Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 124, 126, 130
Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 124, 126, 130
Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 124, 126, 130
Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 124, 126, 130
Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 124, 126, 130
Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 124, 126, 130
Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 124, 126, 130
Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 124, 126, 130
Bill Winter 0 e Talk THE MUSTANG What fitting begin mng ever glamorous aircraft Since its glory days WW II American modelers have paid unfading homage Hundreds thousands ofminia tures have built scratch kits FF Rubber Control Line Radio Controlincluding Giant Scale Its appeal greater ever Ubiquitous word Existing being everywhere same time constantly encountered widespread Ive flying plane past three years just fits bill states Joe Breda Gahamma OH Like others Joe thought editors announcement column back September issue itseU column responds request letters subject Just Fun oflt Its planes new Sunday fliers would like fly just dont have confidence try plane Marks Jemco kit WW II North American P-51D Fun Scale Modelers seem love lines looks war birds feel hard handle air right Scale aircraft particular ship real pussycat although looks like tiger properly labeled Fun Scale because true-scale model have flight line nobody has trouble recognizing does look Scale close inspection shows modifica 18 Model Aviation flights Jemco Mustang kitted Marks Models Joe Breda has nothing good things say about Acrobatic 0535 flies slowlyand lands easilyas Eaglet Kadet Described Fun Scale evidentiy has added wing/tali area Winter surprised bya teenagerwho made flying Mustang look simple confesses didnt per ceive extra area make flying easier Breda skinned LE TE added cap strips tions truly make quite docile Im going get lot technical jargon just say wing tail section larger Hmmm tempted wander erudite fields locoweed feel youll enjoy permit Joe continue oration Ill just say OS Max 35 up front seems sufficient full throttle Joe Breda goes very aerobatic realistic lcoking air surprise comes throttle back just putt-putts around like Eaglet Sig Kadet know because have both kits friends makes landing no difficult landing trainer way kit tells thatbut again lives up manufacturers claim Au old column once remarked about well Jemco Mus tang flew hands teenager failed realize examining design modfled make easy performance possible Thered happiness world f other producers stressed Fun Scale Ive flying four years Joe confides plane really makes lcok lot better am know lot readers probably like theyd like build model really looks like airplane looks like box wings ship has right ingredients Out mouths babes . about letting Joe go tell ing like him gcod points bad everything Joe adds would notrecom mend kit builders first RC Directions bit vague Au rule exception Unless have built RC before know install radio could problems Also did modify bit sheeted leading trailing edges capped ribs Before January1986 19 Louis Pancoast Iikesem big butthey have low costi Hecutsstripsand planking $10 piece pine equivalent baisa wouid coat $200 Firecracker /3-scaie a72in span aii-upweightof 15 ib Top speed 100mph slowsdown comfortabie 40 mph endings its capable loops rolls Stinson SR8 roughly 1/4-scaie 9-ft span weighs 20 lb Both models covered Dacron drapery lining sells $200 yard 60-in width Firecracker powered Quadra 0-35 turning 18-8 prop Roper 19 20-8 prop provides powerforthe Stinson SR8 text could hold tips twist like Glider wing think what did enhanced appearance added rigidity also cut two slots fin inserted in Three pictures scratch-built brute Quadra 50 power Builder Grumman AgCat Dr Pat Harrison former Air Force pilot shown right Has complete detail including hopper storage bin forchemicais wing tank holds fuel forthe 0-50 Covering sheet metal sections mostly aluminum litho plates Model weighs about 28 lb Pat made dummy round en gine includes plugs pushrods valve covers head cylinder fins Helmet jacket shoulderharness makethe pilot figure snug within turn-over structure look authentic pica H Thomas pieces against grain warped bit first time Au Ive often done same does take little practice novice take off tail-dragger suggest first takeoffs grass because steering less sensitive easier props nose tips down hold full up until plane lifts off keeping tail wheel ground Au planes keep forward CG almost forgot thing Joe winds up cost see advertised various catalogs ranging sale $2595 $3495 best $25 ever spent Just Fun Joes tips should misinterpreted nice Jemco Mustang saw fly well modified way openframe wings see seem flexible reasonably rigid covered Joes mods worked well himso gild lilly know what doing bottom line Joes Mustang has given him years pleasant flying relative beginner Easy fly aerobatic pretty realistic did well know hacker Mustang could fly safely As will looked carefully photo Im impressed Control Line fun funny thing hap pened way forum am supposed cruise can get thar talking about reader-built models Lord people want talk sur prising thing letters about CL undoubtedly due past queries whether anyone having fun days People dont fly RC includes aspects FF have odd perception assume no gives hoot publications So going flow heres some noteworthy quotes Ron Kirchner Encino CA Just Fun Ityour column titlesaid Thats what think modeling about has great technical prog ress model design engine perfor mance really does anyone today have fun did flying Fireballs Miss Behaves Bipes etc about Clipper Jersey Javelin Playboy Buc caneer Vagabond Au last five Free Flight January 1985 Model Aviation mentioned Paul Plecan since left 20 Model Aviation Ted McCoy Sterling Hts Ml did superb job 1984 replica Chet Lanzos RC-1 reputedly built 1934 Teds version powered Super Cyclone electronic igni tion Lanros original 7-ft span 1010 sqln area 60-oz weight Brown Jr power Winterwondered aboutthe 1934 construction date stated forthe prototype model because earlIer-lookIng Lanzo Stick AMA Museum said have won RC Nets 1937 Now newspaper documentation proves RC-1 plane did fly 1934 just McCoy said Tiush Mite Don Leffert No specs probably scaled-down version US-publlshed mid 30s design Prank Tiush brothers produced early model airplane engine re liable contemporary Brown Jr Don Lefferts Fuego 76-in model two-channel JR radio control has made 165 flights picture Pod-ilke fuse lage strip-planked tall boom fiberglass rod Model has Coverite Super Shrinkcoverlngandal SccTalfunHurrikan diesel engine Looks good forgreat soaring Bearded Jim Farmerwe once showed Teiemasterconverted Ford Trimotorhas thing about distinctive planes historical romance Curtiss Racer early Twenties built plans uses Supertigre 2500 power Tops wings Inboard ailerons skin radiators fuil-size plane Jim making wheeled dolly fasten beneath floats Photog HA Thomas thinks first-flight tickets should sold us still have plans CL Navion plan #369 Mechanix Illustrated 1946 Au Out ofprint built model using Bullet 275 beauty can still remember first flight took off normal manner climbed about loft turned left mean sharp left ran trying get lines tight succeeded snapping another tight left passed over head about 15 ft went out end lines stayed landed friends put shoulders said did great job didnt anything luck seven degrees dihedral Navion always likely come finally put old Bunch 45 flew until caine apart looking over plans recently discovered did thatmaybe Au dont want high bellcrank low winger either balance point indicated about 46 behind control pivot Mine probably worse used battery pack instead two pen cells Ah fun Loved column August 1981 issuecan have long ago about Jim Walker Jim hero mid-Forties although never met him friend Im glad see what Frank Macy has doing preserve American Junior Jim Walker collec tion Has book published video tape An Evening Jim Walker Au Jim gone years first CL model Johnny Gasburn Miss Behave Champion learned fly later acquired Fireball kit built dealer putting new Hornet engine never knew stayed together after seeing Fireball have have built five Fireballs still have scratch-built 3 years ago old Bunch 45 ignition engine mentioned Jim flying three Fire balls onceone hand third attached pylon helmet wore Au Jim used two-speed ignition control held teeth recall also used helmet flew clockwise counterclock wise same time What man Air Trails August 1945 March 1954when became Air Trails Hobbies Young Men gave away some teenagers years ago still have year three annuals Au AT Annuals sold 240000 copies newsstands What writers names still conjure up great memories S Calhoun Smith HA Thomas Carroll Moon Douglas Rolfeand course William Winter Walter Schroder two have enter taining educating 40 years Continued page 22 January 1986 21 Two views HA Thomas fine example Ziroli Morane KIT DY jim Lyflon Moaei Tiies fine course Beautiful red cream color scheme accented French roundels rudder stripes nifty rigging Zirolls Pokker E-lll goes itto complete matched set Winter chided friend Claude McCullough tonguein-cheek course Mac sent him shots stating done about-face What looking Kadet Senior big easy-to-fly trainer Span 78 wing area 1150 sq 6 lb wing loading mere 12 oz Mac uses Enya 45 four-stroke says thats too much power though problem engine has 6 downthrust big ship can trimmed scoot right along Bill think Kadet Senior probably will kitted different engine options Built-up aft end tail light save much balsa obvi ous benefit holding down kit price Wood pushrods visible through covering NEED TO ORDER QUICKLY CII 810 5847121 d .k fo ode 116 W 1910 SI PO Box UIIEF Higgiasoill MiooII6 64037 Available NOW 4-60 Big brother 4-40 50K224-ACE 4-60..$7495 nice letter Mr Schroder some time ago told last time flew CLa Dreamer Flight Con troller Didnt have fun Lou Melancon Coral Springs FL just received copy PAMPA newsletter Pro Stunt News letter Windy Urtnowski reprinted Im writing let know least person add list flies enjoys Control Line airplanes am regular reader column MA read because try cover facets hobby model aviation Au give break Ive building flying CL about 25 years got away hobby go college get married start career family got back about six years ago started RC Please note before time Id steady contestant father Control Line Rat Racing Combat make long story short wasnt enamored RC expected could remember too well direct feel plane lines used always seeing close part believe CL much fun spectator pilot Its fun watch plane inside circle outside Au Ive enjoyed same things feel plane started Stunt about two years ago tremendous amount help fellows Atlanta Stunt Conspiracy building flying locating parts materials Without help guys PAMPA letter collection modeling magazines going back mid 50s probably could have gotten well serious Stunt flier no kits buy hobby shops Consequently hobby store owners especially have gotten hobby last few years tend view Control Liners lot reservation Actually over years time spend average $75 month local hobby shops fuel props paint plugs tools covering films hardware wood etc items bought list price Im sure reasonably highmargin items develop least tolerance interest other Control Liners have about 10 active fliers CL area have benefit paved circle park Incidentally circle laid down about 20 years ago magazines writing lot about Control Line Au see plen*y MA guess part fault taking time let know lot us interested sport sad fact cannot buy ARF Control Line equipment must build thing often scratch lot newcomers dont want take time need another Jim Walker dont think Bill Dahlgren Glenview IL Re letter recent Pro Stunt NewsFie sir attitude towards Control Line Continued page 24 ACE A-40 popular PRICE Could $5495 retail CONSTRUCTION Quick easy building ACEs reputation thorough instructions quality materials 100 KS Brings back charm fond memories old Home Builts ENGINE Maybe 40 four strokers known power quiet performance As well realistic sound has way FLIES NOW YOUR TALKIN convinced best flying Sunday/Sport plane kits can buy today though fully acrobatic still gives novice aileron flyer confidence slow speeds high speeds gives refreshing challenge seasoned pro description like watch ing aerial slow motion Put 4-40 top list winters building seasonl 50K223ACE 4-40 Kit$5495 i2iJ 22 Model Aviation U.. SIGQ * Special Igniters improve cold starting idle characteristics * High Film Strength Additives increase lubricity provide maximum lean run protection * Special Detergents help prevent varnish promote clean burning * Rust Preventatives protect expensive engines corrosion SIG CHAMPION 2-STROKE FUEL FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $1500 $295 $350 $395 $415 $475 $550 PINTQUARTGALLON $425$ 995 $495$1195 $525$1395 $595$1595 $695$1995 $795$2395 U.U.. UALITY FUELS U U U U U U U U U U U SIG PREMIUM 4-STROKE FUE 10% NITRO$395$525$1350$29500 15% NITRO$415$595$1550$35900 THE CHOICE OF CHAMPION FLYERS s SIC has blending fuel finest quality ingredients available alcohol 99 very best grade available nitro use 100% pure get honest portion lame maximum lubrication get perfect 50/50 blend Bakers AA Castor U o K hniplate Racing Oil protect expensive engines finest quality fuel can made price Dont take word try some fudge yourself See dealer first available order direct Call 800-247-5008 toll free orders Latest Catalog $300 LLJ1 SIG MANUFACTURING CO Montezuma IA 50171 xxhangewhxxeU FREIGHT COLLECT 55 GAL DRUM $17500 $24500 $31000 $37400 $50000 $64000 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U I U U WHEN YOU FORGET OUR UNITS REMEMBER Wet Cell & Gelled Cell Batteries Completely automatic operation Connect forget Pays itself eries last two three times longer Two models fit size batteries REGULAR MODEL $3995 field kit smallPlus $2 S & H electric boat batteriesSpecify 6 12 24V HEAVY DUTY MODEL $4995 sport winch large boat Plus $250 S & H electric power charging batteries Specify 6 1 2V CaRa Products PO Box 221 Canton SD 57013 605-987-5924 SASE information Dealer Inquiries invited RC System NiCd Batteries chargers need age Cycler Ito prevent memoryl Tester Ito find bad celIsI Quick Charger 12 4 hourS Trickle Charger Isafe level Field Fast Charger both Ra Ta Portable Charger inPut 1 20V 1 2Vl Multiple Charger up 3 Tx S Rn A/I Completely Automatic STANDARD MODEL $159 Fits4 6VRxand96VTxpacksPIus$5S&H Others available write call OneSpeed Dremel Tool Full variable-speed operation Retans on-ott switch inside case $1 995 Modla 270 280 only Flux $1 SOS & H FOAM WING CORES RECISION MADE EXPANDED BEAD POLYSTYRENE STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY EPLACEMENT WING & STAB CORES FOR ALL POPULAR R/C AIRCRAFT OVER 250 DIFFERENT WINGS SO IF YOU HAVE FAVORITE BIRD THAT NEEDS WING CALL OR WRITE US CRYSTAL CLEAR THERMOFORMED CANOPIES DRESS UP YOUR PLANE WITH NEW CANOPY FROM WING MFG TOP QUALITY TOOLING & MATERIAL MAKES THESE SECOND TO NONE WE HAVE LOTS OF SHAPES & SIZES IN STOCK WHICH FIT MOST KITS & SCRATCH BUILT MODELS SEND $350 FOR DESCRIPTIVE PRODUCT CATALOG flying Im too surprised got little response question about Con trol Line fun know very few Control Line fliers bother read RC-oriented columns magazines since content columns less concerned models flying assortment confirmed Braihmins busi ly stroking another modelers activity fun right invisible people make magazine policy therefore ignored Yes really must try read Win dys newsletter Au youre serious about writing fun-flying column AMAs magazine should realize own particular area modeling interest everything lot non-RC models being built flown out theremicrofilm Peanuts indoors Hand-Launched Towline Gliders powered Free Flight models using rubber strands COs motors gassies ranging 010 through 65 engines along Control Line models coming dozens sizes shapes categories Yes try might like Dahlgren sent some fun pin no caption infoso cant tell much about good show role report reader-built planes address inequities form modeling vs another column encourages submis sion pictures information fun things Sure good see Just Fun back ModelAviation writes Claude McCullough enjoyed comments about adventures Kadet par ticularly kind remarks about Kava lier Kavalier has never gotten quite attention Kadet Kougar have fly seem like view adjectives used such Brooklyn Bridge rugged col umn gness justifiably may amused see have done aboutface latest design Kadet Senior photos enclosed has 78-in span 1150 sq area about 6 lb wing loading 12 oz per sq ft Mine powered Enya 45 fourstroke really too much power though no problem idea lot people out have no teach fly have someone instructor always around seemed call slow easy-going fully hands-off airplane As will note Senior has dihedral larger tail regnlar Kadet Coupled low wing loading just about anyone can man age steer around getting trouble About caution would should flown windy con ditions course kind model can bang around like bridgegirder types flies gently really hasnt shown signs being fragile hits things easier faster Continued page 124 24 Model Aviation U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0% NITRO 5% NITRO 10% NITRO 15% NITRO 25% NITRO 35% NITRO U WING MFG PO BOX 33 CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 PhOne 815/456-0417 VISIT OUR OUTLET STORE AT 15 MORGAN STREET IN CRYSTAL LAKE IL 9 am 6 pm 9 am 6 pm 9 am 430 pm TOLEDO SPORTS ARENA ONE MAIN STREET TOLEDO OHIO Exposition information available contacting Wayne Yeager co-director ticket address shown below ADVANCE TICKETS may ordered sending self-addressed-stamped busi ness size 4 x 9 envelope Tickets 38235 Castle Romulus Michigan 48174 phone 313 941-6661 Canadian orders must contain International Postal Cou pon instead stamps Include check money order US funds made payable Weak Signals R/C Club along 25 cents per order handling charge must state expo days tickets used prices $400 per day adults $100 per day children 12 under Ticket sales final non-refundable tickets along program will returned near mid-March COMPETITION CLASSES NON-MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules MILITARY SPORT SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PRECISION SCALE PLANE AMA Rules PATTERN PLANE SPORT MONO-PLANE non-scale models SPORT BI-PLANE non-scale models OLD TIMER FREE FLIGHT R/C ASSIST R/C SAILPLANE non-scale models HELICOPTER R/C CAR COMPETITION BOAT MILITARY SCALE BOAT PLEASURE POWER BOAT WORKING VESSEL-UNARMED Safety Preston Continued page 121 deputation prove assertion noise danger health Dr Bone said could produce necessary evidence thought Associa tion should now approve purposes Anti-Noise League Dr EHT Nash said special noise created aeroplanes rapidlyextending aerodromes set up Government municipal authorities going very serious lived near second-largest airport country complaintsparticularly women stay home dayof worry incessant noise aeroplanes Particularly around instructional aerodrome stunting noise very irritating kind Two South Coast reports recently established aerodromes close big public schools did hesitate say noise aeroplanes would serious menace teaching school Association adopted resolu tion' Have safe month consider using muffler models engine arent already using dont want Anti-Noise League coming after you John Preston 12235 Tilden wood Dr Rockville MD 20852 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 24 heavier model Au suppose Senior will become kit comments relate own flying ship may what 74-year-old guy might need 1986 primary basic trainer types bounce wind butlam confined desperation Sundays Firecrackers Stinson Lewis Pancoast Deer Park WA tells better can words. saw article Plane Talk September issue thought would tell about planespicture enclosed different First no balsa either because high cost main structure white pine clear straight grain cut strips 2-in plank ing -in 10-in 8-ft piece runs about $1500 same amount balsa would about $20000 buy mahogany door skin wing ribs spar webbing try choose plane build has lot fabric covering instead aluminum aluminum full-scale plane use layer 6-az boat fiber glass resin made flat piece waxed Formica cured putty knife snaps off can make gentle bends cut shape glue plane using hardware store yellow wood glue still buildthe entire plane slow way overnight Cabinetmaker glue takes long set whole plane took four months build working eight 12 hours day have time critical joints drill -in hole pin round toothpicks using yellow glue can tell Im old cabinetmaker firewall both planes -in five-ply fuselage stringers notched firewall main bulkheads two fuselage As can see big planes chainsaw engines 1939 Fire cracker -scale 72-in wingspan weighs 15 lb 1937 Stinson 5R8 almost -scale has 9-ft wingspan weighs 20 lb fabric Dacron drapery lining material fabric store less $200 yard 60-in width put smooth like old-time silk job An iron will heat-shrink Dacron beautiful tight use clear polyurethane varnish brushed fabric sealer Two coats enough spray auto enamel acrylic lacquer color coat keep weight down Oh yes use Ambroid glue adhere Dacron Yellow wood glue would patience runs out After put layer 6-oz fiberglass planeholding masking tapeI put second layer Wet course week later pull off masking tape Firecrackers nose top fuse lage wing leading edge main spar fiberglass SR8 has aluminum spaghetti pot cowl cost $495 K-Mart nose section leading edge wing also fiberglass overlaying frame using method just des cribed doing wings cover whole wing Dacron starting trailing edge wrapping leading edge back trailing edge Bothplanes engineered drawn working scale small 9 x 12 threeviews used draftsman ChrisCraft drawing days go back teenager maldng own planes am now 60-ager Long time Yes both planes fly very well handle very much like full-size planesnot models Firecracker 1939 racer can loops slow rolls though has very small control surfaces Racing planes went straight ahead fast Firecracker flies about 100 mph takes off lands about 40 mph 5R8 model flies just like fullscale 5R8 takes off 30 mph flies about 80lands about 25 flaps better fly ground 20-lb plane stall drop make fabricate part can buy what cannot make prop engine radio make own fuel tanks Continued page 126 124 Model Aviation TOLEDO THIRTY-SECOND ANNUAL RADIO CONTROL EXPOSITION APRIL 11 12 & 13 1986 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY presented Weak Signals R/O Club Toledo Ohio Realize Genuine Improvement RC Flying Geometron Transmitter Support Completely frees hands control sticks levers nothing way Allows concentrate flying because dont have hold transmitter operating controls Provides full four corner stick mobility Improves accuracy stick movement because transmitter held stable Adjusts two-stick transmitter modifications Simple adjustments arm length shoulder size Transmitter secured safety catch can removed replaced second yet cannot accidentally fall Out Extremely comfortable use wear Put take ott instant hat No beits buckles straps no cord around neck Wearing support transmitter stays place carry plane Doubles ideal ground support offers pertect accessibility keeps transmitter ott ground Ruggedly built heat treated aluminum tinished heavy duty anodize Assembled stainless steel fasteners Designed constructed tor extended use695O pyJssaOo PURCHASE ALL THREE ITEMS 995O shypng See dealer order directSAVE $99Q GEOMETRON CO INC 12 INGLESIDE ROAD LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS 02173 617 661 -6526 PIos $150 stnppng COD 200 additenal cash money coder Charges apply continental US Mass reneterts add 5% 4 LCD TIMERISTOPWATCH Counts up down preset hold additive features Time Out sounds alarm auto shut off Easy read outdoors lithium battery 21 95* PROTECTIVE BAG Made space age aluminum coated nylon Reflects suns heat protects dirt and~ dust special fast acting closure flO ONCE YOU USE IT YOU WILL NEVER FLY WITHOUT IT BOX 429SKYLAND NC28776 plastic bottles use gasoline now Well guess have rambled enough have building technique want try thats next plane Grumman G-22 Gulfhawk have also added two drawings design Pioneer one-of-a-kind design Budd Co Philadelphia made make stainless steel railroad train cars made Pioneer stainless steel show plane could fly using plane flew hours before ending up back Philadelphia museum piece still perfect condition plane stainless steel exception engine tires fabric covering wings tail Jam session set stage. remember story recent episodes old column about Pronto Super Pronto Parakeet Dave Robelen guys Tabb VA Recently received kit Pronto originally published MAN think 1972 three-channel low-winger great fun machines time aerobatic demon cinch fly No letter just note box saying En joy thought leftover Yesterday cased new hobby shop run modelers thank goodness kits both Pronto Super Pronto has less dihedral tad wing aile rons understand Tidewater Hobby Enterprises developing kits Robelen designs couple years back raved about Ken Willards Showmaster first banana wing Id seen RCM some years ago still have plans Its extraordinary three channels Don Srull has old Ive flown Ill just say dont think anyone can design better machine its purpose iffrn game MEN Trainer seems have inspired Kens concept performance machine small areas almost STOL-type landings although MENs larger model primary trainer Ken flew front home Finally correspond Bernard Caw ley Auburn WA Mitch Poling flies him exchange results Electrics So now Cawleys letter. Im glad see column coming back announcement trigger write about couple things have meant First Pronto andthe Parakeet can see plan recently got MAY Pronto would dandy sport plane size am contemplating scale-down 3-ft span 035 motor six 800s Jomar throttle Tower mini flight pack Id all-sheet construction quick building la Schoolboy local hobby shop Bob Pfieffers Firgrove Model Supply has stock two Super Pronto kits three Parakeet kits Pronto piece column mention biplane never kitted guess Tidewater did after other thing e wrote big Showmaster scale-up would prob ably really well 15 motor rather 05 have recently opportunity prove dead right got cobalt 15 system 12 cells800s battery put it bolts right up 05 belt drive can say wow went very lazy flier gradual climb off-taIl-grass-in-20-feet 35450 hands-off climber steep hands-off climb once again proves Showmaster knows about flying seems know drop nose avoid stalling Ill just trust night first flew way Mitch Poling kept asking bring down climb againit much fun watch other amazing thing Continued page 130 126 Model Aviation * SCALE DOCUMENTATION* SCALE DRAWINGSMODEL PLANS PHOTOS w BOOKS PLA-TECH 1985m INTERNATIONAL AIRPLANE CATALOG48500 MCKENZIE HWY $300VIDA OREGON 97488 SILICONE TUBING lOft25 It80 II SMALL 1 062 dl S 8250 MED 5 002 di 1 8400 8000 81600 LARGE 128 410 1 8800 81128 82000 05 8 CAN POSTPAI I4RRY DODGE dERO INC 10210 Manning Ave N Stillwaler MN 55082 LATHES ING MACHINES INE tHOP tUPPLIEStoOLS Aviation Modnier BLUE RIDGE HINERn AND cli toii tee 1 008 072 6000Representatives wv 1 582 353eMoap Manufacturers POBneS38Y Herann wvonnne Catalogs $100 lOner 200 PagesI PAWU DIESELS Englands Finest 049 35 R/C STD Send $100 list Eric Clutton 913 Cedar Lane Tullalioma Tenn 37388 QUALITY FREE FLIGHT KITS AND SUPPLIES FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT SINCE 1975 Dealer inquiriesCatalog 500 invited BLUE RIDGE MODELS. responding advertisers mention read about Model Aviation PRESSURE SENSITIVE WATER TRANSFER 7 GIANT SCALE 18 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars US WW British WW French WW German WW eets Nomenclature sheets 60 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel J iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish German WW US WW BritishWW French WW ltalian Swedish Israeli Nationalist China RussiaNomenclature sheets 40 SIZE36 SHEETS US Cocarde del US w/bars British WW II roundel iapanese German WW II Canadian late 1950s present Polish an WW US WW British WW French WW ltalian Swedish lsraeli Nationalist China Russia Nomenclature sheets PROPELLER DECALS Hamilton Standard Mc Cauley Falcon Hartzell Fahlin Pratt & Whitney logo KILL MARKINGS German American iapanese Tank Ship Bombing missions NOMENCLATURE SHEETS LETTERS NUMBERS AND STARS 10 colors variety sizes Distributor inquiries invited -= major decals FORTHEAST SCREEN GRAPHICS 21 FISHER AVE EAST LONOMEAOOW MA 01020 TEL 413 025 4110 Two TOP QUALITY Canard Kits NA 1/5 SCALE WINGSPAN6260 1/4 SCALE WINGSPAN 485 FASTANDSLEEK ENGINE 40-45 ALL BALSA0 ENGINE 35-45 FOAM CORE WING NELS 4-5 EASY TO BUILD CHANNELS 4 BALSA FUSELAGE IL $15995AND FLY0 RETAIL $12995 Now Available Wherever RIC Models Sold. Write ST CROIX MODELS PO BOX 2790 PARK FALLS WI 54552 Plane Talk/Winter Continued page 126 Jomar SC-la can throttle back two clicks below half throttle cruise 15 minutes Bench runs combination 3 mm full throttle 12 mm 3600 rpm prop about half throttle second flight evening set just barely climb wife flew good 13 minutesand after two amazing climbs hotwind cobalt 15 800s swinging Graupner 1 1-7Yi Astro 2-to-i belt drive Can imagine cobalt 15 much-less-draggy LeCrate neat thing about cobalt 15 plus 12 cells 800s just about 2 oz heavier cobalt other 05 motor seven 1 200s 05-plane could super charged 15 would good direct drive marine wind Mitch says enjoyed article gas-toelectric conversion kitslots good information Only couple com ments hope people notice heavy 05 planes mention have big wings therefore reasonable loadings Two servo/microswitch motor oontrol fine type flying like best real hard gear belt drives try spin up big heavy prop full power off Besides like taxi shoot touchand-goes much less elegant on/off Joe Utasis throttles Contemplating moment small Pronto twin 020 Boeing 247 something using Kline-Fogelman air foil expounded upon Ultimate Paper Airplane Cawley promised pictures scaledup Showmaster did mention span weight area good information kind ought pigeonholed Youll tasked MonoKote deep undercamber Willards banana airfoil suggested begin spotting points along rib bottom grad ually filling before overall shrinking avoid overdoing heat shrink ing wing section makes Kens ship marvel Incidentally never shrink side surface before other side covered alternate gradual shrinldng both sides may have warping problems Decembers oolumn page 23 refer ring modified Eagle words negative tail should have read positive tail distinction important sense mods future notes now-successful project Bill Winter 4432 Altura Ct Fafrfax VA 22030 Balance Stand/Nunes Continued page 39 Base construction Cut base piece scrap lumber making sure board flat table Sand edges top bottom smooth Chamfer top edges desired Locate center board Draw centerline along length width board Holes will located long axis See drawing spacing dimensions Locate hole positions mark awl drill holes completely through board Note photo use square aid keeping drill vertical works fine have drill press Take time use backup board note also piece tape placed I-in drill tip controls depth drilling operation Dowels Cut dowels length shown drawing Make sure ends flat small miter box Zona Saw will help Place drop glue eraser push erasers onto dowels Allow dry Assembly hole spacing will allow adjustment dowel placement fit different aircraft types Choose location best serves particular model Push dowels holes glue dowels place Note eraser position photos Conclusion sure observe correct 130 Model Aviation handing bigger line major decal LISTING @F INSIGNIAS