[Headline: More than 100 Maker Faire festivals are held worldwide]
Detroit Maker Faire
Two weeks ago, I joined several members of the AMA staff and attended the Detroit Maker Faire. We took the Education department’s simulator trailer and a large number of magazines to promote AMA and aeromodeling to a large group that celebrates creativity, invention, and of course, building.
We met people who had built guitars, Halloween props, Star Wars robots, wooden trucks, and working miniature engines. Others drag raced power tools or participated in a race using modified electric vehicles normally enjoyed by children.
The Maker movement is so big that more than 100 Maker Faire festivals are held worldwide. Even the White House hosted one this year!
If you would like to learn more, look for our coverage of the Detroit Maker Faire, which includes several interviews and photos at www.ModelAviation.com/makerfairedetroit2014. If you see a picture of a Star Wars Imperial Stormtrooper reading MA, you’re in the right place.
“You can do it, we can help”
Contrary to popular belief, many of us enjoy building things with our own hands or taking on new projects and expanding our knowledge. When it comes to aeromodeling, The Home Depot’s popular slogan comes to mind: “You can do it, we can help.”
Last year, our October issue was filled with content related to building and we included free plans. The response we received was enormous. In fact, it generated the largest response regarding a single issue since I’ve worked for this magazine.
Because of the overwhelming response to the building-themed issue, we are dedicating the 2014 October issue to those who embrace building and those interested in giving it a try.
I hope that like The Home Depot, the contents of this issue will help you take on a building project this winter. Our free plans would be a great place to start!
Happy building![dingbat]