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[headline: AMA Membership reaches record numbers]
Great news! As I write this in October, the Academy of Model Aeronautics now has 175,865 members. This surpasses 2002 when the membership was 173,420. We owe everyone involved a great deal of gratitude. We are a super team!
The AMA is waiting for the FAA to review and categorize the large number of comments that were generated by members of the Academy toward the interpretative rule. I hope the FAA’s response will not take an excessive amount of time.
As you can imagine, this effort has and will continue to consume a lot of money. If you haven’t made a donation with your 2015 renewal, please consider doing so. The monies generated will certainly allow us to extend our efforts.
You might also consider donating to the AMA Foundation. Mandee Mikulski will gladly answer any of your questions. Why not contact her at (800) 435-9262, ext. 277, or email [email protected]?
The month of September allowed me to see a large portion of the US because events in Maine, Colorado, and Texas were on my schedule. District I Associate Vice President Raymond LaBonte and crew in Sanford, Maine, generated the first event: the Maine Jet Rally and Model Expo. District I Vice President Andy Argenio, AMA Executive Director Dave Mathewson, AMA Flying Site Coordinator Tony Stillman, and several others represented AMA.
Matt Chapman was the feature in the full-scale airshow. This event allowed spectators to enjoy Control Line, RC helicopters, micro flight, car racing, jet models, and the AMA Education Trailer.
Next on the schedule was enthusiastic attendance at Warbirds Over the Rockies in Arvada, Colorado. Mother Nature generated snow on Friday morning and a beautiful 84° day on Saturday … what a change!
District IX Vice President Jim Tiller, Mandee Mikulski, and I were happy to meet those enjoying the event and the noontime airshow. The event CDs, Brian O’Meara and Jim Manley, provided the impetus for the Arvada Associated Modelers to host this super event.
Saturday evening’s banquet was held at the Wings Air and Space Museum in Denver. This venue provided a super backdrop for a great dinner and then an auction which raised thousands of dollars for Mental Health America of Colorado. If you are into warbirds, this is a must for your next year’s schedule.
AMA Vice President Mark Johnston hosted the District VIII Celebration of Flight Memorial that was produced by the Tri City Flyers and held just outside of Seguin, Texas, at the Old Kingsbury Aerodrome. The AMA membership meeting was highlighted by discussion with AMA Safety and Member Benefits Director Ilona Maine, Director of Public Relations & Government Affairs Rich Hanson, and Dave Mathewson.
At the conclusion of the meeting Ritch’s Raiders BBQ Team served an enjoyable Texas barbecue. The festivities were highlighted by the induction of Jim Rice into the Academy of Model Aeronautics Hall of Fame. Needless to say, Jim was a humble and very deserving recipient.
The AMA Expo will again be held at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, California. The three-day event will be held January 9-11, 2015. Additional information can be obtained from the Expo website at I hope to see you there!
I wish you enjoyment during the upcoming holiday season. May the gifts you receive be focused toward the fun of model aviation!