To say that I lost my shirt at the Weak Signals auction in Toledo, Ohio, would be true. Those who attended recognized the need for the newly formed AMA Foundation, and bid on several items that were donated to the AMA. One of the items, my shirt, netted more than $200 for the cause.
Why are we creating the foundation? The reason is to ensure the AMA’s longevity without placing additional costs on the individual members.
You will be seeing more information about how you can help. One easy way is to include the AMA in your estate planning.
One of the most enjoyable experiences I have as AMA president is presenting scholarships to deserving AMA members who wish to further their education. While at the Toledo R/C Expo, I surprised Eric Gilkey with a $6,000 Charles H. Grant Scholarship and the $1,000 Weak Signals RC Club Scholarship.
This outstanding young man’s academic credentials are certainly deserving of the scholarship.
The FAI Aeromodeling Commission (CIAM) holds its annual meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland. In recent years, FAI President Antonis Papadopoulos has provided positive leadership that hopefully will allow the FAI to contend with our present and future needs. The membership is realizing that additional activities are needed outside the world of international competition.
The manufacturers of Jeti and Weatronic radios made an interesting presentation pertaining to the use of gyros and stabilizing equipment in competition. It was obvious that the audience was divided in its enthusiasm toward such equipment. The next few years will be exciting and interesting with advancements in radio technology.
For several years the FAI has been demanding sound reduction. We all respect the need for this, but somewhat resent the dictatorial edicts that were offered. This year, through intelligent negotiations, the noise issues involving Control Line were to some extent resolved. My gratitude is expressed to all who were involved.
Progressive FAI activity was illustrated by the creation of a working group focused on the inclusion of FPV and sUAS activity. Most in attendance felt this was necessary to ensure the future of FAI.
While at the meeting, I also accepted the World Cup gold medals for Aleksander Andriukov (F1B) and Taron Malkhasyan (F1P). Congratulations to these competitors for a great effort.
Have you ever tried RC aerotow? If not, put it on your to-do list because it’s a lot of enjoyment. My wife and I attended the Lancaster Area Soaring Society’s Susquehanna Aerotow in Manheim, Pennsylvania.
The friendship and assistance offered by the hosts was tremendous. Thanks to those involved, we had a ball!