Ron Bennett photographers La ima Conquers Atlantic piece April issue advises offering signed 8 x JO prints historic RC event sale collectors see ad Modelers Mall item issue Dick Perrys April CL Navy Carrier column contained error concerning Nostalgia Navy Carrier rules pl26 text indicated Nostalgia Carrier models required pre 1978 designs fact model meets other Nostalgia Carrier rules may used regardless year designed apologize error March Cover As Korean War vet AMA member am outraged March 1999 cover Did occur showed desecration American flag What thinking hope next issue includes apology have served serving country Pierre Dumenil Burlin game California Certainly no disrespect toward American flag intended publication photo apologize anyone offended March cover Dear Randy letter March issue Model Aviation beautifully written tribute fine man think what really hit mc could have writing about dad member Hall Fame either stooge field glycerine green soap rubber later pit man gas models glow demand competitors complained said required winning didnt deserve 4 win Like dad father Randy known father Fred heart men specialand very personalHall Fame training Art gave son glue together paper sticks make airplane include maxim life includes fact win nice includes cheating wrong As point out very career offshoot hobby has shared hat off Randy son Art Ryan Correction Fred Lehmberg Anderson California am writing letter behalf son Christopher Teke recently featured February 1999 issue MA staff Chris lead recipient AMA/Charles H Grant scholarship Following mistakes should corrected family lives Silverthorne Colorado California mountains Colorado fly skis skids 1995 Chris myself built flew k-scale de Havilland Beaver /2-scale God forbid would have wingspan 24 feet probably weigh 200 pounds Thank taking under consideration trust can let model friends Colorado know proud achievements Ron Teke Silverthorne Colorado Whoops wrote text appeared magazine magazines errors proofreading errors apologize mistakes Chalk up failing eyesight senior moment 1 hope going well Chris Bob Underwood Scholarship Committee Chairman T-28 Dick Sarpolus T-28 article [February issue] made interesting reading dont fly Control Line just finished Pica /6-scale T-28 Trojan Continued page 173 6 Model Aviation ts Available Letters tc Eclitrn Nostalgia Carrier Open Letter Randy Ryan Letters Continued page 6 dont fly Control Line just finished Pica 1/6-scale T-28 Trojan sidebar Dick mentions turboprop modification Actually two separate modifications accomplished first effort modify aircraft COIN COunter INsurgency fighter first aircraft crashed performing high-G maneuvers tail failure Two other airplanes additionally modified strengthened elongated tail surfaces #3 airplane also ejection seats noticeably different canopy Air Force decided modifications effective cost-effective solution went North Americans OV-l0 Bronco instead Both surviving aircraft placed storage However 1990 photographed #3 airplane minus engine Stennis Airport Mississippi engines used Pipers ill-fated Enforcer project turboprop P-5 1 second turboprop modification early 1980s nationalist Chinese converting about 200 airframes turboprop engine slightly less shaft horsepower USAF modification airplanes being used trainers/light attack trainers John Wolf Spring Lake North Carolina Fran McElwee sad heart am advising passing dear friend model aviation enthusiast Fran McElwee has contributed much hobby Fran typifies ardent modeler stands out hobby enjoy contributed much hobby years As teenager built flew Free flight Gas models just getting keeping engine running accomplishment mid- late-1930s active competitor won local regional meets East Coast WW II started joined Air Corps won pilots wings flying P-5 European theater No136 Fieneler Storcho AC Scole model 23-45 5oharool hoo both olofo ord flops No 169 Denopplone AC version farsod cabin roodel kit frOr 0937 19-25 C No 262 CrashOsaster CL caoh proof trairor Toso oiaeo 15-30 35/40 power A No392 Mini F1 6 AC Sarpoloo 049 doOted fan opoof flier 2 choroel Boloo coingo tail fosolago Ofroolare 6 No 447 lISA Miso Aoerioe AC Old Tiroor /cA Toraco model 049 glow 2 09055015 C No581 Gee Bee Model V AC Golden Age Racar Spoor 72ir /n scole 60 power 3 ploc oheofo No702 IleInkel 86 1 8 EF Scale roodel r 924 Gorroro woroplore HiLiro Mini6 geared eleotrir roof, SponosS in A No 71 4 Mod Dock AC oser-triondfp Spoc flier relaoed slow fligho Fovels ar low slow maooooes 25-30 power Spwss 60 2 plor sheets. D No720 MinOtenoen FE Frook Zalos popofor oll-bolsacovored robberpowored roodol rake frow PopctaoScieooa Jane 1 94f Spaes 20in A No733 1941 TepleroreN AC gsarrersoole design caprores 050 05i000 tiping qoalirias 00190 fsllsoale Taplororoh rSoiros spas 2 plor sheets. No 739 Jeaster AC Soilplone 500 looks podorwaroo r22iroh spar irotodes foil oossfwcfion foot 3 pier shoots No759 Aeribe FF Hondheld cotapolt glider bp Joar Aodrows A No814 XB35 AC Elocorlo fipir gwirg weighs 40 ocroes oposs 64 schec 2 shoots No815 Tepler Cob AC Spod Scale troree channels spaco 560005 C No818 Nibble 308 FF record holder hp Norm Pool spons 55 looSes 2 Stepbeno Abre AC Laser prodocesoor Sarpotos 52 power spoon 95 looSes 25 Tedeter Spo AC model bp Aichardson 25 p owe spans 40 irchas Ne 826 PIper Peemnee ercee FF 00650 Scale bp Earl Slohi spans 30 inches Ne 828 Torbe Sporto Sporo twin Elecoic AC lop Aobolao spans 29t2 rocheo No831 Steider AC TwoMefor 500mg noodel bp Birdwolt spans 707 loches No834 GobI 10 Eloctdc spod model geared Spaad 400 moloro spars 40 inohes No 836 08 Slew Metlee Third ffpingwing series bp Alit Ecass spoon 48/5 inches No839 Boom Old 00100 FE OldTimor bp Ostan spans 58 irches 0 Ne 848 PT3 AC Scale modol bp Frank Baker spoon 55 inches C No842 epen Sport Treloer AC Scale bp Phillip 6001 osec Mao 40 Sorpass spans 05 inches P No 846 Prefeocloecl Cot PaSernstyte model bp Sarpolos Sachs 32 enginas spars 94 inches 2 sheets No847 Son God AC coscersion f CL design bp Cloogh spans Spinchos C No 848 SpiBire CL Stool bp U000wskbAdaerosko ST 60 power spans 62 00505 2 shoers No849 Sopor Bog Mathews adaptation 0105cm Wolf Good design 253S poweo spaos 75 inches No850 Osprep Winfer/Honron infermodiato AC model spaos 63 inches No 891 Eaglereeb CL Scale lop Fronk Beany spaos 49 inches 83 Jenelie AC slopalnpoo glider bp Allen spars 72 inchas No803 Osoetoer 20 Natswinning FE Indoor HLG bp Sodees spoon 25 inches No854 Arrosoptoee AC Compotifion FoeFtp bp Larsen 09 tS power spans 36 inches Ne 855 Ligbtoie Belt CL Spod 50401 bp Notooband 049 power 36 incheS Ne 896 Aeaeoder AC Spod Canard 40 power Op WinrentHonton spans 5925 inches No857 Lii Chagger FE r/24FOJ lop Danham spars 53 inches Ne 858 Beab Denies TwoMelor sailplane lop Kiocaid spars 77 3/4 inches Ne 859 Scepter CL Procislon Aerobatics model Brickhoos 40 engines spans inchos Ne 880 Slew Motion Treditlon AC Simdar 40 power spons 64 inches No 881 Berryloid FE Tonoca hp Niebaoer spans 5425 inches No 862 P51 Moeteeg AC Speed 400 Electric bp Kerry spans 32 inches No 883 Jaebpot Wintar/hlontan collaboralion 40 power spars 65 inches No 884 f3ED 550 CL 00000 model bp Johosron 40 ongines spars 54 inches No865 Feber De AC Standoff 00010 bp Cloogh spans 04 inches No884 Twin Cat Unosoal Iwin-ongine lapoof bp Sarpolos Cheelas 42s spans t04 inches Ne 887 Cheap Thrill Ofont model mowers spans 36 inches No888 Aotoplone Twin Speed 400 Eteotric 0010 bp Mikolasko spans 52 inches No 869 Aear Wind AC Poshor delfo hp Cimmino 00040 p ower spans 00 inches No870 T28 CL 1/2A spod model bp Sarpotos spans 23//s inches No 871 Gssfer AC Spod model lop Wieten/HsOtOO tot 40 SsOOfrOkeO spoon 71 Ic inches No 872 Clood Kinon Foamwing FE spod model bp Fred Aeese spans 35 inches No873 LWe Tiger CL t/2A Profile Proto bp Holl Nato winner spoon rs /o inches S Full-size plan list available conpiete listing plans prsviously published magazine through no 859 may obtained free Charge writing enclose 78r stamped preaddresaed #10 business-size letter envelope Mode/Aviation 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 May1999 173 874 Electrolith$750 RC Electric sailplane Cashion Speed 400s spans 57 inches Price Key ec $375B C $1125D m $1500Eec $2250 Fill blanks below numbers plans wish order best handling please include requests payment some other service plans order order phone call 765 287-1256 order fax complete send form fax number 765 289-4248 Domestic customers please include $320 shipping handling Add $300 have plans mailed tube Please No COD Orders Make check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMAr 5151 East Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Please allow three weeks delivery ENCLOSED$ Check y Order MasterCardNisa CARD NOEXP DATE NAME __________________________ AMA No STREET ________________________ CITYSTATEZIP customers outside US include $320 additional shipping handling per plan FoOw Piping Sarfeecs Alam Laepy Aeniteble Oaildere Kit 8255 Sheeled KS 8355OelaeO Sheeted Kir $405 ULTIMATESPORT RC 255 boet Anlolend/PO Roe 727/Soda Springs Idolro 83276 5473742PorParrlonlefoSeed5Ase After war designed flew Control Line models innovator original concepts developed flew published Control Line models would rolls flying tether 1946-47 designed built flew original-design Radio Control models Drone Diesel engine putting flying demonstrations East Coast Canada showing practicality consistency controlling model via radio met Jim Walker Nationals Jims blessings sketched Popsito control system duplicated weeks later successfully flew system As competitor flew own RC designs Mirror Model Flying Fair won first place two years running Fran member AMA Show team several years early 1970s flying original-design RC American Flag model wrote published several magazine articles designs over years experiments lead innovations used other modelers followed lead active member officer clubs through years always formidable competitor Fran inaugurated AMA Hall Fame 1997 accomplishments contributions hobby numerous stimulated originality portion us fortunate come contact such innovative individual smiling face firendly attitude will missed model flying fields around country Leon Shulman Metuchen New Jersey Liked NACA Article rad article Frank Parmenter NACA Under Aircraft Model Maker March 1999 great interest never heard read unique relationship existed during 1930s WW II between aeromodeling community NACA Mr Parmenters article fascinating contribution historical record aeromodeling United States youngsters modelers generation Im 37 need such first-hand accounts better understand rich heritage significant contributions aeromodeling has made aviation am privileged haven proaig Maynard Hill worked Maynard model maker Johns Hopkins University during early 1980s just modelers such Frank Pannenter did NACA during 1930s Today am senior engineer working Tomahawk cruise missile program direct result experiences friendships have enjoyed through aeromodeling interest mentoring given fine gentlemen exemplified Frank Parmenter myself next generation aeromodelers thank Paul J Kirsch Columbia Maryland Fly Continued page 6 engines less 19 kilowatts 25 hp Rather attempting access lengthy text EPA document Federal Register go http//wwwaccessgpogov/su docs/fedreg frcont99html Click Wednesday February 3 1999 look under EPAProposed Rules New nonroad spark-ignition engines below 19 kilowatts phase 2 emission standards 525 1-5258 [FR Doc 992450] go bottom page 5 AMA filing position paper behalf model enthusiasts regardless AMA affiliation Academy taking broad view expressing value EPA proposal avoiding severe impact producer user model engines model aircraft helicopter boat car activities Academy supports EPAs position practical solution exemption applicable types model engines used hobby recreational purposes survey information number new model engines produced model year 1998 relatively small compared overall industry manufactures 20 million-plus small engines year Maroney Special Services Director 174 Model Aviation LITE BATTERIES Dependable weight saving long lasting rechargeable battery packs now available Performance Products 70 Cadence Ct n SC 29803 803-644-4005 perfornianceprod@duesouth net
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 6, 173, 174
Ron Bennett photographers La ima Conquers Atlantic piece April issue advises offering signed 8 x JO prints historic RC event sale collectors see ad Modelers Mall item issue Dick Perrys April CL Navy Carrier column contained error concerning Nostalgia Navy Carrier rules pl26 text indicated Nostalgia Carrier models required pre 1978 designs fact model meets other Nostalgia Carrier rules may used regardless year designed apologize error March Cover As Korean War vet AMA member am outraged March 1999 cover Did occur showed desecration American flag What thinking hope next issue includes apology have served serving country Pierre Dumenil Burlin game California Certainly no disrespect toward American flag intended publication photo apologize anyone offended March cover Dear Randy letter March issue Model Aviation beautifully written tribute fine man think what really hit mc could have writing about dad member Hall Fame either stooge field glycerine green soap rubber later pit man gas models glow demand competitors complained said required winning didnt deserve 4 win Like dad father Randy known father Fred heart men specialand very personalHall Fame training Art gave son glue together paper sticks make airplane include maxim life includes fact win nice includes cheating wrong As point out very career offshoot hobby has shared hat off Randy son Art Ryan Correction Fred Lehmberg Anderson California am writing letter behalf son Christopher Teke recently featured February 1999 issue MA staff Chris lead recipient AMA/Charles H Grant scholarship Following mistakes should corrected family lives Silverthorne Colorado California mountains Colorado fly skis skids 1995 Chris myself built flew k-scale de Havilland Beaver /2-scale God forbid would have wingspan 24 feet probably weigh 200 pounds Thank taking under consideration trust can let model friends Colorado know proud achievements Ron Teke Silverthorne Colorado Whoops wrote text appeared magazine magazines errors proofreading errors apologize mistakes Chalk up failing eyesight senior moment 1 hope going well Chris Bob Underwood Scholarship Committee Chairman T-28 Dick Sarpolus T-28 article [February issue] made interesting reading dont fly Control Line just finished Pica /6-scale T-28 Trojan Continued page 173 6 Model Aviation ts Available Letters tc Eclitrn Nostalgia Carrier Open Letter Randy Ryan Letters Continued page 6 dont fly Control Line just finished Pica 1/6-scale T-28 Trojan sidebar Dick mentions turboprop modification Actually two separate modifications accomplished first effort modify aircraft COIN COunter INsurgency fighter first aircraft crashed performing high-G maneuvers tail failure Two other airplanes additionally modified strengthened elongated tail surfaces #3 airplane also ejection seats noticeably different canopy Air Force decided modifications effective cost-effective solution went North Americans OV-l0 Bronco instead Both surviving aircraft placed storage However 1990 photographed #3 airplane minus engine Stennis Airport Mississippi engines used Pipers ill-fated Enforcer project turboprop P-5 1 second turboprop modification early 1980s nationalist Chinese converting about 200 airframes turboprop engine slightly less shaft horsepower USAF modification airplanes being used trainers/light attack trainers John Wolf Spring Lake North Carolina Fran McElwee sad heart am advising passing dear friend model aviation enthusiast Fran McElwee has contributed much hobby Fran typifies ardent modeler stands out hobby enjoy contributed much hobby years As teenager built flew Free flight Gas models just getting keeping engine running accomplishment mid- late-1930s active competitor won local regional meets East Coast WW II started joined Air Corps won pilots wings flying P-5 European theater No136 Fieneler Storcho AC Scole model 23-45 5oharool hoo both olofo ord flops No 169 Denopplone AC version farsod cabin roodel kit frOr 0937 19-25 C No 262 CrashOsaster CL caoh proof trairor Toso oiaeo 15-30 35/40 power A No392 Mini F1 6 AC Sarpoloo 049 doOted fan opoof flier 2 choroel Boloo coingo tail fosolago Ofroolare 6 No 447 lISA Miso Aoerioe AC Old Tiroor /cA Toraco model 049 glow 2 09055015 C No581 Gee Bee Model V AC Golden Age Racar Spoor 72ir /n scole 60 power 3 ploc oheofo No702 IleInkel 86 1 8 EF Scale roodel r 924 Gorroro woroplore HiLiro Mini6 geared eleotrir roof, SponosS in A No 71 4 Mod Dock AC oser-triondfp Spoc flier relaoed slow fligho Fovels ar low slow maooooes 25-30 power Spwss 60 2 plor sheets. D No720 MinOtenoen FE Frook Zalos popofor oll-bolsacovored robberpowored roodol rake frow PopctaoScieooa Jane 1 94f Spaes 20in A No733 1941 TepleroreN AC gsarrersoole design caprores 050 05i000 tiping qoalirias 00190 fsllsoale Taplororoh rSoiros spas 2 plor sheets. No 739 Jeaster AC Soilplone 500 looks podorwaroo r22iroh spar irotodes foil oossfwcfion foot 3 pier shoots No759 Aeribe FF Hondheld cotapolt glider bp Joar Aodrows A No814 XB35 AC Elocorlo fipir gwirg weighs 40 ocroes oposs 64 schec 2 shoots No815 Tepler Cob AC Spod Scale troree channels spaco 560005 C No818 Nibble 308 FF record holder hp Norm Pool spons 55 looSes 2 Stepbeno Abre AC Laser prodocesoor Sarpotos 52 power spoon 95 looSes 25 Tedeter Spo AC model bp Aichardson 25 p owe spans 40 irchas Ne 826 PIper Peemnee ercee FF 00650 Scale bp Earl Slohi spans 30 inches Ne 828 Torbe Sporto Sporo twin Elecoic AC lop Aobolao spans 29t2 rocheo No831 Steider AC TwoMefor 500mg noodel bp Birdwolt spans 707 loches No834 GobI 10 Eloctdc spod model geared Spaad 400 moloro spars 40 inohes No 836 08 Slew Metlee Third ffpingwing series bp Alit Ecass spoon 48/5 inches No839 Boom Old 00100 FE OldTimor bp Ostan spans 58 irches 0 Ne 848 PT3 AC Scale modol bp Frank Baker spoon 55 inches C No842 epen Sport Treloer AC Scale bp Phillip 6001 osec Mao 40 Sorpass spans 05 inches P No 846 Prefeocloecl Cot PaSernstyte model bp Sarpolos Sachs 32 enginas spars 94 inches 2 sheets No847 Son God AC coscersion f CL design bp Cloogh spans Spinchos C No 848 SpiBire CL Stool bp U000wskbAdaerosko ST 60 power spans 62 00505 2 shoers No849 Sopor Bog Mathews adaptation 0105cm Wolf Good design 253S poweo spaos 75 inches No850 Osprep Winfer/Honron infermodiato AC model spaos 63 inches No 891 Eaglereeb CL Scale lop Fronk Beany spaos 49 inches 83 Jenelie AC slopalnpoo glider bp Allen spars 72 inchas No803 Osoetoer 20 Natswinning FE Indoor HLG bp Sodees spoon 25 inches No854 Arrosoptoee AC Compotifion FoeFtp bp Larsen 09 tS power spans 36 inches Ne 855 Ligbtoie Belt CL Spod 50401 bp Notooband 049 power 36 incheS Ne 896 Aeaeoder AC Spod Canard 40 power Op WinrentHonton spans 5925 inches No857 Lii Chagger FE r/24FOJ lop Danham spars 53 inches Ne 858 Beab Denies TwoMelor sailplane lop Kiocaid spars 77 3/4 inches Ne 859 Scepter CL Procislon Aerobatics model Brickhoos 40 engines spans inchos Ne 880 Slew Motion Treditlon AC Simdar 40 power spons 64 inches No 881 Berryloid FE Tonoca hp Niebaoer spans 5425 inches No 862 P51 Moeteeg AC Speed 400 Electric bp Kerry spans 32 inches No 883 Jaebpot Wintar/hlontan collaboralion 40 power spars 65 inches No 884 f3ED 550 CL 00000 model bp Johosron 40 ongines spars 54 inches No865 Feber De AC Standoff 00010 bp Cloogh spans 04 inches No884 Twin Cat Unosoal Iwin-ongine lapoof bp Sarpolos Cheelas 42s spans t04 inches Ne 887 Cheap Thrill Ofont model mowers spans 36 inches No888 Aotoplone Twin Speed 400 Eteotric 0010 bp Mikolasko spans 52 inches No 869 Aear Wind AC Poshor delfo hp Cimmino 00040 p ower spans 00 inches No870 T28 CL 1/2A spod model bp Sarpotos spans 23//s inches No 871 Gssfer AC Spod model lop Wieten/HsOtOO tot 40 SsOOfrOkeO spoon 71 Ic inches No 872 Clood Kinon Foamwing FE spod model bp Fred Aeese spans 35 inches No873 LWe Tiger CL t/2A Profile Proto bp Holl Nato winner spoon rs /o inches S Full-size plan list available conpiete listing plans prsviously published magazine through no 859 may obtained free Charge writing enclose 78r stamped preaddresaed #10 business-size letter envelope Mode/Aviation 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 May1999 173 874 Electrolith$750 RC Electric sailplane Cashion Speed 400s spans 57 inches Price Key ec $375B C $1125D m $1500Eec $2250 Fill blanks below numbers plans wish order best handling please include requests payment some other service plans order order phone call 765 287-1256 order fax complete send form fax number 765 289-4248 Domestic customers please include $320 shipping handling Add $300 have plans mailed tube Please No COD Orders Make check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMAr 5151 East Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Please allow three weeks delivery ENCLOSED$ Check y Order MasterCardNisa CARD NOEXP DATE NAME __________________________ AMA No STREET ________________________ CITYSTATEZIP customers outside US include $320 additional shipping handling per plan FoOw Piping Sarfeecs Alam Laepy Aeniteble Oaildere Kit 8255 Sheeled KS 8355OelaeO Sheeted Kir $405 ULTIMATESPORT RC 255 boet Anlolend/PO Roe 727/Soda Springs Idolro 83276 5473742PorParrlonlefoSeed5Ase After war designed flew Control Line models innovator original concepts developed flew published Control Line models would rolls flying tether 1946-47 designed built flew original-design Radio Control models Drone Diesel engine putting flying demonstrations East Coast Canada showing practicality consistency controlling model via radio met Jim Walker Nationals Jims blessings sketched Popsito control system duplicated weeks later successfully flew system As competitor flew own RC designs Mirror Model Flying Fair won first place two years running Fran member AMA Show team several years early 1970s flying original-design RC American Flag model wrote published several magazine articles designs over years experiments lead innovations used other modelers followed lead active member officer clubs through years always formidable competitor Fran inaugurated AMA Hall Fame 1997 accomplishments contributions hobby numerous stimulated originality portion us fortunate come contact such innovative individual smiling face firendly attitude will missed model flying fields around country Leon Shulman Metuchen New Jersey Liked NACA Article rad article Frank Parmenter NACA Under Aircraft Model Maker March 1999 great interest never heard read unique relationship existed during 1930s WW II between aeromodeling community NACA Mr Parmenters article fascinating contribution historical record aeromodeling United States youngsters modelers generation Im 37 need such first-hand accounts better understand rich heritage significant contributions aeromodeling has made aviation am privileged haven proaig Maynard Hill worked Maynard model maker Johns Hopkins University during early 1980s just modelers such Frank Pannenter did NACA during 1930s Today am senior engineer working Tomahawk cruise missile program direct result experiences friendships have enjoyed through aeromodeling interest mentoring given fine gentlemen exemplified Frank Parmenter myself next generation aeromodelers thank Paul J Kirsch Columbia Maryland Fly Continued page 6 engines less 19 kilowatts 25 hp Rather attempting access lengthy text EPA document Federal Register go http//wwwaccessgpogov/su docs/fedreg frcont99html Click Wednesday February 3 1999 look under EPAProposed Rules New nonroad spark-ignition engines below 19 kilowatts phase 2 emission standards 525 1-5258 [FR Doc 992450] go bottom page 5 AMA filing position paper behalf model enthusiasts regardless AMA affiliation Academy taking broad view expressing value EPA proposal avoiding severe impact producer user model engines model aircraft helicopter boat car activities Academy supports EPAs position practical solution exemption applicable types model engines used hobby recreational purposes survey information number new model engines produced model year 1998 relatively small compared overall industry manufactures 20 million-plus small engines year Maroney Special Services Director 174 Model Aviation LITE BATTERIES Dependable weight saving long lasting rechargeable battery packs now available Performance Products 70 Cadence Ct n SC 29803 803-644-4005 perfornianceprod@duesouth net
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 6, 173, 174
Ron Bennett photographers La ima Conquers Atlantic piece April issue advises offering signed 8 x JO prints historic RC event sale collectors see ad Modelers Mall item issue Dick Perrys April CL Navy Carrier column contained error concerning Nostalgia Navy Carrier rules pl26 text indicated Nostalgia Carrier models required pre 1978 designs fact model meets other Nostalgia Carrier rules may used regardless year designed apologize error March Cover As Korean War vet AMA member am outraged March 1999 cover Did occur showed desecration American flag What thinking hope next issue includes apology have served serving country Pierre Dumenil Burlin game California Certainly no disrespect toward American flag intended publication photo apologize anyone offended March cover Dear Randy letter March issue Model Aviation beautifully written tribute fine man think what really hit mc could have writing about dad member Hall Fame either stooge field glycerine green soap rubber later pit man gas models glow demand competitors complained said required winning didnt deserve 4 win Like dad father Randy known father Fred heart men specialand very personalHall Fame training Art gave son glue together paper sticks make airplane include maxim life includes fact win nice includes cheating wrong As point out very career offshoot hobby has shared hat off Randy son Art Ryan Correction Fred Lehmberg Anderson California am writing letter behalf son Christopher Teke recently featured February 1999 issue MA staff Chris lead recipient AMA/Charles H Grant scholarship Following mistakes should corrected family lives Silverthorne Colorado California mountains Colorado fly skis skids 1995 Chris myself built flew k-scale de Havilland Beaver /2-scale God forbid would have wingspan 24 feet probably weigh 200 pounds Thank taking under consideration trust can let model friends Colorado know proud achievements Ron Teke Silverthorne Colorado Whoops wrote text appeared magazine magazines errors proofreading errors apologize mistakes Chalk up failing eyesight senior moment 1 hope going well Chris Bob Underwood Scholarship Committee Chairman T-28 Dick Sarpolus T-28 article [February issue] made interesting reading dont fly Control Line just finished Pica /6-scale T-28 Trojan Continued page 173 6 Model Aviation ts Available Letters tc Eclitrn Nostalgia Carrier Open Letter Randy Ryan Letters Continued page 6 dont fly Control Line just finished Pica 1/6-scale T-28 Trojan sidebar Dick mentions turboprop modification Actually two separate modifications accomplished first effort modify aircraft COIN COunter INsurgency fighter first aircraft crashed performing high-G maneuvers tail failure Two other airplanes additionally modified strengthened elongated tail surfaces #3 airplane also ejection seats noticeably different canopy Air Force decided modifications effective cost-effective solution went North Americans OV-l0 Bronco instead Both surviving aircraft placed storage However 1990 photographed #3 airplane minus engine Stennis Airport Mississippi engines used Pipers ill-fated Enforcer project turboprop P-5 1 second turboprop modification early 1980s nationalist Chinese converting about 200 airframes turboprop engine slightly less shaft horsepower USAF modification airplanes being used trainers/light attack trainers John Wolf Spring Lake North Carolina Fran McElwee sad heart am advising passing dear friend model aviation enthusiast Fran McElwee has contributed much hobby Fran typifies ardent modeler stands out hobby enjoy contributed much hobby years As teenager built flew Free flight Gas models just getting keeping engine running accomplishment mid- late-1930s active competitor won local regional meets East Coast WW II started joined Air Corps won pilots wings flying P-5 European theater No136 Fieneler Storcho AC Scole model 23-45 5oharool hoo both olofo ord flops No 169 Denopplone AC version farsod cabin roodel kit frOr 0937 19-25 C No 262 CrashOsaster CL caoh proof trairor Toso oiaeo 15-30 35/40 power A No392 Mini F1 6 AC Sarpoloo 049 doOted fan opoof flier 2 choroel Boloo coingo tail fosolago Ofroolare 6 No 447 lISA Miso Aoerioe AC Old Tiroor /cA Toraco model 049 glow 2 09055015 C No581 Gee Bee Model V AC Golden Age Racar Spoor 72ir /n scole 60 power 3 ploc oheofo No702 IleInkel 86 1 8 EF Scale roodel r 924 Gorroro woroplore HiLiro Mini6 geared eleotrir roof, SponosS in A No 71 4 Mod Dock AC oser-triondfp Spoc flier relaoed slow fligho Fovels ar low slow maooooes 25-30 power Spwss 60 2 plor sheets. D No720 MinOtenoen FE Frook Zalos popofor oll-bolsacovored robberpowored roodol rake frow PopctaoScieooa Jane 1 94f Spaes 20in A No733 1941 TepleroreN AC gsarrersoole design caprores 050 05i000 tiping qoalirias 00190 fsllsoale Taplororoh rSoiros spas 2 plor sheets. No 739 Jeaster AC Soilplone 500 looks podorwaroo r22iroh spar irotodes foil oossfwcfion foot 3 pier shoots No759 Aeribe FF Hondheld cotapolt glider bp Joar Aodrows A No814 XB35 AC Elocorlo fipir gwirg weighs 40 ocroes oposs 64 schec 2 shoots No815 Tepler Cob AC Spod Scale troree channels spaco 560005 C No818 Nibble 308 FF record holder hp Norm Pool spons 55 looSes 2 Stepbeno Abre AC Laser prodocesoor Sarpotos 52 power spoon 95 looSes 25 Tedeter Spo AC model bp Aichardson 25 p owe spans 40 irchas Ne 826 PIper Peemnee ercee FF 00650 Scale bp Earl Slohi spans 30 inches Ne 828 Torbe Sporto Sporo twin Elecoic AC lop Aobolao spans 29t2 rocheo No831 Steider AC TwoMefor 500mg noodel bp Birdwolt spans 707 loches No834 GobI 10 Eloctdc spod model geared Spaad 400 moloro spars 40 inohes No 836 08 Slew Metlee Third ffpingwing series bp Alit Ecass spoon 48/5 inches No839 Boom Old 00100 FE OldTimor bp Ostan spans 58 irches 0 Ne 848 PT3 AC Scale modol bp Frank Baker spoon 55 inches C No842 epen Sport Treloer AC Scale bp Phillip 6001 osec Mao 40 Sorpass spans 05 inches P No 846 Prefeocloecl Cot PaSernstyte model bp Sarpolos Sachs 32 enginas spars 94 inches 2 sheets No847 Son God AC coscersion f CL design bp Cloogh spans Spinchos C No 848 SpiBire CL Stool bp U000wskbAdaerosko ST 60 power spans 62 00505 2 shoers No849 Sopor Bog Mathews adaptation 0105cm Wolf Good design 253S poweo spaos 75 inches No850 Osprep Winfer/Honron infermodiato AC model spaos 63 inches No 891 Eaglereeb CL Scale lop Fronk Beany spaos 49 inches 83 Jenelie AC slopalnpoo glider bp Allen spars 72 inchas No803 Osoetoer 20 Natswinning FE Indoor HLG bp Sodees spoon 25 inches No854 Arrosoptoee AC Compotifion FoeFtp bp Larsen 09 tS power spans 36 inches Ne 855 Ligbtoie Belt CL Spod 50401 bp Notooband 049 power 36 incheS Ne 896 Aeaeoder AC Spod Canard 40 power Op WinrentHonton spans 5925 inches No857 Lii Chagger FE r/24FOJ lop Danham spars 53 inches Ne 858 Beab Denies TwoMelor sailplane lop Kiocaid spars 77 3/4 inches Ne 859 Scepter CL Procislon Aerobatics model Brickhoos 40 engines spans inchos Ne 880 Slew Motion Treditlon AC Simdar 40 power spons 64 inches No 881 Berryloid FE Tonoca hp Niebaoer spans 5425 inches No 862 P51 Moeteeg AC Speed 400 Electric bp Kerry spans 32 inches No 883 Jaebpot Wintar/hlontan collaboralion 40 power spars 65 inches No 884 f3ED 550 CL 00000 model bp Johosron 40 ongines spars 54 inches No865 Feber De AC Standoff 00010 bp Cloogh spans 04 inches No884 Twin Cat Unosoal Iwin-ongine lapoof bp Sarpolos Cheelas 42s spans t04 inches Ne 887 Cheap Thrill Ofont model mowers spans 36 inches No888 Aotoplone Twin Speed 400 Eteotric 0010 bp Mikolasko spans 52 inches No 869 Aear Wind AC Poshor delfo hp Cimmino 00040 p ower spans 00 inches No870 T28 CL 1/2A spod model bp Sarpotos spans 23//s inches No 871 Gssfer AC Spod model lop Wieten/HsOtOO tot 40 SsOOfrOkeO spoon 71 Ic inches No 872 Clood Kinon Foamwing FE spod model bp Fred Aeese spans 35 inches No873 LWe Tiger CL t/2A Profile Proto bp Holl Nato winner spoon rs /o inches S Full-size plan list available conpiete listing plans prsviously published magazine through no 859 may obtained free Charge writing enclose 78r stamped preaddresaed #10 business-size letter envelope Mode/Aviation 5151 E Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 May1999 173 874 Electrolith$750 RC Electric sailplane Cashion Speed 400s spans 57 inches Price Key ec $375B C $1125D m $1500Eec $2250 Fill blanks below numbers plans wish order best handling please include requests payment some other service plans order order phone call 765 287-1256 order fax complete send form fax number 765 289-4248 Domestic customers please include $320 shipping handling Add $300 have plans mailed tube Please No COD Orders Make check money order payable US funds drawn US bank ModelAviation AMAr 5151 East Memorial Dr Muncie IN 47302 Please allow three weeks delivery ENCLOSED$ Check y Order MasterCardNisa CARD NOEXP DATE NAME __________________________ AMA No STREET ________________________ CITYSTATEZIP customers outside US include $320 additional shipping handling per plan FoOw Piping Sarfeecs Alam Laepy Aeniteble Oaildere Kit 8255 Sheeled KS 8355OelaeO Sheeted Kir $405 ULTIMATESPORT RC 255 boet Anlolend/PO Roe 727/Soda Springs Idolro 83276 5473742PorParrlonlefoSeed5Ase After war designed flew Control Line models innovator original concepts developed flew published Control Line models would rolls flying tether 1946-47 designed built flew original-design Radio Control models Drone Diesel engine putting flying demonstrations East Coast Canada showing practicality consistency controlling model via radio met Jim Walker Nationals Jims blessings sketched Popsito control system duplicated weeks later successfully flew system As competitor flew own RC designs Mirror Model Flying Fair won first place two years running Fran member AMA Show team several years early 1970s flying original-design RC American Flag model wrote published several magazine articles designs over years experiments lead innovations used other modelers followed lead active member officer clubs through years always formidable competitor Fran inaugurated AMA Hall Fame 1997 accomplishments contributions hobby numerous stimulated originality portion us fortunate come contact such innovative individual smiling face firendly attitude will missed model flying fields around country Leon Shulman Metuchen New Jersey Liked NACA Article rad article Frank Parmenter NACA Under Aircraft Model Maker March 1999 great interest never heard read unique relationship existed during 1930s WW II between aeromodeling community NACA Mr Parmenters article fascinating contribution historical record aeromodeling United States youngsters modelers generation Im 37 need such first-hand accounts better understand rich heritage significant contributions aeromodeling has made aviation am privileged haven proaig Maynard Hill worked Maynard model maker Johns Hopkins University during early 1980s just modelers such Frank Pannenter did NACA during 1930s Today am senior engineer working Tomahawk cruise missile program direct result experiences friendships have enjoyed through aeromodeling interest mentoring given fine gentlemen exemplified Frank Parmenter myself next generation aeromodelers thank Paul J Kirsch Columbia Maryland Fly Continued page 6 engines less 19 kilowatts 25 hp Rather attempting access lengthy text EPA document Federal Register go http//wwwaccessgpogov/su docs/fedreg frcont99html Click Wednesday February 3 1999 look under EPAProposed Rules New nonroad spark-ignition engines below 19 kilowatts phase 2 emission standards 525 1-5258 [FR Doc 992450] go bottom page 5 AMA filing position paper behalf model enthusiasts regardless AMA affiliation Academy taking broad view expressing value EPA proposal avoiding severe impact producer user model engines model aircraft helicopter boat car activities Academy supports EPAs position practical solution exemption applicable types model engines used hobby recreational purposes survey information number new model engines produced model year 1998 relatively small compared overall industry manufactures 20 million-plus small engines year Maroney Special Services Director 174 Model Aviation LITE BATTERIES Dependable weight saving long lasting rechargeable battery packs now available Performance Products 70 Cadence Ct n SC 29803 803-644-4005 perfornianceprod@duesouth net