Midwest Sport Racer ANYONE interested engines probably has thought about getting some form racing Im no different Though am primarily Free Flighter grew up Control Line background thanks father still remember trying get two laps Scientific Kingpin crashing fly lot Free Flight contests Just Iwas beginning feel would nice try something different along came good CL club Milwaukee Circlemasters wonderful group provided fine flying field enthusiasm category Control Line Racing emphasizes fun low cost engine/plane set ups practice can make almost anyone competitive John Lorbiecki pursue new aspect modeling found out about Midwest Sport Racing basic rules follow fuselage must profile type 18 long wing has span 34 chord 6 plain-bearing non-Schnuerle 35 engine required gether suction fuel system 10%nitro fuel Races 100 laps three planes circle three pit stops required lot fun fly type event specs model speeds typically high 90 low 100mph rangea reasonable clip rookie start model presented good example models flown Midwest although much construc tion concept comes Free Flight background particularly FAI Power very lightweight strong enough take much abuse wing offset 4 drag reduction enclosing much lines within wing flat-bottom airfoil used ease con struction thanks number Midwest fliers such Larry Dziak Jerry Meyers Billy Hughes ideas incorporated design must also give credit fellow club members Roger Beitman Gordie Teschendorf have very free advice learned hard way always willing help beginner heat competition nothing unusual about fuse lage other landing gear must made 2024-T3 aluminum type gear strengthens models nose oonstructed mounted shown airplane can landed high speed taxied pitman gear can cut out hacksaw hand drill Construction notes Everything except doublers glued thick cyanoacrylate CyA such Gap Zap Super Hot Stuff truly competitive model must light strong select wood ac cording job must engine will use should chosen ginning fuselage can made proper cutouts mounting holes wing best place start everything built around top bottom 1/16-in sheeting use A-grain balsa weighing 14 16 gin 1A6 x 3 x 36-in piece pine spar glued between sheeting should straight-grained strong Use wax paper underneath sheeting gluing spar simple technique constructing wing Hot Stuff Tips video76 Model Aviation author poses racer Ciasses such requiring super high performance and/or expensive equipment machine shop competi tive bread butter CL Racing Most evident shot offset wing Borrowing FAi CL Speed modeis iines within extended inner wing pansi lowering overaii drag iines Simpie paint scheme attractive easy match shouid repairs become necessary tape put out Satellite City First have hand firm straight surface building need soft accept pins pins wont used Use 3M 77 Spraymount adhesive hold sheeting work surface Cut exact wingspan chord balsa sheets prepared earlier sheet wax paper cut about 4 longer span Spray side wax paper contact cement put side down building surface taking care no bulges creases Spray wax paper once again cement after few minutes place balsa sheeting di rectly wax paper Dont alarmed sheeting easily removed wax paper contact cement adheres sheeting can easily rubbed off after wing constructed Cut leading edge shape glue place Using square ruler mark rib locations shown plans felttip pen good Cut out bellcrank platform mount crank sharp X-Acto knife following tem plate closely possible Using drill sharpened piece brass tubing cut holes lead-outs ribs Lay ribs position lower sheeting glue Either thin thick CyA will work fine thin type easier use because rib can simply held place thin CyA run joint Install lead-outs pushrod Add vertical-grain webbing shown plans Use large sanding block entire wing structure remove bumps bulges wing tips should place before sanding completed add tip weight time trailing edge lower sheet should slightly tapered sanding block good fit upper sheet Prepare upper sheeting leaving ex cess stock chord span Using metal straightedge trim side sheet trial-fit wing trimmed edge butted against leading edge trim palms both hands roll sheeting place across chord using pressure over areas CyA applied Slide hands around sheet assure no loose joints Thats Sand entire wing final shape preparation fiberglassing used 6-oz K&B fiberglass cloth glued place Hobbypoxy 2 properly done entire fiberglassing process will add no 125 oz weight Cut piece cloth will extend tip tip wide enough cover both top bottom Mix two beads epoxy approx 2 long will applied short stiff-bristled acid brush purchased hardware store low enough price used once discarded Also have hand heat source such MonoKote heat gun hair drier Lay cloth over top wing Starting trailing edge apply about half-brushful epoxy wing through fiberglass Using heat gun warm epoxy until begins flow Left Offset landing gear crucial good handling ground fast pitting Right Engine side-mounted per rules extension carburetor helps provide vacuum necessary consistent runs required suction fuel system Left Details landing gear/engine mount plate Easy fabrication long trouble-free life Its strong points Right Crankcase Series 75 K&B 35 has reversed facilitate priming Tankvents shutoff positions help speed up pit stops using flat-head screw Decide point lead-outs external internal use music wire 048-in dia lead-outs recommend internal mounting less drag Make master rib template sheet aluminum Cut out required ribs necessary obtain good fit next step works like magic Run bead thick CyA rib joint top sheeting will touch also bead edge sheet will touch leading edge Slide sheet place leading edge using epoxy heated enough will begin run like water Brushthe glue around until no gloss important part process Continue doing over entire structure complete hang wing lead-outs cure overnight After has cured trim away excess cloth January 1986 77 Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 172 3/8i HLS DIA HO 1 CTRSNK TO 36 TIA 5/6it I/S 510 HOLE /8 0________________________ FUEL LINE SHUT OFF BRACKET LEAD 0511[I5II- ___IFf LEADOuT I IF -H- II VS 3A23/16 P /16 T~3 1/4 133/4 0 I 1/4. R_______ 7/ISF77F7 v16Li~~J 7/821/16 2/2 2 3/8I/S DIA HOLE WHEEL STRUT7 PACES 3/32 YAK 2024-73 5URINUM5 3/8 511/16 3 /16 MIDWEST SPORT RACER DESIGNED BY JOAN E LORBIECKI ENGINE OHOWNDRAWN ST JOHN E LORBIECKI AND JOGEPH E ARGON LS PLYWOODK ANO 35INKED BY JOSEPH F ARSON FINISH I SF10 6 OZ FIBERGLASS CLOTH OYERA.L I/IA GRAIN BALSAWITH HOBBY POXY 0 GLLE 2 APPLY 2 COADS OF HOBBY FOXY CLEAR THEN I/IA 01/4 PINE0WETOAND WITH 300 GAIT SANDPAPER 3 SPRAY COAT OF HOBBY ODET COLORED SPRAY PAINT -I/SOS BALSAWINO NOTO ID 4 S/IS IN SHORTER THAN LEFT WING ____VERTICAL ORAlS WEBBING1/6 MEDIOM BALSA MEASORED FROM FUSELAGE TO WINO TIP TYPICAL 6188 REQUIREDAREA 203 50 IN LENGTH 05 3/B INWINS SPAN 35 5/4 IN WHEEL STRUT I/IS HR BRASS 0 IN VACO SELLERANIS _______o000 TIK HEIGHT ______________ ____________________________________________________________[v32][b10666503600]] I I II I IIII I[ 3/32 Il I PLYWOOD I I II I L IIIII I IIIII I I IIIpI II I U --GROLL 00 WHO CONYRY. HORN 2 SEGF4-HO 01 I/S LO ROOND 016 016 CONTROL .INE CARLOFOOL LINE SHOT OFT BRACAETHEAD SCREW WITH 4-HO LONA LOCK NOT I/IS DIG MOTIC AIRO3/B HARD BAUSA FOR TAIL AND HISS EPOOT AND SLGSSCLOTH 20 WHO KEEPEROEBROSOLDESED COOPLERBALSA POSH ROD COYER 401/0 LS WOOD SCREW I I 314 014 WHEEL I 3/IA HARD BALSAII KLATT HINGE_____ HREQoi~ijn-- I____ IVA-s-Il 171.. 3/IS HARD BASA~I III glue loose spots fiberglass CyA After light sanding wing ready finish Stabilizer Use 1214-lb balsa lead ing trailing edges should rounded entire stab should sanded remove irregularities elevator should also rounded sanded over Note piece plywood used under control horns reinforce elevator high-stress point Set aside parts until later Fuselage Use ball-point pen fine-line marker outline overall shape cutouts various components blank hard straight-grained balsa Ac curately cut out blank band saw sharp knife engine bearers cut oak hard maple glued onto blank Sand both sides fuselage smooth flat Cut out doublers fit fuselage Trim good fit engine Taper rear doublers shown plans before gluing Titebond Elmers Wood Glue use C-clamps vise hold pressure glue dries Carefully fit wing fuselage try gouge wing sliding place After fit obtained remove wing sand fuselage shape wing now ready final mount ing Carefully square fuselage glue place Hobbypoxy 2 0I23/4 56 maximum strength stab can also hacksaw Round edges drill mounted taking care parallel holes wingUsing heavy fiberglass cloth epoxy landing gear can made theglass wing-to-fuselage joint using wing/fuselage joint curing Trace thesame technique used wing covering template onto sheet 090-in 2024-T3Two layers cloth will help keep joint cut shape band saw orContinued page 90 78 Model Aviation Johns wife Pat poses Midwest Sport Racer finish Hobbypoxy red white biue Engine man Lorbiecki shares good information simpie rework Author pica DAVE ROBELENS PRONTO AND SUPER PRONTO HIGH QUALITY 48 SPAN KIT FOR 09 TO 25 ENGINES FEATURES AlewingdesignwthNgh wing stsjility arel excellent inverte pertrxmaece GenhlefcrlbenoviceFuntorlte expeil wib vereatile petiamarice 4-6 hair i1-llre assembly f Cr beginrur Ptecisiac masNrte-cut 86 balsa plywoCri arel spwce Rdled lull size plars showing fl canpiete wing Step-t-step ktbors fur easy assembly Famed main Iarxling gear Excepilaul small lletii perfcMmance May tewn ito 3 clmnels Tested mcurnmerdnl arvi aproved RIC Maleler Megazire arel Malel Aviation -July 1984 IF THE ENGINE IS GOING TO RUN THIS WILL START IT Held $39g5 &Wrmnta Reid $4995 m*r m yaw isitutm net stack ader 1 deater acler direct tar post paid delively Virginia reScknts jd 4O/ sales 12X TIDEWATER HOBBY ENTERPRISES / Route 1Box24lD Lanexa Virginia 23089 Phone 18041 966-5092 2 burn 20 25 gallons fuel year share grass field gophers Hot restarts runway often difficult modified electric starter NiCad pack too heavy awkward carry runway wanted something small light Bumpstart 1 /2 diameter standard size drive cone 6 long weighs 10/2 02 did want bat tery charge designed around stainless steel spring spring wound turning body drive cone opposite directions four complete turns three turns 10 25 enginesl steel ratchet inside locks spring tension use starter tire plug hold aircraft hand Bump drive cone rubber against spinner prop nut drive cone slides back releases spring energy spins engine Bumpetart does have some limitations like best through 1010 50 size engines pit start pattern aircraft Piped ST. 61 ABC Four cycle Yes OW rotation No like idea see hobby dealer order direct PS have retired electric starter NEU KRAFT INC 921 12th St NE Jamestown ND 58401 701 252-1092 Sincerely Chet Neukom 24983 List Price $3495 US Check allow time MO Postage Paid ND Res Add 4/o testing sound levels Belgian team members suspected little hanky panky full-throttle tests seems being tested sound levels much lower anyone else good reason Renaat Lemniens Belgium has new patented tuned pipe does outstanding new piece equipment Flevohof Lemmens pipe constructed basically carbon fiberwith alinerof fiberglass Itis extremely light Belgians tested 9596dBA ground exceptional Dave Brown brought back possibly may market pipe US Going price over $3800 Dean Pappas columnist Fly ing Models got testing report ing FM lookout report 14th World Championships F3A memorable event Organ izing Committee volunteers Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Associ ation plus various clubs deserve lot credit job well done As own Academy Netherlands aeromod eling division celebrating its 50th anm versary What better way publicize celebrate event very suc cessful World Championships Racer/Lorbiecki Continued page 78 cracking under heavy use must reinforce wing-fuselage joint fi bergiass Final assembly finishing Mount engine landing gear plate fuel tank fuel shutoff satisfied fit everything unmount hardware apply finish original done red white blue Hobbypoxy kind finish takes little longer apply durable gives nice shine also very lightweight easy repaint need choose method used first brush coat clear Hobbypoxy Light ly sand coat apply another After coat has cured wet-sand entire model 320-grit wet/dry paper After final sanding surface should glass-smooth Note elevator yet installed Decide paint scheme will use fancy pattern looks nice hard match model needs repaired Spray base color over entire model Mask areas second color black electrical tape Spray epoxy after has heated slightly container hot water make paint fluid easier spray painting com plete let cure day two rubout finish automotive rubbing compound Waxing model over produces nice shiny finish will last long time Mount elevator favorite Continued page 92 90 Model Aviation PA1TERN SHIP AS GOOD AS YOU ARE. MAYBE BETTER T1ucik Technician totally functional design combines great flying characteristics ease construc tion good looks first quality kit throughout FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE FOAM CORES BASIC KIT BASIC HARDWARE PKG DELUXE KIT ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ALL REQUIRED BALSAS MOTOR MOUNT AND HARDWARE BASIC KIT. $ 9495 DELUXE KIT 495 See Dealer First DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED L&L MODEL BY PRODUCTS 513 3850912 7342 Applerldge Court CIncInnatI OhIo 45247 TARBaby TRANSMITTER CASE Especially Turn-around thisAn inexpensive rugged molded 850 sq 120 4 cyclecase protect expensive powered Ron Chidgey designtransmitter both two atick smooth solid performersingle stick transmitters Brown Rib templates computerleather grain aluminum trim plotted Plans construc / tion hints -$1195and locking clasp -$1895 WING TUBE & SOCKETSNEW WING MOUNTING SET Aluminum alloy tubing plug-in wing mounting system developed Ron Chidgey wings Included pair fast neat accurate stays tight Three special slip-fit phenolic sockets nylon brackets screws machined wing blocks build wing structure included $695 Now size models 718 die x2- $ 895 1% diax 2-S 995 1/s dis x 3- $1495 GP Gator RIC Products 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 See Dealer Order Direct Phone AC 904 476-8639Include $150 Per Item UPS binges used Klett hinges worked very well Mount control horns flight control other fuel shutoffta elevator Hook up pushrod make sure control system functions freely Mount shutoff hook up proper horn should activate application full-down elevator should snap firmly acti vated Mount engine tank time final step mount tail wing skids model ready fly engine important part racer rules Midwest Sport Racing state production 35 engine must used must loop-scavenged plain bearing use stock components internally predominate engine written K&B 35 Series 75 Supertigre 35C plain bearingbeing second stock K&B good runner may wish start out stock unit few tips however should help run better racing events fast restart important engine have good fit between piston ring liner Finding good piston liner set fairly easy can done tools Take stock liner slide ring using bottom piston align ring bore Slide ring topmost part liner piston will normally ride Sight through liner light look gaps light leaks around ring gap try another liner/ring combination until set can found allows no light shine around ring After good ring has found way check its end gap feeler gauge should between 002-004 ring will seal properly less use small file remove material needed get proper gap After good ring liner assembly have found lower part liner about 25 above exhaust port should relieved choked reduce drag ring liner An automative brake hone some lightweight oil can used Run electric drill slow speed stroke liner up down careful go too far up liner material being removed should 0015 0025 total step essential though helps Clean parts thoroughly remove grit hone important Reworking crankshaft can result significant increase power idea change intake timing closes 62 after top dead center TDC will need 3600 protractor vise small piece music wire some kind mechanical stop stop could depth micrometer though such tool required Mount protractor crank music wire serves pointer should mounted engines lugs Continued page 168 92 Model Aviation LLAALLL 13311 Beach Ave na Del Rey CA FOX 19 BUSHING EXCEPTIONAL POWER Fox 19 truly exceptional baffle piston motor easily powerful baffle motors probably powerful bushing 19 motors superb performer has now market long enough thoroughly de bugged American-made featuring Mark series carburetor VISA MasterCard Accepted Fox MFG CO 5305 TOWSON AVE FORT SMITH AR 72901 5011 646-1656 above wing line-slider near CL Navy Carrier/PerrYtip Cam used nylon nose gear block Continued page 75the tail hook mount added plywood both sides fuselage have difficult U-2 re-formers hook could bolted mained aboard after landing been1 removed crane after America returned -vThe wing modified much portfuselage bass replacing A-in prefer Army Airbalsa spars A6-in vertical-grain webForce aircraft such P-39 5 1bing added between spars wing event twin-engine op-was mounted permanently fuselage tion Although Doolittles raiders didntrather being removable land B-25s carrier Navykit tested modified Marine PBJ-lH AAF surfaces A-in sheet balsa equivalent B-25J tail hookare adequate long balsa hard catapult gear aboard ussenough might consider increasing Shangri-La 1944the thickness using carbon tape overThere has never abundance oflay increase rigidity A-in dowel kits available Class II Carrierelevator-joiner should replaced events phaseout Sterlingwire joiner standard Control Line Guardian kit problem particularlypractice acute An alternative has found end result efforts Class however least two Carrier modelersI small-engine Class II model have converted Royal Productsabout 230 square inches wing area AA Radio Control Sport Scale kits usea weight about 24 pounds Cor Class I/Il Carrier models Cam Martinsair indication Fcyal has very flew F4U Corsair Nats using ancareful scale dimensions series 05 40 FSR Class 05 45 FSRof kits detectable deviations Class II line also includes Zerothe Corsair thickness tail P-S 1surfaces sheet balsa used Cams modifications F4U adaptsimplify construction kit larger engine provide Thats time Keep hook bellcrank mount tail hook in-dry crease strength critical areas fuselage consists plywood ring formers Richard L Perry 7578 Vogels Way A-in-square balsa stringers andSpringfield VA 22153 A-in sheet covering Cam replaced ____________________________________ balsa stringers bass spruce would Racer/Lorbiecki also work well added additional stringers approximately double Continued page 92 original number also added stringer two area would used location protractor crank holding model pull test critical pointer should long 6-in sheeting has developed some cracks enough extend along perimeter aft cowl Cam suggests fiber- protractor Set stop point glass reinforcement area piston will contact before reaching TDC kit has A-in plywood box Hold stop flange liner mounting engine radio equip- rotate engine until piston lightly ment Engine bearers added touches stop inside box inverted engine Note reading protractor Withinstallation fuel tank fits top out moving stop rotate crank the motor mounts bellcrank hangs opposite direction until piston lightly below lead-outs routed touches stop Note number Sub*** NEW IMPROVED glier Wutf Madd wIlk mare wait Paws *tAIAKlllTUS Pstent No s ** VVI1ILII * *-p * Dealers Invited ,, * ----S * w-------s-p .orarrafltvDS-p lone year .10ftCOR * w * torDry * Stick Abrasives *-p *A Keen Machine gives exceptional *sanding control excellent tinish * * 5995 Basic xci 1 fIat Wend 1 each5 *882 lIar 1 hail Balder Sneosi xci *1 UOrxund wand 5 xl B ents-p * *129~ Deicoe ncudes3flat2hall rxondp -p *e grits-p * dional Wends Abrasives available4 *-p *WANDIT MANUFACTURING 214 288-5789 * * PO Box 266 s Mesquite Texas 751494 168 Model Aviation RC Bore 850 Stroke Displacement199 WeightA oz RPM 8-4 prop15000 Fuel consumption40 mm Atom Back Approx Wt 175 os Displacement 09 CU Ifl Bore- 5 Stroke 5 Piston Steel Crank case Magnesium Allay lOriginall Crankshaft Bearing Silicon Bronze Cylinder- Chromally Steel Approx RPM 0 Iwith Grey Cax 7 x 4 propl Price guaranteed through 1995 FOB Los Angeles cA Add *250 shIpping per engine CA residents add 8% Sales Tax Order Direct ATOM smallest ignition engines ever produced DesIgned R Arden further developments John Morrill Simplex Engines Limited Production Run Delivery 10 12 weeks ARO will receive wIthin 7 days order con firming postcard verify receipt order give assigned engine number ap proximate delivery date Morrill-ADC PO Box 1210 Simi Valley CA 93062 tract bigger number smaller divide result two Add number smaller number previously obtained result number TDC exact way find TDC actually easier sounds number found TDC add 62 rotate crank running direc don until protractor reads number ie TDC ill new timing mark Using scribe scratch crank through venturi hole scribe mark should left side hole viewing engine front Verify scratch disassemble engine Using carbide burr widen intake opening crank until scribe mark just barely visible Leave corners radi used remove bumps other machine marks work will done crank Slide crank front housing should spin free no side-to-side up/down movement crank tight can carefully lapped main bearing Remember clean both housing crank remove residue lapping compound fit loose excessive movement vertically horizontally replace bearing acquire another front housing Some people like chrome crank feel free have done facility doing available Endplay fore aft movement should minimized about 011 015 placing shims behind thrust washer excessive end-play crank pin may hit backplate help stuff crankcase increase crankcase compression have manufac tured new backplate bar stock An easier way to cut piece aluminum will fit cutout backplate hold place rivet two trick Doc Anderson used older STs head should set up about 012 clearance between squishband flat area head flaVf piston machine work has done remove sharp corners head prevent detonation Also check baffle piston has ample clearance slot head turns 0100 PONFONRANCE 0850 LAUNtOER GLIORMS PNON LIGOTREIGET ALUMINUM BEVERAGE CANS TWO FULL SIZE PATTERNS YUAN CNOICRI ILLUSTRATRO FABRICATION ANN FLYING INSTRUCTIONS NO01 AEBITIONAL PATTERNS NIlS RACE OR Sb FACE IPICE ROI SOUTUBASTERt PA NEROSA EONS EU IIRONRI out problem short giow plug life head may have jacked up 004 time reduce damage plug has provided best runs us has K&B Long hardest part running engine suction tank deciding venturi use large hole must used get power engine large hole may introduce fuel draw prob lems needle valve setup fuel tank also critical hole spraybar should enlarged approx 055 dia located about 15 below lip venturi ran some manometer tests found maximum draw angle venturi has worked well extends out housing about 6 needle valve going through its centerline about 2 above housing hole 343 dia venturi shape machined fuel tank location critical Just 12 m up down can make difference between engine run consistent throughout full tank rich beginning lean end Experi mentation needed get best run out whatever system used Assemble engine test run careful keep parts clean during assembly engine should flip over smartly leaks ring try running before switching another ring some engines take quart fuel proper seating test engine 8-8 Rev-Up prop good use Try something around 16000 rpm Flying Cut set lines match airplane Test run engine try shutoff several times sure functioning Fill tank fly model always fill tank takeoff feed line far forward engine may stop before leaving ground tank isnt full engine running rich have pilot fly little high see will go lean lean shut off richen needle setting before ring seal damaged landing practice catching model restarting Continued page 172 Plastic Film Finishes Liquid Finishes *1095 HARRY B HIGLEY SONS INC P o max 532 GLENWOOD ILL 60425 January1986 169 LLEX{ELAND GIANTS I4W FOR GIANT SCALE BUFFS Cot PEY5A $42 ACUrt JNd JR007 $20 PEYSA $58 60 VoOt CorE P4U$25 96W 081 NonyRoco $481 00 VogI CorE F4Ll $697 52W Ww12l Rod L $26 54 SDDowoiNII 21 $40 . 77WWool2l EodL$4872Cor 0201/4 L&S $45 84 FO8kET 07 Ftr . $30162 Holoord Oooo Ike $46 60 Howord FetE BOON 52277 Booino E17G Port $35 70 RayleE GoE. 032 103 Oo E17G Fort $55 80 SUportoorioo 500 $24 60 DRUO 046A Ob. $32 EOOApErroarinE 566 032 108 Sikor 538 Awpk $40 62 CArt Noook P-AR $42 60 EoN 100 Sport $30 94 CUrHonk F-AN Pt $54r- 00 Roe 100 Sport l 62 Lorkhaod V00 . 024 90 StinrALor Wino $58 74 DooliOleN 0 B 11 $48 00 Mortin 74 TdM1 $30 95 MANONOUP Sport $36 75 HPg 0400 Eorok $35 00 Ho Spr EUlidog $43 100 H-Po 0400 Boor $49 107 Arottoo C-3 Opt $25 80 0Rororo VSUiI 039 U~iW 61 DOUOION 038 Obs $32 77 LANUOOOk SOdOT $25 122 000010 0380k $49 73 N Mitk Eorrrb $49 94 Fog CUrl Boo 045 AS ldMoroAdRr 6-24 $49 71 Mortln 810 Bonok $29 01 DO MoSqUito BiN $42 78 TUrner WW Boo $35r- 100 58 MON9UEOTr8 $55 * AO.. 64 CAY Goshk Fl 1C2 542 90 StNr FTI7Koy4t $56 94 CUP Golrk FliCO 054- 99 NEIk Widow PAl $89 .w...w.AA DeHon ConoNt Rae $24 71 DoUO DC2 lroo $32 A2 MrMUIIlgoo 035 95 DOUO DC3 Tron $55 94 M i9aO $45 06 Howk Teooro 13535 8380 g F-26A Ftr 536 100 CorO2Ul/4 L&0 $56 .eo.EU 04 Boo 0 P20A Frr $40 80 DoUOIo M2 Moil $24 oco C-A Cobin $36 60 OriNrol Boildog Prr $30 64 Oeooh C17-E Otog $38 59 BrowoNacEMeLA $56 96 OR C li-B Stog $49 107 Gruor Beorot POP $541 55 OUlIEleotro $30 73 TroxorI Air 6000 $24 02 o kDlRcto $40 107 Mot MB-i Boo $44 - 62 StloSor T/W 5B7 $16 91 Liodhero NO211 $39 01 Stlooo T/W SE7 $24 100 Poirolr9T19 Tr $591 122 Otloeon T/W SB7 $30 90 Woco TaperWiog $39 59 Britol Ptr P2-B $20 75 W.tI4 LyNoodEr $32 70 ErIstol Ftr P2-B $32 100 WotId Lyondor $49 10 BrIStol Ftr 928 $45 57 Pord lriwrr 4AT $28 74 TI PREOR Spec $45 76 Ford Trirorr 4AT 045 83 Sllyrooket XPSP1 824 114 Ford Triwtr dAT 859 58 CA WRkk 940 $24 04 BorIJoyoe XPJ2 $56 70 Look Liohtng P38 $38 93 LURTiVO CSAbnk9Ir $69 56 Rep So-Oeo Aw $24 58 GrUrnJ2P DUO $39 74 OepSEo-B Anoph $39 70 GrAwJ2P DUOII $56 106 Piper J3 CUk 53959 Gotlra GIV Bow $22 90 [oRk HAdNo Onk $30 117 GothA G1V Bow $29 63 GrAw PAP HelIRot $20 68 BrAOWiolole Bird $45 55 Heath Oak Bolt $241- 54 CArt Swift 0F934 528 Sold OkrA DEaler Frio~okjEoI chono -- AmER ForCe SoEIATea QUARTER SIZE AtUtIOFIA0 neridO 96 tE 50o Op 6122 PattR Aiwoy Iol Add 10% order f6pploo & iON. Oto USA Coo & MeA BIsnorharo 15% 25% ky oirl Piotoriol RotalAO $200 liodAde PrioR LiRti Price Iit eNriUT oboe $1 00 ky foreigo odd 01 00 wnw -CLEVELAND MODEL&SUPPLYCo bAOCOPAoNASRAO SEOUER S PAOE*REAoIAtION RRRR ENIREE NIACE ItF ooRnrRrOHAEoRI SOSOyB 0606097 AVE CLEVELAND OHIO 44102 CA.-RIw-OAUSr PhooR 515 PMES 0 100 ST 218 981 200$ -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 76, 77, 78, 90, 92, 168, 169, 172
Midwest Sport Racer ANYONE interested engines probably has thought about getting some form racing Im no different Though am primarily Free Flighter grew up Control Line background thanks father still remember trying get two laps Scientific Kingpin crashing fly lot Free Flight contests Just Iwas beginning feel would nice try something different along came good CL club Milwaukee Circlemasters wonderful group provided fine flying field enthusiasm category Control Line Racing emphasizes fun low cost engine/plane set ups practice can make almost anyone competitive John Lorbiecki pursue new aspect modeling found out about Midwest Sport Racing basic rules follow fuselage must profile type 18 long wing has span 34 chord 6 plain-bearing non-Schnuerle 35 engine required gether suction fuel system 10%nitro fuel Races 100 laps three planes circle three pit stops required lot fun fly type event specs model speeds typically high 90 low 100mph rangea reasonable clip rookie start model presented good example models flown Midwest although much construc tion concept comes Free Flight background particularly FAI Power very lightweight strong enough take much abuse wing offset 4 drag reduction enclosing much lines within wing flat-bottom airfoil used ease con struction thanks number Midwest fliers such Larry Dziak Jerry Meyers Billy Hughes ideas incorporated design must also give credit fellow club members Roger Beitman Gordie Teschendorf have very free advice learned hard way always willing help beginner heat competition nothing unusual about fuse lage other landing gear must made 2024-T3 aluminum type gear strengthens models nose oonstructed mounted shown airplane can landed high speed taxied pitman gear can cut out hacksaw hand drill Construction notes Everything except doublers glued thick cyanoacrylate CyA such Gap Zap Super Hot Stuff truly competitive model must light strong select wood ac cording job must engine will use should chosen ginning fuselage can made proper cutouts mounting holes wing best place start everything built around top bottom 1/16-in sheeting use A-grain balsa weighing 14 16 gin 1A6 x 3 x 36-in piece pine spar glued between sheeting should straight-grained strong Use wax paper underneath sheeting gluing spar simple technique constructing wing Hot Stuff Tips video76 Model Aviation author poses racer Ciasses such requiring super high performance and/or expensive equipment machine shop competi tive bread butter CL Racing Most evident shot offset wing Borrowing FAi CL Speed modeis iines within extended inner wing pansi lowering overaii drag iines Simpie paint scheme attractive easy match shouid repairs become necessary tape put out Satellite City First have hand firm straight surface building need soft accept pins pins wont used Use 3M 77 Spraymount adhesive hold sheeting work surface Cut exact wingspan chord balsa sheets prepared earlier sheet wax paper cut about 4 longer span Spray side wax paper contact cement put side down building surface taking care no bulges creases Spray wax paper once again cement after few minutes place balsa sheeting di rectly wax paper Dont alarmed sheeting easily removed wax paper contact cement adheres sheeting can easily rubbed off after wing constructed Cut leading edge shape glue place Using square ruler mark rib locations shown plans felttip pen good Cut out bellcrank platform mount crank sharp X-Acto knife following tem plate closely possible Using drill sharpened piece brass tubing cut holes lead-outs ribs Lay ribs position lower sheeting glue Either thin thick CyA will work fine thin type easier use because rib can simply held place thin CyA run joint Install lead-outs pushrod Add vertical-grain webbing shown plans Use large sanding block entire wing structure remove bumps bulges wing tips should place before sanding completed add tip weight time trailing edge lower sheet should slightly tapered sanding block good fit upper sheet Prepare upper sheeting leaving ex cess stock chord span Using metal straightedge trim side sheet trial-fit wing trimmed edge butted against leading edge trim palms both hands roll sheeting place across chord using pressure over areas CyA applied Slide hands around sheet assure no loose joints Thats Sand entire wing final shape preparation fiberglassing used 6-oz K&B fiberglass cloth glued place Hobbypoxy 2 properly done entire fiberglassing process will add no 125 oz weight Cut piece cloth will extend tip tip wide enough cover both top bottom Mix two beads epoxy approx 2 long will applied short stiff-bristled acid brush purchased hardware store low enough price used once discarded Also have hand heat source such MonoKote heat gun hair drier Lay cloth over top wing Starting trailing edge apply about half-brushful epoxy wing through fiberglass Using heat gun warm epoxy until begins flow Left Offset landing gear crucial good handling ground fast pitting Right Engine side-mounted per rules extension carburetor helps provide vacuum necessary consistent runs required suction fuel system Left Details landing gear/engine mount plate Easy fabrication long trouble-free life Its strong points Right Crankcase Series 75 K&B 35 has reversed facilitate priming Tankvents shutoff positions help speed up pit stops using flat-head screw Decide point lead-outs external internal use music wire 048-in dia lead-outs recommend internal mounting less drag Make master rib template sheet aluminum Cut out required ribs necessary obtain good fit next step works like magic Run bead thick CyA rib joint top sheeting will touch also bead edge sheet will touch leading edge Slide sheet place leading edge using epoxy heated enough will begin run like water Brushthe glue around until no gloss important part process Continue doing over entire structure complete hang wing lead-outs cure overnight After has cured trim away excess cloth January 1986 77 Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 172 3/8i HLS DIA HO 1 CTRSNK TO 36 TIA 5/6it I/S 510 HOLE /8 0________________________ FUEL LINE SHUT OFF BRACKET LEAD 0511[I5II- ___IFf LEADOuT I IF -H- II VS 3A23/16 P /16 T~3 1/4 133/4 0 I 1/4. R_______ 7/ISF77F7 v16Li~~J 7/821/16 2/2 2 3/8I/S DIA HOLE WHEEL STRUT7 PACES 3/32 YAK 2024-73 5URINUM5 3/8 511/16 3 /16 MIDWEST SPORT RACER DESIGNED BY JOAN E LORBIECKI ENGINE OHOWNDRAWN ST JOHN E LORBIECKI AND JOGEPH E ARGON LS PLYWOODK ANO 35INKED BY JOSEPH F ARSON FINISH I SF10 6 OZ FIBERGLASS CLOTH OYERA.L I/IA GRAIN BALSAWITH HOBBY POXY 0 GLLE 2 APPLY 2 COADS OF HOBBY FOXY CLEAR THEN I/IA 01/4 PINE0WETOAND WITH 300 GAIT SANDPAPER 3 SPRAY COAT OF HOBBY ODET COLORED SPRAY PAINT -I/SOS BALSAWINO NOTO ID 4 S/IS IN SHORTER THAN LEFT WING ____VERTICAL ORAlS WEBBING1/6 MEDIOM BALSA MEASORED FROM FUSELAGE TO WINO TIP TYPICAL 6188 REQUIREDAREA 203 50 IN LENGTH 05 3/B INWINS SPAN 35 5/4 IN WHEEL STRUT I/IS HR BRASS 0 IN VACO SELLERANIS _______o000 TIK HEIGHT ______________ ____________________________________________________________[v32][b10666503600]] I I II I IIII I[ 3/32 Il I PLYWOOD I I II I L IIIII I IIIII I I IIIpI II I U --GROLL 00 WHO CONYRY. HORN 2 SEGF4-HO 01 I/S LO ROOND 016 016 CONTROL .INE CARLOFOOL LINE SHOT OFT BRACAETHEAD SCREW WITH 4-HO LONA LOCK NOT I/IS DIG MOTIC AIRO3/B HARD BAUSA FOR TAIL AND HISS EPOOT AND SLGSSCLOTH 20 WHO KEEPEROEBROSOLDESED COOPLERBALSA POSH ROD COYER 401/0 LS WOOD SCREW I I 314 014 WHEEL I 3/IA HARD BALSAII KLATT HINGE_____ HREQoi~ijn-- I____ IVA-s-Il 171.. 3/IS HARD BASA~I III glue loose spots fiberglass CyA After light sanding wing ready finish Stabilizer Use 1214-lb balsa lead ing trailing edges should rounded entire stab should sanded remove irregularities elevator should also rounded sanded over Note piece plywood used under control horns reinforce elevator high-stress point Set aside parts until later Fuselage Use ball-point pen fine-line marker outline overall shape cutouts various components blank hard straight-grained balsa Ac curately cut out blank band saw sharp knife engine bearers cut oak hard maple glued onto blank Sand both sides fuselage smooth flat Cut out doublers fit fuselage Trim good fit engine Taper rear doublers shown plans before gluing Titebond Elmers Wood Glue use C-clamps vise hold pressure glue dries Carefully fit wing fuselage try gouge wing sliding place After fit obtained remove wing sand fuselage shape wing now ready final mount ing Carefully square fuselage glue place Hobbypoxy 2 0I23/4 56 maximum strength stab can also hacksaw Round edges drill mounted taking care parallel holes wingUsing heavy fiberglass cloth epoxy landing gear can made theglass wing-to-fuselage joint using wing/fuselage joint curing Trace thesame technique used wing covering template onto sheet 090-in 2024-T3Two layers cloth will help keep joint cut shape band saw orContinued page 90 78 Model Aviation Johns wife Pat poses Midwest Sport Racer finish Hobbypoxy red white biue Engine man Lorbiecki shares good information simpie rework Author pica DAVE ROBELENS PRONTO AND SUPER PRONTO HIGH QUALITY 48 SPAN KIT FOR 09 TO 25 ENGINES FEATURES AlewingdesignwthNgh wing stsjility arel excellent inverte pertrxmaece GenhlefcrlbenoviceFuntorlte expeil wib vereatile petiamarice 4-6 hair i1-llre assembly f Cr beginrur Ptecisiac masNrte-cut 86 balsa plywoCri arel spwce Rdled lull size plars showing fl canpiete wing Step-t-step ktbors fur easy assembly Famed main Iarxling gear Excepilaul small lletii perfcMmance May tewn ito 3 clmnels Tested mcurnmerdnl arvi aproved RIC Maleler Megazire arel Malel Aviation -July 1984 IF THE ENGINE IS GOING TO RUN THIS WILL START IT Held $39g5 &Wrmnta Reid $4995 m*r m yaw isitutm net stack ader 1 deater acler direct tar post paid delively Virginia reScknts jd 4O/ sales 12X TIDEWATER HOBBY ENTERPRISES / Route 1Box24lD Lanexa Virginia 23089 Phone 18041 966-5092 2 burn 20 25 gallons fuel year share grass field gophers Hot restarts runway often difficult modified electric starter NiCad pack too heavy awkward carry runway wanted something small light Bumpstart 1 /2 diameter standard size drive cone 6 long weighs 10/2 02 did want bat tery charge designed around stainless steel spring spring wound turning body drive cone opposite directions four complete turns three turns 10 25 enginesl steel ratchet inside locks spring tension use starter tire plug hold aircraft hand Bump drive cone rubber against spinner prop nut drive cone slides back releases spring energy spins engine Bumpetart does have some limitations like best through 1010 50 size engines pit start pattern aircraft Piped ST. 61 ABC Four cycle Yes OW rotation No like idea see hobby dealer order direct PS have retired electric starter NEU KRAFT INC 921 12th St NE Jamestown ND 58401 701 252-1092 Sincerely Chet Neukom 24983 List Price $3495 US Check allow time MO Postage Paid ND Res Add 4/o testing sound levels Belgian team members suspected little hanky panky full-throttle tests seems being tested sound levels much lower anyone else good reason Renaat Lemniens Belgium has new patented tuned pipe does outstanding new piece equipment Flevohof Lemmens pipe constructed basically carbon fiberwith alinerof fiberglass Itis extremely light Belgians tested 9596dBA ground exceptional Dave Brown brought back possibly may market pipe US Going price over $3800 Dean Pappas columnist Fly ing Models got testing report ing FM lookout report 14th World Championships F3A memorable event Organ izing Committee volunteers Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Associ ation plus various clubs deserve lot credit job well done As own Academy Netherlands aeromod eling division celebrating its 50th anm versary What better way publicize celebrate event very suc cessful World Championships Racer/Lorbiecki Continued page 78 cracking under heavy use must reinforce wing-fuselage joint fi bergiass Final assembly finishing Mount engine landing gear plate fuel tank fuel shutoff satisfied fit everything unmount hardware apply finish original done red white blue Hobbypoxy kind finish takes little longer apply durable gives nice shine also very lightweight easy repaint need choose method used first brush coat clear Hobbypoxy Light ly sand coat apply another After coat has cured wet-sand entire model 320-grit wet/dry paper After final sanding surface should glass-smooth Note elevator yet installed Decide paint scheme will use fancy pattern looks nice hard match model needs repaired Spray base color over entire model Mask areas second color black electrical tape Spray epoxy after has heated slightly container hot water make paint fluid easier spray painting com plete let cure day two rubout finish automotive rubbing compound Waxing model over produces nice shiny finish will last long time Mount elevator favorite Continued page 92 90 Model Aviation PA1TERN SHIP AS GOOD AS YOU ARE. MAYBE BETTER T1ucik Technician totally functional design combines great flying characteristics ease construc tion good looks first quality kit throughout FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE FOAM CORES BASIC KIT BASIC HARDWARE PKG DELUXE KIT ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ALL REQUIRED BALSAS MOTOR MOUNT AND HARDWARE BASIC KIT. $ 9495 DELUXE KIT 495 See Dealer First DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED L&L MODEL BY PRODUCTS 513 3850912 7342 Applerldge Court CIncInnatI OhIo 45247 TARBaby TRANSMITTER CASE Especially Turn-around thisAn inexpensive rugged molded 850 sq 120 4 cyclecase protect expensive powered Ron Chidgey designtransmitter both two atick smooth solid performersingle stick transmitters Brown Rib templates computerleather grain aluminum trim plotted Plans construc / tion hints -$1195and locking clasp -$1895 WING TUBE & SOCKETSNEW WING MOUNTING SET Aluminum alloy tubing plug-in wing mounting system developed Ron Chidgey wings Included pair fast neat accurate stays tight Three special slip-fit phenolic sockets nylon brackets screws machined wing blocks build wing structure included $695 Now size models 718 die x2- $ 895 1% diax 2-S 995 1/s dis x 3- $1495 GP Gator RIC Products 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 See Dealer Order Direct Phone AC 904 476-8639Include $150 Per Item UPS binges used Klett hinges worked very well Mount control horns flight control other fuel shutoffta elevator Hook up pushrod make sure control system functions freely Mount shutoff hook up proper horn should activate application full-down elevator should snap firmly acti vated Mount engine tank time final step mount tail wing skids model ready fly engine important part racer rules Midwest Sport Racing state production 35 engine must used must loop-scavenged plain bearing use stock components internally predominate engine written K&B 35 Series 75 Supertigre 35C plain bearingbeing second stock K&B good runner may wish start out stock unit few tips however should help run better racing events fast restart important engine have good fit between piston ring liner Finding good piston liner set fairly easy can done tools Take stock liner slide ring using bottom piston align ring bore Slide ring topmost part liner piston will normally ride Sight through liner light look gaps light leaks around ring gap try another liner/ring combination until set can found allows no light shine around ring After good ring has found way check its end gap feeler gauge should between 002-004 ring will seal properly less use small file remove material needed get proper gap After good ring liner assembly have found lower part liner about 25 above exhaust port should relieved choked reduce drag ring liner An automative brake hone some lightweight oil can used Run electric drill slow speed stroke liner up down careful go too far up liner material being removed should 0015 0025 total step essential though helps Clean parts thoroughly remove grit hone important Reworking crankshaft can result significant increase power idea change intake timing closes 62 after top dead center TDC will need 3600 protractor vise small piece music wire some kind mechanical stop stop could depth micrometer though such tool required Mount protractor crank music wire serves pointer should mounted engines lugs Continued page 168 92 Model Aviation LLAALLL 13311 Beach Ave na Del Rey CA FOX 19 BUSHING EXCEPTIONAL POWER Fox 19 truly exceptional baffle piston motor easily powerful baffle motors probably powerful bushing 19 motors superb performer has now market long enough thoroughly de bugged American-made featuring Mark series carburetor VISA MasterCard Accepted Fox MFG CO 5305 TOWSON AVE FORT SMITH AR 72901 5011 646-1656 above wing line-slider near CL Navy Carrier/PerrYtip Cam used nylon nose gear block Continued page 75the tail hook mount added plywood both sides fuselage have difficult U-2 re-formers hook could bolted mained aboard after landing been1 removed crane after America returned -vThe wing modified much portfuselage bass replacing A-in prefer Army Airbalsa spars A6-in vertical-grain webForce aircraft such P-39 5 1bing added between spars wing event twin-engine op-was mounted permanently fuselage tion Although Doolittles raiders didntrather being removable land B-25s carrier Navykit tested modified Marine PBJ-lH AAF surfaces A-in sheet balsa equivalent B-25J tail hookare adequate long balsa hard catapult gear aboard ussenough might consider increasing Shangri-La 1944the thickness using carbon tape overThere has never abundance oflay increase rigidity A-in dowel kits available Class II Carrierelevator-joiner should replaced events phaseout Sterlingwire joiner standard Control Line Guardian kit problem particularlypractice acute An alternative has found end result efforts Class however least two Carrier modelersI small-engine Class II model have converted Royal Productsabout 230 square inches wing area AA Radio Control Sport Scale kits usea weight about 24 pounds Cor Class I/Il Carrier models Cam Martinsair indication Fcyal has very flew F4U Corsair Nats using ancareful scale dimensions series 05 40 FSR Class 05 45 FSRof kits detectable deviations Class II line also includes Zerothe Corsair thickness tail P-S 1surfaces sheet balsa used Cams modifications F4U adaptsimplify construction kit larger engine provide Thats time Keep hook bellcrank mount tail hook in-dry crease strength critical areas fuselage consists plywood ring formers Richard L Perry 7578 Vogels Way A-in-square balsa stringers andSpringfield VA 22153 A-in sheet covering Cam replaced ____________________________________ balsa stringers bass spruce would Racer/Lorbiecki also work well added additional stringers approximately double Continued page 92 original number also added stringer two area would used location protractor crank holding model pull test critical pointer should long 6-in sheeting has developed some cracks enough extend along perimeter aft cowl Cam suggests fiber- protractor Set stop point glass reinforcement area piston will contact before reaching TDC kit has A-in plywood box Hold stop flange liner mounting engine radio equip- rotate engine until piston lightly ment Engine bearers added touches stop inside box inverted engine Note reading protractor Withinstallation fuel tank fits top out moving stop rotate crank the motor mounts bellcrank hangs opposite direction until piston lightly below lead-outs routed touches stop Note number Sub*** NEW IMPROVED glier Wutf Madd wIlk mare wait Paws *tAIAKlllTUS Pstent No s ** VVI1ILII * *-p * Dealers Invited ,, * ----S * w-------s-p .orarrafltvDS-p lone year .10ftCOR * w * torDry * Stick Abrasives *-p *A Keen Machine gives exceptional *sanding control excellent tinish * * 5995 Basic xci 1 fIat Wend 1 each5 *882 lIar 1 hail Balder Sneosi xci *1 UOrxund wand 5 xl B ents-p * *129~ Deicoe ncudes3flat2hall rxondp -p *e grits-p * dional Wends Abrasives available4 *-p *WANDIT MANUFACTURING 214 288-5789 * * PO Box 266 s Mesquite Texas 751494 168 Model Aviation RC Bore 850 Stroke Displacement199 WeightA oz RPM 8-4 prop15000 Fuel consumption40 mm Atom Back Approx Wt 175 os Displacement 09 CU Ifl Bore- 5 Stroke 5 Piston Steel Crank case Magnesium Allay lOriginall Crankshaft Bearing Silicon Bronze Cylinder- Chromally Steel Approx RPM 0 Iwith Grey Cax 7 x 4 propl Price guaranteed through 1995 FOB Los Angeles cA Add *250 shIpping per engine CA residents add 8% Sales Tax Order Direct ATOM smallest ignition engines ever produced DesIgned R Arden further developments John Morrill Simplex Engines Limited Production Run Delivery 10 12 weeks ARO will receive wIthin 7 days order con firming postcard verify receipt order give assigned engine number ap proximate delivery date Morrill-ADC PO Box 1210 Simi Valley CA 93062 tract bigger number smaller divide result two Add number smaller number previously obtained result number TDC exact way find TDC actually easier sounds number found TDC add 62 rotate crank running direc don until protractor reads number ie TDC ill new timing mark Using scribe scratch crank through venturi hole scribe mark should left side hole viewing engine front Verify scratch disassemble engine Using carbide burr widen intake opening crank until scribe mark just barely visible Leave corners radi used remove bumps other machine marks work will done crank Slide crank front housing should spin free no side-to-side up/down movement crank tight can carefully lapped main bearing Remember clean both housing crank remove residue lapping compound fit loose excessive movement vertically horizontally replace bearing acquire another front housing Some people like chrome crank feel free have done facility doing available Endplay fore aft movement should minimized about 011 015 placing shims behind thrust washer excessive end-play crank pin may hit backplate help stuff crankcase increase crankcase compression have manufac tured new backplate bar stock An easier way to cut piece aluminum will fit cutout backplate hold place rivet two trick Doc Anderson used older STs head should set up about 012 clearance between squishband flat area head flaVf piston machine work has done remove sharp corners head prevent detonation Also check baffle piston has ample clearance slot head turns 0100 PONFONRANCE 0850 LAUNtOER GLIORMS PNON LIGOTREIGET ALUMINUM BEVERAGE CANS TWO FULL SIZE PATTERNS YUAN CNOICRI ILLUSTRATRO FABRICATION ANN FLYING INSTRUCTIONS NO01 AEBITIONAL PATTERNS NIlS RACE OR Sb FACE IPICE ROI SOUTUBASTERt PA NEROSA EONS EU IIRONRI out problem short giow plug life head may have jacked up 004 time reduce damage plug has provided best runs us has K&B Long hardest part running engine suction tank deciding venturi use large hole must used get power engine large hole may introduce fuel draw prob lems needle valve setup fuel tank also critical hole spraybar should enlarged approx 055 dia located about 15 below lip venturi ran some manometer tests found maximum draw angle venturi has worked well extends out housing about 6 needle valve going through its centerline about 2 above housing hole 343 dia venturi shape machined fuel tank location critical Just 12 m up down can make difference between engine run consistent throughout full tank rich beginning lean end Experi mentation needed get best run out whatever system used Assemble engine test run careful keep parts clean during assembly engine should flip over smartly leaks ring try running before switching another ring some engines take quart fuel proper seating test engine 8-8 Rev-Up prop good use Try something around 16000 rpm Flying Cut set lines match airplane Test run engine try shutoff several times sure functioning Fill tank fly model always fill tank takeoff feed line far forward engine may stop before leaving ground tank isnt full engine running rich have pilot fly little high see will go lean lean shut off richen needle setting before ring seal damaged landing practice catching model restarting Continued page 172 Plastic Film Finishes Liquid Finishes *1095 HARRY B HIGLEY SONS INC P o max 532 GLENWOOD ILL 60425 January1986 169 LLEX{ELAND GIANTS I4W FOR GIANT SCALE BUFFS Cot PEY5A $42 ACUrt JNd JR007 $20 PEYSA $58 60 VoOt CorE P4U$25 96W 081 NonyRoco $481 00 VogI CorE F4Ll $697 52W Ww12l Rod L $26 54 SDDowoiNII 21 $40 . 77WWool2l EodL$4872Cor 0201/4 L&S $45 84 FO8kET 07 Ftr . $30162 Holoord Oooo Ike $46 60 Howord FetE BOON 52277 Booino E17G Port $35 70 RayleE GoE. 032 103 Oo E17G Fort $55 80 SUportoorioo 500 $24 60 DRUO 046A Ob. $32 EOOApErroarinE 566 032 108 Sikor 538 Awpk $40 62 CArt Noook P-AR $42 60 EoN 100 Sport $30 94 CUrHonk F-AN Pt $54r- 00 Roe 100 Sport l 62 Lorkhaod V00 . 024 90 StinrALor Wino $58 74 DooliOleN 0 B 11 $48 00 Mortin 74 TdM1 $30 95 MANONOUP Sport $36 75 HPg 0400 Eorok $35 00 Ho Spr EUlidog $43 100 H-Po 0400 Boor $49 107 Arottoo C-3 Opt $25 80 0Rororo VSUiI 039 U~iW 61 DOUOION 038 Obs $32 77 LANUOOOk SOdOT $25 122 000010 0380k $49 73 N Mitk Eorrrb $49 94 Fog CUrl Boo 045 AS ldMoroAdRr 6-24 $49 71 Mortln 810 Bonok $29 01 DO MoSqUito BiN $42 78 TUrner WW Boo $35r- 100 58 MON9UEOTr8 $55 * AO.. 64 CAY Goshk Fl 1C2 542 90 StNr FTI7Koy4t $56 94 CUP Golrk FliCO 054- 99 NEIk Widow PAl $89 .w...w.AA DeHon ConoNt Rae $24 71 DoUO DC2 lroo $32 A2 MrMUIIlgoo 035 95 DOUO DC3 Tron $55 94 M i9aO $45 06 Howk Teooro 13535 8380 g F-26A Ftr 536 100 CorO2Ul/4 L&0 $56 .eo.EU 04 Boo 0 P20A Frr $40 80 DoUOIo M2 Moil $24 oco C-A Cobin $36 60 OriNrol Boildog Prr $30 64 Oeooh C17-E Otog $38 59 BrowoNacEMeLA $56 96 OR C li-B Stog $49 107 Gruor Beorot POP $541 55 OUlIEleotro $30 73 TroxorI Air 6000 $24 02 o kDlRcto $40 107 Mot MB-i Boo $44 - 62 StloSor T/W 5B7 $16 91 Liodhero NO211 $39 01 Stlooo T/W SE7 $24 100 Poirolr9T19 Tr $591 122 Otloeon T/W SB7 $30 90 Woco TaperWiog $39 59 Britol Ptr P2-B $20 75 W.tI4 LyNoodEr $32 70 ErIstol Ftr P2-B $32 100 WotId Lyondor $49 10 BrIStol Ftr 928 $45 57 Pord lriwrr 4AT $28 74 TI PREOR Spec $45 76 Ford Trirorr 4AT 045 83 Sllyrooket XPSP1 824 114 Ford Triwtr dAT 859 58 CA WRkk 940 $24 04 BorIJoyoe XPJ2 $56 70 Look Liohtng P38 $38 93 LURTiVO CSAbnk9Ir $69 56 Rep So-Oeo Aw $24 58 GrUrnJ2P DUO $39 74 OepSEo-B Anoph $39 70 GrAwJ2P DUOII $56 106 Piper J3 CUk 53959 Gotlra GIV Bow $22 90 [oRk HAdNo Onk $30 117 GothA G1V Bow $29 63 GrAw PAP HelIRot $20 68 BrAOWiolole Bird $45 55 Heath Oak Bolt $241- 54 CArt Swift 0F934 528 Sold OkrA DEaler Frio~okjEoI chono -- AmER ForCe SoEIATea QUARTER SIZE AtUtIOFIA0 neridO 96 tE 50o Op 6122 PattR Aiwoy Iol Add 10% order f6pploo & iON. Oto USA Coo & MeA BIsnorharo 15% 25% ky oirl Piotoriol RotalAO $200 liodAde PrioR LiRti Price Iit eNriUT oboe $1 00 ky foreigo odd 01 00 wnw -CLEVELAND MODEL&SUPPLYCo bAOCOPAoNASRAO SEOUER S PAOE*REAoIAtION RRRR ENIREE NIACE ItF ooRnrRrOHAEoRI SOSOyB 0606097 AVE CLEVELAND OHIO 44102 CA.-RIw-OAUSr PhooR 515 PMES 0 100 ST 218 981 200$ -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 76, 77, 78, 90, 92, 168, 169, 172
Midwest Sport Racer ANYONE interested engines probably has thought about getting some form racing Im no different Though am primarily Free Flighter grew up Control Line background thanks father still remember trying get two laps Scientific Kingpin crashing fly lot Free Flight contests Just Iwas beginning feel would nice try something different along came good CL club Milwaukee Circlemasters wonderful group provided fine flying field enthusiasm category Control Line Racing emphasizes fun low cost engine/plane set ups practice can make almost anyone competitive John Lorbiecki pursue new aspect modeling found out about Midwest Sport Racing basic rules follow fuselage must profile type 18 long wing has span 34 chord 6 plain-bearing non-Schnuerle 35 engine required gether suction fuel system 10%nitro fuel Races 100 laps three planes circle three pit stops required lot fun fly type event specs model speeds typically high 90 low 100mph rangea reasonable clip rookie start model presented good example models flown Midwest although much construc tion concept comes Free Flight background particularly FAI Power very lightweight strong enough take much abuse wing offset 4 drag reduction enclosing much lines within wing flat-bottom airfoil used ease con struction thanks number Midwest fliers such Larry Dziak Jerry Meyers Billy Hughes ideas incorporated design must also give credit fellow club members Roger Beitman Gordie Teschendorf have very free advice learned hard way always willing help beginner heat competition nothing unusual about fuse lage other landing gear must made 2024-T3 aluminum type gear strengthens models nose oonstructed mounted shown airplane can landed high speed taxied pitman gear can cut out hacksaw hand drill Construction notes Everything except doublers glued thick cyanoacrylate CyA such Gap Zap Super Hot Stuff truly competitive model must light strong select wood ac cording job must engine will use should chosen ginning fuselage can made proper cutouts mounting holes wing best place start everything built around top bottom 1/16-in sheeting use A-grain balsa weighing 14 16 gin 1A6 x 3 x 36-in piece pine spar glued between sheeting should straight-grained strong Use wax paper underneath sheeting gluing spar simple technique constructing wing Hot Stuff Tips video76 Model Aviation author poses racer Ciasses such requiring super high performance and/or expensive equipment machine shop competi tive bread butter CL Racing Most evident shot offset wing Borrowing FAi CL Speed modeis iines within extended inner wing pansi lowering overaii drag iines Simpie paint scheme attractive easy match shouid repairs become necessary tape put out Satellite City First have hand firm straight surface building need soft accept pins pins wont used Use 3M 77 Spraymount adhesive hold sheeting work surface Cut exact wingspan chord balsa sheets prepared earlier sheet wax paper cut about 4 longer span Spray side wax paper contact cement put side down building surface taking care no bulges creases Spray wax paper once again cement after few minutes place balsa sheeting di rectly wax paper Dont alarmed sheeting easily removed wax paper contact cement adheres sheeting can easily rubbed off after wing constructed Cut leading edge shape glue place Using square ruler mark rib locations shown plans felttip pen good Cut out bellcrank platform mount crank sharp X-Acto knife following tem plate closely possible Using drill sharpened piece brass tubing cut holes lead-outs ribs Lay ribs position lower sheeting glue Either thin thick CyA will work fine thin type easier use because rib can simply held place thin CyA run joint Install lead-outs pushrod Add vertical-grain webbing shown plans Use large sanding block entire wing structure remove bumps bulges wing tips should place before sanding completed add tip weight time trailing edge lower sheet should slightly tapered sanding block good fit upper sheet Prepare upper sheeting leaving ex cess stock chord span Using metal straightedge trim side sheet trial-fit wing trimmed edge butted against leading edge trim palms both hands roll sheeting place across chord using pressure over areas CyA applied Slide hands around sheet assure no loose joints Thats Sand entire wing final shape preparation fiberglassing used 6-oz K&B fiberglass cloth glued place Hobbypoxy 2 properly done entire fiberglassing process will add no 125 oz weight Cut piece cloth will extend tip tip wide enough cover both top bottom Mix two beads epoxy approx 2 long will applied short stiff-bristled acid brush purchased hardware store low enough price used once discarded Also have hand heat source such MonoKote heat gun hair drier Lay cloth over top wing Starting trailing edge apply about half-brushful epoxy wing through fiberglass Using heat gun warm epoxy until begins flow Left Offset landing gear crucial good handling ground fast pitting Right Engine side-mounted per rules extension carburetor helps provide vacuum necessary consistent runs required suction fuel system Left Details landing gear/engine mount plate Easy fabrication long trouble-free life Its strong points Right Crankcase Series 75 K&B 35 has reversed facilitate priming Tankvents shutoff positions help speed up pit stops using flat-head screw Decide point lead-outs external internal use music wire 048-in dia lead-outs recommend internal mounting less drag Make master rib template sheet aluminum Cut out required ribs necessary obtain good fit next step works like magic Run bead thick CyA rib joint top sheeting will touch also bead edge sheet will touch leading edge Slide sheet place leading edge using epoxy heated enough will begin run like water Brushthe glue around until no gloss important part process Continue doing over entire structure complete hang wing lead-outs cure overnight After has cured trim away excess cloth January 1986 77 Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 172 3/8i HLS DIA HO 1 CTRSNK TO 36 TIA 5/6it I/S 510 HOLE /8 0________________________ FUEL LINE SHUT OFF BRACKET LEAD 0511[I5II- ___IFf LEADOuT I IF -H- II VS 3A23/16 P /16 T~3 1/4 133/4 0 I 1/4. R_______ 7/ISF77F7 v16Li~~J 7/821/16 2/2 2 3/8I/S DIA HOLE WHEEL STRUT7 PACES 3/32 YAK 2024-73 5URINUM5 3/8 511/16 3 /16 MIDWEST SPORT RACER DESIGNED BY JOAN E LORBIECKI ENGINE OHOWNDRAWN ST JOHN E LORBIECKI AND JOGEPH E ARGON LS PLYWOODK ANO 35INKED BY JOSEPH F ARSON FINISH I SF10 6 OZ FIBERGLASS CLOTH OYERA.L I/IA GRAIN BALSAWITH HOBBY POXY 0 GLLE 2 APPLY 2 COADS OF HOBBY FOXY CLEAR THEN I/IA 01/4 PINE0WETOAND WITH 300 GAIT SANDPAPER 3 SPRAY COAT OF HOBBY ODET COLORED SPRAY PAINT -I/SOS BALSAWINO NOTO ID 4 S/IS IN SHORTER THAN LEFT WING ____VERTICAL ORAlS WEBBING1/6 MEDIOM BALSA MEASORED FROM FUSELAGE TO WINO TIP TYPICAL 6188 REQUIREDAREA 203 50 IN LENGTH 05 3/B INWINS SPAN 35 5/4 IN WHEEL STRUT I/IS HR BRASS 0 IN VACO SELLERANIS _______o000 TIK HEIGHT ______________ ____________________________________________________________[v32][b10666503600]] I I II I IIII I[ 3/32 Il I PLYWOOD I I II I L IIIII I IIIII I I IIIpI II I U --GROLL 00 WHO CONYRY. HORN 2 SEGF4-HO 01 I/S LO ROOND 016 016 CONTROL .INE CARLOFOOL LINE SHOT OFT BRACAETHEAD SCREW WITH 4-HO LONA LOCK NOT I/IS DIG MOTIC AIRO3/B HARD BAUSA FOR TAIL AND HISS EPOOT AND SLGSSCLOTH 20 WHO KEEPEROEBROSOLDESED COOPLERBALSA POSH ROD COYER 401/0 LS WOOD SCREW I I 314 014 WHEEL I 3/IA HARD BALSAII KLATT HINGE_____ HREQoi~ijn-- I____ IVA-s-Il 171.. 3/IS HARD BASA~I III glue loose spots fiberglass CyA After light sanding wing ready finish Stabilizer Use 1214-lb balsa lead ing trailing edges should rounded entire stab should sanded remove irregularities elevator should also rounded sanded over Note piece plywood used under control horns reinforce elevator high-stress point Set aside parts until later Fuselage Use ball-point pen fine-line marker outline overall shape cutouts various components blank hard straight-grained balsa Ac curately cut out blank band saw sharp knife engine bearers cut oak hard maple glued onto blank Sand both sides fuselage smooth flat Cut out doublers fit fuselage Trim good fit engine Taper rear doublers shown plans before gluing Titebond Elmers Wood Glue use C-clamps vise hold pressure glue dries Carefully fit wing fuselage try gouge wing sliding place After fit obtained remove wing sand fuselage shape wing now ready final mount ing Carefully square fuselage glue place Hobbypoxy 2 0I23/4 56 maximum strength stab can also hacksaw Round edges drill mounted taking care parallel holes wingUsing heavy fiberglass cloth epoxy landing gear can made theglass wing-to-fuselage joint using wing/fuselage joint curing Trace thesame technique used wing covering template onto sheet 090-in 2024-T3Two layers cloth will help keep joint cut shape band saw orContinued page 90 78 Model Aviation Johns wife Pat poses Midwest Sport Racer finish Hobbypoxy red white biue Engine man Lorbiecki shares good information simpie rework Author pica DAVE ROBELENS PRONTO AND SUPER PRONTO HIGH QUALITY 48 SPAN KIT FOR 09 TO 25 ENGINES FEATURES AlewingdesignwthNgh wing stsjility arel excellent inverte pertrxmaece GenhlefcrlbenoviceFuntorlte expeil wib vereatile petiamarice 4-6 hair i1-llre assembly f Cr beginrur Ptecisiac masNrte-cut 86 balsa plywoCri arel spwce Rdled lull size plars showing fl canpiete wing Step-t-step ktbors fur easy assembly Famed main Iarxling gear Excepilaul small lletii perfcMmance May tewn ito 3 clmnels Tested mcurnmerdnl arvi aproved RIC Maleler Megazire arel Malel Aviation -July 1984 IF THE ENGINE IS GOING TO RUN THIS WILL START IT Held $39g5 &Wrmnta Reid $4995 m*r m yaw isitutm net stack ader 1 deater acler direct tar post paid delively Virginia reScknts jd 4O/ sales 12X TIDEWATER HOBBY ENTERPRISES / Route 1Box24lD Lanexa Virginia 23089 Phone 18041 966-5092 2 burn 20 25 gallons fuel year share grass field gophers Hot restarts runway often difficult modified electric starter NiCad pack too heavy awkward carry runway wanted something small light Bumpstart 1 /2 diameter standard size drive cone 6 long weighs 10/2 02 did want bat tery charge designed around stainless steel spring spring wound turning body drive cone opposite directions four complete turns three turns 10 25 enginesl steel ratchet inside locks spring tension use starter tire plug hold aircraft hand Bump drive cone rubber against spinner prop nut drive cone slides back releases spring energy spins engine Bumpetart does have some limitations like best through 1010 50 size engines pit start pattern aircraft Piped ST. 61 ABC Four cycle Yes OW rotation No like idea see hobby dealer order direct PS have retired electric starter NEU KRAFT INC 921 12th St NE Jamestown ND 58401 701 252-1092 Sincerely Chet Neukom 24983 List Price $3495 US Check allow time MO Postage Paid ND Res Add 4/o testing sound levels Belgian team members suspected little hanky panky full-throttle tests seems being tested sound levels much lower anyone else good reason Renaat Lemniens Belgium has new patented tuned pipe does outstanding new piece equipment Flevohof Lemmens pipe constructed basically carbon fiberwith alinerof fiberglass Itis extremely light Belgians tested 9596dBA ground exceptional Dave Brown brought back possibly may market pipe US Going price over $3800 Dean Pappas columnist Fly ing Models got testing report ing FM lookout report 14th World Championships F3A memorable event Organ izing Committee volunteers Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Associ ation plus various clubs deserve lot credit job well done As own Academy Netherlands aeromod eling division celebrating its 50th anm versary What better way publicize celebrate event very suc cessful World Championships Racer/Lorbiecki Continued page 78 cracking under heavy use must reinforce wing-fuselage joint fi bergiass Final assembly finishing Mount engine landing gear plate fuel tank fuel shutoff satisfied fit everything unmount hardware apply finish original done red white blue Hobbypoxy kind finish takes little longer apply durable gives nice shine also very lightweight easy repaint need choose method used first brush coat clear Hobbypoxy Light ly sand coat apply another After coat has cured wet-sand entire model 320-grit wet/dry paper After final sanding surface should glass-smooth Note elevator yet installed Decide paint scheme will use fancy pattern looks nice hard match model needs repaired Spray base color over entire model Mask areas second color black electrical tape Spray epoxy after has heated slightly container hot water make paint fluid easier spray painting com plete let cure day two rubout finish automotive rubbing compound Waxing model over produces nice shiny finish will last long time Mount elevator favorite Continued page 92 90 Model Aviation PA1TERN SHIP AS GOOD AS YOU ARE. MAYBE BETTER T1ucik Technician totally functional design combines great flying characteristics ease construc tion good looks first quality kit throughout FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE FOAM CORES BASIC KIT BASIC HARDWARE PKG DELUXE KIT ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ALL REQUIRED BALSAS MOTOR MOUNT AND HARDWARE BASIC KIT. $ 9495 DELUXE KIT 495 See Dealer First DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED L&L MODEL BY PRODUCTS 513 3850912 7342 Applerldge Court CIncInnatI OhIo 45247 TARBaby TRANSMITTER CASE Especially Turn-around thisAn inexpensive rugged molded 850 sq 120 4 cyclecase protect expensive powered Ron Chidgey designtransmitter both two atick smooth solid performersingle stick transmitters Brown Rib templates computerleather grain aluminum trim plotted Plans construc / tion hints -$1195and locking clasp -$1895 WING TUBE & SOCKETSNEW WING MOUNTING SET Aluminum alloy tubing plug-in wing mounting system developed Ron Chidgey wings Included pair fast neat accurate stays tight Three special slip-fit phenolic sockets nylon brackets screws machined wing blocks build wing structure included $695 Now size models 718 die x2- $ 895 1% diax 2-S 995 1/s dis x 3- $1495 GP Gator RIC Products 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 See Dealer Order Direct Phone AC 904 476-8639Include $150 Per Item UPS binges used Klett hinges worked very well Mount control horns flight control other fuel shutoffta elevator Hook up pushrod make sure control system functions freely Mount shutoff hook up proper horn should activate application full-down elevator should snap firmly acti vated Mount engine tank time final step mount tail wing skids model ready fly engine important part racer rules Midwest Sport Racing state production 35 engine must used must loop-scavenged plain bearing use stock components internally predominate engine written K&B 35 Series 75 Supertigre 35C plain bearingbeing second stock K&B good runner may wish start out stock unit few tips however should help run better racing events fast restart important engine have good fit between piston ring liner Finding good piston liner set fairly easy can done tools Take stock liner slide ring using bottom piston align ring bore Slide ring topmost part liner piston will normally ride Sight through liner light look gaps light leaks around ring gap try another liner/ring combination until set can found allows no light shine around ring After good ring has found way check its end gap feeler gauge should between 002-004 ring will seal properly less use small file remove material needed get proper gap After good ring liner assembly have found lower part liner about 25 above exhaust port should relieved choked reduce drag ring liner An automative brake hone some lightweight oil can used Run electric drill slow speed stroke liner up down careful go too far up liner material being removed should 0015 0025 total step essential though helps Clean parts thoroughly remove grit hone important Reworking crankshaft can result significant increase power idea change intake timing closes 62 after top dead center TDC will need 3600 protractor vise small piece music wire some kind mechanical stop stop could depth micrometer though such tool required Mount protractor crank music wire serves pointer should mounted engines lugs Continued page 168 92 Model Aviation LLAALLL 13311 Beach Ave na Del Rey CA FOX 19 BUSHING EXCEPTIONAL POWER Fox 19 truly exceptional baffle piston motor easily powerful baffle motors probably powerful bushing 19 motors superb performer has now market long enough thoroughly de bugged American-made featuring Mark series carburetor VISA MasterCard Accepted Fox MFG CO 5305 TOWSON AVE FORT SMITH AR 72901 5011 646-1656 above wing line-slider near CL Navy Carrier/PerrYtip Cam used nylon nose gear block Continued page 75the tail hook mount added plywood both sides fuselage have difficult U-2 re-formers hook could bolted mained aboard after landing been1 removed crane after America returned -vThe wing modified much portfuselage bass replacing A-in prefer Army Airbalsa spars A6-in vertical-grain webForce aircraft such P-39 5 1bing added between spars wing event twin-engine op-was mounted permanently fuselage tion Although Doolittles raiders didntrather being removable land B-25s carrier Navykit tested modified Marine PBJ-lH AAF surfaces A-in sheet balsa equivalent B-25J tail hookare adequate long balsa hard catapult gear aboard ussenough might consider increasing Shangri-La 1944the thickness using carbon tape overThere has never abundance oflay increase rigidity A-in dowel kits available Class II Carrierelevator-joiner should replaced events phaseout Sterlingwire joiner standard Control Line Guardian kit problem particularlypractice acute An alternative has found end result efforts Class however least two Carrier modelersI small-engine Class II model have converted Royal Productsabout 230 square inches wing area AA Radio Control Sport Scale kits usea weight about 24 pounds Cor Class I/Il Carrier models Cam Martinsair indication Fcyal has very flew F4U Corsair Nats using ancareful scale dimensions series 05 40 FSR Class 05 45 FSRof kits detectable deviations Class II line also includes Zerothe Corsair thickness tail P-S 1surfaces sheet balsa used Cams modifications F4U adaptsimplify construction kit larger engine provide Thats time Keep hook bellcrank mount tail hook in-dry crease strength critical areas fuselage consists plywood ring formers Richard L Perry 7578 Vogels Way A-in-square balsa stringers andSpringfield VA 22153 A-in sheet covering Cam replaced ____________________________________ balsa stringers bass spruce would Racer/Lorbiecki also work well added additional stringers approximately double Continued page 92 original number also added stringer two area would used location protractor crank holding model pull test critical pointer should long 6-in sheeting has developed some cracks enough extend along perimeter aft cowl Cam suggests fiber- protractor Set stop point glass reinforcement area piston will contact before reaching TDC kit has A-in plywood box Hold stop flange liner mounting engine radio equip- rotate engine until piston lightly ment Engine bearers added touches stop inside box inverted engine Note reading protractor Withinstallation fuel tank fits top out moving stop rotate crank the motor mounts bellcrank hangs opposite direction until piston lightly below lead-outs routed touches stop Note number Sub*** NEW IMPROVED glier Wutf Madd wIlk mare wait Paws *tAIAKlllTUS Pstent No s ** VVI1ILII * *-p * Dealers Invited ,, * ----S * w-------s-p .orarrafltvDS-p lone year .10ftCOR * w * torDry * Stick Abrasives *-p *A Keen Machine gives exceptional *sanding control excellent tinish * * 5995 Basic xci 1 fIat Wend 1 each5 *882 lIar 1 hail Balder Sneosi xci *1 UOrxund wand 5 xl B ents-p * *129~ Deicoe ncudes3flat2hall rxondp -p *e grits-p * dional Wends Abrasives available4 *-p *WANDIT MANUFACTURING 214 288-5789 * * PO Box 266 s Mesquite Texas 751494 168 Model Aviation RC Bore 850 Stroke Displacement199 WeightA oz RPM 8-4 prop15000 Fuel consumption40 mm Atom Back Approx Wt 175 os Displacement 09 CU Ifl Bore- 5 Stroke 5 Piston Steel Crank case Magnesium Allay lOriginall Crankshaft Bearing Silicon Bronze Cylinder- Chromally Steel Approx RPM 0 Iwith Grey Cax 7 x 4 propl Price guaranteed through 1995 FOB Los Angeles cA Add *250 shIpping per engine CA residents add 8% Sales Tax Order Direct ATOM smallest ignition engines ever produced DesIgned R Arden further developments John Morrill Simplex Engines Limited Production Run Delivery 10 12 weeks ARO will receive wIthin 7 days order con firming postcard verify receipt order give assigned engine number ap proximate delivery date Morrill-ADC PO Box 1210 Simi Valley CA 93062 tract bigger number smaller divide result two Add number smaller number previously obtained result number TDC exact way find TDC actually easier sounds number found TDC add 62 rotate crank running direc don until protractor reads number ie TDC ill new timing mark Using scribe scratch crank through venturi hole scribe mark should left side hole viewing engine front Verify scratch disassemble engine Using carbide burr widen intake opening crank until scribe mark just barely visible Leave corners radi used remove bumps other machine marks work will done crank Slide crank front housing should spin free no side-to-side up/down movement crank tight can carefully lapped main bearing Remember clean both housing crank remove residue lapping compound fit loose excessive movement vertically horizontally replace bearing acquire another front housing Some people like chrome crank feel free have done facility doing available Endplay fore aft movement should minimized about 011 015 placing shims behind thrust washer excessive end-play crank pin may hit backplate help stuff crankcase increase crankcase compression have manufac tured new backplate bar stock An easier way to cut piece aluminum will fit cutout backplate hold place rivet two trick Doc Anderson used older STs head should set up about 012 clearance between squishband flat area head flaVf piston machine work has done remove sharp corners head prevent detonation Also check baffle piston has ample clearance slot head turns 0100 PONFONRANCE 0850 LAUNtOER GLIORMS PNON LIGOTREIGET ALUMINUM BEVERAGE CANS TWO FULL SIZE PATTERNS YUAN CNOICRI ILLUSTRATRO FABRICATION ANN FLYING INSTRUCTIONS NO01 AEBITIONAL PATTERNS NIlS RACE OR Sb FACE IPICE ROI SOUTUBASTERt PA NEROSA EONS EU IIRONRI out problem short giow plug life head may have jacked up 004 time reduce damage plug has provided best runs us has K&B Long hardest part running engine suction tank deciding venturi use large hole must used get power engine large hole may introduce fuel draw prob lems needle valve setup fuel tank also critical hole spraybar should enlarged approx 055 dia located about 15 below lip venturi ran some manometer tests found maximum draw angle venturi has worked well extends out housing about 6 needle valve going through its centerline about 2 above housing hole 343 dia venturi shape machined fuel tank location critical Just 12 m up down can make difference between engine run consistent throughout full tank rich beginning lean end Experi mentation needed get best run out whatever system used Assemble engine test run careful keep parts clean during assembly engine should flip over smartly leaks ring try running before switching another ring some engines take quart fuel proper seating test engine 8-8 Rev-Up prop good use Try something around 16000 rpm Flying Cut set lines match airplane Test run engine try shutoff several times sure functioning Fill tank fly model always fill tank takeoff feed line far forward engine may stop before leaving ground tank isnt full engine running rich have pilot fly little high see will go lean lean shut off richen needle setting before ring seal damaged landing practice catching model restarting Continued page 172 Plastic Film Finishes Liquid Finishes *1095 HARRY B HIGLEY SONS INC P o max 532 GLENWOOD ILL 60425 January1986 169 LLEX{ELAND GIANTS I4W FOR GIANT SCALE BUFFS Cot PEY5A $42 ACUrt JNd JR007 $20 PEYSA $58 60 VoOt CorE P4U$25 96W 081 NonyRoco $481 00 VogI CorE F4Ll $697 52W Ww12l Rod L $26 54 SDDowoiNII 21 $40 . 77WWool2l EodL$4872Cor 0201/4 L&S $45 84 FO8kET 07 Ftr . $30162 Holoord Oooo Ike $46 60 Howord FetE BOON 52277 Booino E17G Port $35 70 RayleE GoE. 032 103 Oo E17G Fort $55 80 SUportoorioo 500 $24 60 DRUO 046A Ob. $32 EOOApErroarinE 566 032 108 Sikor 538 Awpk $40 62 CArt Noook P-AR $42 60 EoN 100 Sport $30 94 CUrHonk F-AN Pt $54r- 00 Roe 100 Sport l 62 Lorkhaod V00 . 024 90 StinrALor Wino $58 74 DooliOleN 0 B 11 $48 00 Mortin 74 TdM1 $30 95 MANONOUP Sport $36 75 HPg 0400 Eorok $35 00 Ho Spr EUlidog $43 100 H-Po 0400 Boor $49 107 Arottoo C-3 Opt $25 80 0Rororo VSUiI 039 U~iW 61 DOUOION 038 Obs $32 77 LANUOOOk SOdOT $25 122 000010 0380k $49 73 N Mitk Eorrrb $49 94 Fog CUrl Boo 045 AS ldMoroAdRr 6-24 $49 71 Mortln 810 Bonok $29 01 DO MoSqUito BiN $42 78 TUrner WW Boo $35r- 100 58 MON9UEOTr8 $55 * AO.. 64 CAY Goshk Fl 1C2 542 90 StNr FTI7Koy4t $56 94 CUP Golrk FliCO 054- 99 NEIk Widow PAl $89 .w...w.AA DeHon ConoNt Rae $24 71 DoUO DC2 lroo $32 A2 MrMUIIlgoo 035 95 DOUO DC3 Tron $55 94 M i9aO $45 06 Howk Teooro 13535 8380 g F-26A Ftr 536 100 CorO2Ul/4 L&0 $56 .eo.EU 04 Boo 0 P20A Frr $40 80 DoUOIo M2 Moil $24 oco C-A Cobin $36 60 OriNrol Boildog Prr $30 64 Oeooh C17-E Otog $38 59 BrowoNacEMeLA $56 96 OR C li-B Stog $49 107 Gruor Beorot POP $541 55 OUlIEleotro $30 73 TroxorI Air 6000 $24 02 o kDlRcto $40 107 Mot MB-i Boo $44 - 62 StloSor T/W 5B7 $16 91 Liodhero NO211 $39 01 Stlooo T/W SE7 $24 100 Poirolr9T19 Tr $591 122 Otloeon T/W SB7 $30 90 Woco TaperWiog $39 59 Britol Ptr P2-B $20 75 W.tI4 LyNoodEr $32 70 ErIstol Ftr P2-B $32 100 WotId Lyondor $49 10 BrIStol Ftr 928 $45 57 Pord lriwrr 4AT $28 74 TI PREOR Spec $45 76 Ford Trirorr 4AT 045 83 Sllyrooket XPSP1 824 114 Ford Triwtr dAT 859 58 CA WRkk 940 $24 04 BorIJoyoe XPJ2 $56 70 Look Liohtng P38 $38 93 LURTiVO CSAbnk9Ir $69 56 Rep So-Oeo Aw $24 58 GrUrnJ2P DUO $39 74 OepSEo-B Anoph $39 70 GrAwJ2P DUOII $56 106 Piper J3 CUk 53959 Gotlra GIV Bow $22 90 [oRk HAdNo Onk $30 117 GothA G1V Bow $29 63 GrAw PAP HelIRot $20 68 BrAOWiolole Bird $45 55 Heath Oak Bolt $241- 54 CArt Swift 0F934 528 Sold OkrA DEaler Frio~okjEoI chono -- AmER ForCe SoEIATea QUARTER SIZE AtUtIOFIA0 neridO 96 tE 50o Op 6122 PattR Aiwoy Iol Add 10% order f6pploo & iON. Oto USA Coo & MeA BIsnorharo 15% 25% ky oirl Piotoriol RotalAO $200 liodAde PrioR LiRti Price Iit eNriUT oboe $1 00 ky foreigo odd 01 00 wnw -CLEVELAND MODEL&SUPPLYCo bAOCOPAoNASRAO SEOUER S PAOE*REAoIAtION RRRR ENIREE NIACE ItF ooRnrRrOHAEoRI SOSOyB 0606097 AVE CLEVELAND OHIO 44102 CA.-RIw-OAUSr PhooR 515 PMES 0 100 ST 218 981 200$ -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 76, 77, 78, 90, 92, 168, 169, 172
Midwest Sport Racer ANYONE interested engines probably has thought about getting some form racing Im no different Though am primarily Free Flighter grew up Control Line background thanks father still remember trying get two laps Scientific Kingpin crashing fly lot Free Flight contests Just Iwas beginning feel would nice try something different along came good CL club Milwaukee Circlemasters wonderful group provided fine flying field enthusiasm category Control Line Racing emphasizes fun low cost engine/plane set ups practice can make almost anyone competitive John Lorbiecki pursue new aspect modeling found out about Midwest Sport Racing basic rules follow fuselage must profile type 18 long wing has span 34 chord 6 plain-bearing non-Schnuerle 35 engine required gether suction fuel system 10%nitro fuel Races 100 laps three planes circle three pit stops required lot fun fly type event specs model speeds typically high 90 low 100mph rangea reasonable clip rookie start model presented good example models flown Midwest although much construc tion concept comes Free Flight background particularly FAI Power very lightweight strong enough take much abuse wing offset 4 drag reduction enclosing much lines within wing flat-bottom airfoil used ease con struction thanks number Midwest fliers such Larry Dziak Jerry Meyers Billy Hughes ideas incorporated design must also give credit fellow club members Roger Beitman Gordie Teschendorf have very free advice learned hard way always willing help beginner heat competition nothing unusual about fuse lage other landing gear must made 2024-T3 aluminum type gear strengthens models nose oonstructed mounted shown airplane can landed high speed taxied pitman gear can cut out hacksaw hand drill Construction notes Everything except doublers glued thick cyanoacrylate CyA such Gap Zap Super Hot Stuff truly competitive model must light strong select wood ac cording job must engine will use should chosen ginning fuselage can made proper cutouts mounting holes wing best place start everything built around top bottom 1/16-in sheeting use A-grain balsa weighing 14 16 gin 1A6 x 3 x 36-in piece pine spar glued between sheeting should straight-grained strong Use wax paper underneath sheeting gluing spar simple technique constructing wing Hot Stuff Tips video76 Model Aviation author poses racer Ciasses such requiring super high performance and/or expensive equipment machine shop competi tive bread butter CL Racing Most evident shot offset wing Borrowing FAi CL Speed modeis iines within extended inner wing pansi lowering overaii drag iines Simpie paint scheme attractive easy match shouid repairs become necessary tape put out Satellite City First have hand firm straight surface building need soft accept pins pins wont used Use 3M 77 Spraymount adhesive hold sheeting work surface Cut exact wingspan chord balsa sheets prepared earlier sheet wax paper cut about 4 longer span Spray side wax paper contact cement put side down building surface taking care no bulges creases Spray wax paper once again cement after few minutes place balsa sheeting di rectly wax paper Dont alarmed sheeting easily removed wax paper contact cement adheres sheeting can easily rubbed off after wing constructed Cut leading edge shape glue place Using square ruler mark rib locations shown plans felttip pen good Cut out bellcrank platform mount crank sharp X-Acto knife following tem plate closely possible Using drill sharpened piece brass tubing cut holes lead-outs ribs Lay ribs position lower sheeting glue Either thin thick CyA will work fine thin type easier use because rib can simply held place thin CyA run joint Install lead-outs pushrod Add vertical-grain webbing shown plans Use large sanding block entire wing structure remove bumps bulges wing tips should place before sanding completed add tip weight time trailing edge lower sheet should slightly tapered sanding block good fit upper sheet Prepare upper sheeting leaving ex cess stock chord span Using metal straightedge trim side sheet trial-fit wing trimmed edge butted against leading edge trim palms both hands roll sheeting place across chord using pressure over areas CyA applied Slide hands around sheet assure no loose joints Thats Sand entire wing final shape preparation fiberglassing used 6-oz K&B fiberglass cloth glued place Hobbypoxy 2 properly done entire fiberglassing process will add no 125 oz weight Cut piece cloth will extend tip tip wide enough cover both top bottom Mix two beads epoxy approx 2 long will applied short stiff-bristled acid brush purchased hardware store low enough price used once discarded Also have hand heat source such MonoKote heat gun hair drier Lay cloth over top wing Starting trailing edge apply about half-brushful epoxy wing through fiberglass Using heat gun warm epoxy until begins flow Left Offset landing gear crucial good handling ground fast pitting Right Engine side-mounted per rules extension carburetor helps provide vacuum necessary consistent runs required suction fuel system Left Details landing gear/engine mount plate Easy fabrication long trouble-free life Its strong points Right Crankcase Series 75 K&B 35 has reversed facilitate priming Tankvents shutoff positions help speed up pit stops using flat-head screw Decide point lead-outs external internal use music wire 048-in dia lead-outs recommend internal mounting less drag Make master rib template sheet aluminum Cut out required ribs necessary obtain good fit next step works like magic Run bead thick CyA rib joint top sheeting will touch also bead edge sheet will touch leading edge Slide sheet place leading edge using epoxy heated enough will begin run like water Brushthe glue around until no gloss important part process Continue doing over entire structure complete hang wing lead-outs cure overnight After has cured trim away excess cloth January 1986 77 Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 172 3/8i HLS DIA HO 1 CTRSNK TO 36 TIA 5/6it I/S 510 HOLE /8 0________________________ FUEL LINE SHUT OFF BRACKET LEAD 0511[I5II- ___IFf LEADOuT I IF -H- II VS 3A23/16 P /16 T~3 1/4 133/4 0 I 1/4. R_______ 7/ISF77F7 v16Li~~J 7/821/16 2/2 2 3/8I/S DIA HOLE WHEEL STRUT7 PACES 3/32 YAK 2024-73 5URINUM5 3/8 511/16 3 /16 MIDWEST SPORT RACER DESIGNED BY JOAN E LORBIECKI ENGINE OHOWNDRAWN ST JOHN E LORBIECKI AND JOGEPH E ARGON LS PLYWOODK ANO 35INKED BY JOSEPH F ARSON FINISH I SF10 6 OZ FIBERGLASS CLOTH OYERA.L I/IA GRAIN BALSAWITH HOBBY POXY 0 GLLE 2 APPLY 2 COADS OF HOBBY FOXY CLEAR THEN I/IA 01/4 PINE0WETOAND WITH 300 GAIT SANDPAPER 3 SPRAY COAT OF HOBBY ODET COLORED SPRAY PAINT -I/SOS BALSAWINO NOTO ID 4 S/IS IN SHORTER THAN LEFT WING ____VERTICAL ORAlS WEBBING1/6 MEDIOM BALSA MEASORED FROM FUSELAGE TO WINO TIP TYPICAL 6188 REQUIREDAREA 203 50 IN LENGTH 05 3/B INWINS SPAN 35 5/4 IN WHEEL STRUT I/IS HR BRASS 0 IN VACO SELLERANIS _______o000 TIK HEIGHT ______________ ____________________________________________________________[v32][b10666503600]] I I II I IIII I[ 3/32 Il I PLYWOOD I I II I L IIIII I IIIII I I IIIpI II I U --GROLL 00 WHO CONYRY. HORN 2 SEGF4-HO 01 I/S LO ROOND 016 016 CONTROL .INE CARLOFOOL LINE SHOT OFT BRACAETHEAD SCREW WITH 4-HO LONA LOCK NOT I/IS DIG MOTIC AIRO3/B HARD BAUSA FOR TAIL AND HISS EPOOT AND SLGSSCLOTH 20 WHO KEEPEROEBROSOLDESED COOPLERBALSA POSH ROD COYER 401/0 LS WOOD SCREW I I 314 014 WHEEL I 3/IA HARD BALSAII KLATT HINGE_____ HREQoi~ijn-- I____ IVA-s-Il 171.. 3/IS HARD BASA~I III glue loose spots fiberglass CyA After light sanding wing ready finish Stabilizer Use 1214-lb balsa lead ing trailing edges should rounded entire stab should sanded remove irregularities elevator should also rounded sanded over Note piece plywood used under control horns reinforce elevator high-stress point Set aside parts until later Fuselage Use ball-point pen fine-line marker outline overall shape cutouts various components blank hard straight-grained balsa Ac curately cut out blank band saw sharp knife engine bearers cut oak hard maple glued onto blank Sand both sides fuselage smooth flat Cut out doublers fit fuselage Trim good fit engine Taper rear doublers shown plans before gluing Titebond Elmers Wood Glue use C-clamps vise hold pressure glue dries Carefully fit wing fuselage try gouge wing sliding place After fit obtained remove wing sand fuselage shape wing now ready final mount ing Carefully square fuselage glue place Hobbypoxy 2 0I23/4 56 maximum strength stab can also hacksaw Round edges drill mounted taking care parallel holes wingUsing heavy fiberglass cloth epoxy landing gear can made theglass wing-to-fuselage joint using wing/fuselage joint curing Trace thesame technique used wing covering template onto sheet 090-in 2024-T3Two layers cloth will help keep joint cut shape band saw orContinued page 90 78 Model Aviation Johns wife Pat poses Midwest Sport Racer finish Hobbypoxy red white biue Engine man Lorbiecki shares good information simpie rework Author pica DAVE ROBELENS PRONTO AND SUPER PRONTO HIGH QUALITY 48 SPAN KIT FOR 09 TO 25 ENGINES FEATURES AlewingdesignwthNgh wing stsjility arel excellent inverte pertrxmaece GenhlefcrlbenoviceFuntorlte expeil wib vereatile petiamarice 4-6 hair i1-llre assembly f Cr beginrur Ptecisiac masNrte-cut 86 balsa plywoCri arel spwce Rdled lull size plars showing fl canpiete wing Step-t-step ktbors fur easy assembly Famed main Iarxling gear Excepilaul small lletii perfcMmance May tewn ito 3 clmnels Tested mcurnmerdnl arvi aproved RIC Maleler Megazire arel Malel Aviation -July 1984 IF THE ENGINE IS GOING TO RUN THIS WILL START IT Held $39g5 &Wrmnta Reid $4995 m*r m yaw isitutm net stack ader 1 deater acler direct tar post paid delively Virginia reScknts jd 4O/ sales 12X TIDEWATER HOBBY ENTERPRISES / Route 1Box24lD Lanexa Virginia 23089 Phone 18041 966-5092 2 burn 20 25 gallons fuel year share grass field gophers Hot restarts runway often difficult modified electric starter NiCad pack too heavy awkward carry runway wanted something small light Bumpstart 1 /2 diameter standard size drive cone 6 long weighs 10/2 02 did want bat tery charge designed around stainless steel spring spring wound turning body drive cone opposite directions four complete turns three turns 10 25 enginesl steel ratchet inside locks spring tension use starter tire plug hold aircraft hand Bump drive cone rubber against spinner prop nut drive cone slides back releases spring energy spins engine Bumpetart does have some limitations like best through 1010 50 size engines pit start pattern aircraft Piped ST. 61 ABC Four cycle Yes OW rotation No like idea see hobby dealer order direct PS have retired electric starter NEU KRAFT INC 921 12th St NE Jamestown ND 58401 701 252-1092 Sincerely Chet Neukom 24983 List Price $3495 US Check allow time MO Postage Paid ND Res Add 4/o testing sound levels Belgian team members suspected little hanky panky full-throttle tests seems being tested sound levels much lower anyone else good reason Renaat Lemniens Belgium has new patented tuned pipe does outstanding new piece equipment Flevohof Lemmens pipe constructed basically carbon fiberwith alinerof fiberglass Itis extremely light Belgians tested 9596dBA ground exceptional Dave Brown brought back possibly may market pipe US Going price over $3800 Dean Pappas columnist Fly ing Models got testing report ing FM lookout report 14th World Championships F3A memorable event Organ izing Committee volunteers Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Associ ation plus various clubs deserve lot credit job well done As own Academy Netherlands aeromod eling division celebrating its 50th anm versary What better way publicize celebrate event very suc cessful World Championships Racer/Lorbiecki Continued page 78 cracking under heavy use must reinforce wing-fuselage joint fi bergiass Final assembly finishing Mount engine landing gear plate fuel tank fuel shutoff satisfied fit everything unmount hardware apply finish original done red white blue Hobbypoxy kind finish takes little longer apply durable gives nice shine also very lightweight easy repaint need choose method used first brush coat clear Hobbypoxy Light ly sand coat apply another After coat has cured wet-sand entire model 320-grit wet/dry paper After final sanding surface should glass-smooth Note elevator yet installed Decide paint scheme will use fancy pattern looks nice hard match model needs repaired Spray base color over entire model Mask areas second color black electrical tape Spray epoxy after has heated slightly container hot water make paint fluid easier spray painting com plete let cure day two rubout finish automotive rubbing compound Waxing model over produces nice shiny finish will last long time Mount elevator favorite Continued page 92 90 Model Aviation PA1TERN SHIP AS GOOD AS YOU ARE. MAYBE BETTER T1ucik Technician totally functional design combines great flying characteristics ease construc tion good looks first quality kit throughout FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE FOAM CORES BASIC KIT BASIC HARDWARE PKG DELUXE KIT ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ALL REQUIRED BALSAS MOTOR MOUNT AND HARDWARE BASIC KIT. $ 9495 DELUXE KIT 495 See Dealer First DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED L&L MODEL BY PRODUCTS 513 3850912 7342 Applerldge Court CIncInnatI OhIo 45247 TARBaby TRANSMITTER CASE Especially Turn-around thisAn inexpensive rugged molded 850 sq 120 4 cyclecase protect expensive powered Ron Chidgey designtransmitter both two atick smooth solid performersingle stick transmitters Brown Rib templates computerleather grain aluminum trim plotted Plans construc / tion hints -$1195and locking clasp -$1895 WING TUBE & SOCKETSNEW WING MOUNTING SET Aluminum alloy tubing plug-in wing mounting system developed Ron Chidgey wings Included pair fast neat accurate stays tight Three special slip-fit phenolic sockets nylon brackets screws machined wing blocks build wing structure included $695 Now size models 718 die x2- $ 895 1% diax 2-S 995 1/s dis x 3- $1495 GP Gator RIC Products 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 See Dealer Order Direct Phone AC 904 476-8639Include $150 Per Item UPS binges used Klett hinges worked very well Mount control horns flight control other fuel shutoffta elevator Hook up pushrod make sure control system functions freely Mount shutoff hook up proper horn should activate application full-down elevator should snap firmly acti vated Mount engine tank time final step mount tail wing skids model ready fly engine important part racer rules Midwest Sport Racing state production 35 engine must used must loop-scavenged plain bearing use stock components internally predominate engine written K&B 35 Series 75 Supertigre 35C plain bearingbeing second stock K&B good runner may wish start out stock unit few tips however should help run better racing events fast restart important engine have good fit between piston ring liner Finding good piston liner set fairly easy can done tools Take stock liner slide ring using bottom piston align ring bore Slide ring topmost part liner piston will normally ride Sight through liner light look gaps light leaks around ring gap try another liner/ring combination until set can found allows no light shine around ring After good ring has found way check its end gap feeler gauge should between 002-004 ring will seal properly less use small file remove material needed get proper gap After good ring liner assembly have found lower part liner about 25 above exhaust port should relieved choked reduce drag ring liner An automative brake hone some lightweight oil can used Run electric drill slow speed stroke liner up down careful go too far up liner material being removed should 0015 0025 total step essential though helps Clean parts thoroughly remove grit hone important Reworking crankshaft can result significant increase power idea change intake timing closes 62 after top dead center TDC will need 3600 protractor vise small piece music wire some kind mechanical stop stop could depth micrometer though such tool required Mount protractor crank music wire serves pointer should mounted engines lugs Continued page 168 92 Model Aviation LLAALLL 13311 Beach Ave na Del Rey CA FOX 19 BUSHING EXCEPTIONAL POWER Fox 19 truly exceptional baffle piston motor easily powerful baffle motors probably powerful bushing 19 motors superb performer has now market long enough thoroughly de bugged American-made featuring Mark series carburetor VISA MasterCard Accepted Fox MFG CO 5305 TOWSON AVE FORT SMITH AR 72901 5011 646-1656 above wing line-slider near CL Navy Carrier/PerrYtip Cam used nylon nose gear block Continued page 75the tail hook mount added plywood both sides fuselage have difficult U-2 re-formers hook could bolted mained aboard after landing been1 removed crane after America returned -vThe wing modified much portfuselage bass replacing A-in prefer Army Airbalsa spars A6-in vertical-grain webForce aircraft such P-39 5 1bing added between spars wing event twin-engine op-was mounted permanently fuselage tion Although Doolittles raiders didntrather being removable land B-25s carrier Navykit tested modified Marine PBJ-lH AAF surfaces A-in sheet balsa equivalent B-25J tail hookare adequate long balsa hard catapult gear aboard ussenough might consider increasing Shangri-La 1944the thickness using carbon tape overThere has never abundance oflay increase rigidity A-in dowel kits available Class II Carrierelevator-joiner should replaced events phaseout Sterlingwire joiner standard Control Line Guardian kit problem particularlypractice acute An alternative has found end result efforts Class however least two Carrier modelersI small-engine Class II model have converted Royal Productsabout 230 square inches wing area AA Radio Control Sport Scale kits usea weight about 24 pounds Cor Class I/Il Carrier models Cam Martinsair indication Fcyal has very flew F4U Corsair Nats using ancareful scale dimensions series 05 40 FSR Class 05 45 FSRof kits detectable deviations Class II line also includes Zerothe Corsair thickness tail P-S 1surfaces sheet balsa used Cams modifications F4U adaptsimplify construction kit larger engine provide Thats time Keep hook bellcrank mount tail hook in-dry crease strength critical areas fuselage consists plywood ring formers Richard L Perry 7578 Vogels Way A-in-square balsa stringers andSpringfield VA 22153 A-in sheet covering Cam replaced ____________________________________ balsa stringers bass spruce would Racer/Lorbiecki also work well added additional stringers approximately double Continued page 92 original number also added stringer two area would used location protractor crank holding model pull test critical pointer should long 6-in sheeting has developed some cracks enough extend along perimeter aft cowl Cam suggests fiber- protractor Set stop point glass reinforcement area piston will contact before reaching TDC kit has A-in plywood box Hold stop flange liner mounting engine radio equip- rotate engine until piston lightly ment Engine bearers added touches stop inside box inverted engine Note reading protractor Withinstallation fuel tank fits top out moving stop rotate crank the motor mounts bellcrank hangs opposite direction until piston lightly below lead-outs routed touches stop Note number Sub*** NEW IMPROVED glier Wutf Madd wIlk mare wait Paws *tAIAKlllTUS Pstent No s ** VVI1ILII * *-p * Dealers Invited ,, * ----S * w-------s-p .orarrafltvDS-p lone year .10ftCOR * w * torDry * Stick Abrasives *-p *A Keen Machine gives exceptional *sanding control excellent tinish * * 5995 Basic xci 1 fIat Wend 1 each5 *882 lIar 1 hail Balder Sneosi xci *1 UOrxund wand 5 xl B ents-p * *129~ Deicoe ncudes3flat2hall rxondp -p *e grits-p * dional Wends Abrasives available4 *-p *WANDIT MANUFACTURING 214 288-5789 * * PO Box 266 s Mesquite Texas 751494 168 Model Aviation RC Bore 850 Stroke Displacement199 WeightA oz RPM 8-4 prop15000 Fuel consumption40 mm Atom Back Approx Wt 175 os Displacement 09 CU Ifl Bore- 5 Stroke 5 Piston Steel Crank case Magnesium Allay lOriginall Crankshaft Bearing Silicon Bronze Cylinder- Chromally Steel Approx RPM 0 Iwith Grey Cax 7 x 4 propl Price guaranteed through 1995 FOB Los Angeles cA Add *250 shIpping per engine CA residents add 8% Sales Tax Order Direct ATOM smallest ignition engines ever produced DesIgned R Arden further developments John Morrill Simplex Engines Limited Production Run Delivery 10 12 weeks ARO will receive wIthin 7 days order con firming postcard verify receipt order give assigned engine number ap proximate delivery date Morrill-ADC PO Box 1210 Simi Valley CA 93062 tract bigger number smaller divide result two Add number smaller number previously obtained result number TDC exact way find TDC actually easier sounds number found TDC add 62 rotate crank running direc don until protractor reads number ie TDC ill new timing mark Using scribe scratch crank through venturi hole scribe mark should left side hole viewing engine front Verify scratch disassemble engine Using carbide burr widen intake opening crank until scribe mark just barely visible Leave corners radi used remove bumps other machine marks work will done crank Slide crank front housing should spin free no side-to-side up/down movement crank tight can carefully lapped main bearing Remember clean both housing crank remove residue lapping compound fit loose excessive movement vertically horizontally replace bearing acquire another front housing Some people like chrome crank feel free have done facility doing available Endplay fore aft movement should minimized about 011 015 placing shims behind thrust washer excessive end-play crank pin may hit backplate help stuff crankcase increase crankcase compression have manufac tured new backplate bar stock An easier way to cut piece aluminum will fit cutout backplate hold place rivet two trick Doc Anderson used older STs head should set up about 012 clearance between squishband flat area head flaVf piston machine work has done remove sharp corners head prevent detonation Also check baffle piston has ample clearance slot head turns 0100 PONFONRANCE 0850 LAUNtOER GLIORMS PNON LIGOTREIGET ALUMINUM BEVERAGE CANS TWO FULL SIZE PATTERNS YUAN CNOICRI ILLUSTRATRO FABRICATION ANN FLYING INSTRUCTIONS NO01 AEBITIONAL PATTERNS NIlS RACE OR Sb FACE IPICE ROI SOUTUBASTERt PA NEROSA EONS EU IIRONRI out problem short giow plug life head may have jacked up 004 time reduce damage plug has provided best runs us has K&B Long hardest part running engine suction tank deciding venturi use large hole must used get power engine large hole may introduce fuel draw prob lems needle valve setup fuel tank also critical hole spraybar should enlarged approx 055 dia located about 15 below lip venturi ran some manometer tests found maximum draw angle venturi has worked well extends out housing about 6 needle valve going through its centerline about 2 above housing hole 343 dia venturi shape machined fuel tank location critical Just 12 m up down can make difference between engine run consistent throughout full tank rich beginning lean end Experi mentation needed get best run out whatever system used Assemble engine test run careful keep parts clean during assembly engine should flip over smartly leaks ring try running before switching another ring some engines take quart fuel proper seating test engine 8-8 Rev-Up prop good use Try something around 16000 rpm Flying Cut set lines match airplane Test run engine try shutoff several times sure functioning Fill tank fly model always fill tank takeoff feed line far forward engine may stop before leaving ground tank isnt full engine running rich have pilot fly little high see will go lean lean shut off richen needle setting before ring seal damaged landing practice catching model restarting Continued page 172 Plastic Film Finishes Liquid Finishes *1095 HARRY B HIGLEY SONS INC P o max 532 GLENWOOD ILL 60425 January1986 169 LLEX{ELAND GIANTS I4W FOR GIANT SCALE BUFFS Cot PEY5A $42 ACUrt JNd JR007 $20 PEYSA $58 60 VoOt CorE P4U$25 96W 081 NonyRoco $481 00 VogI CorE F4Ll $697 52W Ww12l Rod L $26 54 SDDowoiNII 21 $40 . 77WWool2l EodL$4872Cor 0201/4 L&S $45 84 FO8kET 07 Ftr . $30162 Holoord Oooo Ike $46 60 Howord FetE BOON 52277 Booino E17G Port $35 70 RayleE GoE. 032 103 Oo E17G Fort $55 80 SUportoorioo 500 $24 60 DRUO 046A Ob. $32 EOOApErroarinE 566 032 108 Sikor 538 Awpk $40 62 CArt Noook P-AR $42 60 EoN 100 Sport $30 94 CUrHonk F-AN Pt $54r- 00 Roe 100 Sport l 62 Lorkhaod V00 . 024 90 StinrALor Wino $58 74 DooliOleN 0 B 11 $48 00 Mortin 74 TdM1 $30 95 MANONOUP Sport $36 75 HPg 0400 Eorok $35 00 Ho Spr EUlidog $43 100 H-Po 0400 Boor $49 107 Arottoo C-3 Opt $25 80 0Rororo VSUiI 039 U~iW 61 DOUOION 038 Obs $32 77 LANUOOOk SOdOT $25 122 000010 0380k $49 73 N Mitk Eorrrb $49 94 Fog CUrl Boo 045 AS ldMoroAdRr 6-24 $49 71 Mortln 810 Bonok $29 01 DO MoSqUito BiN $42 78 TUrner WW Boo $35r- 100 58 MON9UEOTr8 $55 * AO.. 64 CAY Goshk Fl 1C2 542 90 StNr FTI7Koy4t $56 94 CUP Golrk FliCO 054- 99 NEIk Widow PAl $89 .w...w.AA DeHon ConoNt Rae $24 71 DoUO DC2 lroo $32 A2 MrMUIIlgoo 035 95 DOUO DC3 Tron $55 94 M i9aO $45 06 Howk Teooro 13535 8380 g F-26A Ftr 536 100 CorO2Ul/4 L&0 $56 .eo.EU 04 Boo 0 P20A Frr $40 80 DoUOIo M2 Moil $24 oco C-A Cobin $36 60 OriNrol Boildog Prr $30 64 Oeooh C17-E Otog $38 59 BrowoNacEMeLA $56 96 OR C li-B Stog $49 107 Gruor Beorot POP $541 55 OUlIEleotro $30 73 TroxorI Air 6000 $24 02 o kDlRcto $40 107 Mot MB-i Boo $44 - 62 StloSor T/W 5B7 $16 91 Liodhero NO211 $39 01 Stlooo T/W SE7 $24 100 Poirolr9T19 Tr $591 122 Otloeon T/W SB7 $30 90 Woco TaperWiog $39 59 Britol Ptr P2-B $20 75 W.tI4 LyNoodEr $32 70 ErIstol Ftr P2-B $32 100 WotId Lyondor $49 10 BrIStol Ftr 928 $45 57 Pord lriwrr 4AT $28 74 TI PREOR Spec $45 76 Ford Trirorr 4AT 045 83 Sllyrooket XPSP1 824 114 Ford Triwtr dAT 859 58 CA WRkk 940 $24 04 BorIJoyoe XPJ2 $56 70 Look Liohtng P38 $38 93 LURTiVO CSAbnk9Ir $69 56 Rep So-Oeo Aw $24 58 GrUrnJ2P DUO $39 74 OepSEo-B Anoph $39 70 GrAwJ2P DUOII $56 106 Piper J3 CUk 53959 Gotlra GIV Bow $22 90 [oRk HAdNo Onk $30 117 GothA G1V Bow $29 63 GrAw PAP HelIRot $20 68 BrAOWiolole Bird $45 55 Heath Oak Bolt $241- 54 CArt Swift 0F934 528 Sold OkrA DEaler Frio~okjEoI chono -- AmER ForCe SoEIATea QUARTER SIZE AtUtIOFIA0 neridO 96 tE 50o Op 6122 PattR Aiwoy Iol Add 10% order f6pploo & iON. Oto USA Coo & MeA BIsnorharo 15% 25% ky oirl Piotoriol RotalAO $200 liodAde PrioR LiRti Price Iit eNriUT oboe $1 00 ky foreigo odd 01 00 wnw -CLEVELAND MODEL&SUPPLYCo bAOCOPAoNASRAO SEOUER S PAOE*REAoIAtION RRRR ENIREE NIACE ItF ooRnrRrOHAEoRI SOSOyB 0606097 AVE CLEVELAND OHIO 44102 CA.-RIw-OAUSr PhooR 515 PMES 0 100 ST 218 981 200$ -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 76, 77, 78, 90, 92, 168, 169, 172
Midwest Sport Racer ANYONE interested engines probably has thought about getting some form racing Im no different Though am primarily Free Flighter grew up Control Line background thanks father still remember trying get two laps Scientific Kingpin crashing fly lot Free Flight contests Just Iwas beginning feel would nice try something different along came good CL club Milwaukee Circlemasters wonderful group provided fine flying field enthusiasm category Control Line Racing emphasizes fun low cost engine/plane set ups practice can make almost anyone competitive John Lorbiecki pursue new aspect modeling found out about Midwest Sport Racing basic rules follow fuselage must profile type 18 long wing has span 34 chord 6 plain-bearing non-Schnuerle 35 engine required gether suction fuel system 10%nitro fuel Races 100 laps three planes circle three pit stops required lot fun fly type event specs model speeds typically high 90 low 100mph rangea reasonable clip rookie start model presented good example models flown Midwest although much construc tion concept comes Free Flight background particularly FAI Power very lightweight strong enough take much abuse wing offset 4 drag reduction enclosing much lines within wing flat-bottom airfoil used ease con struction thanks number Midwest fliers such Larry Dziak Jerry Meyers Billy Hughes ideas incorporated design must also give credit fellow club members Roger Beitman Gordie Teschendorf have very free advice learned hard way always willing help beginner heat competition nothing unusual about fuse lage other landing gear must made 2024-T3 aluminum type gear strengthens models nose oonstructed mounted shown airplane can landed high speed taxied pitman gear can cut out hacksaw hand drill Construction notes Everything except doublers glued thick cyanoacrylate CyA such Gap Zap Super Hot Stuff truly competitive model must light strong select wood ac cording job must engine will use should chosen ginning fuselage can made proper cutouts mounting holes wing best place start everything built around top bottom 1/16-in sheeting use A-grain balsa weighing 14 16 gin 1A6 x 3 x 36-in piece pine spar glued between sheeting should straight-grained strong Use wax paper underneath sheeting gluing spar simple technique constructing wing Hot Stuff Tips video76 Model Aviation author poses racer Ciasses such requiring super high performance and/or expensive equipment machine shop competi tive bread butter CL Racing Most evident shot offset wing Borrowing FAi CL Speed modeis iines within extended inner wing pansi lowering overaii drag iines Simpie paint scheme attractive easy match shouid repairs become necessary tape put out Satellite City First have hand firm straight surface building need soft accept pins pins wont used Use 3M 77 Spraymount adhesive hold sheeting work surface Cut exact wingspan chord balsa sheets prepared earlier sheet wax paper cut about 4 longer span Spray side wax paper contact cement put side down building surface taking care no bulges creases Spray wax paper once again cement after few minutes place balsa sheeting di rectly wax paper Dont alarmed sheeting easily removed wax paper contact cement adheres sheeting can easily rubbed off after wing constructed Cut leading edge shape glue place Using square ruler mark rib locations shown plans felttip pen good Cut out bellcrank platform mount crank sharp X-Acto knife following tem plate closely possible Using drill sharpened piece brass tubing cut holes lead-outs ribs Lay ribs position lower sheeting glue Either thin thick CyA will work fine thin type easier use because rib can simply held place thin CyA run joint Install lead-outs pushrod Add vertical-grain webbing shown plans Use large sanding block entire wing structure remove bumps bulges wing tips should place before sanding completed add tip weight time trailing edge lower sheet should slightly tapered sanding block good fit upper sheet Prepare upper sheeting leaving ex cess stock chord span Using metal straightedge trim side sheet trial-fit wing trimmed edge butted against leading edge trim palms both hands roll sheeting place across chord using pressure over areas CyA applied Slide hands around sheet assure no loose joints Thats Sand entire wing final shape preparation fiberglassing used 6-oz K&B fiberglass cloth glued place Hobbypoxy 2 properly done entire fiberglassing process will add no 125 oz weight Cut piece cloth will extend tip tip wide enough cover both top bottom Mix two beads epoxy approx 2 long will applied short stiff-bristled acid brush purchased hardware store low enough price used once discarded Also have hand heat source such MonoKote heat gun hair drier Lay cloth over top wing Starting trailing edge apply about half-brushful epoxy wing through fiberglass Using heat gun warm epoxy until begins flow Left Offset landing gear crucial good handling ground fast pitting Right Engine side-mounted per rules extension carburetor helps provide vacuum necessary consistent runs required suction fuel system Left Details landing gear/engine mount plate Easy fabrication long trouble-free life Its strong points Right Crankcase Series 75 K&B 35 has reversed facilitate priming Tankvents shutoff positions help speed up pit stops using flat-head screw Decide point lead-outs external internal use music wire 048-in dia lead-outs recommend internal mounting less drag Make master rib template sheet aluminum Cut out required ribs necessary obtain good fit next step works like magic Run bead thick CyA rib joint top sheeting will touch also bead edge sheet will touch leading edge Slide sheet place leading edge using epoxy heated enough will begin run like water Brushthe glue around until no gloss important part process Continue doing over entire structure complete hang wing lead-outs cure overnight After has cured trim away excess cloth January 1986 77 Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 172 3/8i HLS DIA HO 1 CTRSNK TO 36 TIA 5/6it I/S 510 HOLE /8 0________________________ FUEL LINE SHUT OFF BRACKET LEAD 0511[I5II- ___IFf LEADOuT I IF -H- II VS 3A23/16 P /16 T~3 1/4 133/4 0 I 1/4. R_______ 7/ISF77F7 v16Li~~J 7/821/16 2/2 2 3/8I/S DIA HOLE WHEEL STRUT7 PACES 3/32 YAK 2024-73 5URINUM5 3/8 511/16 3 /16 MIDWEST SPORT RACER DESIGNED BY JOAN E LORBIECKI ENGINE OHOWNDRAWN ST JOHN E LORBIECKI AND JOGEPH E ARGON LS PLYWOODK ANO 35INKED BY JOSEPH F ARSON FINISH I SF10 6 OZ FIBERGLASS CLOTH OYERA.L I/IA GRAIN BALSAWITH HOBBY POXY 0 GLLE 2 APPLY 2 COADS OF HOBBY FOXY CLEAR THEN I/IA 01/4 PINE0WETOAND WITH 300 GAIT SANDPAPER 3 SPRAY COAT OF HOBBY ODET COLORED SPRAY PAINT -I/SOS BALSAWINO NOTO ID 4 S/IS IN SHORTER THAN LEFT WING ____VERTICAL ORAlS WEBBING1/6 MEDIOM BALSA MEASORED FROM FUSELAGE TO WINO TIP TYPICAL 6188 REQUIREDAREA 203 50 IN LENGTH 05 3/B INWINS SPAN 35 5/4 IN WHEEL STRUT I/IS HR BRASS 0 IN VACO SELLERANIS _______o000 TIK HEIGHT ______________ ____________________________________________________________[v32][b10666503600]] I I II I IIII I[ 3/32 Il I PLYWOOD I I II I L IIIII I IIIII I I IIIpI II I U --GROLL 00 WHO CONYRY. HORN 2 SEGF4-HO 01 I/S LO ROOND 016 016 CONTROL .INE CARLOFOOL LINE SHOT OFT BRACAETHEAD SCREW WITH 4-HO LONA LOCK NOT I/IS DIG MOTIC AIRO3/B HARD BAUSA FOR TAIL AND HISS EPOOT AND SLGSSCLOTH 20 WHO KEEPEROEBROSOLDESED COOPLERBALSA POSH ROD COYER 401/0 LS WOOD SCREW I I 314 014 WHEEL I 3/IA HARD BALSAII KLATT HINGE_____ HREQoi~ijn-- I____ IVA-s-Il 171.. 3/IS HARD BASA~I III glue loose spots fiberglass CyA After light sanding wing ready finish Stabilizer Use 1214-lb balsa lead ing trailing edges should rounded entire stab should sanded remove irregularities elevator should also rounded sanded over Note piece plywood used under control horns reinforce elevator high-stress point Set aside parts until later Fuselage Use ball-point pen fine-line marker outline overall shape cutouts various components blank hard straight-grained balsa Ac curately cut out blank band saw sharp knife engine bearers cut oak hard maple glued onto blank Sand both sides fuselage smooth flat Cut out doublers fit fuselage Trim good fit engine Taper rear doublers shown plans before gluing Titebond Elmers Wood Glue use C-clamps vise hold pressure glue dries Carefully fit wing fuselage try gouge wing sliding place After fit obtained remove wing sand fuselage shape wing now ready final mount ing Carefully square fuselage glue place Hobbypoxy 2 0I23/4 56 maximum strength stab can also hacksaw Round edges drill mounted taking care parallel holes wingUsing heavy fiberglass cloth epoxy landing gear can made theglass wing-to-fuselage joint using wing/fuselage joint curing Trace thesame technique used wing covering template onto sheet 090-in 2024-T3Two layers cloth will help keep joint cut shape band saw orContinued page 90 78 Model Aviation Johns wife Pat poses Midwest Sport Racer finish Hobbypoxy red white biue Engine man Lorbiecki shares good information simpie rework Author pica DAVE ROBELENS PRONTO AND SUPER PRONTO HIGH QUALITY 48 SPAN KIT FOR 09 TO 25 ENGINES FEATURES AlewingdesignwthNgh wing stsjility arel excellent inverte pertrxmaece GenhlefcrlbenoviceFuntorlte expeil wib vereatile petiamarice 4-6 hair i1-llre assembly f Cr beginrur Ptecisiac masNrte-cut 86 balsa plywoCri arel spwce Rdled lull size plars showing fl canpiete wing Step-t-step ktbors fur easy assembly Famed main Iarxling gear Excepilaul small lletii perfcMmance May tewn ito 3 clmnels Tested mcurnmerdnl arvi aproved RIC Maleler Megazire arel Malel Aviation -July 1984 IF THE ENGINE IS GOING TO RUN THIS WILL START IT Held $39g5 &Wrmnta Reid $4995 m*r m yaw isitutm net stack ader 1 deater acler direct tar post paid delively Virginia reScknts jd 4O/ sales 12X TIDEWATER HOBBY ENTERPRISES / Route 1Box24lD Lanexa Virginia 23089 Phone 18041 966-5092 2 burn 20 25 gallons fuel year share grass field gophers Hot restarts runway often difficult modified electric starter NiCad pack too heavy awkward carry runway wanted something small light Bumpstart 1 /2 diameter standard size drive cone 6 long weighs 10/2 02 did want bat tery charge designed around stainless steel spring spring wound turning body drive cone opposite directions four complete turns three turns 10 25 enginesl steel ratchet inside locks spring tension use starter tire plug hold aircraft hand Bump drive cone rubber against spinner prop nut drive cone slides back releases spring energy spins engine Bumpetart does have some limitations like best through 1010 50 size engines pit start pattern aircraft Piped ST. 61 ABC Four cycle Yes OW rotation No like idea see hobby dealer order direct PS have retired electric starter NEU KRAFT INC 921 12th St NE Jamestown ND 58401 701 252-1092 Sincerely Chet Neukom 24983 List Price $3495 US Check allow time MO Postage Paid ND Res Add 4/o testing sound levels Belgian team members suspected little hanky panky full-throttle tests seems being tested sound levels much lower anyone else good reason Renaat Lemniens Belgium has new patented tuned pipe does outstanding new piece equipment Flevohof Lemmens pipe constructed basically carbon fiberwith alinerof fiberglass Itis extremely light Belgians tested 9596dBA ground exceptional Dave Brown brought back possibly may market pipe US Going price over $3800 Dean Pappas columnist Fly ing Models got testing report ing FM lookout report 14th World Championships F3A memorable event Organ izing Committee volunteers Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Associ ation plus various clubs deserve lot credit job well done As own Academy Netherlands aeromod eling division celebrating its 50th anm versary What better way publicize celebrate event very suc cessful World Championships Racer/Lorbiecki Continued page 78 cracking under heavy use must reinforce wing-fuselage joint fi bergiass Final assembly finishing Mount engine landing gear plate fuel tank fuel shutoff satisfied fit everything unmount hardware apply finish original done red white blue Hobbypoxy kind finish takes little longer apply durable gives nice shine also very lightweight easy repaint need choose method used first brush coat clear Hobbypoxy Light ly sand coat apply another After coat has cured wet-sand entire model 320-grit wet/dry paper After final sanding surface should glass-smooth Note elevator yet installed Decide paint scheme will use fancy pattern looks nice hard match model needs repaired Spray base color over entire model Mask areas second color black electrical tape Spray epoxy after has heated slightly container hot water make paint fluid easier spray painting com plete let cure day two rubout finish automotive rubbing compound Waxing model over produces nice shiny finish will last long time Mount elevator favorite Continued page 92 90 Model Aviation PA1TERN SHIP AS GOOD AS YOU ARE. MAYBE BETTER T1ucik Technician totally functional design combines great flying characteristics ease construc tion good looks first quality kit throughout FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE FOAM CORES BASIC KIT BASIC HARDWARE PKG DELUXE KIT ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ALL REQUIRED BALSAS MOTOR MOUNT AND HARDWARE BASIC KIT. $ 9495 DELUXE KIT 495 See Dealer First DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED L&L MODEL BY PRODUCTS 513 3850912 7342 Applerldge Court CIncInnatI OhIo 45247 TARBaby TRANSMITTER CASE Especially Turn-around thisAn inexpensive rugged molded 850 sq 120 4 cyclecase protect expensive powered Ron Chidgey designtransmitter both two atick smooth solid performersingle stick transmitters Brown Rib templates computerleather grain aluminum trim plotted Plans construc / tion hints -$1195and locking clasp -$1895 WING TUBE & SOCKETSNEW WING MOUNTING SET Aluminum alloy tubing plug-in wing mounting system developed Ron Chidgey wings Included pair fast neat accurate stays tight Three special slip-fit phenolic sockets nylon brackets screws machined wing blocks build wing structure included $695 Now size models 718 die x2- $ 895 1% diax 2-S 995 1/s dis x 3- $1495 GP Gator RIC Products 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 See Dealer Order Direct Phone AC 904 476-8639Include $150 Per Item UPS binges used Klett hinges worked very well Mount control horns flight control other fuel shutoffta elevator Hook up pushrod make sure control system functions freely Mount shutoff hook up proper horn should activate application full-down elevator should snap firmly acti vated Mount engine tank time final step mount tail wing skids model ready fly engine important part racer rules Midwest Sport Racing state production 35 engine must used must loop-scavenged plain bearing use stock components internally predominate engine written K&B 35 Series 75 Supertigre 35C plain bearingbeing second stock K&B good runner may wish start out stock unit few tips however should help run better racing events fast restart important engine have good fit between piston ring liner Finding good piston liner set fairly easy can done tools Take stock liner slide ring using bottom piston align ring bore Slide ring topmost part liner piston will normally ride Sight through liner light look gaps light leaks around ring gap try another liner/ring combination until set can found allows no light shine around ring After good ring has found way check its end gap feeler gauge should between 002-004 ring will seal properly less use small file remove material needed get proper gap After good ring liner assembly have found lower part liner about 25 above exhaust port should relieved choked reduce drag ring liner An automative brake hone some lightweight oil can used Run electric drill slow speed stroke liner up down careful go too far up liner material being removed should 0015 0025 total step essential though helps Clean parts thoroughly remove grit hone important Reworking crankshaft can result significant increase power idea change intake timing closes 62 after top dead center TDC will need 3600 protractor vise small piece music wire some kind mechanical stop stop could depth micrometer though such tool required Mount protractor crank music wire serves pointer should mounted engines lugs Continued page 168 92 Model Aviation LLAALLL 13311 Beach Ave na Del Rey CA FOX 19 BUSHING EXCEPTIONAL POWER Fox 19 truly exceptional baffle piston motor easily powerful baffle motors probably powerful bushing 19 motors superb performer has now market long enough thoroughly de bugged American-made featuring Mark series carburetor VISA MasterCard Accepted Fox MFG CO 5305 TOWSON AVE FORT SMITH AR 72901 5011 646-1656 above wing line-slider near CL Navy Carrier/PerrYtip Cam used nylon nose gear block Continued page 75the tail hook mount added plywood both sides fuselage have difficult U-2 re-formers hook could bolted mained aboard after landing been1 removed crane after America returned -vThe wing modified much portfuselage bass replacing A-in prefer Army Airbalsa spars A6-in vertical-grain webForce aircraft such P-39 5 1bing added between spars wing event twin-engine op-was mounted permanently fuselage tion Although Doolittles raiders didntrather being removable land B-25s carrier Navykit tested modified Marine PBJ-lH AAF surfaces A-in sheet balsa equivalent B-25J tail hookare adequate long balsa hard catapult gear aboard ussenough might consider increasing Shangri-La 1944the thickness using carbon tape overThere has never abundance oflay increase rigidity A-in dowel kits available Class II Carrierelevator-joiner should replaced events phaseout Sterlingwire joiner standard Control Line Guardian kit problem particularlypractice acute An alternative has found end result efforts Class however least two Carrier modelersI small-engine Class II model have converted Royal Productsabout 230 square inches wing area AA Radio Control Sport Scale kits usea weight about 24 pounds Cor Class I/Il Carrier models Cam Martinsair indication Fcyal has very flew F4U Corsair Nats using ancareful scale dimensions series 05 40 FSR Class 05 45 FSRof kits detectable deviations Class II line also includes Zerothe Corsair thickness tail P-S 1surfaces sheet balsa used Cams modifications F4U adaptsimplify construction kit larger engine provide Thats time Keep hook bellcrank mount tail hook in-dry crease strength critical areas fuselage consists plywood ring formers Richard L Perry 7578 Vogels Way A-in-square balsa stringers andSpringfield VA 22153 A-in sheet covering Cam replaced ____________________________________ balsa stringers bass spruce would Racer/Lorbiecki also work well added additional stringers approximately double Continued page 92 original number also added stringer two area would used location protractor crank holding model pull test critical pointer should long 6-in sheeting has developed some cracks enough extend along perimeter aft cowl Cam suggests fiber- protractor Set stop point glass reinforcement area piston will contact before reaching TDC kit has A-in plywood box Hold stop flange liner mounting engine radio equip- rotate engine until piston lightly ment Engine bearers added touches stop inside box inverted engine Note reading protractor Withinstallation fuel tank fits top out moving stop rotate crank the motor mounts bellcrank hangs opposite direction until piston lightly below lead-outs routed touches stop Note number Sub*** NEW IMPROVED glier Wutf Madd wIlk mare wait Paws *tAIAKlllTUS Pstent No s ** VVI1ILII * *-p * Dealers Invited ,, * ----S * w-------s-p .orarrafltvDS-p lone year .10ftCOR * w * torDry * Stick Abrasives *-p *A Keen Machine gives exceptional *sanding control excellent tinish * * 5995 Basic xci 1 fIat Wend 1 each5 *882 lIar 1 hail Balder Sneosi xci *1 UOrxund wand 5 xl B ents-p * *129~ Deicoe ncudes3flat2hall rxondp -p *e grits-p * dional Wends Abrasives available4 *-p *WANDIT MANUFACTURING 214 288-5789 * * PO Box 266 s Mesquite Texas 751494 168 Model Aviation RC Bore 850 Stroke Displacement199 WeightA oz RPM 8-4 prop15000 Fuel consumption40 mm Atom Back Approx Wt 175 os Displacement 09 CU Ifl Bore- 5 Stroke 5 Piston Steel Crank case Magnesium Allay lOriginall Crankshaft Bearing Silicon Bronze Cylinder- Chromally Steel Approx RPM 0 Iwith Grey Cax 7 x 4 propl Price guaranteed through 1995 FOB Los Angeles cA Add *250 shIpping per engine CA residents add 8% Sales Tax Order Direct ATOM smallest ignition engines ever produced DesIgned R Arden further developments John Morrill Simplex Engines Limited Production Run Delivery 10 12 weeks ARO will receive wIthin 7 days order con firming postcard verify receipt order give assigned engine number ap proximate delivery date Morrill-ADC PO Box 1210 Simi Valley CA 93062 tract bigger number smaller divide result two Add number smaller number previously obtained result number TDC exact way find TDC actually easier sounds number found TDC add 62 rotate crank running direc don until protractor reads number ie TDC ill new timing mark Using scribe scratch crank through venturi hole scribe mark should left side hole viewing engine front Verify scratch disassemble engine Using carbide burr widen intake opening crank until scribe mark just barely visible Leave corners radi used remove bumps other machine marks work will done crank Slide crank front housing should spin free no side-to-side up/down movement crank tight can carefully lapped main bearing Remember clean both housing crank remove residue lapping compound fit loose excessive movement vertically horizontally replace bearing acquire another front housing Some people like chrome crank feel free have done facility doing available Endplay fore aft movement should minimized about 011 015 placing shims behind thrust washer excessive end-play crank pin may hit backplate help stuff crankcase increase crankcase compression have manufac tured new backplate bar stock An easier way to cut piece aluminum will fit cutout backplate hold place rivet two trick Doc Anderson used older STs head should set up about 012 clearance between squishband flat area head flaVf piston machine work has done remove sharp corners head prevent detonation Also check baffle piston has ample clearance slot head turns 0100 PONFONRANCE 0850 LAUNtOER GLIORMS PNON LIGOTREIGET ALUMINUM BEVERAGE CANS TWO FULL SIZE PATTERNS YUAN CNOICRI ILLUSTRATRO FABRICATION ANN FLYING INSTRUCTIONS NO01 AEBITIONAL PATTERNS NIlS RACE OR Sb FACE IPICE ROI SOUTUBASTERt PA NEROSA EONS EU IIRONRI out problem short giow plug life head may have jacked up 004 time reduce damage plug has provided best runs us has K&B Long hardest part running engine suction tank deciding venturi use large hole must used get power engine large hole may introduce fuel draw prob lems needle valve setup fuel tank also critical hole spraybar should enlarged approx 055 dia located about 15 below lip venturi ran some manometer tests found maximum draw angle venturi has worked well extends out housing about 6 needle valve going through its centerline about 2 above housing hole 343 dia venturi shape machined fuel tank location critical Just 12 m up down can make difference between engine run consistent throughout full tank rich beginning lean end Experi mentation needed get best run out whatever system used Assemble engine test run careful keep parts clean during assembly engine should flip over smartly leaks ring try running before switching another ring some engines take quart fuel proper seating test engine 8-8 Rev-Up prop good use Try something around 16000 rpm Flying Cut set lines match airplane Test run engine try shutoff several times sure functioning Fill tank fly model always fill tank takeoff feed line far forward engine may stop before leaving ground tank isnt full engine running rich have pilot fly little high see will go lean lean shut off richen needle setting before ring seal damaged landing practice catching model restarting Continued page 172 Plastic Film Finishes Liquid Finishes *1095 HARRY B HIGLEY SONS INC P o max 532 GLENWOOD ILL 60425 January1986 169 LLEX{ELAND GIANTS I4W FOR GIANT SCALE BUFFS Cot PEY5A $42 ACUrt JNd JR007 $20 PEYSA $58 60 VoOt CorE P4U$25 96W 081 NonyRoco $481 00 VogI CorE F4Ll $697 52W Ww12l Rod L $26 54 SDDowoiNII 21 $40 . 77WWool2l EodL$4872Cor 0201/4 L&S $45 84 FO8kET 07 Ftr . $30162 Holoord Oooo Ike $46 60 Howord FetE BOON 52277 Booino E17G Port $35 70 RayleE GoE. 032 103 Oo E17G Fort $55 80 SUportoorioo 500 $24 60 DRUO 046A Ob. $32 EOOApErroarinE 566 032 108 Sikor 538 Awpk $40 62 CArt Noook P-AR $42 60 EoN 100 Sport $30 94 CUrHonk F-AN Pt $54r- 00 Roe 100 Sport l 62 Lorkhaod V00 . 024 90 StinrALor Wino $58 74 DooliOleN 0 B 11 $48 00 Mortin 74 TdM1 $30 95 MANONOUP Sport $36 75 HPg 0400 Eorok $35 00 Ho Spr EUlidog $43 100 H-Po 0400 Boor $49 107 Arottoo C-3 Opt $25 80 0Rororo VSUiI 039 U~iW 61 DOUOION 038 Obs $32 77 LANUOOOk SOdOT $25 122 000010 0380k $49 73 N Mitk Eorrrb $49 94 Fog CUrl Boo 045 AS ldMoroAdRr 6-24 $49 71 Mortln 810 Bonok $29 01 DO MoSqUito BiN $42 78 TUrner WW Boo $35r- 100 58 MON9UEOTr8 $55 * AO.. 64 CAY Goshk Fl 1C2 542 90 StNr FTI7Koy4t $56 94 CUP Golrk FliCO 054- 99 NEIk Widow PAl $89 .w...w.AA DeHon ConoNt Rae $24 71 DoUO DC2 lroo $32 A2 MrMUIIlgoo 035 95 DOUO DC3 Tron $55 94 M i9aO $45 06 Howk Teooro 13535 8380 g F-26A Ftr 536 100 CorO2Ul/4 L&0 $56 .eo.EU 04 Boo 0 P20A Frr $40 80 DoUOIo M2 Moil $24 oco C-A Cobin $36 60 OriNrol Boildog Prr $30 64 Oeooh C17-E Otog $38 59 BrowoNacEMeLA $56 96 OR C li-B Stog $49 107 Gruor Beorot POP $541 55 OUlIEleotro $30 73 TroxorI Air 6000 $24 02 o kDlRcto $40 107 Mot MB-i Boo $44 - 62 StloSor T/W 5B7 $16 91 Liodhero NO211 $39 01 Stlooo T/W SE7 $24 100 Poirolr9T19 Tr $591 122 Otloeon T/W SB7 $30 90 Woco TaperWiog $39 59 Britol Ptr P2-B $20 75 W.tI4 LyNoodEr $32 70 ErIstol Ftr P2-B $32 100 WotId Lyondor $49 10 BrIStol Ftr 928 $45 57 Pord lriwrr 4AT $28 74 TI PREOR Spec $45 76 Ford Trirorr 4AT 045 83 Sllyrooket XPSP1 824 114 Ford Triwtr dAT 859 58 CA WRkk 940 $24 04 BorIJoyoe XPJ2 $56 70 Look Liohtng P38 $38 93 LURTiVO CSAbnk9Ir $69 56 Rep So-Oeo Aw $24 58 GrUrnJ2P DUO $39 74 OepSEo-B Anoph $39 70 GrAwJ2P DUOII $56 106 Piper J3 CUk 53959 Gotlra GIV Bow $22 90 [oRk HAdNo Onk $30 117 GothA G1V Bow $29 63 GrAw PAP HelIRot $20 68 BrAOWiolole Bird $45 55 Heath Oak Bolt $241- 54 CArt Swift 0F934 528 Sold OkrA DEaler Frio~okjEoI chono -- AmER ForCe SoEIATea QUARTER SIZE AtUtIOFIA0 neridO 96 tE 50o Op 6122 PattR Aiwoy Iol Add 10% order f6pploo & iON. Oto USA Coo & MeA BIsnorharo 15% 25% ky oirl Piotoriol RotalAO $200 liodAde PrioR LiRti Price Iit eNriUT oboe $1 00 ky foreigo odd 01 00 wnw -CLEVELAND MODEL&SUPPLYCo bAOCOPAoNASRAO SEOUER S PAOE*REAoIAtION RRRR ENIREE NIACE ItF ooRnrRrOHAEoRI SOSOyB 0606097 AVE CLEVELAND OHIO 44102 CA.-RIw-OAUSr PhooR 515 PMES 0 100 ST 218 981 200$ -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 76, 77, 78, 90, 92, 168, 169, 172
Midwest Sport Racer ANYONE interested engines probably has thought about getting some form racing Im no different Though am primarily Free Flighter grew up Control Line background thanks father still remember trying get two laps Scientific Kingpin crashing fly lot Free Flight contests Just Iwas beginning feel would nice try something different along came good CL club Milwaukee Circlemasters wonderful group provided fine flying field enthusiasm category Control Line Racing emphasizes fun low cost engine/plane set ups practice can make almost anyone competitive John Lorbiecki pursue new aspect modeling found out about Midwest Sport Racing basic rules follow fuselage must profile type 18 long wing has span 34 chord 6 plain-bearing non-Schnuerle 35 engine required gether suction fuel system 10%nitro fuel Races 100 laps three planes circle three pit stops required lot fun fly type event specs model speeds typically high 90 low 100mph rangea reasonable clip rookie start model presented good example models flown Midwest although much construc tion concept comes Free Flight background particularly FAI Power very lightweight strong enough take much abuse wing offset 4 drag reduction enclosing much lines within wing flat-bottom airfoil used ease con struction thanks number Midwest fliers such Larry Dziak Jerry Meyers Billy Hughes ideas incorporated design must also give credit fellow club members Roger Beitman Gordie Teschendorf have very free advice learned hard way always willing help beginner heat competition nothing unusual about fuse lage other landing gear must made 2024-T3 aluminum type gear strengthens models nose oonstructed mounted shown airplane can landed high speed taxied pitman gear can cut out hacksaw hand drill Construction notes Everything except doublers glued thick cyanoacrylate CyA such Gap Zap Super Hot Stuff truly competitive model must light strong select wood ac cording job must engine will use should chosen ginning fuselage can made proper cutouts mounting holes wing best place start everything built around top bottom 1/16-in sheeting use A-grain balsa weighing 14 16 gin 1A6 x 3 x 36-in piece pine spar glued between sheeting should straight-grained strong Use wax paper underneath sheeting gluing spar simple technique constructing wing Hot Stuff Tips video76 Model Aviation author poses racer Ciasses such requiring super high performance and/or expensive equipment machine shop competi tive bread butter CL Racing Most evident shot offset wing Borrowing FAi CL Speed modeis iines within extended inner wing pansi lowering overaii drag iines Simpie paint scheme attractive easy match shouid repairs become necessary tape put out Satellite City First have hand firm straight surface building need soft accept pins pins wont used Use 3M 77 Spraymount adhesive hold sheeting work surface Cut exact wingspan chord balsa sheets prepared earlier sheet wax paper cut about 4 longer span Spray side wax paper contact cement put side down building surface taking care no bulges creases Spray wax paper once again cement after few minutes place balsa sheeting di rectly wax paper Dont alarmed sheeting easily removed wax paper contact cement adheres sheeting can easily rubbed off after wing constructed Cut leading edge shape glue place Using square ruler mark rib locations shown plans felttip pen good Cut out bellcrank platform mount crank sharp X-Acto knife following tem plate closely possible Using drill sharpened piece brass tubing cut holes lead-outs ribs Lay ribs position lower sheeting glue Either thin thick CyA will work fine thin type easier use because rib can simply held place thin CyA run joint Install lead-outs pushrod Add vertical-grain webbing shown plans Use large sanding block entire wing structure remove bumps bulges wing tips should place before sanding completed add tip weight time trailing edge lower sheet should slightly tapered sanding block good fit upper sheet Prepare upper sheeting leaving ex cess stock chord span Using metal straightedge trim side sheet trial-fit wing trimmed edge butted against leading edge trim palms both hands roll sheeting place across chord using pressure over areas CyA applied Slide hands around sheet assure no loose joints Thats Sand entire wing final shape preparation fiberglassing used 6-oz K&B fiberglass cloth glued place Hobbypoxy 2 properly done entire fiberglassing process will add no 125 oz weight Cut piece cloth will extend tip tip wide enough cover both top bottom Mix two beads epoxy approx 2 long will applied short stiff-bristled acid brush purchased hardware store low enough price used once discarded Also have hand heat source such MonoKote heat gun hair drier Lay cloth over top wing Starting trailing edge apply about half-brushful epoxy wing through fiberglass Using heat gun warm epoxy until begins flow Left Offset landing gear crucial good handling ground fast pitting Right Engine side-mounted per rules extension carburetor helps provide vacuum necessary consistent runs required suction fuel system Left Details landing gear/engine mount plate Easy fabrication long trouble-free life Its strong points Right Crankcase Series 75 K&B 35 has reversed facilitate priming Tankvents shutoff positions help speed up pit stops using flat-head screw Decide point lead-outs external internal use music wire 048-in dia lead-outs recommend internal mounting less drag Make master rib template sheet aluminum Cut out required ribs necessary obtain good fit next step works like magic Run bead thick CyA rib joint top sheeting will touch also bead edge sheet will touch leading edge Slide sheet place leading edge using epoxy heated enough will begin run like water Brushthe glue around until no gloss important part process Continue doing over entire structure complete hang wing lead-outs cure overnight After has cured trim away excess cloth January 1986 77 Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 172 3/8i HLS DIA HO 1 CTRSNK TO 36 TIA 5/6it I/S 510 HOLE /8 0________________________ FUEL LINE SHUT OFF BRACKET LEAD 0511[I5II- ___IFf LEADOuT I IF -H- II VS 3A23/16 P /16 T~3 1/4 133/4 0 I 1/4. R_______ 7/ISF77F7 v16Li~~J 7/821/16 2/2 2 3/8I/S DIA HOLE WHEEL STRUT7 PACES 3/32 YAK 2024-73 5URINUM5 3/8 511/16 3 /16 MIDWEST SPORT RACER DESIGNED BY JOAN E LORBIECKI ENGINE OHOWNDRAWN ST JOHN E LORBIECKI AND JOGEPH E ARGON LS PLYWOODK ANO 35INKED BY JOSEPH F ARSON FINISH I SF10 6 OZ FIBERGLASS CLOTH OYERA.L I/IA GRAIN BALSAWITH HOBBY POXY 0 GLLE 2 APPLY 2 COADS OF HOBBY FOXY CLEAR THEN I/IA 01/4 PINE0WETOAND WITH 300 GAIT SANDPAPER 3 SPRAY COAT OF HOBBY ODET COLORED SPRAY PAINT -I/SOS BALSAWINO NOTO ID 4 S/IS IN SHORTER THAN LEFT WING ____VERTICAL ORAlS WEBBING1/6 MEDIOM BALSA MEASORED FROM FUSELAGE TO WINO TIP TYPICAL 6188 REQUIREDAREA 203 50 IN LENGTH 05 3/B INWINS SPAN 35 5/4 IN WHEEL STRUT I/IS HR BRASS 0 IN VACO SELLERANIS _______o000 TIK HEIGHT ______________ ____________________________________________________________[v32][b10666503600]] I I II I IIII I[ 3/32 Il I PLYWOOD I I II I L IIIII I IIIII I I IIIpI II I U --GROLL 00 WHO CONYRY. HORN 2 SEGF4-HO 01 I/S LO ROOND 016 016 CONTROL .INE CARLOFOOL LINE SHOT OFT BRACAETHEAD SCREW WITH 4-HO LONA LOCK NOT I/IS DIG MOTIC AIRO3/B HARD BAUSA FOR TAIL AND HISS EPOOT AND SLGSSCLOTH 20 WHO KEEPEROEBROSOLDESED COOPLERBALSA POSH ROD COYER 401/0 LS WOOD SCREW I I 314 014 WHEEL I 3/IA HARD BALSAII KLATT HINGE_____ HREQoi~ijn-- I____ IVA-s-Il 171.. 3/IS HARD BASA~I III glue loose spots fiberglass CyA After light sanding wing ready finish Stabilizer Use 1214-lb balsa lead ing trailing edges should rounded entire stab should sanded remove irregularities elevator should also rounded sanded over Note piece plywood used under control horns reinforce elevator high-stress point Set aside parts until later Fuselage Use ball-point pen fine-line marker outline overall shape cutouts various components blank hard straight-grained balsa Ac curately cut out blank band saw sharp knife engine bearers cut oak hard maple glued onto blank Sand both sides fuselage smooth flat Cut out doublers fit fuselage Trim good fit engine Taper rear doublers shown plans before gluing Titebond Elmers Wood Glue use C-clamps vise hold pressure glue dries Carefully fit wing fuselage try gouge wing sliding place After fit obtained remove wing sand fuselage shape wing now ready final mount ing Carefully square fuselage glue place Hobbypoxy 2 0I23/4 56 maximum strength stab can also hacksaw Round edges drill mounted taking care parallel holes wingUsing heavy fiberglass cloth epoxy landing gear can made theglass wing-to-fuselage joint using wing/fuselage joint curing Trace thesame technique used wing covering template onto sheet 090-in 2024-T3Two layers cloth will help keep joint cut shape band saw orContinued page 90 78 Model Aviation Johns wife Pat poses Midwest Sport Racer finish Hobbypoxy red white biue Engine man Lorbiecki shares good information simpie rework Author pica DAVE ROBELENS PRONTO AND SUPER PRONTO HIGH QUALITY 48 SPAN KIT FOR 09 TO 25 ENGINES FEATURES AlewingdesignwthNgh wing stsjility arel excellent inverte pertrxmaece GenhlefcrlbenoviceFuntorlte expeil wib vereatile petiamarice 4-6 hair i1-llre assembly f Cr beginrur Ptecisiac masNrte-cut 86 balsa plywoCri arel spwce Rdled lull size plars showing fl canpiete wing Step-t-step ktbors fur easy assembly Famed main Iarxling gear Excepilaul small lletii perfcMmance May tewn ito 3 clmnels Tested mcurnmerdnl arvi aproved RIC Maleler Megazire arel Malel Aviation -July 1984 IF THE ENGINE IS GOING TO RUN THIS WILL START IT Held $39g5 &Wrmnta Reid $4995 m*r m yaw isitutm net stack ader 1 deater acler direct tar post paid delively Virginia reScknts jd 4O/ sales 12X TIDEWATER HOBBY ENTERPRISES / Route 1Box24lD Lanexa Virginia 23089 Phone 18041 966-5092 2 burn 20 25 gallons fuel year share grass field gophers Hot restarts runway often difficult modified electric starter NiCad pack too heavy awkward carry runway wanted something small light Bumpstart 1 /2 diameter standard size drive cone 6 long weighs 10/2 02 did want bat tery charge designed around stainless steel spring spring wound turning body drive cone opposite directions four complete turns three turns 10 25 enginesl steel ratchet inside locks spring tension use starter tire plug hold aircraft hand Bump drive cone rubber against spinner prop nut drive cone slides back releases spring energy spins engine Bumpetart does have some limitations like best through 1010 50 size engines pit start pattern aircraft Piped ST. 61 ABC Four cycle Yes OW rotation No like idea see hobby dealer order direct PS have retired electric starter NEU KRAFT INC 921 12th St NE Jamestown ND 58401 701 252-1092 Sincerely Chet Neukom 24983 List Price $3495 US Check allow time MO Postage Paid ND Res Add 4/o testing sound levels Belgian team members suspected little hanky panky full-throttle tests seems being tested sound levels much lower anyone else good reason Renaat Lemniens Belgium has new patented tuned pipe does outstanding new piece equipment Flevohof Lemmens pipe constructed basically carbon fiberwith alinerof fiberglass Itis extremely light Belgians tested 9596dBA ground exceptional Dave Brown brought back possibly may market pipe US Going price over $3800 Dean Pappas columnist Fly ing Models got testing report ing FM lookout report 14th World Championships F3A memorable event Organ izing Committee volunteers Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Associ ation plus various clubs deserve lot credit job well done As own Academy Netherlands aeromod eling division celebrating its 50th anm versary What better way publicize celebrate event very suc cessful World Championships Racer/Lorbiecki Continued page 78 cracking under heavy use must reinforce wing-fuselage joint fi bergiass Final assembly finishing Mount engine landing gear plate fuel tank fuel shutoff satisfied fit everything unmount hardware apply finish original done red white blue Hobbypoxy kind finish takes little longer apply durable gives nice shine also very lightweight easy repaint need choose method used first brush coat clear Hobbypoxy Light ly sand coat apply another After coat has cured wet-sand entire model 320-grit wet/dry paper After final sanding surface should glass-smooth Note elevator yet installed Decide paint scheme will use fancy pattern looks nice hard match model needs repaired Spray base color over entire model Mask areas second color black electrical tape Spray epoxy after has heated slightly container hot water make paint fluid easier spray painting com plete let cure day two rubout finish automotive rubbing compound Waxing model over produces nice shiny finish will last long time Mount elevator favorite Continued page 92 90 Model Aviation PA1TERN SHIP AS GOOD AS YOU ARE. MAYBE BETTER T1ucik Technician totally functional design combines great flying characteristics ease construc tion good looks first quality kit throughout FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE FOAM CORES BASIC KIT BASIC HARDWARE PKG DELUXE KIT ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ALL REQUIRED BALSAS MOTOR MOUNT AND HARDWARE BASIC KIT. $ 9495 DELUXE KIT 495 See Dealer First DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED L&L MODEL BY PRODUCTS 513 3850912 7342 Applerldge Court CIncInnatI OhIo 45247 TARBaby TRANSMITTER CASE Especially Turn-around thisAn inexpensive rugged molded 850 sq 120 4 cyclecase protect expensive powered Ron Chidgey designtransmitter both two atick smooth solid performersingle stick transmitters Brown Rib templates computerleather grain aluminum trim plotted Plans construc / tion hints -$1195and locking clasp -$1895 WING TUBE & SOCKETSNEW WING MOUNTING SET Aluminum alloy tubing plug-in wing mounting system developed Ron Chidgey wings Included pair fast neat accurate stays tight Three special slip-fit phenolic sockets nylon brackets screws machined wing blocks build wing structure included $695 Now size models 718 die x2- $ 895 1% diax 2-S 995 1/s dis x 3- $1495 GP Gator RIC Products 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 See Dealer Order Direct Phone AC 904 476-8639Include $150 Per Item UPS binges used Klett hinges worked very well Mount control horns flight control other fuel shutoffta elevator Hook up pushrod make sure control system functions freely Mount shutoff hook up proper horn should activate application full-down elevator should snap firmly acti vated Mount engine tank time final step mount tail wing skids model ready fly engine important part racer rules Midwest Sport Racing state production 35 engine must used must loop-scavenged plain bearing use stock components internally predominate engine written K&B 35 Series 75 Supertigre 35C plain bearingbeing second stock K&B good runner may wish start out stock unit few tips however should help run better racing events fast restart important engine have good fit between piston ring liner Finding good piston liner set fairly easy can done tools Take stock liner slide ring using bottom piston align ring bore Slide ring topmost part liner piston will normally ride Sight through liner light look gaps light leaks around ring gap try another liner/ring combination until set can found allows no light shine around ring After good ring has found way check its end gap feeler gauge should between 002-004 ring will seal properly less use small file remove material needed get proper gap After good ring liner assembly have found lower part liner about 25 above exhaust port should relieved choked reduce drag ring liner An automative brake hone some lightweight oil can used Run electric drill slow speed stroke liner up down careful go too far up liner material being removed should 0015 0025 total step essential though helps Clean parts thoroughly remove grit hone important Reworking crankshaft can result significant increase power idea change intake timing closes 62 after top dead center TDC will need 3600 protractor vise small piece music wire some kind mechanical stop stop could depth micrometer though such tool required Mount protractor crank music wire serves pointer should mounted engines lugs Continued page 168 92 Model Aviation LLAALLL 13311 Beach Ave na Del Rey CA FOX 19 BUSHING EXCEPTIONAL POWER Fox 19 truly exceptional baffle piston motor easily powerful baffle motors probably powerful bushing 19 motors superb performer has now market long enough thoroughly de bugged American-made featuring Mark series carburetor VISA MasterCard Accepted Fox MFG CO 5305 TOWSON AVE FORT SMITH AR 72901 5011 646-1656 above wing line-slider near CL Navy Carrier/PerrYtip Cam used nylon nose gear block Continued page 75the tail hook mount added plywood both sides fuselage have difficult U-2 re-formers hook could bolted mained aboard after landing been1 removed crane after America returned -vThe wing modified much portfuselage bass replacing A-in prefer Army Airbalsa spars A6-in vertical-grain webForce aircraft such P-39 5 1bing added between spars wing event twin-engine op-was mounted permanently fuselage tion Although Doolittles raiders didntrather being removable land B-25s carrier Navykit tested modified Marine PBJ-lH AAF surfaces A-in sheet balsa equivalent B-25J tail hookare adequate long balsa hard catapult gear aboard ussenough might consider increasing Shangri-La 1944the thickness using carbon tape overThere has never abundance oflay increase rigidity A-in dowel kits available Class II Carrierelevator-joiner should replaced events phaseout Sterlingwire joiner standard Control Line Guardian kit problem particularlypractice acute An alternative has found end result efforts Class however least two Carrier modelersI small-engine Class II model have converted Royal Productsabout 230 square inches wing area AA Radio Control Sport Scale kits usea weight about 24 pounds Cor Class I/Il Carrier models Cam Martinsair indication Fcyal has very flew F4U Corsair Nats using ancareful scale dimensions series 05 40 FSR Class 05 45 FSRof kits detectable deviations Class II line also includes Zerothe Corsair thickness tail P-S 1surfaces sheet balsa used Cams modifications F4U adaptsimplify construction kit larger engine provide Thats time Keep hook bellcrank mount tail hook in-dry crease strength critical areas fuselage consists plywood ring formers Richard L Perry 7578 Vogels Way A-in-square balsa stringers andSpringfield VA 22153 A-in sheet covering Cam replaced ____________________________________ balsa stringers bass spruce would Racer/Lorbiecki also work well added additional stringers approximately double Continued page 92 original number also added stringer two area would used location protractor crank holding model pull test critical pointer should long 6-in sheeting has developed some cracks enough extend along perimeter aft cowl Cam suggests fiber- protractor Set stop point glass reinforcement area piston will contact before reaching TDC kit has A-in plywood box Hold stop flange liner mounting engine radio equip- rotate engine until piston lightly ment Engine bearers added touches stop inside box inverted engine Note reading protractor Withinstallation fuel tank fits top out moving stop rotate crank the motor mounts bellcrank hangs opposite direction until piston lightly below lead-outs routed touches stop Note number Sub*** NEW IMPROVED glier Wutf Madd wIlk mare wait Paws *tAIAKlllTUS Pstent No s ** VVI1ILII * *-p * Dealers Invited ,, * ----S * w-------s-p .orarrafltvDS-p lone year .10ftCOR * w * torDry * Stick Abrasives *-p *A Keen Machine gives exceptional *sanding control excellent tinish * * 5995 Basic xci 1 fIat Wend 1 each5 *882 lIar 1 hail Balder Sneosi xci *1 UOrxund wand 5 xl B ents-p * *129~ Deicoe ncudes3flat2hall rxondp -p *e grits-p * dional Wends Abrasives available4 *-p *WANDIT MANUFACTURING 214 288-5789 * * PO Box 266 s Mesquite Texas 751494 168 Model Aviation RC Bore 850 Stroke Displacement199 WeightA oz RPM 8-4 prop15000 Fuel consumption40 mm Atom Back Approx Wt 175 os Displacement 09 CU Ifl Bore- 5 Stroke 5 Piston Steel Crank case Magnesium Allay lOriginall Crankshaft Bearing Silicon Bronze Cylinder- Chromally Steel Approx RPM 0 Iwith Grey Cax 7 x 4 propl Price guaranteed through 1995 FOB Los Angeles cA Add *250 shIpping per engine CA residents add 8% Sales Tax Order Direct ATOM smallest ignition engines ever produced DesIgned R Arden further developments John Morrill Simplex Engines Limited Production Run Delivery 10 12 weeks ARO will receive wIthin 7 days order con firming postcard verify receipt order give assigned engine number ap proximate delivery date Morrill-ADC PO Box 1210 Simi Valley CA 93062 tract bigger number smaller divide result two Add number smaller number previously obtained result number TDC exact way find TDC actually easier sounds number found TDC add 62 rotate crank running direc don until protractor reads number ie TDC ill new timing mark Using scribe scratch crank through venturi hole scribe mark should left side hole viewing engine front Verify scratch disassemble engine Using carbide burr widen intake opening crank until scribe mark just barely visible Leave corners radi used remove bumps other machine marks work will done crank Slide crank front housing should spin free no side-to-side up/down movement crank tight can carefully lapped main bearing Remember clean both housing crank remove residue lapping compound fit loose excessive movement vertically horizontally replace bearing acquire another front housing Some people like chrome crank feel free have done facility doing available Endplay fore aft movement should minimized about 011 015 placing shims behind thrust washer excessive end-play crank pin may hit backplate help stuff crankcase increase crankcase compression have manufac tured new backplate bar stock An easier way to cut piece aluminum will fit cutout backplate hold place rivet two trick Doc Anderson used older STs head should set up about 012 clearance between squishband flat area head flaVf piston machine work has done remove sharp corners head prevent detonation Also check baffle piston has ample clearance slot head turns 0100 PONFONRANCE 0850 LAUNtOER GLIORMS PNON LIGOTREIGET ALUMINUM BEVERAGE CANS TWO FULL SIZE PATTERNS YUAN CNOICRI ILLUSTRATRO FABRICATION ANN FLYING INSTRUCTIONS NO01 AEBITIONAL PATTERNS NIlS RACE OR Sb FACE IPICE ROI SOUTUBASTERt PA NEROSA EONS EU IIRONRI out problem short giow plug life head may have jacked up 004 time reduce damage plug has provided best runs us has K&B Long hardest part running engine suction tank deciding venturi use large hole must used get power engine large hole may introduce fuel draw prob lems needle valve setup fuel tank also critical hole spraybar should enlarged approx 055 dia located about 15 below lip venturi ran some manometer tests found maximum draw angle venturi has worked well extends out housing about 6 needle valve going through its centerline about 2 above housing hole 343 dia venturi shape machined fuel tank location critical Just 12 m up down can make difference between engine run consistent throughout full tank rich beginning lean end Experi mentation needed get best run out whatever system used Assemble engine test run careful keep parts clean during assembly engine should flip over smartly leaks ring try running before switching another ring some engines take quart fuel proper seating test engine 8-8 Rev-Up prop good use Try something around 16000 rpm Flying Cut set lines match airplane Test run engine try shutoff several times sure functioning Fill tank fly model always fill tank takeoff feed line far forward engine may stop before leaving ground tank isnt full engine running rich have pilot fly little high see will go lean lean shut off richen needle setting before ring seal damaged landing practice catching model restarting Continued page 172 Plastic Film Finishes Liquid Finishes *1095 HARRY B HIGLEY SONS INC P o max 532 GLENWOOD ILL 60425 January1986 169 LLEX{ELAND GIANTS I4W FOR GIANT SCALE BUFFS Cot PEY5A $42 ACUrt JNd JR007 $20 PEYSA $58 60 VoOt CorE P4U$25 96W 081 NonyRoco $481 00 VogI CorE F4Ll $697 52W Ww12l Rod L $26 54 SDDowoiNII 21 $40 . 77WWool2l EodL$4872Cor 0201/4 L&S $45 84 FO8kET 07 Ftr . $30162 Holoord Oooo Ike $46 60 Howord FetE BOON 52277 Booino E17G Port $35 70 RayleE GoE. 032 103 Oo E17G Fort $55 80 SUportoorioo 500 $24 60 DRUO 046A Ob. $32 EOOApErroarinE 566 032 108 Sikor 538 Awpk $40 62 CArt Noook P-AR $42 60 EoN 100 Sport $30 94 CUrHonk F-AN Pt $54r- 00 Roe 100 Sport l 62 Lorkhaod V00 . 024 90 StinrALor Wino $58 74 DooliOleN 0 B 11 $48 00 Mortin 74 TdM1 $30 95 MANONOUP Sport $36 75 HPg 0400 Eorok $35 00 Ho Spr EUlidog $43 100 H-Po 0400 Boor $49 107 Arottoo C-3 Opt $25 80 0Rororo VSUiI 039 U~iW 61 DOUOION 038 Obs $32 77 LANUOOOk SOdOT $25 122 000010 0380k $49 73 N Mitk Eorrrb $49 94 Fog CUrl Boo 045 AS ldMoroAdRr 6-24 $49 71 Mortln 810 Bonok $29 01 DO MoSqUito BiN $42 78 TUrner WW Boo $35r- 100 58 MON9UEOTr8 $55 * AO.. 64 CAY Goshk Fl 1C2 542 90 StNr FTI7Koy4t $56 94 CUP Golrk FliCO 054- 99 NEIk Widow PAl $89 .w...w.AA DeHon ConoNt Rae $24 71 DoUO DC2 lroo $32 A2 MrMUIIlgoo 035 95 DOUO DC3 Tron $55 94 M i9aO $45 06 Howk Teooro 13535 8380 g F-26A Ftr 536 100 CorO2Ul/4 L&0 $56 .eo.EU 04 Boo 0 P20A Frr $40 80 DoUOIo M2 Moil $24 oco C-A Cobin $36 60 OriNrol Boildog Prr $30 64 Oeooh C17-E Otog $38 59 BrowoNacEMeLA $56 96 OR C li-B Stog $49 107 Gruor Beorot POP $541 55 OUlIEleotro $30 73 TroxorI Air 6000 $24 02 o kDlRcto $40 107 Mot MB-i Boo $44 - 62 StloSor T/W 5B7 $16 91 Liodhero NO211 $39 01 Stlooo T/W SE7 $24 100 Poirolr9T19 Tr $591 122 Otloeon T/W SB7 $30 90 Woco TaperWiog $39 59 Britol Ptr P2-B $20 75 W.tI4 LyNoodEr $32 70 ErIstol Ftr P2-B $32 100 WotId Lyondor $49 10 BrIStol Ftr 928 $45 57 Pord lriwrr 4AT $28 74 TI PREOR Spec $45 76 Ford Trirorr 4AT 045 83 Sllyrooket XPSP1 824 114 Ford Triwtr dAT 859 58 CA WRkk 940 $24 04 BorIJoyoe XPJ2 $56 70 Look Liohtng P38 $38 93 LURTiVO CSAbnk9Ir $69 56 Rep So-Oeo Aw $24 58 GrUrnJ2P DUO $39 74 OepSEo-B Anoph $39 70 GrAwJ2P DUOII $56 106 Piper J3 CUk 53959 Gotlra GIV Bow $22 90 [oRk HAdNo Onk $30 117 GothA G1V Bow $29 63 GrAw PAP HelIRot $20 68 BrAOWiolole Bird $45 55 Heath Oak Bolt $241- 54 CArt Swift 0F934 528 Sold OkrA DEaler Frio~okjEoI chono -- AmER ForCe SoEIATea QUARTER SIZE AtUtIOFIA0 neridO 96 tE 50o Op 6122 PattR Aiwoy Iol Add 10% order f6pploo & iON. Oto USA Coo & MeA BIsnorharo 15% 25% ky oirl Piotoriol RotalAO $200 liodAde PrioR LiRti Price Iit eNriUT oboe $1 00 ky foreigo odd 01 00 wnw -CLEVELAND MODEL&SUPPLYCo bAOCOPAoNASRAO SEOUER S PAOE*REAoIAtION RRRR ENIREE NIACE ItF ooRnrRrOHAEoRI SOSOyB 0606097 AVE CLEVELAND OHIO 44102 CA.-RIw-OAUSr PhooR 515 PMES 0 100 ST 218 981 200$ -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 76, 77, 78, 90, 92, 168, 169, 172
Midwest Sport Racer ANYONE interested engines probably has thought about getting some form racing Im no different Though am primarily Free Flighter grew up Control Line background thanks father still remember trying get two laps Scientific Kingpin crashing fly lot Free Flight contests Just Iwas beginning feel would nice try something different along came good CL club Milwaukee Circlemasters wonderful group provided fine flying field enthusiasm category Control Line Racing emphasizes fun low cost engine/plane set ups practice can make almost anyone competitive John Lorbiecki pursue new aspect modeling found out about Midwest Sport Racing basic rules follow fuselage must profile type 18 long wing has span 34 chord 6 plain-bearing non-Schnuerle 35 engine required gether suction fuel system 10%nitro fuel Races 100 laps three planes circle three pit stops required lot fun fly type event specs model speeds typically high 90 low 100mph rangea reasonable clip rookie start model presented good example models flown Midwest although much construc tion concept comes Free Flight background particularly FAI Power very lightweight strong enough take much abuse wing offset 4 drag reduction enclosing much lines within wing flat-bottom airfoil used ease con struction thanks number Midwest fliers such Larry Dziak Jerry Meyers Billy Hughes ideas incorporated design must also give credit fellow club members Roger Beitman Gordie Teschendorf have very free advice learned hard way always willing help beginner heat competition nothing unusual about fuse lage other landing gear must made 2024-T3 aluminum type gear strengthens models nose oonstructed mounted shown airplane can landed high speed taxied pitman gear can cut out hacksaw hand drill Construction notes Everything except doublers glued thick cyanoacrylate CyA such Gap Zap Super Hot Stuff truly competitive model must light strong select wood ac cording job must engine will use should chosen ginning fuselage can made proper cutouts mounting holes wing best place start everything built around top bottom 1/16-in sheeting use A-grain balsa weighing 14 16 gin 1A6 x 3 x 36-in piece pine spar glued between sheeting should straight-grained strong Use wax paper underneath sheeting gluing spar simple technique constructing wing Hot Stuff Tips video76 Model Aviation author poses racer Ciasses such requiring super high performance and/or expensive equipment machine shop competi tive bread butter CL Racing Most evident shot offset wing Borrowing FAi CL Speed modeis iines within extended inner wing pansi lowering overaii drag iines Simpie paint scheme attractive easy match shouid repairs become necessary tape put out Satellite City First have hand firm straight surface building need soft accept pins pins wont used Use 3M 77 Spraymount adhesive hold sheeting work surface Cut exact wingspan chord balsa sheets prepared earlier sheet wax paper cut about 4 longer span Spray side wax paper contact cement put side down building surface taking care no bulges creases Spray wax paper once again cement after few minutes place balsa sheeting di rectly wax paper Dont alarmed sheeting easily removed wax paper contact cement adheres sheeting can easily rubbed off after wing constructed Cut leading edge shape glue place Using square ruler mark rib locations shown plans felttip pen good Cut out bellcrank platform mount crank sharp X-Acto knife following tem plate closely possible Using drill sharpened piece brass tubing cut holes lead-outs ribs Lay ribs position lower sheeting glue Either thin thick CyA will work fine thin type easier use because rib can simply held place thin CyA run joint Install lead-outs pushrod Add vertical-grain webbing shown plans Use large sanding block entire wing structure remove bumps bulges wing tips should place before sanding completed add tip weight time trailing edge lower sheet should slightly tapered sanding block good fit upper sheet Prepare upper sheeting leaving ex cess stock chord span Using metal straightedge trim side sheet trial-fit wing trimmed edge butted against leading edge trim palms both hands roll sheeting place across chord using pressure over areas CyA applied Slide hands around sheet assure no loose joints Thats Sand entire wing final shape preparation fiberglassing used 6-oz K&B fiberglass cloth glued place Hobbypoxy 2 properly done entire fiberglassing process will add no 125 oz weight Cut piece cloth will extend tip tip wide enough cover both top bottom Mix two beads epoxy approx 2 long will applied short stiff-bristled acid brush purchased hardware store low enough price used once discarded Also have hand heat source such MonoKote heat gun hair drier Lay cloth over top wing Starting trailing edge apply about half-brushful epoxy wing through fiberglass Using heat gun warm epoxy until begins flow Left Offset landing gear crucial good handling ground fast pitting Right Engine side-mounted per rules extension carburetor helps provide vacuum necessary consistent runs required suction fuel system Left Details landing gear/engine mount plate Easy fabrication long trouble-free life Its strong points Right Crankcase Series 75 K&B 35 has reversed facilitate priming Tankvents shutoff positions help speed up pit stops using flat-head screw Decide point lead-outs external internal use music wire 048-in dia lead-outs recommend internal mounting less drag Make master rib template sheet aluminum Cut out required ribs necessary obtain good fit next step works like magic Run bead thick CyA rib joint top sheeting will touch also bead edge sheet will touch leading edge Slide sheet place leading edge using epoxy heated enough will begin run like water Brushthe glue around until no gloss important part process Continue doing over entire structure complete hang wing lead-outs cure overnight After has cured trim away excess cloth January 1986 77 Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 172 3/8i HLS DIA HO 1 CTRSNK TO 36 TIA 5/6it I/S 510 HOLE /8 0________________________ FUEL LINE SHUT OFF BRACKET LEAD 0511[I5II- ___IFf LEADOuT I IF -H- II VS 3A23/16 P /16 T~3 1/4 133/4 0 I 1/4. R_______ 7/ISF77F7 v16Li~~J 7/821/16 2/2 2 3/8I/S DIA HOLE WHEEL STRUT7 PACES 3/32 YAK 2024-73 5URINUM5 3/8 511/16 3 /16 MIDWEST SPORT RACER DESIGNED BY JOAN E LORBIECKI ENGINE OHOWNDRAWN ST JOHN E LORBIECKI AND JOGEPH E ARGON LS PLYWOODK ANO 35INKED BY JOSEPH F ARSON FINISH I SF10 6 OZ FIBERGLASS CLOTH OYERA.L I/IA GRAIN BALSAWITH HOBBY POXY 0 GLLE 2 APPLY 2 COADS OF HOBBY FOXY CLEAR THEN I/IA 01/4 PINE0WETOAND WITH 300 GAIT SANDPAPER 3 SPRAY COAT OF HOBBY ODET COLORED SPRAY PAINT -I/SOS BALSAWINO NOTO ID 4 S/IS IN SHORTER THAN LEFT WING ____VERTICAL ORAlS WEBBING1/6 MEDIOM BALSA MEASORED FROM FUSELAGE TO WINO TIP TYPICAL 6188 REQUIREDAREA 203 50 IN LENGTH 05 3/B INWINS SPAN 35 5/4 IN WHEEL STRUT I/IS HR BRASS 0 IN VACO SELLERANIS _______o000 TIK HEIGHT ______________ ____________________________________________________________[v32][b10666503600]] I I II I IIII I[ 3/32 Il I PLYWOOD I I II I L IIIII I IIIII I I IIIpI II I U --GROLL 00 WHO CONYRY. HORN 2 SEGF4-HO 01 I/S LO ROOND 016 016 CONTROL .INE CARLOFOOL LINE SHOT OFT BRACAETHEAD SCREW WITH 4-HO LONA LOCK NOT I/IS DIG MOTIC AIRO3/B HARD BAUSA FOR TAIL AND HISS EPOOT AND SLGSSCLOTH 20 WHO KEEPEROEBROSOLDESED COOPLERBALSA POSH ROD COYER 401/0 LS WOOD SCREW I I 314 014 WHEEL I 3/IA HARD BALSAII KLATT HINGE_____ HREQoi~ijn-- I____ IVA-s-Il 171.. 3/IS HARD BASA~I III glue loose spots fiberglass CyA After light sanding wing ready finish Stabilizer Use 1214-lb balsa lead ing trailing edges should rounded entire stab should sanded remove irregularities elevator should also rounded sanded over Note piece plywood used under control horns reinforce elevator high-stress point Set aside parts until later Fuselage Use ball-point pen fine-line marker outline overall shape cutouts various components blank hard straight-grained balsa Ac curately cut out blank band saw sharp knife engine bearers cut oak hard maple glued onto blank Sand both sides fuselage smooth flat Cut out doublers fit fuselage Trim good fit engine Taper rear doublers shown plans before gluing Titebond Elmers Wood Glue use C-clamps vise hold pressure glue dries Carefully fit wing fuselage try gouge wing sliding place After fit obtained remove wing sand fuselage shape wing now ready final mount ing Carefully square fuselage glue place Hobbypoxy 2 0I23/4 56 maximum strength stab can also hacksaw Round edges drill mounted taking care parallel holes wingUsing heavy fiberglass cloth epoxy landing gear can made theglass wing-to-fuselage joint using wing/fuselage joint curing Trace thesame technique used wing covering template onto sheet 090-in 2024-T3Two layers cloth will help keep joint cut shape band saw orContinued page 90 78 Model Aviation Johns wife Pat poses Midwest Sport Racer finish Hobbypoxy red white biue Engine man Lorbiecki shares good information simpie rework Author pica DAVE ROBELENS PRONTO AND SUPER PRONTO HIGH QUALITY 48 SPAN KIT FOR 09 TO 25 ENGINES FEATURES AlewingdesignwthNgh wing stsjility arel excellent inverte pertrxmaece GenhlefcrlbenoviceFuntorlte expeil wib vereatile petiamarice 4-6 hair i1-llre assembly f Cr beginrur Ptecisiac masNrte-cut 86 balsa plywoCri arel spwce Rdled lull size plars showing fl canpiete wing Step-t-step ktbors fur easy assembly Famed main Iarxling gear Excepilaul small lletii perfcMmance May tewn ito 3 clmnels Tested mcurnmerdnl arvi aproved RIC Maleler Megazire arel Malel Aviation -July 1984 IF THE ENGINE IS GOING TO RUN THIS WILL START IT Held $39g5 &Wrmnta Reid $4995 m*r m yaw isitutm net stack ader 1 deater acler direct tar post paid delively Virginia reScknts jd 4O/ sales 12X TIDEWATER HOBBY ENTERPRISES / Route 1Box24lD Lanexa Virginia 23089 Phone 18041 966-5092 2 burn 20 25 gallons fuel year share grass field gophers Hot restarts runway often difficult modified electric starter NiCad pack too heavy awkward carry runway wanted something small light Bumpstart 1 /2 diameter standard size drive cone 6 long weighs 10/2 02 did want bat tery charge designed around stainless steel spring spring wound turning body drive cone opposite directions four complete turns three turns 10 25 enginesl steel ratchet inside locks spring tension use starter tire plug hold aircraft hand Bump drive cone rubber against spinner prop nut drive cone slides back releases spring energy spins engine Bumpetart does have some limitations like best through 1010 50 size engines pit start pattern aircraft Piped ST. 61 ABC Four cycle Yes OW rotation No like idea see hobby dealer order direct PS have retired electric starter NEU KRAFT INC 921 12th St NE Jamestown ND 58401 701 252-1092 Sincerely Chet Neukom 24983 List Price $3495 US Check allow time MO Postage Paid ND Res Add 4/o testing sound levels Belgian team members suspected little hanky panky full-throttle tests seems being tested sound levels much lower anyone else good reason Renaat Lemniens Belgium has new patented tuned pipe does outstanding new piece equipment Flevohof Lemmens pipe constructed basically carbon fiberwith alinerof fiberglass Itis extremely light Belgians tested 9596dBA ground exceptional Dave Brown brought back possibly may market pipe US Going price over $3800 Dean Pappas columnist Fly ing Models got testing report ing FM lookout report 14th World Championships F3A memorable event Organ izing Committee volunteers Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Associ ation plus various clubs deserve lot credit job well done As own Academy Netherlands aeromod eling division celebrating its 50th anm versary What better way publicize celebrate event very suc cessful World Championships Racer/Lorbiecki Continued page 78 cracking under heavy use must reinforce wing-fuselage joint fi bergiass Final assembly finishing Mount engine landing gear plate fuel tank fuel shutoff satisfied fit everything unmount hardware apply finish original done red white blue Hobbypoxy kind finish takes little longer apply durable gives nice shine also very lightweight easy repaint need choose method used first brush coat clear Hobbypoxy Light ly sand coat apply another After coat has cured wet-sand entire model 320-grit wet/dry paper After final sanding surface should glass-smooth Note elevator yet installed Decide paint scheme will use fancy pattern looks nice hard match model needs repaired Spray base color over entire model Mask areas second color black electrical tape Spray epoxy after has heated slightly container hot water make paint fluid easier spray painting com plete let cure day two rubout finish automotive rubbing compound Waxing model over produces nice shiny finish will last long time Mount elevator favorite Continued page 92 90 Model Aviation PA1TERN SHIP AS GOOD AS YOU ARE. MAYBE BETTER T1ucik Technician totally functional design combines great flying characteristics ease construc tion good looks first quality kit throughout FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE FOAM CORES BASIC KIT BASIC HARDWARE PKG DELUXE KIT ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ALL REQUIRED BALSAS MOTOR MOUNT AND HARDWARE BASIC KIT. $ 9495 DELUXE KIT 495 See Dealer First DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED L&L MODEL BY PRODUCTS 513 3850912 7342 Applerldge Court CIncInnatI OhIo 45247 TARBaby TRANSMITTER CASE Especially Turn-around thisAn inexpensive rugged molded 850 sq 120 4 cyclecase protect expensive powered Ron Chidgey designtransmitter both two atick smooth solid performersingle stick transmitters Brown Rib templates computerleather grain aluminum trim plotted Plans construc / tion hints -$1195and locking clasp -$1895 WING TUBE & SOCKETSNEW WING MOUNTING SET Aluminum alloy tubing plug-in wing mounting system developed Ron Chidgey wings Included pair fast neat accurate stays tight Three special slip-fit phenolic sockets nylon brackets screws machined wing blocks build wing structure included $695 Now size models 718 die x2- $ 895 1% diax 2-S 995 1/s dis x 3- $1495 GP Gator RIC Products 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 See Dealer Order Direct Phone AC 904 476-8639Include $150 Per Item UPS binges used Klett hinges worked very well Mount control horns flight control other fuel shutoffta elevator Hook up pushrod make sure control system functions freely Mount shutoff hook up proper horn should activate application full-down elevator should snap firmly acti vated Mount engine tank time final step mount tail wing skids model ready fly engine important part racer rules Midwest Sport Racing state production 35 engine must used must loop-scavenged plain bearing use stock components internally predominate engine written K&B 35 Series 75 Supertigre 35C plain bearingbeing second stock K&B good runner may wish start out stock unit few tips however should help run better racing events fast restart important engine have good fit between piston ring liner Finding good piston liner set fairly easy can done tools Take stock liner slide ring using bottom piston align ring bore Slide ring topmost part liner piston will normally ride Sight through liner light look gaps light leaks around ring gap try another liner/ring combination until set can found allows no light shine around ring After good ring has found way check its end gap feeler gauge should between 002-004 ring will seal properly less use small file remove material needed get proper gap After good ring liner assembly have found lower part liner about 25 above exhaust port should relieved choked reduce drag ring liner An automative brake hone some lightweight oil can used Run electric drill slow speed stroke liner up down careful go too far up liner material being removed should 0015 0025 total step essential though helps Clean parts thoroughly remove grit hone important Reworking crankshaft can result significant increase power idea change intake timing closes 62 after top dead center TDC will need 3600 protractor vise small piece music wire some kind mechanical stop stop could depth micrometer though such tool required Mount protractor crank music wire serves pointer should mounted engines lugs Continued page 168 92 Model Aviation LLAALLL 13311 Beach Ave na Del Rey CA FOX 19 BUSHING EXCEPTIONAL POWER Fox 19 truly exceptional baffle piston motor easily powerful baffle motors probably powerful bushing 19 motors superb performer has now market long enough thoroughly de bugged American-made featuring Mark series carburetor VISA MasterCard Accepted Fox MFG CO 5305 TOWSON AVE FORT SMITH AR 72901 5011 646-1656 above wing line-slider near CL Navy Carrier/PerrYtip Cam used nylon nose gear block Continued page 75the tail hook mount added plywood both sides fuselage have difficult U-2 re-formers hook could bolted mained aboard after landing been1 removed crane after America returned -vThe wing modified much portfuselage bass replacing A-in prefer Army Airbalsa spars A6-in vertical-grain webForce aircraft such P-39 5 1bing added between spars wing event twin-engine op-was mounted permanently fuselage tion Although Doolittles raiders didntrather being removable land B-25s carrier Navykit tested modified Marine PBJ-lH AAF surfaces A-in sheet balsa equivalent B-25J tail hookare adequate long balsa hard catapult gear aboard ussenough might consider increasing Shangri-La 1944the thickness using carbon tape overThere has never abundance oflay increase rigidity A-in dowel kits available Class II Carrierelevator-joiner should replaced events phaseout Sterlingwire joiner standard Control Line Guardian kit problem particularlypractice acute An alternative has found end result efforts Class however least two Carrier modelersI small-engine Class II model have converted Royal Productsabout 230 square inches wing area AA Radio Control Sport Scale kits usea weight about 24 pounds Cor Class I/Il Carrier models Cam Martinsair indication Fcyal has very flew F4U Corsair Nats using ancareful scale dimensions series 05 40 FSR Class 05 45 FSRof kits detectable deviations Class II line also includes Zerothe Corsair thickness tail P-S 1surfaces sheet balsa used Cams modifications F4U adaptsimplify construction kit larger engine provide Thats time Keep hook bellcrank mount tail hook in-dry crease strength critical areas fuselage consists plywood ring formers Richard L Perry 7578 Vogels Way A-in-square balsa stringers andSpringfield VA 22153 A-in sheet covering Cam replaced ____________________________________ balsa stringers bass spruce would Racer/Lorbiecki also work well added additional stringers approximately double Continued page 92 original number also added stringer two area would used location protractor crank holding model pull test critical pointer should long 6-in sheeting has developed some cracks enough extend along perimeter aft cowl Cam suggests fiber- protractor Set stop point glass reinforcement area piston will contact before reaching TDC kit has A-in plywood box Hold stop flange liner mounting engine radio equip- rotate engine until piston lightly ment Engine bearers added touches stop inside box inverted engine Note reading protractor Withinstallation fuel tank fits top out moving stop rotate crank the motor mounts bellcrank hangs opposite direction until piston lightly below lead-outs routed touches stop Note number Sub*** NEW IMPROVED glier Wutf Madd wIlk mare wait Paws *tAIAKlllTUS Pstent No s ** VVI1ILII * *-p * Dealers Invited ,, * ----S * w-------s-p .orarrafltvDS-p lone year .10ftCOR * w * torDry * Stick Abrasives *-p *A Keen Machine gives exceptional *sanding control excellent tinish * * 5995 Basic xci 1 fIat Wend 1 each5 *882 lIar 1 hail Balder Sneosi xci *1 UOrxund wand 5 xl B ents-p * *129~ Deicoe ncudes3flat2hall rxondp -p *e grits-p * dional Wends Abrasives available4 *-p *WANDIT MANUFACTURING 214 288-5789 * * PO Box 266 s Mesquite Texas 751494 168 Model Aviation RC Bore 850 Stroke Displacement199 WeightA oz RPM 8-4 prop15000 Fuel consumption40 mm Atom Back Approx Wt 175 os Displacement 09 CU Ifl Bore- 5 Stroke 5 Piston Steel Crank case Magnesium Allay lOriginall Crankshaft Bearing Silicon Bronze Cylinder- Chromally Steel Approx RPM 0 Iwith Grey Cax 7 x 4 propl Price guaranteed through 1995 FOB Los Angeles cA Add *250 shIpping per engine CA residents add 8% Sales Tax Order Direct ATOM smallest ignition engines ever produced DesIgned R Arden further developments John Morrill Simplex Engines Limited Production Run Delivery 10 12 weeks ARO will receive wIthin 7 days order con firming postcard verify receipt order give assigned engine number ap proximate delivery date Morrill-ADC PO Box 1210 Simi Valley CA 93062 tract bigger number smaller divide result two Add number smaller number previously obtained result number TDC exact way find TDC actually easier sounds number found TDC add 62 rotate crank running direc don until protractor reads number ie TDC ill new timing mark Using scribe scratch crank through venturi hole scribe mark should left side hole viewing engine front Verify scratch disassemble engine Using carbide burr widen intake opening crank until scribe mark just barely visible Leave corners radi used remove bumps other machine marks work will done crank Slide crank front housing should spin free no side-to-side up/down movement crank tight can carefully lapped main bearing Remember clean both housing crank remove residue lapping compound fit loose excessive movement vertically horizontally replace bearing acquire another front housing Some people like chrome crank feel free have done facility doing available Endplay fore aft movement should minimized about 011 015 placing shims behind thrust washer excessive end-play crank pin may hit backplate help stuff crankcase increase crankcase compression have manufac tured new backplate bar stock An easier way to cut piece aluminum will fit cutout backplate hold place rivet two trick Doc Anderson used older STs head should set up about 012 clearance between squishband flat area head flaVf piston machine work has done remove sharp corners head prevent detonation Also check baffle piston has ample clearance slot head turns 0100 PONFONRANCE 0850 LAUNtOER GLIORMS PNON LIGOTREIGET ALUMINUM BEVERAGE CANS TWO FULL SIZE PATTERNS YUAN CNOICRI ILLUSTRATRO FABRICATION ANN FLYING INSTRUCTIONS NO01 AEBITIONAL PATTERNS NIlS RACE OR Sb FACE IPICE ROI SOUTUBASTERt PA NEROSA EONS EU IIRONRI out problem short giow plug life head may have jacked up 004 time reduce damage plug has provided best runs us has K&B Long hardest part running engine suction tank deciding venturi use large hole must used get power engine large hole may introduce fuel draw prob lems needle valve setup fuel tank also critical hole spraybar should enlarged approx 055 dia located about 15 below lip venturi ran some manometer tests found maximum draw angle venturi has worked well extends out housing about 6 needle valve going through its centerline about 2 above housing hole 343 dia venturi shape machined fuel tank location critical Just 12 m up down can make difference between engine run consistent throughout full tank rich beginning lean end Experi mentation needed get best run out whatever system used Assemble engine test run careful keep parts clean during assembly engine should flip over smartly leaks ring try running before switching another ring some engines take quart fuel proper seating test engine 8-8 Rev-Up prop good use Try something around 16000 rpm Flying Cut set lines match airplane Test run engine try shutoff several times sure functioning Fill tank fly model always fill tank takeoff feed line far forward engine may stop before leaving ground tank isnt full engine running rich have pilot fly little high see will go lean lean shut off richen needle setting before ring seal damaged landing practice catching model restarting Continued page 172 Plastic Film Finishes Liquid Finishes *1095 HARRY B HIGLEY SONS INC P o max 532 GLENWOOD ILL 60425 January1986 169 LLEX{ELAND GIANTS I4W FOR GIANT SCALE BUFFS Cot PEY5A $42 ACUrt JNd JR007 $20 PEYSA $58 60 VoOt CorE P4U$25 96W 081 NonyRoco $481 00 VogI CorE F4Ll $697 52W Ww12l Rod L $26 54 SDDowoiNII 21 $40 . 77WWool2l EodL$4872Cor 0201/4 L&S $45 84 FO8kET 07 Ftr . $30162 Holoord Oooo Ike $46 60 Howord FetE BOON 52277 Booino E17G Port $35 70 RayleE GoE. 032 103 Oo E17G Fort $55 80 SUportoorioo 500 $24 60 DRUO 046A Ob. $32 EOOApErroarinE 566 032 108 Sikor 538 Awpk $40 62 CArt Noook P-AR $42 60 EoN 100 Sport $30 94 CUrHonk F-AN Pt $54r- 00 Roe 100 Sport l 62 Lorkhaod V00 . 024 90 StinrALor Wino $58 74 DooliOleN 0 B 11 $48 00 Mortin 74 TdM1 $30 95 MANONOUP Sport $36 75 HPg 0400 Eorok $35 00 Ho Spr EUlidog $43 100 H-Po 0400 Boor $49 107 Arottoo C-3 Opt $25 80 0Rororo VSUiI 039 U~iW 61 DOUOION 038 Obs $32 77 LANUOOOk SOdOT $25 122 000010 0380k $49 73 N Mitk Eorrrb $49 94 Fog CUrl Boo 045 AS ldMoroAdRr 6-24 $49 71 Mortln 810 Bonok $29 01 DO MoSqUito BiN $42 78 TUrner WW Boo $35r- 100 58 MON9UEOTr8 $55 * AO.. 64 CAY Goshk Fl 1C2 542 90 StNr FTI7Koy4t $56 94 CUP Golrk FliCO 054- 99 NEIk Widow PAl $89 .w...w.AA DeHon ConoNt Rae $24 71 DoUO DC2 lroo $32 A2 MrMUIIlgoo 035 95 DOUO DC3 Tron $55 94 M i9aO $45 06 Howk Teooro 13535 8380 g F-26A Ftr 536 100 CorO2Ul/4 L&0 $56 .eo.EU 04 Boo 0 P20A Frr $40 80 DoUOIo M2 Moil $24 oco C-A Cobin $36 60 OriNrol Boildog Prr $30 64 Oeooh C17-E Otog $38 59 BrowoNacEMeLA $56 96 OR C li-B Stog $49 107 Gruor Beorot POP $541 55 OUlIEleotro $30 73 TroxorI Air 6000 $24 02 o kDlRcto $40 107 Mot MB-i Boo $44 - 62 StloSor T/W 5B7 $16 91 Liodhero NO211 $39 01 Stlooo T/W SE7 $24 100 Poirolr9T19 Tr $591 122 Otloeon T/W SB7 $30 90 Woco TaperWiog $39 59 Britol Ptr P2-B $20 75 W.tI4 LyNoodEr $32 70 ErIstol Ftr P2-B $32 100 WotId Lyondor $49 10 BrIStol Ftr 928 $45 57 Pord lriwrr 4AT $28 74 TI PREOR Spec $45 76 Ford Trirorr 4AT 045 83 Sllyrooket XPSP1 824 114 Ford Triwtr dAT 859 58 CA WRkk 940 $24 04 BorIJoyoe XPJ2 $56 70 Look Liohtng P38 $38 93 LURTiVO CSAbnk9Ir $69 56 Rep So-Oeo Aw $24 58 GrUrnJ2P DUO $39 74 OepSEo-B Anoph $39 70 GrAwJ2P DUOII $56 106 Piper J3 CUk 53959 Gotlra GIV Bow $22 90 [oRk HAdNo Onk $30 117 GothA G1V Bow $29 63 GrAw PAP HelIRot $20 68 BrAOWiolole Bird $45 55 Heath Oak Bolt $241- 54 CArt Swift 0F934 528 Sold OkrA DEaler Frio~okjEoI chono -- AmER ForCe SoEIATea QUARTER SIZE AtUtIOFIA0 neridO 96 tE 50o Op 6122 PattR Aiwoy Iol Add 10% order f6pploo & iON. Oto USA Coo & MeA BIsnorharo 15% 25% ky oirl Piotoriol RotalAO $200 liodAde PrioR LiRti Price Iit eNriUT oboe $1 00 ky foreigo odd 01 00 wnw -CLEVELAND MODEL&SUPPLYCo bAOCOPAoNASRAO SEOUER S PAOE*REAoIAtION RRRR ENIREE NIACE ItF ooRnrRrOHAEoRI SOSOyB 0606097 AVE CLEVELAND OHIO 44102 CA.-RIw-OAUSr PhooR 515 PMES 0 100 ST 218 981 200$ -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE
Edition: Model Aviation - 1986/01
Page Numbers: 76, 77, 78, 90, 92, 168, 169, 172
Midwest Sport Racer ANYONE interested engines probably has thought about getting some form racing Im no different Though am primarily Free Flighter grew up Control Line background thanks father still remember trying get two laps Scientific Kingpin crashing fly lot Free Flight contests Just Iwas beginning feel would nice try something different along came good CL club Milwaukee Circlemasters wonderful group provided fine flying field enthusiasm category Control Line Racing emphasizes fun low cost engine/plane set ups practice can make almost anyone competitive John Lorbiecki pursue new aspect modeling found out about Midwest Sport Racing basic rules follow fuselage must profile type 18 long wing has span 34 chord 6 plain-bearing non-Schnuerle 35 engine required gether suction fuel system 10%nitro fuel Races 100 laps three planes circle three pit stops required lot fun fly type event specs model speeds typically high 90 low 100mph rangea reasonable clip rookie start model presented good example models flown Midwest although much construc tion concept comes Free Flight background particularly FAI Power very lightweight strong enough take much abuse wing offset 4 drag reduction enclosing much lines within wing flat-bottom airfoil used ease con struction thanks number Midwest fliers such Larry Dziak Jerry Meyers Billy Hughes ideas incorporated design must also give credit fellow club members Roger Beitman Gordie Teschendorf have very free advice learned hard way always willing help beginner heat competition nothing unusual about fuse lage other landing gear must made 2024-T3 aluminum type gear strengthens models nose oonstructed mounted shown airplane can landed high speed taxied pitman gear can cut out hacksaw hand drill Construction notes Everything except doublers glued thick cyanoacrylate CyA such Gap Zap Super Hot Stuff truly competitive model must light strong select wood ac cording job must engine will use should chosen ginning fuselage can made proper cutouts mounting holes wing best place start everything built around top bottom 1/16-in sheeting use A-grain balsa weighing 14 16 gin 1A6 x 3 x 36-in piece pine spar glued between sheeting should straight-grained strong Use wax paper underneath sheeting gluing spar simple technique constructing wing Hot Stuff Tips video76 Model Aviation author poses racer Ciasses such requiring super high performance and/or expensive equipment machine shop competi tive bread butter CL Racing Most evident shot offset wing Borrowing FAi CL Speed modeis iines within extended inner wing pansi lowering overaii drag iines Simpie paint scheme attractive easy match shouid repairs become necessary tape put out Satellite City First have hand firm straight surface building need soft accept pins pins wont used Use 3M 77 Spraymount adhesive hold sheeting work surface Cut exact wingspan chord balsa sheets prepared earlier sheet wax paper cut about 4 longer span Spray side wax paper contact cement put side down building surface taking care no bulges creases Spray wax paper once again cement after few minutes place balsa sheeting di rectly wax paper Dont alarmed sheeting easily removed wax paper contact cement adheres sheeting can easily rubbed off after wing constructed Cut leading edge shape glue place Using square ruler mark rib locations shown plans felttip pen good Cut out bellcrank platform mount crank sharp X-Acto knife following tem plate closely possible Using drill sharpened piece brass tubing cut holes lead-outs ribs Lay ribs position lower sheeting glue Either thin thick CyA will work fine thin type easier use because rib can simply held place thin CyA run joint Install lead-outs pushrod Add vertical-grain webbing shown plans Use large sanding block entire wing structure remove bumps bulges wing tips should place before sanding completed add tip weight time trailing edge lower sheet should slightly tapered sanding block good fit upper sheet Prepare upper sheeting leaving ex cess stock chord span Using metal straightedge trim side sheet trial-fit wing trimmed edge butted against leading edge trim palms both hands roll sheeting place across chord using pressure over areas CyA applied Slide hands around sheet assure no loose joints Thats Sand entire wing final shape preparation fiberglassing used 6-oz K&B fiberglass cloth glued place Hobbypoxy 2 properly done entire fiberglassing process will add no 125 oz weight Cut piece cloth will extend tip tip wide enough cover both top bottom Mix two beads epoxy approx 2 long will applied short stiff-bristled acid brush purchased hardware store low enough price used once discarded Also have hand heat source such MonoKote heat gun hair drier Lay cloth over top wing Starting trailing edge apply about half-brushful epoxy wing through fiberglass Using heat gun warm epoxy until begins flow Left Offset landing gear crucial good handling ground fast pitting Right Engine side-mounted per rules extension carburetor helps provide vacuum necessary consistent runs required suction fuel system Left Details landing gear/engine mount plate Easy fabrication long trouble-free life Its strong points Right Crankcase Series 75 K&B 35 has reversed facilitate priming Tankvents shutoff positions help speed up pit stops using flat-head screw Decide point lead-outs external internal use music wire 048-in dia lead-outs recommend internal mounting less drag Make master rib template sheet aluminum Cut out required ribs necessary obtain good fit next step works like magic Run bead thick CyA rib joint top sheeting will touch also bead edge sheet will touch leading edge Slide sheet place leading edge using epoxy heated enough will begin run like water Brushthe glue around until no gloss important part process Continue doing over entire structure complete hang wing lead-outs cure overnight After has cured trim away excess cloth January 1986 77 Full-Size Plans Available. See Page 172 3/8i HLS DIA HO 1 CTRSNK TO 36 TIA 5/6it I/S 510 HOLE /8 0________________________ FUEL LINE SHUT OFF BRACKET LEAD 0511[I5II- ___IFf LEADOuT I IF -H- II VS 3A23/16 P /16 T~3 1/4 133/4 0 I 1/4. R_______ 7/ISF77F7 v16Li~~J 7/821/16 2/2 2 3/8I/S DIA HOLE WHEEL STRUT7 PACES 3/32 YAK 2024-73 5URINUM5 3/8 511/16 3 /16 MIDWEST SPORT RACER DESIGNED BY JOAN E LORBIECKI ENGINE OHOWNDRAWN ST JOHN E LORBIECKI AND JOGEPH E ARGON LS PLYWOODK ANO 35INKED BY JOSEPH F ARSON FINISH I SF10 6 OZ FIBERGLASS CLOTH OYERA.L I/IA GRAIN BALSAWITH HOBBY POXY 0 GLLE 2 APPLY 2 COADS OF HOBBY FOXY CLEAR THEN I/IA 01/4 PINE0WETOAND WITH 300 GAIT SANDPAPER 3 SPRAY COAT OF HOBBY ODET COLORED SPRAY PAINT -I/SOS BALSAWINO NOTO ID 4 S/IS IN SHORTER THAN LEFT WING ____VERTICAL ORAlS WEBBING1/6 MEDIOM BALSA MEASORED FROM FUSELAGE TO WINO TIP TYPICAL 6188 REQUIREDAREA 203 50 IN LENGTH 05 3/B INWINS SPAN 35 5/4 IN WHEEL STRUT I/IS HR BRASS 0 IN VACO SELLERANIS _______o000 TIK HEIGHT ______________ ____________________________________________________________[v32][b10666503600]] I I II I IIII I[ 3/32 Il I PLYWOOD I I II I L IIIII I IIIII I I IIIpI II I U --GROLL 00 WHO CONYRY. HORN 2 SEGF4-HO 01 I/S LO ROOND 016 016 CONTROL .INE CARLOFOOL LINE SHOT OFT BRACAETHEAD SCREW WITH 4-HO LONA LOCK NOT I/IS DIG MOTIC AIRO3/B HARD BAUSA FOR TAIL AND HISS EPOOT AND SLGSSCLOTH 20 WHO KEEPEROEBROSOLDESED COOPLERBALSA POSH ROD COYER 401/0 LS WOOD SCREW I I 314 014 WHEEL I 3/IA HARD BALSAII KLATT HINGE_____ HREQoi~ijn-- I____ IVA-s-Il 171.. 3/IS HARD BASA~I III glue loose spots fiberglass CyA After light sanding wing ready finish Stabilizer Use 1214-lb balsa lead ing trailing edges should rounded entire stab should sanded remove irregularities elevator should also rounded sanded over Note piece plywood used under control horns reinforce elevator high-stress point Set aside parts until later Fuselage Use ball-point pen fine-line marker outline overall shape cutouts various components blank hard straight-grained balsa Ac curately cut out blank band saw sharp knife engine bearers cut oak hard maple glued onto blank Sand both sides fuselage smooth flat Cut out doublers fit fuselage Trim good fit engine Taper rear doublers shown plans before gluing Titebond Elmers Wood Glue use C-clamps vise hold pressure glue dries Carefully fit wing fuselage try gouge wing sliding place After fit obtained remove wing sand fuselage shape wing now ready final mount ing Carefully square fuselage glue place Hobbypoxy 2 0I23/4 56 maximum strength stab can also hacksaw Round edges drill mounted taking care parallel holes wingUsing heavy fiberglass cloth epoxy landing gear can made theglass wing-to-fuselage joint using wing/fuselage joint curing Trace thesame technique used wing covering template onto sheet 090-in 2024-T3Two layers cloth will help keep joint cut shape band saw orContinued page 90 78 Model Aviation Johns wife Pat poses Midwest Sport Racer finish Hobbypoxy red white biue Engine man Lorbiecki shares good information simpie rework Author pica DAVE ROBELENS PRONTO AND SUPER PRONTO HIGH QUALITY 48 SPAN KIT FOR 09 TO 25 ENGINES FEATURES AlewingdesignwthNgh wing stsjility arel excellent inverte pertrxmaece GenhlefcrlbenoviceFuntorlte expeil wib vereatile petiamarice 4-6 hair i1-llre assembly f Cr beginrur Ptecisiac masNrte-cut 86 balsa plywoCri arel spwce Rdled lull size plars showing fl canpiete wing Step-t-step ktbors fur easy assembly Famed main Iarxling gear Excepilaul small lletii perfcMmance May tewn ito 3 clmnels Tested mcurnmerdnl arvi aproved RIC Maleler Megazire arel Malel Aviation -July 1984 IF THE ENGINE IS GOING TO RUN THIS WILL START IT Held $39g5 &Wrmnta Reid $4995 m*r m yaw isitutm net stack ader 1 deater acler direct tar post paid delively Virginia reScknts jd 4O/ sales 12X TIDEWATER HOBBY ENTERPRISES / Route 1Box24lD Lanexa Virginia 23089 Phone 18041 966-5092 2 burn 20 25 gallons fuel year share grass field gophers Hot restarts runway often difficult modified electric starter NiCad pack too heavy awkward carry runway wanted something small light Bumpstart 1 /2 diameter standard size drive cone 6 long weighs 10/2 02 did want bat tery charge designed around stainless steel spring spring wound turning body drive cone opposite directions four complete turns three turns 10 25 enginesl steel ratchet inside locks spring tension use starter tire plug hold aircraft hand Bump drive cone rubber against spinner prop nut drive cone slides back releases spring energy spins engine Bumpetart does have some limitations like best through 1010 50 size engines pit start pattern aircraft Piped ST. 61 ABC Four cycle Yes OW rotation No like idea see hobby dealer order direct PS have retired electric starter NEU KRAFT INC 921 12th St NE Jamestown ND 58401 701 252-1092 Sincerely Chet Neukom 24983 List Price $3495 US Check allow time MO Postage Paid ND Res Add 4/o testing sound levels Belgian team members suspected little hanky panky full-throttle tests seems being tested sound levels much lower anyone else good reason Renaat Lemniens Belgium has new patented tuned pipe does outstanding new piece equipment Flevohof Lemmens pipe constructed basically carbon fiberwith alinerof fiberglass Itis extremely light Belgians tested 9596dBA ground exceptional Dave Brown brought back possibly may market pipe US Going price over $3800 Dean Pappas columnist Fly ing Models got testing report ing FM lookout report 14th World Championships F3A memorable event Organ izing Committee volunteers Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Associ ation plus various clubs deserve lot credit job well done As own Academy Netherlands aeromod eling division celebrating its 50th anm versary What better way publicize celebrate event very suc cessful World Championships Racer/Lorbiecki Continued page 78 cracking under heavy use must reinforce wing-fuselage joint fi bergiass Final assembly finishing Mount engine landing gear plate fuel tank fuel shutoff satisfied fit everything unmount hardware apply finish original done red white blue Hobbypoxy kind finish takes little longer apply durable gives nice shine also very lightweight easy repaint need choose method used first brush coat clear Hobbypoxy Light ly sand coat apply another After coat has cured wet-sand entire model 320-grit wet/dry paper After final sanding surface should glass-smooth Note elevator yet installed Decide paint scheme will use fancy pattern looks nice hard match model needs repaired Spray base color over entire model Mask areas second color black electrical tape Spray epoxy after has heated slightly container hot water make paint fluid easier spray painting com plete let cure day two rubout finish automotive rubbing compound Waxing model over produces nice shiny finish will last long time Mount elevator favorite Continued page 92 90 Model Aviation PA1TERN SHIP AS GOOD AS YOU ARE. MAYBE BETTER T1ucik Technician totally functional design combines great flying characteristics ease construc tion good looks first quality kit throughout FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE FOAM CORES BASIC KIT BASIC HARDWARE PKG DELUXE KIT ALL OF THE ABOVE PLUS ALL REQUIRED BALSAS MOTOR MOUNT AND HARDWARE BASIC KIT. $ 9495 DELUXE KIT 495 See Dealer First DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED L&L MODEL BY PRODUCTS 513 3850912 7342 Applerldge Court CIncInnatI OhIo 45247 TARBaby TRANSMITTER CASE Especially Turn-around thisAn inexpensive rugged molded 850 sq 120 4 cyclecase protect expensive powered Ron Chidgey designtransmitter both two atick smooth solid performersingle stick transmitters Brown Rib templates computerleather grain aluminum trim plotted Plans construc / tion hints -$1195and locking clasp -$1895 WING TUBE & SOCKETSNEW WING MOUNTING SET Aluminum alloy tubing plug-in wing mounting system developed Ron Chidgey wings Included pair fast neat accurate stays tight Three special slip-fit phenolic sockets nylon brackets screws machined wing blocks build wing structure included $695 Now size models 718 die x2- $ 895 1% diax 2-S 995 1/s dis x 3- $1495 GP Gator RIC Products 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 See Dealer Order Direct Phone AC 904 476-8639Include $150 Per Item UPS binges used Klett hinges worked very well Mount control horns flight control other fuel shutoffta elevator Hook up pushrod make sure control system functions freely Mount shutoff hook up proper horn should activate application full-down elevator should snap firmly acti vated Mount engine tank time final step mount tail wing skids model ready fly engine important part racer rules Midwest Sport Racing state production 35 engine must used must loop-scavenged plain bearing use stock components internally predominate engine written K&B 35 Series 75 Supertigre 35C plain bearingbeing second stock K&B good runner may wish start out stock unit few tips however should help run better racing events fast restart important engine have good fit between piston ring liner Finding good piston liner set fairly easy can done tools Take stock liner slide ring using bottom piston align ring bore Slide ring topmost part liner piston will normally ride Sight through liner light look gaps light leaks around ring gap try another liner/ring combination until set can found allows no light shine around ring After good ring has found way check its end gap feeler gauge should between 002-004 ring will seal properly less use small file remove material needed get proper gap After good ring liner assembly have found lower part liner about 25 above exhaust port should relieved choked reduce drag ring liner An automative brake hone some lightweight oil can used Run electric drill slow speed stroke liner up down careful go too far up liner material being removed should 0015 0025 total step essential though helps Clean parts thoroughly remove grit hone important Reworking crankshaft can result significant increase power idea change intake timing closes 62 after top dead center TDC will need 3600 protractor vise small piece music wire some kind mechanical stop stop could depth micrometer though such tool required Mount protractor crank music wire serves pointer should mounted engines lugs Continued page 168 92 Model Aviation LLAALLL 13311 Beach Ave na Del Rey CA FOX 19 BUSHING EXCEPTIONAL POWER Fox 19 truly exceptional baffle piston motor easily powerful baffle motors probably powerful bushing 19 motors superb performer has now market long enough thoroughly de bugged American-made featuring Mark series carburetor VISA MasterCard Accepted Fox MFG CO 5305 TOWSON AVE FORT SMITH AR 72901 5011 646-1656 above wing line-slider near CL Navy Carrier/PerrYtip Cam used nylon nose gear block Continued page 75the tail hook mount added plywood both sides fuselage have difficult U-2 re-formers hook could bolted mained aboard after landing been1 removed crane after America returned -vThe wing modified much portfuselage bass replacing A-in prefer Army Airbalsa spars A6-in vertical-grain webForce aircraft such P-39 5 1bing added between spars wing event twin-engine op-was mounted permanently fuselage tion Although Doolittles raiders didntrather being removable land B-25s carrier Navykit tested modified Marine PBJ-lH AAF surfaces A-in sheet balsa equivalent B-25J tail hookare adequate long balsa hard catapult gear aboard ussenough might consider increasing Shangri-La 1944the thickness using carbon tape overThere has never abundance oflay increase rigidity A-in dowel kits available Class II Carrierelevator-joiner should replaced events phaseout Sterlingwire joiner standard Control Line Guardian kit problem particularlypractice acute An alternative has found end result efforts Class however least two Carrier modelersI small-engine Class II model have converted Royal Productsabout 230 square inches wing area AA Radio Control Sport Scale kits usea weight about 24 pounds Cor Class I/Il Carrier models Cam Martinsair indication Fcyal has very flew F4U Corsair Nats using ancareful scale dimensions series 05 40 FSR Class 05 45 FSRof kits detectable deviations Class II line also includes Zerothe Corsair thickness tail P-S 1surfaces sheet balsa used Cams modifications F4U adaptsimplify construction kit larger engine provide Thats time Keep hook bellcrank mount tail hook in-dry crease strength critical areas fuselage consists plywood ring formers Richard L Perry 7578 Vogels Way A-in-square balsa stringers andSpringfield VA 22153 A-in sheet covering Cam replaced ____________________________________ balsa stringers bass spruce would Racer/Lorbiecki also work well added additional stringers approximately double Continued page 92 original number also added stringer two area would used location protractor crank holding model pull test critical pointer should long 6-in sheeting has developed some cracks enough extend along perimeter aft cowl Cam suggests fiber- protractor Set stop point glass reinforcement area piston will contact before reaching TDC kit has A-in plywood box Hold stop flange liner mounting engine radio equip- rotate engine until piston lightly ment Engine bearers added touches stop inside box inverted engine Note reading protractor Withinstallation fuel tank fits top out moving stop rotate crank the motor mounts bellcrank hangs opposite direction until piston lightly below lead-outs routed touches stop Note number Sub*** NEW IMPROVED glier Wutf Madd wIlk mare wait Paws *tAIAKlllTUS Pstent No s ** VVI1ILII * *-p * Dealers Invited ,, * ----S * w-------s-p .orarrafltvDS-p lone year .10ftCOR * w * torDry * Stick Abrasives *-p *A Keen Machine gives exceptional *sanding control excellent tinish * * 5995 Basic xci 1 fIat Wend 1 each5 *882 lIar 1 hail Balder Sneosi xci *1 UOrxund wand 5 xl B ents-p * *129~ Deicoe ncudes3flat2hall rxondp -p *e grits-p * dional Wends Abrasives available4 *-p *WANDIT MANUFACTURING 214 288-5789 * * PO Box 266 s Mesquite Texas 751494 168 Model Aviation RC Bore 850 Stroke Displacement199 WeightA oz RPM 8-4 prop15000 Fuel consumption40 mm Atom Back Approx Wt 175 os Displacement 09 CU Ifl Bore- 5 Stroke 5 Piston Steel Crank case Magnesium Allay lOriginall Crankshaft Bearing Silicon Bronze Cylinder- Chromally Steel Approx RPM 0 Iwith Grey Cax 7 x 4 propl Price guaranteed through 1995 FOB Los Angeles cA Add *250 shIpping per engine CA residents add 8% Sales Tax Order Direct ATOM smallest ignition engines ever produced DesIgned R Arden further developments John Morrill Simplex Engines Limited Production Run Delivery 10 12 weeks ARO will receive wIthin 7 days order con firming postcard verify receipt order give assigned engine number ap proximate delivery date Morrill-ADC PO Box 1210 Simi Valley CA 93062 tract bigger number smaller divide result two Add number smaller number previously obtained result number TDC exact way find TDC actually easier sounds number found TDC add 62 rotate crank running direc don until protractor reads number ie TDC ill new timing mark Using scribe scratch crank through venturi hole scribe mark should left side hole viewing engine front Verify scratch disassemble engine Using carbide burr widen intake opening crank until scribe mark just barely visible Leave corners radi used remove bumps other machine marks work will done crank Slide crank front housing should spin free no side-to-side up/down movement crank tight can carefully lapped main bearing Remember clean both housing crank remove residue lapping compound fit loose excessive movement vertically horizontally replace bearing acquire another front housing Some people like chrome crank feel free have done facility doing available Endplay fore aft movement should minimized about 011 015 placing shims behind thrust washer excessive end-play crank pin may hit backplate help stuff crankcase increase crankcase compression have manufac tured new backplate bar stock An easier way to cut piece aluminum will fit cutout backplate hold place rivet two trick Doc Anderson used older STs head should set up about 012 clearance between squishband flat area head flaVf piston machine work has done remove sharp corners head prevent detonation Also check baffle piston has ample clearance slot head turns 0100 PONFONRANCE 0850 LAUNtOER GLIORMS PNON LIGOTREIGET ALUMINUM BEVERAGE CANS TWO FULL SIZE PATTERNS YUAN CNOICRI ILLUSTRATRO FABRICATION ANN FLYING INSTRUCTIONS NO01 AEBITIONAL PATTERNS NIlS RACE OR Sb FACE IPICE ROI SOUTUBASTERt PA NEROSA EONS EU IIRONRI out problem short giow plug life head may have jacked up 004 time reduce damage plug has provided best runs us has K&B Long hardest part running engine suction tank deciding venturi use large hole must used get power engine large hole may introduce fuel draw prob lems needle valve setup fuel tank also critical hole spraybar should enlarged approx 055 dia located about 15 below lip venturi ran some manometer tests found maximum draw angle venturi has worked well extends out housing about 6 needle valve going through its centerline about 2 above housing hole 343 dia venturi shape machined fuel tank location critical Just 12 m up down can make difference between engine run consistent throughout full tank rich beginning lean end Experi mentation needed get best run out whatever system used Assemble engine test run careful keep parts clean during assembly engine should flip over smartly leaks ring try running before switching another ring some engines take quart fuel proper seating test engine 8-8 Rev-Up prop good use Try something around 16000 rpm Flying Cut set lines match airplane Test run engine try shutoff several times sure functioning Fill tank fly model always fill tank takeoff feed line far forward engine may stop before leaving ground tank isnt full engine running rich have pilot fly little high see will go lean lean shut off richen needle setting before ring seal damaged landing practice catching model restarting Continued page 172 Plastic Film Finishes Liquid Finishes *1095 HARRY B HIGLEY SONS INC P o max 532 GLENWOOD ILL 60425 January1986 169 LLEX{ELAND GIANTS I4W FOR GIANT SCALE BUFFS Cot PEY5A $42 ACUrt JNd JR007 $20 PEYSA $58 60 VoOt CorE P4U$25 96W 081 NonyRoco $481 00 VogI CorE F4Ll $697 52W Ww12l Rod L $26 54 SDDowoiNII 21 $40 . 77WWool2l EodL$4872Cor 0201/4 L&S $45 84 FO8kET 07 Ftr . $30162 Holoord Oooo Ike $46 60 Howord FetE BOON 52277 Booino E17G Port $35 70 RayleE GoE. 032 103 Oo E17G Fort $55 80 SUportoorioo 500 $24 60 DRUO 046A Ob. $32 EOOApErroarinE 566 032 108 Sikor 538 Awpk $40 62 CArt Noook P-AR $42 60 EoN 100 Sport $30 94 CUrHonk F-AN Pt $54r- 00 Roe 100 Sport l 62 Lorkhaod V00 . 024 90 StinrALor Wino $58 74 DooliOleN 0 B 11 $48 00 Mortin 74 TdM1 $30 95 MANONOUP Sport $36 75 HPg 0400 Eorok $35 00 Ho Spr EUlidog $43 100 H-Po 0400 Boor $49 107 Arottoo C-3 Opt $25 80 0Rororo VSUiI 039 U~iW 61 DOUOION 038 Obs $32 77 LANUOOOk SOdOT $25 122 000010 0380k $49 73 N Mitk Eorrrb $49 94 Fog CUrl Boo 045 AS ldMoroAdRr 6-24 $49 71 Mortln 810 Bonok $29 01 DO MoSqUito BiN $42 78 TUrner WW Boo $35r- 100 58 MON9UEOTr8 $55 * AO.. 64 CAY Goshk Fl 1C2 542 90 StNr FTI7Koy4t $56 94 CUP Golrk FliCO 054- 99 NEIk Widow PAl $89 .w...w.AA DeHon ConoNt Rae $24 71 DoUO DC2 lroo $32 A2 MrMUIIlgoo 035 95 DOUO DC3 Tron $55 94 M i9aO $45 06 Howk Teooro 13535 8380 g F-26A Ftr 536 100 CorO2Ul/4 L&0 $56 .eo.EU 04 Boo 0 P20A Frr $40 80 DoUOIo M2 Moil $24 oco C-A Cobin $36 60 OriNrol Boildog Prr $30 64 Oeooh C17-E Otog $38 59 BrowoNacEMeLA $56 96 OR C li-B Stog $49 107 Gruor Beorot POP $541 55 OUlIEleotro $30 73 TroxorI Air 6000 $24 02 o kDlRcto $40 107 Mot MB-i Boo $44 - 62 StloSor T/W 5B7 $16 91 Liodhero NO211 $39 01 Stlooo T/W SE7 $24 100 Poirolr9T19 Tr $591 122 Otloeon T/W SB7 $30 90 Woco TaperWiog $39 59 Britol Ptr P2-B $20 75 W.tI4 LyNoodEr $32 70 ErIstol Ftr P2-B $32 100 WotId Lyondor $49 10 BrIStol Ftr 928 $45 57 Pord lriwrr 4AT $28 74 TI PREOR Spec $45 76 Ford Trirorr 4AT 045 83 Sllyrooket XPSP1 824 114 Ford Triwtr dAT 859 58 CA WRkk 940 $24 04 BorIJoyoe XPJ2 $56 70 Look Liohtng P38 $38 93 LURTiVO CSAbnk9Ir $69 56 Rep So-Oeo Aw $24 58 GrUrnJ2P DUO $39 74 OepSEo-B Anoph $39 70 GrAwJ2P DUOII $56 106 Piper J3 CUk 53959 Gotlra GIV Bow $22 90 [oRk HAdNo Onk $30 117 GothA G1V Bow $29 63 GrAw PAP HelIRot $20 68 BrAOWiolole Bird $45 55 Heath Oak Bolt $241- 54 CArt Swift 0F934 528 Sold OkrA DEaler Frio~okjEoI chono -- AmER ForCe SoEIATea QUARTER SIZE AtUtIOFIA0 neridO 96 tE 50o Op 6122 PattR Aiwoy Iol Add 10% order f6pploo & iON. Oto USA Coo & MeA BIsnorharo 15% 25% ky oirl Piotoriol RotalAO $200 liodAde PrioR LiRti Price Iit eNriUT oboe $1 00 ky foreigo odd 01 00 wnw -CLEVELAND MODEL&SUPPLYCo bAOCOPAoNASRAO SEOUER S PAOE*REAoIAtION RRRR ENIREE NIACE ItF ooRnrRrOHAEoRI SOSOyB 0606097 AVE CLEVELAND OHIO 44102 CA.-RIw-OAUSr PhooR 515 PMES 0 100 ST 218 981 200$ -A- v No 497 Manhattan Pieces$200 FE Indoor rubber cabin model 3 ideal beginners Span 201/s No 498 MIdwest Sport Racer$350 CL Simple rugged profile racer 35 engine Span 36 No 4994-60$1275 RC Sportster 60-size four-stroke engines spans 70 Two sheets NI 193Stihtta CL Stunt madel McDonald winner 197619801982 FAI World Champ$375 Mu 239Wee Birds BC Ken Willards tormatioe plane 4-channel 1 0-power$375 Mu 262Crsuhmasier CL Crash-proof trainer two sizes1 5-30- 3540-power$125 No 302MinI F-16 BC Sarpalos 049 dacted fan sport flier tar 2-channel Balsa wings tail tune strectare $275 No 3101930 Fleet Biplane RC Spart Scale tar 35-40 4-channel Wingspan 56 % scale Two sheets $625 No 314DrakE t BC Ken Willards flying boat tar 3-channel 15-power Fly land removahle gear$375 Ne 326Taylor Cub BC Ltoo Srollo Schoolyard-Scale 049s 2-3 channel Spans 50 in$350 Ne 332Zuphyr BC Small 2-channel glider hand-launch tow thermal slope soaring$200 Mu 386Laeer 200 BC Sport Scale replica ot championship Aerohatic tiler Uses 40 power 4-5 chaneel Two sbeets 5 Mu 398Sue Bee B-i BC Hattkes latest /-acale spans 75 weighs 15 lb flies 90 larger Foar oheets no doc$2225 No414ElecttlcSparky BC electric-powered tanfllerforOS motor 3-channel BC scaled upl939rubber-powertavonte$850 Ne422Scuotur BC Two-Meter Sailplane has woo Hats event 1982 1983 plus other contests$550 Ne 430knoside BC Zippy little sportster 1015 power aod 3-channel BC$400 No 433Watts Up BC Electric-powered glider 2-3 channels 035 motor spans 52 in$450 No 438Cnjlsur FF Embryo Endorance rubber-power tue ship has big-model characteristics 200 No 440Cavau BC Old-Timer-like new design has huge wing slow easy flights Fur 35 power 3 chanoels Two sheets$1725 No 444Itruboit BC pusher canard sport/pattern oses 40 pusher engine 4-chanoel Has swept-forward foam wings$650 No 448Lu Crate BC Electric-powered sport flier forDS motors 3-channels Two versions parasol cabin$550 No 447/rA Miss America BC Old-Timer Texacs model 049 glow 2-chaunels $650 No 482Gee Z BC Ouarter-scale spans 71% uses 90 power Four sheets . $1600 No 453Smuothie Profile Cl Profile rendition Bob Palmers super-Stunter early Fifties 35 puwer No 484Sweul P30 FF Neat stick-and-tissue Outdoor Bobber P30-class model cootest-winoer 00 No 487Spuctra BC Electric-power 05-size motor uses 3 different wiogs fur sport soarieg ur aerobatics 700 No 46044B BC Shoulder-wing spurt flier 4-cycle 40-size engine 4 channels$650 No 481Titulur Barosturmur CL Famous unflapped Stouter late Forties Uses 35 engine$650 No 482Pomile PE FF Jumbo Bobber Scale WW Italian observation plsee 0 No 463Platyheiminthen Vi BC yA Pylon racer uses lots life ply built-up structure strengthlightness 75 No 468Woe Mae N BC Fun-fly sportster 40-size engines spans 52 Lightweight structure . $700 No 467Aico Spun FF Robber Scale design wsn 83 Nuts desiguer Don Srull Wiogopan is26 in.6250 No 488Smuulher CL Stuoter fur 28135 power Design based hybrid SmouthielNobler .$675 No 470Strokur BC Mid-wing spurtster uses 40145 four-stroke engine spans 50% tail-dragger 0 Mo 473Tucanu BC Spurt scale turboprop trainer spans 66 uses 60175 engines Two sheets . 50 No 474Pacer 15 PP Nordic A-i Tuwline Glider won fhe 1983 World Champs$500 No 475Beephysical CL Slow Combat model uses geodetic wing construction 36 engine two-sheet plan has parts patteros Mo 476Masts 250 PP competition AA plane has manIa-ray-shaped wing spans 43 in$500 No 477Mandarin CL Spurt Stunter uses sport 15 engine spaos 35 in0325 No 478Boltercep BC Cute elfin sportster uses micro 2-ch BC pulse-rudder Spans 27 f 020-035 power$300 Na 479FeurStruke Rnesler BC Spurt/Aerobatics ship has 19200 styling uses 00 4-stroke engine spans 85 2 sheets 100 Ma 480Bbiicuious CL Fabulsus competition Stonter has 550 sq wing area flies TO 0491051 spans 47% in$600 Mn 481Europa BC Sailplane PAl cumpetitiso has fiberglass fuselage foam wings wing flaps stabilator tail Spans 110 No 482OuMunRger BC Sport/Aeruhufic model Isuks like Guides Age sportster 60 enginesspans 62 in$750 Mn 483CGS Nawk UltraHghl PP Outdoor Gao Scale plane uses CO-2 power spans 20 in. $300 Mn 484AeroucaK BCOuarter-Scule sf305 lightplane spaosgft uses 12 cv 2-cyl 4-strobeengine weighs 11% lb Three sheets$1075 Mu 485Mawker Muster CL Fun-scule sf British jetfighter has 18%-b foam wing uses hA power$175 Mu 486Mlies-Alweed Special BC Sport-Scale Golden Age air-racer uses 21 engine spans 45 in$825 Mn 487Cap 21 BC Scale Aerobatic plane f 40-size engioe spans 62 Two sheets 00 No 488MB-7 PP Jumbo Bobber Scale uf 1920-era Thumas Morse Scout biplane spans 37 00 Mn 489Uudeflaknr CL Psam-winged Fast Combat plane 36 englue spans either 45 47 Mn 490Weekeuder BC Low-wing sport flier 20-size 4-stroke engine spans 47/ $575 Mn 491Yeilow Peril CL Advanced trairer all-balsa spans 23 uses hA power . $325 Mn 492Circnlator PP A-i Towline Glider spans Silo uses fiberglass tail boom circle-tow mechanism Mn 493Sopor Brune BC Shsulder-wing sport flier spans 68 uses 45-60 engine Two sheets 1275 No 494MABOOB CL Very lightweight sport/Stunter flies wind power alone 049 15 power Span 39 in$400 Mn 495FW190 BC Hand-launched all-balua scalelike spurtoter 1015 engines two BC channels Spuos 39 iv 5 Mn 496P47 ThanderboB BC Other half Dogfight Duo has similur characteristics FW-1 90 425 Circle numbers plans wish order 193239262302 332386398414 438440 454457 467468 477478 444 460 470 479 486 493 310 422 446447 461462 473474 314326 430433 452453 463465 475476 480 481 482483 487 488 489490 494 495 496497 484485 491492 498499 Plan price isCiades first Class postage br US delivery Air Mall over 300 miles orders oulsido US. please add $250 AIr Mall $12S ourface mall Make check mosey order payable US funds Model Aviation c/s AMA 1810 Samuel Morse Dr Reofon VA 22090 Please allow 3 6 weeks fsr delivery Please print carefully Enclosed $ NAME STREET CITY ZIP little bit practice helpful Watch some experts fly youll see what mean best pitting have seen far two-man pit done Jerry Meyer lot Slow Rat Race fliers Jerry puts two brass pads behind wing attached glow plug first pitman catches model fuels resets shutoff happening second pitman holding model getting ready attach plug wires As soon fueling complete plug wires attached first man flips engine smartly Once engine has started flipper gets out way model released method gives very good quick pit stop Practice practice practice way improve skills best practice traffic well pilot gets used going around another person setting up landing etc biggest drawback dont practice enough shows should lot work find best prop particular setup Fiber glass props seem way go great variety available Billy Hughes others Try 8 dia 7 8 pitch start pitch gauge must testing props have some reference points work Heres beginning Build model practice experiment have questions please feel free write John Lorbiecki 1508 Valley View Dr Hubertus WI 53033 Letters Editor Continued page 10 should have written late dont under stand PE Norman died July 1964 years son Marcus carried great work started pioneer ducted fans Free Flight Scale pendulum controls PE Nor mans hell-for-leather Free Flighters such 1944 Natsneez have become pop ular conversions RC honor great man always well-remembered annual all-ducted-fan meet RAF Abing don count ourselves fortunate Mar cus should very much like pop except thing Marcus has now taken full-scale aerobatics PE fast MG sports car enough RG Moulton Model & Allied Publications England can wonder now WMr Mel cher thinking anniversary PE Normans death July 5 Another noted modeler S C CalSmith US passed away same date responding advertisers mention read about ModelAviation 172 Model Aviation 0 0 0 00 CC ca - c\a 0 Em -0 OSIE Z0 0 r 00 0 000 0 0C - Co 0-0 flb 00 - 0 0 0 0 C Old 0 0 V 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-s 0 U 0 mc C0 El 000 N USTATE