Bitige Sa4j6 designs literally fly themselves hands-off perform ance Learn relaxed thrill flying RIC lying back Build WE Plan n Pattern Sets ACE/RULER 40 40 Wing 049 toGS Engines~ RCFF-11 ACEJRULER 54 RCFF-s 51 64 Wing 15 36 Engines ACEIRULER 94 IRCFF-9 6 94 WIng 78 28 Engines Fastest Climbing FF Ever SKY BUGGY 32 32 Wings 048 ts 12 EngInes RcFF-14 696 SKY BUGGY 42 IRcFF-12 $1295 42 WIngs 29 96 Engines SKY BUGGY 74 IRcFF-10 6 74 Wings 78 26 Engines Amphibious Flying Best Two Worlds SEA KITIEN 51 Wing 048 12 Engines __ -16 SEACATlRcFF-13 61 66 WIng 15 40 Engines SEA LION RCFF-15 6 102 Wing 78 26 Engines Based Henry Struck original Best Stunt Trainers Can Fly Themselves 049 12 Engines RCT-3 ASTRO HOG 04 iRCT-1 54 WIng 15 40 Engines MIGHTY HOG 04 RCT-2 5 94 Wing 78 26 Engines Friendly Giant SUPER BUccANEER U IRCFF-1 5 EWing 36 78 Engines Smaller Version Super-Buccaneer SUPER BUCCANEER 66 66 Wing RCFF-4 6 Easy-to-Build Clip-Wing High Climber BUCCANEER STANDARD 66 Wing 68 Wing 19 40 35 60 Engines RCFF-5 Classic Beauty SNOW WHITE 68 RCFF-7 5 Engines Soaring Beauty CUSTOM CAVALIER 78 76 Wing 12 35 Engines RCFF-6 6 Two-Meter Powered Soarer Very Best SINBAD 78 76 Wing 049 12 Engines RCG1 The Original AMA F/F Trainer Great Electric-Power Too SUPER BRIGADIER 44 44 Wing7Sfl~ 03 09 Engines RCFF-3 SUPER BRIGADIER 66 IRCFF-2 68 Wing Far 15 40 Engines 616 Efflnpr Fseedleg Member AMA NFFS lid Pamer Prices complete plans sub-assemblies snd detailed parts list Add $200 mailing tube Seed Brochure Free Flight & Scale lans including Giant Scale Send $100 its refundable frrst order WE TECHNICAL SERVICES PO Box 76884-A Atlanta GA 30328 Aerobatics WC Hungary Having just read Don Berliners very interesting article about 1984 Aero batics World Championships Hungary September 1985 ModelAviation feel must grab word processor provide some information As political refugee Hungary have living US almost two years now During high school years 1 970s belonged Hun garian glider clubs have very interested aviation ever since point mysterious things namely sledgehammer submachine gun comes sight meaning unfortunately mysterious sad no flying Hungary guns statement course bit exag gerated large true emblem mentioned article national sports organization per se Things lot complicated wrong side iron curtain ominous emblem Hungarian Defense Association sort paramilitary youth organization overlook ing kinds sports activities country have military use top list obviously flying small engine gliding parachuting hang gliding sharpshooting similar groups way can start flying join association runs airfields flying clubs etc sticks gliding hang gliding bad level organiza tion relatively civilian Beyond road small engine flight through mili tary training camps was sole reason never chance getting small-plane license Joining Hungarian Army too high price flying short what submachine gun has aviation Hungary think very unfortunate Western aviators aware fact officials Hungary can take advantage lack knowledge indeed whenever have chance another organization Hun gary Hungarian Aviation Association largely propaganla operation addressed West tightly con trolled military has present Bill Effinger says Scratch-building WE Plan N Pattern sets way go get best designs complete Full-Size layouts parts drawings Bill Materials save up 50% over com parable kit costs SPAD C-XIII World Wan capable Flyer ures Imagination 13- 31 Cu engines 79 Wingspan sq area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-8 2795 FOKKER TRIPLANE DR-I Giant 1/4 Scale R/C Design WW-l 78 150 Cu Engines 72 Wingspan Triplane sq area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-6 . $2495 Quarter Scale RIC World Wan2L 78 22 Engines 80/a Wingspan Sq Inches Area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-7 2495 Quarter Scale-Golden Age CURTIS FALCON 114 Wingspan 3168 sq area Quadra Size Engine Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-13 . $2795 have past purchased Sets admire engineering draft ing skills Albert E Ronsane Santa Roes CA WACO SRE cabin Biplane R/C 52/a Wingspan sq area 19 40 Engines Plan N Pattern Set #RC8S-3 $1295 Best Ducted Fans SKYRAY F4D-1 Plan Form 1 Scale Duct Fan R/44 long RK-20 Fan Unit Plan N Pattern Set #RCD F-i $1995 Prices Complete Plans Sub Assembly Detailed Parts Lists Add $200 Mailing Tube SEND FOR BROCHURE ahead crowd New Brochure showing new Plan Sets 1985 Send $100 its refundable first orderl WE Technical Services PO Box 76884-A Atlanta GA 30328 8 Model Aviation etters oThe Editor letters will carefully considered general interest used Send Mod el Aviation 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 I I I THE RADIO CONTROL BUYERS GUIDE new 9th edition now local hobby shop contains thousands photos product descriptions radio control raft Cars s ems nes ware Accessories s os RCBG single largest source Infor mation RIO modeling available Whether youre advanced R/Cer eager novice RCBG will master reference So before plunk down hard earned cash-Look Before BuyI available locally may send $995 plus $175 shipping Radio Control Buyers Guide Dept 100 Clifton House Clifton VA 22024 sure indicate street address I I I I I I I I I I I I knowledge no airplanes airfields thing its credit though organizes collection aviation memorabilia country Writers name withheld request Trade Deficits must take exception Mr Chans letter editor October Model Aviation criticized purchase imported hobby products out concern US trade deficit genuinely concerned foreign buying power economy should speak out against foreign civil military government aid grant programs serve perpetuate existing foreign govern ments often very socialistic International free trade however bolsters civilian economies both abroad both countries profit receipt goods market finds valuable exported goods exchanged therefor As practicing business attorney majored economics am proud also importer foreign model diesel engines monies send purchase model engines India China Spain Czechoslovakia England come back provide American jobs own export industries am patriot American free enterprise system know engine import also export seeds goodwill some support international understanding peace Edward R Carlson Carlson Engine Imports Phoenix AZ Without taking sides whatsoever Mr C/ians request nation origin mentioned advertising product packaging Praises Recall Concept International Miniature Aircraft Association IMAA extends hearty well done Sig Mfg Co recent recall Morrisey Bravo kit vertical tail surface problem best knowledge first time aeromodel manufacturer publicly declared modeling world defect found exist its products offered provide parts free charge correct defectfurther recommend ing grounding model until repairs accomplished IMAA particularly pleased actions taken Sig since Morrisey Bravo aircraft being -scale very likely have purchased constructed flown some members recall enhances proba bility aircraft will safe fly once repairs madeto benefit concerned IMAA sincerely appreciates integri ty honesty ofSigMfg Co issuing recall continuing conduct tests its products after initial manufacture company commended hopes manufacturers aero modeling products will follow course set Sig Quality safety should prime concerns everyone Don Godfrey IMAA President Binghamton NY Standardization oh cannot connectors electrical equipment design suppose manufacturers believe have trapped equipment own design connectors dont think know darned pain example battieries need replace ment Does store have batteries fittings No have send out batteries charge solder fittings small potatoes perhaps sneaky way earning few extra dollars power panel requires adaptors radio set own extra unnecessary work sure would like seestandardization electrical connectors modeling field SJ Casden Commack NY Belated Notice Theres odd letter Page 128 November MA Ernest Melcher Continued page 172 10 Model Aviation -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 8, 10, 172
Bitige Sa4j6 designs literally fly themselves hands-off perform ance Learn relaxed thrill flying RIC lying back Build WE Plan n Pattern Sets ACE/RULER 40 40 Wing 049 toGS Engines~ RCFF-11 ACEJRULER 54 RCFF-s 51 64 Wing 15 36 Engines ACEIRULER 94 IRCFF-9 6 94 WIng 78 28 Engines Fastest Climbing FF Ever SKY BUGGY 32 32 Wings 048 ts 12 EngInes RcFF-14 696 SKY BUGGY 42 IRcFF-12 $1295 42 WIngs 29 96 Engines SKY BUGGY 74 IRcFF-10 6 74 Wings 78 26 Engines Amphibious Flying Best Two Worlds SEA KITIEN 51 Wing 048 12 Engines __ -16 SEACATlRcFF-13 61 66 WIng 15 40 Engines SEA LION RCFF-15 6 102 Wing 78 26 Engines Based Henry Struck original Best Stunt Trainers Can Fly Themselves 049 12 Engines RCT-3 ASTRO HOG 04 iRCT-1 54 WIng 15 40 Engines MIGHTY HOG 04 RCT-2 5 94 Wing 78 26 Engines Friendly Giant SUPER BUccANEER U IRCFF-1 5 EWing 36 78 Engines Smaller Version Super-Buccaneer SUPER BUCCANEER 66 66 Wing RCFF-4 6 Easy-to-Build Clip-Wing High Climber BUCCANEER STANDARD 66 Wing 68 Wing 19 40 35 60 Engines RCFF-5 Classic Beauty SNOW WHITE 68 RCFF-7 5 Engines Soaring Beauty CUSTOM CAVALIER 78 76 Wing 12 35 Engines RCFF-6 6 Two-Meter Powered Soarer Very Best SINBAD 78 76 Wing 049 12 Engines RCG1 The Original AMA F/F Trainer Great Electric-Power Too SUPER BRIGADIER 44 44 Wing7Sfl~ 03 09 Engines RCFF-3 SUPER BRIGADIER 66 IRCFF-2 68 Wing Far 15 40 Engines 616 Efflnpr Fseedleg Member AMA NFFS lid Pamer Prices complete plans sub-assemblies snd detailed parts list Add $200 mailing tube Seed Brochure Free Flight & Scale lans including Giant Scale Send $100 its refundable frrst order WE TECHNICAL SERVICES PO Box 76884-A Atlanta GA 30328 Aerobatics WC Hungary Having just read Don Berliners very interesting article about 1984 Aero batics World Championships Hungary September 1985 ModelAviation feel must grab word processor provide some information As political refugee Hungary have living US almost two years now During high school years 1 970s belonged Hun garian glider clubs have very interested aviation ever since point mysterious things namely sledgehammer submachine gun comes sight meaning unfortunately mysterious sad no flying Hungary guns statement course bit exag gerated large true emblem mentioned article national sports organization per se Things lot complicated wrong side iron curtain ominous emblem Hungarian Defense Association sort paramilitary youth organization overlook ing kinds sports activities country have military use top list obviously flying small engine gliding parachuting hang gliding sharpshooting similar groups way can start flying join association runs airfields flying clubs etc sticks gliding hang gliding bad level organiza tion relatively civilian Beyond road small engine flight through mili tary training camps was sole reason never chance getting small-plane license Joining Hungarian Army too high price flying short what submachine gun has aviation Hungary think very unfortunate Western aviators aware fact officials Hungary can take advantage lack knowledge indeed whenever have chance another organization Hun gary Hungarian Aviation Association largely propaganla operation addressed West tightly con trolled military has present Bill Effinger says Scratch-building WE Plan N Pattern sets way go get best designs complete Full-Size layouts parts drawings Bill Materials save up 50% over com parable kit costs SPAD C-XIII World Wan capable Flyer ures Imagination 13- 31 Cu engines 79 Wingspan sq area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-8 2795 FOKKER TRIPLANE DR-I Giant 1/4 Scale R/C Design WW-l 78 150 Cu Engines 72 Wingspan Triplane sq area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-6 . $2495 Quarter Scale RIC World Wan2L 78 22 Engines 80/a Wingspan Sq Inches Area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-7 2495 Quarter Scale-Golden Age CURTIS FALCON 114 Wingspan 3168 sq area Quadra Size Engine Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-13 . $2795 have past purchased Sets admire engineering draft ing skills Albert E Ronsane Santa Roes CA WACO SRE cabin Biplane R/C 52/a Wingspan sq area 19 40 Engines Plan N Pattern Set #RC8S-3 $1295 Best Ducted Fans SKYRAY F4D-1 Plan Form 1 Scale Duct Fan R/44 long RK-20 Fan Unit Plan N Pattern Set #RCD F-i $1995 Prices Complete Plans Sub Assembly Detailed Parts Lists Add $200 Mailing Tube SEND FOR BROCHURE ahead crowd New Brochure showing new Plan Sets 1985 Send $100 its refundable first orderl WE Technical Services PO Box 76884-A Atlanta GA 30328 8 Model Aviation etters oThe Editor letters will carefully considered general interest used Send Mod el Aviation 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 I I I THE RADIO CONTROL BUYERS GUIDE new 9th edition now local hobby shop contains thousands photos product descriptions radio control raft Cars s ems nes ware Accessories s os RCBG single largest source Infor mation RIO modeling available Whether youre advanced R/Cer eager novice RCBG will master reference So before plunk down hard earned cash-Look Before BuyI available locally may send $995 plus $175 shipping Radio Control Buyers Guide Dept 100 Clifton House Clifton VA 22024 sure indicate street address I I I I I I I I I I I I knowledge no airplanes airfields thing its credit though organizes collection aviation memorabilia country Writers name withheld request Trade Deficits must take exception Mr Chans letter editor October Model Aviation criticized purchase imported hobby products out concern US trade deficit genuinely concerned foreign buying power economy should speak out against foreign civil military government aid grant programs serve perpetuate existing foreign govern ments often very socialistic International free trade however bolsters civilian economies both abroad both countries profit receipt goods market finds valuable exported goods exchanged therefor As practicing business attorney majored economics am proud also importer foreign model diesel engines monies send purchase model engines India China Spain Czechoslovakia England come back provide American jobs own export industries am patriot American free enterprise system know engine import also export seeds goodwill some support international understanding peace Edward R Carlson Carlson Engine Imports Phoenix AZ Without taking sides whatsoever Mr C/ians request nation origin mentioned advertising product packaging Praises Recall Concept International Miniature Aircraft Association IMAA extends hearty well done Sig Mfg Co recent recall Morrisey Bravo kit vertical tail surface problem best knowledge first time aeromodel manufacturer publicly declared modeling world defect found exist its products offered provide parts free charge correct defectfurther recommend ing grounding model until repairs accomplished IMAA particularly pleased actions taken Sig since Morrisey Bravo aircraft being -scale very likely have purchased constructed flown some members recall enhances proba bility aircraft will safe fly once repairs madeto benefit concerned IMAA sincerely appreciates integri ty honesty ofSigMfg Co issuing recall continuing conduct tests its products after initial manufacture company commended hopes manufacturers aero modeling products will follow course set Sig Quality safety should prime concerns everyone Don Godfrey IMAA President Binghamton NY Standardization oh cannot connectors electrical equipment design suppose manufacturers believe have trapped equipment own design connectors dont think know darned pain example battieries need replace ment Does store have batteries fittings No have send out batteries charge solder fittings small potatoes perhaps sneaky way earning few extra dollars power panel requires adaptors radio set own extra unnecessary work sure would like seestandardization electrical connectors modeling field SJ Casden Commack NY Belated Notice Theres odd letter Page 128 November MA Ernest Melcher Continued page 172 10 Model Aviation -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 8, 10, 172
Bitige Sa4j6 designs literally fly themselves hands-off perform ance Learn relaxed thrill flying RIC lying back Build WE Plan n Pattern Sets ACE/RULER 40 40 Wing 049 toGS Engines~ RCFF-11 ACEJRULER 54 RCFF-s 51 64 Wing 15 36 Engines ACEIRULER 94 IRCFF-9 6 94 WIng 78 28 Engines Fastest Climbing FF Ever SKY BUGGY 32 32 Wings 048 ts 12 EngInes RcFF-14 696 SKY BUGGY 42 IRcFF-12 $1295 42 WIngs 29 96 Engines SKY BUGGY 74 IRcFF-10 6 74 Wings 78 26 Engines Amphibious Flying Best Two Worlds SEA KITIEN 51 Wing 048 12 Engines __ -16 SEACATlRcFF-13 61 66 WIng 15 40 Engines SEA LION RCFF-15 6 102 Wing 78 26 Engines Based Henry Struck original Best Stunt Trainers Can Fly Themselves 049 12 Engines RCT-3 ASTRO HOG 04 iRCT-1 54 WIng 15 40 Engines MIGHTY HOG 04 RCT-2 5 94 Wing 78 26 Engines Friendly Giant SUPER BUccANEER U IRCFF-1 5 EWing 36 78 Engines Smaller Version Super-Buccaneer SUPER BUCCANEER 66 66 Wing RCFF-4 6 Easy-to-Build Clip-Wing High Climber BUCCANEER STANDARD 66 Wing 68 Wing 19 40 35 60 Engines RCFF-5 Classic Beauty SNOW WHITE 68 RCFF-7 5 Engines Soaring Beauty CUSTOM CAVALIER 78 76 Wing 12 35 Engines RCFF-6 6 Two-Meter Powered Soarer Very Best SINBAD 78 76 Wing 049 12 Engines RCG1 The Original AMA F/F Trainer Great Electric-Power Too SUPER BRIGADIER 44 44 Wing7Sfl~ 03 09 Engines RCFF-3 SUPER BRIGADIER 66 IRCFF-2 68 Wing Far 15 40 Engines 616 Efflnpr Fseedleg Member AMA NFFS lid Pamer Prices complete plans sub-assemblies snd detailed parts list Add $200 mailing tube Seed Brochure Free Flight & Scale lans including Giant Scale Send $100 its refundable frrst order WE TECHNICAL SERVICES PO Box 76884-A Atlanta GA 30328 Aerobatics WC Hungary Having just read Don Berliners very interesting article about 1984 Aero batics World Championships Hungary September 1985 ModelAviation feel must grab word processor provide some information As political refugee Hungary have living US almost two years now During high school years 1 970s belonged Hun garian glider clubs have very interested aviation ever since point mysterious things namely sledgehammer submachine gun comes sight meaning unfortunately mysterious sad no flying Hungary guns statement course bit exag gerated large true emblem mentioned article national sports organization per se Things lot complicated wrong side iron curtain ominous emblem Hungarian Defense Association sort paramilitary youth organization overlook ing kinds sports activities country have military use top list obviously flying small engine gliding parachuting hang gliding sharpshooting similar groups way can start flying join association runs airfields flying clubs etc sticks gliding hang gliding bad level organiza tion relatively civilian Beyond road small engine flight through mili tary training camps was sole reason never chance getting small-plane license Joining Hungarian Army too high price flying short what submachine gun has aviation Hungary think very unfortunate Western aviators aware fact officials Hungary can take advantage lack knowledge indeed whenever have chance another organization Hun gary Hungarian Aviation Association largely propaganla operation addressed West tightly con trolled military has present Bill Effinger says Scratch-building WE Plan N Pattern sets way go get best designs complete Full-Size layouts parts drawings Bill Materials save up 50% over com parable kit costs SPAD C-XIII World Wan capable Flyer ures Imagination 13- 31 Cu engines 79 Wingspan sq area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-8 2795 FOKKER TRIPLANE DR-I Giant 1/4 Scale R/C Design WW-l 78 150 Cu Engines 72 Wingspan Triplane sq area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-6 . $2495 Quarter Scale RIC World Wan2L 78 22 Engines 80/a Wingspan Sq Inches Area Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-7 2495 Quarter Scale-Golden Age CURTIS FALCON 114 Wingspan 3168 sq area Quadra Size Engine Plan N Pattern Set #RCQS-13 . $2795 have past purchased Sets admire engineering draft ing skills Albert E Ronsane Santa Roes CA WACO SRE cabin Biplane R/C 52/a Wingspan sq area 19 40 Engines Plan N Pattern Set #RC8S-3 $1295 Best Ducted Fans SKYRAY F4D-1 Plan Form 1 Scale Duct Fan R/44 long RK-20 Fan Unit Plan N Pattern Set #RCD F-i $1995 Prices Complete Plans Sub Assembly Detailed Parts Lists Add $200 Mailing Tube SEND FOR BROCHURE ahead crowd New Brochure showing new Plan Sets 1985 Send $100 its refundable first orderl WE Technical Services PO Box 76884-A Atlanta GA 30328 8 Model Aviation etters oThe Editor letters will carefully considered general interest used Send Mod el Aviation 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reston VA 22090 I I I THE RADIO CONTROL BUYERS GUIDE new 9th edition now local hobby shop contains thousands photos product descriptions radio control raft Cars s ems nes ware Accessories s os RCBG single largest source Infor mation RIO modeling available Whether youre advanced R/Cer eager novice RCBG will master reference So before plunk down hard earned cash-Look Before BuyI available locally may send $995 plus $175 shipping Radio Control Buyers Guide Dept 100 Clifton House Clifton VA 22024 sure indicate street address I I I I I I I I I I I I knowledge no airplanes airfields thing its credit though organizes collection aviation memorabilia country Writers name withheld request Trade Deficits must take exception Mr Chans letter editor October Model Aviation criticized purchase imported hobby products out concern US trade deficit genuinely concerned foreign buying power economy should speak out against foreign civil military government aid grant programs serve perpetuate existing foreign govern ments often very socialistic International free trade however bolsters civilian economies both abroad both countries profit receipt goods market finds valuable exported goods exchanged therefor As practicing business attorney majored economics am proud also importer foreign model diesel engines monies send purchase model engines India China Spain Czechoslovakia England come back provide American jobs own export industries am patriot American free enterprise system know engine import also export seeds goodwill some support international understanding peace Edward R Carlson Carlson Engine Imports Phoenix AZ Without taking sides whatsoever Mr C/ians request nation origin mentioned advertising product packaging Praises Recall Concept International Miniature Aircraft Association IMAA extends hearty well done Sig Mfg Co recent recall Morrisey Bravo kit vertical tail surface problem best knowledge first time aeromodel manufacturer publicly declared modeling world defect found exist its products offered provide parts free charge correct defectfurther recommend ing grounding model until repairs accomplished IMAA particularly pleased actions taken Sig since Morrisey Bravo aircraft being -scale very likely have purchased constructed flown some members recall enhances proba bility aircraft will safe fly once repairs madeto benefit concerned IMAA sincerely appreciates integri ty honesty ofSigMfg Co issuing recall continuing conduct tests its products after initial manufacture company commended hopes manufacturers aero modeling products will follow course set Sig Quality safety should prime concerns everyone Don Godfrey IMAA President Binghamton NY Standardization oh cannot connectors electrical equipment design suppose manufacturers believe have trapped equipment own design connectors dont think know darned pain example battieries need replace ment Does store have batteries fittings No have send out batteries charge solder fittings small potatoes perhaps sneaky way earning few extra dollars power panel requires adaptors radio set own extra unnecessary work sure would like seestandardization electrical connectors modeling field SJ Casden Commack NY Belated Notice Theres odd letter Page 128 November MA Ernest Melcher Continued page 172 10 Model Aviation -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE