Our author poses two versions model older right covered condenser paperand holds several AMA Indoor records newer left covered plastic writing has yet chance prove Itself competition article intended give starting point com bining yourown pieces fora strong competitor popular class Indoor models Manha ttan Pieces EWalter P Van Gorder whove never built models manner before what completed set cardboard templates looks like use careful record size weight building materials makes easy build duplicate modelsor spare parts repairs 68 Model Aviation cope varying conaitions ana iying sites Wait has assortment props range 1 2-1 4-in dimeterand 22-27-in pitch Prop building detailed text Three views nose block thrust bearing assembly V-notch allows different props fitted avoiding necessity building nose biockforeach prop Affixthethrust bearing glue coatthe nose biockwith cleardopeto prevent rubber lube absorption THIS ARTICLE written hope Manhattan Cabin class Indoor Rubber will become popular has especially since specifications now AMA rule book have Ed Whitten thank intro ducing Manhattan Cabin about 10 years ago tryingto create class having mixture Scale pure duration con cepts did see Manhattan Cabin model until 1977 have hooked ever since original rules have held up very well two changes time written model can now covered plastic film no microfilm con denser paper covering allowed original rules other change allows use 1 2-in-maxinium-span stabilizer great improvement model presented like Indoor models made up pieces various models have tried Thats named Manhattan Pieces first Man hattan copy John Triolos Sky scraper bit heavy five grams second model copy Jim Millers Cabin Fever started mix ing parts came up another model did much better latest version uses John Triolos fuselage modification rear hook position Jim Millers wing modified swept-back tips John Triolos prop Left holder four national records version covered condenser paper has hardware prove its worth Right same design covered plastic has appearance being covered microfilm microfilm covering allowed Manhattan rules January1986 69 Completed bare bones ready covering may wish experiment both types covering discussed text see best suits flying style site conditions OIOOOOAL EREAK01060501- WR Lvoowpos oo CE AND TE ROWWOs CELLOP5ARE TISSUE Tunes 1~ II /AsOSA7WWsLl5W WOOl 02AOAOOLO FOE CUT WOOLS FROMOI5WIFW A/ILK FOAM SWAT TRAY ALOE WOWEL OTBOWO i1p TE 5TLOWJt/WOTOEsTO I/0F15 OFFSET KOEOAO5AR5 .OOOIOSO5ISS -I Te modifications time Man hattan Pieces holds AMA records four ceiling categorieswith best time 523 Cat 752 Cat II 900 Cat III touching sites 65-ft ceil ing 937 Cat IV model has flights 1000 1004 West Baden before AMA records class think model has potential fly 11 12 minutes Lets get started building Keep good records wood sizes weights build model point reference building another replacing broken parts Construction model built four-gram minimum weight rules cover model condenser paper will have use wood 5 6-lb range cover model commercially-available plastic can use wood 7 8-lb range some plastic can much half weight lightest condenser paper construction notes refer con denser-paper-covered model holds records have new plastic-oovered model have able test enough make fair oomparison between two thing very noticeable plastic-covered model flies much faster think reason covering tight wing stabil izer airfoils much truer contrast condenser paper must put model much looser therefore air foils much thicker Rod Ganser also builds lot Manhattans says new model plastic covering also flies much faster think new plastic cov erings will lead experimentation different airfoils use Ambroid cement reduced 50% thinner Build both fuselage sides top other will exactly sameexcept diagonals alternate per dotted lines plan first attempt build Indoor model dont too concerned about weight Just build good solid well-aligned model work nose filled with Y32 sheet provide Continued page 158 70 Model Aviation 11W SO WE POST ROIWEES TOIT / 0000 lISA OTOOT cEcLOAse VW SO FiLL AIL IIWWL WITS IIAE00TWA FLTWOWLRR -I //I /V15EIA ALIOATUSDS KALLD0000WSLO kODROOFFE 505 SOURS IWSOITSOTTEDUSES c ASIAW 06 PROp WOW O5STWEREDTO005 _________ALL WAAORAL5 Wol/Of MANHATTAN PIECES MOCEL DESIOFEED ST WALTER TAM SOSOER aluminum tube rear peg simple winding stooge winding motor one-man operation Foiiow directions text polishing tube eliminate burrs can cut rubber nose guard provides protection against rubber breakage PILOTS TS RIOR TS T THE MOST SUPERIOR PILOT FIGURE ON THE MARKET LIGHTEST WEIGHT MOST REALISTIC AVAILABLE GIVE YOUR PLANE PILOT. FOR YOUR NEWEST OLDEST OR NEXT CREATION R YOURS TODAY FULL FIGURES CIVILIANWWII MILITARY 1/3 Scale $19951/5 Navy $1395 1/4ScaIe14951/6AAF1195 1 /5 Scale 1295 Plus 1/12 Scale895$250 shipping 1/12 Chopper 895each figure KNIGHTS OF THE AIR 1400 Rte 22 West Friendship MD 21794 301-489-5050 FL Y ME WINDSOCK Attaches antenna mast clips clips included Available frequency colors Give frequency number order 5u&H 65 Foreign orders add S8H $150 Calif Residents add 6% tax Product Brochure Free order Jet fla Products PO Box 484 Lake Elsinore CA 92330 714 674-1151 help underwrite costs host club may win very first contest will gain experience enjoy camaraderie associated competition Soon will winning share trophies ten sion meet never goes completely away us make mistakes contests natural No ridi culed seriously rate foul up crash front friends least riding thing personal injury remote injured pride give competition try may like us become hopelessly hooked Found Lost model has found near site La Junta SAM Champs no description model other number A9663 model AMA has no record number its yours can claim model identifying Nels C Larsen Jr 601 Elm St Lajunta CO 81050 Clarence Haught 3226 Honeysuckle Dr Coeur dAlene ID 83814 New AIIy/Mcllrath Continued page 67 accurate word satisfactory tried too optimistic past great-sounding plans like almost al ways went awry building custodian would forget show up key volleyball game would scheduled same time session time unlike others help experienced professionals Community Services staff publicized meetings scheduled gym handled quiries registration collected tu ition showed up schedule key Theirs quality operation start finish During winter flying hit some snags course problems staff handled phone calls knew ropes locating alternate site short notice As students think ap preciated rare opportunity responded enthusiasm didnt hear arguments about rules complaints about quality judging Thats quite incredible message have potential Indoor fliers area stymied lack place fly investigate adult education facilities nearest com munity college name local organization may different names junior college area college adult education extension service worth checking out Whatever name talk over might find best friend homeless Indoor flier ever Manhattan/Van Gorder Continued page 70 strength handling connecting fully-wound motor prop assembly rear motor supports made /16 sheet small -in round piece 1/ plywood glued inside added strength little trick use make sure aluminum tubing used rear peg highly polished use rubbing compound toothpaste will also work Polishing removes slightest nicks tubing have found little nicks can cause small nick rubber motor result premature failure other nice feature about aluminum tube rear motor peg can put 032 wire through hold model winding stooge Build rectangle part fuselage first Crack joints front rear rectangle glue rear end together put nose together will end up very straight true wellaligned fuselage dry lightly sand set aside Prepare building wing stab upper lower rudders making set cardboard templates shown pictures use soap cartons tem plates Make sure templates under size allow spars use 1-in squares scrap cardboardto hold spars against template during construction 158 Model Aviation 8 plustails Wind Direction Anytime Anywhere GOITIOLINI TRill PROFILE0COM8A 7RA T WIDE & NARROW WEDGE 7 5 6 oz Capacities UNIFLOW & STINDD Gumtrn usiA Vials Ingredients detailed bochurA50C stamps/check oni CAROLINATAFFINDER 8345 Delhi Road charleston Hgts. sc 29418 803-553-7169 wing structure its construction very simple Use following wood sizes/weights main spars 8 lb 6 x 6 sq ribs 6 6 lb /16 x 040 A- Cgrain tip spars 6 lb 6 tapered 050 x 050 After wing dry sand leading trailing edges main flat section airfoil shape Tip dihedral 2/56 use care exact Make four 1-in wing posts 6-lb balsa sand round stabilizer uses 6-lb spars 050 x 040 ribs 6-lb 032 x 050 A- Cgrain airfoil same wing except rib just cut off trailing edge rudder outline made 5-lb 040 x 040 A-grain balsa landing gear must sturdy enough support weight model strut made hard /56 sq balsa Wheels cut bottom foam meat tray /e sq strip drilled lengthwise 020 bit wheel bearing have 020 drill glue small squares /16 sheet balsa side wheel make small hole through squares use white glue foam will dissolve small piece 015 wire glued strut acts axle procedure making wing landing gear sockets Cut tissue strips about long Take few drops white glue mix few drops water Lay strip tissue glue Take Vi6-in drill bit roll tissue around smooth end Very carefully slide tissue tube off drill bit place piece wax paper Let dry completely slide tube back smooth end drill cut required lengths nose block made piece -in sheet plug cut exactly fit nose opening made A6 sheet grain should run perpendicular nose block grain strength Cut V nose block per pictures use standard-thrust bearing Indoor models doing can change prop having make new nose block prop may contour nose block get rid squared-off look Give light coat clear dope keep rubber lube soaking wood makes very weak sure securely glue thrust bearing Propellers very important part Indoor model take time meet varying conditions fly props ranging 12 14 inches diameter pitches 22 27 inches will describe good general-purpose prop start 12-in dia 22-in P1tke cardboard template blade cut two blades out 6-lb 025 C-grain balsa Try match grain wood blade closely possible Sand blades just enough round edges bit Soak blades hot tap water 15 min Lay prop form can use can bottle jar jug 6 8 in diameter has smooth sides Lay wet blades form 150 left center Dont miss greatest Radio Control Show East iAlestchester County Center White Plains NY Its 18th annual show its sure biggest best ever years WRAM Show going largest yet Well over 150 manufacturers other exhibitors have already signed up bring everything thats new hobby engines radios accessories everything between famous Swap Shop will full operation thousands items Including built-up planes almost new radios engines on something just about everyone ADVANCED TICKET SALES Save time Order tickets now send check money order allow 3 weeks check clearance selfaddressed stamped envelope Ed Alexis RFD 3 20 Putnam Rd Peekakill NY 10566 day Ticket Two day Ticket under 12 yrs day STATIC COMPETITION models must operable aed RC controlled Trushiss andlor prizes awarded VCR tor Eest Show Automatic 35mm SLR Camera 1st place category Trophies other winners WOI SCALE SC ROATS POST tWit iMijuoul leiliurul POST Owl ScuLE sc sours INon-Mi/taryl INon-Miliurul PATTERN RACINII sic ROOTS S/ANT SCALE sTuNS-OFF ScuLE OLD TIMERS 205105 EVENTS SPORT sc cuss op 1/5 coolS SLIDERS sc cuss ove 1/5 snob OELIcSPTEsS 5EST-INSSSW rntns moot Imiso 0/0 /0 SPOtS Ovalabi Ito obtain pre-registratlon Static Competi tNt forms write linclude self-addressed stamped envelopel Allen Reinhardt 2 Douglas Drive Pleasantville NY 10570 Judging takes place Sanday afternoon Entries accepted until 12 Noon Sunday Special admission area will provided both days static display con testants bailt-up models Registration models will start 830 am morning SWAP SHOP WRAMs Swap Shop has become major show attractions thoasands Individual items changing hands help eliminate registration crash Swap Shop will proulde preregistration forms receive forms send self-addressed stamped envelope John Isbister 4 Devon Rd Larcumont NY 10538 SPECIAL NOTE year will no restrictions namber bailt-up models regis trant may place Swsp Shop further information write enclose SClf-addressed stamped envelope call Jerry Judge 39 Rome Ave. Apr lOB Bedford Hills NY 10501 914666-2604 WESTCHESTER RADIO AEROMODELERS INC TOo iSeOtOtoatOr county cooler/s 000tratly boated tOO 0/tt 00 wy/to vto/no Ny tOo /Otar 0601/00 otSt tOO 000101 Peru Ate end tOn 0000 0/00 080 way Wy/ta P0/00/n loot 22 rn/tea 000000 NYC Visit major Model Engine Collectors Association MECA display sale Antique Model Engines during weekend annual WRAM Show White Plains NY MECA activity will Saturday Evening February 22 1988 400 pm Midnight Ramada Inn Elmsford NY Ramada Inn 3/ miles WRAM Show Route 9A mile north Exit #2 off Interstate #287 $500 door donation requested help defray costs Lash form stretch gauze bandage just snug enough hold place Place preheated oven 2500 15 20 min prop spar made~m 8 lb -in length sanded rc 093 center tapering tips prop shaft made 015 wire bent shape shown plan After shaft put center spar bend end 90 angle glue Hot Stuff Make jig assemble blades hub 450 35 center hub very important both blades set exactly same angle take time right use plastic covering model sure cover wood windshield side windows go black tissue use black marking pen use condenser paper sure pre-shrink Condenser paper shrinks rather dra matically exposed heat can countered covering model high temperature environment such high temperature low humidity box built will describe Buy cardboard box size can get about $200 local department store size use measures about 24 x 11 x 12 Lay box its side sothetop opening facing Install two 150W January 1986 159 SHOW II 22/2S 10 light bulbs top box sure bulbs touch box would afire hazard Attach apiece clear plastic opening front box use four five large thumbtacks hold place Place humidity gauge inside can buy about $300 hardware store Turn lights drop plastic over front half-hour humidity will down around 20% 30% 900 1000 temperature Place part covered condenser paper box half-hour remove excess moisture ready covering raise plastic about half way can get inside work used thinned Micro-X condenser paper cement adhere covering works great condenser paper plastic film remove covered part high temperature low humidity box condenser paper will get limp Since will seldom fly humidity less 20% 30% temperature exceeding 900 1000 model should never warp cause condenser paper shrinkage parts finished time final assembly Glue tissue wing sock ets onto fuselage put wing posts sockets Glue wing wing posts Offset wing left center looking rear modelwhich makes wing panel longer inside left-hand circle Glue stabilizer fuselage mak ing sure trailing edge higher leading edge Glue rudder et turn Glue subrudder center Glue /n-in shim right side fuselage nose get left thrust Glue tissue landing gear sockets fuselage youre ready Test flying Start out using 25-in loop 085 rubber rubber use obtained FM Model Supply Put about 50 turns motor launch model hand should fly left circles 2530-ft diameter As add turns rubber torque will have put about in left wing panel Also use about washin left side stab best results trim model fly just edge stall full-power takeoffs center gravity CG should rearward model will take still have stable ffight adjust CG put dab clay back fuselage much duration get will depend upon familiar become model experimentation wrn soon find combination prop rubber will bejust right model Suppliers Indoor models Jim Jones 36631 Ledgestone Mt Clemens MI 48043 Indoor Model Supply PO Box 39 Garberville CA 95440 Micro-X Products Inc PO Box 1063 Lorain OH 44055 Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Wayland MA 01778 will glad answer other ques tions might have Send stamped pre addressed envelope Walter P Van Gorder 5669 Victoryview Lii Cincinnati OH 45238 call 513 922-3351 CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 72 two-day seminar attended 20 30 fliers per day futile flying ef forts speaking myself observed Big Art Archie Adamison Bill Zimmer Bob Gialdini Art set pattern after attempt finished shown Continued page 162 Twowipe n sjroovy easy-flying By-plane can fin ished semi-scale sport e end ply construction 70 top wing 60 bottom Direct Sales Wing Area 1250 eq In Only Power 75 124 2 cycleSend $1 Catalog Weight9tol0lbs 216484-6810 1728 Dywoed SE Canton OH 44707 ROUSH MFG 160 Model Aviation Two Ugly Stick Bipe umers Guide Radio Control Products THIRD EDITION ished Oct 11985 Its Listed Need See hobby shop order dfrect $075 Price $795 plus $180 UPS total ign air mail *1345 $795 plus *5501 US dollars pleese Send Check MO Credit Card info Consumers Guide 150 Ott St Hurrisonhurg VA 22801 434-0350 Name ____________________________________________ Address Charge Card No MC VISA CHOICE _____________________________________ MasterCard lB # ______________________ Expiration Date ___________________________ Signed
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 68, 69, 70, 158, 159, 160
Our author poses two versions model older right covered condenser paperand holds several AMA Indoor records newer left covered plastic writing has yet chance prove Itself competition article intended give starting point com bining yourown pieces fora strong competitor popular class Indoor models Manha ttan Pieces EWalter P Van Gorder whove never built models manner before what completed set cardboard templates looks like use careful record size weight building materials makes easy build duplicate modelsor spare parts repairs 68 Model Aviation cope varying conaitions ana iying sites Wait has assortment props range 1 2-1 4-in dimeterand 22-27-in pitch Prop building detailed text Three views nose block thrust bearing assembly V-notch allows different props fitted avoiding necessity building nose biockforeach prop Affixthethrust bearing glue coatthe nose biockwith cleardopeto prevent rubber lube absorption THIS ARTICLE written hope Manhattan Cabin class Indoor Rubber will become popular has especially since specifications now AMA rule book have Ed Whitten thank intro ducing Manhattan Cabin about 10 years ago tryingto create class having mixture Scale pure duration con cepts did see Manhattan Cabin model until 1977 have hooked ever since original rules have held up very well two changes time written model can now covered plastic film no microfilm con denser paper covering allowed original rules other change allows use 1 2-in-maxinium-span stabilizer great improvement model presented like Indoor models made up pieces various models have tried Thats named Manhattan Pieces first Man hattan copy John Triolos Sky scraper bit heavy five grams second model copy Jim Millers Cabin Fever started mix ing parts came up another model did much better latest version uses John Triolos fuselage modification rear hook position Jim Millers wing modified swept-back tips John Triolos prop Left holder four national records version covered condenser paper has hardware prove its worth Right same design covered plastic has appearance being covered microfilm microfilm covering allowed Manhattan rules January1986 69 Completed bare bones ready covering may wish experiment both types covering discussed text see best suits flying style site conditions OIOOOOAL EREAK01060501- WR Lvoowpos oo CE AND TE ROWWOs CELLOP5ARE TISSUE Tunes 1~ II /AsOSA7WWsLl5W WOOl 02AOAOOLO FOE CUT WOOLS FROMOI5WIFW A/ILK FOAM SWAT TRAY ALOE WOWEL OTBOWO i1p TE 5TLOWJt/WOTOEsTO I/0F15 OFFSET KOEOAO5AR5 .OOOIOSO5ISS -I Te modifications time Man hattan Pieces holds AMA records four ceiling categorieswith best time 523 Cat 752 Cat II 900 Cat III touching sites 65-ft ceil ing 937 Cat IV model has flights 1000 1004 West Baden before AMA records class think model has potential fly 11 12 minutes Lets get started building Keep good records wood sizes weights build model point reference building another replacing broken parts Construction model built four-gram minimum weight rules cover model condenser paper will have use wood 5 6-lb range cover model commercially-available plastic can use wood 7 8-lb range some plastic can much half weight lightest condenser paper construction notes refer con denser-paper-covered model holds records have new plastic-oovered model have able test enough make fair oomparison between two thing very noticeable plastic-covered model flies much faster think reason covering tight wing stabil izer airfoils much truer contrast condenser paper must put model much looser therefore air foils much thicker Rod Ganser also builds lot Manhattans says new model plastic covering also flies much faster think new plastic cov erings will lead experimentation different airfoils use Ambroid cement reduced 50% thinner Build both fuselage sides top other will exactly sameexcept diagonals alternate per dotted lines plan first attempt build Indoor model dont too concerned about weight Just build good solid well-aligned model work nose filled with Y32 sheet provide Continued page 158 70 Model Aviation 11W SO WE POST ROIWEES TOIT / 0000 lISA OTOOT cEcLOAse VW SO FiLL AIL IIWWL WITS IIAE00TWA FLTWOWLRR -I //I /V15EIA ALIOATUSDS KALLD0000WSLO kODROOFFE 505 SOURS IWSOITSOTTEDUSES c ASIAW 06 PROp WOW O5STWEREDTO005 _________ALL WAAORAL5 Wol/Of MANHATTAN PIECES MOCEL DESIOFEED ST WALTER TAM SOSOER aluminum tube rear peg simple winding stooge winding motor one-man operation Foiiow directions text polishing tube eliminate burrs can cut rubber nose guard provides protection against rubber breakage PILOTS TS RIOR TS T THE MOST SUPERIOR PILOT FIGURE ON THE MARKET LIGHTEST WEIGHT MOST REALISTIC AVAILABLE GIVE YOUR PLANE PILOT. FOR YOUR NEWEST OLDEST OR NEXT CREATION R YOURS TODAY FULL FIGURES CIVILIANWWII MILITARY 1/3 Scale $19951/5 Navy $1395 1/4ScaIe14951/6AAF1195 1 /5 Scale 1295 Plus 1/12 Scale895$250 shipping 1/12 Chopper 895each figure KNIGHTS OF THE AIR 1400 Rte 22 West Friendship MD 21794 301-489-5050 FL Y ME WINDSOCK Attaches antenna mast clips clips included Available frequency colors Give frequency number order 5u&H 65 Foreign orders add S8H $150 Calif Residents add 6% tax Product Brochure Free order Jet fla Products PO Box 484 Lake Elsinore CA 92330 714 674-1151 help underwrite costs host club may win very first contest will gain experience enjoy camaraderie associated competition Soon will winning share trophies ten sion meet never goes completely away us make mistakes contests natural No ridi culed seriously rate foul up crash front friends least riding thing personal injury remote injured pride give competition try may like us become hopelessly hooked Found Lost model has found near site La Junta SAM Champs no description model other number A9663 model AMA has no record number its yours can claim model identifying Nels C Larsen Jr 601 Elm St Lajunta CO 81050 Clarence Haught 3226 Honeysuckle Dr Coeur dAlene ID 83814 New AIIy/Mcllrath Continued page 67 accurate word satisfactory tried too optimistic past great-sounding plans like almost al ways went awry building custodian would forget show up key volleyball game would scheduled same time session time unlike others help experienced professionals Community Services staff publicized meetings scheduled gym handled quiries registration collected tu ition showed up schedule key Theirs quality operation start finish During winter flying hit some snags course problems staff handled phone calls knew ropes locating alternate site short notice As students think ap preciated rare opportunity responded enthusiasm didnt hear arguments about rules complaints about quality judging Thats quite incredible message have potential Indoor fliers area stymied lack place fly investigate adult education facilities nearest com munity college name local organization may different names junior college area college adult education extension service worth checking out Whatever name talk over might find best friend homeless Indoor flier ever Manhattan/Van Gorder Continued page 70 strength handling connecting fully-wound motor prop assembly rear motor supports made /16 sheet small -in round piece 1/ plywood glued inside added strength little trick use make sure aluminum tubing used rear peg highly polished use rubbing compound toothpaste will also work Polishing removes slightest nicks tubing have found little nicks can cause small nick rubber motor result premature failure other nice feature about aluminum tube rear motor peg can put 032 wire through hold model winding stooge Build rectangle part fuselage first Crack joints front rear rectangle glue rear end together put nose together will end up very straight true wellaligned fuselage dry lightly sand set aside Prepare building wing stab upper lower rudders making set cardboard templates shown pictures use soap cartons tem plates Make sure templates under size allow spars use 1-in squares scrap cardboardto hold spars against template during construction 158 Model Aviation 8 plustails Wind Direction Anytime Anywhere GOITIOLINI TRill PROFILE0COM8A 7RA T WIDE & NARROW WEDGE 7 5 6 oz Capacities UNIFLOW & STINDD Gumtrn usiA Vials Ingredients detailed bochurA50C stamps/check oni CAROLINATAFFINDER 8345 Delhi Road charleston Hgts. sc 29418 803-553-7169 wing structure its construction very simple Use following wood sizes/weights main spars 8 lb 6 x 6 sq ribs 6 6 lb /16 x 040 A- Cgrain tip spars 6 lb 6 tapered 050 x 050 After wing dry sand leading trailing edges main flat section airfoil shape Tip dihedral 2/56 use care exact Make four 1-in wing posts 6-lb balsa sand round stabilizer uses 6-lb spars 050 x 040 ribs 6-lb 032 x 050 A- Cgrain airfoil same wing except rib just cut off trailing edge rudder outline made 5-lb 040 x 040 A-grain balsa landing gear must sturdy enough support weight model strut made hard /56 sq balsa Wheels cut bottom foam meat tray /e sq strip drilled lengthwise 020 bit wheel bearing have 020 drill glue small squares /16 sheet balsa side wheel make small hole through squares use white glue foam will dissolve small piece 015 wire glued strut acts axle procedure making wing landing gear sockets Cut tissue strips about long Take few drops white glue mix few drops water Lay strip tissue glue Take Vi6-in drill bit roll tissue around smooth end Very carefully slide tissue tube off drill bit place piece wax paper Let dry completely slide tube back smooth end drill cut required lengths nose block made piece -in sheet plug cut exactly fit nose opening made A6 sheet grain should run perpendicular nose block grain strength Cut V nose block per pictures use standard-thrust bearing Indoor models doing can change prop having make new nose block prop may contour nose block get rid squared-off look Give light coat clear dope keep rubber lube soaking wood makes very weak sure securely glue thrust bearing Propellers very important part Indoor model take time meet varying conditions fly props ranging 12 14 inches diameter pitches 22 27 inches will describe good general-purpose prop start 12-in dia 22-in P1tke cardboard template blade cut two blades out 6-lb 025 C-grain balsa Try match grain wood blade closely possible Sand blades just enough round edges bit Soak blades hot tap water 15 min Lay prop form can use can bottle jar jug 6 8 in diameter has smooth sides Lay wet blades form 150 left center Dont miss greatest Radio Control Show East iAlestchester County Center White Plains NY Its 18th annual show its sure biggest best ever years WRAM Show going largest yet Well over 150 manufacturers other exhibitors have already signed up bring everything thats new hobby engines radios accessories everything between famous Swap Shop will full operation thousands items Including built-up planes almost new radios engines on something just about everyone ADVANCED TICKET SALES Save time Order tickets now send check money order allow 3 weeks check clearance selfaddressed stamped envelope Ed Alexis RFD 3 20 Putnam Rd Peekakill NY 10566 day Ticket Two day Ticket under 12 yrs day STATIC COMPETITION models must operable aed RC controlled Trushiss andlor prizes awarded VCR tor Eest Show Automatic 35mm SLR Camera 1st place category Trophies other winners WOI SCALE SC ROATS POST tWit iMijuoul leiliurul POST Owl ScuLE sc sours INon-Mi/taryl INon-Miliurul PATTERN RACINII sic ROOTS S/ANT SCALE sTuNS-OFF ScuLE OLD TIMERS 205105 EVENTS SPORT sc cuss op 1/5 coolS SLIDERS sc cuss ove 1/5 snob OELIcSPTEsS 5EST-INSSSW rntns moot Imiso 0/0 /0 SPOtS Ovalabi Ito obtain pre-registratlon Static Competi tNt forms write linclude self-addressed stamped envelopel Allen Reinhardt 2 Douglas Drive Pleasantville NY 10570 Judging takes place Sanday afternoon Entries accepted until 12 Noon Sunday Special admission area will provided both days static display con testants bailt-up models Registration models will start 830 am morning SWAP SHOP WRAMs Swap Shop has become major show attractions thoasands Individual items changing hands help eliminate registration crash Swap Shop will proulde preregistration forms receive forms send self-addressed stamped envelope John Isbister 4 Devon Rd Larcumont NY 10538 SPECIAL NOTE year will no restrictions namber bailt-up models regis trant may place Swsp Shop further information write enclose SClf-addressed stamped envelope call Jerry Judge 39 Rome Ave. Apr lOB Bedford Hills NY 10501 914666-2604 WESTCHESTER RADIO AEROMODELERS INC TOo iSeOtOtoatOr county cooler/s 000tratly boated tOO 0/tt 00 wy/to vto/no Ny tOo /Otar 0601/00 otSt tOO 000101 Peru Ate end tOn 0000 0/00 080 way Wy/ta P0/00/n loot 22 rn/tea 000000 NYC Visit major Model Engine Collectors Association MECA display sale Antique Model Engines during weekend annual WRAM Show White Plains NY MECA activity will Saturday Evening February 22 1988 400 pm Midnight Ramada Inn Elmsford NY Ramada Inn 3/ miles WRAM Show Route 9A mile north Exit #2 off Interstate #287 $500 door donation requested help defray costs Lash form stretch gauze bandage just snug enough hold place Place preheated oven 2500 15 20 min prop spar made~m 8 lb -in length sanded rc 093 center tapering tips prop shaft made 015 wire bent shape shown plan After shaft put center spar bend end 90 angle glue Hot Stuff Make jig assemble blades hub 450 35 center hub very important both blades set exactly same angle take time right use plastic covering model sure cover wood windshield side windows go black tissue use black marking pen use condenser paper sure pre-shrink Condenser paper shrinks rather dra matically exposed heat can countered covering model high temperature environment such high temperature low humidity box built will describe Buy cardboard box size can get about $200 local department store size use measures about 24 x 11 x 12 Lay box its side sothetop opening facing Install two 150W January 1986 159 SHOW II 22/2S 10 light bulbs top box sure bulbs touch box would afire hazard Attach apiece clear plastic opening front box use four five large thumbtacks hold place Place humidity gauge inside can buy about $300 hardware store Turn lights drop plastic over front half-hour humidity will down around 20% 30% 900 1000 temperature Place part covered condenser paper box half-hour remove excess moisture ready covering raise plastic about half way can get inside work used thinned Micro-X condenser paper cement adhere covering works great condenser paper plastic film remove covered part high temperature low humidity box condenser paper will get limp Since will seldom fly humidity less 20% 30% temperature exceeding 900 1000 model should never warp cause condenser paper shrinkage parts finished time final assembly Glue tissue wing sock ets onto fuselage put wing posts sockets Glue wing wing posts Offset wing left center looking rear modelwhich makes wing panel longer inside left-hand circle Glue stabilizer fuselage mak ing sure trailing edge higher leading edge Glue rudder et turn Glue subrudder center Glue /n-in shim right side fuselage nose get left thrust Glue tissue landing gear sockets fuselage youre ready Test flying Start out using 25-in loop 085 rubber rubber use obtained FM Model Supply Put about 50 turns motor launch model hand should fly left circles 2530-ft diameter As add turns rubber torque will have put about in left wing panel Also use about washin left side stab best results trim model fly just edge stall full-power takeoffs center gravity CG should rearward model will take still have stable ffight adjust CG put dab clay back fuselage much duration get will depend upon familiar become model experimentation wrn soon find combination prop rubber will bejust right model Suppliers Indoor models Jim Jones 36631 Ledgestone Mt Clemens MI 48043 Indoor Model Supply PO Box 39 Garberville CA 95440 Micro-X Products Inc PO Box 1063 Lorain OH 44055 Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Wayland MA 01778 will glad answer other ques tions might have Send stamped pre addressed envelope Walter P Van Gorder 5669 Victoryview Lii Cincinnati OH 45238 call 513 922-3351 CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 72 two-day seminar attended 20 30 fliers per day futile flying ef forts speaking myself observed Big Art Archie Adamison Bill Zimmer Bob Gialdini Art set pattern after attempt finished shown Continued page 162 Twowipe n sjroovy easy-flying By-plane can fin ished semi-scale sport e end ply construction 70 top wing 60 bottom Direct Sales Wing Area 1250 eq In Only Power 75 124 2 cycleSend $1 Catalog Weight9tol0lbs 216484-6810 1728 Dywoed SE Canton OH 44707 ROUSH MFG 160 Model Aviation Two Ugly Stick Bipe umers Guide Radio Control Products THIRD EDITION ished Oct 11985 Its Listed Need See hobby shop order dfrect $075 Price $795 plus $180 UPS total ign air mail *1345 $795 plus *5501 US dollars pleese Send Check MO Credit Card info Consumers Guide 150 Ott St Hurrisonhurg VA 22801 434-0350 Name ____________________________________________ Address Charge Card No MC VISA CHOICE _____________________________________ MasterCard lB # ______________________ Expiration Date ___________________________ Signed
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 68, 69, 70, 158, 159, 160
Our author poses two versions model older right covered condenser paperand holds several AMA Indoor records newer left covered plastic writing has yet chance prove Itself competition article intended give starting point com bining yourown pieces fora strong competitor popular class Indoor models Manha ttan Pieces EWalter P Van Gorder whove never built models manner before what completed set cardboard templates looks like use careful record size weight building materials makes easy build duplicate modelsor spare parts repairs 68 Model Aviation cope varying conaitions ana iying sites Wait has assortment props range 1 2-1 4-in dimeterand 22-27-in pitch Prop building detailed text Three views nose block thrust bearing assembly V-notch allows different props fitted avoiding necessity building nose biockforeach prop Affixthethrust bearing glue coatthe nose biockwith cleardopeto prevent rubber lube absorption THIS ARTICLE written hope Manhattan Cabin class Indoor Rubber will become popular has especially since specifications now AMA rule book have Ed Whitten thank intro ducing Manhattan Cabin about 10 years ago tryingto create class having mixture Scale pure duration con cepts did see Manhattan Cabin model until 1977 have hooked ever since original rules have held up very well two changes time written model can now covered plastic film no microfilm con denser paper covering allowed original rules other change allows use 1 2-in-maxinium-span stabilizer great improvement model presented like Indoor models made up pieces various models have tried Thats named Manhattan Pieces first Man hattan copy John Triolos Sky scraper bit heavy five grams second model copy Jim Millers Cabin Fever started mix ing parts came up another model did much better latest version uses John Triolos fuselage modification rear hook position Jim Millers wing modified swept-back tips John Triolos prop Left holder four national records version covered condenser paper has hardware prove its worth Right same design covered plastic has appearance being covered microfilm microfilm covering allowed Manhattan rules January1986 69 Completed bare bones ready covering may wish experiment both types covering discussed text see best suits flying style site conditions OIOOOOAL EREAK01060501- WR Lvoowpos oo CE AND TE ROWWOs CELLOP5ARE TISSUE Tunes 1~ II /AsOSA7WWsLl5W WOOl 02AOAOOLO FOE CUT WOOLS FROMOI5WIFW A/ILK FOAM SWAT TRAY ALOE WOWEL OTBOWO i1p TE 5TLOWJt/WOTOEsTO I/0F15 OFFSET KOEOAO5AR5 .OOOIOSO5ISS -I Te modifications time Man hattan Pieces holds AMA records four ceiling categorieswith best time 523 Cat 752 Cat II 900 Cat III touching sites 65-ft ceil ing 937 Cat IV model has flights 1000 1004 West Baden before AMA records class think model has potential fly 11 12 minutes Lets get started building Keep good records wood sizes weights build model point reference building another replacing broken parts Construction model built four-gram minimum weight rules cover model condenser paper will have use wood 5 6-lb range cover model commercially-available plastic can use wood 7 8-lb range some plastic can much half weight lightest condenser paper construction notes refer con denser-paper-covered model holds records have new plastic-oovered model have able test enough make fair oomparison between two thing very noticeable plastic-covered model flies much faster think reason covering tight wing stabil izer airfoils much truer contrast condenser paper must put model much looser therefore air foils much thicker Rod Ganser also builds lot Manhattans says new model plastic covering also flies much faster think new plastic cov erings will lead experimentation different airfoils use Ambroid cement reduced 50% thinner Build both fuselage sides top other will exactly sameexcept diagonals alternate per dotted lines plan first attempt build Indoor model dont too concerned about weight Just build good solid well-aligned model work nose filled with Y32 sheet provide Continued page 158 70 Model Aviation 11W SO WE POST ROIWEES TOIT / 0000 lISA OTOOT cEcLOAse VW SO FiLL AIL IIWWL WITS IIAE00TWA FLTWOWLRR -I //I /V15EIA ALIOATUSDS KALLD0000WSLO kODROOFFE 505 SOURS IWSOITSOTTEDUSES c ASIAW 06 PROp WOW O5STWEREDTO005 _________ALL WAAORAL5 Wol/Of MANHATTAN PIECES MOCEL DESIOFEED ST WALTER TAM SOSOER aluminum tube rear peg simple winding stooge winding motor one-man operation Foiiow directions text polishing tube eliminate burrs can cut rubber nose guard provides protection against rubber breakage PILOTS TS RIOR TS T THE MOST SUPERIOR PILOT FIGURE ON THE MARKET LIGHTEST WEIGHT MOST REALISTIC AVAILABLE GIVE YOUR PLANE PILOT. FOR YOUR NEWEST OLDEST OR NEXT CREATION R YOURS TODAY FULL FIGURES CIVILIANWWII MILITARY 1/3 Scale $19951/5 Navy $1395 1/4ScaIe14951/6AAF1195 1 /5 Scale 1295 Plus 1/12 Scale895$250 shipping 1/12 Chopper 895each figure KNIGHTS OF THE AIR 1400 Rte 22 West Friendship MD 21794 301-489-5050 FL Y ME WINDSOCK Attaches antenna mast clips clips included Available frequency colors Give frequency number order 5u&H 65 Foreign orders add S8H $150 Calif Residents add 6% tax Product Brochure Free order Jet fla Products PO Box 484 Lake Elsinore CA 92330 714 674-1151 help underwrite costs host club may win very first contest will gain experience enjoy camaraderie associated competition Soon will winning share trophies ten sion meet never goes completely away us make mistakes contests natural No ridi culed seriously rate foul up crash front friends least riding thing personal injury remote injured pride give competition try may like us become hopelessly hooked Found Lost model has found near site La Junta SAM Champs no description model other number A9663 model AMA has no record number its yours can claim model identifying Nels C Larsen Jr 601 Elm St Lajunta CO 81050 Clarence Haught 3226 Honeysuckle Dr Coeur dAlene ID 83814 New AIIy/Mcllrath Continued page 67 accurate word satisfactory tried too optimistic past great-sounding plans like almost al ways went awry building custodian would forget show up key volleyball game would scheduled same time session time unlike others help experienced professionals Community Services staff publicized meetings scheduled gym handled quiries registration collected tu ition showed up schedule key Theirs quality operation start finish During winter flying hit some snags course problems staff handled phone calls knew ropes locating alternate site short notice As students think ap preciated rare opportunity responded enthusiasm didnt hear arguments about rules complaints about quality judging Thats quite incredible message have potential Indoor fliers area stymied lack place fly investigate adult education facilities nearest com munity college name local organization may different names junior college area college adult education extension service worth checking out Whatever name talk over might find best friend homeless Indoor flier ever Manhattan/Van Gorder Continued page 70 strength handling connecting fully-wound motor prop assembly rear motor supports made /16 sheet small -in round piece 1/ plywood glued inside added strength little trick use make sure aluminum tubing used rear peg highly polished use rubbing compound toothpaste will also work Polishing removes slightest nicks tubing have found little nicks can cause small nick rubber motor result premature failure other nice feature about aluminum tube rear motor peg can put 032 wire through hold model winding stooge Build rectangle part fuselage first Crack joints front rear rectangle glue rear end together put nose together will end up very straight true wellaligned fuselage dry lightly sand set aside Prepare building wing stab upper lower rudders making set cardboard templates shown pictures use soap cartons tem plates Make sure templates under size allow spars use 1-in squares scrap cardboardto hold spars against template during construction 158 Model Aviation 8 plustails Wind Direction Anytime Anywhere GOITIOLINI TRill PROFILE0COM8A 7RA T WIDE & NARROW WEDGE 7 5 6 oz Capacities UNIFLOW & STINDD Gumtrn usiA Vials Ingredients detailed bochurA50C stamps/check oni CAROLINATAFFINDER 8345 Delhi Road charleston Hgts. sc 29418 803-553-7169 wing structure its construction very simple Use following wood sizes/weights main spars 8 lb 6 x 6 sq ribs 6 6 lb /16 x 040 A- Cgrain tip spars 6 lb 6 tapered 050 x 050 After wing dry sand leading trailing edges main flat section airfoil shape Tip dihedral 2/56 use care exact Make four 1-in wing posts 6-lb balsa sand round stabilizer uses 6-lb spars 050 x 040 ribs 6-lb 032 x 050 A- Cgrain airfoil same wing except rib just cut off trailing edge rudder outline made 5-lb 040 x 040 A-grain balsa landing gear must sturdy enough support weight model strut made hard /56 sq balsa Wheels cut bottom foam meat tray /e sq strip drilled lengthwise 020 bit wheel bearing have 020 drill glue small squares /16 sheet balsa side wheel make small hole through squares use white glue foam will dissolve small piece 015 wire glued strut acts axle procedure making wing landing gear sockets Cut tissue strips about long Take few drops white glue mix few drops water Lay strip tissue glue Take Vi6-in drill bit roll tissue around smooth end Very carefully slide tissue tube off drill bit place piece wax paper Let dry completely slide tube back smooth end drill cut required lengths nose block made piece -in sheet plug cut exactly fit nose opening made A6 sheet grain should run perpendicular nose block grain strength Cut V nose block per pictures use standard-thrust bearing Indoor models doing can change prop having make new nose block prop may contour nose block get rid squared-off look Give light coat clear dope keep rubber lube soaking wood makes very weak sure securely glue thrust bearing Propellers very important part Indoor model take time meet varying conditions fly props ranging 12 14 inches diameter pitches 22 27 inches will describe good general-purpose prop start 12-in dia 22-in P1tke cardboard template blade cut two blades out 6-lb 025 C-grain balsa Try match grain wood blade closely possible Sand blades just enough round edges bit Soak blades hot tap water 15 min Lay prop form can use can bottle jar jug 6 8 in diameter has smooth sides Lay wet blades form 150 left center Dont miss greatest Radio Control Show East iAlestchester County Center White Plains NY Its 18th annual show its sure biggest best ever years WRAM Show going largest yet Well over 150 manufacturers other exhibitors have already signed up bring everything thats new hobby engines radios accessories everything between famous Swap Shop will full operation thousands items Including built-up planes almost new radios engines on something just about everyone ADVANCED TICKET SALES Save time Order tickets now send check money order allow 3 weeks check clearance selfaddressed stamped envelope Ed Alexis RFD 3 20 Putnam Rd Peekakill NY 10566 day Ticket Two day Ticket under 12 yrs day STATIC COMPETITION models must operable aed RC controlled Trushiss andlor prizes awarded VCR tor Eest Show Automatic 35mm SLR Camera 1st place category Trophies other winners WOI SCALE SC ROATS POST tWit iMijuoul leiliurul POST Owl ScuLE sc sours INon-Mi/taryl INon-Miliurul PATTERN RACINII sic ROOTS S/ANT SCALE sTuNS-OFF ScuLE OLD TIMERS 205105 EVENTS SPORT sc cuss op 1/5 coolS SLIDERS sc cuss ove 1/5 snob OELIcSPTEsS 5EST-INSSSW rntns moot Imiso 0/0 /0 SPOtS Ovalabi Ito obtain pre-registratlon Static Competi tNt forms write linclude self-addressed stamped envelopel Allen Reinhardt 2 Douglas Drive Pleasantville NY 10570 Judging takes place Sanday afternoon Entries accepted until 12 Noon Sunday Special admission area will provided both days static display con testants bailt-up models Registration models will start 830 am morning SWAP SHOP WRAMs Swap Shop has become major show attractions thoasands Individual items changing hands help eliminate registration crash Swap Shop will proulde preregistration forms receive forms send self-addressed stamped envelope John Isbister 4 Devon Rd Larcumont NY 10538 SPECIAL NOTE year will no restrictions namber bailt-up models regis trant may place Swsp Shop further information write enclose SClf-addressed stamped envelope call Jerry Judge 39 Rome Ave. Apr lOB Bedford Hills NY 10501 914666-2604 WESTCHESTER RADIO AEROMODELERS INC TOo iSeOtOtoatOr county cooler/s 000tratly boated tOO 0/tt 00 wy/to vto/no Ny tOo /Otar 0601/00 otSt tOO 000101 Peru Ate end tOn 0000 0/00 080 way Wy/ta P0/00/n loot 22 rn/tea 000000 NYC Visit major Model Engine Collectors Association MECA display sale Antique Model Engines during weekend annual WRAM Show White Plains NY MECA activity will Saturday Evening February 22 1988 400 pm Midnight Ramada Inn Elmsford NY Ramada Inn 3/ miles WRAM Show Route 9A mile north Exit #2 off Interstate #287 $500 door donation requested help defray costs Lash form stretch gauze bandage just snug enough hold place Place preheated oven 2500 15 20 min prop spar made~m 8 lb -in length sanded rc 093 center tapering tips prop shaft made 015 wire bent shape shown plan After shaft put center spar bend end 90 angle glue Hot Stuff Make jig assemble blades hub 450 35 center hub very important both blades set exactly same angle take time right use plastic covering model sure cover wood windshield side windows go black tissue use black marking pen use condenser paper sure pre-shrink Condenser paper shrinks rather dra matically exposed heat can countered covering model high temperature environment such high temperature low humidity box built will describe Buy cardboard box size can get about $200 local department store size use measures about 24 x 11 x 12 Lay box its side sothetop opening facing Install two 150W January 1986 159 SHOW II 22/2S 10 light bulbs top box sure bulbs touch box would afire hazard Attach apiece clear plastic opening front box use four five large thumbtacks hold place Place humidity gauge inside can buy about $300 hardware store Turn lights drop plastic over front half-hour humidity will down around 20% 30% 900 1000 temperature Place part covered condenser paper box half-hour remove excess moisture ready covering raise plastic about half way can get inside work used thinned Micro-X condenser paper cement adhere covering works great condenser paper plastic film remove covered part high temperature low humidity box condenser paper will get limp Since will seldom fly humidity less 20% 30% temperature exceeding 900 1000 model should never warp cause condenser paper shrinkage parts finished time final assembly Glue tissue wing sock ets onto fuselage put wing posts sockets Glue wing wing posts Offset wing left center looking rear modelwhich makes wing panel longer inside left-hand circle Glue stabilizer fuselage mak ing sure trailing edge higher leading edge Glue rudder et turn Glue subrudder center Glue /n-in shim right side fuselage nose get left thrust Glue tissue landing gear sockets fuselage youre ready Test flying Start out using 25-in loop 085 rubber rubber use obtained FM Model Supply Put about 50 turns motor launch model hand should fly left circles 2530-ft diameter As add turns rubber torque will have put about in left wing panel Also use about washin left side stab best results trim model fly just edge stall full-power takeoffs center gravity CG should rearward model will take still have stable ffight adjust CG put dab clay back fuselage much duration get will depend upon familiar become model experimentation wrn soon find combination prop rubber will bejust right model Suppliers Indoor models Jim Jones 36631 Ledgestone Mt Clemens MI 48043 Indoor Model Supply PO Box 39 Garberville CA 95440 Micro-X Products Inc PO Box 1063 Lorain OH 44055 Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Wayland MA 01778 will glad answer other ques tions might have Send stamped pre addressed envelope Walter P Van Gorder 5669 Victoryview Lii Cincinnati OH 45238 call 513 922-3351 CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 72 two-day seminar attended 20 30 fliers per day futile flying ef forts speaking myself observed Big Art Archie Adamison Bill Zimmer Bob Gialdini Art set pattern after attempt finished shown Continued page 162 Twowipe n sjroovy easy-flying By-plane can fin ished semi-scale sport e end ply construction 70 top wing 60 bottom Direct Sales Wing Area 1250 eq In Only Power 75 124 2 cycleSend $1 Catalog Weight9tol0lbs 216484-6810 1728 Dywoed SE Canton OH 44707 ROUSH MFG 160 Model Aviation Two Ugly Stick Bipe umers Guide Radio Control Products THIRD EDITION ished Oct 11985 Its Listed Need See hobby shop order dfrect $075 Price $795 plus $180 UPS total ign air mail *1345 $795 plus *5501 US dollars pleese Send Check MO Credit Card info Consumers Guide 150 Ott St Hurrisonhurg VA 22801 434-0350 Name ____________________________________________ Address Charge Card No MC VISA CHOICE _____________________________________ MasterCard lB # ______________________ Expiration Date ___________________________ Signed
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 68, 69, 70, 158, 159, 160
Our author poses two versions model older right covered condenser paperand holds several AMA Indoor records newer left covered plastic writing has yet chance prove Itself competition article intended give starting point com bining yourown pieces fora strong competitor popular class Indoor models Manha ttan Pieces EWalter P Van Gorder whove never built models manner before what completed set cardboard templates looks like use careful record size weight building materials makes easy build duplicate modelsor spare parts repairs 68 Model Aviation cope varying conaitions ana iying sites Wait has assortment props range 1 2-1 4-in dimeterand 22-27-in pitch Prop building detailed text Three views nose block thrust bearing assembly V-notch allows different props fitted avoiding necessity building nose biockforeach prop Affixthethrust bearing glue coatthe nose biockwith cleardopeto prevent rubber lube absorption THIS ARTICLE written hope Manhattan Cabin class Indoor Rubber will become popular has especially since specifications now AMA rule book have Ed Whitten thank intro ducing Manhattan Cabin about 10 years ago tryingto create class having mixture Scale pure duration con cepts did see Manhattan Cabin model until 1977 have hooked ever since original rules have held up very well two changes time written model can now covered plastic film no microfilm con denser paper covering allowed original rules other change allows use 1 2-in-maxinium-span stabilizer great improvement model presented like Indoor models made up pieces various models have tried Thats named Manhattan Pieces first Man hattan copy John Triolos Sky scraper bit heavy five grams second model copy Jim Millers Cabin Fever started mix ing parts came up another model did much better latest version uses John Triolos fuselage modification rear hook position Jim Millers wing modified swept-back tips John Triolos prop Left holder four national records version covered condenser paper has hardware prove its worth Right same design covered plastic has appearance being covered microfilm microfilm covering allowed Manhattan rules January1986 69 Completed bare bones ready covering may wish experiment both types covering discussed text see best suits flying style site conditions OIOOOOAL EREAK01060501- WR Lvoowpos oo CE AND TE ROWWOs CELLOP5ARE TISSUE Tunes 1~ II /AsOSA7WWsLl5W WOOl 02AOAOOLO FOE CUT WOOLS FROMOI5WIFW A/ILK FOAM SWAT TRAY ALOE WOWEL OTBOWO i1p TE 5TLOWJt/WOTOEsTO I/0F15 OFFSET KOEOAO5AR5 .OOOIOSO5ISS -I Te modifications time Man hattan Pieces holds AMA records four ceiling categorieswith best time 523 Cat 752 Cat II 900 Cat III touching sites 65-ft ceil ing 937 Cat IV model has flights 1000 1004 West Baden before AMA records class think model has potential fly 11 12 minutes Lets get started building Keep good records wood sizes weights build model point reference building another replacing broken parts Construction model built four-gram minimum weight rules cover model condenser paper will have use wood 5 6-lb range cover model commercially-available plastic can use wood 7 8-lb range some plastic can much half weight lightest condenser paper construction notes refer con denser-paper-covered model holds records have new plastic-oovered model have able test enough make fair oomparison between two thing very noticeable plastic-covered model flies much faster think reason covering tight wing stabil izer airfoils much truer contrast condenser paper must put model much looser therefore air foils much thicker Rod Ganser also builds lot Manhattans says new model plastic covering also flies much faster think new plastic cov erings will lead experimentation different airfoils use Ambroid cement reduced 50% thinner Build both fuselage sides top other will exactly sameexcept diagonals alternate per dotted lines plan first attempt build Indoor model dont too concerned about weight Just build good solid well-aligned model work nose filled with Y32 sheet provide Continued page 158 70 Model Aviation 11W SO WE POST ROIWEES TOIT / 0000 lISA OTOOT cEcLOAse VW SO FiLL AIL IIWWL WITS IIAE00TWA FLTWOWLRR -I //I /V15EIA ALIOATUSDS KALLD0000WSLO kODROOFFE 505 SOURS IWSOITSOTTEDUSES c ASIAW 06 PROp WOW O5STWEREDTO005 _________ALL WAAORAL5 Wol/Of MANHATTAN PIECES MOCEL DESIOFEED ST WALTER TAM SOSOER aluminum tube rear peg simple winding stooge winding motor one-man operation Foiiow directions text polishing tube eliminate burrs can cut rubber nose guard provides protection against rubber breakage PILOTS TS RIOR TS T THE MOST SUPERIOR PILOT FIGURE ON THE MARKET LIGHTEST WEIGHT MOST REALISTIC AVAILABLE GIVE YOUR PLANE PILOT. FOR YOUR NEWEST OLDEST OR NEXT CREATION R YOURS TODAY FULL FIGURES CIVILIANWWII MILITARY 1/3 Scale $19951/5 Navy $1395 1/4ScaIe14951/6AAF1195 1 /5 Scale 1295 Plus 1/12 Scale895$250 shipping 1/12 Chopper 895each figure KNIGHTS OF THE AIR 1400 Rte 22 West Friendship MD 21794 301-489-5050 FL Y ME WINDSOCK Attaches antenna mast clips clips included Available frequency colors Give frequency number order 5u&H 65 Foreign orders add S8H $150 Calif Residents add 6% tax Product Brochure Free order Jet fla Products PO Box 484 Lake Elsinore CA 92330 714 674-1151 help underwrite costs host club may win very first contest will gain experience enjoy camaraderie associated competition Soon will winning share trophies ten sion meet never goes completely away us make mistakes contests natural No ridi culed seriously rate foul up crash front friends least riding thing personal injury remote injured pride give competition try may like us become hopelessly hooked Found Lost model has found near site La Junta SAM Champs no description model other number A9663 model AMA has no record number its yours can claim model identifying Nels C Larsen Jr 601 Elm St Lajunta CO 81050 Clarence Haught 3226 Honeysuckle Dr Coeur dAlene ID 83814 New AIIy/Mcllrath Continued page 67 accurate word satisfactory tried too optimistic past great-sounding plans like almost al ways went awry building custodian would forget show up key volleyball game would scheduled same time session time unlike others help experienced professionals Community Services staff publicized meetings scheduled gym handled quiries registration collected tu ition showed up schedule key Theirs quality operation start finish During winter flying hit some snags course problems staff handled phone calls knew ropes locating alternate site short notice As students think ap preciated rare opportunity responded enthusiasm didnt hear arguments about rules complaints about quality judging Thats quite incredible message have potential Indoor fliers area stymied lack place fly investigate adult education facilities nearest com munity college name local organization may different names junior college area college adult education extension service worth checking out Whatever name talk over might find best friend homeless Indoor flier ever Manhattan/Van Gorder Continued page 70 strength handling connecting fully-wound motor prop assembly rear motor supports made /16 sheet small -in round piece 1/ plywood glued inside added strength little trick use make sure aluminum tubing used rear peg highly polished use rubbing compound toothpaste will also work Polishing removes slightest nicks tubing have found little nicks can cause small nick rubber motor result premature failure other nice feature about aluminum tube rear motor peg can put 032 wire through hold model winding stooge Build rectangle part fuselage first Crack joints front rear rectangle glue rear end together put nose together will end up very straight true wellaligned fuselage dry lightly sand set aside Prepare building wing stab upper lower rudders making set cardboard templates shown pictures use soap cartons tem plates Make sure templates under size allow spars use 1-in squares scrap cardboardto hold spars against template during construction 158 Model Aviation 8 plustails Wind Direction Anytime Anywhere GOITIOLINI TRill PROFILE0COM8A 7RA T WIDE & NARROW WEDGE 7 5 6 oz Capacities UNIFLOW & STINDD Gumtrn usiA Vials Ingredients detailed bochurA50C stamps/check oni CAROLINATAFFINDER 8345 Delhi Road charleston Hgts. sc 29418 803-553-7169 wing structure its construction very simple Use following wood sizes/weights main spars 8 lb 6 x 6 sq ribs 6 6 lb /16 x 040 A- Cgrain tip spars 6 lb 6 tapered 050 x 050 After wing dry sand leading trailing edges main flat section airfoil shape Tip dihedral 2/56 use care exact Make four 1-in wing posts 6-lb balsa sand round stabilizer uses 6-lb spars 050 x 040 ribs 6-lb 032 x 050 A- Cgrain airfoil same wing except rib just cut off trailing edge rudder outline made 5-lb 040 x 040 A-grain balsa landing gear must sturdy enough support weight model strut made hard /56 sq balsa Wheels cut bottom foam meat tray /e sq strip drilled lengthwise 020 bit wheel bearing have 020 drill glue small squares /16 sheet balsa side wheel make small hole through squares use white glue foam will dissolve small piece 015 wire glued strut acts axle procedure making wing landing gear sockets Cut tissue strips about long Take few drops white glue mix few drops water Lay strip tissue glue Take Vi6-in drill bit roll tissue around smooth end Very carefully slide tissue tube off drill bit place piece wax paper Let dry completely slide tube back smooth end drill cut required lengths nose block made piece -in sheet plug cut exactly fit nose opening made A6 sheet grain should run perpendicular nose block grain strength Cut V nose block per pictures use standard-thrust bearing Indoor models doing can change prop having make new nose block prop may contour nose block get rid squared-off look Give light coat clear dope keep rubber lube soaking wood makes very weak sure securely glue thrust bearing Propellers very important part Indoor model take time meet varying conditions fly props ranging 12 14 inches diameter pitches 22 27 inches will describe good general-purpose prop start 12-in dia 22-in P1tke cardboard template blade cut two blades out 6-lb 025 C-grain balsa Try match grain wood blade closely possible Sand blades just enough round edges bit Soak blades hot tap water 15 min Lay prop form can use can bottle jar jug 6 8 in diameter has smooth sides Lay wet blades form 150 left center Dont miss greatest Radio Control Show East iAlestchester County Center White Plains NY Its 18th annual show its sure biggest best ever years WRAM Show going largest yet Well over 150 manufacturers other exhibitors have already signed up bring everything thats new hobby engines radios accessories everything between famous Swap Shop will full operation thousands items Including built-up planes almost new radios engines on something just about everyone ADVANCED TICKET SALES Save time Order tickets now send check money order allow 3 weeks check clearance selfaddressed stamped envelope Ed Alexis RFD 3 20 Putnam Rd Peekakill NY 10566 day Ticket Two day Ticket under 12 yrs day STATIC COMPETITION models must operable aed RC controlled Trushiss andlor prizes awarded VCR tor Eest Show Automatic 35mm SLR Camera 1st place category Trophies other winners WOI SCALE SC ROATS POST tWit iMijuoul leiliurul POST Owl ScuLE sc sours INon-Mi/taryl INon-Miliurul PATTERN RACINII sic ROOTS S/ANT SCALE sTuNS-OFF ScuLE OLD TIMERS 205105 EVENTS SPORT sc cuss op 1/5 coolS SLIDERS sc cuss ove 1/5 snob OELIcSPTEsS 5EST-INSSSW rntns moot Imiso 0/0 /0 SPOtS Ovalabi Ito obtain pre-registratlon Static Competi tNt forms write linclude self-addressed stamped envelopel Allen Reinhardt 2 Douglas Drive Pleasantville NY 10570 Judging takes place Sanday afternoon Entries accepted until 12 Noon Sunday Special admission area will provided both days static display con testants bailt-up models Registration models will start 830 am morning SWAP SHOP WRAMs Swap Shop has become major show attractions thoasands Individual items changing hands help eliminate registration crash Swap Shop will proulde preregistration forms receive forms send self-addressed stamped envelope John Isbister 4 Devon Rd Larcumont NY 10538 SPECIAL NOTE year will no restrictions namber bailt-up models regis trant may place Swsp Shop further information write enclose SClf-addressed stamped envelope call Jerry Judge 39 Rome Ave. Apr lOB Bedford Hills NY 10501 914666-2604 WESTCHESTER RADIO AEROMODELERS INC TOo iSeOtOtoatOr county cooler/s 000tratly boated tOO 0/tt 00 wy/to vto/no Ny tOo /Otar 0601/00 otSt tOO 000101 Peru Ate end tOn 0000 0/00 080 way Wy/ta P0/00/n loot 22 rn/tea 000000 NYC Visit major Model Engine Collectors Association MECA display sale Antique Model Engines during weekend annual WRAM Show White Plains NY MECA activity will Saturday Evening February 22 1988 400 pm Midnight Ramada Inn Elmsford NY Ramada Inn 3/ miles WRAM Show Route 9A mile north Exit #2 off Interstate #287 $500 door donation requested help defray costs Lash form stretch gauze bandage just snug enough hold place Place preheated oven 2500 15 20 min prop spar made~m 8 lb -in length sanded rc 093 center tapering tips prop shaft made 015 wire bent shape shown plan After shaft put center spar bend end 90 angle glue Hot Stuff Make jig assemble blades hub 450 35 center hub very important both blades set exactly same angle take time right use plastic covering model sure cover wood windshield side windows go black tissue use black marking pen use condenser paper sure pre-shrink Condenser paper shrinks rather dra matically exposed heat can countered covering model high temperature environment such high temperature low humidity box built will describe Buy cardboard box size can get about $200 local department store size use measures about 24 x 11 x 12 Lay box its side sothetop opening facing Install two 150W January 1986 159 SHOW II 22/2S 10 light bulbs top box sure bulbs touch box would afire hazard Attach apiece clear plastic opening front box use four five large thumbtacks hold place Place humidity gauge inside can buy about $300 hardware store Turn lights drop plastic over front half-hour humidity will down around 20% 30% 900 1000 temperature Place part covered condenser paper box half-hour remove excess moisture ready covering raise plastic about half way can get inside work used thinned Micro-X condenser paper cement adhere covering works great condenser paper plastic film remove covered part high temperature low humidity box condenser paper will get limp Since will seldom fly humidity less 20% 30% temperature exceeding 900 1000 model should never warp cause condenser paper shrinkage parts finished time final assembly Glue tissue wing sock ets onto fuselage put wing posts sockets Glue wing wing posts Offset wing left center looking rear modelwhich makes wing panel longer inside left-hand circle Glue stabilizer fuselage mak ing sure trailing edge higher leading edge Glue rudder et turn Glue subrudder center Glue /n-in shim right side fuselage nose get left thrust Glue tissue landing gear sockets fuselage youre ready Test flying Start out using 25-in loop 085 rubber rubber use obtained FM Model Supply Put about 50 turns motor launch model hand should fly left circles 2530-ft diameter As add turns rubber torque will have put about in left wing panel Also use about washin left side stab best results trim model fly just edge stall full-power takeoffs center gravity CG should rearward model will take still have stable ffight adjust CG put dab clay back fuselage much duration get will depend upon familiar become model experimentation wrn soon find combination prop rubber will bejust right model Suppliers Indoor models Jim Jones 36631 Ledgestone Mt Clemens MI 48043 Indoor Model Supply PO Box 39 Garberville CA 95440 Micro-X Products Inc PO Box 1063 Lorain OH 44055 Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Wayland MA 01778 will glad answer other ques tions might have Send stamped pre addressed envelope Walter P Van Gorder 5669 Victoryview Lii Cincinnati OH 45238 call 513 922-3351 CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 72 two-day seminar attended 20 30 fliers per day futile flying ef forts speaking myself observed Big Art Archie Adamison Bill Zimmer Bob Gialdini Art set pattern after attempt finished shown Continued page 162 Twowipe n sjroovy easy-flying By-plane can fin ished semi-scale sport e end ply construction 70 top wing 60 bottom Direct Sales Wing Area 1250 eq In Only Power 75 124 2 cycleSend $1 Catalog Weight9tol0lbs 216484-6810 1728 Dywoed SE Canton OH 44707 ROUSH MFG 160 Model Aviation Two Ugly Stick Bipe umers Guide Radio Control Products THIRD EDITION ished Oct 11985 Its Listed Need See hobby shop order dfrect $075 Price $795 plus $180 UPS total ign air mail *1345 $795 plus *5501 US dollars pleese Send Check MO Credit Card info Consumers Guide 150 Ott St Hurrisonhurg VA 22801 434-0350 Name ____________________________________________ Address Charge Card No MC VISA CHOICE _____________________________________ MasterCard lB # ______________________ Expiration Date ___________________________ Signed
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 68, 69, 70, 158, 159, 160
Our author poses two versions model older right covered condenser paperand holds several AMA Indoor records newer left covered plastic writing has yet chance prove Itself competition article intended give starting point com bining yourown pieces fora strong competitor popular class Indoor models Manha ttan Pieces EWalter P Van Gorder whove never built models manner before what completed set cardboard templates looks like use careful record size weight building materials makes easy build duplicate modelsor spare parts repairs 68 Model Aviation cope varying conaitions ana iying sites Wait has assortment props range 1 2-1 4-in dimeterand 22-27-in pitch Prop building detailed text Three views nose block thrust bearing assembly V-notch allows different props fitted avoiding necessity building nose biockforeach prop Affixthethrust bearing glue coatthe nose biockwith cleardopeto prevent rubber lube absorption THIS ARTICLE written hope Manhattan Cabin class Indoor Rubber will become popular has especially since specifications now AMA rule book have Ed Whitten thank intro ducing Manhattan Cabin about 10 years ago tryingto create class having mixture Scale pure duration con cepts did see Manhattan Cabin model until 1977 have hooked ever since original rules have held up very well two changes time written model can now covered plastic film no microfilm con denser paper covering allowed original rules other change allows use 1 2-in-maxinium-span stabilizer great improvement model presented like Indoor models made up pieces various models have tried Thats named Manhattan Pieces first Man hattan copy John Triolos Sky scraper bit heavy five grams second model copy Jim Millers Cabin Fever started mix ing parts came up another model did much better latest version uses John Triolos fuselage modification rear hook position Jim Millers wing modified swept-back tips John Triolos prop Left holder four national records version covered condenser paper has hardware prove its worth Right same design covered plastic has appearance being covered microfilm microfilm covering allowed Manhattan rules January1986 69 Completed bare bones ready covering may wish experiment both types covering discussed text see best suits flying style site conditions OIOOOOAL EREAK01060501- WR Lvoowpos oo CE AND TE ROWWOs CELLOP5ARE TISSUE Tunes 1~ II /AsOSA7WWsLl5W WOOl 02AOAOOLO FOE CUT WOOLS FROMOI5WIFW A/ILK FOAM SWAT TRAY ALOE WOWEL OTBOWO i1p TE 5TLOWJt/WOTOEsTO I/0F15 OFFSET KOEOAO5AR5 .OOOIOSO5ISS -I Te modifications time Man hattan Pieces holds AMA records four ceiling categorieswith best time 523 Cat 752 Cat II 900 Cat III touching sites 65-ft ceil ing 937 Cat IV model has flights 1000 1004 West Baden before AMA records class think model has potential fly 11 12 minutes Lets get started building Keep good records wood sizes weights build model point reference building another replacing broken parts Construction model built four-gram minimum weight rules cover model condenser paper will have use wood 5 6-lb range cover model commercially-available plastic can use wood 7 8-lb range some plastic can much half weight lightest condenser paper construction notes refer con denser-paper-covered model holds records have new plastic-oovered model have able test enough make fair oomparison between two thing very noticeable plastic-covered model flies much faster think reason covering tight wing stabil izer airfoils much truer contrast condenser paper must put model much looser therefore air foils much thicker Rod Ganser also builds lot Manhattans says new model plastic covering also flies much faster think new plastic cov erings will lead experimentation different airfoils use Ambroid cement reduced 50% thinner Build both fuselage sides top other will exactly sameexcept diagonals alternate per dotted lines plan first attempt build Indoor model dont too concerned about weight Just build good solid well-aligned model work nose filled with Y32 sheet provide Continued page 158 70 Model Aviation 11W SO WE POST ROIWEES TOIT / 0000 lISA OTOOT cEcLOAse VW SO FiLL AIL IIWWL WITS IIAE00TWA FLTWOWLRR -I //I /V15EIA ALIOATUSDS KALLD0000WSLO kODROOFFE 505 SOURS IWSOITSOTTEDUSES c ASIAW 06 PROp WOW O5STWEREDTO005 _________ALL WAAORAL5 Wol/Of MANHATTAN PIECES MOCEL DESIOFEED ST WALTER TAM SOSOER aluminum tube rear peg simple winding stooge winding motor one-man operation Foiiow directions text polishing tube eliminate burrs can cut rubber nose guard provides protection against rubber breakage PILOTS TS RIOR TS T THE MOST SUPERIOR PILOT FIGURE ON THE MARKET LIGHTEST WEIGHT MOST REALISTIC AVAILABLE GIVE YOUR PLANE PILOT. FOR YOUR NEWEST OLDEST OR NEXT CREATION R YOURS TODAY FULL FIGURES CIVILIANWWII MILITARY 1/3 Scale $19951/5 Navy $1395 1/4ScaIe14951/6AAF1195 1 /5 Scale 1295 Plus 1/12 Scale895$250 shipping 1/12 Chopper 895each figure KNIGHTS OF THE AIR 1400 Rte 22 West Friendship MD 21794 301-489-5050 FL Y ME WINDSOCK Attaches antenna mast clips clips included Available frequency colors Give frequency number order 5u&H 65 Foreign orders add S8H $150 Calif Residents add 6% tax Product Brochure Free order Jet fla Products PO Box 484 Lake Elsinore CA 92330 714 674-1151 help underwrite costs host club may win very first contest will gain experience enjoy camaraderie associated competition Soon will winning share trophies ten sion meet never goes completely away us make mistakes contests natural No ridi culed seriously rate foul up crash front friends least riding thing personal injury remote injured pride give competition try may like us become hopelessly hooked Found Lost model has found near site La Junta SAM Champs no description model other number A9663 model AMA has no record number its yours can claim model identifying Nels C Larsen Jr 601 Elm St Lajunta CO 81050 Clarence Haught 3226 Honeysuckle Dr Coeur dAlene ID 83814 New AIIy/Mcllrath Continued page 67 accurate word satisfactory tried too optimistic past great-sounding plans like almost al ways went awry building custodian would forget show up key volleyball game would scheduled same time session time unlike others help experienced professionals Community Services staff publicized meetings scheduled gym handled quiries registration collected tu ition showed up schedule key Theirs quality operation start finish During winter flying hit some snags course problems staff handled phone calls knew ropes locating alternate site short notice As students think ap preciated rare opportunity responded enthusiasm didnt hear arguments about rules complaints about quality judging Thats quite incredible message have potential Indoor fliers area stymied lack place fly investigate adult education facilities nearest com munity college name local organization may different names junior college area college adult education extension service worth checking out Whatever name talk over might find best friend homeless Indoor flier ever Manhattan/Van Gorder Continued page 70 strength handling connecting fully-wound motor prop assembly rear motor supports made /16 sheet small -in round piece 1/ plywood glued inside added strength little trick use make sure aluminum tubing used rear peg highly polished use rubbing compound toothpaste will also work Polishing removes slightest nicks tubing have found little nicks can cause small nick rubber motor result premature failure other nice feature about aluminum tube rear motor peg can put 032 wire through hold model winding stooge Build rectangle part fuselage first Crack joints front rear rectangle glue rear end together put nose together will end up very straight true wellaligned fuselage dry lightly sand set aside Prepare building wing stab upper lower rudders making set cardboard templates shown pictures use soap cartons tem plates Make sure templates under size allow spars use 1-in squares scrap cardboardto hold spars against template during construction 158 Model Aviation 8 plustails Wind Direction Anytime Anywhere GOITIOLINI TRill PROFILE0COM8A 7RA T WIDE & NARROW WEDGE 7 5 6 oz Capacities UNIFLOW & STINDD Gumtrn usiA Vials Ingredients detailed bochurA50C stamps/check oni CAROLINATAFFINDER 8345 Delhi Road charleston Hgts. sc 29418 803-553-7169 wing structure its construction very simple Use following wood sizes/weights main spars 8 lb 6 x 6 sq ribs 6 6 lb /16 x 040 A- Cgrain tip spars 6 lb 6 tapered 050 x 050 After wing dry sand leading trailing edges main flat section airfoil shape Tip dihedral 2/56 use care exact Make four 1-in wing posts 6-lb balsa sand round stabilizer uses 6-lb spars 050 x 040 ribs 6-lb 032 x 050 A- Cgrain airfoil same wing except rib just cut off trailing edge rudder outline made 5-lb 040 x 040 A-grain balsa landing gear must sturdy enough support weight model strut made hard /56 sq balsa Wheels cut bottom foam meat tray /e sq strip drilled lengthwise 020 bit wheel bearing have 020 drill glue small squares /16 sheet balsa side wheel make small hole through squares use white glue foam will dissolve small piece 015 wire glued strut acts axle procedure making wing landing gear sockets Cut tissue strips about long Take few drops white glue mix few drops water Lay strip tissue glue Take Vi6-in drill bit roll tissue around smooth end Very carefully slide tissue tube off drill bit place piece wax paper Let dry completely slide tube back smooth end drill cut required lengths nose block made piece -in sheet plug cut exactly fit nose opening made A6 sheet grain should run perpendicular nose block grain strength Cut V nose block per pictures use standard-thrust bearing Indoor models doing can change prop having make new nose block prop may contour nose block get rid squared-off look Give light coat clear dope keep rubber lube soaking wood makes very weak sure securely glue thrust bearing Propellers very important part Indoor model take time meet varying conditions fly props ranging 12 14 inches diameter pitches 22 27 inches will describe good general-purpose prop start 12-in dia 22-in P1tke cardboard template blade cut two blades out 6-lb 025 C-grain balsa Try match grain wood blade closely possible Sand blades just enough round edges bit Soak blades hot tap water 15 min Lay prop form can use can bottle jar jug 6 8 in diameter has smooth sides Lay wet blades form 150 left center Dont miss greatest Radio Control Show East iAlestchester County Center White Plains NY Its 18th annual show its sure biggest best ever years WRAM Show going largest yet Well over 150 manufacturers other exhibitors have already signed up bring everything thats new hobby engines radios accessories everything between famous Swap Shop will full operation thousands items Including built-up planes almost new radios engines on something just about everyone ADVANCED TICKET SALES Save time Order tickets now send check money order allow 3 weeks check clearance selfaddressed stamped envelope Ed Alexis RFD 3 20 Putnam Rd Peekakill NY 10566 day Ticket Two day Ticket under 12 yrs day STATIC COMPETITION models must operable aed RC controlled Trushiss andlor prizes awarded VCR tor Eest Show Automatic 35mm SLR Camera 1st place category Trophies other winners WOI SCALE SC ROATS POST tWit iMijuoul leiliurul POST Owl ScuLE sc sours INon-Mi/taryl INon-Miliurul PATTERN RACINII sic ROOTS S/ANT SCALE sTuNS-OFF ScuLE OLD TIMERS 205105 EVENTS SPORT sc cuss op 1/5 coolS SLIDERS sc cuss ove 1/5 snob OELIcSPTEsS 5EST-INSSSW rntns moot Imiso 0/0 /0 SPOtS Ovalabi Ito obtain pre-registratlon Static Competi tNt forms write linclude self-addressed stamped envelopel Allen Reinhardt 2 Douglas Drive Pleasantville NY 10570 Judging takes place Sanday afternoon Entries accepted until 12 Noon Sunday Special admission area will provided both days static display con testants bailt-up models Registration models will start 830 am morning SWAP SHOP WRAMs Swap Shop has become major show attractions thoasands Individual items changing hands help eliminate registration crash Swap Shop will proulde preregistration forms receive forms send self-addressed stamped envelope John Isbister 4 Devon Rd Larcumont NY 10538 SPECIAL NOTE year will no restrictions namber bailt-up models regis trant may place Swsp Shop further information write enclose SClf-addressed stamped envelope call Jerry Judge 39 Rome Ave. Apr lOB Bedford Hills NY 10501 914666-2604 WESTCHESTER RADIO AEROMODELERS INC TOo iSeOtOtoatOr county cooler/s 000tratly boated tOO 0/tt 00 wy/to vto/no Ny tOo /Otar 0601/00 otSt tOO 000101 Peru Ate end tOn 0000 0/00 080 way Wy/ta P0/00/n loot 22 rn/tea 000000 NYC Visit major Model Engine Collectors Association MECA display sale Antique Model Engines during weekend annual WRAM Show White Plains NY MECA activity will Saturday Evening February 22 1988 400 pm Midnight Ramada Inn Elmsford NY Ramada Inn 3/ miles WRAM Show Route 9A mile north Exit #2 off Interstate #287 $500 door donation requested help defray costs Lash form stretch gauze bandage just snug enough hold place Place preheated oven 2500 15 20 min prop spar made~m 8 lb -in length sanded rc 093 center tapering tips prop shaft made 015 wire bent shape shown plan After shaft put center spar bend end 90 angle glue Hot Stuff Make jig assemble blades hub 450 35 center hub very important both blades set exactly same angle take time right use plastic covering model sure cover wood windshield side windows go black tissue use black marking pen use condenser paper sure pre-shrink Condenser paper shrinks rather dra matically exposed heat can countered covering model high temperature environment such high temperature low humidity box built will describe Buy cardboard box size can get about $200 local department store size use measures about 24 x 11 x 12 Lay box its side sothetop opening facing Install two 150W January 1986 159 SHOW II 22/2S 10 light bulbs top box sure bulbs touch box would afire hazard Attach apiece clear plastic opening front box use four five large thumbtacks hold place Place humidity gauge inside can buy about $300 hardware store Turn lights drop plastic over front half-hour humidity will down around 20% 30% 900 1000 temperature Place part covered condenser paper box half-hour remove excess moisture ready covering raise plastic about half way can get inside work used thinned Micro-X condenser paper cement adhere covering works great condenser paper plastic film remove covered part high temperature low humidity box condenser paper will get limp Since will seldom fly humidity less 20% 30% temperature exceeding 900 1000 model should never warp cause condenser paper shrinkage parts finished time final assembly Glue tissue wing sock ets onto fuselage put wing posts sockets Glue wing wing posts Offset wing left center looking rear modelwhich makes wing panel longer inside left-hand circle Glue stabilizer fuselage mak ing sure trailing edge higher leading edge Glue rudder et turn Glue subrudder center Glue /n-in shim right side fuselage nose get left thrust Glue tissue landing gear sockets fuselage youre ready Test flying Start out using 25-in loop 085 rubber rubber use obtained FM Model Supply Put about 50 turns motor launch model hand should fly left circles 2530-ft diameter As add turns rubber torque will have put about in left wing panel Also use about washin left side stab best results trim model fly just edge stall full-power takeoffs center gravity CG should rearward model will take still have stable ffight adjust CG put dab clay back fuselage much duration get will depend upon familiar become model experimentation wrn soon find combination prop rubber will bejust right model Suppliers Indoor models Jim Jones 36631 Ledgestone Mt Clemens MI 48043 Indoor Model Supply PO Box 39 Garberville CA 95440 Micro-X Products Inc PO Box 1063 Lorain OH 44055 Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Wayland MA 01778 will glad answer other ques tions might have Send stamped pre addressed envelope Walter P Van Gorder 5669 Victoryview Lii Cincinnati OH 45238 call 513 922-3351 CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 72 two-day seminar attended 20 30 fliers per day futile flying ef forts speaking myself observed Big Art Archie Adamison Bill Zimmer Bob Gialdini Art set pattern after attempt finished shown Continued page 162 Twowipe n sjroovy easy-flying By-plane can fin ished semi-scale sport e end ply construction 70 top wing 60 bottom Direct Sales Wing Area 1250 eq In Only Power 75 124 2 cycleSend $1 Catalog Weight9tol0lbs 216484-6810 1728 Dywoed SE Canton OH 44707 ROUSH MFG 160 Model Aviation Two Ugly Stick Bipe umers Guide Radio Control Products THIRD EDITION ished Oct 11985 Its Listed Need See hobby shop order dfrect $075 Price $795 plus $180 UPS total ign air mail *1345 $795 plus *5501 US dollars pleese Send Check MO Credit Card info Consumers Guide 150 Ott St Hurrisonhurg VA 22801 434-0350 Name ____________________________________________ Address Charge Card No MC VISA CHOICE _____________________________________ MasterCard lB # ______________________ Expiration Date ___________________________ Signed
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 68, 69, 70, 158, 159, 160
Our author poses two versions model older right covered condenser paperand holds several AMA Indoor records newer left covered plastic writing has yet chance prove Itself competition article intended give starting point com bining yourown pieces fora strong competitor popular class Indoor models Manha ttan Pieces EWalter P Van Gorder whove never built models manner before what completed set cardboard templates looks like use careful record size weight building materials makes easy build duplicate modelsor spare parts repairs 68 Model Aviation cope varying conaitions ana iying sites Wait has assortment props range 1 2-1 4-in dimeterand 22-27-in pitch Prop building detailed text Three views nose block thrust bearing assembly V-notch allows different props fitted avoiding necessity building nose biockforeach prop Affixthethrust bearing glue coatthe nose biockwith cleardopeto prevent rubber lube absorption THIS ARTICLE written hope Manhattan Cabin class Indoor Rubber will become popular has especially since specifications now AMA rule book have Ed Whitten thank intro ducing Manhattan Cabin about 10 years ago tryingto create class having mixture Scale pure duration con cepts did see Manhattan Cabin model until 1977 have hooked ever since original rules have held up very well two changes time written model can now covered plastic film no microfilm con denser paper covering allowed original rules other change allows use 1 2-in-maxinium-span stabilizer great improvement model presented like Indoor models made up pieces various models have tried Thats named Manhattan Pieces first Man hattan copy John Triolos Sky scraper bit heavy five grams second model copy Jim Millers Cabin Fever started mix ing parts came up another model did much better latest version uses John Triolos fuselage modification rear hook position Jim Millers wing modified swept-back tips John Triolos prop Left holder four national records version covered condenser paper has hardware prove its worth Right same design covered plastic has appearance being covered microfilm microfilm covering allowed Manhattan rules January1986 69 Completed bare bones ready covering may wish experiment both types covering discussed text see best suits flying style site conditions OIOOOOAL EREAK01060501- WR Lvoowpos oo CE AND TE ROWWOs CELLOP5ARE TISSUE Tunes 1~ II /AsOSA7WWsLl5W WOOl 02AOAOOLO FOE CUT WOOLS FROMOI5WIFW A/ILK FOAM SWAT TRAY ALOE WOWEL OTBOWO i1p TE 5TLOWJt/WOTOEsTO I/0F15 OFFSET KOEOAO5AR5 .OOOIOSO5ISS -I Te modifications time Man hattan Pieces holds AMA records four ceiling categorieswith best time 523 Cat 752 Cat II 900 Cat III touching sites 65-ft ceil ing 937 Cat IV model has flights 1000 1004 West Baden before AMA records class think model has potential fly 11 12 minutes Lets get started building Keep good records wood sizes weights build model point reference building another replacing broken parts Construction model built four-gram minimum weight rules cover model condenser paper will have use wood 5 6-lb range cover model commercially-available plastic can use wood 7 8-lb range some plastic can much half weight lightest condenser paper construction notes refer con denser-paper-covered model holds records have new plastic-oovered model have able test enough make fair oomparison between two thing very noticeable plastic-covered model flies much faster think reason covering tight wing stabil izer airfoils much truer contrast condenser paper must put model much looser therefore air foils much thicker Rod Ganser also builds lot Manhattans says new model plastic covering also flies much faster think new plastic cov erings will lead experimentation different airfoils use Ambroid cement reduced 50% thinner Build both fuselage sides top other will exactly sameexcept diagonals alternate per dotted lines plan first attempt build Indoor model dont too concerned about weight Just build good solid well-aligned model work nose filled with Y32 sheet provide Continued page 158 70 Model Aviation 11W SO WE POST ROIWEES TOIT / 0000 lISA OTOOT cEcLOAse VW SO FiLL AIL IIWWL WITS IIAE00TWA FLTWOWLRR -I //I /V15EIA ALIOATUSDS KALLD0000WSLO kODROOFFE 505 SOURS IWSOITSOTTEDUSES c ASIAW 06 PROp WOW O5STWEREDTO005 _________ALL WAAORAL5 Wol/Of MANHATTAN PIECES MOCEL DESIOFEED ST WALTER TAM SOSOER aluminum tube rear peg simple winding stooge winding motor one-man operation Foiiow directions text polishing tube eliminate burrs can cut rubber nose guard provides protection against rubber breakage PILOTS TS RIOR TS T THE MOST SUPERIOR PILOT FIGURE ON THE MARKET LIGHTEST WEIGHT MOST REALISTIC AVAILABLE GIVE YOUR PLANE PILOT. FOR YOUR NEWEST OLDEST OR NEXT CREATION R YOURS TODAY FULL FIGURES CIVILIANWWII MILITARY 1/3 Scale $19951/5 Navy $1395 1/4ScaIe14951/6AAF1195 1 /5 Scale 1295 Plus 1/12 Scale895$250 shipping 1/12 Chopper 895each figure KNIGHTS OF THE AIR 1400 Rte 22 West Friendship MD 21794 301-489-5050 FL Y ME WINDSOCK Attaches antenna mast clips clips included Available frequency colors Give frequency number order 5u&H 65 Foreign orders add S8H $150 Calif Residents add 6% tax Product Brochure Free order Jet fla Products PO Box 484 Lake Elsinore CA 92330 714 674-1151 help underwrite costs host club may win very first contest will gain experience enjoy camaraderie associated competition Soon will winning share trophies ten sion meet never goes completely away us make mistakes contests natural No ridi culed seriously rate foul up crash front friends least riding thing personal injury remote injured pride give competition try may like us become hopelessly hooked Found Lost model has found near site La Junta SAM Champs no description model other number A9663 model AMA has no record number its yours can claim model identifying Nels C Larsen Jr 601 Elm St Lajunta CO 81050 Clarence Haught 3226 Honeysuckle Dr Coeur dAlene ID 83814 New AIIy/Mcllrath Continued page 67 accurate word satisfactory tried too optimistic past great-sounding plans like almost al ways went awry building custodian would forget show up key volleyball game would scheduled same time session time unlike others help experienced professionals Community Services staff publicized meetings scheduled gym handled quiries registration collected tu ition showed up schedule key Theirs quality operation start finish During winter flying hit some snags course problems staff handled phone calls knew ropes locating alternate site short notice As students think ap preciated rare opportunity responded enthusiasm didnt hear arguments about rules complaints about quality judging Thats quite incredible message have potential Indoor fliers area stymied lack place fly investigate adult education facilities nearest com munity college name local organization may different names junior college area college adult education extension service worth checking out Whatever name talk over might find best friend homeless Indoor flier ever Manhattan/Van Gorder Continued page 70 strength handling connecting fully-wound motor prop assembly rear motor supports made /16 sheet small -in round piece 1/ plywood glued inside added strength little trick use make sure aluminum tubing used rear peg highly polished use rubbing compound toothpaste will also work Polishing removes slightest nicks tubing have found little nicks can cause small nick rubber motor result premature failure other nice feature about aluminum tube rear motor peg can put 032 wire through hold model winding stooge Build rectangle part fuselage first Crack joints front rear rectangle glue rear end together put nose together will end up very straight true wellaligned fuselage dry lightly sand set aside Prepare building wing stab upper lower rudders making set cardboard templates shown pictures use soap cartons tem plates Make sure templates under size allow spars use 1-in squares scrap cardboardto hold spars against template during construction 158 Model Aviation 8 plustails Wind Direction Anytime Anywhere GOITIOLINI TRill PROFILE0COM8A 7RA T WIDE & NARROW WEDGE 7 5 6 oz Capacities UNIFLOW & STINDD Gumtrn usiA Vials Ingredients detailed bochurA50C stamps/check oni CAROLINATAFFINDER 8345 Delhi Road charleston Hgts. sc 29418 803-553-7169 wing structure its construction very simple Use following wood sizes/weights main spars 8 lb 6 x 6 sq ribs 6 6 lb /16 x 040 A- Cgrain tip spars 6 lb 6 tapered 050 x 050 After wing dry sand leading trailing edges main flat section airfoil shape Tip dihedral 2/56 use care exact Make four 1-in wing posts 6-lb balsa sand round stabilizer uses 6-lb spars 050 x 040 ribs 6-lb 032 x 050 A- Cgrain airfoil same wing except rib just cut off trailing edge rudder outline made 5-lb 040 x 040 A-grain balsa landing gear must sturdy enough support weight model strut made hard /56 sq balsa Wheels cut bottom foam meat tray /e sq strip drilled lengthwise 020 bit wheel bearing have 020 drill glue small squares /16 sheet balsa side wheel make small hole through squares use white glue foam will dissolve small piece 015 wire glued strut acts axle procedure making wing landing gear sockets Cut tissue strips about long Take few drops white glue mix few drops water Lay strip tissue glue Take Vi6-in drill bit roll tissue around smooth end Very carefully slide tissue tube off drill bit place piece wax paper Let dry completely slide tube back smooth end drill cut required lengths nose block made piece -in sheet plug cut exactly fit nose opening made A6 sheet grain should run perpendicular nose block grain strength Cut V nose block per pictures use standard-thrust bearing Indoor models doing can change prop having make new nose block prop may contour nose block get rid squared-off look Give light coat clear dope keep rubber lube soaking wood makes very weak sure securely glue thrust bearing Propellers very important part Indoor model take time meet varying conditions fly props ranging 12 14 inches diameter pitches 22 27 inches will describe good general-purpose prop start 12-in dia 22-in P1tke cardboard template blade cut two blades out 6-lb 025 C-grain balsa Try match grain wood blade closely possible Sand blades just enough round edges bit Soak blades hot tap water 15 min Lay prop form can use can bottle jar jug 6 8 in diameter has smooth sides Lay wet blades form 150 left center Dont miss greatest Radio Control Show East iAlestchester County Center White Plains NY Its 18th annual show its sure biggest best ever years WRAM Show going largest yet Well over 150 manufacturers other exhibitors have already signed up bring everything thats new hobby engines radios accessories everything between famous Swap Shop will full operation thousands items Including built-up planes almost new radios engines on something just about everyone ADVANCED TICKET SALES Save time Order tickets now send check money order allow 3 weeks check clearance selfaddressed stamped envelope Ed Alexis RFD 3 20 Putnam Rd Peekakill NY 10566 day Ticket Two day Ticket under 12 yrs day STATIC COMPETITION models must operable aed RC controlled Trushiss andlor prizes awarded VCR tor Eest Show Automatic 35mm SLR Camera 1st place category Trophies other winners WOI SCALE SC ROATS POST tWit iMijuoul leiliurul POST Owl ScuLE sc sours INon-Mi/taryl INon-Miliurul PATTERN RACINII sic ROOTS S/ANT SCALE sTuNS-OFF ScuLE OLD TIMERS 205105 EVENTS SPORT sc cuss op 1/5 coolS SLIDERS sc cuss ove 1/5 snob OELIcSPTEsS 5EST-INSSSW rntns moot Imiso 0/0 /0 SPOtS Ovalabi Ito obtain pre-registratlon Static Competi tNt forms write linclude self-addressed stamped envelopel Allen Reinhardt 2 Douglas Drive Pleasantville NY 10570 Judging takes place Sanday afternoon Entries accepted until 12 Noon Sunday Special admission area will provided both days static display con testants bailt-up models Registration models will start 830 am morning SWAP SHOP WRAMs Swap Shop has become major show attractions thoasands Individual items changing hands help eliminate registration crash Swap Shop will proulde preregistration forms receive forms send self-addressed stamped envelope John Isbister 4 Devon Rd Larcumont NY 10538 SPECIAL NOTE year will no restrictions namber bailt-up models regis trant may place Swsp Shop further information write enclose SClf-addressed stamped envelope call Jerry Judge 39 Rome Ave. Apr lOB Bedford Hills NY 10501 914666-2604 WESTCHESTER RADIO AEROMODELERS INC TOo iSeOtOtoatOr county cooler/s 000tratly boated tOO 0/tt 00 wy/to vto/no Ny tOo /Otar 0601/00 otSt tOO 000101 Peru Ate end tOn 0000 0/00 080 way Wy/ta P0/00/n loot 22 rn/tea 000000 NYC Visit major Model Engine Collectors Association MECA display sale Antique Model Engines during weekend annual WRAM Show White Plains NY MECA activity will Saturday Evening February 22 1988 400 pm Midnight Ramada Inn Elmsford NY Ramada Inn 3/ miles WRAM Show Route 9A mile north Exit #2 off Interstate #287 $500 door donation requested help defray costs Lash form stretch gauze bandage just snug enough hold place Place preheated oven 2500 15 20 min prop spar made~m 8 lb -in length sanded rc 093 center tapering tips prop shaft made 015 wire bent shape shown plan After shaft put center spar bend end 90 angle glue Hot Stuff Make jig assemble blades hub 450 35 center hub very important both blades set exactly same angle take time right use plastic covering model sure cover wood windshield side windows go black tissue use black marking pen use condenser paper sure pre-shrink Condenser paper shrinks rather dra matically exposed heat can countered covering model high temperature environment such high temperature low humidity box built will describe Buy cardboard box size can get about $200 local department store size use measures about 24 x 11 x 12 Lay box its side sothetop opening facing Install two 150W January 1986 159 SHOW II 22/2S 10 light bulbs top box sure bulbs touch box would afire hazard Attach apiece clear plastic opening front box use four five large thumbtacks hold place Place humidity gauge inside can buy about $300 hardware store Turn lights drop plastic over front half-hour humidity will down around 20% 30% 900 1000 temperature Place part covered condenser paper box half-hour remove excess moisture ready covering raise plastic about half way can get inside work used thinned Micro-X condenser paper cement adhere covering works great condenser paper plastic film remove covered part high temperature low humidity box condenser paper will get limp Since will seldom fly humidity less 20% 30% temperature exceeding 900 1000 model should never warp cause condenser paper shrinkage parts finished time final assembly Glue tissue wing sock ets onto fuselage put wing posts sockets Glue wing wing posts Offset wing left center looking rear modelwhich makes wing panel longer inside left-hand circle Glue stabilizer fuselage mak ing sure trailing edge higher leading edge Glue rudder et turn Glue subrudder center Glue /n-in shim right side fuselage nose get left thrust Glue tissue landing gear sockets fuselage youre ready Test flying Start out using 25-in loop 085 rubber rubber use obtained FM Model Supply Put about 50 turns motor launch model hand should fly left circles 2530-ft diameter As add turns rubber torque will have put about in left wing panel Also use about washin left side stab best results trim model fly just edge stall full-power takeoffs center gravity CG should rearward model will take still have stable ffight adjust CG put dab clay back fuselage much duration get will depend upon familiar become model experimentation wrn soon find combination prop rubber will bejust right model Suppliers Indoor models Jim Jones 36631 Ledgestone Mt Clemens MI 48043 Indoor Model Supply PO Box 39 Garberville CA 95440 Micro-X Products Inc PO Box 1063 Lorain OH 44055 Ray Harlan 15 Happy Hollow Rd Wayland MA 01778 will glad answer other ques tions might have Send stamped pre addressed envelope Walter P Van Gorder 5669 Victoryview Lii Cincinnati OH 45238 call 513 922-3351 CL Aerobatics/Fancher Continued page 72 two-day seminar attended 20 30 fliers per day futile flying ef forts speaking myself observed Big Art Archie Adamison Bill Zimmer Bob Gialdini Art set pattern after attempt finished shown Continued page 162 Twowipe n sjroovy easy-flying By-plane can fin ished semi-scale sport e end ply construction 70 top wing 60 bottom Direct Sales Wing Area 1250 eq In Only Power 75 124 2 cycleSend $1 Catalog Weight9tol0lbs 216484-6810 1728 Dywoed SE Canton OH 44707 ROUSH MFG 160 Model Aviation Two Ugly Stick Bipe umers Guide Radio Control Products THIRD EDITION ished Oct 11985 Its Listed Need See hobby shop order dfrect $075 Price $795 plus $180 UPS total ign air mail *1345 $795 plus *5501 US dollars pleese Send Check MO Credit Card info Consumers Guide 150 Ott St Hurrisonhurg VA 22801 434-0350 Name ____________________________________________ Address Charge Card No MC VISA CHOICE _____________________________________ MasterCard lB # ______________________ Expiration Date ___________________________ Signed