RADIO CONTROL AEROBATICS PHOTOGRAPHS important part column columns magazine shoot good ones see pages myself simply because too few suitable photos arrive average month other sources As Model Aviation writers almost writers other magazines field expected provide visual content own columns three six photos month colleagues employ similar strategy can lead common problem call localitis photos seem writers region country Naturally outbreak deadly dull journalistic inilanmiation occurs readers other regions find irritating problem persists long enough almost everyone including writer long-suffering editor finds boring obvious cure disease find beg borrow steal liberate otherwise procure suitable modeling photographs other areas country isnt easy sounds First astonishingly few people bother send photos assume because unsure exactly what formats acceptable send shots what take pictures have assume because other possible answer apathya condition few cures known basic requirements broad good sharp glossy print will either color black-and-white Any reasonable size print acceptable other words what comes out usual drugstore processing envelope just fine Negatives needed content composition photo little trickier Model Aviation photo policy present hobby dynamically possible Action shots type preferred over static shots model airplanes people holding standing kneeling model airplanes people holding standing kneeling model-airplane trophies MA Managing Editor Jim Haught has known refer former last two types grip-and-grin latter Statue Liberty shots have no idea what calls photos license plates am willing bet predecessor position knows photographs like above often used because illustrate some particular editorial content subject striking rest arent highly prized action shots rightfully Part Model Aviation mission showcase modeling public showing hobby action fun sticking out over presents its very best action-photograph editorial preference just little odds usual photo shoot receive publication obvious reason Posed photographs shots models standing still much easier compose shoot us arent professional photographers definitely includes must few long-lens-owning modelers among us would like take action thing challenge run would love use work us average photography skills equipment like candid shots real people actually engaged real activities real models great Ill ship suitable get magazine Once MA staff has final say what printed almost everything makes past initial filter used send pictures easy address top column header issue Use cardboard floppy disk mailer protect photos travel through mail several dos don ts Please dont write backs photos can render unsuitable reproduction Use stick-on note peel-off label use small label number photograph write caption separate sheet have sent shots werent used most-common reason rejection Please provide caption complete information about photo sure include what can usually figure out Please turn off date-stamping feature camera equipped second-most-common reason using good photo Thats except good news Besides caption credit Model Aviation will actually pay photos used rate $5 per shot money few known cures apathy Payment publication usually means sometime close get magazine aware three-month publication lag instance am writing July November issue will see late September Several new products possible use Aerobatics pilots have surfaced mailbox late Ron Chidgey Gator RC Products comes Feather-Lite Servo Lead Tubes 9A6 ID 36-inch-long glueable paper tubes designed routing servo cables through foam built-up wings weigh six grams per tube have ever tried fish long servo lead through large wing panel probably have idea useful simple item can cost $995 per package eight November 1996 83 Does anyone know guy Former AMA president Don Lowe wheels big Extra 300 Joe Nail Fly-In past May Keith Watson Marietta GA Senior Pattern Association grippin grinnin nicely done New Orleanean tubes available direct Gator RC 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 Tel 904 494-0203 have flying RC Aerobatics length time have no doubt heard Zurich USA R/C Sunglasses wraparound polycarbonate glasses may worn alone over prescription eyeglasses special coatings used block 981% UV-A 100% UV-B light both solid single-gradient tints available variety colors Zurichs also function safety glasses tests have proven polycarbonate base material strong enough stop 22 bullet should make strong enough stop thrown prop spinner new product Zurich USA orange-tinted lens material designed enhance contrast low-light situations such cloudy overcast days near-twilight conditions should just ticket up sometimes cloudy Pacific Northwest pair mail right now price $49 plus $4 shipping handling available direct Newman Optics 5083 Ridgedale Dr Ogden JPX/BVM #1 turbine techno1ogy performance service Heres JPXs new T-260P 3rd generation turbine engine benefits thousands flights 5 years production experience New designs compressor shaft turbine wheel combustor few reasons engine years ahead competition liquid propane fuel reliable safe clean BVM engineers designed complimentary installation package T-260P assures right amount air directed engine also supplies lots air cooling mixing hot exhaust gases thereby producing boost thrust BVM By-Pass System available new T-33 F-80 Bandit kits can also adapted other suitable models Factory trained personnel BVM equipped super precision machinery parts keep JPX T-260P turbine investment running years come makes sense go Team Experience JPX/BVM WMWU 170 SR 419 er Springs FL 32708 USA TEL 407-327-6333 407-327-5020 84 Model Aviation * Introducing EDR- 106 ro Servo 2everser rn ~EDR1O6 Plq Pe Seve Reveise late petit Rs WewI Petite dead U No messy adjustments Microprocessor accurate neutral II No Jitter 3 No Drift Neutral Shifts temperature changes U Fuciproof Jibration proof Encapsulated space-age epa Darren Bowman Vancouver Britsh Columbia tachs Meridian Post Falls Idaho contest Carbonfiberay-Pass mounhinghard ware UT 84403 call Boyd Newman 801 4761177 Last list soon first hearts servos little jewel voltage regulator JACCIO Products First some background During last several years competition modelers have switched fivecell Ni-Cd battery flight packs increase servo speed torque impressive packs can several problems well pack fully charged first flight session servos can seeing well over seven volts instead nominal six can enhance tendency might have buzz around neutralwhich puts premature wear servo pot Worse pot-wear problem As battery voltage drops during subsequent flights servo transit time torque drop well causing definite difference control feel flight next doesnt enhance anyones ability perform precision aerobatics JACCIO Regulator designed stop providing constant output voltage receiver servos spite varying battery input-voltage level addition providing consistent servo speed torque through battery discharge cycle improving servo life JACCIO unit also lowers battery current drain Developed Jim Oddino unit tiny just inch half long weighs eight grams Universal connectors provided allow unit used as-is either JR Futaba radio systems Input voltage can vary 59 15 volts output nominal 57 volts output currents up 5 amps plug play piece can installed radio system minutes Ive operating two units own models past month Im impressed Ive ever new product item really works difference palpable price $3495 regulator available JACCIO Products 23233 Saticoy St #105 Suite 175 West Hills CA 91304 Tel 818 716-0310 orfromavariety hobby dealers around country gned Rich Uravitch um formed canopy & cowl ine & die-cat parts Wingopan 52 Length 52 Wing Area 533 Sq Engine 2 25-25 Radie required $9999 Combo 2 Thunder Tiger 25GP $19999 OR 2 Geared 05 Electric $17499 Sukhoi Nick Ziroli Sr ALL ATTITUDE AIRCRAFT III Model Specifications. wing Span 56 Inches Wing Area 525 Sq InAdd $600 S&H weight 4 3/4 5 1/4 IbaMann Renidents add Recommended Radio Four ChannelTax $475 Recommended Engine 45-SO F S /40 T S LINCK MODELS 141 Moulton Hill Road Monson MA 01057 413 267-9545 E-Mail MrLinck@aolcom November 1996 85 um5uuuynlurruravltbii vdLuu1111u111wu bOhIU~ UUVfl machine & die-cut purto Wingspan tO 29 Engine 15-25 Radio t9t-33413 Add St Shipyig 0 HanoI og o soolect rrange Ary Time ed iiiiSfkDII Experience excitement flying true 40 size aerobatic purebred market! new Chips Akro II great flying airplane. does anything pilot capable doing sets rap beautifully slide three point Brad Shep herd Kit Features Pre-Cut Machined Balsa & Lite Ply Part j Built Up Balsa & Lite Ply Construction Sheets Full-Size Rolled Plans / Extenoive Hardware Package __ r l TRAINER 60 ACROBATIC ANIMALCOMBAT3O r / ATT~N BASIC & INTERMEDIATE $ 1 2900DLX $9900 STO $5999$ 1 2$1 1 900 ALL KITS FEATURE GEL COATED BULLETPROOF MODELS INCVIDEO $1 295 FIBERGLASS FUSELAGES AND 9 N MILITARYTRAILVISA MD / AM EX FOAM CORE WINGS EASY ANDWEST PALM BEACH FL 33409CHECK DR MONEY ORDER WUICK TO BUILD GENTLE TO FLY561-659-7664 0-585-6036FL RES ADD 6% SALES TAX
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 83, 84, 85
RADIO CONTROL AEROBATICS PHOTOGRAPHS important part column columns magazine shoot good ones see pages myself simply because too few suitable photos arrive average month other sources As Model Aviation writers almost writers other magazines field expected provide visual content own columns three six photos month colleagues employ similar strategy can lead common problem call localitis photos seem writers region country Naturally outbreak deadly dull journalistic inilanmiation occurs readers other regions find irritating problem persists long enough almost everyone including writer long-suffering editor finds boring obvious cure disease find beg borrow steal liberate otherwise procure suitable modeling photographs other areas country isnt easy sounds First astonishingly few people bother send photos assume because unsure exactly what formats acceptable send shots what take pictures have assume because other possible answer apathya condition few cures known basic requirements broad good sharp glossy print will either color black-and-white Any reasonable size print acceptable other words what comes out usual drugstore processing envelope just fine Negatives needed content composition photo little trickier Model Aviation photo policy present hobby dynamically possible Action shots type preferred over static shots model airplanes people holding standing kneeling model airplanes people holding standing kneeling model-airplane trophies MA Managing Editor Jim Haught has known refer former last two types grip-and-grin latter Statue Liberty shots have no idea what calls photos license plates am willing bet predecessor position knows photographs like above often used because illustrate some particular editorial content subject striking rest arent highly prized action shots rightfully Part Model Aviation mission showcase modeling public showing hobby action fun sticking out over presents its very best action-photograph editorial preference just little odds usual photo shoot receive publication obvious reason Posed photographs shots models standing still much easier compose shoot us arent professional photographers definitely includes must few long-lens-owning modelers among us would like take action thing challenge run would love use work us average photography skills equipment like candid shots real people actually engaged real activities real models great Ill ship suitable get magazine Once MA staff has final say what printed almost everything makes past initial filter used send pictures easy address top column header issue Use cardboard floppy disk mailer protect photos travel through mail several dos don ts Please dont write backs photos can render unsuitable reproduction Use stick-on note peel-off label use small label number photograph write caption separate sheet have sent shots werent used most-common reason rejection Please provide caption complete information about photo sure include what can usually figure out Please turn off date-stamping feature camera equipped second-most-common reason using good photo Thats except good news Besides caption credit Model Aviation will actually pay photos used rate $5 per shot money few known cures apathy Payment publication usually means sometime close get magazine aware three-month publication lag instance am writing July November issue will see late September Several new products possible use Aerobatics pilots have surfaced mailbox late Ron Chidgey Gator RC Products comes Feather-Lite Servo Lead Tubes 9A6 ID 36-inch-long glueable paper tubes designed routing servo cables through foam built-up wings weigh six grams per tube have ever tried fish long servo lead through large wing panel probably have idea useful simple item can cost $995 per package eight November 1996 83 Does anyone know guy Former AMA president Don Lowe wheels big Extra 300 Joe Nail Fly-In past May Keith Watson Marietta GA Senior Pattern Association grippin grinnin nicely done New Orleanean tubes available direct Gator RC 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 Tel 904 494-0203 have flying RC Aerobatics length time have no doubt heard Zurich USA R/C Sunglasses wraparound polycarbonate glasses may worn alone over prescription eyeglasses special coatings used block 981% UV-A 100% UV-B light both solid single-gradient tints available variety colors Zurichs also function safety glasses tests have proven polycarbonate base material strong enough stop 22 bullet should make strong enough stop thrown prop spinner new product Zurich USA orange-tinted lens material designed enhance contrast low-light situations such cloudy overcast days near-twilight conditions should just ticket up sometimes cloudy Pacific Northwest pair mail right now price $49 plus $4 shipping handling available direct Newman Optics 5083 Ridgedale Dr Ogden JPX/BVM #1 turbine techno1ogy performance service Heres JPXs new T-260P 3rd generation turbine engine benefits thousands flights 5 years production experience New designs compressor shaft turbine wheel combustor few reasons engine years ahead competition liquid propane fuel reliable safe clean BVM engineers designed complimentary installation package T-260P assures right amount air directed engine also supplies lots air cooling mixing hot exhaust gases thereby producing boost thrust BVM By-Pass System available new T-33 F-80 Bandit kits can also adapted other suitable models Factory trained personnel BVM equipped super precision machinery parts keep JPX T-260P turbine investment running years come makes sense go Team Experience JPX/BVM WMWU 170 SR 419 er Springs FL 32708 USA TEL 407-327-6333 407-327-5020 84 Model Aviation * Introducing EDR- 106 ro Servo 2everser rn ~EDR1O6 Plq Pe Seve Reveise late petit Rs WewI Petite dead U No messy adjustments Microprocessor accurate neutral II No Jitter 3 No Drift Neutral Shifts temperature changes U Fuciproof Jibration proof Encapsulated space-age epa Darren Bowman Vancouver Britsh Columbia tachs Meridian Post Falls Idaho contest Carbonfiberay-Pass mounhinghard ware UT 84403 call Boyd Newman 801 4761177 Last list soon first hearts servos little jewel voltage regulator JACCIO Products First some background During last several years competition modelers have switched fivecell Ni-Cd battery flight packs increase servo speed torque impressive packs can several problems well pack fully charged first flight session servos can seeing well over seven volts instead nominal six can enhance tendency might have buzz around neutralwhich puts premature wear servo pot Worse pot-wear problem As battery voltage drops during subsequent flights servo transit time torque drop well causing definite difference control feel flight next doesnt enhance anyones ability perform precision aerobatics JACCIO Regulator designed stop providing constant output voltage receiver servos spite varying battery input-voltage level addition providing consistent servo speed torque through battery discharge cycle improving servo life JACCIO unit also lowers battery current drain Developed Jim Oddino unit tiny just inch half long weighs eight grams Universal connectors provided allow unit used as-is either JR Futaba radio systems Input voltage can vary 59 15 volts output nominal 57 volts output currents up 5 amps plug play piece can installed radio system minutes Ive operating two units own models past month Im impressed Ive ever new product item really works difference palpable price $3495 regulator available JACCIO Products 23233 Saticoy St #105 Suite 175 West Hills CA 91304 Tel 818 716-0310 orfromavariety hobby dealers around country gned Rich Uravitch um formed canopy & cowl ine & die-cat parts Wingopan 52 Length 52 Wing Area 533 Sq Engine 2 25-25 Radie required $9999 Combo 2 Thunder Tiger 25GP $19999 OR 2 Geared 05 Electric $17499 Sukhoi Nick Ziroli Sr ALL ATTITUDE AIRCRAFT III Model Specifications. wing Span 56 Inches Wing Area 525 Sq InAdd $600 S&H weight 4 3/4 5 1/4 IbaMann Renidents add Recommended Radio Four ChannelTax $475 Recommended Engine 45-SO F S /40 T S LINCK MODELS 141 Moulton Hill Road Monson MA 01057 413 267-9545 E-Mail MrLinck@aolcom November 1996 85 um5uuuynlurruravltbii vdLuu1111u111wu bOhIU~ UUVfl machine & die-cut purto Wingspan tO 29 Engine 15-25 Radio t9t-33413 Add St Shipyig 0 HanoI og o soolect rrange Ary Time ed iiiiSfkDII Experience excitement flying true 40 size aerobatic purebred market! new Chips Akro II great flying airplane. does anything pilot capable doing sets rap beautifully slide three point Brad Shep herd Kit Features Pre-Cut Machined Balsa & Lite Ply Part j Built Up Balsa & Lite Ply Construction Sheets Full-Size Rolled Plans / Extenoive Hardware Package __ r l TRAINER 60 ACROBATIC ANIMALCOMBAT3O r / ATT~N BASIC & INTERMEDIATE $ 1 2900DLX $9900 STO $5999$ 1 2$1 1 900 ALL KITS FEATURE GEL COATED BULLETPROOF MODELS INCVIDEO $1 295 FIBERGLASS FUSELAGES AND 9 N MILITARYTRAILVISA MD / AM EX FOAM CORE WINGS EASY ANDWEST PALM BEACH FL 33409CHECK DR MONEY ORDER WUICK TO BUILD GENTLE TO FLY561-659-7664 0-585-6036FL RES ADD 6% SALES TAX
Edition: Model Aviation - 1996/11
Page Numbers: 83, 84, 85
RADIO CONTROL AEROBATICS PHOTOGRAPHS important part column columns magazine shoot good ones see pages myself simply because too few suitable photos arrive average month other sources As Model Aviation writers almost writers other magazines field expected provide visual content own columns three six photos month colleagues employ similar strategy can lead common problem call localitis photos seem writers region country Naturally outbreak deadly dull journalistic inilanmiation occurs readers other regions find irritating problem persists long enough almost everyone including writer long-suffering editor finds boring obvious cure disease find beg borrow steal liberate otherwise procure suitable modeling photographs other areas country isnt easy sounds First astonishingly few people bother send photos assume because unsure exactly what formats acceptable send shots what take pictures have assume because other possible answer apathya condition few cures known basic requirements broad good sharp glossy print will either color black-and-white Any reasonable size print acceptable other words what comes out usual drugstore processing envelope just fine Negatives needed content composition photo little trickier Model Aviation photo policy present hobby dynamically possible Action shots type preferred over static shots model airplanes people holding standing kneeling model airplanes people holding standing kneeling model-airplane trophies MA Managing Editor Jim Haught has known refer former last two types grip-and-grin latter Statue Liberty shots have no idea what calls photos license plates am willing bet predecessor position knows photographs like above often used because illustrate some particular editorial content subject striking rest arent highly prized action shots rightfully Part Model Aviation mission showcase modeling public showing hobby action fun sticking out over presents its very best action-photograph editorial preference just little odds usual photo shoot receive publication obvious reason Posed photographs shots models standing still much easier compose shoot us arent professional photographers definitely includes must few long-lens-owning modelers among us would like take action thing challenge run would love use work us average photography skills equipment like candid shots real people actually engaged real activities real models great Ill ship suitable get magazine Once MA staff has final say what printed almost everything makes past initial filter used send pictures easy address top column header issue Use cardboard floppy disk mailer protect photos travel through mail several dos don ts Please dont write backs photos can render unsuitable reproduction Use stick-on note peel-off label use small label number photograph write caption separate sheet have sent shots werent used most-common reason rejection Please provide caption complete information about photo sure include what can usually figure out Please turn off date-stamping feature camera equipped second-most-common reason using good photo Thats except good news Besides caption credit Model Aviation will actually pay photos used rate $5 per shot money few known cures apathy Payment publication usually means sometime close get magazine aware three-month publication lag instance am writing July November issue will see late September Several new products possible use Aerobatics pilots have surfaced mailbox late Ron Chidgey Gator RC Products comes Feather-Lite Servo Lead Tubes 9A6 ID 36-inch-long glueable paper tubes designed routing servo cables through foam built-up wings weigh six grams per tube have ever tried fish long servo lead through large wing panel probably have idea useful simple item can cost $995 per package eight November 1996 83 Does anyone know guy Former AMA president Don Lowe wheels big Extra 300 Joe Nail Fly-In past May Keith Watson Marietta GA Senior Pattern Association grippin grinnin nicely done New Orleanean tubes available direct Gator RC 3713 Pompano Dr Pensacola FL 32514 Tel 904 494-0203 have flying RC Aerobatics length time have no doubt heard Zurich USA R/C Sunglasses wraparound polycarbonate glasses may worn alone over prescription eyeglasses special coatings used block 981% UV-A 100% UV-B light both solid single-gradient tints available variety colors Zurichs also function safety glasses tests have proven polycarbonate base material strong enough stop 22 bullet should make strong enough stop thrown prop spinner new product Zurich USA orange-tinted lens material designed enhance contrast low-light situations such cloudy overcast days near-twilight conditions should just ticket up sometimes cloudy Pacific Northwest pair mail right now price $49 plus $4 shipping handling available direct Newman Optics 5083 Ridgedale Dr Ogden JPX/BVM #1 turbine techno1ogy performance service Heres JPXs new T-260P 3rd generation turbine engine benefits thousands flights 5 years production experience New designs compressor shaft turbine wheel combustor few reasons engine years ahead competition liquid propane fuel reliable safe clean BVM engineers designed complimentary installation package T-260P assures right amount air directed engine also supplies lots air cooling mixing hot exhaust gases thereby producing boost thrust BVM By-Pass System available new T-33 F-80 Bandit kits can also adapted other suitable models Factory trained personnel BVM equipped super precision machinery parts keep JPX T-260P turbine investment running years come makes sense go Team Experience JPX/BVM WMWU 170 SR 419 er Springs FL 32708 USA TEL 407-327-6333 407-327-5020 84 Model Aviation * Introducing EDR- 106 ro Servo 2everser rn ~EDR1O6 Plq Pe Seve Reveise late petit Rs WewI Petite dead U No messy adjustments Microprocessor accurate neutral II No Jitter 3 No Drift Neutral Shifts temperature changes U Fuciproof Jibration proof Encapsulated space-age epa Darren Bowman Vancouver Britsh Columbia tachs Meridian Post Falls Idaho contest Carbonfiberay-Pass mounhinghard ware UT 84403 call Boyd Newman 801 4761177 Last list soon first hearts servos little jewel voltage regulator JACCIO Products First some background During last several years competition modelers have switched fivecell Ni-Cd battery flight packs increase servo speed torque impressive packs can several problems well pack fully charged first flight session servos can seeing well over seven volts instead nominal six can enhance tendency might have buzz around neutralwhich puts premature wear servo pot Worse pot-wear problem As battery voltage drops during subsequent flights servo transit time torque drop well causing definite difference control feel flight next doesnt enhance anyones ability perform precision aerobatics JACCIO Regulator designed stop providing constant output voltage receiver servos spite varying battery input-voltage level addition providing consistent servo speed torque through battery discharge cycle improving servo life JACCIO unit also lowers battery current drain Developed Jim Oddino unit tiny just inch half long weighs eight grams Universal connectors provided allow unit used as-is either JR Futaba radio systems Input voltage can vary 59 15 volts output nominal 57 volts output currents up 5 amps plug play piece can installed radio system minutes Ive operating two units own models past month Im impressed Ive ever new product item really works difference palpable price $3495 regulator available JACCIO Products 23233 Saticoy St #105 Suite 175 West Hills CA 91304 Tel 818 716-0310 orfromavariety hobby dealers around country gned Rich Uravitch um formed canopy & cowl ine & die-cat parts Wingopan 52 Length 52 Wing Area 533 Sq Engine 2 25-25 Radie required $9999 Combo 2 Thunder Tiger 25GP $19999 OR 2 Geared 05 Electric $17499 Sukhoi Nick Ziroli Sr ALL ATTITUDE AIRCRAFT III Model Specifications. wing Span 56 Inches Wing Area 525 Sq InAdd $600 S&H weight 4 3/4 5 1/4 IbaMann Renidents add Recommended Radio Four ChannelTax $475 Recommended Engine 45-SO F S /40 T S LINCK MODELS 141 Moulton Hill Road Monson MA 01057 413 267-9545 E-Mail MrLinck@aolcom November 1996 85 um5uuuynlurruravltbii vdLuu1111u111wu bOhIU~ UUVfl machine & die-cut purto Wingspan tO 29 Engine 15-25 Radio t9t-33413 Add St Shipyig 0 HanoI og o soolect rrange Ary Time ed iiiiSfkDII Experience excitement flying true 40 size aerobatic purebred market! new Chips Akro II great flying airplane. does anything pilot capable doing sets rap beautifully slide three point Brad Shep herd Kit Features Pre-Cut Machined Balsa & Lite Ply Part j Built Up Balsa & Lite Ply Construction Sheets Full-Size Rolled Plans / Extenoive Hardware Package __ r l TRAINER 60 ACROBATIC ANIMALCOMBAT3O r / ATT~N BASIC & INTERMEDIATE $ 1 2900DLX $9900 STO $5999$ 1 2$1 1 900 ALL KITS FEATURE GEL COATED BULLETPROOF MODELS INCVIDEO $1 295 FIBERGLASS FUSELAGES AND 9 N MILITARYTRAILVISA MD / AM EX FOAM CORE WINGS EASY ANDWEST PALM BEACH FL 33409CHECK DR MONEY ORDER WUICK TO BUILD GENTLE TO FLY561-659-7664 0-585-6036FL RES ADD 6% SALES TAX