NO NONSENSE BALSA STRIPPERS -u N Xetters theJditor letters will carefully considered general interest used Send Model Aviation 815 15th St NW Washington DC 20005 Missing Persons Bureau Thanks running letter requesting infor mation old-timer biplane May issue Model viation identified biplane its designer also have made contact Fred Tuxworth biplane pictured turned out design Dean Barry competed 1940 Nats strange no magazine ever picked up design since unique its day apparently flew quite well according write-ups about Dean Barry still around perhaps can supply drawings design us span 66 inches would probably make about 35 engine size SAM competition RC assist So far SAM Champs other SAM competition have seen anyone fly biplane design yet have universal appeal Fred Tuxworth has agreed help work up plans Sportster biplane version 15 scaled-up size will fly RC assist very beautiful biplane design soon have plans completed prototype built flown will submit publication others may enjoy building flying unique example Freds creativity received letters people answering letter magazine information requests some asking information biplane drawing ever found Out about Apparently desire among old-timer builders locate some biplane designs era Except scale models myself cannot remember very being built gas competi tion Aside lower efficiency suppose felt building two wings waste time inevitable end scrap bin today RC possibilities models last much longer potential biplanes catch much greater know column missing persons bureau two other old-time designers would like locate because am also working up drawings designs Harold Coovert did some work old Peerless company Cleveland Art Horak designed model called Kid printed MAN 1946 anyone knows two please write telephone costs too much get phone talking about old days will lind out what mian apprcciatc phone calls got regards Biplane Fred Tuxworth Vermont must have cost bundle shows however extremes people hobby will go assist other Ralph E Turner 35283 Keller Dr Avon OH 44011 Ab Winglets would like thank Chuck Anderson sharing us results winglet research May80 fine piece work especially comparisons between winglet-equipped short wing long conventional wing article mentions winglets cause increased wing root bending momentthe force causes wing rods bend fuselage sides subtle structural point might missed other experimenters winglets also produce large bending moment wing tips Conventional wings feel bending tip wing spars tapered shear webs omitted other parts wing ill effects Anyone trying winglets should consider using untapered spars shear webs tip-to-tip Wing construction like used Cecil Hagas Legionair Shuttle aluminum tube spar would ideal Two other notes caution increased dihedral effect Mr Anderson notedresulting wing rock Dutch roll difficulty turning trimmay require reduced dihedral fuselage and/or different fin size Preplan ning needed allow changes major rework fuselage Also noted winglet effects changed speed perfect winglet angle will change both airspeed ballast carried weight fixed winglct design really has ideal operating condition workable contest-winning winglet would adjustable angle different tasks final questionare winglets violation intent 2-meter 100-in span limits own feeling should allowed now AMA rules R Gregg Lovick Grapevine TX Washin Washout certainly appreciated Brad Powers first stallment CG certainly did understand CG before Another item continually mystifies washout wing tips Most stick model authors talk about using say makes stable plane yet am able understand works Pat Rose no address given Its real/i simple Pat Washout means wing tip twisted downsay two degrees whateverand trailing edge therefore twisted up Heres hard part Any airfoil has stalling angleit quits liftingat roughly 16 degrees varies So center ofthe wing reaches attack angle say 16 degrees washout wing 2 degrees remember now has angle attack 14 degrees inner portions ofthe wing stallfirst Without washout tip will stall first plane stalls rolls direction whichever tip happens stall first RC model hauled off ground slowed too much glide pulled around abruptly aileron elevator can snaproll direction ofa stalled tip Wash trailing edge twisted down can fatal tip always stalls first two degrees mashin center o/ihe wing nai firing 14 degrees tip 16 degrees stalls Washin however used byfreeflight experts forcing model turn say toward right use wash right tip case hold wing up tight turn prevent righthand spiral again given example Thus warps kind fatal Continued page 8 6 Model Aviation Rosies D&R Rower Rd Fits COX T- 0 & Med 049 051 Engs Rubber Band Screw Mounting Eng mta upright inverted Running time appx 4 mm Nylon injection moulded Power 3 lb airplanes $595/ total weight s Switch Switch duty gear WeM wide wesm1 1ev D 8 d esimer ieee prelude 3501-C W Moore St Santa Ana CA 927041 Strips Balsa Fuzz-Freew/out Adjustments Smapi C1A nfl PNut Kits Urder Direct GENE DUBOIS LDEALER INQUIRIES INVITED P0 Box c Acushnet MA 02743 THE NEW FIREBALL GLOW PLUGS ARE LEAKPROOF AND BLOWOUT PROOF EVEN FOR THE NEW MONSTER ENGINES BUT THEY ARE STILL THE OLD PRICE OF $110 WRITE NOW! SWANSON PO Box 151 Wayne 07470 0$ NORTHERN CAUFORNIAS LARGESTU SCOUNT HOBBY SHOPI well FUELyouI i New high film strength lubricantU increased power engine lifeI Highest quality ingredients ~tergent action cut varnish I II II II II II II II II II IHOURS Monday thru weonesocy v u-o iu inursooy t Inaoy YKiU-OUUI L Saturday 930-600 Sunday 1200-500 J 8 Model Aviation 305 TOWSON AVE SMITH ARK 72901 especially impart wash Warps washin washout have increasing effects higher airspeeds dive diving turns often causes things go totally haywire Word Wise Enjoyed articles Milestones RC July 80 issue brought back memories Although some planes unfamiliar did manage buildand fly Smog Hog Bonner Varicomps latest thing Although probably sources some pians available different places notice Jim Newman International Scale Plan Service 4 Cleveland Terrace Hobart IN 46342 has Smog Hog Astro Hog Rudderbug listed page 74 Radio Control Aircraft Handbook number 4 plans listed available delayed delivery may possible supply source B Thomson San Angelo TX didnt know shall getthat Smog Hog plan hope build itsomeday Also have originalLive Wire Senior planeand what old-timer RC should DeBolt built light wedo mean lightalso simple wiifloat like ghost know because weflew could stretch desperate approach forever wiggling rudder setting up quick changing yawand would walk over grass weeds corn 50 100 feet Just lovely dont refer Live Wire shown Milestonesthat little 09 loaded gills batteries feed hungry Citizen-Shp single channel 465 Man Seasons Id like compliment excellent article variable-geometry Free Flight models presented June issue Mr Stoy presents argument design very well Hes right though isnt new came model aviation through occasionally-maligned hobby model rocketry As readers may know fly lot models ascend under thrust glide back recall building design published Model Rocketeer Magazine official journal National Association Rocketry featured similar folding wing designed Harold Youngren called flop-wing eight years ago dont want sound like Im tooting anyones horn point Im trying make people can get too centered own hobbies miss opportunities others Ive experienced tendency airplane people look down noses bit us rocket types regard what kid stuff can say attitude keeps us learning other Douglas R Pratt Editor Model Retailer Will have much say about infuture Just Fun columns starting next issue Boost gliders have become very impressive guys fly radiosame frequencies Sate Flying No Accident OU 1-10 fle 0 fleOuce tIll 146 856 PePw F@XMFGCO
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 6, 8
NO NONSENSE BALSA STRIPPERS -u N Xetters theJditor letters will carefully considered general interest used Send Model Aviation 815 15th St NW Washington DC 20005 Missing Persons Bureau Thanks running letter requesting infor mation old-timer biplane May issue Model viation identified biplane its designer also have made contact Fred Tuxworth biplane pictured turned out design Dean Barry competed 1940 Nats strange no magazine ever picked up design since unique its day apparently flew quite well according write-ups about Dean Barry still around perhaps can supply drawings design us span 66 inches would probably make about 35 engine size SAM competition RC assist So far SAM Champs other SAM competition have seen anyone fly biplane design yet have universal appeal Fred Tuxworth has agreed help work up plans Sportster biplane version 15 scaled-up size will fly RC assist very beautiful biplane design soon have plans completed prototype built flown will submit publication others may enjoy building flying unique example Freds creativity received letters people answering letter magazine information requests some asking information biplane drawing ever found Out about Apparently desire among old-timer builders locate some biplane designs era Except scale models myself cannot remember very being built gas competi tion Aside lower efficiency suppose felt building two wings waste time inevitable end scrap bin today RC possibilities models last much longer potential biplanes catch much greater know column missing persons bureau two other old-time designers would like locate because am also working up drawings designs Harold Coovert did some work old Peerless company Cleveland Art Horak designed model called Kid printed MAN 1946 anyone knows two please write telephone costs too much get phone talking about old days will lind out what mian apprcciatc phone calls got regards Biplane Fred Tuxworth Vermont must have cost bundle shows however extremes people hobby will go assist other Ralph E Turner 35283 Keller Dr Avon OH 44011 Ab Winglets would like thank Chuck Anderson sharing us results winglet research May80 fine piece work especially comparisons between winglet-equipped short wing long conventional wing article mentions winglets cause increased wing root bending momentthe force causes wing rods bend fuselage sides subtle structural point might missed other experimenters winglets also produce large bending moment wing tips Conventional wings feel bending tip wing spars tapered shear webs omitted other parts wing ill effects Anyone trying winglets should consider using untapered spars shear webs tip-to-tip Wing construction like used Cecil Hagas Legionair Shuttle aluminum tube spar would ideal Two other notes caution increased dihedral effect Mr Anderson notedresulting wing rock Dutch roll difficulty turning trimmay require reduced dihedral fuselage and/or different fin size Preplan ning needed allow changes major rework fuselage Also noted winglet effects changed speed perfect winglet angle will change both airspeed ballast carried weight fixed winglct design really has ideal operating condition workable contest-winning winglet would adjustable angle different tasks final questionare winglets violation intent 2-meter 100-in span limits own feeling should allowed now AMA rules R Gregg Lovick Grapevine TX Washin Washout certainly appreciated Brad Powers first stallment CG certainly did understand CG before Another item continually mystifies washout wing tips Most stick model authors talk about using say makes stable plane yet am able understand works Pat Rose no address given Its real/i simple Pat Washout means wing tip twisted downsay two degrees whateverand trailing edge therefore twisted up Heres hard part Any airfoil has stalling angleit quits liftingat roughly 16 degrees varies So center ofthe wing reaches attack angle say 16 degrees washout wing 2 degrees remember now has angle attack 14 degrees inner portions ofthe wing stallfirst Without washout tip will stall first plane stalls rolls direction whichever tip happens stall first RC model hauled off ground slowed too much glide pulled around abruptly aileron elevator can snaproll direction ofa stalled tip Wash trailing edge twisted down can fatal tip always stalls first two degrees mashin center o/ihe wing nai firing 14 degrees tip 16 degrees stalls Washin however used byfreeflight experts forcing model turn say toward right use wash right tip case hold wing up tight turn prevent righthand spiral again given example Thus warps kind fatal Continued page 8 6 Model Aviation Rosies D&R Rower Rd Fits COX T- 0 & Med 049 051 Engs Rubber Band Screw Mounting Eng mta upright inverted Running time appx 4 mm Nylon injection moulded Power 3 lb airplanes $595/ total weight s Switch Switch duty gear WeM wide wesm1 1ev D 8 d esimer ieee prelude 3501-C W Moore St Santa Ana CA 927041 Strips Balsa Fuzz-Freew/out Adjustments Smapi C1A nfl PNut Kits Urder Direct GENE DUBOIS LDEALER INQUIRIES INVITED P0 Box c Acushnet MA 02743 THE NEW FIREBALL GLOW PLUGS ARE LEAKPROOF AND BLOWOUT PROOF EVEN FOR THE NEW MONSTER ENGINES BUT THEY ARE STILL THE OLD PRICE OF $110 WRITE NOW! SWANSON PO Box 151 Wayne 07470 0$ NORTHERN CAUFORNIAS LARGESTU SCOUNT HOBBY SHOPI well FUELyouI i New high film strength lubricantU increased power engine lifeI Highest quality ingredients ~tergent action cut varnish I II II II II II II II II II IHOURS Monday thru weonesocy v u-o iu inursooy t Inaoy YKiU-OUUI L Saturday 930-600 Sunday 1200-500 J 8 Model Aviation 305 TOWSON AVE SMITH ARK 72901 especially impart wash Warps washin washout have increasing effects higher airspeeds dive diving turns often causes things go totally haywire Word Wise Enjoyed articles Milestones RC July 80 issue brought back memories Although some planes unfamiliar did manage buildand fly Smog Hog Bonner Varicomps latest thing Although probably sources some pians available different places notice Jim Newman International Scale Plan Service 4 Cleveland Terrace Hobart IN 46342 has Smog Hog Astro Hog Rudderbug listed page 74 Radio Control Aircraft Handbook number 4 plans listed available delayed delivery may possible supply source B Thomson San Angelo TX didnt know shall getthat Smog Hog plan hope build itsomeday Also have originalLive Wire Senior planeand what old-timer RC should DeBolt built light wedo mean lightalso simple wiifloat like ghost know because weflew could stretch desperate approach forever wiggling rudder setting up quick changing yawand would walk over grass weeds corn 50 100 feet Just lovely dont refer Live Wire shown Milestonesthat little 09 loaded gills batteries feed hungry Citizen-Shp single channel 465 Man Seasons Id like compliment excellent article variable-geometry Free Flight models presented June issue Mr Stoy presents argument design very well Hes right though isnt new came model aviation through occasionally-maligned hobby model rocketry As readers may know fly lot models ascend under thrust glide back recall building design published Model Rocketeer Magazine official journal National Association Rocketry featured similar folding wing designed Harold Youngren called flop-wing eight years ago dont want sound like Im tooting anyones horn point Im trying make people can get too centered own hobbies miss opportunities others Ive experienced tendency airplane people look down noses bit us rocket types regard what kid stuff can say attitude keeps us learning other Douglas R Pratt Editor Model Retailer Will have much say about infuture Just Fun columns starting next issue Boost gliders have become very impressive guys fly radiosame frequencies Sate Flying No Accident OU 1-10 fle 0 fleOuce tIll 146 856 PePw F@XMFGCO