NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT HAVE just about concluded show team group modelers search cure itch something unusual leads put just about anything air least flying machine appears just about anything seems little aero dynamic modifications ironing board dog house flying saucer stop sign may take air no teacups yet Some appear fly back wards upside down seemingly Unflyable well thought Out tested engineering feats designed entertain audiences seems too have bug unusual after flying Snapshot 3 Virginia Air Show Squadron year began work new craft next year sorting through stack ofyear old maga zines dentist saw article Dr Nicolaides flying parachute planted idea RC version back mind Later full-color parachute photos Parachutist magazine made idea appealing final straw finding orange white olive chute hanging consignment shop few dollars later off project time sure begin photo magazine go bit difficult design full-scale experi ments could buy chute ready-made would have sew myquarter-scale fabric wings myself wife Dawn shares lot Project Snapshot photos shook head mention sewing lightweight rip-stop nylon no way wanted sew chute now have done three can see point Sewing fabric somewhat like trying sew together two sticks hot butter Thanks loan top-grade machine could set up thin slippery fabric began have some success assembling small test chute challenge just sewing pieces other sewn undistorted chute would have correct shape Most stitched hems eliminated hot-knife cutting pieces 22 44-inch chute excellent training assembly procedures parafoil techniques leamed small chute finished decided build 11inch tall trooper jump chute RC steer him former astronaut Harry Schoaf helped information parafoil CG alpha angles rigging Now little experience chute making began 4 8-foot version completed windy Saturday took outside 25-mph wind test strength next day entered chute Regional Park Authority kite contest kite won first place next stage build power pod pull parafoil did things just little backwards first first ParaCraft unit attractive unusual design proved no match 24 sq ft parafoil lt would perform towed air could take off maintain continuous flight its own Most attempted takeoffs would usually end would tip over like tricycle slight change wind Since Beauty would fly its own proceeded build Beast case project would fly satisfactorily did want spend lot time another nice looking model ParaCraft 2 constructed scraps plywood lumber balsa rudder saved crashed trainer defi nitely ugly stick everything exposed alterations adjustments easy bread board design excellent repairs Bill Winter suggested cross-wind landing gear like casters improve takeoff worked 64 Model Aviation Author tests ParaCraft 1 get reei now crats mignt perform its own paratoil acting like drag chute needs rerigged hover over engine pod problem pod oscillating engine full power caused concern about control stability second ParaCraft using longer movement arms solved problem ParaCraft 1 responded well during towing test author considerably less endurancethan HP 40 engine anxious havethe engine take overaftera fewtowing runs Unusual angle flight noticeable parafoil frequently rigged new angles try improve angle beautifullyno tipping over However will often taxi sideways turns would sometimes swing completely around Beast nicknamed Praying Mantis much like Concorde too has creature-like image first test flights discouraging No matter rigged chute angle gently tried reach flying speed pod would leap off ground 450 angle throttle eased back pod would land its tail Finally decided let Beast fly odd angle would surprise pod stable strange angle model would float around field much like hot air balloon model quite controllable ailerons chute trailing edge somewhat effective flying done rudder throttle controls began shouting Dawn dumb thing actually flies tried persuade act knew would fly sake spectators began show up After first approach landing easily persuaded try another flight After just luck flyable demand second takeoff went fine time gave no reaction leap air felt comfortable turns down wind Praying Mantis began gain altitude soon above tree tops subjected stronger winds Soon about 300 feet drifting away no amount power would bring back Finally thought tacking like sailboat managed gain some return As descended near some trees hit throttle pull away quickly realized sudden burst power mistake pod nearly went over top chute making matters worse cut throttle Well pod swung Continued page 122 September 1980 65 Praying Mansis traraIran j itsei easy prey photographers enjoyed its slow flight plenty time set up nice shots pilot plane Manywho sawtheflights forfirsttime insisted done mirrors Photo credits shared among Leonard Smith Bill Hersh berger Bob Crosby took turns camera uuirui ounerilyora gangiy mc1uito point view its flight much like mosquito hovering easily check fuel exposed tank hovering few feet front us Dont keep looking forthe other half stab has half Paracraft 3 hovers just before landing gently gracefully settling ground rear wheels touch gracefulness ends nose gearsuddenlydropawith bang once airspeed gone BROWN CO-2 ENGINES ENGINES ARE IN STOCK NEW CHARGER AND 5 SIZES OF TANISS BROWN ENGINES COMPLETE CATALOG $100 TO FIND ACCESSORIES KITS AND PLANS FOR RUBBER POWERED MODELS PNONE 17141 469-867T Peek-Polymers W 2498-AM ESA CALIF 920411 event brainchild Walt Mooney San Diego Scale Staffel 14 gram minimum weight foils ultra-light crowd gives us normal builders chance event catching fast times already 90 second range Dick Baxters fuselage-on side design Navy/Marine Armory Los Angeles Bill Hannan Warren Shipp immediately whipped out semi-scale General Aristocrats proceeded wow crowd some magnificent flights San Carlos Gym BW Meet May Watch class big things especially planes can also fly Embryo Endurance event outdoors Thanks cards letters photos gang Bill Warner 423-C San Vicente Blvd Santa Monica CA 90402 Dornier/SrulI continued page 53 put minimum possible keei weight down First spray light blue undersurfaces next lighter green upper pattern last darker green upper pattem Refer photos model better still references called out plan splinter camouflage pattern used DO 335 Mask spray markings glue canopy As final touch major structural panel lines can drawn drafting pen Make up front rear props nose plugs Two 7-in Sleek Streek plastic props can used two rubber motors employed case notch spinners glue props after wire hooks have attached Make sure rear prop put backwards concave surface blades facing rear single rubber motor two props used rear propeller will have left-handed prop carved formed balsa Make blade size pitch about same right-hand front prop single prop motor used 7 8-in plastic prop will fine Flying Make sure model balances shown Ballast necessary get CG right Check warps out line surfaces vertical fin should have very slight about 1/16 left turn left wing panel should have about in ie leading edge tip should raised about ect warps misalign ment before test flying test purposes pus 16-in long loop loops er Before winding make sure about 2 degrees downthrust both props rear prop means shaft actually pointing top fuselage Next put about 150 turns motors Remember wind rear prop motor proper direction Launching little bit tricky because dam lower fin rear prop have found easiest reliable way launch Arrow grasp both spinnersthe front left hand rear right Release front prop first gently push model forward right hand few practice launches will get right Under low power model should descend long powered glide very slight left turn Adjust tail surfaces until get flight path change thrust setting CG point Now begin add about 100 150 turns after successful flight Once get beyond about 500 turns use thrust adjustments get smooth slow climb cruise left followed slow descent also left built adjusted described lam sure will pleased looks flying ability offbeat German fighter scaled up version about 24-in span could have spectacular flight performance would large enough carry additional scale details finish will first try ParaCraft H ux continued page 65 around underneath completely over thc top worlds first ParaCraft loopback wards settled somewhat unceremoniously about five feet trees clear thing needed elevator adjust pitch angle could level pod pull against headwinds clear skill throttle like helicopter pilot evening attached old elevator side rudder re-rigged chute better angle offlight next weekend took Beast flying site show skeptics would really fly After getting through usual What wings Does really fly set Out show guess refresh memory ease model flight because overpowered takeoff did first ParaCraft figure 9 over top chute straight gave camera Leonard Smith asked him record event got figure 9 beautifully Im surc skeptics feeling kind hearted help did wanted watch fool run up down field trying prod unseemly rack wood towing banner air holding pieces together eternal 5 minutes waiting epoxy set appreciated next takeoff careful made myself aware throttle handled care asked what squatting leaning runningduring takeoff Did body English really help explain attempt keep eye delicately poised fuselage could easily blocked view chute next six flights made believers Touch-and-go figure eights hovering climbing altitude proved craft controllable spite its very slow flight unseemly steep angle plenty improvement made prototype veteran problem proved amusing accumula tion grass stones inside chute pockets curtailed some flights until shaken out called Dr Nicolaides tell success achieved after seeing article say admired someone would actually sit ParaCraft during prototype test crack-ups during test would have broken record broken bones Wonder theres record broken props congratulated succeeding photo go asked see some photos craft Since second ParaCraft less attractive decided construct third model would detract beauty chute third version designed break away unit could survive training further test trim strange angle flight something less precarious hope achieve level performance will allow used air shows Its definitely unusual watch show team said wanted Praying Mantis kept away 12 models might eat them1 Wings & Wheels Museum continued page 68 automobile displays parallel aircraft devel opments include such classic pieces World War ambulance 1930 Duesenberg 1934 Packard valued excess $250000 aircraft displays feature first transports used major airlines sister ship Amelia Earharts Lockheed Electra also display along German Heinkel I-I bomber Battle Britain last flying Boeing 247-D worlds first modern airliner Guests also have opportunity experience some sensations flight Fly Theatre special effects motion picture shown giant screen surrounding stereo sound visually transports audience out theatre pilots seat balloons biplanes jets spacecraft film produced Wings Wheels Conoco Inc Sentry Post Theatre shows variety historic films aircraft automobile development attrac tion also houses gallery aviation art large restoration complex research facilities offices Civil Air Patrol Experimental Aircraft Association Wings Wheels located Florida Road South west runway Orlando Interna tional Airport admission $550 adults $275 children 6-12 children under six years age admitted free admission price tax-deductible contribution used operating expenses new exhibits Wings Wheels open daily Visitors should allow least two hours Wings Wheels adventure FF Champs/Haught continued page 21 air some keen competition particularly B Pylon Zippers Alerts Rangers battled out sort Out top five 13 entered No maxed out times good considering 5-minute maxes 25-second run ROG Old-Timer Class events seemed have lowest entry partially due scarcity original engines size Converted glow engines available doesnt seem boost interest class Perhaps some engine builders should take note produce 1 22 Model Aviation DYNATHRUsr PROPS INC GET MORE THRUST FOR YOUR BIGGIE WITH EFFICIENT DURABLE GLASS FILLED PROPS FROM D YNA THRUST Designed conjunction Dave Plan Direct sales prices NOW include shipping 18-618-8 $800 20-820-10 $1000 15-6 $500 16 inchers coming soon 2541 NE 11th Cs Pompano Beach FL 33062 Phone3059419119 DYNATHRUST PROPS INC
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 62, 63, 64, 65, 122
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT HAVE just about concluded show team group modelers search cure itch something unusual leads put just about anything air least flying machine appears just about anything seems little aero dynamic modifications ironing board dog house flying saucer stop sign may take air no teacups yet Some appear fly back wards upside down seemingly Unflyable well thought Out tested engineering feats designed entertain audiences seems too have bug unusual after flying Snapshot 3 Virginia Air Show Squadron year began work new craft next year sorting through stack ofyear old maga zines dentist saw article Dr Nicolaides flying parachute planted idea RC version back mind Later full-color parachute photos Parachutist magazine made idea appealing final straw finding orange white olive chute hanging consignment shop few dollars later off project time sure begin photo magazine go bit difficult design full-scale experi ments could buy chute ready-made would have sew myquarter-scale fabric wings myself wife Dawn shares lot Project Snapshot photos shook head mention sewing lightweight rip-stop nylon no way wanted sew chute now have done three can see point Sewing fabric somewhat like trying sew together two sticks hot butter Thanks loan top-grade machine could set up thin slippery fabric began have some success assembling small test chute challenge just sewing pieces other sewn undistorted chute would have correct shape Most stitched hems eliminated hot-knife cutting pieces 22 44-inch chute excellent training assembly procedures parafoil techniques leamed small chute finished decided build 11inch tall trooper jump chute RC steer him former astronaut Harry Schoaf helped information parafoil CG alpha angles rigging Now little experience chute making began 4 8-foot version completed windy Saturday took outside 25-mph wind test strength next day entered chute Regional Park Authority kite contest kite won first place next stage build power pod pull parafoil did things just little backwards first first ParaCraft unit attractive unusual design proved no match 24 sq ft parafoil lt would perform towed air could take off maintain continuous flight its own Most attempted takeoffs would usually end would tip over like tricycle slight change wind Since Beauty would fly its own proceeded build Beast case project would fly satisfactorily did want spend lot time another nice looking model ParaCraft 2 constructed scraps plywood lumber balsa rudder saved crashed trainer defi nitely ugly stick everything exposed alterations adjustments easy bread board design excellent repairs Bill Winter suggested cross-wind landing gear like casters improve takeoff worked 64 Model Aviation Author tests ParaCraft 1 get reei now crats mignt perform its own paratoil acting like drag chute needs rerigged hover over engine pod problem pod oscillating engine full power caused concern about control stability second ParaCraft using longer movement arms solved problem ParaCraft 1 responded well during towing test author considerably less endurancethan HP 40 engine anxious havethe engine take overaftera fewtowing runs Unusual angle flight noticeable parafoil frequently rigged new angles try improve angle beautifullyno tipping over However will often taxi sideways turns would sometimes swing completely around Beast nicknamed Praying Mantis much like Concorde too has creature-like image first test flights discouraging No matter rigged chute angle gently tried reach flying speed pod would leap off ground 450 angle throttle eased back pod would land its tail Finally decided let Beast fly odd angle would surprise pod stable strange angle model would float around field much like hot air balloon model quite controllable ailerons chute trailing edge somewhat effective flying done rudder throttle controls began shouting Dawn dumb thing actually flies tried persuade act knew would fly sake spectators began show up After first approach landing easily persuaded try another flight After just luck flyable demand second takeoff went fine time gave no reaction leap air felt comfortable turns down wind Praying Mantis began gain altitude soon above tree tops subjected stronger winds Soon about 300 feet drifting away no amount power would bring back Finally thought tacking like sailboat managed gain some return As descended near some trees hit throttle pull away quickly realized sudden burst power mistake pod nearly went over top chute making matters worse cut throttle Well pod swung Continued page 122 September 1980 65 Praying Mansis traraIran j itsei easy prey photographers enjoyed its slow flight plenty time set up nice shots pilot plane Manywho sawtheflights forfirsttime insisted done mirrors Photo credits shared among Leonard Smith Bill Hersh berger Bob Crosby took turns camera uuirui ounerilyora gangiy mc1uito point view its flight much like mosquito hovering easily check fuel exposed tank hovering few feet front us Dont keep looking forthe other half stab has half Paracraft 3 hovers just before landing gently gracefully settling ground rear wheels touch gracefulness ends nose gearsuddenlydropawith bang once airspeed gone BROWN CO-2 ENGINES ENGINES ARE IN STOCK NEW CHARGER AND 5 SIZES OF TANISS BROWN ENGINES COMPLETE CATALOG $100 TO FIND ACCESSORIES KITS AND PLANS FOR RUBBER POWERED MODELS PNONE 17141 469-867T Peek-Polymers W 2498-AM ESA CALIF 920411 event brainchild Walt Mooney San Diego Scale Staffel 14 gram minimum weight foils ultra-light crowd gives us normal builders chance event catching fast times already 90 second range Dick Baxters fuselage-on side design Navy/Marine Armory Los Angeles Bill Hannan Warren Shipp immediately whipped out semi-scale General Aristocrats proceeded wow crowd some magnificent flights San Carlos Gym BW Meet May Watch class big things especially planes can also fly Embryo Endurance event outdoors Thanks cards letters photos gang Bill Warner 423-C San Vicente Blvd Santa Monica CA 90402 Dornier/SrulI continued page 53 put minimum possible keei weight down First spray light blue undersurfaces next lighter green upper pattern last darker green upper pattem Refer photos model better still references called out plan splinter camouflage pattern used DO 335 Mask spray markings glue canopy As final touch major structural panel lines can drawn drafting pen Make up front rear props nose plugs Two 7-in Sleek Streek plastic props can used two rubber motors employed case notch spinners glue props after wire hooks have attached Make sure rear prop put backwards concave surface blades facing rear single rubber motor two props used rear propeller will have left-handed prop carved formed balsa Make blade size pitch about same right-hand front prop single prop motor used 7 8-in plastic prop will fine Flying Make sure model balances shown Ballast necessary get CG right Check warps out line surfaces vertical fin should have very slight about 1/16 left turn left wing panel should have about in ie leading edge tip should raised about ect warps misalign ment before test flying test purposes pus 16-in long loop loops er Before winding make sure about 2 degrees downthrust both props rear prop means shaft actually pointing top fuselage Next put about 150 turns motors Remember wind rear prop motor proper direction Launching little bit tricky because dam lower fin rear prop have found easiest reliable way launch Arrow grasp both spinnersthe front left hand rear right Release front prop first gently push model forward right hand few practice launches will get right Under low power model should descend long powered glide very slight left turn Adjust tail surfaces until get flight path change thrust setting CG point Now begin add about 100 150 turns after successful flight Once get beyond about 500 turns use thrust adjustments get smooth slow climb cruise left followed slow descent also left built adjusted described lam sure will pleased looks flying ability offbeat German fighter scaled up version about 24-in span could have spectacular flight performance would large enough carry additional scale details finish will first try ParaCraft H ux continued page 65 around underneath completely over thc top worlds first ParaCraft loopback wards settled somewhat unceremoniously about five feet trees clear thing needed elevator adjust pitch angle could level pod pull against headwinds clear skill throttle like helicopter pilot evening attached old elevator side rudder re-rigged chute better angle offlight next weekend took Beast flying site show skeptics would really fly After getting through usual What wings Does really fly set Out show guess refresh memory ease model flight because overpowered takeoff did first ParaCraft figure 9 over top chute straight gave camera Leonard Smith asked him record event got figure 9 beautifully Im surc skeptics feeling kind hearted help did wanted watch fool run up down field trying prod unseemly rack wood towing banner air holding pieces together eternal 5 minutes waiting epoxy set appreciated next takeoff careful made myself aware throttle handled care asked what squatting leaning runningduring takeoff Did body English really help explain attempt keep eye delicately poised fuselage could easily blocked view chute next six flights made believers Touch-and-go figure eights hovering climbing altitude proved craft controllable spite its very slow flight unseemly steep angle plenty improvement made prototype veteran problem proved amusing accumula tion grass stones inside chute pockets curtailed some flights until shaken out called Dr Nicolaides tell success achieved after seeing article say admired someone would actually sit ParaCraft during prototype test crack-ups during test would have broken record broken bones Wonder theres record broken props congratulated succeeding photo go asked see some photos craft Since second ParaCraft less attractive decided construct third model would detract beauty chute third version designed break away unit could survive training further test trim strange angle flight something less precarious hope achieve level performance will allow used air shows Its definitely unusual watch show team said wanted Praying Mantis kept away 12 models might eat them1 Wings & Wheels Museum continued page 68 automobile displays parallel aircraft devel opments include such classic pieces World War ambulance 1930 Duesenberg 1934 Packard valued excess $250000 aircraft displays feature first transports used major airlines sister ship Amelia Earharts Lockheed Electra also display along German Heinkel I-I bomber Battle Britain last flying Boeing 247-D worlds first modern airliner Guests also have opportunity experience some sensations flight Fly Theatre special effects motion picture shown giant screen surrounding stereo sound visually transports audience out theatre pilots seat balloons biplanes jets spacecraft film produced Wings Wheels Conoco Inc Sentry Post Theatre shows variety historic films aircraft automobile development attrac tion also houses gallery aviation art large restoration complex research facilities offices Civil Air Patrol Experimental Aircraft Association Wings Wheels located Florida Road South west runway Orlando Interna tional Airport admission $550 adults $275 children 6-12 children under six years age admitted free admission price tax-deductible contribution used operating expenses new exhibits Wings Wheels open daily Visitors should allow least two hours Wings Wheels adventure FF Champs/Haught continued page 21 air some keen competition particularly B Pylon Zippers Alerts Rangers battled out sort Out top five 13 entered No maxed out times good considering 5-minute maxes 25-second run ROG Old-Timer Class events seemed have lowest entry partially due scarcity original engines size Converted glow engines available doesnt seem boost interest class Perhaps some engine builders should take note produce 1 22 Model Aviation DYNATHRUsr PROPS INC GET MORE THRUST FOR YOUR BIGGIE WITH EFFICIENT DURABLE GLASS FILLED PROPS FROM D YNA THRUST Designed conjunction Dave Plan Direct sales prices NOW include shipping 18-618-8 $800 20-820-10 $1000 15-6 $500 16 inchers coming soon 2541 NE 11th Cs Pompano Beach FL 33062 Phone3059419119 DYNATHRUST PROPS INC
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 62, 63, 64, 65, 122
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT HAVE just about concluded show team group modelers search cure itch something unusual leads put just about anything air least flying machine appears just about anything seems little aero dynamic modifications ironing board dog house flying saucer stop sign may take air no teacups yet Some appear fly back wards upside down seemingly Unflyable well thought Out tested engineering feats designed entertain audiences seems too have bug unusual after flying Snapshot 3 Virginia Air Show Squadron year began work new craft next year sorting through stack ofyear old maga zines dentist saw article Dr Nicolaides flying parachute planted idea RC version back mind Later full-color parachute photos Parachutist magazine made idea appealing final straw finding orange white olive chute hanging consignment shop few dollars later off project time sure begin photo magazine go bit difficult design full-scale experi ments could buy chute ready-made would have sew myquarter-scale fabric wings myself wife Dawn shares lot Project Snapshot photos shook head mention sewing lightweight rip-stop nylon no way wanted sew chute now have done three can see point Sewing fabric somewhat like trying sew together two sticks hot butter Thanks loan top-grade machine could set up thin slippery fabric began have some success assembling small test chute challenge just sewing pieces other sewn undistorted chute would have correct shape Most stitched hems eliminated hot-knife cutting pieces 22 44-inch chute excellent training assembly procedures parafoil techniques leamed small chute finished decided build 11inch tall trooper jump chute RC steer him former astronaut Harry Schoaf helped information parafoil CG alpha angles rigging Now little experience chute making began 4 8-foot version completed windy Saturday took outside 25-mph wind test strength next day entered chute Regional Park Authority kite contest kite won first place next stage build power pod pull parafoil did things just little backwards first first ParaCraft unit attractive unusual design proved no match 24 sq ft parafoil lt would perform towed air could take off maintain continuous flight its own Most attempted takeoffs would usually end would tip over like tricycle slight change wind Since Beauty would fly its own proceeded build Beast case project would fly satisfactorily did want spend lot time another nice looking model ParaCraft 2 constructed scraps plywood lumber balsa rudder saved crashed trainer defi nitely ugly stick everything exposed alterations adjustments easy bread board design excellent repairs Bill Winter suggested cross-wind landing gear like casters improve takeoff worked 64 Model Aviation Author tests ParaCraft 1 get reei now crats mignt perform its own paratoil acting like drag chute needs rerigged hover over engine pod problem pod oscillating engine full power caused concern about control stability second ParaCraft using longer movement arms solved problem ParaCraft 1 responded well during towing test author considerably less endurancethan HP 40 engine anxious havethe engine take overaftera fewtowing runs Unusual angle flight noticeable parafoil frequently rigged new angles try improve angle beautifullyno tipping over However will often taxi sideways turns would sometimes swing completely around Beast nicknamed Praying Mantis much like Concorde too has creature-like image first test flights discouraging No matter rigged chute angle gently tried reach flying speed pod would leap off ground 450 angle throttle eased back pod would land its tail Finally decided let Beast fly odd angle would surprise pod stable strange angle model would float around field much like hot air balloon model quite controllable ailerons chute trailing edge somewhat effective flying done rudder throttle controls began shouting Dawn dumb thing actually flies tried persuade act knew would fly sake spectators began show up After first approach landing easily persuaded try another flight After just luck flyable demand second takeoff went fine time gave no reaction leap air felt comfortable turns down wind Praying Mantis began gain altitude soon above tree tops subjected stronger winds Soon about 300 feet drifting away no amount power would bring back Finally thought tacking like sailboat managed gain some return As descended near some trees hit throttle pull away quickly realized sudden burst power mistake pod nearly went over top chute making matters worse cut throttle Well pod swung Continued page 122 September 1980 65 Praying Mansis traraIran j itsei easy prey photographers enjoyed its slow flight plenty time set up nice shots pilot plane Manywho sawtheflights forfirsttime insisted done mirrors Photo credits shared among Leonard Smith Bill Hersh berger Bob Crosby took turns camera uuirui ounerilyora gangiy mc1uito point view its flight much like mosquito hovering easily check fuel exposed tank hovering few feet front us Dont keep looking forthe other half stab has half Paracraft 3 hovers just before landing gently gracefully settling ground rear wheels touch gracefulness ends nose gearsuddenlydropawith bang once airspeed gone BROWN CO-2 ENGINES ENGINES ARE IN STOCK NEW CHARGER AND 5 SIZES OF TANISS BROWN ENGINES COMPLETE CATALOG $100 TO FIND ACCESSORIES KITS AND PLANS FOR RUBBER POWERED MODELS PNONE 17141 469-867T Peek-Polymers W 2498-AM ESA CALIF 920411 event brainchild Walt Mooney San Diego Scale Staffel 14 gram minimum weight foils ultra-light crowd gives us normal builders chance event catching fast times already 90 second range Dick Baxters fuselage-on side design Navy/Marine Armory Los Angeles Bill Hannan Warren Shipp immediately whipped out semi-scale General Aristocrats proceeded wow crowd some magnificent flights San Carlos Gym BW Meet May Watch class big things especially planes can also fly Embryo Endurance event outdoors Thanks cards letters photos gang Bill Warner 423-C San Vicente Blvd Santa Monica CA 90402 Dornier/SrulI continued page 53 put minimum possible keei weight down First spray light blue undersurfaces next lighter green upper pattern last darker green upper pattem Refer photos model better still references called out plan splinter camouflage pattern used DO 335 Mask spray markings glue canopy As final touch major structural panel lines can drawn drafting pen Make up front rear props nose plugs Two 7-in Sleek Streek plastic props can used two rubber motors employed case notch spinners glue props after wire hooks have attached Make sure rear prop put backwards concave surface blades facing rear single rubber motor two props used rear propeller will have left-handed prop carved formed balsa Make blade size pitch about same right-hand front prop single prop motor used 7 8-in plastic prop will fine Flying Make sure model balances shown Ballast necessary get CG right Check warps out line surfaces vertical fin should have very slight about 1/16 left turn left wing panel should have about in ie leading edge tip should raised about ect warps misalign ment before test flying test purposes pus 16-in long loop loops er Before winding make sure about 2 degrees downthrust both props rear prop means shaft actually pointing top fuselage Next put about 150 turns motors Remember wind rear prop motor proper direction Launching little bit tricky because dam lower fin rear prop have found easiest reliable way launch Arrow grasp both spinnersthe front left hand rear right Release front prop first gently push model forward right hand few practice launches will get right Under low power model should descend long powered glide very slight left turn Adjust tail surfaces until get flight path change thrust setting CG point Now begin add about 100 150 turns after successful flight Once get beyond about 500 turns use thrust adjustments get smooth slow climb cruise left followed slow descent also left built adjusted described lam sure will pleased looks flying ability offbeat German fighter scaled up version about 24-in span could have spectacular flight performance would large enough carry additional scale details finish will first try ParaCraft H ux continued page 65 around underneath completely over thc top worlds first ParaCraft loopback wards settled somewhat unceremoniously about five feet trees clear thing needed elevator adjust pitch angle could level pod pull against headwinds clear skill throttle like helicopter pilot evening attached old elevator side rudder re-rigged chute better angle offlight next weekend took Beast flying site show skeptics would really fly After getting through usual What wings Does really fly set Out show guess refresh memory ease model flight because overpowered takeoff did first ParaCraft figure 9 over top chute straight gave camera Leonard Smith asked him record event got figure 9 beautifully Im surc skeptics feeling kind hearted help did wanted watch fool run up down field trying prod unseemly rack wood towing banner air holding pieces together eternal 5 minutes waiting epoxy set appreciated next takeoff careful made myself aware throttle handled care asked what squatting leaning runningduring takeoff Did body English really help explain attempt keep eye delicately poised fuselage could easily blocked view chute next six flights made believers Touch-and-go figure eights hovering climbing altitude proved craft controllable spite its very slow flight unseemly steep angle plenty improvement made prototype veteran problem proved amusing accumula tion grass stones inside chute pockets curtailed some flights until shaken out called Dr Nicolaides tell success achieved after seeing article say admired someone would actually sit ParaCraft during prototype test crack-ups during test would have broken record broken bones Wonder theres record broken props congratulated succeeding photo go asked see some photos craft Since second ParaCraft less attractive decided construct third model would detract beauty chute third version designed break away unit could survive training further test trim strange angle flight something less precarious hope achieve level performance will allow used air shows Its definitely unusual watch show team said wanted Praying Mantis kept away 12 models might eat them1 Wings & Wheels Museum continued page 68 automobile displays parallel aircraft devel opments include such classic pieces World War ambulance 1930 Duesenberg 1934 Packard valued excess $250000 aircraft displays feature first transports used major airlines sister ship Amelia Earharts Lockheed Electra also display along German Heinkel I-I bomber Battle Britain last flying Boeing 247-D worlds first modern airliner Guests also have opportunity experience some sensations flight Fly Theatre special effects motion picture shown giant screen surrounding stereo sound visually transports audience out theatre pilots seat balloons biplanes jets spacecraft film produced Wings Wheels Conoco Inc Sentry Post Theatre shows variety historic films aircraft automobile development attrac tion also houses gallery aviation art large restoration complex research facilities offices Civil Air Patrol Experimental Aircraft Association Wings Wheels located Florida Road South west runway Orlando Interna tional Airport admission $550 adults $275 children 6-12 children under six years age admitted free admission price tax-deductible contribution used operating expenses new exhibits Wings Wheels open daily Visitors should allow least two hours Wings Wheels adventure FF Champs/Haught continued page 21 air some keen competition particularly B Pylon Zippers Alerts Rangers battled out sort Out top five 13 entered No maxed out times good considering 5-minute maxes 25-second run ROG Old-Timer Class events seemed have lowest entry partially due scarcity original engines size Converted glow engines available doesnt seem boost interest class Perhaps some engine builders should take note produce 1 22 Model Aviation DYNATHRUsr PROPS INC GET MORE THRUST FOR YOUR BIGGIE WITH EFFICIENT DURABLE GLASS FILLED PROPS FROM D YNA THRUST Designed conjunction Dave Plan Direct sales prices NOW include shipping 18-618-8 $800 20-820-10 $1000 15-6 $500 16 inchers coming soon 2541 NE 11th Cs Pompano Beach FL 33062 Phone3059419119 DYNATHRUST PROPS INC
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 62, 63, 64, 65, 122
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT HAVE just about concluded show team group modelers search cure itch something unusual leads put just about anything air least flying machine appears just about anything seems little aero dynamic modifications ironing board dog house flying saucer stop sign may take air no teacups yet Some appear fly back wards upside down seemingly Unflyable well thought Out tested engineering feats designed entertain audiences seems too have bug unusual after flying Snapshot 3 Virginia Air Show Squadron year began work new craft next year sorting through stack ofyear old maga zines dentist saw article Dr Nicolaides flying parachute planted idea RC version back mind Later full-color parachute photos Parachutist magazine made idea appealing final straw finding orange white olive chute hanging consignment shop few dollars later off project time sure begin photo magazine go bit difficult design full-scale experi ments could buy chute ready-made would have sew myquarter-scale fabric wings myself wife Dawn shares lot Project Snapshot photos shook head mention sewing lightweight rip-stop nylon no way wanted sew chute now have done three can see point Sewing fabric somewhat like trying sew together two sticks hot butter Thanks loan top-grade machine could set up thin slippery fabric began have some success assembling small test chute challenge just sewing pieces other sewn undistorted chute would have correct shape Most stitched hems eliminated hot-knife cutting pieces 22 44-inch chute excellent training assembly procedures parafoil techniques leamed small chute finished decided build 11inch tall trooper jump chute RC steer him former astronaut Harry Schoaf helped information parafoil CG alpha angles rigging Now little experience chute making began 4 8-foot version completed windy Saturday took outside 25-mph wind test strength next day entered chute Regional Park Authority kite contest kite won first place next stage build power pod pull parafoil did things just little backwards first first ParaCraft unit attractive unusual design proved no match 24 sq ft parafoil lt would perform towed air could take off maintain continuous flight its own Most attempted takeoffs would usually end would tip over like tricycle slight change wind Since Beauty would fly its own proceeded build Beast case project would fly satisfactorily did want spend lot time another nice looking model ParaCraft 2 constructed scraps plywood lumber balsa rudder saved crashed trainer defi nitely ugly stick everything exposed alterations adjustments easy bread board design excellent repairs Bill Winter suggested cross-wind landing gear like casters improve takeoff worked 64 Model Aviation Author tests ParaCraft 1 get reei now crats mignt perform its own paratoil acting like drag chute needs rerigged hover over engine pod problem pod oscillating engine full power caused concern about control stability second ParaCraft using longer movement arms solved problem ParaCraft 1 responded well during towing test author considerably less endurancethan HP 40 engine anxious havethe engine take overaftera fewtowing runs Unusual angle flight noticeable parafoil frequently rigged new angles try improve angle beautifullyno tipping over However will often taxi sideways turns would sometimes swing completely around Beast nicknamed Praying Mantis much like Concorde too has creature-like image first test flights discouraging No matter rigged chute angle gently tried reach flying speed pod would leap off ground 450 angle throttle eased back pod would land its tail Finally decided let Beast fly odd angle would surprise pod stable strange angle model would float around field much like hot air balloon model quite controllable ailerons chute trailing edge somewhat effective flying done rudder throttle controls began shouting Dawn dumb thing actually flies tried persuade act knew would fly sake spectators began show up After first approach landing easily persuaded try another flight After just luck flyable demand second takeoff went fine time gave no reaction leap air felt comfortable turns down wind Praying Mantis began gain altitude soon above tree tops subjected stronger winds Soon about 300 feet drifting away no amount power would bring back Finally thought tacking like sailboat managed gain some return As descended near some trees hit throttle pull away quickly realized sudden burst power mistake pod nearly went over top chute making matters worse cut throttle Well pod swung Continued page 122 September 1980 65 Praying Mansis traraIran j itsei easy prey photographers enjoyed its slow flight plenty time set up nice shots pilot plane Manywho sawtheflights forfirsttime insisted done mirrors Photo credits shared among Leonard Smith Bill Hersh berger Bob Crosby took turns camera uuirui ounerilyora gangiy mc1uito point view its flight much like mosquito hovering easily check fuel exposed tank hovering few feet front us Dont keep looking forthe other half stab has half Paracraft 3 hovers just before landing gently gracefully settling ground rear wheels touch gracefulness ends nose gearsuddenlydropawith bang once airspeed gone BROWN CO-2 ENGINES ENGINES ARE IN STOCK NEW CHARGER AND 5 SIZES OF TANISS BROWN ENGINES COMPLETE CATALOG $100 TO FIND ACCESSORIES KITS AND PLANS FOR RUBBER POWERED MODELS PNONE 17141 469-867T Peek-Polymers W 2498-AM ESA CALIF 920411 event brainchild Walt Mooney San Diego Scale Staffel 14 gram minimum weight foils ultra-light crowd gives us normal builders chance event catching fast times already 90 second range Dick Baxters fuselage-on side design Navy/Marine Armory Los Angeles Bill Hannan Warren Shipp immediately whipped out semi-scale General Aristocrats proceeded wow crowd some magnificent flights San Carlos Gym BW Meet May Watch class big things especially planes can also fly Embryo Endurance event outdoors Thanks cards letters photos gang Bill Warner 423-C San Vicente Blvd Santa Monica CA 90402 Dornier/SrulI continued page 53 put minimum possible keei weight down First spray light blue undersurfaces next lighter green upper pattern last darker green upper pattem Refer photos model better still references called out plan splinter camouflage pattern used DO 335 Mask spray markings glue canopy As final touch major structural panel lines can drawn drafting pen Make up front rear props nose plugs Two 7-in Sleek Streek plastic props can used two rubber motors employed case notch spinners glue props after wire hooks have attached Make sure rear prop put backwards concave surface blades facing rear single rubber motor two props used rear propeller will have left-handed prop carved formed balsa Make blade size pitch about same right-hand front prop single prop motor used 7 8-in plastic prop will fine Flying Make sure model balances shown Ballast necessary get CG right Check warps out line surfaces vertical fin should have very slight about 1/16 left turn left wing panel should have about in ie leading edge tip should raised about ect warps misalign ment before test flying test purposes pus 16-in long loop loops er Before winding make sure about 2 degrees downthrust both props rear prop means shaft actually pointing top fuselage Next put about 150 turns motors Remember wind rear prop motor proper direction Launching little bit tricky because dam lower fin rear prop have found easiest reliable way launch Arrow grasp both spinnersthe front left hand rear right Release front prop first gently push model forward right hand few practice launches will get right Under low power model should descend long powered glide very slight left turn Adjust tail surfaces until get flight path change thrust setting CG point Now begin add about 100 150 turns after successful flight Once get beyond about 500 turns use thrust adjustments get smooth slow climb cruise left followed slow descent also left built adjusted described lam sure will pleased looks flying ability offbeat German fighter scaled up version about 24-in span could have spectacular flight performance would large enough carry additional scale details finish will first try ParaCraft H ux continued page 65 around underneath completely over thc top worlds first ParaCraft loopback wards settled somewhat unceremoniously about five feet trees clear thing needed elevator adjust pitch angle could level pod pull against headwinds clear skill throttle like helicopter pilot evening attached old elevator side rudder re-rigged chute better angle offlight next weekend took Beast flying site show skeptics would really fly After getting through usual What wings Does really fly set Out show guess refresh memory ease model flight because overpowered takeoff did first ParaCraft figure 9 over top chute straight gave camera Leonard Smith asked him record event got figure 9 beautifully Im surc skeptics feeling kind hearted help did wanted watch fool run up down field trying prod unseemly rack wood towing banner air holding pieces together eternal 5 minutes waiting epoxy set appreciated next takeoff careful made myself aware throttle handled care asked what squatting leaning runningduring takeoff Did body English really help explain attempt keep eye delicately poised fuselage could easily blocked view chute next six flights made believers Touch-and-go figure eights hovering climbing altitude proved craft controllable spite its very slow flight unseemly steep angle plenty improvement made prototype veteran problem proved amusing accumula tion grass stones inside chute pockets curtailed some flights until shaken out called Dr Nicolaides tell success achieved after seeing article say admired someone would actually sit ParaCraft during prototype test crack-ups during test would have broken record broken bones Wonder theres record broken props congratulated succeeding photo go asked see some photos craft Since second ParaCraft less attractive decided construct third model would detract beauty chute third version designed break away unit could survive training further test trim strange angle flight something less precarious hope achieve level performance will allow used air shows Its definitely unusual watch show team said wanted Praying Mantis kept away 12 models might eat them1 Wings & Wheels Museum continued page 68 automobile displays parallel aircraft devel opments include such classic pieces World War ambulance 1930 Duesenberg 1934 Packard valued excess $250000 aircraft displays feature first transports used major airlines sister ship Amelia Earharts Lockheed Electra also display along German Heinkel I-I bomber Battle Britain last flying Boeing 247-D worlds first modern airliner Guests also have opportunity experience some sensations flight Fly Theatre special effects motion picture shown giant screen surrounding stereo sound visually transports audience out theatre pilots seat balloons biplanes jets spacecraft film produced Wings Wheels Conoco Inc Sentry Post Theatre shows variety historic films aircraft automobile development attrac tion also houses gallery aviation art large restoration complex research facilities offices Civil Air Patrol Experimental Aircraft Association Wings Wheels located Florida Road South west runway Orlando Interna tional Airport admission $550 adults $275 children 6-12 children under six years age admitted free admission price tax-deductible contribution used operating expenses new exhibits Wings Wheels open daily Visitors should allow least two hours Wings Wheels adventure FF Champs/Haught continued page 21 air some keen competition particularly B Pylon Zippers Alerts Rangers battled out sort Out top five 13 entered No maxed out times good considering 5-minute maxes 25-second run ROG Old-Timer Class events seemed have lowest entry partially due scarcity original engines size Converted glow engines available doesnt seem boost interest class Perhaps some engine builders should take note produce 1 22 Model Aviation DYNATHRUsr PROPS INC GET MORE THRUST FOR YOUR BIGGIE WITH EFFICIENT DURABLE GLASS FILLED PROPS FROM D YNA THRUST Designed conjunction Dave Plan Direct sales prices NOW include shipping 18-618-8 $800 20-820-10 $1000 15-6 $500 16 inchers coming soon 2541 NE 11th Cs Pompano Beach FL 33062 Phone3059419119 DYNATHRUST PROPS INC
Edition: Model Aviation - 1980/09
Page Numbers: 62, 63, 64, 65, 122
NO OCR TEXT NO OCR TEXT HAVE just about concluded show team group modelers search cure itch something unusual leads put just about anything air least flying machine appears just about anything seems little aero dynamic modifications ironing board dog house flying saucer stop sign may take air no teacups yet Some appear fly back wards upside down seemingly Unflyable well thought Out tested engineering feats designed entertain audiences seems too have bug unusual after flying Snapshot 3 Virginia Air Show Squadron year began work new craft next year sorting through stack ofyear old maga zines dentist saw article Dr Nicolaides flying parachute planted idea RC version back mind Later full-color parachute photos Parachutist magazine made idea appealing final straw finding orange white olive chute hanging consignment shop few dollars later off project time sure begin photo magazine go bit difficult design full-scale experi ments could buy chute ready-made would have sew myquarter-scale fabric wings myself wife Dawn shares lot Project Snapshot photos shook head mention sewing lightweight rip-stop nylon no way wanted sew chute now have done three can see point Sewing fabric somewhat like trying sew together two sticks hot butter Thanks loan top-grade machine could set up thin slippery fabric began have some success assembling small test chute challenge just sewing pieces other sewn undistorted chute would have correct shape Most stitched hems eliminated hot-knife cutting pieces 22 44-inch chute excellent training assembly procedures parafoil techniques leamed small chute finished decided build 11inch tall trooper jump chute RC steer him former astronaut Harry Schoaf helped information parafoil CG alpha angles rigging Now little experience chute making began 4 8-foot version completed windy Saturday took outside 25-mph wind test strength next day entered chute Regional Park Authority kite contest kite won first place next stage build power pod pull parafoil did things just little backwards first first ParaCraft unit attractive unusual design proved no match 24 sq ft parafoil lt would perform towed air could take off maintain continuous flight its own Most attempted takeoffs would usually end would tip over like tricycle slight change wind Since Beauty would fly its own proceeded build Beast case project would fly satisfactorily did want spend lot time another nice looking model ParaCraft 2 constructed scraps plywood lumber balsa rudder saved crashed trainer defi nitely ugly stick everything exposed alterations adjustments easy bread board design excellent repairs Bill Winter suggested cross-wind landing gear like casters improve takeoff worked 64 Model Aviation Author tests ParaCraft 1 get reei now crats mignt perform its own paratoil acting like drag chute needs rerigged hover over engine pod problem pod oscillating engine full power caused concern about control stability second ParaCraft using longer movement arms solved problem ParaCraft 1 responded well during towing test author considerably less endurancethan HP 40 engine anxious havethe engine take overaftera fewtowing runs Unusual angle flight noticeable parafoil frequently rigged new angles try improve angle beautifullyno tipping over However will often taxi sideways turns would sometimes swing completely around Beast nicknamed Praying Mantis much like Concorde too has creature-like image first test flights discouraging No matter rigged chute angle gently tried reach flying speed pod would leap off ground 450 angle throttle eased back pod would land its tail Finally decided let Beast fly odd angle would surprise pod stable strange angle model would float around field much like hot air balloon model quite controllable ailerons chute trailing edge somewhat effective flying done rudder throttle controls began shouting Dawn dumb thing actually flies tried persuade act knew would fly sake spectators began show up After first approach landing easily persuaded try another flight After just luck flyable demand second takeoff went fine time gave no reaction leap air felt comfortable turns down wind Praying Mantis began gain altitude soon above tree tops subjected stronger winds Soon about 300 feet drifting away no amount power would bring back Finally thought tacking like sailboat managed gain some return As descended near some trees hit throttle pull away quickly realized sudden burst power mistake pod nearly went over top chute making matters worse cut throttle Well pod swung Continued page 122 September 1980 65 Praying Mansis traraIran j itsei easy prey photographers enjoyed its slow flight plenty time set up nice shots pilot plane Manywho sawtheflights forfirsttime insisted done mirrors Photo credits shared among Leonard Smith Bill Hersh berger Bob Crosby took turns camera uuirui ounerilyora gangiy mc1uito point view its flight much like mosquito hovering easily check fuel exposed tank hovering few feet front us Dont keep looking forthe other half stab has half Paracraft 3 hovers just before landing gently gracefully settling ground rear wheels touch gracefulness ends nose gearsuddenlydropawith bang once airspeed gone BROWN CO-2 ENGINES ENGINES ARE IN STOCK NEW CHARGER AND 5 SIZES OF TANISS BROWN ENGINES COMPLETE CATALOG $100 TO FIND ACCESSORIES KITS AND PLANS FOR RUBBER POWERED MODELS PNONE 17141 469-867T Peek-Polymers W 2498-AM ESA CALIF 920411 event brainchild Walt Mooney San Diego Scale Staffel 14 gram minimum weight foils ultra-light crowd gives us normal builders chance event catching fast times already 90 second range Dick Baxters fuselage-on side design Navy/Marine Armory Los Angeles Bill Hannan Warren Shipp immediately whipped out semi-scale General Aristocrats proceeded wow crowd some magnificent flights San Carlos Gym BW Meet May Watch class big things especially planes can also fly Embryo Endurance event outdoors Thanks cards letters photos gang Bill Warner 423-C San Vicente Blvd Santa Monica CA 90402 Dornier/SrulI continued page 53 put minimum possible keei weight down First spray light blue undersurfaces next lighter green upper pattern last darker green upper pattem Refer photos model better still references called out plan splinter camouflage pattern used DO 335 Mask spray markings glue canopy As final touch major structural panel lines can drawn drafting pen Make up front rear props nose plugs Two 7-in Sleek Streek plastic props can used two rubber motors employed case notch spinners glue props after wire hooks have attached Make sure rear prop put backwards concave surface blades facing rear single rubber motor two props used rear propeller will have left-handed prop carved formed balsa Make blade size pitch about same right-hand front prop single prop motor used 7 8-in plastic prop will fine Flying Make sure model balances shown Ballast necessary get CG right Check warps out line surfaces vertical fin should have very slight about 1/16 left turn left wing panel should have about in ie leading edge tip should raised about ect warps misalign ment before test flying test purposes pus 16-in long loop loops er Before winding make sure about 2 degrees downthrust both props rear prop means shaft actually pointing top fuselage Next put about 150 turns motors Remember wind rear prop motor proper direction Launching little bit tricky because dam lower fin rear prop have found easiest reliable way launch Arrow grasp both spinnersthe front left hand rear right Release front prop first gently push model forward right hand few practice launches will get right Under low power model should descend long powered glide very slight left turn Adjust tail surfaces until get flight path change thrust setting CG point Now begin add about 100 150 turns after successful flight Once get beyond about 500 turns use thrust adjustments get smooth slow climb cruise left followed slow descent also left built adjusted described lam sure will pleased looks flying ability offbeat German fighter scaled up version about 24-in span could have spectacular flight performance would large enough carry additional scale details finish will first try ParaCraft H ux continued page 65 around underneath completely over thc top worlds first ParaCraft loopback wards settled somewhat unceremoniously about five feet trees clear thing needed elevator adjust pitch angle could level pod pull against headwinds clear skill throttle like helicopter pilot evening attached old elevator side rudder re-rigged chute better angle offlight next weekend took Beast flying site show skeptics would really fly After getting through usual What wings Does really fly set Out show guess refresh memory ease model flight because overpowered takeoff did first ParaCraft figure 9 over top chute straight gave camera Leonard Smith asked him record event got figure 9 beautifully Im surc skeptics feeling kind hearted help did wanted watch fool run up down field trying prod unseemly rack wood towing banner air holding pieces together eternal 5 minutes waiting epoxy set appreciated next takeoff careful made myself aware throttle handled care asked what squatting leaning runningduring takeoff Did body English really help explain attempt keep eye delicately poised fuselage could easily blocked view chute next six flights made believers Touch-and-go figure eights hovering climbing altitude proved craft controllable spite its very slow flight unseemly steep angle plenty improvement made prototype veteran problem proved amusing accumula tion grass stones inside chute pockets curtailed some flights until shaken out called Dr Nicolaides tell success achieved after seeing article say admired someone would actually sit ParaCraft during prototype test crack-ups during test would have broken record broken bones Wonder theres record broken props congratulated succeeding photo go asked see some photos craft Since second ParaCraft less attractive decided construct third model would detract beauty chute third version designed break away unit could survive training further test trim strange angle flight something less precarious hope achieve level performance will allow used air shows Its definitely unusual watch show team said wanted Praying Mantis kept away 12 models might eat them1 Wings & Wheels Museum continued page 68 automobile displays parallel aircraft devel opments include such classic pieces World War ambulance 1930 Duesenberg 1934 Packard valued excess $250000 aircraft displays feature first transports used major airlines sister ship Amelia Earharts Lockheed Electra also display along German Heinkel I-I bomber Battle Britain last flying Boeing 247-D worlds first modern airliner Guests also have opportunity experience some sensations flight Fly Theatre special effects motion picture shown giant screen surrounding stereo sound visually transports audience out theatre pilots seat balloons biplanes jets spacecraft film produced Wings Wheels Conoco Inc Sentry Post Theatre shows variety historic films aircraft automobile development attrac tion also houses gallery aviation art large restoration complex research facilities offices Civil Air Patrol Experimental Aircraft Association Wings Wheels located Florida Road South west runway Orlando Interna tional Airport admission $550 adults $275 children 6-12 children under six years age admitted free admission price tax-deductible contribution used operating expenses new exhibits Wings Wheels open daily Visitors should allow least two hours Wings Wheels adventure FF Champs/Haught continued page 21 air some keen competition particularly B Pylon Zippers Alerts Rangers battled out sort Out top five 13 entered No maxed out times good considering 5-minute maxes 25-second run ROG Old-Timer Class events seemed have lowest entry partially due scarcity original engines size Converted glow engines available doesnt seem boost interest class Perhaps some engine builders should take note produce 1 22 Model Aviation DYNATHRUsr PROPS INC GET MORE THRUST FOR YOUR BIGGIE WITH EFFICIENT DURABLE GLASS FILLED PROPS FROM D YNA THRUST Designed conjunction Dave Plan Direct sales prices NOW include shipping 18-618-8 $800 20-820-10 $1000 15-6 $500 16 inchers coming soon 2541 NE 11th Cs Pompano Beach FL 33062 Phone3059419119 DYNATHRUST PROPS INC