger Moths Gipsy Moths Hornet Moths Rapides Dragonfly BA British Aircraft Swallow other airplanes including several Stampes flown Germany Charlie arranged get flight BA Swallow Once airborne owner gave stick flew over beautiful countryside Sunday Charlie went back Old Wardenno models time Shuttleworth s fullscale airplanes line flown DH Comet out couldnt flown because field * isnt long enough accommodate C year field will lengthened handle Comet Sea Hurricane also out flown Charlie introduced Shuttlewortli chief pilot Andy Sephtonan avid modelbuilder After Andy flew Hurricane let sit thrillfor short time felt Battle Britain also got sit in- another favorite Lysander quite chore climbing cockpit big airplane once inside what view Two other favorite airplanes flown Miles Speed Hawk Six Arrow Active pristine way looked sounded air special About 60 antique cars parade among aircraft same vintage probably antique motorcycles didnt get time get near Because Charlie knew right people watched flying vantage point lets say very close airplanes flight During next week Charlie went back Old Warden time needed see magnificent flying machines Charlie introduced crew restoration shops got go behind scenes see care airplanes Shuttleworth has oldest flying airplanes world 1909 French Bairiot 1910 French Deperdussin 1912 Blackburn Monoplane use Sea Hurricane aircraft flown low Old Warden wing warping airplane allowed flown Hying flea British government wont allow because old Peas reputation another day Charlie went Duxford Museum Its huge requires plenty walking enormous hangars WW II bombers fighters civilian aircraft different countries restored Outside Concorde can walk through interesting see small inside sophisticated airplane After leaving Duxford Charlie headed Nottingham would tell arrived 1919 Stanley Steamer automobile sitting outside street spewing steam making interesting noises home Richard Granger owns Steamer went drive Richards father designed built Granger Archaeopteryx first flew October 1930 now pan Shuttleworth collection powered two-cylinder 35-horsepower Bristol Cherub engine Thursday took train Hendon Museum fifth aircraft museum visited met Charlie told May1999 117 Nice Miles Speed Hawk Six Powered Gipsy Major engine looks flies same small fighter plane Exquisite great finish WACO YKS-7 Its authors favorite WACO U MODELER Electric Airplane Sailplane Magazine II H11 JiIii iEEiI Si EIIIkMAU Year sues Yours $24 SAVE 20% off cover price Demystifying Electrics Scale & Sport Electrics Slope Thermal Soaring Scale Soaring Airfoils Build Plan Features Square much Enclose $2400 $2592 Washington state residents $3000 Canada Add $600 tor First Class delivery US Please make payment credit card check money order US funds S&E Modeler Please allow up eight weeks delivery first issue iT100 pages packed information S&E Modeler RD Box 4250 W Richland WA 99353 ph/fax 509 627-0456 wwwsemodelercom going museum outlittle did know aircraft Hendon magnificent saw Avro Lancaster such beautiful shape heart almost stopped its favorite WW II bomber Another heartstopper Bristol Beaufighter Friday first day flying Middle Wallop however hostess previously arranged go opera Glyndebourne East Sussex went love opera Saturday first day Middle Wallop Envision roughly -mile-square manicured lawn like being gigantic golf course fly ointment wind blowing pretty hard drift off field vendors selling neat stuff trunks cars glad almost out pounds would have buy another suitcase bring goodies home people meet talk interesting old-time models awestruck Sunday going FF Scale looking forward flying Avro 504 rained first time England weather lousy day scheduled fly model Fortunately Lindsey tent spent hours visiting modelers across UK rest Europe headed home Monday am grateful friends made trip exceptional weather wonderful 97% time Charlie quick point out did experience typical British weather can ever make trip wasnt typical column want how-to column will beneficial you build Scale models Any questions input have can sent E-mail fkramos@attnet Photographs Scale models welcome a Glow Plug ops pint Fox Missle Mist Fuel Fuel Pump Vat Price Over tsr Fox iSBO CL Wheels engine Adhesive Brasslist Price Over $150 Fuel Tank TCI Price $12000 Fox 2518 CL mime add 510 WMWvi Fox 35 Stunt engine Acme Brass Fuel Tank following Wheels Adhesive Vet Price Over $195 118 Model Aviation B Aero & Marine Engines Rebuift ired Updated K&B can make entne like new again need send us K&B engine will repaired original parts Labor charge $7 50 $20 00 5204533579 2100 College Drive Lake Navasu CiI AZ 86403 NOiS Some eogine moynot sebeceabie due age condOico sopiecte coil seere wdhsg An pvwengbie sania Ar as/c pring Vt Flew thePSS F Ova 1-lorten IV# Toirey Pines Sa Gin OK 049 tank Adhesives Dope Control lines Handle Any single engine 1/2A kit SigBrodak Rite SigBrodak WI&Svi followingAkromasterStreak JrTwister Tomahawk W following