Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737
Edition: Model Aviation - 1998/10
Page Numbers: 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46
Sszce icd c#ie4 t4e eveaI i#e4ta&ueaC e4 4iate $i4j U Bill Winter & John Hunton thing test model isolation get know flies recent gathering Bill Winter friends privileged fly least 15 different airplanes before taking Jackpot up comparison might help prepare fly model though RCers fly models nruugn control system unfortunately does provide sensory feedback varying air pressures perspectives cockpit Jackpot provides strong feedback through its visual cues models flew day Jackpot rock-stable completely forgiving insensitive airplane just like well-designed trainer yet provides great platform explore advanced areas flight can fly trainer can fly Jackpot Jackpot will much CONSTRUCTION General Select light balsa less six pounds per square foot Some balsa-supply houses will hand pick wood specified surcharge may list some common sizes separately guaranteed light weight Order extra pieces ensure matching substitutions needed Balsa wing sheeting cannot quarter-grain splits upon bending must curl easily along its length facilitate matching airfoil contours eliminate tendencies pull free want light wood eliminate anything too mushy may still have pick out few firmer strips wing tail leading edges ideally medium-light Aileron tail spars medium blocks must light wood Wood size specs given plans generally mentioned directions Covering materials choice use John Hunton Coverite films paints 30 Model Aviation sic proportions cabin-type layout belie aerobatic capability Jackpot An excellent step-up trainer Photos Bill Winter Bernie Stuecker Graphic Design Carla Kunz Like its predecessors trilogy Osprey Ascender Jackpot special design Well spite its high-wing cabin theme pleases sport fliers has symmetrical airfoil flat-bottom-wing cabin model same ballpark Jackpot worthwhile step up intimidating pilot adept thrashing around so-called trainers Powered economical K&B 45 Sportster 40 choice 68-inch smoothie has area 4518 sq ft seven pounds five ounces gross 15% thick airfoil NACA 00 series mounted three degrees decalage Because wing section extremely stable smaller stabilizer could used elected 178 square feet area Jackpot flies step has superb stall characteristics wing sheeted top bottom built-up structure accurate efficient foamskinned wing can also open-sheeted Jackpot small big airplane like well behaved full-scale its type its control responses around three axes perfectly coordinated consequently model pleasant fly delight watch fully aerobatic nice roll rate good tracking easily inverted outsides etc yet flies on-the-wing like powered surfboard Two wing servos allow flaperon option genealogy Jackpot goes back early 1 960s Lightning Bug published kitted 010 powered escapement rudder cabin time worlds smallest RC popular Bug flatbottom wing midget subsequently appeared larger 09 version published standard can Electric motor electric 049 gas original force diagram employed Jackpot except nose length change symmetrical airfoil reinvent wheel Gilding lilly much fun Jackpot mind flawless warranty Bill Winter October1998 31 Jackpot can extend envelope respectable inverted flight basic aerobatics including outside maneuvers Rudder becomes primary directional control surface landing Little no flare better flaring too high frame has noteworthy features wing optional open framing stabilizer sheeted balsa top bottom aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise fuselage flying surfaces true efficient strong wood selected indicated gross weight quite acceptable Fuselage Make thin cardboard side template fuselage profile wing mount using front butt tine side sheeting baseline cut another template aft end extending forward station stab leading edge Use templates marking outlines guaranteeing precise duplication relative incidence angles wing stab complete assembly windshield area until holes two wing hold-down dowels have drilled through predrilled former holes wing grabber plate Note dowels integral fuselage True edges side sheeting clamping metal straightedge over sheet bench top trim #11 XActoTM knife Extend sheeting required kerfed joint cannot get 48-inch balsa sides Use pins and/or masking tape hold seams together Join cyanoacrylate CyA glue Align bottom edges both side sheets clamp bench opposite sides up mark off former positions soft pencil T-square Downthrust side thrust right provided tilting slanting firewall side will preassembled far possible before joining Cut inner outer nose doublers trial-fit attach outer doublers spray contact cement such 3MTM repeat inner doublers Pin CyA longerons cross pieces place Cut firewall bulkheads formers similar plywood parts Drill required holes including fuel lines throttle linkage etc firewall Drill blind nuts landing gear plate install epoxy Place completed sides flat bench trial-fit key bulkheads side time Install formers C E side using yellow carpenters glue allow shifting parts precise positioning Start former C position right angles side using small triangle repeat former E recheck alignment before glue finally sets Note former C above bottom line side sheet E flush top surface bottom sheeting Lay down remaining side trial-fit completed first side projecting firewall former glue place Make sure formers have reached rock bottom Check alignment repeatedly small triangle Rest partial fuselage its bottom Both sides must flush board sides right angles bench dry test-pull fuselage together aft end insure will join accurately end-to-end Invert fuselage glue landing gear plate place member will serve fixture hold structure true Weigh down ensure good tight glue joint Locate two 1/4 squares extend top inner doubler between C E install plywood holddown plate drill boles yet ensures fuselage will distort rear end joined Before joining sides rear use pins and/or appropriate clamps trial-fit fin-post joint Place fuselage over top view plan adjust until joint precisely centerline vertical board Flow some thin CyA back up thicker CyA needed Former DD located lower fuselage immediately aft landing gear platform forward cross-ship servo support rail glues its rear face Glue top bottom fuselage cross pieces place beginning station F working aft F full-width Cut pairs crosspieces top bottom identical fits Former G will October 1998 33 Aileron servo installationsnote grabber Servos permit flaperans functions available transmitter Wing construction requires jacking up leading trailingTwo sides temporarily pinned together check outlines edges otherwise wing straightforwardhere show finished inside establish top view curvature longerons Locate sheet plate shown top view aft stabilizer leading edge fin support Trial-fit epoxy firewall place confirming builtin downthrust right thrust angles Use masking tape and/or modeling clamps rubber bands apply mild pressure glue setting Before finishing fuselage take advantage its openness trial-mount engine install tank mount platform tank servo assembly complete pushrods throttle cable internal antenna tube inside nose has additional supports firewall corner pieces fill out nose later shaping Cut profile laminate sheet pieces epoxy front firewall form cowling Use 3A2 balsa spacers temporarily CyAed spinner backplate attach nose ring Install engine backplate Build cowl nose ring remove backplate later Fit install sheeting top bottom tank compartment Grain aft top bottom fuselage sheeting runs lengthwise Butt-join necessary sheeting attain proper width cut out top bottom blanks leaving ss side Sand top bottom smooth sanding block Install sheeting After curing trim required sand flush block tank inspection hatch detailed top view cross section Mate tail wheel plate fuselage Use lightweight tail wheel assembly Mount screws Rough-shape nose sandpaper Drill nose tank compartment drain holes Protect firewall tank compartment against leakage Use epoxy possible slightly thinned brushed Protect bolt holes petroleum jelly bolt threads tabs masking tape over bolt heads Remove bolts before epoxy cures Provide mounting radio gear switch engine muffler needle valve etc Tail Surfaces Butt-join pieces A6 sheet top bottom stabilizer skins allowing around Assemble framework top skin pinning balsa down gluing Note slots cut center section sheet two hard balsa spar doublers fin posts glue has cured remove pins sand exposed framework large block until true flat Remove assembly board apply glue framework press down over second skin concerned about working fast use yellow glue attach skin pin whole assembly bench dry block-sand stabilizer assembly begin elevator construction pin completed stabilizer over strip waxed paper bend paper upward over rear spar Assemble both elevator blanks dowel joiner pinned contact stabilizer Use epoxy dowel joints After curing use wide sanding block shape top surface profile shown Cut slots required Note fin spar extends downward bottom fuselage through built-in notch Block-sand smooth round leading edges Taper rudder shown Wing Select straight straight-grained balsa spars Full-length spars medium weight short doubler spars hard Leading edge medium/soft aileron spar medium Rib stock will vary rib-to-rib use harder ribs inboard locations /32 sheet skinning must light mushy brittle Use more-pliable pieces forward LE position Make templates ribs B-K L Transfer outlines sheet balsa cut out cut rib same B-K now mark out later cuts Lightly sand rib edges Stack-fit ribs piece spar wood top bottom trim length variations match LE TE Laminate short doubler spars out rib E full-length spars Make two setsone set right panel left Cut aileron spar length taper depth ribs K L Place wing plan over true building surface cover waxed paper Use metal straightedge check aspects Functions Throttle elevator ailerons Flying Weight 7 pounds 5 ounces Construction Built-up Covering/Finish Coverite Wing shown built-up full sheetcovering Proper selectionEngine used prototype K&B 45 ample balsa critical proper total weighteconomical reliable power Some nose weight may needed 34 Model Aviation span 68 inches Engine K&B 45 Sportster IADO BDOTER DOUBLERIIIl/ IUR IUA SO BALSA EJDRER PYSYSROI0H SO SUSH BALSA SHEET [I L-Jk VS ELTROOD 7- TAILWHEEL MOUNTING PLATE H DO 55 BALSASOARED POSORHO 1111AREA OR PLOIURI I1US RADOWOODTOP-V VA EALSA GREETFROARIrA PLO LA PLATE1VH IUZNUTPLAREFUSELAGE TOP VIEWJOE IVUIVO RALSHIVY DOWELSQJII TUTU RHLSOSDRET I UT PTGOOO LAGOINA HEAR____ -UR PLYWOODROSELOHE TOP UGHI STRUT LOCUTION TOMII LS PLATE CROSSPIECEI ER PLTWHOOIIi IU4 PLYWOOD ANTENNA SAPPONT lzj FORMER DOLEER GIVE RSA-CJT OJTSIOEL 6 PLATEB IVO SALSAIVEL SO BALSA US LARAERIGORE RTA DO UCCUROTELTRAIL AT OUTERDOUBLERIVY ROLSA INNER DOUBLER IIUOSAOH SEATOUTER RALSU7FORMER E K1VYWALSH SHEERBlAST TEl STOVEI RDP TMENT WIND SADOLE DETAILII FORMER I[I SALSU COWL--INNER DOUBLER __FIN IVELSA SIDE TA I VOTER WOURLEYHATENNA IVY VIABUTTERYfh4ITrISGER SPINNERIARNES A] L--I%~ii IVU IUV US PRY P SHOANDOILL DO110 VOWSPUSEROR GEE TEYRORAlSETRUOTORL IUUPOWBEBOSSEMBLYI DIA DRAIN0 0RYG GAAREEL SERVUSPUTOROOS VA BALSA SECT A-A / IUAIIUY BALSA VEDOICOL EACE ERR LANDISA SEARSIDE / RVGZ GALSA SHEET Th SAW DO BALSAPOSRUOD DETAIL --V'CY SG RUTH SALSAPBALSA IVEL SO DASA -TYPICAL SECTION THRO SDEETREAM FUSELAGE PO 00 PB PLO SERVO MOONT-CRAC& ON CENTER0 SFuLL WeT GUI YK 1C2 BALSA 3C32 PLYWOOD IDIHEDRAL BRACES -\ -th ICZ% CA DOUBLE SPARS LINEJO RIB E CFIBEBO ASS TAPE WINO USING5 3-3CZ AILERONIlBALSA CAP IiI% TCTZ KLJ AcA BOTTOM VIEW CENTERDOOGLED SPARS SECTIONINITIAL SOAPINGBRACESLINKAGE BESEL PA PLYWSOO GRABBERWING RIB ACLEAR ABMLINK DRILL VOLES AFTER MATINS TO FOSELAUEGOABBER CO SO i i ELEVATOR CA BALSASCIR BROW SHEETDOWELLIA lCD SCOt BALSA WING PLAN / BUTT JOINT GE FOB TCSZA WINO TREETI BUTT B GLUE IIAILERON SPAR -[C2 CCV BALSA VP CA BALSA SINGLE SPARS ICC BALSA LEADING EDGL ErA BALSA WERSII VERTICAL GRAIN ICA lCD BALSA -4 CU BALSA DREET II - AILERON -ICC BALSA BLOCK I-TEA BALSA UILERON COT RIBSICR SHEETACA CZ BALSA ELB C 0 TOSHEET WEBSSCOD BALSA SHEETTYPICAL PROFLE OPTIONAL LAMINaTED ING DIP RIB I-z SCOC BALSA SBEETINA SHEETWING RIBS B THRU KIC2EA BALSA TEWING RIB BALSA DREET ICIN BALSA SHEETiNG TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OMITTED I/A SA BALSA -4PA SO VERT RARE ELEVATOR HORNRALYR SPAR Lie BALGA SHEETAG ICZ YE PA ICC LOGE-5CR -SYB TYPICAL SECT STABILIZER / ELLVATOR BIDE AIRCRAFT USE LITE PLY C DIHEDRAL BRACE CA BALSA SHEET ELEOUTOB AUCA BALSA TIP 1-SCAI-VA I DIHEDRAL IL BAKE FROM5 TILT SAUGE SCRAP PLYWOODFOB WINU RIB DIHEDRAL GAUGE IMODEL AVIATION L TACKPOT DESIUNED BY BILL WINTEB DRAWN BY JOHN HANTON IA0A5K I I 11 INKED PLANS BY JOE DEMARCO ABBKKWK III xaIflkrItwAirenm 2ir#rr&i gp4tIreJiflp.Iar Makes staffing easier safer Keeps GLO WDRI YEN glow plug hot just engine needs most Connects between thronle seron receloer renersible selectable off points Unit can onus mon glow plags turns off transmiger off 100% electronic made USA Compatible AM FM POM radio systems Low power consumption Comes hookup wire Less radio connector power cell plug clip Size 17 s 12 Od Weight 14 Pert No SA $3495 $3790 w/connector $4485 in/conceder & plug clip CALL complete elegle mafti ceglee cod multi-cyfieder epeteme Glues ACCESSONYSWITCH ability add orsiolt unction channel out sacrificing channels ability control servo Can control electrical denices drawing up to2h amps 12 unIts 300 mans mosimum power dissipation micro processor based design nety simple setup install off points selected simple dip switches LED indicator helps setup Unit automatically rams og transwiner off Made USA designed nsa AM FM aud PCM radio systems Lsw power consumption Less radio soct power connectors Size t 6 s 095 s 05 Weight 12 02 Pert No OU 53495 $3780 wee radio coeeector OkesGines older Duqz-OuwuT SEN YORE VENSENstandard ELWONMIXEN ariseradios ability rename direct sewsthe ability mis channels elecons operation Installations setaps easeo-tails tiaps spoilers aileron/rudder connenierrt Pronides bath normal cospling Easy setup inslallation resersed sarpuf wWont use VRagged microprocesser-based designU connector wakes split elenator two servois 100% electronic sigh reliability ailerons doable-sews rudder nob onSimply connect miner between serose receroer Features two mining modes fnsenst connect forget Made nponto tailor miner needs model Will rot noerdrine newos USA worhe AM PM PCMand options selected simple switches Made USA designed super-easy 100% electronic no setupindiolduaf sewn renersing bar different mining rates features allow raitioeystemeUsre-lowpowerconsamplonfor AM FM PCM radio systems Very low power nonsumption Less radio Lose radio connector Size 19 off 6 sOdconnectors Size 16 o09o 0d Weight 025 no Pert No OA $3095 Weight 025 no Part No 2U$3889 complete in/coweectere $2495 $3780 complete wfcoeeector OTHER PME PRODUCTS Accessorpeitch Loc-Carrest 12 Wdtts 495 Poeerlsckap 3695 Gloeriner Malti-Cyl/Eng Airplaoas . 4095 Gloeriner Roots 3295 Gloericer Cars & Tracks 3295 Igeitiseteit Rocket Pocered Models - - 3995 ThrottleSeitch e/IEC & Tiner 4695 ThrottleSeitch c/Tinter 3695 RetractController Electric Retracts - - 2995 SloSerno 2895 SernoTrigger 2495 SernoSeitch 2995 FALLCONNECTORS OPECIALStd GlowClip Stainless Steel 12 snch lead $695 Scale SloeClip 12-inch lead695 12INCH SERVOServo Pigtail Male testd leads295 EXTENSIONChannel Pigtoil Pertole 6 testd leods295 FOR FUTABAk-Inch Estensise henvy-duty teisted lends425 $350 each12-Inch totenuino heavy-duty neisted leads475 16-Inch Entension heavy-duty heisted leads525 orlit-Inch Enteesine heavy-duty heisted leads979 6 $200090-Inch Estensine heavy-duty twisted leads625 6-Inch Radio Crosoddapter 49 twisted leads450 $2605&HsitMale Radio Connector Shell & Pins ueosmbld150 COffftedSl"OttlyPmiule Radio Connector Shell & Pins unasehld 150 eed8esConnectors anadable Ainfronics FotaOff Hdec JR Complete nyntems andP 0 Box 3129 e CORPUS CNRISTI TX 78463-3129send owAdd 9450 S&N TX Reeldeefe otherprodacts acadable fsiGooses loroneunco & Cusnooso Senuice 912914-6643FREEadd 7975% planes cars boatsmoos M P ttsetas CT FAX SArnen Houns 912 81d-Sgd3cowiognefee tan CeO write detailsTecosicuL Snore pmntnk@iswhellnet 38 Model Aviation Iayup pinning down bottom Spar Add /l6 spacers approximately four places 10 support leading edge pin down using ribs slipped onto spar position properly Install Rhe aileron spar similarly 5/y jacks Note joiner grabber guides 1/2 triangle stock Glue ribs B indicated allowing exactly / spacing joiners ber both slipped place after completion wing panels Install ribs center rib tilted dihedral Dry fit top spar Press down top spar straightedge avoid surface undulation glue Install I/mo balsa spar webs grain vertical Install doublers hinge points True panel sanding block Slope top aileron spar leave leading edge square now prefer sheet-skin full wing surface run 1 x Yr piece along aileron spar sheet D-tube front portion usual Add center section sheeting rib C 2 capstrips remaining ribs Invert wing panel pin down apply sheet bottom fully sheeted wings note surface wing panel composed three four-inch sheets Trim leading edge sheet run leading edge middle spar Install applying yellow glue ribs butt sheet leading edge pin place glue CyA Pull sheet down over ribs spar pin glue Check sheet down tight leading edge ribs Butt-join two sheets rear portion wing flat bench CyA pre-sand joint Run bead yellow glue along ribs aileron spar Install rear sheet assembly pinning spar pulling down over ribs pinning aileron spar Sheet other side similarly panel pinned down Mark leading edge initial trimming razor plane Sand FOUR SCALE CATALOGS SPPS 160 Supeescaie Conserrcbon Plans$500 SPPS 120000 Doojenentaton PhotoS 3VS$500 ASP ModetAnaft Cortstaflon Plans $500 ASPScaieAtasltOranngS3VS$500 WACO YMF-5 1/4 Scale 90 Plans $3500 V1S&MC Jim Pepinos SCALE PLANS & PHOTO SERVICE 3209 Madison Ave Greensboro NC 27403 PHONE/FAX 910 292-5239 37 3850 3/32x24661 1/6x24965 3/16x26674 1/4x28696 3/8x286119 1/2x23811642143 1/32 x 336435660 1/26 x 336435666 1/16x336445666 3/32 x 343526167 1/Ox 352637364 3/16x3627664161 1/4x37694113136 5/16x3109152 3/Ox 3165115146176 1/2x3135156175265 3/4x3225316 1/32x456667992 1/26 x 456667992 1/16 x 456687992 3/32x46682166114 1/6x47693112134 3/16x467169146156 1/4x4166152162179 5/16x4182234 3/Ox 4165216239285 1/2 x 4249265315336 3/4x4356471 MATCHED SHEETS 42 48 3/32x4125142 1/8x4156169 3/16x4164169 1/4x4176265 BIRCH DOWELS36 1/616 3/1617 1/426 5/1627 3/837 1/254 5/674 AILERONS3648 1/4x1 57 62 1/4x1-1/4 65 96 1/4x1-1/2 74 165 1/4x2 86 115 5/16x1-1/474165 5/16x1-1/2 75 166 5/16x2 86 126 3/Ox 1-1/4 66115 3/Ox 1-1/2 63116 3/8x295135 1/2x1-1/2 95 146 1/2x2 166 156 1/4x275 1/4x3169 3/8x296 3/8x3131 1/2x3154 ADD FOR DMA MAUsM DING EDGE 253D SPRUCE TRIANGLES 36 3/8x3/8 54 1/2x1/275 3/4x3/495 /8 1/16x 1/4 1/16x3/8 1/16x 1/2 3/32 50 3/32x1/4 3/32x3/8 3/32 x 1/2 1/6 09 1/Ox 3/16 1/Ox 1/4 1/Ox 3/8 1/Ox 1/2 1/8x3/4 1/Ox 1 3/16 SQ 3/16 1/4 3/16 x 3/8 3/16x1/2 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 xl 1/4 SQ 1/4 x 3/8 1/4 x 1/2 1/Ax 3/4 1/4 xl 5/16 SO 3/8 SO 3/Ox 1/2 3/Ox 3/4 3/6 xl 1/2 50 1/2x3/4 1/2x1 5/8 50 3/4 SQ 3/4 x 1 BUNDLE DEALS 26 1/lOx 3 263/32x3 151/8x3 153/16x3 161/4x3 163/6x3 5 1/2x3 261/16x4 161/16x4 153/32x4 16 3/32 x 4 16/1/8x4 51/8x4 163/16x4 5 3/16 x 4 16 1/4 x4 5 1/4 4 53/8x4 51/2x4 TRIANGLES 1/4 3/6 1/2 3/4 1-1/2 2 12 13 17 11 14 15 19 11 13 14 15 21 28 35 14 18 21 24 36 38 22 27 29 42 52 27 36 46 53 67 49 66 76 66 81 99 36 799 976 875 1656 675 1656 695 1235 1156 675 1666 1466 956 1366 21 23 27 36 45 23 27 29 36 45 59 36 33 41 58 78 35 45 57 68 86 64 82 164 86 111 132 48 966 1675 625 765 835 36 29 33 46 54 68 131 225 3036 48 78 119 1/26x376119 Lu 1/lOx 3178illS 3/32x3 93144 1/8x3114175 3/16 x 3132262 1/4x311572137 3/8x3188367i-. 1/2x 3238382 3/4x3375519- 1 x3532719 1/32x4123188ca 1/26x4123180Ca 1/16x4123188 3/32x4145232 1/6x411692162 3/16x4197366 1/4x42373321 3/8x4357S63 1/2x4482688 /454-GD xxxd sub/act lx ava/SG/Da/ SUPERIOR LITE1224 48 1/8x6256395 1/Ox 12395756 1/4 x 12495958 LITE PLY1224 48 1/OxO95125 2A6 1/Ox 121252A6 475 1/4x6125175 3A5 1/4x12185345 875 3 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/64 x6145295535 1/64 x 122955351635 1/32x695196345 1/32 x 121963SS675 1/16 x 695196345 1/16 x 12196355675 1/8x695196345 1/8 x 12196355695 4 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/16x6 166 269 345 3/16 x 12266 345 685 S PLY BIRCH 122448 3/32 x 6146275525 3/32 x 122755251626 1/8x6156295585 1/Oxl22955751126 1/4x6125256386 1/4x 12236386735 7 PLY BIRCH 122448 3/Ox 6 156 285 525 3/Ox 12 285 6561666 9 PLY BIRCH 122448 1/2 x 6215375 615 1/2a123756151266 HARD MAPLE18 1/4x1/445 1/4x3/856 1/4x1/256 3/8x3/856 3/8x1/256 3/8x3/465 3/Oxi75 3/Oxl-1/2115 1/2x1/275 50 85 3/4x3/4 92 SPRUCE BA553646 68 1/16a1/42436 3/32a1/42539 1/8 SQ2129 1/8x1/42836 1/8a3/6Lu3546 1/Oxl/24155 4763 12838 3/16 x 3/84653 3/16x1/24864 3/lOx 3/46588 1/4 SQAS57166 1/4x3/85369 1/4x1/26181136 1/4x3/4Lu63116166 3/OSO6465 138 3/Ox 1/27591 154 1/2 50 85 165 186 1/2 x 3/4 94 125 266 ADD DODD EXtRA EDR PA 0/04 otxo GROOVED LG MOUNTS 3/6x3/41/856 3/6a3/45/3256 1/2a3/43/1655 WING SKINS3D36 1/32 12479535 1/26x12479535 1/16x12479535 3/32 x 12579645 TRAILING EDGES36 1/Oxl/229 3/lOx 3/4 35 1/4x139 5/16x1-1/456 3/Oxl-1/256 1/2x2 96 EPOXY 4-1/2 OZ 9 02 Mixole425669 15 Mmxix425669 36 Mmxix425669 2 Host 425 669 26 Minxlx 429 846 INSTANT GLUE 1/2 xx Thin xr OF185 1 xx Thin xr SF366 2 xx Thin xr SF556 8 ox Thin Dr OF1656 1/2 xx Extra Thick266 1 xx Exho thick336 2 xa Extra Thick666 Oxx Exha thick1666 ODORLESS FOR FOAM 1/2 xx xr OF425 1 xx Thin xr OF765 2 x Thin xrGF1365 2 xx Accxlxrxlxr315 Oxx 9cc Refill695 Ext ipx 6149 Ext lips x 6149 SEND 51 FOR COMPLETE CATALOG NFO & HELP 806-745-6394 ORDERS ONLY 1-800-687-5555 24 HR FAX 806-745-6483 48 3168 Handling Charge $658 pay UPS Add $556 COO SEND MAIL LONE STAR MODELS 00 exra PP APO FPO accep Visa MC Si scoxer personal chocks COD 6 3/x % lax Texas US corrency 611/ Mm order siSod ORDERS TO Rt9 Box 437 Lubbock IX 79423 flats true begin shaping process sanding hoard fine sandpaper Add wingtip block trailing edge parts sand everything final shape Go over wing panel fine paper block final smoothing Cut joiners cut root rib required joiners Trialassemble wing panels joiners before gluing anything Touchup root rib faces sanding block get good tight fit Prop up panel indicated distance board required dihedral Check neither sweep-forward nor sweep-back present joiners seat properly minor imperfections centerline joint occur can filled later Disassemble panels apply epoxy joiners slide out few times spread epoxy apply epoxy facing ribs set assembly up again dihedral blocks under tip Check panels fully closed hold together tightly pins and/or tape strips set fill crevices apply two-inch medium/light fiberglass strip over center section seam top bottom Cut out grabber drill grabber boles yet install Install aileron actuation assembly noting hingeline near top surface Apply drop oil wire sheath Cut wing required accept actuator cut bottom surfaces allow arm swing fully Cut 1/16 plywood top plate crack along its center install being careful get glue aileron actuator Seat wing fuselage running masking tape chordwise meets fuselage Coat tape lipstick Mount wing fuselage press down Remove wing remove material red Repeat until solid seat obtained Remove masking tape mark precise center points wing fuselage mate wing checking 40 Model Aviation tail squareness tape tack-glue place Drill 3/~ through wing perpendicular wing surface hold-down plate rear hold-down screws Enlarge holes wing Tap hold-down block -20 install nylon wing screws Drill through forward cabin former grabber Remove wing complete fuselage cabin area Epoxy ls fuselage Cut ailerons thick sheet laminate Prepare hinge slots drill true holes aileron actuator Covering design based film coveringno cloths dope paint hinges installed after covering Coverites BalsaRite provides good adhesion film Apply thinned large balsa surfaces full strength curved areas Sand surfaces fine paper block Round off fuselage shown leave cross-section square wing trailing edge stabilizer mount landing gear block Final assembly Cut away covering underneath stabilizer staying within outlines fuselage Cut strip top stabilizer centerline Mount wing good reference Sit fuselage bench shim until wingtips level Dry mount stab fin View along fuselage wing check perfect alignment Shim trim sand adjust level wing required Measure stab tip common reference fuselage align plan Use yellow glue mount stabilizer rechecking alignment Adjust front fin hole accurate fin alignment necessary Use triangle set fin vertical stabilizer glue place elevators installed before rudder Install elevator rudder horns Trial fit surfaces before gluing hinges Install hinges main EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PC radios 4 5 cells Inatall line servo servo will move opposite directionl 5 0 1750 25weight 25 sancel EMS SR-2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors icr $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg eta Y harness tsr $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device controls sequences landing gear mechanism landiog gear doors Works air and/or servo contrslled systems Gear serve doer servo travel time individoally adjastable Irom lull opeed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close alter lowering gear ala P-Si Gear doesot move until doors travel tally completed onit 0 mast tar retract system Size 1501 50 75 Less 1 sance Includes servo connector receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-l$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap YHarness GS-IY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro-Processor Reverser2495 NEW Beepo Bight limer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightTM2495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto -Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/6 Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAX Indoor Ultralight ESC4495 NEW Micro MAX Speed 400 ESC wIBEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda C4 92887 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only 800-845-8978 wwwemsjomarcorn @emsjomar Corn ULTiMATE BATTERYBACKER BEST way insare reliahie power ysar model Use two packs Works standard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Battery packs can different capacity like 1200 600 15 v 15 v 75 weight 8 oonce $4995 wired connectors $5995 C GLOW DRIVER An optoisolateo glow driver switch ensares against radio nolas ON point eaoily adjustable oser small screwdriver Size 15 15 o 75 Less 1 oance Sapplied glow-plog wire connector User sapplies own NICAD hattery lncladeo aervo connector receiver $4495 NEW MiniMAX4O ESC wIBEC Brake$9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAX ESC8995 SM-4 ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Futaba695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Aiitronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Bearing Conversion 1 Airtronics695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR ete2 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etru 1500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Cable -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond lO-Fut JR Colors800 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10600 EMS/SANYO Battery PacksCALL EMS Connectors ExtensionsCALL order kits call 1-800-327-7198 log fine kits send $400 Idaho Residents Add 5% State Sales Tax October 1998 43 Additional EMS Jomar Products IKON offers largest selection giant scale kits world 1/4 UAL M&5 1/4 SUAL MW 1/4 UALL Mb / V- /7 Lii I2 -j -j / / C w z CD0 w C -A / / /7 // lIA /4 Ii t LU 2~4 2 V /1/ October1998 45 F 0 0 U b r -I ErI/ey REI/4ILE S-L-G-O-W Id/e PLUS. E4SY S4FE starts Single Twin-cylinders Twin engines VO Interference Works Rx s Light Less 35 grams Ultra-simple installation Li No messy adjustments Computer-accurate neutral U No Jitter LI No Drfi Neutral Shjfis temperature changes o Fuelproof Jlbration proof Encapsulated space-age epoxy iJk FW 742M2LY 31185 Schoocraft Livonia Ml 48150 Website http//wvweleclrodynamcom 1-800-337-1638 Orders _____ Info 1-734-422-5420 VISA Fax 1-734-422-5338 surfaces first work control surfaces place Check full free movement trim anywhere necessary Install rudder elevator linkage tailwheel its linkage Install ailerons time Epoxy aileron actuator arms hinges using slow-curing epoxy Install engine hook up fuel lines throttle linkage Install aileron linkage landing gear wheels Install RC system foam Check operation control surfaces free movement proper angular displacement Test Flying Since K&B Sportsters have good torque used 12 x 5 plastic prop usually use 10 x 6 engine try 11 x 5 wood plastic certain configurations inch diameter and/or inch less pitch develops ideal thrust match airplane speed drag Center Gravity CC right-on correct ballast nose lighter engines need ballast anticipated Allowance has made heavier four-stroke largerdisplacement substitutions Taxi-test model get used its tail-dragger personality Become familiar throttle variations engine reliability Use up elevator keep tail down initially avoid noseover provides good contact steerable tailwheel Make number progressively faster simulated runs wind feel rudder corrections needed tracking swings first takeoff apply power smoothly full get rolling As accelerate tail will come up its own Sudden power applications can cause noseover tail lifts abruptly will pronounced swing left Never yank airplane off ground Ideally should able hold some up elevator briefly until airplane obviously tracking well early rollout breaks ground its own too early quickly neutralize elevator let flying speed build up turn qualities Jackpot excellent flying benefits coordinated rudder turns can accomplished easily using CAR Coupled Aileron Rudder Set CAR about 50% capacity dual aileron servos allow flaperons use function set up CAR 100% rudder because loss aileron effectiveness flap down mode have function can feel out elevator trim mixing flaperon deployment Use mainly rudder directional control well past liftoff climb gently away Get good height check trims will find model has exceptional rock solid stability power transitions require little no trim landing rely mostly rudder directional control rudder control best low speeds Use slight flare touchdown stay rudder flare high model will surprise its trainer-like stability its extended maneuvering envelope Have fun Winter 12811 Melville Ln Fairfax VA 22033 46 Model Aviation br long slow approach. Theres no fear nameouts GlowL Itos onboardl doesnt get better this. Its EASIER 1-2-3 Plq petti *UPVI II Ih Pie Rev ii Wew Year den John Hunton 9154 Rixeyville Rd Rixeyville VA 22737