Now 1984 winners circle Loctite Trophy Race Invitational held attne umeveiana aiionai AIrsnow L-H Uua Barper Jr 4th Bob Buzash 1st Bernie Oldenburgh event director Tony Izzi assistant director Gary Villard 3rd Paul Soha 2nd Photo Pete Seabase Quarter Scale Racing U Four4troke Racing 12 Cu four-stroke engine putting new life Quarter Scale RC Pylon Racing author says Flying qualities 1/4-size Formula models nice before sound isso much pleasing both fliers spectators U Bernie Oldenburgh TIRED OF BURNING HOLES sky practicing day after day Pattern meet Would like some excitement flying dont have time get involved high-tech racing things true read think will interested what am about tell Four-Stroke Racing event has set up Quarter Scale models standoff-scale appearance rules structured make models fly close possible same speed read article August 1983 Model Aviation may remember reasons Quarter Scale Pylon Racing started 1 To promote racing fun mind 2 use appealing aircraft prototype 3 To quiet testing practicing club field can done causing problems neighbors feel have found key ingredient required accomplish tasks fourstroke engines knew already right kind aircraft previous racing experi ences major problem noise level No matter what tried twocycle engines kept being too loud/irritating 74 Model Aviation Bob Buzash Midget Mustang Pink Panther Bob 1984 high point winner well first-place finisher Loctite Trophy Race Pink Panther poweredbyanEnya61butthlsyearthel 2 cu four-stroke engines will take over Paul Soha second-piace winner Paul president Quarter Scale Pylon Racing Association Seabase photo noise-abatement tech mques tried event originators man key part getting Hansen Manufacturing Co back us Lynn Engdahl Because Lynn kind guy likes try new things also interested FAI Turnaround Pattern fly ing knew 12 four-cycle engines being allowed RC Pattern both AMA FAI same class 61 two-cycle engines can still hear uproar group Lynn sug gested idea letting 12 four-cycles compete 61 two-cycles 1984 season Most against idea must admit time Lynn persisted group tually approved use 12 four-strokes 1984 Lynn promptly started setting up plane four-stroker due business personal commitments unable enter race until second last season Unfortu nately just before race Lynn began having radio problems unable compete end day solved problems after racing over showed us four-stroker did indeed work demonstration sufficiently impressive president Paul Soha secretary Pete Seabase vowed put four-strokers models before last race season Paul showed up Enya 12 scratch-built Swee Pea Pete Saito 12 9-lb 10-az Cosmic Wind After first round planes ready line sounded like bunch busy beeseveryone looking talking about great flew nice quiet sounded course didnt hurt two four-strokers won heats did win heats Pete Cosmic Wind/Saito barely nudged out first place day Chris Abate two-stroker fast heat time 001 sec faster Petes Paul Soha Swee Pea/Enya combina tion won three heats unfortunate midair collision Mr Quarter Scale Racing Gary Villard put damper Pauls otherwise fantastic first four-stroker racing day Over winter months hours work deliberation have gone pro ducing new rules 1985 season major sponsor 1984 Loctite Corpora tion has seen potential event 1985 Loctite sponsoring new event have encouragedus offer nation will proposing RC Racing Contest Board adopt new rules AMA system earliest opportunity interested starting Quarter Scale Pylon Racing Association QSPRA districts will supply rules regulations district requirements Send selfaddressed stamped envelope secre tary Paul Seabase 1800 26th St Cuya hoga Falls OH 44223 Signal Guard blocks random noise off-frequency signals can cause loss control air land RO models Signal Guard responds sig nals its own precisely tuned fre quency ignoring static noise craft itself Plus additional amplification allows control operators visual limit want spend time flying less time money repairing crashed model Signal Guard answer Call toll-free 1-800-468-8215 order Signal Guard TM major credit card send $9795 check money order I-U ox 30179 Portland OR 97230 Oregon call collect 503-257-0912 90 day warranty cted dealerships available several kit models now qualifr QSPRA racing Two new ones Midget Mustang Swee Pea manufactured Northeast Ohio Model Supply Co new rule book provides outline parameters specifications other aircraft anyone wants scratch-build culmination year Quarter Scale Racing activity Loctite Series High Point Champion Trophy earn enough season points invitation Cleveland National Airshow compete Loctite Series Trophies time article readers hands half racing season will finished area July August behalf QSPRA President Paul Soha officers commit tee members invite look us up come Cleveland National Airshow see finals 1985 QSPRA Race Season June 2 Goodyear Air Expo Talmadge OH June 23 CRCC Cleveland OH July 14 MARCS Mentor OH August 11 LRCC Lorain OH Aug 31 Sept 1 & 2 Cleveland National Airshow Cleveland OH August 198575
Edition: Model Aviation - 1985/08
Page Numbers: 74, 75
Now 1984 winners circle Loctite Trophy Race Invitational held attne umeveiana aiionai AIrsnow L-H Uua Barper Jr 4th Bob Buzash 1st Bernie Oldenburgh event director Tony Izzi assistant director Gary Villard 3rd Paul Soha 2nd Photo Pete Seabase Quarter Scale Racing U Four4troke Racing 12 Cu four-stroke engine putting new life Quarter Scale RC Pylon Racing author says Flying qualities 1/4-size Formula models nice before sound isso much pleasing both fliers spectators U Bernie Oldenburgh TIRED OF BURNING HOLES sky practicing day after day Pattern meet Would like some excitement flying dont have time get involved high-tech racing things true read think will interested what am about tell Four-Stroke Racing event has set up Quarter Scale models standoff-scale appearance rules structured make models fly close possible same speed read article August 1983 Model Aviation may remember reasons Quarter Scale Pylon Racing started 1 To promote racing fun mind 2 use appealing aircraft prototype 3 To quiet testing practicing club field can done causing problems neighbors feel have found key ingredient required accomplish tasks fourstroke engines knew already right kind aircraft previous racing experi ences major problem noise level No matter what tried twocycle engines kept being too loud/irritating 74 Model Aviation Bob Buzash Midget Mustang Pink Panther Bob 1984 high point winner well first-place finisher Loctite Trophy Race Pink Panther poweredbyanEnya61butthlsyearthel 2 cu four-stroke engines will take over Paul Soha second-piace winner Paul president Quarter Scale Pylon Racing Association Seabase photo noise-abatement tech mques tried event originators man key part getting Hansen Manufacturing Co back us Lynn Engdahl Because Lynn kind guy likes try new things also interested FAI Turnaround Pattern fly ing knew 12 four-cycle engines being allowed RC Pattern both AMA FAI same class 61 two-cycle engines can still hear uproar group Lynn sug gested idea letting 12 four-cycles compete 61 two-cycles 1984 season Most against idea must admit time Lynn persisted group tually approved use 12 four-strokes 1984 Lynn promptly started setting up plane four-stroker due business personal commitments unable enter race until second last season Unfortu nately just before race Lynn began having radio problems unable compete end day solved problems after racing over showed us four-stroker did indeed work demonstration sufficiently impressive president Paul Soha secretary Pete Seabase vowed put four-strokers models before last race season Paul showed up Enya 12 scratch-built Swee Pea Pete Saito 12 9-lb 10-az Cosmic Wind After first round planes ready line sounded like bunch busy beeseveryone looking talking about great flew nice quiet sounded course didnt hurt two four-strokers won heats did win heats Pete Cosmic Wind/Saito barely nudged out first place day Chris Abate two-stroker fast heat time 001 sec faster Petes Paul Soha Swee Pea/Enya combina tion won three heats unfortunate midair collision Mr Quarter Scale Racing Gary Villard put damper Pauls otherwise fantastic first four-stroker racing day Over winter months hours work deliberation have gone pro ducing new rules 1985 season major sponsor 1984 Loctite Corpora tion has seen potential event 1985 Loctite sponsoring new event have encouragedus offer nation will proposing RC Racing Contest Board adopt new rules AMA system earliest opportunity interested starting Quarter Scale Pylon Racing Association QSPRA districts will supply rules regulations district requirements Send selfaddressed stamped envelope secre tary Paul Seabase 1800 26th St Cuya hoga Falls OH 44223 Signal Guard blocks random noise off-frequency signals can cause loss control air land RO models Signal Guard responds sig nals its own precisely tuned fre quency ignoring static noise craft itself Plus additional amplification allows control operators visual limit want spend time flying less time money repairing crashed model Signal Guard answer Call toll-free 1-800-468-8215 order Signal Guard TM major credit card send $9795 check money order I-U ox 30179 Portland OR 97230 Oregon call collect 503-257-0912 90 day warranty cted dealerships available several kit models now qualifr QSPRA racing Two new ones Midget Mustang Swee Pea manufactured Northeast Ohio Model Supply Co new rule book provides outline parameters specifications other aircraft anyone wants scratch-build culmination year Quarter Scale Racing activity Loctite Series High Point Champion Trophy earn enough season points invitation Cleveland National Airshow compete Loctite Series Trophies time article readers hands half racing season will finished area July August behalf QSPRA President Paul Soha officers commit tee members invite look us up come Cleveland National Airshow see finals 1985 QSPRA Race Season June 2 Goodyear Air Expo Talmadge OH June 23 CRCC Cleveland OH July 14 MARCS Mentor OH August 11 LRCC Lorain OH Aug 31 Sept 1 & 2 Cleveland National Airshow Cleveland OH August 198575