Chad Budreau Model Aviation Multimedia Editor
JS: How did you get involved with model aviation?
CB: I’ve always been intrigued by flight. I seriously considered earning a pilot’s license after speaking with a few full-scale pilots, some members of a full-scale club, and even an aviation instructor. The requirements to earn and maintain a full-scale license, plus the hefty financial expenses, always kept my desire to pilot an aircraft just outside of arm’s length.
When the opportunity to fly model aircraft presented itself, I jumped at the chance. Growing up, I spent a lot of time with RC model cars, boats, and HO-scale model trains, but I quickly discovered piloting a model aircraft is a completely different animal. Luckily, I was surrounded by skilled model pilots who helped groom my skills.
JS: How has model aviation impacted your life and/or career?
CB: I am fortunate to be working at the AMA. Model aviation blends so many elements that I enjoy, plus I’m surrounded by great coworkers and members. I have built my career around digital media and marketing and it’s great that I can apply my craft with this fun backdrop.
Working for a nationally recognized organization has also presented me with new opportunities to speak at national conferences and universities about digital media. And I’d be lying if I denied that model aviation has me reconsidering pursing a full-scale pilot’s license.
JS: What disciplines of modeling do you currently participate in?
CB: I currently fly RC. I have a couple of fixed winged aircraft and some micro helis. Later this year I intend to get into FF and plans building. I’m excited to tackle the challenge of building my own aircraft and having to master the principles of aerodynamics.
JS: What are your other hobbies?
CB: I enjoy vintage automobiles. I restored a 1923 Model T Ford that I frequently take out and drive. I also dabble in a few other hobbies such as woodworking, cycling, and photography.
Being a nerd, I’m often found building apps and websites in my spare time. I have even built custom apps exclusively for my kids.
JS: Who (or what) has influenced you most?
CB: Without a doubt, my wife has been a great partner and resource. She and I feed off of each other and balance one another perfectly. I also have two children. I’m surprised at how much I have learned from them—they keep life in perspective.
JS: Could you briefly describe Model Aviation’s digital efforts for those who might be unaware?
CB: Unlike traditional media, the digital arena is rapidly evolving. I share that because our digital efforts and strategies are continually being revised as trends and technologies change.
AMA members can currently access issues of Model Aviation dating back to 1975 in our digital archives. This research tool is open to all members as a member perk at
Additionally, members can opt to receive Model Aviation digitally. The digital edition includes bonus photos, videos, and often additional articles and tutorials. Readers can engage with the digital edition on any computer and on most mobile devices. Plus the digital edition is delivered a week or two before the printed edition arrives in mailboxes. Members can learn more about the digital edition at