As we open the new year, I want to thank those who voted for me in the recent election. Congratulations Andy Argenio of District I, Kris Dixon of District V, and Jim Tiller of District IX who are the new vice presidents. Contact information is available in the masthead of their district columns.
Thank you to Jose Soto and Jim Wallen for their countless hours of effort while they served as the vice president for their respective districts. I also appreciate those members who took the time to vote.
The AMA Executive Council (EC) has appointed Keith Sessions as the new chief financial officer. His numerous years of experience in the financial world will add a great deal of creditability to the organization.
My tenure as president has been focused on the FAA. We hope to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) soon. This is a monumental step in the right direction, but it will not conclude our efforts.
More work is needed to allow us to continue enjoying our hobby within today’s bureaucratic society. Please remember our efforts extend to Congress and the various states that have proposed legislation to limit aeromodeling.
AMA Foundation
The IRS has finally recognized our efforts in the establishment of the AMA Foundation. AMA is now able to provide the necessary avenues to those interested in remembering the Academy in their financial plans and bequests.
The foundation was established to support the ongoing development of aeromodeling through education, promotion, and community-based programming. The mission of the AMA Foundation is to inspire the financial support of aeromodeling, a hobby, sport, and scientific pursuit, a legitimate part of our communities and a necessary component of the full aviation continuum.
Additional information, including new donor programs, giving opportunities, and more, will soon be available.
FAI Changes
The president of the FAI is Antonis Papadopoulos of Greece. Under his leadership, the FAI is reviewing its current world championship program. The leadership is beginning to understand the need to sunset classes of little participation outside of Europe. The entire world should not be responsible for financing activities popular only in the European countries.
AMA has long recognized the necessity of revitalizing the FAI program. We look forward to the progress. Hopefully, AMA competitors will understand the need to focus on the neophytes and introduce them to world-class competition.
AMA Headquarters Updates
AMA’s Headquarters staff is in the process of updating its computer system. Throughout this year, you will find many new enhancements that will allow better service to our members. The AMA website is under constant revision with the goal of making it easier and more enjoyable to use.
A wealth of information is in the system and it is certainly a benefit of your membership. We are finding ways to make it easily obtainable. Our new online sanctioning process became available in early November 2013. Additions to this are already being planned.
The Model Aviation staff has provided a well-received magazine, based on the positive response by a majority of AMA members. You now have the opportunity to obtain a digital version of the magazine, along with its enhancements.
Park Pilot will soon see a change in its style and content. Keeping our membership informed is of utmost importance.
The National Model Aviation Museum continues to enhance its collection. Those who have the opportunity to visit the venue are pleased. Unfortunately, a large portion of the membership has not had the opportunity to do so. To remedy this, the staff is creating a virtual museum that can be experienced from any location in the world.
National Model Aviation Day generated donations exceeding $75,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project. August 16, 2014, is the date for this year’s event and the Wounded Warrior Project will again be the recipient of the proceeds. Thank you to all of the clubs and members who participated.