TESTING FOR EYE POINTING Model Flying Vision Environment age thing affect vi sion dis tance oriented nature stress doing excessive office/computer work model build ing reduces visual skills take heart ways train eyes 'see~ better EJeffrey D Hansen HOW WE SEE action flying fieldthat vision worksgreatly influences success flying models Skeptical Lets consider case fellow mod eler getting some advice new Radio Control Mustang Hobby Lobby counter Burbank CA Nothing particu larly unusual about Wait theres Mustang isnt being built out pure desire because guy currently has no other model air planes fly reason vacancy hangar last two planes have blown smithereens recent midair colli sions Bad luck Maybe again maybe just happens both times guy creamed same pilot Target Rings Courtesy Efficient Seeing Publications Aptos California test visual flexibility well eyes can point place focus other Place magazine two feet away hold pencil point between slightly below target rings looking pencil move gradually closer until eight 10 eyes should immediately see third ghost ring appear tween other two Since page plane regard ghost image con structed mind great visual stamina required Modelers vision tires easily fuzzes-out workbenchwill have difficulty need frequent breaks close work flying same field circumstances identical Good weather clear visibility yet-to-be-Mustang-owner prac ticing figure eights quiet corner field Suddenly biplane swoops overhead behind andBLAM Pattern ship explodes right front eyes first time shouted heck did come second time less restrained perspective seemed no time see-and-react because kamikaze attack happened quick ly Other fliers citing superior ability would insist such midairs avoidable eye specialists known behavioral optome trists has shown fallacy amas sing good deal evidence support position addition highest lev els model competition individual differ ences visual performance magnified Although people share common visual ex periences everyday life cant com pare what see laid-back practice ses sion what Pattern flier like Dave Brown sees World Championships level visual demands extreme Under pressures competition nor mally insignificant visual weakness can erupt something much trouble somein fact can seriously alter pic THE BROCK STRING 4w. vision test/exercise reveals visual distortions string has beads spaced B apart both eyes turned pointing properly X Intersects bead youre look ing An X front behind shows incorrect eye-pointing seeing suppressed correct eye-pointing means judge models-in-flight closer farther away really Seeing string indicates total loss binocularity depth perception would correct exactly same reason Chuck Yeager su perior fighter pilot What see differ ent what midair victim sees Oddly enough people believe re verse truethat everyone healthy eyes sees pretty much same thing visual screen However group January 1989 81 ture registers brain have ever flown model type competition know doesnt take much auger-in Hit sud den downdraft apply too much power too fast pull Out dive too latein case catastrophe practically inevitable Lets take second look kinds crashes Are really just happenstance did pilots visual system deteriorate under pressure Behavioral optometrists support latter view Vision behavioral optometrists de fined well use number spe cific interrelated eye skills other words vision level measured over performance entire range eye skills Further behavioral optometrists ad vocate heady idea vision learned trait can developed almost system specialists have developed help people improve eye skills called vision training Vision train ing hasnt confined laboratory behavioral optometrists have demonstrated its effectiveness real-world applications cite just few examples among half members 1984 Olympic gold medal mens volleyball team received viI Peripheral Vision U U U 1234J IIII sion training did baseball stars Pete Rose George Brett Don Mattingly behavioral vision exam comprehen sive evaluation goes well beyond tra ditional Snellen eye chart consists one- two-hour series about 60 tests measure performance across entire spectrum eye skills Also perhaps important tests determine just well individual applies visual formation has access Vision training particularly new principles good vision have long known World War II fighter pilots such training interest waned after war todays burgeon ing populationand expanding talent pool its gaining new importance People striv ing success highly competitive world Eighties realize sharpen ing refining visual skills can give important edge Numerous studies tests have consist ently shown following 1 Take best people pursuit sports busi ness five will found have significant vision problem unaware 2 Without exception win ners possess best visual skills Except scientific testing behavioral optometrists rarely see winners What sorts people have seeking out benefits vision training Usually theyre poten tial achievers performing below ex pectations smart kids falling behind school due undetected visual pro blems people crossed eyes senior citizens want slow effects ag ing eyes athletes sort Before suggesting therapy however havioral optometrists always get answer key question Does vision allow function well environment does hold back lieve vision handicapping candidates training performing satisfactorily book keeper could probably improve visual re action time after training match baseball player Does need such im provement Probably Modelers contrast have extra centive improve visual equipment other factors being equaltalent re flexes equipmentdeveloping better vision through training can certainly im prove flying performance possibili ties particularly competition fliers intriguing Behavioral optometrists care ful though guarantee traln Continued page 189 Binocul LlizPthPercePtioi . ft Peripheral Visionabove below well sidewaysmeasures ability notice movement around looking directly An example would other models air Right Binocular Depth Perception measure ability see world 3-D helps place space time objects such model flight helps judge plane will somewhere else IIII Accommodative Flexibility U U o12345 IIII Amount Light See iumm 12 Left Accommodative Flexibility easily can instantaneously shift focus near far say RC transmitter model-inflight Eyeglasses can help correct ability shift always decreases age Right amount light need see increases age because tissues eye no longer transparent youth Older modelers should use bright work lights ease strain 82 Model Aviation ground support items such starting bat tery Unreel flying lines used Sigs Handle Line kit Make sure lines hooked up correctly check out controls handle near verti cal elevator should neutral Ad just line lengths make way Test run engine checking vi bration theres suspicion engine loose add rubberbands Fire up full tank fuel its off wild blue yonder son Top-Fun has cer tainly lived up its name hope does too Vision/Hansen Continued page 82 ing will make instant winner Nationals does vision training make differ ence Most people confuse having 20/20 eyesight clarity perfect vision commonly held belief about accurate concept eye cameralike lens something doesnt resemble reality 20/20 eyesight means can use less percent visual skills clearly read eye chart dis tance 20 ft other 99% what eyes can no means limited such skills peripheral vision depth percep tion Rather vision skills accurately measured perform two broad areas 1 motor skills what eyes can mechanically 2 processing skills ability put visual information use area motor skills its com monly known physiology ner ear linked bodys ability maintain balance fewer people aware similar interconnection between visual nerves balance fact optical nerves control 80% balance gray matter devoted vision other sense modes combined Tests show turn head watch model example simply get knocked off-balance conflict set up brain Since brains highest prior ity regain balance momentarily shuts off visual input until body restabiizes other words visual apparatus still works brain temporarily doesnt compute anything what see picture saying goes doesnt register surprisingly vision/brain nexus also determines well coordinate body movements perform activities involve hand-eye interaction covers aspect modeling construction flight better assess own motor skills some questions ask yourself eyes aim accurately track smoothly Errors little 2% can cause problems Can eyes point straight ahead focus distance sight well converge inward close work Especially cases people perform excessive amounts close work computers model con struction visual stress can have two fold effect can cause eye muscles cramp up lock close-by position blur distance sight can also cause eye kick out either floating away target shutting off suppres sing data brain know relation discrepancy between eyes performs can cause DARNED GOOD AIRMEN Lightest pilots available Lifelike vinyl latex rubber Build Sportsman Barnstormer Full Body Bust BUST PILOT KIT Contains pilot head helmet apart cap goggles jacket Easy assemble finish PriCC #l08-/s scale NEW 595 #10614 scale695 #lOS/s scale #104 scale #1031/3 scale 1495 JET PILOT KIT Pilot has molded jet helmet Contains face mask oxygen hose Extreme ly Realistic Weighs less 14 oz Price #308-/n scale595 #30714 scale695 ORDERING INSTHuu IONS See dealer first order direct Add $100 shipping NYS residents add 7% tax Send check money order CODS OK Send $100 catalog FULL BODY PILOT KIT Contains pilot head hands boots helmet cap goggles full templates easy instruc tions Easy assemble tinish Some simple sewing required Fully positionable tool Price #2061/s scale895 #205-4 scale995 #204 scale1095 #20314 scale1695 See Dealer add Dollar direct order handling JanUary 1989 189 DLII PLAIN CRADLE2 DL] Completely Fuelproof Unbreakable 3- 6 Wide Fuselage Stores Flat Same Day Shipping Perfect Field shop Satisfied Return Unused Full Refund Purchase local hobby shop order direct Send $1795 plus $200 S 8- H M Berre Stonefield Trail ndsor CT 06074 * Some simple sewing required 5UHEET 3 Allow care balsa sheet become touch dry 4 Place paper slip sheet over core leaving /2 leading edge exposed Rub sheeting covering down over until itsticks irmly toam core 5 Place balsa sheet covering topofslipsheetand slide balsa correct poson Press leading edge down until sticks Ihe exposed strip itt covering remove slip sheet Available quality hobby shops everywhere Loctite iso registered trademark Loctite Corporation incorrectly estimate position rela tion other objects say nothing close RC plane tree does stress contest affect vision What about being off-balance Ask CL Combat flier what happens stumbles over opponents foot have flexibility switch near far vision instantly Think about next time sneak peek RC transmitter shift back rapidly approaching model second major element visual armatureie processing skillshelps identify objects moving static draw past visual memories understand implications what see imag ine what will happen Modelers process visual information day course realizing else would distinguish dis tance subtle differences between P SiD Spitfire Mk-14or decide pull CL Stunter out wingover level flight exactly 15 meters ground Ask yourself youve mastered simple processing skills flying RC model can keep eyes model mov ing head monitor movements other planes same airspace Some fliers intent watching own airplane sacrifice side vision same people ones will stare straight ahead looking balsawood rack never notice stack micro-lite over heads eyes may darting constantly pick up rele vant information unless youre paying attention dont benefit keen awareness world around perception visual space poorly organized inac curate stimulus-bound Such peo ple depend visual clues such trees hill form spatial relationships ex plains some RC modelers fly well own field poorly elsewhereand almost always fly higher nec essary avoid static objects Sports fans recognize phenomenon homefield advantage Fliers excellent vi sual processing abilities though dont need such clues perform consistently well anywhere Can visualizethat see things minds eye aspect creativity invention explains can perform following tasks men tally grasp instructions plan construction time rehearse evasive maneuvers against midair create picture aerobatics pat terns reverse orientation create mirror image controls RC model flies integrate engine sounds guesstimate theyre coming learn achieve great Free Flight launch thinking about antic ipate counter against Combat opponents next maneuver asked identify single factor above others enhances ones competence flier would ability make space-and-time judgments Theres oniy explanation people consist enfly make goodand fastdecisions Both eyes working together harmoniously high efficiency Behavioral optometrists illustrate point means specific test using ma chine called Tachistoscope pro jector strobe light string num bers flashed wall darkened room controlled speeds 01 001 second beginning test BATT- CHEKBX Saves Time . Saves Models lnxtall AC Modeix 3-Level indication receiver battery status press button Precise Rugged Small Light 1/2 oz Made USA Also custom units tar other applications Order Today $1495 dealer send check money order postpaid Protune Corp 914 462-6452 PO Box 1606 Poughkeepal NY 12601 NY State residents add sales tax 190 Model Aviation IL@CTITLE 74Iqae LHC-04 SPRAY ADHESIVE New Spray Adhesive bonds wing skins foam cores laminates balsa sheets works anywhere else ordinary spray adhesives work big exception. works better ew guarantee youre completely sat stied LOCTITE Spray Adhesive simply return unused portion us along sales receipt well refund money Lightly spray foam 2Ughtly spray balsa45 BALSA PRE FAB AiRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AreoMoDri SHARK-SS pee SIViqhl Shoolder-oneg SHARK 5T 60 seA Thp,d Shoolder-eq OS WnqCoV57Osqe4Slo55lbsFbegassCovs,eq UA,MV, Gee, Fly As In-Gsa TaIVaqq, med INTRODUCTORY PRICE AM X P TAMPICO i99 HANDLING MC VISA COO KINGSWAY ENTEePeISES SASE4SOSwILDACeEs FOR CATALOGHOUSTON lIt 77072J BALSA PRE FAB AIRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AESOMODEL SHARK55 pao SIanqhl Shoode-AnO SHARK 5T 60 spa, TAVerSO SVSods-aseq 05 TV eq Co V570 sq no. 45 I, 55 lbs. Fiberq ass Coodieg 5UA m m Man Sea, Fly As Ti-Gea Tailonaqqe INTRODUCTORY PRICE AMXP TAMPiCO ~ 9s 4iiii HANDLINGMC VISA COO KINGSWAYENTEHEHISES SASE Foe CATALOG HOUSTON T15 77072 MAT 10k THE TWELFTH ANNUAL MODEL SPORT & HOBBY SHOW STRY MEMBERS ONLY AY JAN 13 1989 10am 5pm GENERAL PUBLIC RDAY JANUARY 14 1989 10 am 6 pm GENERAL PUBLIC AY JANUARY 15 1989 10 am 5 pm SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISIT WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES GIANT RAFFLE MODEL BOATS RADIO CONTROL SYSTEMS SWAP SHOP MODEL CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES * POND CAR TRACK * lEST i# WEST ADMISSION Adults- $500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 548-4700 projector flashes up seven numbers ever-increasing rates try see numbers say aloud after flash last phase test string numbers has increased maximum 16 individuals task see recall first last digits line object measure much infor mation can get quick bite everyday lifeand flying fieldthis translates visual adroitness enables us catch glimpse something understand implications make right decision based minimal data Motorcycle racer Eddie Lawson twotime current World GP Champion didnt falter until hit 15 digits last part test name first last digits string Fred Ar nold 65 WW II P-38 ace pilot famed inventing power steering still flies often made no mistakes Take moment imagine what Top Gun pilots can doand rest assured aver age person cant perform half well think about fact peo ple just-average vision flying model airplanes same speed Lawsons motorcycle approaching Arnolds airplane should convince doub ters indeed vision problems mere chance brought about downfall twice-creamed flier first met hobby shop counter Burbank Forget kamikaze mo ment consider visual dynamics came play midair collisions Peripheral vision Above volves ability remain visually aware planes vicinity own fact flier surprised means failed pick up movement supe rior gaze overhead area ability see-and-react absent Caught flat froze stick took no evasive action Visualization hadnt too swift visually after first midair guy should have mentally rehearsed himself next would have involved working out both transmitter sequence actual evasive maneuvers balance/vision connection Having head tilted up own plane favor Very probably also star tled Both factors quick reaction times can improve visual skills make yourself safer flier 1 Remember visually close work distance work incompatible go out fly especially after work give yourself some time adjust visually changing space Make point shift vision around objects varying dis tances 2 Relax Making too much effort trying too hard seeis worst thing can Thats what squinting isand tensed eye muscles create stress visual misjudgments perceive ten sion around eyes rub lightly massage out 3 When bright sunlight wear lightly tinted sunglasses such BlublockersTM filter out harmful ultraviolet rays dramatically increase contrast Most dark glasses dont simply reduce amount light available 4 Dont fly through sun fly around Recovery time looking directly suns brightness slow avoid doing 5 Dont fly directly overhead uuless nec essary shallow head angle helps pre vent vision/balance conflicts 6 Dont get emotionally pumped up Ad renalin creates fight-or-flight stress ad versely affects vision Have fun stay cool youve flown planes before will again 7 Fly observer have tendency lapse tunnel vision 8 Do ever use eyeglasses closework lenses such reading either flying driving Such lenses unquestion ably worsen visual perception An op tometnst can prescribe performance lenses both activities youd like learn about limita tions potential own vision may contact behavioral optometrist area writing College Op tometrists Vision Development PO January 1989 191 LLR- Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 81, 82, 189, 190, 191, 192
TESTING FOR EYE POINTING Model Flying Vision Environment age thing affect vi sion dis tance oriented nature stress doing excessive office/computer work model build ing reduces visual skills take heart ways train eyes 'see~ better EJeffrey D Hansen HOW WE SEE action flying fieldthat vision worksgreatly influences success flying models Skeptical Lets consider case fellow mod eler getting some advice new Radio Control Mustang Hobby Lobby counter Burbank CA Nothing particu larly unusual about Wait theres Mustang isnt being built out pure desire because guy currently has no other model air planes fly reason vacancy hangar last two planes have blown smithereens recent midair colli sions Bad luck Maybe again maybe just happens both times guy creamed same pilot Target Rings Courtesy Efficient Seeing Publications Aptos California test visual flexibility well eyes can point place focus other Place magazine two feet away hold pencil point between slightly below target rings looking pencil move gradually closer until eight 10 eyes should immediately see third ghost ring appear tween other two Since page plane regard ghost image con structed mind great visual stamina required Modelers vision tires easily fuzzes-out workbenchwill have difficulty need frequent breaks close work flying same field circumstances identical Good weather clear visibility yet-to-be-Mustang-owner prac ticing figure eights quiet corner field Suddenly biplane swoops overhead behind andBLAM Pattern ship explodes right front eyes first time shouted heck did come second time less restrained perspective seemed no time see-and-react because kamikaze attack happened quick ly Other fliers citing superior ability would insist such midairs avoidable eye specialists known behavioral optome trists has shown fallacy amas sing good deal evidence support position addition highest lev els model competition individual differ ences visual performance magnified Although people share common visual ex periences everyday life cant com pare what see laid-back practice ses sion what Pattern flier like Dave Brown sees World Championships level visual demands extreme Under pressures competition nor mally insignificant visual weakness can erupt something much trouble somein fact can seriously alter pic THE BROCK STRING 4w. vision test/exercise reveals visual distortions string has beads spaced B apart both eyes turned pointing properly X Intersects bead youre look ing An X front behind shows incorrect eye-pointing seeing suppressed correct eye-pointing means judge models-in-flight closer farther away really Seeing string indicates total loss binocularity depth perception would correct exactly same reason Chuck Yeager su perior fighter pilot What see differ ent what midair victim sees Oddly enough people believe re verse truethat everyone healthy eyes sees pretty much same thing visual screen However group January 1989 81 ture registers brain have ever flown model type competition know doesnt take much auger-in Hit sud den downdraft apply too much power too fast pull Out dive too latein case catastrophe practically inevitable Lets take second look kinds crashes Are really just happenstance did pilots visual system deteriorate under pressure Behavioral optometrists support latter view Vision behavioral optometrists de fined well use number spe cific interrelated eye skills other words vision level measured over performance entire range eye skills Further behavioral optometrists ad vocate heady idea vision learned trait can developed almost system specialists have developed help people improve eye skills called vision training Vision train ing hasnt confined laboratory behavioral optometrists have demonstrated its effectiveness real-world applications cite just few examples among half members 1984 Olympic gold medal mens volleyball team received viI Peripheral Vision U U U 1234J IIII sion training did baseball stars Pete Rose George Brett Don Mattingly behavioral vision exam comprehen sive evaluation goes well beyond tra ditional Snellen eye chart consists one- two-hour series about 60 tests measure performance across entire spectrum eye skills Also perhaps important tests determine just well individual applies visual formation has access Vision training particularly new principles good vision have long known World War II fighter pilots such training interest waned after war todays burgeon ing populationand expanding talent pool its gaining new importance People striv ing success highly competitive world Eighties realize sharpen ing refining visual skills can give important edge Numerous studies tests have consist ently shown following 1 Take best people pursuit sports busi ness five will found have significant vision problem unaware 2 Without exception win ners possess best visual skills Except scientific testing behavioral optometrists rarely see winners What sorts people have seeking out benefits vision training Usually theyre poten tial achievers performing below ex pectations smart kids falling behind school due undetected visual pro blems people crossed eyes senior citizens want slow effects ag ing eyes athletes sort Before suggesting therapy however havioral optometrists always get answer key question Does vision allow function well environment does hold back lieve vision handicapping candidates training performing satisfactorily book keeper could probably improve visual re action time after training match baseball player Does need such im provement Probably Modelers contrast have extra centive improve visual equipment other factors being equaltalent re flexes equipmentdeveloping better vision through training can certainly im prove flying performance possibili ties particularly competition fliers intriguing Behavioral optometrists care ful though guarantee traln Continued page 189 Binocul LlizPthPercePtioi . ft Peripheral Visionabove below well sidewaysmeasures ability notice movement around looking directly An example would other models air Right Binocular Depth Perception measure ability see world 3-D helps place space time objects such model flight helps judge plane will somewhere else IIII Accommodative Flexibility U U o12345 IIII Amount Light See iumm 12 Left Accommodative Flexibility easily can instantaneously shift focus near far say RC transmitter model-inflight Eyeglasses can help correct ability shift always decreases age Right amount light need see increases age because tissues eye no longer transparent youth Older modelers should use bright work lights ease strain 82 Model Aviation ground support items such starting bat tery Unreel flying lines used Sigs Handle Line kit Make sure lines hooked up correctly check out controls handle near verti cal elevator should neutral Ad just line lengths make way Test run engine checking vi bration theres suspicion engine loose add rubberbands Fire up full tank fuel its off wild blue yonder son Top-Fun has cer tainly lived up its name hope does too Vision/Hansen Continued page 82 ing will make instant winner Nationals does vision training make differ ence Most people confuse having 20/20 eyesight clarity perfect vision commonly held belief about accurate concept eye cameralike lens something doesnt resemble reality 20/20 eyesight means can use less percent visual skills clearly read eye chart dis tance 20 ft other 99% what eyes can no means limited such skills peripheral vision depth percep tion Rather vision skills accurately measured perform two broad areas 1 motor skills what eyes can mechanically 2 processing skills ability put visual information use area motor skills its com monly known physiology ner ear linked bodys ability maintain balance fewer people aware similar interconnection between visual nerves balance fact optical nerves control 80% balance gray matter devoted vision other sense modes combined Tests show turn head watch model example simply get knocked off-balance conflict set up brain Since brains highest prior ity regain balance momentarily shuts off visual input until body restabiizes other words visual apparatus still works brain temporarily doesnt compute anything what see picture saying goes doesnt register surprisingly vision/brain nexus also determines well coordinate body movements perform activities involve hand-eye interaction covers aspect modeling construction flight better assess own motor skills some questions ask yourself eyes aim accurately track smoothly Errors little 2% can cause problems Can eyes point straight ahead focus distance sight well converge inward close work Especially cases people perform excessive amounts close work computers model con struction visual stress can have two fold effect can cause eye muscles cramp up lock close-by position blur distance sight can also cause eye kick out either floating away target shutting off suppres sing data brain know relation discrepancy between eyes performs can cause DARNED GOOD AIRMEN Lightest pilots available Lifelike vinyl latex rubber Build Sportsman Barnstormer Full Body Bust BUST PILOT KIT Contains pilot head helmet apart cap goggles jacket Easy assemble finish PriCC #l08-/s scale NEW 595 #10614 scale695 #lOS/s scale #104 scale #1031/3 scale 1495 JET PILOT KIT Pilot has molded jet helmet Contains face mask oxygen hose Extreme ly Realistic Weighs less 14 oz Price #308-/n scale595 #30714 scale695 ORDERING INSTHuu IONS See dealer first order direct Add $100 shipping NYS residents add 7% tax Send check money order CODS OK Send $100 catalog FULL BODY PILOT KIT Contains pilot head hands boots helmet cap goggles full templates easy instruc tions Easy assemble tinish Some simple sewing required Fully positionable tool Price #2061/s scale895 #205-4 scale995 #204 scale1095 #20314 scale1695 See Dealer add Dollar direct order handling JanUary 1989 189 DLII PLAIN CRADLE2 DL] Completely Fuelproof Unbreakable 3- 6 Wide Fuselage Stores Flat Same Day Shipping Perfect Field shop Satisfied Return Unused Full Refund Purchase local hobby shop order direct Send $1795 plus $200 S 8- H M Berre Stonefield Trail ndsor CT 06074 * Some simple sewing required 5UHEET 3 Allow care balsa sheet become touch dry 4 Place paper slip sheet over core leaving /2 leading edge exposed Rub sheeting covering down over until itsticks irmly toam core 5 Place balsa sheet covering topofslipsheetand slide balsa correct poson Press leading edge down until sticks Ihe exposed strip itt covering remove slip sheet Available quality hobby shops everywhere Loctite iso registered trademark Loctite Corporation incorrectly estimate position rela tion other objects say nothing close RC plane tree does stress contest affect vision What about being off-balance Ask CL Combat flier what happens stumbles over opponents foot have flexibility switch near far vision instantly Think about next time sneak peek RC transmitter shift back rapidly approaching model second major element visual armatureie processing skillshelps identify objects moving static draw past visual memories understand implications what see imag ine what will happen Modelers process visual information day course realizing else would distinguish dis tance subtle differences between P SiD Spitfire Mk-14or decide pull CL Stunter out wingover level flight exactly 15 meters ground Ask yourself youve mastered simple processing skills flying RC model can keep eyes model mov ing head monitor movements other planes same airspace Some fliers intent watching own airplane sacrifice side vision same people ones will stare straight ahead looking balsawood rack never notice stack micro-lite over heads eyes may darting constantly pick up rele vant information unless youre paying attention dont benefit keen awareness world around perception visual space poorly organized inac curate stimulus-bound Such peo ple depend visual clues such trees hill form spatial relationships ex plains some RC modelers fly well own field poorly elsewhereand almost always fly higher nec essary avoid static objects Sports fans recognize phenomenon homefield advantage Fliers excellent vi sual processing abilities though dont need such clues perform consistently well anywhere Can visualizethat see things minds eye aspect creativity invention explains can perform following tasks men tally grasp instructions plan construction time rehearse evasive maneuvers against midair create picture aerobatics pat terns reverse orientation create mirror image controls RC model flies integrate engine sounds guesstimate theyre coming learn achieve great Free Flight launch thinking about antic ipate counter against Combat opponents next maneuver asked identify single factor above others enhances ones competence flier would ability make space-and-time judgments Theres oniy explanation people consist enfly make goodand fastdecisions Both eyes working together harmoniously high efficiency Behavioral optometrists illustrate point means specific test using ma chine called Tachistoscope pro jector strobe light string num bers flashed wall darkened room controlled speeds 01 001 second beginning test BATT- CHEKBX Saves Time . Saves Models lnxtall AC Modeix 3-Level indication receiver battery status press button Precise Rugged Small Light 1/2 oz Made USA Also custom units tar other applications Order Today $1495 dealer send check money order postpaid Protune Corp 914 462-6452 PO Box 1606 Poughkeepal NY 12601 NY State residents add sales tax 190 Model Aviation IL@CTITLE 74Iqae LHC-04 SPRAY ADHESIVE New Spray Adhesive bonds wing skins foam cores laminates balsa sheets works anywhere else ordinary spray adhesives work big exception. works better ew guarantee youre completely sat stied LOCTITE Spray Adhesive simply return unused portion us along sales receipt well refund money Lightly spray foam 2Ughtly spray balsa45 BALSA PRE FAB AiRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AreoMoDri SHARK-SS pee SIViqhl Shoolder-oneg SHARK 5T 60 seA Thp,d Shoolder-eq OS WnqCoV57Osqe4Slo55lbsFbegassCovs,eq UA,MV, Gee, Fly As In-Gsa TaIVaqq, med INTRODUCTORY PRICE AM X P TAMPICO i99 HANDLING MC VISA COO KINGSWAY ENTEePeISES SASE4SOSwILDACeEs FOR CATALOGHOUSTON lIt 77072J BALSA PRE FAB AIRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AESOMODEL SHARK55 pao SIanqhl Shoode-AnO SHARK 5T 60 spa, TAVerSO SVSods-aseq 05 TV eq Co V570 sq no. 45 I, 55 lbs. Fiberq ass Coodieg 5UA m m Man Sea, Fly As Ti-Gea Tailonaqqe INTRODUCTORY PRICE AMXP TAMPiCO ~ 9s 4iiii HANDLINGMC VISA COO KINGSWAYENTEHEHISES SASE Foe CATALOG HOUSTON T15 77072 MAT 10k THE TWELFTH ANNUAL MODEL SPORT & HOBBY SHOW STRY MEMBERS ONLY AY JAN 13 1989 10am 5pm GENERAL PUBLIC RDAY JANUARY 14 1989 10 am 6 pm GENERAL PUBLIC AY JANUARY 15 1989 10 am 5 pm SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISIT WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES GIANT RAFFLE MODEL BOATS RADIO CONTROL SYSTEMS SWAP SHOP MODEL CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES * POND CAR TRACK * lEST i# WEST ADMISSION Adults- $500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 548-4700 projector flashes up seven numbers ever-increasing rates try see numbers say aloud after flash last phase test string numbers has increased maximum 16 individuals task see recall first last digits line object measure much infor mation can get quick bite everyday lifeand flying fieldthis translates visual adroitness enables us catch glimpse something understand implications make right decision based minimal data Motorcycle racer Eddie Lawson twotime current World GP Champion didnt falter until hit 15 digits last part test name first last digits string Fred Ar nold 65 WW II P-38 ace pilot famed inventing power steering still flies often made no mistakes Take moment imagine what Top Gun pilots can doand rest assured aver age person cant perform half well think about fact peo ple just-average vision flying model airplanes same speed Lawsons motorcycle approaching Arnolds airplane should convince doub ters indeed vision problems mere chance brought about downfall twice-creamed flier first met hobby shop counter Burbank Forget kamikaze mo ment consider visual dynamics came play midair collisions Peripheral vision Above volves ability remain visually aware planes vicinity own fact flier surprised means failed pick up movement supe rior gaze overhead area ability see-and-react absent Caught flat froze stick took no evasive action Visualization hadnt too swift visually after first midair guy should have mentally rehearsed himself next would have involved working out both transmitter sequence actual evasive maneuvers balance/vision connection Having head tilted up own plane favor Very probably also star tled Both factors quick reaction times can improve visual skills make yourself safer flier 1 Remember visually close work distance work incompatible go out fly especially after work give yourself some time adjust visually changing space Make point shift vision around objects varying dis tances 2 Relax Making too much effort trying too hard seeis worst thing can Thats what squinting isand tensed eye muscles create stress visual misjudgments perceive ten sion around eyes rub lightly massage out 3 When bright sunlight wear lightly tinted sunglasses such BlublockersTM filter out harmful ultraviolet rays dramatically increase contrast Most dark glasses dont simply reduce amount light available 4 Dont fly through sun fly around Recovery time looking directly suns brightness slow avoid doing 5 Dont fly directly overhead uuless nec essary shallow head angle helps pre vent vision/balance conflicts 6 Dont get emotionally pumped up Ad renalin creates fight-or-flight stress ad versely affects vision Have fun stay cool youve flown planes before will again 7 Fly observer have tendency lapse tunnel vision 8 Do ever use eyeglasses closework lenses such reading either flying driving Such lenses unquestion ably worsen visual perception An op tometnst can prescribe performance lenses both activities youd like learn about limita tions potential own vision may contact behavioral optometrist area writing College Op tometrists Vision Development PO January 1989 191 LLR- Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 81, 82, 189, 190, 191, 192
TESTING FOR EYE POINTING Model Flying Vision Environment age thing affect vi sion dis tance oriented nature stress doing excessive office/computer work model build ing reduces visual skills take heart ways train eyes 'see~ better EJeffrey D Hansen HOW WE SEE action flying fieldthat vision worksgreatly influences success flying models Skeptical Lets consider case fellow mod eler getting some advice new Radio Control Mustang Hobby Lobby counter Burbank CA Nothing particu larly unusual about Wait theres Mustang isnt being built out pure desire because guy currently has no other model air planes fly reason vacancy hangar last two planes have blown smithereens recent midair colli sions Bad luck Maybe again maybe just happens both times guy creamed same pilot Target Rings Courtesy Efficient Seeing Publications Aptos California test visual flexibility well eyes can point place focus other Place magazine two feet away hold pencil point between slightly below target rings looking pencil move gradually closer until eight 10 eyes should immediately see third ghost ring appear tween other two Since page plane regard ghost image con structed mind great visual stamina required Modelers vision tires easily fuzzes-out workbenchwill have difficulty need frequent breaks close work flying same field circumstances identical Good weather clear visibility yet-to-be-Mustang-owner prac ticing figure eights quiet corner field Suddenly biplane swoops overhead behind andBLAM Pattern ship explodes right front eyes first time shouted heck did come second time less restrained perspective seemed no time see-and-react because kamikaze attack happened quick ly Other fliers citing superior ability would insist such midairs avoidable eye specialists known behavioral optome trists has shown fallacy amas sing good deal evidence support position addition highest lev els model competition individual differ ences visual performance magnified Although people share common visual ex periences everyday life cant com pare what see laid-back practice ses sion what Pattern flier like Dave Brown sees World Championships level visual demands extreme Under pressures competition nor mally insignificant visual weakness can erupt something much trouble somein fact can seriously alter pic THE BROCK STRING 4w. vision test/exercise reveals visual distortions string has beads spaced B apart both eyes turned pointing properly X Intersects bead youre look ing An X front behind shows incorrect eye-pointing seeing suppressed correct eye-pointing means judge models-in-flight closer farther away really Seeing string indicates total loss binocularity depth perception would correct exactly same reason Chuck Yeager su perior fighter pilot What see differ ent what midair victim sees Oddly enough people believe re verse truethat everyone healthy eyes sees pretty much same thing visual screen However group January 1989 81 ture registers brain have ever flown model type competition know doesnt take much auger-in Hit sud den downdraft apply too much power too fast pull Out dive too latein case catastrophe practically inevitable Lets take second look kinds crashes Are really just happenstance did pilots visual system deteriorate under pressure Behavioral optometrists support latter view Vision behavioral optometrists de fined well use number spe cific interrelated eye skills other words vision level measured over performance entire range eye skills Further behavioral optometrists ad vocate heady idea vision learned trait can developed almost system specialists have developed help people improve eye skills called vision training Vision train ing hasnt confined laboratory behavioral optometrists have demonstrated its effectiveness real-world applications cite just few examples among half members 1984 Olympic gold medal mens volleyball team received viI Peripheral Vision U U U 1234J IIII sion training did baseball stars Pete Rose George Brett Don Mattingly behavioral vision exam comprehen sive evaluation goes well beyond tra ditional Snellen eye chart consists one- two-hour series about 60 tests measure performance across entire spectrum eye skills Also perhaps important tests determine just well individual applies visual formation has access Vision training particularly new principles good vision have long known World War II fighter pilots such training interest waned after war todays burgeon ing populationand expanding talent pool its gaining new importance People striv ing success highly competitive world Eighties realize sharpen ing refining visual skills can give important edge Numerous studies tests have consist ently shown following 1 Take best people pursuit sports busi ness five will found have significant vision problem unaware 2 Without exception win ners possess best visual skills Except scientific testing behavioral optometrists rarely see winners What sorts people have seeking out benefits vision training Usually theyre poten tial achievers performing below ex pectations smart kids falling behind school due undetected visual pro blems people crossed eyes senior citizens want slow effects ag ing eyes athletes sort Before suggesting therapy however havioral optometrists always get answer key question Does vision allow function well environment does hold back lieve vision handicapping candidates training performing satisfactorily book keeper could probably improve visual re action time after training match baseball player Does need such im provement Probably Modelers contrast have extra centive improve visual equipment other factors being equaltalent re flexes equipmentdeveloping better vision through training can certainly im prove flying performance possibili ties particularly competition fliers intriguing Behavioral optometrists care ful though guarantee traln Continued page 189 Binocul LlizPthPercePtioi . ft Peripheral Visionabove below well sidewaysmeasures ability notice movement around looking directly An example would other models air Right Binocular Depth Perception measure ability see world 3-D helps place space time objects such model flight helps judge plane will somewhere else IIII Accommodative Flexibility U U o12345 IIII Amount Light See iumm 12 Left Accommodative Flexibility easily can instantaneously shift focus near far say RC transmitter model-inflight Eyeglasses can help correct ability shift always decreases age Right amount light need see increases age because tissues eye no longer transparent youth Older modelers should use bright work lights ease strain 82 Model Aviation ground support items such starting bat tery Unreel flying lines used Sigs Handle Line kit Make sure lines hooked up correctly check out controls handle near verti cal elevator should neutral Ad just line lengths make way Test run engine checking vi bration theres suspicion engine loose add rubberbands Fire up full tank fuel its off wild blue yonder son Top-Fun has cer tainly lived up its name hope does too Vision/Hansen Continued page 82 ing will make instant winner Nationals does vision training make differ ence Most people confuse having 20/20 eyesight clarity perfect vision commonly held belief about accurate concept eye cameralike lens something doesnt resemble reality 20/20 eyesight means can use less percent visual skills clearly read eye chart dis tance 20 ft other 99% what eyes can no means limited such skills peripheral vision depth percep tion Rather vision skills accurately measured perform two broad areas 1 motor skills what eyes can mechanically 2 processing skills ability put visual information use area motor skills its com monly known physiology ner ear linked bodys ability maintain balance fewer people aware similar interconnection between visual nerves balance fact optical nerves control 80% balance gray matter devoted vision other sense modes combined Tests show turn head watch model example simply get knocked off-balance conflict set up brain Since brains highest prior ity regain balance momentarily shuts off visual input until body restabiizes other words visual apparatus still works brain temporarily doesnt compute anything what see picture saying goes doesnt register surprisingly vision/brain nexus also determines well coordinate body movements perform activities involve hand-eye interaction covers aspect modeling construction flight better assess own motor skills some questions ask yourself eyes aim accurately track smoothly Errors little 2% can cause problems Can eyes point straight ahead focus distance sight well converge inward close work Especially cases people perform excessive amounts close work computers model con struction visual stress can have two fold effect can cause eye muscles cramp up lock close-by position blur distance sight can also cause eye kick out either floating away target shutting off suppres sing data brain know relation discrepancy between eyes performs can cause DARNED GOOD AIRMEN Lightest pilots available Lifelike vinyl latex rubber Build Sportsman Barnstormer Full Body Bust BUST PILOT KIT Contains pilot head helmet apart cap goggles jacket Easy assemble finish PriCC #l08-/s scale NEW 595 #10614 scale695 #lOS/s scale #104 scale #1031/3 scale 1495 JET PILOT KIT Pilot has molded jet helmet Contains face mask oxygen hose Extreme ly Realistic Weighs less 14 oz Price #308-/n scale595 #30714 scale695 ORDERING INSTHuu IONS See dealer first order direct Add $100 shipping NYS residents add 7% tax Send check money order CODS OK Send $100 catalog FULL BODY PILOT KIT Contains pilot head hands boots helmet cap goggles full templates easy instruc tions Easy assemble tinish Some simple sewing required Fully positionable tool Price #2061/s scale895 #205-4 scale995 #204 scale1095 #20314 scale1695 See Dealer add Dollar direct order handling JanUary 1989 189 DLII PLAIN CRADLE2 DL] Completely Fuelproof Unbreakable 3- 6 Wide Fuselage Stores Flat Same Day Shipping Perfect Field shop Satisfied Return Unused Full Refund Purchase local hobby shop order direct Send $1795 plus $200 S 8- H M Berre Stonefield Trail ndsor CT 06074 * Some simple sewing required 5UHEET 3 Allow care balsa sheet become touch dry 4 Place paper slip sheet over core leaving /2 leading edge exposed Rub sheeting covering down over until itsticks irmly toam core 5 Place balsa sheet covering topofslipsheetand slide balsa correct poson Press leading edge down until sticks Ihe exposed strip itt covering remove slip sheet Available quality hobby shops everywhere Loctite iso registered trademark Loctite Corporation incorrectly estimate position rela tion other objects say nothing close RC plane tree does stress contest affect vision What about being off-balance Ask CL Combat flier what happens stumbles over opponents foot have flexibility switch near far vision instantly Think about next time sneak peek RC transmitter shift back rapidly approaching model second major element visual armatureie processing skillshelps identify objects moving static draw past visual memories understand implications what see imag ine what will happen Modelers process visual information day course realizing else would distinguish dis tance subtle differences between P SiD Spitfire Mk-14or decide pull CL Stunter out wingover level flight exactly 15 meters ground Ask yourself youve mastered simple processing skills flying RC model can keep eyes model mov ing head monitor movements other planes same airspace Some fliers intent watching own airplane sacrifice side vision same people ones will stare straight ahead looking balsawood rack never notice stack micro-lite over heads eyes may darting constantly pick up rele vant information unless youre paying attention dont benefit keen awareness world around perception visual space poorly organized inac curate stimulus-bound Such peo ple depend visual clues such trees hill form spatial relationships ex plains some RC modelers fly well own field poorly elsewhereand almost always fly higher nec essary avoid static objects Sports fans recognize phenomenon homefield advantage Fliers excellent vi sual processing abilities though dont need such clues perform consistently well anywhere Can visualizethat see things minds eye aspect creativity invention explains can perform following tasks men tally grasp instructions plan construction time rehearse evasive maneuvers against midair create picture aerobatics pat terns reverse orientation create mirror image controls RC model flies integrate engine sounds guesstimate theyre coming learn achieve great Free Flight launch thinking about antic ipate counter against Combat opponents next maneuver asked identify single factor above others enhances ones competence flier would ability make space-and-time judgments Theres oniy explanation people consist enfly make goodand fastdecisions Both eyes working together harmoniously high efficiency Behavioral optometrists illustrate point means specific test using ma chine called Tachistoscope pro jector strobe light string num bers flashed wall darkened room controlled speeds 01 001 second beginning test BATT- CHEKBX Saves Time . Saves Models lnxtall AC Modeix 3-Level indication receiver battery status press button Precise Rugged Small Light 1/2 oz Made USA Also custom units tar other applications Order Today $1495 dealer send check money order postpaid Protune Corp 914 462-6452 PO Box 1606 Poughkeepal NY 12601 NY State residents add sales tax 190 Model Aviation IL@CTITLE 74Iqae LHC-04 SPRAY ADHESIVE New Spray Adhesive bonds wing skins foam cores laminates balsa sheets works anywhere else ordinary spray adhesives work big exception. works better ew guarantee youre completely sat stied LOCTITE Spray Adhesive simply return unused portion us along sales receipt well refund money Lightly spray foam 2Ughtly spray balsa45 BALSA PRE FAB AiRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AreoMoDri SHARK-SS pee SIViqhl Shoolder-oneg SHARK 5T 60 seA Thp,d Shoolder-eq OS WnqCoV57Osqe4Slo55lbsFbegassCovs,eq UA,MV, Gee, Fly As In-Gsa TaIVaqq, med INTRODUCTORY PRICE AM X P TAMPICO i99 HANDLING MC VISA COO KINGSWAY ENTEePeISES SASE4SOSwILDACeEs FOR CATALOGHOUSTON lIt 77072J BALSA PRE FAB AIRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AESOMODEL SHARK55 pao SIanqhl Shoode-AnO SHARK 5T 60 spa, TAVerSO SVSods-aseq 05 TV eq Co V570 sq no. 45 I, 55 lbs. Fiberq ass Coodieg 5UA m m Man Sea, Fly As Ti-Gea Tailonaqqe INTRODUCTORY PRICE AMXP TAMPiCO ~ 9s 4iiii HANDLINGMC VISA COO KINGSWAYENTEHEHISES SASE Foe CATALOG HOUSTON T15 77072 MAT 10k THE TWELFTH ANNUAL MODEL SPORT & HOBBY SHOW STRY MEMBERS ONLY AY JAN 13 1989 10am 5pm GENERAL PUBLIC RDAY JANUARY 14 1989 10 am 6 pm GENERAL PUBLIC AY JANUARY 15 1989 10 am 5 pm SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISIT WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES GIANT RAFFLE MODEL BOATS RADIO CONTROL SYSTEMS SWAP SHOP MODEL CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES * POND CAR TRACK * lEST i# WEST ADMISSION Adults- $500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 548-4700 projector flashes up seven numbers ever-increasing rates try see numbers say aloud after flash last phase test string numbers has increased maximum 16 individuals task see recall first last digits line object measure much infor mation can get quick bite everyday lifeand flying fieldthis translates visual adroitness enables us catch glimpse something understand implications make right decision based minimal data Motorcycle racer Eddie Lawson twotime current World GP Champion didnt falter until hit 15 digits last part test name first last digits string Fred Ar nold 65 WW II P-38 ace pilot famed inventing power steering still flies often made no mistakes Take moment imagine what Top Gun pilots can doand rest assured aver age person cant perform half well think about fact peo ple just-average vision flying model airplanes same speed Lawsons motorcycle approaching Arnolds airplane should convince doub ters indeed vision problems mere chance brought about downfall twice-creamed flier first met hobby shop counter Burbank Forget kamikaze mo ment consider visual dynamics came play midair collisions Peripheral vision Above volves ability remain visually aware planes vicinity own fact flier surprised means failed pick up movement supe rior gaze overhead area ability see-and-react absent Caught flat froze stick took no evasive action Visualization hadnt too swift visually after first midair guy should have mentally rehearsed himself next would have involved working out both transmitter sequence actual evasive maneuvers balance/vision connection Having head tilted up own plane favor Very probably also star tled Both factors quick reaction times can improve visual skills make yourself safer flier 1 Remember visually close work distance work incompatible go out fly especially after work give yourself some time adjust visually changing space Make point shift vision around objects varying dis tances 2 Relax Making too much effort trying too hard seeis worst thing can Thats what squinting isand tensed eye muscles create stress visual misjudgments perceive ten sion around eyes rub lightly massage out 3 When bright sunlight wear lightly tinted sunglasses such BlublockersTM filter out harmful ultraviolet rays dramatically increase contrast Most dark glasses dont simply reduce amount light available 4 Dont fly through sun fly around Recovery time looking directly suns brightness slow avoid doing 5 Dont fly directly overhead uuless nec essary shallow head angle helps pre vent vision/balance conflicts 6 Dont get emotionally pumped up Ad renalin creates fight-or-flight stress ad versely affects vision Have fun stay cool youve flown planes before will again 7 Fly observer have tendency lapse tunnel vision 8 Do ever use eyeglasses closework lenses such reading either flying driving Such lenses unquestion ably worsen visual perception An op tometnst can prescribe performance lenses both activities youd like learn about limita tions potential own vision may contact behavioral optometrist area writing College Op tometrists Vision Development PO January 1989 191 LLR- Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 81, 82, 189, 190, 191, 192
TESTING FOR EYE POINTING Model Flying Vision Environment age thing affect vi sion dis tance oriented nature stress doing excessive office/computer work model build ing reduces visual skills take heart ways train eyes 'see~ better EJeffrey D Hansen HOW WE SEE action flying fieldthat vision worksgreatly influences success flying models Skeptical Lets consider case fellow mod eler getting some advice new Radio Control Mustang Hobby Lobby counter Burbank CA Nothing particu larly unusual about Wait theres Mustang isnt being built out pure desire because guy currently has no other model air planes fly reason vacancy hangar last two planes have blown smithereens recent midair colli sions Bad luck Maybe again maybe just happens both times guy creamed same pilot Target Rings Courtesy Efficient Seeing Publications Aptos California test visual flexibility well eyes can point place focus other Place magazine two feet away hold pencil point between slightly below target rings looking pencil move gradually closer until eight 10 eyes should immediately see third ghost ring appear tween other two Since page plane regard ghost image con structed mind great visual stamina required Modelers vision tires easily fuzzes-out workbenchwill have difficulty need frequent breaks close work flying same field circumstances identical Good weather clear visibility yet-to-be-Mustang-owner prac ticing figure eights quiet corner field Suddenly biplane swoops overhead behind andBLAM Pattern ship explodes right front eyes first time shouted heck did come second time less restrained perspective seemed no time see-and-react because kamikaze attack happened quick ly Other fliers citing superior ability would insist such midairs avoidable eye specialists known behavioral optome trists has shown fallacy amas sing good deal evidence support position addition highest lev els model competition individual differ ences visual performance magnified Although people share common visual ex periences everyday life cant com pare what see laid-back practice ses sion what Pattern flier like Dave Brown sees World Championships level visual demands extreme Under pressures competition nor mally insignificant visual weakness can erupt something much trouble somein fact can seriously alter pic THE BROCK STRING 4w. vision test/exercise reveals visual distortions string has beads spaced B apart both eyes turned pointing properly X Intersects bead youre look ing An X front behind shows incorrect eye-pointing seeing suppressed correct eye-pointing means judge models-in-flight closer farther away really Seeing string indicates total loss binocularity depth perception would correct exactly same reason Chuck Yeager su perior fighter pilot What see differ ent what midair victim sees Oddly enough people believe re verse truethat everyone healthy eyes sees pretty much same thing visual screen However group January 1989 81 ture registers brain have ever flown model type competition know doesnt take much auger-in Hit sud den downdraft apply too much power too fast pull Out dive too latein case catastrophe practically inevitable Lets take second look kinds crashes Are really just happenstance did pilots visual system deteriorate under pressure Behavioral optometrists support latter view Vision behavioral optometrists de fined well use number spe cific interrelated eye skills other words vision level measured over performance entire range eye skills Further behavioral optometrists ad vocate heady idea vision learned trait can developed almost system specialists have developed help people improve eye skills called vision training Vision train ing hasnt confined laboratory behavioral optometrists have demonstrated its effectiveness real-world applications cite just few examples among half members 1984 Olympic gold medal mens volleyball team received viI Peripheral Vision U U U 1234J IIII sion training did baseball stars Pete Rose George Brett Don Mattingly behavioral vision exam comprehen sive evaluation goes well beyond tra ditional Snellen eye chart consists one- two-hour series about 60 tests measure performance across entire spectrum eye skills Also perhaps important tests determine just well individual applies visual formation has access Vision training particularly new principles good vision have long known World War II fighter pilots such training interest waned after war todays burgeon ing populationand expanding talent pool its gaining new importance People striv ing success highly competitive world Eighties realize sharpen ing refining visual skills can give important edge Numerous studies tests have consist ently shown following 1 Take best people pursuit sports busi ness five will found have significant vision problem unaware 2 Without exception win ners possess best visual skills Except scientific testing behavioral optometrists rarely see winners What sorts people have seeking out benefits vision training Usually theyre poten tial achievers performing below ex pectations smart kids falling behind school due undetected visual pro blems people crossed eyes senior citizens want slow effects ag ing eyes athletes sort Before suggesting therapy however havioral optometrists always get answer key question Does vision allow function well environment does hold back lieve vision handicapping candidates training performing satisfactorily book keeper could probably improve visual re action time after training match baseball player Does need such im provement Probably Modelers contrast have extra centive improve visual equipment other factors being equaltalent re flexes equipmentdeveloping better vision through training can certainly im prove flying performance possibili ties particularly competition fliers intriguing Behavioral optometrists care ful though guarantee traln Continued page 189 Binocul LlizPthPercePtioi . ft Peripheral Visionabove below well sidewaysmeasures ability notice movement around looking directly An example would other models air Right Binocular Depth Perception measure ability see world 3-D helps place space time objects such model flight helps judge plane will somewhere else IIII Accommodative Flexibility U U o12345 IIII Amount Light See iumm 12 Left Accommodative Flexibility easily can instantaneously shift focus near far say RC transmitter model-inflight Eyeglasses can help correct ability shift always decreases age Right amount light need see increases age because tissues eye no longer transparent youth Older modelers should use bright work lights ease strain 82 Model Aviation ground support items such starting bat tery Unreel flying lines used Sigs Handle Line kit Make sure lines hooked up correctly check out controls handle near verti cal elevator should neutral Ad just line lengths make way Test run engine checking vi bration theres suspicion engine loose add rubberbands Fire up full tank fuel its off wild blue yonder son Top-Fun has cer tainly lived up its name hope does too Vision/Hansen Continued page 82 ing will make instant winner Nationals does vision training make differ ence Most people confuse having 20/20 eyesight clarity perfect vision commonly held belief about accurate concept eye cameralike lens something doesnt resemble reality 20/20 eyesight means can use less percent visual skills clearly read eye chart dis tance 20 ft other 99% what eyes can no means limited such skills peripheral vision depth percep tion Rather vision skills accurately measured perform two broad areas 1 motor skills what eyes can mechanically 2 processing skills ability put visual information use area motor skills its com monly known physiology ner ear linked bodys ability maintain balance fewer people aware similar interconnection between visual nerves balance fact optical nerves control 80% balance gray matter devoted vision other sense modes combined Tests show turn head watch model example simply get knocked off-balance conflict set up brain Since brains highest prior ity regain balance momentarily shuts off visual input until body restabiizes other words visual apparatus still works brain temporarily doesnt compute anything what see picture saying goes doesnt register surprisingly vision/brain nexus also determines well coordinate body movements perform activities involve hand-eye interaction covers aspect modeling construction flight better assess own motor skills some questions ask yourself eyes aim accurately track smoothly Errors little 2% can cause problems Can eyes point straight ahead focus distance sight well converge inward close work Especially cases people perform excessive amounts close work computers model con struction visual stress can have two fold effect can cause eye muscles cramp up lock close-by position blur distance sight can also cause eye kick out either floating away target shutting off suppres sing data brain know relation discrepancy between eyes performs can cause DARNED GOOD AIRMEN Lightest pilots available Lifelike vinyl latex rubber Build Sportsman Barnstormer Full Body Bust BUST PILOT KIT Contains pilot head helmet apart cap goggles jacket Easy assemble finish PriCC #l08-/s scale NEW 595 #10614 scale695 #lOS/s scale #104 scale #1031/3 scale 1495 JET PILOT KIT Pilot has molded jet helmet Contains face mask oxygen hose Extreme ly Realistic Weighs less 14 oz Price #308-/n scale595 #30714 scale695 ORDERING INSTHuu IONS See dealer first order direct Add $100 shipping NYS residents add 7% tax Send check money order CODS OK Send $100 catalog FULL BODY PILOT KIT Contains pilot head hands boots helmet cap goggles full templates easy instruc tions Easy assemble tinish Some simple sewing required Fully positionable tool Price #2061/s scale895 #205-4 scale995 #204 scale1095 #20314 scale1695 See Dealer add Dollar direct order handling JanUary 1989 189 DLII PLAIN CRADLE2 DL] Completely Fuelproof Unbreakable 3- 6 Wide Fuselage Stores Flat Same Day Shipping Perfect Field shop Satisfied Return Unused Full Refund Purchase local hobby shop order direct Send $1795 plus $200 S 8- H M Berre Stonefield Trail ndsor CT 06074 * Some simple sewing required 5UHEET 3 Allow care balsa sheet become touch dry 4 Place paper slip sheet over core leaving /2 leading edge exposed Rub sheeting covering down over until itsticks irmly toam core 5 Place balsa sheet covering topofslipsheetand slide balsa correct poson Press leading edge down until sticks Ihe exposed strip itt covering remove slip sheet Available quality hobby shops everywhere Loctite iso registered trademark Loctite Corporation incorrectly estimate position rela tion other objects say nothing close RC plane tree does stress contest affect vision What about being off-balance Ask CL Combat flier what happens stumbles over opponents foot have flexibility switch near far vision instantly Think about next time sneak peek RC transmitter shift back rapidly approaching model second major element visual armatureie processing skillshelps identify objects moving static draw past visual memories understand implications what see imag ine what will happen Modelers process visual information day course realizing else would distinguish dis tance subtle differences between P SiD Spitfire Mk-14or decide pull CL Stunter out wingover level flight exactly 15 meters ground Ask yourself youve mastered simple processing skills flying RC model can keep eyes model mov ing head monitor movements other planes same airspace Some fliers intent watching own airplane sacrifice side vision same people ones will stare straight ahead looking balsawood rack never notice stack micro-lite over heads eyes may darting constantly pick up rele vant information unless youre paying attention dont benefit keen awareness world around perception visual space poorly organized inac curate stimulus-bound Such peo ple depend visual clues such trees hill form spatial relationships ex plains some RC modelers fly well own field poorly elsewhereand almost always fly higher nec essary avoid static objects Sports fans recognize phenomenon homefield advantage Fliers excellent vi sual processing abilities though dont need such clues perform consistently well anywhere Can visualizethat see things minds eye aspect creativity invention explains can perform following tasks men tally grasp instructions plan construction time rehearse evasive maneuvers against midair create picture aerobatics pat terns reverse orientation create mirror image controls RC model flies integrate engine sounds guesstimate theyre coming learn achieve great Free Flight launch thinking about antic ipate counter against Combat opponents next maneuver asked identify single factor above others enhances ones competence flier would ability make space-and-time judgments Theres oniy explanation people consist enfly make goodand fastdecisions Both eyes working together harmoniously high efficiency Behavioral optometrists illustrate point means specific test using ma chine called Tachistoscope pro jector strobe light string num bers flashed wall darkened room controlled speeds 01 001 second beginning test BATT- CHEKBX Saves Time . Saves Models lnxtall AC Modeix 3-Level indication receiver battery status press button Precise Rugged Small Light 1/2 oz Made USA Also custom units tar other applications Order Today $1495 dealer send check money order postpaid Protune Corp 914 462-6452 PO Box 1606 Poughkeepal NY 12601 NY State residents add sales tax 190 Model Aviation IL@CTITLE 74Iqae LHC-04 SPRAY ADHESIVE New Spray Adhesive bonds wing skins foam cores laminates balsa sheets works anywhere else ordinary spray adhesives work big exception. works better ew guarantee youre completely sat stied LOCTITE Spray Adhesive simply return unused portion us along sales receipt well refund money Lightly spray foam 2Ughtly spray balsa45 BALSA PRE FAB AiRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AreoMoDri SHARK-SS pee SIViqhl Shoolder-oneg SHARK 5T 60 seA Thp,d Shoolder-eq OS WnqCoV57Osqe4Slo55lbsFbegassCovs,eq UA,MV, Gee, Fly As In-Gsa TaIVaqq, med INTRODUCTORY PRICE AM X P TAMPICO i99 HANDLING MC VISA COO KINGSWAY ENTEePeISES SASE4SOSwILDACeEs FOR CATALOGHOUSTON lIt 77072J BALSA PRE FAB AIRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AESOMODEL SHARK55 pao SIanqhl Shoode-AnO SHARK 5T 60 spa, TAVerSO SVSods-aseq 05 TV eq Co V570 sq no. 45 I, 55 lbs. Fiberq ass Coodieg 5UA m m Man Sea, Fly As Ti-Gea Tailonaqqe INTRODUCTORY PRICE AMXP TAMPiCO ~ 9s 4iiii HANDLINGMC VISA COO KINGSWAYENTEHEHISES SASE Foe CATALOG HOUSTON T15 77072 MAT 10k THE TWELFTH ANNUAL MODEL SPORT & HOBBY SHOW STRY MEMBERS ONLY AY JAN 13 1989 10am 5pm GENERAL PUBLIC RDAY JANUARY 14 1989 10 am 6 pm GENERAL PUBLIC AY JANUARY 15 1989 10 am 5 pm SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISIT WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES GIANT RAFFLE MODEL BOATS RADIO CONTROL SYSTEMS SWAP SHOP MODEL CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES * POND CAR TRACK * lEST i# WEST ADMISSION Adults- $500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 548-4700 projector flashes up seven numbers ever-increasing rates try see numbers say aloud after flash last phase test string numbers has increased maximum 16 individuals task see recall first last digits line object measure much infor mation can get quick bite everyday lifeand flying fieldthis translates visual adroitness enables us catch glimpse something understand implications make right decision based minimal data Motorcycle racer Eddie Lawson twotime current World GP Champion didnt falter until hit 15 digits last part test name first last digits string Fred Ar nold 65 WW II P-38 ace pilot famed inventing power steering still flies often made no mistakes Take moment imagine what Top Gun pilots can doand rest assured aver age person cant perform half well think about fact peo ple just-average vision flying model airplanes same speed Lawsons motorcycle approaching Arnolds airplane should convince doub ters indeed vision problems mere chance brought about downfall twice-creamed flier first met hobby shop counter Burbank Forget kamikaze mo ment consider visual dynamics came play midair collisions Peripheral vision Above volves ability remain visually aware planes vicinity own fact flier surprised means failed pick up movement supe rior gaze overhead area ability see-and-react absent Caught flat froze stick took no evasive action Visualization hadnt too swift visually after first midair guy should have mentally rehearsed himself next would have involved working out both transmitter sequence actual evasive maneuvers balance/vision connection Having head tilted up own plane favor Very probably also star tled Both factors quick reaction times can improve visual skills make yourself safer flier 1 Remember visually close work distance work incompatible go out fly especially after work give yourself some time adjust visually changing space Make point shift vision around objects varying dis tances 2 Relax Making too much effort trying too hard seeis worst thing can Thats what squinting isand tensed eye muscles create stress visual misjudgments perceive ten sion around eyes rub lightly massage out 3 When bright sunlight wear lightly tinted sunglasses such BlublockersTM filter out harmful ultraviolet rays dramatically increase contrast Most dark glasses dont simply reduce amount light available 4 Dont fly through sun fly around Recovery time looking directly suns brightness slow avoid doing 5 Dont fly directly overhead uuless nec essary shallow head angle helps pre vent vision/balance conflicts 6 Dont get emotionally pumped up Ad renalin creates fight-or-flight stress ad versely affects vision Have fun stay cool youve flown planes before will again 7 Fly observer have tendency lapse tunnel vision 8 Do ever use eyeglasses closework lenses such reading either flying driving Such lenses unquestion ably worsen visual perception An op tometnst can prescribe performance lenses both activities youd like learn about limita tions potential own vision may contact behavioral optometrist area writing College Op tometrists Vision Development PO January 1989 191 LLR- Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 81, 82, 189, 190, 191, 192
TESTING FOR EYE POINTING Model Flying Vision Environment age thing affect vi sion dis tance oriented nature stress doing excessive office/computer work model build ing reduces visual skills take heart ways train eyes 'see~ better EJeffrey D Hansen HOW WE SEE action flying fieldthat vision worksgreatly influences success flying models Skeptical Lets consider case fellow mod eler getting some advice new Radio Control Mustang Hobby Lobby counter Burbank CA Nothing particu larly unusual about Wait theres Mustang isnt being built out pure desire because guy currently has no other model air planes fly reason vacancy hangar last two planes have blown smithereens recent midair colli sions Bad luck Maybe again maybe just happens both times guy creamed same pilot Target Rings Courtesy Efficient Seeing Publications Aptos California test visual flexibility well eyes can point place focus other Place magazine two feet away hold pencil point between slightly below target rings looking pencil move gradually closer until eight 10 eyes should immediately see third ghost ring appear tween other two Since page plane regard ghost image con structed mind great visual stamina required Modelers vision tires easily fuzzes-out workbenchwill have difficulty need frequent breaks close work flying same field circumstances identical Good weather clear visibility yet-to-be-Mustang-owner prac ticing figure eights quiet corner field Suddenly biplane swoops overhead behind andBLAM Pattern ship explodes right front eyes first time shouted heck did come second time less restrained perspective seemed no time see-and-react because kamikaze attack happened quick ly Other fliers citing superior ability would insist such midairs avoidable eye specialists known behavioral optome trists has shown fallacy amas sing good deal evidence support position addition highest lev els model competition individual differ ences visual performance magnified Although people share common visual ex periences everyday life cant com pare what see laid-back practice ses sion what Pattern flier like Dave Brown sees World Championships level visual demands extreme Under pressures competition nor mally insignificant visual weakness can erupt something much trouble somein fact can seriously alter pic THE BROCK STRING 4w. vision test/exercise reveals visual distortions string has beads spaced B apart both eyes turned pointing properly X Intersects bead youre look ing An X front behind shows incorrect eye-pointing seeing suppressed correct eye-pointing means judge models-in-flight closer farther away really Seeing string indicates total loss binocularity depth perception would correct exactly same reason Chuck Yeager su perior fighter pilot What see differ ent what midair victim sees Oddly enough people believe re verse truethat everyone healthy eyes sees pretty much same thing visual screen However group January 1989 81 ture registers brain have ever flown model type competition know doesnt take much auger-in Hit sud den downdraft apply too much power too fast pull Out dive too latein case catastrophe practically inevitable Lets take second look kinds crashes Are really just happenstance did pilots visual system deteriorate under pressure Behavioral optometrists support latter view Vision behavioral optometrists de fined well use number spe cific interrelated eye skills other words vision level measured over performance entire range eye skills Further behavioral optometrists ad vocate heady idea vision learned trait can developed almost system specialists have developed help people improve eye skills called vision training Vision train ing hasnt confined laboratory behavioral optometrists have demonstrated its effectiveness real-world applications cite just few examples among half members 1984 Olympic gold medal mens volleyball team received viI Peripheral Vision U U U 1234J IIII sion training did baseball stars Pete Rose George Brett Don Mattingly behavioral vision exam comprehen sive evaluation goes well beyond tra ditional Snellen eye chart consists one- two-hour series about 60 tests measure performance across entire spectrum eye skills Also perhaps important tests determine just well individual applies visual formation has access Vision training particularly new principles good vision have long known World War II fighter pilots such training interest waned after war todays burgeon ing populationand expanding talent pool its gaining new importance People striv ing success highly competitive world Eighties realize sharpen ing refining visual skills can give important edge Numerous studies tests have consist ently shown following 1 Take best people pursuit sports busi ness five will found have significant vision problem unaware 2 Without exception win ners possess best visual skills Except scientific testing behavioral optometrists rarely see winners What sorts people have seeking out benefits vision training Usually theyre poten tial achievers performing below ex pectations smart kids falling behind school due undetected visual pro blems people crossed eyes senior citizens want slow effects ag ing eyes athletes sort Before suggesting therapy however havioral optometrists always get answer key question Does vision allow function well environment does hold back lieve vision handicapping candidates training performing satisfactorily book keeper could probably improve visual re action time after training match baseball player Does need such im provement Probably Modelers contrast have extra centive improve visual equipment other factors being equaltalent re flexes equipmentdeveloping better vision through training can certainly im prove flying performance possibili ties particularly competition fliers intriguing Behavioral optometrists care ful though guarantee traln Continued page 189 Binocul LlizPthPercePtioi . ft Peripheral Visionabove below well sidewaysmeasures ability notice movement around looking directly An example would other models air Right Binocular Depth Perception measure ability see world 3-D helps place space time objects such model flight helps judge plane will somewhere else IIII Accommodative Flexibility U U o12345 IIII Amount Light See iumm 12 Left Accommodative Flexibility easily can instantaneously shift focus near far say RC transmitter model-inflight Eyeglasses can help correct ability shift always decreases age Right amount light need see increases age because tissues eye no longer transparent youth Older modelers should use bright work lights ease strain 82 Model Aviation ground support items such starting bat tery Unreel flying lines used Sigs Handle Line kit Make sure lines hooked up correctly check out controls handle near verti cal elevator should neutral Ad just line lengths make way Test run engine checking vi bration theres suspicion engine loose add rubberbands Fire up full tank fuel its off wild blue yonder son Top-Fun has cer tainly lived up its name hope does too Vision/Hansen Continued page 82 ing will make instant winner Nationals does vision training make differ ence Most people confuse having 20/20 eyesight clarity perfect vision commonly held belief about accurate concept eye cameralike lens something doesnt resemble reality 20/20 eyesight means can use less percent visual skills clearly read eye chart dis tance 20 ft other 99% what eyes can no means limited such skills peripheral vision depth percep tion Rather vision skills accurately measured perform two broad areas 1 motor skills what eyes can mechanically 2 processing skills ability put visual information use area motor skills its com monly known physiology ner ear linked bodys ability maintain balance fewer people aware similar interconnection between visual nerves balance fact optical nerves control 80% balance gray matter devoted vision other sense modes combined Tests show turn head watch model example simply get knocked off-balance conflict set up brain Since brains highest prior ity regain balance momentarily shuts off visual input until body restabiizes other words visual apparatus still works brain temporarily doesnt compute anything what see picture saying goes doesnt register surprisingly vision/brain nexus also determines well coordinate body movements perform activities involve hand-eye interaction covers aspect modeling construction flight better assess own motor skills some questions ask yourself eyes aim accurately track smoothly Errors little 2% can cause problems Can eyes point straight ahead focus distance sight well converge inward close work Especially cases people perform excessive amounts close work computers model con struction visual stress can have two fold effect can cause eye muscles cramp up lock close-by position blur distance sight can also cause eye kick out either floating away target shutting off suppres sing data brain know relation discrepancy between eyes performs can cause DARNED GOOD AIRMEN Lightest pilots available Lifelike vinyl latex rubber Build Sportsman Barnstormer Full Body Bust BUST PILOT KIT Contains pilot head helmet apart cap goggles jacket Easy assemble finish PriCC #l08-/s scale NEW 595 #10614 scale695 #lOS/s scale #104 scale #1031/3 scale 1495 JET PILOT KIT Pilot has molded jet helmet Contains face mask oxygen hose Extreme ly Realistic Weighs less 14 oz Price #308-/n scale595 #30714 scale695 ORDERING INSTHuu IONS See dealer first order direct Add $100 shipping NYS residents add 7% tax Send check money order CODS OK Send $100 catalog FULL BODY PILOT KIT Contains pilot head hands boots helmet cap goggles full templates easy instruc tions Easy assemble tinish Some simple sewing required Fully positionable tool Price #2061/s scale895 #205-4 scale995 #204 scale1095 #20314 scale1695 See Dealer add Dollar direct order handling JanUary 1989 189 DLII PLAIN CRADLE2 DL] Completely Fuelproof Unbreakable 3- 6 Wide Fuselage Stores Flat Same Day Shipping Perfect Field shop Satisfied Return Unused Full Refund Purchase local hobby shop order direct Send $1795 plus $200 S 8- H M Berre Stonefield Trail ndsor CT 06074 * Some simple sewing required 5UHEET 3 Allow care balsa sheet become touch dry 4 Place paper slip sheet over core leaving /2 leading edge exposed Rub sheeting covering down over until itsticks irmly toam core 5 Place balsa sheet covering topofslipsheetand slide balsa correct poson Press leading edge down until sticks Ihe exposed strip itt covering remove slip sheet Available quality hobby shops everywhere Loctite iso registered trademark Loctite Corporation incorrectly estimate position rela tion other objects say nothing close RC plane tree does stress contest affect vision What about being off-balance Ask CL Combat flier what happens stumbles over opponents foot have flexibility switch near far vision instantly Think about next time sneak peek RC transmitter shift back rapidly approaching model second major element visual armatureie processing skillshelps identify objects moving static draw past visual memories understand implications what see imag ine what will happen Modelers process visual information day course realizing else would distinguish dis tance subtle differences between P SiD Spitfire Mk-14or decide pull CL Stunter out wingover level flight exactly 15 meters ground Ask yourself youve mastered simple processing skills flying RC model can keep eyes model mov ing head monitor movements other planes same airspace Some fliers intent watching own airplane sacrifice side vision same people ones will stare straight ahead looking balsawood rack never notice stack micro-lite over heads eyes may darting constantly pick up rele vant information unless youre paying attention dont benefit keen awareness world around perception visual space poorly organized inac curate stimulus-bound Such peo ple depend visual clues such trees hill form spatial relationships ex plains some RC modelers fly well own field poorly elsewhereand almost always fly higher nec essary avoid static objects Sports fans recognize phenomenon homefield advantage Fliers excellent vi sual processing abilities though dont need such clues perform consistently well anywhere Can visualizethat see things minds eye aspect creativity invention explains can perform following tasks men tally grasp instructions plan construction time rehearse evasive maneuvers against midair create picture aerobatics pat terns reverse orientation create mirror image controls RC model flies integrate engine sounds guesstimate theyre coming learn achieve great Free Flight launch thinking about antic ipate counter against Combat opponents next maneuver asked identify single factor above others enhances ones competence flier would ability make space-and-time judgments Theres oniy explanation people consist enfly make goodand fastdecisions Both eyes working together harmoniously high efficiency Behavioral optometrists illustrate point means specific test using ma chine called Tachistoscope pro jector strobe light string num bers flashed wall darkened room controlled speeds 01 001 second beginning test BATT- CHEKBX Saves Time . Saves Models lnxtall AC Modeix 3-Level indication receiver battery status press button Precise Rugged Small Light 1/2 oz Made USA Also custom units tar other applications Order Today $1495 dealer send check money order postpaid Protune Corp 914 462-6452 PO Box 1606 Poughkeepal NY 12601 NY State residents add sales tax 190 Model Aviation IL@CTITLE 74Iqae LHC-04 SPRAY ADHESIVE New Spray Adhesive bonds wing skins foam cores laminates balsa sheets works anywhere else ordinary spray adhesives work big exception. works better ew guarantee youre completely sat stied LOCTITE Spray Adhesive simply return unused portion us along sales receipt well refund money Lightly spray foam 2Ughtly spray balsa45 BALSA PRE FAB AiRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AreoMoDri SHARK-SS pee SIViqhl Shoolder-oneg SHARK 5T 60 seA Thp,d Shoolder-eq OS WnqCoV57Osqe4Slo55lbsFbegassCovs,eq UA,MV, Gee, Fly As In-Gsa TaIVaqq, med INTRODUCTORY PRICE AM X P TAMPICO i99 HANDLING MC VISA COO KINGSWAY ENTEePeISES SASE4SOSwILDACeEs FOR CATALOGHOUSTON lIt 77072J BALSA PRE FAB AIRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AESOMODEL SHARK55 pao SIanqhl Shoode-AnO SHARK 5T 60 spa, TAVerSO SVSods-aseq 05 TV eq Co V570 sq no. 45 I, 55 lbs. Fiberq ass Coodieg 5UA m m Man Sea, Fly As Ti-Gea Tailonaqqe INTRODUCTORY PRICE AMXP TAMPiCO ~ 9s 4iiii HANDLINGMC VISA COO KINGSWAYENTEHEHISES SASE Foe CATALOG HOUSTON T15 77072 MAT 10k THE TWELFTH ANNUAL MODEL SPORT & HOBBY SHOW STRY MEMBERS ONLY AY JAN 13 1989 10am 5pm GENERAL PUBLIC RDAY JANUARY 14 1989 10 am 6 pm GENERAL PUBLIC AY JANUARY 15 1989 10 am 5 pm SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISIT WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES GIANT RAFFLE MODEL BOATS RADIO CONTROL SYSTEMS SWAP SHOP MODEL CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES * POND CAR TRACK * lEST i# WEST ADMISSION Adults- $500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 548-4700 projector flashes up seven numbers ever-increasing rates try see numbers say aloud after flash last phase test string numbers has increased maximum 16 individuals task see recall first last digits line object measure much infor mation can get quick bite everyday lifeand flying fieldthis translates visual adroitness enables us catch glimpse something understand implications make right decision based minimal data Motorcycle racer Eddie Lawson twotime current World GP Champion didnt falter until hit 15 digits last part test name first last digits string Fred Ar nold 65 WW II P-38 ace pilot famed inventing power steering still flies often made no mistakes Take moment imagine what Top Gun pilots can doand rest assured aver age person cant perform half well think about fact peo ple just-average vision flying model airplanes same speed Lawsons motorcycle approaching Arnolds airplane should convince doub ters indeed vision problems mere chance brought about downfall twice-creamed flier first met hobby shop counter Burbank Forget kamikaze mo ment consider visual dynamics came play midair collisions Peripheral vision Above volves ability remain visually aware planes vicinity own fact flier surprised means failed pick up movement supe rior gaze overhead area ability see-and-react absent Caught flat froze stick took no evasive action Visualization hadnt too swift visually after first midair guy should have mentally rehearsed himself next would have involved working out both transmitter sequence actual evasive maneuvers balance/vision connection Having head tilted up own plane favor Very probably also star tled Both factors quick reaction times can improve visual skills make yourself safer flier 1 Remember visually close work distance work incompatible go out fly especially after work give yourself some time adjust visually changing space Make point shift vision around objects varying dis tances 2 Relax Making too much effort trying too hard seeis worst thing can Thats what squinting isand tensed eye muscles create stress visual misjudgments perceive ten sion around eyes rub lightly massage out 3 When bright sunlight wear lightly tinted sunglasses such BlublockersTM filter out harmful ultraviolet rays dramatically increase contrast Most dark glasses dont simply reduce amount light available 4 Dont fly through sun fly around Recovery time looking directly suns brightness slow avoid doing 5 Dont fly directly overhead uuless nec essary shallow head angle helps pre vent vision/balance conflicts 6 Dont get emotionally pumped up Ad renalin creates fight-or-flight stress ad versely affects vision Have fun stay cool youve flown planes before will again 7 Fly observer have tendency lapse tunnel vision 8 Do ever use eyeglasses closework lenses such reading either flying driving Such lenses unquestion ably worsen visual perception An op tometnst can prescribe performance lenses both activities youd like learn about limita tions potential own vision may contact behavioral optometrist area writing College Op tometrists Vision Development PO January 1989 191 LLR- Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask
Edition: Model Aviation - 1989/01
Page Numbers: 81, 82, 189, 190, 191, 192
TESTING FOR EYE POINTING Model Flying Vision Environment age thing affect vi sion dis tance oriented nature stress doing excessive office/computer work model build ing reduces visual skills take heart ways train eyes 'see~ better EJeffrey D Hansen HOW WE SEE action flying fieldthat vision worksgreatly influences success flying models Skeptical Lets consider case fellow mod eler getting some advice new Radio Control Mustang Hobby Lobby counter Burbank CA Nothing particu larly unusual about Wait theres Mustang isnt being built out pure desire because guy currently has no other model air planes fly reason vacancy hangar last two planes have blown smithereens recent midair colli sions Bad luck Maybe again maybe just happens both times guy creamed same pilot Target Rings Courtesy Efficient Seeing Publications Aptos California test visual flexibility well eyes can point place focus other Place magazine two feet away hold pencil point between slightly below target rings looking pencil move gradually closer until eight 10 eyes should immediately see third ghost ring appear tween other two Since page plane regard ghost image con structed mind great visual stamina required Modelers vision tires easily fuzzes-out workbenchwill have difficulty need frequent breaks close work flying same field circumstances identical Good weather clear visibility yet-to-be-Mustang-owner prac ticing figure eights quiet corner field Suddenly biplane swoops overhead behind andBLAM Pattern ship explodes right front eyes first time shouted heck did come second time less restrained perspective seemed no time see-and-react because kamikaze attack happened quick ly Other fliers citing superior ability would insist such midairs avoidable eye specialists known behavioral optome trists has shown fallacy amas sing good deal evidence support position addition highest lev els model competition individual differ ences visual performance magnified Although people share common visual ex periences everyday life cant com pare what see laid-back practice ses sion what Pattern flier like Dave Brown sees World Championships level visual demands extreme Under pressures competition nor mally insignificant visual weakness can erupt something much trouble somein fact can seriously alter pic THE BROCK STRING 4w. vision test/exercise reveals visual distortions string has beads spaced B apart both eyes turned pointing properly X Intersects bead youre look ing An X front behind shows incorrect eye-pointing seeing suppressed correct eye-pointing means judge models-in-flight closer farther away really Seeing string indicates total loss binocularity depth perception would correct exactly same reason Chuck Yeager su perior fighter pilot What see differ ent what midair victim sees Oddly enough people believe re verse truethat everyone healthy eyes sees pretty much same thing visual screen However group January 1989 81 ture registers brain have ever flown model type competition know doesnt take much auger-in Hit sud den downdraft apply too much power too fast pull Out dive too latein case catastrophe practically inevitable Lets take second look kinds crashes Are really just happenstance did pilots visual system deteriorate under pressure Behavioral optometrists support latter view Vision behavioral optometrists de fined well use number spe cific interrelated eye skills other words vision level measured over performance entire range eye skills Further behavioral optometrists ad vocate heady idea vision learned trait can developed almost system specialists have developed help people improve eye skills called vision training Vision train ing hasnt confined laboratory behavioral optometrists have demonstrated its effectiveness real-world applications cite just few examples among half members 1984 Olympic gold medal mens volleyball team received viI Peripheral Vision U U U 1234J IIII sion training did baseball stars Pete Rose George Brett Don Mattingly behavioral vision exam comprehen sive evaluation goes well beyond tra ditional Snellen eye chart consists one- two-hour series about 60 tests measure performance across entire spectrum eye skills Also perhaps important tests determine just well individual applies visual formation has access Vision training particularly new principles good vision have long known World War II fighter pilots such training interest waned after war todays burgeon ing populationand expanding talent pool its gaining new importance People striv ing success highly competitive world Eighties realize sharpen ing refining visual skills can give important edge Numerous studies tests have consist ently shown following 1 Take best people pursuit sports busi ness five will found have significant vision problem unaware 2 Without exception win ners possess best visual skills Except scientific testing behavioral optometrists rarely see winners What sorts people have seeking out benefits vision training Usually theyre poten tial achievers performing below ex pectations smart kids falling behind school due undetected visual pro blems people crossed eyes senior citizens want slow effects ag ing eyes athletes sort Before suggesting therapy however havioral optometrists always get answer key question Does vision allow function well environment does hold back lieve vision handicapping candidates training performing satisfactorily book keeper could probably improve visual re action time after training match baseball player Does need such im provement Probably Modelers contrast have extra centive improve visual equipment other factors being equaltalent re flexes equipmentdeveloping better vision through training can certainly im prove flying performance possibili ties particularly competition fliers intriguing Behavioral optometrists care ful though guarantee traln Continued page 189 Binocul LlizPthPercePtioi . ft Peripheral Visionabove below well sidewaysmeasures ability notice movement around looking directly An example would other models air Right Binocular Depth Perception measure ability see world 3-D helps place space time objects such model flight helps judge plane will somewhere else IIII Accommodative Flexibility U U o12345 IIII Amount Light See iumm 12 Left Accommodative Flexibility easily can instantaneously shift focus near far say RC transmitter model-inflight Eyeglasses can help correct ability shift always decreases age Right amount light need see increases age because tissues eye no longer transparent youth Older modelers should use bright work lights ease strain 82 Model Aviation ground support items such starting bat tery Unreel flying lines used Sigs Handle Line kit Make sure lines hooked up correctly check out controls handle near verti cal elevator should neutral Ad just line lengths make way Test run engine checking vi bration theres suspicion engine loose add rubberbands Fire up full tank fuel its off wild blue yonder son Top-Fun has cer tainly lived up its name hope does too Vision/Hansen Continued page 82 ing will make instant winner Nationals does vision training make differ ence Most people confuse having 20/20 eyesight clarity perfect vision commonly held belief about accurate concept eye cameralike lens something doesnt resemble reality 20/20 eyesight means can use less percent visual skills clearly read eye chart dis tance 20 ft other 99% what eyes can no means limited such skills peripheral vision depth percep tion Rather vision skills accurately measured perform two broad areas 1 motor skills what eyes can mechanically 2 processing skills ability put visual information use area motor skills its com monly known physiology ner ear linked bodys ability maintain balance fewer people aware similar interconnection between visual nerves balance fact optical nerves control 80% balance gray matter devoted vision other sense modes combined Tests show turn head watch model example simply get knocked off-balance conflict set up brain Since brains highest prior ity regain balance momentarily shuts off visual input until body restabiizes other words visual apparatus still works brain temporarily doesnt compute anything what see picture saying goes doesnt register surprisingly vision/brain nexus also determines well coordinate body movements perform activities involve hand-eye interaction covers aspect modeling construction flight better assess own motor skills some questions ask yourself eyes aim accurately track smoothly Errors little 2% can cause problems Can eyes point straight ahead focus distance sight well converge inward close work Especially cases people perform excessive amounts close work computers model con struction visual stress can have two fold effect can cause eye muscles cramp up lock close-by position blur distance sight can also cause eye kick out either floating away target shutting off suppres sing data brain know relation discrepancy between eyes performs can cause DARNED GOOD AIRMEN Lightest pilots available Lifelike vinyl latex rubber Build Sportsman Barnstormer Full Body Bust BUST PILOT KIT Contains pilot head helmet apart cap goggles jacket Easy assemble finish PriCC #l08-/s scale NEW 595 #10614 scale695 #lOS/s scale #104 scale #1031/3 scale 1495 JET PILOT KIT Pilot has molded jet helmet Contains face mask oxygen hose Extreme ly Realistic Weighs less 14 oz Price #308-/n scale595 #30714 scale695 ORDERING INSTHuu IONS See dealer first order direct Add $100 shipping NYS residents add 7% tax Send check money order CODS OK Send $100 catalog FULL BODY PILOT KIT Contains pilot head hands boots helmet cap goggles full templates easy instruc tions Easy assemble tinish Some simple sewing required Fully positionable tool Price #2061/s scale895 #205-4 scale995 #204 scale1095 #20314 scale1695 See Dealer add Dollar direct order handling JanUary 1989 189 DLII PLAIN CRADLE2 DL] Completely Fuelproof Unbreakable 3- 6 Wide Fuselage Stores Flat Same Day Shipping Perfect Field shop Satisfied Return Unused Full Refund Purchase local hobby shop order direct Send $1795 plus $200 S 8- H M Berre Stonefield Trail ndsor CT 06074 * Some simple sewing required 5UHEET 3 Allow care balsa sheet become touch dry 4 Place paper slip sheet over core leaving /2 leading edge exposed Rub sheeting covering down over until itsticks irmly toam core 5 Place balsa sheet covering topofslipsheetand slide balsa correct poson Press leading edge down until sticks Ihe exposed strip itt covering remove slip sheet Available quality hobby shops everywhere Loctite iso registered trademark Loctite Corporation incorrectly estimate position rela tion other objects say nothing close RC plane tree does stress contest affect vision What about being off-balance Ask CL Combat flier what happens stumbles over opponents foot have flexibility switch near far vision instantly Think about next time sneak peek RC transmitter shift back rapidly approaching model second major element visual armatureie processing skillshelps identify objects moving static draw past visual memories understand implications what see imag ine what will happen Modelers process visual information day course realizing else would distinguish dis tance subtle differences between P SiD Spitfire Mk-14or decide pull CL Stunter out wingover level flight exactly 15 meters ground Ask yourself youve mastered simple processing skills flying RC model can keep eyes model mov ing head monitor movements other planes same airspace Some fliers intent watching own airplane sacrifice side vision same people ones will stare straight ahead looking balsawood rack never notice stack micro-lite over heads eyes may darting constantly pick up rele vant information unless youre paying attention dont benefit keen awareness world around perception visual space poorly organized inac curate stimulus-bound Such peo ple depend visual clues such trees hill form spatial relationships ex plains some RC modelers fly well own field poorly elsewhereand almost always fly higher nec essary avoid static objects Sports fans recognize phenomenon homefield advantage Fliers excellent vi sual processing abilities though dont need such clues perform consistently well anywhere Can visualizethat see things minds eye aspect creativity invention explains can perform following tasks men tally grasp instructions plan construction time rehearse evasive maneuvers against midair create picture aerobatics pat terns reverse orientation create mirror image controls RC model flies integrate engine sounds guesstimate theyre coming learn achieve great Free Flight launch thinking about antic ipate counter against Combat opponents next maneuver asked identify single factor above others enhances ones competence flier would ability make space-and-time judgments Theres oniy explanation people consist enfly make goodand fastdecisions Both eyes working together harmoniously high efficiency Behavioral optometrists illustrate point means specific test using ma chine called Tachistoscope pro jector strobe light string num bers flashed wall darkened room controlled speeds 01 001 second beginning test BATT- CHEKBX Saves Time . Saves Models lnxtall AC Modeix 3-Level indication receiver battery status press button Precise Rugged Small Light 1/2 oz Made USA Also custom units tar other applications Order Today $1495 dealer send check money order postpaid Protune Corp 914 462-6452 PO Box 1606 Poughkeepal NY 12601 NY State residents add sales tax 190 Model Aviation IL@CTITLE 74Iqae LHC-04 SPRAY ADHESIVE New Spray Adhesive bonds wing skins foam cores laminates balsa sheets works anywhere else ordinary spray adhesives work big exception. works better ew guarantee youre completely sat stied LOCTITE Spray Adhesive simply return unused portion us along sales receipt well refund money Lightly spray foam 2Ughtly spray balsa45 BALSA PRE FAB AiRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AreoMoDri SHARK-SS pee SIViqhl Shoolder-oneg SHARK 5T 60 seA Thp,d Shoolder-eq OS WnqCoV57Osqe4Slo55lbsFbegassCovs,eq UA,MV, Gee, Fly As In-Gsa TaIVaqq, med INTRODUCTORY PRICE AM X P TAMPICO i99 HANDLING MC VISA COO KINGSWAY ENTEePeISES SASE4SOSwILDACeEs FOR CATALOGHOUSTON lIt 77072J BALSA PRE FAB AIRCRAFT 40 TO 51 SIZ AESOMODEL SHARK55 pao SIanqhl Shoode-AnO SHARK 5T 60 spa, TAVerSO SVSods-aseq 05 TV eq Co V570 sq no. 45 I, 55 lbs. Fiberq ass Coodieg 5UA m m Man Sea, Fly As Ti-Gea Tailonaqqe INTRODUCTORY PRICE AMXP TAMPiCO ~ 9s 4iiii HANDLINGMC VISA COO KINGSWAYENTEHEHISES SASE Foe CATALOG HOUSTON T15 77072 MAT 10k THE TWELFTH ANNUAL MODEL SPORT & HOBBY SHOW STRY MEMBERS ONLY AY JAN 13 1989 10am 5pm GENERAL PUBLIC RDAY JANUARY 14 1989 10 am 6 pm GENERAL PUBLIC AY JANUARY 15 1989 10 am 5 pm SEE THE LATEST PRODUCTS AND VISIT WITH MAJOR MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MODEL AIRCRAFT L ENGINES GIANT RAFFLE MODEL BOATS RADIO CONTROL SYSTEMS SWAP SHOP MODEL CARS MODELING ACCESSORIES * POND CAR TRACK * lEST i# WEST ADMISSION Adults- $500 under 13- $300 under 6 free adult STATIC DISPLAY COMPETITION IN MANY CATEGORIES INTERNATIONAL MODELER SHOW OFFICE PO Box 10127 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Ph 714 548-4700 projector flashes up seven numbers ever-increasing rates try see numbers say aloud after flash last phase test string numbers has increased maximum 16 individuals task see recall first last digits line object measure much infor mation can get quick bite everyday lifeand flying fieldthis translates visual adroitness enables us catch glimpse something understand implications make right decision based minimal data Motorcycle racer Eddie Lawson twotime current World GP Champion didnt falter until hit 15 digits last part test name first last digits string Fred Ar nold 65 WW II P-38 ace pilot famed inventing power steering still flies often made no mistakes Take moment imagine what Top Gun pilots can doand rest assured aver age person cant perform half well think about fact peo ple just-average vision flying model airplanes same speed Lawsons motorcycle approaching Arnolds airplane should convince doub ters indeed vision problems mere chance brought about downfall twice-creamed flier first met hobby shop counter Burbank Forget kamikaze mo ment consider visual dynamics came play midair collisions Peripheral vision Above volves ability remain visually aware planes vicinity own fact flier surprised means failed pick up movement supe rior gaze overhead area ability see-and-react absent Caught flat froze stick took no evasive action Visualization hadnt too swift visually after first midair guy should have mentally rehearsed himself next would have involved working out both transmitter sequence actual evasive maneuvers balance/vision connection Having head tilted up own plane favor Very probably also star tled Both factors quick reaction times can improve visual skills make yourself safer flier 1 Remember visually close work distance work incompatible go out fly especially after work give yourself some time adjust visually changing space Make point shift vision around objects varying dis tances 2 Relax Making too much effort trying too hard seeis worst thing can Thats what squinting isand tensed eye muscles create stress visual misjudgments perceive ten sion around eyes rub lightly massage out 3 When bright sunlight wear lightly tinted sunglasses such BlublockersTM filter out harmful ultraviolet rays dramatically increase contrast Most dark glasses dont simply reduce amount light available 4 Dont fly through sun fly around Recovery time looking directly suns brightness slow avoid doing 5 Dont fly directly overhead uuless nec essary shallow head angle helps pre vent vision/balance conflicts 6 Dont get emotionally pumped up Ad renalin creates fight-or-flight stress ad versely affects vision Have fun stay cool youve flown planes before will again 7 Fly observer have tendency lapse tunnel vision 8 Do ever use eyeglasses closework lenses such reading either flying driving Such lenses unquestion ably worsen visual perception An op tometnst can prescribe performance lenses both activities youd like learn about limita tions potential own vision may contact behavioral optometrist area writing College Op tometrists Vision Development PO January 1989 191 LLR- Open Trade Only March 2-3 * * * Lots Features Boat Pofld Car Track Retail Store * Model Railroad Demonstrations /%rre *7f * oS geeS lOS geleS Sponsored Radio Control Hobby Trade Association RCHTA * Co-Sponsored Model Railroad Industry Association MRIA* Free NeWSIeer Or for ExIvbitor ~quiVeS CcIl TolIFree 55 In lllinOi5 Canada Call 3229931 3D Box 285 Chula Vista CA 92012 Its always possible youll pleasandy surprised performance vision test could rare people have naturally superior vision consider yourself lucky like us however performance hovers somewhere middle range have option improving training can make difference Electro WC/Ettel Continued page 174 hours practice what took get winners circle comments observations no way detract performance capabili ties aircraft such Eugenio Paglianos beautiful innovative Can-Can 88 Air craft such have potential excel Practice design evolution ingredi ents will see such models top places future years St Leuis area entire midwest suffering under daily recordbreaking heat drought hardship provided excellent weather champi onships Shade shelters ice furnished college staff helped make condi tions bearable competition proceeded through scheduled flying few major problems good natured atti tude competitors staff plus factor major key ines timable value smoothness op erationContinued page 194 STW Australia have honest rating 75/85 amperes Multi-strand wire 25/30mm diameter approx 12 gauge US gold plated banana plugs used wiring connections aircraft typically 44 square decimeters 682 sq 485 square dec imeters 752 sq surface area weight 2092 grams 7379 oz 2217 grams 782 ozWing loadings ap proached maximum allowable 75 grams per square decimeter find extremely interesting top three aircraft very straightforward use proven airfoils fixed stabilizers elevator rudder-aileron spoil erons ailerons deflect displaced neutral position added drag land ing configuration models pi lots consistency reliability added familiarity gained 192 Model Aviation Like Chicago Model Hobby Show es Cars Boats Trains Games sones Radio Controlled Static Plastic & Morel 986 byi Yeah road does feel smoother. ask