This first installment occasional series model photography intended help raise bar quality photos model aircraft whether personal magazine use have questions comments suggestions future topics please contact authors CAMERA SELECTION Q Both seem prefer older manual-style cameras modern automatic versions DG Familiarity simplicity Ive using manual cameras 30 years Im comfortable capabilities limitations Older cameras also cheaper buy KEH Camera Brokers 2310 Marietta Blvd NW Atlanta GA 30318 Tel [404] 892-5522 Web site wwwkehcom can have two camera bodies full set lenses price single modern camera lens like Minolta SRT series because models include depth-of-field preview button What Im lacking autofocus autoexposure dont miss autoexposure because Im thoroughly familiar match-needle exposure meter old cameras doubt rely separate handheld meter Autofocus hindrance moving-subject work because its slower sometimes frustratingly inaccurate photographing flying models sky JH I have loved rugged simplicity old Pentax Spotmatic series since first used 1970 Nothing fancy highly functional work great still available relatively cheap People laugh call Mr Retro fact Spotmatics still capable excellent results easy use also deal KEH well Jacks Camera Shop Muncie wwwjackscameracom can cross-check prices see source has best deal also check out some locallregional used-equipment shows though have careful deal venues can get some great buys risk because youre usually dealing someone dont know well KEH Jacks theres trusta comfort levelbuilt up gives reassurance equipment has checked out knowledgeable people will work advertised dealers backs limited warranty helps too grading system KEH uses equipment conservative almost always leads pleasant surprise upon receipt equipment almost always better condition would think judging just rating Some very affordable equipment available BARGAIN UGLY categories will work just fine long cosmetic appearance big deal LENS SELECTION Q What lens lenses use often DG I generally use three lenses normal zoom telephoto fixed-focal-length telephoto Occasionally use cardboard panoramic camera product shots construction shots sometimes use close-up lens set 50mm normal lens designed capture scene eye sees Its compromise between including wide view showing detail main subject also gives generous amount depth field making focusing easier 50mm useful showing group people airplanes showing portion scene like flying field Its versatile you could photograph event coverage kit-building project lens alone 35mm 28mm wide angle lens captures wide view including given scene immensely useful indoor work must close subject often used outdoor model people photography Short lenses have greater depth field focusing easier 40 Model Aviation dnt get front young pilot Florida Jets isolate him other fliers left because flightline location best could get close use large lens opening drop out background somewhat right 90mm 120mm short telephoto lens cuts much extraneous material out scene helps concentrate viewer attention central subject Short telephotos sometimes called portrait lenses yield pleasing rendition head-and-shoulders portraits human subjects 12-15 feet away work well show person airplane distance 20-25 feet 200-300mm long telephoto instrument choice photographing models air allows narrowing view concentrate single subject element excluding other distracting elements captures larger image main subject care must given holding camera steady greater attention must given focusing zoom lens offers variable focal lengthin effect several lenses package offer welcome convenience freedom having change lenses cost slightly reduced sharpness frequently use 90-230mm lens flight shots modem 35-200mm zoom might lens need carry wish made older cameras very close work less 20 inches use set close-up lenses screw onto front 50mm lens allowing get close four inches fill frame servo Depth field next nothing camera distance work done camera tripod small lens apertures slow shutter speeds have lens mounted its 90-230 Im carrying two cameras usually 50mm 90-230 200 other 200 sharper zoom flexible JH My normal lens usually 50mm f/l4 also keep 28mm hand tight spots either 70-210mm zoom telephoto fixed 300mm telephoto lone modem Pentax has 28-200mm zoom cuts down number lenses needed Still timeslike flightline situationswhere little longer lens needed get decent shot model flight combination has worked well put 300mm Spotmatic bodies go flightline 28-200 other body covers about 90% May1999 41 Excess depth field Left everything fliers cars focus Right model disappears scoreboard Better composition larger lens opening would help both casesdrops out background adds depth An autofocus camera may have focusing sweet spot center frame youre careful composition left can get wrong thing focus right intended photo flier caller Top Gun 98 situations youll encounter out can shoot pilots face well model flyby Its work carry two cameras around might get chance really special photo would shame miss because didnt have right equipment Dave makes very important point about sharpness factor using zooms can difficult focus get last little bit sharpness makes dynamite shot instance have backed off using old 70-2 10 zoom because feel newer lenses sharper much compact quite bit lighter can really cut down camera movement shows up longer lenses FILM Q What type brand offlim prefer DG Slides let send sharpest possible images magazine because less processing step film camera used production Most magazines will accept anything slide cover shot Prints fine photos will used small magazine images can sometimes enlarged quite bit very sharp slide film important distinction between Kodachrome other chromes like Ektachrome Fujichrome Kodachrome invented 1940s photographers art directors feel unequaled color rendition Kodachrome images have proven stable 50 years its K-14 processing enormously complicated done handful labs country Ektachrome invented simplify processing fact designed home processing development Ektachrome Fujichrome E-6 processing gave rise mini labs E-6 slides can processed almost lab can sometimes returned hour still warm slide-mounting machine So critical work like cover shots put up inconvenience mall-order slide processing buy processing mailer purchase Kodachrome work enjoy convenience ubiquitous processing Ektachrome Fujichrome Ive used Kodak Fuji print film cant see difference between Print film brands seem matter less correct selection film speed can easily processed anywhere Jil I now use Fuji film exclusively based discussions modeler longtime pro photographer John Oldenkamp recommended try after years using another brand gave some technical reasons felt best 42 Model Aviation The single 28-200mm zoom lens modern camera body can take place four manual lenses 28 50 135 200mm Right Autofocus camera zoom lens plus manual body 300mm telephoto versatile combo Limit 200mm zoom shown left photo Bob Violetts jet taking off 300mm telephoto shown above model fills frame much better right Focus carefully hold steady use monopod/tripod necessary produced superior color believe him have used Fujis slide film much have seen good results Most work done print film Q What film speeds use DG Higher-speed film yields greater sensitivity light offering faster shutter speeds and/or smaller apertures wider latitude tolerance over- under-exposure larger grain tiny silver-halide ciystals combine form image Lower speed film yields lower sensitivity narrower latitude smaller grain immutable laws chemistry physics optics generally use ISO 200 outdoor shots inside work camera tripod Sometimes ISO 400 cloudy days think have chance cover shot Kodachrome 64 Kodachrome 25 strong sunlight JH use ISO 200 quite bit Its good compromise film conditions try sure have some 100 hand cover-type situations finer grain/better reproduction some 400 case sky overcast try use 400 too much though because potential problems grain excess depth field generally want model person stand apart background youre stuck fast film sunny day can problem because far lens must stopped down PROCESSING Q Any suggestions regarding processing DG Ive happiest local high-end processing lab Photo Images Glenville New York Normal print processing costs two bucks per roll lowest cost available mail-order drugstore processing work consistent roll after roll since know owner technicians can ask special handling turnaround time paper finish printing specifications Try dedicated photo lab camera store see notice increment quality over lowest bidder Slides different Mail order seems work fine sometimes better because can get paper mounts easier write plastic mounts lower cost mail order offset longer turnaround time may factor choice Kodachrome must sent mail-order lab JH As equipment its important have lab can trust Its worth paying little extra get processing done properly Thats use Jacks Muncie people know what theyre doing know what look forand thats often case one-hour place mall times can get personnel little no training worse little no interest just sort slam things through Ive some important shots mined carelessness disinterested parties TECHNIQUE Q use depth offield work DG Depth field contml useful characteristics adjustable cameras Depth field sometimes called depth focus probably important creative control after composition main reasons use SLR cameras because depth field preview button can see viewfinder what out focus before making exposure laws optics dictate specified lens focal length specified lens opening aperture certain zone front behind main subject will also focus Shorter focal length yields greater depth field Smaller aperture yields greater depth field Maximizing two characteristics fixed-focal-length nonadjustable cameras work have wide-angle smal-aperture lenses give good results bright light flash pictures will tend show small images main subject everything frame will focus Working other end ranges long telephoto lens aperture opened up tends give narrow depth field captures images foreground background thrown out focusa pleasing characteristic thats what want can used show clearly subject against otherwise-distracting background Study photographs until can recognize images wide narrow depth field use camera s depth field preview button see results particular lens aperture setting composition Try different apertures see effect depth field camera doesnt have depth field preview button review depth field charts technical manuals get idea relationships try shooting same scene same focus point different apertures see effect final pictures JH iry just enough depth field get parts subject sharp focus plus little latitude focusing errors and/or subject May1999 43 Cliff McKee shows human tripod position Get good footing tuck elbows sides keep things steady cockpit shots use nearly wide-open lens emphasize instruments drop everything else far out focus M[ISTUR1/5 AND 1/4 SCALE MODEL FUN THE EASY WAY SCA LSCALE HEADQUARTERS Balsa/Ply Construction Fiberglass & Plastic Accessories Pisna Partisi Full Kits Available Engineered Lazy Builders Custom Retracts Vinyl Decal Sets Available Designs Custom Building Service Available SEND IN FOR FREE CATALOG Urn Wi VA 31U&LUWE WI WNAVUELUUM W~AIE5WJIf SANYO RC-2000 CELLS$550 Ea SANYO RC-2000 CELLS MATCHED$600 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS new$400 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS MATCHED$450 Ea SANYO KR1400 AE$350 Ea SANYO NiOQO SCR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N700 AA CELLS$150 Ea SANYO N500 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO KR600 AE CELLS$250 Ea SANYO N800 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N350 AA CELLS$250 Ea SANYO 700 AA CELLS$150 Ea 4 CELL 270AA RECEIVER PACK$1000 Ea 5 CELL 1000 AE RECEIVER PACK$1800 Ea CONNECTORS RED & BLACK$150 Pr WIRE SHRINK BARS AND BRAID FEATHER CUT creates new standard ease accuracy cutting white blue foam wing cores ds off Precise single wire tracking concert micro-adjustable balance weights guided exclusive three-point tracking system guarantees ripple-free surfaces No trailing edge burn-out common two wire systems Couple FEATHER CUT Tekoas THERMAL GENERATOR fool proof temperature control youll Pro. first time out Cuts straight taper wings fins stabilizers matically ts tape edge workbench dining table stores its own heavy duty mailing tube lete kit anodized plated components no hardware store trips ructions include cutting first wing making templates old Bow 40 52 Available Power supply required Guaranteed out perform rest Simply best 9TEKOA THE CENTER OF DESIGN 49380 SKYHARBOR WAY 44 Model Aviation ment makes subject stand apart background background also focus flattens out picture hurts presentation probably biggest weakness apart checking background itself see photos submitted us Its easy use tiny aperture fast film sure get things focus thats exactly what will happen everything pits trees will sharp oh-by-the-way theres model somewhere too sometimes cant anything about background youre shooting against relocating another area impossible way deal shorten depth field using faster shutter speed opening up lens minimize distraction Q What camera-steadying methods use DG First common breath control hold breath releasing shutter Second bracing tuck both elbows against chest steady camera also lean against solid object available critical work exposure slower 1/60 second use tripod Camera-steadying techniques have greater effect final image sharpness lens quality film selection think JH disagree holding breath feel its better relax muscles rather tensing avoid blur camera movement older heavier lenses often use keeping still critical slowly exhaling release shutter remember being told firing gun movement should smooth enough theres little bit surprise exact instant fire thats really what doing sense except firing camera subject Bracing yourself very important elbows can help form whats called human tripod keep things still sure footing means brace portion yourself possible against solid objectespecially get below 1/125 second shutter speed have shot 1/60 much problem occasionally 1/30 general get tripod monopod give yourself some help Garwood 5 Birch Lane Scotia NY 12302 Jim Haught Model Aviation E-mailjhaught@modelaircraftorg call write MIJSTR SCALU 6319 HWY 49 NE NC 27302 336 562-3700 L http//wwwmeister-scalecom FEATHER CUT $14950 S & H THERMAL GENERATOR Power Supply $11950 S & H
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
This first installment occasional series model photography intended help raise bar quality photos model aircraft whether personal magazine use have questions comments suggestions future topics please contact authors CAMERA SELECTION Q Both seem prefer older manual-style cameras modern automatic versions DG Familiarity simplicity Ive using manual cameras 30 years Im comfortable capabilities limitations Older cameras also cheaper buy KEH Camera Brokers 2310 Marietta Blvd NW Atlanta GA 30318 Tel [404] 892-5522 Web site wwwkehcom can have two camera bodies full set lenses price single modern camera lens like Minolta SRT series because models include depth-of-field preview button What Im lacking autofocus autoexposure dont miss autoexposure because Im thoroughly familiar match-needle exposure meter old cameras doubt rely separate handheld meter Autofocus hindrance moving-subject work because its slower sometimes frustratingly inaccurate photographing flying models sky JH I have loved rugged simplicity old Pentax Spotmatic series since first used 1970 Nothing fancy highly functional work great still available relatively cheap People laugh call Mr Retro fact Spotmatics still capable excellent results easy use also deal KEH well Jacks Camera Shop Muncie wwwjackscameracom can cross-check prices see source has best deal also check out some locallregional used-equipment shows though have careful deal venues can get some great buys risk because youre usually dealing someone dont know well KEH Jacks theres trusta comfort levelbuilt up gives reassurance equipment has checked out knowledgeable people will work advertised dealers backs limited warranty helps too grading system KEH uses equipment conservative almost always leads pleasant surprise upon receipt equipment almost always better condition would think judging just rating Some very affordable equipment available BARGAIN UGLY categories will work just fine long cosmetic appearance big deal LENS SELECTION Q What lens lenses use often DG I generally use three lenses normal zoom telephoto fixed-focal-length telephoto Occasionally use cardboard panoramic camera product shots construction shots sometimes use close-up lens set 50mm normal lens designed capture scene eye sees Its compromise between including wide view showing detail main subject also gives generous amount depth field making focusing easier 50mm useful showing group people airplanes showing portion scene like flying field Its versatile you could photograph event coverage kit-building project lens alone 35mm 28mm wide angle lens captures wide view including given scene immensely useful indoor work must close subject often used outdoor model people photography Short lenses have greater depth field focusing easier 40 Model Aviation dnt get front young pilot Florida Jets isolate him other fliers left because flightline location best could get close use large lens opening drop out background somewhat right 90mm 120mm short telephoto lens cuts much extraneous material out scene helps concentrate viewer attention central subject Short telephotos sometimes called portrait lenses yield pleasing rendition head-and-shoulders portraits human subjects 12-15 feet away work well show person airplane distance 20-25 feet 200-300mm long telephoto instrument choice photographing models air allows narrowing view concentrate single subject element excluding other distracting elements captures larger image main subject care must given holding camera steady greater attention must given focusing zoom lens offers variable focal lengthin effect several lenses package offer welcome convenience freedom having change lenses cost slightly reduced sharpness frequently use 90-230mm lens flight shots modem 35-200mm zoom might lens need carry wish made older cameras very close work less 20 inches use set close-up lenses screw onto front 50mm lens allowing get close four inches fill frame servo Depth field next nothing camera distance work done camera tripod small lens apertures slow shutter speeds have lens mounted its 90-230 Im carrying two cameras usually 50mm 90-230 200 other 200 sharper zoom flexible JH My normal lens usually 50mm f/l4 also keep 28mm hand tight spots either 70-210mm zoom telephoto fixed 300mm telephoto lone modem Pentax has 28-200mm zoom cuts down number lenses needed Still timeslike flightline situationswhere little longer lens needed get decent shot model flight combination has worked well put 300mm Spotmatic bodies go flightline 28-200 other body covers about 90% May1999 41 Excess depth field Left everything fliers cars focus Right model disappears scoreboard Better composition larger lens opening would help both casesdrops out background adds depth An autofocus camera may have focusing sweet spot center frame youre careful composition left can get wrong thing focus right intended photo flier caller Top Gun 98 situations youll encounter out can shoot pilots face well model flyby Its work carry two cameras around might get chance really special photo would shame miss because didnt have right equipment Dave makes very important point about sharpness factor using zooms can difficult focus get last little bit sharpness makes dynamite shot instance have backed off using old 70-2 10 zoom because feel newer lenses sharper much compact quite bit lighter can really cut down camera movement shows up longer lenses FILM Q What type brand offlim prefer DG Slides let send sharpest possible images magazine because less processing step film camera used production Most magazines will accept anything slide cover shot Prints fine photos will used small magazine images can sometimes enlarged quite bit very sharp slide film important distinction between Kodachrome other chromes like Ektachrome Fujichrome Kodachrome invented 1940s photographers art directors feel unequaled color rendition Kodachrome images have proven stable 50 years its K-14 processing enormously complicated done handful labs country Ektachrome invented simplify processing fact designed home processing development Ektachrome Fujichrome E-6 processing gave rise mini labs E-6 slides can processed almost lab can sometimes returned hour still warm slide-mounting machine So critical work like cover shots put up inconvenience mall-order slide processing buy processing mailer purchase Kodachrome work enjoy convenience ubiquitous processing Ektachrome Fujichrome Ive used Kodak Fuji print film cant see difference between Print film brands seem matter less correct selection film speed can easily processed anywhere Jil I now use Fuji film exclusively based discussions modeler longtime pro photographer John Oldenkamp recommended try after years using another brand gave some technical reasons felt best 42 Model Aviation The single 28-200mm zoom lens modern camera body can take place four manual lenses 28 50 135 200mm Right Autofocus camera zoom lens plus manual body 300mm telephoto versatile combo Limit 200mm zoom shown left photo Bob Violetts jet taking off 300mm telephoto shown above model fills frame much better right Focus carefully hold steady use monopod/tripod necessary produced superior color believe him have used Fujis slide film much have seen good results Most work done print film Q What film speeds use DG Higher-speed film yields greater sensitivity light offering faster shutter speeds and/or smaller apertures wider latitude tolerance over- under-exposure larger grain tiny silver-halide ciystals combine form image Lower speed film yields lower sensitivity narrower latitude smaller grain immutable laws chemistry physics optics generally use ISO 200 outdoor shots inside work camera tripod Sometimes ISO 400 cloudy days think have chance cover shot Kodachrome 64 Kodachrome 25 strong sunlight JH use ISO 200 quite bit Its good compromise film conditions try sure have some 100 hand cover-type situations finer grain/better reproduction some 400 case sky overcast try use 400 too much though because potential problems grain excess depth field generally want model person stand apart background youre stuck fast film sunny day can problem because far lens must stopped down PROCESSING Q Any suggestions regarding processing DG Ive happiest local high-end processing lab Photo Images Glenville New York Normal print processing costs two bucks per roll lowest cost available mail-order drugstore processing work consistent roll after roll since know owner technicians can ask special handling turnaround time paper finish printing specifications Try dedicated photo lab camera store see notice increment quality over lowest bidder Slides different Mail order seems work fine sometimes better because can get paper mounts easier write plastic mounts lower cost mail order offset longer turnaround time may factor choice Kodachrome must sent mail-order lab JH As equipment its important have lab can trust Its worth paying little extra get processing done properly Thats use Jacks Muncie people know what theyre doing know what look forand thats often case one-hour place mall times can get personnel little no training worse little no interest just sort slam things through Ive some important shots mined carelessness disinterested parties TECHNIQUE Q use depth offield work DG Depth field contml useful characteristics adjustable cameras Depth field sometimes called depth focus probably important creative control after composition main reasons use SLR cameras because depth field preview button can see viewfinder what out focus before making exposure laws optics dictate specified lens focal length specified lens opening aperture certain zone front behind main subject will also focus Shorter focal length yields greater depth field Smaller aperture yields greater depth field Maximizing two characteristics fixed-focal-length nonadjustable cameras work have wide-angle smal-aperture lenses give good results bright light flash pictures will tend show small images main subject everything frame will focus Working other end ranges long telephoto lens aperture opened up tends give narrow depth field captures images foreground background thrown out focusa pleasing characteristic thats what want can used show clearly subject against otherwise-distracting background Study photographs until can recognize images wide narrow depth field use camera s depth field preview button see results particular lens aperture setting composition Try different apertures see effect depth field camera doesnt have depth field preview button review depth field charts technical manuals get idea relationships try shooting same scene same focus point different apertures see effect final pictures JH iry just enough depth field get parts subject sharp focus plus little latitude focusing errors and/or subject May1999 43 Cliff McKee shows human tripod position Get good footing tuck elbows sides keep things steady cockpit shots use nearly wide-open lens emphasize instruments drop everything else far out focus M[ISTUR1/5 AND 1/4 SCALE MODEL FUN THE EASY WAY SCA LSCALE HEADQUARTERS Balsa/Ply Construction Fiberglass & Plastic Accessories Pisna Partisi Full Kits Available Engineered Lazy Builders Custom Retracts Vinyl Decal Sets Available Designs Custom Building Service Available SEND IN FOR FREE CATALOG Urn Wi VA 31U&LUWE WI WNAVUELUUM W~AIE5WJIf SANYO RC-2000 CELLS$550 Ea SANYO RC-2000 CELLS MATCHED$600 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS new$400 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS MATCHED$450 Ea SANYO KR1400 AE$350 Ea SANYO NiOQO SCR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N700 AA CELLS$150 Ea SANYO N500 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO KR600 AE CELLS$250 Ea SANYO N800 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N350 AA CELLS$250 Ea SANYO 700 AA CELLS$150 Ea 4 CELL 270AA RECEIVER PACK$1000 Ea 5 CELL 1000 AE RECEIVER PACK$1800 Ea CONNECTORS RED & BLACK$150 Pr WIRE SHRINK BARS AND BRAID FEATHER CUT creates new standard ease accuracy cutting white blue foam wing cores ds off Precise single wire tracking concert micro-adjustable balance weights guided exclusive three-point tracking system guarantees ripple-free surfaces No trailing edge burn-out common two wire systems Couple FEATHER CUT Tekoas THERMAL GENERATOR fool proof temperature control youll Pro. first time out Cuts straight taper wings fins stabilizers matically ts tape edge workbench dining table stores its own heavy duty mailing tube lete kit anodized plated components no hardware store trips ructions include cutting first wing making templates old Bow 40 52 Available Power supply required Guaranteed out perform rest Simply best 9TEKOA THE CENTER OF DESIGN 49380 SKYHARBOR WAY 44 Model Aviation ment makes subject stand apart background background also focus flattens out picture hurts presentation probably biggest weakness apart checking background itself see photos submitted us Its easy use tiny aperture fast film sure get things focus thats exactly what will happen everything pits trees will sharp oh-by-the-way theres model somewhere too sometimes cant anything about background youre shooting against relocating another area impossible way deal shorten depth field using faster shutter speed opening up lens minimize distraction Q What camera-steadying methods use DG First common breath control hold breath releasing shutter Second bracing tuck both elbows against chest steady camera also lean against solid object available critical work exposure slower 1/60 second use tripod Camera-steadying techniques have greater effect final image sharpness lens quality film selection think JH disagree holding breath feel its better relax muscles rather tensing avoid blur camera movement older heavier lenses often use keeping still critical slowly exhaling release shutter remember being told firing gun movement should smooth enough theres little bit surprise exact instant fire thats really what doing sense except firing camera subject Bracing yourself very important elbows can help form whats called human tripod keep things still sure footing means brace portion yourself possible against solid objectespecially get below 1/125 second shutter speed have shot 1/60 much problem occasionally 1/30 general get tripod monopod give yourself some help Garwood 5 Birch Lane Scotia NY 12302 Jim Haught Model Aviation E-mailjhaught@modelaircraftorg call write MIJSTR SCALU 6319 HWY 49 NE NC 27302 336 562-3700 L http//wwwmeister-scalecom FEATHER CUT $14950 S & H THERMAL GENERATOR Power Supply $11950 S & H
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
This first installment occasional series model photography intended help raise bar quality photos model aircraft whether personal magazine use have questions comments suggestions future topics please contact authors CAMERA SELECTION Q Both seem prefer older manual-style cameras modern automatic versions DG Familiarity simplicity Ive using manual cameras 30 years Im comfortable capabilities limitations Older cameras also cheaper buy KEH Camera Brokers 2310 Marietta Blvd NW Atlanta GA 30318 Tel [404] 892-5522 Web site wwwkehcom can have two camera bodies full set lenses price single modern camera lens like Minolta SRT series because models include depth-of-field preview button What Im lacking autofocus autoexposure dont miss autoexposure because Im thoroughly familiar match-needle exposure meter old cameras doubt rely separate handheld meter Autofocus hindrance moving-subject work because its slower sometimes frustratingly inaccurate photographing flying models sky JH I have loved rugged simplicity old Pentax Spotmatic series since first used 1970 Nothing fancy highly functional work great still available relatively cheap People laugh call Mr Retro fact Spotmatics still capable excellent results easy use also deal KEH well Jacks Camera Shop Muncie wwwjackscameracom can cross-check prices see source has best deal also check out some locallregional used-equipment shows though have careful deal venues can get some great buys risk because youre usually dealing someone dont know well KEH Jacks theres trusta comfort levelbuilt up gives reassurance equipment has checked out knowledgeable people will work advertised dealers backs limited warranty helps too grading system KEH uses equipment conservative almost always leads pleasant surprise upon receipt equipment almost always better condition would think judging just rating Some very affordable equipment available BARGAIN UGLY categories will work just fine long cosmetic appearance big deal LENS SELECTION Q What lens lenses use often DG I generally use three lenses normal zoom telephoto fixed-focal-length telephoto Occasionally use cardboard panoramic camera product shots construction shots sometimes use close-up lens set 50mm normal lens designed capture scene eye sees Its compromise between including wide view showing detail main subject also gives generous amount depth field making focusing easier 50mm useful showing group people airplanes showing portion scene like flying field Its versatile you could photograph event coverage kit-building project lens alone 35mm 28mm wide angle lens captures wide view including given scene immensely useful indoor work must close subject often used outdoor model people photography Short lenses have greater depth field focusing easier 40 Model Aviation dnt get front young pilot Florida Jets isolate him other fliers left because flightline location best could get close use large lens opening drop out background somewhat right 90mm 120mm short telephoto lens cuts much extraneous material out scene helps concentrate viewer attention central subject Short telephotos sometimes called portrait lenses yield pleasing rendition head-and-shoulders portraits human subjects 12-15 feet away work well show person airplane distance 20-25 feet 200-300mm long telephoto instrument choice photographing models air allows narrowing view concentrate single subject element excluding other distracting elements captures larger image main subject care must given holding camera steady greater attention must given focusing zoom lens offers variable focal lengthin effect several lenses package offer welcome convenience freedom having change lenses cost slightly reduced sharpness frequently use 90-230mm lens flight shots modem 35-200mm zoom might lens need carry wish made older cameras very close work less 20 inches use set close-up lenses screw onto front 50mm lens allowing get close four inches fill frame servo Depth field next nothing camera distance work done camera tripod small lens apertures slow shutter speeds have lens mounted its 90-230 Im carrying two cameras usually 50mm 90-230 200 other 200 sharper zoom flexible JH My normal lens usually 50mm f/l4 also keep 28mm hand tight spots either 70-210mm zoom telephoto fixed 300mm telephoto lone modem Pentax has 28-200mm zoom cuts down number lenses needed Still timeslike flightline situationswhere little longer lens needed get decent shot model flight combination has worked well put 300mm Spotmatic bodies go flightline 28-200 other body covers about 90% May1999 41 Excess depth field Left everything fliers cars focus Right model disappears scoreboard Better composition larger lens opening would help both casesdrops out background adds depth An autofocus camera may have focusing sweet spot center frame youre careful composition left can get wrong thing focus right intended photo flier caller Top Gun 98 situations youll encounter out can shoot pilots face well model flyby Its work carry two cameras around might get chance really special photo would shame miss because didnt have right equipment Dave makes very important point about sharpness factor using zooms can difficult focus get last little bit sharpness makes dynamite shot instance have backed off using old 70-2 10 zoom because feel newer lenses sharper much compact quite bit lighter can really cut down camera movement shows up longer lenses FILM Q What type brand offlim prefer DG Slides let send sharpest possible images magazine because less processing step film camera used production Most magazines will accept anything slide cover shot Prints fine photos will used small magazine images can sometimes enlarged quite bit very sharp slide film important distinction between Kodachrome other chromes like Ektachrome Fujichrome Kodachrome invented 1940s photographers art directors feel unequaled color rendition Kodachrome images have proven stable 50 years its K-14 processing enormously complicated done handful labs country Ektachrome invented simplify processing fact designed home processing development Ektachrome Fujichrome E-6 processing gave rise mini labs E-6 slides can processed almost lab can sometimes returned hour still warm slide-mounting machine So critical work like cover shots put up inconvenience mall-order slide processing buy processing mailer purchase Kodachrome work enjoy convenience ubiquitous processing Ektachrome Fujichrome Ive used Kodak Fuji print film cant see difference between Print film brands seem matter less correct selection film speed can easily processed anywhere Jil I now use Fuji film exclusively based discussions modeler longtime pro photographer John Oldenkamp recommended try after years using another brand gave some technical reasons felt best 42 Model Aviation The single 28-200mm zoom lens modern camera body can take place four manual lenses 28 50 135 200mm Right Autofocus camera zoom lens plus manual body 300mm telephoto versatile combo Limit 200mm zoom shown left photo Bob Violetts jet taking off 300mm telephoto shown above model fills frame much better right Focus carefully hold steady use monopod/tripod necessary produced superior color believe him have used Fujis slide film much have seen good results Most work done print film Q What film speeds use DG Higher-speed film yields greater sensitivity light offering faster shutter speeds and/or smaller apertures wider latitude tolerance over- under-exposure larger grain tiny silver-halide ciystals combine form image Lower speed film yields lower sensitivity narrower latitude smaller grain immutable laws chemistry physics optics generally use ISO 200 outdoor shots inside work camera tripod Sometimes ISO 400 cloudy days think have chance cover shot Kodachrome 64 Kodachrome 25 strong sunlight JH use ISO 200 quite bit Its good compromise film conditions try sure have some 100 hand cover-type situations finer grain/better reproduction some 400 case sky overcast try use 400 too much though because potential problems grain excess depth field generally want model person stand apart background youre stuck fast film sunny day can problem because far lens must stopped down PROCESSING Q Any suggestions regarding processing DG Ive happiest local high-end processing lab Photo Images Glenville New York Normal print processing costs two bucks per roll lowest cost available mail-order drugstore processing work consistent roll after roll since know owner technicians can ask special handling turnaround time paper finish printing specifications Try dedicated photo lab camera store see notice increment quality over lowest bidder Slides different Mail order seems work fine sometimes better because can get paper mounts easier write plastic mounts lower cost mail order offset longer turnaround time may factor choice Kodachrome must sent mail-order lab JH As equipment its important have lab can trust Its worth paying little extra get processing done properly Thats use Jacks Muncie people know what theyre doing know what look forand thats often case one-hour place mall times can get personnel little no training worse little no interest just sort slam things through Ive some important shots mined carelessness disinterested parties TECHNIQUE Q use depth offield work DG Depth field contml useful characteristics adjustable cameras Depth field sometimes called depth focus probably important creative control after composition main reasons use SLR cameras because depth field preview button can see viewfinder what out focus before making exposure laws optics dictate specified lens focal length specified lens opening aperture certain zone front behind main subject will also focus Shorter focal length yields greater depth field Smaller aperture yields greater depth field Maximizing two characteristics fixed-focal-length nonadjustable cameras work have wide-angle smal-aperture lenses give good results bright light flash pictures will tend show small images main subject everything frame will focus Working other end ranges long telephoto lens aperture opened up tends give narrow depth field captures images foreground background thrown out focusa pleasing characteristic thats what want can used show clearly subject against otherwise-distracting background Study photographs until can recognize images wide narrow depth field use camera s depth field preview button see results particular lens aperture setting composition Try different apertures see effect depth field camera doesnt have depth field preview button review depth field charts technical manuals get idea relationships try shooting same scene same focus point different apertures see effect final pictures JH iry just enough depth field get parts subject sharp focus plus little latitude focusing errors and/or subject May1999 43 Cliff McKee shows human tripod position Get good footing tuck elbows sides keep things steady cockpit shots use nearly wide-open lens emphasize instruments drop everything else far out focus M[ISTUR1/5 AND 1/4 SCALE MODEL FUN THE EASY WAY SCA LSCALE HEADQUARTERS Balsa/Ply Construction Fiberglass & Plastic Accessories Pisna Partisi Full Kits Available Engineered Lazy Builders Custom Retracts Vinyl Decal Sets Available Designs Custom Building Service Available SEND IN FOR FREE CATALOG Urn Wi VA 31U&LUWE WI WNAVUELUUM W~AIE5WJIf SANYO RC-2000 CELLS$550 Ea SANYO RC-2000 CELLS MATCHED$600 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS new$400 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS MATCHED$450 Ea SANYO KR1400 AE$350 Ea SANYO NiOQO SCR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N700 AA CELLS$150 Ea SANYO N500 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO KR600 AE CELLS$250 Ea SANYO N800 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N350 AA CELLS$250 Ea SANYO 700 AA CELLS$150 Ea 4 CELL 270AA RECEIVER PACK$1000 Ea 5 CELL 1000 AE RECEIVER PACK$1800 Ea CONNECTORS RED & BLACK$150 Pr WIRE SHRINK BARS AND BRAID FEATHER CUT creates new standard ease accuracy cutting white blue foam wing cores ds off Precise single wire tracking concert micro-adjustable balance weights guided exclusive three-point tracking system guarantees ripple-free surfaces No trailing edge burn-out common two wire systems Couple FEATHER CUT Tekoas THERMAL GENERATOR fool proof temperature control youll Pro. first time out Cuts straight taper wings fins stabilizers matically ts tape edge workbench dining table stores its own heavy duty mailing tube lete kit anodized plated components no hardware store trips ructions include cutting first wing making templates old Bow 40 52 Available Power supply required Guaranteed out perform rest Simply best 9TEKOA THE CENTER OF DESIGN 49380 SKYHARBOR WAY 44 Model Aviation ment makes subject stand apart background background also focus flattens out picture hurts presentation probably biggest weakness apart checking background itself see photos submitted us Its easy use tiny aperture fast film sure get things focus thats exactly what will happen everything pits trees will sharp oh-by-the-way theres model somewhere too sometimes cant anything about background youre shooting against relocating another area impossible way deal shorten depth field using faster shutter speed opening up lens minimize distraction Q What camera-steadying methods use DG First common breath control hold breath releasing shutter Second bracing tuck both elbows against chest steady camera also lean against solid object available critical work exposure slower 1/60 second use tripod Camera-steadying techniques have greater effect final image sharpness lens quality film selection think JH disagree holding breath feel its better relax muscles rather tensing avoid blur camera movement older heavier lenses often use keeping still critical slowly exhaling release shutter remember being told firing gun movement should smooth enough theres little bit surprise exact instant fire thats really what doing sense except firing camera subject Bracing yourself very important elbows can help form whats called human tripod keep things still sure footing means brace portion yourself possible against solid objectespecially get below 1/125 second shutter speed have shot 1/60 much problem occasionally 1/30 general get tripod monopod give yourself some help Garwood 5 Birch Lane Scotia NY 12302 Jim Haught Model Aviation E-mailjhaught@modelaircraftorg call write MIJSTR SCALU 6319 HWY 49 NE NC 27302 336 562-3700 L http//wwwmeister-scalecom FEATHER CUT $14950 S & H THERMAL GENERATOR Power Supply $11950 S & H
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
This first installment occasional series model photography intended help raise bar quality photos model aircraft whether personal magazine use have questions comments suggestions future topics please contact authors CAMERA SELECTION Q Both seem prefer older manual-style cameras modern automatic versions DG Familiarity simplicity Ive using manual cameras 30 years Im comfortable capabilities limitations Older cameras also cheaper buy KEH Camera Brokers 2310 Marietta Blvd NW Atlanta GA 30318 Tel [404] 892-5522 Web site wwwkehcom can have two camera bodies full set lenses price single modern camera lens like Minolta SRT series because models include depth-of-field preview button What Im lacking autofocus autoexposure dont miss autoexposure because Im thoroughly familiar match-needle exposure meter old cameras doubt rely separate handheld meter Autofocus hindrance moving-subject work because its slower sometimes frustratingly inaccurate photographing flying models sky JH I have loved rugged simplicity old Pentax Spotmatic series since first used 1970 Nothing fancy highly functional work great still available relatively cheap People laugh call Mr Retro fact Spotmatics still capable excellent results easy use also deal KEH well Jacks Camera Shop Muncie wwwjackscameracom can cross-check prices see source has best deal also check out some locallregional used-equipment shows though have careful deal venues can get some great buys risk because youre usually dealing someone dont know well KEH Jacks theres trusta comfort levelbuilt up gives reassurance equipment has checked out knowledgeable people will work advertised dealers backs limited warranty helps too grading system KEH uses equipment conservative almost always leads pleasant surprise upon receipt equipment almost always better condition would think judging just rating Some very affordable equipment available BARGAIN UGLY categories will work just fine long cosmetic appearance big deal LENS SELECTION Q What lens lenses use often DG I generally use three lenses normal zoom telephoto fixed-focal-length telephoto Occasionally use cardboard panoramic camera product shots construction shots sometimes use close-up lens set 50mm normal lens designed capture scene eye sees Its compromise between including wide view showing detail main subject also gives generous amount depth field making focusing easier 50mm useful showing group people airplanes showing portion scene like flying field Its versatile you could photograph event coverage kit-building project lens alone 35mm 28mm wide angle lens captures wide view including given scene immensely useful indoor work must close subject often used outdoor model people photography Short lenses have greater depth field focusing easier 40 Model Aviation dnt get front young pilot Florida Jets isolate him other fliers left because flightline location best could get close use large lens opening drop out background somewhat right 90mm 120mm short telephoto lens cuts much extraneous material out scene helps concentrate viewer attention central subject Short telephotos sometimes called portrait lenses yield pleasing rendition head-and-shoulders portraits human subjects 12-15 feet away work well show person airplane distance 20-25 feet 200-300mm long telephoto instrument choice photographing models air allows narrowing view concentrate single subject element excluding other distracting elements captures larger image main subject care must given holding camera steady greater attention must given focusing zoom lens offers variable focal lengthin effect several lenses package offer welcome convenience freedom having change lenses cost slightly reduced sharpness frequently use 90-230mm lens flight shots modem 35-200mm zoom might lens need carry wish made older cameras very close work less 20 inches use set close-up lenses screw onto front 50mm lens allowing get close four inches fill frame servo Depth field next nothing camera distance work done camera tripod small lens apertures slow shutter speeds have lens mounted its 90-230 Im carrying two cameras usually 50mm 90-230 200 other 200 sharper zoom flexible JH My normal lens usually 50mm f/l4 also keep 28mm hand tight spots either 70-210mm zoom telephoto fixed 300mm telephoto lone modem Pentax has 28-200mm zoom cuts down number lenses needed Still timeslike flightline situationswhere little longer lens needed get decent shot model flight combination has worked well put 300mm Spotmatic bodies go flightline 28-200 other body covers about 90% May1999 41 Excess depth field Left everything fliers cars focus Right model disappears scoreboard Better composition larger lens opening would help both casesdrops out background adds depth An autofocus camera may have focusing sweet spot center frame youre careful composition left can get wrong thing focus right intended photo flier caller Top Gun 98 situations youll encounter out can shoot pilots face well model flyby Its work carry two cameras around might get chance really special photo would shame miss because didnt have right equipment Dave makes very important point about sharpness factor using zooms can difficult focus get last little bit sharpness makes dynamite shot instance have backed off using old 70-2 10 zoom because feel newer lenses sharper much compact quite bit lighter can really cut down camera movement shows up longer lenses FILM Q What type brand offlim prefer DG Slides let send sharpest possible images magazine because less processing step film camera used production Most magazines will accept anything slide cover shot Prints fine photos will used small magazine images can sometimes enlarged quite bit very sharp slide film important distinction between Kodachrome other chromes like Ektachrome Fujichrome Kodachrome invented 1940s photographers art directors feel unequaled color rendition Kodachrome images have proven stable 50 years its K-14 processing enormously complicated done handful labs country Ektachrome invented simplify processing fact designed home processing development Ektachrome Fujichrome E-6 processing gave rise mini labs E-6 slides can processed almost lab can sometimes returned hour still warm slide-mounting machine So critical work like cover shots put up inconvenience mall-order slide processing buy processing mailer purchase Kodachrome work enjoy convenience ubiquitous processing Ektachrome Fujichrome Ive used Kodak Fuji print film cant see difference between Print film brands seem matter less correct selection film speed can easily processed anywhere Jil I now use Fuji film exclusively based discussions modeler longtime pro photographer John Oldenkamp recommended try after years using another brand gave some technical reasons felt best 42 Model Aviation The single 28-200mm zoom lens modern camera body can take place four manual lenses 28 50 135 200mm Right Autofocus camera zoom lens plus manual body 300mm telephoto versatile combo Limit 200mm zoom shown left photo Bob Violetts jet taking off 300mm telephoto shown above model fills frame much better right Focus carefully hold steady use monopod/tripod necessary produced superior color believe him have used Fujis slide film much have seen good results Most work done print film Q What film speeds use DG Higher-speed film yields greater sensitivity light offering faster shutter speeds and/or smaller apertures wider latitude tolerance over- under-exposure larger grain tiny silver-halide ciystals combine form image Lower speed film yields lower sensitivity narrower latitude smaller grain immutable laws chemistry physics optics generally use ISO 200 outdoor shots inside work camera tripod Sometimes ISO 400 cloudy days think have chance cover shot Kodachrome 64 Kodachrome 25 strong sunlight JH use ISO 200 quite bit Its good compromise film conditions try sure have some 100 hand cover-type situations finer grain/better reproduction some 400 case sky overcast try use 400 too much though because potential problems grain excess depth field generally want model person stand apart background youre stuck fast film sunny day can problem because far lens must stopped down PROCESSING Q Any suggestions regarding processing DG Ive happiest local high-end processing lab Photo Images Glenville New York Normal print processing costs two bucks per roll lowest cost available mail-order drugstore processing work consistent roll after roll since know owner technicians can ask special handling turnaround time paper finish printing specifications Try dedicated photo lab camera store see notice increment quality over lowest bidder Slides different Mail order seems work fine sometimes better because can get paper mounts easier write plastic mounts lower cost mail order offset longer turnaround time may factor choice Kodachrome must sent mail-order lab JH As equipment its important have lab can trust Its worth paying little extra get processing done properly Thats use Jacks Muncie people know what theyre doing know what look forand thats often case one-hour place mall times can get personnel little no training worse little no interest just sort slam things through Ive some important shots mined carelessness disinterested parties TECHNIQUE Q use depth offield work DG Depth field contml useful characteristics adjustable cameras Depth field sometimes called depth focus probably important creative control after composition main reasons use SLR cameras because depth field preview button can see viewfinder what out focus before making exposure laws optics dictate specified lens focal length specified lens opening aperture certain zone front behind main subject will also focus Shorter focal length yields greater depth field Smaller aperture yields greater depth field Maximizing two characteristics fixed-focal-length nonadjustable cameras work have wide-angle smal-aperture lenses give good results bright light flash pictures will tend show small images main subject everything frame will focus Working other end ranges long telephoto lens aperture opened up tends give narrow depth field captures images foreground background thrown out focusa pleasing characteristic thats what want can used show clearly subject against otherwise-distracting background Study photographs until can recognize images wide narrow depth field use camera s depth field preview button see results particular lens aperture setting composition Try different apertures see effect depth field camera doesnt have depth field preview button review depth field charts technical manuals get idea relationships try shooting same scene same focus point different apertures see effect final pictures JH iry just enough depth field get parts subject sharp focus plus little latitude focusing errors and/or subject May1999 43 Cliff McKee shows human tripod position Get good footing tuck elbows sides keep things steady cockpit shots use nearly wide-open lens emphasize instruments drop everything else far out focus M[ISTUR1/5 AND 1/4 SCALE MODEL FUN THE EASY WAY SCA LSCALE HEADQUARTERS Balsa/Ply Construction Fiberglass & Plastic Accessories Pisna Partisi Full Kits Available Engineered Lazy Builders Custom Retracts Vinyl Decal Sets Available Designs Custom Building Service Available SEND IN FOR FREE CATALOG Urn Wi VA 31U&LUWE WI WNAVUELUUM W~AIE5WJIf SANYO RC-2000 CELLS$550 Ea SANYO RC-2000 CELLS MATCHED$600 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS new$400 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS MATCHED$450 Ea SANYO KR1400 AE$350 Ea SANYO NiOQO SCR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N700 AA CELLS$150 Ea SANYO N500 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO KR600 AE CELLS$250 Ea SANYO N800 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N350 AA CELLS$250 Ea SANYO 700 AA CELLS$150 Ea 4 CELL 270AA RECEIVER PACK$1000 Ea 5 CELL 1000 AE RECEIVER PACK$1800 Ea CONNECTORS RED & BLACK$150 Pr WIRE SHRINK BARS AND BRAID FEATHER CUT creates new standard ease accuracy cutting white blue foam wing cores ds off Precise single wire tracking concert micro-adjustable balance weights guided exclusive three-point tracking system guarantees ripple-free surfaces No trailing edge burn-out common two wire systems Couple FEATHER CUT Tekoas THERMAL GENERATOR fool proof temperature control youll Pro. first time out Cuts straight taper wings fins stabilizers matically ts tape edge workbench dining table stores its own heavy duty mailing tube lete kit anodized plated components no hardware store trips ructions include cutting first wing making templates old Bow 40 52 Available Power supply required Guaranteed out perform rest Simply best 9TEKOA THE CENTER OF DESIGN 49380 SKYHARBOR WAY 44 Model Aviation ment makes subject stand apart background background also focus flattens out picture hurts presentation probably biggest weakness apart checking background itself see photos submitted us Its easy use tiny aperture fast film sure get things focus thats exactly what will happen everything pits trees will sharp oh-by-the-way theres model somewhere too sometimes cant anything about background youre shooting against relocating another area impossible way deal shorten depth field using faster shutter speed opening up lens minimize distraction Q What camera-steadying methods use DG First common breath control hold breath releasing shutter Second bracing tuck both elbows against chest steady camera also lean against solid object available critical work exposure slower 1/60 second use tripod Camera-steadying techniques have greater effect final image sharpness lens quality film selection think JH disagree holding breath feel its better relax muscles rather tensing avoid blur camera movement older heavier lenses often use keeping still critical slowly exhaling release shutter remember being told firing gun movement should smooth enough theres little bit surprise exact instant fire thats really what doing sense except firing camera subject Bracing yourself very important elbows can help form whats called human tripod keep things still sure footing means brace portion yourself possible against solid objectespecially get below 1/125 second shutter speed have shot 1/60 much problem occasionally 1/30 general get tripod monopod give yourself some help Garwood 5 Birch Lane Scotia NY 12302 Jim Haught Model Aviation E-mailjhaught@modelaircraftorg call write MIJSTR SCALU 6319 HWY 49 NE NC 27302 336 562-3700 L http//wwwmeister-scalecom FEATHER CUT $14950 S & H THERMAL GENERATOR Power Supply $11950 S & H
Edition: Model Aviation - 1999/05
Page Numbers: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
This first installment occasional series model photography intended help raise bar quality photos model aircraft whether personal magazine use have questions comments suggestions future topics please contact authors CAMERA SELECTION Q Both seem prefer older manual-style cameras modern automatic versions DG Familiarity simplicity Ive using manual cameras 30 years Im comfortable capabilities limitations Older cameras also cheaper buy KEH Camera Brokers 2310 Marietta Blvd NW Atlanta GA 30318 Tel [404] 892-5522 Web site wwwkehcom can have two camera bodies full set lenses price single modern camera lens like Minolta SRT series because models include depth-of-field preview button What Im lacking autofocus autoexposure dont miss autoexposure because Im thoroughly familiar match-needle exposure meter old cameras doubt rely separate handheld meter Autofocus hindrance moving-subject work because its slower sometimes frustratingly inaccurate photographing flying models sky JH I have loved rugged simplicity old Pentax Spotmatic series since first used 1970 Nothing fancy highly functional work great still available relatively cheap People laugh call Mr Retro fact Spotmatics still capable excellent results easy use also deal KEH well Jacks Camera Shop Muncie wwwjackscameracom can cross-check prices see source has best deal also check out some locallregional used-equipment shows though have careful deal venues can get some great buys risk because youre usually dealing someone dont know well KEH Jacks theres trusta comfort levelbuilt up gives reassurance equipment has checked out knowledgeable people will work advertised dealers backs limited warranty helps too grading system KEH uses equipment conservative almost always leads pleasant surprise upon receipt equipment almost always better condition would think judging just rating Some very affordable equipment available BARGAIN UGLY categories will work just fine long cosmetic appearance big deal LENS SELECTION Q What lens lenses use often DG I generally use three lenses normal zoom telephoto fixed-focal-length telephoto Occasionally use cardboard panoramic camera product shots construction shots sometimes use close-up lens set 50mm normal lens designed capture scene eye sees Its compromise between including wide view showing detail main subject also gives generous amount depth field making focusing easier 50mm useful showing group people airplanes showing portion scene like flying field Its versatile you could photograph event coverage kit-building project lens alone 35mm 28mm wide angle lens captures wide view including given scene immensely useful indoor work must close subject often used outdoor model people photography Short lenses have greater depth field focusing easier 40 Model Aviation dnt get front young pilot Florida Jets isolate him other fliers left because flightline location best could get close use large lens opening drop out background somewhat right 90mm 120mm short telephoto lens cuts much extraneous material out scene helps concentrate viewer attention central subject Short telephotos sometimes called portrait lenses yield pleasing rendition head-and-shoulders portraits human subjects 12-15 feet away work well show person airplane distance 20-25 feet 200-300mm long telephoto instrument choice photographing models air allows narrowing view concentrate single subject element excluding other distracting elements captures larger image main subject care must given holding camera steady greater attention must given focusing zoom lens offers variable focal lengthin effect several lenses package offer welcome convenience freedom having change lenses cost slightly reduced sharpness frequently use 90-230mm lens flight shots modem 35-200mm zoom might lens need carry wish made older cameras very close work less 20 inches use set close-up lenses screw onto front 50mm lens allowing get close four inches fill frame servo Depth field next nothing camera distance work done camera tripod small lens apertures slow shutter speeds have lens mounted its 90-230 Im carrying two cameras usually 50mm 90-230 200 other 200 sharper zoom flexible JH My normal lens usually 50mm f/l4 also keep 28mm hand tight spots either 70-210mm zoom telephoto fixed 300mm telephoto lone modem Pentax has 28-200mm zoom cuts down number lenses needed Still timeslike flightline situationswhere little longer lens needed get decent shot model flight combination has worked well put 300mm Spotmatic bodies go flightline 28-200 other body covers about 90% May1999 41 Excess depth field Left everything fliers cars focus Right model disappears scoreboard Better composition larger lens opening would help both casesdrops out background adds depth An autofocus camera may have focusing sweet spot center frame youre careful composition left can get wrong thing focus right intended photo flier caller Top Gun 98 situations youll encounter out can shoot pilots face well model flyby Its work carry two cameras around might get chance really special photo would shame miss because didnt have right equipment Dave makes very important point about sharpness factor using zooms can difficult focus get last little bit sharpness makes dynamite shot instance have backed off using old 70-2 10 zoom because feel newer lenses sharper much compact quite bit lighter can really cut down camera movement shows up longer lenses FILM Q What type brand offlim prefer DG Slides let send sharpest possible images magazine because less processing step film camera used production Most magazines will accept anything slide cover shot Prints fine photos will used small magazine images can sometimes enlarged quite bit very sharp slide film important distinction between Kodachrome other chromes like Ektachrome Fujichrome Kodachrome invented 1940s photographers art directors feel unequaled color rendition Kodachrome images have proven stable 50 years its K-14 processing enormously complicated done handful labs country Ektachrome invented simplify processing fact designed home processing development Ektachrome Fujichrome E-6 processing gave rise mini labs E-6 slides can processed almost lab can sometimes returned hour still warm slide-mounting machine So critical work like cover shots put up inconvenience mall-order slide processing buy processing mailer purchase Kodachrome work enjoy convenience ubiquitous processing Ektachrome Fujichrome Ive used Kodak Fuji print film cant see difference between Print film brands seem matter less correct selection film speed can easily processed anywhere Jil I now use Fuji film exclusively based discussions modeler longtime pro photographer John Oldenkamp recommended try after years using another brand gave some technical reasons felt best 42 Model Aviation The single 28-200mm zoom lens modern camera body can take place four manual lenses 28 50 135 200mm Right Autofocus camera zoom lens plus manual body 300mm telephoto versatile combo Limit 200mm zoom shown left photo Bob Violetts jet taking off 300mm telephoto shown above model fills frame much better right Focus carefully hold steady use monopod/tripod necessary produced superior color believe him have used Fujis slide film much have seen good results Most work done print film Q What film speeds use DG Higher-speed film yields greater sensitivity light offering faster shutter speeds and/or smaller apertures wider latitude tolerance over- under-exposure larger grain tiny silver-halide ciystals combine form image Lower speed film yields lower sensitivity narrower latitude smaller grain immutable laws chemistry physics optics generally use ISO 200 outdoor shots inside work camera tripod Sometimes ISO 400 cloudy days think have chance cover shot Kodachrome 64 Kodachrome 25 strong sunlight JH use ISO 200 quite bit Its good compromise film conditions try sure have some 100 hand cover-type situations finer grain/better reproduction some 400 case sky overcast try use 400 too much though because potential problems grain excess depth field generally want model person stand apart background youre stuck fast film sunny day can problem because far lens must stopped down PROCESSING Q Any suggestions regarding processing DG Ive happiest local high-end processing lab Photo Images Glenville New York Normal print processing costs two bucks per roll lowest cost available mail-order drugstore processing work consistent roll after roll since know owner technicians can ask special handling turnaround time paper finish printing specifications Try dedicated photo lab camera store see notice increment quality over lowest bidder Slides different Mail order seems work fine sometimes better because can get paper mounts easier write plastic mounts lower cost mail order offset longer turnaround time may factor choice Kodachrome must sent mail-order lab JH As equipment its important have lab can trust Its worth paying little extra get processing done properly Thats use Jacks Muncie people know what theyre doing know what look forand thats often case one-hour place mall times can get personnel little no training worse little no interest just sort slam things through Ive some important shots mined carelessness disinterested parties TECHNIQUE Q use depth offield work DG Depth field contml useful characteristics adjustable cameras Depth field sometimes called depth focus probably important creative control after composition main reasons use SLR cameras because depth field preview button can see viewfinder what out focus before making exposure laws optics dictate specified lens focal length specified lens opening aperture certain zone front behind main subject will also focus Shorter focal length yields greater depth field Smaller aperture yields greater depth field Maximizing two characteristics fixed-focal-length nonadjustable cameras work have wide-angle smal-aperture lenses give good results bright light flash pictures will tend show small images main subject everything frame will focus Working other end ranges long telephoto lens aperture opened up tends give narrow depth field captures images foreground background thrown out focusa pleasing characteristic thats what want can used show clearly subject against otherwise-distracting background Study photographs until can recognize images wide narrow depth field use camera s depth field preview button see results particular lens aperture setting composition Try different apertures see effect depth field camera doesnt have depth field preview button review depth field charts technical manuals get idea relationships try shooting same scene same focus point different apertures see effect final pictures JH iry just enough depth field get parts subject sharp focus plus little latitude focusing errors and/or subject May1999 43 Cliff McKee shows human tripod position Get good footing tuck elbows sides keep things steady cockpit shots use nearly wide-open lens emphasize instruments drop everything else far out focus M[ISTUR1/5 AND 1/4 SCALE MODEL FUN THE EASY WAY SCA LSCALE HEADQUARTERS Balsa/Ply Construction Fiberglass & Plastic Accessories Pisna Partisi Full Kits Available Engineered Lazy Builders Custom Retracts Vinyl Decal Sets Available Designs Custom Building Service Available SEND IN FOR FREE CATALOG Urn Wi VA 31U&LUWE WI WNAVUELUUM W~AIE5WJIf SANYO RC-2000 CELLS$550 Ea SANYO RC-2000 CELLS MATCHED$600 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS new$400 Ea SANYO RC-1700 CELLS MATCHED$450 Ea SANYO KR1400 AE$350 Ea SANYO NiOQO SCR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N700 AA CELLS$150 Ea SANYO N500 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO KR600 AE CELLS$250 Ea SANYO N800 AR CELLS$350 Ea SANYO N350 AA CELLS$250 Ea SANYO 700 AA CELLS$150 Ea 4 CELL 270AA RECEIVER PACK$1000 Ea 5 CELL 1000 AE RECEIVER PACK$1800 Ea CONNECTORS RED & BLACK$150 Pr WIRE SHRINK BARS AND BRAID FEATHER CUT creates new standard ease accuracy cutting white blue foam wing cores ds off Precise single wire tracking concert micro-adjustable balance weights guided exclusive three-point tracking system guarantees ripple-free surfaces No trailing edge burn-out common two wire systems Couple FEATHER CUT Tekoas THERMAL GENERATOR fool proof temperature control youll Pro. first time out Cuts straight taper wings fins stabilizers matically ts tape edge workbench dining table stores its own heavy duty mailing tube lete kit anodized plated components no hardware store trips ructions include cutting first wing making templates old Bow 40 52 Available Power supply required Guaranteed out perform rest Simply best 9TEKOA THE CENTER OF DESIGN 49380 SKYHARBOR WAY 44 Model Aviation ment makes subject stand apart background background also focus flattens out picture hurts presentation probably biggest weakness apart checking background itself see photos submitted us Its easy use tiny aperture fast film sure get things focus thats exactly what will happen everything pits trees will sharp oh-by-the-way theres model somewhere too sometimes cant anything about background youre shooting against relocating another area impossible way deal shorten depth field using faster shutter speed opening up lens minimize distraction Q What camera-steadying methods use DG First common breath control hold breath releasing shutter Second bracing tuck both elbows against chest steady camera also lean against solid object available critical work exposure slower 1/60 second use tripod Camera-steadying techniques have greater effect final image sharpness lens quality film selection think JH disagree holding breath feel its better relax muscles rather tensing avoid blur camera movement older heavier lenses often use keeping still critical slowly exhaling release shutter remember being told firing gun movement should smooth enough theres little bit surprise exact instant fire thats really what doing sense except firing camera subject Bracing yourself very important elbows can help form whats called human tripod keep things still sure footing means brace portion yourself possible against solid objectespecially get below 1/125 second shutter speed have shot 1/60 much problem occasionally 1/30 general get tripod monopod give yourself some help Garwood 5 Birch Lane Scotia NY 12302 Jim Haught Model Aviation E-mailjhaught@modelaircraftorg call write MIJSTR SCALU 6319 HWY 49 NE NC 27302 336 562-3700 L http//wwwmeister-scalecom FEATHER CUT $14950 S & H THERMAL GENERATOR Power Supply $11950 S & H