Starting with the October 2013 issue of MA, the Publications department has been surveying random readers to obtain feedback on the look and content of each issue. This data is being utilized to better understand our readers’ needs.
If you find our invitation to participate in the survey in your inbox, consider taking the time to share your opinions and make your voice heard.
One of the questions on the survey that I monitor closely is “Over the past 12 months, how satisfied have you been with Model Aviation magazine overall?” We are rated on a scale from 1 to 5 and our scores each month average around 4.18.
Participants are able to provide comments and I’ll share a couple from the past two surveys.
“A few years back I decided to drop my AMA membership. Missing Model Aviation for just one month made me realize the value I placed on the publication and I promptly renewed my membership even though I haven’t been an active modeler for a number of years.”
I’ve often mentioned that the broad range of coverage in MA is one of the best things about our magazine, but also one of the most challenging, as pointed out in this comment: “I realize that you cannot please everyone with each issue. Depending on the articles, some issues seem better than others. Overall I think the magazine staff does a heck of a good job.”
The survey results we have received so far make it clear that readers would appreciate more beginner content and how-to articles. Both of these requests will be fulfilled in upcoming issues of the magazine.
Whether you have received the survey or not, please don’t hesitate to contact me with your feedback.
Allen Brickhaus
Shortly after Christmas last year, I received the sad news that Allen Brickhaus had passed away. He was an amazing individual and I always looked forward to seeing him at events and working with him. He wrote several articles for the magazine and was the CL Stunt reporter for NatsNews.
Allen was always keen on bringing the joy of flight to people of all ages and to that end he penned the article “Beginner’s Guide to Free Flight” that appears in this issue. Written shortly before his death, I hope you enjoy his final contribution to our publication. He will be sorely missed!