MINI CATAPULT GLIDER Chuck Markos little glider capable highperformance flights properly built adjusted will reach altitude 60-75 feet make perfect transition glide left-hand circles achieve flight durations 30-40 seconds Mini Catapult Glider intended complement introduction Free Flight models via Delta Dart construction flying sessions held schools Scout groups AMAsponsored programs Its construction specifically designed minimum skills time money tools Flying results fun model much better expected few models possible have flight time logged building time spent truly smallfield design lost no tears close can get expendable model airplane CONSTRUCTION Fuselage This component has complicated construction requirements long taper cuts difficult beginner shallow bottom-side cut must made some precision set angular difference between wing stabilizer Without angular difference glider may want fly upside-down cut long taper balsa use metal straightedge single-edge razor blade hobby knife Hold straightedge line wish cut draw blade next metal wood quite hard dont try cut way through make several light cuts complete job launching hook can made paper clip Use pliers hold bend clip back forth until metal fatigue causes break much safer using wire cutter will leave sharp end can cause injury later Once hook formed use straight pin make pilot hole bottom fuselage push launching hook hole wrap sewing thread Glue well cyanoacrylate CyA glue May1999 45 Junior Free Flight Team member Peter Barron demonstrates proper launch technique note bank angle Plenty fun small investment time money Photos author Jim Hauaht Greohic Desian Jill Ann Cavanauah nitrocellulose clear glue such Devcon Duco CementTM Wing The wing glider heart model Free Flight model wing provides major contribution stability well expected lift Stability result exaggerated dihedral compared wings other aircraft inherent stability provided dihedral vital because extreme changes speed attitude required obtain optimum performance advantage inflight adjustments dihedral joint major construction hurdle beginners Mini joint has simplified easy make rugged enough withstand flying crashing rigors Cut outline wing t/th balsa Mark centerline dihedral locations fine-point felt-tip pen Use straightedge dull tool such ball-point pen make indent along dihedral lines indent centerline indented side will top wing Hold center section flat straightedge just back indented line partially break wing dihedral joint lifting tip same other tip Lay flat center section piece Handi-WrapTM waxed paper use Saran WrapTM tip just resting over piece plywood other material k about 7/ inch dihedral obtained Run bead thin CyA glue down indent hold until cured same other dihedral joint Turn wing over lightly sand rough edges joint blow away balsa dust run another bead thin CyA over dusty joint complete gluing mixture glue balsa dust will fill gaps provide joint exceptional strength Glue bottom wing centerline top fuselage location indicated plans Stabilizer Fin Use tA2 balsa cut outlines shown may helpful make templates outlines wing stab fin manila folder cardboard outlines can easily transferred balsa sheet Note grain balsa fin runs parallel its sloped leading edge LE approximately 450 axis fuselage Attach fin fuselage CyA stabilizer mounted bottom CyA leaving about 5/ inch tailboom aft its trailing edge TE launch grip stabilizer tilted its left side higher right about t/8 inch right-handed launchers stab tilt will induce left-hand turn affected speed model Some rudder [fin TE] turn will also necessary 46 Model Aviation r components ready assembly Patterns made thin cardboard Score along dihedral line pen hold straightedge along line lift tip crack proper dihedral angle Emery board used smooth tip dihedral joint remove balsa dust run bead thin CyA around joint fill gaps add strength too muchthis adjustment very speed-sensitive Setup Cut cradle center gravity CC balance manila folder tape flat surface Mark CC location fuselage exactly 1 inches behind wing LE Use modeling clay add weight nose fuselage model balances cradle CC mark Once balance point established very minor adjustments should made Think terms adding removing quantities clay approximately 1A6 inch less diameter Take model outside try some gentle hand-glides give smooth lefthand pattern no extreme stalls dives may need make small bending adjustments rudder stabilizer stabilizer TE bent up correct dive down correct stall rudder TE direction turn desired See below details trim Once everything looks OK hand-gliding ready catapult launch Make catapult loop 1/8 rubber two heavy rubber bands give length five seven inches Tie end stick head out flying field short grass no trees light winds three parts flight Free Flight model 1 climb 2 transition 3 glide optimum performance adjustments must made forces acting glider combination launching technique effect prescribed series changes models speed attitude adjustments made rudder stabilizer careful bending standard method bending balsa breathe warm moist air wood twisting between thumb forefinger very unlikely model will optimum trim making adjustments very tricky business Type FF Catapult Glider Wingspan 8 inches Catapult 1/8 rubber loop Flying weight Approx 10 grams Construction Sheet balsa Finish One coat clear dope optional May1999 47 Launching hook made paper clip Bend back forth Add small amounts modeling clay nose model pliers make clean break proper shape until balances cradle indicated point Its close can get expendable model airplane yet Mini has plenty performance DIHEDRAL BREAK LEADING EDGE LE 1/16 BALSA WING DIHEDRAL BREAK 7/8 DIHEDRAL EACH TIP CENTER LINE NO DIHEDRAL BREAK 1/32 BALSA STABILIZER CRADLE FOREASY MINI CATAPULT GLIDER STABILIZER POSITIONBENDBEND BACK - FORWARD 0 /16 TAPER OVER LAST 6 INCHES OF FUSELAGE PAPER CLIR BIND WITH THREAD AND GLUE C MARKOS 6/19/98 FULL SIZE PLAN LINE ART BY JOE KONEFES AND JENNIFER OREBAUGH 0 0 CD 0 ecause adjustments apparent visual observation model may cause dramatic changes flight pattern classic pattern banking turn right initial launch subsequent roll left during climb followed smooth transition glide left-hand circles southpaws please reverse directions factors over have control launch 1 strong catapult rubber used far stretched 2 banking angle twist held release 3 vertical angle release optimum combination three factors flight trim model trick funis optimize trim launch factors give longest flights Once model trimmed may wish try catch thermala current warm rising air best time calm summer morning between 9 11 am before breezes pick up Thermal flight durations may exceed several minutes glider also possible thermal may strong enough carry Mini up out-of-sight 005 Another way enhance fun have contest its simplest can two fliers simultaneous launches last down wins have stopwatch friends can take turns timing recording has longest flight day Souping up Mini following construction changes tested resulted performance enhancements 10-20 seconds over basic model Choose lightweight wood wing stab keep fuselage quite strong Change wing cambered airfoil Sand tail surfaces make thinner lighter Give model coat clear dope resistant dew grass younger modelers version using A2 balsa wing tA6 fuselage tried version used catapult rubber cross-section less A6 Lets have fun k Markos 655 Carlisle Ave Deerfield IL 60015 BILL EFFINGER SAYSI have lust added homad OGAt 5 line PIano patteo Sets knoso voooiii 11150 ---1 1/6 Scale HOWARD DGA-15 90 40 78 CIa engines ingspan oeoll length 0 lbs less RIG oh SIC atPlysnood Constrootlon hC65-t 101990 Psices ose complete toll size moos & detoiled parSs lIsts PLEASEADD$dS0 las shipping mailing lube Seed $100 Pa Plan Sets bachwe will Q pa~ pwn 5 5/C 1/8 1/3 Scale far Onalnes Iran 15 35 CID COO POll AT S WORLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR EPOXY-GLASS COWLS WHEEL PANTS 8 ACCESSORIES CALL NOW 810 677-0213 I FAX 810 6770414 orderS onlyI $200 CanadaMonday Fnday $100 C n EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PCM radios 4 5 cells Install line servo servow will move opposite W directionl 5 v 175 v 25 weight 25 oancel EMS SR 2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg Y harness $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device covtrols seqaences landing gear mechavisw landing gear doors Works air and/or ala P-Si Gear servo controlled systems Gear servo door servo traoel time Individanily adjastahie fall speed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close completed anit 150 75 Less 1 oance Inclades servo connector receiver $4495 ULTIMATE BATTERY BACKER BEST way fo insure reliable power yoar model Use two packs Works stavdard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Batfery packs cay different capacity like 1200 600 15 15 75 weight 8 oance $4995 wired connectors $5995 GLOW DRIVER An opto-isolated glow driver switch fhaf ensares against radio noise ON point easily adjastahle user mith small screwdriver Size 15 v 15 v 75 Less 1 ounce Supplied glow-plag wire counector User sapplies swe NICAD battety loclades servo connector ts receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-1$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap Yllamess 65-lY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro -ProcessorReverser2495 NEW Beepo Flight 7imer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightT502495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto-Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/B Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAxlndoorUltralightESC4495 NEW MicroMAX Speed 400 ESC w/BEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda CA 928B7 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only BOO-845-897B wwwemsjomalcom e mark@emsjomalcom NEW MiniMAX40 ESC w/BECandBrake $9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAXESC8995 SM-4ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion Futaba 695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Airtronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Baaring Conversion 1 -Airtronics 695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 1 500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Coble -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond 10-Fut JR Colors a00 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10 600 EMS/SANYO Battery Packs C4LL EMS Connectors Extensions C4LL May1999 49 Additional EMS Jomar Products $300 Shipping Handling Per Ordec CA ResidentaAdd Sales Tax Oealer Inquiries Invited
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
MINI CATAPULT GLIDER Chuck Markos little glider capable highperformance flights properly built adjusted will reach altitude 60-75 feet make perfect transition glide left-hand circles achieve flight durations 30-40 seconds Mini Catapult Glider intended complement introduction Free Flight models via Delta Dart construction flying sessions held schools Scout groups AMAsponsored programs Its construction specifically designed minimum skills time money tools Flying results fun model much better expected few models possible have flight time logged building time spent truly smallfield design lost no tears close can get expendable model airplane CONSTRUCTION Fuselage This component has complicated construction requirements long taper cuts difficult beginner shallow bottom-side cut must made some precision set angular difference between wing stabilizer Without angular difference glider may want fly upside-down cut long taper balsa use metal straightedge single-edge razor blade hobby knife Hold straightedge line wish cut draw blade next metal wood quite hard dont try cut way through make several light cuts complete job launching hook can made paper clip Use pliers hold bend clip back forth until metal fatigue causes break much safer using wire cutter will leave sharp end can cause injury later Once hook formed use straight pin make pilot hole bottom fuselage push launching hook hole wrap sewing thread Glue well cyanoacrylate CyA glue May1999 45 Junior Free Flight Team member Peter Barron demonstrates proper launch technique note bank angle Plenty fun small investment time money Photos author Jim Hauaht Greohic Desian Jill Ann Cavanauah nitrocellulose clear glue such Devcon Duco CementTM Wing The wing glider heart model Free Flight model wing provides major contribution stability well expected lift Stability result exaggerated dihedral compared wings other aircraft inherent stability provided dihedral vital because extreme changes speed attitude required obtain optimum performance advantage inflight adjustments dihedral joint major construction hurdle beginners Mini joint has simplified easy make rugged enough withstand flying crashing rigors Cut outline wing t/th balsa Mark centerline dihedral locations fine-point felt-tip pen Use straightedge dull tool such ball-point pen make indent along dihedral lines indent centerline indented side will top wing Hold center section flat straightedge just back indented line partially break wing dihedral joint lifting tip same other tip Lay flat center section piece Handi-WrapTM waxed paper use Saran WrapTM tip just resting over piece plywood other material k about 7/ inch dihedral obtained Run bead thin CyA glue down indent hold until cured same other dihedral joint Turn wing over lightly sand rough edges joint blow away balsa dust run another bead thin CyA over dusty joint complete gluing mixture glue balsa dust will fill gaps provide joint exceptional strength Glue bottom wing centerline top fuselage location indicated plans Stabilizer Fin Use tA2 balsa cut outlines shown may helpful make templates outlines wing stab fin manila folder cardboard outlines can easily transferred balsa sheet Note grain balsa fin runs parallel its sloped leading edge LE approximately 450 axis fuselage Attach fin fuselage CyA stabilizer mounted bottom CyA leaving about 5/ inch tailboom aft its trailing edge TE launch grip stabilizer tilted its left side higher right about t/8 inch right-handed launchers stab tilt will induce left-hand turn affected speed model Some rudder [fin TE] turn will also necessary 46 Model Aviation r components ready assembly Patterns made thin cardboard Score along dihedral line pen hold straightedge along line lift tip crack proper dihedral angle Emery board used smooth tip dihedral joint remove balsa dust run bead thin CyA around joint fill gaps add strength too muchthis adjustment very speed-sensitive Setup Cut cradle center gravity CC balance manila folder tape flat surface Mark CC location fuselage exactly 1 inches behind wing LE Use modeling clay add weight nose fuselage model balances cradle CC mark Once balance point established very minor adjustments should made Think terms adding removing quantities clay approximately 1A6 inch less diameter Take model outside try some gentle hand-glides give smooth lefthand pattern no extreme stalls dives may need make small bending adjustments rudder stabilizer stabilizer TE bent up correct dive down correct stall rudder TE direction turn desired See below details trim Once everything looks OK hand-gliding ready catapult launch Make catapult loop 1/8 rubber two heavy rubber bands give length five seven inches Tie end stick head out flying field short grass no trees light winds three parts flight Free Flight model 1 climb 2 transition 3 glide optimum performance adjustments must made forces acting glider combination launching technique effect prescribed series changes models speed attitude adjustments made rudder stabilizer careful bending standard method bending balsa breathe warm moist air wood twisting between thumb forefinger very unlikely model will optimum trim making adjustments very tricky business Type FF Catapult Glider Wingspan 8 inches Catapult 1/8 rubber loop Flying weight Approx 10 grams Construction Sheet balsa Finish One coat clear dope optional May1999 47 Launching hook made paper clip Bend back forth Add small amounts modeling clay nose model pliers make clean break proper shape until balances cradle indicated point Its close can get expendable model airplane yet Mini has plenty performance DIHEDRAL BREAK LEADING EDGE LE 1/16 BALSA WING DIHEDRAL BREAK 7/8 DIHEDRAL EACH TIP CENTER LINE NO DIHEDRAL BREAK 1/32 BALSA STABILIZER CRADLE FOREASY MINI CATAPULT GLIDER STABILIZER POSITIONBENDBEND BACK - FORWARD 0 /16 TAPER OVER LAST 6 INCHES OF FUSELAGE PAPER CLIR BIND WITH THREAD AND GLUE C MARKOS 6/19/98 FULL SIZE PLAN LINE ART BY JOE KONEFES AND JENNIFER OREBAUGH 0 0 CD 0 ecause adjustments apparent visual observation model may cause dramatic changes flight pattern classic pattern banking turn right initial launch subsequent roll left during climb followed smooth transition glide left-hand circles southpaws please reverse directions factors over have control launch 1 strong catapult rubber used far stretched 2 banking angle twist held release 3 vertical angle release optimum combination three factors flight trim model trick funis optimize trim launch factors give longest flights Once model trimmed may wish try catch thermala current warm rising air best time calm summer morning between 9 11 am before breezes pick up Thermal flight durations may exceed several minutes glider also possible thermal may strong enough carry Mini up out-of-sight 005 Another way enhance fun have contest its simplest can two fliers simultaneous launches last down wins have stopwatch friends can take turns timing recording has longest flight day Souping up Mini following construction changes tested resulted performance enhancements 10-20 seconds over basic model Choose lightweight wood wing stab keep fuselage quite strong Change wing cambered airfoil Sand tail surfaces make thinner lighter Give model coat clear dope resistant dew grass younger modelers version using A2 balsa wing tA6 fuselage tried version used catapult rubber cross-section less A6 Lets have fun k Markos 655 Carlisle Ave Deerfield IL 60015 BILL EFFINGER SAYSI have lust added homad OGAt 5 line PIano patteo Sets knoso voooiii 11150 ---1 1/6 Scale HOWARD DGA-15 90 40 78 CIa engines ingspan oeoll length 0 lbs less RIG oh SIC atPlysnood Constrootlon hC65-t 101990 Psices ose complete toll size moos & detoiled parSs lIsts PLEASEADD$dS0 las shipping mailing lube Seed $100 Pa Plan Sets bachwe will Q pa~ pwn 5 5/C 1/8 1/3 Scale far Onalnes Iran 15 35 CID COO POll AT S WORLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR EPOXY-GLASS COWLS WHEEL PANTS 8 ACCESSORIES CALL NOW 810 677-0213 I FAX 810 6770414 orderS onlyI $200 CanadaMonday Fnday $100 C n EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PCM radios 4 5 cells Install line servo servow will move opposite W directionl 5 v 175 v 25 weight 25 oancel EMS SR 2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg Y harness $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device covtrols seqaences landing gear mechavisw landing gear doors Works air and/or ala P-Si Gear servo controlled systems Gear servo door servo traoel time Individanily adjastahie fall speed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close completed anit 150 75 Less 1 oance Inclades servo connector receiver $4495 ULTIMATE BATTERY BACKER BEST way fo insure reliable power yoar model Use two packs Works stavdard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Batfery packs cay different capacity like 1200 600 15 15 75 weight 8 oance $4995 wired connectors $5995 GLOW DRIVER An opto-isolated glow driver switch fhaf ensares against radio noise ON point easily adjastahle user mith small screwdriver Size 15 v 15 v 75 Less 1 ounce Supplied glow-plag wire counector User sapplies swe NICAD battety loclades servo connector ts receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-1$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap Yllamess 65-lY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro -ProcessorReverser2495 NEW Beepo Flight 7imer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightT502495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto-Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/B Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAxlndoorUltralightESC4495 NEW MicroMAX Speed 400 ESC w/BEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda CA 928B7 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only BOO-845-897B wwwemsjomalcom e mark@emsjomalcom NEW MiniMAX40 ESC w/BECandBrake $9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAXESC8995 SM-4ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion Futaba 695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Airtronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Baaring Conversion 1 -Airtronics 695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 1 500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Coble -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond 10-Fut JR Colors a00 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10 600 EMS/SANYO Battery Packs C4LL EMS Connectors Extensions C4LL May1999 49 Additional EMS Jomar Products $300 Shipping Handling Per Ordec CA ResidentaAdd Sales Tax Oealer Inquiries Invited
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
MINI CATAPULT GLIDER Chuck Markos little glider capable highperformance flights properly built adjusted will reach altitude 60-75 feet make perfect transition glide left-hand circles achieve flight durations 30-40 seconds Mini Catapult Glider intended complement introduction Free Flight models via Delta Dart construction flying sessions held schools Scout groups AMAsponsored programs Its construction specifically designed minimum skills time money tools Flying results fun model much better expected few models possible have flight time logged building time spent truly smallfield design lost no tears close can get expendable model airplane CONSTRUCTION Fuselage This component has complicated construction requirements long taper cuts difficult beginner shallow bottom-side cut must made some precision set angular difference between wing stabilizer Without angular difference glider may want fly upside-down cut long taper balsa use metal straightedge single-edge razor blade hobby knife Hold straightedge line wish cut draw blade next metal wood quite hard dont try cut way through make several light cuts complete job launching hook can made paper clip Use pliers hold bend clip back forth until metal fatigue causes break much safer using wire cutter will leave sharp end can cause injury later Once hook formed use straight pin make pilot hole bottom fuselage push launching hook hole wrap sewing thread Glue well cyanoacrylate CyA glue May1999 45 Junior Free Flight Team member Peter Barron demonstrates proper launch technique note bank angle Plenty fun small investment time money Photos author Jim Hauaht Greohic Desian Jill Ann Cavanauah nitrocellulose clear glue such Devcon Duco CementTM Wing The wing glider heart model Free Flight model wing provides major contribution stability well expected lift Stability result exaggerated dihedral compared wings other aircraft inherent stability provided dihedral vital because extreme changes speed attitude required obtain optimum performance advantage inflight adjustments dihedral joint major construction hurdle beginners Mini joint has simplified easy make rugged enough withstand flying crashing rigors Cut outline wing t/th balsa Mark centerline dihedral locations fine-point felt-tip pen Use straightedge dull tool such ball-point pen make indent along dihedral lines indent centerline indented side will top wing Hold center section flat straightedge just back indented line partially break wing dihedral joint lifting tip same other tip Lay flat center section piece Handi-WrapTM waxed paper use Saran WrapTM tip just resting over piece plywood other material k about 7/ inch dihedral obtained Run bead thin CyA glue down indent hold until cured same other dihedral joint Turn wing over lightly sand rough edges joint blow away balsa dust run another bead thin CyA over dusty joint complete gluing mixture glue balsa dust will fill gaps provide joint exceptional strength Glue bottom wing centerline top fuselage location indicated plans Stabilizer Fin Use tA2 balsa cut outlines shown may helpful make templates outlines wing stab fin manila folder cardboard outlines can easily transferred balsa sheet Note grain balsa fin runs parallel its sloped leading edge LE approximately 450 axis fuselage Attach fin fuselage CyA stabilizer mounted bottom CyA leaving about 5/ inch tailboom aft its trailing edge TE launch grip stabilizer tilted its left side higher right about t/8 inch right-handed launchers stab tilt will induce left-hand turn affected speed model Some rudder [fin TE] turn will also necessary 46 Model Aviation r components ready assembly Patterns made thin cardboard Score along dihedral line pen hold straightedge along line lift tip crack proper dihedral angle Emery board used smooth tip dihedral joint remove balsa dust run bead thin CyA around joint fill gaps add strength too muchthis adjustment very speed-sensitive Setup Cut cradle center gravity CC balance manila folder tape flat surface Mark CC location fuselage exactly 1 inches behind wing LE Use modeling clay add weight nose fuselage model balances cradle CC mark Once balance point established very minor adjustments should made Think terms adding removing quantities clay approximately 1A6 inch less diameter Take model outside try some gentle hand-glides give smooth lefthand pattern no extreme stalls dives may need make small bending adjustments rudder stabilizer stabilizer TE bent up correct dive down correct stall rudder TE direction turn desired See below details trim Once everything looks OK hand-gliding ready catapult launch Make catapult loop 1/8 rubber two heavy rubber bands give length five seven inches Tie end stick head out flying field short grass no trees light winds three parts flight Free Flight model 1 climb 2 transition 3 glide optimum performance adjustments must made forces acting glider combination launching technique effect prescribed series changes models speed attitude adjustments made rudder stabilizer careful bending standard method bending balsa breathe warm moist air wood twisting between thumb forefinger very unlikely model will optimum trim making adjustments very tricky business Type FF Catapult Glider Wingspan 8 inches Catapult 1/8 rubber loop Flying weight Approx 10 grams Construction Sheet balsa Finish One coat clear dope optional May1999 47 Launching hook made paper clip Bend back forth Add small amounts modeling clay nose model pliers make clean break proper shape until balances cradle indicated point Its close can get expendable model airplane yet Mini has plenty performance DIHEDRAL BREAK LEADING EDGE LE 1/16 BALSA WING DIHEDRAL BREAK 7/8 DIHEDRAL EACH TIP CENTER LINE NO DIHEDRAL BREAK 1/32 BALSA STABILIZER CRADLE FOREASY MINI CATAPULT GLIDER STABILIZER POSITIONBENDBEND BACK - FORWARD 0 /16 TAPER OVER LAST 6 INCHES OF FUSELAGE PAPER CLIR BIND WITH THREAD AND GLUE C MARKOS 6/19/98 FULL SIZE PLAN LINE ART BY JOE KONEFES AND JENNIFER OREBAUGH 0 0 CD 0 ecause adjustments apparent visual observation model may cause dramatic changes flight pattern classic pattern banking turn right initial launch subsequent roll left during climb followed smooth transition glide left-hand circles southpaws please reverse directions factors over have control launch 1 strong catapult rubber used far stretched 2 banking angle twist held release 3 vertical angle release optimum combination three factors flight trim model trick funis optimize trim launch factors give longest flights Once model trimmed may wish try catch thermala current warm rising air best time calm summer morning between 9 11 am before breezes pick up Thermal flight durations may exceed several minutes glider also possible thermal may strong enough carry Mini up out-of-sight 005 Another way enhance fun have contest its simplest can two fliers simultaneous launches last down wins have stopwatch friends can take turns timing recording has longest flight day Souping up Mini following construction changes tested resulted performance enhancements 10-20 seconds over basic model Choose lightweight wood wing stab keep fuselage quite strong Change wing cambered airfoil Sand tail surfaces make thinner lighter Give model coat clear dope resistant dew grass younger modelers version using A2 balsa wing tA6 fuselage tried version used catapult rubber cross-section less A6 Lets have fun k Markos 655 Carlisle Ave Deerfield IL 60015 BILL EFFINGER SAYSI have lust added homad OGAt 5 line PIano patteo Sets knoso voooiii 11150 ---1 1/6 Scale HOWARD DGA-15 90 40 78 CIa engines ingspan oeoll length 0 lbs less RIG oh SIC atPlysnood Constrootlon hC65-t 101990 Psices ose complete toll size moos & detoiled parSs lIsts PLEASEADD$dS0 las shipping mailing lube Seed $100 Pa Plan Sets bachwe will Q pa~ pwn 5 5/C 1/8 1/3 Scale far Onalnes Iran 15 35 CID COO POll AT S WORLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR EPOXY-GLASS COWLS WHEEL PANTS 8 ACCESSORIES CALL NOW 810 677-0213 I FAX 810 6770414 orderS onlyI $200 CanadaMonday Fnday $100 C n EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PCM radios 4 5 cells Install line servo servow will move opposite W directionl 5 v 175 v 25 weight 25 oancel EMS SR 2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg Y harness $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device covtrols seqaences landing gear mechavisw landing gear doors Works air and/or ala P-Si Gear servo controlled systems Gear servo door servo traoel time Individanily adjastahie fall speed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close completed anit 150 75 Less 1 oance Inclades servo connector receiver $4495 ULTIMATE BATTERY BACKER BEST way fo insure reliable power yoar model Use two packs Works stavdard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Batfery packs cay different capacity like 1200 600 15 15 75 weight 8 oance $4995 wired connectors $5995 GLOW DRIVER An opto-isolated glow driver switch fhaf ensares against radio noise ON point easily adjastahle user mith small screwdriver Size 15 v 15 v 75 Less 1 ounce Supplied glow-plag wire counector User sapplies swe NICAD battety loclades servo connector ts receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-1$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap Yllamess 65-lY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro -ProcessorReverser2495 NEW Beepo Flight 7imer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightT502495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto-Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/B Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAxlndoorUltralightESC4495 NEW MicroMAX Speed 400 ESC w/BEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda CA 928B7 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only BOO-845-897B wwwemsjomalcom e mark@emsjomalcom NEW MiniMAX40 ESC w/BECandBrake $9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAXESC8995 SM-4ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion Futaba 695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Airtronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Baaring Conversion 1 -Airtronics 695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 1 500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Coble -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond 10-Fut JR Colors a00 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10 600 EMS/SANYO Battery Packs C4LL EMS Connectors Extensions C4LL May1999 49 Additional EMS Jomar Products $300 Shipping Handling Per Ordec CA ResidentaAdd Sales Tax Oealer Inquiries Invited
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
MINI CATAPULT GLIDER Chuck Markos little glider capable highperformance flights properly built adjusted will reach altitude 60-75 feet make perfect transition glide left-hand circles achieve flight durations 30-40 seconds Mini Catapult Glider intended complement introduction Free Flight models via Delta Dart construction flying sessions held schools Scout groups AMAsponsored programs Its construction specifically designed minimum skills time money tools Flying results fun model much better expected few models possible have flight time logged building time spent truly smallfield design lost no tears close can get expendable model airplane CONSTRUCTION Fuselage This component has complicated construction requirements long taper cuts difficult beginner shallow bottom-side cut must made some precision set angular difference between wing stabilizer Without angular difference glider may want fly upside-down cut long taper balsa use metal straightedge single-edge razor blade hobby knife Hold straightedge line wish cut draw blade next metal wood quite hard dont try cut way through make several light cuts complete job launching hook can made paper clip Use pliers hold bend clip back forth until metal fatigue causes break much safer using wire cutter will leave sharp end can cause injury later Once hook formed use straight pin make pilot hole bottom fuselage push launching hook hole wrap sewing thread Glue well cyanoacrylate CyA glue May1999 45 Junior Free Flight Team member Peter Barron demonstrates proper launch technique note bank angle Plenty fun small investment time money Photos author Jim Hauaht Greohic Desian Jill Ann Cavanauah nitrocellulose clear glue such Devcon Duco CementTM Wing The wing glider heart model Free Flight model wing provides major contribution stability well expected lift Stability result exaggerated dihedral compared wings other aircraft inherent stability provided dihedral vital because extreme changes speed attitude required obtain optimum performance advantage inflight adjustments dihedral joint major construction hurdle beginners Mini joint has simplified easy make rugged enough withstand flying crashing rigors Cut outline wing t/th balsa Mark centerline dihedral locations fine-point felt-tip pen Use straightedge dull tool such ball-point pen make indent along dihedral lines indent centerline indented side will top wing Hold center section flat straightedge just back indented line partially break wing dihedral joint lifting tip same other tip Lay flat center section piece Handi-WrapTM waxed paper use Saran WrapTM tip just resting over piece plywood other material k about 7/ inch dihedral obtained Run bead thin CyA glue down indent hold until cured same other dihedral joint Turn wing over lightly sand rough edges joint blow away balsa dust run another bead thin CyA over dusty joint complete gluing mixture glue balsa dust will fill gaps provide joint exceptional strength Glue bottom wing centerline top fuselage location indicated plans Stabilizer Fin Use tA2 balsa cut outlines shown may helpful make templates outlines wing stab fin manila folder cardboard outlines can easily transferred balsa sheet Note grain balsa fin runs parallel its sloped leading edge LE approximately 450 axis fuselage Attach fin fuselage CyA stabilizer mounted bottom CyA leaving about 5/ inch tailboom aft its trailing edge TE launch grip stabilizer tilted its left side higher right about t/8 inch right-handed launchers stab tilt will induce left-hand turn affected speed model Some rudder [fin TE] turn will also necessary 46 Model Aviation r components ready assembly Patterns made thin cardboard Score along dihedral line pen hold straightedge along line lift tip crack proper dihedral angle Emery board used smooth tip dihedral joint remove balsa dust run bead thin CyA around joint fill gaps add strength too muchthis adjustment very speed-sensitive Setup Cut cradle center gravity CC balance manila folder tape flat surface Mark CC location fuselage exactly 1 inches behind wing LE Use modeling clay add weight nose fuselage model balances cradle CC mark Once balance point established very minor adjustments should made Think terms adding removing quantities clay approximately 1A6 inch less diameter Take model outside try some gentle hand-glides give smooth lefthand pattern no extreme stalls dives may need make small bending adjustments rudder stabilizer stabilizer TE bent up correct dive down correct stall rudder TE direction turn desired See below details trim Once everything looks OK hand-gliding ready catapult launch Make catapult loop 1/8 rubber two heavy rubber bands give length five seven inches Tie end stick head out flying field short grass no trees light winds three parts flight Free Flight model 1 climb 2 transition 3 glide optimum performance adjustments must made forces acting glider combination launching technique effect prescribed series changes models speed attitude adjustments made rudder stabilizer careful bending standard method bending balsa breathe warm moist air wood twisting between thumb forefinger very unlikely model will optimum trim making adjustments very tricky business Type FF Catapult Glider Wingspan 8 inches Catapult 1/8 rubber loop Flying weight Approx 10 grams Construction Sheet balsa Finish One coat clear dope optional May1999 47 Launching hook made paper clip Bend back forth Add small amounts modeling clay nose model pliers make clean break proper shape until balances cradle indicated point Its close can get expendable model airplane yet Mini has plenty performance DIHEDRAL BREAK LEADING EDGE LE 1/16 BALSA WING DIHEDRAL BREAK 7/8 DIHEDRAL EACH TIP CENTER LINE NO DIHEDRAL BREAK 1/32 BALSA STABILIZER CRADLE FOREASY MINI CATAPULT GLIDER STABILIZER POSITIONBENDBEND BACK - FORWARD 0 /16 TAPER OVER LAST 6 INCHES OF FUSELAGE PAPER CLIR BIND WITH THREAD AND GLUE C MARKOS 6/19/98 FULL SIZE PLAN LINE ART BY JOE KONEFES AND JENNIFER OREBAUGH 0 0 CD 0 ecause adjustments apparent visual observation model may cause dramatic changes flight pattern classic pattern banking turn right initial launch subsequent roll left during climb followed smooth transition glide left-hand circles southpaws please reverse directions factors over have control launch 1 strong catapult rubber used far stretched 2 banking angle twist held release 3 vertical angle release optimum combination three factors flight trim model trick funis optimize trim launch factors give longest flights Once model trimmed may wish try catch thermala current warm rising air best time calm summer morning between 9 11 am before breezes pick up Thermal flight durations may exceed several minutes glider also possible thermal may strong enough carry Mini up out-of-sight 005 Another way enhance fun have contest its simplest can two fliers simultaneous launches last down wins have stopwatch friends can take turns timing recording has longest flight day Souping up Mini following construction changes tested resulted performance enhancements 10-20 seconds over basic model Choose lightweight wood wing stab keep fuselage quite strong Change wing cambered airfoil Sand tail surfaces make thinner lighter Give model coat clear dope resistant dew grass younger modelers version using A2 balsa wing tA6 fuselage tried version used catapult rubber cross-section less A6 Lets have fun k Markos 655 Carlisle Ave Deerfield IL 60015 BILL EFFINGER SAYSI have lust added homad OGAt 5 line PIano patteo Sets knoso voooiii 11150 ---1 1/6 Scale HOWARD DGA-15 90 40 78 CIa engines ingspan oeoll length 0 lbs less RIG oh SIC atPlysnood Constrootlon hC65-t 101990 Psices ose complete toll size moos & detoiled parSs lIsts PLEASEADD$dS0 las shipping mailing lube Seed $100 Pa Plan Sets bachwe will Q pa~ pwn 5 5/C 1/8 1/3 Scale far Onalnes Iran 15 35 CID COO POll AT S WORLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR EPOXY-GLASS COWLS WHEEL PANTS 8 ACCESSORIES CALL NOW 810 677-0213 I FAX 810 6770414 orderS onlyI $200 CanadaMonday Fnday $100 C n EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PCM radios 4 5 cells Install line servo servow will move opposite W directionl 5 v 175 v 25 weight 25 oancel EMS SR 2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg Y harness $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device covtrols seqaences landing gear mechavisw landing gear doors Works air and/or ala P-Si Gear servo controlled systems Gear servo door servo traoel time Individanily adjastahie fall speed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close completed anit 150 75 Less 1 oance Inclades servo connector receiver $4495 ULTIMATE BATTERY BACKER BEST way fo insure reliable power yoar model Use two packs Works stavdard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Batfery packs cay different capacity like 1200 600 15 15 75 weight 8 oance $4995 wired connectors $5995 GLOW DRIVER An opto-isolated glow driver switch fhaf ensares against radio noise ON point easily adjastahle user mith small screwdriver Size 15 v 15 v 75 Less 1 ounce Supplied glow-plag wire counector User sapplies swe NICAD battety loclades servo connector ts receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-1$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap Yllamess 65-lY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro -ProcessorReverser2495 NEW Beepo Flight 7imer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightT502495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto-Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/B Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAxlndoorUltralightESC4495 NEW MicroMAX Speed 400 ESC w/BEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda CA 928B7 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only BOO-845-897B wwwemsjomalcom e mark@emsjomalcom NEW MiniMAX40 ESC w/BECandBrake $9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAXESC8995 SM-4ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion Futaba 695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Airtronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Baaring Conversion 1 -Airtronics 695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 1 500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Coble -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond 10-Fut JR Colors a00 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10 600 EMS/SANYO Battery Packs C4LL EMS Connectors Extensions C4LL May1999 49 Additional EMS Jomar Products $300 Shipping Handling Per Ordec CA ResidentaAdd Sales Tax Oealer Inquiries Invited
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
MINI CATAPULT GLIDER Chuck Markos little glider capable highperformance flights properly built adjusted will reach altitude 60-75 feet make perfect transition glide left-hand circles achieve flight durations 30-40 seconds Mini Catapult Glider intended complement introduction Free Flight models via Delta Dart construction flying sessions held schools Scout groups AMAsponsored programs Its construction specifically designed minimum skills time money tools Flying results fun model much better expected few models possible have flight time logged building time spent truly smallfield design lost no tears close can get expendable model airplane CONSTRUCTION Fuselage This component has complicated construction requirements long taper cuts difficult beginner shallow bottom-side cut must made some precision set angular difference between wing stabilizer Without angular difference glider may want fly upside-down cut long taper balsa use metal straightedge single-edge razor blade hobby knife Hold straightedge line wish cut draw blade next metal wood quite hard dont try cut way through make several light cuts complete job launching hook can made paper clip Use pliers hold bend clip back forth until metal fatigue causes break much safer using wire cutter will leave sharp end can cause injury later Once hook formed use straight pin make pilot hole bottom fuselage push launching hook hole wrap sewing thread Glue well cyanoacrylate CyA glue May1999 45 Junior Free Flight Team member Peter Barron demonstrates proper launch technique note bank angle Plenty fun small investment time money Photos author Jim Hauaht Greohic Desian Jill Ann Cavanauah nitrocellulose clear glue such Devcon Duco CementTM Wing The wing glider heart model Free Flight model wing provides major contribution stability well expected lift Stability result exaggerated dihedral compared wings other aircraft inherent stability provided dihedral vital because extreme changes speed attitude required obtain optimum performance advantage inflight adjustments dihedral joint major construction hurdle beginners Mini joint has simplified easy make rugged enough withstand flying crashing rigors Cut outline wing t/th balsa Mark centerline dihedral locations fine-point felt-tip pen Use straightedge dull tool such ball-point pen make indent along dihedral lines indent centerline indented side will top wing Hold center section flat straightedge just back indented line partially break wing dihedral joint lifting tip same other tip Lay flat center section piece Handi-WrapTM waxed paper use Saran WrapTM tip just resting over piece plywood other material k about 7/ inch dihedral obtained Run bead thin CyA glue down indent hold until cured same other dihedral joint Turn wing over lightly sand rough edges joint blow away balsa dust run another bead thin CyA over dusty joint complete gluing mixture glue balsa dust will fill gaps provide joint exceptional strength Glue bottom wing centerline top fuselage location indicated plans Stabilizer Fin Use tA2 balsa cut outlines shown may helpful make templates outlines wing stab fin manila folder cardboard outlines can easily transferred balsa sheet Note grain balsa fin runs parallel its sloped leading edge LE approximately 450 axis fuselage Attach fin fuselage CyA stabilizer mounted bottom CyA leaving about 5/ inch tailboom aft its trailing edge TE launch grip stabilizer tilted its left side higher right about t/8 inch right-handed launchers stab tilt will induce left-hand turn affected speed model Some rudder [fin TE] turn will also necessary 46 Model Aviation r components ready assembly Patterns made thin cardboard Score along dihedral line pen hold straightedge along line lift tip crack proper dihedral angle Emery board used smooth tip dihedral joint remove balsa dust run bead thin CyA around joint fill gaps add strength too muchthis adjustment very speed-sensitive Setup Cut cradle center gravity CC balance manila folder tape flat surface Mark CC location fuselage exactly 1 inches behind wing LE Use modeling clay add weight nose fuselage model balances cradle CC mark Once balance point established very minor adjustments should made Think terms adding removing quantities clay approximately 1A6 inch less diameter Take model outside try some gentle hand-glides give smooth lefthand pattern no extreme stalls dives may need make small bending adjustments rudder stabilizer stabilizer TE bent up correct dive down correct stall rudder TE direction turn desired See below details trim Once everything looks OK hand-gliding ready catapult launch Make catapult loop 1/8 rubber two heavy rubber bands give length five seven inches Tie end stick head out flying field short grass no trees light winds three parts flight Free Flight model 1 climb 2 transition 3 glide optimum performance adjustments must made forces acting glider combination launching technique effect prescribed series changes models speed attitude adjustments made rudder stabilizer careful bending standard method bending balsa breathe warm moist air wood twisting between thumb forefinger very unlikely model will optimum trim making adjustments very tricky business Type FF Catapult Glider Wingspan 8 inches Catapult 1/8 rubber loop Flying weight Approx 10 grams Construction Sheet balsa Finish One coat clear dope optional May1999 47 Launching hook made paper clip Bend back forth Add small amounts modeling clay nose model pliers make clean break proper shape until balances cradle indicated point Its close can get expendable model airplane yet Mini has plenty performance DIHEDRAL BREAK LEADING EDGE LE 1/16 BALSA WING DIHEDRAL BREAK 7/8 DIHEDRAL EACH TIP CENTER LINE NO DIHEDRAL BREAK 1/32 BALSA STABILIZER CRADLE FOREASY MINI CATAPULT GLIDER STABILIZER POSITIONBENDBEND BACK - FORWARD 0 /16 TAPER OVER LAST 6 INCHES OF FUSELAGE PAPER CLIR BIND WITH THREAD AND GLUE C MARKOS 6/19/98 FULL SIZE PLAN LINE ART BY JOE KONEFES AND JENNIFER OREBAUGH 0 0 CD 0 ecause adjustments apparent visual observation model may cause dramatic changes flight pattern classic pattern banking turn right initial launch subsequent roll left during climb followed smooth transition glide left-hand circles southpaws please reverse directions factors over have control launch 1 strong catapult rubber used far stretched 2 banking angle twist held release 3 vertical angle release optimum combination three factors flight trim model trick funis optimize trim launch factors give longest flights Once model trimmed may wish try catch thermala current warm rising air best time calm summer morning between 9 11 am before breezes pick up Thermal flight durations may exceed several minutes glider also possible thermal may strong enough carry Mini up out-of-sight 005 Another way enhance fun have contest its simplest can two fliers simultaneous launches last down wins have stopwatch friends can take turns timing recording has longest flight day Souping up Mini following construction changes tested resulted performance enhancements 10-20 seconds over basic model Choose lightweight wood wing stab keep fuselage quite strong Change wing cambered airfoil Sand tail surfaces make thinner lighter Give model coat clear dope resistant dew grass younger modelers version using A2 balsa wing tA6 fuselage tried version used catapult rubber cross-section less A6 Lets have fun k Markos 655 Carlisle Ave Deerfield IL 60015 BILL EFFINGER SAYSI have lust added homad OGAt 5 line PIano patteo Sets knoso voooiii 11150 ---1 1/6 Scale HOWARD DGA-15 90 40 78 CIa engines ingspan oeoll length 0 lbs less RIG oh SIC atPlysnood Constrootlon hC65-t 101990 Psices ose complete toll size moos & detoiled parSs lIsts PLEASEADD$dS0 las shipping mailing lube Seed $100 Pa Plan Sets bachwe will Q pa~ pwn 5 5/C 1/8 1/3 Scale far Onalnes Iran 15 35 CID COO POll AT S WORLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERIOR EPOXY-GLASS COWLS WHEEL PANTS 8 ACCESSORIES CALL NOW 810 677-0213 I FAX 810 6770414 orderS onlyI $200 CanadaMonday Fnday $100 C n EMS SERVO REVERSER Works AM FM PCM radios 4 5 cells Install line servo servow will move opposite W directionl 5 v 175 v 25 weight 25 oancel EMS SR 2 withoat connector $1495 wired connectors $1995 EMS SR-2Y wired leg Y harness $2250 GEARAND DOOR SEQUENCER microprocessor driver device covtrols seqaences landing gear mechavisw landing gear doors Works air and/or ala P-Si Gear servo controlled systems Gear servo door servo traoel time Individanily adjastahie fall speed 10 seconds Gear doors may remain open ala P-47 close completed anit 150 75 Less 1 oance Inclades servo connector receiver $4495 ULTIMATE BATTERY BACKER BEST way fo insure reliable power yoar model Use two packs Works stavdard 4 cell 5 cell GEL-CELL packs Batfery packs cay different capacity like 1200 600 15 15 75 weight 8 oance $4995 wired connectors $5995 GLOW DRIVER An opto-isolated glow driver switch fhaf ensares against radio noise ON point easily adjastahle user mith small screwdriver Size 15 v 15 v 75 Less 1 ounce Supplied glow-plag wire counector User sapplies swe NICAD battety loclades servo connector ts receiver $4495 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap GS-1$1250 Glitch Stop/Noise Trap Yllamess 65-lY1500 NEW SRE-2000 Micro -ProcessorReverser2495 NEW Beepo Flight 7imer 2995 NEW Stop-Go-LightT502495 Gear Door Cycler3495 Channel Failsafe3895 Opto-Isolated Electronic Switch3995 Dual E-S witch3995 Snitch3995 Autoretract U/C3995 NEW Multi-Mode Electronic Mixer4495 Glitch Buster/B Channel Opto-Isolator7995 Twin Engine Sync System8995 NEW NanoMAxlndoorUltralightESC4495 NEW MicroMAX Speed 400 ESC w/BEC5995 Electronic Model Systems 22605 E La Palma Ave Suite 516 Yorba Linda CA 928B7 Info Only 714-692-1393 Orders Only BOO-845-897B wwwemsjomalcom e mark@emsjomalcom NEW MiniMAX40 ESC w/BECandBrake $9995 MiniMAX Original ESC w/Brake7995 Sport MAXESC8995 SM-4ESC9995 Heavy Duly Reversible Nautical Throttle8995 BBC-1 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 Futaba2595 BBC-2 Ball Bearing Conversion Futaba 695 BBC-3 Ball Bearing Conversion 4 -Airtronics2595 BBC-4 Ball Baaring Conversion 1 -Airtronics 695 BBC-5 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 41995 BBC-6 Ball Bearing Only JR etc 1 500 Aramid Kevlar 29 Rigging Coble -201000 #22 Servo Wre-3cond 10-Fut JR Colors a00 #22 Battery Wre -2 conductor 10 600 EMS/SANYO Battery Packs C4LL EMS Connectors Extensions C4LL May1999 49 Additional EMS Jomar Products $300 Shipping Handling Per Ordec CA ResidentaAdd Sales Tax Oealer Inquiries Invited