This issue provides readers with two dedicated articles involving multirotor aircraft. To be more specific, the topics include a how-to on First-Person View (FPV) flight and a great introduction about how aircraft can help with archaeology.
I am keenly aware that even the mention of multirotors, quadcopters, or sUAS excites some readers, yet in turn, disappoints others. The subject matter can be far reaching and finds its way into publications and news outlets far removed from the hobby.
Outside of our circle, multirotor aircraft and FPV are getting more attention than all other aspects of the hobby combined. As modelers we have a choice. We can either be a part of it or ignore it, but either way it isn’t going away anytime soon.
As you are probably well aware, the AMA has been proactive regarding FPV and multirotor aircraft and promoting their safe use and integration into the National Air Space. To help get a sense of what both members and nonmembers needs are and how best to serve our community, the AMA created a sUAS Advisory Group that meets weekly.
Beyond that, a survey was conducted to gain a better understanding of the wants and needs of the recreational, light, personal, commercial-use sUAS operator. More than 3,000 people took part and by the time you read this, the survey results should be available on the AMA website.
Model Aviation currently has a bimonthly column entitled “Advanced Flight Technologies,” authored by Patrick Sherman, as well as occasional feature articles dedicated to this type of content. If you would like to see more—or less—editorial focused on multirotor aircraft and FPV, feel free to send me an email or contact me through the Model Aviation website.
Edition: Model Aviation - 2014/04
Page Numbers: 8